HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-02-09, Page 1, sre " ' • - ?rave ass - • TUE 0002RICH STAR bee a ifirste circulation than any other Now in this section of the County of , youNgeusri ,„ • Xi>reeln 3)4E01110V be depoeited With STANDARD LOAN COMPANY foe ench perlOall Me; he enreed npee, aini,leterest pakl, thereon hi neeSinh3ene icith the length of time for ivhich it is dePoilted. • ' This, the .caterlIPICAlt Of OPPcf.$1T PIO* • Conoultork44 Or oorresPondenke eitil• or 'write- Tor our little WOO- eittlael ' Pelee." •:,Tbe• GOVerninnalt lothorizes tot *0 scrOPt deposits. OP.,Tfe noRika •STRE1',' .10 w; L, 4ORTON, .1v1GR. blow A.ingotsuritlaNTS0 ssass "Auction 41+-Tisese 1 Allencetlett Wairtietneete.P10-lesen k „ laerrew., . . , .. .. ............ X . DOW lePht'''' 1104. IR$ r;940 • 0;/ w kl(!l, 1 Xhitigt Otkoo 14Vieter Vestwear...Wete '14 OVineeeteMiliallie14V. rehlinsM,...... a Niekle*leted Tee KettISS--44.1LWcateelle * IlerhTeseeWe ... . : 4.. 8 Weale0011Provisso....r se.-*ess±....-es, •Jr. MW-,01040.AW4tWilviriNagotli * 8 tioed 444.snoe--4; Itivitiesce zdia.Vossr—VetdantUrio co Cakeseosi Peetrreell. • 1.0.0re ee. Ort: Saturday. (Meaning, Senereaest Or Wateelee tine 1111,SeR L9 • , etteer. ott , toe , ter tter sachet, eon,- ' *'-itnttlget "Tta71,114:irunlyiele0P4Or av!Pe: aun 9.04, ..OST.,.ee.Alitatitetlirei eureka. ago. a lattatike •Ifk GOpismot..Vecitalaptlag mita twhiit reiC0,09rt,M411'1As toistIti,V00eivoa Wete•IL DOANE.' eeevn. rtion 'Nene 1140000g .lallet after tIde notice Will be preee- :eaten, , ' • " „, ANT Vt l'init,n-Thecioderieh Fire „Prig/tile d theta) IteeT_ Members te aftertrlPheela the taMennee Men within the Mosenite destrocl, who, reuSt tee ender tlie tge ote2 yeast% • apputaationa neer lee sem ta Joe. AneellET. Seeretare. er he mey ho Kenner - MOW at the OtereeWesta area, ANTED.--:Fernislied Roust Modem Convenience% Frain Meets •Ltio Septenk bey Ilse. Fleeter state rent and parteaulaes. TuR STAR. eDE.§ WANTED.-Farmete, bring your Weer to Goderieh Tannery atel deceive , the ighest cash prices. Wo want all we can got. W. AA. Soren Goderieh Tannery. • atleaellt WANTED. -To leern the arid print- -1LP. ing. Good opening for a good boy. Pat, Oculars at TIM aema office. ValE PAY SALARY.-'rwo to Rix dallare "Now Idee; free ttainiege rapid vaecoment: I` V _per day --either sex-intriluoing our opportunity sure. NICHOLS COM ANY, Lim- ited, Termite. Mention this paper.) croOD GIRL WANTED. -For general work. Apply at Huron. House. 0011ACCOMMODATION WANTED. -It jai is possible that room accommodation. with our without boatel. will be required for the Week of March enh. for delegates to the It. ey, peeeineial °raise Orange Loege of Ontario West. Private eitigens who have accommoda- tion will confer e, favor by oenamtunicating with the obairnaan, Mr. A. M. Todd. or leaving par. Madan at TUE STAR offices AteRTINOSo WOBSUIPFULGRAND ORANGE Woe oeCietarioeeteste4.a Sebtt, Welk - or on, One 11. W,Grattd Mee • WO. Leo, jonn nelson 4 oraria'Tressurer, eon Torr W. 0=54:Secretary ; ton street, Toren . Next meant:wet theft, W. Grand Ledoeseill hold in Goderich, Ont.( ontheememesw.mnemaxiaMareitetnia-- - AUtTION SALES _ A VOT1011 naLS eta Frame non. 4441a, driving and generallnirporels Boma 2 -seated Capt. 1 Tee tinge% 1 HOMO' n se, Quite . end t mite bead regnteredSber 0, as as nine. 1' tee etelefgher, horn eoW,OYeeve old, 'With heifer Calf at foo nYerything must he n1,51)080(191', fiale on Sate tirogr, Fehr 40. 0.1.30 pc ut. Term% 3 roma diseeunt at tate of inscentiter anomie allow. THOMAS NDRY, Arioeteneer. gennx ,Otro. Axa.grroiWordwas received this week. of the death arm old time resident ut Goderieb, Tar. D, Allen, whicla oc- curred at hie home in ;Surrey. England, on Jan. Oth. Alr, Allen Will he ee- membered by only old residents, aft it soree 23 Yeare since he resided here. TIURTY-THIRD HIC(1131ENT. e -The an- nual rneeting of the officers of the 83rd Regiment took plave at the Hotel Nor- snuoatliesOlititon, on Thursday of- last Week. It was stated that the late Regimental, Band -hod been paid in full, and the Marine Band, of Godericla lected as the,Reglmental flaud. The balance in battle to the credit of the 'Regiment is $95.93. The report that the County hen granted 25e. per day to the men while In camp wae approved. A general discussion followed in re- fereness to the next camp and other matters. THE SUMMER HoTstte-,-The propos- t on furnishing approvee join uo a. A ed foe 'etas% T110 T T, Proprietor. DISPERSION SALE of REGIRTERED SnonTRORN AND Guam canna at Rinaldo Stock Farm, London Road (1 mile soeth of Clinton) on Wednesday, February 14th, 006 29 Shorthorns 12 Grades The Shortherne are good Cattle. Imported Bulls have been largely used. Sale win commence at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. Tanate--4 months on Approved Joeat Notes, or 0 per mint per annum off tor e.asta. Taos. Gummtr, PLUmsTREL Auctioneer. Proprietor. - FDR -SALE -OR -TO LET. AIRTICLES FOR SAI.E.-Several useful household artielea foe eale, such as a 'ha lenge Beater. good 'as now; Herdwood Table, two cupboards, ond otherartioles. Ram- sey for selling, 00.room for them. Apply at STAR Office. ra 'BM FOR LALE.--(Beim- lot 22 on the aeres of land; there is .1). name house. Maitland conceesion.Goderich Township, Web(*) and wood -shed. bank barn toad frame horse stable an,d driving house. 60 acres eeeded in grass. fourdaeres of fall wheat, 2 acres of oregeressenarish on the opposite side of the , with rail and wire fence, School on Anply -on the :farm Goderich P. 0. WAL MONK, JOHN MARQUIS. HINCILES, LIIMBEet, ETC. -X. XX and XXX Shingles, Ceder Posta and Plank. A 0 Hemlock and Halewood Lumber, etc.. eteeTHEIGODERRIELLALABER CO.,Limited, "110114110PENTY FOR SALE.- The deanable JC property on Eli gin Avenue, Goderloh, owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good heuse and two-thirds of an acre of land, with choice ferrite. The house is heeled by hot water and has all modern improvements. A Urfa /Or any person wanting firet-olass pro- temyviistgantee ,Seoginzi. Apply to or address rAPERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred copies of old newepapers for sale. Just the t teg_when you are housecleaning. Apply at STAR OFFICE ee," e LEOAL NOTICE rIAOATION TO PARLIAMENT. -No - bo media to the Legislative Assembly of ace IR hereby given that an application the Province of Ontario. at its next sesaion, for an /sot toenable the Menicipality of the Town of Goderich to guarantee • the bonds of a com- pany to be formed and known as tho Maitland 'River Power Company, for the purpose of de- veloping water power on the Maitland River near ()Mork% and tratunnitting •electele power therefrom, in ea amount not more than 1160,000 ha the aggregate. provided the electors ot the said towet shall first approve of the bylaw theretor. Dated Goderieh this 6th day of February, 1906. DICKINSON & GARROW, Solicitors tor Town of Goderich. HOTELS. 811117RON HOTEL,. Gederich Ont. -Thor ()uglily refitted and modernieed. A honie for the traveller and farmer. Best dollar a day House to be found anyvvhore. N. J. MORRIS- SEY, Proprietor.. SreWensineeneWates TH st•Ve-NW-Matere/ .4 -COLBORNE-HOTEL- (4 1,,41 „.1. CI Ar -0, 1,1). This old established hostelry will he te and the patronage of the general public, kept up to a high demised of excellenoye 4 0. is respectfully solicited. • r 4 Special and personal -attention will 14 GI: be paid to every department of the k le business, and we hope temerit a falr ishare of the travelliug pulalie REAL •ESTATE AGENTS MHE oonunicEt REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY FOR SALE 2 storey bHck and cement 10 roomed Dwell- iir:rioo.Large stable, 0 lots. finely situated. A snap. 1 'Moose fratne 10 roomed Dwelllne, near High 'gehapt. 11600. See this. 2 storey !fame roorbed Dwelling, 2 lots, nearly new. $1200. 2 storey brick 8 roomed Dwelling, 4 acres, suitable for retired farmer. Taxes very low. 8250C. 2 storey brick Store. Bakerer Oven and Photo- gotoli.ory. Situated o Main street, Ono More vacant lot on St. peorge's Crescent. FrOntage 70 ft. 11000. • 3 three (tore Lots, well wooded, on lake front, 2 miles from Goderiete Fine berseh. Beaut- iful lotation for :rummer cottages. $260eaoh. 65 acres good Pasture Land, 2 !Meet from nod. earlobe Splendid (thence for anyone wiehing t6 go into dairying,. $1400. 100 acre Farm, finely Fawned, good buildings, fruit, geed trupply water. 2 miles from town. ;45,00. Money tri Loeb flee per dont. CARRY Bank Commerce Building HASILINIT BELL & JOHNaTON. Paws. BELL & JOHN TCIISI..p.1 vanray.t.v..m.t.4s.-mo4mszezgqtra7..m.S MEDICAL DRS. KMMERSON & TURNBULL. A. T. EMMERSON, M. D. W. S. TURNBuLL, Id. B. SIMS* Ww1)Pttitt.„.4041?-tids/ Tito* V to exAVX.rs:',,49**011 f 4444*. ot **. : liayile% 'PAO& eelahrat$ thole alivee 'wedding at their fatta the old taislae abip,-''ThertiVtoutorttylartejoso tleiw tuEUf the eleal ild, Melia from at," Helene and tOven b,, PrOrt, pereied lifet and W1145 leg the% a 14* I-90,UPT t0. -t Pete golden .ope, 'tn 4eitisitt leotagtatnletinin their 1•41 -Yee Mt resulting Man 2/10e, Mileinatet ef DritatN1Wrie, TAO?' IlOTIOXII4kit inteeenting One rip bk444-14 -40,3)It Vision CoUrt WOOdettleir Sattirdare when V. L. Franela, Wise fOrineXtt pulnished the Woodetock Tintein AIM 4. A. Creighton for 01).1$04 the arrantit eubscription to thepaper. _OA 0* • fondant admitted -that he Ina been * sithscriber, hut etatetVallet he 134 osos celled the paper atter one relontift trial. The „plaintiff (hauled, 044 tint subscriptiou had been cancelled Ten had continued for three yeareand half, Iudge Finkle found in faVOn Liteeppaledhatiff and ordered the 1111.0.00 t TED3 PALL Faxn.-A iolub ateetA0* of the boards of the W. IL Aghleglie total and Goderich Horticultural Ses cietiee waa beld_on_Tuesday.,,e_teeni last. Anialgatnation was agreed On for the corning fall fair, the dotes Of whieh were selected as Wednesday, - Thursday and Friday, Sent. 20 tO 20. Messrs. O. A. Reid, J. B. Hawkins and John Salkeld were appointed a re0Me mittee to wait on the Town Oeuneil to ask a grant towards the prize list. The treanurer's bonds were arratqeed for, and W.: R. Robertson and Wm. Lane were re -appointed auditore. A FIRE. -04 Saturday evening near nine °Polo& tbe fire alarm fielinded for a fire at the residence of W4: le Pennington, on Ansdesea `street. • It appears the house had been left for a short time, the members of the family being up town, but Mr, Pennington ors returning found considerable smoke and some fire. The alarm eteutsent up town, and when the brigade arrived it soon put out tbe flre. House and furn- iture will be little injured by ilre but badly damaged by smoke and water. We understand the house was insured for $600 and the furniture, :including a piano, for $800. GOSPEL TRial, .ERANCE.-The meeting last Sunday was addressed by G. F. Blair. His address was well regeived, and gave evidence of considerable thought and. care in its preparation. Next Sunday the meeting will be at 3 p. m. (note the change in the time), instead of 4.15, as usual, end will be addressed by Rev. J. H. Hector, the "Black Knight." On Monday Orating Mr. Hector will deliver' one of 'his leg - tures in the Temperance Hall, .corn- inencing at 8 o'clock. As the seating capacity of the hall is limited. those wbo desire to hear this wonderful man will do well to be there early, In order to eecure a seat. There will be a silver collection. . ed sale of the Goderich Summer Hotel property last Saturday did not attract many bidders, though the business is one of considerable interest to the people of Goderich. In our report of the Town Council proceedings, will be found the town solicitor'e statement of the rnatter, and in pursuance there- of it is understood Mr. Proudfoot, acting for the Clinton mortgagees( made satisfactory assurances that the town's interests would be .protected. The property was bought in for the mortgegees, but what further will be done is not stated. The town's in- terest of $10,000 loaned has to run six years yet before being repayable. THE Corner rs RIGHT. -Chief Justice Meredith thinks the Legislature should remodel the present legislation in re- speet of solicitor's costs, a,nd this is the good reason why : A case was tried --a disputed tnortgage account - Involving the Sun) of $63L04. Appeal was made to the Supreme (Inuit Judgment was given for the plaintiff, and the winner and his solicitor cols lected $1,217 costs against the other side, When ne got the bill of costs the plaintiff' found that it required him to pay over $2,700, or a net pay- ment from the " euccessful" litigapt of $1,483. Tbe solicitor generously knOcked off $906, and the man coaddn't get possession of his title until the bill was settled. s BOARD ov Tannic - The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade Council was held last Monday Offices 102 Offices, Hamilton St. Pli°"e" I Residence let Night calla for the ilrm of Drs, Emmerson and 'ruelabull will be answered either trom their office, Hamilton street, or from Dr. Turnbull's residence, Nelson street, laps ROPERTY FOR SAI.E.-A comfortable franse enrolling cite, Essex St., with mod- ern couveniences, stable end driving house. .A.cottemedieue frerne devellinfron South and t Pieten alum, With good s'table. A frame Me -ening oat Recife street. VACANT LOTS Gn Dente St. meek Bt., aim:treat et. Britennia Road. Ceder fleece add HinteiRead. .4 Farm 1.*0 miles from Carlow, MO aerea RR' Donor boUditsms, water, orchard and timber IQ% Fannin west Wain/1,464h, 5 mflos from Au- burn; /69 aorta. geed buildingeland water. Patti .Volbortio, Lake Shore. 4 miles from Goderfe 100 ao tee Perm Ofk itayfiela Road. 4 miles from Goderich, 160 acre% Fannon Iltiron noun ono mite from GOderloh. I or further 1 rirmation epple to OTJNG Si ROBERTSON. Peat tete and Inauranee Agoras. 11. A. H. MACKLIN, M. B. hystelan and Surgeon. Special attention to oye, ear, nose and tMosa. Office and residence Old Bank of Montreal, opposite Post Office, West street. Goderiele Telephone No. 162. PROFESSIONAL It, ROY ADAMS. teacher of Pia , ote. tilidleo,t Bank of Montreal Bloncolt, cor- ner tresT tr e and Square. rel W. WIL,LMOTT. (Honors certificate e Trinity College, London, Eng.) Organist and Choirmaster of Knox Chureh, Goderich, teacher a Plan% organ, Singing, Theory and Harmony. Studio, at Mrs. McDonald s, St. David's street, two doers west of Victoria St. Church. 92-3 mov. POEM NOTiCE. •NNTEAVINGL DURING Tlit rTER BE*SBne-lletving recce arehased have1Wing Leann foam Mr.. Sutton, Ora now Aceseerea to do tal Warta ostpot weavitap at is Teem poOlthles_ joke, Tone eetrona is ao kited. ,a.154N.4:6101e.clitelgro St. 03. m VOTHIE TO FaItMentfi tedaers nee Olnicedele Sleek Fake of torontro Leers' totted mistantood a ironer rettiodea, try For rene by W. IltantoiVei& TO INTENDING BUILDERS *6 lure tolibtaatty In stock a trage roptOrnftentent tricks fertile. ail); Ana gtt 1141000EntcH try'lENT MUCK Co. doormen D. It EXAY rsvoillicttiat. altwitztt. • • Attfi firt WO& tationSiiiver Settittaati tteketttits 4015linettate - Su A RT LESSONS "'ram prepared to give Masons during the winter months in Drawing, and Painting in 011 and Water Colors. Samples of the work can be seen at CoL Young's office, and Thom - son's Music store. Classes started at once. Private lessons 81 eaoh. In Hass $5 a quarter Handsome (Those Table tri now on view at Mr. Kelly's. The top is entirely hand work, by GEORGE KAIWITT, Cambria Road, Gorterich, (Goldthorpe's Row). Tho above is foe sale. GODERICH TEL, SCHOOL GODERICH, ONT. Come to the iloderieh Telegraph School and in a few months you will be able to earn a salary of teo to else per month. Great demand now -for operators. Be reedy fora position on the °oder- kb 2nd Guelph Ity. Good chalices for lady oper- ators. A. E. MATHESON, Principal, Office, G. W. Thomson & Son's Musk: Store A1JCTIONEERING EORGE BECKETT. General Auettoneer 900 Hamilton Street Goderleb, P. a Box Farm, farm stook, and all other sales will receive special attention, I wffi buy yonr on. tiro stock of Household Furniture, and vvill pay spot crash prices. Lot ale know what you have to sell in any line, or call and Roo what I can sell you. — GEOEQE BECKETT, Curiosity Shore Goderieh. DENTISTRY. evening, Pres. C. A. Nairn presiding, and the following members present: J'. H. Colborne, Wm. Caunpbell, J. B. Hawkins. C. C. Lee, S. E. Hick, W. H. Robertson, H. E. Hodgens and James Mitchell, Secretary. Several communi- cations were read from outside boards, and the secretary made report of correspondence with outside menu- fecturmg firms, some of which is to be enntinned. The reguest submitted to the -G. T. R. authorities fOr better fa- cilities for handling heavy freight at the station here was duly acknowledg- ed, but will probably have to lie over till the matter of new freight sheds is definitely settled. The annual meet- ing of the board will be held on Mon- day. Feb. 10, and meanwhile the presi- dent, secretary and manufactures committee will gather material for compilation in the annuaireport. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.—The Febru- Citnrnt'Vtioicterth--"*Vreirbglefsaclillie). stana. — GREAT TRANSFORMATION SCENE IN VICTORIA OPRRA HOUSE DLOCIt TO -NICHT of old end faded clothes to bright and neve ap- pearing garments by NIVER's & MeRAE. _ - _ _ _ OODERICH MARKETS. The past week wean a quiet ono for farm and dairy products. tho but. roads and the want ot exportanders being the chief carmen. - Ads* ToWls Tosiks. • WINTlitt 4PeRTS, ituation creditable showing, the Tirti leserop tor .0o4torkb. *A oet Losport ssvwkri t4iotttt-4.7 latlititivigtoo4 timm the 4taiiired. The London seven tellite tOillOderiCk °"t 11P iti°00441rericilm‘hr TooOt *der° la"n ihaqfivalee4 ee'rdn' 04" thtv'"it ""*4 Ott/11;42r. t Tele ninoriltrfileiritOrit ***Iiitht ra4 puts *Item arft whAt . pleasant nit tat -of their drums thoet frootirtenno tboY Coate Olt Of thapttblie are.dentandiefe, Ibt°S) VietOliee* Popel* "14 Irolvttsmbritr clinZ iujurv. ora4.0.11? eat ircsit, and wOuld return with that reefitd , dec PS y, Thi ota sill vaugo, filo 040 won them that they Were feeling to Chide, in, mm4 0 lo afsa sner,goott,;:, 14114° - .14,1,1t, — _ . ,...sai . „ . . , unbroken, The Seventh failed, god ' ...,,,.. boofew ,,00tathottrtioahtoirtarrogswItrOtradureediertyavnutemeaciniyhtertahtlItmattni, ilaotAgfaottirmulOth, raiOndk UY‘IrsOrs-U001inaTu.-Ott Menden? VAS ilel. brenit tl there nre a m it emsen file ' that feillIne their ITPRVARY WPODINOS. On* P104 feet daYa. ' Me° i,lgtleet that the hotrie teter0 WO er"411# 11163 Wlgr nee J., second Thn,rettox of fteeteelen, eb,00ld 'hive° a a little rough. NOW We earl inft5rm, diOAgliter ot prilttrie Idiot ulgyvz.0117:8,0Aloet- inurseole booklet, In or4et that this the Loodon Press that that One hart (loath, and progreesive' town could. be kept pro- PlaYed 4n all tho dark eorne,re, and town, Were Inereled, the ceremony nainetatirbefore the ootaitle public. Managed Le end the, London goal In, faking place nt the reeldence of the m4., , 144,09, igreatueraid raceoed a the little rink. and found nos trouble bridenParents, St. Devid atreet, ROV. lettelitim hie soh th the North wasti hi die job, although their else requirela Janie% s't. Andersen* it A., was the huatlyi,„tha '.enamixbelpg rielx,avitti•mi unbroken record: et 011404.04.0& .0,atica bon -4 pet, in Veh he atates that in tem dare more breathing apace than the Itli Ordelating minieten. ont the bride Well tultiViltr lese than four deer and toile men. Aig to being a little rough, bath giVert eastey by net father. Brideentaid moos* were shot, geed 044 Wart. aides played at that part of the game and leeentelentan were dispeneed with. with equal zest, and iss far as we Wit the bride'e sister, Miss Little Mc - could see the honors were even. The Orentin was maid of honor, and Miee papere should not get cress bemuse %KITS Wafers' ring bearer. T,be pats their picked tonna wcts beo.ten, as all lora WM% Prettily decorated with ever- t= the ice eaw that the team Waft Out- greene, Myrtle and palms. the large matched, and ontaitdere should also arch, Mtn which bung a lovely none gruap heat by the ecore 11 to 1, a shoe, being vOnaposed of ceder 111:101 score thist bad light and bed treat- Myrtle. The iniptial knot wits tied ment could neverhave brought About, wider the horse shoes and at its COn- LoRdon aboard meet defeat sponte. eititenat1 the -patty, to the number of manlike style, and manfully acknow- Oa( eat doWn to a autnptuoue supper. ledge that they were up againia, tho T,he, liride ante charmingly ottired in real thing. In tbis direetion we ualitht 0 Frown of shot --silk, and carried a note thed at one pert. of tbe game hridat bouquet cif roses. Mise Lottio two home mem me of them the gonl- looked sweet in white cashmere, and keeper, were off the lee, and thosidea AUss Gladys, in white silk, was an etood 0 to 4, nevertheless the Goderith eXceedingly pretty flower bearer, hoys kept up their end and scored easily. Among those preeent from a d istanee Although the visitors only made 011e were; Joseph Izzard, Mee Eliza heard, goal.they played a fairly strong game, Albert and Percy Izzarci, and Miss hut they lacked combination and TWitehell, all of Olinton. and straight shooting, hence the score. John Curren, of Chatham. The bride, Ic was 9 o'clock when the London ,maid of honor, and the flower bearer epecial reached town, and in at few received handsome rings from the minutes bugles and druins were giving Serootn, and the bride was the reel - us a splendid treat, the music being plant of valuable presents front the much apprecitxted by our people. potatinaster and leer former associates When they re;aohed the rink they of the p. 0, staff. and also at very found it full, so that a number of large nuMber of useful and valuable those who travelled from London to see presents. During the evening Mr. and the game eould not see it. About 1,000 Mrs. David 3. Ilyelop drove to their people were in the rink,altbough but residence in St. Andrew's ward, and 782 paid the entrance fee, the. differ- there begin wedded life, with the good once being made up by the players wishee of many friends. and their assistants and the crowd of BRIGGER-ItlimoulteL.-At high ncren boys who got through the wiudows yesterday Miss C. Bruck Mitchell, cash. During the long wa t from 8 Youngest daughter of the late William Three Toronto commercial travel- lettin a dry goodsnian, &provision Man, Wilde photo eupply man, all (iodation ebr thelehSooaPPtrenaeldn tollianlerylnofthlaett:Mwilekeekr. All Old some good stories of the good old town of which they are very justly proud... The p-ublia are especially reminded of the annual meeting of the true. tee.% Of the Alexandra. Marino and General Hoopitel, which will be held Itts' the Covet House, In the town of Goderich. today (Fridny) at 8 o'clock Pe TiLe tor the purpose elf electing true - Wee endother business. The town. flee bylaw peovides that there must be no interference at a fire outolde the firemen under the inetruet- ions,of the captain. A,t a recent 13re onelt doer firemen was injured through the; .interference of outsiders. This shOuld• not be, and a little judgment on the part of our citizene will be for geed. Trafalgar street is justly entitled to an.electric light, which would greatly benefit the two streets on either side. Trafalgar is one of the darkest streets In Goderich, and the walk on the west side le one of the worst. No doubt the engineer and Council will see that thette defects are remedied in proper senson. 'The question has frequently been asked : "H a s Qoderich a market place?" The town is supposed to have one, but the LibrarY building has taken its plaee, and the public streets are now the onls• place to offer for sale hay, wood, meats, and other farm pro- duce. Some steps might profitably be taken to improve the present situation. OBITUAR1?. AMT.—Morass Amy, of East street, died on Wednesday after six weeks illness, though the deceased had suf- fered from asthma for many years. Mr. Amy was born in Devonshire, England, carne to Canada 2/ years later, and resided at Burford until 14 years since, wheerhe moved to Gode- rich township, and after a residence there of seven years moved into town, where he resided till death came. He made many friends during his resi- dence in Goderich, and being a man of knowledge Was a most entertaining companion. The late Mr. Amy, who was a widower, leaves seven children -four sons, Charles and Albert, of Burford • Thomas, on the farm in Godetich township, and William iu town ; three daeghters, Miss Ida, at home. Miss Marjory, teacher at Glen- morris, and Mrs. Morris, of Toronto. The funeral will take place from the family residence, East street, this af- ternoon at 2.30 o'clock. ary meeting of the Goderich Branch of the Women's Institute took place at the home of Mrs W. T. Murney on Thursday of last week. There was a fairly good attendance considering the stormy day. The programme was short on accountof members being ab- sent who were to take part; Mrs. Mur- ney gave a well prepared paper on accidents in the home and how to deal with them, which was very interest- ing. The treasurer's financial report of the oyster supper was given and proved satisfactory to the members. It is the wish of the Brench to extend a hearty vote of thanks to those who took part in the programmeeor in any, °tiler way helped to make the en- tertaintnent a success. March meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. 8. ()lark, when a collection will be taken to help a hospital in the West in which a member is very much inter- ested. THE CloDERICH MINSTRELS. - The first production of the Goderich Min- strel Company's Minstrels will be given in Victoria Opera House on Thursday evening, February 15th, under the aus- pices of the 83rd Regimental Band. The performance consists of an elabo- rate first part, a beautiful stage set- ting, With twenty soloists, an addi Lion- el chorus of twenty-five, with an or- chestra of ten pieces thororighly in- structed by Mr. Clarence Pennington. The songs and choruses have heen under the instruction of Mr. A. Roy Adams, whose efforts have been un- tiring in perfecting the choruses. The songs are all the latest and the talent cannot be surpassed, even in the pro- fessional stage. Up-to-date specialties interspersed with overtures by the or- chestra will be given. The after - part consists of magic and conjuring by Mons. Alexis Loraine, an Irish sketeh by Persona and Sturdy, con- sisting of original up-to-date Irish repartee. The reserved plan will open at Kidd's book store on Monday, the 12th inst., at noon. ABOUT lionsaa-The .9eaforth Be- There are no changes in prices to note this positor gays; "John Murray, of Ben - week. ' ningtou. Oxford comfy, last vreek Current wholesate prices corrected uf) to noon or Thureday.) delivered in Stratferd hie prize team Fall wheat, standar ,d, .... .$0 71 to 75 of heavy horses. This team carried 8 ng wheat, standard '' . 0 N to 2 70 to 2 g everything before them at the shows our per own, patobt near; per oWt., mmily 0 2,5 el 2 23 last eeascrn. They were purchaged by Bran par ton 19 00 to 10 00 the Lake of the Wooda Milling Co., 8 Pee tan, ............ .• • • • • -21; 8000 tato 2018 8800 fat. .8750. ..,Mr. Murray came to Rea - Screen es. per tan °nee eat fotta lino purchaeed from Messrs. nate . Barley .... ................... 0 49 GO 0 48 Archibald and °admires another very ° 78 tA'l 0 7° fine teem which Ile intenda fitting up se ate to 0 49 s ef48 te 0 414 ror a show team this year. David ckwhosi, pet bushel 'fay was to 7 06 Donovan also purchased for the Flame }14ghtnearpo., d0.00. 8 I tt.: 81 , coinpany from Jelan Leiper,of Hullett, ova, per toed ....... ' 6 00 to 3 go Is young gehling which ixteighed 1,s00 Attie, extent, ...... ,..., ..... 4 23 to. i so panties and for which he paid 8300. nettle, moaner, and butchers' 03 wee__ it.:0_o ote1140 ,,Iri thitiaeon setion and to give norne run*, or ie hum. let (On , 8 eo ee a ea welt) tie at Seaforth ia aa a horse I 00 te) 7 00 rearke eve tnay eity that Meenre. re live Weight 1 °InktUNIf'"dimst, lb,,,, ........ ...,. .. , gig tt3 Ini r Areh d and Ondmore haws puts reeeteione cleat.- let re 0 n Os 170 horsea since Chriatmaa. to to ROG Th horses woold average at leant etitep.iiiiii`e.,.....," TAM*, rational.'" - -;.;' i PI tot° nhieleenee•betireetnehicat,perlb 07 to 0 tie Old Y this ORO firul fde harms fle9h 09 4" SW etieb. thug making $31,000 pal d tool*. veto. .4 ark 66 01,5 DI ab011t a Menetb, and, although. nerato fed 0 OP t4) II VS In horses, there are rieyeeal other psi this firm do the largest bum. 0. NI to 4 1*nm:tektite' Ve"rretielbbite".e4,,,,,,..,,,,,,... 4 In to 6 max** velum na#,,,...,,0, *00 se s stul ehipperg here who do a Ahle boat:tom Oddfellows' Hall on Tuesday even- ing was the scene of the annual dance of the Harmony club. There was a good attendance considering the other attractions, and those present had a grand evening, as the inusic was up to the mark, the arrangements good and the supper excellent. The committee deserve the thanks of those present, and the Blackstone orchestra kept up its reputation for dance niesle• When this edition ef Tess STAR reaches our town readers the moon wilt have passed through a total eclipse vvhich is remarkable in some respecte. The moon entered the aha- dow of the earth at 7 minutes after 12 midnight, and was totally eclipsed at 1.08 o'clock, sailing through a sea of semi -darkness for 1 hour and 38 min- utes. Two hours is about the longest time the moon can be totally eclipsed by the shadow of the earth. Tun STAR has in stock over 50,000 enyelopes, from the cheapest to the finest grades, which will be furnished printed at very reasonable rates. Busi- ness men, mechanics, farmers, and all classes of people should have their stationery printed. It costs only a trifle more to be up•to-date than to 'continue to live in the back woods. Call and eee THE STAR'S big stock, as we have the stock and plant to do every conceivable class of work to your entire satisfaction. REID.-James Reid, of Wolfe street, one of our oldest and best known resi- dents, died at his residence on Wednes- day afternoon, aged 70 years and 10 months. The deceased had been seri- ously Ill for over six months, a,nd its long continuance was borne with ex- emplary patience. The late Mr. Reid was horn in Goderich town, and when a young man left fur Hamilton, in which city he was for many years in the employ of the late Sir Allan Mc - Nab. But he returned to his birth- place to take a contract from the late C. C. Crabb, and then became a per- trianent resident. The deceased gen- tleman was vvidely kbown in Huron, his qualities as a builder making him a host of friends. He had been married over 50 years, and his silver wedding would have been held last year but for sickness. His wife, who survives, lost' her sight many months since. The children are -James, of Cleveland ; William, of Montreat; Andrew, of Brantford; Mrs. Griff3th, of Milwau- kee; Mrs. H. D. Reed and Miss Lucy, ot town. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2.30 p. tn. from the family residence, Wolfe street. ligui.-On Friday of laat week Ruth Orr. beloved wife of Mr. Jamieson Reid, passed to tbe world beyond ateer a rather long illness from heart trouble, from which she had suffered frequently for many months. The late Mrs. Reid was well known in this part of Huron, being a long resident of Godericb. She was n model wife and mother, and her neighborly kind - nee,: won her a large circle of friends. The funeral took place from the fam- ily residence, Picton street, on Sunday afternoon, when Rev. G. N. Hazen, M. A., conducted service at the house end at the grave, and the pall bearers were deceased'a three sone, Ohas. A., of town, and Doctors W. J. and H. 5., of Detroit, and her three sons -hi -law, Walter Sharman and Frank Martin, of town, and Robert Hurd. of London. The deceased leave° a husband and eix children, Messrs. Mae. A., W. J. and H. R., and three daughters, /des- damea Sharman, Martin and Hurd, and many grand -children. The late Mrs. Reid bad been married 48 years, and the aeparation of the long part- nership mnat be a severe blow to the one left behind. The many friends and acquaintances of Mr. Reid and the rather member° of his family sym- ;Whim with them in thia their time of nor -rows, • 1 t- • • • - s keen& r" Meeting Calendar. ficalickr mooting of [taverner...a Camp, 0. 0. 0. this le'relay) evening. and ventilators without paring the to nearly 10, the honie team gave Mitehen, and W. J. Brigger, mann- a short exhibition game Yardmen, of Hamilton, were married which was much appreciated. The at tbe reeidence of the brialeal grand - train left on the return trip shortly mother, Mrs. Goo, Swanson, Quebee niter midnight, and even at -that early street. The marriage service was per - hour of the morning many of our peo- formed by the rector of' St. George's, ple were at the depot to wish the Rev. Mark Turebull ; the bridesmaid visitors a safe journey home. At the WaS Miss Idaybell, the bride'e sneer, start of the game there was consider- the groom's brother Jastriem was hest able hotting by the visitore, but be- Man, and the bride was giyen away fore the second half commenced the lay her uncle, 'William E. Roth- eitting ones were as quiet cut mice, well, of Toronto. The bride wore a while the winners wore smiles all the hondemne gown of chiffon over white evening, because up this way no one taffeta, and carried a shower bouquet would bet against Goderich. Hering of white roses. The bridesmaid wore the game Harry McGaw got a cut a pretty drese of white point d'unprit on the neck from the flying puck, and over white silk, told carried roses. had to leave the ice for a time to The guests from distant pointe were : dress the wound, but he was in at Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Swanson, Hama - the finale. As to our players we can- ton ; Mr. and Mrce. George Forsyth, not individualize, because each, in his Hamilton : Mr. James Brigger, Handl- position, was a star. Mr. Muir, of To- ton; Mrs. n.nd Miss In ingots -Hamilton ; ronto, was also a star referee, for he Miss 'nigger, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. Is smart, quick and fair and serves W. E. Rothwell, Toronto ; Mr, and out hot justice in a manner that is appreciated by eyerybody. PoinicAt4 vill4A114,14 Anothsr 44404* Slgindir SilekatelieWati Viiss 1..surisr. Anetiler enterPriliing worker IA the Liberal moral vineyard Or Sailtaitnhg* wan has been heard &Oen Thia tleynan did not neglect to open PINTA as se/mother bad 'pendia. 1,foopenettit at 5:80—half an hour after it -Was ow posed by law to be closed, Sinstaleirlr enougb, no votes eatilet to him kit that • But this enterprising gentleman had a duty to perform to hie party, end be proceeded to mark .ballots and poll them. all alone, Unell he had abont mapy votes deposited 44 he thOtlet his telb-diviston would stand. counting these votes he found that the Laurier candidate had InnieritY of 60. Next day this industrious servent of the people went to anotber polling sub-divislon, the regular deputy re- turning officer for which had myster• Musty disappeared, or, perhaps felled „ to appear, and there he went tbrough the performance of marking hallate and voting, until he bad amassed an- , other roajority for the Laurier condi- date of 80 "votee.' These two majori- ties were duly reported and credited to Mr. Champagne, the Laurier mind's date, who was declared elected by a majority of about 200. It will require an enormous quantity of explanation to make honest people believe that these thing's were not preateranged by somebody, in the inter- mit of somebody, and with eomebody's knowledge. It is too much to expect people to believe that these things just happened. and were entirely due to the tndividual inspiration of all them ingenious deputy returning offleere. It is reported that the Provincial Rights party is carrying on an in- vetaigation. But It, is not reportod that the government is doing auy thing of that sort. The Toronto Star's leading editorial on Tuesday shows the danger of a newspaper man quoting Scripture off hand. Speaking of "young old men" said "Thee novel: felt as St, Paul did when ho said: "My bones waxed old through my roar- " or, again, musing regretfully: "1 have boon young and now grow old." We will bet year's subscription to our Toronto namesake that the writer that article never read any- thing of the kind from St. Paul. Let's have your authority, brother. On Monday, as Robert Isbister was crossing on the tee to Merl ton's Island, he trod on a weak piece of ice and went through, the watee below being about fourteen feet deep. isbister held on to the edge of the ice and called for help. Jno. McDonald, who was near at hand, rushed to his assistance, and soon helped him out to solid ice. The rescued man ran home in good time, and suffered no illness or inconven- ience from his February bath. On Friday Gabriel Reeves, who had been sent. up from Seaforth on a charge of stealing coal, appeared before Judge Doyle for election and pleaded not minty and elected to he tried by his honor, the trial being set down for Tuesday. On that day he appeared at the County Criminal Court, Judge Doyle presiding, and after a not length- ly trial was discharged, there, it was claimed, being no legal evidence against him. County Attorney Seeger prosecuted, and J. J. Killoran defend- ed. Since the mill of the Western Flour Mille Co. commenced running, after the introduction of further improved machinery, the company has been turning out 1,800 barrels of flour daily, which means the grinding of about 8,000 bushels of Man itnba wheat each week. To comprehend the quan- tity of wheat ground one must under- stand that it mean° 100 fifty -bushel wagon loads daily, or Pi Pr hour every hour of the working day. The new machinery introduced improves the "Five Star" and other brands, so the Western Flour Mills Co. can now truly claini that their Star bran& cannot be excelled anywhere. There is one reason why the Big Mill makes the "Stars" fly, and that is hemline they spare no expenee In procuring the hest of machinery, and have nnne but skilled millers to run it. OODERICH WINS FROM SEA FORT1I. On Tuesday everaireg the Goderich hockey team played at Seaforth with the seven of tlaat town, the game be- ing the last to be played by those teams in the intermediate /metes, dis- trict No. 8. The score resulted In 0 to 2 In favor of Gloderich. The first half ended 7 to 1, then Seafortb picked lap, and made the mune interesting, ending the second half 2 to I. The same evening, the Seventh Regiment team of Lender* and the Clinton team were to platy in Clinton, and on the result of these two con- tests depended the champion:thin of No. 8 dietrict. If London and Gode- rich won their gamete, then these clubs would have had to meet in Strat- ford for the final, but if one won and the other lost, the winning club be- came the champions of No, 8. So that our hoys returned home on Tuesday night, bringing the hockey honors of No. 8 with them: The players and the officers of the club deserve the thanks of all lovers of hockey, for the well- earned victory of Goderich. Six clubs entered the list, and though Ansa Craig never played, two winsare added to each club for the default. The ond of the play shows that Goderich scor- ed 0 wine, lost I; London, 8 and 2: Clin- ton, 0 and 4 ; Seaforth, 5 and 5, and Hensall 2 and 8. CLINTON UPSETS LONDON. Clinton, Feb. fi n a good exisIbi AMONG THE CtIURCMCS. The annual congregational meeting of the First Prenhyterian church, Hea- forth, was held on Tuesday of last week. There was a good nttendanre. The meeting Wan opened with devo- tional exercieee by the pastor, Rev. F. H. Larkin. Mr. R. S. Ilitys was ap- pointed chairman, and Mr. James Watson secretary. The reports from the varieue department° of church work were read and showed that good proirreee had been made along ell linen. The finances are in good shape and the contribetions ohow it coneiderable Inerettee over former yeara. Twenty. nine new membere have been added during the year. The MOM of $5,Z12 was contributed during the year, out- side of the contributiona te the build- ing fund, as follotve ; General pnr• ranee, $3,644 ; church eehemes, $460; omen s Foreign Miasionary Society, Ng. 1 Co. 23rd Regiment order eloper this (Friday) (groaner. tel hall on Nortb stmt. r301 Ladies' Aid, $178; Sunday orhool. Regular meeting of Eureka cameo, IL T. of 220; Barbara Kirkman Misolon Band, T.. next Monday evening. g37; Bible clam, $02; making a total Ttorrular meeting of Maitland Ledge, NM 83, of 85,22&48. The improvernente on A. F. and A. AL. nett Tueeday evening. the church con nearly $15,000, end Meeting of Oederielenlatriet neatest Mambo tho hell of 145 next Tueedey °Venire/. Mooting of Jubilee Peatliettley at Clinton next ToestitiV evening. TO CURE A COLO IN ONG DAY Take LAXATIVE' BROW) Quinine Tablets. Druggiets refund money if it fatis to cure. Ff. W. Grove's algtmture is oti each hog. 25e. this luts all S4.300. pipe organ it le to cost have under and they ita purpose alio show the g the eteellent gatioti Mien een paild except about expected that the new ill he installed in April. $2,500. Tho Igadiee• Aid ken to provide for thin, e noo, on hand for the t 011.000. Therm fIgnree work being done and tending of the congro- ally and otherwise. 1, • . 0 - His brethren of the press and all who know him personally will sincere- ly congratulate Itir.A.H.11. Colquheun. newe enitor of the Toronto News, on his a ointment, to the position of Dept- Mister of BducatloopeDis- - tart , graduate 'eirs5wli trY LTV Upton, Hamilton, At the conclusicr' D'Irtie the best Mrs. Robert White, Stratford ; of the ceremony the wedding part partook of a choice luncheon, at wece selling them) the best wishes were expreesed' ,„ Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Brigger, the bride being cleverly toasted by Mr, Ono. le Forsyth, of RAM i I Lei 11 . Many and valuable were the preseois received lay the bride, thet fees.: the groem being a sunburst of enearls. Tbe bridesmaid and Miss Chrissie Cantelon, the pianiet, were each reeipients of a gold locket and chain, Mr. Brigger Is a vice president of the Upton Jain Co. and President of the Benton and Baldwin Manufacturing Co., of Hasmil. ton. The bride's going away gown was of grey tweed, trimnied with green, and she wore a pretty green toque. Mr. and Mee. Brigger left by the 3 p m. traiu for Buffalo and points east, and at the house and at the etation were heavily showered with coufet d Toeopt and LH nt of "Well , ttion. te, tion of hockey played here to -night In the 0. 11. A. series Clinton were vie- torious over the 7th Roraima team of London by 8 to 4. T e game was the fastest played on the local ice this season. The local pleyers excelled themselves in the first half, but close checking held them down. Referee, Dixon of Toronto, Teams :- London- Roynoids ; point, Ceaselman : cover point., Little) ; rovee Abram; eentre, Me Mann ; left wing, Powell ; right wing. rather,. (einem (real, Johnsen) ; prem. Forrester , cover point. Daymont; rover. McKenzie; centre', isrholoesprptayr(ii. loft wing, Moore ; right wing, A FREE MESA OPINION. The London Free Preen of Weeines• day said; -"London's defeat at Clint0I1 and Goderich's v i ',tory at Senior( h put the locale nut of running in the intermediate serif49. The result at Clinton wan uneipected, although it was not thought that the soldiers would have a witlIcover. Thn dintrict goes to Cioderich, who have but the one defeat atitninIstered the local seven chalked up waited them. The group winners are a fairly fast eolleet- ion of playero, and while we would like to see them go on and win the coveted Dunlop trophy, Mill we cannot see in them championship material. We might be mistalcen. NVe hope we are ' A Stratford dispatch of Wednesdey Raid: •iinme graneo will he played with OoderIch In the Intermediate merles next week. Str•atford will play at Goderich nn Monday night and the return gnme will be played here on edneoday." eumnittrit nEFEAra REICH. to., SOUTH HURON ORANGEMEN. The Annual Meeting at Exeter a Success. There was a splendid attendance at the annual meeting of South Huron Comity Orange Lodge at Exeter 00 Tuesday last, over 125 fielegates being preeent. The day broke forth awitV below zero, bill WILR bright and cheer - till, and this induced many to tette. is long drive, who otherwise might not have been present. rrhere was an extra largo amount of routine businese to transact, liartly on acentint of the emning meeting of the Provincial Orand Orange Lodge of ario West In Ooderich next arch, The reports of t.he several oflicers showed the 0:der throoghout the juris- diction to he In good mending, with promise of renewed energy and In- tl iti.rwee. Th4. Hulking rommittee's report wen adopted, and the reports of the several appolreed commit tees wee e of a most eneouragi ng nature., the one dealing with the coming Orand Lodge meeting heing exhitustie,, mid impur. trent. was voted, flags sand n• neve were promised fin decoration purposes, and great interest treat:Heeled l'here will be a large representation from both South and Numb Huron count ies. For the A/exudation match ne the .hoeottcjiwel:: the home team and 11Ile,:saAll, the oevene lined up at; follovro ; Went street rink o n M o n d a: es:an:bro.,: POStTIOR R 1.1 Campbell Merger nener pant It. Cotner° goal ti, 0 Rawdon emelt limielonoraill mMweni rci l‘aitaittnern. right wing P. 0. Blacken rover ,A. C. Segel centre 0, W Betake loft wing P. Bucher:an A Melva tenpins. The game wee lively at timee, but there wag no great fagelnatiori in it, no the home team did not push the game like they did with the London team laet week. One noticeable feattere wan the ancence of (larrellarrio, Who wan laid up with a aore footots it ahowe that the team can l000 one of Ito bent players and yet ecore a w10, this time to the tune of 7 to 4. A 1.0eAr. teNE-UP After the Ameeiettett gatto 011 AVMs day evenine teeing frotn this British and Huron bloeke Owed, tiNeballettge match that was tun& osnielNy us the 1 \ , • " " k„,.... . • --- ' - '., is e • es"' ' The following officers were eleeted, ft. W. Orrind -Master, B. K. John Scarlet t, enndireting I he eleetion and being the installing officer W. M., George 11. Henley ; M., F. Davis ; Chap.. Rev, (i. M. Kilt y ; of the year, ell cialina paid. De ett y Chap , Bro. le,w iS ; See The leesea paid amounted to 56252.3r, lad eyery ful to Ur. that gen- was given' d the usual succeete. portant a position. „Oes- his excellent , - 1, Massey eared of achine. In cone. Dr, Beattie Nesbitt, M. L. A. for North Toronto, has resigned his seat and Was appointed Registrar of the ci ty, vine Chas. Lindsay, who has retir- ed owing to old age, being over 83. Dr. Nesbitt's resignation is oleo said to be due to precarious health, but more singular than that was the fact, ac - according to hie quoted statement, t hat he knew nothing nf the regietrar- ship till he saw it in the papers. The simultaneousness of the events must have been quite a shock to the genial doctor's weak heart, but then he has nerve enough to bring him around again. Weil, there is no one " kick- ing " over the change RO hut some people do remember that a Conserve - Ova: principle MIR declared to be that no member of either Parliament shouni" he appointed Jo office while he lit A„ seat. s. „ ••• West Wawanosh Mutual 144,Af , Insurance CompanT„,J The annual meeting of ails company was held at Dungannon on (the 24th of January. There was a large attendance of policy holders nod others present. minntee of last annual meeting were read and approved. Tbe annual report of the directors and auditoro' reporta in refereure to business of the Company for the s ear endint; Dec, 3r, 1905, which were laid before the tneeting, were full end explicit giving evelenve of a sans- f.,,tory nue a successful business having been don.: during the past year. The reports were unanimously adopted. Wenrs. John Griffin. J. H. Kaake and Jae Girvin, former directors whose term of office had expired, were again re- (sected. The former nuditore, Mr, John Wilson of Auburn, and Mr. Walter A. W Hein of Vv'awanosh were again re- elected. The report): ribose referred to show a seemly increase nlong the foilowing n es. v11. Increase of policies in force ,• I nerease of risks aseumed ; Increase of premium notes received ; increase in cash in bank and premium note capital. The asset?) of the Compauy are sti 70,2;3.a) ; no liabilitiee at the close Pe er Can Lehrer ; MIRO) Lan. telon; Fin. Sec., W. J. Devie: I) ef ( „ Chrin. Lowery ; Leet., .liss. Wells ; D. feet.. E. 3. Elliott. The next 12th of Jule will lie eel). - ben ted at Seaforth, while t ti., pla ee the holding of the anneal meeting in February, 1007, will be (heeded at the semi-annual at Henenll nee' Jutie. .1. ('. Stevennon, one of the oldeet ea:einem; men in Clinton, hae ,e,111 his iiture and undertaking bilRitil,R 00 Mereaeo Hoover it Ken . Thiq Yorprise, AR tiouncement will ennui a. a Will Men the one that %Ir. Stevensen Will 0101Vie to California, where his wife now Is. Ileohfaehi,,bel•epnmt,i,e,rzil nwormtbionuett tend it witi be regretted by etitholtvrmohhbAyelofereiteen4•41lie•14; .oreV.'req. Ne w- atery as t011qWsN:i E.( IT1 1111e (inner; !lege 111.0s no! devog:ate,et Advocate has an egg numbering in all 42, 29 I f which were ea used by lightning, a of the same be- ing amounte less than Po each. There were oic policies issued (luring he year covering g 406„:05. Tile Company begin the new year with saua policies in force, covering risk,: to the amount of 54.716,378.00. The board of directors toott'forward to what they trust will prove another fortu- nate and prosperous year for the policy holders. At oubsequent meeting of the board (s directors Mr. John Ballantyne was elected president, and Mr. Finley Ander- son vice president for the ensuing year. _ TRU' STAR glVes the news. The Clinton New Era of lave week glvea the following railroad notes : " On Saturday rt lady from Goderich, %visa came up on the evening Min from London, left her poeketbook, reinteining nearly $60, on the seat of tnoneetee emild heat t he egg record. the earl very fortunately it was found te power.. Imo a Wyandotte fail. by Conductor Meltenzie and returned Int vow", ed her first egg on Oct. 4th, anotnet whit+ commeneed Couple ref Weeks le ter, and I he t rem of there on t).0.1 20t h hall 37 omen. Me. IleWeliffe has 17 hone and In the tliChltli aftinnary till the 27th they have leyed 2.12 egge. Who can beat this? to her on Monday. sTbe -early train from Goderleh Montlny morning WM 20 mlni310a late, due entirely to the fact that tbe We're tni•froity the train cottiel not rank° htlideVaY.0e- Conduetor Yahoo, of the Onderiell braneb, who has been eel thc5 sick HSU is now &tale to reatime•ilas rum.' ,„ ',S41 r • ref, , • ' t"'' 9 '! I