HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-12-15, Page 41,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND dispersed throughout most ul the
't'owealupe to Upper Cauda -nearly 500,-
000 Acre. aro situated in the Hares Tract,
well known as one of the most Mettle parts
of the Province -at bas trebled its pupula-
lioe in five years, and sew Conlan. wp-
wards of 20,000 mbabttants.
The LANDS •re Deleted by way of
LEAS E , fur 7'ea )'ears, or Jur
SU/s, C .4 N II 1) 0 IF X-fk. play ..r
one ATM Leak, and the balance iA Instal-
ments being dust Mary with.
The Kent• payable 1st Februar' each
year, are about the Interest at Six Per
Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon moat
nfthe Lois, when LEANED, NO MONEY
IS REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the
athero, J 1
of hie
pt eJ
tion ca
A LLINO Geelph or J.C.W. DALT, Esq
Sheriff's Sale of Saabs.
7'o N'U: t• writ or Fieri
Facia*, !,sued uul • f Har Majesty's Uuruw
Metrics Court. and to me dlr••cle 1 a ateet
the I.aode and Te.ement• of Htrhard Dur
lington, at the sent of Robert Park; 1 base
seined apd taken a ihnecetws, Lot number
four in the aev..th Concession, E. D. is
the Township of Culborne, containing 100
acres: which (.ends I .hall offer for sale at
the Court House, In the town of Oo4erich,
on Saturday, the 25th day of November
oext, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon.
J. McDONALD, Sheri H. D.
FH.RIYY a Omen,
Gudertci, 14th August, 1841. { 3m29
.hoes. said of Lamle is . poslpoaed
nut the tier of February, 1849.
Sheriff H. D.
ewaa rv', Onset, Oopxarca,
9t.tb November, 1848. S 43td
recur trig to uce,tty, ons., luau, or Shen ff 's Sale of CIO,.
rear. Rent, must be psiJ in advance,
the.. pa mints will friss Iha Satter
HURON DISTRICT, t Y virtue of a
(tether calls until 2uJ, 3rd sir 41h yea Tu Wit: 13 writ of Fieri
form of Lease. Facia., i.aued out of Her Majesty's Iluron
right to PURCHASE the FREE-
District Court, •ns to me directed against
U during the term, it accused to the tat,. Lange end Tenements of Garin Ilamll-
see al a fixed sum pained in Lease, and iii at the euwt of Jr/retina Calloway, I have
seance it male according to antfci-
prymenl, sU:aoJ and taken in Execution, Park Lot
Lists u( lands, and any further informs- number one, nn the North aide of Melbourne
o be obtained, (by furthti •n, if by -treet, and Lot number forty, on the Nast
post pad) at Sas I:OMPANT's Orme', side of 1Vcllmgten al�p{tet in the town of
1e aod Cuderick ; of R. BrsUaALy Albert, which Lands !"•hall offer for rale on
Asphodel. Culburne lli+Incl ; [)y, Saturday, the 95th day of November next,
at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Court
f/sail, Huron District.
., House in the town of Goderich.
Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7 J. McDONALD, Sheri II. D.
SItRRini'r Ounce
Goderich, 15th August, 1848• 3m29 STRATFORD HOTEL.
JOSHUA CALLOWT, inteeJrnt of Comoloe Schools of the ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and the
Huron District, hu absconded with ••large 1 public, that he has taken the BRICK
GAVIN IIAntTos. sum of Public Money, the above Reward
'CAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr.
HURON DISTRICT, t DY virtue of two ItTThe above tale of Lands is postponed will be pail to any one apprehending the Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where
To Wit: S •"' writs of At- until the first day of February, 18.9. said JOI1N BIGNALL and recovering the nothing wall be wanting on hie part to pro-
tachment issued one of the District Court, JOHN McDONALD, amount stolen ; or the reward will be in mote the comfort, and cooveoieaco of his
and Court of Queen's Bench, and to me di- Sheriff H. D. pruportion to the amount recovered. The
Petted against the estate real as well as SHZRItr's NoveTTICEmber,
1848.GODZIw, 2 money, Three bandied and forty eigkt
flatters himself that his selection of
nolo of HenryElliott,an absconding 20.h Nonmber, 1848. S 41fd
Pc yg Monti war in 410 Dotes of the Bank of
Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the
or concealed debtor at Ste respective suits ' v :Montreal. country, and her Stabling department le of
of Thomas Gilmour for the sum of twenty SHERIFF'S SALE. The above John Bigoall is a remarkably the most complete description.
forst pounds six shillings and three ponce, large man, wall coarse tester's, about 6 feet Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 1311 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT.
and of Robert Moderwell for the auto of HURON DISTRICT, 2 RY virtue of a 3 ',when in beigtb ; very round in his SPRING ¢SIAM S* FASHIONS ler 1848.
thirty one pounds ten shillings and six To Wit: S L writ of Fieri shoulders, haughty in his address, and about 1 g T E W A R T
pence; I have seized and taken all the estate Facia., issued out of Her Majesty's Herne 50 years of age ; hair straight and iodised ' A FULL variety of the newest and most
real as well aa personal of the said Henry District Court, and to me directed against to grey, whiskers whits, A TTORNF.Y AND BARRISTER at e1 improved SPRING AND SCMW►:R FAex-
Ellfott, and unless the said Henry Elliott the Lands and 'Tenements of Thomas Any information respecting the above, to EX Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- loos for 1848, have been received by the
return within the jurisdiction of the. said Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; i have be forwarded to anter, lite., Office West Street. subscriber, who will promptly steal to the
Court, and put in bail to the actions within seized and taken in Elocution, as belong- GEORGE BROWN, Goderich, March 1st, 1848. by orders of all who may favour hint with their
three calender months or cause the same to ing to the said Thomas Charley, Lot num- Treasurer Huron District, patronage.
be direhgrged, all the real and personal her three, on the North side of Ea . -4 street, Goderick, C. W. ON COMMISSION. A. NAYSMITH.
estlte of the said Ile.nny Elliott, or so much or Lot running number one thourand and Goderich, Oct. 17, 1848. 38tf Goderich 12th April, 1148. ly �1,}�% j� jK�
tbeaof as inay be necessary, will be held three in the town of Goderich, containing _-- SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! -'^" "� _W®14'JIAIe
liable for the payment, benefit and satisfac- one-quarter of an acre of Land, be the same CASII FOR WHEAT. AT cwt and char em for cash; or Fall Wheat MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! ! CHAMBERS' MISCELLANY.
tion of the said claims. more or less with the Buildings on tho said g
J. McDONALD, Sheriff H. Lot erected; which I shall offer for sale at at cash price only. _.
8xnarri s Orates, St A� the Court House in the town of Goderich, rl�HE Subscriber hereby intimates that he FARE REDUCED 4. SPEED INCREASED. or csarcL AND UTaaTAulro uowl.zDag,
Goderich, 98th Aortal, 1848. 3ml1 on Saturday the 25th dayof November baa now on terms of lease and part THE SUBSCRIBER Edited by RoataT Caaratas, author of Cycle-
ry ownership, the entire management of the
Is also 'vet in receipt of ageneral assortment of CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Delia of Eagli.h Lrteratan : With Elegant
------ next, at the hour of 14 o'clock noon. Goderich and that he a prepared to l P Through
J. McDONALD,Sheri H. D. Mills,' P P DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Poil de o•g Canada 10 $G4 ty' New lurk, via. Illustrative E•gnriags. Price w cents per
ATTACHMENT. ff pay cash for any quantity of enol merchant- Cheins, Organdees, Muslim Cashmere de
Chatham, Low.lun, 'reedited:, Brwyur r, No.
Sxttarrr'e Ornuctt, able Wheat at the said Mills; provi.!ed the Laine., Orleans Lewes, Cobourg and other Hamilton, IYater(oo Ferry, fa Bo�tlu• GOULD, KINDALL & LINCOLN are
Goderich, 21.1 August, 1848. 3m30 same be delivered therein time for maoufac- Dresses, fano Barage Scarf", Blonde Veils,
DISTRICT OF HURON, RY v rtue of -tun before the clove of the navigation. Scull and Handkerchiefs, -Cashmere and other THZ HSU..:sows ted arraagemest• with Messrs. Chambers, of
j y RoazaLsELLts, ) WM. PIPER. Shawls in great variety. Superior COTTON STEAMBOAT .BROTI1 ! } "uburgh, 1°r the re•prblieatio°, is, semi -
Attsehmeht owed out of Her Ms set s )} GODIr1lICR MILLS YARN, &c , ed.c. Ladies' walking Boots and mu6thl ternben, 04 Cea rasa• .N IMILLANr.
Court of Queen • Bench and to me directed Teoras Caaatrs, September Sib 1848. 991( Shoes in great variety. CAPT. W. EBERTS, The ydMi o of the JIIScuLANv i• to supply
a ata.t the Res Estate a well as Personal •- 0 r The oboes sale of Lands is postponed P ' the ins keg
o�Besuj•min B. Eby, artLbsconding or coo• until the fent da of Febrssr 1849.
-- •I' L S 0 - WILL ran the Season of 1648 as follows:- g demand for useful, u•uueti,a,aoJ
y y' A parrot arsortmeat of G R O C E R I F. S. Y Leaves Chatham every :hoods••, Wedges- eaterulntug leading, and to bring all the aids of
sealed Debtor at the suit of William Fred- JOAN McDONALD, CASH FOR SAW -LOGS ge day and Friday Mornings, at 8 o'clock, for therefore to bear on the cultivation of the feel -
SHELF and other HARDWARE, Sickles, is of tae' W
Twenty- AND SAWING DONE .ON BETAKES, Scythes, Scythe Boating, Crockery,Priory, Oil Windsor and Detroit, thence to drehcrtsferrg at M peoplee-to impress correct views on
sex Pounds Eleven "bllhngs and Three BHntvies Olrrses, GoDtaicu, 2 3 o'clock.
ingoruot mural ind social ar.uun.=.0 nes
November 41st, 1848. ( 43rd and Turpentine; Pitch, Rosin, Tar and Orkem.V i D
pence, l have sieze I all the Real }stale of y stalls in 190 lbs. Ke a or in an otherquantity.Lrave$ .1 urdrrl.Gvrr every Tuesday, Thurs• mery species of strife ■rad sae tel h -cheer the
the said Ben amlm R. Eby,•rail unless the TIIE Subaeriber. will pay cash at the
8 Y day and Saturday Nloraui_•i at hall- a -t 7 u'dlc, legging soil deelwvd,og, by'1he :elation to ales
EXTRA ASSORTMENT -a Goderich Mills for (loud Black Chert g C. CRABB. y ' D drrwu fano, kLe sena t
said said
Bei,s B. Ehy return within theISe y O.dtrich August 4th, 1848.`Ytf Soothing at iJ.lroil and i. itt c r fur tioowam. - g nsuor• of popular writers
rhodietioe of the said Court and put to bail OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! Saw -Loge, and will saw any other descrip•The BRO'I'11ERS row iv aowectioo wuh a -rouse the fancy by descriptions 0ee of iy .reap .
to the action wuaio three calendar I.oeibe, tion of -good Saw -Logs for any eerties on•foreign scenes -Tire a ant t° every -day sweeps -
or comae the end clam to be discharged,all TUE Subscribers hate just received from shares. non• by ballad ant lyrical poetry -to .hat, ate
JLW M. PIPER. -- Established between Chatham and Queesuon, furuuh en uoobuunve friend and guide, • lively
the Rei boats of the said Benjamin B. the New York and Iuotreal Marhichele, 'IMIAT large and commodious litres storyby which (and the Steamers on Lake Ontario) fireside companion, as far u that object can be
mph oe grog* tact.,( as say b• bele.. the largest Stock of Merthandr;e which has Gooazicx MILLS. 1 g paraengere will be enabled to reach Kia use is •liaised through t
�i MySeptember 5t 1848. 821f house, presently occupied as the Hoven al least three days from Chetham. Paa.eogen 'far universally ackwwl Ted ituyterus a of the
�. #mN liable for time teles yet been brought into the Iluron District. P 5,Signal Piloting Office. It contains six can leave Hamilton by steamboat for Toro•to, CrsLorzDsA or ENGLISH LITLRaTLRE, bythe
6111114.101IIIN6p.00 of Om said e, Win, Asd as the purchases were mads personally nod rooms a large under story suited for g y
.... MO. MCDON ALD, by one of the Pim, the quality of the FARM FOR SALE. g g J Rochester, oris ln, Kingston, or an of the in- rime author, cowecred with its rapid saki asd
RIra/ Mores lNsrriN. gra is u superior as the quantity is ex- kitchen. It is "dilated on the North side termedtate ports n Lake Ontario. Gentlemen the unbounded commendation bestowed -by dee
tHgr1B'eOMw, 4.stve - "prompt payments anti sora(! TO BE BOLD by private bargain, Lot No. of the Market Square, and is well adapted from all parts of the States will find this route press, give the publishers full cwfide°ce ie the
G._ jIa� 41 COOtIIttlb I�011. # 36 13w profits." it the motto watch they have 23• on the 5th Concession 'of Goderich, as a place of burineee. Possession will be very agreeable durir.*1heo "simmer and winter,as real value and entire success al the present
{ containing 80 acre•, 20 of which i• cleared and given on the tat of January, 1849. 1t paemaa through the moa flourishing parts of work.
adopted, asd the public may depend upon order cultivation; an acres qts newly nyder- For terms and articular. a 1 to the Canada Wee. The Chatham and London rood The publication
• A TT/ '. !being stetted with every eription of P PPP Pr* yea already commeoeed, ..d
Dods in (heir ntabluhment at the veryb'O�d °°J reedy for chopping. The land i• of proprietor, i• now completed, sod is • very good road. will be cuauoueJ sem,-mo°thly. Each number
g•ezcelknt gualhy •rad well watered. Then is a MARTIN MCLENNAN. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, viz. will form a complete work, and every third nom-
loweet remunerating prices. - Their Stock .ub.tantia to Dwelliv House om it, and
IigiS1<Iti OF lirlwrf, r Y virtue of goad g g. Goderich, 'Yltb Get.• 18{11. 39tf CAatAsm to Detroit pelf Windsor, end rice Prase.Der will be a •��,•
(B cowatete of every variety of men's and nue acre of superior Crest trees m bearing condi- d contents, thus terrains • beautifully dllatn-
Te frit: a .rat ofCabin Passage T 1
Atleambrl roved set of tier Ilaysaty's women's Clothing; plats, Cape, Bonnets, tion. And a the proprietor isdesirovso( corer- g 4tii16: Deck Passage an 1,00; tad volume of over .500 pages of useful and
H.e.. Dee arm Coen. a./ 1 , directed
Roots. Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sad Seg into ocher business, be will dispose of it on STRAY OX. Chifdrev, h113,00ce: How, Boggy sod one entertaining reading, adapted to every class of
dies, Bridles, H•berda-her and Groceries D Gentleman 3,00; Double Team, Wagon •ivd readers. The whole to be completed is TrtarT
nn terms. One-half of the nee will be 4
IM "alibi reel r west y of *eery tleern ion. Intending purchasers
Driver 114,00; Ox or Cow 41,00; all other NurazRe, forming Tea elegant Volumes.
a/.ssea ►erseua REQUIRED DOWN, and the other Gall in CtTRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No.
•7 Merry arMt, a/ ser eoaecn(- y g three equal annual instalments. s' Freight in proportion.
are solicited 10 call and examine for them- q16. 3rd Concession of Wawanaeb, a
e4 Meer, at the crit d George mew. the
57' For farther p•nieefan, applyat tbisOffice, Black OX nine caro old blind of the off Ittjaen«s.-Ch•rhsin, Ebert", Weddell & NOTICES OF THE PRESS.
Mee, Net the erm el Mow tee esl�' Of to the Pre rwtoron the premises. y ' Co.: T. M. Taylor. 1Vindwr, L. & H. Dew..
From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser,
ELWOTT, Junior.
eye with a gimblet hole in each horn.- enport, C. Hunt. Ihtroit, Ives & Black.-
1 hese awed sill i5. estate nit GId.riea, Nov. 16, 1848. 42 Goderich, lata Oat., 1848. 37tf Strayed from the owner about the first of Louisville, Knight & W Tecumseh We are glad to see an American none of ibis
.. r pnieM of the std HerseyApril last. A liberal reword will be given Howe, 11. N. Smith. Ward•vrlle, Asderui & p'blication, and especially in •o neat and coere-
iQM.tt, mad seises the amid Homey Elliott, GROCERIES. DISSOLUTION to any person giving information of Dud Ox Bane- Maya, S. Fleming. Fcliid, G. J, nient •form. It a a6 admirable compilation,
retire wvtase (5. ys.and.et.ae of tae Bald where be can be found. Smith. Delaware, Sullen. Juoclion !louse, distinguished by the goad tote which has been
( "d t■ I►r ~ '� "id 'etas HE Subscriber* would cera particular OF COPARTNERSHIP. JOHN GRATTAN. Joseph Rolito, London. M. Seger. Brant- shown i• all the publications of the Messrs.
wttbl. t►rw es1l..dtsr aawtM, a nee tb. W ford, G. Babcock. Hamilroo, M. Babcock; M. Chambers. It unites the useful and the enter-
altentiee to their extensive Stock of Wawanash, Not. 11(51848. 4•llf
Davie. enter-
taining. We hope ns cireslauoo hers will be
Quid Class 4 M dmebarg.d• all the ectal. GROCERIES, as the flatter themselves THE Copartnership heretofore existing
tom{, rend I of the sail HenryElliott,y WHEAT WANTED. NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. large enough to •applaat, to a good eatrer, tae
M'e� rl that the quality and verset of their Teas, between the undersigned (under the ED. namby-p•mby and immoral works which have
w s. tts.s5 thereof es obey 5.•Sugar. Coffee, �uhaeco, Inc. Inc. Inc., will firm, of Gooding and Lancaster, Innkeep- Chatham, April, 1848. 20-tf
will b sets liable for the /gena.., ea"rt be a suf6cieat recommendation to intending
ere,) is this day dissolved by mutual con- (IASH paid for FALL WHEAT till the w long been too widely circulated.
thtri matiltl)..Iitie of the maul C purchasers. scot, l' 20th day of this month. I' O RSALE, Q r This work ne be .ea bye m•;1 teeny 1pert
J. McDONALD, N. p. -Groceries of ever description 1. K. GOODING, C. CRABB.of the country, A direct remittance to the
&.Poi Harms District. will be sold for each or produce, at a reduc• .1. LANCASTER. Goderich, Sept. 1, 18118,. • 3100 VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. work. publishers of Six Dollars will pay lar the mutes
/O 5itv's ctoberOrrice. tion of, at least, 15 per cent. below former - PART of portion of BLOCK G. in the wwk�e'T�iscliberal
e rrslhe leeostno(t loposuge oil tba
QeiMieb. g7t\ Oetob.r, 1848. # 40-0m pekes. The business will be continued, and all A
T_- THOS. GILMOUR k CO. outstanding accounts due by slid to the DIV. COURT BLANKS, township of Colborne, Western Divi- work. Throe wishing for hoe or more sample
ATTACHMENT.rm will be settled bythe under•i4.ed. Sion, Huron District, containing TWO members can remit them •ecordivgly.
Goderich, Nov.Nov16, 1848. 49J. LANCASTER. jIRINT£D on asuperior gtulity of paper, HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with Book.ellersand Agents supplied on the most
1 for vele at the /furor Signal Oce 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences liberal terms
Goderich 515 Sept.,1848. 8941 tg
HURON DISTRICT, t Bl' virtual of a I HARDWARE. cheap for Cash. in repair. Thera is a gond Frame Mese GOULD, KENDAL[ & L..tr.. 5r
T. Mit S wilt of At- t,ocerich Jan , 28, 1848. 1 (Cottage style], upon the premium, 35 by PeWincen' Bsat°a'
Ocherous( isesed set of the District Court, fr11OMA8 GiLM :UR k CO., have J. K. GOODING, ! ! 32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and em_issi�OW
of the District of Huron, aid to me drr'eet- largely increased their former stock of AUCTIONEER, L 0 0 K I1 Lv R E ! Two'Fr.me Sheds, each 30 feet long, with -��
.d against the estate, real as well as portion- ureful and Ornamental Cutlery, Hardware WILL attend SALES in anyart of the LEATHER FOR SALE. a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.- �h� f�giron �igna1,
s, o/ Henry Elliott, a absconding or cos. iappaned Ware, soil are Wady to supply w p There aro three runningstreams o p
ee.i.d de►4.t al the suit of James Elliott, their customers and the obhc eneraC District, on reasonable Terms. Ap- -Air-- f water
i e _ ply at the British Hotel. HF, subscriber beg* leave to intimate through the tat ; two of which are in the ti ri1NTRD AND roatuatD trsar ranAT
foe the was lr/ twenty three pounds tee rMl• with the taunt tmpronmuts in every t1e- Goderich 14th Sept. 1848. 33- T to the Public that ate a. and will keep clearing ; a small orcharp about the Frame
hogs, -I 6690 veined and take. all ltro ser tion of knivev, Forks, Spoons, Trays, iconstantly on hand 4 P l louse, and a fiat rate Well inthe collar. B Y THOMAS M A C Q U E E !r,
eeufa real M wolf a well s" personal o/ Lone,Hinges, Screws, and 611 other ark- I • zorroa AND raoratzroa.
this'll Henry Elliott, and unless the said IP• of Had ware at reduced Hees. LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, The price of this desirable property u
LY £.6150 currency. For particulars. I to omen waaanr•eQDa enDRatcw,
Henry Elliott return within the on•dtetion They have else on bud a good assort- i and of the very belt tpoality, for sale, ! appl•y of the eafd Court, and pet 1n bail to the meet of S T R A T F O R D, Messrs. STRACHAN k LIZARS, '� Book sail Job Nil executed wilk
wholesale or retail, at the lowest remoras -_easiness aad drsptoa.'
sectioe within farce calendar menthe or ROPES..Z WINEht AND CORDAGE BY THOMAS DOUOLASB. nun ter. Solicitors, West -street.
Sasso tare rens to dtreMrgrC, all 11)0 , lotbemhln Peh.t r. writ find it to (iodise** '�•.tit'.-..._.:7.
reel and personal estate of the weld Henry of various niece asd quahtiss; also 5evenl p..HF• 8ubecnber (from Galt) has lately their advantage �owcall and examine before Tear s► THE Wane 810111•4 -TEM SHiL-
F.Itiott, ne vo much thereof a may be r'ece•- patterns of superior Carpeting. l rented the above well established iNN nrohasm at anyother are. All orders LINOS per annum ,f paid fancily in &dreoeP.
• A targe Supply of Solt from the cheapest P g Pe LUMBER or Twat. em AND 81i PINCH with toe ezpiratar
spry, will M held liable for the paaymesrA and HOTEL in the Weet end of Stratford, •trietty attended to. • - of the year.
bee.fit and saUNGelins of the said eluate . pp A quality . from las proprietor sed late occupant, Mr.
rrIIF Subscriber has on band a tarp paper Apples of the very best unit m barrel'. No r diarweriseed eetil *wears ire
1. McIX)\ALD, Sheri H. D. John Sbermu ; and he begs to say that be Uoderich, July 25th, 1848. 28tf
8mRatrr's Orrice, N. B. -The terms are iurnd 00 y Cask quantity of paid up, soler haap6Wisher llamas 1t iia adtaM
n, Will eideavour to see the Public mod Trail- yyy9 y tap to do sae
.r .Nrrrha able j'rvateee, rod no shah, -
(iNorfeh, 98th Nov. 1848. 411d eller" well accommodated, and their own- NEW SAW MILL.g°
meat Rom t prk0 tacked. Porto attended to. He has good Stabile',
Any try seg re-
Oedefl5bp fres 10, INS. 42isdiridul is the cote
of a atone dimension which he will sell on pOe fir 151 sebaerebers, tranll 6
--•r ...
std as attentive Hostler. His Aar a well 1t}IE Subscriber iiforrru the inhabitants
the meet Reasonable Terme for CASH, or
supplied with Wire' and Liquors.
of the Huron District, that his NEW •^few ••p7 genes.
tiTRACHAN (� LIZARS, THOMAS DOUGLASS• SAW MILL in the townshipof Ki.car- for WHEAT and PORK, at Marketprime- tTAll ktrersadd,o••.d rsta• Feiasetwtb0
LE CRURCCOMMITTEI i° E Dnek mmisted �bmwraore ARR19TIgll>, eei Atlornies mt irw , 1848. 1t.i He would also roquwt all those aMebtd pert paid. a racy will sot b• fiber* eat of tb0
' ,-- -- rd Man 1 Dither b) Nou or Book Aecnunt to Yesen. pa.t _
dine, on irks 11umn, thirty miles mbeve e(8es
to w fee sum .4ONE III1iDRED AMD Solicitor. in Chmaeery, and Bmnkrrpt• 08odetkh, b sew in fell operation; and he in,_ k S AaT, through his A
FfMlY POUNDS, epee good severity, is nor c Notary Public aid Coeveyaneere, God.-
I. L E W 1 M p.pnred to PoIMI ordaee for pane or other ' R Agency,
ream o► Aovuarss.r
o moss Mea• + to call iirraedia y and Bottle with him aid
h and Stratford, Harm District, C. W. sew. Leather, to any oxtea std n( u1 di- Biz bass and ender, lust
rerthdw psr.isafars may Ise known h applying L A ry, C H A X C E R Y, AXD avoid uOaeama costs,aae.vtis..•.••t0 It 6
pswir, Egmnsdvillq Maltby ost ioaR BTR Ar HA t, Galeneh. eaeatroos, 11. tae most reasonable arms. Each imbuement user
to Theresa 01aroNYBYANCING. JOHN McDONALD, Carpenter, 0 0
017.. DARML Howe Loc m , flintiest!. WILLIAM WITHERS. (ar[mn Tse Item and tr.dr, fro 1ms1a11se0 g
THOMAS /PROAT 1NNr1 G.derick, April20, 1148. Omt Ione. 1I GODSRICH. Ki.o.PlisP, Seib, Oct., 1848. 40 lagalb.u.eatr00t. west -„ 0 0 18
r Ary. Gedeneb, 1818 Oct, 1848. 37 Over tea Imes, fires iawrume, get lime, 0 0 4
CPRE Subscriber* Gave mooch pleasure is
announcing to the ,nhabrta.ie of Tuck
ersnuth, IL,Uet McKillop, llibbert, asd the
edj,)o1•isiag Toe'Sshlpe, Haul t hey bare opened
a NEW STORS is the n;Ilajs of limper -
bey, when they will always hare ea band
an ample assortment of all kinds of Ladies'
and Gentlemen's dress Goods, all sorts of
Dry Goods, Groceries, (:rockery asd Hard-
ware, which will be *elates terms equally
reaauubie as at their establish nent lD
Goderich. Being men of the present age,
the subscribers are de•Hous of •ahibiting
that enterprise, asd of affording such faci-
lities of accommodation as way be con-
sistent with the Incrtaaiag Importance of
the District. !'bey shall, therefore, study
o ut only to please, but also to benefit the
comtnunity by bringing within their reach
the best quality of all descriptions of Store
Goods, at the most moderate prices; asd os
this principle alone they expect patronage.
Their terms are invariably -Cash -or
merchantable produce, at market price.
Goderich, Nov. 16, 11148. 42
ON the Beach of Lake Huron, on Wedueaday
the 8th day of November at Whitefish Bay,
FIV}; BARRELS and a part of one of Flour,
in • damaged couditios ; also, 1 barrel of Pro-
visions, and a part of one which weasels! of the
pot, as it was damaged, sal so conveyaner to
bring it away, -the proceeds of which the owaer
esu have by proving marks and paying expenses.
Goderich, Nov. 20, 1848.
$41110 REWARD. D. .
1v11E BRICK COTTAGE aad Let ve.-
stag Ne. M8, in the Town of Gderseb,
formerly in the pwseestea of Beard O'Neil,
sow rested to Mr. Jellee Orr. The Cot-
tage is very coneeeie.tly arre.getl, and w
suited fur a meal/ 'Ilblittly, Ise a spacious
wood shin, truth* Ile., good well of water;
the garden commas .ental chews Iran
trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong
packet fence. Only a portion of (5. money
would be required dowx,-the remainder in
three aasaal laelalemets.
Apply to Witham Itatleabury of the Cli.-
toe Arms, or to
Oeier.cb, August 24, 1818. OOtf
AND say yeer debts, - as the sabseriber has
resolved that all Notes sod look accouw
due to him asd remaiaia` unsettled, will, posi-
tirely, oat the 1515 of .1.ly next, be handed over
tow Attorney for eolkcliea. It is certainly
with some reluctance that he bas adopted This
resolution, as he has no desire to incur additional
expense to those who are still owing 51111-b.t it
i• a saying, that necessity is a merciless muter,
and in the preaeat instance, his reluctance must
yield to necessity.
Goderich, 1514 June, 1548. 20.t
ALL persons indebted to BREWSTER
& SMART, through the agency of
the Subscriber, aro requested to settle their
account• immeJiatly either with him or
with Mr. George. Frazer, Goderich, and
save costs.
Goderich, 8th Sept., 1848. 12t1
..A.LT °erosive Ulf ParITTRHAR
THE Subscribers begs leave to inform
his friends and the oiblic at large, that
he is now prepared to :eNee'ze orders for
which Weill be manufactured of the beet
materials, and by experienced workmen.
(V" Harrows and Drags made to order ;
Plough Castings Wooded.
Goderkb, Feb. 9, 1848. 211
WOULD reepeclfu!ly intimate that they
have just received, direct from the
New York and Montreal Markets, a very
large aseoitment of Straw, Leghorn, IAw
stable, Tuscan, and tmttatioe 5.1k BON-
NETS, and • great variety of atmu•t every
description of FANCY GOADS, suited to
the fashion and taste of the season.
Also, an extensive stock of
and all kind, of Staple Goods. Likewise,
large quantifies of GROCERIES, particu-
larly a very superior supply of TEAS, from
la. 3d, per pound upwards, accordingtu
quality ; and Tobacco at all prices.
As the whole extensive stock has been
selected by the proprietors in person, they
can confidently recommend them to their
friends and customers, and as the purchases
have been effected exclusively on cacti prin-
ciples, they have resolved to sell on the
most reasonable terms and -at the lowest
possible profits roe DASH.
07- Marketable produce of every descrip-
tion taken in exchange at the highest mar-
ket price.
Goderich, 18th May, 1848. 16
811/1 ,fl 11,111111.
the rya •M cedes e.smwa g •ddlb la r. I+a++�wlt
-sed* la.. . s. sed M u.5lnarhat, aAeaei is w
th•y N+A.S ns��a, 5m. w.e/we the
M t theaw stapler* ha.w�y MY R.�,' ,istrs,�
wast. Via. *SS. ese IMy ail S r bp 1h• t►i�
ZL•11/ ILL eirmiufi
41111114. Acura . - oslaethdo anfllgA4=ga
APPRCTIORa Ms D01A owl T fOR1 re.
1161.101,11 TMINI• Iit/a 003011.611116111.1. ,
V s►. ...law sea, Sebe• thra dla.ssr sn.n.rt +Ii
w ear I.n.hrhS Pse... Ib1.et w •thaw..b snr
NM 611511 Itad.is.s. or Par adrwa.a. a.
au,tuUR 01G4212 M Bisons Lekamma ,.
corrrrftNrta. au3M A, oOUOW, ,
coaUMPT1o$. Ow see4sesa� Y fhb dlsgrg.,
CORRUPT 'taxa'''. DBOPefis,
means ax.a. .• saner web tela dhasry
ems, mars Miss mine thew menden toweeneedr.
LiNaurrift4$ e/ IM saw. 1arsies as, Daum
I]/YSR asbd AOUI• Pwlkbmrwe.d6ew
tar. .455.15.54 a Sets, ee.aU, tad
4015. nr.dr. 04r r.dr.a. ban. tat. a .as •lyras to •
tvlwa .f 100 45...--...w M 15... aNls r b Mraaq.l_
sisse5>RAL D1>•ILZT=,
GOUT. O1DDINER11 014111- 111.4044.31111goo
5.wr M5. 15 .n,Yeta =Oar d the allele eI Mr.w) rfM
.lie. swan than if. .say prww*l ..rashes of
COMPLAINTS .1 .V 5504., uRWNIC 4raa:r,o,an,
P13. 1• / . Ta. s,.t°.1 pap5la er tb.a a.sd5dre
~owed of Piles ef w rean aa°dhes bur use et those t.*
teedku ...lees
PA1N8 ra the heed. ads, Well. Yah.. Wale, .l elegy.,
R IIRUMATII31. 71oe. sseas1 with Oda
ewe ids dt.ae. will Ow sow et NOW b the Lia apdfa.la
150511 of ALOUD le t4.. MEAL, sewwrr,
S4LTRHSU14 siert .I drok
ectuori7LA, M ZING'/ 1•YIL, Sae
want roar. U L C L' R e, et sear desertarls•
ass koala we .aesu.lb.srs.sd M
the. r0i..e. Parente ash ,1. w•Y he iAslalwa them whet
n,,, nos .awe... is sesswaid. Rel.f .41 w ewtsr
Anil thus remove all disease from the system.
A .i t. trial VIII jopt15+t,. the LIFE Pali aid
PlIfERIX BITTERSwysadth.reau5st,s.e..
au.. is that eeiauU1a of lavers pat15al.
T1u armlet, allow sedieiae. w ..e pt es la .Ala
warren 000l 15wb, togaiMe with • ...5515.• called
" alutu•. God Samaritan ,'• tonlainiag 1 directieee, ac,
se .hick I, a *swims of R...d.ay draw Well *seta w
Erie, by which rr.ecdn ,i.ain this ear .aa ,ery evilFyr
lied as. Tia wasps. •ad Sama,ww ars e.pyAgY.d,
Dwell.. those .Ise procure ,at,. with •Lin er.ppsn s.
be assured shat iSay] are semis*. Ye t•nN, rd deme
buy dam with paw .,eppen; bet if yo• du, be willed
diet they came Sired Ger as, se deet kook 0....
err Prepared sad seta by
sI. $r.ad.q. comer el Ae►oay areal, K. Ts&S.
for Sal. by
Sets Agent.
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1
I £150 Loan Wanted