HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-05, Page 2SHORT PATENT SERMONS.
saw eastie-iso. 131.
The fullewieg is a trswlalitsa ofd sermon
that I pirouetted haat 14uoday, to the ammo
nes of \1'104%111.1 • Ieleud. 1 took so text,
loot 'tollcee4'to them from a hollow tree
ep..slrouuteely, es'Cwlwralevuely, sod most
My saute bnthree-(perhaps 1 ought
um to heirs celled then my Strive brethren,
became meso have all while (sees] -1 come
moose you, not to beteg spec.. glad tiding.,
for you an nut prepared to 'preemie them ;
but to tell you bow unhappy you are is
Ode your primitive and pcuilese tundrlue.
You are 8 motet miserable set of tem( •'
ttuugs, called human b
worthy of the
`', but hat illy
ppelalon. Toe moral dra-
of your souls to ars •cant, coarse and
uncouth as your physical to; gory, and that
Ie ugly enough to make a deed dog balk. It
is true., f) Windwhistler., that you eat,
drink, cake love, dance and ging, ams tma .plueu at the loss of office. Ile has own -
gine that you aro happy ; but your Lappa- uieuced i,.o ciueaJo sgaii•t the Mlairt►y- duet. The same that brought about the re.ulu•
II fill f fatter. boo r tl 1 b bitter taunts and Ally charges nos in IEatlaed, sod "tided with the decspita-
ove u.o that August tut
rd before
Scot- d w hue curtaniene g
Far- 1 , whiched Le w
hao no Bible -no aiisstonatier-nn n:oner ,rated in what ho says. The 1'tl.mt and I' a •Tye Martyrdom." That (trod'
Ile was • Collector of Cuetoms is Shef rJ w• pMs0114 1st from •speriew d the
-appointed be the late Ministry . Accor- Tori.., that so cheap, however soaligeast ; em
ding In Mr. Lafontaine. in4epebdeoce of iesiseauos, however despicable, eon they luso
l'arl,ameet Act, collate public ,Afters eau ,ate i.5d,a.c. if they coestder tb.ir doles M
meratrd thereto, are prohibited from inter- well ewl le the acuemp8ehmest d alrt, d.rlug
'ming at eleclluns under of lure .l object -the psewrale0 of pls.e; eW h., the
,line ter permit,. The officers
ers of the Coe -war a Nein of Mini rood to the whok
toms are among these -mrd Mr. John Moir W
Furca became a victim to hie own fully, eomme4Uy, bet t.: the opperte.t1y u
or to his heated partisanship towards the Witham,'" ep themrefvw
late Ministry. This Independence of Par- to the i0
!lament Act, it should be borne in mond, is
neither a French nor ae America
but is copied Irum the
that very Cu
actic&I working of
.t.tutiuo which ''run 1oyel"
Pt es tauch about, gird a cue Was recent-
ly given in which the Hume GuternuteDt
di.mt'red a person from a similar office to
that hold by Mr. Ferree, for a liko offence.
Thu Ministry can expect notionir less than
ao uueoulpri.iny comity to Mr. Ferrol, and
0o douht the columns of tiro Ga_rtie will
uffutd hum ample room fur gratifying his
alf cils d
mad going perm oeac7
titnue0. they wide to me g .rials.
irrespective of the "steed wd(Are. Wm. these
brie( remarks. w. win proceed to oesuuer nee
et twe of those .....res that are likely te fpm
• ponies of the IegtJ.tted leboer. of ver Remo-
1easauves at the fortheom,ng 01100.
The first measure we shall advert to r the
Uriver0ty tlaeuuoo. li has beds • beg -bear
to the country lung enough, aid high time it it
tL.t it war settled. That it has bele se loot
unsettled is ...win o the dynein of policy that
bac le all tune put bees the Tory rule of c0 -
at Sees le threw N their bel; O le better 10 do
IS sew glee after Oa, eight w tee yeah of bent
weak is reededag valrable ibe properly of ethers.
to (,ed all their latwr lost and t1erselve
meth the kr able to ow,ti,!
cod 1 would
the wwW agate.
myrres • 0l' all Grading stolen
u butane petebrens ander this del•J..4 eye -
tem. Thea. nm1rks are milled forth partly
frees • desire to wore my fellow settlers of the
eleretioe to which they eland, partly with e
view . draw the &ignite• of those who may,
hem the pOmeUion of mesas, be able to avail
themselves of the advantages prevented by
Beildiug Societies as a anode of relieving them
from their ucpeadieg ruin. To sone do they
held out more t.Juceinen. than to those situated
Ss 10055001 Bre to the Company. 4 litila
dent economy might email* many through the
tracking of lbe4 tndttlatloas to clear themselves;
and in proof how rapidly money invested io
these societies increases, I submit the substance
of • a.temeot brought by the 'Treasurer and
Auditors before the Board of Directors of the one
nets I. • s agree u su . .ttn t* ,
t" tl t yt u can be happy %lien Y" must bo too evcd becauee he ts so disiafer- ties of Charles the Mint, erroseoudy called in op.ratio0 in this place, and the society may
-no polaicl nes among you ? What I ma have bed a spur about 111 Board of I land which blood i0 the edge of Choles the when the films *hare was sold. The statement
mean by politicians ie, nom w hu hate got
uut1iny, and aro wiilmg to sacriti •e rill for
the trill welfare of your bu.by but glorious
little Iaend-tis have governed eccutding
to the great principles lung ago 'laid down'
by Cuoersl decketia, .and lately 'taken up'
and 'carom' out' to Mexico by the Illustri-
ous Polk. Would you know a Bible from
a brtc!t•bat or • card of gingerbread, if I
were 10 :brow you ua. 1 I thought I had
rine in my coat pocket, but t.",at'e my pow-
der tisk. No, I know you wouldn't ; but
it's of no consequence whether you would
or not, for you can't reed, soy more then
the wind tb.t fumbles over the 1 in
the book of nature. Did you ever hear of
heaves 1 It'. a great country -but you
haven't got there yet, and I'm afraid you
never will : you won't, certainly, unless thouh not named as the Individual referred
you first know Dere is such a place, and to -be could not fail is taking it home, as
make some sort of p1olerations to gel there. intended fur the ex -Collector of Shetlord.-
W.II, b , !J ye pour, benighted end Notwithstanding that the Transcript ( a.
belated Wlnd•whistlers, to up there ! 1Vlet Tory paper) is obliged to check the Gazette
you see overhead that limits like niy blue fur the 1 of its statements -some
cotton umbrella, here, when spread out, is of the opposition papers take quite • plea -
heaven. You lire under the centre of it, 11110 in dishing them up to their readers as
and are the (srtheat off, while we, civilized truths to be "relied" oo.-Hati1. Courier.
sod enlightened beings, dwell round the
edges -where the golden skies commingle
with earth, and where perpetual peace and
kappioeea prevail.
Ye moneyless and miserable inhabiitaots
of Wind -whistle Island ! Far off the west,
where -the setting sun throw. a flood of pur-
ple and crimson glory upon the clouds,
stands the great city of Gotham. 1 come
to show you the Tart difference between
that place and this. There, we have heaps
of money ; and, coaseq iently, are contented
and happy -you have none ; sed, therefore,
are wretched and uiieerable. There, we
are all honest : we never Ile, cheat, nor
take adventaoe of one another -and so we
are prosperous. Virtue, with us, is 00001111 -
moo that it attracts no attention from the
Angelo, who visit no daily with sunshine on
their wings ; while, on the other hand, vice
is so extremely rare, that when • particle
of it is found, Satan. looks out of his hole
and gapes with wonder ! We have no cares
nor anxieties to trouble us. We take no
thought as to what we shall eat, what we
shell wear, or how withal we shall be cloath-
ed-only festoon and respect require that
we .hall eat the best we can get, and were
the finest we can afford. ''our women
1Vurks ; but all that the former can say I decried, and ultimately was the cease of the is carried down to the commencement of the
will not conrince the ex -Collector, that the
Ministry bare not euwmntnd Buena blunder revolution that led William the Third to the mutat month: to that Blunt time the paid op
in the man 'gement of this department ante throne, kis been mud is at present the curse o(1 capital of the society. 'thews • profit of forty -
they canto Into power. Such is the rock- Ireland, mrd was one 01 tit. mals nom of *helmet* and a half per trot., or four *hilltop and
Icsaoees u( the Gordo that his friend and rebellion in this Province, namely, their codes- nine pence on every 154' "billings paid in.-
net`hboer the Trance, r -hast been obli- ver to buil) up the Church of Eogland to the Should ago on in the rams flourishing meaner
ted to take him In hands. We fear, that detriioe.I of all other systems of faith, aid to as it has commeseed it may ressa.•bly be ex-
tbo ing hi tripf will come an short of toes make its dogmas the only rale of coo.ciesee petted to wind up in six or seven yetis, when
vincing him of his errors and areae es, as
the filet bac don). Ths Casette raver throughout an Rmpin governing 14010 subjects the stock will be divided amongst those com-
abuul the proscription practised by the pit- than did Rome to its beat days. We trust that posing its members. In e0lliug your •x001100
sent Ministry, and the many dismissals the measrm .h.s passed will he of such • s•- fellow settler., to these iestuationo as • memos
made, to make room for political friends, the tore a forever to set at reit .11 feu of Church of delivery from your difficulties. I itoow ` muny
Transcript calmly asks him for the proof, 4.mi.1ie.. We expect it to be bat the fere- will say it is very fine to talk ; but where is the
and professes to know of only one dismissal maser d another impmist one of the same nosey to come from, to enable us to become
load the abrogation d the Clergy Reserves.- shareholders 1 lo reply to this, I would remark
on political grounds and that justly done.
This war • dead hit at poor Ferree. Al-
-Let these lands be devted to edo°atioaal purpo- that if • difficulty exist' In obtaining the trifling
ae., sad we shall woes have a population that amount necessary -three pounds four sbilliop
from the possession of knowledge will be • a year -to enable you to receive fifty pounds on
barrier to supentitioe. eves though the super- the winding up of the society, by what protest
nitron should shadow forth itself under the dog- do you propose to raise money enoagb to pay tics is radial. 51r. Gram from the London
ems dthe Apostolic Succession.for your land at the end of the five year., ort Reed (refloat), was canvassing ter hts
iuelf io
An extension of the franchise is imperatively should you not then be able, the still larger , that port of the township ; sod wigs they .11
demanded, in order that the country may be amount required tet the ander tee year.? Ryon . niet at the Poll, I war suprued to hod Dr. Cols
muted apia.t the unprincipled jobbing of Min- cannot do the one you may depend upon it yo0 (radical) en other candidate. Su you will pro
raters. Too mach of that took place during the will nut be able to do the others. With these .rive three Radical candidates in the field al
last (our years. On the measure proposed we few remark. I shall now leave the subject, tram- once to oppose nee Coneervati•e. But beim
have such an extension as will, we think, ing, however, that you will give it that eo8• they went to Poll, 51r. Hashea reaped is
amply 'mower the purpose ; and though it may sideration it deserves. • favour 01.1)r. Cole, when 31r. Ritchie saw that,
he found he would be hoed roo unless her -geld
conr.li+te matters with Mr. Gra:,l. So gra moon
To T111 1D1T0■ O/ Tax MORON 1104(11.. at Mr. Greet tinved, Mr. Kleine end his warm-
esI supporters pledged themselves if Mr. Greet ego wesld lost £1000
0.,-1 observed is the Iluron Gautte 0f would wrist them tr' tb. election, at they 40 daps work el* yoke sf oxer eel -
October 27, a lengthy and .clodalow article,
would return the complement next year, when : ling 10.t 13. tlJ 26
e shell be entitled to two councillors. But 9GU r0ie Of m faN c0 110. per
writt0, as I have supposed, to iojare my inti.- I
160 culverts sod timber complete
coil 50s 400
Prepairisg ST 11111.11 of rood fer gra. •-
eel at la per rat. .911
60 miles to grovel at 105 per rod `9,600
For rib draiaisa., and cleaning eat
she water -tables, my 400
IFTotI"g•tee loft £75 each 375
ship ; also that to
• pal
Cas nu steely at that 14101
la the tows -
'rat had raised steps Hese w
e0 le lalsebood. No meas ever woe there to
settle hat we, with the 0100pw0 of My. Wuh-
p t k Dow a !rasa 9irat(urd, oho wet ep t1er.lutei 09 need el "4"""k fur err
Tbe load s termed, sad much travelled.
coouaued (with little repairs) w be a geed
road for eight *same years, which r • meet
Ihat we have • /Quadrates tor 8 road, sad
erg, Mr. Go,.dwtao sod myself ; tote settler is
a tet .' 111".11ter disci/le"'
with w late .pries, sed viewed the plso n-Ilked
1t o,ech-•0 that he nowt his family to theFru«s a thorough kwwkrdg0of the whole
plsos, bet 801 at my .ohmntue, het a the n• bac of mad, ,ay Crum the Wilmot comer to
gne.t d Eogs'ree McCulloch tad T. ltl. Day ti.J./N1, 1 .in quelM6ed le state that if all
of 4itrst(uid, to whom he ga.e op los pl.re er the swamps sod =ora•eee 08 the whole
farm for what 1•. owed them, mud bed se otter were runl,nui.u. instead of being 4.ell.e.,
they w o..W not extssd three miles.
There are 37 .Odi0Os of colt road vary•
plat. togo to These (*attune advised him
to go up the lake.
1 defy :ohs Clerk or the Editor of the Gazzette fw14 9 1.. 36 of 30 rod. rte Lfegtb.-
to substantiate what they have publisl/d mgais.t Now to make there permanently geed. 1
mus in that eo.temptable paper. 1 am prepared would drain 00 the low ode and Wim mat -
to meet either oar fair groutid.; and by Mr. Isle dceper'has the dram", aridmaks ks ea1-
Jecksor's letter to me 1 am encored to show to with frame timber, eovere4 with iws
timber, at lomat 4 feet wide, w that the
the publie that 1 *chid in strict accordance with eerie
hist io.'ructi0a Igo if 1 had done any thing
wrong, Mr. Jackees is Me gentleman tL.t 1. to water table■ ..n Ore high side could empty
s. fLia done, 1 could colluder
look after meq -ooh Jotting Clark, who, thank
fortune, amorous no authority to KtoeardiDe,-
but has been doiug all In hu power to retard
the plogresa of the place. I 1 w ould take the loose earth, .Ipsco, trot
1 most call your attention to one thing Juba- .lump out of 14 feet of the centro el the
07. Vaal is, 1 am 80(• fugitive (ro0110•11ee. 1 30 feet that were grubbed, and throw the
am in the country that pee me birth, bat Dater earth on each side. 1 would them level the
had occa.ioo to be bung.) up to a barrel, aid bed and lay us 6 niche* d -g ravel, cod with
smuggled to to any other pert of the world to two yoke of uses and • heavy elm roller 13
evade 401(10. And to Kincudl.. I 'mend p• feet lung, go twice over lbe gravel; them of
ins Dear "piing. the earth from the side. 1 would stetter 6
From Glengary,, E. D. tucbes on the gravel. and roll tt twice, put
DIABOLICAL OvTaAoa !-A few eights
ince, urine miscreants entered the grave-
ard, attached to the Epi.copplian Church
t Ascaater, and, in •.pint of gavage won-
onncss, lore from its proper place, tad
roke into pieces, • very beautiful and cool-
y monumental slab, lately erected to the
memory of the wife of Mr. John More of
West Flamborough.
Words utterly fail to convey any adequate
expression of the enormity of such an of-
feoce,--even the heathen share, in common
with enlightened humanity, thou feelings
which cause the resting -plates of the dead
to be regarded as .acrd ground. In An -
caster, the circumstance has created, as
may well be supposed, the utmost indigo,
nation - and, especially, that monster*,
capable of such en atrocity, should have
made so quiet and well ordered • village
the scene of their wanton atrocity. We
are assured that there does not exist the
slightest suspicion that this act originated
from any ill -will towards Mr. Gore or any
of big family. -Dundas Warder.
remain rough and unfinished, as rude azure
formed theni-ours are screwed up here,
and stuffed out there, to make them look
like something worth loving. You let our
wives ramble about out doors in all kinds of
weather ; plant corn and dig potatoes, while
yoti,ars olT a-fehiog-whereas, our. are
kept as pets, and ornaments for the parlour.
It's a wonder your children don't all dieoff
like November chicken., you take so little 1
care of theta. Our young ones are cooped
up, and nourished with careful tenderness !
ave give them medicine to prevent their
getting sick, and, as a matter of course,
they live to a good old ego.
Wind -whistlers -you are an uuhappy and
degraded people. To bo bleat, you must
become civilized. You want, In the first
}lace, money ; for that is the root of all
happiness. Thea you need among you a
few lawyers -several ministers of the gos-
pel, of different penuasiuns--a score of tai•
re, and a schoolmaster. These once
among you, and there is no fear but the
devil will .end you • plenty of doctors.-
- Then you will be on the broad road to civi-
lisation, refinement, and happiness. You
may ssy that you are contented and joyous
u you are : bat I tell you, you are misera-
ble -sed, it you only knew it, you would
feel .o. 1 hops to let you hear the voice
of wisdom emanating from tbis bay tree
.gato men doe .amen. Meantime, go to you
hones -talk the matter over among 70117 -
.elves aid come to the conclusion that you
aro wllltag and mean to be made happy. So
10010 it Se. Dow, Ja.
The United States Agnate continuo to de-
vote a large portion df their columns to the
all -absorbing topic -the gold in Cala(oroia.
The Washington Union mays :-
"AI1 doubt is removed about the genu-
ineness of tho gold in Celafornia. Every
effort to prove It • humburg is put at root
by the arrays of the mint. The opposition
of the Whig critics must now cease. 1t io
mica no longer ; hut it proves to be gold -
genuine golil-singular.y rich gold. Phis
fact will increase the iocent 1415 to emigra-
tion. The tido of population is pouring
more and more actively ipto C.lafornia.--
The augmenting inhabitants will more
strongly than ever Jurat] a government,
• mint, post offices, and all rho appendages
of a growtog sad refined people. 'There is
• claim upon Congress for Immediate action.
The warty and prosperity of the Cala(orni-
aws demand a prompt and effectlee organi-
sation of • proper government."
FA' [Wilton for Calaforn., are organizing
al many of the large came. in the Union.
Boston, Salem, Newburyport, Providenoce,
Benito!, Hartford, New haven. Albany,
Brooklyn, Newark, Philadelphia, Pittsburg,
Baltimore, Waahiegtoe, and Nw Onrane,
eve particularly nsutloned. Fire dollars a
day, was the (west rate of wages at Bas
Fran.t.co at the latest accousls !-.11fe.tri-
ail ('Jot.
the atoms" mellow' ready. with the remain -
nig 61 ".'les to be formed.
Te Tan *DMA or Tula 110804 0.01 AL.
o0 6 inches ovum gravel tied roll twice,
over which l would throw the elegising of
PT , Jae. 2, IMO. the water -tables and give it • finish with
Sin, -The election for Ceeillor law► place the rolk•r.
yesterday, a04 1 Mv.. inform Toe (11.1 D. IL f lore we have .. outlet at every section
Richie, Esq., was ekeled by a mammy of 49.- that rignires it, to dr.ia the road we harp
Tbe township has been In • .tote e( krlweoa- ! a bed formed to cologne the gravel, the
tior for the last weft, or perhaps more ; fur it roller imbed" the first Byer of gravel, the
was contently reported that • Mr. llsakas, looo earth rolled on it consolidates 0, .ed forme
keeper, was euata.iag for bimuIf. Ills polo
a bed for the but lax Inches of gravel and
the earth scraped off the sides, and out of
Ile water -tables tieing thrown o• the sur-
face en4 rolled, keeps the whole from
shifting, sod sats a a cement, leaving a
smnuth surface for the raid to run off.
Let us now see what the expense of such
a road would be.
From close gale0!•tioas of the extent of
outlets required on the' (tie (for very little
other drainage w.vld he se:sasuyr) dram -
Four umbers more will complete the first
volume of the Huron Signal, and owing to the
`rest inconvenience of publishing a newspaper
in Goderich, our subscribers must gine moth
credit for having got so far aloog without 4101-
%ing them. And as w. are -miserable bands .t
cruel'', we trust that all these who received the
first number of the Signal and who have not yet
paid for it, will have compassion o0 our feelings
and save ns the mortifcatior of again hinting at
this delicate subject, -by remitting, at their first
convenience the sum of twelve ghillie(' and six
pence for each copy 0 received. To those who
with to p0y it ad , the price for the ease -
G* -Mr. Abraham.
the Edo., tied proprietor of the Montreal
Gesell. h.s sold out and departed for lout -
pool. It appears that his sueesseer to the
editorial chair le co leas • perrunage titan
John Meir Ferret, *he hoe latterly ebluoed
considerable notoriety, from the Dome he
made, It reference to hu dt.m.onl. from
office, for rotor( n0ce at the last election.
in year will still be only tea shilliage.
coot a trifle more in payments of .Member's
wages we consider the advantages to be gained
will compensate the country over ad over
again for the increased expenditure.
We look for an alteration in the navigation
Taws, a mestere of incalculable benefit :o the
country, ted sow demanded from Britain as • cote with hlr. Jackson, the Government Agent ! oothiog is more certain thee that we .6,11 /e-
t of simple justice. She has for her,own t for the settling of the lands along the Durham
interest deprived w d protection is het marks., turn a Radical then, for Mt. Grant leo the
oar interests requiringthat nor carrying trade Road. I are not aware, Mr. Editor, who is the promise, upon honor, of Mr. Richt, and friends
' author of this staff, but I am thinking it mast t
to support him. 1 have nu doubt that he soil,
h Id be open to 'the world The same argu
be " Wee Jock" ; if eo, Mr. Editor, 1 em in -
meets that led to the one must lead to the other:
dined :o think that by noticing the cur, except
she cannot bold here what she be. deprived as to Lied Lim as the Gorse did the au, 1 would be
of them Wow we to teepee eves •t t6• ow..., towering myself in the estimation of the public.
sures that probably will be .ubmitted to the Now, Sir, .the principal cause of all these
consideration of Parliament, we fear that we i
misstatements i0 the Garotte of Oct. 27th, is,
should tire our trade,., and is coasideraties to that during the summer I was op Lake IIuroa
their palidote, will leave the subject.
about thirty miles above Goderich, auditing in
_000" --"- the erection of a Saw 51411. Some tint/. during
CORRESPONDENCE . the last of August, Mr. Brough the Surveyor,
-+ mane out at the mouth of t'anaugor River,
(where I then was), with what is called the
TEM. Durham Road; many persons followed the Sur-
tOR TITS 110800 stos►L. veyor from Owen Sound settlement, to view the
No plea has as yet been derived tbat will ops- hinds in the township of Kincardine. Mr.
WI more to the daodeaa.ge of the settler than Brough gave 1110, as near as Ise could, • plan of
the Letueg System of the Canada Company.- the township and town ; and while Mr. Brough
It is the greatest piece of cruelty that Cru been was there, we're' persons came to the place.
perpetrated in this country upon the uninformed i enquired of that gentleman what was the te-
stifier, sod would do credit to the cheating testier' d the government in reference to the
shrude.eg we are pleased to ,oppose is attributed wild lands. IIe informed me that u. near as he
to our neighbor" accrue the lake ; with the could find oat, the present inteati00 was be est -
spurious decimation "act money regoired dow,a," the the lands immediately : and that 50 acres
parties are induced to become lessees instead of would be given to any British born *abject, bat
purchasers. They died themselves to pay seem that he meat comply with the government nipu-
more than egad to six per cent. oa the market lotions. and further stated that I might now
value d the hood, and enter into heavy eogage- know the lots along the road by small centre
rotate foe the doe performance of the many obli- 'stakes set op. The same day on which Mr.
gain:a contained ia the articles of Lease : Due of Brough left. a Mr. Kent, an English gentleman,
which is, that if at the end of five years they are and some four or five others, visited my shanty
snobla ti.rmy the amount at which the land u also in parson d • location somewhere near the
milled, it i. miseries them ; sod at the termies- lake shore, in Kine•rdine. Oa Mr. Kent's re-
ties of the lease, to wit : io •nether five years- tom he wrote bock to me to.say that 6e had
if they should still he unable to pay -the lands, taken the liberty of making au d my name to
with all their improvements,.are forkited to the Mr. Jackson, the Agent, as a very useful person
Company ; rod *hos vanishes from the 11."11 all to show the settlers their lands, to take down
the cannel Ten years hard labor has accumulated their Dames, the numbers of their lots, and the
on the property that be fondly thought would be quantity they wanted. Accordingly 1 received
hit ewe. Ther. i. •• clause for • payme81 by
Ike etenspeem of lay nm as compeneation foe the
improvements made.
1t is set as if this plan, oa the part of the
proprietor, Frederick Wilder, Esq., Commie-
siooer of the Canada Company at Toronto, had
resulted from ignorance of the slow proper
roads by settlers is the woody, or that it war
the hasty idea of as uirformed penoo--far from
it. No ona with the books d tit. Canada Com -
patty before him, and the knowledge he meet
have gained from them of the lengthened credit
ths'Compiey extended uader the old system of
the one-fifth down and the remainder in 610
1 i.itahueots, but mast have been aware
that in submitting thieyreheme to the publie, he
was wilfully and knowingly entrapping mea to
their own view. 11 ie now upwards of fifteen the government did not give the whole. he would
years sines I cane to this place, and i tan pots( not have soy thing to do with • Ashfield and
Wawasrh, and stated that by Mr. Caley's act
of Perl.meot, all the land. west of Goderich
belonged to him, ami Mr. Jackson was nothing
thew peress. are at this moment is so better but 8 pretender, as it beloeged to the Huron
pluton to pay (has they were at the time d District, which be .till claims in that seorilow
40;03 on them keds ; this has Hees from the
many mtefort.aes all are liable to. Dales., thee,
some great edvarago-1101 highly rs,taitora
most is . fellow the imam that hes set hitherto
bees stunk/Wit es 16r efforts of the ptrel seer, 1
neve .e 1e.iuti si f• awrtimg that ase -half se
throw-feerdos of all the Ia.d leased will. at the
'minimises .( the Mese, mesh' the property of
the Coned* Company, if eves n ahoeld set re-
vert to them at 88 earlier date, (.or de i liai=se
to ofikme 'bat ..e. woe dm ealeslaue■ el the
fewer of the me00re, sod ea Mehl dos arse -
anises .there woe seed to induce its sdep-
oa :)mom dispoir.g of being able to pry for
heir lead at the Immeshes d the leas* will
eb..dor rather than cotinas to week fir the
benefit of ether. ; sad there mos will mel pro -
dem ly. 1 w01d oureuely admire all who dv stmt
eve tb•tr way Meetly, ted feel rushed of beteg
able te mel t}0e sYysmemau to the C..mpsey.
\grey there are imatouely Iakieg forward to
the coming serine, -come; like ourselves. is
the confident expectation of seeing, under the
auspices d the Liberate, a semioq, that from its
important resale, shall form •n ere io Csoadina
Legislation ; others in the hope that through the
opposition of the broken faction, self-styled Con-
senativee, matters may be allowed to remain
very much io the same state they have been for
years put. These latter if they fail, es they
I will in their desired object, it stand -still policy
will again raise the mad -dog cry of revolution
e nd rebellion. Treat it with the contempt it
will deserve. Jodge of the r res submitted
by the Government through .the oceans of net-
t then party : let the measure "peak for them-
seine. if good, give them the poise that will
be their due ; if bad coedem. them. Remem-
ber (no matter the cry of mod deg,) se rt of
men, be they at the herd of Goverentent or net,
east raise rebellies or accomplish revelation
without the aid of the moues ; and as long as
we 6.d 0reelves In the enjoyment of urinal
liberty, --a liberty more rural than that to be
(read seder ay other formed govera0w•t. Re-
velutiw meld only iseelce es In dimmer
it wee le ee segnesos of withholding that
liberty by the Tory parry that formerly (sensed
Canada, that the rebellion bad its ries; and
however mach we may feel irelinierd le e.r4"ms
the anode permed by 1.y0 Ma res:M ood ethers,
it is to them dust we ewe the gi.yaseit of the
edvmup. to be deri.ed from a represestative
10erem'. t such es it Is seder -steed . be Is
[ rilsis, steel tech as Britose we were *stilled to
iSspeeedbt-1iy From the gsversere to the (o• -
emit.' wee ws0nrg: to call midi • nate d this.
• regme"sut..e 50verstneet was • reeebery . it
had the same wiihee, th. 01118450. We have
boo led into timer rormrke fn= the harried.
make a moot excellent Councillor, and as fur
Dr. Cole, 1 must say that few, If any, could he
found more capable of luukieg after the peculte-
ry affairs of the township. The meeting was
far the largest ever known i. Stanley. The
chair was taken by 1). Brownian, Esq., .ad
the meeting conducted by him . the ,a'ialae-
tiou all present.
Yours, die.,
FOS TIM etltus 1110FAL.
Sia, -Your Fullerton doriespoIJemt has
said so much upon road making that it re-
quires sonic courage to even offer as opin-
ion, but having • wayward veil .1 my
own, and a sort of idea that he is profoundly
ignorant of the soil of our road, I cannot
allow my ideas to stem upon rho subject,
and, therefore, offer the following remark.:
Your Fullerton correspondent woo:.l
make it appear that the Great Huron Weed
is a morass; to .hew him that the contrary
is the fact, 1 can ay, that, with but little
repair, the Huron Road has bees much
travelled upon fair the last fourteen year.,
and generally acknowledged the best un-
planked or unMcAdamized road in• Canaria,
East or West. it has been travelled upon
all seasons of the year, with less difficulty,
or complaint, than any other soil roa.l; and
only known to be really bad, after the at-
tempts of the District to repair it. 1 call
all the repairs made an attempt, for they are
generally commenced too late in the sea -
Mr. Jackses,g letter of date September 4th ; son for consolidation to take place, steel too -
ales another of the 3tb, with io.troctioos; also
d the 1811t September, with ami eactoerd notice sequently leap us wad (stead of our road,
to e, that in consequence of the Surveyors not until tho next summer drive It up; then,
being able to come out for two qr three months; the gullies are not filled up, but left open,
that he would be obliged to diseo.u.ue the 10 retain the "bower* that may come, one
encouragement to squat, wishing me to .give would suppose, for the purpose to keep it
publicity to the enclosed, which I dol verbally, tnoist below. Another great evil attends
sed by putting 117 hi■ notice publicly in our those repairs. There are deep drains 14 43
shanty. ' la dui wane letter he states-" I am upon both sides of the job. gives out, with.
obliged by the attention you have given to the
parties enquiring for lads; and I trust such
persons have selected location, as will prove
agreeable neighbore to you and useful settlers.
This, Mr. Editor, dols not lock like John Clark
being the agent for Kincardine. Yet the little
body etiolated that he was, and stated that if
to malty who became at that tune, or shortly
after, the perch -men of land from the Company,
e nder 1. thea 'gettable mode of vellus, mrd
p.blicati0 about me.
Clerk thee writes the Commiuioeer of Crowe
Lead., =skim' ase of false sosrrOese about me,
that 1 was taking .11 upon mewl( wuheat
may !authority. The Co rifler eery leody
t utee that 1 had o0 eatho y or e0neetion wish
the deperlmesi-neither lied 1 from him-there-
fue he keen sodium abet ew,--1 het does Mr.
Jukes* soy se.) Why ace write Mr. Juliana
aid firer gad est by that academism whet i had
here doi.g? Bet so, lie bow too well the
tower ie which he had abated that psde.as,
sod despised Ms authority. Ile cid set. set
dare tet, write to Mr. Jackson in I e mine tome
d contempt in which be made used that gee-
d/ernes' s name to me.
Bet, Mr. Fehr, this meddlesome sed emu
little petufoger Jock has stated that I h.4 meth -
mid several to go there, d,sprar of their property.
&c Now, how meld any person do this when
T. I).
sea sate 04050 rawt..
Posuc Moanns 'iter Sarni Eserwer11,
Miaow Ds.Tatt-r-New Damien or Poor.
Ano Dacca. -0e Monday the 18th hail., o
large and influential meeting war held lot
the Ina of Mr. S. F rylogle in South Eost-
bops, is coasequeots of the following eotiee
%high had been circulated to a small extent
. to the emit moque. of the townships ,f
North .ad South Eastbope, but was we -
!mown ie Stratford or neigbbeurbood. till
within a few hours of the meeting :-"A
-publie n e"tio. will he held as the Tavern
i.t Mr.-liebatian Fryfngle, is the to.wshy
d MM.wtb Eoilbope, on Monday the 18th
inst., tithe hour of soon, for the purpose et
gelling up Petitjoo* to Parliament to as-
ses the towesbips of North and South
Easthope to the intended new District of
Bruce -loth Dec. 1448."
There were over 200 assembled, and after
waiting fur .oma tune to give an opportu.t- .
t, for these to come forward who had given
pots:may to the notice, amt failing in their
proceeding to take ay charge of such a
large assemblage of settlers, met on such
an emergency, (they heel travelled from dis-
tance, mostly on foot,) the meeting, after
tharJdy, onmenousl7, 00 the motion of
i; Meprerson, Esq., seconded by Mr, John
Sherman, appointed John C. W. Daly. E.q-
as Chairman, -and Mr. lobo J. E. Limos,
Mr. Daly thea roes sad -addressed the
meetrog, and holding a cop .f the police
is Ills hand, he called o0 lay pm.eet to
explain why thus .sties WW1 published, and
by wbo.n. Th'e was repeated, whet Mr.
Crombie of Galt came forward and mud that
he knew something about it ; and Mr.
Scott of Hamburg, mild Mr. Alex. Iiamil-
ton D.C. of North Eaethope,almo explained.
Mr: Daly then said'hat he hoped the meet-
ing:. would this day expects their opinion
decidedly.. Mr. William Smith of Downie
then addressed the meshes at some 1.sgth,
(.ouog them were no remorse given for
.1y connection with Galt,) and most Orly
went ea to explain the po.utos in which
the proposed District of Bruce.i io-a8d
the equivocal nature of the ektelie for it,
when there was the intended District of
Brant alongside of it, and the Diereses of •
portion of Waterloo to Guelph, (three or
four miles) and that the promoters of the
Bryce District should set have mime ss *
out of their way as the Hares for .uppert,
as the unhabuots of the esters potties el
the Harm were earliest i■ their ead.avosn
to have the sew District of Ped greeted.
Ws are unable to give the chief ports sf
1117. •erieth 5 address, bet he was listened to
meth gloat attendee. Mr. lames Rookie,
D. C. for Noeth F.esthepe, etprebd him
emU favorable to the intended duviofen of the
Huron ibstnet, and gave many reaeo45 to
*hew that it would pot be for the 5Tastag1
out any outlet for their contents; 1414 H
such an appendage as a culvert to attempt-
ed, it generally falls short a foot, of. being
the depth of the drain, and ao nerve* as to
be covered with a single timber nsiog six
inches or more above the level of the road,
OW would imagine for the purpose of being
wedged down to prevent water passing,
rbther than that 'of covering a w ater course.
Every wheel that strikes it, tends to drive
it below the projected drain. The ahem
remarks will occur to all who have paid
any attention to our roads. Now to my
ideas of the Mores Road, end the making
of it One of the beet roads in Canada. 10
1835 the 1anode Company removed that
continue logw.y from the Wilmot 1100 to
Goderich, nd during thet year sed 1836,
laid the foundation of the road by having
twenty feet 15 the cadre of the allowance
of road, cleared of stamps, Ilse., end the
esrtb throws op, making the rood 16 taches
higher in the centre than at the side.; wa-
ter tables won formed frnm s inches to 1
foot deep. The road so changed the •p•i
peanoce of the country, and the intercom**
with the neighboonng Dletricts, that NO
population ■early doubled le 1815-3$, nos
the carriage of goods reduced from Ham/.
ton to Stratford from 7s 8d to as lid peg