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Huron Signal, 1848-11-24, Page 3
• • 3W goed*Nter ' and wlEr! glee Oleo' they cold not hive hit ap•• • bet author eipleasseellP n'ppOes your friep4e ter plan for obia,mg their est than that ree 1e e. Mfalr proceed freshrel. pummel. akiela these few remarks 1 shall s, -i' 1. ley dJ has lJ ssss •• }T'rwr`` t1 t1f gree htierwrIt persidad wit►ytdroffr I slisiettoe. In :- le if poenjaMt *me Isvoarag 11.e *close*, Pair Oise 1_, - sr arrived, and o ase nee was isnoodeselyM.,l,--that Me retsina the gsartrr were seat bel not the reomey-- se the solfrcter ie cu.orw lergctung the eol- ! rule "do to others at yo. would others le to yea" sed furgettiog especially, that be is ied to melee home to ba own. dories, 0041 k not wordy dt rhe letter el the kw, but also the .pine --weed at oats to the &meter awe ,sled that Ike Pest roaster ovr er to be dim reed i.nadltrr ; u if oot, • pobhe harm will doer, sod ie order t• pave the way lid nines ret the disrnienl. eb 1 Item hu collo-tor raid fatber-inview'. eas- es ss Winos • tswssag r of the nereties, to b.f. bis name withdraws, :in/ from this impression dist none else w-oeld toad." Thia statement is in the main true. 1 I call on Mr. Warburton and requested A to inform me to what extent Mr. Kydd is indebted to the Post Office Depart - ant, mentioning that my being Mr. Lizari n -in-law, and his authorized agent to insect all business for bin that tnig'ht cur during his aheeoee from torn, would count for the liberty I had takes io Bing upon lens. Mr.Wareurton(tbe Post teee Inspects, referred lo) informed me at wbeo be received bis inatrnetione to pair to Goderich, Mr. Kydd was six oaths Inarnarr, and the unu.int fur wbic t ova a defaulter, was sometvbere about 69 ; which sum, according to the iostrue- bee hehad received, he must secure before acing the place. in the course of the )m*ersauun that ensued,1 remarked to Mr. V&rburton teat 1 thought the mode pur- osd by the department was a:ost iniquitous s regarded the 'sureties, and that I coweld- red the department acting in the manner it id, was a party to the freed' committed on he sureties. Su such for my interview rith Mr. Warburton 122'.2 J : •• And122'.2a Sew .1101S,hs 181.18 manner a which flea debt totte-ispsrtmcnt was rranged. Mr. Kydd greeted Ins note /or :40 to Mr. Liston, who endnreed it sad ;are it .to Mr. Warburton ; rod as a4d.- ional security for the ultimate payment of his £40, another gentleman, who shall 0. tameless, gave a written guarantee that he would see It paid, supposing the other par- tes did not meet it. Fur the payment of he roma* der, Mr. Warburton was pleased o take Mr. Kydd'a word, that it would be -emitted in three weeks, by his collection of iccouDts due to hire for portages. Mr. Lizars is therefore at 'las moment liable for ibe whole sum -shall 1 call rt " ebuelede-- ,y this " highly esteemed gentleman," from ,he department, o tech boa the cxtrerne honour to mends him amongst ifs depen- dants, (who in this case is the " victim.") But as it is my intention to go more fully into the pecuniary matters affecting the office, when 1 comment on the letter of " Fat Juatttta," 1 shall now proceed to give been more lir lead ie arrear to the Depart- ment f.,r some yearn, 1111 last twister, wbeq h1r. Freer, Post OM.. Inspector, was,up, at which date he was Malted to the De• p•rtment upwards of C130; which was ar- ranged as (Moot: Mr. V6rdder advanced C50 on an order given by Mr. Limns to him 0o the'1'resourer, with instructions io (bat Gentleman to retain (t out of any moneys due, or which night become due to Mtn from the District e. Clerk, of the Peace. - The remainder £80 12 was paid by Mr. Lizard, of which rum he hes not, to Shu time, received a shilling. At the time of the settlement Mr. Freer assured Mr. Lair?, that should Mr. Kydd again default bo would immediately let him know; Mr. Kydd at toe same timedecleiring that neti- ing of tbe kind should agars ocean-tbso matters stood. Sometime during the present summit, I obtained on behalf of Mr. Liars, as smite- ment of all the right, title, and interest possessed Messrs. Kydd and Colvin . the property at preset in the occupation of Mr. Kydd, if e security to Mr. Lasers for advances made. The assignment was of this naturrr-that itsthe evert of * purchas- er presenting teasel( for the property to question, -a claim due to Mr. /Lansford should be first discharged, and if any ba- lance remained after discharging the debt des to Mr. Liters for his advances it sh.sld be pad over to Mr. Kydd. Wbst will be thought when I Worm the public that abort- ly before Mr. Bedford's unfortwte trip up the lake, Ire ol.tatled free Wm the rum of L25 or C30 as a part payineet ea the pro - petty above referf d to. Bedford having became the purchaser. Kr. Kydd could giwttt rr Tempt, as he had parted with ail right ata tithe: and aro Interest `accrues to ilea iwNwMil ill skews tbte te, Mr. Limn shall be fret satt.fied is this 1,staace, as thrroogbosl, Mr. Kydd sserifeed, or attempted to sacrifice, the istereat of his friends to his own ; any one would bate supposed that had Mr. Kydd possessed ooc pa aerie of friendship or grati- tude, it would bare bees exerted to obtain money to relieve Mr. Litten, Mr. Kydd possesses neither and therefore acted in the manner described. From what i have now stated; I think all or nearly all, will agree with me. as 1 think i stated to the Rev. Mr. McKtd, that •oy one becoming Mr. Kydd's security after the manner in which he has treated Mr. Lizaars, is worse than a "madman" or full u bad. There is an old saying " experience teaches fools ; " but there are some wise men that experience will not teach. -Mr. Lixare has advanced during the time he has bees security for Mr. Kydd • sum of £130 12, and is at this moment respoosible for £70 more. ' In reply to the hist of both letters wbieh I3ti '1'111S MORNINGS MAIL Silrntf's Este of tlw*. AAIVAI. OF THE ACADIA. New Yuan, 10*0 Nov , 1818. The treemer Aeolis arrived et Bowels yeNer- d•y et 6 o'clock.. o. Iler sews is meaty bee Wiper to 1 the public the true version of the with' octroi to the office held by Mr. Coivtil, all Jrawal of the surety. 11y the passage I I can bay ,s, that I should siocerc:v regret have quoted from Observer's" letter, all to see him lose it ; and when a rumour d:J would be led to believe that 1 had obtained arise, 1 know not from what cause, that a Nr. Lizar's consent to estimate Lir inters complaint had been lodged against him ; i tion of withdrawing hie name from Mr. Kydd's bond while Mr. Warburton wsa here, -but such is not the case: nor was any intimation of the kind conveyed by me to Mr. Warburton, -and for the best rea- son, I kadwe authority for doing so. But some days afterwards 1 did receive Mr. Lizar's sanction that I should intimate to Mr. Kydd his Intention of withdrawing his name from the bond of security ; and when 1 aaformed Mr. Kydd of Mr. Liman' deter- mination, M r . Kydd stated " That he .eostd expect nothing else ; and that throughout, Mr. Liman hao behaved with great ktndnese towards bitn" There was no haste In the matter -no . violent hurry -it was done coolly aid with the utmost consideraeon for Mr. Kydd. He was told that one week from the date of the intimation, Mr. Lizette world forward his request to be relieved from longer continuing hu see unity, -thus giving him ample time to tied a substitute. Its sow a:umpted to make, this very ne• cowry step on the part of Mr. Livers to save himself, assume the arpoet of having been done for a political purpose. Truly party is carried at great length when • man is net allowed to protect bineself without being hauled over the coals of party wrath for so doing. With a few words on that por- tion of " Observer's" letter which refers to the remoarrd new batch of J. P.'., and I am done with him. The Clerk of the Peace esu give no more informauun on the . w►jset than the writer who puts the ques- tion. IRF, AN D. The Sete Trial in Dela are ems - teemed. The Attest -se), GemenDt, ne day, gave his fat lee the issue of a Writ of Error. under the 000II4ieale lodged by Mr. O'1&teo'e counsel, a1 M• trial ad enavic- lion at Clonmel. A 'testier ..amen has been granted upnm the eases of Messrs. elesgher, McMaoua and O Donohoe Trial of Doherty closed on Wedneeder. by tee Jury fiodesg him godly os the filth court, for levying war, but recornmeodtltg him to mercy on account of hoc youth. FRANCE. The Assembly bare resolved that the Prewdcnt should be choose roe the 1011 December, ss on finally agreed upon. The surveys of Louis Napeleom to cos - ordered good by his own partisans. General Cbengo•ter has eignieed ha in- tention to dechoe. Lome Philippe and the Government ar- ranged concerning the private property of the Orleans Fam'ly. A loan of tee millions francs will be raised to support the families now in Frtgfsad• c Riots hove occurred between the Guards Mobile and soldiers of the Iter. Clubs are marked by especial violence on the subyect.of presidency. In nae of the orator pronounced a eulogy on Marren, Robespierre, he. In the Aeeseably the revision ended 05 - fere the end of the week, tad the Colson - tattoo proclaimed. Loess Napoleon is charged with intrigu- ing for his election, by bolding daily levees with ht. represeotativss : and also of having contracted • lean of 600.0 francs, for the purpose of carrying on hs election. The huts of his iwoepecuve cabinet are distribu- led for effect, at the head of which is M. Tbiere, as hl nister of Foreign affairs. Reports are current that Ledru Rollin will be the only avowed candidate of the red .oeml Republic. The party of the Pelee, Royal, computed of the Democrats, .ot including Lamartine, . is•ateppon*.ibe..eaodaditseb*p.vd Cwvsi&ase.. The disarm/Are National says, we have received letters from Caen, stating that M. Guizot will certainly be elected by the peo- ple in the department of Colvidor, at next .1.011om. The election will take place oe the 19th Nov., and M. Guizot will suc- ceed Dttrang, who died a few week. aoce. 11t'RON DISTRICT, Y minute of • 7'e M'.r 1 writ of P'irrr Furies, issued out of Her Mayeety's Ilurun Dairies Cowl. •e.l iu n.• elin mei against the i.ards and Tenriner.s .,t k.eward Dar Wigton, at the suit of Ituhert Park; 1 have seised end liken 1n Y,xeeunrn, Lot her jest w t0. ,e,rnIll Uwe -vision, F:. Ut,i the Towsshrp art Conserve, coltatnieg 10e Defoe; which Lend. 1 shalt offer fur sale at the Court Huor, m Vie 'nein of Gods/bele raw Saturday, the 75th shy of November next, at the hour of 12 a'r!,,ek J. MoIN)NALI), Sheri H. 1). deist,/ie Orrice, Cadence, tatb August, 1315. 3m29 Ruaaar Pette, RICE .." D.al .10701. QT The •L,,. a ..Id of Lands i. postponed eats. she (int of February. Wee. JOHN MuM.I)ONALD, Sherif ,1. D. 6uzeirr'. Orrice, GOnaaul, t 90th November, 11348. S 43rd Slyriff's Oak of Combo. CIt0('Ir1(1ES. TiHE Subecribers would call parte-tiler •ireati'0 to their extene„e Sash elf GR(10ERIE`I, as they flatter Ihemrehni that the grater mid variety of thrsr Teras, Sugar. Coffee, robarco, kr. lee. k^e w41 be a s,.tlicrent recotr.mcudauua lir ,etcaing put, hissers N. B. -Groceries of rtery d►scripljM w t11 Ise sold f'.r Seib or prod.* is, et • ndt' ten of, at least, 15 per ,ret. below fo.tmrr prices. TUOA. Gila/JOUR k C Godcrich, Nor. 16, 18441 43 HARDWAIt1':.• rIIIIU\L\S GiI:a.1 uR k CO., have 1 largely inctcased thctr termer meek of useful and Ornem,•i,tal Cutlery, II.r.Jware Japluned Wore, and are ready to supply their row umers and the public genies ly, with the Latest imprevemenls in every de- scription of knivev, Forks. Sputum, 'Trays, Licks, Magee, Scree!, and all u'hcr atti rtes of lladwsre .t reduecd prices. They have oleo un band a good +scull meat of WIPES, TWINES AND CORDAGE HURON DISTRICT, III' virtue of a of meets 117C/ and rental Ts also rcral Ts Wit:JP writ of F%err patterns of .upenor Carpeting. Facia', issued out of der Majesty's Huron Alaresu u! Salt know the cheapest District Court, and to the directed against (g pl' ) the Lands and Tenements of Ga' in Ilamil "'het' ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, 1 have seized and taken in Execution, I'ark Lot number one. on tiie North "Week Melbourne street, and Lot number forty. on the Eitel side of Wellington street in the town of Albert, which Lamle 1 'ball offer ter sale on Saturday, tbe 95th day of November aerie at the hour of 12 o'clock soon, at the Court House in the tows of (3oeerieh. J. Me1N)N.\LD, Sheriff H. D. Srrsatr,'s Ovules,Godericb, 16th August, 1848. ST. ANDREW'S DINNER, 8 T 111 d T F O R D. THE Sons of 8t. Andrew will dine st tee Farmers' Ion (Douglass') on St. Asdrew's Day, THURSDAY, the 30th Noe. inst.. at 6 o'clock, P. M. precisely. -when the Nus of Si. George and 8t. Patrick, and e11 others, ire respectfully invited to partake of the Fesneiess of the evening. CAMPBELL,Plerade.t. ALEX. MITCHELL, 8eeetiary. QT. Tiekete Five thstes e.os. to be bed .f the Stewade, Mesar& Key & Mitchell, or as the E rnie e' las Stretford, Nov. 18, 1''48. F0UNI). /AN tie Beach of fake Hama. on Wedo ee'sy 9.J the tee day .f November at Whireeeh ley, FiVI: II.AHRI.1.8 and a part of sae of near, Sheriff H. D. art a uamaged rnndrt.m, , alas. 1 berttlef•Pro- Suaans's Orrter.: Gonitnrcu, ( . stem... and a pa:: Jl - site+ was sold on the November 2101, 1848. S 43td' spot, ae 0 was damaged, and as eeoveypnce to, -- -- -- - bring it tear, -the pmeeeds d whir' RIF""'“ M A R B -L E FACTORY. eau Ian by proving marks sad piping expenses. C. CRABS. SOUTH wATF.R ST., 0.9LT. Jeewwa C at t.owaY, TS. }) Garr. Huur.ros. QT The above sale of Leds is pestpeeed mate the first day of February, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sherif 11 D. Sserture •Orrin, Goesaroa. 20th November, 1a.844'8. ..x+.4314 3m29 .\peter. of the very been quality in barrel.. N. B. --Pies terms are rararr.Lly ('ask or -tlerrkwatadte Prodsce, and no abate- ment from the prwe asked. (;oder ick, Nov. 16, le 48. 42 PitOORS88 OF 111PROVEaiFNT. NEW STORE AT Ri' 1'RIfE F!! rit}IE Sebscnbery have much pleasure in ay 1 an•ounr'ng to the inhabitants of Tuck • eramllia, Mullet, McKillop, Ilibbert, and the apring Townehipc, thy' ' hey have opened • NEW STORE in the village el Harper - hey, where they will always have on hand . c amplessrnrtment of all kinds of Indio' ad Gestleoenes dress Goods; all sort. 01 Dry Gee.d., Groceries, Crockery and Hard- ware, which will be sold un terms equally r►utile_ se at iheir estabhshment In Gadcrlcb.l$eTii i4eri of the presort age, HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a 1 the subscribers arc desirous of exhibiting Ts Wil: S writ of Fieri that enterprise, and of affording such faca- hues of •rcommndattnn as may be con- sistent with the mcre•sing importance • f the Deslrct. They shall, therefore, study not only to plats.•, but also to benefit the comrnromty by bringing- within their reach the beet mustily of all descriptions of Store STK ATFOR D 1'frnT•t►10PTt F. 18T(W I.VTTF.RB rnrsisug is the HMO - 8sad peas -01111T. tit Ieterweree 5610 :- Aaberwa. ?bioses Vete. hae Sr.oa. D orsn Canary, N ,11,.04 3 teCC«Dsenh CChadrh• b,ner,Jr.rJn,...hJ.*Corey. Jame- Carrel, am e.ur e- t.hnerrr Carl, Pe..tek Caustow, (harks I)e *. p...: I5eget Delete, Arthur Dallis, Jastws IJeatere e, Jones, Dees 8 Men Perear, Idol..,. R Frasier. R.4r-ft 1'le,ther, Aimee (;ee'tne, HMty (i..d!y.oR 1.I1, J.nr.a Il .l.•p, Aanis Hrown, li.nn,el Holler', rain rk Howden A1.aander I1.l,.in. 91orr:n 11.,, :\redrew It.miltnn, John Hill. Jane lI.ruawa, .11exioder Jolu,.on, Mleresret Kennedy, John Kelley, llagb 1 A•` NOTICE. lerretors of the Hrroc Diarist Umld- Society will dispose rel tom or mom Share, of 450 each. at the British hotel. G.derich, on SATURDAY the 25th instant, at 7 o'clock. P. M. By order, 'ratios, tweed out of Iler Mayeety'• Ilurun District Court, and to me directed against the Lands acid Tenements of Thomas Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; I have seized and taken in Execution, a belong - to the said Thomas Charles, Lot num- her three, on the Korth side of Fa -3 street, i Goods, at the most moderate prices; and on sr Lot running limber one thousand and this principle alone they expect patronage. three in the town of Godcrich, containing I Their terms are invariably--Caek-or owe -quarter of en acre of Land, be the same merchantable produce, at market price.. P1108. t;ILMOUR lit. CO. more or less with the Bet0.11 nks qtr the said Godcrich Nov. 1 48. 42 Let erected; "Mehl shall offer for rale at , 16, le le. Court' House in -the town of Godcrich,' on Saturday the 35th day of November , west, at the boor 0119 o'clock neon. J. M.DONAED, Sheri 11. D. Nrurn•'s Orme., cA 2tst Au est, 1846. 3m80 STRAY ED OR STOLEN, ▪ Jobe Krwwry. Mar hew 11(taaedr. Dated • lamins filers.. Thas,ad MIu1lea ,.. Th0tra1 81o14. J.me. 81,400. IMMn Mea,/on./.11. Joseph. Md)amoghla". J.er.• McD Doi mid, Demme McLell.ud, Ibrorew Met;r.gor, Irebella M.Oeorge, A. 81.81.11..• 51r• 045T•,tah. Peter Piribp', James 1'i.elen, John Peckham. William Q.uun, Patrick Ka ulekr, Peter Robertson. Alexander 2 Itutlidgr, Thomas Reed. Thebe Riga., Michael 8..i,h, Thomas 8tanut, Thema. Steveawn, Neal Stewart, Peter Scott, Al.asnder Seethe, (Avid Sh.ptnn, ;ohn Nlaerman, Jobn Taylor, Samuel Welsh. Patrick. F. MI(;KI.E;, P. M. S I A BLACK COW with a white fece.- Godcn , g She Was raised by John Bignell, and. purchased by the Sub.criber from Mr. THOMAS KYDD. Secretary. Coderich, Nev. 1st, 1818. Mt NOTICE. '111IE nest Sitting of. the 1st Disis1ae Court will be held at the Gaol, Got. rich, at 1l o'clock on Saturday toe 9d December mist. A. r. MORGAN, Clerk la Division Cert. Guderich, 3tit Oct., 1849. • 40 Rooxare..EL*.n. . )} ober' 'Montgomery. She has been miss- ing since Monday the 30th ult. Any T.ora Caaai.rs, perenn giving each information aatasy lend IG- The obese tele of Lands is postPened to the recovery of her, will be handsomely until the first day of , 1849. JOHN 6/rewarded by JOHN eDONALD, ALEXANDER NASMVTH Godericl. Nov. 10th 1848. 41 called on ban and recommeoded a course Goderich. Nov. 20, 1848. for hit sdoptiuit, that i think would have had • tendeecy to secure him to tt ; tad a. part of that plan had refoience to the ac- comptantsb.p of the Office, and as Mr. Col- vin submitted the .cements to me for my 1.150. Loan Winded-. (11HE COMMITTEE: appointed to Build • 1 FRF.}; CHURCH in Tuckersmith, wants to borrow the sem of ONE HUNDRED AND inspection, I have much pleasure in men- FIFTY POUNDS, opos good security, in particulars may be known by apply factory state. to Thomas Sproat, Egmondville, McKellop P JOHN GALT. 1ee THOMAS SPROAT, Secretary tinning that I found them to a most sats- or hre Further At the last election 1 was in a manner put beyond the bar of former fnendehip ; ■ 11, with ow or two exceptions, trimmed me as they we ld an tainted with lbs plague. Streit htviag tet case, in the . election made of tis to be added to the Commission of the Peace. 1 consulted my- self otiose, and trosbad lies Nees writ\ whom 1 formerly acted. I am slime reapem- *ible for the recommendation, and i neither Amo wee cars for the remarks of soy.- " Fiat Je.titla," ere le plain English 1.e4 J..4... le dens, would, W hoe/insulted the *tenet of M. friend. ler ARV we my his min). hese ahMatesi from writhtg the letter wider Saheb les hes pleased as append es leapplieable • .igeat.n- 1 shall mutts as 014 00740(, bne.1111, e11 do tot usdsreteed Wm l .ball gi.81M n Eoglt.ke.," JONI G$ /be • Dam ti•'obetnseteenelM Ls11 de- plitjbbhida er teiibn." Awl MM VIA M abeeewall thaw will► red &chas m 1411'I Met weeld Male at ' thirst ieefflleet, m et One ins oat • TO CORRESPONDENTS. DR. GEORGE, HARVEY, From pure feelings of charity, and from .Wernher of' the Royal College of urgeo a regard for the memory of Lindley Murray, Edinburgh. we have thrown aside reme communica- i 11 AViNG practiced his profession (moos which were expected to appear in our it *enrol years in the Province of N colsmos to -day. We do not like to see Scotia, takes Wave respectfully to offer professional services to the inhabitants men expose themselves to the ridicule of common- school -boyo, ad, therefore, no man should offer to write for the public till he at leant knows ■ometbdsg of tbe struc- tet'e aid principles of language. Besides, the civil authorities of the country hold us Godench and its manly. Residence in the cottage lately occu by Mrs.'Montgomery. Godcrich, Nov. 16th, 1848. 4 PUBLIC DEBATE. Rs, for ova Itis ul Pied f legally bnuod, and we bold ourselves moral- 1 The Members of the ly bound for all that appears in our columns, .: Cowl' rich Afecheenics' LJCCtly and we thank it can answer no good purpose RF8PECTFULI.Y announce to the Lad to publish communications which we are ; - . and Gentleness of Onderich, that they compelled from principle to condemn.' tend holding a PUBLIC DEBATE in School Room of John Haldane, Esq. Went We think C. C. hada perfect right to 1 November 25th, 1848, (Saturday Evening appeal from this dragon of the Magistrates, 1 O'Clork.) when they are ioviaed (0 •send. sped the other pointe, public opinion ha , Q'6Swaor : -" 'ether hu toe PRINT PRERS or the MARINER'S COMPA89' already decided and no explanation of his I, kind the greatest heneOa on Mankind?" can change that decision. I JOHN CAMPBELL, Secretary Nor. 17th. 1848. r'iLi, It" ids in - the -•t., at 7 ING ssa- Pita, At Allsnhsak, North Earthope, se the mar. - lag of Seedsy the 19th lastest, Jaw, sea of the Rev. D. Alla. I THE NQTICE. 'TIME 8... of 8t Askew* beim' denims, of 1 eemwtemer4sg the Day of their Patron Saint. propene dneg es by 3irring a SALL, at wins* a ate regime/ Mattered. 'flek.t. Tes f411111.111/16. r be bad at the invent Stores, and at the Haran Hotel, at whelk else* rhe Hill will be %eel QT Destense to commence et 8 .'elm* JOHN °ALT, THOMAS GILMOUR WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Mreereag t 1 DANIEL LIZARS, MURRAY MOR1rtlnR Rosas R(r18 T810l/, If. 1..''?. .•b• Ilse '1443 ST LUMBER. DH. MCCULLOCII continues to man- • .facture HEADSTONES, MONU- MENTS, OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, &Lc., in Marble and Freestone, as cheap as any in the Province, all wurk warranted to order, or nn charge will be made. Prices of Marble Headrtones from 10 to50dollars; of Freestone from 6 to 30 dollars ; Munu- meets lee., from 50 duilars upwarde.- Written communications addressed to the undersigned containing the inscriptions, and at what price, in Marble or Freestone, will be punctually attended to. D H McCUt LOCA Gale, Nov. 8t1i, 1848. 42m3 EXTRA ASSORTMENTS OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! / V1F. Subscribers have nit received from the New York end Montreal Nvrkete, the largest Stock of Marchand ze which has yet been brought into the Iluron District. And as the purchases were made personally by one of the Firm, the gual,ty of the goods is as superior as the qusnllty to es• CASH FOR SAW -LOGS tettsive-"prompt payments and small \VD 5.1 SAWING DONE ON SHARES. profits" is the motto which they have THE Subscriber has op hand a large quantity of SAWN PINE LUMBER, of various dimensions, which he will sell on the most Reasonable Terms for CASH, or for WHEAT and PORK, at Marker prices. He would also request all those indebted either by Note or Rook Account to Messrs. Dsawareit k So..ar, through his Agency, to all immediately and settle with him and *00141 0wweeresareyy costa. yOHN McDONAi.D, Carpenter, Ligbtboe«+Sonet. aim* 18th001.'MH. 37 - y, • r1...isp'A tt'h'>rR +(rK'uYrlfuyR a for 1{+tj4.111, r;r ..7Ae1<*MI %Mt, i -- Ste.' Ii 0805 .fl .h1 41,4641 NEW SAW MILL. r `HE Subscriber informs the inhabitants • of the Iluron District, that hie NEW SAW MILL in the township of Kincar- dine, nn Lake Huron, thirty miles 'above Goderieh, is no* in Rett operation; and he is prepared to fnlfll orders for pine or other sawn Lumber, to any extent and of any di mention., on the most reaennable terms. WILI.iAM.1V11'IIER4. Kincardine, 8010 Oet., 1848. 40 A TTA CIIAIENT DISTRICT OF HURON, t BV virtue of To Wit: ( a writ of Attatchment ironed out "f Ilcr M1n)esty's Huron District Court, and to me directed against the estate real as ma II e■ personal of Henry Elliott, en absconding or conceal- ed debtor, at ?lie mut of George B:ow•n the Eider, ler the sum of fifteen pounds tan ehtlleugs; 1 here rc.zed ail the estate 10.1 g well '8s perennal of the raid llenry Elliott, and unless the raid llen►y Elliott, return w•tthin the juriediction of the said Court, and put in Bait to the said action within three calender menthe, or came thy said Clams to be discharged, all the estate teal, and ptrwonal of the sats Henry Elliott, or en mush thereof as nay be necessary. will be held liable for the payment, benefit and ealisfaetionJ. ofMthcDONALDe t'a'd C1atm. , ,kerff Harm lhi.triet. SHR.lt-r''e Orrice, Godorich, 271 0-3 h October, 1848. - 4m CASH FOR WHEAT. ri itE Subecribsr hereby intimates that he - has now do Mew of .lease and pari ownership, the entire management of the Galerich Mills, earl that be is prepared to pay can', for Day quantity of good mercbant- able. Wheat at the said Mills; prat i'ed the same he delivered there in tithe fur manufac- ture before the close of the navigation. \\'M. PIPER. G insauc:t Mtr.1.s, t September 5th, 1948. S 3311 adopted, and the public may depend upon ,1131111: Subscriber wdl pay rash at the being suited with every description of Goderich Mills for Good Black ( berry goods in their establishment, at the very Saw -lingo, and will saw any other Jescrip lowest remunerating prices. Their Stock tion of good Saw•I.ngs for any parties on consists of every variety of men's mad share.. women's Clothing; Hate, Caps, !linnets. Wal PiPER. Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sad Gopawcti ):11.1s, dles, Bridles, Ilaberda-fiery and Groceries Septcmagr 51\, 1848. i - 82,1 . of every description. intending purchasers are solicited to eel and examine lur them- - - selves. STRAY OX. (aTRAYiiD keens the Subscriber Lot No. 11k11H Coneeseiww el Weymouth, • IMs.0 OX tales poem elk Mind of tis. off 4prse meth a Sisibeet hale is each bora-- Rleayrrd Irmo ibs ewes, about the fit of Aged loses. Alberta Peened w1Y he gives to any ammo rim( Mhrseattam t( seM On wham be mobs mese JOHN GRATTAN... W .wase.►, Noe. 11100(411, 4041 FARM F OIt SALE. THOMAS Gi1.MOUR k CO. Goderieh, Nov. GENT.'S CLOTHING. HIN(Jr. 18, 18441. 4 J 10 BE 801.D by private bargain, Lnt' No. .10 •J.7. on the 5th Concession of Godrnch. r coneening mint !j l anter. _ ra which ' r under rulavati"n: ten terra are nee ly tor- DISTRICT OF HURON, QY v►Ilsnf leashed and ready for chnppiwg. Tree land i, rel Tu 1\' i r : as a writ of gwhiy and well watered. Theis t, a : 1'lachmert iesw'dhoo1 of Ilex %•jee1T'. excellent AN extra stock of Clothe, Cassimeres, Pilot Cloths, Sheep's Grays, Beaver Cloths, Kentucky Jesse, Tweeds, and • large variety of Knglrsb and heavy Blanket Costing. Alen, an extenstve variety el Vetting* of the most fashionable s17'e.- F ur Cape at all prices and of all gnalitiea: Hatt of the latest and most approved shapes; Winter Gloves end Mittens; India - Rubber Shoes, and in short every Thing n.eedoary to produce comfort, neatness and respectability, no far as dress is concerned, will be sold cheap for cash or produce at tbe Store of THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. Garinvieh Nov 18 MIL 42 I p}ry, or en .*ueh thereof as may b. sew- - win bey held Lsble far tee pdwm.at R FMQ"v A L. A'110I'E, R}.SPECTF(1f.1.1' begs leave to return his sincere thanks to numerous friends end the public generally, fur the liberal pat- ronage hereloi r0 re•eened,-and informs tiers the he ba. REMOVED his TAI-. l.O RI NG ESTABLISHMENT from Light hes* *Meet lir Eliot street, next door to James Ik..att, Carpenter, and • few doors we.t of theGrdench Foundry, where all orders will be promptly envied ; and costar: ere ,nae depend on having their gar- mcntsentele up in the moat ituprut-cd and fashi"u.ble st),C. QwA full vairiety of the newest Fall and Winter F'ASIIIONS for 1848-9 just received. Godericb, Oct 97, I'' 48, 39 • ( 20 f 1 h s cleared and Ma;,MILJ©, JidW.lil►Jii. WHEREAS JOHN BIGNALL, Super. intcndent of Common Schools °teenho Huron Metrics, has abotwnded with a large sum of Public Money, the above Reward will he pail to any One• apprcbciding the said JOHN BIGN ALL and recovering tin amount stolen ; or the reward nal be in proportion to tho amount rccevered. The money, ' Thee, ',ondreti and fu, fy right ponds, was in iiIU notes . f the !lank of Montreal. The a:,ove Joen 14knail is a remarkably large man, with coarse teat ince, about f fret 3 trachea in !retell) 'cry timed to hie shoulders, haughty in hie address, and about 50 )eats of age ; hair etra'ght and inclined to grey.'vhukcra white. Any 1nfvrn.ation te.pocting the above, to be lure aided to GEORGE BROWN. Trr„error"fluron Dirtr-iel. Dederick C. W. (Iuderich, Oct. 17, 1818. . Snit ATTACHMENT. gnat sob•antid Ing Uwelliae House u tri and (•„ort .,f (iueen'a fleece and to itis dlrtfttsrl one. re ttf sepenor frau trees to tearing cool, against the Real Estate as well as 1 r•reoatal lion. And u the proprietor's rt. -slums of enter• it Boni Mini Il. Eby, an •brron,lml. or eos- ins into nAvi lersieem, he will dispose of it on reeled II-•M+'r at t -e ru't of William 1'rcd- it/moderato;1tenor. Oos.hso of mho the. will I,r end: Vet, !loch, for the rim of Twenly- Rt../ egosE;s, DOWN. rte the oilier bait to sex 1'uondi Eleven shillings anal 'three. dlr../ rri.ral snou■f in'talu 1,. Q )' For tarth.r partieolaes, apply at this r ifiue, ! pence, 1 marc 'tezed all the Real F:•late sf rte to the Proprietor .n a►o prenwapw (it;tR(aF. ELLIOTT. Junin. Gn.lerith, lath Spat., 1048. . 37tf TO LET OR SELL. the sled Benjamin 11. FM•, •ad unless the rood Renyanen B. Key re, ern within tier jo- n•d.ctton of the said Court ae4 pit in ball to the action w(+ism three ealendar mon'►., or cause the raid chum to be Jischerged,*11 Me Reel Estate of the sate Rewjatistu 0. ..-- ' :.i. ' Tt 1T large and eeninneleins three story seer NOTICE. h,eelsn, presently occupied a tbo /Neon be',eAt, and sattsfaelme .4 the said a tsim. w r • " ge"I Printing 011ie. It ..mums rix JS1). Mr.1N►NAI.IA gond rNntwo •lar a under ate. . ute.l for a .Sher.Jy fist r., Uistric). L0111111.0VT FOR agQ.tE.Lll1 1 I 'welter. It to •Hetes on NNorth sole ,Sheriff'sOWee, I }mime . k .^ I of tin klatket Sq iarc, t '1 i• well a,lapto'1 Goi••rteh. 4th l)etubos, 1811 l 31• taw A LLt iy 74 alio ~ * . fear e1- las a place of bus*nt.'. Pisai rs.•'a t, til lir i _. _ -- filt ok 114 to earl a.M ..,it. lmnw toy, n, .0.1, No ..I gives 00 Ole 1.t rf J.nnery, 1049. t DR. p A M . ' tAerofoils,Aerofoils,i sod Aerofoils, wall 1'e ptr+d in .he hinds of the I, Fut tern. Dati l particulars "TOY to lit 1 11641 C$, d•ho Oesrt foe ell his foe - bpsepnet or CAN he eosanited int ail heesrf► Si ` t7edllleh. 17th Sept. i841 34- I.odench, ..7th Oct.. MKS. 3 I .densSept. WALTER:MAAP. 0 411.\RTIN \h.:LFNNAN. British Hied, iy'it/.'.-) n 9th I b.8m .1 84g.