HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-02-02, Page 1ata i a 1 O( tt to L,. Leri at 0 G • TtM SHILL/ILT t ea aevaRlg. votulticI. t les V 4 44 4-,r•, el "1111 OItEATEBT YO8818LB GOOD TO • GODRRICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C EXTRA ASSORTMENT P O t t t g. OF FAI 1 AND WINTER GOODS ' ! r.* . • THE GREATEST POSSIBLE '(tyM111116. . W.) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1319. TWELVE ANQ si Nentr: AT T4• L%D O1 Ta. eo•a. N UMBER 02. - _~ kISE mai iS OF FIIThe harries boars hevile :EFI$/M IN TUE tot IA a0wag the pweyle• (atone, by elle- . OLD WORLD A')lilr THE NEW. cattier and circulated by the prem. {deo/ barna got io and gotse d..w• aims, the j - Limiest.people: theories, Indust ri.tl, imci.1, sed pelt - At lengtk they me the beery aryl Comm from the o 'rang 8s►scri►ere hese )n►t reeared from THE HERMIT OF wAHRwORTR. ettNaeA.( 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND a he n1 Y•rk Sed klootreal Markets t e - • With pouts, sad t> SIM FOIL BALE IN With way ■ melee by foe of the inn, t quality ...demi the largest Work of Merchandise which ba. [oorTtssan FROM rima tan.] He greets the �M yet bees brought Leto tbe Heron Dietriet. • It 'apposed ea a •.saner'• its,. s m Aad led. /sin fie= it OA N A DA WEST. Asd as the purchase, were made personally Led b the Ingram brew. P he of the .deed feta► tete the arm Dods i. as es nor as the quantity s ea• Atrroeg the dr...weed trees. Thee strait to Rabe distant walls 'TIME CANADA COMPANY' have for t pe He Madly weeds ►u war : 1i ingsm , sheet 1,600.000 ACRES OF teeny' - " pros p( payments v small LAND dampened tlroegeowt most d the rope," it the motto white they %awe Sadden a hand of nssed Scots, Riess -,;ass ,s �� dalliance sweet s U Caeeda-overly 600,- adopted, Bae, the pubiie rosdepend upon-' That Dear a ankh.* lar, They sped the ireleeg der. INTAmes Upper bete totted with *eery description of ►t...-troepe,s fres the herder side, h d. mel Wo s o situated of is the Harte Trott, g to the,' e.tahlsbmeal st also ver veil Wows M w of the most fertile para goods , Then Med ns kr their prem.- Aad sew, uncoiled Leo their boat, of the PN'feer-It bu trebled its popula. forest remunerating prices. Their Stock d a Hwsrrye term vie.'o ties is Ave years, and few eoetuns up- cosiest" id every variety of mea'• and Wy •bricks had all bora opeat is vats: , ►ew• withi..cngp cliff, Weide d 84,00 mhebitaats. womek'. Clotbieg`; Hats, Caps, Bonnets, But heaves, that saw my grim/, Ad overflies"ewith with wood The LANDS Mn offered by way of Boots, Shoes, liudweire, Crockery, Sad- Breegut ibis ben lamb within wy 0514. L.8 ed 8 Je, far Tee leers, or for dies, Bridles, ll.berda•bery and Greeter*" Who flew to my relief. AM sear a light a dispel, steps. =IAA 8 II D U K" 1\�(he plan of of every description. I.tendiog pereha1ere All est with ■ieest skill, CNA, Dei the Wows is instal- are solicited to call and exams. for them- With oothiag bat his butes spear, Aid piercing ten' • weal And dagger u his hand. kiss Mao w(A. selves. wig wets ural THOMAS GILMOUIL14 CO. The Esso payable Is. February each 43 , He "prase like lis►taisg ea sir (nes. stew thirst the latwtwut at Siz Per Godwrieh, Nor. 16, 1848 Aad caused them sooa to sued. the prise of the Laud. Upon saner M wee. •(t Lmt•. LIMBED NO MONEY R�UIRED DOWN -whilst upon the GROCERIES. • Ha fought till mere assistance woe: Tbe•Scoti were overthrow.: others. at'asrK.( to locality, ow, t wo, or TILE Subscribers would call particular Tbus Geed roe, neons., from their basis ty,M parr, R.mmt, meet be pard in advance, 1 attestors to their extensive Stock of To make me more his ewe. �r nests will r,.e the Settler GROCERIES, as they Satter themselves Inas 1MM Calle welt! Sod, Bre or 4th 7fa that the quartJ and 'Wm. of lbeir Tess, 0 bailer air i the palm ,.plied Obis tens e1 Law.. Segar. Coffee. Tobacco. fisc. Sec. ate., will Bet were the weeds i rare The tight M PURCHASE the PRE& be a su8tcie•t Mos to Wowing I Ft.s the fed boar .k, Wiped d heandl., MOLD /arae[ the trot, re letwwwd to t►e purchasers t Aad lissom te my prayer. M • MI" aim saeted is 1.eass, ad N. B. -Groceries of every deecnptios s• • bwasM 1e made aeeord►o= to *atm' will be sold for cash or produce, at a r•duc• ! And where .be k.ew my arse ad Maim' petal payaseet. tins of, at least, IS per cent. below former , Sh• rowed to be eiy bride Lints Of Leads, and my fertile? informs- prices. ties es. be obtained, (by ■pplicatioe, if by THOS. GILMOUR, k CO. lather peel.ptd) at the om rime's Omens, Goderieb, Nov. 16, 1848. 43 Tsresle sad Gederiek ; of R. Sweaty Imb, Ailksle- Colborne Distritt; Dr. TAILORING F,STABLISHMENT. Muse, Guelph, se I. C. W. DALY, Esq., SPRING,' SUMMER FASRIORS,J,r 1848. lift Distnet. ' , But .h ! we feer'd, (alas, the while ! ) Her priscely mother's pride 'Sister of Wrigley Botuoeome. Or hem's aaeft.t fee, Ts me. I rho.gbt, a ba.i.h'd tight. March 17, 1848. ? Coed seer each favorer .hew. AFULL variety of the pewee sad wet D,.p•itwg then to gain •..seat; improved ST/L12/111 Aso Somme Fans - M A R B L E FACTORYy At tenth to fly with me, , tura for 1848, have been referred ►the SOUTH W'r4TES ST., GALT. swbeenber who will promptly .fled to orders of all who may tartar him with their DH. McCULLOCH eoatinwee to man- patroasge. . Masters HEADSTONES, MOND- A. NAYSMITII. NWT& OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, Goderich 12th April, 1348. 17 Ise,. le Marble Led Pr wetoae, u cheap as aq r the Previews, all work warranted to seise, .r tse charge will be mde. Price* •( Marble Headstones fres 18 toSOddlers; of Freeth ed hese f to 30 dollars ; Moen. meets bis., from 80 dollars addsuup.wwad trds.- WeNtsa . he contaioieg the lnscriptiona, an▪ d at wwhhat priee, io Marble. or Freestone, will be punctually attended to. D.H. McCULLOCIi. Galt, Nov. etb, 1843. 42m3 REMOVAL. A HOPE, * E//PECTFULLY hats than to retorts his etagere tkwk* to rewerote Irieoda ale Os pabM (*sonny, for the liberal p*t- teqgw Y.eetofote received, -and iefortms them that he has REMOVED his TAI- LORING AI- LORING ESTABLISHMENT from Lighthouse sweet to Bast street, meat door - 1.- Bim.mtt, Carpeeler, ad • few FARM FOR SALE. T°2:)... �O BE BOLD by mimes bargain. Lot No. .L 9�. .. the Sth Cemearia of Gederiek, oostaisiag 60 acme, ata of which u clewed .d sir cultivation: see a eeltbh••ewly•.der• brushed and ready for chopping. The lase is of eacetk.I quality and well watered. Teen is • good ssbstaati.l log Dwelling Hesse alt, Led one acre of superior frait treeeio bearing eoadi- uoo. And ay the proprietor is desirous of enter- isg into other huskies', be will dispose of it ea rrs•derste terns. Om -half of the lime will be REQUIRED DOWN, and the other half is three equal Leumi instalments. [Troy farther particulars. apply.et this OEce, r as the Proprietor oo the premises. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Isaias. Gederich. 13tk Oct., 1648. 37tf CASH FOR WHEAT, HE Subscriber hereby intimates that be has oow on terms of lease and part d.en vas/ d the Godericb Poudry, where owners, the entire management of the oll.ede s w411 M pto.pily ezecated ; ad I Goderich Mills, and that he s prepared to swimmers may deped oo having •bei meats made tap is the most improve faa8 wahle rayI.. Q?• A fell variety of the ,.west Fall and inter FASHIONS for 1848-9 just amemived• Gmiwid, Oct BT, 1848• 39 NOTICE. �HE /.Meri►er -wishes to inform bis Carthame. end the inhabitants of Stratford sad viclsity, that he towels car- eyinse besieges ea g PAY SYSTEM." pay cash for any quantity ofgood sercMot- able Wheat at the said Mills; proviled the same be delivered 'there in time for manufac- ture before the close of the navigation. WM. PIPER. Gofearcr MILLS, September 3tb, 1848. - 32tf CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AND SAWING DONE ON SHARES. pin Subscriber will pay tub at the A Galencb Mills for Good Black Cherry Saw -Logs, ad will saw any other de.crip- tion of good Saw -Logs for any parties o0 Ad nkat after the Bret da of January, 1849 gam. bbyhwiislrlgive no eredii. He will pay the WM. PiPER. ffialb its. N. hep September 6th, ),848 pile* he poduee of all kids, Black Goomat Mutts, IA net.,. bs aiecen , t 39U IS *maks to hie CuMt•seeu for tbiae literal • Pathways, sad Mpww Mull to receive • Slum. HARDWARE. .THOMAS M. DALY. Stratiet4 Nee. Mk, 1848. 441f THOMAb GIf.IIi :'UR k CO., ban A largely L.reMN their former crock of DR! GEORGE HARVEY, useful ed Oreemm.tel Cutlery, Hardware Jimsisr Jib lt•�J Coa!r J Burg elta I•�md Ware, sad are ready to supply �sEs their ceetomers esti the public (eeerally, with the latest in •tier? de- Ayse_ - ptrettltld ria Msf.asi.. ie. scriptoria of knave., Feria, Spews, Trays t#lpd�g.g. i• MFew.ia.o d Nev. Locks, Magee, Serewo, sad alt ether arty t. enter Mss else of Hultman at .54.4 4 1 eweiese M the hbabiaaele of Tay hays .4.0 op Will a (mod .i.ort- sea its vitieity. mist of to the colas(, May ttecegid ai)I , TWINES AND CORDAGE )lsM _ M, tad aloe ~wet o►. wM. - *twat m(espectw Carpeting. A large supply of Salt from the cheapest • *.t1ABLE LOT O F LAND m.rkmt. T Q R SALE: Apples of the very beet quality is barrels. • N D Tbe t an ir.onsil Coot .rats y \ripe lw►!Aab-sir Jreres.nsobf1 Prete s, no abate - .teat from the price anted. B)TJP(pt_ED 74D tVVENTY. ®wi'n`e' Nov. 1s. 18M. ''TV4//0 ACRES, tiles et the thrifts(VI11�ge e1 T�Ilgt IS which then r • (Meiling, a Bkt. Med ala one M 8l. The Tet is htls4idatl the wait by the Labe. ad es else selp•eat rsaA. r/ M veli watered. Yes ,..r.n..: seely -d by wee t �� DAVID CLA1Z, >C�-_ fZ /11, tkb D«. 184*, Lai R. HAMILTON, _11aczox, *get •TfIgt, A) >T >t 1 C Ti , J. K. GOOD I AUCTiONi IKR. r��.re.� •used BALE!! Is •V :,o.r s.OMbl ply .l the BriNei Heed. admtMr Seib Sept, 180. 49 I woo the lovely ulnae. maid : To Seotlosd bo.od w we: This .wea.g, se the sight drew .s. Fearing we were permed. We we'd ado,. lbs right -bead path, Asd gois'd this Wily weed : Thee lighting 8.m mer wary weds To ass the pada( .bower, W. met thy hied msdaetiag hand. Asti reseb'd tbl(felesRy Mew. Now rest ye both, the hermit maid: A while ywr ttarre(ereto Nor, holy, scorn my humble bad t -We'll pee the night below•. w1T Tax s•CO1rn. Lovely eseil'd the blssiiag Meir, Ad every store i was fled Bat lovelier far. with sweeter seek, Fair Etsasos left b,r bed. SI* foetid her Huy all sloe, Ad eheer'd him with her sight The yoeth, eeswltiag with his:hired, Had waich'd the livelong eight. What sweet .erprise e'erpower'd her breast 1 Hr cheek with blether dyed. Whim fondly he besought her there To yield s be his beide Wilbis this seely hermitage Then is a chapel meet Thee gnat, deer meld, my feed reviser, A.d make my blur use plete. 0 Hamar ! wen thee dsigs'st to ase. Cue I thy suit withstood 7 Wbee tem, Ioi'd youth. hast mea my bears Cm I mime my band 1 ►r thee I left • father'. smile, • And mother's tender este And whether weal Of woe betide, Thy lot i mean to ,bare. Aad wii'bos t►ee.O g..er.so aid Seek teat.hkes ismer .Mw. Ts share with me, a b•sided wis81, My peril. pain, r wee New lessees, 1 trot. bath joys is Gime To cows thy eaeust beet : For, knew, fed hep swerve my heart That w. shall emu b. blest. Net fu few Meer mode Comm take, Bsnoe.ded by the eta Thee dwells • holy (rise. well keews To ell thy fries& sod thief ''I7.• lather Dowd, se rer.r'd Fr every worthy deed T. Rsiy seers he AO se. Ad fres ki.iy pined. T. fetch this geed sod hely we Or reverted bast le goy" : Asd saes. 1 trust. his piss, heeds win pie es loth t. eve Faros the Quietism, s tical: ehosvfhte o1 a bel I. -r coadtuN: ae- Tbe sulpetsdmv, sad, we may say, the ureas. prrk.y...•f .Date i�wyracttca►Ia frea- awful uses•., udin(. of wlueb Aar• hes•• lois sed fehcltr: bot f..r .flume, all would Coming to ns. denmg the I..1 f.+ m.abe, bare rpmsioed yu,et. " Vatm tboorsse !' tike .u.tc 5 ire elapa of tb,, 4er, or I ' Iluate cunaerrartte, totreoe4454 eartltletabe threes from the other aid/ 01 'i.ybie own tneuncs and hs u0e-allowed :owemust bare mored every mime, ,e,ututioas; •• 4515 theories ! Utopias eepashs of *bought w its deepest thiakf.g. drpen., Itke 4►we Lel' ikowseae' nett • The awfulness o1 tris erememduu• crisis ts ibo.. dream., 1st w tett hits, bare,Y,ited human affairs; to our noels. lies especially the world to waking hie. And whet r r im trip, -that o.ew, civilized twee, are stow :bat Wooer •(,tares otic own co•otrr, ala. tor coeltmitted to the .elemn trial throughout its emirs event t It s aw of c• ell-gerlrDtae,t, what this imphe., ides; it is a moral Wear tbu Weeny d . what quelling.it demaade-wbat truism' and sobriety,- what social effort awl what free sot and free m.D..Net. th••w aloes; social disinterestedecst., ire necessary to b.l ideas at esteedwg twoitovy sad seaaoesl make the ezpenimest safe; whether it hassir 41 ler "chaos nel� bo •rofet been well and wisely begun by the nub of peup.rty and the b1 to tabu( and to IM break d t�' and to • des into city this, to rc owe land are.presjia tbemseltee Ibroegh the and to :mild up; all this, to our view, u aLeL country, and demand to be mately ad Ban "rotates sy the hill. ter of mementoes ioquuy. But wbateve . vcasely cua.war yd. • shall be thought of it, whatever shall be Let us, o ihe drat place, turn our flea Time drek'd with sway • boar and hae8 ; thought of the great experiments% es o scale to what is passing to the ,rid World. u vast as Chriet.dom; whether it be re- la the whole Lel Europe, with the excep- (arded as alight thing or a. •senate tbtag; tints of the aeesibarharow empire that is certain that the ume ►as come ! set lies epos the North, we moons rue see MK with unseat and ineakulabk awes, lrone thing; • wirers&1 mortme.1 a see btrth-ume 01 momentous agee,iM begt0.n direction. Every thing Ie., for LIN tau. of what no mortal eye can nes to the woo: viewed to this. Pru)teu of natins•I as. His hole garde. steads: With fruitful tress is shady rows. As pealed by hila}aDds. - The., acoop'd witbietibe metal melt, Them mend vaults he skews; The Aida chapel, seedy sech'd, Osbn.chiag colomas roes. • Each. proper onsoest was then. That Wald a chapel grace . The lattice for seetresiee fnm'd, Asd holy.water vase. O'er *ober der • ,.end teat hyitesa godly We: Audis • little .niers.. buss TS. er.m, .ad crown, se, ,peer. Up r the el tars .ample beeedtb Two may step emceed ; Asd near. ghnrmtris% seems light Two well-wrssght windows ked. Beside the altar tear a tomb, All :1 the helms room : O. writ a y.s.g sad beautiiss' maid la away .carlowe.8..e. A k.soiag angel fairly eor,'d Laos*/ (ra•ms ea her breast; at her feet leer those. -*ie.•. "•3-- The ellL the rest tat eine( the teeth, Attrate the wosderi.g pair : Eager they ask, what hapless darn. Lies sculpt.,.d hen w fair? The hermitsigb'd, th.bermrt wept Fur sorrow scarce could 'peak: At kagtb he wip'd the trickling tears Thai all bed.w'd his cheek : Alas ! my children, 8.m.. lits 1s bat a vale of woe ; Aad very mosnfel is dictate, Whish ye eoliths wocld keow. - -r N 0 f •J.•s, .hits•• of Werim ,'sad, mother el the ldy,•was teegbtet d yob. of Gaut, tad p r4 ref *be r i -masher e( klieg Bary Vi t 'hai5s Ap- t Atieleiee lis dlf. whisk ew1rM the M- Sbgd •( the taw the .•mews of a •ta.B ►UWisg, Wirth the berme dwelt. - D. WATSON, Tem wawa. et •@e leww ,grummet, with • RARRI('TEU AND ATTOiLIDET AT LAW. 8e,. b•w�w "lit M od M w 4. euio► ..talisTea ae Cala recast, ■awgmorrce, lit. 1 le the this .muse, d O.tss..IM Wrr- OFFICE iN THE IIARENT SQVAIM eest►. ere An lbs mew* et • CeIL vbi h be" G O D E R I C U• IS•M a the Dwet/fl1iM,{pklt lt(T'me•w`b Pa. led•. AM•/. M { r - THE H.&isrf TALL. Toesg load, thy g, .d•ire hada hired • la days a youthful fame ; You thereat hills were hi. demotes Su Bataan was his same. Wb.rs'er the 1.841 PLATT fought His (riesd was "this side Asd ma.y • skirmish with the Scots Their early valor try'd. Yeas' Bertram 10.'4 • bssateoes maid, As 10.r .. 1..in ..gbi 8. The dew -drop ea the lily's cheek Was met .o fair as she Fair Wrooauoroo the maidea's some, Yea towers ler lwellisg pl•cet; Iterate ea old Neethtmbrua chief Devoted to thy race. Many a lard. and may a ►sight. To this fair damsel ewme : Bet Bertram was her only choice; Fr him she felt • hree. Lord Peary pleaded for his fried : Her (ether moo colseets New but the beaeteeas maid herself Hie wishes sew prevents& Bet she with stdsd, fed detars Deka the blissful beer' Aad loves to try his constancy, A,md prove her amides power. That bears, she mid, is lightly pre'd. Wldi is tee Tightly woe : And 'we shall re that easy maid. WM yields her love toe see.. rt t. come ! Th ;rest hour Ms .truck, fs rasda•otaf�eehet.es of dtplom•fy, wsa- ►he (Lemli... o1 rotes ! Locked for, .5•rtod poi u( ttbwbs b*z1*as w ltbout, is Algerts for, believed in, expected; bat expected to sir Af(ha.ietala, a royal Inarrs(e a ow 1 come only after long plleparetiw, expected Quarter, • liberal pontificate Ill soother, the • momg the slow rosette of meter*. of demean and lice trade oxcrtwneou art eheagee; thy hour bee struck suddenly, de- others, all b.re gi•eo fthis cisivelyi with startling distinctions, with • stupendous movement. 0":4,,,h":„4":1, .ao stroke rhe abai o(doom, which tsllr os that subyect of agitation, one puts'. ut hope oe the band upon the dial can never ye back. sear, occupies the „woo of the whets,. Itercdtwy power bad only two relisoce•; anlia.d werW. As .tagle u the •weep d the str'wt`gtb 01 opaion, 'tad the etaedteg the tempest, a emit, o.. impulse has run array. Both hare fallen. Reverence is :111,0°,4 all the 0.51005 mal tfuutbero Europe. goes; the standing army has melted into ' (ran ale Atlaat*C 10 the burdors of A•ls.- the vias of the p.ople. The people e e ' What is it t Ooly the bu1deet political • mow the incontestable sovereigns. All the bigotry can (sato see that, tbie1/ no cheat. slighter the demunotratioo of thea power ebullition_ but a ges.ral t.odcocy of .......... 4414 • s, till the stronger s We ergumest that mods. 'J'hey 11k (or liberty- '1'o.y ask seal• the doom et absolute monarchies; for five governments, for better 'mute - And were ever caw*/ .o @pp&reotly 1,111r,hfivet 110... no lathe cry that goes up from followed- so etupedous 1 by }he .themed crowds of faun, and Ballo. The story .1010,1 exceeds belief- Beall', and ilea, and Vteaoa. People du not ., it is difficult to comprehend it, to credit if, rush Into rue streets armed and ready to to feel that It is not adreaa . A yaw thou - dee, without cause; nor do they every*, bees : meads of poops gathered themselves in the take op and repeat ons watchword. wiU+o.1 streets of Pans, *Lee Tburoday 001040( mealtog. Sumetmatterbiag Ie the atter with • (it wu the twenty -mord of February last); these wary, old, etuggub dyeaetiee of a mere populace w - without orgaaial The monarch sal wit►•lit plan• Europa. Tho people ato not satisfied with them. And the tau conte, i■ the N world, when the people'. being satisfied is a palace; he remembered that thing of some unp"rt. For ages the quer- " Seeh divinity doth hedge • king, loon was not &.ked, end nobody cared. Teat tresses dee@ but peep to what it wewld;" whether they were unshed or not. Bet it 'hc remembered, too, that thirty thousand 15 asked now, and must be aeswered- '•The peop.c : we fear tt e•.clatmed by troops hedged him around, and that a bun- leeittmacy across the water• 'the people I drgd thou.aD were almost w uhu tail; he i it is not the people. Certain mob', the was secure, be smiled at danger; when @Led- imteerable canaille, hand► of fefoos, the idle. deely- the erycomes, "The people are op - reckless. and desperate class that prowls sad on the instant, the Bourbon monarch i tor loader, and t■ led oo by & licentious springs through his palace gaff s, like a press; these have turned the world upside thief at night, glad to escape on aby term. do t." le trim likely to ba tree 1 Before Tinea have changed : no hurdle bore the ,trait moos, representing au idea. no public tut king of France to the guillouoe, het a I r,enuroeot, no wish of the people, «1% common sheet -carriage @erved to carry him strong and stable governments Sed .0 foo- tbrvrtgthe • gala Let the city; and he s u 1111 the 11the fearful tocsin given gene !so uncertain sound 1" Let Ler Lek our - 1\ bat ! exclaimed the people of helves how it -would be under government Europe, ".0 easy 1 So easy to be rid of • like ours, to which we are .11 devotedly at - king r *tad in Vienna, and in Munich, tacbed; how It would be, we say, if a. mob ad in Berlin, they gather themselves to - should, appear In the streets' of any of our (ether; they bad already door et in Naples; caries, professing to be arrayed against the they gather themselves together without government of lbs cuuotry. li would he concert; sometime* • crowd cf students, imply ridiculous. It would give u• Leo sometimes • throng of artisans; they come min concern than a collection u( Idle boys ender the king'. windows, and they say. around &a seeming bonfire. to face, it sea a a constitution; glee w the tree- originally the spectacle of our uwo free 9 i b give ries andwindowsevil, P g y Will, ` dome of the pre..; gnu us arta y jury; and happy iostitutiuw that, for gond Ler fur as liberal and Just institutions:" and t...- ave tbett, impulse to this meat densou• dtatel , from all palace e841.130° ID Eur"" comes the answer, " e wt , we will,We do out say, that all the people of good people; we will do any thing; we will Europe, ur the majority to them, desire to concede every thing." • is not the adopt form of goveroment. But we C fought 1 ie mot the p sari that they desire great changer,ut we victory Won Can there be soy more . changes that bnr. • them nearer to Lee - doubt of the s.tetndeocy of the people 1 It L TbcJ desire repre_ent.tive forms. and teal teemed to us, perhaps, imbecile and punt• ; !stannous for monarchs thus to submit; but ►7 )Lemli and a tree pre-., •De, a restricted the understood the cries better than we monarchy. Many u( the Englie4 write re I y areand tatokt0•tae4 greet rencpato. trmunv pr„.e, alaePm rres , did. They knew that resistance was ram.Fh datratreus i. u - They knew, light u these demonstrations g .1111r: 14 a outbreak to Naris w Arch has met seemed, that there was ao overmastering all this current in motion; that it was . forceb force behind. They knew that theme polio - fortuitous and Cutlets moveu,e..t. They lar ebul. in tier , seept•Is were but a say that it proceeded from somebody the• 1 street dust and rubbish, swept up by the kno w not who; from something They know' first breath of • rising storm, and that the not "AL 'They say it was not the pwpe, whole atmosphere of the world would'so but a mere mob;; that :1e peopie cf France m come rushing on the same resistless cur- I did sot desire a reyubitc, and will nut hare a rent. 1 republic after all, except to time. But a• A • change is come over the e:pt.ixerf I t se cause •-1 1'I0 tr,avcrseaf, to there • are precipitated %poo self-govorom•et.- i world, as 11 were I3 a inch,.• The people 1 to t th;.rg mysterious 1 We alt know that it war the impptession of th. Reform. ban - Aro they prepared for it 1 But we wish toqLeet. And weal ami toe Itef .rnu ha r1 at 1 , take a larger view of this ceras, --+if what It' It was a iM Leak, rrn,rr the cams II" wm- t hest whet it involves. We think that - ( elance u( a beugrrer; tri di;iwi Ilius W"; i duty nth pmt Chesham jeorn•t owe„ a n y • 5 tate r.lorm, and •.pec al y • reform le the Lord Peace made a seines fear ot moment to the canoe or right thrakteg• c.Ie ream. who d• m .1Jed r 4 :1a "- Wiesen (51151 u, u + may, s our d,atgn: and it mob : Depulsuvo. from all yens of L Alawick's princely hall : (w faken up as modestly, we •re sure, 11 the France, mu'utude. of respectable perr•,w. m Ad then cane lens. aril there ears, height. ' Mbjat is vast Lead mementos,. if there Frne, and hated• m rue p ctable a oe in Ha chiefs eel baress ail. be my waters( modesty ID our uodeytekrog, tit*: were thee* ,i unto.,: o e.r b • And ft will appear to the fact, that we are about with rog•rd to wl.at a n-p.bhc te, we c.ro „awe.. some opouom .bleb apparently, evt le di,prte abet words, asd w, ram west* tf we may lcf..te Irom the newspaper press tomes! that muluau.ke "I the •ub•tsriat sod from legislative coigratutauune, are missies ,n Fn1001 would yret�r •l.wa•t any • not In accordance with them waren prevail king to lbs yrewnt .rate of der.egee..nr• ariel o, Ww haF. aympathwr w•rtu thee 6oaecral distres., •red p•refoi itse'eont7 5144 great moveraset Is Europe, wh.ct , .1 18. apprehemt•,o; but •a u, what a rrpubl.c te, with maay. But we have doubts, met the rue Ftencn p.ople her" rage•lied, "fleet* ,ars. limo, w►aeb apparently aro •awrtare- .Mfr ars•mbled r.prsoraisnvee• their etunc• ed but by few• of an elective residency, one chamber, and Itis true that they are MAW' of opts.on umver..l snffragr, rater mai Lei • rrpterare which wa prnpooe to dtecuq; Mt let no o.e team our uwo. thank that they are taltere of est •pee sr- \V• ssy the Peel" irmbe thre dein*M1 sun. It s use of is omega, .p„,„. t, the , u for, really, d the ssovee,wnt wart .Let►tr.( gest leifi.w d the es -pock. ai o lis thel but a mean% hither sed thither Let the peosi►le, • sight opt.i-ne. Whet s the With mewl, mirth, .ad revelry. The casts nag .reed l.ri Poet' eell'd for s./ wad harp, And pie.• of mmr;ial awed. TM ri.•tei• of thy sable Mesa, All shad is mime of Moe. With WIar .is s4 se their rhe Attest ie ether deer Iva es warm www rr .wit s.e+. • This is • OWN Head, the w, i .1 /he trddrhyrw ksily. Al the/igloos, &r here dart eihsd see rill visible : fey seseowMt eased with laegtb et Bess. t Widd.ting•s.a Cottle south o(Wrbweerh •hurt Eve rake etepeedrm form that to np4Mvl.ig almost all the imutetemss and of the • We M met ass rhes words ia my teatime 014 World 1 1t is oparos. Ides• have sew, mor es anion is Ler tarty • 1: 0 -r • m ♦ v 1144Hist!MCIll. la" .10/111181111