HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-19, Page 2agaise, ase; wbeseesr they oma moat. a weaponry remand, &reek fou et Ivo iia. *eery week la
vdvestage —and as we *stead to speed the re- the yew, twee pts " bottled asp," het le poat-
mainder of our days u Gderieb, we have lean- ed fort► daily; ear, therefore. ja dreakeaaest is
ed • lesson wbish may perhaps be et more vale. marked by bite *vise oe easltssse.t
to as 14 luta* thea will carer-balauee We reseal sloes is • still, small stream of
eon. new Oe this view
Oer hirer who hove knows se longest ell d 1
beet, are swan rat we are ya(onusutely posH a'l5
seised ef as eldest tamper, ad which uuder
tun elreaoutaae.. hematite high'
eves a•goveroable. Ad
or apology we at
New -y
timsig .aelpie ul geed which ants the
Wean sail i.4ue.aas the combat. Thee
guided and unneeded. he mode • noble wee
e( test mend legumes which reheat power,
c .j..*osd with eialtd views atnd large
poasaru.., best'..• oa the poseeewor; sad
. ,. , reg fouwJ peace of teed to the reward -
tog were*.* wuwse. of Irnsg '• us.fv M
4a geedrUw e
rja ohne" w„'••••
EOOC•TIOrr los le•It 'Ras,
to the first place there must be more
general excitement is the public mind on
t►I. wbjeet • end to effect this, we know
of s0 a.ibod mere *Wmtual to adopt us a
primary step them the establlebmeot of
•Muss club," or meetings *hereto each
m,as•ber i. $ .poker, and each a bearer,
where all may tell of thc,r ieuceedses or
their failures, with attending causer; where
womb bide free sed merest etc ted intercourse
with mend to its own advancement, while
good cheer mita the presiding grows of the
souse. Stich meetings should bo regularly
field in every town, and if til every school
distract' the better, especially to the mune
leisure seaw00 of fall, winter, and tier!
► ponos, arid 1f they aro well kept
season, there to no doubt b
called up the next by
. here. Tbe a
be eo
up one
t they wilt be
an aecee.tuo of men
oust of know/lodge that may
cqusrd in a tingle season we will
of attempt to compute. A club of this
kind was established at l.enoz, some three
years since, and to say notion: of know -
legs acquired by the totercbuge of practi-
cal experience, it has •Iredy pleated mote
ornamental trees, introduced ,..ore fine
fruit and vegetables than bad been planted
and Introduced is the fifteen years previ-
ous to Its comtweecemest ; beides origina-
ting • country horticultural society which
promises to rank honorably with similar
roulmttons In our cotetry. But It is not
1s raisasg trees sod fruit alone that they
promise to excel. Every bunch of hus-
enbandry ceases . Mite the scope of their dis-
cusatone; and is among, when the labors o( Goymme., far the appointment of u.. 1 or int.
the field and gsrden tall out their energetic proper unites as Testees of the Disarm (}nm -
services, varioeavubjects are given to dil-
(crent lodlvtdu.ls on which they are to mar Schools, for political purposes,>re mat so
report the coming autumn. E tr instance. many efforts a boa: a deceive the pub c, sad
A has the sabjset of corn culture assigned can only recoil with contempt upon the heads of
to him. Of course he takes notes of ell those who are so unfortunately foolish —1'o put
hoe operations, introduces experiments as them forth. We rated before, sad we stat
he tbnks proper, and in due tome brings in 545,o. challaagiog eoatredietio. tothe atatar.wnt. Merl learn wisdom gr.daaUy, ad wisdom o cause ser coos:dered him.estided to his due, or by 'Ir. W. Papst and another iudiridual, in the
the result. Now ens any one gunmen met the present Government is sot reposaible necessary to the complete eojoymeot of social rather more if possible. Among a multitude of hush near Mr. Papst 'Arbil, about lour mules
the benefits of such meetings, or doubt but the fits*.s w ufilner of ay 005 Trustee of happiness. The chief source of real wisdom n words spoil epithets which bad aro messing, we from town: The poor fellow war much eahau-
• dyhave thou et in the minds ofkall en horattttend the District Grammar Schools, except in so far ( education ; and the government which demi?, hit Mom mow that actually Jo'meao some thing. tot
owith f at order to fear,d rrande awe weared ied pow with
them i If they do, let them venture on the
experiment for a single venter, and they did d Ile was again ushered yso his o1.1 lodgings, and
will find their doubts removed, and them- t may be expected that his next estayu will he
solve retteubed in mend as well as body—
wiser d better farmers the coming Bring.
as ..titled to the reek of timmes. Umber theca
prspi.ess sire.ata0efa the present Comedies
Georre Beet came into power. The whole
msmhers of it were placed is office by the
.►waded ss.Mdeuce of Burly the whole
people. They psas00 /.ore *Meanie* knew.
(edge of the .east* Dad wishes of gm monk,
sad are seppwted by e emitter body of the
tJaeple'a Ra}neeelnikes time asp Mieia-
try which hes ,.....g J ahem. With these ad -
THE COMMON SCHOOL ?dt1l8?fE19. vestiges, sad seder sects circemsteacee, the
people bare a right to expect web from them.—
la 'he last number of the 11mroa fuze". asp- Ad though we cannot sapper that iu the pre-
set depressad state of the country, and iodud
.talmost every country, any Governme
possibly chug. that depreesioo i
by as imwediau fat.
ay legistative
either t
peered aotber til these upwardly sod bigbIy
reprehearble articles of • purely personal notate,
which we always maintain, should ecru appear
is print. The Gentlemen sttscted are Messes.
Galt •d Mderwell, and nosy asseruoa ad
threats are nide agatosI them, and eves appeals
to the Government on the uopopulanty of Me
Galt ; simply because he was sot elected b
rutting selected for the very parr
electing him' or what am
sale thug, • Inco
were bruu
y irritable and
without bother preface
Like acknowledge that at the
HoUidaya. Iii. Btos's Marls. we
thought the whole world was running at the
vests ring of pleasure, and we saw se reuses why we
010 proeperitY .bo.1J sot fa0 too, sad accordingly vee did run.
e cannot suppose that Aod u we do everything in e•mnt, seta our
esactesest age at Date increase euenies must admit that we hue in earnest —
e quantity or the price of our wheat or A lee of the beings who foolishly do uoi love
y ' .that prod... ; see nooses • (situs► idlest (.tate as, taking advantage of the excitement of the
crepe—sof (orae men to be more iada.trious and
pose of net *repo— times, chewed os the greatest attention ho visit-
eeonomieel. Yet we knew that most of the ins oar home, either for the purpose of tograuat-
oaou exactly to the
physical evils that afflict mankiad, in s national
tug the majority of which
PhY We themselves into our good graces, or foe the
together by special isviutwa, to ppseny, remelt from previous miscalculations purpose of paying us a New -year's comphmsnt
the election of say mea who *s liberal tad misgovernment. The present afferinga of is the shape of a few luso'.. And among other
is politics. We rester everything in the soap* the civilised world, t... fu u they result from eapiiues,. natural .0d aonatsral, which were
of disbosesty, ad Der regret is doubly increased
poverty sad *risme are directly or indirectly at- exhibited, was a visit from Mr. Thomas Kydd
tribstable to evil systems of civil misrd.. Ad the Postmaster. N'r, of a rte, had no right to
When the fraud is used a .n instrument of tojeri.g pow
the repo alioo of a fellow -being. This is a M ask what he, the leading Elder of a retpectable
species of dishone.iy which we can Dever 'Twee" Ioeg td tell and sad to thee, Prrebyteriam congregation, war duiug to a tavern
ly overlook ; sad though we regard it u dtaen• motet -
Each step from grandeur to disgrace, during this wawa of festivity—neither did we
iag the reprobation of all good men, yet we moat co it must be the work of geser,uone to ruse ask any such question—but we believe he ad -
ruefully admit that 11 has an almost universal mankind completely front the metal degrdatioc nutted, before leaving the house, that los Moines,'
persistence in society. Now, although we neither into which the by•gone ages of misgovernment was to sift and provoke us to say something about
intend . root* nor criticise ibis GouUe article have sunk them. A process of gradual smelter- the aothonh;p of the Letters of " A Layman,"
. which we have alluded, yet sem must ami— ration of the political condition of humanity is that would commit us on a charge of Libel.—
" What does the writer expect to sato by this all that can rasooably be expected from arty \Vint a buaiuc. for an Elder of a Chrietaao
system of murepresesiatlnn 1" The time has system of goveromeot, ad all that could be ChG4ch ! Ile war accompanied by our hannledt
decidedly passed away, whets eves nes of •bdity really beneficial to the people; becassa human friend, Mr. Giks, and a member of the legal
e..ldeuseeed in misleading ignorant men against I atine u not, and it may safely be asserted steer profes«on. We love Mr. Kydd exactly in the
the evidence of their own senses; facts me facts will be, prepared for more than • gradual pro- same measure that he loves us, and the affection
ad well not be upset by sophistry or stratagem.
gression. For example, the seuesavage inhab- that subsists between us, is of the same descrip-
Tbe attempts to blame, to stigmatise the present keels of the wilds of Russia, or any other peo- tion as that which the Llesil is vulgarly sold to
ple, igooraut of We real principles of liberty, entertain for Ho'y.Dater. But, to he beet, Mr.
uneducated in the duties and obhganess which Lydd commeaced in his owo smooth mannlr to
man owes to map.—could not possibly better tster:ogate ss oo same points which we con -
their condition by erecting themselves into ■' sidered ImpertiSent, and as we hereto igtretente
Republic. Their very .ignorance and selfish-; dislike to round -about roads, we, at once, got to
sees -y'ouldipreclde the advantages which may' loggerbestbe with him, and spoke, with our usual
be derived from such a form of government.— fluency, • tearful! amount of ugly things, just be -
; i1 gl.dsa
perpetual Soweto
e Magistrate sod we are
fll►itle do or apsatyiit► .
at sduste i.4 .foiviaf the de ttnneda' ibat
" wheats is risco be•s weber pies AS whirs
he'. himshw weeds, :
sad , et of a drakes ren seethe Snell. of
his ,ober intestioae w ibogbts 1 Bad u mature
i., this properties is smarty a libel a it : sad
we were sorry to beer Wm. B. Rich, EMI., who
has had w mesh preened upriser is the
chaegefel *tear of life, giving ceusteaasce to
Ibis or any other docirioe osculated to degrdr
oar already degraded humanity. We co.clude
by thanking Mr.- Rich for his valuable remark.
...rhe soils of d *comm s., sad a sieeeoo wish
that he may be better able to add example to
precept than ever we have been.
Norx.—We feel we would be guilty of injus-
tice dad we identify the Goderich Taries, as a
party, with this proceeding, and, therefore, we
slate our hooeat conviction that though the
the majority of the ,peerators belonged to that
party, there were not fear men mescal who did
not regard the whole affair with uogaalified con-
tempt. It was too palpable tut outrage oo the
common ,sages of society, to meet the *pptoha-
ton of try party.
IIJ'The man York, or Yourke, or Yourkght,
or some other kind of unutterable orthography.
who was tried and acquitted,—and who, on his
way home to Ellice, tried to make himself com-
fortable by appropriating a few great coats and
other useful articles from the hall or bar-room
of Mr. Rattenbury of the Clinton Arms Inn,—
was apprehended for the said appropriation and
again lodged securely in our county goal. Yes-
terday about midday he contrived to tear off
the skiffting from the walls of the jail passage,
and with its assistance succeeded in getting over
wall and made his escape to the bush. But
having been seen leap from the wall, the alarm
was immediately given, and through the active
vigilance and planning of the Chief Constable,
our worthy host, Robert Ellis, he was captued
Nor wait tbd'eptnt of investigation al owed
to real satisfied with the means of improve-
ment furnished by the foregoing cause.—
Conversation Id to thought, and sought dee chancier of these geotlernen will be fully ap-
reaourse in reading, and now every member
of that club takes at least one, many of
them three or four agricultural publications,
which are always fraught with instruction
suliisi*at to counterbalance more than tee
times the east of their procurement.'—
Amer. Jour. of Ag. end Science.
m the appointment of the Rev. Alexander
Melt id is concerned. Mr. Galt and Mr.
Moderwell were recomrsedd by the present
the eateal attention to the subject 'o( general And, as • master of course, we said much that
deseation ; which pate within the power of the we , not inteo to say.
whole people to become intelligent, is entitled
Member (or the comity of Duren, and appoioted to the bigheat respect. That government is to 10 the spot, as had been already provided for, ana
by the lam Admiourrstioa This fact we wish the path of progression. Mr. Kydd, io company with his friends departed
t be geserslly anderstood and remembered ; and Toryism, or the government of the pas:, has well -pleased, no doubt, with the ploceedinys.—
tben the value of these personal attacks upon left many ugly traces of its iniquity behind, but We are bound, in charity, tobelieve that Mr.
certainly none more dismal than its hostility to Kydd as a pits, man has • sincere 'regard for
the public morals to every relation of life, and
could not, conscientiously, allow this outrage to
pass unpunished ! therefore, the facts were im-
mediately laid before William Bennett :Wei,
Esq., .1. P., and sworn to. And a complaint
charging us with profo'..tmearing was drawn
ool, and a summons for our faithful appearance
WI/sill!! about to be issued, when someone who
Our language was taken do.vs}d.witnessed '
to the large house is Kingsto.i.
On Monday evening, the 30th October,
we visited the Hanover -square Concert
Room, to behold this sew light ; and ear.
Lately were pleasingly amazed at tbie addi-
preciated. it appears that Mr. Galt, without
say desire on hes pan, had been pat in nomina-
tion as a Trate. foe the Godtrich Common
101•1114101. is opposition to Mr. Kydd of the Post
Otis,. The meeting, as we before observed,
was selected for the purpose of preventing the
election of any liberal mac, and consequently
Mr. Galt was not elected. The writer in the
Gazette uses the 'used circumstance is a most Canadians of that period, hare grown up almost possesses more gumption than the whole party,
dastardly manner, as ah w
rgonst •po
lt the ds•tituts of both learning end religioo, except in suggested the fact that there was not one angle
popularity of Mr. Galt, and against the partizan- the pnneipal towns and a few of the more favored oath in the whole complaint. This was rather a
ship of the Gorerament for retaining 'him and loerltties. Now had the attention and labours i damper, and as the 1.0„,,,1 bad already got wing
popular instruction ; and in no country bare the
effects of that hostility been more seriously felt
than in Canada. For more an thirty years the
legislators and the people "of this country have
been wrangling about Clergy Reserves and the
supremacy of religious sectarianism, while the
great cause of popular education has been all but
neglected; and the'effect is, that the native
iFT Whiles!, are willing to gi.c due crcdir
for the honest intentioa of those gentlemen who
dispatched the Chief Constable to Buffalo; iu
search of the great John Bigsall, yet we cannot
heartily regret the failure of Mr. Ellis' mission.
It would eenaily be a serious tax spoil the Dis-
trict to keep Jobe Bissau as a Jail-lard—sod we
think he his already cost far more than lie is
worth. Had he been brought Lack we would
have moved, mod somebody would hav a seconded,
that the animal be chained near the village m
llarperhev, in the immediate vicinity ea his
fried the Warden. And we do think that eves
Dr. Chalk would rather feed Item a week than
a fortnight
Mr. Moderwell a Twitters of the Grammar of the legislature—the proceeds of the Clegg", that the Editor of the Signal was to be "hauled s -
taium h science. On *string the Schools; and uofortogately for the cause which Reserves •n•1 the revenues of bane's College, up," the men of jusi,ce felt crest -fallen. The dg.subscriptionslargge room, we found it illuminated by a the Gazette wishes to advocate, draws a puerile been as judiciously expended on the educai.on Magistrate, however, who is just as much bound Ratuve.for the first and seeoud year —We acknowledge lee the i.uroa Signal
diffusive white fight that stowed to per(ec- ;,04 an inviJuous comparison between, ,rot only and improvement of the people, certainly -the as the "ruliq 'FWer," to.edvoeata Ike: great
lion the pictures on the ceiling, and also
the respective jtbpolanty of Mr. Galt and Mr- couetn at this moment would have presentedon pnocipl'-e of morality both by'precept sod exam -
tome which had b*1 n placed in the room to
prove intecnty and power of the new light.
The test, a severe one, was perfectly satis-
factory, for the greys and the yellows
were plainly perceptible, as also the flesh
'lats. A company comprising scientific
MOO of eminence, the directors ofgses corn
.note*, the proprietor, of patents relating
o lights of every kind, and a multitude of
ighly intelligent and respectable persons
ad largely assembled. Mr. Stratte and
1r. Petrie, the discoverers and pateoters,
'ere on the platform answering the eager
outline 61 the ecientt6c men ; and after
when interval, Mr. Smite gave a brie(
atlie* of the most prominent characterin
ce of the sew discovery, which was sw-
eetly !tensed to and frequently elicited
irate of genuine admiration. He stated
rat the problem of rendering the eletric
Ott permanent, self regulatig, and ecos-
mieal had been ■ccomplt.b.d. its advaa-
iges were, that net being combustible,
t was perfectly harmless. That being
without heart, It was not injurious to the
yes or other senses. That it could be
oveyed by wires. It was economical, for Le
tett eta hadred was lights could be fur
Melted for a penny, an hour. The outer
+hde being removed, an elegant glass
vein, about two feet in height, and six inch -
115 diameter, ofan arched shape and oo a
metal plate, eo that en car was admitted,
was exposed to view. %Vire conveying the
AnN, was all that was to be seen, and the
light was turned of on by Mr. I'etrie, and
the tranmlton seemed from day to night,
alshougb there were several cbandeltere
alight is the room. The delicate human
head thee confrofieg the fere* ind most
appal/mg power which manifests itself In
the tropical storm struck all present, and
an inveluolary burst of admiration molten -
ted the alirtoet awful interest with which
this matchless triumph of human skill and
seises was *appreciated. Mr. Striate de -
clued bis Wootton of shortly giving a ,rt-
es of 'nines un the subject. After an-
e werieg numerate questions, the company
e eperated, certainly impressed with amaze -
meet et the di.covery tied admiration of
tgeetinseel sd modest bearing of the
uveoree, Desgl.,a Jerredd's roper.
T.e room. men will complete the first
volbw of 1M'iwvw Sige.f, .ad owing to the
gime neesvtwie.w s( pablfe►iag 4 sew.psxr
is Os.Jab►, ear ..heathen mut give mach
credit (sr bevies ger ea far *keg witless doe -
Maly desw And M we are miserable hands sit
enri*we tress that ell these wan reseiveJ the
bs..iber of the Stgusi sad wile ham sot yet
paid foe it. will have compares on oar feelings
end Mee es the •aenticatiO4 of agate bntisg so
thsddiau..►jeet,—by *.minis*, at their Orel
ce teethe.*. tis sem of twelve shillings ad sis
peemekr nab espy se 'seeing. To the whet
tither May le Wieser*, the prier for the ease-
, se veer will sill he sly tea elm"•ass
Kydd, but also between their respective merits,
the preference, of course, is given to Mr. Kydd ! 1
New we mast ask again, what does the writer
expect to gain' by thus wantook attempting to
convince men against the eriaeno$ of their owo
senses? Does he suppose that there is one tin-
gle soul, :Whig, Tory, Radical or Republica.,
who know John Galt and Thomas Kydd, who appropriation of the Clergy Reserves to useful
could refrain' from bluehisg at the idea of -such a purposes—the establishment of a cotbmon, un -
ridicules. comparison, or who would not regard secteranised Usiversity, and • broad aad om-
it as a species of profanity to name the two to- proved system of popular education that will pre-
gether, except as a happy contra st in manhood, elude the possibility of narrow-souled Toryism
ever ague, exerting ,ta withering, unhallowed
iefieroee over the progressive energies of Cana-
da, and will ultimately rush /n a prospernas
country, with • happy and so intellectual people.
If the Ministry will pursue each a policy, they
will be supported aod cheered on by the people.
And, by a ,trict sod fearless adherence to princi-
ple, will, in defiaace qF the ceviliags, sad c •rp-
logs, sod abase, and misrepresentation of ■
miserable and despicable nest of disappointed
very different aspect. The present Government 1; le, hr:; es'rcmly anxious that the ends of justice
*sant possibly enact, any law which .til imine• ' should be answered, and having some business at
diately redeem the country from these baneful our lodgings took the opportunity of expostolat-
tBeets of Toryism. But with its great power ing with us, in a friendly manner, oo the he-
ad populatiy it may, in the first instance, pass piousness of our transgression, and concluded by
a few laws, Pucka as ao increase of the respeota• assuring us, most solemnly, that should we or
tiO4-10 extension of the eleltrve franchise—the any other man use the same language towards
him, that we had used to Mr. Kydd, he would
at ones seem Hes now* ! This is hooeet—
and although not explicitly laid down in the
M.gietrate'e guide called the "Provincial
Jaatice," yet if is substantial justice, taken on
the !pot, and, therefore. we gave Mr. -Rich
credit for his sincerity, apologised for our mis-
conduct, and supposed the matter had ended.—
Bot we have been informed that the Magietrate
afterwards went to the Post Office, in order to
coodole with his friend, Mr. Kydd, on the morti-
fying fact that we could not be brought up on
a charge of •• profane swearing." But unfortu-
nately we had, in our toogue•battle with Mr.
Kydd, used oar common prac;ice of stretching
forth our feeble right arm in order fo give em•
phasic to our words, and this was m once pat
down as " shaking our fist in Mr. Kydd', face
in a menacing manner," and accordingly we
were brought before Mr. Rich on Tuesday last
upon • charge of assault and Coed taco pomade
and rears! Mr. Kydd declared the parity of
hirmotiees to bringing' as forward I protested
against any desire w injure ...either by fine or
oche+wise tand meld his conduct was merely in-
tended to protect himself from our (utare attacks
as he had been informed that we had threatened
to keep his name before the public till we should
secornplish hie rain ! Hu is(ornation is false,
we never said nor threatened any thing of the
kind Ile -brought his owo name before the
public, and that, in a dishonorable and eludes -
tine manner, and we think he has taken rather
a left -hailed method of gettise it removed. An
Irishman drinking raw eggs happened to .wallow
one which cautioned a live bird—tbe bird lin its
deaont.1 the threat gave • cheep, " Arndt, i•
troth, yea edacky cattier." said Paddy,
" you're entirely toe long is 'making 1" And
we sincerely thigh, that If Mr. Kydd *strums
my desire . keep his same from before the pd -
lie, he is now exactly in the prrsiieames* .(
Paddy's thickest. He is entirely ten long is
honor, truth, principle and talent. We will sot
vie` any bard epithets, but we must say that to
compare Mr. r(ydd to Mr. Gilt 1. any respect,
where honor or Intel lect is cemeesaed is, in oar
estimation just as aboard as to compare a kind of
mot listed shadow to a living, intellectual reali-
ty ! 1e short, we have ever regarded these at-
tempts to manufacture a character and stick it
oe a maa who has no right to wear it, by com-
paring him with a respectable person—such at•
temp., we my, are Jost egatealest to the MI, harpies, earn for themselves a honorable fame
of endeavoring to drive horse -shoe -nails into the which will only perish w,th the annals of their
surface of a blacksmith's anvil ; the fool loses his eoaotry•
nails and gee himself Issgha►at, but the anvil
remota ssaltered. Aod with these remarks we 'OURSELF AND TIIE OTHERS
congratulate Mr. Kydd oo the honor which hie —
fried of the Gdxstas Ms 000(erred oa hon. We have lived forty-five raw in the world,
and daring that period we have lived in • muw-
ber of places, and occupied • number of positions
PARLIAMENT AND OCR PROSPECTS. io society, xd as this article will be read by
mine, and by luny, who bare known us in all
The Parliatsest bas nett• and we .1peet to the dilereat place's ad positions which we ha..
hays the swami of bringing some parttealeirs of 1 oe*epied from oar bink op to the p11tw01 wo-
the meeting before our reders in ear nest. 1 meta, it woeld be vain to write anything of
Ws aro not wring (00 mach' "hen we assert ourself that was not tee, as it could only have
that eo Parliament has ever u.it,'m Canada, oa the etfeet of loweriag as ,n the estimation s(
which .. great a amount of public .merest woe bu.drcda, whose good opinion we value. We
eo.eenusd ; sree "I'm" rssyeeneau 01000 tai therefore state, fearlessly, that on Tuesday last,
elesrly wesehed ; and sem. (nin wbieb so mesh 1 roa ass riga rulils sea urs we were sum -
was expeered. And while we wonld ensues mooed before the "powers that be" to answer for
the pablie to be. at least, re'ssoable in their
expectations . remember the geed Guyed that
Rt me wee not built is core* day," 0d that as
" delays are Wags*...," se nosh precipitator
may oesesiss.Uy peeve Steil ; and a1 the mem
new we friar wet le assert 110.1 se Canedisa Par-
liaroret ever 10.14 weesmplettly, within its Mils -
rime, the prune pesaperity ad the future dee-
:lay of the country.
The pewest Consul Gin 'keenest ►oe eons
tele power at oa of the most reverie' p••lede
is the polite.' fakery sf ono. Tee old ..tab-
lisbed .cites* of tied gaetrswst ; the civil
seesti.tioes of the ..tins, sod the rsetrietisas
and ceceenlioal landmarks whreb prepare* aad sed ie p.mahy te which we have bet. rehjeeted.
ad sous-barberiss reared is the pathways or Thi. we do, for the &bele psrpnse of rzposisg
social inere..rse, are all being sennsraed and ser own errors, sod or giving soother boom
!epreeentatien of the hearties., unprincipled
'simony of Torino/lin God/nett Aud although
the emirs tramming' has Boat .s some mosey
and some sager/at, yea we feel (ally compressor!
rinses sad b.astay. The fist ear len by the add'...al •..dente whreb n
Wits, ed ether old ew0aar1a hes (.rsishede of the a.elegebely measures is
oar evil deeds! We, in feet, never had the
heser of appraise in a Coen e( Justice, either
M Manlier.? Defeodest, even in a common ease
.( debt. Our Meade moat therefore come 19
the eosof.mos that we tsar verdyisg mks e1i
Send saying, vis., " 3. n fake (1. Tad's wasp
graining a year solder sed smear inner 1" As
we owe sewer made any prated* a to mend
perfeeties, and so we sever eodeavnred res eon -
seal nor f.ilinge —te .bort they will not hide-
sad Men are aware that nor themes will cheer•
felly ked their assistance ,n helping w to pub-
lish them, we will stns a fas.M.I p.eturs of the
*rime, fir whine we were tried, the *nose of it,
toted ower.—•d either reemerged w east aside
lat. the /mat leather •sem of the put. The
.p of brilliant le paining sway, end the gov-
ern/rest sf .woad w swing plea* to the
geyu *Boat
We would nicer • few remarks oa the address
of the worthy Magt.traie, but his observations ee
the evils of ietemperesee, especially is roes ea -
ening •D in6 a the public, so filly a•
tenanted the bitter spirt of his miner, .sd his
*widest totennan to mortify oar feellegs is a
meelisg, that we to %ear our casette resolute,
clod mere]. po,ot cot one Observation of lIro
gruwlb of i' ret .bat .sight s4erwads e.4aa-
gsr their li►e,tiei—h 0455 Ptsn'.0 ly me1srsd
from the tagute. el Go.egr lll. .leswk the,,
ruler •levy Iuut yeti.. The Forsch tollen .1
the rasnpk 110.. lel thea h r10' A..r .,.,
ss Jetrrtward s ibalt sono be
es' isaw 1M ~ lin Ihrosr, t,t
haiye p. ll, by rhe
r their nae
u far hack as the shield -rabies node pun.e;
by sanitise; o:bers, like lbws .l Eaglend,
hprala and fess... is th, same seauq►eu.
of Polish, 111101190 fry cldliesd asarasateo.--
Sects Meng the cove, sail we th.11 ege cootie.
decries, the dive. rgbt of kings a • blwphe,
mous notion They stem roved ler .he good
of the people, and wbee the adn.tage of the
many shalt deemed their diatoms'', they ours
go. Rebellion i• such only when the few cos -
spire against the assay, set Shen the tr.oyriy
unite for the general welfare, it thee 6g.tes un.
der the title of reed.... ; ad those become
rebels rho opp^se the right 4dr change.
But to retort' to the subject. What effect is
the French reruletion hely to exert oo ober
cosines—out caw a mon eepecialiy 1 el.ou'd
the French Goveroutest carry oar, as sea aro
5410 mut be the desire of dl,troe phdaausgste,
0o matter to what party they may belong, in
the muse pier vaaner 0.. Americus hags
dune,—the result will modify ail the m.aarel, •
ie., as it present cocstituted, of enlightened
The United States were tee ducat irons the
grand Meatr, of the homes rice to earnise.en
inlueo, a affecting monarchy. Their eheap
1.erm or governme ,t nos ant noticed by ih_
mares, imperfectly understood, and war lute.*,
to as a fable. Besides, statesmen of all parties
agreed on this one po,ot,—t...t ahoagh ..ch •
system might armee is a Dew country, thinly
peopled. aol lar removed from 11w tadae.ee o t
other great sad powerful nations; yeti were a
similar or,e attempted to be applied to a densely
peopled country, nurounded by powerful and
hostile sovereign*, it would not carry on for aur
length (•time. Should, thcrtlore, the people
of Britain behold the Freucli native *stetted lir
their present e.deavor to entry out • cheap soil
eatirely elective government, they will, lire
doubt, contrast their nen with that In existence
xerr'ss the channel, and very naturally er.l.•e et
the couelwioo that rn51 the F,e'.eh are ibm t'
accompli.lt, io economy, they, coo try aim —
They rill question the nece.,i,y ✓f 9nyrog their
Sbvereige, however well belated she nay be,
the sum ot one million sterling, whes they find
the ruler of the French, the saserei,m of • en-
ti,.n second to none, dole; duty ae ruler, at Ira
than five per cent on the theorise received by t.e
Queen of England: Twenty-four thousand
pounds sterling is all thut is considered neees aty
to support the dignity of the French Soverei-
Surely less than a 1,Juou may do that of llutt-
aie. Already is • 0.14141151 reform leasee formed
—formed expressly 101 mad with the *eland
object of rc4.ciog the.asecessary esirsum oce
of the British court; sadwilh how much greater
force will its atg.aeyits apply whes it shall be
able• to point to -Pewee and say the Sovereign
of that country tectives but £24,000 for doing
precisely the wale that our Queen recline.
£1,000,000. Does any person believe that much
a contrast cos ealet 1t,il that Interest he
allowed to tenons intact when every other Ma
bees mcrileet to what was couuJerrd the pith -
lie dlantyge.? Retain 11..Parbsrwet ••w., n •
from Mr. C. W. %V. BOER, Guelph. Also, grid by die j.top!e; t:,•r overthrow of the ('Yen
through him, from Mr. JOHN Gose-, who if we .
mistake not, is nu °id acquaintance from the :.0ioly ads souther cheap royero ne01 .111
" Brig o' Johnston," in Scotland/ He wills be an0other,—mud it the Mows/cry weailers the
please accept of our warmest compliments for .storm, a well Inc so moth .koro of lb reveeur.
"Auld fang Syne." •
lit would be lolly, worse duce (illy, to disguise
We are grateful to Mr. Webster fur his kind- from ourselves the onward movement progres.nig
neo in emtingas our Agent in Guelph, and we
authorize him to tell his honest Townsfolk, that
if the Signal has given such satisfaction through-
out its first year. it will du much greater things
in the future. Parliament has assembled—the
sleep of the slumber"( is broke, and the the rpint
of the feeble has waxed strong.
1Ve have sees the French people advance
from the state of anarchy, that immediately
succeeded the overthrow of the Goveromeot of
Louis Philippe, to something like a emisti D-
tional Government, by the election of a Presi-
dent in the person of Louis Napoleon. Ad this
progress from anarchy to greet, in so short a
time, is in itad not the least of the extraordi-
nary evens that have characterized the propel,
affairs inithat country. Within two or three
months after the overthrow of the old establish-
ed tyranny we have bad narrated to us through
the medium of the papers, the accounts of a
card war in the ,tree. of Pans, that at one lime,
was not likely to end only after -the behger-
eot parties should have utterly destroyed that
city. Order war restored.—a Dieu.rappoioted
in the person or ('araigaac, and matwn aaeemed
their usual quiet coarse. The legislature pro-
ceeded with its 'tediums duty,—that of perfect-
ing • cooatitouoo ;—iliis they accomplished,
and at once determined to deliver uhe,nselves
and their comae, from • form of government
only pistifiable by the emergency that gun birth
-to it. They fix at an early date the eludes of
President, ad we hays *silted the pleasure d
h■voog area • great motion proceed to the elec-
tion of its Chad Magistrate in that gslet and
orderly massif that we arms may neer be their
rote of ned.et. The chaise .f Pneeiest he
ser tenni oyer Oh* lake, sever proceeded is a
more orderly maser the that .1 the French
people. Asa it stay set sow be eat .1 p!ase e1
caw. to curate the effect it ie likely to errer-
ewe oa the desumea of other eo.atrieu, more
pertierarly that sf est ewe. Let it always be
berm is trod, that se s.vereiga is each by in -
herein right : he ase eely by *kenos at one
was se 41b.f. Hu ammeters trete raised to
their high e.t.a threes% the vein of the peo-
ple Setas of the rungs moires who ever -
the wbote Reines Empire, ',seta their
Magistrate with which lee do agree,, pd iris niers byrtljriegthee ..t►.ir.Mediasaddrel•r-
with which we do wee agree. For ta.taans w[ Mg theme bike generals ad kiss. Now skit -
agree that velum a man, by long sdrwty, is poo- sed mature pressed seme0Mt diSw etly, as le
vented frees maims • ieol d his..1U►y abases' the ewes .(Esglaad. The s.eaetaoo of the Memel
hie nig/abet .tab ugly te.g.nge. his bdh.p• ).owereigs were sleeted ey £sriiwcost,
pi. gets "Looe/ ep," and eeeses Surat is se booed to observe certain melee, beth se to the
aro awais:. hold their celestes in the chum which sane( mu political opponents will retort imprisons merest on his first esibreak . and ,11. laws sad rehginn more (ally set est in eh. (amum
of sedl.m, sod begun to reee$aise the csl.slgb 1n Rech le sea.mphsh their erotism. rurpo.ee for this reads the belle tegate of a IMO who s 8,11 of rights The Americus, afraid of the
everywhere. 'fhis,is ea age o(.nm.pun seam,
and the etsdites, derived from our foe-kthen,
will have to undergo the ,mpruriog hand of th-
eme that hp gireu to the world the Ste•inbur,
the Railway, and the Jlegnetic Telegraph.
Are all our improvements to be only to
phyeicel science 1 Is the science of govern.
meat to sand still ! 111 believes that it is
perfect, Ix -litres that humiso ingenuity Inas in
this science equalled the D•t'y We know that
w hine human . protect, or ever rill M.. :
1 eo.elude, therefore, that ti is getre possible,
sad therefore quite certain, that many unproec-
ments will take place is government. And 1
make oo doubt that oar 'kveend..te win pole( •
with astontehmeni to the wasteful extneagenee
of the present dap,—that ton apportion to,lhe
maioteosoce of one 1'1,000,000 per ancon,
whe sands are deeuitute of the .neeemarics
of I it taken upward. of £9,000,000 pet
sass rovide for the poor of England; the
support of Ireland cost the United Empire born -
where about £40.000,000 only two years ag".
beside. entailing rem s many of the laded
proprietors by resew of the heavy rates they
were sahjected to V the like purpose.
Turning to foreign coustr.e., we behold ■11
Germany in a state of fersw.t. (Joe Mse*rch
has already food it eoovenient to abdiea re .
ad others if they fo.low am in his steps, will
6d themselves constrained to accord free ens -
stilettos, to their peopte,—+d recognise the
principle that K op woe node for the penile,
sot people fur Liege. This W resefwd from
he• impetus glees M popsWr nsseessease by the
revolenes is free.. ie February, time *beak the
Free*► seemed i. Seedy e.tsblio►iog their pie
met form of stovers/out, 1 keeitats sot to declare
that we have only seen the commencement of
the changes that will take place.
TO IRE nation car ewe woo.* amm*aa.
s*s,—la the Huron Signal of Dem miry 15.
us the Schedule of Commiserates leafse* the ;ea
tiers of the Peace, my same steads eeesptesOos.
as the p•blie are thereby led . heli.,. tot 1
robbed • mak 1 leg IS crow the can. A or of
whiskey wee seen room M waggee, a.d es 1
bad reams to sage* • anemia paws 01 Ike
theft, 1 win ec the Reekeee; es Mvieg met a
ruse doh a bag on his beck, 1 inked whet wits
to the bag. Goer, was the reply; 1 sed it *seised
owe Iib mey or, the fear, .d 1 wo/ beer -
stood the bug ah.dd be spend, Which sea•
Loo, whets 1 s sem rbempsiesd it tele are Int
or; of emerge 1 bw.ogbt it clang tris sae, thi.k
mg there trusts* te ..4.. ser tde as ftnyisg
sight sf my errs properly, 1 was reedy say tis.
10 prone the jar of whiskey se be my ewe