Huron Signal, 1848-12-29, Page 4B Y AUTHORITY DfitriA's pllk fd Lisa- ATip+lt/!!!tClr'T' .HURON DISTRIC 1', BY virtue 1.1 a HURONWit: ic'r, t B1 vatw n( two � y'eciers, tinned %'s I► tr: sent of Purr d out , f DorN•)cely'e Horse To Wit: ( writs tit Al L),.tr,et C•,urt, and to n.. direcie 1 agamet tachIuSSt ',betted ottt of the District Court, 1 filet Lands and Teneu,este of Richard Der and Court of Queens Beach, sod to m• di. i liugtoa, at the sett of ROLeIt Park; 1 dove reeled s stoat the eotalo red as wall a .sued and taken in Execution, Lot number paronst of Henry Elliott, an absconding faun i. the .sseeth Coeecsalon, E. D. in or concealed debtor al U 0 respective auto ib. Towashiy u( Colborne, enatamtng 100 of Thomas Gilmour for the Ruin of tweety acre.; which Load, 1 shall oder for wale at four pounds six ehilitugs as4 fibre ponce, the Court House, in the town of Goderich, sad of Robert MoJe!well for the sum of eo .torday. Ibe 45th day of November "Aly eDe pound. 130 satllnga e d .11 ttest, at the hour of 13 tic tick soon. pence; L have seised and taken all the estate real as well as personal of the mud Henry Elliott, and unlet the Gall Henry Ethott return withis the jurtwlctiuo et Tho said Court, and put In bail to Inc actions within three calender months or can.. the ■aitre to be diechareed, ell the real and perw,nil estate of the said Henry Elliott, or out much thereof a may be noc.eserv, sill be brad liable for the payment. benefit and 011101ae- eon of the said claims. J. Mc DON ALU, Skerif II. D. SHRai►r'a Omen, Ooderich, 28th August, 1811. 3.u31 ATTACHMENT. DISTRICT OF HURON, /B1' v rtue of To WIT : a writ of Attachment issued out of Her Majerly's court of Queen's Bench and to Ino directed against the Real Est.tto se well as Personal of Benjamin B. Eby, an abaeanding orcun- cealed Debtor at the duo of William Fred- erick McCLIloch, for the sum ut Twenty- etz Pounds Eleven shillings and 'Three pence, 1 have ateaed all the Real Estate of the said Benjamin B. Eby, and unless the said Benjamin B. Eby return within the jn- nadiction of the said Court and put to bail to the action within three calendar months, or cense the said claim to be Discharged, all the Ileal Estate of the said Benjamin B. Eby, or so ,ouch thereof a's may be neccs 'Gary will be held liable for the payment b.tae6t, and satisfaction of rho said G lain. JNO. McDONALD, .) Nheriff Huron District. Oodench, 4th Octuber, 1848. # 36-13w Sheriff's Office, ATTACHMENT. J. MelM)N A LD, Sherr iI. D. Snoairr's Orrice, Godertco, 14th Aligns', itis• 3m29 RtcROGL•T PAsaa, rs. )) alau DARLINGTON. II:TThe rhos* mid of Lands is posipoacd eatil the first of Febrary, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff H. D. Sweater's Orrice,- Gnosaica, ( 2Uth November, 11348. t 4314 DISTRICT OF IIURON, BY virtue of To Wit: a writ of Altalchmeat wired out of Her Msjealy'a Huron District Court, and to mo directed against the estate real as well as personal of Henry Elliott, an absconding or conceal- ed debtor, at the suit of George Brown the Elder, fur the sum of fifteen pounds ten shillings; i bavo seized all the estate real as well as personal of the *mot Henry Elliott, and 0olesa the said Henry Elliott. return within the jnriadtctlnn of Ow said Court, and put in Bail to the said action within three calender months, or cause the said Claim to be discharged, apt the estate real, and personal of the said Henry Elliott, or to much thereof as may be necessary. will be held liable for the payment, beeeht and satisfaction of the said Clain. J. McDONALD, Sheriff Huron District. S..i,rr s O/Acre, Goderich, 270 October, 18-18. t 40-3m PQOdd& 5i/. 0, STORE AT 11AR1'1'1t11EY!! THE Subscribers here much pleasure in anau.actag to the rnhabuants of 'fuck crsmlth, Hullo',UcKiltop, Ilibbert, and the Wyoming Town.hips, that they have tiptoed a NEW STORE In the tillage of Harper - bey, where they will always have on hand an ample as.ortmeot of all kinds of Ladle; sad tienlleurea'e dress Goods; allsorts or ke Dry Gouda, Groceries', Crocry and Hard- ware, which will be sold oo terms orally reasonable as at their establishment n0 Goderich. Being 'nen of the present age, the subscribers ate desirous tit .xhibitmg that enterprise, and of affordingnich faci- lities el accommodation as may be con- sistent with the increasing impatience of the District. They obeli, therefore, study not only to please, but also es benefit the coomuorty by bringing witbfn their reach the best quality of all deacnptious uf Store Goods, at the most moderate prices; and on this principle alone they expect patronage. Their terns are invariably -Cask -or merchantable produce, at tnerket price. '1'1105. GILMOUR k Co.J Goderich, Nov. 16, 1341. 4 I'0 ND, $l)trift's Batt of tunas. HURON 1)ISTRiCT,t �;1' virtue of a T'u Wit: ( writ of Fieri F ( acius, issued Out of Her Majesty's Iluron District Court, cid to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of Gavin Hamil- ton at the suit uf Joshua Calloway, I have seized sod taken in Execution, Park Lot Dumber one, of the Nurth side of Melbourne •heel, and Lottoumber forty, on the East side of Wellington street in the town ol Albert, which Lands I shall oder for sale on Saturday, the 25th day of Neve -tuber next, at the hour of 12 o'clock mini, at the Court (louse in the town of Goderieh. J. McDONALD, Sheriff H. 1). Sueatrr'e Orrice, Goderich, 13th August, 1148. 3m20 IufimA CALLOWAT, ff. GAVIN 11ASlr.TON. ET The above sale of Lands is until the first day of February. 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff H. D. Sum ner's Onset, Goneaten, 2011 November, 1(148. s 43rd ATTACHMENT. HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a To Wit : S writ of At- tachment issued out of the District Court, of the District of Huron, and to me direct- ed against the estate, real as well as person- al, of !ferry Elliott, an absconding or con- cealed.debtor at the suit. or James Elliott, fol the sum of twenty three pounds ten soil. Itngs,-i have seized and taken all the estate real as well no well. -aa personal u(• the said lively Elliott, and unle.4 the said Henry El'ue,tt return within the jaridiction of the raid Court, and put in bail to the action within three calendar months or cense the same to be discharged, all the real and personal emlate of the said !leery Elliott, or eo mach thereof as may be necea- eery, will be held (able for the paayrneni, benefit and satisfaction of the said claims. J. Mc DON AID, Sheri H. D. Suaair A Omen, Goderich, 28th Nov. 1848. 44td postponed £150 Loan lia)t[tal. THE COMMITTEE appointed to Build a FREE CHURCH in Tuckeremirh, wants to borrow the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS, upon good security, in one et more ►0me. Further particulars may be kaswn by applying to Thomu Sproat, Egmo.dville� McKillop Post Office. THOMAS BPROAT, Secretary. NEW SAW MILL. THE Scbecnber informs the inhabitnnta a 'of the Huron District, that his NE%V SAW MILL in the township of Sincar- diets, on Lake Iluron, thirty guiles above Goderich, is now in full operation; and he is prepared to fulfill orders for pine or other sawn Lumber, to any extent and el any di- r.Satiomi, oo the most reasonable terms. WILLIAM WITHERS. Hiacardiae, 80th Oct., 1848. 40 SHERIFF'S SALE. HURON I)iSTRIC'P, 2 BY virtue of a Tu /1"i(.• S writ of Fieri Facies, issued out of lier Majeaty'. Iluron District Court, and to me directed against the (.ands and Tenements of Thomas Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; 1 have seized and taken in Execution, es belong- ing to the said Thomas Charlet, Lot num- ber three, on the North side of East street, or Lot running number one thourand and three in the town of Goderich, containing one-quarter of an acre of Land, be the same more or less with the Buildings on the said Lot erected; which I shall offer fur sale at the Court House in the town of Goderich, on Saturday the 85th day of November next, at the hour of 12 d'clock noon. J. oMeDONALD, Sheriff H. D. Sutures s Or►TCR, Goderieh, Slat August, 1848. 5 Rosette Eta, o9. Teowas CERIUM , )} tT The above sale of Lasde is postponed soul The lint d►y of Febevery; 1849. JOHN McDOIIALD, 8laridt M. D. Simmer's Orrice. Gouzasc., November 21m. 11348. 4318 TAILORING EBTABLI811MENT. SPRING 4' SUMMER FA.HIONa,Jor 1848. AFULL variety of the floweret and most impanved Segni(' AND t1IMMRR FAG.• lops for 1848, have been received by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who may favour him with their patronage. A. NA'iSMITII. Goderich 1216 April, 1148. 1y TO TiIE INIIABITANTS OF STRATFORD. NOTICE is hereby given that an Act of the Provincial Parliament pa..ed dor- lag it. last Session, entitled, '• An Act to confer limited eorporate p.rwere in the Towne and village@ of Canada West, not speeially incerponted," hath been declared to be, and the rams is now in hill force in the Town of Stratford. All Proprietors of Ilnnsee are retreated the provide the Ladders hereby prescribed wflbin one calendar month from *hie date and all persons unlawfully owing fire, or guilty of other nwiees se, will repair them- selves amenable to its pomades. D. McGREGOR, InsyeeNr. «rethrd. 80th ((,lobe', 1148. ile 3m30 F O R SALE f1,11F: BRICK COTTAGE and Lot rue- ning No. 1,82, In the Teem of Goderich,formerly in the poeeewlno of Heavy O'Neil, now ailed to 11r. James (hr. Tb. eoCot- tage 10 tery conveoltly arranged, .DJ well *meal for • antral family, bee • ',paces)* we'd .1:eJ, .table, lite., good well of water; the garden C01•11111111several choice Trutt trees, and the whole enclueeJ soh a strung picket fusee. Only a portion of the tnoeey would be rtquircd duwi,-the remainder in three Anatol mstal10enls. Apply to W Menu Witten/wry of thaClia- ton Arms, ur to BENJ. PARSONS. Godai.l, August 14, 1118. $0l f PAY ATTENTION!! ON the Beech of Lake Huron, on Wednesday the 8th day of November at Whitefish Bay, FIVE BARRELS and a put of one of Flour, in a damaged condition ; also. 1 barrel of Pro• vision., sod a part of one which was sold on the spot, as it was damaged. end ood'eonveyance to bring it away,-ths proceeds ol which the owner can bare by proving marks and paying expenses. C. CRABS. EXTI&A ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! THE Subscribers have 'net received (iot rho New Yora and Montreal Market'. the largest St.cek of Merchandao which has yet been brought into the Huron District. And as the purchases were u,ade personally by one of. the Firm, the quality of the goods is as superior as the quantity is ex- tcnsOte.-"prompt payments and small Scuffle:' is the motto which they have adopted, and the public maydepend upon being muted with every escription of goods in their establishment, at the very lowest remunerating pncce. Their Stock consists of every variety of men's and women's Clothing; Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boot?, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sad dies, Bridles, Ilaberda: hery. and Groceries of every description. Intending purchasers are. solicited to coil and examine for them. selves. THOMAS GILMOUR IL CO. Goderich, Nov ;16, 1848. • 42 God/etch, Nov. 20, 1848. VIVO JlVlial WI AIRIDO ND pay year debts, a the subscriber has resolved That sill Nutea sod Book accounts due to hon arid remal•iag unsettled, wall, piei- tively, on the 15th of July out, be headed over to aa Attorney for colleenioa. It is eenualy with same reluctance that he has adopted this resolution, as he has no dead* to Incur 04dtuoeal expense to those who are ri,11 owing huts -but it is a saying, thea necessity IS • merciless ma.111, and in the present instance, his reluctance must yield to ueccssity. . ROBERT MODFRWELL. Goderich, 15111 Juse, 1848. 20.1 NOTICE. AI.I. persons indebted to BREWSTER It SMART, through the r'ency et the Subactiber, aro requested to settle their accounts intmediatly either with rim or with Mr. George Frazer, Gudericb, and save coats. J. K: GOODING. Goderich, 8th Sept., 11148. 3211 WHEREAS JOHN BIGN.ALL, Super- intendent of Cgnnnon Schools of the Iiuron 1)tsUte', has absconded with a large sum of Public • Money, the above Reward will be paid to any one apprehending the said JOHN BiGNALL and recovering the. amount stolen ; or the reward will be in proportion to the amount recovered. The money, Three heedred and forty•eight ponds, was to 1110 notes of the Bank of Montreal. The above John Bignali is a remarkably large man, with coarse Mature!, about 6 -feet 3 inches in heiglh ; very round in L:s shoulders, haughty in his address, and about 50 years of age ; hair straight and inclined to grey, whiskers white. Any information respecting the above, to be forwarded to • GEORGE BROWN, Treasurer Huron District. Goderich, C. Ir. God,'rclrr Oct. 17, 1848. 38tf GROCERIES. THE Subscribers would loll particular attention to their extensive Stock of GROCERIES: as they Hatter themselves :hat the quality and variety of their Teas, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Sic. ate. lac., will be a suffcieot recommendation to intending purchasers. N. B. -Groceries of every description will be sold for cash or produce, ata reduc• tion of, et least, 15 per cent. below former prices. T1108. GiLMOUR k CO. Goderich, Nov. 16, 1848. 42 11 A It 1) W A R E. rTHOMAB GIL11 ;UR k CO., have • largely increased their former stock of useful and Ornamental Cutlery, hardware Jappaned Ware, and aro ready to supply 'their customers and the public generally, with the latest ^impr.•vements in every de- seription of keive••, Forks, Spoons, Trays, hock., Ilingee, Screwy, and all other arti- cles of tladware at reduced prices. ' They have also on hand a good assort- ment of ROPES, TWINES AND CORDAGE of various some and quahUes; also several patterns of superior Carpeting. A loge supply of Salt from the cheapest market. • Apples of the very beet quality in barrels. N. B. -The terms are ierariably Casa er Merchantable Prodsre, and no abate- ment from the price asked. oderieb, Nev. 14, 1848. 411 (l 1'. LEWIS, LAW. CHANCERY, AND CONVE ANCING. Jew, 184+. GOhERICH. _ E. C. WATSON, PAINTER .1ND GLAZIER, PAPER HAITOLR.• lie ie. GODERICH. -*ASH FOR WIIEA'T. THE Subscriber hereby intimates that he 1 has now en terms of lease and part ownership, the entire management of the Gosh:rich \tins, and that he is prepared to pay cash for any quantity of _ootid merchant- able Wheat at the said Mills; provi_'ed the same be delivered there in tune aur manufac- type.befure the close uf the navigation. WSI. PIPER. GoDiatc. MILLI, September Stb, 1848._ 3211 CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AND SAWING DONE ON....BIIARES. THE Subscriber will pay fah at dye Goderich Mills for Goud Black Cherry Saw -Loge, and will saw any other descrip• tion of guod Saw -Logs fur any partici o0 shares. WM. PIPER. Goont:tcu )SILL', I - Septcinber 50, 1't-li. S 32tf FARM FOR S_1L1:. BE SOLD by private bargain, Lot No. STRATFORD HOTEL. ITSAAC MAY, informs his friends and the I public, that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the East end of Stratford, when nothing shall bo ',armee o0 his part lo pro- mote the cutnfort and convenience of his guest. I. M. flatters himself that his selection of Wino aul Liquors is equal to any in the .'uualry, and his Stabling department is of the utut complete description. Stratford, 18th Apnl, 1818.. 1311 WAGGI)NY AND SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, a*AILT erresna Tent rapsurseu Cat ICH. THE Subscribers begs lease to i.forre bis friends sad the oublte at large, thsI bo is now prepared to .d..:e orders for LUMBEIt Olt LIGHT WAGGONS, which shall be manufactured of the beet materials, and by czperieoced worktues. Harrows and Drags made to order ; Plough Casting's Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Go4erieh, Feb. 9, 1848. 211 J. S'rEWART, ITTORNEY AND BARRISTER at e Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Coa..y- aii.t:lr, bice, Office West Street. Goderich, March 1st, 1848. by • • ON COMMISSION. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! AT eat and charges for cash} or Fall Wheat at eieh price only. EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR le CO. WOULD reepectfu!ly intimate that they have just received, direct frost the New York and Montreal Markets, a very logo imam lmcut of Straw, Leghorn. Dun stable, Tuscan, til imitation Silk BON- NETS, and • great variety of almost every description of FANCY GOODS, suited 10 the fashion and paste of the season. Also, an extensive stock of IIABERDASIIERY, CLOTHS, sod alt kinds of Staple Goods. Likewise, large quantities of GROCERIES, pgrtieu- I.rly a very superior supply of TEAS, from 1.. 34), per pound upwards. according to quality ; and Tobacco at all prices. As the whole extensive stock has been selected by the proprietors in person, they can confidently recommend them to their friends and customers, and as the purchases have been erected exclusively es cash prin. copier, they have resolved to sell oo the PURIFY TRE B1000, must reasuoablo terms and at the lowest And thus remove all disease from the r7atem. possible profits rob CASH. A On le iris! will flew m. L IF E PI l I. S and THE SUBSCRIBER • is also jest in receipt of s general assortment of 'DRY GOODS, consisting in' part of Poll de Cheine, Organdces, blushes, Caabmere de Laine,,, Orleans Ladtre., Cobourg ad other Dresses, fancy Bemire Scarfs, Meade Veils, Scams end Handkerctiiefi,-Ca.hmeee and (Aber Shawls its great model. . Septette COTTON YARN, &c., &c. Ladies' walking Boots and Shoes is great variety, -ALR0- A mal anentaeat of GROCERIES. SHELF sod other HARDWIRE. Sickles, Scythes, Scythe Satbs, Crodtert, Prints, Oil and Turpentine ; Foch, Rosin, Tar and Orkem. Naib in 100 lbs Kegs or is nay other quantity. C. CRABB. Goderieb, August 4111, 184EL 4711 TO LET OR SELL. 11°23, 013 the 5th. Coneee'ion of Godench, containing 80 acres. 20 of which is cleared and tinder cultivation: ten acres are newly under - brushed and ready for chopping. The land is of excellent quality and well watered. There is • good substantial log Dwelling Hour., on it, and one acre of superior trait trees in beating condi- tion. And as the proprietor is desirous of enter - lug into oilier business, he will dispose of it on moderate term,. One-half of the price will be REQUIRED DOWN, and the other half in three equal annual inetalmrnts. LLT For further particulars, apply at this Of('ice, or to the PropGee EORGE ELLIOTT, Junior. Godcrieh, •-131h Oct., 1849. 37t1 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. r/'(IE Copartnership heretofore existing 1 between the unuiermgned (under the firm, of Gooding and Lancaster, Innkeep- ers,) is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. on- sent. J. K. GOODING, - J. LANCASTER. • The business will be contimied, and aH outstanding accounts duo by and to the firm will be settled by the undersigned. J. LANCASTER. Goderich, 5th Sept., 1349. 321f J. K. 000I)I NG, AUCTIONEER, WILL attend SALES in any part pf the I)letrlet, on reasonable Terms. Ap- ply at the British Hotel. Goderich. 14th Sept. 14 8.1. 83 - FARMERS` INN, 5TR.A'1'F0RD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. r[3HE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately 1 rented the above well established iNN and HOTEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr. John Sherman ; and he begs to say that he will endeavour to see the Public and Tray. ellere well accommodated. and Otter com- forts attended to. Ile has good Stabling, and an attentive i{ostler. His Bat a well supplied with Wines and Liquor.. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Stratford, Marco 1, 1848. 7m3 STRAtHAN & Li%ARS, BD'RR1STERS illi Attorn:re at Law, Softeners en Ciimeerv, and Baskruppi- cy, Notary Public sad Coaveyaneen, 0riie- net and Stratford, Huron District, C. W. Ione STwsc.As, Godtrrch. DA'Iai. Howe Lessas, Stratford• Coulomb, Apra 20, 1148. em 1 rfIl,%T large and commodious three story heuic, prcveglly occupied as the Iluron Cigmrl Pealing, Otucc. It cunlatni six gond rooms a large under story suited fora kitchen.' It is situated oo the North site of the Market 9q•iare, and is well adapted as a place -of busiornr. Possession will be given on the lat of !snowy, 1849. Fur terms aoJ particulars apply to -the proprietor. MARTIN S1cLENNAN. Goderich, 27th Oct., 1848. 3011 STRAY OX. )w,7lssr.v..w. rilift fill ILBSI. MOFFAT,* VEGETABLE•S LIFE !ILLS PHONiX BITTEp - 2M high nee smote o.1.lrey obis& soar p.r.h,ee, 51.Alsher ban mamma Ow Welt Wwls tare la 0 0.. ad1.ea se .„m..1 0,,r0 rodeo er to ow*, booreedesfe�d �e .ver&. Madeed sed Owl Odes s=e •fila Et Wor 01001111•• iirpaY AL= -311E - 61D4110.1at- Bitot, lrIL ACEThe I r 011601140 soousava h Ur am num* ear KIDNEYS .0.10oa thane r LLS* ooat1LAurlL,o r w M. a ad ser. Awe ora dames* nosy, tassrrr sed Imisam&m eliaser. trier. sad wawa, who east are Ira (((alba w mewl aawleamls be wale& Imsr BILIOUS C.OLr0. sed MIAOW Lareess, sawn CUSTIVENEIR C•LDO & COV. I., elouvic. CUNeurvrrJR. Hate .o► swat wows* Ir +sate. CO4Bu7T .v00EL 01101.11116 311:Q18P/I48. we NOM -ah tai a n ware ea Mme, seal' lane oeeie 1brsieiarr i--- -1 j. BEUPTIONS W sintstsen. sererrILAB, ILArr LENCY. 3•111/11111 sad *et(S. Pee Ode aeeaiesofOwwoe tern a•wwlrr Ursa =1 • rsM m ear a ear, asMA4. nee metals w=mdr. 01mr mediator low w Mewl= .talar w e Man of the horses --o as by these meteor.. redwaasat_ THY - ime. RR 1ATISIM D, A1D RR CURIO. 7UVLNEaS of COMPLEXION. •aIMB=AL D>•SxLzeT). OMIT. UIDDINSSS. URA ICL. HCA DACES&. Weber, eb4. INWARD !EVER. IYPLAWMATUR r *anuli TI9w, Illruas IL(MID. JAUND)1:L LUGS N Arra. TITS. LIVER 0011tPLAIlg?Ba LEPROSY. LOOIENSSR. M lCIICCBIAL nl.rASZU.- Ne.er fails 10 ra6eals Mirth as Ow time of 01swewr lsr diel, whew nam Ili awe ream( reeematbel ef awe.rrata ?H ORT SWEATS, NEE rotiR oLx:LIT v. NEE rove COMPLAINTS J W Nide, Dau/NIG AlIrsornmag, raarrrarroN .f 10. MART. PAINTER'S CMULIU, 11 L B • . Tm .eiaia.l rl.nw w ur .ealadees vase .awed of raw e M years tarries ler lbs me .1 tri 'ds wes,e,nr P11NS ,e M Md, dr. WA. bier, }tire saA trees 111 Il taU M A T I s II. Thor elElwe1 wait Ise tena.r areae. well m sew of niter hr the Lia &clow . IWUalt of LOOT bet taw II RA if, guvgrr. 'GAL TAH* UAL SMELLINrta, aCturuLA. u• =I1g•'8 >OVIL, tads west arms. u L O E E I. ef every emeersrma w O R al! 8..( de ►e.ek ase ea..=sor Msaaed be are re.kgres• 0.r.e% .al dr ..e0 le •W ,..t., true -nee dew lbw adW.'u• le ...peeled. R. tier will be °enema TUE LIFE PILLS IND PUONII BITfUUS Marketable produce of every tleserry- P R ff & I X BIT ERS ryra the orb mos taken to exchaege at the highest mar- ket price. TILOS. GILMOUR lo CO. G'u,lerich, 18th May, 1918. 11 MONEY AND TIM: SAVED!! ! FARE REDUCED 4. SPE- ED INCREASED. CHEAP AND ECT ROUTE Through Casette ti Stals of New Fera. 'la. Chatham, Loodr.a, 11'..ddock, 8..�r.4 Hamilton, Il"eter!oo terry to ih.Jfal.. STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No. 1G, 3r1 Concession of Wawans.h, a Black OX nine years old, blond of the off rye with a gimhlet hole in each horn. - Stray -ed from the owner about the first of April last. A liberal reward will be givee to any person giving information of said Oz *here he can be found. JOi GRATTAN. Wawsnab, Nov. 1itlh q. 4215 WHEAT WANTED. (ABET paid for FALL WHEAT till the J 20th day of We month. C. CRA BB. Godelich, Sept. 1, 1848. 31el DIV. COURT BLANKS, PRINTED on a superior quality of paper, for sale at the Huron Signal Office, cheap for Cash. oocerich Jas. , 2t, 1849. 1 LOOK HERE!! LEATHER FOR SALE. THE tabaeribse beg, leave to intimate to the Publil that he has sad will keep Cowtaotly on hand, LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, and of the very best quality, for sale, wholesale 05 retail,•at the lowest retnu0e- rating pricer. to' Intending pnrcha.er. will find it to their advantage to cell and examine betere purchasing at any other place. All order: strictly attended %VILtn.LLIJi G. SMITH. Goderich; July 25th, 1848. Mid LUMBER. rpm: Subscriber has on hand a Targe quantity of SAWN PINE LUMBER, of venous dimensions, which he will sell on the most Reasonable Terms for CASII, or for WHEAT and PORK, et Market prices. Ile would also request all those indebted either by Note or Book Account to M . . B.Rwsren k Stamm through he Agency, to call immediately and settle with him and avoid unnecessary civets. JOHN McD)ONALD, Carpenter, Lighthouee•street. Goderieh, 13th Oct. 1818. 17 TUX NELL Scow, - STEAMBOAT BROTHERS! ' 'CAPT. W. EBERTS, WILL ma the Semon of 1348 as fo!low•s V fiLeaves Cgathem every :Mondale, Wednes- day Ind Friday .lurutigs, at 8 o'clock, for Bledsoe sod:Cereal, theuee to .irahritalurg at 3 o'clock.: Leaves Amhertetur„ every Tuesday, Then - day ad Saturday Moruiogs at half -pert 7 u'elk. tout -hien at Detroit and lriadsor for Outdoes. Th. BROTHERS runs- is c0130action with a DAILY LINE OF STAGE COACHES. Established between Chatham sod Qteelleme, by which (sad the Steamers on lake Ontario) paaseegen will be enabled to reach Kieg,00 es at least three day% from Chatham. Peemageo cart leave Hamilton by steamboat lin Toronto, Rochester,-Oawegd, Keeper., or buy of the in• termediate ports on Lake unman. Geatfmrtre from all parts of the .Sites w,,t find this root, very ag re ble during the summer and Wis1er,1e it passes through the moat fioariel,ing parte of Canada Wert The Chatham and Loodoo rod is now completed, and is a very good road. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, viz. CAarlia= re Adroit and Windsor, sad rice rasa. Cabin Passage '55,75: Deck Pa.ssge 411,00: ('1, Oren, ha'I•price: and one Gentleman 53,00; Dou1ie'fmin,. Wap:,o.aud Driver 53,00; Ox .or Cow $1,07; all other Flight in proportion. eibermees--Chatham.. •Eberts, Waddell Kt Ce.; T.. M. Taylor. Wisdom', L. i 11. Dew. tepees, •C.. Hoot. Detroit, lv.s. dr Black.- l.omevilk, • Knight alk Weaver. -- 'I'ecumarb Hoese,.H. N. Smith. Wardaville, Ai icrwo tic Bebe. :'Mom, 8. -Fleming. Ecfiid., G. J. Smith. Delaware, Hellen. Junction Ileum., Joseph' Rollins i.ondon. M. Serer. Brant- ford. G. Babcock. Flaraillon, M. Babcock; M. Davis NO CREDIT ON Till I1O.1T. Chatham, April, 1848.. '20-tf Gans w LLA .N1welwa .1 •my ryer.r Tlat peeing .I.r= o.J .Its•. 1e. r,v pup up r .Tena ora►prp..+ns d cher, lM' .tet . p.w,*ML .a1as1 s • e e.rre.w" lerey lu,.a lie luteus, .tot .a .belI. • dn.,.g.3 &u 3* tw0 Welt Oo..i w ter Oise, by .565 wooers , Mire the any mss eery ...try ad e.. L1. %tonne,...4 ewarwurw inn eeryryhw sMwa,n Wow who prods 11•••• viol. .hit lerswow tea M arra lbw Wry we pewee. 1 ..w.hl, .ad A. am 6.w thaw with yyr1Lr wrappers; hr 0,w to, ke enuefiwe SIT lbey corm dlwct from el, er A.ei tc11.1 Woo. 9 f' rr.p.'A..A .0 DR. WILLIAM 31. 0001lPAI1, 333 aro.d..y, cower of Ludwig eurr. !1a. Teta. ler Sale by ,BENJ. PARSONS, Bole Arend. Goderich, Jae. 28. 1848. - 1 ..'FOR SALE, '11LUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. A PART or portion of BLOCK G. in the £ . township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Iluron District, • centrum* T11'O HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 13 acres sleeted and in good. aider ; fences in repair. There is a good Frame Moate , (Cottage style], npon the premises., 35 by 32 feet ; also, a Frame Bern ou by 35, and Two Frame Sheds, each S.) feet long, with a Log Farm Misuse in tolerable repair. - There are three running streams of water thrangh the Lot ; two of which are in the clearing ; a small orehare about the Frame These, and a first rate Well inthe collar. The price of this desirable 'property is £650 currency. For particutarl apply to Messre. STRAC1AN k LIZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Goderich, March 42, 1848. 7tf INFORMATION WANTED. U}' THOMAS WARD, of the County of Sligo, Ireland, who left Ireland about 18 yearn ago. He first arrived in Caada, where he remained sic years, and then he left for the U. States, and he is now .eppm.ed to be in the State of Illinois. Ile is about 313 years of age, about 5 feet 6, black whiskered, plump face, rather dark, sad dark hair. Any information given ro his brother, who 11 a}} prevent living in the Township of flihbert, liaroe District, or sent to the " Brantford Courier" office, will be thankfully received by MATTHEW WARD. LOct.28, lilt(. ADVERTISEMENT. /h({E Subeenben in acknowledging the 1 liberal patronage which they have re- ceived during their resideoco in Geierch, would rerpect(ully request the Immediate settlement of all accounts due to the firm, as they close their books from this date.- Attention to this notice will save edit.. T. GILMOUR k CO. Goderich, 8th $s$.. 1848. 321( UR. 11A1 II:TON, al010E0N, W E IRS R T a s S T, G 0 13 E R.I.0 H. FiW WORK. CHAMBERS' MI$CELI.ANY: or mem. Asa ttarrcaTaatrq z sowLrPsa Edited by Roamer emanates, anther of Cyclo- . pedia of Eighth Liwmtsn : With Elegant 1Ros►rt(n Esgmviaga Price 25 coots per No. GOt:LD, KINDALL & LINCOLN tie happy to •nAOOGce that they have comple- ted arrangements with M . Chambers, .1 Edinburgh, for the re•pablicatien, in semi- sm,mhly Lumbers. or CsL Mrs . The deteg0 el the 81 is to amply the iuerrasiug demand fur useful, iatrsetito.aad rueful -um' leading, and to bring all the aids of literature to bear oa ithe cultivation of the feel - lags of the people -to improve eureect veers as imp,.rtaot moral and social q.esnesa-oappeer e very species of strife and earsgery-cheer the lagging and ,desponding, by the rotation of talro drawn from the ,magialioos of popular writer* -rouse the fancy by descriptions of interesting Nweign secure -give a seat te everyday oeespa- , tione by ballad ad lyrical poetry -is short, te famish an unobtrusive friend and guide, a lively firesidr cum:anion, safer as that nb;act ens be attained tIreegh the mnromenuhty of books J I.r uotter.aily arknowldgeJ menu of the Cm) O0L1.14 Or L.(LuR LrTaaaTtRr. by Ibe same author, connected with its rapid ole, and the unfounded eormendatios bestowed by tb. . prem, gine the publishers fell confidence ie the real value and entire aceto' cf the Newest wo 1.. The publication has already commenced, and will be cont0aed.,mrm•mthly. Each •amber wall form a complete work, Bud every third num- ber will be furnished with a 1:11e page and table of wn'ente, thus terming a beautifully illustra- ted volume of over 500 pates of useful and euIRtainiag reading, adapted re every'etssa of readers . The whole to be completed :a TIMMY 1.1x0[6,, forming Ten elegant Volumes. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. W..are,gld to see 00 America issue of this pcblicawon, and especially in so neat and comm. Merit a Mem. 'It ie as admirable compilation, distinguished by the good taste which has bees shown in all the publications of the Mein. Chambers. It unites the useful and the enter- taining. We hope its circulation here will b. large enough to aopplant, to a good extent. the nemby•pamby and immoral works which have so long been too widely circulated. L?' This work can be seat by buil to any part of the country. A direct remittance to the publishers of Sot Dollars will pay for the entire This liberal discount for advance pay wail nearly cover the cost of pottage en the work. Thele wishing for one or vire sample numbers can remit them secordiogly. Booksellers and Agents applied on the acro( liberal terms. GOULD, KENDALL A LINCOLN,' Pabii.ben, Boston. gig 4uron 9ignat, Ia PlUIFf tb AND roaLISOLO aaaaT ra1Dav BY THOMAS MACQUEEN. *DITOR AND 0LOra1LTOR. 011110 111A5RRT•5Quaa., GDD.art!. •,• Book and Job Pantie*. etaestad with n eataess and diepetch. Timm we me Holum &erat.-TEN 8HiL- L1NGS per annum if pout strietl in d ,,. .f Twu.vs AID Biz Paaca with the rapirstien .f the year. No paper diecootineed mull arrears aro paid op, unless the publiaher MUM. it his advan- tage to do en. Any individual in rhe country becoming me *possible for siv nb.ernbers, shall receive a seventh copy gratis. QT All letters addressed to the Editor mat he pet paid, or they will not be takes eat of the poet office TIROS Of *DTERTOIla. Six Inose and ander, first Ineertioea LO 2 R Foch aab.eq,wet iesertion 0 0 76 , Ten tines ad under, Ent esertios,0 3 4 Etch sebeeq..et insertion, 0 0 10 Over tee liars, first insertion, pee Ba, 9 8 4 Emit ssb s, sant iansrties, * 0 1 tT A liberal dioo.eat: Bads to eases +M advertise by Ore year.