HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-26, Page 1• • 4441•01444 ar. A.4 Al/ 411, TIN SNILLIPtotl s• • tit T VOLUME I. ti THE takE&T3t8T POSSIBLE GOOD Tu TUE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER." GODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1849. TWELVE AND SIX PENCE AT TY END 00 TMK Ta41. NUMBER r>l. scheduLE OF CONVICTIONS U ,♦ , •, . •; •, 311220 ,. • taih By Ilea Majesty's Indices of the Peace within the Huron District' from the November Sessions, 1848, to the January Sessions 1849. • Or PROSECUTOR. EE NAME or THE DEFENDANT. James Suaaos, Peter Ilartwtelt, Mary Sprague, Chanty Balsdes. Levi Lewis, Jeb. ((ayes. Jobe Foram% George Fanner. Jadt. Lamesd. kMw►ee Tofu. Juba Lama, &I. David Caot.lt.s, Omer seer of Hir4ays. Do. Do, D.. 1).. Do. De. Da. Do. D.. 1>r. io. Do. D.. D.. Du. Du. De. D.. Do. Do. Do. Ala. 1)0. De. 1)0. I)0. Da. De. De. De. D.. Da. De. De. De. • •1)m. D.. Do - John Robert Mod.rw.ii, Edward CarM1:, Charloaa Rlesis►o:Ier, phlllip Gort.ev, (scheme Dody, '(eery C.aamgham, Imes me. MCaUosb , Lq se Mow: tf►illism Rau.nb.r7, floury !lack*, Hiram Lightheart, George G,mllot, Nary Sprague, John 11. Eelestcr, lobo Stack. llamas Weight. harlw lagereull.• James 4c.Calliam. ;hark•. I.g.reol1. Jata.r. McCollum k Arch'. McCallum. Jobs Crawley, Robert Duk, ;serge i.y.ter, Robert McLean, Valentine Olten., Charles Dolsen, Lowell Alvord, Edward C. Waives, • :george Westicott, Thomas Charles, Cornelius Heffernan, William Pagan, John Nolan, James Nane William Mitchell, Martin Aman, William Wallace, • William Ross, John Colvill, Thomas Kydd, Matthew Black, Alezaadsr Hope, Margaret Davis, Mary Hanley, Cyrus McMillan, Joseph Williamson, Thomas Dark, William Story, Wliliam Robertson, Martin McLennan, Robert ElLis, John W. Jones., William Turner, Richard Young, Jeer., Richard Young, Sent., Robert F. Campbell, Margaret Gibbons, • John McLeod, - James Orr, Thomas Watkins, James Gentles, David Cantelion, oma. hates, John Yirks, Joke Yirk., Gert.. Mille, Sophia Miller, Jeremiah Splan, William Cunningham, William Atkinson, Timothy Kane, John Georges, • • i MOUNT OF PEN-TIMEWHEN PAID To WHOM PAiD NATURE OF THE CHARGE. -I . DATE OF t NAM= OF CONVICTING JUSTICES. TAUT FINE OR -0R TO BE PAID TO OVER BY JUSTICES. R E M AIR A CONYICr tJlr, DAMAGE.JUSTICES Uttering &forged docoa.eii, Non-payment of Wags, Assault, Assault, 1' t Nun -payment of Wages, assault and threats, florae stealing, Non-paymeut of Wages, do. do. Threats, Refusing to perform Statute Labour, do. • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. • HMO. Nore.iher U, !Namibian 25, Ittlovomber 30, December 2, !December 16, IN..vemb.r 22, ;December SO, t.-...- 3, 1849. 4 N iwisseier ,al N a1 M r u N M r tl r • r r r N a1 S D. H. Ritchie, Esq., 7. P. ? A. 1). Nahel, Esq., J. P. J. alpinismEsq., J. P. De. Do. Do. 1)o. 1)o. Do. 1)0. Do. De. W. B. Rich, Esq., J. P. es M De. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D0. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. - Do • Do. Do. Do. Do - Do. Do. Do. Do. 4. 'M DO. elr Do. 4 sa Do. Do. W. B. Rich, E.q., J. P. W. B. Rich, Esq.. J. P. James 1Vst.00, Esq., J. P. John Holmes, Esq., J. P. W. B. Rich, Esq., J. P. Daniel McPherson, Esq., J. P. John Sebring, Eegy J. P. Peter Kutner, F.sq„ J. P. Daniel McPherson, Esq., J. P. John Sebriog, Fwq., J. P. Peter Kutner, Esq., J. P. Daniel McPherson, Esq., J. P. Peter Kastner,.Eeq., J.7. James Hodgins, Esq., J. P. Do. W. F. McCulloeb, Esq., J. P. S W. Chalk, Esq., J. P. LuMeyerwig eyer Esq., J. P. 00 r do. do • do. r r do. r • de. a. N . N r do. ' r 40. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. de. de. de. O. Refusingto pay \Vag.', Net perorming his duty as I Kilhag • pig, the property o Lanes), Lareesy, 4 44 4 December, b 'at.:,aster. December 21, 1 preeecu'r.'Number 29, `December I9, 'December 13, 'Assault, Threats, Threats, Assault on Thome, Henderson, Luray, ID.eembr 15, {December 36, ;Janary 1, 1849. j 4 4 sais7 6, £ 2 10 3 and costs, 1s. fine, and coats, Is. five, and costs, £2 10s. and costs, Dismissed with coats. • 0 64 15, 1 9 4 5s. 5s. 6s. 6s. 5s. 5s. 6s. 6s. • 5s. 6s. 5s. 5s. 4 witb costs. do. do. aa. 64:1. pet 4 day, ,- 5.. El'6.. 111 a1, Ile twenty -nae days, 'One month, One month, Twenty-one days, Twenty-one days. Twenty-one days• 'Twenty-one days. Paid, do. do. Paid, do. do. do. do. L1 00 0, To deliver up the car- ers, aad pay eats, Certified to be a true copy of the•Reoords filed in this Office, OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE PEACE, Goderich, 12th January, 1849. • rer, Treasurer, Treasurer, Treasurer, Trete u ray, Treasure, Treasurer, Trimmer, Not paid, Not paid, Not paid, Not paid. n tame of the Act. immediately, MARBLE FACTORY, SOUTH WATER .ST., GALT. ' •D Ii. McCULLOCH cootmoee to man - 11500000 ACRES OF I %ND • FOR SALE iN " • IMENTS, OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, k4'., in Marble and Freestone, as cheap se Oracture HEADSTONES, MONU O A N A D A WEST any in the Province, all work warranted to • order, or no charge will be made. Prices THE CANADA COMPANY bare for of Marble Headstones from 10 to50dol1an; disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES or of Freestone from 6 to 30 dollars ; Moan - LAND dispersed tbrooghout most of the meets ke., from 60 dollars upward..-- Towes►i fa Upper Canada—ttesrly 500.• Written communications addressed to the 4'M At are estimated i. the Harm Trart, .Mgrs. containing the inecsiptioas, .—id et the Previa(..—it has trebled its popula- wl be puaetually of Mudded to. ' see is ave years, and now eoatains up; D. H. MaCULLOCII• wards of 90,000 ubabitants. Galt, Nov. 81b, 1841. 4.11m3 The LANDS ire offered by way of LEASE, for Tri .1 cues, or JM well becio a ..a• of taw eaoet ferule pets ted at what price. to arble or Freestone, eel., C.4Y H D o A" .V' --tar plan of o.o Casa, end At kal.aea is f.staL meats kik( dews sway with. 1%. Rests payable 1st February each year, are about the letereet at w= Pet a ea.` '! tbe pries of the Lead. Upon nest stabs a" $s,Iowa LEANED, Nt) MONEY 1111114411140 DOWN.—whilst epee the Mille•, to tesality, es., two/ of three y.ianic want he paid as silvers, -het them payments will fres the Settler from further calls until 9ta4,1lyd or 4th yes of his tent of Lease. The right to PURCHASE the num HOLD donuts the term, is weaved to the Lewis et a deed sae named is i.sasi, end as samisen ises u made aeesdtag to wise - peed pgsw. Limas et Lasts, and soy farther isiorow time me be alpines/4,0y applisaties. If by Vim ppst.eistl at the Courser's Owner, • REMOVAL. A HOIE, "RESPECTFULLY begs lave to Warm i bi. sisters thanks to nnttaeroos f,4s.ds aad the public generally, for the liberal pal- mate heretofore recei ed,—aad internee them that he has REMOVED his TAI- LORING AI- LORiNG ESTABLISHMENT from Ligh► thouse street to But street, teat door to Awe Bissett, Carp a 4'r, sad a few' doors west of turn 0.$* d.rushy. wine all orders will lie pesmpt lF wasted . sed antemers may depose'deps.os having limit gar- ments made op is the most impre,eJ sela ihelkosiable style. i)J ' A Ml variety of the rowan Tall wince. FASHIONS fer 1848-a jest resolved. (iodsrisb, Oat !7, 1848. • 55 Within two miles of the thrivisg Village of J. K. G O D D I N G , Port Sew ie which therm is a Grist Mill, Il, sad n (kt Mlll. its Lot is besm,dee ties wet by the LAID., and on the ssse by a sat reed. -.s is well watered. 4 bealatret: apply—if by letter poet Cr. iennor r , 141b DAVID Deo, 1848. 460 NOTICE. THF. Subscriber wishes to. inform hie Customers, and *o inhabitants of Stratford and vicinity, that ho intends car- rying on business on "A READY PAY SYSTEM." And that after the first day of January, 1849 he will give no credit. He will pay the highest price for produce of all kinds, Black Salts kc. Ile begs to return his .me.,. thanks to his Customers for their liberal Patronage, aad hopes stip to maim a Share. THOMAS M. DALY. Stratford Nov. 29th, 1848. 44( • DR. GEORGE HARVEY, Mina'.. .f Qt Royal College of Surgeons, Ediabargrl . gip AVING practiced his profession for u soweral years is the Provinoe of Nova Seeds. takes lave respeetfully to offer his pds.saaal services to the i.babitaats of aierk! aad its mieloiy. ResHosee in the cottage lately occupied by Mn. Moatgotnery- Gederieb, Nov.' 7etb, 1848. 41 VALUABLE LOT OF LAND Fos BALE. - a OT 8, Ws Shore, township of Ad- eoataanag ONE HUNDRED ArID SEVENTY- TWO AMM crew, aad rid ; of R. Bt5DSAtd. AUC110NIMIR. E.ak,, Agbedsl, Colliers* District ; Dr. WILL attend SALMI to away part M the Musa' awe! et J. C. W. ear, Ear., rxy. ea to eemeabfs ores. Ap- dt►nf erd, theros Descrier. ply at the BMiek Natal. , Iamb 17, 1848. Godsrkb, 14th Sept . 1848. 83-- „• EXTRA ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! IE Subscribers have )eat received from the New Yerk and Montreal Markov, the largest Stock of Merchandize which has yet been brought into the Huron Distract. 'And as the purchases were made personally by one of the Firm, the quality of the • goods is as superaor as the quantity is ex- tensive —"prompt payments and (mall profits," is the motto which they bare adopted, and the public may depend upon being suited with every description of goods in their establishment, at the ver lowest remunerating mines, Their Stock consists of every variety of men's and women s Clothing; Hats, Caps, B000ets, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sad- dle., Bridles, Haberdashery ted Groceries of every description. intending purchasers are solvated to call sod ezasuae for them- selves. THOMAS GiLMOUR k CO. Goderich, Noy. 18, 1848. 49 GROCERIES. THE Subscribers would call perscular attention to their extensive Stock of GROCERIES, as they latter themselves that the qualityd variety of theas thew Te, Sow, Coffee, teobaeeo, fie. W. km, will hes eufacieat rseommendatios to'stem ptwtlha.era. 1r. S—Groceriss of every description will be sold for cash or praises* at t rtd.s- Hem of, at bast, 16 pm oast. wow fernier poises. THOS. GiLMOUR k CO. Galeria, Nov. la, 1848. 42 D. WATSON, BARWJSTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, aiMTM us saaweeer, ■iontavpyVT, kc. OPTICE iN TRE MARKT SQUARE, GODERICH. !John G"tll, E. Cashel', Bound over to defend at general Gaol delivery. Bound upderRecognizance. Arrested -but escaped from Constable. ,Based under Recogntunee. CompWnt dismissed. }Complaint withdrawn. E Warrantissued. Do. Do. Do. Complaint dismissed. Complaint withdrawn. Do. Complaint withdrawn. 1)o. Dismissed. Complaint withdrawn. Do. Do. Not paid—warrant odered. Dismissed. 'Complaint withdrawn. Dismiaeed. Do: Complaint withdrawn. Do. Do. Iot paid—warrant ordered. Dismissed. Complaint withdrawn. Not paid—warrant ordered. Ari indigent person. Complaint withdrawn. 1Not served, not al borne. CaJnplaint withdrawn. Not yet paid. Fine remitted al the request of I'ruse,:u tor. To stand his trtal at Quarter Sesslons— coarte tted. Stand their trial at Quarter Sessions— committed. Dismissed. 'Bound to keep the peace„for one year. 1Bonod to keep the peace for one year. (Committed to gaol for 10 days. Committed'for trial at Quarter 8eeefoes. DANIEL LIZARS, Clerk of the Peau;, Huron District. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 1 HARDWARE. SPRING *SUMMER F.48HJONSfor 1846. ' A FULL variety Of theaewest and most improved Sia, o ..n Srrrra Fanm- to]a for 1848, have been received by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who may favour him with their patronage. A. NA7SMiTH. Goderich 12th Apnl, 1848. ly ('ARM FOR SALE. TBE BOLD by private bargain, Let No. 23. ea the St b Concession of Goderieh, oontaming Macre., 90 of which is cleared and seder cultiratfea; tea acres an newly under- broshed and ready for chopping. The land i of excellent quality aad well watered. There u a good eubatiotial los_ Dwelling House on it, and 0. o acre of wpsner frail tree. in bearing cond. - nee. And se the proprietor iol.e,roa.of enter- ing into other beeiseee, hot will dispose of it on moderate term.. One -hal( of the price will be REQUIRED DOWN, sod the other half is three egsal nasal in.4lmeat.. G' Tor farther partiettlars, .ppty at this Office, I se t. the Proprietor ea the premise GEORGE ELLIOTT, Jaiar. G.derieb, 13th Oct., 1848. 37tf CASH FOR WHEAT. THE Subscriber hereby ietimat.e that he ►am now on terms of lease sad part ownership, the entire maoagemset of the Goderich Mills, and that he is propelled t0 My cash for any quantity of good merent. able Wheat at the said Mills; rovided Did same be delivered there is `,tote for ass Fee tern Woosthe clone of the taeeta igs. Gomm, MILL', 1 WM. PIPER. September nth, 1848. 5 3341 Da. P. A. McDOUGAI.I,, CAN be es..desd at all bore, at the .4' INC B^t l0. L ((aacaaT.a.-) 8 ` (Joderbh, Sept. 1513, 1848. 83- TiLMHOMAS C:UR 8t CO., have largely increased their former stock of useful and Ornamental Cutlery, -Hardware Jappaned Ware, aryl are ready to supply their customers and tho public generally, with the latest improvements in every de- scription of knives, Forks. Spoons, Trays, Locks, Hinge*, Screws, and all other arti- cles of Had ware at reduced prices. They have also on band a good assort- ment of ROPES, TWINES AND CORDAGE of varioas sizes and qualities; also several patterns of superior Carpeting. A large supply of Salt from the cheapest market. Apples of the very best quality in barrels. N. B.—The terms are i,trariouy Casa or- .Nrrraa.tablc Produce, and so abate- ment from the price eked. Goderich, Nov. 16, 1848. 42 CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AND 8 WING DONE ON SHARES. I - THF Subscriber will_pa cash at the Godench Mille for ood Black Cherry ' Saw -Logs, and will saw any other descrip- tion of good Saw -Logs for any parties on therm. WM. PiPER. Guanaco Mitts, September 6th, 1848. ghf NOTICE. GAME taut the i.etessie •r she wyeri ba' Most the &spates at November Isla, Steer Calf, ono and a herr yea.id. bMd ..ver The owoee N requested to prove peMerty, M♦ ewes, aad take it swap. LOUIZA DUNLOP Goderich, Jas 16th, 1843. 33-4er t0 pelt woof'{ s.triot Lampe, asa relteit u.ty Block Rude Omey -tw. OD a . 1 'rt a $' D >r