Huron Signal, 1848-11-17, Page 3• touters*. earl kt M Sia be bead lA 00 Iha be them k eesK akesete1'Io jglpisre, sunless II It teas proposed y Mr. Morgan, and limeade! by Mr. Stew art-Tttel iCommit- tee be appointed to prepare a keuuoo to mad to the Owersor is Curoetl, to consist I • of Messrs, Wallace, Wates, Morgan. he It w5. proposed by Mr. J. Rath, and • fethe y lfA ' '• 1 u w e& t oast& =easel ou l t Dktaawlsdgeneest d Mr. Vie•, that Is wU ant " bp'.e•tly ssesyiseeed hie ow ...teem era sell risco of ikeeaese." •• limner" cues n•dererand way • reran wb. Plit 4 edwltldfus,he had rued. and asfta aT dissem%aVssg Murk. Mimed ►svo in jg t0,Millieaewaiawsey to uses reward end amass Draw se hearse of •suwaasag ahm dress Ilea sad scerrr.ed huhu ' He has sot umlauted J smrtt with merely pebMahry aid n-pablieh tog Ihu ar mea% but b. has pee street the atresia tiresome, wherries 11 tate thrum Huiq Weald tistra fir 11, la ear et dery them Moe at wells( eriuteeauuag Der 4saeres I - Jerre lµ as emerge auk to 'bawler ofCbris- i dues A lema" Ulu. f He the have ere fsfowshlp moo ceem.stoa with thou wbs have bees "coommed hem the over of their r ways,'.1't+4.h•v two cake from MAO, lets ji0ltj; est versa the power of eta. ma LeelslpiM.ef the sag liriag eat toss God." - 11e caoggt,l,y{Iueg to the Cuagregativa of W es - Mona, where highest duty be to beseech and eee res to abs■ the deluges* of that nudism ubiek they had been mercifully rraeu- "so-web kadeib Jews te "eternal death" If sate whiskers "ceeied to do earl sad loomed ha 1 StewartRLN Dsgg sad Shaw !seconded by ■r. Shaw -That the Chair- mie .1 the sheeting du sign the raid Petition ..o beii.lt ut all the Teachers and Trustees e u( the Huron District. - IA vote of thanks was gives to the Chair- mar sad Seesetsry, and to Mr. Macgooen, los advocauog the erase. Before the matting closed, It was mord by Mr. Walloon, and seconded be Mr, John - °f atua-That a ruto of censure be passed by this meeting, for (be irregular aad improper conduct of are District Council, in nut tak- ing sediment securely from the District Supertatemdeot Act. All whale weft ewanlnetwsfy certaitf• ; WILLIAM WALLACk, - Cbn iraws. to do well, are to be probrbated from eaprseslag and puteishue the bappiaesa which they expert - /met Item the ebaoge, rhes tae progress of Chreamerty seethe bereft of one of the chief M- r/musts which its great author intended furies etheascsteati aad had "A Layman" bred to ,the ¢syn of St. Pant he world have proposed to aagahe Apesa1e-ooh is the legitimate effect a thye his favorite, principle. Is short, we are merry toothier the feet. that then re in many codeine., • Mtge ekes who igooreatly and blas- phemously emppnee that owing to the faith of their tethers and an Act d Perlun.eut, wren are Maw Christians, and broee rrquin neither eeo- rooien ear tegeaerausn ! stud its ties class also ess " A lesyneaa" lad (ell.wabp. Cee sleeted moor nest. 0 - LT The Editor of the Agricrfteral Journal, is Mostresd, will please accept ear best sekoow- ledgerwaeta (rte kis kiedges w sending us a full rote p(i e velure Periodical. We have looked mint. I,i it and read as mach of it se enables ur 004 ealy'to recommend it le public patrousge, but also to declare that it fblala its mission creditor,. sod contain, an mooed rf real prac. ,teal Information toe the C..adw. Farmer which caner be reedy obtained elsewhere. It is much to be resettle -4 shat there ere so few men Amoco' is-wbeJs a the isclioatioa and the ability t. wrier M Apiculture, aad it i» atilt inure isortifyiog 10 knew the: those few have to struggle wills the diecoaragiog dlGoilers arising tient woos i peeper support. One would -rea- l• a sew eoun'.ry like Canada, where the cultivation of the soil forms tae prioc.pel employasot of the ire...eanie sad where the wsywity of the farmers were net hemmer snp to agrieolIerel'paesarts, and coos. reedy es000t be benefited by the practice and experience of their fathers ; wader these c:rcom- ' rtu.ee., w• say, one would *impose that the enportenrr of works ow ,Atrieut:urc world be duly lett tied appreciated. But such we barn is sot the car. It is tree that among many of the terming pmpol.ties ismer is frequently scares, but there are competitively few farmers wbo do not spend a dollars year in drink, and tory the may kart of it, Ilia would be •,dyaut•geousiy disported with, sad the dourer word pay toe■ whole year e( the Agrieulteret Jeerer,. whish besides affording the value of fifty times its price is weal poetical ktuawledge, would at the end of the y ear tam a Madsen* volume ie a farmer's library, and be as interesting to Ms children as n had been to himself, 1u theft ase cannot Lettere but whir there are ma•y ways is WLleb farmers might ave *dollar to pay fur the Agricultural Journal, sod we cut thiuk of comparatively few ways in which the' could spend a dollar to more sabraeiial sad permute, advantage. e 7" The Schooner l'latiea, of Detroit, rrseashore os Monday last, Dear the month of the Sagbine neer, on the Canada coast of Lake Hums. it was attro.g westerly wind, as the vessel had only a few barrels of Flour on board, she was too Tight to with. eland the storm. The crew aro all safe, and we anderstaod the Schooner has sus- tained competitively hide damage. D.nag our short stay to Goderieh we have bad already the honor of welcom- ing a lawyer, a Doctor, sod a Clergyman; and we have now the pleasure of intro- ducing soother Medical Gentleman, Dr. George Harvey, Irma Nova Seem, to whose Card, to to -try's paper, we direet the alteration of our readers. De. Harvey Is originally a mane of Dalry to Ayrshire, and obtained MM. Degrees from the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. We bope he will be a valuable •egnnitren to our (:nderich sncir'- t}r•aai we tbisb tie rapid Mena* of oar populatjoo boils out a prospect of 'Whereat empteftaetel Inc two Medical inst. mireserionnammemieromon At s omen, of Salami Trustees •id Teachsrr, per•rant to peddle sotiee, held in the School -Hoose m the Town of Godench oa Saturday the 1118 Nevme►., gggg. eaahw0T. II. Trustees and teachers of Seeiirs Re. 1, T tea of Gode►icb. Trim's sed Teethe .f de No. Y, a'm'p ibd'i d• d. No. 3, de A As •. .luta !ter er k as d. tla No 5, de de de "A Neu Ss A 3. d. ,1 . di 1tw 7, is de r+0•21e.4 40/thaeagese teem at a. Stuby. eT. 11 was dies 3 by Jeilte 111100014, Show aad secosded by A. is ainormaisokom not Mr. Walkers de tater the Met dog 1, Wafted sat as Aeetelity. • n • t'rsebilemmshsti/y erpldeed IlgitID 31041111/0 ouisiOrtie. In, •, D. WaTsoty, Secretary. Norm. -The Committee adopted the form of Memorial which appeared in last week's Signal, with some slight additions to It. ED. H. B. 0 BLAN8HARD CORRESPONDENCE. TO mss COMM Or Tit ilea°, saOaaL • ST. Maar, Nov. 6, 1948. Sia, -We are accustomed to look upon the public Press as not only pomed• is the land fur the promotloa of Our moral aad socite im- provement of the e.mm.aity, tot asthmatic of those events aad iacideits which mark progress of an objeet so meek to be observed. And if we are right in our estimate of the eh atter and object of she Prete, the relation of event, whieb has been exceedingly interesting us --and which seems to indicate the march improvement in ow section of country -may W without lowest to yea aad year reed.sa The event alluded to, was the boldiug of Public Meeting and Soiree, in connection wit she 8t. Mary's Sabbath School, on the 25th oI A Sabbath School has been is successful opera tea here Suet May haat, under- the supenstead race of Mr... Joshua Briuk, omitted by ,welt other persons of both sexes, as officers red tesehere; end their labour seems to -have bee highly appreciated by the commuuity gsuerally as well as by abe youth and children. Ever Sabbath morning, large gatherings of childre and their lesehen- were to be seen at the echoo hoer, busily eogsged is the study of the Hol Scriptures; and by the proficeucy of the echo Ian it slight be interred teat abe reseals of th Sabbath were hot neglected nor forgotten thro the week. A Library of eat hundred frowns bmvesly atstospjetm aa.ysd Mr social relates. From It aleae would ramie that beserokace whiff was malt f.r the eaertwas to raise the world from what a was, :::r„ ought sad ought be. The gnat make of the Bible titoes c.dd glve kIl .cope u the power et the hems. Imol ( s boll these views 'bier 1e knew erre d the (emietir world oaeselly • He elle 1.84.14 eibsel sad nee erect orb ie Met wee. ill dime tietrp- to,al K.owl.dp, esa shuns salgs►ted is seder Imolai good m Mean= fiagilys After the addrem theta ssb.tao, who 1. the apistom of the teachers, held distinguished glom• selves by seentwn aad diaries, were celled forwrid and rewards, in th. shape of books, teaa dieribsted among brunt by iia Cheirman, eccomjlareed by suitable remarks of compliment .sed es.oentremal. Bet lame air ferpt that ilu nicotine was greatly eabveaed by the .wast more which tree ducweed, .wet aad: use ebp the choir. Th. business over, the reRf.l'lmesta were distributed; sad while these delfesei?s were in decagram, the company sussed to enter tato the mast delightful feelings of sociality, with tee utmost gout order sad pnprvtr;- oerer fur once requiring the,.pseefof the (.'hair- maa. Our enseneen ant was good --the am- bles delicious -4w was the Ira. Every face won a ,ogle, and dee glided rapidly by. Too much credit cannot be given to the Managers and Lady provides, aobespecielly to or truly spirited Secretary, Mr. Ldwud Loug. Bat, evening came, aod'etch thought of homes and cares, bat before the company dispersed, unaai• mous and hearty votes of thanks were given to the fair Providers, the Choir aad the Chalmers. Our oldest rider Mr. Tracy, was so pleased that he almost mored that snob meetings should , be held Dace a quarter threogb the year. And . les meeting are truly detightfol, and i think proem. she bis to the community ;-they promote • proper - spirit of sociality, blended with beeevoleoce. u- Now,- what think yon of Si. Mary i Too as see that cur improve...ate u not Daly indebted to by the number of habitations in our village, the of spreading of our clearing, the increase of shan- p not rya to our woods, -but alt is the public and beaeeole.i enterprise is which we eager, end a the spirit we modest in them ; and when you h think this man's social character is likely to t. deteriorate for want d esereise, will you not - say to every pat of war District, " Ch and de likewise." e Yours, 6.c. A RasreasT OF Sr. Maar. redrawing ot ler/ 11W 4e *- haps they agree rich the old send, and says, Deter laird ',tare u a sweet little cherub that arta up aloft aad keeps welch for the life M poor Jack." 1 resptn, sire' :r'oorItb e'CI<d'I sprit, - 1'. CRAB1. P. f . There was of bet ,iss.l. Is efgbs "*IM'A> D 1'Ir A riniomAA fdiLM k CO , have sagely 14g peed their tumor stock of useful aad Oaeamssb. Cotkry, Hardware JappaarA Wstc, and are may h supply their . 0 "err. aaJ the peblte generally, anti ib., tutee.. miser rn.'14e m evert de- seaiplNfs r,f looter, York... Spooner. tiff, LucL., (Nalco. Stas.+, anJ ail u L.t amu at was Jowq oo the 1CrJsesd• of tkr ' et.. u: ll+dwary at 1(.64td ktwo t. 1 'I'Ley Lave also eo h..nd a goo, Neneare Kew, whirr m all probabt:ity would hats meet al •,,,..,ie w- , • dnreo ashore through the atria If the well i Korea, TWINE% ANDCORDAdi Med not lure hauled • few poles. of rvwtu uses end gaahliee; also eartlrfel peterwe of'superler Carpetieg. Kura ---4 *eke thugs a sibe sheer " bear A ler;le supply o/ Malt from the cheapest railroads" is a pose ; sad 1 wears why di. I market. d'r. ilei. aleruber lot hum.. wbeu as lsapew Gr.- 1 Apples of the awry best geairty in barrek. end, Le should have been bookies alter Isab••ss N. B -TM term, ere 4mearfaMy Cush or JWereA,awilweie Prosr.ee and no abate. ad Iig8heeaes, spear. ouch et 4ss's rase ' msnt Iron,, the peas asked. ripfrisaeiai'• Jen Crow" web Captalo Cribb ! Goefertcb, Nut el, 1848. 42 Asa T winders again why tits same here Crabb fegst te led hist ober ire little ligbthease PROGRESS lMTRfi%' ergt. story. -.-Pam ia'a Du'th.. NEW STORE At DR. (;FORGE HARVEY, 11,4 R P URI!!R Y' 1 -Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, s tdiaifregls. • TTIE Subeerihcr. have ntbeh pl. a.nre in HAVING practiced his professors for sant nneing to the irh.bitanr. of Tue¢` several years in the P,onoee of Nun ersgnth, Ilullet, Mcl:ilror, ih►bent, and the Scotia, takes leave respectfully to r•f1'er his sd•ininf Town.bips, that tl.eybstaopened prufessroaal services to the inhabitant. et a N1' STORE to the vflbge of Ilarpur- Goderieb and las vicinity. hey, where they will always have on hand Reseksce in the cottage lately occupied an ample assortmpp .1 of ail kends of Wier' 1y Mrs. Moatgornery. and Cecile:we'e dress Goods; all u.tts of Goderieh, Nov. 16th, 1848. 41 Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Ilird- ---- ware, whtcb will be sold on turma equally YL BLIO DEBATE. rationale° an at their eetabliehment in 4 Goderich. Being 'neo of the present age, The Members of the the subscribers are desirous of extobiting „ that enterprise, and of affording uleh fed - i Gexlr'ridt tlleclr(lnics Lyceum lilies of accommodatioh as may be coo - RESPECTFULLY innovate to the Lilies sistent with the increasing importance of aad Gendetan of Goderkh, dear they io- lee District. They shall, therefore, study tend huldis( a PUBLIC DEBATE in the not only to please, but also to benefit the School Roan of John Haldaw, Esq. West-st., community by bringing within their react November 45th, 1848, (8.tarda Ereaug al 7 the best quality of all descriptions of Store O'Clock,) wheat they are invited to attend. Goods, at the moat moderate prices; and on aastioa:-" Whether bas the PRINTING elle principle, alone they expect patronage. REBS a the MARINER'S COMPASS cos- Their terms are Invartabl Grin -or erred tea greatest beocbts oo Mankind 1" y - JOHN CAMPBELL.seet {tary. nrerchautable produce, sl market price. Nee. 17*41. 1'R THOS. GILSIOUR ACO. -----÷ _•--___ _ _ _ _-_ Goderich, Nov. 16,-1813. 42 n +- Gugt.rcu, Nus. 8, 1848. a ▪ Ma. Enema ; M A KB L E FACTORY, STRAYED OR STOLEN. BO H WATER 8T., GALT. Dlug: Mtlerl?LLOCH continues to ran- A BLACK COW with a white fete.-- • erectors HEADSTONES,SAe tea, raised by John Bignall, aad MOND- purchased by the liuhseriber Irony Mr. MENTS, OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, Robert Menegomery. She has been miss- titc., in Marble and Freestone, as cheap as :ng Mee Monday the 30th alt. Amy ray in the Provinces ell work warrented to, person giving such information as may lead order, or no charge will be made. ('rices to the recovery of her, will be handsomely or Marble Headstones from 10 to 50 dollars; rewarded by f Freestone from 6 to 30 dollen ; Moan- ALEXANDER NASMYTH. meets gra., from 50 dollars upwards.- Gederict. Noy, hOtk 11141. 41 Written communications addressed to the • oderslgoM eootaioing the Inscnptiony - - nd at weal pnce, in Marble or Freestone, I • `ora, -The following details will talons your readers of the melancholy lose of the Schooner rigged boat V% log and Wing, of c this port, together with the crew, consist- u lag of John Bedford. owner, Thomas Miley Mower John Reynolds and Francis Longe, en leg volumes were also in ase, purchased by dr e Cbtef's Pant, about threes. miles Lulow generous donations of tb• people ; and the books were eagerly looked for, sad read with avidity by adults as well as ebildrea. Betas the wio- ler was drawing on, and .0 roads getting bad, and our popolstfol thinly scattered, it was ehoeshe beet io adjure etre school till the enss- lug sprang. But it did not seem right to the mnugere ut the nclioui to close their labour, which had given theta f mach pleasure, and i White Fish Nand, being one of the Chao- try Islands situated on Lake Iluron About ' itt De Pe .1r atteadad t0. D. H. MCCULLOCiI. . Galt, Noe, gib, MUM - 411pi STRAY OX. 70 o'clock on Monday evening, October, Uod•ercb, is now in full operation; and he STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No. in reputed to fulfill orders for pine or other 30th, the wind, which had been blowing 16, Std Concearioo of Wawanaah, a saws Lumber, to any extent end of any di - from the southeast, suddenly chopped'rour.d Black0.XDime yeah old, blind of the offinentions, on' the most reasonable terms. southwest, sad blew a perfect hurricane on ' eye with a guoblet hole in each hone,- IVILLIAJI %WITHERS. Ttiesr ay morntrie. Jest b' -lore sunrise the Strayed (n.1.1 ti:u owner sheet (7:c first of Kincardine, SOth Oct,, 1?48. 40 ' Ca flirt oGthe 6ChJOnCr 1) O'' ub,ctvc' .tpr,t last. :), liberal reward well be given grreng In,ormation of sail Ox NEW SAW MILL: rilIE Subscriber informs time inhakitinl of-(bs_Iiuroe District, that hit NEW '11 -AW MILL. is the towaahip of Kincar- dine, oo Lahr Huron, thirty miles above o p t. which the community were so deeply iateneed, in too silent s manner. A public meeting was deterini.oi epos, aad a mire. is eoeoectioe with it. A somber 'et 'adieu offered their valuable services. and the trios less undertaken. But u attempts at similar things had hereto( re been made withou soccer, many were the fears and evil prognoe- ticuiona that its projectors and proprietors were obliged to esu. to. Bat tree coinage never fails. The day arrived, and a kind Providence Sent a bright and bentiful day. Gronlis were to lee seen Donning in holiday dress on all the reads and lanes leading so oar village. Bright anticipations seemed to shine on every emote - mince. Our large and commodious store School Howe was tastefully decorated for the festive occasion. A long table, filling the whole aisle of the school b.use, was loaded with pyra- mids of cakes, pusses, sod eatables of all kids The meeting was .posed with sierras and prayer : after which John Sperling, Esq. wu uoasamouely called to occupy the Chair. The Chairman in alluding to the progress of improve. ment in our village aod neighborhood, he remin- ded us that sir years only had elapsed since the place on whish naw made the village of Si. Mary was se unbroken witdenes ! Who thee owed hare imagined that in eo short a period we would witness what was now before ns, -o apidly,growi.gvilkge..a community improving o all the moralities of a better stem of Ile. The meeting, the taste displayed, the interest manifested, he considered one of the best evi- cnccs of this. Sieh meetinga might not be houghs mach of in towns aad eid ruled coan- tes,-bat in a country bot mix years old, they tell ssmesbieg ; .d if we might sugar of the sten, from ibe puma aad poo, what may we speer in els years to era. Alamo • riding cher very appropriate runner, eibilialskemi e felt i. 'decries gen.raHy, ad imierakey is Scriptesl ed.c.tio., he called for elle , rich was red by the Rey. Thomas W(lleaw, the reaideat Wester' Misieaery n( the plus. The adepuou of the Report was mowed by the Rey. Thomas Dawn, Episcopal Methodist Preacher, in • apme\ fall of piece enlimeat, ea he weft Mess of BAb.th Schools is promoting .ad anon s spine of piety and mortality amass the people, and overall, the riateg,gs.e,ayoa. The Rev. Thomas Wrllanm dins eell.d ea to .weed 4. sdopr... of the Ripka, To Ms re- morse M as55fiemei the grandame M the sbjeet airs./ et a the proper cohere a1 the remittal Wort; the premicesee of the obleer was Wire the world. it was ..deet t• see nail a prowl* All aegis 55(4.ee seemed to fol dm it. elms • she Ssd.sr) saawdty ; its prenmtls lyjs j delis s.apaditio efts if,.al rimikrwaa sot .6t#1.• OUT robe, legislator. win attollo.ar hose a.v:t let 1n asootowdboboanto, Do. 110110111111. sty ebehelkr woo rias le telt .t ems, ire iai s..... 6r e,ptaep.s s.4 Ise - s4 i1wh . ?Ivey tome * t. Soo - "if --' w!it' A1 d } a .s b.l 'f1i •M tauellr skew ,11.14: MIMI • to any person r as he thought, a vessel run armee, but 1 whereeecaa be -found. which proved to be the above boat ; butJOHN GRATTAN. haeiog no boat, and it blowing too bard to I Wawa**. Nur. 1101848. 42tf make any of the other vessels bear by batt- I ing, (ire sea at the assts was running tae { EXTRA ASSORTMENT mendooy and. breaking on the reef east • OF FALL ANIS WINTER GOODS ! ! t high) ; how she lived the night Dot was a g } miracle. From the appearance or the boat 1 E Subscribers hate just reeefvedfrutb when found,she apparently upendedthe New York and Montreal Mark-ety pP 7 Tight tire largest Stock of Merchandise which hart over ; her bowsprit being drove clean in, yet been brongbt into the Huron District. and her mast heads looking es if they had been pounded with a sledge hammer. The boat finally beat over tbu reef and drifted ashore on the bar. On Wednesday I sent wy boat ashore after learning the above puticulary wbich could not return till the next day on account of the weather. A And as the purchases were made personally by one of the Firm, the quality of the goods Is as superior as the quantity is ec- tensive -.prompt payments and small preels," is the ,motto which they have adopted, and the public may depend upon being suited with every description of goods in their ewtablieltment, at the very lowest remunerating prices. Their Stock thorough search has since been made for consists of every variety of men's and their bodiee, but rap to Sunday evening last women's Clothing; Hats, Cape, Bonnets, without success. Booty, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sed• On the same day of the above wreck, the • dles. Bridles' Hsberda-hery and Groceries of every description. Intending purehaacre Propeller Racine, from Chicago, bound to are solicited to call and examine for them - Kingston, with a Toad of beef, tallow and selves. • hides, was drifted over this shore, having THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. boat her caavae and bust, and got out of .eT'R. Osgr i048 4J wood. She must have dereo aabors and CeFieNT. -CLOTHING" probably all Bands hare perished, of she ^ ., had not opportunely discoverd the vessel A.1 es4n .tock of Cloths, C./immerse,theelying in White Flak harbour, (whish Pilot Clothe, Sheep'• Grayq Waver was loading there with fish,) when she for- Cloths, Kentucky Jeans, Tweedy sad a tunately run Is wish Sanity. Immediately large variety of English and heavy planked Coatrsg. Also, an extensive variety of after her, soother large vessel. which pro, Vesting* of tits moss fashionable style.- ved to be the George Davies of Buffalo, Fur Cap at all arees sad of all aviation: with near 10,000 bushels of wheat on board, flat. u( the kt..t and stout •pprovsd hove in eight round the poise, and likewise •hello; 1Vioter G14 ve, and Mdtens; dttdw- Rubber Shoes, end is .bort. every thing •oeeesary to produce comfort, maracas anJ respectability, so fu as dress is ooscerned, will be sold cheap for cash ot produce at the Store of Z'JItHAS GILMOUR k CO. Goderieh, Nov. 16, 1848. 42 discovered the vessels; the Captain of witch had givon up all hopes of saving Dither the vessel or their Iivey--having lest lite most of his canvas, bot which gat in the harbour safe. 1f there was a chart of the Cued' coast, with the cosmos from the prtoetprl points from the apposite shore, laid down, many 1itres sod much valuable property might be eared. And another thing that is much wanted is a small light ore the north pier of LAMBS LOOK'H. N .isetaloeb of ran end Winter eMsp DRFRIOIES of the moat fashionable rotors the patrons, also a Inge amortment of Bracy those goods. trench -worked the €uteritis harbour's (fen the bgh thottee t hp.s, Oopsrw, K eAb, Metfs, Rha w,., 81.n on the bill ao fu from the harbour, merely I tollmame ne, t.tems, (heves, remirry, Ilrtw Ares where Gudend is. but sot tem way , Ceps, Rebate, Shea, ke. W., all of the ver beepssodhet the wort radioed ate the harbour) ;_-send a weesr!, J she' pleat. (gi' maim elf Gsdert.h of • dark *teeny aighl, - '1"111110MAS Ofti41OUR k CO. New. I IDOL. 42 shlmngh .he etyotJd be on a lee More, dare not take the arbour, est a roamed to beat about Lke for tee or twelve hour., in the hilt elf the year, to the great Eager et both hove esti property. Aad 1 hope, Mt. illdi- tor, mm of thee. -perms.' whit b so fond W gettieg op pummel bubble Railroads, Oerpst'Mtoes, Rte., 1i1R Btiob of the poo +l•riert. gM eat op a petition ate sad to heed jtSgtas to let a Beall light sip the par. ad ass guess te ebo per ssaMba► M ether ,RM Air ties etttvtnprmy MgM , .raw 'Stet ilei .bieeiaw tiwr►wen the rhe. lets with a goodkesihet bad bess.ib Siem ThIli 134 ei extensive Ashler GROCER11 they Batter themselves that the Tiler aad .erfete 11 -their Team, Roger. Coffi.e, Memo. liC • Mr. err., wjil S he • ••ene se ros j.. be tetetadldg peretaasers , 1, , 14. i.+tiremesieh WineweT de aripime as a bur ee, P ,raw be amp be oelidlr lteakeie*wieaevwa • taloa- ,.N rib 'tet b J4anr. • . CASH Volt \%111 r1'IIE Subscriber -hereby intimates that he has now on terms of lease and part ownership, the entire management of the Godericli addle, and that he is prepared to pay cash for say quantity o(good oercbaat- able Wheat at the sail a1Qls; provi.:ed the saint be delivered therein tmiethr tttanufam Lure.before the close of the navigation. IVM. PIPER. • Goonitien Mii,en, Heptember 518, 1648. 32tf CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AND SAWING DONE ON SHARES, THE Subscriber will pay rash at the GoderlCh Mille for Guod Black Cherry ease -Loge, and will saw any other deecnp tion of good Saw -Logs for any parties on a hares, W:d. PIPER. Goutnaco MALL" September 5th, 1848_ - i2tf • FARM FOR SALE. • 9'O BE SOLD by private bargan, Lot No. j 23, on the 5th Cance.rioa of Goderieh, contaning 80 acres, 20 of which is cleared and seder cue:freesia; ten aerea are pewlyvrwkr- brosbed and ready for choppioe. Too laud is .I excellent polity and wee watered. Then is• good eubstantisl log Dwelliag floes oa it. aad one acre of superior (reit trees io heating condi non. And a the proprietor is dhireu, of enter- ing iota cher besiwras, he will dispose of it es moderns. liners. One-half of the mese will be REQUIRED DOWN, sad the ether hell ia throe equal moral isaalme•u. Er Foe further particulars, apply.t this Office, er re the Proprietor on the premises. GEORGE E L LIGOT V, J. sear. G-derich, 13th Oct., 1849. 37.f -- • -- tri -.$f:1. s HURON DISTRICT, N O T ICE ir. 'I'" Wn- : 5 herebygrvetn that the Court of Geaewl Quarter Someone of rho Peat., aad that of the Dielrint Cnert, will be holden in, and tor tete Illstrer, en TUESDAY the twmaty-fleetde,.1 Nevem• bet -seat, at tie Court Ilene, in the 'Poon of Godench, at the hour of 10 o clock a. ee.. at erbleh line and plate all Joctinss of the Piece, Guessers, keepers of Goals ant) Holes of Corn -ewes, High Constable., Constables, Mid s, and an ethers con - (wrong. are hereby rerrored Io atteed, In do aad perform those thtege whieh to thetr respect Ire o*ces arlpertare. JOHN M.11ONAtailb 5tierj/ H. 11. Skeets Omen, tioaswarnmy h October, 1844. 3 d .LET.g.$ , • SHAT large and 08411ttodimns Heves ptorI - ' h+ao'. prtredlst nere.pAwl se the ►rYi'si Sigler( Pnatbg 4 . It omelette six gotetd teats. a 1.rgd ender story .aired for a biretta. it Is titers. on the Math NM of tem Masker $ *•re, and to well ahHm) G4d8Ach, 414 S'1'RA1 iKU'eti's'Y'-dii;i E. L1ST OF LETTERS roataiai.[ io a'b. Sleet - ford Post-O(Re.IN Netetsber, Aoderwo, Tremas Baak', lobo Baia, Jda 4iemt• M•tu8w • Rm. a, Dunces Ammer b, mod ('user, William 3 I Jeeaelt z Caih . r ek Mel ow Mt , 'nears Couasher, John Muir, •stet (Uatv'y',• Avows Milieu; 1l..bee CIwhuerw, Waham Nomads cry, J.spe Colquhdso, Arthur - McGiou hlau, J .rr Carrie., Joseph McDormld, DustLo MrLrlluwl, (41p Meliregor, IaaeRa McUeergy, A. ' McMdtao, airs -- McTa,ugh, Peter 1 hihpe, James Phelan, John Peckham, William Quinine Patrick Ruttle;;e, Peter Robertson. Alexander 2 Retlidge, Thomas Reed, Pemba Reran, Michael Smith, Thomas Mears, Thermo Idneeo.00, Ned 8tewut, Peter Scot c Alexander emetic, David nor Branton, ;the ,'lite Sberean,John a Taylor, Sao,uel Walsh, Patrick. F. SUCKLE, P. M. Cautow, Churler Demmer, Ilegh Defile, Arthur Daggas, Jame, Duosmore, Jame, Done 8 moo -Evros, Robert B Frasier, Rabe. llel'eherl 'Janes DothII Cleary I Beisiue rpm•it.e,. .o. Mirada, V8i11b'k Hardee Ar seed.. Hstlde. Morris , 14.y, Andrew Hamilton, Juho tele Jane tiiasfhon, Akxs.der Jebasse. Margaret grimed", John Kelley, Ilugh 2 A © t-a E'e THF Divemer.'ef the Home DRetriet Build ins 8aeieiy will drpmr 01 two ere more Share. of £dO each. u the Bnri.h Hotel. Guderich, on SATURDAY the 25th instate. at 7 o'clock. P. M. By eider, . 211041/ AS Y7DD. Secretary. God.rich, Net. I.1, 1848. 3B NOTIOE. ' THE crest Silting& of the 1st Division Court will be held at the Gaol, Gode- rich, at 11 o'clock on Saturday the tel December trot{, A. V M 1RG.tN, Clerk I.f Division Cyr. t- G.derieh, 11!M fkt.,-eeoe. - + ATTACHMENT. DISTRICT OP HURON, t BY vif.e of. To Witt a writ of Attatchsteot Meted out of Her Majesty's Hume District Court, and to re demoted against the estate real as well as persooal of Henry £ 1tott, as absconding or conceal- ed debtor, a1 the butt of George Brown the Blips, . for _tug wm p{ ( littera rondo Hiyojlh ohlSbsge; 1 leers seised' Mr Abe aterreal as well re personnl of the said roil Elliott, and tinker the said lhery EIhytt, return within the •jurbdictios of the sate Court, and put in Bail to tete said action within three calender menthe, nr eau.e fhb said Claim to be discharged, all the cettte reef, and porronsl of the said Henry Elliott. or stn much thereof es ruay be nece.sarr. will be held liable fur the payment, benefit and aati.faction of the said Claim. J. IMcDONALD, Sherif Huron !Eerier. Srtgit,t',-a 1)ra'Icl, Iy Goderich, :7th October, 1849.) 40-3u1 R • iC.- `O/,- A• L' l .s A HOPE ,' `. 14ESPECTFI7LLY begs learn to return his emcee thanks to numerous friends and the poblie generally, for the liberal pat nonage heretofore received, --and infanta them that be boo REf1OVSD bis TA1: L9 It I ti G ESTADLiSHMENT from Lightbense street to East street, Deal door to J.mea IAnett, Carpenter, and a few door. west of the Goderich Fuundry, where all orders will be promptly executed; and customers may derend on having their gar- ments made iso in tie most improved sod fashiouablu trlp - A . f.i Witt. ' 61 the newest Fall and t'';n'cr l'Asul1:L'YS for 1818-9 just recoireJ. e Godarich.Oct 27, 11l46i. 21 $`1®XD llfa Lt•tLlalea `7`1IIERF.A.1 JOAN BiGNAI.L, Pieper- iniendeot of Common `Schools 04' the. Iluron District, hos abeennden faith a large Aunt of Public Money, the above Reward will be peed to n0y one apprehecding the acid JOHN SIGGNALL and recovering the amount stoles ; or the reward *til be in proppttfoei to the amount recovered. The money. 7'krre bemired mid forty right ports, was In 300 motes of etre Baak of Montreal. The above. Jobs Digest' is a remarkably large roan, with °wane features, about ti feet 3 terms In bc:glb s very round In his shnuider,, haughty In his address., .Del about 60 years of age ; hair straight and inclined to grey, whiskers white. • Any Information respecting the above, to befit/warded to GEORGE S11004,I Trrese.rer Iluron District. 'Otderre4; -Q Pr. G udertelh Oct. 17, 1148. ATTAC3HMENT. p BISTIUCT.OI' llt" ON, BY r slue of To WIT). a writ of Attaehnrat reseed out of ler hIsjesty's Court of letiecn's Ih'neh and)to me directed artier the.Raal Estide as well as Personal of Benjamin 11. Ebv, an abseowdrng er eras. coaled Debtor at time pelt of Wilttem Fred- erick Mee Ilndh, her abe sou of Twenty - me I'otlals b::otea .bilis.(. and Three p:nc •, 1 have sieved p$► tie Real Estate N the eat Derlamin B. hby, aa4 us ar the • said Deejamtn 13. Ery re'uro w ethit t4.' ju- rudretroo oI t4e a1rd Goilt aid pal 10 ball to the act)on *invert• eros daNbdar monsb., or cause the said claims to to discharged, all the Reef' 'tlbt•te • d the said Sowfaorn Rey, et .n lower theme( se Maybe see they will be tined 1rsMe Le the perinea anent, aad ebtbRtAlos of the ward o kits. IN). M.DON rI JJt.bissas - e1Ltaw rasher ~M 1 1 d . nit p .iOwtVVVVraal+t teen e . •t ►rtA ►t ed'"tlw gm t !nee Meso sad parisoslarh appy OP tAt t ass prises t)1'f tj r1 sitiltl' 1 psgrtatara Ir 1 AN be cdiwHeA std el least al %the t Q et „1=<Ib OM MAt9IN MgRCN tudaa. .I Braid *seek A lopeFA top • *IOW- 'r hdh Sept. 13O, SA.3117 -tel .wt .