HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-01-05, Page 1TEN SHILLINGS
AT TN. gtrn •► TNTC 1NA1.
1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
.8 dispwal, about 1,500000 ACRES OF'
LAND dispersed throughout incest of the
Townships iu Upper Canada --.early 600.-
000 Acres are situated in the Huron Tract,
well known as one of the mord fertile parts
of the Province—it has trebled its popula-
tion to fire veers, oral Dow mommies Lp-
wards of 20,000 l.baletaots.
The LANDS sit offeeed by way of
LEASE, fur Tra )'ears, or Jur
1541,,C 1 8 11 D 0 M' N—tie pia. o f
orte-i * Cash, and the balu*cc it Is,dai-
..sets being dens awry will.
The Rents payable 1st February each
year, are about the interest at Six Per
Ce.t.upen the priee of the Land. Upon moat
of the Lots, when LEASED, NO MONEY
18 IUt:QU1Rk:D ell W N—whilst upon the
others, according to locality, one, two, or
three years Rent, must be pail ID advance,
—but these payments will free the Settler
from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea
of his term of Lease.
The right to PURCHASE the FREE-
HOLD during the term, is secured to the
Leasee at a fixed sum named in fatale, and
aetllowaece in made •ccurding to antici-
pated payment.
Lists of Lands, and any further informa-
tion can be obtained, (by applieation, If by
letter post-paid) at the CourAri a Orrice*,
Toronto and Godericl ; of R. HisesszL,
Fiq., Asphodel, Colbur.e District ; Dr.
ALLINo, Guelph, or .1. C. W. DAL', Esq.,
Strafford, Huron District.
Goderieb, March 17, 1848. 7
H. McCULLOCII continues to man-
e'ofacture HEADSTONES, MONU-
>W., in Marble and Freestone, as cheap as
IR ie the Province, all work warranted to
eerier, or so charge will be made. Prices
of Marble Headstones from 10 toSOdollars;
of Freeslooe Item 6 to 30 dollars ; Monu-
ments kc., from 50 dollars upwards.—
Written commemcatloas addressed to the
uadersi2ned containing the Inecriptione,
and a1 what priee, in Marble or Freestone,
will be punctually attended to.
Galt, Nov. 8th, 1846. 42m3
RESPECTFULLY begs leave to return
hie sincere thanks to numerous friends
and the public generally, for the liberal pat-
ronage herao(ore received,—and Informs
them that he has REMOVED his TAI-
Lighthouse street to Eau street, next door
to James Bassett. Carpenter, and a few
doors west of theGoderich Foundry, where
all orders will be promptly executed ; and
customers may depend on having their gar -
imitate ade up in the most improved and
fubinnable style.
CO' A full variety of the newest Fall
and Winter FASHIONS for 1848-9 just
Godeech, Oct 27, 1848. 39
rilHE Subscriber wishes to inform his
Customers, Std the inhabitants of
Stratford and vreimty, that he Intends car-
rying on business en
And that after the fintday ofheu.r 1
be will give no credit. He wt pay
highest price for produce of all kinds, Black
Salts kc. He begs to return his sincere
thanks to his Customers for their liberal
Patronage, and hopes still to receive a
Stratford Nov. filth, 1848. 44tf
Member of hie Royal College of Sergeone,
HAVING practiced his profession for
several years in the Province of Nova
Scotia, takes leave respectfully to offer his
professional ..eviees to the lababita.te oI
Gederich and its vicinity.
Residence in the cottage lately occupied
by Mrs. Montgomery.
Goderich, Nov. 18th, 1848. 44
LOT 8, Lake Shore, township of A•h-
6.W, containing
Within two miles of the thriving Village of
Port Albert, In whfeb there is • Grist Kill,
a Paw Mill, and ae Oat MWil. The Lot is
bounded*" Me wool by the Lake. and os the
east by a cut road,—and is well watered.
02 -For particulars; apply—if by letter
poet paid—to
Ctaaienear, r, 14th Dee. 1848. 46tf
D1t. P. A. MCDOUGALt ,
CAN he **molted at al{ Peeve, at the
8rdaisl Head. (LA immer eee• )
Gedrlck, Sept. 13th, 1848. 33-
0t1r v.
Wb.. Hercules did sig ie. side.
Aad Pallas ereagbt apse the loam,
Oar trade i• Bourget' did begfe,
While eeeciesem west wet selling broom,
Thea lame sad ft -madam did agree,
To keep the bends of unify.
When princes sons kept sheep is Geld.
And queens nude cakes d wheats. lower,
The men to lucre did not yield,
Which brought good cheer in every bower :
Thea loveand frieadebip did agree,
To hold the bands of Minty.
But wimp the gyuts hop and high.
ud fight w,:► spears like weaver' beam*,
Then they a iroa beds did lye,
And bemigbt poor nes to heed *stream, ;
Yet leve isd friendship d.d agree,
To bold lbs beads of unity.
Thea David took his sling and stoat.,
Not fearing great Goliath's strength,
ile pierc't his brains, sod broke the bone,
Though be were fifty foot of length :
For love and friendship did agree,
To hold the beads amity.
But while the Greeks besieged Troy,
Penelope apace did spin :
Aad weavers wrorght with mickle Joy,
Though little pins were toning i.;
For love and friendship did spree,
To bold the beads of amity.
Had Helen then este carding wool
(Whose besareeus face did breed and sten.,)
81.a had not been Bir Naris troll,
Nur caused so many to loss their life ;
Yet we by love did still agree,
To bold the beads of acuity.
Or had King Priam's wastes •on,
Been making quills with sweet content,
He had then his friends undone,
• 1Vhen he to Greece a gadding went;
For love and friendship did agree,
7'o hold tbe'bands of amity.
-The cedar -trees endure more storms,
Than little shrubs that sprout on high :
The wearer live more void of hums,
Then princes of great dignity ;
While leve and friendship doth agree,
To hold the bud. of amity:
The shepherd sitting in the field,
.Doth tune his pipe with hear:'s delight :
When princes watch with spear and shield,
The poor man soundly sleeps all night.
While love tied friendship doth agree,
To hold the buds of amity,
Yet this by proof is daily tryd,
Fur God's good gifts we aro ingrate,
And no mu•through the world so wide,
Lives well contented with his state ;
No love and friendship we can see,
To bold the beads amity.
Mae of toil, woald•et thea be free,
Lend this@ ear to reasoo's call
There's folly in the drunkard's glee—
There's madness no the midnight brawl;
The ribald's Jest, the vulgar song,
May lead to ruin and despair ;
Let truth unloose abj fettered soul—
There is no freedom in the bowl.
Man of toil, would'st thou be wise,
The path' of moral light explore ;
Pierce the human beart•sduguir.
And track Jul motives to the core
Creation's boundless beauties scan,•
Observe its wooders—search lis laws
Look se the real harmonious plan,
to Love the Etemat Coheir;
Let troth ilteme thy darkened soul—
There is ao wisdom in the bowl.
Mae of toil, would'st thou be blest.
Ore. the purest feelings play
Bung an thea. noble to thy breast,
Let all that's worthless par away.
Let generous deeds Lid sorrow cear.
Let gentlest words thy bps employ ;
Scatter the seeds of love and peace,
And reap a harvest full of toy :
Let troth make glad thy harassed soal—
There are no bleui.p is ate howl
These am some thing* that fanners eaght 1
know :—
Often breaking op the surface keep* a sed ip
health : far whoa It lig is a hard bound state
earache's shower ran off, and lalabnoes air
canner ,Stet.
Never keep yser cattle short, few fanners can
afford it. If yea starve there they will starve
Never pleegh is bed weather, ee when the
ground is very wet.
Areeenu Meted detailing the espear and
produce of each geld.
Whoa as implessest is ae imager wanted for
the reason lay it eanfeUy aside, bet first let ii
be well cleaned.
Good fesees make gond neighbor..
Erpertmeete are highly rnmmesdsbla, bet ds
oat bottom* ea habitual *spectrometer.
One 11.,u,.1 welt 114110 fare edge thea twe
poorly kepi.
The betted animals can be fed, @.d the more
e.a,fortakle they are kept, the more profitable
trey ate.—tied all farmers work for profit.
Crowed well ploughed Is hewer bas donee
pearly kepi
Cow@ wee fid ei Willett gee mere milk u
[com:WWAD vane- s utile LAST.]
Ahem. eighteen months before the loci
Jeno related in the preceding pager, Wal
stein arrived in Florence, after a residence
of t.`.rse years at Roue and Bo:ogna, when
he bad successfully pursued the noble art to
which jimilad devoted bimeelt from boyhood
web Wiese and uoceasiug ardour.1.
Florence, the Feinted designs d vigorous
e xecuuoe of this highly-gt(ted youth at-
tracted the mice, and, eventually., the per.
mesal friendship and munificent patronage
of Earl of C., as English peer of princely
fortune, and with a spirit worthy of his
wealth. During occasional and protracted
res.Jeocs at Florence, this uublenisa be
casae the idol of the aumerious artiste at-
tracted by the fine paintings which adorn
the "City of Flower*." Their attach
ment to bin was pure and disinterested,
t ad excited leu by tits liberal remtuneratioe,
than by bas passionate devotion to the arts,
and his considerate sympathy w,ih that
moiled ,rn4beity of temperament peculiar
to ail artists. In. the prime of life, and dis-
trugutel.eJ by a figure of comtr?a.Jing
height, a prepossessing physiognomy, and
a deportment unaffected and manly, ale
Earl needed not the accrJent, of rank and
A momentary blush darkened the check
rind brow of the young arl,et, and the pit Ir
of conrcieus purity de hes in his tine eye*,
as be Molly answered, •'Never! 1Yht
should 1 corrupt a young and ardent imagi-
nation, by copying the naked form uf s lcor
ing caullezan 1 11 is out essential to roc
cess in the nobler departments of flue art.
Nov, nwre, my lord ! I havo pledgeJ uiy
faith to an innocent and lovely girl in Ger-
many, and I aw proud to say .that my
highe*ts,mbitiva is to meet her at the altar
as unsullied in mind •red peraou as she .is
bersel f."
" Moat virtuous of all modern Quixote.,"
exclaimed the lees romantic and tsughing
Earl, "1 admire your heroism; but you
must exeu..o me if 1 assert that you will
oevcr eucceed as an bt.torical painter until
you step down from your sults. A fine
woman se Ihu dem sod masterpiece ut Na -
lure; and believe me, Walrtelo, 11 is •dclu-
stnti or a dream to expect that copying from
statues and paintings gal enable you to
-five life and character to the finest object
M ercation;--u would be far ewer for a
poet to )ascribe the passim] of lore without
asy experience of it." The young artist
stood relent and dueoncerted, and the earl
continued. '• 1 bale Ivn_ wlehed that you
should paint for use a Venus tering from
the sea: but yucr tame execution of the
-4Rsyehe convincer me that, at present, you
wealth to recommend firm the fair sex; but
with Instinctive delicacy be recoiled from
miscellaneous and common -place Intrigue,
and devoted brmeelf with Serves!, exclusive,
and lung -enduring attacbutent to. Cecilia
G., the wwt Impassioned and .stellectual
singer in Italy; and, in personal and mental
fascination, the Aepasia uf-her time. From
ber lather, an eminent physician in Bolog-
na, rhe had derived a comprebennve and
masculine education: and 11'0111 a Roman
mother, the majestic proportions, the classic
profile, and the Irnpo Ing gesture, which
drstingash the daughters of the 'EternalCity. While yet a child, ebe had develop-
ed a striking taste and talent for music;
and under judicious discipline, her race
Matured with her growth into a power and
pathos which thrilled every listener. Her
upper tones were defective, but the middle
end lower notes which composed her natu-
ral voice, were unparalleled 10 depth and
richueor; and her exquisite nate taught her
to shun ail needless decoration, and to rely
solely upon the effect of those firol,• em-
phatic, and lung -drawn notes, which the
Italians call " Portrnento di voce."
The tender connexion which existed be-
tween the English nobleman and the high-
Iy-gated Cecilia had commenced some
years before in Naples, and was no secret
to I'lorence. A conviction of the general
worthlcssnese of Italian Sarabande, and a
due eeune ref her own merits, had early es•
tablished in her mind a determination never
to reltoquish her free-agecicy; and she had
reached the 'nature age of live -and -twenty
without experiencing a sentiment more Im-
passioned than. frieodehip, when Lord C.,
enthralled by the drama;ic pathos of her
performance in senuue operate ought her
acquaintance. The istu,uable truth and
force of her singing, and the classic elegance
uf her deportment, had led him to expect an I
• accomphsbed"and higb•mhndcd female; but
be discovered to her what he had never yet
seen combined in woman; a ripened and
well -regulated uuder.tanding; exquisite dms-
ocriminatwn; a command .1 aacaeDt and
modern lat.guages; a boundless i.pulence of
thought, diction, and imagery; and, to
crown all, a cuuntenance beaming with that
tr.neparence of soul which no boarity can
equal, and a deportment, dignified, graceful,
and full of womanly feeling and fascination.
The eternal coldness and reserve of Lord ,
C., and the sumewhat rigid discipline he
had hitherto exercised over he leering.,
melted instantaneously before this constcl-
Litton 01 attractions. Ili. wonted taatur-'
any give way to an inipaestoned and over -
Rowing eloquence; his visit insenetbly ex-
tended to several hour.•, and he left this
1iaTni ivies, most deeply entangled in her
spells than he was conaciun, of at the mu- i
sweet. The following and each 'succeeding
day brought a repetition of his visits; con-
genial tastes and pursuits rapidly matured
their mutual prepossession into a warmer
feeling; and the beautiful Cecilia, disdatntng !
marriage, Sed cherishing some romantic
visions of the golden days of Pericles and
Aspasts, consented to emoelhsh the home,
and the existence of the enamoured earl:
spurning, however, all pecuniary arrange•
meets, and conditioning only that their (1on-
oexroo should be dissoluble at the pleasure
of either party.
A professional engagement brought the
Signora some years afterwards to Florence,'
where she was joined by the earl on his re-
turn from a stay of three months in Eng-
land. About MO period he became ac-
quainted with 1Valstetn, end found so mach
to admin in the man as well as in the
artist, that he gave the young painter a
general invitation to his table, and purchas-
ed his works with a liberality which en-
abled Walstetn to purees his professional
studies with increased facility and success.
'I ha yearng artist was painting one reedit-
ing • Psyche, gaping on the sleeping God
01 Love, enc was au deeply absorbed in bas
work, that he observed out the entrance of
Lord C., who approached the easel, and
gaped upon the picture for some time in
stleace. " W,letein," said he at length,
" that design is poetical and spirited, but
tbearnation untamed' your Psychs are in-
tolerably cold and lifeless. How is it that
you, who succeeded all other subjeets,
should fail so totally in pourtraynng the
charms of woman 1 You have surely
drawn the female figure fro n plaster and
marble only. Tell me, honestly, did you
sever study professionally the unveiled pro-
portions of a beautiful womaw 1"
woo utterly fail in the attempt."
Thu remark roused all the professional
pride of Walitein, who replied, with some
tepettly, "My attempt would probably cen-
time your lordship of the col,trary."
a The Velma should be the size of life,"
coftinued Lord C., coolly,'" and the finest
woman its Italy should be your model.—
list even with such a motel before you,
yen could not succeed."
" 11 hat mean you, my lord 7" exclaimed
Walsteia. " You allow me talent; you lel
me that the marblo culdeees of .my carne.
iron tints would disappear were 1 to paint
from living models; yuu offer me the finest
woman in Italy its a model, ad•you main-
tain that nevertheless 1 could not succeed!"
"Most certainly, I du," replied the Earl
l witb.a sarcastic smile. "Titian, 1taffaeller
and all the best painters of female beauty,
hail notoriously in their wives or mistresses
116ne livmg models to draw from. , Their
passions were tranquillized by indulgence,
and they could, gaze upon the charms of
woman with the steady eye and quiet pulse
esacntial to an artist. But bow ars yew, in
the glowing spring of Isle, to maintain the
rcgmsite self-possession, when exposed for
the Sret, tette, to the fol! blaze of faked
beauty 1 Your quickened pulses will en -
pair your vision, and paralyse your pencil.
Net, Walstetn; before you attempt the
Aphrodite, you must encounter some pre-
paratorydiseteliae; and, if. your Teutonic
chivalry will not stoop to a mistresv, why
not become a member of that soaetrees,
why nut become a member of that society,
to which every artist in Flureoce but your-
self is 50 much indebted ? Why not study
nature in the " Halls of Anacreon?"
11 hat, my lord !" exclaimed the artist,
"do you counsel me, a betrothed rnan, and
pledge.( by a tie sacrad as marriage htself, I
to frequent that temple otimpurity 1"
"`Jay rather," replied the Lori, "that no- l
dptheon of grace and beauty,
supportedwhich, is Mod not abused, *dl
du more fur the arts than all the picture and
statue galleries is Europe. As to its em -
purity, K u taken for granted, but it ha*
never been proved; and I maintain, that to
the pure in mind, that Lnptralleled exhibi-
tion is as morally currect as it is classically
appropnato and he:utdel. It was estab-
lished solely to benefit the etudents of fine
art,•and so absolute is the decorum obeety-
ed 111 the halls of painting and statuary, that
even a female artiet, with any strength of
mind, would feel no conectouseees of itnpru-
prtety U introduced there. Tho Greek
dances aro conducted with similar decorum
but of the concluding banquet f can say
nettling, because 1 neer wttneued.lt- At.
thio season the artists and their patrons
hold their meetings thrice a week, .ad if
,you will bcton.e a member, a regular at-
tendance for three weeks will enable you to
commence my Aphrodite with a steady
" Why not commence this very day !"
replied the painter; "your lordship has tool
holo confidence in my self-possession.-.-
elf-poeeesstun._You are a man of the world, and you can.'
not app'ecute the immense power welch
a virtuous attachment excreter over a well.
regulated mind. I seek not the danger you l -
would expose me to; but, to oblige you, I
■m willing to encounter
After a pause of reflection, Lord C. el -
claimed, " Be it so, Walston ! I will afford
you an opportunity to convince ms that 1
have undorated your eel( -command. Como
to me ao hour before sunset this evening. i
Drawing materials i have to abundance,
and the model shall be in attendance."
At the appointed hour the young artist
arrived at the hotel of Lord C., whom he
found with • bottle of Cyprus wine before
hien. The Earl filled the glasses, challeng-
ed Walrtnn to drink, and conversed for
some ,.mutes upon general topics. At
length he rose, and sate, •' 1Valstein 1 there
is 'butt you a lofty and chivalrous sense of
honour. whieh j•ratiti-r• the singular confi•
deuce 1 am about to repose in you. I (eel
smeared that you will never reveal the inci-
dents of this evening; but, as i still doubt
your boasted self -dominion, i request your
pledge of honour that you will not utter a
word while you /sae upon the model, and
that yen will not antfer rev? admiration to
get the better of veer dfocretinn."
The punter gave the required pledge,
sot without Borne feeling of wousJed
pride, Sad Lord C. tutted rho apartment
to make some preparatory arrangemeots,—
Walstbin emptied the goblet before him,
and, with a rising pulse. paced uy and down
the room until the earl returned, and signed
io bun to follow. They proceeded thro•i.'1 i
a 11111110 01 empty a,artments roto a meal
matte) ante-routn,t where stood an ease
with canvass and drawing. materials. Be
fore an open doorway, leading into an inner
apartment, was surpcndal in ,tack (ol1. a
curtain art dark damask, las which were two
aperture,., not easily. discernible, but large
enough for 11.0 eye, 10 observe through
them soy objects ,n the inner-ramie-ramieLurJ
C. puiuteJ to the apertures in the curtain,
placed a finger on het lhps in token of si
Ieoce, and lett the painter alone. Web a
beating heart William applied his eyes to
the curtain, and beheld the maknilcent form
ul Cecilia G. reclining on a Grecian couch'
in the drapery and attitude of Correggius
peonuut Magdalen. Her fine head was
supported by an arm of rounded and per-
fect sytumetry; her dark eyes, downcast and
lull art melancholy lustre, were fixed in-
tently on a book, mad her redundant liars
(ell las emery undulations over ber shoulder.
and bosom, "concealing half, while It
adorned the *bole." Her only garb was
as staple ahead of dark blue silk, folded
around her majestic person, whicl: it cop•
cealcd from below the bosom to the lower
part of the leg, where it betrayed to view
the finely moulded feet and ankles.
Lord C. now entered her apartment,
placed himself before an easel, and began to
"'ketch the brilhaut form of his lovely
model. " 1 'hen, my Cecilia," said he,
'well you gratify my bong and ardent wish
to behold that incompaeable figure in the
attitude ul the Medtcean Venus ?"
" Your mania fur the arts put my affec-
tion for you to a severe test," replied the
bluebiog and reluctant Signora. "But, if
it must be so, and on condition that you I
never again exact a,pacritice of this nature, thorn,
I will at once oblige you. Leave the
and return in a few minutes."
a. ] In 4,su ll:^r, w:•Ith all the school it Ital4y
put tugcthrr;''
i The Mil dreaming and halleoeseious
- 1Vslstein heard wvthuut comprehending the
reulptur'a word., and teetered himself to be
led unresut,ngly al.we retest street., un -
id they etupped at a Lew door in a narrow
and obscure court, the mean dwellings In
which wre overt, pi..4 le a range of Diablo
houses near il.e sit r. B.ane•aghu pulled a
bell handle three time, in quick succession,
a wicket In the ,:nor was opened. and a
voice within exclaimed, " Who rings 1"
"A son of Anacrcpi," replied the eculp-
lor, in an audihle wbieper. 1Valatein
started at rho word, and would have retreat-
ed, but his exhilarated companion dragged
him into au arched and dimly lighted pas.
sage, and the marmites door closed imme-
diately Itt:hind them. "Trust me, Wal -
stein," raid the sculptor, leading him with
'rapid rtep •lung the passage, " you will
-leave this house a happier a.ao a better
artist than you eauie into it; and I pledge
myself," he continued, to the still unsea-
ling youth, "that yuu shall leave it„ when
yuu like"
I Controlled by the vehemence of Drancag-
lio, the yielding painter suffered himself to
I be conducted to the foot of a narrow stair-
case, which brought them to the ground
floor of • largo and elegant mansion. As-
cending a spacious Right of marble stain,
adorned with niches •nil matures, they en-
tered ao apartment of moderate dimension-
, nuns, and coated with red silk drapery, ex-
' tending en rich folds. from the they reeling
! to the door. Au uninenee chandelier, the
numerous lumps of which were shaded with
ground glass, threw a flood of light over
tht• tent -like apartment, in which Wal -
stein found some opulent patrons of fine
art, and all the painters and sculptors of
Florence, assembled in animated converse.
The sound of a bell was beard, and imine
suety a dead silence reigned throughout
the assemblage. Again the bell sounded(
the token drapery, which had apparently
formed -010 limns of the room, was gathered
to the cieling with magical celerity, and
the astonished 1Velstees found himself ie
e magnificent rotunda, and surrounded by a
spectacle of classic and unparalleled beauty.
On appropriate pedestals In the successive
niches of this pantheon of fine •rt, stood
living and perfect models of the finest fe-
male groups, •nd statues of ancient and
modern date, while the rich amber light
which streamed down upon them from the
shaded lamps invested every figure with the
tint of marble, and completed the illusion.
The celebrated Venus Cailipyga, of the
Faroese gallery at Naples, was personified
by a tall and magnificent Roman, who fully
equalled her marble prototype in the bril-
liant and vuluptuou■ plenitude of ber
charms. The Medtcean Venus; the two
kneeling goddesses of the Vatican; the
French Venus of Arles; the lofty Diany
and fawn of the Louvre gallery; and the
Graces, holding each a golden apple, and
grouped after a picture of Raffaelle in the
.iurghur collection, were represented with
beautiful accursoy. On the opposite side
of the rotunda stood the well -chiselled. but
meagre,ball dressed,• Std affected groups
anaemia's,' of Canova. Has Venue, two
Belldrtne, his Liebe, and Graces, were per-
sonified by more youthful females,. whose
Stender limbs and undeveloped fermi con-
trasted dleadvantageou•Iy with the natural
case and dignity, the rounded, full, and per-
fect symmetry of the antique. The drape -
nee were silk of the palest yellow, which
gave relief, contrast, and brilliancy to the
unveiled cha:,n, of the anteing models, who
were proteetod from any unhallowed ap-
proach by a silken cord, wlech encircled the
rotunda at a dletence or several feet before
tee niches. Opposito to each group and
statue stood a paantet • camel and canvass,
all of which were instantly occupied by as
many youthful anuses, woo began to sketch
in studious and unbroken silence, while the
tsculptere and older artiw, volt their pat-
rons, conversed in low wupere.
Leaning on the ar:n n( Braocaglin, the en-
raptured Wslstcin paced slowly round this
scene of wondr�.ns and disturbing beauty.—
"This u'nnvaiied academy," whispered the
sculptdr, •• was ca;abiethed last w inter by
some opulent patrons of One art, and wash
the purest purposes. Dnri,g the first three
m'a'th,, mascot:en model.' only were em-
ployed; but, with a view to airiest young
Mesta of promise, who were too poor to
pay the price exacted by the best female
model., occasti,nal exbtblt,uns u( female
groups and tigurce were sanctioned by the
munificent supporters of the instttutlon.—
This palace, "ace occupied by a society of
mueteal amate .re, woo hired and fitted up AS
you behold it; and, a. the scientific manae-
nnnta are succeeded by a social and musical
banquet, the original ■ppellatlon of the
' Ij{,I's of Anacreon* Lae been retained -es,
'One but artists and patrons of art are ad-
mitted; and, to prevent calumny and mis-
representerien, a pledge of aeerecy 10 ex-
ceed from every n*,{emher, which has hither -
o been eo we!l nblserved, both by artiste
nil model., that the existence of this •octe-
t' is known to very few except the initiated.
A, a le.v et of fine art to the student, thi•
xhieltion 1s matchless,, and it has no draw-
back but its brevity; but that is so evil
without remedy. The fatigue of support -
ng with accuracy and steadiness. the poel-
tone required to personify the various
roup• and statue-, Id too exhausting for
{nag conttneence."
Fifteen nenutes, which, to the excited
a:stein, appeared ad many seconds, had
n w clapsoe, and the bell gave the usual
el nal. ,nn students quitted thou easel.,
collected in a group under the chaitadelter,
and the Immcoea curtain, (allmg rapidly
round them, closed the celestial scehe wins
weal abruptness.
[cOroLLna�1 els cue pxar.l
Lord C. Immediately retired, and the
agitated painter beheld, ere long, the beeu-
titul Italian rue with an audible sigh of re-
luctance irorn the couch, unwind the silken
shawl, and stand before him, as Eve appear-
ed to Adatn when' be woke. She then
stepped upon a pedestal, and assumed the
attitude of the "statue which enchants the
world.", The setting sun threw its golden
radiance through the half-closed Venetian
blinds, and diffused a rich glow of light
around tee brdeant and matchless propor-
tions of this lovely woman. In luxuriant
•)mmotry of lorm she fully equalled the
Cronin Venus of the Florence gallery; but,
10 the character of the head and profile, and
in the proportions of the seine and handy
the Medtcean godues• must have yielded
the golden apple to a rival, whose bright
end perfect turn would have dini'ned the
lustre of marble fresh from the hand of
Phidlae• Giddy with emotion, the excited
artist forgot fur some moments the object
for which his patron had placed Miriade he
wiled i pencil, and attempted to sketch the
alUdwe ed the sooting figure; bub his
trembling band refused obedience to his
will, and, after some vain attempts to trace I
a steady line, he threw the pencil on the!
matted door, and, again looking Abreacts 1
the letal aperture,, gazed upon the beauty:
of the bluehing and agitated model until'
his sense. waudeted• Breathing in' dell- I
mous rapture the worse, "divine Aphrodner'
4.e raieed his hands to remove the enemas
curtain, and would have rushed forward to
kneel and worship at the feet of this earthly
goddess, when he was suddenly withheld
by a powerful grasp, and, turning round,
encountered the lightning gIance of the
indignant Lord C. " Diadman ! what would
you ?" whispered the angry Etrl. '1" Is this
your pledge of silence and discretion 8 Do
you net rice the utter folly of your chival-
rous pretensions T'
"My lord," replied the bewildered youth
in an agitated whisper. "1 am not suffi-
ciently collected to answer you either
rationally or respectfully. For to -day, ei•
cuse me, •' he added, quilting hastily the
apartment and lbe house.
The potent wine of Cyprus had fired his
blood; the seductive image of Cecilia still
danced before his eyes, and the stinging re-
proaches of the irritated Earl still emarted
in his care, as he staggered like tone intern- I
Gated along the street. Hastened to the
poets della Tenets', he leaned over the
parapet to inhale the cont tweezes whroh
played at sunset on the waters of the Arno,
and endeavoured, by stremetus rccolleceods
of los Aurelia, and of her artless and confid-
ing attachment, to neutraliz • the dangerous
poison which glowed In every vein. Bet
the attempt was fruitless.: fe Legs, which
Me pure and well regulated habits had
hitherto kept durrnent, nowspurned all con-
trol; and the unhappy youth, cursieg his
own weaknees, and rho kiudlr meant but.
dangerous sophistry of hie patron, hastened 1
from the bridge at night -fall, and preceeded
homewards, to hupes that sleep would re-
store his lost tranquillity, Netting the
church of Santa Marna de Fiore, he wa,
stopped by Ulric Brancaglio, a Berman of
Mahan origin, and a sculptor of cons,Jera- ; a
Me talent, but licentious and eccentric fa' 1
Ms habit,, and of an irritable and ntorhttl� a
tcmperameht. The lamps of a slrrtnod :uta-' 1
donna threw their light upon the leatures i
o f Walstetn, and revealed his ag:utio0lto: 0
the sculptor, whose wonted serene Ind
muanthopy bad yielded to the tnlloenco nt
wine, anti a convrelal party which he had r
jest quitted. "11ate 1Vslstein !' he .ex- t
claimed, seizing the pointer's Land,4nd
Eating earnestly upon his Befitted ah s,
what adventure has ruf6.•.I that innocent
face of thine 1 and Ihi, gathering pulse—
what manus it 1 goose, be bonen, andcon•
fees that the warns chorale disagrees with
ashy nor ern chivalry. 1 You live too numb
done, aleti•in ! and you have yet to
learn th solitwle Duu hes the ptsseuno, a
while society dissipater aid relieves them.
Come along with me, my dear fellow .' 1 , m
peewee you • gtorieue evening, and a les -