HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-19, Page 3•
LJ JI■ 3iepa ,irr j 11 TOFLt hKS,. ..1aLhaStrat-
a saw^ j4 ford Post-OI6ce tip to 34 Jewelry, 1849 t -
r .`Av pr SEA bo
4' Altga, GeeseMcr.dJw, 11 idiom
Vtw Aadrnw. Witham Macias*, Witham
As wise.. Rokert Newel, Jame,
rhea rite; v. a=
Nails YeL62.*treWl s 1341.463.s.n 1 1341.463..t R
. Rob t 'mkatterao.. Alesender
Jrgw.ry 19..1ata.
• ...-.
• ..._The Stomper -dans, use esr:sc.f til Sayan
to twelve sad • kat( Jaye hum LrverpeeL-
There lies 1tea a decho. is bread stuff.
ewmg 1s s leafs •ccwubts.ee of arses in
the Liverpool sed I.aedoa markets- The
Cars teed* baa been very dull mad is •
"sdrespseg state dune( the test fort•egbt.-
J)uly us Wheat 7. ; M Flues ee ed ; het
as the sew law 6li.g dirty at Is. per quar-
to cornea iota operation on the lot Febru-
ary next, hosts.' a duty pad Floor le
only rated at les. • 37s ; 'in bund, ennead
dull at lea.. • 23e. 64.
lmerlcan Wheat U. a 7s. per Tabs. is
hood tt both Lverpoel anJ Lasers• The
demand for Indian Cora has tattoo off bud
at peeves( si q feted : common white. 3 i ;
be,' y,Uaw, 3t.e. 61. Indian Coen Meal
..et nsoch required. Is Liverpool beaded
wheal and flour has taetea ed.e-ss••w esti-
mated, 114,000 qt. of the 6wses, and
312,uoo Pts. of the latter. hese ell i if
to 29th ult. tinpurts (rein Co•sJs old- the
United States 32,98( qrs. lease Con,
hike kris. India' Mss), 7434 rise sheet,
76,030 bets. 6.nr. On 29th, Liverpool
Markel, moderate demand for b••mJed wheat
at fie. a 7s ; hour, tis. • 35•. 6).; Enc
%western canal, 26. 61 • tee .or b.i4..I,-
Cottun a .bade
ton Wedaredey the Jot!. 'net., the eau
ere ny of proclaiming the the el", t ori tit
President louk.plare in the Na t„nal .1b.ew-
blv ; M. M.rraas, in • 6•u f voice, though'
somewhat broker by emo'son, declared
I.ouis Napoleon Bunslertc, Prca Jcnt el
the french Republic, demecra';c and iodt-
visible ; from that dry to the tad Santa;
in V.vy 1832, and in,iteel the P,e►fdeet to
, tone forward and tote the. welt ',floured
tiv tli. Casasst.tut+on- Lona Nap•leo.
advaeed to the 'rnbuns, and .w,.re ie
remain faittfal 10 the reptablie, sod 1r) for.
yard it. interests 'n .'1 'expects. 5!r then
read a beef ad3ie.s to the Ctauitera in a
tiem voice and said-" 11'ith trace ane:
order oar country eve again improve --can
.sec tl• wuund-, bang bar k tiro men that
Moe been roi.'cd, and calm down px'rw..
animated by streere .milt til cocthatson.-
1 Lave calo•d around nee the capable and
l.atreatic men, who in epee r.f the divereay
.,f political urea, •re read] apd wi'.hag to
,levete themselves with yes to .the appllea-t
uun of this eoneiltattu.', the.. tuyrroveu.ent
of the later, and the glory of the R yub-
Woes- lire res Pres dent cot clerk J bis
'perch, be udvaee'4 Wes ares Goner.) Cav-
a.gnar,1a4louveredJo him b'. hand, *Milt,
xsutprsed Caaestgnee allot :ehghted the 1
Chamber. Alto. the psa•e of as instant,
('avaigsac rr.pnnded, and .ho'.k hands ror•
dislty with, ll.eePtesident, an lot mike of
the Meet eneglnsv,cal rats-f.ctton from all
M. OJ'Ilun Birrot wan empowered to
term the 'ewe emceery Amulet these
,•hangs., a marled impr.,vnsent It. taken
place in the value of s11 pews are.nties.-
The 6's please's have been as high as 77.
23, wI 5. three per cents 1.ave reach.d 47.01.
Last closing price. in Paris sere, (•1 the
y per test,, 46.410, the 5 per cent., 76 10 i
anti the price of railer.y shares ere parts-
ling of the gesere unproveR.est.'o
11'c regret to stale t►at the cholera .till
horno over the tnetroruln. In the provin-
ces lei's' not made. any tory con.eersble
progre.. ; but in Scotland it sceus to rage
with very al:,rming rese'l..
The Cumbria from New Yeeb, arrived at
I.n4}psd teethe Seth ; the Brtihs•is free,'
from Boston, on the ssih. The Pres! lent'•
fosteage wee read with rest lettere'', per-
ucrdarly that re'ly'ing to the gold in Cab -
R )3IE.
The interest ler the Pope eonunue• per-
meate -at. He ate I remains at Gaeta.
Is. Auetrfa (hepatic otic muse imealy direc-
t.•d to the war ageism tf Honganau.-
1 (lens and all the Pr.vi.sw an .rs.q.11l •
The Qttees of Spats epesed the Cense
thelllth ualtises.-TonwM Qb4i.
ABOUT the tett et
Mott, trom the
peesisisee el JOSH Home ef AY Ne. >,e
.tart Mows iI A RE, three Begg, lrflh s
white star on the forehead ye
4 •tre
hnd loot lied • heavy new nil tats. The
proprietor parebaoed her below Lends* aad
supposes ahem', Ewe strayed is thethaa..
(toe: whoever will restore her to lbs eureer
Of glee 'web isforesattw veli bad to bre
r )• writ a KSreward. -
1AM1 ,is. the Iseleesu el she ttibmslMg
ahem tieImpiamm d Naurmses
len+. s
Sem Oar ..n tete helifeerddi .leu wises.
The .,wen is rgeMed ss ones enpm►,, rap
charters seal .1. is awe
L.OYiTA DU gl.fir
Ceder, -h. y.. Ital. lett ,tis -4.r
(Reese. Catania• Perter6e1J, James
L oki. Jews Powell, Jame.
asileiese, Selena Pile, /elm
Lesser, W,Miam goi,I. Thim.l.y
CampbellMame Rrcberalesai, Javpb
Cry. Moan Scaly, Cape. Ales.
Dew, Jab Hievtasw, Art
Desna mess. Jame' lithe'', Daniel
Uoegliger, Peter Sibbw, Julio
Dopers, t.'berka Sus Ades,. John
Ursnpster, James Tracy, James
De .misses, J. 11 Taylor, 11.
Gras., Jeba Thamp.ta, George
Watt, Jobo
Willes, John
W simmer', Junes
Wrnall, Airiness
Woods, Patrick
Winter, !trench
Wam.My, John
Healer, Jobe
K elly, Hoch
Lw Roamed. Rtard
Modem. Jerasiab
M.Ilew. Juba
Mean, Thomas
Melenacbaa, Jame•
1 O O BUSHELS good clean Ti-
" esolby Beed, for which the
Sub/iceberg will pay a higher price in Cash,
'l.aa any other buyers in the market.
Commission Merchants,
Victoria 'Bleck, Meg St.
Hemline 29th Dec. 1'388. # 48tf
TILE next sitting* cf the DIVISION
Cf 'CRT vete be held at the gaol, God -
'rich, en Saturday lbs 3rd of February
seat, A. F. MORGAN,
Clerk la Dfni4on Vuert.
l.odcnch, Jan . end 1849. 48
• Gatemen, 90th December, 1348.
rHr eadenigeed having been appointed by
11 , Eaceete.c the G.treruir Geaersl, as
mierurs pen.Vnheutof Common School' i•
the if District, will he r,ady to attend to
all cenespoodence cotoected with the duties
d his office, at has i,ouse in East Street,
aide, ich
,%1'1'Ll'S ! I PPLES ! !
• Graft.) APPLES. for pale by the sub-
scribers. THOMAS GILMOUR tit CO.
Gederieb, Ihee. 8, 1b4'i. 45ar3
▪ 11E 8abxribers in returning ahanla to tate
public kr the liberal war, of patronage
they have enjoyed since commencing busiu••e,
Beg to intimate taut they have now on band ad
are slaking to order • large as.atlment At' Cook'
ii arloar end box stores plough castings,
c v h g.
Ore grates, tanning mill caatings,emut machines,
land every other article usually convected n ith
she trade, which they will be happy to sell o:t the
must reasonable terms tor cash.
li. Is1 h Go , basing made extensive dtrra-
teaaid improvements to the finishing depart-
ment of their eatxb:ishenent, by the ictrodnctioo
of 'elf -acting machinery, are now enabled 'o
remote ,01 order. with whicb thellItm.v be
entrained for the supply of thrashing machines,
grist -and saw mills gesfleg and ,every other din-,
cription of 'machinery, on the most stienti6c and
ecoaooucal principlca,and with the greatest feel-
ay and dispatch.
The sebecrtbero would also inform the public
that as theeowest cash price will in future be
charged for all goods manutactpred at their estab-
li.hment, their credit business must necessarily
become extremely limited. They would also
request, that all those indepted to them either by
' Me Si serovar, will come forward immediately
sat rattle their respective debts, or they will be
planed i' roe heads of as at ternsy for collecuan
without feeler M1ite.
- • G. MILLER Jr. Co.,
Gederiel, Dee. 15.1, :1848. ,
OY the Beath of Late Iluro••, righters
Mlles north of Gederich, a case of Look -
glasses sed Frames. Tbe owoer is re-
quested t' pruve'property pay charges and
remove teem from the po..eoatem of the
Aslilield, Dccenber 5711, 1848. 4611
AN extra stock of Clothe, Caaimeres,
Pilot Cloths, Sheep's Grays, Beaver
Cloths, Kentucky Jean., Tweeds, and a
large variety of English sed heavy Blaoket
Curley. Also, en extco:ire variety of
Vwtiasgs el the most fashionable style. -
Fur Cape at all prices and of all gaalitiw;
Hats of the latest and most approved
shapes; Wester Gloves and Mitten's; India -
Rubber Shoes, and in short every thing
seeees sy to predate comfort, neatness and
rs.pec1btIity, so far as dress is concerned,
will be sold cheap fur cash or produce at
the Wore of
Goderleb, Ns, . 36, 1146..5 49
THE Subscriber in returning his sincere
thanks to his customers fur the liberal
apetrocage itesst►twd on him since iris
vied In velem" to inform them
diet d8epse,d of the bootee's to
tette big Note of Book aceennl,
will ,tune call eel settle the seine before
the IwwtiMb da; of Febreery, es all Net..
o rad Renk tweeted,. fe6 edifeg..settled• 61
Mr that dote will be eve* to a 1.etryer
for H151)00.
Uedenck Jan. 19, 1811. 4A
Jane, 1848 •
` fIObFJt1 . I
4 DDmN$Y AND $11iilli'1'h* et
Lew, 86 icitep• 111 Ch.cory, Convey-
er/SW s, lite.. (Mice West Street.
t7edeescb, March 1st, 18tH. 37
AC MAY, Informs hu recedecede $..l t1 e
,mete, that* hoe takes the BRiCK
TAVERN, e.tet1 Is tbo occupation tit Mi.Prune, at the 1. wheelWrend of Stratford, wheel
nothing shall be ..itag N tits pert W t pro•
mote the comfort and•esereetescty of hie
guests -
I. Al. *hibieeself thee hie eeMetlir• N
W tae and L4quees is equal to any In tie
country, and kW St.Wiog departs:self te sf
the meet complete description.
Stratford, 98th April, 1848. •111f
I .alit (`ell ! i.ast Cal l ! Last CRIT !
Co.,persons Indebted to D. MANLEY &
or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ, will have
as epee/latelyd patio' the respective arsenate
to Witaa.aa Comer, an the 4th and 5th of Oc-
tober next. at the HURON MOTEL.. Gederich,
sitar which tines e B14.f.riU call upon all de-
faulter., as turtle' nose cannot be giver).
Timothy Seed, taken in payment at the high-
est Market Price.
let September, 1648. 34-.y
STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No.
16, 3rd Concessioe of 1Va*an•.sh, a
Black OX nine years old, blued of the off
eye with a ganbfet bolo to each' Lore. -
Strayed from the cwncr about the first of
April kat. A Liberal reward will be gime
to any person giving information of said Or
where he can be fuen.l.
1Vawanaeh, Nue. 15151818. 411f
ALL pccsons indebted to BRK
h: t M,1RT, thruu,b the ageSey et
the Su1.criber,. erre requested its settle theft
accounts unmediatfy either elle 1 un or
with Mr. George Frazer, Goderfch, and
sate coots. .
Goderich, Sib Sept_, 1848. 1211
t _
AND\D pay your debit, as the subscriber has
that all Wire. and Book accounts
due so inn aad remaining unsettled, will, posi-
tively, on the 15th at July seer, be handed over
to an Attorney for eollection. It is certainly
w'ith some reluctance that he has adopted this
resolution, as be has no desire to incur additional
expense to those who're vat owinr him -but it
is a saying, that necessity s • merciless muster,.
and its the preeent iostaoce, his reluctance must
yield to necessity.
Goderich, -15th June, 1848. 20-t
A •PARTnrportion of BLOM G. in the
township of Colborne, Western Divi-
sion, Huron District, containing TWO
25 acre. cleared and in good order; fences
in•repair. There is a good Frame House
[Cottage style], upon the premises, 33 by
32 feet als.0, aFranc Barn 50
by 35,
Two Femme Sheds, each so feet tong, with
a Log Farm Iluuse in tolerable repair.-
There are three running streams of water
through the 1.ot; two of which are in the
clearing ; a small orcharrppabout the Frame
)louse, and a first rate N1 -ell intim cellar.
The price of this deeirabie property is
L650 currcocy. Far particulars apply to
Meters. STRACHAN tl. Li'LARS;
Solicitor., %Vicet1atrcet.
Goderich, March 92, 1848. 711
r`x11E above Periodicals are reprinted in
11 New York, immediately on their ar-
rival by the British Steamer', in a beauti-
ful clear.typc, on fine white laver, and are
faithfwl dopes of theorigtoale--lifeekswafa
.Vagatinr ;.erng an exact fac-simtleof the
Edinburgh edition.
Tbo wide -spread fame • f these splendid
Periodicals renders at needless to say mach
in their prattle. As literary organ., they
stand fat in advance of any works of a si-
milar stamp now published, while the poli-
tical eotnplexwe of e.eh is marked by a
dignity, cando.ri, and forbar.oec not often
found in works ofa party character. .
They embrace the vows of the three
great parties ser Begland,-Whig, Tore,
and Radleal..,Bt.nkweod and the I-oado,a
Quarterly ate Tory : the f diseiasgI Re-
view, Whig ; and the Westminster; Radical.
The Foretgn Quarterly is purely literary,
being *voted priecapally to criticisms Oe
foreign Continental Werke.
The prices of the Rs-prtu(s are lees than
one-third of those of the foreign copies, aad
_while they are equally troll got op, they
afford all that advsata(e to the American
Over the Raglteb reader.
• 'PERMS--
F ATyt,T TO ■R NAPE 1' an VAllCR.
For any tae et the four Reviews, per an.
For ay two do do ,00
For any three do do 7,00 "
Yak ell foot of aha Review,.. 8,00
F6 Blarkwood's Magaxuse.... 3,00 •,
For Blackwood .ad tete 4Reviewa,10,00
Four copies of any or all of the above'
works will be sent to one address on pay-
ment of the regular subscription for three -
the keerth copy beteg grate,.
(I ` Reigtttesees end comeinnicatione
must be mien in all cases without expense
to the publisher.. The former may alway•
be done through a Postmaster, Isy handing
Mee the amount to be remitted taking hie
vecetpt, and forwarding ft by mail, post-
paid ; or the mosey rimy be eaelosed in al
letter, poet -paid, directed to the pnbli.hersl
N. 4. The postage on these Penodtcald
M r spd hythe late Post Office Law to
tldrd the former rates, realtmg a
t .•rug is the expense to
mats re.
Orrtill rte principal dsties and towna
Hire obit 10e United FFFJJJbates to which
there u t direst Railroad or Water onm-
muticad. the Coq et New York,
these penodteals will be Jelurered free el
LEONARD ,ttC(lTT Et Co.,
pollibers, 119, i'4JM•ss., V.
7 Suborritegn is Os..ds softy reeeire
their numbers at the nearest Americas Post
Godcrish, Jan. 3•+, 1618.
NVAGGUAS A.Nj11Ll:7(il1$.
104&LY OPOOIITR Inn rafp$VTlrtIAO
THE Bub.crsbe» begs leave to intern+
his Incnda and the oubl+e at larg(ee, that
be Is wow prepared to :c ..'sec er4see er
*bleb obeli be maaofaetered of the hest
materials, acid by experienced workle**.
(IT- Harrows and ()rags made to order ;
Plough Castings Wooded.
G..Jeric h, Feb. 9, l e•l8. 211
THF. Subscribers is sekaowleilgiog the
1 hot nl patrouage which they hare re-
ceived during their residence in Godcrlch,
would respectfully request the immediate
settlement of all accounts due to the few,
as they demi/wit. books from this dale. -
Attention to ittis notice will rave costs.
(leder ich, SRI Sept., 1848. 3211
intendent of Colemop Schools of the
liisron District, btu absconded with a large
num of Public Money, the above Reward
wet be paid to any one apprehending the
said JOHN BIGNALI. and recovering the
amo•.nt stolen ; or the reward wi:I lee in
proportion to the amount recovered. The
money, 79eree hundred and forty eight
prr,uds, wen in $10 notes cf the Bank of
The. abate John Dignell is a remarkably
Large urian, wstb coarse features, about 6 feet
3 niches -ie hetgtb ; vert tumid in I:ta
shoulder", haughty in his address, and about
30 }airs of age; bait straight and inclined
to grey, whiskers white. •
Any laureation fespceting the above, to
be furw•arded to
Treasurer Huron District.
Coderiek, C. W.
Gudeticb, Oct. 17, 11148. 9811
Leffler sereaur1a,1411r'T' or SCHOOL-',;
tTHE Conduction of the Journal of Education
11 purpose to continue its publication for the
feat 1849. iia form will be quarto trusteed 01
octavo, in order to secure to the subscribers :o
It the advantage of newspeyrr in the place nI
pamphlet postage.
in the First Volume the Conductors hm had
ebtedy a fuurtolJ object in view. 1. An exposi-
tion of the principles, and provisions and objects
of the System ut Common Schools in Upper Can-
ada. 2. The qualifications, obligations and
mateal relations and duties tit Trustee., Poems
and School 'liar:err. J. "Per. unportarcc tit
Normal Scowl lunuuciion for the elevation w
Common Schools of the country. 4. The im-
portance and great advjlnuges of a thorough,
Chnsuao, ommoa -Scbool education to the
several chilies of our industrious population.-
K'btle the subjects which have gives diameter
to the Finn Vol .e of this Journal trill not be
Not sight of, mo er lead)ag object et. the Se-
emed Volatile will be SCHOOL ARCHITEC-
TURE ; for the elucdmtiou. of sad imprormeot
of which the Cooduetors have already procared
several Engravings, and have taken steps to pro-
em» others; and in the coarse of the year, they
purpose to give engravings of all the beat and
most aur table PLANS OF SC HOOL-HOUSES,
(with accompanying explanations,) which have
Men recommended by school authorities to the
aeighboenag States: sad also, If possible, En-
graving f of the series of plans uf Common School -
bosses witch have beeo adopted aad recom-
mended by rho Edaeataoaal Committee of iter
Majesty's Privy Connell io Eogland. The En -
gravities will exceed is number the mooths of
the ye.rs, and wilt themselves be worth the rub -
empties 'nee of the volume.
Anotberobjeet of the Secoati Volume will be,
esplei• • 7 mo4ieaioa• which may be mode
m the Mme kw a eoeaeaiom web is present
A third ~
' r
d sad promtoeat *beret of the Second
Volume tie be, the eapoeittou of the mesas
secosmry for tarrying lets effect provisions
which will do.btleas shortly be made by the
Legislature fee the establishment of COMMON
SCHOOL LIBRARIES; and cm the section of
boob for that p.rpsas by the Board of .Educa-
tes, Mort teerawe and ehareeteristic notices of.
Mete wall be gives is the learne, together with
the best aad cheapest modes of procuring them
We hope ales to field room in the Second
I' Itosi'I:( TUS-
MR. AND MRS. M(]UD11!, F.nstwsRi
THE Editors of she VicToria Magazine will
devote all Metz taleute to produce a useful
sed cheep Peraedacal, t toe Cow
r eepp r *ebb may afford amass is
1.,e eke aid ,sang. Sketches and Pules,
is eerie mad prow, Mord Essay. atstiaies ed tike
Cutesy, 84-npe of Uwful lafwmsnoO, Review•
el sew Weeks, and well whined articles (row
the smut yeeslat.MlMs of tee dsy. will fon., the
pages d she Melrose.
TheEdoweef'.iaee6,km1 that ds. iedepwede•t
said skies embassy ta whose service they are
=dreseed to dsdiesti their laicals, will che.dslly
oe seppurl to racoaage their ■rduuws and
hooa•nble eadertaki•g. The low ,ice at
which the Perisdieal is place,'. is i• order that
every perces within the Colony who sear) read,
and daoaises for moral and r,rutel improrriaest
may become a.sbr•riber and pierce of ate work.
The VsCToaIA MA.saras will eomteia eweety.
lour pages is each number printed ea new tyle,
ad epee goad paper ; and will form at she end
et the year a meat Vulumue, til 28r4 page., te.
gather with Title Page and hides.
L will be issued \lonthie, commencing OR she
First of September, limn the office of JOSEPH
WILSON, Front-st•eei. Itellev.11e-tba Pub-
lisher and sole Preptirtu:, to whom all ofJers(sr
the Magazine, sod lessen to the }.hero, const.
be addressed. (pest -peel.) The seven of seb-
iaraneeiv to 8. paid re odronec.
tiodench,:Marsh 3, teed.• ' _
rr IlE8E Towasbipa ere at present i■eleded eu
1 the Wellington Monet, sad held by a very
' doebafd claim. By •cgleet or oversight, the
mistake -os it evidently is one -hg occurred.
Nor has libelee triad to be remedied aioee, rho'
the event of the Herrin territory was brought
before Pul guest is 18411- Nor lure the Mag-
istrates in Qartrr Sepiun,.t Goderich, in their
' application to the Assembly, claimed the jolt
eatear of diet right. Tbe following Monorail -
1 dem baviag • reference to the subject, was draw■
ep io July, 1847, to revi.e the claim, and is now
subnaned to the public :
JUL, 13, 1841.
3lEmoKA.ot:s to sherd that the 'rowe-
.bupa of Morosogtuo and Wellesley were
1reserved lu foray part of the Huron t)tstrict.
On the ctb of March, 1838, the Act was
passed, erecting the Huron District, (1st
VIe. chap. 8d1. By the 23rd clause, lees
!right,' were estah:ished, as reserved for
1 toes I rbtrtct, via : • range of townships to
the north of the Huron Dtatrtcl, and the
] division of the Detect of Huron (at ala-
tyre tete) into two counties. That clause
' ia:aa follows :-"And be it enacted, Etc.,
That on any Tuture survey of the territory
lying to the northward of the said County
i of 11.roa, oat range of townships lying
imm,dialely contiguous to tie northerly
boundary of Ike said County, shall be at-
tached to bud become part t.i .the: said to
tended new District ; ..nd that at any cos-
! venient time uubeequent to the survey of
the said range of tonn.hips, as aforesaid, it
shall and may be lswlul to and for the
Governer, Leuteoaat Governor, or person
administering the government of this Pro-
vince, by and web the advice and consent
to( Of )ler Majesty'. Executive Council for the
ay ;r.1 thereof, to divide the said new Dia -
1 trict into two :tees, un.:er, such names
I nalw.t h limits t' >• maybe e
xrted1onl n
By the above clause, the anticipated diei-
' lien of the Huron D,i,tiict w -as contempla-
ted ; and as the townships of Morologten
and Wellesley are in the range reserved -
' and though inclutlod in the Welhng1n
Du',Nict by the Act 8; Vic. chap. 7, (which
act describe the limits of all counties and
1 distr.cts), it was dune by a mistake, or
through the inadvertence or neglect ofjjtsc
then member for the County of Hron, Dr.
Dunlop, and beside', is only in the suhedule
to that act, no enactment being mad, to
' repeal the n ht.
1 The 7 Well, 4. chap. 116, (assented to
in 183£), established the Wellington Dia-
trIct-acd In the preamble a triangular
. piece of land is referred to, to the north of
! like Heron Distract, which a casual reader
of the act might think referred to the laud
la the Borth range behind North Eastbope,
(Huron District) but it does oot,-for what
%bet triangular piece of land is, is Beed by
the S. Viet : chap. 22. sec : 3. [ 1843] and is
• referable solely to the Township of Arthur,
-which the Bill for the Dialect of Peel,
1 does oat affect or touch. To per vent fut-
tier encroachments on Ole north, Act 9.
Vtct : chap. 47. (1846] wa• passed, which
declare. that the territory to the north,
toot then heretofore included in the Wel-
1 Iiogton or Stmcoe District,) s'tould belong
to the Huron District. Of this territory,
Block of Land to the north 01 i5s Logan
(to the Bill for the District of Peel) forms
part,-aad this Block to the extent of two
Townships is asked, and it is plisse to the
went of Mor.wgton d Mboroub, nal
to the south of Moto-(Tsohrsyis Iasi toweshtpg,
ie in the Wellington District, as well fur
the present, as Moreingtoo and Marybo-
ree b, as 1V.Ilesley. )
[Signed] JOHN J. E. LINTON...
Novewnaa 271h, 1848•
rrva Matt.... ; or TEN (Y)PI
portliest. advance, an postage e. paid.
Te i1Vym.•,.
rtr Te,.riser cusialie• the
whale of lbw readseg matter of toe FRS -
'WILT TaA?taco'rr.
Tirme istr nJ.,,K to ..,barn►+ hoeing the
session. will be phrase lOyli to Up 'i• as Aeon
las pusribte. .111 even ri lu 15w.i i.. pro
M O'.TaRAL Ta•'aac•1A Orrice,
December 14th, 1646. C)
tie TIM
Cheapest New paper is British &amiss.
e: a?rLLL I.U1
.%r ONE 5)4)1.1..114 rho •RXUM-111 uu
OLT i] AD% A]C•.
Is non publsahed in the City of Toronto,
a %cell, quarto News' •.i•v. of eight pagee,
devoted to 5l'.cclaneou. I.,L•rature,
1 I'itIlu.opby, Ibh!Ical Ecuwmr, and Gener-
el Scieol;e, c primmer such subjects a.
will contribute t. the lneiructlo0, improve-
ment and ■noises, 1.1 .el all classes Ot Buc:
sly , Hut I be in dh sign of it is, to i0Jtiee
' the rlevatsoo of the Michac:cal and orbs r
weikiug classes to the) moral standard Its
the belle til being w luck it to the privilege,
Iand sheuId beanie aa+bntun, ofaft tu atiau..
Among the numerous period:cal" ce the
day, these Is nut one devoted to the moray
• improvement u( the people, but to eb e8y
Jf.tioguubed fur tits partizan zeal of religi-
t out pecuharetes. It will be the province
of the proposed publication to 611 up rho
vacuuw betweee -these two unavoidable
'extremes b; presenting, every week, to the
reader's coesaderattos, such topic• a will
strengthen the intellect, refine the mint,
and emirs all, mend the heart.
Tuff lamentable prevalence of d►.bone,: y
and falsehood, discoverable m lbs bueioe.s
tramact:uns of every day life, among sere-
! seal erasof the c."mmunuy-woo, from
custom,es regard tbom a oseapttasl loasceese
so their various eoterpnxs- dere■ads that
`something be Jobe to arrest the progres.
!of thew ignoble was, and there by avert,
1 from the next gwienuon at least, the r
' lettere! concomitants and consequeneee.-
The effort is now about to be made ; sad
lit behoves all who feel an interest in the
I edvanceruent of their fellow-countryuman in
' virtue and social happiness, to c..untenance
' and encourage this bumble snterpnsc.
Other subjects of vital importance to the
working and trading portions of the com-
mutety, shall, from tune to time, engage
1 the Editodeolltentioe.
The " truck" system, or, "Store pay,' en
genteelly in vogue in this country, and
which is the source oleo much fraud, detail,
and discontent, It will be the effort of the
1 forthcoming Jouroal to induce Society to
The current news of 'tbe day, condensed
into as brief a .pace a practicable, shall
'too recdlve doe attention.
Party politics and sectarian religion writ
be totally inaduuasabte to the pages of the
Arluan ; but the iundamental principles of
duty to God, to our Country and tellow-
'nten, shall be duly ioclulcated and enjoined,'
1 As the usual amount (dreading' metier it
:captains, must involve a very large tis.
bureemeot, it will be indispensable that a
proportionably large subscriptauo list be
obtained. The projector would, therefore,
urge upon all friendly to his uodertakiiig to
assist to promoting the rirculatlon of The
.frlisaa among their friends and neigh
Tu the youth of both vexes. i'ke Artisanwill prove a valuable and edic.ent adjunct
in the work of •-home educatton.►0 Particu-
lar attention will be paid to render it art
agreeable and useful companion to mochao-
ICs in ge ,era), domestic servant, sad such
other persons whose circumstances debar
them from access to the more expensive,
I seful aad, o(tes, lea. uperiodicals of the
) day.
From the quantity and quality of the
' material the projector has •t his dispersal
independent ofany extraneous aid, he feel',
confident to being able to present to the
public such an attractive aad valuable un_
Filiation as cannot fad to meet with general
Th. publisher being a practical priat.r,
and for several years paring been connect
ed with the Newspaper Press of Canada,
has some coutdeace, by his experience, in
bio ability to accomplish thus desirable en-
Volume for some account• and notices of the
systems of peble@ .estruetios and educauosal
more.eala of other countries, both European
and American, as well as for some artistes of
miscellaseoas literature, each as will be specially
entertaioug and instr.ctiee to yosr)gpersele.-
Bet the edee'doeal waste of Upper Cased. will
first- emerald attention, lied determine the
character alba Journal el i deeatiee.
Tbe Co.daetan respectfully sad saraestly
pollee the continued aad active co-operates* et
District Bsperistendest., Clergymen.' ad other
School officers and friends of F.ducatioe in pro -
cerise and forwaed'ng sebscriptieno. Se part
of the sebeeripueea will be tippled to remaee-
rae the labour of editing the Jeerssi ; bat the
whole will be 'episodes in defsyiag osmoses
incurred to eoaaez.on with its publication
Tares: -Fire thtltiags per nam, in ad -
'lace ; ad so subecripuoa will be take. foe
less tbs. ooa year. Walnut Councils oedemas
one copy for the Threes of torah School 8ee-
tion in their Monet, 0e say sawber, nal leer
than fifty, will be supplied at three sb1Bs•gw aad
m'c p1•sa per espy lee die year.
ICT All aosumaucaloes to be addressed to
Mr. Ilodginq 1G.etu.s Office, Ter.sto; tad
all lei re set eeetaiareg remits ., u
caMull be
po.s -
• esaplste ate of As ?id Velem. well be.
feesiseed M psnies wi.►hg to .amts it, et Five
1 Shillings per
Eusoaesa. Germ.
Toroat., December, 1848.
J. K. (.ObDING,
WILL attend SALF•S is any part of the
District, us twaouable Perms. .1p -
ply at the British Hotel.
I;oderich, 14th Sept 1848. 13 -
PARLIAMENT tweets for the DIS-
DAY, the 18th days of JANUARY next. -1
We have made ample srrangemeets by
which we shag be enabled to give ABRIDG-
REPORTS of all the Proceodiogs of the
House on the evenings of Monday, Wednes-
day, rod Friday, will be inserted in the
.ext moring's Tao.ecairT. Those there-
fore, who desire to watch the prueeediogs
of their Representatives, will be enablod to
do ere (as we stall only report the speecbM
of those wbo confine themselves to the
questions before the House ) by becoming
As the sitting of the Legislature will be rel
considerate!. durattos ; and as our p,•pula-
tlun will be tired, during that time, of read -
ng loegm'nded speeches, we have come s0
the eunolaro• to report the Proceedings of
the S.eatos ser ao abridged form ; and We
pees* that we will du our beat to make
theTa•rscnrr • faithful record of the
SAYINGS and DOINGS of our Reynosa -
(a uldstion to the Pr„ceedisgs of Perlis -
meet we shall, as eenal, lay before our ren
dere the latest European lied Maerteao
News ; as well as m41 • variety of LiTER
ARY macer, as Will aloes cleat in vises*
the irate* of wbscnptionr.
Iateediag Sub.crsbere will be furnished
with the
Tao -Wenner Taa.a.cwier for . mamba,
at Five SUILuIee.
Batts-WsasLv Tss.scsiri for 6 months,
at Fur• SaLuest►
WR••LL Tsiine .ire, for $ months, at
IL C. GRANT, P.11isher.
THE Undersigned 'beteg about to einem
Mo present business, x11 these IN-
DEBTED TO HIM, are regeeeted to cell
and mile their Aese.ete off or behove the
30th Docetncer, inst., otherwise they will
he put tenet (or eollseaies, without fail,
Hay, Deem, 184:. 45
30th 1 oeemir, , 1848.
RECEIVED per ships Belles. sod Bowie,
Johnny, from Idverp000l, vu. Mw
treat, and for ale by the tiwbeerrbern at tow
rates, in gnantltlee, or otherwise,
- Bales I Fancy Priem,
Do. bleached and unbleached Calicos,
Do. Cotters Yarn, Prete. Corderny : sad
Tuns Bar Iron, asserted
er roe &read" • ' .wa
(';_7They also other foe tale, of recent
emp'.rtatien from the United `.hate.,
(hest. TBA, of var,,w,s tpehuse.
4w4 M. A. bEYJTrJ UR is CO.
Uwe Mammon, 1644.
1POR SALK by the 8ubrenbe s,
For which Produes will be tales IR
payment. M. B. SEYMOUR Ig CO.
ane•■I PVettt.,
)ry1171JJt inner gleuten'a hs'ytflt,
- - ,WTR*
AT? I,
Provincial Land Suroart.
II1 It N DI .• 1'5( I
\ov 74 I4I1 1,