HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-12, Page 1.„ .�y....� 110.0114.1: (ark .,t ..i+. ma .sfvrsn ►•,efe,4 ati-- ,.et-. asWil4- earsilkOt4Ohlta a TEN SIIILLIN a s Ia ADVA11CS. VOLUME I. , •ore THE G'.EtTEwr POSSIBLE GOOD TO "VH* 4INFATESP POSSIBLE NUMBER." GODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. *) FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1319. 1,O4ACRES OF LAM) FOR BALK IN QANADA.WEBT. .L dill oast, 'boot t�,bet�00,,t0A0ON CRES for F LAtellillopersod throughout tenet of the Toernships in Upper Canada -nearly bine sloe Acres aro situated ler the !lawn Truce, well known ail one.ut toe most fertile parte of Oho l'ruvincc-et lies trebled its popula- tion 1a Ave years, and now contains up- wards; of 90,O00 inhabitant.. The I.ANUS are offcicd by way of 1, I•:.1 S }; , for 'I ee Years, -or J.r Sale, C .9 S 11 U (1 lit .V -teas plea .;f ,neAftA Cush, and Ike &,lune, in hotel ':rats being dose .rr.'y teak. • Tho Rent* pnyablo let February each year, arc about the Intermit at Six 1'.r 'cnt.upon the price of the Land. Upon most ,ttereleies,when LEASE/I, NIONEI i8 ltF7.ZUIRE%D istf%VN-whilbt upon the other*, according to locality, ono, two, or three years Ren', must Le paid in advance, -but thew pnvnnente will fico the Bottler trim further calls until sled, .;rd or 4th yen .,d lir tors of Leese. • The right to PUICCIL1SE ties FI1E:E;- .i(01.1) during the tette, t, .ec'.red t: the I,o.ses st • tiled awn 0.0„e'1 in Lease, and ,n allowance is made according to enliel- I'eted payaioat. !rete of 1.andr. sod any 1„lthor informs t urs can he ohaeiee.l, (el/ applit;atioe, if by :,iter post-paid) at (hoCuera velOdatcse, Termer* and Goderiiii ; ul 11. I:LaDmALL, Isq. .lryA•+lel. t'ulburn. Ili.ar'el Ur. .1 Luau, Gsrll'b, .,r L C. W UAL*, Meq; Rtrarfordrl(uron 1IWIxact. Goderich, fllarc i 1,1 648. 7 • MARBLE I: AC'1'O RY'. SfOUTLI NATER ST., C.1LT. ll11. McCULLOCII cuntinues to man- • utactere feeeeU5'I'ONES, MONU- MENTS. OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, Arc., p Marble and Freestone, as cheap as any is the Province, all work warranted to order, or no charge will be trade. Prices of Marble headstones from 10 to50Jullars of Freestone from 6 ti, 30 dollars ; Menu. meetskc., from 30 dollars upwards. - Written cooinuniratiuna adJreesod to the undersigned containing the Inscription', and at 'teat price, is Marble or Frsut000, it Ill bo peactwlly attended to. ' 1). 11. MCCULLOCIT. Galt, Nov. 8t1, 1843• 421113 REMOVAL. A III U P E, • %F�;PFCTFULLY kegs leave to return 'La: his sincere thanks to numerous friends ee the public generally, for the liberal pat- ' Attie heretofore rer:eived,-sad informs • .m that he has itEMIIVED hie TAI- ' ',RING ESTABLISHMENT from %drowse stroet•to Etat st.rcu', next door :tames fl.,ori, (Ar.rn'er,.and a few •ors went rel theGndcnch Foundry, where 11 milers will be promptly executed; and cede/mere may depend ea hating their gar- ments made up in the moat iwprov al sod lashionrvbke style. Q j" A full variety of the newest Fall an 1 Winter FASHIONS for l848-9 just received. Godench, Oct 97, 1848. 39 NOTICE. TM': Sieben -thee wishes to Infirm his C„stoneers, sol the inhabitants of Stratford and vici.Ity, that lie Intends car- rying on business on ' A READY I'r\Y SYSTEM." end that after the first day of January, 1849 to will give no credit. Ile will pay the highest price for produce of all kind., lilark Salts kc. Ile begs to return his sincere thanks to his ('ustomers ter their liberal Patronage, and hopes still to receive a Sbarc. 'riltuMNS M. D.u.Y. etmt(or4-Nov. 19th, i4SI. 44tf DR. (3RrOR(:E HARVEY, made. of tie Royal College of 8wsaas, Edinburgh. • ��AV1NG practical his profession for several years in tho Province et Nova :;cotia, takes leave respcc'Gdly to offer his prnfesaionalrorvtces to the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity. • Residence in the cottage lately occupied ley Mrs. Montgomery. • Goierfeh, Nov. 11N11, ktk40. 411 VALUABLEr0T OF LAND POP•lit A I.I. ��rr THEttF'3 ROOM ENOUGH FOR ALL " What seed .l all this luso sad strife, Each waning with his broiler ! • Why stwuld we in the crowd of Ifle, Keep rrampl,ng down each other ! le there so goal that can be won, Withost a squeeze to gain it - No other way ul acluu)( on, ' Out son,uubliug to obtain it 1 Uh, fellow men, hear wlel tom, rites. In ',mildly warning mill,- . Your olsirns divide - tl .:world is wide - There's room euoaih fur ail What if the ewe:thy peasant find No field for honest labour, Ile need not idly stop behind, To thrust a.:dc his nehhbost. There is •lend with wavy skies, Which gold ter rod is Where every brawoey heed that trite, Its strength can gram a living, Oh, fellow men, remember, then, 1Vharever chance Lcfall, The work i wi•i• - •where those'abele, There's room enough for all. From maimed sir yo bresiee is court., And typhu--i.inted alleys, Ga forth and dwell where h• ! oreeort.+, 1a lertik 1'11- and valleys ; Where every ann that chars a bough rind plenty in att-ndance. .'tnd every burrow of the 1•I;J b, A step to independence.. Oh, ha:Ace taco, tram fevered den. Arid ludgi"g: cramped and small The world is w,dc--in lands, beside There's room enough fir all. '1'lIE MODERN OYOE8s • A TALC OV Tn11Le. (C0YTI"unl, mors uua LelT. An animated discussion on the merits of lbo vurwua models now ensued; but \Val- stcin was incapable of participation, nod stood in dreaming silence, Lind suusutonod by the sculptor to accompany him to the' picture -gallery. DosfenJin;t rho great staircase, .they entered a short tateral tae sago, at the end oe which was a tl'ght of spiral stairs. Thu young painter followed the aaccndung company, and suddcq!y found buried( in rho centro of a spacious hall, adurnod with numerous pictures of female beauty, all the size of life, and shrined in broad gilt fremo. of Iavbb maga:iicencc•- Lofty candelabras, supporting shaded loupe, and Judiciously placed, threw a (enterable light oo every picture, and enabled the Mites at tho extremity of • small stage. A IOW and two mandolins sounded a riunplc but lively tnoaetrre, and the nymphs ad vaneeihatth a bonndine and graceful move meet towards the spectators. Tie it cos tune was a Creek undress, and -cementer of a siagltrunsuned drapery of white bilk, edged with Etruscan bordure, wlitch reur,h- od a rattle below the knee, exposing the pet - foci sywuetry ot tho log and ankle. feet wore erndulled; their beautifully 1B ir- ded arida acro naked to the ebou'dera; their Craws were eruwuwl with chaplets . vino-Iea+ea and ivy; end their upbraided tresses, falll.rg io dark and glu.iey clusters, waved with every movuwont. Tau ‘1011C1.141 werudiuelo and cuiubined, varied ay poeti- cal gcuupaugs, and enlivened by rotatory motions, winch rurentoled /somewhat the roes: of tiro Italian*, and' displayed tun classic beauty of their bulbs in graceful and *imultancu:is mutton. 'Behold wbispercd Bnncaglio, "a itudcou to 1rew with adtaolagc. A. so - Santini dance 1'erfuruted with true Ionian mind glance told the wundering Walstetn, e, f doubt whether Sparta, or evtw that most of the pictures around him were bcii sals ,e t•,t; ev.r produced lustier morn masterly copies from the moat celebrated perfect, and eyes of deeper lustre. ILt ! ba palnlogs of this class in Europe; a nearer ha! my t u tuuua \V.Istein !" cOntiaeed he, approach to one of theirs retested to bio ubre�rin ; teat uncuntrolltiblo agitation of that each tiguco war ,'luwIui with life u (tbu 'bei: •arils "1 eco,Jou feel the flasb- wcel as bcaety, and teat thu moduli of the in" of 1livoe c err. uud I keel: envy hof Pantheon trod Duca trausforre t to picture.. I human nature o predict tbat yuu will paint frame, and placed in appropriate costumes m the next m0plh a better picture than you attitude, and expression. before back - ever ,. , led. (ease grounds palated in fresco, and accurately I fellow! and recoet llect that the bold and halls corrcrponding with the antpford mai '(11041 naked tigurantus of San Carlo, and La .caeca of the orgmal preturor. .'u Inaaru I Scutal who aro gazed at by all ages and « ; of colleens! dimoosioas enclosed and( elevates, want the redeeming grace of this grace, and character.. (Bard be, Pthlnte wemay ft t her Nympha tespuaing in a grotto, analnssicat exhibition. But you ere exhaust, gruupcd trim a p euuo n( Albano. The +E:xn'ttng in lea !meteor", tee roure, artuvt 1 tr,endty cumprunli,te ut tear '1,.5c . •J ..-- ' eJ Trout : goddess and her attendants were recite:nsit of refreshment.Ed l' xcuse my addressed a note to Lor., requhe ea •a,r r- i Wmn: att a o.'nt, and I will raj ell y ee .rite g,t inattenuun " continued the sculptor, as he p a Z In pictureequo attitudes and naked beauty glutted the�bonch and went to a fids -table. • around the margin of • shell -formed bath 1 U.:rin�'his absence Walrteln looked alter - .1 white marble statue of Narcissus, in a nattily at the dancing nymphs and the young alter - reclining atutndo, and bending gracefully artiste around him, and fancied that he could over tho liquid mirror, produced a classical I discern in Their settles and glances obvious and appropriate effect; while teas eigatleaa tokens of amorous intelligence. Immedr- TWELVE ANI) SIR PENCE eo Tee sap UP THS ISAR. NI;MHI.It 49. picture to the rigid and ropeetoJ rcrutlny traits and my eon ceche,' Imaginative.-. vh ttie meet unsparing of all censors, but You have no title to 11, nor can sit ret uwn accurate and now practised oyu and memory; and at length lel attained the tri- umphant cuuvictrun that he had eminently succeeded to Ma object. The bright (.110.0 at Love sal Beauty stood the size of lite in a shell of pearly mut and lustre, and war floating un light summer -waver towards a .Lulu, ui.atwlk.•d with richly culuurod shells. and marine plants of speckling and vlttd deicers, :ierstdo, of luvely Iona*, were 11 -owe aruund, and gazing upon the god- dess with curlew eyes, %neek glittered like dark pro eta through .their mingled and etcdieing tresao.; while the Joyous dolphins gamboled in their train, and heaven, and earth, and sea, glittered in glowing tint*, as it /flowing at the birth of this ditralty.- wealth purebaim is." '•'That portrait,' rep'icd the Est!,eooily, " shall never last• ilia Lorene enat:pt for conveyance to Lu,l.ud4 anti ,1. you will . nut peaceably reltny•d„h It at guar - own price, t theeseta.0 turcibte po,be,,ee.- •• That wii( be a qucstie0 for Ike police;' restored \Calstc,n, aith riidl%J :.:uu..t.u0. "You 10em to I. r; 1, toy .tat , tbet thou la a,civit pee in :L 1 ..1..0) ]t. w'p.l to .0 E:ngload :' , " lligh conucxteer, nese 1 the 1:arl. • "cunlrul Ibe law'a%t Fivriruce, se yuu will boon experience it you sot Inc 4 rerhaece," "And yuu obeli !cure We •aril, 'hat I. MI nut 1 aims to be trarr:p*.ed we it. iat- puaity," exclaimed 1Valeti e •; t' r 1'he eeipestte fern, of ibis daughter o the totem forcible posaeaa:yn'' ter ' waves was humid and whinier, from recoil and t will placard pout netatt -:c emorsiuo; sed, partially veiled by her lung watt le t'tur.uece.' - ' - and rcduodaat hair, stood in br:ttreot relief " Itumintie'. nonsense'!" -luu.1 before a ,ky of deep and cioujlcss blue.- angry Etre- taking nit yrs v'•fll Tho head was gently inclined, and rho ?tee p01eu1 et the twtfy1:tt el tlu' I viii .1. beautifully inutile:! ernes epee:sett, wbile mice settle the gtiu.ron '. i, r- eho pressed with tapering ti"prre her 'portrait wh'tb rue ben. n: ..iez moistened trereee, from w limb the sparking unless Tui itis,;'• watt:s rteauseJ through tee sunny air lake "i have no deice ,ors' client genie. The painter had availed kis• ter coolly; "but yeti': :.;t self of the beet ongraved po;rra is cf this tfyou dcstroy't" pter'tn-. celebrated prima donne;'Ire tncmory and to both itee'errever.;' imaeinttion had amply suitpiicd their dee- lewd C. scatted nt this - cict,cic.e: ail in 1•,riti, testate., ane expect his tmpastione:! admiret.on et ston, his Aehrudltc was tee very counter -1 Work before him piotn 1 , part of the beet,!id Italian, -not a copy, i' from winch bo anticipated ae aiut ' •, to but a portrait, and ate:renting with vita' ty. I mmattoe of tbe.strugl;:e. ion, A: e. In this fait futon, ler away, Will labour And employees' -- A fair day's work, a fair day's psy, And toil will earn deployment. . What need, thea, of this daily strife, Where each wan with bis brother ! Why need we, through the crowd of lite, Keep trampling down each other ? From rags and crime Australia's clone W ell tree the pauper thrall ; Take fortune's tide -the world so wide Hammon. *Dough for a11. OLD WINTER. IS COME. Old Wieser is wmieg is eeraeststaek ' 'low icy and cold is he ' Ile circa not a pin for a shivering hit He's s saucy old chap to white or to black, He whistles his chills with • wonderful knack, For a jolly old fellow is be. A witty old fellow this winter is, A mighty old fellow of glee ! He cracks bra jokes on the pretty sweet miss, The wii, kly old maiden unfit to kiss, And freezes the dew of char lips- for this Is the wry with such fellows as he Old winter's" lrolioksoms blade 1 wot- i le is wild is his humour and free-- He'll ree-he'll %hied, along for the " want of thought," And set all the warmth of our furs at naught; pi • (rolickaome fcllnw is be ! Old Winter is blowing his gusts along, And mainly bhakmg 11'. tree From morcing to night he will siug Ilia sena ; Now moaning and short -vow howling and lung, Ilia voice is loud, for his lungs are strong, A merry old fellow is he LOT 8, Lake More, township of Ash Oeld, containing ONE TIUNDRF,f) AND SEVENTY. TWO ACRES, ' Within two Milos of 11.e %Letting Village of ('ort Albert, in which thele Is a Grist Milt, n Saw Mill, and an Oat Mill. The lint is houndtdon the utast by the Lake, and on the cast by a cut rand wisest le well watered. tJJ' Pon psvtteslars, apply -if by letter post paid -to r: .$ SVID.61.ARK, E. CeentWS T, lab Dec. 1818. 4trlf Dst. 1'. A: Mt4.1)t) 1:A1a1.{ WAN bo teaselled. et ail h..ti, et hie v q,isi6k Horse (L5•t►srta'�) Iineench. Nett 1311. tee* ig- 4, ,l1. r...,', , !1o.G, 8,1:: is .•a1'• Old W inter's a wicked old chap, I weeo- As wicked as ever you'll we- ll. withers the flowers w fresh and w green, And he bites the pert now of the miss at Siston, As she flippantly walks in maidenly sheen, - A wicked old fellow she Old Winter's,' tough old fellow for blows, As tough u ever you'll see ; He'll trip up our trotters aad reed OUT clothes, And ,titi•n our Iumhs from fingers to toes - it. minds not the cry of hie friends of bis foes -- A driving old fellow is be ! A cunning old fellow is Winter, they .ay, A cunning old fellow is he ! Ile peeps in the crctices day by day, Te see how we are passing our time away, And marks all our doing from grave to gay ; I'm afraid he'll be peeping at me orbs and mysterious vitality of the semi- uviol s s socioe transparent marble contrasted beautifully y met for the wlicanttuuspered rpu poses umour aflu`t Icd upon with the brilliant tree, tho bright, see boa memory, and along' with it his plighted breathing forms, of the lovely models, faith to the tender and constant Amelis.- eseh side of the connl picture appeared At this moment Brancagito brought him a the laughing Gioconda of Leonardo da large glass of Cyprus wine, and, with the Vinci; •kneeling Psycho from flaffaeiie; sarcastic smile habitual to him, urged tbq and two personification' of Venus, from flushed and thirsty painter to drain the celebrated pictures of Titian, reclining in goblet 1Valitam had not forgoaen the merotracious beauty and abandonment. - fatal potency of this beverage, and, ses- 9'bo lovely woman, who had reepreeentod porting sono treacherous design, ha glanced the Venus do gledicis in the rotunda,, now wound him, and saw, or (ancrod, a smile of appeared u the demo goddess attired by exulting,derision levelled at him from every tho Graces, and grouped after tho woe - face. Apage, Sabana' !" exclaimed the roused and indignant youth, as he dished the gubiot from the sculptor's band, sad rugged est el the hall, fodeween by to. fio66ddiiah lfitigh of the disappointed Bream - known picture of Guido, which has beco so admirably engraved by Strange. This charming group embellished the up- per extremity of the hall, and was placed mission to chew Alan a picture, but %% Afloat naming the painter or the subject. An encouraging answer was immediately re- turned, slid %Valetcln accompanied the 11 friend whoee',inion of ince •rt:ai s essential to me." He gtettet4 tee amen - meat, and Walstetu, '41111.01 ri•ii:y,ulfs tented to the winduw, and. traine -eel stemet , carefully covered picture to the hotel of the abstraction down tee .5tre,t, .u9tif retired • English nobleman, who received him with by a 0ouelu 11,0 totem .are 6:eking rouiJ, cordal kindness, and avoude.l every allusion beheld fiord C. and the lovely Cecilia, pa - to the irritating ctrcumetaaees under which ing at the picture. The beautiful 1tal(11 they had separated. ' stood in blubhiog aurpriso at the siert:og '• It Is so long since 1 have seen you, resemblance to cur own uanvallcif face and - 1Valetean !'_ said the Earl, " that I suapect person, but was iranquallazed by l.urd C: s you have been bard at wurk upon some am- remark, that the 'rust had copied the figure monetizing picture." of a well-known bring model, celebrated " When l had last the honour to see your lordship," replied the artist with a bettor erode," you were desirous to possess a Versus Anadyomeoe• With your per- mission 1 will show you one.` " And who is the painter 1" inquired tho Earl. " Ile stands before yon, .aid .Walstoln, firmly. "What, you, Wnletcin i" exclaimed the Earl with a sarcastic laugh; "you 1 what 'aro too virtuoso to look steadily at a lilting IVerI, n a naked 11IagJalen by Vander and the more subduct mirth of the model - It to impossible that an artist so Wert, and tho r luptuous Lucretia tat younger 3:11:10, who ontcrtatncl an in.- faste:weecan /tediup:tch any thing beyond ilei Saito, once :n the Orleans;Orleans;gal- ro:untary respect Jur 1111 rare' talent and theportfat It a statue." - tarp; cry; the the latter enacted by the tall and lull- 1formed wit re_ !elevated purity of sentiment which diatis- " LVill your lordship Jo mo the favour to presented e han o Ve ueleCa Ialpygnd Bo()p osi(e guiehed Wa(stoin from every competitor. retire into tho anteroom,' said Waletoin, to these were the Andrumcdas of Titian' Threatening with some difficulty the and Furino, between which stood a largo I mazes of this spacious mansion, he at frame enclosing a splendid group of Juno, ; length found ears way to the obscure street Venue, and Minerva, disrobing to Goo teat behind it. The dawn of a bright summer- lbo prize of beauty, from a picture of Polon•- I day was faintly visible on -the bonzon as he burg. Mercury soil Paris were p3lnted in emerged from the narrow entrance of Ibis tee maddlo distance, and a brightly coloured temple of boauty, and, in hopes to subdue on the brilliant and surpassing beauty 011 this unkindness to a patron eta liberal and scene of skv, wood, and water, filled up the 1 his feverish emotion,_bo hastened to the 1l aletetn's Aphrodite; then hastening to high-minded.' the artist who stood with a triumphant FairnLt goerapei-Yon know my open ion of female Ibeicty. Without it, we should degenerate into brutes. Tile ob- servation applies with tenfold force to young Teen and those who aro In thn prime of manhood. Fm, after • certain time of lite, thn ',topiary *sem may make a sh,ft (a poor one 1 grant) to do without the society of ladles. To a young man, nothing is so imputtant Sr a spin' of devotion (next, to hie Crratnt) to sorsa amlable woman, whose Image may occupy its Adan, nerd yard ft from pullutinn, whichft are aN rides. Emelt nen ost to cheese wile, as Mew Prrwernse dM her wtddie( gears, for finali- ties that ' weer wall." Ilse thing at least 1 tis Cares, Celu - Newtor, or a (tyrosine in Og- ren termer° in books a powerful auxiliary : bat amen muvt have s beerier friend, and ehtldcea emend him, to chenille sad eeppnrt the deserls..e of o(d age.-JnAis Ilsmielpk. A men at the summit of tea ghettoes career, bas frequently no more srlf'diree one thee tee Maio of hit watch. MI true, that ul matrimony bate has no pleasore. mere scholar, may And emp ay ; a man of literary test for her resemblance to the Medicean Venus. '• Do me the favour, Signora," cuntioued tho Earl, "to curt ttat dominion over man, which a lovely woman exercises at pleasure, and prevail upon this headstrong youth to relinquish a portatt which no one but myself ought to possess, or indeed to. behold. 1 have cmplityed entreaty, and crop menace, 10 no purpose." With a grace and dignity all ber own, rho (asciacting Italian approached the youthfsIOlwer, upon whutu the vivid re- collection of her dazzling appearance on the pedestal flashed at tura uioeicat with tbgll- u'g potency. "6.urt.l_,\\'diatela" sho said, with all that eloquence of louk and gesture which so eminently adorns Italian "while 1 haog the picture in tho proper beauty, "surely you cannot deny to so light and elevation'!" genuine a friend of art as Lord C. this Tbo Earl quitted the apartment with a trrfling tanner. Believe me, Leonardo, smile of doubt, and ere long returned at the I when time and distance sball have separated painter's summon;. Speechless with as- you and ►u lordship for ever, yuur gene- toniebment, he stood at the door gazini, up- I roue nature will reproach you keenly for r 11. nee': •r1i( ... dMo ! back-grnun ;. The fourth side cf tho hall ' river, throw offline clothes, and plunged re - was occupied by models of halt -length Mag.pcatodly Into the - cooling clement. lie- smile beside :hu picturo, seized hie hand, deices, with flowing hair and " lifted -eye," etreshed and tranquillised by long immer- arid exclaimed will eager delight, "In the front well-known originals of Titian, Cqr- sten, ho proceeded home and to bed, but in naso of wonder, Waletma ! how did yon rain sought rho oblivion of sleep. Tho achieve that glories picture, or rather poem, reggio, Carlo Ovum, and rho Caracc.. The Magdalen or Titian was modollod from effect of his too sudden transition from the -for it is hot painting, but poerty 1 Surely his singular picture in the Florence gallery, I heated stmospheio of the Hansel Anacreon e0`nc angel hooped you 1" - and was weli personified by a blue-eyed and to the icy freshness of the Arne, became Ne, m . y lord „retorted the artist, with Lair -haired Milanese, whose extraordinary bitter emphasis, teas no angel, but a profusion of waving tresses covered bet neck, shoulders, and bosom with a prodigal luxuriance, which rendered all other dra' pory superfluous, and proved that the unex- ampled abundance of hair in the original picture had little, if at all, exceeded the truth of nature. After geeing for some timo on this on - kites exhibition with tevertsh delight, the young artist, who had been comparatively tranquil amidst the classic form and asao- rapidly perceptible; and, alter some hours 0t Iruttlese endeavours to sleep, he ruse with a galloping pulse and racktog head- acb. A young German artist, who shared his apartments, was alarmed by his altered looks, and hastened, without consulting \Valatein, to seek medusa. aid. An emi- nent physician, who knew and prized the Jove t This picturo is tho work of sin. the offspring of a polluted imagination; and you, my turd, had the signal merit of cor- rupting my youthful fancy by exposing me to the spells of naked beauty, .atter you had drugged my senses with your fiery wine. 1 left your hotel inflamed with wine 'Thera was a spears charm in rho melting and impasstor-ed tones of this beautiful wuman'to which no man could Baton un- moved• The blushing ayd bewildered artist trembled with emanon; and, sinking on ono knee, ho kissed thu band of tbo fair enchantment. " I had determined, Sig- nora," said he, "not to dart with that pic- ture at any price; but from you 1 have not power to withhold it. It is yours on con- dition only that you receive It as a gift: - Even your eloquence will not induce ma to accept any pecuniary return.' With these words he rose abruptly, and, without be- stowing a look on Lord C., minted the apartment to hasten homeward, and cont- end passion, and fell unresistingly into the menta without delay hie preparations fur merits of the young painter, promptly obeyed the summons; ordered his patient snares of that licentious demon, the sculp- departure. immediately to bed, and with benevolent ter Brancaglw. Prompted by that infernal Several days had elapsed in busy prepa- care watched him through a week of Inti - spread of universal depravity, ho dragged day of hu departure, ho received a nolo eptnt which seeks sett -justification in the ration, when, on the morning precutting tho ations of the rotunda, dotermtnod to uit cal danger. At length the vigour of a con- stitution mationsa scene which ho feared would exerci�o a unimpaired by riot and intempo- Ulto that don of n ec, rho' Halle of Ana- from Lord C., re•pl:sting in the kindest croon." Happily, however, l escaped Ahs terms his company that evening to dinner. pernicious and lasting influence upon his 1 ranee prevailed, and tho convalescent pato- snares, and Lott the revellers bel ire their Tho lapse of time, and tho seething eon- shew him tho way out of this labyrinth of ; left an half -finished Madonna, which he had hour tat nut." 'domineer that he had mortified the pride commenced simultaneously with the "I knew not whether 1 ought to con- of the haughty Englishman, induced Wel- peril. "Your society," he added, "appears commenced to me more adapted to corrupt tho minds Psycho, au sovoroly condemned by bete gratulate you,'': laughing Earl, ite Q, item to relmqursh hl' prerl•uu. detemm�a- thae to 'termer' tho science tai tho younger Still languid from recent iudrsposuluot, but "ups° your escapesfrom the painter ban- tion rotor to seo the reset again, and le studerts. What can halt an hour's draw- • tranquil, and in a frame of mind unusually ,!lout. It might have bonded to lower that passed a long evening' with Lord l'. and the isg ave. thorn r' favourable to design and elocution, eo ro- , t eutonic spirit of romance, which I still tasdnaung Cecilia, who vied atilt each "Those lessons, however short," replied mimed his pencil; but the pleasure with I think mcompauhlo with success in your other in kind and de ihcatu attentions to fhb Brancaglio, "aro beneficial; but tho primary which ho had before painted this picture re- .career:' young eruct. '.1 hen ..t a late hour he rose object of these exhibitions is to exorcise turned not at his bidding. Tho charm I "Accursed bo that pumas .' cried the to depart, the Erie toe, ,rumh e r *'ger a the eye and the imagination; and, that grail was broken, and his too vivid recollection I indignant painter, "whack can only bo do- diarnoud nail •11 c`l iJuu..bia tslue,. and much in this respect, you will thecover of the unvolee Doautioe of Cecilia G., andi f lood Irma bee/mama ,' urco. f hapressed the pe,n;c to nec.rpt .4 it. -.et from your own experience. • I understand that most virtuuus shako of your handsome head, Walatom," continued the laughing sculptor; "but I contend that a young ar- tist may bo virtuous orcr-'rnuch; and i main - tam, that, with eminent capacity, you will novor seeded in historical painting, ante anti tbat his taste and imagination had you follow the example of the groat miners, taken a new direction. He soon deter - and take unto youreelt. mutrea, or a wile. mined to •bey the impulse, and to paint the But. come along,' added he he, look:og beautiful Cecilia in the guise and attributes around him: "our living pictures aro cover- of Ilia Venue Anadyorteone. " Yes ho ed with green curtains, end our friends' aro exclaimed, w'th the ardent et youth, and leaving te hall. You hays lutherto nnly the cunsefon'no+re et tncreasal power an'a wren Destroy in repose, you shall now be- ectlence, " 1 ,ball succeed now (..f never, tine bold it m graceful action; after which, if 1 shall enjoy tho luxury of revenging my• yenilselene to •bare our medal banquet, 1 vett upon that haughty Kngh.hossn, sesty will attd'you hums.' proving to ham that an artist of pore habit, The reluctant but 01lr(031 Walste;n fel 'land morals can paint a Venus to the lite." of the linin mafole In the "Halle of Ane- painted this onus, my ort, to convinwse willnot hurt your feelings, Waleretn; said croon," made the chaste loveliness of rho You that the task did not exceed my obi '- Madonna appear cold and uninteresting.- I iy, but novor again will 1 degrado wya•tl( After struggling for two dvye with his ilia- 1 be .laveurs! • reeves of (tta clan. • taste fur the p„14 ,01, ho became at length ( new, toy lord, with sincere gratitude tor conscious that he was an altered man, I your kind and generous' patrunagc, I take lowed the sculptor Into a well lighted hell, Stung by the recollection that Lord C. of dlmee•mos corresponding with the plc- 1 had moulted him both as a parntcr and a taro -gallery, but davuted screw tho centre mail, he soclu.:cid kuuscll from all wee101y by a curtain and raised platform, or pewee- I ender the plea of tedespostuon, with the triune before wetter were a few benches doublo purpose ot avoidhng his patron until ruing shove each otter like the (wt ul a the Mature was haasbol, awl of cooccal,ng theatre. $ the wbjaet from every ow. 11e laboured The curtain roes at the sound of a 11644; icith ardent road eocoaslwg Industry, and in and \Valetem behold ala lumpiest, 01 perfect `th'ee weeks, the punting, although on a Ips end feature, attending io g'acelul mite , :sage ei 41e. woo heisted. Ile rubyected hi• slob• rack.. , , ♦iia wl rest haw?au, .1 +l• {+rn ... Airs kr. line,.., • iib;+ toAttestir'1e :milia isair/li,.110Jar .' «t4 ea . seerewwikra •*, ,111'•1+ ' 1 he, " by tendering any pet:miarr recom- pense it. your (ttratuabi5 rtrett of my ,rebored Cele. titerle -yen? steep - Lance of this trill:•, as a p4001 teat I have toarncd to compr..hood and to respect your my leave et you. and probably for over. 1 ex.; Ited cha:ac'cr ae an artist and a* a elan, bare concluded to qmt Ftnnncc and Italy -sett, et the saute t•11v* to regret the in as soon as prneticablc, sal to ustaelash my- ties 1 havo done you. Uu use Ilia(moo sett in my native city of Nuremberg." wear this rng ler rtmeratrra Ice at me. As ho utiorot these words, the artist took promise that .n.v hour of irdi.0... duwn rho lecture, cuveruit ,t as beluro, 1041 wit, ai;ow we low A11411I4,0/fr .*►.meet prueecdcd towards the deer. you. '• tee,' !' elo.aune,l tan Rail w to vette. The generous waruttr.ad 50851. caoaiuq meace, n+ he seized the ertn et Wa ,tem: el 1. .e ' .ea tticeat l dgbsai..en 'afar' l,, the " that portrait a nut years, ant mine, and l.e..rt tat 11 alar(" And ::t alt lc4 mid for many mamma. In the teat place, I ! sesiecle,eds emotion, he pressed ten Asa of glee yon en nrdcto (.sit.t iI; secondly, you ' I.nrd 1:. to but buttes. "lf*Mrcdsso4 as. nate, through y tont%.tui e• in your 1 sited 'lag • be at length 't'.:aa :...EL'• r,i 1 honour, been per rite,( 10 be:o,k1 ('ee.ha t.. hire Iambi ate.l 707 V84 *%lase .1ws:y' . ,. . OS she was never b(vInru expoa,ed to the i Ingo which 1 ha:v leu vase; ,:.:.:, se --- gaze of man; thirdly, (mainly, and fifthly, ( Iluowlorward 1 n'4 Int • 11(e_ oat.,;,tA,ri»t1... the picture Is mine, because 1 :icer! and w it I laud, sail 1 ergot& bele ;eel ' ee,4„er. i. hare 11. at any coot and every rhea. I lera•tea of our sand moan "No, my luted :" (reels ul' l tee angry ! demgs, e of my fuettacry. e painter, " rue ...u,..,,is •s , t: r t,tc para- Ieeel.,n• tmpracmcabte - f'twi the (vaginal, bet from t tarayed per- yeuug artist took his 14', , to mount !reason that ( ysaatml it; and nes I buutbed, hawed, gas :4•.:411....01., w 1.1