HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-12, Page 4B Y .4 U T JJ 0 )1 I T 1 Sl$Qiff'1 Sall of Lau4s. Slictiff's Sale Of Laub,. IURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a HURON DISTRICT,S BY virtue of deur Te IY11 : e w11ts of fieri turius, (esutd uut of }err 111eyt.ty's Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements lit Julio Ano Kippea and Aweless W. Kippen at the respective suite of Roes Robertson, Robert Muderwell, John Strachan, gentleman, one, etc. and James Clouting ; and also by virtue of tno writs of Fieri Facia,,',sued out of Her M.jeaty'. Huron Di.tnct Cuort. and to me directed against use Lands anJ Ten- ements of Jetta Ann Kippen and Am, lies W. Kippep at the respective ivies of Robert Parke and Joshua Callaway. 1 have seized and taken in Execution the roll. wing pro- perty as belongingto Auichu. W. Knelt, une of the above fendants a part or por- tion of Block G. in the Tuwnehip of C..l- borne, Wtwtcrn Division, Huron District, containing two hundred screw of Land ; which Lands 1 shall offer for sale al the Court House, in the town of (,o.'crich on Tuesday the :20,h day of March next, at the hour of 14 u'cl.ick noon. J. McDONALD, Vktrid 11. D. Stunt 's Orrlclt, -Goderich, 18th December, 1848. 4Ttd 11 TTACIC1tENT DISTRICT OF HURON, pity virtue of 1'o Wit:a writ of Altatehmeat issued out of Il. r Majuuty'a Huron Deena Court, anal In rile directed against the estate real as will as personal of lieary Elliott, an ab.con1ing or conceal rd Beeler;at the eu:`uf George Moen the f:Wer, fur the sues of tierce pound. ten thlllings; I have ecizl•d all tbo estate real as well as persoual of the said llcnry Ethel', and unless the .aid Henry Elliott, return within the jurisdiction of the said Court, and pot to Bail to the said action within three calonder months, or cause the raid Claim to bo discharged, all tho estate teal, and personal ut the said Henry Elliott, or so much thereof as may bo necessary. will be held lul.lo for the payment, benefit and satisfaction of the said Claim. ,J. McDONALD, BAsrrj Ninon District. Goderich, 27thOctober, 18-18. 5 40-3m SNzatrr'r 01,111:1, AT'1'AC11MENT. HURON DISTRICT, 1 BY virtue of a To Wit: S writ of At- • tachment leaned out of the D.strict Court, of the District of Iluron, and to mo direct- ed against thc'eslate, real as well as person- al, of Henry Elliott, an absconding ur con- cealed debtor at the suit of James Elliott, for.the sum of twenty three pounds tee shit- linge,-1 have seized and taken all the estate real as well as well as personal of the said Henry Elliott, and unless the said llcnry Elliott return within the jurisdiction of tho said Court, and put in ball to the uction within three calendar months or •cause the same to bo discharged, all the real and personal estate of tho said Henry Elliott, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, will be hold liable for the pasymoot, benefit and eaten faction of the said claims. J. McDONALD, Sheri H. D. SRRRITI . OFFICE, Goderich, 28th Nov. 1848. t 44tel £150 Loan Wank. /TINE COMMITTEE appointed to Build a FREE CHURCI! ie Teck.ramith, wants to borrow the sem of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS, upon good secanty, ie one or more same. Farther particular may be ►sown by applying to Thelma Sproat, Egmondville, McKillop Pot Offen. THOMAS BPROAT, Beeretary. NEW SAW MILL. r1'HF. Subscriber informs the inhabitants of the Heron District, that his NEW SAW MILL in the township of Kincar dine, on Lake Huron, thirty miles above Goderieb, is now in full operation; and he is prepared to fulfill orders for pine or other Pawn Lumber, to any extent and of any di mchtions, on the most reasonable terms. WILLIAM WITTERB. Kincardine, 90th Oct., 1848. 40 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. SPRING 4 SUMMER I'ASIIiOIYS,fer 1848. AFULL variety of the newest and most improved SPRING AAD BUMMER FASH- IONS for 1848, ba.e Lien received by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who may (uranium with their patronage. A. NAYSMITH. Goderich 19th April, 1848. 1y TO THE INHABITANTS 014' S7'RA7'FORD, NOTICE is hereby "given that an Act o the Provincial Parliament passed dur- ing its last Session, entitled, "An Act to confer limited corporate powers in the Towns and villages of Canada West, not specially incorporated," bath been declared to be, and the same is now to full force in the Town of Stratford. All Proprietors of Hermes are requested to provide the Ladders hereby prescribed within one calendar month from this date and all persons unlawfully using fire, or guilty of other noisome*, will render them- selves amenable to its penalties. D. McGRE(;OR, Insprefer. ftrstford, toll October, 1148. 88 Last Call ! Last Cal[ ! Let Call ! A LL person iedebe•d to D. MANLY & or to ISAAC C. S HANTZ, wit bay* an sppertesiry d payfag the re.pselive .mwsts to W roues Ceeev, ria the 41b sed 5111 of Oc- tober.eat,at tb. HURON HOTEL., Godench, after which tine the Batylf will call epee d1 de- faulePu, as farther time nem be given. ee t.LIAM uoABEY. Timot1er Seed, takes in payment ar the high- , .1 M.rkrtfricr. Int September, 1848 34- 1.). WATSON, L'.tattis ER AND ATTORNEY AT I.AW, POL,ClTert 1, CMAIst•RU T, a av[lVPT( T. k' . OFFICE IN THE M,AIIRET SQUARE:, 0(11)LRIC11. To Wit: writ of i'iers ' Ferias, issued out f Her Majesty's Honig Drage. Court, and to me dtrecie I against the Lands and Tenements of Ricb.rd' Doe - 'legion, at the suit of Robert Park; 1 have saraad and taken in F:aeeutiun, Lot number foot is the seivesth Cowes/tun, E. 1). in the Tuwssblp of Colborne, contalawg 100 acres; w►lob Lands 1 shall offer fur male at the Court House, iP the town of Goderich, un Saturday, the 15th day of Noveluber mut, at the hour of 11 o'clock noun. J. McDONALD, SArri H. D. Simmer's thrice, Godench, 14th August, 1848. 3m29 Roster Pasas, ra. )} RIIHARD D.aLIJGTO.. Ili- The above sale of Lands is poslpoesd .aril the 11111 of February, I849. JOHN McDONALD, Shelia 11. D. SMurrr's Orrice, Gonealul, 1 20th Neneutber, 1848. $ 43,1 ellcriff's Balt of Lauds. 11URLN DISTRICT, t I Y tlrtue of a Te Wit: Saa writ of Fieri Farkas, tn.ued out of Her Maje.ty's Iluron District Court, and to use directed against the Lamle and Tenement, of Galin Hamil- ton at the .'nit of Joshua Calloway, I have acirrJ and taken to Execution, Park Lot number one, nn the North Side of Melbourne street, and Lot number forty, on the East sato of Wellington street in the town of Albert, which land,. I shall offer tor Cale on :iaterday, the 95th day of November next, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House in the town of Goderich. J. McDONALD, Sherif 11. D. SHRair►'m Dulcet, Godench, 15th August, 1 848. # 3m39 Jornee CALI.OwaY, es. C.cr►r lHAMILTON.S Q .' The above Pala of Lands is poelpooed until the first day of February, le -19. • • JOIIN McDONALD, Sterid 1l. D. Semen's (race, GoDiaiclr, - 20th November, 1848_' 5 43111 SHERIFF'S SALE. HURON DISTRICT, 1 BY virtue of a To 11'0:S writ of Ficri Filth's, issued out of Her Majesty's Huron District Court, and to me directed against the lands and Tenements of Thomas Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; I have seized and taken in Execution, as belong- ing to the said Thomas Charles, Lot num- ber three, on the North side of Eget street, or Lot running nrmberaono thousand and three in the town of Goderich, containing one-quarter of an acro of Land, be the same more or less with the Buildings on tho scud Lot erected; which 1 shall offer for sato at tbe Court Mouse in the town of Godonch, on Saturday the 25th day of November next, at tho hour of 12 o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Sheri H. D. SHERIrr'e Orrice, Goderich, 21stAug uet, 1848. ' 3m30 I - ROBERT ELLIS, r,. THOMAS CHARLES, Re' The obove sic of Lands is postponed until the first day of February, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff -11. D, SHIIIIV,''e ORRICE, Gnzjiiictt, Novembet 21st, 1848. - 4311 EXTRA ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WiNTER GOODS'.! rfllE Subscribers have just received from the New Fork and Montreal Merkota, the largest Stock of Merchandize which has yet been brought into the Huron District. And as the purchases were made] personally by ono of the Firm, tho quality of the goods is as superior an' tho. qusntuty is ex- tensive -µprompt payments and small profits; is the motto which they have adopted, and the public may depend upon being suited with every description • of goods in their establishment, at the very lowest remunerating prices. Their Stock consists of every variety of men's and women's Clothing; Hate, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoos, Hardware, Crockery, Sad- dles, BridlcP, ilabcrda-hcry sod Groceries of every description. Intending purchasers aro solicited to call and examine for them- selves. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. Goderich, Nov. 16, 1848. 42 GROCERIES. THE Subscribers would call particular attention to their extensive Stock of GROCERIES, as they flatter themselves that the quality and variety of their Teas, Sugar. Coffee, Tobacco, Ike. bur. kc., will be a sufficient recommendation to intending purchasers. N. B. -Groceries of every description will be sold for cash or produce, at a reduc- tion of, at least, 15 per cent. below former prices. ' THOS. Git.MOUR k CO. Goderich, Nov. 16, 1848. 42 IIARI)WARE. TiIOMAB GI}.M'.UR to CO., have largely increased their former stock of gleeful and Ornamental Cutlery, Hardware Jappened Ware, and are ready to supply their customers and iho public rrenorally; with the latest improvements to every do- .erition of knave*, Forks. Spoons, Trays, Locke, Hinges, Screws, and all other arti- cles of iledwaro at reduced prices. They have also on hand a good assort - recta of ROPES, TWINES AND CORDAGE or various sista Ora qualities; also nevem patterns of eeperior Carpeting. A large supply of Belt froSi the cheapest market. Apples of the very best quality in barrels. N. B. -The terms are imperially Cad i so AlerrAaatak/s Prase*, aid no abate - Stant from the price WW1 Oahe Mk Nov. 15, 43 • NOTICE. 1 ALL these itilleeted to the Estate of the late hfr. 1 CK8 of Stratford, will Meson 8.111. tho 'same without delay, sad without Intra epitome', and aloe all those esvtngartClaims against the above Estate, aro ret •.1 intmedsatel) to present the ewe r ld1"stlncut to Junta 111tas, Mlteholl. Mltchcll,ll..Eh21, 1818. PROGRESS OT IMPROVEMENT. NEW STORE AT JiA RI' Ula / Is .Y! ! 1NHE Subeertbors bate much pleatnre in annwae/ag to the Isbabitents of Turk °reouth, Hullet, McKillop, liubbert, and the adjoining Townships, that they have opened a NEW STORE in the village of Harper - hey, where they will always have oo hand an ample assortment of all kinds of Ladies' and (Jeatleasen's dress Goods; all aorta of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Hard- ware, which will be sold oa terms equally reasonable as at their establishment in Goderich. Being men of the present arc, the subscribers are desirous u( exhibiting that enterprise and of afiurding such face Itties of accommodation as u.ay be cuu- si.tent with the increasing importance of tho District. They shall, therefore, study not oily to rase, but aloe to benefit the community by bringing within their reach the best quality of alt descriptions of Sturo Goods, at the moot moderate lances; and un this principle alone they expect patronage. Their serine are invariably -Cad -or merchantable produce, at market price. THOS. GILMOUR lit. CO. Godericb, Nur. 16, 184e. 43 I 01]ND, (AN the Beach of Lake heron, oe Wednesday '. the Bib day of Norerpber at Whitefish Bay, FIVE BA R R EI.S and a part of mac of Fleur, is a damaged condition ; also, 1 barrel of Pro- visions, and a part of one which was sole oa the spot, as it was damaged, and so conveyance to bring itaway,-the proceeds etwh.c the owaer =visa • bare by proving marks sod t.e eaproees. C. CRABB. Godericb, Nov. 90, ISM. MOD 1 3IEI\TAIR!Da WHEREAS JOHN BIGNALL„Super-. intondent of Common Schools of the Iluron Dustrtct, ham absconded with a large sum of Public Money, the above Reward will be paid to any ono apprehending the said JOHN Bi(iNALL end recovering the amount stolon ; or tho reward will be in proportion to the amount recovered. The money, Three hundred and jure eight pouds, was in 910 notes of the Bank of ontreal. Tho above John Denali is a remarkably large man, with coar.o features, about 6 feet 3 inches in heigth ; veru round in his ehouldcrs, haughty in hie address, and about 50 years of age ; hair straight and inclined to grey, whiskery white. Any Information reepceene the above, to be torwarsed to GEORGE BROWN, Trcauercr Iluron District, Godench, C. If . Godcrieb, Oct. 17, 1818. . 38tf CASH FOR WIIiA'I'. THE Subscriber hereby intimates that he has now on. terms 1. lcafe and part ownership, the entire management of .iho Goderich Mills, and that hots prepared to pay cash for any quentlty of good merchant- able Wheat at the said Mille; provided tho• same be delivered there in time for manufac- ture before the close of the navigation. WM. PIPER. GODEaiCH MILI.as' Septembers Sib, 1848. 3211 CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AND SAWING DONE ON SIIARES. 1 11IF. Subscriber w111 pay cash at the Godcnch Mills for Good Black Cherry Saw -Loge, and will saw any other descrip- tion of good Saw-Loga for any parties on shares. WM. PIPER. GODasICu MILL . September 5th, 1 18. # - - 32tf , FARM FOR SALE. T°23 0 BE SOLD by private bargain, Lot No. 23, on the 5th Coocesion of Goderich, containing 80 acres. 20 of which is cleared and under csltivatioa; tot acres ars oewly under - brushed and ready for aping. The land is of excellent quality and well watered. There is a good substantial log Dwelling Sloss on it, and one acre of superior trait trees is bearing condi- tion. And as the proprietor is desirous of enter- ing into other basin's, he will dispose of it on moderate terms. One-half of the price will be REQUIRED DOWN, and the other half in three equal annual mstalmente. Li' For farther particulars, apply at ilea Office, or to the Proprietor on the premises. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Junior. Godericb, 13th Oct., 1848. 37tf DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned (under the firm, of Gooding and Lancaster, tnnkoep- ers,) is ibis day dissolved by mutual con- sent. J. K. GOODING, J. LANCASTER. Tho boniness will be continued, and all outstanding accounts duo by and to the firm will be settled by the undersigned. J. LANCASTER. Goderich, 5th Sept., 1818. 32tf J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, WILL attired SALES In any pert of the District, on reasonable Terms. Ap- ply at the Rriti.A Hotel. Godoncb, 11th Sept. 1838. 53 - FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUOI.A88 THE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately rented the above well setabliehed INN and 11OTE1. in the West end of Stratford,, from the proprietor and late oecepant, Mr. John Sherman ; and he begs to ay that he will endeavour to see the Pabhc awl Trav- eller, well accommodated, and their com- forts attended to. He ha. good Stabling, and en attentive }}ostler. Ili. Tsar is well supplied with Winer' and f. ire. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 7m3 STRACIIAN & i.ILAIRS, I;ARRiSTERS .ad Aileen*. et Taw, Solicitors Is Chancery, and Bankrupt- cy, Notary Public and Conveyancers, Lode Inch and Stratford, Iluron District, (' W. lone Amiens., Godench. Desist Hors Lime, Stratford. Goderich, April 20, 1848. 6m1 Goderich, POR SALE. THE BRICK COTTAGE and Let rua- niag Nu. 562, so the Town of Godericb, formerly to 'lir p,.abessu,n lit Henry O'Neil, now stated to 31r. James Orr. The Cut - tare ie very coavenuotly arranged, and sell suited for • small family, Inas a spacious weed .Led, stable, (mac., good well of water; the garden motions several choice trust trees, and am whole enclosed with a strong packet fence. Only a portion of the money would be required duw•r.,-the remainder in three annual instalments, Apply to William Rauenbury of the Clio• 100 Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, August 24, 1818. 30tf 1'A Y A 7'TEN7'I0IV!! AND pay year debts, as the subscriber has resolved that all Notes and Book accounts due to him and renlaiuiag unsettled, will, posi- tively, oa the 15th of July next, be handed over to as Attorney for collection. It is certainly with sonic reluctance that he has acopteJ this Resolution, as he has no desire to incur additional expense to those who are still owing him -but it i* a saying, that necessity is a merciless master, and in the prkseat instance, hie reloctan. o inuet yield to necessity. ROBERT MODERWELI.. Godetieh, 1516 Jeer, 1818. 20-t N.OTICE. ILL persona iodobtcd to BREIVSTER - t SMART, thruugh the agency lit rho Subscriber, aro rcquestc l to settle their accounts it:lmediatly either with 1 int or t.ith Mr. George Friar, Goderich, and sate coat:. J. K. 13000181;. (icjoiieh, 811* Sept:, 1848. 33tf STRATF ORD 1I(YPEI.. ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and tbe public, that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Ma Brows, at tbe Bast ',dot Stratford, w here notl.isg shall be wanting on hie part to pro- mote the comfort and conrcn:cncc of Ili. guests. I. M. flatters himself that his rc!ection of Wine and Liquors is equal 10 any in the country, and hie Stabling department i.t of the most complete dederyltion. . Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 83tf J. STEW ART., -- TTORNEv AND BARRISTER at .1 law, 8olicitcr its Chancery, l'unvcy ancer, &e., Office Wert Street. Godcrich, WW1 tat, 2818.` 5y ON COMMISSION. SALT! SALT !' 1411LTi,!! .T cost sod clew I_.a; or fall Wheat 11 at cash a' price is aliment in rete:pt of a-Rneral as.nrtment e! , DRY GOODS, consistiag in part of Poll de' Ch -has, Orgaadee., Mashes, Cashmere de Lames, Ocleans Lassies, Cobouug and other Dresses, fancy Garage Scarfs, Blonde Veils, Scarfs and Ilandkerebiefe,-Cashmere and other Shawls in great variety. Saperuer C(11"fUN YARN, a'lic., ,too. Ladies' waling Boo. :::ei Shoes in gnat variety. -,aL NO - A general awortmeni of O R O C E R i E S. SHELF and other HARDWARE, Sickle., Scythes, Scythe Seethe, Crockery, Prints, Oil and Turpentine; Pitch, Roe,o, Tar and ttakein. Nails is 100 'Le. Kegs or to any other quantity. C. CIIABB. f;txlrnci:. .tuqu•c kh, I -1 s. s •279: TO LET OR SELL. THAT large and commodious three story house, presently occupied as the Huron Signal Printing, Office. it contains Pix good rooms a large unlet Etory suited for a kitchen. It is situated on the North ewe of the Market Spare, and is well adapted as a place of businear. Posees.ion will be given on the 1st of January, 1849. For terms and particulars apply to the proprietor. MARTIN MCLENNAN. Goderich, 271h Oct., 1848. 39tf STRAY OX. STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No. 16, 3rd Concession of Wawanesh, a Black. OX moo years old, blind of the off cyc with a gimblct holo in each horn. - Strayed from tho owner about the first of April last. A liberal reward will be given to any person giving information of said Ox where be can be found. JOHN GRATTAN. Wawanash. Nov. 11th 1848. 431 WHEAT WANTED. (IASH paid for FALL WHEAT till the 20th day of this month. C. CRA BB. Goderich, Sept. 1, 11148. .. 31 G1 DIV. COI TRT BLINKS, PRINTED on a superior quality of paper, for sale at the Huron Signal Office, cheap fur Cash. Goacrich Jan , 28, 1818. 1 LOOK HER E!! LEATHER FOR SALE.' 1fIJE subscriber begs 100.5 to intimate to the Public that he has and will beep constantly on hand, LEATHER OF ALi. KINDS, and of the very best quality, for sale, wholesale or rotail, at the lowest remune- rating prices. intending purchasers will find it to their advantnge to cell and examine before purchasing at any other place. All orders strictly attended to. WILLIAM G. SMITH. Goderich, July 251h, 1848. 960 LUMBER. TomSubscriber has on band a large quantity of SAWN PiNE: LI'M'l1IER, of various dimensions, which he will sell on the most Reasonable Term. for CASH, or for WHF:.1T and PORK, at Market prices. ile would also request all thein Indebted either by Note or Bonk Account to Mowers. R►RweTTta k SM ter. through Me Agency, le call immediately and settle with him and avoid unnecessary Inst. JOHN Mc[N),NALI),t:arpenter, Ltehtbouso street (indent!), 13lb Oct. OW 37 WAGGONS AND SLEiGIHS. 440. 7 EAST STREET, smutty arrows Tux imam -roma, cut•acu, THE Subscribers begs leave to inform his friends and the oubtic at large, that he is now prepared to :too to orders for LUMBER OR LiGHT WAGGONS, which shall be manufactured of the best materials, and by experienced workmen. co- Ilarrows and Drags made to order ; Plough Casting. Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderich, Feb. li, 1848.- 2t1 - EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. WOULD respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct from the New York and hlonteeal Markets, a tory largo assoitmcnt of Straw, Leghorn, Dun- stable, Tuscan, and imitation Silk BON- NETS, and a great variety of almoal every description of FANCY 60008, suited to the fashion and taste of tho season. Also, an extensive stock of HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Goods. Likewise, largo quantities of GROCERIES. particu- L►ly a very sup crior euppty of TEAS, from le. 3d, per pound map mard., according to quality ; and Tobacco at alt price.. As the whole extensive .tuck has been selected by the propnetora in person, agcy can confidently recommend them to their friend: and customers, and as the purchases have been c•tkctcd exclusively on each prin- ciples, they have resolved to bell on the roost reasonable terms and at the lowest possible profits ton caail. Marketable produce of every (kscrip- tion tslten in exchasgo at the bigbcait mar- ket price. THOS. GILMOUR I: CO, Co .rich, ISth.M1.y, 156l. 1G MONEY ANI) TIM:: SAVED!: 1:D! - r_IRCRr.Lnrc,:o.s•.rref,INCREASED. Cll'r:At','A511) liIREC'r'I:01:TI:. Through CansJe 1. Star: of • Nue 1'a:J., •':c teeteasr'. /t,md,,.., ;t aodatud., lleytiitum, 1f et,r1.w terry to C8,Jeloe ?WIT ?Ii .lei. MOFFAT'S VESETAILEe LIFE PILLS • PHOENIX BITTERS The Deb =I waled a.l.Nay .tl.b tow p r-eM.es, abdrlar ►.,a eq.bw a Un ie r,wwl..s. or dbauw wNe► abap lade. r .e.., W serdw,A , wad 5..s3iia er p.&. nut mal 5 605 Ory, tat aa.a try dYes,. TM sn ta.as liy l►t6 s1*W l tMf. gen mer aim. ad they wife w y Y. At= s( _Lir -- - and -w aft. lyA*THNJ. ACUTE sae CNInINIC aH8uJ1AT1 44, IrlicT Uuta a a1. 1LADOSa abs IDNA YA 1ILUO0a LEVERS t LIVER OOMPLAial=1,- la the meta sal wt. whew 111aa = a= sen.ad, lief Tal le fi,aad Iawar.►4 1'larten. A -s.. sail other.. ohs sane w ars Ill.dlran. will waver asa.wds be roans thief IUJ'Wra CHOLIC. awd bkaut/N L..wasw, MILLS, CO.TrsLveae. COLDS ♦ COCOA'S. eau&•C. museum-rms. Used war inea sear V Il,is,,g.stsn. COaau1r HU1101[8. Da0Ptitt<C. DTSpspoz.s. Kumar with this flame y d,s saw. Mural hiss as. tlrw nonsense omeoiaale iBUPriolta a✓ MA. nabs 84YnIP&L48, FLAW LPx'C YEA VER awd AOV1E. Dr this wee= ,$.leve' lets washy thew weir...s will to Lard a sak,, sw.wtr. as.1 ..naw tried,. other s ails:it..a leave the snit.. sad,..: r.Ws sf tae,0wa..-a =stir these medicines is l•eensaar.t - T'RY Ti18ar. SE eA'l'l.a'IeD. AMD 118 Li; IU D. 7DOLNa89 elf CO,UI'LBX/D V• Ol0lg11IUAL aBIiXLIZ'= GODT.'MOD/N688. GL'd1'E'L. ti EJlt.I: H 'f p sled. I7 YARD r81'GR. LN rLAL.HJruay aalav T/SH. Lupus's 0Lu0D. 1.4U\D1C2, LOSS .1 AP7; rlrlr, LIVX111 0021IPLA11NTS. Leer:,01Y, t(14,1NL.tEica. , 08£UCVIIIAL 1111 F. .1ST.fs. Nem Ws t. wa.iisate estac{r ell tan tO.e's.d Amu, ssa aii.lr PY.Iw 'has the Newt ,-rwl.ad ptereratha.r *wiY,sll, N8411' su'EJrd, ASUI'OVr DEalLUTY. CO.11PL4f%'1's of 1.1 Undo, ului4.'4/r. /YVEb71o1.1, P4LPIr.rrluY e,Jrag IMIRT. 1'.11'Tlt'J i SWIft', P77.E9 Tae..ial,ai mr hv..t t!.0 a lr....+ wwa mal .(I'.ki 1 Y xmao e:aalrt br lar tut •,1 thw'Lfi 4*. 4.,e kar, PIINS 10ae• ; hra•'; a .'n . k, 1:w'w, 1'nestirs.tT(totst. 'r3..satni:.estr,y• Iendi.'.r.n!r. sa, .e sir si mist Ly as I4ia reals les, IMO" .-X CL'riOU.toate 1:r: 1), D 2:171:', ...w ..Pl f.::. { ru iii ri .( .i .y . •Io: in*c*. YW 0 Z L 1,. 4 :0.116 a' trartu 41 etreJ bit. TDM LIFO PJRIf1 TIE r.i'J: And the. a ,t••-1, t - e. . a M6!!IM hi Itbafetae,.... "3.417. rFca.i;le.. ru whish i... ()re, ,.a and n•, t 1 eAlr.• t1C wYiL xt..ttt• t ..terr,:.1.. >'Tl:'<l.1f1$0.1%' l:hUl1!/;R l t.A1'T. W: EBCIITR, \) T 114, run the Tea -on of Leaves hhJ!/o.s everyWedneJ- day and. Friday Mcruina•s, at n o'clock, for 1{' .ad+„runes iktruit, thcyce to .brti.crtabarg at 3 o'clock. leaves .t..Arrtsteurg, every Tuesslay,_Thurs- day and Seteelay Mu- tiers at half-rot7 o'clk. touehieg at Detroit anal needier tot ('hone., The BROfIIE:Rs runs, to connection wadi • DADA/. LIMB OF STAGE COACHES. Ea .blis►ed between Chatham shad (Impulsion, by which (wed Me Sweeten' es Lake- Ontario) ria angers will be.co&Mee • reach Kingston s at least three 'days from Chatham. 1'esecngery ess brave ilamiltoe by steamboat l,r Toronto, Rochester, Oswego, Kierstoe, or any of the in- termediate roils use !Ake Ontario. Gentlemen from all parts of the States will find this route eery agreeable dal ing the rammer and winter, as it passes !brooch ough the n ; Sou i. n, parts nl Canada t, ret. 1'11s. Cleat' nhl and ',Col„u road 18,111w cornCetc,f, and is a'cry good reel STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCE:D, ouz. Chatham to Detroit and Windsor, and rue rersa. Cabin Panne' 91,73: Deck Paasge .1,00; Cbiklna, half-price: llorse. Buggy and one Gentleman 93,00, 14,..ible Team, Wagon and Driver ,11,00; 0; Cow $1,00; all other Freight in proportion. i(•jrrener.r.7-tihathem. Eberts, Waddell 11 Co.: T. el. '1ayior. Mod- .:. L. &.II. Dev- enport, ('. Hunt. Detrol, Ives h.Black.- I.ouisviiie, Knight & Wrnver: T' -:um- Hnn+e, i1. N. Sa ; Wardaville, And- 1 etc Babe. Mow, 8. E'ie-ning. Eefrie, G. J. Smith. Detjware. Bulls-.. Junction Ile in, Joseph Rollins. London. M. Segue. Brant- ford. G. Babcock. 'lame on, M. Babcock; M. Davis. NO CREDIT ON TIIIS BOAT. Chatham. April, 1843.-t( FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the townahjp of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, HuronDistrict, .containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in gond order ; fences in repair. There nu a good Frame Hemet [Cottage style], upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet ; al9o, a Frame Bern 50 by 35, and Two Frame Shede, each 50 feet lone, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair. - There aro three running streams of water through the Lot ; two of which are in the clearing ; a smell ordure about tho Frame (Inose, and a first rate Well inthe cellhr. Tho price of this desirable property is 4650 currency. For particulars apply to Messrs. STRACHAN k L17.ARS, Solicitore, West -street. Godench, March 42, 1815. 7t1 • INFORMATION WANTED. • OF THOMAS WARD, of the County of Sligo, Teasel, who left Ireland about 18 years ago. He fist arrived in Canada, where he remained six years, and thee he left for the 1'. States, and h• is now esppeeed to he in the State of Illinois. Ile is about 38 yews of age, about ei feet 6, black whiskered, plemp face, rather dark, soil dark hair Any information gives to his brother, who is at present hvi.g in the Township of Hibbert, Huron District, or sent to the ' Brantford Courrier" office, will be thankfully recavesi by MATTHEW WARD. Oct. 28, 1848. ADVI:RTISEMF.N'1'. THE Subsenbers in acknowlc/igmg the liberal patronage which they have re- ceived during their residence in Godench, would respectfully request the immediate eetttomont of all accounts due to the firm, mi they close their books from this date. - Attention to them nouee will nave costs. 1'. GILMOUR k CO. Gedsrseh, SIA Sept.. 1145. 3211 DR. HAMi1.TON, 1 1T R'O E o N, WIIT STUART. 0 0 D g R c c H. r,0777 7r. CIL1 flflt ' MISCELLANY. u. t'U.rt' 'sit L•f:. ;.r tl'r:•!:' 4,,,15(1. ,.'. Edited I, Boerne Cit. .:f.<, s,'l er ti Oaks o rite:star T -;.i. Leegaiii • Illsrn i el:na.at.re l eats per • No. ..• . GOCL17, KIND11.1. C IJNr()LN 'sic batrpy to enemata that they Isave temple • ted artanoerner.ts with Messrs..(.banJwm. •.t Ld{inburgh, for the n-paMianias, as nam. monthly Lambent, of Ceanaea.. Mao et I. Lee The deeigs of *lee Marne seor es to emsole the inereasiag deemed fur useful, iestrect;vi. ,mi entertaining trading, and te.hrin„ a!! :be aide lir literature to Lave rot : 11...cultivation of the fret togs Of the leo; !e-ro imprew,toryeet views en ingwnant Loon! and social qu:Plinne-eq,prer• every sp.c.. a f.ft &tri-`.• 004 -revettrrv-16.-er 11, -. lapgnu; +nd 6.. venue n -,.l -y :he rr; :•t:;n 4 . de drawn nom the panE4inatiolus CI popular writer,. -rouse the'accy by descriptions d ialrrnuay foreign news.-gsva a was to eaery-day nerafr uuua by betted and !►r:cal poetry -in short, to furnish an anelen wive hired sad gunk, a lied. fireside companion, its far as that object can be attained through the iaenamentality .t books. Thi aaiveraalty acksowldged menu of the Cra.ovrolt or Esc(Jsu Lirsesrine, by the - Paine 4athar, connected with its rapid rale, sal elm anlnwsele.l compendia's bestowed by. the (-es, give the paWiahera' lull coaide.ee in the re.<I value an.i entire. success cf the poet:et wnik. The pubiicau.on has sireely commenced, air' will be Continued semi-meetbly. Each nambet will forms a complete work, end every third Dime Ler will be furnished w!111 a title par. and table of contents, thus forming a hetytifellt illustra- ted volume of over :1)0 pages of useful and entertaining reading, adapted to every -class of readers. The whole to be conryletesl in SHIMn .taaars, forming 1'co elegant Volumes. NOTICES 01' THE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Adeeeiiper. We are glad to see an American teeue of rL,- pnblieation, and especially ie w neat and conic ment a tons. it is an admirable comp;istinn, diatingatehed by the good taste which has been shows in all the publications of the Messrs Chambers. It unites the useful and the enter- taining. We hope its circulation here will be large enough to supplant, to a good extent, rot namby-pamby and lairepral works which Lata so long been too widely circulated. Q.,' This work can be sent by mail toany par: of the country. A direct renuttance to the publishers of Six Dollar% will pay for the entire work. This liberal discount for advar.ee pay will nearly corer the cost of postage on the work. Theses wishing for one or more sampe number* can remit them accordingly. Booksellers and Agents supplied on the two..' liberal terms. GOIIf.D, KENDALL & LINCOLN . Publishers, Boston. alts juror Signat, 1a PRINTED ARD rt'al.ts$at1 EVERT ,RrnAT BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, EDITOR ARD ra..r1.11-r s. orrt.8 N%Srtrr 391.158, 110D1nl,CN. Book and I.,b ['tinting, executed with neatness and dispatch. e Tames of rio: 1! inn SIG,ti..-TEN 51111. LINOS per annum if peel emcee. in advance, Twrr tr AND SIT PERfx with' the expiration d the year No rigor d,sconenoed ante Arrears are paid up, nnlen the publisher thinks it his advta- tags to .le Po. Any ,ndivtdsd in the country becoming re- spo alble for sir subscrieers. shall r eive a seventh co; y grata.ia. lJ All letters adressed to the Editor must be. post paid, Or 'bey wet ell h- ••,w'5 eel cf the post office imus er ArrrettOJG. Sit Inc.,mei nide►, first E0 '2 f E releaelncquent mem ion, 0 0 71 Ten line, line ander, first m.In,e.. 0 3 1 Eacn .ubargornt tenrheas,0 u. Over tea nee% fist Nannies, per L0 0 I:s.b Puh.egsent i..e:t.on.' 0 0 ' i7' A liberal d .ea.ot'tsade to those sotto sdvetd.e >•y tee yr. f