HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-19, Page 4•
' P Itis 7l'fteraztsl U i OF TUR
Tuesday, 34 Wok', 1818.
WILLIAM C'IIALE. ley , Wuraat. w TMc ('Nara.
Mr. 1'AM FGs1OND, Ste HOLNF.S.
'• HAMILTO8, •• 11A18,
WPM. . •t 1(1 retllE,
o CHRISTIE. , •• Illekti. eco
8PARLING, •• ('.16'1 ER.
•• 1111011301NS. i• 14.1%t KISS,
•• (1111'1x,
Mr. Christie nu Iaktno hu sa.t at Ow t. '1e produced,
1. (1.11, 0l Q0.:11acaln•0. -
1. O.tlh of At:eg,.nce.
Oeth til Chairman ..1 ale. t n ccrtlfie, by J din Spar -
hag, J. P.
4. Cu wk.'s: by %Van. 12 .al. -,'I ,•f Is holt were received and
approved .f.
T..s Council then adjourned uoul t., morrow morning at 9
o'clock, A. 11.
Word, rd, H .
4[h Oalober, 1816-9 o'clock, .1..11.
'rue Warden resumed the chair. y
Mr. 1'AN LG11OND, 11r. IIOLB1E9,
" PIPER, " IIAY:+.
" GIRY'S. 31\k'1IER8ON,
The pruo..di*gs of yesterday wore read .end al -Trete] of.
The tolli,wing documents were thea laid befxe the Meeting,
and uaaalmuu.ly remitted to a cuwmulec ot Ftuenct, to be ap-
pointed, viz.
3. looter of 1'. SI. Jowl., E -e., to the \Vardcn, of date
28th April, 1118, relating to the lake fluid, through Stanley
tad }lay.
6. Latter by the Warden to the District Surveyor, of date
8th May, 1418, relating to the above road.
7. Lorne of John Strachan, to the 1VarJeo, of date lOth
Lily, 1848, relating to application fur a Mandamu.
8. Letter by the Warden to J. Strachan, of date 15th July,
1918, in answer.
9. 'Letter by the Clerk of the Peace, to the Warden, of date
2918 April, 1848, relating to certain communications about
the Court House.
10. Extract from the proctoedings of the Court of Quarter
Sessions in Apr 1, 1818.
11. Certified copy of a letter from the Sheriff of the llurou
• •Lsatliet, to A. Ackland, Esq , dated 2528.anuirv, 1848.
' It. Certified copy of a letter by Sheriff Mei-lentil], to the
Magistrates of tl,u llurt.o District, 5th April, 1848.
14th .Ccrtilied copy of the Picsentment of the Grand Jury,
6th April, 1818. •
15. Certified copy of the Ramer of the Grand Jurors in
April, 1848. t►'
• 16. Letter by the Clark of tbe.Pesce to the Warden, 31st
July, 1818. with the following inclusure., c:z.
17. Certified order of tke Court of Quarter Se -lions in July,
18. Memorial of the Clerk of the Peace, on the part of the
Magistrates in the Quarter Sessions, to the Warden sed
Conseil, 31st July, 1848.
20. General Stateweul of Contractors' Accounts 3rd 0 i.,
1848, by District Surveyor.
21 - Account Account fru.n the Signal Pawling Mete to the District
93. Petition of Ilenry Ilort.ao, u to the Road Scrapers.
23. Peution'of J.,ieph WhsatLy, b,r adJiimeat remuneration.
24. Petition of Samuel Gibson, for cowpoxnation for a aids
drain cut through him farm.
Petition uf Wm. Keenan, fur additional compeasation.
98. Petition of Police Morro and others, as to the balance
of th.Yuads raised for charitable purposes.
27. Petition of the School Trustees, of School Section Nu.
5. in the Towosbip of G'•dcnch.
28. Petition of Robert Baker ..pd others, for additional .sits
ranee to comple'e the unj'toisbed work on ^he Blauland con-
cessloo, Goderich.
The following accounts nyder Local Improve , ci.ts, were
*obtained, certified by Mr. Mcl'heraon, biz,
29. Patrick Carroll £1 0 0
30. Peter Writt 4 0 0
31. John Start• - 3 19 It
N. Jaynes McAnlsy 6 0 0
SS. Michael Shake 3 I8 9
94. William Moore.. 3 18 9
15. Letter by D,nlel Reynolds as to his pay as a constable
at an election in 1811.
The following were then led bef.•re the meeting, and unani-
mously referred to a Committee on Roads and Bridges to be
appointed, vis. -
86. Report of the D.atrict Surveyor, on the road between
Wilmot and .Mouth 1:.,tbope.
8ir. Copy of leiter by eke Warden t-. the Warden of the
Walliogtos Da.taict, Instating ebe above report.
16.-Jteport ot. tb. Llsetrict Idratvoyor un- Roads air. }midges,
of time ]ed. 0o1.. 1848,
39. Repave .f lie Dialluet li.r.oyur on Kumla and tL H1J.=,
til lists 3034 Stmt.,.1811.
40. Petition or Duncan Fisher, of North Esel!.opc, along
with two certificate..
41. Agreement with George Ocott, of date 1st Jane, 1818,
alewg moth the fecoont 0f maid George Scott I ur £3 13... certi-
fedby Mr. Rinkin; also a ,opmurandum as to.tbe Local Taxes.
IS. Letter by Denean Flitter to Alexander Hamilton, of date
2$Ibpt , 1848. -
4*. Letter by Duncan Fritter to James Rankin, of -date kith
April, 1849.
41. Petition of Reh•ed Tarbes sed others of Shieebard, as
1 o a sew fear of rod.
43. Petition of W.n. C:elaclongb as totes present coofract on
the Hero* blond.
48. Clreelar by Bremar le Ce., of date IA IR, as 10 the price
of School iook•.
47. Petit sou (.wo she Einem ,oe flake, 281 h Sept_ 1918.
q 6. Petition d Revert ILepham. aceneipsnird with a certifi-
cate of Om greet.uf .n arm of Land os Ions 16, im the 17
Concessive*, tioderasi fens echu4l Nate by t:,e flan•da C.•mpany.
49. Petition of Haigh Archer aryl 0184 rr, co UttT 10 the
50. Petition of the Rchuol Truster\ an.l entree of Prheol
Section 148. 4. ii. (M'11rffstyatr, seen "paused Mftb a Staid er
1)eerl orf thos tltinoil she,
51. Petiuee of 7barwaa Risbafdemi .fir{ oaherr, counter to
the albeve, s4ro.ep.tded w baa * i.rsl$sate 8 AlbetS Isewfs.
54. Pe'1 ion .4 ate *Juho.4 Thiel •t'. of kieittf0S 'leo. 1, in
illanshard, uco,n•oeusd by a Dei ted • aerial. Wilier.
53. Pe/otiose( J•dln lltekr, ette,.h.*, mei e181mi.
81. Pesi•lon uf she i'rtw'eo• of Scheel See'l2M No. 4, In
i'neker...' 1. and lit ,ale7 r • taxation oe said Baenon.
65. P.ut.nn 2.t Iare tithe ranee id !Pantry, eateater to the
lth { ,*uo..rofrire Selo Ts..1....w14•ti,osf♦rf,4,etaldmy.
ATO 'Ter,ho.n ..t the 1 h.bitsets of No"th F;..ther, Mr a new
School Sylph's( .
18. Potation of Ii.ie8R etenia "1 D 'urine and Felertoe tar
a wee $.beet Meet roe.
el the 'debut Tsw•esd and others of Nu. 3,
. to bp mired for Yang with e
B•,wd' Z.91 YangYir4ilj.sdenj of masers,
M. I'.tiHellltrSAAW iN,ti tempt •-dteanent r S heart
itor.inw. •w f
.I1. ReIiiksai Ib.arrhieell.. le A/b/91 eJi11r11b we
aaoeh, tube taxed for DB, aloes with s dud d sgeHsia?
44. Petit).n of the Test... No. 1. dcba.1
Moreliale be Ila• -d f,.r til tb• Teacher. '
88. Boort by J. 11 gl.. r • Ilebo..l sat* V Blas►bard.
4 t. App liesi ion by the As.M M Mr. lietheet, list eumpeose-
tion for a new road to M'thfMesy.
U. Moved by Mr. VM £rjs.ssi, smoothed bs Y.• heck.
- That tb. tester 4.1 Josue Parruby be refined to • select coie-
ooyyttee of Ave in accords/ice with the sip -leas, P,hltrsg to 111
*Stratton of roads---aod that IJa. CusoltaN de miaow of
Masers. Pan Esmond, flicks, Hays, llswkm. ao4 Cwrisaaw-
4a. latter by John McIntyre, to the Warden, of date let
(ktuber. 114s.
87. Moved by Ur. flolsoe, ae.ei4d by Mr. SparWlg-Tb/a
the Tr.eeurer do wrlte to the Tow ;hip Clerk of Fullarts•,
csiheg en him to pay over without delay, to the order of the
Councillor of Fullarton, what wild lead sweq is Crew ne ba
bands, which It not curplted with, the Treuurer de 101140,411
agi es% him and. hie sueuu.-C.,n.d.
68. Moved by Mr. Sperling, seconded by Mr. WePbese.-
That the Treeaurer be regne•W to write to the 8ur.nes of the
1110 'Township Clerk of Stanley (George Ourd•.e) to pep leer
tools. the amount ot public money that to detkaeet by the lord
clerk. and in the *went of their not complying with that im-
nwd,a•ely, he do place their Hund in the hands of the Sobelter
of the Council, in order that the same may be collected.- Car -
69. Sta•eineot of the account of the late George Gorden,
Too estop Clerk of Stanle shooing a deficit of £11 Ile. L1.
70. limed by lir. Van };mond, secunded by Mr. Hokum
-That a committee of 6ve be nuw appointed oe Roads mad
Bridge. -os a ballot being taken, the comer tell to coselst of
Messrs. Raskin, Piper, Vett Egusuud, Hsya and lIolu.es.-Car.
,lied. •
71. Moved by Mr. 1'anEgmond, seconded by Mr. flukOes
-I'bat a comuuttee of five be now appointed on Common
Schools -on a ballot beteg taken, teecu.ao.ttee to b. Maters.
Doek,n, Clays, McPherroo, Ritchie and Christie. -Carried•
79. Moved by Mr. Van P unond, seconded by Mr. Holmes
-That a committee tf 6ve be now appointed on ll'inare♦•n
on • baM••t being takea.„„(l a committee to consist of Meeirs.
Ritchie, Nparluop,Chrt.tie, Van Egutond am! llolines.-Cursed.
73. Moved by Mr. Van Egmond, seconded by Mr. Hicks -
That the select com,nittee appointed last session, to report on ilia
petition of the late Mr. William ll,c•ks, of Stratford, fur coo
pecsatloo fur land taken for a new road, be luthor.aed to ex-
amine tutu said petition, and report tbereou.-Carried.
'The Council thea adjourned unto 4 u'cloak, P. Al.
•,4 o'clock, P. .11., er. die.
The 1Varden resumed the Cbau, when the Couuctl adjoureed
until 9 u'cluck, A. M., to -morrow.
The 1Varden resumed
5f4 Oclebar, 1848-9. o'clock, .3..11.
the Chair.
" HAYS, •
The proceedings of yesterday were then read and spprnved of.
The foduwrng docowents were then laid before th. Meme;
and then remitted to the Finance Commute..
74. Memorial of the District Surveyor, to the Coon al, as to
hes remuneration.
75. Account of men,' wages aelisting the District Surveyor.
local lrnprovemeets in Tucker.mith, viz.
L1 0 0
3 18 9
19 10 0
79. Account In favour of David 1 eutl, certified by lir.
Ritchie,- ata 16s. 84. •
80. Account in favor of Wm. Reeliyoent, certified ►yMr.
Ritchie, EIS 108. -
ill. Petition of George Cox, al to the 'issue of the Assessment
Rolls. •
81. Petition •
of George Cox, as to renumeratios for taking
the Census.
83. Petition of Darly`O'Connell fur a4J,umiat.
onal &muran.
84. Petition of Henry and Robert Beacom, as to les Immure-
ment of the Bridge, along with the Spee16eatioi.
85. Petition of Abraham Cox and others,. of No. 5, School
'Section, Goderich-referred to School Committee.
8ti. Moved by Mr. Sparling, seconded by Mr. McPherson
- That a By -Law bo passed for the "metes Assessment and
Cellection of £15 -for the e-cctroo of -a School Hou.e in
School Section No. 6, &araban', p.rseabt to the motion of
-referred to Finance C'omsutee.
87. fetter of Wm. Robertson, to John Sparling, of date 411.
October, 1848 -referred to the Finance Committee.o•
88. Petitioof William Matheson and others -referred to
the Road and Bridge Committee. House-
hold/onto(89. Petition of the inhabitants, Freeholders and House-
hold/onto( Fullerton -interred to a Committee of the whole.
90. Moved by Mr. Cavan, eceo.ded ►y Mr. Piper -''hat the
prim of £2i2, that was granted se February8eeru.n (the minute
of the motion, fur witch was m.slerd). for the B vision line .<
road, between the astern and the AVestern Division of Colborne. and between the 7th f'oneess.on, and the boondsry 1100
of Wawann.h, he now granted:as the partite that subscribed
the Petition INTO performed their part accordieg to the Petitten.
St. la-rved lay kl r.ltanks°, seconded by Mr.1-ao Egmond-That
the:Superintendent of Common Sehot.)s for the District, do
place in the hand. of the Clerk of tete Council to -sorrow, a
ropy of ads correspondence with the Chief 8upenntcndent of
Education for the years 1846, 1847 and 1848, to be read is
91k. Moved by Mr. Dunkin, eeennded by Mr. Christie -That
the District Surveyor, be l;structcd to examine the Bridge
across Carron Brook in the Township of Hibbert, and report
on the seem at the neat muting of C«need.--Carried.
iii. Notice by•Mr. tarter *bat to-ttanrrow 'he will move for a
num of money, to pat a. embankment to the mew Bridge across
the Sable, oo the lute between Blddelph rad McGtlliveay.
9l. Notice by Mr. Hawkins, that te-mer,.. he will MOTO
that Ills District Surveyor be ordered to examine sod report to
this Cuuncihd t Its mixt meeting, en the state 0f tfie Rood from
the residence of the Iota H. H ndmas, Esq. In colbore., to
the Village of Albert, sod the Brits staid aid \'ill e.
The Cuuacd then adjourned until 4 o'clock. P. M.
The following ueou0t certified
g by the Warden, being for
76. Thomas Clark
77. John McDonald
78. John 1)ereraux
T.,M. Daly and George 'Thompson at our haat sitting of Coosa'
It 4 e'efoet, P. N, ten., die.
The Warden reeMesd the Chew.
The foltowiee 44Waeents wore thew WI before the Calmed,
andenanimns.ly .oMaitted to the Comsftee out Pfeweee.
93. Abstract Of Treasurer'. Amer/iota, let April, 1949.
0*. (3}8-4244 Lid of treater'''. Menet, let April, 1848.
97. Abstract e1 1 e..wnt's Aegeagle, 103t8 Jam leek
9I1. Cbn12eS i.ist of Trois A1111144118 114*► Jou, 1440.
q, AOItr.et el Treasurers Ac at, 30th Rept . 1048.
100. CMp.f*ed List of Treasurers Acaseet, loth September,
iM. Account maim of the &eperintadaet of Coneone
Semite*, 1810.
*01. Sebsdwis of meet recta Assebsd alae Jeff INS.
103. Debts end litbfl•t.e of the 8iesap 1Ue*.set. 41 geek
.' Av4Nere report, (*sober, 11'.
ibvidey A/q.wta. tem/meted PMR An Lott ta.wr►ppr eve
mutat M_Law, !MEby ►M CoottiMws BOB 1hs.bard.
• V wfifr'1r111./rVr.
8hcriff s Sale of Lands.
HL'1ION DISTRICT, i lay wartime( fear
Te N'it : Hew sate of Fieri
Farwa, i....d sot of $.jat)'a (:.wt
of t,1..eca'a IWO, AIM to ass dimpled
agslnu the Laatileted Tetormuts of Julia
Asa Yippee and ffinialliesi W. Rippe, et the
respect es stsltylf sass 11aie.s..., Robert
Modeemsll, Lbs $u.*hu, ..dawn, o.e,
etc. aid Jess Chet* _, wed ale by vats
o! tao wnta d FYen racial, Wive! out of
tier Majesty's Huron District Court, and
to me 'messed agaiwt the Lamle and Tan -
MAY sf baits Ass Yippee sed Anse bee
8V. Kippss at IM respective suits of Robert
Pares need Joao* Callaway. 1 bars seised
ad tale io Execution the fellowiag 'lo-
rry ss lesle*grsg to Amebae W. Yippee,
ea* of the ahoy* Defeat/aide a put or Per-
son of Block O. in the Tuw.ship of . Col -
bone, Western Derision, Il.rot District,
consomme two hundred scree of Land ;
elm b Laude 1 Audi oeer for sale at the
Court Hoose, is the tow. of Godecieb on
ToteJay the 20'8 dry of March next, al
the hour of 19 o'clock noon.
J. McDONALD, bikers 11. D.
Srairy s • Ovnci,
Gakrich;- 18th December, 1848. 471d
1 DISTRICT OF HURON, t BY virtue of
a writ of
Attatcharent i.,ued out of Iler Majesty's
1 Huron District Court, aid to mo directed
i agala.t the estate real as well .a personal
, of Ilenry Elliott, an ab.coodingor conceal
ed debtor, at the suit of George BroWn the
Felder, for the rum of fifteen pounds len
'shilling.; 1 have seized all the estate real
ss welt as personal of the said Henry
Elliott, and unless the said Ilenry Elliott,
retina within the jurisdiction of the said
Coen, and put in Bail to the said action
within three calender months, or cause the
said Claim to be discharged, all the estate
test, snit personal of the said Ilenry Elliott,
or eo Such thereof as may be necessary.
will be held liable for the payment, benefit
and sattafxUon of the said Claim,
SAeriff Boren District.
Snuff- i Omen,Guderich,l1thOctober, 1846. 40-11e)
HURON DISTRICT, tBY virtue of a
To Wei :. Swot of At-
tachment issued out of the District Court,
of the District of Iluron, and to the direct-
ed against the estate, real as well as person-
al, of Henry Elliott, an absconding or con-
cealed debtor at the suit of Junes Elliott,
for the num of twenty three pounds ten .h,l-
hng.,-I have seized and taken all the
estate real as well es well as personal of
the said Henry Elliott, and unless the said
Ilenry Elliottreturn within the jurisdiction
of the said Coors, and put in hail to the
action within three calendar months or
cause the same to he discharged, all the
real and personal estate of the said Hoary
Elliott, or so much thereof as may be neces-
! .art, en.a1 be held liable for the paayment,
i benefit and sate faction of the said claim,*. - TIM. GILMOUR k CO. ! W M. PIPER.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff If. D. Goderich,-N.ov. 16, 1848. - 42 1 Gunstaaca Means, i
S.Ravr's OrncR, --- - • September Stk, 1848. S 320Godericb 28th Nov. 1848. ' 44td Il A R I) N's B 6. - ----- -
HURON DISTRICT, BY silt/o s( a
T. Iftif writ sf /lei
F.efrs, Mooed sot .IIf Her Majesty's Ilene
Di.er* Crews, maid to •a. dlr tvreif 0l t
'be Lando nod Tewsrn.ste of Rbc41sr ,Dr,-
Ifaiton, at .-lir.' suit of Robert Park, 1 hese
shed and taboo fa l:xtcutltty list e*aobcr
four le the *meads Cor:cc.ste., S. D. ial,
the Towa.►ep of (albums, w IM
acresl wbF01t Le.1 shall oar oats at
tea G.nTt Hooses 4* eke tow• r.( t1.L.Mh,
un Uotsrday, tio mho d.!! If R•rwmsbrr
seat, al t1t boor of 19 0'0041 sees.
J. i e'eO Orrice, gm. p:
8sat►t's Orrice,
Goderich, 11th Anus', 1818- fol*
Roster Paiute.
fa. )}
Armiasu Dtaua.Tos.
CT The shows sold of Lands is pastpeasd
until the firs of Febreary, 1849.
Sherif M. D.
thizetre's Orrice, 'Wayzata'. I
20th Nevesber, 1848.-,5 .8
AFULL variety of the newest and most
improved Samos ASO Srrria Faso
loos fur 1848, have been recened Isy the
subscriber, who will promptly aid to the
orders of all who Maid may femme him with their
pat ronage.
Godrieb 1918 April, 11148. 1y
rrlIE Subscriber,' lave prat received from
the New York and Montreal Markets,
the largest Stock of Merchaad.as which has
yet been brought tato the Iluron District.
And as the purchasers were made personally
by one 01 the Firm, the quality of the
goods a as /opener si ,the quantity is eA
celestite - '• Or paymeals unit small
profits," is the mom, whicb they bare
adopted, and the public may depend upon
being rutted. with every description of
good* in their establishment, at the very
lowest remunerating mice,. Their Stock
consists of every 'sanely of metes and
soma. Clothing; Hats, Cape, 8nwaet.;
Boots, Shoes, Hardaway*, Crockery, Sad-
dles, Bodice, llaberd& eery and Geeserieh
of eery dem-nowt). I•tenduig p•rchaesrs
a.drei.ohces.rited to ca:l and clanu1* foe thane -
'r110Mf.\s GILMOU'R Ik CO.
Goderich, Nov. 16, 1448. 41
1t . J4
TI. limayarf sexes +.t...w, `s. ober
les .2* 8.*Ise Yiy pock. K *U hai
tteeJ pros' ens o..a.egewr, am rw
Y .. Arum isle ; +•r .ee
wen MY ` Ins .milli; sot to drama'be easealemb
/liras all, Amur/ ewe rGsyrte uaowonon
M.101178 •
aeshe Welisma b alyeW.etve e e berm ee a,a,ms s mesa vas .a
ire racgetAree emep►r. sssresaitirest 4. tier ides Ey
0011117117.#1101. oOLD* sic t'w `'
O.tt.uB roa4 1.1•01.1.6111110Pio iewn
DYSPEPSIA. iss ewe. wtl raw ere■ ssof sa
sono arra .eke gem ran. •rail■.. a ,.
;1UPT un ✓ ger lar, la MMITILls rLITV
1►sV * aged adult. Fa am awamt,4I4ore
ewe wary Jean ..herr all is Amid • .ac sena,....
ease. WNr. O.aw .14Imese trap'. errs Woes b
sewn 1 rr a.....-. .w b caws -
Mr meter, Mt a1TLrt S. ail. N CU*an.
ent1T. OIDDIN;ea. MIA rILL KW 4..ec/141. Wean
MX. • IMMIX ;LOUD. JI WND1CL Lusa tf Apra
LITai •01111PL**NTs,
tb.w sib r.Y.ae wa•1, .1 tie Mor et asses iL
eiwv iwr tans tie ..rs,1 aa
mmoster...f .g.r.l ,
NNW? IWg/!f. NkerOVr. Dmsrrr. Nlaroca
Comn..a NT/ ✓ au ..4. 010/x4( Ixr xt:rfuxl.
PALmIT/T10.Y the x841!. Pa1NTZIre COLIC.
ti•nag M. Tbe ..wrr.i ~gat of One
Is, .ala 1 tY.1 N nen eraad.w ti age w ef thaw 11.
arieime dams
/Wes at lie W. oat Wee. Bi, jwiHe W ewe&
Mil U M A T I I N. The. Blued .18 ler
OM& Emma d W .era steer/ be iambi a4.•...
KUMM.f BLOOD to tam 11MA111, &ODRrk.,
acuorut.a. so ZIx•'s XVII., soh.
.ger Sae. t'LCx1 S. ✓ swap 44.e,i iaee
W ere 1111 R e d all kala. en iwreib ew.*.e be
law. ttsiei,a r•r.. .42 M e.8 .aa.oige. law .Ir
ewe are ea.rrew w .spode Rai t .al be ewer.
A.d th.s remove all d tease from the system:
♦ eagle 1,1.1 1.11124me the LIFE P1111 84d
BIT ERS tl.resaleef p.
titles i the ,eiealee 1 e..ry pettiest. -
T e r..i..adore e.•dac ices w sow pat 7 la Wale
MPP.,. d 842., u.ptMr .sol • let.
'• M.8.n Gad ....air..." euwW. SO Srenillemnito,
bei h • d..w..a of Bn•.dw.y haw Wall street le ger
by whirl. ar..pn vitals' lie city enn ropy erg"
p, Ile are4j...end Saes...serfosleolt
therefore Ones site poem ih.. with .1W wase en..,.
be neared art awe pew As e..sk1, ••d d• ..t
bey sol.. with ce wrapper*: baa if Pe d., le .t.Mu
Yat they rase is ., . dent rust Y...
ILT ansa.' sad said ►rr
ata llama ..y. center of Sales.) ares. N•.
F. Sam ay
Sofa Agee,.
Goderich, Jan. 29 1848. 1
THE Subscribers would ale;'
ll partieurpt
attention to their extensive Steck of CASH FOR WHEAT.
GROCERIES, as they fatter eherw-alv*s•
that the goalies and variety of their Teas, THE Subscriber hereby intimates that he
Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco. Ste. kc. L•., will 1 has now on tetn, of lease and part
be a sufficient recommendation to roten4isg ewaershlp. the euchre management of the
purchasers. Godcrtelt Mills, and that he .s prepared to
N. B. -Groceries of every description pay cash fur any quantity of stood merchant -
will be sold for cash or produce, at • redue- able 1Vbeat at the said Mills; .rovi:ed the
tion of, at leas', 15 per cent. below former same be delivered there in tune for mae*fac -
pri,ces. i ture before the close of the sayigation.
5I cuff's gale of tanks.THOMAS G11.3I UR It CO., have -
HL'RQN DISTRICT, j BY virtue of a
To 11-i1: S writ of F'e,i
F'du.,.•, irsuet out of iter Majesty's Iluron
U;strict Court, and to me duetted against'
the Lands and Tenements of Garin Handl-
ton et the suit of Joshua Calloway, 1 have!
seised sod taken to Execution, Lot
D umber one, on the North side of Melbourne
street, and Lot number forty, on the East
side of Wellengton street in the town of
Albert, which Lands 1 shall offer for sale on
Saturday, the 95th day of November next,
it the boor of 12 o'clock noon, at the Court
Hesse in the tows of Goderich.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff H. D.
Sneerer s Orrice,
Godench, 15th August, 1 848. 3m29
Jet=A C.LLOway, % ..
IT The above Isle of Lands is postponed
moulds. first day of February, 1849.
Shenff H. D.
fiNgastr'. Orrice., Goouilcw,
901► November, 1848. s 43rd
I HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a
To N'It: writ of /Ind
Facies, issued out of Iler Majesty's Hunts
Ihetrict Court, and to me directed against
the lands and Tenements of Thostu
Charles al the suit of Robert Ellie; 1 have
seized and taken in Execution, se beloag-
Ing to the iud Thomas Cherie*; Lot noon -
bet three, es the North side of East street,
or Lot remora; number one thousand and
three in the town of Goderich, containing
(me-g•rarter of an acro of Lend, be the wee
owe or less with the Buildieg. on the said
Lot erected; erliteb 1 shall offer for sate at
the Court House in the town of Goderich,,
es Sarurdey the 15ti- day of Nevsmkes
*eel, at chi hour of If o'clock noon.
• .1. McDONALD, Sherif H. D.
Snostry's OPFICs,
Goder ch, flet August, ISSE. t 3030
largely increased their fanner stork of AND SAWING DONE ON SH.1R&V.
useful and Ornamental Cutlery, Fiudware
Jappanedearc, and are ready to .apply
their customers and the public g-:nerally,
with the latest improvements in evert de-
scription of knives, Forks, Spoons, Trays,
Locks, Holes. Screws, and all orbsr esti; f.
'cies of Hadware at reduced price. I
Tbey have also on hand a good assort-
ment of
of various MOS and qualities; also several'
patterns of superior Carpe'ing.
A large supply of Salt from the cheapest i
Apples of the very best quality ie barrel.
►r11F. Subscriber will pay rash at alae
God. rich 31111s for Good Black I her:).
Naw -L.' ., and w 18 saw any other descrip-
tion of guud Saw -Lags fur any parties or
• hares.
Gottaatcu Esti.%,
JSeptember 5th, 1841{. i .. 3211
N. B. -The terms are inesriaFly Cash
or .Verckaelnile Prodece, and no abate
meat from the pnce asked.
Grich, Nev. 14, 1848. 43
IIA RP, RJI ]"!!
THE Subscribers have moth pleasure Mr
announcing to the inhabitants of Tuck-
eremith, Huller, McKillop, Hibbert, and the
adjoieing Townships, that they have opened
a NEV STORE In the village of Ilu;wr.
hey, wbere ahoy will always have hon hand
kooks Lashes'
an ample assortment of all kis of Laes'
and Gentlemen's drew Goods: all sorts of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery sadterms Ha
ware, which will be sold on terms equal'
reasonable as at their establishment is
Godench. Biting men of the prase' .g.,
eke subscribers are destroys of exhibiting
that eeterprtesfetch, sad of affording fetch boo
lilies of accommodation u
t may he con-
Malm with the 'nemesia, importance of
the putnct. They A.S.l. (limier*, study
not only to p4ease, hot also to beeIt mach
Community y bringing with{, their ach
the beet quality of all descriptions of Store
Goody, at the most moderate prleee; sad we
this pnoctpleelose they expect Faeroese.
Their terms are i•varmahry--Caak-et
merchantable prode,at nearb.t price. •
, Romerov. Iii 1848.
Romer F.u.IS, ; •
17 The obese sae .I Lade L i u eedi
wild the lust day of Febreery, 1249.
Rberir H. D.
ffiroors Orme, Gooww,ru,
A.wsbse 9114, 1618 ( 4L/
DWS sebscriber infonautthe iababitasts
Mite Hwy District, that be NEW
SAW MiiLL in the township of Kixar-
Sew oe Lithe Huron, thirty mites ahoy.
6edetich, p now In full operation; sad be
tr prepped to fulfill orders for pine or other
saws Lumber, to soy patent aid of .ay 11i-
oeNi•os, oe tie mos r*s.ena►t. tortes.
[isc$rdree, 80th Oct., 1848. p
*mat p
G O P F. R I (' If
THE BRICK COTTAGg sad i,ot ruo-
nlsg No. Bal, in the?etre of
former►y 1a the petentinine of tiers O'N
sew rated te Mr. lease Orr. The Cot -
$i . fs'ery coe,oeiestty.im.es4 emit well
Cyd for a mull family, hos a .passes
wood shed, .1.81., ke., geed well d water;
tate g.rden cooter« several ek.iee•lrtnt
trees, tad the whole oeeJo.d with a 'troy
picket fence. Only a parties of the seeerry
would bar repotted bows, -4M remeinder to
three anneali.stalm.nas.
Apply to Willies Rats..b•ry of the Clio -
los Arms, or to
Goderreh, August U. 1819. 90ef
bOLICrTee tr Sas RCATly,seetavertT, kc.
Fob. 1848.
• 7
T() BE SOLD by marine Muesli. Let Ne.
•J3. ea the St► Coseewion of Gdwieh.
roolo.ing 80 acres, 90 of which is cleared and
ander cal.iniiui: leo sere. are newly soder- •
brushed aqd reedy for chopping. The laird is et
eacelleet quality sed well watered. There i •
f ood eab.tantial log Dench., Howes on it, and'
one sere of superior trait trees is beariag ensodi
fin. Aobet the proprietor iImesiroeeste
sOf r-
n,g into other business, he will dispose of it ee
0oderate terms. One-half of the price will 1.s
REQUIRED DOWN, and the other half is
three.gsol nasal ineulrneat..
t7' Fur farther particulars, applyet akin Once.
•r to the Proprietor oe the prew,prt.a.
Goderich. 131► Oct., 1848. 9711
THE Coparteersbip heretofore existing
between the undersigned (under the
Arm, of Gooding and Inncater, !upkeep
ere,) .s Zhu day dissolved by mutual co.-
The burnout will be continued, and all
outstanding accounts due by ■nd to the
Aran will be settled by the undersiiggnned•
Goderich, 5th Sept., 1148. 3111
ht ijuron Signal.
M PWT* a min rent lea et aunty meat
MOM tan Paorarrroa.
OPTICS WARIEST equate, .onaatcrt.
ing• •1r► ad Job Rieteag..tweeted web
Tawe ev ran Ross St•.u.-TRIS 290l4,v..
WIGS per manes if pad Mainly in aldyaw'e.
r Tlrszvs iso 811 Paaea wits tip eapientass
sf tem year.
Ifo paper diecomtinned juiM1 nasal• an
paid up..Itlye. the p'Mlnbef helm it his aka* -
tom tsdeea.
Ay redivides) ie the eawt,y 2eesidegr.-
spe•nble he •is eah.albsr., mks1 s•sletea •
m wrath app gratis.
17 All lemon addressed le the Same swat le
pet paid, sip they WA sat be Atha est of M
Tru..1 a1 ,
iia Irma and wader, fret theemies,.... L0 2
Orb et amiwee iaaa,'rtiem 62 1/
Ten hs.e .ad swim Stet i eedem„ . • • • •
Reek w emeart twtuia,o.... • MBI'
O.w ten Mee. fret ianwtlsn1e. Aiwa, •114
tTLee A seine t is_OMeo. - •'4 1
i M4a11 de a amen who
advertise by ►M ye*►. "PI .'.) I ra' a t•1 -