HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-12-29, Page 3wa ties of lsiorisg 01 relates a iudividul who
bad Women merely far the purpose uf deism
mood to others- We are aware that nista donee
M Jaws views, amt slip .a rrhgiuee .•sues, bat
slaws a refereacs to the .wrNl priacrplea et
meesb' t a./ Oar Opinion la reessd a this owt-
ve la. that it was the drry u( every :ellipses
mat-ry, of every Aoudad man aur only to ca-
per the sonar of each meditated wickadasss,
bat, .1se, to deneeue enequivoeally, tb+ perpe-
tration et suck malignant falsehood to the com-
meity, test, peeadveeture, the Judge of all the
earth should mad him, tut and part, guilty of the
tonally ; theoriser, we regret that these emu
* meld have placed themselves io such ao aeon -
viable asides.
Bat the moo deplorable (emote in the ease is
the feet, that some of these men make a cootie
doable profeesieu of rehgiou ! For instance,
Mr. Kydd of the Poet Office is • leading elder to
• Christie. coogrrgatiun, ■nd lie not only de-
clares that he knows " A Layman," bet, if we
are rightly i0foraued, he also eUJrsvoured toie-
doee others to declare that they knew him, by
simply telliag them that he, Mr. KyJJ, had
seen "A Layman" writing some of hie wicked
productions: 0, reader, blush for the depravity
of that humanity of which thou •rt a partaker !
A Cbriatu elder looking ea the practical rnalig-
o.ty at which even the darkness of bell would
bleak, and cuuutetanciag, with little white
martini laugh", the contemplated ruin of a fel-
low -creature, whose only trireme cosusted is
air inikeible alliance to the priucipka of truth
and Pieties 1! We coedems no man's religious
creed. bat whatever others may think. we must
hearstly declare before God, that for the reli-
gion that could tolerate or be guilty of Fuels con-
duct, we would not give one dollar per too, and
that is far less the the price of wild -meadow
hay ! We care amt whether • roan be Turk,
Jew or Christie is his creed ; to his owe Mas-
arter he steads at falls. Bet there is • certain
species of smu.tb, white-faced, canting, hypo-
critical ,cousdreliem, against which we hive
wapd a• uareleoting warfare for twenty years,
and wet retest not now. That ecoundretiain el -
len a Goderich. sad dories the tau six months,
ho. prafmarly sad daringly prostituted the name of
relieve. se • erarde to accomplish our deetrac-
ties. The prodecoos* of ' A Lay.naa" .re
e ely ayenises of that ecoundreluim, and whether
they oro woes* by • Clergyman or not, we
knew sod will prove, at our owe time and in
mor own way, that use who !Mould hare been
better employed, has taken as active part in the
crusade seams' u• displaying • zeal that would
have hemmed a seed our, sad that zeal has
beta manifested a a 'creaking, eleadestioe, uu-
der-thumb, tittle-tattle, slandering manner,
which, we are sorry to say. is characteristic e(
even some Ckrgyese•. We cansot, by any
human possibility, be prevented from speektog
our convictions. We care for no nut's calling
Cul pruieuioa—bis charear u sacred, to our
estimation. rust in a tar a itis tendered sacred
by his ssefulossa and moral etcellesee, sad so
farther. We never supposed that the pruduc-
.riooa of " A Laymm." were the work of one ia-
divideal—we knew they resulted from a con-
clave. We kaew the real author did net wrfb
there. The aryl.. manner and spirit u( some of
them are at mace iJeutified in the produetiva
aped •' ruseJWlir," w hate author is well
kaewa. 1t we said of St. John Lord Boling-
broke,, that be wee both a muderer .tad a coward;
he wee a murderer insomuch as he (urged the
ballets tat were to destroy the re, nolion of the
immortal Pope : and • coward, inasmuch as he
hired David Mallet to fir time bullets ; each is
exactly oar opiaim s of " A Lay mail."
The gea}ien.a who hint attacked their ganes
to to toregoiog decease', .will exam* es for
retaliates the term " Reverend" is 0aretllicia a
of this week. The • article was in type before
we received iuss coamaniutiem': sod, 64 wad
beoeea to our est weriCaerti.eirsa,--wetruae►se
very Mile vol.. a-tbe title of "Reverend" tar.
Gay other title, that it would scarcely pay the.
trouble of altering it.
lea Tie 51.501 esa.aI_
newest or ria De.rate r.—A general
mecum; rt the Inhabitants of the can:err:
die:sten of the District of IIor..n, was held
e t the Union Hotel (Wood. ) in Stratford,
nn Saturday the 9th December, to ecaeiJcr
Vie previous proceedings a. t 1 the division,
sod to renew the application• to the Pro -
',uncial Parliament, agreeably to the public
notices in the Gazette and local papers.
The chair was taken by D. McPherson.
Esq.. .1. P., end Mr. Alexander Mitchell
acted as Secretary. The meeting was. ad-
dressed by John C. W. Daly, Esq.. sad
several others, and kir. William Smith with
great spirit spoke on the qucetion, and ID
support of the resolution he propo.ed.—
Reversl resolutions were panted—a 1 ge
and influential committee *ppointe with
a central committee in Stratford,, The
Petition to Parliament was read and ap-
proved ol, and is being numerously signed.
The important claim.) of the settler.: of the
east of the District fur anew Di'trict, have
been before the public sine, 1846; and the
same were brought before the itouse of
Assembly in the Session of 1847, and the
Bill then introduced was only withdrawn In
consequence of some arrangements of the
then Governmen'; and in the last Session
of 1848, though the Petitions were at
Montreal to be presented, the shortness of
the Session prevented any action being
taboo, The townships craved to be in the
/►vision, are North and South Euthope,
Dewane and (lore, Ellam, Blanah.rd, Ful
Iartoo, Logan, Hibbert, (in the 1luroo,)
Weilealy, Yemenites, and bl*ryborough
In the Wellington District (the two former
claimed by a previous right under 1, Viet.
*hep. 26, last elase,) sad • block of land
behind Logan. The number of mons of
land will be 632,000, besides the block
92,000. The popolation et present will be
about 15,000; the lases of the Huron town-
ships Li 300, besides the viid tail tar, and
besides the taxes of the other townships
Pet is the Huron, The tow* of Stratford
eaS1alM over NO i.aabita.ta, aid as Dia -
incl (owe, will be will,in au catty tea• h of
any of the iehabitaies of the poorest new
District, eudil not 35 mace from tarty rrlrrm•
Uyuf it. The name of the new. DutrtCI
is intended to be the " Maria of P,,1."-
7•he precast D4.ulet tows of Goderich is
placed (rote 60 to 70 miles from 15e ea'
tww.t): ol the pr. scut l.hstncl el Ili roll,
sad Idlratfurd itee:t is distant 46 seines from
'rill:.\PI'RO trittNG S1sytON
OF I'AItl.I:111EVI`
PARLIAMENT meet' fur the 1)15
PATI li of BUSINESS, on '1'l1Uli$
DAY, the Id b day to JANUARY reit —
Ws bate nada- ample reran; e.urnt. b,
which we shall beianteied 1n etre ABRID(i
EG bid CUMPRRML'N $ l V E. and EARLY
REPORTS til all Lie I'ruceediugs of the
II/ Blouse 1'n tbtiev.suige of Mwij.y, Winless•
day, and Friday, will be married in the
next morn.ug'sTaasscairr. Those there -
(ore, who deetre 10 watch the proceedings
of their Representatives, will be enabled to
do so (a• bb it shall uuly re;wrt the apes hoa
of tbuse who ermine themsctver to 11u
quertiuus be;ore the Ilouie ) by becowieg
Aa the silting of the Legislature will be 01
considerable duratiun ; and ay our popula-
tion will be tired, during that time, of real -
Ing IongmindeJ epeeches, we have eomo to
by fire aro Saturday evening, the IGih. The lo.., the coochatuo to report the Proceedings of
including the mostly custom« til the theatre, a the S.seron to an abridged form ; and we
estimated at $60,000. • prowl.e that we will de our beet to snake
the TauN.eTIrr a faithful record of the
Sl)criff's Sale of tanbo. SAYINGS
and DOINGS of our Represen-
In addition to the Proceedings of Pari:a-
IIURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue ••f four meet we shill; as usual, lay before our tea -
To Wit : s writs of Fieri der. the lale.t European and American
Faring, issued out of lir Majesty's Court News ; au well au such a variety of LITER -
o( (?..eau's Beech, and to tine directed -ARY (natter, as will alone equal in value
against the Laude and Tenements of Julia the price of subu. rtplione.
Ann Kippen and Amehur W. Kippen at the Intending Subscribers will he furnished
respective suits of Russ Rohortso*, Robert
Muderwell, John *trachan, gentleman, one,
etc. and James Clotting ; and also by virtue
of two villa of Fieri facies, issued out sof
Her Majesty's Huron District Court. and
to me directed against the Land. and Teo- Wssal.r '1'lAsanier, for 8 months, at
etue0ts of Julia Anis Kippen and Am. true
W. Eppel' 0, the rnspecthbe suit. ul Robert
Parke and Joshua Callaway. 1 have seised
and takes in Execution the following pro-
perty ea belongingto Alachua W. Kippco,
one of the above efendants a part or por-
tion of Block G. in the Tuwaship of C..1 -
borne, Western Division, Huron 1)atrret, session. will be pleased to notify us as soon
containing two hundred acres of Land ; as possible. All subscriptions must be pre
which Lands I shall utter fur seat at the ' par.l.
Z110NTREAL Tia NsCalrT Orr.CB,
IJeeeniber 14th, 1843.
The thanks of the meeting were given to
Mr. McPherson for his conduct in the
chair; and the meeting separated with a
zealous feeling in favor of the division,
which is seldom wltoe.sed. — Corrvist-
-t "--
Bua*rse or tel PARK T .-The
Park Theatre, New Yea, was totally desrrayed
with the
Tat-Wss.ILY TaaNscaIPT fur 5 months,
e t Fite SiiLusue.
Rar1-WEEkLi'raanscatET for 6 months,
at }'It V, t IIILLI.•.ee.
Fits fiurt INea ; or TEN COPIES for
payable in advance, an portage paid. h
The WxswLY TauN.caerr contains the
whole of the reading matter of that rain
• wEE*Lr Taasscatrr. '
Those intending to subscribe daring the
Court Howie, in the town of Goderich un
Tuesday the 201h day of March next, al
the hour of 12 o'clock noon.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff ll, D.
Sltaasr's Orrice,
Goderieb, lath December, 1948. 47td
rplintfr Town/does are at present included is
JL the Wehtegwu Duu,cl, aid held by • Veep
doubtful claim. By neglect 0r oreraght, the
mistake—at it evidently is one—he uceurrrd:- Byers, 41i.hael
.'bur has it hero tried w be remedied since, this' Black. Thomas a
the extent tat the Ilurun ternwry watt brought Bull, Kilian
beim' Parlament i. 1c4ti. Nor have the Jla., hurt, William
nitrates in Quarter 7euwas■t Goderich, ha their Bronner, Duhnld
application to the Assembly, cl■itned *1, jell Cossey, William
eaten( 0l the right. The tollowiug Ateuwran- Caeh.n, John
dun hiring ■ relereoce teats. mimeo, wa,,drawe Carey, Jsmr-e
up in July, 1e47, tq revive the clam, and is now . Carroll, David
submitted to the public : Cros!ne, Robert
Dobie. Arthur
• - JULY 13, 1847. , D• uckelow, John.
MY.MO*A`NrUM--to.hew that the 'town- D• "°isrr, frier
elope of Murnmgton end Wellesley were Dillon. Anne 2 .
reserved to toren part of the Huron District. Dunne, demes
Oo the utas of March, 1838, the Act was I'dour Valentine
passed, erecting the Ilurun District, list 1:1011, 11 0 /
Vac. -chap. 2t' . B the 33rd -clause two F.rw in. Henry
P / y / Frasier, Meteor
rights were established,. as reserve .for
I' reborn Andrew
iota District, til : a range'uf township.* to • (;i;n! 1.et, George
the main at the Dustin District, and the Godly, R.
tla•.•tun of ho -District of lluroa (441 a fa- Gibhrarr, Walter
lure time) mW tau counties. That clause I Hislop, Mre. A- 5.
u •s loitowe:—"And be it enacted, etc., Hanuhoo, Jam"
That on any future survey of the territory Ilern!Iton, Augh
lying to the northward o the said ('oral ltamttom, Alex. 2
y rr f y r.
of throe, rate rouge 0f townships 141 wg - _. A. F. MICKLE. _M.
tmm,diutrly coafigrors to the nur(hei'ly r
boundary of Me said "County. shat' be at- Golierich Mechanics Lycuill.•"
tactical to and become part of the sold in-) —
tended new District ; and that at any coo- lMIMIC DEBATE.
semmen% owe ■ubsequeot to 'the survey 0t 1 ••
the said range of townships, as aforesaid, it y •iBE Inhabitants of l.nder;ch are icfortn
.hell and way 14. laiit:,l lar 8nJ int Ili• ', that cies 4iylarl !, alselientet: Ly-.
Governor, beutenant (iuternor, or jar-onr.cuuLintoi.J .',.•pilin; a 1 C11I.l(1.DEBA'1 E
a•tmtrnisteYmg'tbe •governuteDt of VI -a -Pre. in the School Room of Juba 11aiJaae, F:•q.,
Waco. It5 sat with tae .dvteo *04- curauat West -Street, on the First Saturday fathe
uf. Her alajeety'r Esecatisi Ca.hcll for the New Year, at 7 u'Clack, P. M., vibes they.
aQitn" Ibeot,. N disidc tbo'said new Lis- ;New
rr.rcetfull7 invited to atterd.
tact into its('counties, under such nage($ Srbjrct:—"Has ilii ARMY 'of. Great
ant with such htmts as may be expedient ." : &r+aro dues worn 10 promote her (adeps..
. By the abome clause, the anticipated diel. de.ee thio -the NAVY! "
sit* of the i(uron.Dlrinct was contempts T. 1'. DICKINSON, !key.
ted ; •sail a the townships of Mornington i Goderich, Dec. 20, 1818.
end Wellesley aro in the range re.crved,—
and though. Ioc:uJu4- i. • the Wellington
District by the Act 8, Vic. chap. 7, (which 1{t FOUND,
ash tkecnbs the Gwils of all 'counties and .
datrictr),- it was done by a •oris'a:u', sir j(hN the Beach of Lake Iluro'•,, eighteen
through the inadvertence or -neglect 'of the v'tnit,s north if Guderich, a case of Look -
thee member teethe County of Huron, Dr: irg"glessea and Prune*: The .weer is re -
Dunlop, and besides, Is only in the 'Ambit( quested to prove property pay charges and
to that act, no enactment br.og road* to remove them from the poeseseion of the
repeal the right. Subscriber.
The 7 Will. 4. chap. 116, (emaciated to DUNCAN Me(.EN.1N.
io 1838), eatabtuhed the Wetuigton Die-) AshbeLd, Dece*.ber 171b, 1848. 43(1
trio—and in 1110 preamble a triangular
piece of land is alerted to, to the north of GODERiCIi FOUNDRY.the Huron Datnct, which • casual reader
of tl.e act might think referred to the land
in the north range behind Sergr.Fitr
i,-:b0pe, THE Suhrerihers in retaining thanks to the
(Huron District) but a does not,—tor termt a p6biic foc ea.r the liberal Lillie 04 petI.U$e
that triangular piece of laid a", is fixed by 1Hag 10 ioiittsaeethun they have cornioow o hand en a d
the 8. Viet : chap. 22. sec : 2. [1845] and"' are making to order a large assortment of Cook -
referable solely to the Township of Arthur, ing, parlour, and bps stoves plough castings,
—*loch the Bill for the District u( Peep, fire grate", fanning mill c•sting.,smut m.ehines,
does not affect or touch. To prevent fur- and every other article usually connected with
flier encroachments oe the north, Act 9. the trade, which they will be happy to tell on the
Viet : chap. 47. [1848] was passed, which I most reasonable terms for cavh.
ceclares that the territory to the north,; G. M. & Co., having made extensive alters -
(nut then heretofore included io the 'Wel
tionnand improvemen!s in the finishing depart.
lin tun dr.Snncoa U+rtriCl,) s'nuu1J belong • meet et- their establishment, by the introduction
if ' of self -seting maehioery, are now enabled to
to the, Huron District, Of thea ternt..ry• eueute .11 orders wish which they may he
the Block of Land to the north ol the Logan entrusted for the .upuly of hiruhins machincl,
(u. the B.11 for the District u( Peel) luting grist .nd saw *iiia gear;og •rad every other 4,.-
put,—and this Block to the extent of tWu rription of machinery, on the most acirnuflc.nd
Townships is eked, and It is placed to the rconemical principle,,aod with the greatest (aci-
west of Mornington and Mrayborough, •nd hty and diepatrh.
The ruMrriben would glen inform the public
that se the lowest cash price will in future be
charged for all goods manufactured at their estab-
lishmeat, their :relit bu,inese meet neceseaeity
become extremely limited. They would also
reward, that all thosrindepted to them either by
n ote or account, will come forward immediately
and settle their respective debts, or they will be
placed in the hands of an at tottery (or collection
wtthoot further notice.
G. MIi.LER & Co.,
Goderich, Tee. ISM, 1848.
D. WAT. ON, --
sot./ctroa 15 C.ANCE•1, aAoC.uTTCY, kc.
11'e►s,1848. 37
T 18T Or LETTERS ret» ■iaiag in the Stmt -
LA fnrd fust -(be 4th December, 1648 :—
Arnold, Lorenz Hunter, Francis
Arroll, Thomas parr., John B. •
Brown, James Jacobs, Nelson
leaden, Robert Jones, Solomon
Barton, !1L1Is Jackson, John
Kennedy: Robert
Kyte, William.
Khan, John
lynch, Mr..
Milne, Robert
Maa.erden. Mu. Chas.
Moe", Thorne
McFarlane, Alex.
McFarlane, James
McMillan, Mrs.
Pearson, Robert
Parker, William
Powell, James
Pringle, George
1'.41.3. Micieel
Russell, Mary
Robertson, Hngh
Rake, William
Sergint, Thome
Simpson, William
Stalest!, WJliuu
Sargint, Mr,
Thompson, Wilfred
Willson, Molyna
Wade, James
Willson, William
to the south of Minto—(7'ha last township
is in the Wellington District, as well for
the present, a. Mlorningtoe and Mary bo-
rou h, and Wellesley.)
Signed] JOHN J. E. LiNTON.
27th, 1846.
Gooeuca, 206 December, 1848.
rrllF. enden.3aed Ionian been eppoated by
.L Her Ezeelleacv, the Governor General, a°
iarerim Superiatendest of C0111101/611 &bools is
the Huros lhseriet, will be ready to attend to
all eorr.epondenee coseected with the dean
of his office, at his hoose is Ewa Street,
I:rafted APPLES, for sale by the sub -
(iodetich, Dec. 8, 1848. 4bwe
CANbe consulted at all hon at (Inc
Da. P. A. McDOUG!
Britian Hefei, (La14e4.ra's•)
Gndsrreh. Rent. 1301. 1 lilt
or Tan
Cheapest Br* spawn to British £a.eiaa,
At ONE 1X)L1.Alt ria **14or-1ltAarA-
aL1 114 "ttVAnCB.
la Dow published in the City of Toronto,
a Meekly gnartu New,pa;avt of eight pagea,
Jevu'ed lar bl+sertaneuu. Literature, Mural
Philueupl,y, Political Economy, and Geier -
el tdcwuce, comprising such subjects as
will cuoirrbute to the Mat Welton, improve-
ment enJ atuusuweut "f all darters of t3uel-
sty. But the wain Jerry;* 161 11 10, lar Induce
Ibis elevation of the Moeb.nical and other
working elastics to shat moral standard In
the r rale of being w hick it is the privilege,
and ahuuld be Cm ♦u,biuon, 0(411 to roam.
Among the numerotts periodicals of the
day, there i, nut one devoted 10 the mural
improveweut of the people, but it chiedy
distinguished lir its partizan seal or rel;gi-
0111 peculiarities. It aril be the pruvir.ce
of the propuseJ publication to till up the
vacuum b. tweet' these two unavoidable
extremes by preventing, every week, to the
readers coneidcratiin, such topic, as w111
strengthen the intellect, retitle the min',
and atruic all, Mend the heart.
The lamentable }•revalence of diel :mealy
and falsehood, dlcutereble in the boomers
tr4nsace,ois of eery day h(o, among ■.Ac-
ral classes of the community. -who, from
custom, regard them se essential to success
in their various enterprises—Jcrosnds that
something be done to arre*t the progress
of (hese ignoble ane. and there by avert,
from the next geceration at least, their
fearful concutnitants and cunscgnl•nces.—
'l'he effort la now about to be made ; end
it behoves all who feel an Interest In the
advancement of their fellow -countryman In
virtue and serial happiness, to countenance
and encourage this humble enterprise.
Other .ubj••ctr of vital importance to the
working and trading portions of the com-
munity, shall, from time to tame, engage
the Editor', attestio ,
The " truck" system, Or, "Store pay; so
generally in rogue is thus country, and
w huh is the source of so much fraud, deceit,
and dueoateut, it will be the effort of the
forthcoming Juurnal to induce Society 'to
The current news of the day, condensed
tutu as brief a ,pace ■s practicable, *hell
also receite due attention.
Party politics and sectarian religion will
be totally inadiniseable to the pages of the
.9rtiwn ; hut the fundamental principles of
duty to God, to our Country and fellow-
men, shall be duly inclutcated std enjoined:
As the usual amount o(reading m:.tter at
contains, must involve a very large dis-
bursement, at will be Indispensable that a
proportionably large subscription list be
obtained. Tile protector would, therefore,
urge upon all trtcndly to ire undertaking to
aselrt In promoting the circulation of The
artisan among their friends and neigh-
To the youth of both sexes, TAe Artisan
will prove a valuable and efficient &di:met
in the work of 'home education." Partibu-
lar attention will be para to render it •n
agreeable and useful companion to mechan-
ics in geocral,..domesuc servants. and ouch
otter persona whose circumstauces•,dchar
therm trout access to the more expensive,
arid, often, less useful periodicals of the
From the q' antity and quality of the
material the projector has at his disposal
in I. -pendent of any extraueous aid, he feels
confident in being able to present to the
p•.,b;.c such an attractive and valuable cnm-
pilation as cannot (aa to meet wtth general
The publisher being a practical pri.ster,
and (or several years having been connect-
ed with the Newspaper I're.s of Canada,
ha: some coaGdence, by hie experience, in
1... ability to accomplish this delirAide elle
H. C. GRANT, Publisher.
AN extcosine stock of Fall and Winter
DRESSES e( the most fashionable
colors and patrons; also a large assortment
of fancy dress gods. French -worked
Capes, Collars. Kut':+, Muffs, Shaw:e, Man-
1.i!as,Cloaks, Laces,Giovr'. hosiery, Drcaa
Cape, Ribbon., Sloe,. bee. tee., all of the
very best quality and at oho most reduced
prices, by
Goderieb, Nov. )6,-1843. 42
r1'HIE Undersigned being about to close
his present business, all those IN-
Di'.BTEi) TO HIM, aro requested to call
and settle their Arcnunts on or before the
30th Ilecemeer, Inc?..otherwise they will
be put in suit for collection, without 14.1.
Hay, Dec. 8, 1848. 45
-1_ — — —
30th .\ tar-mbcr, 1:;13.
RECEIVED per ship* Belton% and Souter
J 00-
ohnny, (rum Livcrpouul, t.1, M
(real, and for gale by the Subscribers at low
rate., in quantities, or otherwise,
Dales j Fancy Print.,
1)o. bleached and unbleached Calicoes,
1)o. Cotton Yarn, Pieces Corderoy : and
Tuns Bar Iron, assorted sus, of the
• "crown brand,"
t.?» They also offer for sale, of recent
importation from the.linfted States,
Chests TEA, of various qualities.
4w4Y. H. sEYMOUR Si CO.
GODE men, C. W.
30th .'N'ovember, 1848.
FOR SATE he the Subscribers,
ap For which Produce will be taken in
payment. M. B. SEYMOUR la CO.
1107,1151r Tn1LtC,
CO))imdrlgtaller Queen's Bench,
HE a
ishabinte of the lows elGoderieh will
T apply to parhamest fee as Aet le kerpe-
rate the cad tows.
11 .4..' .► " .1. ,e,,0 a a4e tier. r
cs:ra stuck of Cloths, Casaitwerr,
la l':Bur Clothe, Shtep•d Grayrt Beaver
Clothe, Kentucky Jeaaa, Tweed*, and a
large bancty of English tad heavy Waste)
Coll ng. Alpe, an extraska variety O
Vt.tu•rs of the meet fashionable sly -e —
F'•.r laps cl all prices and of all quah.tes
thio of the latest a,.J snort sp;ir.,vrd
s'•,pre; %Vinier Gloves and bin ens; India-
RuL'.•cr Shuee, and 1111 eh..t every thing
necessary to produce comfort, neater.♦ and
respectability, so lar as dream is concerned,
w 111 ice .old chap for cash or produce at
ilii. Shure of
Goderich, Nuv.-18, 184n. a 43
HURON DiSTR!(17',j' U()TICE is
'1••. 1VIr : s herby
that the Court of Geaerel tluarter essionen
.r the l'eacc, and that of the District Court,
will be holden in, and !er *hie 1Aslrcl. OD
Il'1•:SDAY the second day .1 January
next, at to Court lloure in the Tuna
.t Goderich, •t the boor tat 10 cecina, a. al.
at which trite and place all dueness til the
l'eacc, Cowmen., Keepers of li.alas sad'
llm:aco of Correction, 11.;gh Constables,
I;on•t..blee, 110111%!, aid a'1 othrre eon
eerier, are hereby regwreJ to attend, to du
and perform those things winch to theft
respective Mats apperlaln.
Sherif 11. D.
Su►•atai's Oma1, Gf/pptoltr
30th Nox*0ber, .1841. ,45t4
rrlIF. Directors of the Huron District Ituild-
1 ing Society will dispose of two or mote
Shares of 150 each, at the BnNeh hotel,
(:oderielr, on SATURDAY the 30th instant,
at 7 o'clock. P. 51.
By order,
Gederich, Dee. 1 a1, 1848. 45
lbirR.OLIVER, baying left the whole of
lel his unsettled accounts with the CIprk
of the 1st Division Court, Goderich, advises
Ai parties indebted to bias to see that gen-
tleman before the 20(h•rf next month.—
Any information required, will be giver. at
the office only, where a person will bo a1 -
ways in attendance.
Goderich, June 29, 1848.
11111E Editors of the Vaclowta MAua rex will
11 devote all their talents to produce a metal
entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana-
dian People; which may afford amusement to
both old and young. Sketches sad Tates,
in verse and prone, Moral Emmy, Statistics of the
Colony, Scraps of Useful Information, Reviews
01 new Works, and well selected articles from
the most popular whereof the day, will form the
pages of 11,, Migraine.
The Ed.torefeel confident that the independent
and risidg country to whose service they are
proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully
lend its support to encoorsge their arduous and
honourable underakLeg. 7'he low price et
which the Periodical is placed, ie in order that are lmvulably,in advance.
every person within the Colony who can rend,
and dansious fnr moral and mental improvement The Transcript ie printed on a Sheet
,may bernme a subscriber and patron of the work. nearly as large as any used in the Province;
The Vivi-mot Mao,s.,16 will contain twenty- and should circematances permit, it will be
four pages in each number printed on new type, still futtber eutarged in lis! course of tag
and upon good paper : and will form at the end ensuing .0510401.', -
uf tie year a neat Volumne, of 268 pages, to -During the approaching Session of Par•
gather with Tide Page ■rad Index. ( liament the Transcript will contain Reports
It w ill be tissued Mtoothly, eomnteneine on the :;len
the Pmgs, sufBeieatly comprehcn-
First of September, from the oleo. of JOSEPH lof ive to rocetdfurnish Ricardo!' all that occurs in
WILSON, Frear -street, Belleville—the Pub- both Legislative Bodied'.
jailer and ante Proprietor, to whom all orders (01 g
the Magazine, and letters to rhe Editors, must As a Family Newepiper, the Transcript
be addressed. (Post-paid.) The terms of sub, I will support its old character. A portion
seriprinn—ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM -1 of its spare space will he devoted to the ie-
inertriable to be read in edeaiwre. - i scrtion of utiecellaneous matter •of. an in-
Goderich, Alereh 3,.1t448.;, : •$ . . teresting and Literary character, and terry
'1'O PRI-NTIp.ItS.j heaaryc to morale .will ba carefully
TYPE FOUNDRY' AND PRINTERS;' We have cont reseed, and Intended to
FURNiSHING WARE HOUSE. i continue, a series of B.ngraphical Sketches
from Chamber's Miscellany of Useful and
THE . Subscribers have opened a New Entertaining Tracts and other \Yorks ; and
Typo Foundry in the• City of New during the present 'canon, notice wi,1 be•
York, where they are ready to supply ceders taken of the Lectures delivered at the
to any extent, for any -kind of Job Fancy several Literary lnstituttons of this city,
Type, ink, Paper, Chase., Galleys, Brass "which wo commenced last winter, and.
Rules, Steel. Column Rule:, Composing which gate general malefaction.
Sticks, Caeee, and every article necessary
for a Printing. Office. TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY
The Type, which aro cast in new mouldy )HAIL.
from entirely new arta of Matrixes?, with .(0."Thc pries of Sub.cription of the*
deep counters, 5111 warranted to be ensue- MONTREAL TaasretltrT, (when sent by
passed by tansy, he sold 5t prices to suit tae moil) is TWELVE. SHILLINGS per an-
timer. Allthetype furnished' by. tat is num, payable in advance. To facilitate re-
's hatai" fniltances FIFTEEN 'SHILLINGS wilt
Printing ndcles furnished', and and also.81111..
S:caw Engroinsses of the most approved pix. pay for Fifteen Mouths. TEN Li NGS for Ten'Mbntay and FIVE SHiL-
lerne. poeitinn RoiicLINGS for FlFiverMesita. When the
Comn east for printers. " period u( subscription is pearly expired. we
Qt" Enters of Newspapers who will .hall send three - different copies of the
bit three times a much -typo as their bills 'Transcript enclosed is flue or gree*
araoub. to, may gine the a -bore six -menthe' Transcript
; and (f mo remittance is made, rho
inxruon in theirs papers, and send their -paper shall, iav teeny enc, he discun-
papers centaemng it to theSubecribere, tinned. As tae paper it given to euhicn-
COCKCROFT be OVEREND • bets the loest onriall money
Air 78 Ana Street,, ass }otic. tetterstat must bewpostp•patdblo ; midprier. those which
December 7th 1847. MO are not, the amount rat postage will -be de-
ducted iron* the money sent.
LONDON -QUA ftY'P!N1.Y Emmy,
rlVJE above Periodicals' are reprinted u
New York, immediately us their ar-
rival by the Jkl18mb Stcnarcr', is a Leeett-
lul day type, on lice w kite edper, sial are
ult►Ia1 copies of the to rut ria1. —Me ds mere
.Ung.:iso beteg an exact fac-almlleof the
Edinburgh' edit ion.
The wid..epresti gime • f these splendid
Periodicals tenders 41 nr04tesa to say morels
1n their praise. As literary ur1{air, they
stand tar in adveace of any *whir ..f • M-
urder sump uow puhlirbrd,whde the poli-
tical complexion of each ;s marked by a
dignity, cowlu,r, mud forbarruce riot unto
found In works els; arty character.
They embrace the views of the three
great panic. in I:og:a!1J—Whig, Tory,
aid Rad cal—tiiar•Lrruud or d the London
geartee:y are 'l's.ryt tae ddia!rgk Be -
rine, Whic t and the Wgtxsir,irr, Radical.
Tire 'Focrigeartinarferly is purely hit rat y,
being dc•vuted principally to eritycfams "n
foreign Continenl,a Werke.
The price* t'1 the fie -print• ape Ices than
one-third of those cf the foreign copies, and
whsle they aro equally well got up, they
afoul all '(bat advantage to the American
over the English render,
l' I: R MS..
Tor any one of the four Reviews, $9,00 per an.
I'or say two du , do 5,00 "
For any three do do 7,00 "
For ■11 four of the Reviews.... 8,00 "
For Illackwornps \1ngenine.... 3.00 •'
For Blackwood and the 4 Ireview., 10.00 '•
Four copies of any or alt of tho above,
work. will be sent to ,r.o eddrees on pa).
omit' of the regular nub-crlption for three—
the fourth copy being gratis.
(17". Remitances and commenications
must be made in all eases without expense/
to the publrshere. The former may always
bo done through a rosttnaster, by handing
I:im the amount to be remitted taking his
receipt, and :orwnrding it by mail, post-
paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a
letter, post-paid,, directed to the pyyblithers.
N. B.—The postage on there 1 iriiodicals
is reduced by the late Poet Otlice Law to
about one-third the former rater, making a
very important moving in the expense 1.0
mal ,nbeenbere.
Qlrt all the principal cities and towns
throughout the Coifed States to which
there is a direct Railroad er Water com-
munication from the City of New York,
these periodicals will be delivered free of
postage -
Psi biker,,. 112, Folton-.t., N..,
Q7" Subscribers in Canada may receive
their numbers at the nearest American Poet
Goderich, Jaa. !8. 1848.
ISPublished every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturdayy, at the Lou' Price of
TWELVE 'SHILLINGS per annum, pay -
Last Call! Last Call! Last Call i
Qf^'The Transcript is sent to Subseria
bets in the country twice or three times a
weak, at their option. The whole of the
reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's
papers being pet into one sheet—thee aa•-
tng rho Subscribers one-third postage, the
price,ofsubscription to the both is the same.
Subscriber', in 01111801f for the 'transcript,
Timothy Seed, taken is payment at Mellish- will please mention o hether they o rah the
est Mrrket Price:• • tri -weedy or seri we - 11'y paper scot to
let September, 1848.
1.1. persons indebted to D. MANLEY &
( o., er to ISAAC C. SHANTZ, will have
an o .p .rtunily of paying the terpective amounts
to W u.r.Ism Cuss, v. on the 4tr and Sth of Oc-
t. -veer next, at the HURON HOTEL, Goderich,
' after which time the Bailiff will eall epos all dr.
faulter_, at further (lase Csnnot Inc given.
34- them.
tr.:Newspapers wi h whom we exchange
N 0 TI C E. 'will please Copy Hee Notice %loch we will
be happy to reciprocate psi ihe carne way.
A PP1.1CATION will be made to the next Godericli, March 3, 1643. b "
Session of the Provincial Legislature,
for leave to bring in a Bill to constitute and
form the following Township. and Gore, N. OT I CE .
and Block of hand, v.z :—North Eart ope,
South Fasthnpe, Downie and Gore,—Ellice,
Rlan.hard, Fullerton, Ligan end Itibbert,—
Wellesley, Morninetni and llarybornugh,
and We.tern ballot' Wilmot. and the Block
of Land behind l.og5n,—into a new Dis-
Soc'y of Committee.
Burford, [Huron],
tat of April, 184*. ' 10m6
Provincial Land Surveyor,
ALT. those indebted to the Estato of
the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will
please Settle the same without delay, and
without extra expenrfe: and also all Orme
having any Claims against the above lAlate,
are regtnrcd imnred•ate;y to present the
gams for Adjustment to JnHN 111ca.,
LA IV, oRAsaiR!rt.Ax•,
Jer. taa(t O/Cil,