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Huron Signal, 1848-11-17, Page 4
BUILDING SOCIETIES. Teats chi woes the lu- mber of $eedny r'H ;maw ol 10a rock, that meat be spade s Itge• ants the eh.ece of L'IOO, tb. taeeey being 01- •evte4 meetWy ts ewe composed 461110Hit at the wee of 4 per oeelper moots .- 1.he Shane betas all Ther Oriel will Leve paid of at so av- paid orate lar Share. e'ge booms of bast, ie 89 ,awths 40 per oral. 374 „ •••.•..•.,y•.. ISS „ g} v o•••••.•,.•... 88 ill 30 s. ttS ', n4 25 221 174 15 1ti 10 74 04 .. 5 Pu ••••••.•.............. By shkb it will be repro time, sheet/ the avenge Mees be 33 per seat, the Seasely will repiry is aeon yeses and hue menthe, er eighty- eight moatbly paym els. ?tow the present val- ue of eighty-eight moothly palmists, of £I each, is £71 1s., es that the borrower, io that caw, would io reality ooty My £I la bents, Instead of £35, on hie loan of £85; bet se it is certain tbat there will be a coaaidersble proper- ties of the subscribers who will not give a bones for their Shares, the probability H that the aver- age bonus will not toward 25 per cent, which will tben require 103 monthly pretests, the present value of which, at £1 ...a►, asliefore, w £80 18 11, equivalent to a bones of sear 25 per ,eat. Or, io other words, the person who, at the commeneemenl of the Society, borrows £65, supposing it to require 103 monthly pay- ment*, pays ler iiia leen at the nue of 10 per cent per annum, because the present value of 103 monthly payments 0 £I each, interest at 10 per cent, is £65. Whilst the member of the Society, who is am -bromine,. rteeives, at the ezpirwtios of 103 months, the sum of £100, which i■ equal to 15 per cent per einem w Ids monthly payments of 10. each. ADVERTISEMENT.. rjiflE Subscribers in acknowledging the 11 liberal patronage which they have re- centred during their residence in Goderich, would respectfully request the immediate settlement of all accounts due to the filen, as they close their books from this date.- Attention to this notice will save costs. T. GILMOUR k CO. -Goajerieb, 8th Sept., 1848. 32tf .4 4. .4 •..,••.•.,e•.. 110 !l9 100 708 •oo ..••••'oo •• 119 le ea id 4' •4 4.0 46 TIIE l)I(0ATREAL TRANSCRIPT alto COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. IS Pnbliehod every Tuesday, Thrvotep • and Va/orsreyet the Low Price el TW ELY P: SHIL'L1NOt4 per "sown, My- sbk invariably in sdvasee. The Transcript 1s printed os a sheet n early as large ss soy used in the Prorise"; and should ctrcemslances permit, it will M still further enlarged is the course of the immures sunnier. During the approaching Session of Per - basest ibe Transcript will contain Reports of the Prucr.•edm *efficientlys, lfciently centrelines, - sive to furrri.h Record of all that °esus leer both I..gtelative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Traaesript will support Its old character. A portion of its spare space will be devoted to the is - mitten of nuscollaateuse manes of sq ta- teresting and Literary character, sod every thing offensive to morale will be esrsfelly avoided. We have comnteacevf, and intended to c„ntinue, a series of Biographical Sketches from Chamber'. bliseellany ot Useful .i$ Entertainieg Tracts aid other Works ; and during the permit femme, ounce will be takes ,of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary Institutions of this ens, which we curia:encod last winter, and which gave general wtisfactioa. TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAiL. Q. The price of Subscription of the MOarS/CAL TRANSCRIPT, (when sent by mail) is TWLLVE SHILLiNGS per an- num, payable in advance. To facilitate re mittances FIFTEEN SILILLiNGS will pay for Fifteen Muoths. TEN SHIL- LiNGS for Ten Month.; ted FIVE SHIL- LINGS for Five Months. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, we shall send three different copies of the Trasrcript enclosed is blue or gresa cover" ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper shall, in every case, be discon- tinued. Aa the paper is given to subscrt- bers at the Iowert possible price, all money letters must be postpaid ; and those which are not, -the amount ot postage will be de-, ducted liookkkattmliey sent. (t`The Transcript is sent to Subscri- bers in the country twice or three t.mee a week, at their option. The whole of the reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's papers being put into one sheet -thus sav- ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of ssbecription to the both is the same. Selmeribere, in writing for the Transcript, will please mention whether they wish the Di -weekly or semi-weekly paper scot to tLem. Q7 Newspapers with whom we exchange wilt please copy this Notice which we will be happy to reciprocate in the name way. Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5 R H eV Ailvitt,1 c tMcv�j�fraii Tr1 E. VNO•#r d" /ND Riad t; 141Z032:111 i Wt SAIF .and DISSOLUTION MtiEtldyAt1111r11 t mikes sayer haled .M wisp this dreadfal Compleial, whets properly applied' VIM* MEDICINE .b... alt Beer of the had, sed the proof of the Article is is moss it. 1t s..de sol the assismom of mora peahen •es - Soy pectose, (se ewe 14..w. wke.) is MAPS is venae* rr8_ B. -Wholesale helms mated." fad - TOW* gels Asset fur.4slda ro. esSoleyatrl.Asa. Weer. P�77-- Nom Deasine sales aped Dr. 1107g, DICKINSON. • PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER HOTTCIL ALBC►,-Dtcsiataeh COt1OH DR0111, i Croats Remedy tar c.. .. Qiir1•"i- Pasce-Is. N. per &oddSil�-tf Detroit, B kbigea, MF 41(1,'1 111 it 8 � yd •.:,.I1. ©B•t"We .e'sweet art I •iaaaa,lilie.. STRAHED•110s .18119 116 Dew Dies a Yaks lsf Ufts iaMa► p'aatm eld. this of them ltlacll.J • tah►te slang the/melt, and etbil, yi1, alielk All spot under epoch eye. ,The other d Of a white spot 1a the seas i d"spots about the !talks, tiidlilid white. - Nay person 6edlitg them of a(. .ueb hi- form.u.s to the sobscrirnrela •i0 led to Ibran reeevee}j,wtill M t : Towns deal A 1 .__I •' fi ' OF COPARTNERSHIP. rrHE Cop.rteership heretofore existing between the undersigned (under the font, of Gooding and Lancaster, Innkeep- ers,) is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. J. K. GOODiNG, J. LANCASTER. Tbo business will be continued, and all outstanding accounts due by and to the firm will be settled by the undersigned. J. LANCASTER. Golcr.ch, 5th Sept.', 183$. • 321.1 BOOTS AND SHOES. r1'I1E Subscriber begs leave to inform the Farmers and the public in general, that he will sell BOOTS and SHOES cheaper, for cash, than they can be purchased else- where in this country. Intending pur- chasers are requested to call and examine for themselves, at his Shop on Lighthouse street, near the Brills\ Motel. Ile hu also a Hone, Waggon and Har- ness, which he will sell cheaper than the chespeet. N. CLARK. Goderidp &qt. 1, 1148. 31th J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, WILL attend SALES in any part of the District, on reasonable Terme. Ap- ply at the British Hotel. Gduriab, 14114 Sept. 1848. S8 - FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. ..- ur� a ww 0l z G FOR S Rats•.•., .,,,. ►r11F. BRICK Cbb'1'TAf3$iiid Lit MI- ang No. 58R In Me Town of Goderich, f raerly ie the persimmon of Hoary O'Neil, now rented to Mr. Jane, Or/. TM O.a- tag;e s very co.ve.saatly arranged, sod wall atnted for a small fatally. has a spacers wood shed. stable, Lc. good well of water: tLe garden contains several choice fruit trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong picket fence. Only apotion of the mosey would be retorted dews, -Phe rsmatatier is three annual mataimestr.v..:: •.t . Apply to Witham 1WN7 abs S$ dee eCiia- Loa Arms, or to INFORMATION WANTED. UF THOMAS WARD, of the County el Sligo, Ireland, who left inland shoat 18 years ago. He first arrived 1a Cauda, whets he remetned six years, sod then M left for the U. States, sod he is sow ssppwd to be is tie State of Illisoi'. tie is about 38 year" of are. .boot 5 feet 6, sleek whiskered, Menus face, rather dark, and dark hair. Any isfwmatioe given to los brother, who is at present living in the Township of Hibbert, Huron District, or sent to the "Brantford Courier" office, will be thankfully receive,: by MATTHEW WARD. Oct.98, 1848. ' 11E Subscriber (from Galt) has lately 1 rented the above wellestsbliahed INN and HOTEL. in the West sed of Stretford, front alts proprietor aid Tats occupant, Mr. Jobs Sherman ; and ho begs to say that he well endeavour to see the Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated, ad their corn - feria etre ded lo. He roe good Stabling, sad an attentive Hostler, Hie Bar is well supplied with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS GLASS. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 758 PAY ATTENTION!! A ND pay year debts, a lee s.beeriber bas A resolved that all Notes rid Book 'motets due to him .ed roe eisiag sawttied, will, posi- tively, ea the 15th of July sett, be handed over w ss Attor.ey h'r estleetil.. h a eertu.ty with sone re setaeeo that he las sd.pled this reesf.tiee, u he has w desire to tear sddrtw..l espies* to those who ate still *wise hi.4-bet it is ■ saying, that w.rs»de to • rarereil.w mater. sod ia the pevseat teatime., his relootasos sset yield a sss.esiry. ROBERT MODCRWk1.L Gederisb. 154 June, 184/. 90'1 A 1. 8 1 0 N HOURS "(ANEW Street, tree door wee of M Canmereial Hank, Haadh,•s, by January, 1148. 1. EIIMO.VDiR. - Lal N O A I M L. ',• 1d. AW' "wow miaowed 1. BIf.E W STi R Ot SMART, thr:es% the *veep eel tyRabee tk.q are rtgeew.d to settle lief aM.lrwlie �msdkap with Goderich, a01 oft► Mr. Omega Goderieh. lµ14 ftgt., Hili• SSW sr. aawll. J LG oOt�iJiO fittyM d'J `L $ Nr I 8, ai. k o•IANOSRY, 4ND f ar,�ttMEG.elonvitrav 4471 I,-OOK HERE!! LEATHER FOR SALE. THE subeeriber begs leave to intimate to the Public that he hal and will keep constantly on heed, LEATIIER OF ALL KINDS, and of the very beat quality, for sale, wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- rating prices. 07" intending porch will find it to their advantage to cell sod examiss before purchasing at any other place. All order. strictly attended to. WILLIAili G. small. Goderich, 3.1y 95114, 1848. 2814 ON COMMISSION: SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! AT cwt and eharges for cash ; or Fall Wheat .t cash pries oily. THE SUBSCRIBER G &WPM fa receipt of a general sewrtmeot of DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Poll de Cheisw Orga.dees, Muslin", Cashmere de Lake., Odessa Lustre., Cobemrg mid other Dresses. hoer Sang, Start's, Bloods Veils, Scarfs sed Hasdkerehfeb,-Csahreere and other Shawls 4. great variety. Saperier COTTON YARN, &c., dm. Ladle"' walking Boots and Mom is rest variety. - A L S 0 - A room asotwtnient elf G R O C E RI E S. SHELF tied other HARDWARE., 8iekle.. Scythes, Scythe Seethe, Crockery. Prism. Oil end Turpentine ; Pitch, Repels. Tumid Oeketr. Nadi u 100 I►► Kep or is se7 mime Rgesntlly- C. Gethtit:b. Asgest fah, 1848. 9711 STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs hie frimede end the public, that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately ia the occupation of Mr. Wows, at the Bast end .f Stratford, when .etbi.g shall be wastrel, on hie put to pro- mote the ampler sed commis tame of hie greets. I. M. dotter, himself that his eleteetiven0f Wane mad IAgoers is equal to any is the country, end We Stabling department is .f the meet eeenoletedeer uptwe. • Stratford, 38114 Apr► 1840• 1811 PARSON a • Goderich, August i$. l0tf • zs • W.MiIci0N$ MITA ;kumquat. ,t lich 1141T STREET. witsweg, mit IpR1Ma,elmuAll � clst:art. rf'q;E Dabileei ors beg. leave to inform 11 pia friend. and the nubile at large, that M is wow prepared to :ea.':e order. for Lt111MER OR LICHT WALG0Nd, which shall be maasfbetnreti of tate heat ttetesrabb.88 by experienced workmen. Widener* and Dregs melds to order; Plough Castings Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderich, Feb. 9, HRS. - xr EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. • AIM 1111*'!"'1�4R /1141.,. EI E T !I� 7•11 *tTl��� Aar PHCF_MX . BIT►yIFRe �s•sd TM W h .rd .due.d ••l.Nir] wi.4�ilaK eMml to )tet' tw bw altntred � a lawsaw. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. WOUf.D respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct from the NAM York and Montreal Markets, a veru large aesortmeet of Straw, Leghorn, Dun- stable, Twine, and imitation Silk BON- NETS, and a great tarietof almost every u F N l� o SADDLE, HARNESS, description r A C • ODDS suited t the fashion and taste of the season. TRUNK, 'CARPET -BAG, Art -VALISE Also, an extensive stock of B.It ,IUTIUORITY. sh A. ACHMFNT. HURON DISTRICT, tBY virtue of two T. Wil: writs of At- tacbtneat issued ont of the Dwtriet Court, and Court of Qoeen a Beach, sad to roe di- rected against the estate real as well as personal, of Henry Elliott, an abcoadisg or concealed debtor at the respective suits of Thomas Gilmour for the cum e4 twenty four pounds es shillings and three ponce, and of Robert Moderwell for the sum o thirty one pounds ten sbdttigs sad si pence; I have seized and taken all the este real as well as personal of the said Henry Elliott, and unless the said Henry Elliot return within tho jurisdiction of the Court, rind put in bail to the aetios. wield three calender months or cause the same t be discharged, all the real and persona estate of the said llenry Elliott, or so roue thereof as may lie ncecssare,'will be he liable for the payment, benefit and ■atisfac tion of the said claim.. riff J. MCDONALD, SheH. D. 8rtairr's Orrice., Sj Goderich, 28th August, 1848. 3031 51 A N U F A C T 0 11 .,, HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Goods. Likewise, IL . II O R T 0 N , • large quantities of GROCERIES, particu- DEGS to iotitnau to the public that be has l.rly a very superior supply of. TEAS, from I.P commeeeed the above lioe of Business is the I,, 3d, per pound upwards, according to Shop on the East side of the Market-fagasre,- quality ; and Tobacco at all prices. lately otroapi0d by J. Ralled;e A Co.. -and As the whole extensive stock has been )wpea by saner attention b ssent a liberal'bue selected by the proprietors in Parsee, they of the public patronage. All Aono cw6dotlstly reoommeod them to thew ET • Articles m the Trude 1518. 414.1 at fneodd and customers, and as the purebadoa the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. have been effected exclusively on cash pntn- 711068, WHEAT, TIMOTHY REED, cio e., the, have resolved to soil on the and all kind' of 1Narkelo►le Produce will be ts- • most reasonable terms and at the lowest ken in exchange. IFt•A liber.l dimmest will be possible profits rod CASH. made for Cash. " 61arketable produce of every descrip- FOR SALE, an excellent BRi t of Hos- tion taken in exchange at the highest mor- on,and • first rate Two Hesse Bodin _ --ase 144 )8•, .r.H.. H.' ken pante. THOS. GILMOUR E< VALUABLE FARM IAtS Godench, 18th bay, 1848. ►Ot BALD IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY • tae duosrow shah they perallini pos► hw OP Now prods.* r psiq a I- 4n40.11014Sy or00106o h. 71wy ere aer, arWMe Ila y atA es wen. war to. tsars aid lay the ar•dw4r. •rleihr eAa►a„sal ed. !L ART HMA. je't's one DNS PPM Vi tEVtHBt.AP }V `b yea Dia ; B4L10IV's a "sew swede ws1. e•ne 1aen relaOU aMevillIPM. he hrrl memetd.• r1.'o - re..er, sed v 8gt.,,�► Mlea shy .lalioa..• wAt ,e.., •n.rwub M wra !►carr rMlOLIC. w. ammo cDH;IrsNCss, COLD. s COV E.%. cs'OieC CIINSI'MYTIOt. Owed with pool 1541.4. etandhow COtaarr 111'190a6, OauP.die. D=_TH17P118•• av otos villa tar distoehe x b said s 0 b Id J. BT1WAR'P, `T AND BARRISTER at L!lt11*, •e*Rltor in Chancery, Convey - weer, As., OWN West Street. Hhdw4N, Marsh hal, 1040. y 080 pail hal VAL, 10410,T. HE 4:110114 day of urs 1 •' IMV. COURT BLANKS, j.f *.l D t 114. Ht+latya" IMy epi( M} s, JL fee mole et the Liif 8tgaaf O�aa, cheep ter LLit. ti tie herich Jan , /8, WIC ' ' 8 FOUR Lob on the First Conceseioe of Goderich, fronting Lake Huron, eon- taining 82, 79, 874, and 584 acre. respec- tively. Two of these Lot• have consider- able improvements, and one of them acom- modious Two Story Log Howse, with Gar- den- and Orchard. Likewise, SiX LOTS on the Secesd Communes, containing 80 acres each, two of them partially improved. These Lots are situated on the Bayfield Road, from six to eight miles south of the flourishing Town of Goderieh ; the land is of the best quality, and well watered, and the front Lob command • beautifal view of the Lake. For particulars apply(if by letter post paid), to JOHN CRK, Goderich. March 17. 1848. • 7th SHERIFF'S KALE. HURON DISTRICT, lar virtueof a To Wil: writ of Fieri Facies, issued out ofHer Majesty'e Huron District Court, and to me directed against the Lando and Tenement. of Thomas Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; I have seized and taken in Execution, as belong- ing to the .aid Thomas Charles, Lot num- ber three, on the North side of East street, or Lot running number ono thousand and auto in the town 'of Goderich, contaioiog one-quarter of an acre of LSnd, be the same more or less with the Buildings on the said Lot erected; which i shall offer for sale at the Court Ilouse in the town of Goderich, on Saturday the 35th day of November oast, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Sherif H. D. R SMarrY a Opricg, Goderich, 21.1 August, 1848. 3u.30 ZIjtriff'5 Salt of Lands. HURON Dif'1 UCT, Z Ry virtue of To Wit:' N( writ of Fie Ageless, issued out of er Majesty's He Detect Conti, end to ane directed again the Lard. and Tenements of theie Hamil- ton aI the snit of Joehna Calloway, i have mixed sod taken In Executive, Part Lot number one, nn the North video( Melbeurse street, and 1.ot number forty, os the Fist side of Wallington street m the town of Albert, which Laois 1 eh.11 offer tor sale ea Saturday, the /8th day of November nest, at the hoer of 19 .'eteek soon, at the Court House M the tows et Geierie14, J. McDONALD, Mani H. D. Swwawrv's Orrice, Gsderleb, 16th Atilgunf, 1448. lm99 SIFtift's Selig of • Laub.. a ri ion et CO. 16 sae, shou. thew id &ley trim erLch e tamales* LtoPSIONS d d4 see.. as rolMLLY. MVO P>0 AADVT.wearrut two .4.4les He eltas s �g to easier, sae. 4011444.4114 Md • .epi. unseen, eel maw ereadr. Odor .allose Mee Inc .745.41 whilst tee .el. of 1l d'ww-a repo M times .wilder h esisie u - INV TWOS. Int YTl wets. AND 51 0.4510. rNies .1,/ COMPL Pix ION. 457111111142.457111111142.DlR2L!Tlr_t ural.utq 61001 Yllat. G*AYLL, M�y�;M(,H 741. r18pP0"OEERL N)D, 1 IDNOXk. AN*S e/TIT4PN- LIVIR O0111IPLAIpr'/s Leeson. LtMM6.vt8n. MMilli 5JAlAL DIRSABOB.- 1444 fain to w.d.eat, Windy ail ,a. 4...e d omen lei eget unser Shoo the nose vMead fterwitamat aw.g.4ia xruHT a1LIT5. DERft)L'ri DLaILITY. NgarOVR COMPLAINTS •1 .11 Moir, et44N)c 4,81CTrirrls. PALP1TA710N .frhe HEART, PUNr1t'd QaW.ra. P I L a/. The .,.awl Ircpoocce or arms wad+dm• wee owed of Pilo. of r yin .uadfne W aha use ef Nem rLa eledieleee elm.. 1441164A n Ih. *44 rile. Inch, Irt... )'.bbl .M mow B. DE ATIaR. Themar,ated with Me 1.r41e di• ars. will he wawa 4..r by the IAD M.W... MO.R•sr BLOOD t. Ara. UEAD, scuase, R/LTRRL01 RIFELLlM C, a CROFULA. m ZIWS'S 'VZL, tam n..1 fw,na U L L S of I use..earraw.r esre.ed (w W081F7ur. t•ss.IUAehns. Yvw'. ill •o via to ad...Y.'M4'1.. t► ewe 444w ra.aeooe r ...e•eiwl. 11.14 will b. .rear VIE LIFE PILLS AM) PB111II BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Aad thea remove all disease from the system. A .1..l. grid will trace IM LIFE P I I L i mad NCE BITiERS►4ro.'du•Amu►.rm..y.• TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. SPRING *SUMMER PASHiO.VS, for 1848. AFULL variety of the newest and most improved Srai'o AND Sisaem FAsa• lona for 1848, have been received by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of a!I who may favour him with their patronage. A. NAYBMITH. Goderich t3t1 April,1R48.--- 17 PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTARIA MAGAZINE. MR. ANDMRS. MOODIE, Damn. 11j1IIE Editors of the VICTORIA MAoatitsz 0111 1 devote all their talents to produce • useful entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana- dian People ; which may afford amusement to both old and yoang. Sketches and Tales, in verse and prose, Moral Esrey, Statistics of the Colosy, Scrape of Useful Ieformation, Reviews el sew Works, and well selected artiolee from tbe most popular authors of the day, will form the pages .4the Magazine. The Editor• feelcoe6dentthattheindependent and rising country to whose service they are mood to dedicate tbeir talents, will cheerfally lend its support to encourage their arduous and honourable undertaking. The low price •1 which the Periodical i■ placed, is in order that every person within the Colony who can read, and if anxious for whoosh and mental improvement may become a subscriber •nal patron of the work. The Vicrotta Msessitr will contain twesty- four pages in each ■umber printed oa new type, and open good paper: and will form at the end of the year a neat Volumne, of `288 pages, to- gether with Title Pap and Index. HURON DISTRICT, DY owtee of a T• Wit: . math M Pesti Faeroe, beeped out of Her M•jn.ty's ts,ius Distnet Ceara, and to me dtrsetel against the i.aodr "ad T,etrneets of Richard Mat - hagtsn, .t the sift of Robert Park; 1 have weed and taken in F.see.Oo., Lot sunhat four 1. the seventh Osie. Lula, B. D. is the Township of Colborne. contusing 100 acres; which Laude 1 Mehl elk for oils at the Crows Howe, i• the tows of Gedmt.1, on Saturday, the 25th try of November nest, at the hoer d 1l e'cleeb noon. 1. IieBONALr', Anil D. D. thrower's •"I.. B+w 1111184 stt� ,r *rex. .t ,4'.asrd T A.1.110 poor or air.. the 'stet. of !L td. 4N W1LUAM DITPOK, ars re- ;1780.10 uge� Null w - _L immediate ly l+�i� pie.a88 to .Ila Conn M eaiL48.ser04ert /er44wI BNise. TRONAS DiTTON, AJIpX LANCASTER. G.Mrf.h, islp M, SMO. Owe' MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! ! /'ARE REDUCED 4 SPEED INCREASED. CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Theiregk Canada to Siete Qf Nair York, via. Mathew Lowden, Woodstock, &enttre,.1, Jiaraeiftew, Weeper!.. Ferry to B■def.. Tai 154•' asowa PH Ihloa its the n'imaiw of every patient. The r.ssioc aches. mediators are mot Pal •r le ille rr and 146415, together with r PP t• a L% Good SamarihMdi •," e..laisg the naw%te. en whkh 4.. dray ug of Brodwsy fees Won sown w oar Ones, by which iiiraugets vomits.' 'b. city r.svi �shity Sail os. The *rappers sod samarrar arse Nol therefore 4601• who procure thew wkh white .04155e arm he awned that (M, are rumbas. B• !WOW. .el • or My Orr .10. ',ars wrappers; to Y yes do. he added that they .M. direr' Iron w .e deal fowl thee'. I Prepared a.d liMa�i y DR. WILLIAM Hp. ,ds1'F' 53 . 5 Broadway. collier or s Yee WO by - BENJ. PARSONS, Sole A`. 4. Goderich, Jas. 38, 1848. 1 STEAMBOAT IiROTHERY ('APT. W. EI1ERTS, ��ILL rumthe 4.ea,nn of 1119 as follows :- ' Le.ve. Ckatkorn every Mondn , Wedne.- da and Friday Morning', at ti o'clock, tor' day and Detroit, thence to Aviators/Avg et 3 o'clock. Leaves Amebrua+ng every Tuesday, Tinos - day and Saturday Maumee •t balf-put 7 o'clk. touching et Detroit and Windsor ter Chatham'. The BROTHERS runs in connection with a DAiLY LiVE OF STAGE COACHES. Established between Chatham sad Qoeenstoc, by which (and the Steamers on Lake Ontario) passengers will be enabled to reach Kingston in at least three days from Chatham. Passe•gen can leave Hamilton by steamboat for Torooto, Rochester, Oswego, Kiogstoo, or any of the in- termediate ports on Lake Ooterio. Gentlemen from all parts of the States will find this route very agreeable during the summer and winter, se it pusses through the moot flourishing parts of Canada Wert. The Chatham and London road is nob completed, and is a very good road. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, viz. Chatkaln to Detroit out Windsor, sed rice rens. Cabin Passage $1,75: Deck Pasetge$1,00; Children, half-price: Hone, Buggy mad ase Gentleman $3.00: Double Team, Wagon and Driver 04,00; Ox or Cow $1,00; all other Freight to proportion: 1t will be issued Monthly, commencing on the Refereoar.-Chatham, There, Wsddelt & rust of September, from the office of JOSEPH i Co.; T. M. Taylor. Windsor, L. & H. Dev• WILSON, Front -street, Belleville -the Pub- eOport, C. , HuHunt. etroiitt, Ives & rk.- LouSebes sad vile Proprietor, to whom .11 orders for i Hnuse, H. N. Smith. Ward.ville, Asderaoi & the Magazine, and letters to the Editors, must Rabe. Moon, 8. Fleming. Eefrid, G. 3, be addressed, (post-paid.) The terms of sub- Smith. Delaware, Hallen. Jaactios Holm, .eriptie,-ONE DOLLAR PER AN1tUM- wseri.Lty sir paid in .Mass. Goderich, !Iamb 8, 1848. 5 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS• FURNISHiNG WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers have opened a New Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are reedy to supply orders to any extols., for any kind of Joh Furey Type, Ilsk, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Composing Sticks, Ceres, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which •recast in new moulds, hem entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep coaster', sod warranted 141 be unsur- passed by my, be.�o.14 &t to suit the 4a* Pf r apby -pat Prows, Preinndell.Isled, seal and also, Seem Engaa•..4' 414grtsat proved pat- IatN• Composition Rollers cast for printer.. Rr• Editors of Newspaper" who will boy three tiler. as aseoh type as their bills arao.at to, may grae the a-bve rat-monabi insertion In their papers, and peed then papers containing it to the Suhaertb.re. 0DCRI'ROFT k OVEREND No 711 Ass &Peeot Neer York. • DONIMIIII 71141611. avis -/COTIO..,oels,: .Aid.01111". 9f ...won epee ye tie lete e!ig�.r, Gro( Atirstord. P.11 pledge bona Roe entre arkhoat deist, "ed wfihn 4 884.11 etptoMee; sad alb all these heelsg soy M.Im. asamte theebov. !!seal, areregeieed mewne/ to ps.seet the lfflcber A4010,11.00‘ y Bust ..•°'e Joseph Rolsu. London, M. Sear. Brant- ford, G. Babcock. Hamilton, M. Babcock; M. Avis. NO CREDIT ON THiS BOAT. Chatham, April, 1848. 90-tf FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE,. APART or portion of BLOCK G. le the tewsehip of Colborne, Waiters Diei- sies, Heves District, eoellalsleg TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good order; faeces in repair. There is a good Frame House [Cottage style), otos the premlerojj115 by l7 het ; deo, a Frame Bern 00 by Ph and Twit Peelle Sheds, reeb'00 pet tem, with a Leg Prim Homes 1e tolerable repair .- There see %knee 1101159 etresene of water through the Lot • two of which are is the Clearing ; a tmrsk orrlaroabout the Frame [louse, and a first rats Well inthe cellar. Tho price of this desirable property is £f160 cnrreoey. For particulars rppty to Delors. STRACIIAN k LiZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Godificb, 1[ttfl1 >M, 1848. 9th HEW_ W9pE. CHAMBERS' MISCELI.ANY. or wool. 10116 zeowtr ire. Editedby R Caaaaras, author of Cycle- . pedia of English literature : With Elegem* lllsiintive Eogreviags. Paco 2.5 cents per No. COULD, KINDALL & LINCOLN are happy to snnoenee chef they have coteple- ted arrangements with Meson. Chambers, ef., Edinburgh, for the re-p.bhcatios, in tend - monthly Lumbers, of C M.4CILLIS T. The design of the Mueeu.-A.T ie to w,ply the inrrraring demand for useful, in.uructi,e.sad enterte nor;; reading, and to bring all the aids of literature to [Par oar the ruluiratioo of the feel- iage of the peopie-w impress correct vew6 on important moral and social gaestioss-esppretw every species of strife a•d esvagery-,beer the laggrag.od despoodiog, by the urinates of tales drawn from the tmagiunons of popular writers -rouse the fancy by descriptions of interesting foreign scenes -give • tont to every -day oecspe- ttwe by ballad .ad lyrical poetry in chert. to fur.ish as isobtresive friend sad (nide, a lively fireside companiuo, as far as that object w be attained through the instrumentality of books. Tbr universally aeknowaged merits ef the Cyclorama or EsoLtse Lnnmanaz. by the same author, connected with its rapid sale, sed the unbounded commendation bestowed by the press, give the pabliihere foil confidesee in the real value and moire nieces of the palest work. The publication' has already commenced, and will be continued semi-monthly. Each number will form a complete work, and every third num- ber will be fur•isbed with a title page and table a content., thus forming a beautifully illustra- ted volume of over 500 pages of awful and entertalnieg reading, adapted to every claw of seeders. The whole to be completed to Tubo 4411115, forming Tea elegant 'Volumes. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. es We are glad to we as Americas issue of this pcblicsuou, and 'especially in es seat wad conve- nient a loom. It Is an admirable eompilatioo, dietisgniahed by the good taste which hes been shown in all the publications of the Mooers. Chambers. It mite. the useful .sd the enter- tasisg. We hope Its elm -slalom here will be lugs "sough to supplant, to a good tritest, the ••mby-pamby and immoral works witch have es Wog been too widely simulated. RT This work cut be seat by mail teeny part of the errantry. A direct nmittweee to the pablishevs of Six Dollen will pay fee the elides work. This liberal discount for •discs pay will nearly cover the cost of postage ma the work. Those wishing for one or metre sample ambers can renis their sees di•gl . Book.ellon and Ageats .opgyai ea the most libsnl terra.. _ GOULO, tf> & LINCOLN, p.blishers, Boom. ' FOR HALE, BY the .uberribir, tl}t p ,lwhie propsrip situateJAL, 'Se ip o1 r On tot 19,on. within i�of tbo toe1'' t1eti es_► 4014 Sew M)fl"lli Mew' d' stere* rime* *88'iltli chi tttlliar itredS ref /dessert wr seep. Maetb.rpy • Itta.`iese GaAs( mad F.i4.g h0eshissgoDielMr/► and Grist 3411- N. its • w cheap B be .old �N Art qtr . mossy lie f "' w Apply plo�e ..a asitrialla Pelt. int. 18M. ?hc §uron signal, Ie PaIWTED Asn PVIIIIaOD WINS mime BY THOMAS M•ACQVEBI8•, enema are 01111EMMIL *verve riessareienaleli, heti. •,• leek and Job Natiag, eta..aeld wish n ausea, and duspateh• , Tease o. maegis l� •at,b4-' '11 8i1iL- LiNO8 per utlasea d pail **Hefty is *drawee, • Termrsaide* Sattar wish die etspiwmlsa Z w. dp.ps� betted,Mh.e� tkiaks it his simia- tar, to de es. o . Aad. i.divideal is ase eimsiry butomieg re- aposable for sus sebeeribe,s, shall receive • seventh copy tted4. '" ET All McJfs lydilrtlsmd to the F.d'ter crest be ✓ ▪ ` de they x411 ..g be rirrel♦edM I fres . oesl .110'IOIlhs ,88w .? Ills al is . SMA1040141104119 y= ,.1I"I+