HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-19, Page 1°T at Lake? 'Asher tonna" AAA- gg)tog. bet brilliantly obits. mod ems- pa te develop* itself; awl *heves men nt orinot eathaoseeina. the artist luist been whte covered .t• entire upthIP ,e • • Within two oriole of tne tnriMaig riticinello end the Elector rtirtof Pert Afbett, whieh there OHO la aamildieent shell AO 1,4'04 'the • fhter Mill, ee Oat JCR' The lat4(-10 earbeed sed Mrbae, reared Mt • bounded's the meet Ity tbe Lebo, mad ott the mr tiro Shove the taller et them iltdiellleedt emit- by esinvirolde.4ind is sell ise woe& pit.ea (r7"For partsculare. applye-if by letter ones, 4 41t•wintse • ttespeatfel die- eAsentaiod tam phensamotecia post petd---1a HAM gyiARik, tee. through theit opsea•glisseri, mid obeerreg r, &Ree)er, 14154 toodr.1e 455 DR. P. A. McDOUCIALI.. g 1MA beeemaelsad .at all hoer% at the HeIsi, (Wow Afrilia's• 0144100011•114111- 1848. lh- ONE M ertil IND Stnticre :aseg eiNelarty wit/kthe ,t -black ompetlerem.eve 'mem .sels rows, M 'Moo h memo „ -a- -• •Gileaf seg ilsitoOtt- 144le stair. elf 11044.1 jot ...ler/ S.41,6 1 •••t • 4 ,•••• r.i41 464r *,6, WWII PIO asisi,....1-ruear • 4/04444/04,44/44.4.44401,04,41/4.4010, .4111111. 41•41.0.66,6.66.66616.64,611ror• AS "SOW reirtikiett 101 6n. 4.66 004 '6 6 6, 10140.111, mid "mar holthet • • _es ea.e. la• smarmier* .3 iseslvtirtl oboe selestso,r • • -i- •*.tle it , retracetifii eirte , -.mem 'oio4-- .1.1 seremelliklas At`,4, • avers - J - ; 4111. 4:1,4 :% :1441;:: $ • • A • id. r• t. . 4..r,os. '''oe144 0•°4111414°1•4•11° sa tr ...?4,5retr,;141r is ,- IVO' .6 ' , sisal T N lANILLIPIOd S n •ii••ts•ri. VOLUME' I. 15o0000 4%, CR Fati i. •,N 11 FON SALE IN CANADA WEST. 011MIE CANADA COMPANY base fir allaporral, about 1,100,0410 ACRES or LAND dispersed thronglsout lamas& et the 'rowealupe to Upper Croodso-noorly 009ie 000 Acres are situated in the Heron Tgad. well knoirn as 0013 uf most (grille parts .1 the Province -el has treb•ed its popular. beets Ave years, and now commons up weeds of 20,000 relititatasts. • The LANDS are effirred ri'ar L Fo 4 E , l'ee I.e.'s, or for Sole, CAISH DOW .'V-4/me rejer.e see fifth Cask, aad bolo. :e is Mel* being doer array with. The Bente payable 1st rebroarr 'each year, are about ilor Interest et Sur Per lell1.411.110 the price et the land. Erma towel id the Lore. w boo MONEY IS 111:41.11RED DOWN -u hest epee 5.10. others, according 1., hoolity, erre, 100, (111 three year. Rent, wrist be paid in advance, -but these payments • 1 I free the Renter from horther earls unit! en& 3rd or 411i3rea of his twin of Lessor. The right to l'UtiCHASE the El1FrE- 110LD donne the tern.. la &emir's! to lb. Lowe at a baled 114141 G411Ied tn loa-e, and an allaaance IS Wilde according to ariti(t• paled pay men,. Lists .1 !mods, and •-o- ferther info5ma tIon can be netaine-1, thy applreati.n. if by letter post-psid) sit the 1.7091PA‘Vd Oarecira, Termite sod Galeria ; U. Iiieneaat, Asyskollot. Corberne Diatior ; 111. Attar's', Gaelph, ..r J. C. NV. DALY, Stentford, 'fordo lhatrio, (laderieh. March 17, 18414, -7 M A, It 1. F. qT o „R Y SOU7'H W.17' ER ST., C.11...T. n 11. str!..:1_,I,Lorti to man_ •a-'"• ufacture 11h:eft:lie ),V ES, MONU- MENTS, OBELISKS, TOilB TOPS. lice., in Marble and Freestone, aa as 'r1111 GRILATIIST POSSIBLE 004 .710 TIM idltAATILtel Pdnti 141701111111t." 41)ODE1tICII, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1840. - AmOommeismolowninme THE MODERN (NOM. part dif the bead Viotti° be mach, eves The Doctor nodded has heed very Immo. - pulling the nose mid ears, ad itidulgieg $b.Maly, 441 I1 to ray," I mor mat a mita to hi . tate or Tas•te. whrie in very memos theorise upon the erreezed al;" evened hie sauff-lioa, and -placed 4 u . Wei the copacieus nostril.. In nature and tenet el thie monstrouo appear- ance. in inal.nt everb feature of :the huge visage Litr,ii.iiinto Pi 41 l6Li.: i.. var.) . "1 alma net rose\ evievietleishosmeer," efts convoLed, and a sneete, loud and ore- sist.ble as a north•ore.ter, b!ew the haplesc leioctor irate the midst of the gaping crowd. The glitterieg eyes began to muse heroin, reeidedi his attention was a 'ad by 1 / Her friend rallied forth In a0111414ana*, tells tile those tat a home tinier° emetic d chiseler group of iteorants. A umo of cold- and soon returned with a light ladder, and at:enroll the inurchtalluring Peleinellu tile .gr, in ludicrous coronae, came up the which bu placed against the turban, elide , who w5s reloog en the door %Oh laughter etreef playing • lively march upon • id5- f the 'ahem doc•or incrumed Bed lite/Tilr et the D,retur'. molden exif, *111 discovered 11 the seen:hies orbs, and, in a voice deep alai 'math -hut', the bead exclaimed, "Sian, ,derous villain, begone I" &pending, at ) 111% ELVA. 41144 ktim. r. 8155 rite sN11,01,4,erste Thee. NU11113.B.R 50. lAistatem wa•procemeng homeward, lir bo added, " 1 belle tinalieined the pen - la, hr•4410141"1"1"113 (111 (85, whenil cranium. Pole/meth) ! good fellow, do et the ealcieco et the street ID 11/tIldi be bli,D 44,4) r de•n pipe, projected1/0411 bie dentin- 1.41111111 made hi. ob,,,amt,un,e ID ed waistcoat, arid stementerearlealberraelf oPoo • safety; after which lie internitool the varies* a largg drum atispeteled haters ii14413. Ile urgeom bumps vistele lieum,b the torben. was 1-0floived by • comely, jet -eyed, grimy De„ceimong at length, he *Looted oh: the same time, its tromendou• jaws to their woo, who played lustily 550 the trainglee, ; much importance .. y deer utmost extent, the head displayeJ an array mid instriedratety behind her paced a large 1 fellow," *mid 1e, •• I have O. Al flirt 1 of teeth %Melt would lieve graced a !ler, mid powerful Minket., carrying on his beck mane lung poke, and two wiall-hlled pas. 45.04, 00 which sat 140 "100k471, IL am now convinced 1114.5, 51 never grew epon ; may amidst the excited •pect•tore, that not beeches and boaingi-glovei, and busily ea• j this %arm'''. it La tIvidvatly a Lead withput !a few to the females screamed with terror. gage,' to sparriug. (keit:gushily, the lea- a body, mid it is Needy evident tu that . ‘V* aletcin Lad listened with disgust to a der of this strange group abandoned his it once belonged to some reeelliou• wheat- farce, t!.e humour of which was beyond the ppm., and broke out Into • wild Sung Or re- 581,1 of the 1).v."tat. 8.,11 the organs of !comprehension of the illiterate crowd, and The gip -.y then threw back her I doubt and in vestioation distinct ly and broad- evidente• prompted by morted or moan - heady and lethe an irrfrotar nen 01 seceadi ly developed, an:I wl.1 prose to,demonstra- thruptc member., but 1114 corlosity induced is tease so harsh nae yelher as to startle *ion that he inert necessarily have bees to wait tire cur.cluston. The eyes now every liatonor;dnie eas'oreem to bray, •rid tried, convicted, and decapitated, for pe1W1. 11011e.1 V61:i. memoirists: rapieity, and at 1,140014CYS mfg./mead col chattered; the eelur rel g kw y b,. bow 1.11' keg- wet aid g tad tieree formai, a (portico if unnara!leled tram the Week, it war caught by a burn- whu fac-.1 them sitth firammos...- discord and &hew . cane, whirled HI I OlgtUr molten beyond tae Sudjr•nly the horrid tissge was soffesed Bat are n the oloc:c atm*•on ‘Valstein Dog -sites bout oi aitractlian, and tumbled , Mdth a purple. 8,1144 and, in tom -.es d.eper was absorbed by the 'strange countenance' headlond on our dirty planct." „ Awn belare, the mouth uttered tie tat:ode, and costume of ti•re l'andean II.in.irel. 1151 At thus speech ruiner:lb burst ir.to a peal "Tseonarito ! Leonardo ! The anee! 05 harsh features were dtegiii-ed and earico- ul lasighter, land ani eenetroire, that he idasth tips its dark wings over the firvt- tured by bleu -hes and fine.- of lee& and red was ounged to hold las seeing sides before ?hero!' paini, sad his head was burial aw a huge be comelier:over. "Moot learsedlhostor!" The head suddenly descended thorny/la wig ot spun glees., lotus iuntoil by a small saul he gaaptag for breath; " mem subsite the serge, the coition fell, and the startled gore .aced 1111 1/ 001 a faded and promund ph:Mare:roe !-wust couclu- painter, half incirldul-us, but winged with evert -dress .t rel %terve, IT:mined vvitte co.; eue unanswerable logician! An telex- instinctive terrur, proceeJet1 with reeid iarrisbeti leee; itineenie foils and ruffles; Meant 05the Dogaitar ! Why not of the slept. to his hurnSle dwelling. He bad re- blach brecchee and elucking; red '0(1(.3,1(i/eat Beal! ile, he, ba-shouteJ Puleinel- &Wowed 150 the 1,001 massive features, and 41111botek silk rosettes, and by rule a to, until be rolled upon the flour with iner- aepuieh.si tones of the head, the splenetic tfreots sa cod, with a nth handle of poloshed nuicat. N.saw,.Deator,- wed he, gett.og and triad sculpter Brameglie, who bad ethyl. UM tune to time, thie•eepeotec up, '• you abitii see d 1 mote tiesert your lurid Imo elle 14c Circeati Italia ot Amt. figure entivenol his sung by postures and purenelogrcal care -owl thear,ta in creep, eaxid whose pr.ipeoeity to thee, Owe - grimace. so extravagantly ledicrone, that toce. Know, then, that 044 head is old rant fro!.es was n.tterious Florence. II. Ore gathering irpectaters shone web, laugh- acquainiarree of mine -and ti te by sortie recul:cere.1 ith gro.% ing alarm that this ter; bet epos) Waletten the scene made so unaccountable mistake, instead of raisieg grotlp of eagabounds lied pease!! hrs holler impressive) widely different, and he gazed dead patient el years, I have ausnmoLed a the day before; of course I ho weepier might upon the strange Jillysthorgovorty of this living one of own; but 1 eon lissom pm have Peen him at the a -indoor, 11111) 111. the ' troller, wit b a gnawing suspicion that hefted vagrant party had again visaed his louse seen him before, and under circumstances of antipathy and disgust. The Poierants ,erpnyecti.red that head to be a nondescript Rod then closed them suddenly as a steel• variety of the sneshroons or maudreke; but 1 trap, tik oh a snap whovh scattered such dm - that when 1 knew Moo lie had so rebellious pope/moles:* Lth the clkulrary, Le was • i Waill111 the hour, there usight be some any in the Province, all work roil ranted to must loyal and orthodox undeorecretary (4)(rowls for them appetricg words whicb erder, or no ch.rga ell, be made. Prices at length made a pause et the junction of state in the tenoniles square pencipality of grancdglia had evideotly oddreesed to him tour streets, and these leader beat a long "Huhenheim. Front the post of turospit, he antly• Trembling with argue apprehen- of Marble Ileadstoner emu 1') to SO dollar.; oi Freestone owe 6 to 30 PMenu-M deera ; and rolling SU11110111102 his druid. At tars had crawled upwards by senility and cring- Mow, hi entered the house, and trend his ,,,eala &e,m ., fro.50 dollars elm:bac - well ilararn 'Weal the crowd of gazers mg, a514 was already planning how he could Anletta neepteg by the cradle of the Infant' Writtes communications addreaseJ to the termed a dense ting •reund the group, and change places alto the prime minister, 1 Reilliselle. "Gracious Heaven l'' exclaimed! undersigned - centaintngthe Inscriptions, listened eagerly to the pompous renounce. *lieu um umeter detected 1113 ugly ft AU4' 111 , Wa',414ei3., as he gaited in wilJ alarm at Use ' , and et what price, i.e, Fr.e.toiw, 511001 eeet of a dramatic spectacle, on %% hid) los accounts, kicked bon ont•ot the oostiskeef spieleedfeatures °ibis ceiltlt"h want t orms will be ponefoissAy etiatite10. e;en kings and emperors had g;zed w.th and he rolled down stoic with such alacrity D.H. filcCULLOCII.. delight. Tne elegy woman now went 411 1.) fracture hra skill!. You must know,. "I was undroaaing him,- sobbed the, Galt, Nov. 811., 1842. • 42'03 roued the circle, and offered (0every youth- Doctor, that before I commenced Inc career , +goateed mother, " near the window whe rut female wundroua bargains tit sera* as Pelt:merle, I beluaged to yO/it profession, 118" forced open by the strong, east WII14, hell blew directly L111,011 the almost naked R M 0 A' A bead', 404 tree,...$4..; a hire -one each cost°= aod made uto my travelling exe-neea by Wet WWI 1U111Ce.111S errisove gossip,- comma' practice as a surgeon aot -yet .e .4nf int. In an restant be -shivered, and cue - A Fi () E , about lovers, marri,gcs, and christening*, • eery. Tito apparently lettlesit betty 44 Coo ‘1.1!.1.,ns seen followed. I bad no one to , RESPECTFULLY begs lest.° to return , girls smiled and blushed, O.nd head, for it 044 a body too), was brouht , 80nd 501 a physician -1 could not leave the hie sincere thank* to nomerone Mende lull" In Ihe 1 the men roarel with mernieent. Mean- ' rote the tavern %bete I resided, -------- o eltIld." rebate heretofore towerveav-and lar04°111scalEiliite of poles autrOunded with CAM- , scrim.* to resive and patch up the Wide!Cli painter to recollectIon. Ile darted! loghthouse street to &rat •trve,, nestorloor eee of Feeteeme The tee. alumni,' mg we. the °my remedy. While engaged taloot of Waretero, but was prevented by 1 opon you to ir q Or• sea -ther any colesuity has °Centred to presto( the perlorlasanee 01 your promise to the Signora." . " hVe hate' been in imminent peril . losing an only child," replied Walstron -- •• the Goy, o knee pool art to h lore yea bet Heaves iis 1111 merry roan.) him, and 414. 6100014 *gam with •it hie toot hi:lee beaory." "1 rirsice to hear to- raid (he Est: sail, cordial to ireie,by; •• red all the orteinal 1. restored to health and strength, 1 telt VUll 11111 allow' tu add the copy to tey collec tion. Is is your happect effect, 1% nlatein, lied evidently rotated at a period of strong saciarment. 1 hare sern pirtores rit kat. lathe which pleaded mu le.•i mid 1 inert have it at any p(ice. ' " A•k any soortice tut OW, in) lord aed I will submit," replied the iiiinter; "1445. picture Is, inexpressibly dear 0 nie and iny Amelia. Intent Ile hi precarnmr, and stonier it rittlt please Hoare. to take to ILILII the pure *writ u( my le tie has portrait wood be • cumfurt to Ug iu the hour of desolatron." . "I honor your ierlings t, 0 notch to mg, my wish any farther," replied the cin-der. ate nobleman. "1 ohali r-inatti here ten days, or 'note, neiresite to finish the por trait of Cecilia. eon moot beim to -mo, - 00.4,444 afterwards give toe your emetic ly 14 dower, fur 1 bat e serneabst to C4111• mumeate, in which euu and emirs are materially Interested. klaitowlule,. fere- well.ribt7he following morning Walatein com- menced the sonnet of the lovely flatten with Ms usual success: aod, when .he w1th- mew alter dottier, Lord Co with delicate mid (tiredly warmth, imposed ono Ma situ- ation and prospects. 111. painter arlieue. j ledged the difficulties he had experipoced in s coy devoted to the acquisition of ocalth, and where the few individuals prisiessin; any love of fine art twinned their purchases • to oid pourer ot the Italian and Flenitah ecboular, and wente4 either the courage or the taste to patronise • living actuit. "1 ani enableJ, trowevic," he coottnited, '' by,: thu generosity of the Siguota 'to realise 4. plan winch 1 have for stone th»e content- 5 plated. Toe tering skill and taete of the' thirteen artists re better understood in Reale and Paris than in their Native coos - try, and to ',nem!: 041414, 01.51ei I *ill, or• long, remove lily rtatiiily. They ahound woe tote lecturer and statues, esii:y sible; wit.' cultivated rociet ; with pztrona of an; and, to a prudent man, they are nut expensive abode." "Von have reached the very point, toy dear Waletein," said the kLiri, tot which it nee tor some tune hero my object to -lead 3 vv. But why not !Moroi ut the dis- tresees you have endured ? you not, in Florence, premiere teethe privilege uf assiit- use you r. • w a. not iniensible, my lord," rep;.ed Waimea), "to the .kindness of your re, quest; but 14.d not caber premise, 'or to. ' Lead, to avail mysell generooty.- Nor could 1, without torten:11g that moral, tudepeodence, which is in deep anti thieve- , rattle sympathy welt those qualities you are pleased to eirtpein 1n inc. Had I soright your proffered assistance, I should hare: proved myself unwerthy ue it ." .• I delighted Hari, as ue warmly ',reseed the hanu of Witham: "where ir toe wan au; young,and t . - firmware of principle and, action; such pure. coutality: such entire and single -hearted ' sincent as ourself HowI ill Id ' 1 attach you or my coolie.). eel myself for r life ! Hear me, eValsteto 1 intim wia you' to the purlieus which prompted sly (beam - lion treat the direct rued to rens. 1 want : the assistance of a tasteful allot to areenge and preserve ihe numerous objects of duel art whICh abundant wealth and a tong re 1 indent, in various parts of Revere have en- ' abler me to accremaileree. Yeti are tee rely r 00.11 to accompheif lay purliwie; &ad it, et r hems, of Siam biglr.soinded vosarsuni .1 • itifVrirelli Of all bourse synapithilee, a mo - 1 ahoenlfe'.....1:r"sie tk4rw'ssi"Anal"is tiel"‘"*.a•arliiblarehleir, ..id by to ionise celesta the cer - him 1,4(150 at tot Irtlearession upon her tanocesst ofraprwg, lie awe:ceded in touting a.-hae of pone initeOne humiliation which •Le bad oot .rie../ird'm ickaowlodge me mold 11 losal greatly 1015404106110 her !health • pa6Ds'isbie.nPePd'Af 1790414.4111 '6'146 irecti."unsighteaboree. by. "vita - 1 sheati the brio rceolic of this heroic warner, I whose affiectieirs never cleaved to est snore saithesely than Wien she told me that we I must part ter tier; she had broil too , lung fur earihiy peaeione poly, and woold hvircelotward dsvule to her relent 4.544 hes livid. Her health *offered iti the alreggle, Rai at lengili 1 as/mewed 10' 1 our sepmaiieso conditioniag, however, tbst , thawed of retiring to a currents oho ottonlil accept and r."Idsr rye° aa estate I had pur- cbosed near Lauoirine; and list with a vs.* to beurtit her health, she should accompany 37.1...1414'1,101: 0,1411 *hi*. 1501 me •evi you 1...--shotrua.; sad 111.11•111t11011111111111 The followtog mei fuer eirecedieg daye epareed toe inaideogileir col rapid artist to complete au admireatis poi ul Lord C. requested Walloon to convey it nu Liza to England. earl proceeded with lovely ortgutol lo P•ete;vdt.te tlie pointer. accsiesaliog lila ow 4 departure, emitted Nurtualeurar for ever, and travelling by easy stages throoela lioliand etitharked fo II when, and reached the mansion of Lord C. 114 Lduduu, a leo rlro • utter the noble writer. The tioniensit) of the DrItieh capital, sad the numerous eparectiolbs of fine art or loch &dere 15, moulded arid eetighted Walston fur ireveral weeks; atter *Ilich be preceeded oith his wile and child to ore Eases mot- nititmot Seat 111 ei pretureveie inland COCOS- ly, inhere be found a rare combination ot every thing ' xiiiiisite tiric art, and boauto tul la (sternal nature. Uu the turivai ot Iiis noble patron a few &ley* later, the young pa nter uninedmiele moored ou lots vocation, aud assisted iltir lia• taste of the Earl by kw profess:omit tact tit WY psintmgv, 1161111614',. 55r.4 Mutates, wit:eh adoriteo thserpiatulad 11.6111111041 of, the Louse ot C.; e.t.d. his admirable skill in painting was ceirreiiesi restoring some damaged pictured of the old °Tarter-. While thus cereiged, ab .nt weal after ere Earre Arrival. a letter with a blsa k snail and a eirterro post Mirk was delivered L.; Lord C.ew pc•resea it with obvious' sad ' growing alarn.: sit length los feetueer col- iapeed egrets, cid he fell back sense- less in hill chair. Witold', flew to his a.. e'contiguees eiodoe, And freeh breeze, ivh.cii toleO epartioseht, soon restored the Earl to cusi•cruusams.-s Rising with effort loam his chair, lie gam; the fatal letter to Weletein, anal turned deep and uncontrollable moution .tu the window. trembling broth. the pedalos giance.r 'weer the pages, and, with mea- pressible amnia., read the digestive* lAlpth- gence uf Cemlia's death at Lansailine„ Mier a r a Tp hid e uticialipiner; nobleman,' had j on d II ge... ed • latent hope that this u td..Istry would ere len Le treat seciu- rum and permit him to repos her ria Swat- zerlend, was struck by tlus dusestruee m- ite gence as with a bull of li llie powellel frame yielded tri abochs-a Maio lever of wasteig viutence hurried him or the briuk diesolutionf and, durum p lunil,and deadly crisis, the grateful, Wel- stein *itched los wrier Vieth tender aa,i unwearied soIicitiale. At length the natio* of ho CiMa III U1100, by 1.110 601110/Ste sh.11 hie physitian, tweed ow nicely-beianced teaks; eymptoins of 11111/Cliii- ,..05,1 appearee, and the Earl, alter matey *pieta el vitriol', debility, ar, end altered man. His dark hair was u.th grey; his tine person was wasted by teier and lueg toriffainneat to his Wilt hie teaturear orke glowing intb health mid youth, with sorbet hop., and bapplia•••,•xim- °lied sadand Cacti seventy of aspect; sod ior marl rtfoothii lie loved tue life u( . re- cluse, refusing all society save that of %Val- , with her Italian mom, from Ion- usainfant riatieleer arrived Miring his caupe, mut grow deny 5,5 biretta and Bestrty under the niaterael city tat Assbeiwg; but to teo atli-eted Ini:ier .he broogat 11. imam, diem criatealetoin, soar indeed had be tor some tuna resnl.tide to behold herr. For mortal yeara the posesion ef Lent C. for the tookuutel Intki higistlyerteed Hellen had bees smarty. a roligeter:' serf so Indurate, as 10 elg0 1111. 415 amissi siot epees live devotional h ea.,. He had weeerit eft dr.horeal ir. that onihosisaire hut etrie,. ad iteration of *mu* shich co:moon sil geoer0ito *Yid noble naturea: Mit *8 o• I,- • ete*)&ott troodwiectit re too OPe1.1011 eenscience, tie tem twee wantingioam wild his a relay Piot,. tool 5414.4 bi(tukou 011.I buothied by thot sudden mre orement, • eertae au the deco mg e41,114. 411 dyrUil •dj I)awnt • domed Isom hire. et% aistein, whams well regulated mmol was geept# liectured with devotion si isiehasm, Sealed with de.ight be varlseat toltels ol a Meer- , 011100 Th ftl* 0.111511pilltM1 1.. 404111 lite light, 81141 etre. sod eon *Kelton 1.0 ti,4101.11 04,40.0, that .rety gilt ul ficevite *hick passeable..e • ar.•, Flowlv, fro, grat,tmly sod 141.411, 45 iarr easrehinr Mittd of L4rtie. &slaw the /Mooring wipes lc a wool' kild1 Idi1U.S.410101, pee.. Wcatein ere:teed to rode r04.' 1,.r' . . e.1,•••• 044 gro titi t detected at a pease" tem este. tele, ridleirtreige.nrrosinual tP"allearamile 1171p1ftetart4111-://tIterlammoricti-1 doe a., lemmata in". *1s5 stb‘rade reltgein bite aseemewie bad foona; Mit tn;einien 164 furenn thet hie 014 balite Mite, I has Senor sod the public giseeratly, for the liberal pat- *tele, tt.e man had rapt Is erected a light other medicel aid was at band, I uffeied The word " physician," restored the ()e- thos, tint he has RE.MOVED bur TAS-, ad fllefrill110g op one aala snarl on examinetien, I dtscovered two frectures into the street, and sought the assistance LORIN LI FeSTABLISIIMENT 10010 theatre ler the well-known Italian k k on the skull, and tot extensive, that trepann7 et a benevolent min who admired the rare to James Mimeo, C•reenter, and • few crept under the canvass, which entirely coil.1 in this operation, I found the eaten hing ' the corona of a numerous family from afford- 1 h C I 4 cealed their -persons, and the eerforutance 1 redundancy (Abrams so taivonvenient, fiat I inoiit I. I nc teas ant a e ouragement. The all orders 4411 be promply executed : zed begin. The adventureeof Arlecchino werel took them all out with a spoon, .44put warm-hearted physician hastened to the um cstomers ay depentl on havrog their em - a enacted with dramatic *pint; the hero of . 'bet°, pro leospeffi pore, in a souplete, hicb ercled mother, devoted the whole succed- ail 51•v1 d 1 I toe piece ex triceted embroil from nufterout 1 my atenstant placed upon aside -table. 'But, tug 'night t G the little sufferer, and enjoyed' fashiooable lc 1:1 t :7" A full variety r nevem, a„. scrapes end perils with admirable address, err unfortunately, while we were by prepar- the gratification of asersting hen irately ' tl t F and Winter FASHIONS fer 18-18-9 jibe and proved himself the beat man to the Pod nig the plaster', a eat came into the room, through a crams of unausiont peril. He de• received. Hoderich, Oct 97, 1848. Ad NOTICE. ••••1•1111.6.16. of the chapter. The curtata dropped, but discovered the ntan'• brain', and made a Chime the liberal recta -opens* eagerly ten. soon rose nein, and Pulcinello came for- , meal of thein. illy comiternatton at this dered to biro by the delighted lather, and ward to announce a, new fare., made his , robbery was enormous; however, as. toe left the grateful parr kneeling it. devout bow, and retired. After another brief; thief had escaped, aud the 'Lulea good,' and heartfelt thanksgiving to that Power peuse, the curtain rolled up, OR the Doctor, 'were irrecoverable, 1 agreed with the aasist. whidh givetb life, and, for wise purposes, who, although a lawyer in Italy, was here I ant to say nothing about it to the patient, taketh It away- rultig Asb,,,,eriber woo.. 10 moirm his dubbed a physician, appeared. taking • porter but to patch up los broken head, and let A week of solicitous parental and medi- A• Gilatuaiierso .118 the Inhehitaata 01 of soon; and followed by Puleinello is high; bon find out tbe loas of hie brains as well es1 attendance restored the lotto Hataallis Stratford and vicinity, that lie intends car- glee, g,uf,„bair $ punted wee& as les could." to health and beauty; but the food gather. rying on business on .51a! 11j r u.tt.r. ,... .ael he, ,. a, Tee aro,' ,g 1,,j,g,,,,,O. of ,h,e p„,„ struck with an awful ranee of the great pre- • leogth 1 base tr.k,d 1140 Arlecchiro out ytel,red to tins set, to Ms (fiend Pulcinclio, . CdflUUdOCSAI of infant life, deteruened to RgADY PAY SYS 11 And that after the firsldayef Jan49 of hs wanIpo 8i-, and Iromise he In"t° l'imah'"nunderatelY pyou moue rare and - • _ na t. *bout delay, a portrait of hie lovely hu will seise tio credit. Ile will un lirgheet price for port:1mm of all kin 4ho f 44,154 it. I ore turn you, if you I ke, "'Stop, Doctor,- said the merry tallow. buy. and commenced the peter. as soon ae ek trolley. apothecary; or, by way of a treat, '' the cream of the joke, yet to come.- be could prepare the cativose• Borrowing 1 the g Salts Ise. He begs to returhilt host of your last 0115.45."imt." Soon as the kern got well, be left Helmer. hts depute *oat a Moody of Raffeelle whicu "Sid° t° 1°4 1°I. 1 he* tittnn'ti n sincere catnip hw.e, apc re Ireo-te, the, ea -mot and far, be haJ copied in Rome, he labeured a ith " rulcinellu" replied the Doctor, gravely,' fusee ••a: l'etreetart lad 04014" °In to 460.114 • " I forbid el) redecnons on my dignified pro- (lauded ',mini', vlib inch u.d„, the the painting was limbed. excepting some There be' tomb mama typist -atm% that in Id few days lo Menton. As lo the ghost 1 have no ebjec- us,ce, Ow), t ca„Ad 01123f details. . 1.. mint or 14,. st Lelia and area • "form was p ace ig THUMAg 41. ILti•V • don to doses, 11 you can nonothem. fy Stratford Nov. telh 1848. 44tf _ • .Dit. GEORGE HARVEY, Aisaber 44,101 College of Norgeons, Eairrbeegh. 11 AWN°. reeled. kW emcee/soot 410r treveral ream in the Proviece of Nees. Semis, taken Isami reepecediallie to offer low 14ofeseleneleeteiefil lo the lababitauth of (;,sderreb aad us Resnieoce ia die collage lately occupied hy Ars. Mettrrt•Yry• noderleli, ot. 18th, MO. 4•1 from an o !opal' approaching to a @quoit arid „mese ocropa ot paper eee peeebseso: rich glow ag iiiinesreioned ever toe whole VALUABLE LOT 0? NI) ehnrheter• Tho cheeks wen lent •nd 1 inn yery piftitajibe twee poo,, ,irelden lets the cloudy renal. and inter- I . Mere ford, then !" said releinelin, brisk- ewe seen ee *rot. eee pubei.b.e the beavento 11.i fair and rounded limbs ly. Flouriebrag the wand over los head, her an unanswerable essay, to prove 'list know- 1 mewing upon a mass of brilliant clouds .- 'truck the ground with it tame, land mime- l ledge eotteiste,1 0441 511 things. but in words, illte largo blots eye* were gazing upwards in dismay a Large human Wad, Ma copious ter- ; which gamed bin) such cembeity, that be raera‘a aPa sacred innocence; and the palsy ban, aaceoded slowly through a long slit in : wa• skated a aneenber of mu/7 Isareett and 04 bad 1144Parted wearer) 141014400 diet 141•11414 the green baize which cevered the stage; aed 1, resemble societies. Nay, more ! Ile ture and awful sertouanees ef expresso)°, arthe dark cloth, closing tightly under the strut° a prefueod pliirosophical tresUee, He I Which characterises the cherub bred* el chin, rivet° the head the appearance of be ' whicb bedew:roe/rated, by many subtle nee Italleede. Angels, beautifel in form sod ing without • body. The eemplesion *as I logical coscluslens, that the eseeece et colouring a• those of Guide and Albano, palled, sod death -lobe mi weeed tinsgo: the wealth eras tranarnigretory that had ! were gthdped above, and extended their breves were hooky and prommeet, end the emoted to reside mtbe 'rectum, meter.; and alum "11111aa the 100017 "Y. •6 410 "I'• lugs. blase, aid 410p.501 eye, wank nnetion- was ameolly embodied to certain hueogly. I COMO lowsperosch to the USIIIIIII41011 of the leas, but tottered like steel. end derived, phis:14 ea:raved end written upon squardl111440441 whits Iran tbeir radiset forte* a • a- - and indescribmb y omelette and fearful I'Ma sessienable diseevery pushed aim •at riethrer and ro(ested with &formai 7 your faintly to England, yuu may &vials the , year between my Londuu residence rtid a spacious exasosiun which 1 55.550(44 ek • romantic inland county. rdinploymert to 1 pour taste writ not be erantmge and, *bile ' you reader tee mealtime* ehetetance, you I will cop.), abundant teisure puram your pretesoonal labour." • l ...knout lactate, toy -lord)" mid the Ear-fied artist, t mailmen a proposal s. tomtit. My wife and 1 aro widws; OUr . natIve ceuotry tias mintier held um claim, Imien ao..1 1 doubt nut her featly acqui, tire:e%';;IStein,“ Said the Earl, %stole t'is Ideedif pantessu armies heart-rehding emu- 4 11.0• overepros.1 his coons/mance. "your reedy armee' to my proposer affords low the uoly coneolattua ishieh 1 am wow moo I cepobie. Me soul sickens with deepair y e triu g eser tars loveiy and incomparaule woman; who has, I believe, apt/lieu you of tier •pproach- ing separation. 1' CIMINO that I am Mel the sesessity or MINI enappose •susobar toe esteldisinet eyespot/op; but to • men of roue loose rigid mom. ef Moroi , • • it) R a A I. E . hottest, the nritl-----------..........4551.40.110101, lwets altowered raln21" "arc later, obit w Titilaig, and the mittens,- htm by e•ery pitintate in &Irv,. 51 lets picture, whirl, wait iblireated bY I40041', diemlaysti set of tooth, laag and intone" appliestion without brats, now be "r6"'•fik 8.4 Pealesct .1111wvalla and dayo• -4 field. cietettatem penal]. brain often their heritM by ^1iorinely stioeseetel. Calking hut Amelia e‘eate deep ree„e4 the 1 rieb ild be encircled her atooder waist • belSopmsed moo* r Meg 11.50.1 front 1 mark the conaennence ! Thri tact of such / 114444414'111411814 14 the hiaar a" tali 05515Um eye. were mottutilese, the co VW death like, and * teeth compreseed, theyi To be seri it iS" re rekindle.; roneltDed thaf 11151 glenrc 'heedipAust be 'a It is only iti • Ilemern stud . Gee it a either eivarf or 81/00115 Mad betide *fp peach ot some v &epee, erre t he bead eel Leek% !bone is surpriselhe artist Int - t• ferestrgets it The Doctor pot ow bee twee newt mwealallt thee* Meet*. IN the heti thir rif r.., taw* coresl ratan apeetiorkm, and, with at, tree lemissel fellow shooed be soney, pea may ben has *soared %est that ble triemity regerd was atikaity whit* &Ma •hlt 104001•401•11" Pea with impunity; hot J ware yosi lei be. r nabeeed. "1 have beets bit as hoer so isabrams job, by sight sad touCb• 1111117 wars of hie •111111••." ,. . NIsr•ftibuire," said the gad. " awd I sell teeee,seet epee. ,e,. mine,. fellow, *1411bi* a lionato arm. and they were - or evedually loot hie bAy. Th, 1.104 01).111 tile Mitotic 'dant in mutt Oldi lb=11frillstItAt Meng Pi course entire "14.'4 NOW". arft II stinker, whose 4 mod testae bead, il had paraded 5141 'Vara leee sireetalree asi a teasslallag mite Ilene prrapermerous ditasenotosa. et,..sk. engaged the apartment eniehommed. " 3417.=, Pu toroth, r' see -Wined the •% PPf_.01461.1 Um happy pair oa alinse. be Must?' , ‘;‘, o thea um bimi we" be et zed tar gems Lane wills deligbt opus the sh 1-,,‘,tital num, arid 11m, InnaaINI lb° pamter • it *milder, esclammod, "Gemi eve- ning, Wahrede * • - toe wady, and teihatpatostaaed, to dimmer Chortle a twig dety, it will be gralifylag to h'.% that the , confessor of Cetera* has awasened her to s ItOurIcltue that oho IMO mistaken the path to happieemt so tbis tee, ewe so aeleation ' Ore seat. 5 bays t••••8104, ottyltop• too voarosiy, the istertetsece 54 slay veaseable pylon, 01.01. panty ul heart lied osiefli:41,4 redeemthe errors ol t reeds o whose powerful reasoning Iola ell mit ea, - tweed me that the Cath.41* rellyete, whin Ammeter adoothertmed, Is beret softie/1%n , any att.... to *8*45440115554 wow*. of the int peosseeeeend indolvet Itibisaa...but Grouts. fir capon has l'allarsi la Witty pttoti*,1, constrained 18. 1*. 540111 the motto& ud haol 111.. had often, w ivii long z 5.4 01041"*e••/0!*40110 rated agatom the en- lielleered asters di 00Y eatenion. bot ' vow owes, lee 0*444 ole daughter, run1144•11111`' :4 • 00 emoted styled empe, eel rc d,* Bleak • • 5 Gut Or -a -NO 84 r 4. 7 a "Ida A 1 fir • .e.e!.