HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-12-15, Page 3tut Wait bpOoredliinri os le sss .le ell
these Distr.cta to id.•tborei are .tine "Ince
lihb i'1.014Nia 34.4 biw tM
farmin ` puyelation oempoeieg them been
hemostat we set. ldr , the b(tetatioe 1 Tills
It worth a thought by those who oppose
the sedation of the east end of the Du•
islet of /futon, from the west.rs paruon.
Is there as instance when a new district
baoeut beet west rasterelly beocfittod by
tie erection 1 la each tit the Acts uf Par Ito -
meat coostitutiDC tee dietricte, have nut
the reasons been given of extreme distance
from the District town, and iecunvemeoce
to the public i The Astir of Partiameit if
consulted will chew. Is it not a benebt,
e.4 a great one, to the formes (who com-
pere the majority of a Caaadtan poputa-
tivn,) if tbe public business which they are
called en to perform, be doors without much
'Speen% trouble or toss of tune 1 And is it
not equ.Py plain, that when any portion of
U:.trtet btettese is to he done, that a per-
ersolo! attendance on the tame is betterl -
Csn melt be done ae easily where a district
is geograghscally situated as to place
mew, et its inhabitants Sr away from the
vide( place of business (which should be) in
itl Whether as • jaror or witness, a Dis-
trict Councillor, '01 a Magistrate, • plain-
tiff or defesdent; in whichever way • farmer
may, or ought to, Le obliged to leave his
hemeareed,-from the registering of a Deed,
to tbe groat of money wanted for the re-
pairs of t road; an extreme diatanee of the
District town, ie a greet, IOCOOvetlence
vied trouble, loss of time and money; in fact,
as evil adectmg the public., wLo are the
1e tis appointing ..of Goderich se the
District town of ibis District, it cannot be
imagined first the welfare or iuteresls of the
population were thought of. There was s
recon for it bung fixed on. Unqueetiun-
ably itis in a pretty situation, and a healthy
one; but for whom 1 Its inhabitant' only.
As • matt for thecowuieice of the District,
a place where the public business is to be
conducted --fur the quarterly meetings- of
the Sessions to be hold -nal the Distinct
ouly, I suppuec, as every endeavour will
Court bosinese attended to ---an auntie likely be died to a.IJlo w with the debt
before t division takes place.
To avoid trespassing too much at • time,
on your columne, I must conclude; pre-
miong that I may shortly trouble you
quant Iocu0veOience ftuw a Dialect toxo,
11 too great to be overlooked.
Simple Le thwgs may, without a thought,
appear, I may venture te allude .t present to
thing -one uuly-which distance from
. District town has caused much exposes.
Have the amounts of extra expenses in the
venture caul suits connected ooh parties in
tbpt east end, Including Sheriff's fees, at-
tendance of witnea,es, toe., been of •IIy
consequence! The Sheriff's mileage alone,
counting from Goderich to Stratford, is in
the District Court 16. 4J for each seraIee,
sod 935 if 111 the (.1,tmeale Bench. 1 du nut
COU5Ider that the hosate is an unfair one,
if for Mia year se/y, the ester espouse 011
suite, owing W our poeitio0 sod distance
from the District town, would .mount to
near £200, a sufficient to improve very
materially a good portion of our mato
travelled road west or east of Stratford. -
What le to be had dao, of the expenses
which often fel to the lot of the District or
the Government to pay, as regards criminal
caeca 1 1 try, shorten the distance.
Again, as it regards outlay, It bas been
attempted very lately, at 11e Quarter
Sesames, to impose an *dilation' burden on
us to the east, without the corresponding
benefit, by • tuotiou brought fwward fur
I the circuits) of a Court house in Goderich.
This was 5150 In bppositlun t0.•0 express
wish to the contrary by the Municipal
Council. That .we are anxious' for • diva.
'sioa-!rave expressed publicly our desire fur
it-bave cern applied to the Legivlature-
i and are intending to du so again; must bave
beau apparent to the movers lair this addi-
tional burden of the expense of a Court
house, which if granted would have entailed
a debt it has beep eatino (ed of over £1200.
Would such erectloo benefit us who aro In
the ticw of having a Gaul and Court house
Iin our own dirislors ? But such a question
was never thought of by those who mole)
fur it. '1'be only ploy "they were going to
leave us -catch theni before they go." -
'Chis extra outlay WAS very properly op-
posed by the N ardeo, Dr. Chalk, and the
motion was not uncut/led, fur the present
ling off the !meld dm* pf sspertuteod ' cea here oseroes sod ',disposable , principle* upon above
reco mea r 4,s equalto fi(oua
ants. I thought, and 61111 think, they ahuuW duties are to be performed, 'lbs IaiorcC Is eulwnor w ;reign
he yrescnt tar.duf the UnoLed
bare begun at the bead arid net the tail.- worthy of he hire," and I bane ever sus- I Stalas•-Drorkailk Retarder•
Aad I was sdtry to see those great and big entered that such respuos,ble officers, to a OaaYepe!IaYeT/ -.- W. bare been
ones left na full power and full pay, whose measure, icdepsodeat of trustees and lieu- To under rCo weaselly of laying woo mann
oyer -)argil salasisa, together with the evil- pi
e who knew deal duly, and would ats-
esgent impetuses of their several offices ebarge it faithfully would be the very life cemmunic•uuUe ibis week for want of room,
swallowed up a large amount of mosey, of the Education law, which 1 turmoive bas some of them will appear In our neat. We
perhaps a sum nearly equal if not altogether not prospered but rather languished since must, however, beg of oar writing friends,
so, to 0110 fourth of the whole sum appro. they were cut off. to write short letters if they wish them to
priated by the Legislature d,rect, for Com- I have now stated all that 1 at present in- be read. The great object of study for all
moo Schools for Canada West, ao0uatly.- tend to say un the &:hoot Act. Thu re- who wish to appear in print should be to
And cutoff at one fell swoop ail the tows insioaer of my sheet will be devoted to the enl gbten the public, and this is beat done
and tuwnebip aupun5te.dente, un whom 1 Municipal Council Act, which 1 bare always I by ad..aneing no ideas, but_ ■ucb as Ire
looked with all their imperfections, as the considered a great blessing to the country practically useful, and by endeavoring to
rtoelple; though 1 think requiring several 1 express much 10 few words. Our rt•eaders
well, also, please to yardon us for the,mall
moat efficient working part of the whole
cumberow machinery of the act, and whose
salaries 1 should suppose would not amount
In the aggregate to much more than ten
pounds currency per annum. Theeo town
and towt.bip euperwtendonts, were 1 con-
ceived, of the greatest benefit to the cause
of education; they were settlers in the
several localities whore their charge lay;
personally acquainted with the trustees
and teachers -knew many of the scholars
by face and family. Nothing of any mo-
ment could occur without their soon becom-
ing acquainted with the facts. They were
a watch on the moral conduct of the teach-
ers, and the discipline of the schools. And
what was gained by the change. It was
said it would be a great saving; it may
have been a savior to the various Districts
of a few pounds, but those who would •p -
prove of such a mode of saving, might per-
haps, by the powerful eloquer:ce and strong
logical reasoning of such a atatesutan as
Mr. Draper was, were he to use them for
that purpose, have been made to believe,
that it would have been a wise and saving
measure to repeal the school laws alto-
gether, and leave all parents and guardians Hoot eir own resources to educate their
children and wards, whether rich or poor.
Woeful saving, such a scheme would be
to any country, and many generations
would feel its consegnence'. It is the
duty of a people to obey the taws of the
land, whilst they remain on the Statcte
Book, but it ie es leas their duty and their
high Wieder,by .11 Constitutional means such roads, they ought to be laid out on
Assize Court -and half yearly meetings of
the District Council; to tbe majority of the
inhabitants, Goderich as our District town
is most inconsemenily placed.
Some way -nay do say, place the• Din . sin -said am,
triet town 30 a more central situation. 'Cbc g your most obd't scrv't,
village of Mitchell, or a situation at air near
Harpurhey village, have been *pokes of. -
At one time Mitchell, (then commonly
called the Big Thames) was vety prominent.
ly -suggested. Its (Nims were specially
• brought under the review , f tbe House 01.4,
A.eembiy. L'ut no -nothing ',ikon of
Goderich would d0. Though.Mitchell may
have been bo situated of one time, its wino -
portant place now, as regards a new Die -
TO Tiff LDITOR Or 701 YQRO5 srexa4
FunwIToa, Dec. 24, 1448.
3f4 Doan Sia, --Much hes been said ted
publiulied of late by various persons and
presses, regarding the -measures that are
likely to occupy the time, and I trust seri-
ous attention, of the Legislature of Canada
trlet,pnnot be put In a comparison with at its next 'ueelieg; and I believe almost
Stratford. %Vell, fur the western portion all will agree, that there is much to be
of ib. District, and the increasing settle- done, and much need for doing it limcoualy
meets to the north of Goderieh, such as and wisely. For the hopes of vary many,
important amendments, las addition tuthose
that have bceo made ewe it fiat became a amount of extracted 0005 to our preaeat r .1217* rdOf' L T > pS mm'o g iu tthde Strati
law. Some of these I will take the liberty I issue, as the extra extent of the SCUF,LULIC Arnold, o:rns Heater, Frsacu
0r CO.ytt,?IO S5 baa abridged our space Arrau, •fl,omas Hams, John B.
coaanderahly• ' Brown, James Jacobs, Nelwp
Braden, Robert Jones, Solomon
Vic -roma MaaAzm►..-We beg to call I Barton, Milts Jackson, John
attention to an Advertiser/hot in this paper Byers, Michael Kesstedy, Rubcu
Black, Thornes Kyle, William
of the above named Magazine. The ProsBullWJham Kien, John
pectus of "Moodie's Magazine," to take Berl,, William
1 Milne, Robert
Masterden, Mn. Chao-
huMo.e, 'f nomas
Me3arlaee, Ales.
McFsrlso5, Jsnwe
Iv1c\lillau, Mr.•
Pearson, Robert
Parker, \Vallum
Powell, James
Pringle, George
fading, Michael
Rsesell, Mary
Robertson, Heels
Riley, William
8.rgirt, Thomas
tiimpwo, am
Sieslasd, WillitaaWilli
II[A EONliC 31111.1
.1111E brethrru of the Goderich llama Lodge
M. No. NJ, will common w+te tbe Ferniest s(
Bt. Joh. the Eeaurelut, by • Nall it lir. LIN -
MAW. hoses, the British hotel, es der 27th,
December, out
Ma. D. Wanos W. M. Ms. T. M. Jewrt.
" A F. Mugu.■, " C. We aa,
' JAaa1 Goatee, U. lase,
Tickets, leo shillings each, to be bad dash
Maciasthe atwv• Stewards aciag
tl. to commence Ise
1'. M.
All Masons to appear is fell Mashie eh -
By order of the W. M.
Goderich, December Ilio, Idea. 46
of mentioning -and first I am persuaded
that if the quahtcatlo. for Councillors was
reduced to the one half of what it now is.
that ao equally effte:eet class et members
could be gut; and that the law would be
more popular, and murk hotter. Het:oodly, Bronner, Uuhoh
the Council ought to be aliuwed to borrow the place of this monthly, will probably Coaesy N'dham
money, to make .t least one good slam appear text week_ Cr,h a, Julio
road through the District, tbougb they Tru %V,.rege -For the last months we Carry, JamesCerroll, !)avid
might be very properly re'irlcted, that the hare had every kind of v eather but the Crosbie, Robert
said road was to be finished and in good right kind. It has snowed, and frozen, and Dobie, Arth
g Duckelow, John
traveling order, before auy 10010 could be rained, and thawed alternately nearly every Deetzer, Peter
borrowed. NVhllat on the subject of roads twenty four hours, and at this date such Dillon, Anse 2
h a little oft the intended thread of Is the the roads,that Goderich may Donne, James
(though e state of Eschr, Vrlrne
my discourse), is it not a matter of the be regarded as an i,olated city, haling no Edwards, James
deepest regret, that *deb a Metric!, as this communication with any other place in Erwin, Henry
(Muton), which a without a rival In point the world. Frasier, Robert
Daaw Postaoe.-Our last exchange from, Fraborn, Andrew
of soil, and every capability for agricultural Gimblett, George
pursuits io Canada, souat this moment Godly, R. Sargmt, Mn
p should the Proeiacielistoffice,Ilamilton,happened Gibheart, Walter Thompson, Wilfred
Mrs -
be without any thing but the sites or shapes to be enclosed in a piece of editorial mane- Duthie, Mrs. A. S. Willem, Molynan
of roads/ Notwithstanding thousand./ of Rumbas, J{ata Wade, James
script, as a wrapper, fur which we had to Hamilton,Ilu,;h . Willson, William
pounds have been expended upon them, pay one shilling and wizpencc postage.- Hamilton, Alex, 2
they are halo better, if goy, for travelling, This is a law of the post office which we
than when first cut through the foreat.-
1' t part be caused by
think requires an amendment
A'. P. MICJUL.EE Pe .i11.
Chls,mis urtuoe mus is , _ WESLE 'AN METHODIS'L1
the want of power on the part of the Das- We hope our friends down the LOU-. -MISSIONS.
tract Cuunetl to borrow money, to pas
r r, ay a • don Road are very anxious to see ase, at
the great Huron Road from \Vtlmol to the least we are anxious to see them; and if TH a Wealeyao M ssRron SERVICES
Society will
Port of Goderich, into • proper elate of re- the roads pro trasalable, and us in health, be held in Goderich as follows, via,
pairs; and partly from the abecence of a we will visiftbetrt,itt Christmas. MISSIONARY SERMONS will be
proper plan for making sure, that when
large suns of money wero expended on
to have these laws amended if they. are
found tither oppressive or not suited to the
wants and wishes of the country, and it
was with much pltasure that 1 observed in
a newspaper a short time since, that a
petition to Parliameot was being outneruus-
Iyand respectably signed in the Niagara
District .to do away with tbe offices of both
Chief Superintendent and District Superin-
tendents of education; and 1 certainly wish
all tbe Districts in this Province would
follow suit. I think sir, in oneof the num--
bee of your journal, (bat you pointed on
a very fit and proper substitute fut the
chief Superintendent, by the appoiatmeet
of one additional clerk in one ofthe Govern-
ment officers, 1f I /mistake Dot, the Receiver
such a principle ttiat the partq repaired
would be a good road for some years. In
order to effect this desirable object, sup-
pose the District Council were to offer a
certain rum for the best plan, for making
the said road fit to be traveled all days -of
the year, and with good Toads -say one ton
weight at least fur a pair of good horses or
oxen -and state the probable cost. (One
competitor for the prize would say M'Ada-
mixo it, and might state the cost at £4,000
per mile, making (or 60 miles £120,000.-
Aggther would recommend Planking it,
and'migbt state the cost, say at £700 per
mile, making for 60 miles £42,000. A
third might say Turnpike It property, and
drain off the water cumaleteiy and give it a
Generale, who I could °enccive with' lees coat of Gravel about 10 inches deep and 2.5
than the half of the present ineulnbenee feet wide, and might state the cost at
salary would do all the duty that 111e said £%00 per mile, £36,000.
Ashfield, \Vawanosh, Kincardine, the sur- I do bcl:cce, have been rceed to higher ex -
officer is by tato regaircAd to perform with
'Stayed laud Borth of Millet and !IicKudup: pcctauone of talons of many glaring abuses the exception of the travelling part, whath [CONCLUDED IN atilt .FxT.J
and still farther north' (where the present that have existed, as coca as the amendment L think would be better omitted, unless
snore good has been done by it, than bas
been my fortune to discover.
of Statutes now in force; such as the Com-
mon School, and the Municipal Council
acts, and conte others that might be men-
tioned, than they have been fur the het
quarter of a century. Neither you nor
the one that now addresses you, and the•
readers of the Signal, through you, can be-
lieve that these ranguine hopes will be dis-
appointed, by those obtain a whole` people,
at lea.t a very great majority, bave trusted
with their legielative•rightr, and sent them
to Parliament, under aolemo pledges, to
act faitlifully to the cont*" of their birth
or adoption, under all t c circumstances
coanrcted with their sacred and delegated
trust. Viol, I know, from your knowledge,
statural and acquired, will agree with me,
that the two laws which I have mentioned,
educational and mtioicipal are of the utmost
importance to any country; and Is possible
more so to a young and gt'bwing colony,
than to older and thickly inhabited coun•
tries, where all the meaos of their being
property admioistered, are of much easier
attalotnlcnt. i think you will also agree
with mo that there two laws, have not
worked well is Canada West, though the
principle on which they are based is praise-
worthy indeed; their working.tsckling has
been defective from their first creation,
and every alteration since made, kers been
like wading' muddy reads with more mud.
1 will venture to say a little on each of
these Acta, hoping that some of your i1-
telllgeat correspondents way be pleased W
suggest something more than I may do, or
point out something that i may have omited,
or perhaps something that I have said too
much. And that by thus talking abort 'Cr
writing about, such subjects; that are sus
closely connected with our best interest,
✓ od on whish in no amall measure depends,
whether our country, either by birth or
adoption, shall be politica{fy calm and
healthy, and commercially end agricultu-
rally wealthy, or as God forbid, be doomed
to turbulence. and autarchy, poverty and
crime, as has been the case in some parte of
the world with which we are at West his-
torically 'acquainted, and which perhaps
might have been prevented by a timely ap-
plication of good municipal laws, and a
✓ owed red liberal system of adec0hoe.--
TAw fiest of tM two acts 10.01,0.04, of
which 1 will speak is the 4ehool Bill, as
education is the master key to every on.
prov.ment, neral, social aed religiose-
! think It got • deetb-blow wed.. the
Deeper Administration' sesewdme.e,, by *kat
i fah awed to have been a seietake its e.t-
u ltv. Prireinciat Government are euggeet•-
- Ibg ths:laring out of new roads nod. otos
Nttleteentw,) Ooderieh for a time mal be
considered as a Bt and proper District teen.
At a .hipping port es Lake Heron. it is
valuable; aed the time is approaching it le
hoped,•heu it will be really so. But for
the cnuetry east from IlibbeTt and Logan
Inclusite, and the north to the township of
Minto, (all which is included lin tie Weeds•
• for the sew District, including Marybe-
rough, Mornington, and Welkvley,)-the
town of Godench with all ata peculiar at-
tractions, as a District town is inconve-
Looking to thcchlt fcausrs of a country.*
prosperity -commerce, agriculture, and s-
market; do any of the thousands of our po-
pulation in the eastern section, carry a
pound of butter, or cheese. beef, or pork,
or grain, dour, fisc., to Godench as • mar-
ket ? No. The market Is solely to the
cast. Ilave not scttlera from near Gode-
rich itself, sad from Bayfield, and the Lon-
don road, travelled by the Huron road to
the east for a market t
be granted twat when a District
town is any way favourably placed; with all
the inducements which hallow around it
thou who have capital -buyers of agncul
tural produce-.eaterpriaing men in 1„110-
nees-and the expenditure of so many hun-
dreds of pound, in valIpoe ways by those
who are necessitated to be resident at a
oft District town; all these contribute to sake
i1, and the portion of country convenient to
11, more prosperous and contested. W hat
ha* increased the business of London, made
Woodstock, and also wide Guelph, the
two latter since 1882 1
The chief attention in the expenditures of
piddle monies previous to the time of the
agitation of the question for the division of
the District, was devoted to the central
portion of the west sad. Tb• eeethwsst
portion near the London Distrfet, es well a,
the eastern, had some reason to complus.
Freon its pumas like the east, no IAetriet
tome le seer: we reedy access to cornet
abesw, or at least the outlays of District
morales into proper chasnelp, more oondu-
a'Ive for the general roue. But unlike as,
its IeMbitente Anes net an trees, of ramt-
try to be made available for district purpo-
ses. if there was only one or two town
ships here, nor states fir a dNielon would
set be urged. Bet the attend'ofdtetiet,
anti at (ends to the north, which aull4e e.•
gw.lo il,, *wily to distaeee end eess.-
At a meetino of the Brockville-Associa-
cr7- In giving the names of our new sub-
scribers in our last, ne owmitted the names
of Messrs. Coleman and Co. Brockville, and
John Ketchum, Esq., Addison.
GonzRlce,. Firmer 15111,18 6.
Preached in the Wesleyan Methodist Clone
on Sunday the 17th lost ; at 11 o'clock A.m.
by the Rev. W. Polard; and at 6 r. r.- by
the Rev. J. Carrot, both from London.
will be held on Monday evening the Glib
Inst. at 6 o'clotk T. s. at the Rev. Mr.
Fletcher" Church, and will be attended by
the Rev. Messrs. Carrel, Poland, Fletcher,
McKidJ, and other..
COLLECTIONS will be taken up at 1M
- sod of each cervico to aid of the fund. of
the above Society-.
AUrTar A.-MAIOACRR or TOR Vtswattat. ._Goderich December 7th 1848.
The intelligence from the'Conti0e0t, dar-
ing the week has been of the most impar- N O T I C E •
taut and alarming character. in the fact
of the present troubles in Berlin, and with IIE Direeton of the Hates District Build -
the experience of the French' Revolution T- ing Shiny will depose ot two or mon
before him, -the imbecile and eanpuinary share. of £50 sash, al the Brttieb Had,
despot of Austria has characterized his sue- Goderieb, oa SATURDAY the 30th instant,
etas by the most atrocious and cold blood-
ed murders in \ leans.
The defenceless citizens arc shot dead
without ceremony; their houses rifled, awl
even women and children massacred- The
Students of the University who used •Imset
superhuinan exertions in defence of the
city, are hunted down Tike wild beasts, and THfi Sabaerikers is moralise 'Welk" to the
executed when carom-C.d. 1- entth;n 1 yeb',cdor rue li:xni' snare ot patronage
were wanted to dirge the people of Beni,. hey have e.royed since commencing businer.
Frankfurt, lf:e.;au, and other placer", to re- Hog to •aa;mae that they hare now on hand and
volt Ferdinand, of Austria, has fearfully are makag to order a large assortment of Cook -
and boldly supplied it. 1urin
g, periser, d Mto
x sves plough earnings,
Wo should not wonder to have ipt5zh rrerea, l.*e,ag.111 c.etisgs,senetaaebines.
bat .t N dies.. date /Rat sad every arts., article woolly 'enameled with
at 7 o'clock. P. M.
By order,
* Secretary.
Gdasieh,. Dat lett, 1NI. 45
By such an appointment I doubt not you a gence,will admit, that under the lawful f . Wier'wales rsey nidi beMpp to 'eh w'he
orders -_, Hoe for the encouragement of Herne Man=
these acts have raised a name vele -h ttaither mw, l "in' 5.511
( h Ld the venin before last in l despotism a di be shit M
directions a the Governor, og is place, the u owing rein u coos •.•er extinguish. .
q ; eiwa.5aed ,mprotsrwesu a the fiei.btng depart -
the Board of Education established by the unanimously adopted: The King ,of Prawn hav/ag cout'.or1jj.#al d tj,rt,erabiishrse+t; bilin icuafseuos
third section of the present School Act,. R.'solred, Teat a system of Frdb-trade, waited the termination of the 555(5 Vii` Haag et.ehlan, an cow aoubled to
that a good and sufficient general Board bye wblch our country w•uh its resources Vienna, appears 111x1001 10 follow r mete. n'1 5rden w,:n which they may be
yet undeveloped, is thrown Into the mac- foutateps of tort: .luatrtan Gmperor. eratonnll far tis rbpptr 1 )lirsshiag maehmtes,
or Education Department, would bo formed, ket of the world in competition with other -- -- seh v.w male geeri.g and eery other die-
, OF PARLIAMENT., r • she soon seiwu6e gad
perfectly competent to receive all reports nations, we hale been long increastag is - aip'6ee w.11.s7.
connected with education, and giro every wealth and skill, is one calculated 10 erueh Perliatnest W beeo'eadi.d by a G. Vaslw.,•''a'o"e"'w' pe,.cyles,asd .tib the greatest fact-
to reduce our laborers to the enlister', to sneer w the ISA 5f J -"Ts.
sy ..a dlsPse►
information to the Government and the condition of au re, Ind revent ase from y' w'sy' Tse*'' weep arse i.firm the publics
other branches of the Legislature that p p the dispatch d !.craw. -Tower (lash , G, w tae hrw5w sash pr,ce w,11 da h,... be
g ever rising to a htghcr cenditlon, than that ehe,g.d {m elf Peds ssaslsennd as their ntab-
might be required. Do you ask who are to of ill -paid servants of foreign oat:ons.
d t f tl G together with g rets or imperial
ossa Ism t, y M t hawses male esthete' then -
i r t p . ihtsteeto •heir ere&'rosiness west seees.arily
make out and traoanot the Dutnct, or as it Resolved, That this Awoelauoo conned- At 3tntferd w tf. Osb awss.t, Mae Jai. wesew • Iwssaa . They would sten
ere the legitimate object of a foreign trade fthaserm1 a meatus, shat eh Swiped se 'brae either by
may sono be, county reports, should the
w r Walt keened iesesedtudy
to be the exchange
of whatever articles are w .+eey
services of. the present District Superin- produced in a eoustyy oyer gad abort those 51 D r r 1 t 1 , sad arid. thew •awos1ie deka. et they will be
teodenta be, as I seriously hope they will, required for internal eoasnmpuon, for such O. Si. Aadww'e der, ]/tie. Ata Hawk.ee,, Vim" o. be Hasid.. atsrse7 far coUecuon
by the Legislature, considered no longer articles of convenience and' luxury as ars Elder dasgbter 1 Jobe Hewa.se.1 fust Alarra, wsdaw' teethes sra.eG MILLER It Co,
a necessary appendage to the School Act. not produced at home -/bat the home or in- t'oodohin shod seg 1 Mr Jobs Dowse * 1 Oeierstl. Dov.- 13th, ILe8
And taking it for granted, that the Municipal vernal lade of • country is manifestly M,
the most importance from the fact that 1 TKMPERATCB L NOTICE.
Council, whether of districts, counties, consists of staple articles, and a based upon
CV 5 ewers q%1►w,marr.l (i.4.'a A e„M,_
'cities, or towns, will all be Boards of Edu-.1 the supply of necessities, while the foreign
cation in and for their respective minim- trade depends almost entirely upon the
superfluities made use of; and that viewing
the matter in this Tight, it must be evident
that our foreign trade should be regulated
in such a way as least to interfere with the
well-being our of home or Internal trade in
all is bearings.
Resolved, Chat this Association is fully
of opinion that the objects of Protec:ion
the Municipal Council at least annually. may be otiatenally assisted by establishing
Thew Superintendents should be nominated' the currency used as the medium of internal
paltties, the clerks of these Councils should
receive all reports from the several Super-
intendents, who I think, should be appoint-
ed in each city, town, and township, to
visit all the schools in their charge, say
once a quarter, and report to the clerk of
at the annual township meetings, and ap-
pointed by the Council, under surrimerer
securities, for the faithful discharge of their
duties. The Treasurer of each Council
should receive from the Edecation Depart -
traffic, upon such • basis as 0111 render it
more expedient for the capitalist to employ
native labor in pro:Wei.g manufactures
than to employ foreign labor, and import Its
productions Into the country,
Bamford, That this Association is of
anent, the amount of public monies appor-1 that so long as gold is agreed upon
i by nations as the general medium of ex-
tioned from the Education fund, for the change between one another, it is not only
municipality for which he is treasurer, and I Inexpedient but impossible to alter the ba -
pay the same over to the city, town, or eft of our foreign trade; but that it is both
umflohtp Sopenaeade.ts, who would pay I rbls and expedient to discard it as the
bans of she eu'r.0sy used a. rho medium
it to lie teacher*. or the order of the true- „f ,sternal traftic; and would recommend
tees; and make due returns of his proteedure that in plate of gold' currency should be
substituted an issue of notes by the Gov-
ernment, representing to the amount ne-
cessary for the internal circulation the
wind capital existing in the country, com-
posed of improl'menre of every deacrip-
1100. btntg the result and eon.ideratron of
principles, world l thick, work smoothlyits peel labor, and therefore the measure of
Wages it would be simple 10 its machinery, ib pe 110501 wealth and ital,
Py• Reeeleed, That this Assoccapation ia of
easy in ate cooetretation and cooseq•sently opining that the present duces upon menu-
016rations it its operations. Yoe will per- lectured artielss are nota .ofS lest erotic.
haps, ay, the re appointment of the town
and township Buperustende.ts 111111 be a
beery tees se the Dretnels; bel you know
every thing that 1e valuable cores emote
thing. I em arena to over high salaries
Nary where, end node" every eiregmetae• geed upon the wieptiew of the currency
and vouchers, to the clerk of the Muniefpal
Council, who would embody the township
reports, in Ma annual district or county
report to the education oSloe or department.
Th. School Act, ith amendments on such
tion to thetwaenfset.rers of this country,
end that taking late eonsideretios the pre.
sent state of the markets abroad, end the
necessity of masafeetuAtg et horse in or-
der to obtain rem,oerating prices for our
agneelteral prndncta, ft is orepedlent while
ie want of the system of pretsetiee crones -
seed Ire a hi-rag's"'s'g -eida rIIE Uaders,geed being about to close
slssrsasisas 'tf De ,rata d. asrrhsr. be peewee' business, all thew Y -
14f. Wend. RSavo..
41 R. W Savo. 1 DENTED TO 111 y, are requested to e•U
38 •• I sed settle their Accounts on or before the
37 ! 30th Decemcer, lost., otherwise they will
Su Booth. Rau. be put in salt for collectinn, without fail,
N. W. Creed,.
West. Sao*.
Dec 1:...3T
1...34 40
i. ..33 40
7....98 37 N. W. Cloudy.
9 ...21 32
33 P.W. Fair. 1 FOR RAI.E.
31 N. E. Cbsdyr
13 ...27
15. .•33
18 ...21
Ilay, Dec. 8, 1848.
34 Eat• ( r OT 8, Lake f3bore, towoabip of Ash,
36 Calm, „ 14 Bold, containing
41 Booth. Rale.
38 ain.Cloudy. ONE ItU\URf:I► AND SKVE.NT1i•
4l " Rain. TWO ACRES,
31 N. W. Cloudy. Within taverna," of the thriving Villege of
33 S. W. sow. Port Albert, in wince there is a (met Mill,
36 Cloudy, sea ,yaw Mill, sod an Oat M111. The l.ot u
Smith. Fair.
borodedon the x est by the Like, and on the
5. .. east by a cut road, -and is well watered.
u (r?' For partou'ars; apply -if by letter
$. E. Rai". pmt paid -to
-M. W. Cleedri Ct.anwwewr, 14* 11ae.1iiR.::.,..: est
•. Annus. - --,--___...-__.1.-,;-_---___
Heath. Cloudy. HURON DiSTAICT? t OT IC i ha
•• Run. To \VIr : s hereby given
that the Court of General Quarter Seestoee
of the Peace, and that of the Menet Coact,
will be holden in, and 'or tilts District, on
P n
' U yUAY the e c n d ofoar
C E~ d ayl.s y
next, at the Court Nouse in , the 'hwe
of Goderich, 11 the hour Of 10 o clock, A. r.
at which time and lace alt Jostle -ea of the
Peace, Coroners, Keepers of Goals and
Bowies of Correction, filth Constable
Constables, Barhff, and all others ems
corned, are hereby required to attend, to
and perform those Things which he Siwe
respective Mees appertain.
M1.rO/ 0. D,
51010,7?. O,-nc R, GOOaa,c.11,
30(b N.vsmb.., t84i• 45t4
91„-.27 41
92....25 40
23,,,.25 4t
24,.-.37 45
95 ,..28 32
96....29 3t
97....96 20
2d... 2d 41
29....40 43
30 -.18 23 N. W. Snow.
Mena of the month, 32-94.
Grafted APPLES, for sale by the wb-
.cribers• THOMAS GIL4OUR k CO.
Goderich, Dec. 8, 1848. 46w13
(JOf)F;R1CN, C. 0.
301.November, 1848.
FOR SALE by tbe Subscriber',
tom' For which Produce will be takes ie
perusal. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO.
,a.e)..._ -