Huron Signal, 1848-11-17, Page 21 • LAW OF LIBEL. Tke Queen vs. Thomson & Rice, for Libel.=This prosecution, as our readers are already aware, was instituted by Dr. Holmes, a Coroner of this District, for charge, hire with pocking. the Jury Au ileo rear of P'rwer vs. l)sckaus. W e were not . hole surprised at geeing the matter urged to trial in the absence of the pru.ecutor, who thou hi it betk;r nut to risk a Hail t0 ('er a talky titianCumints- t '1'111 (t 0' theta U. OW pretty .l (y .g raft et us, and ed wltelessee to prove publication. Mr. Radenhurst was "or Cuursel, and addressed the Jut), in our Wait. thetas Ktcb.lr tie, waa called in the defence, to prove hove the leen of our charge against the immaculate Coroner, and that the article was not conceived in melicr but (r would mot be heord—the law lorbrr. )U.IIS awUrm, or proof of leo malicious inlenli .0 ! Wheat a miserable relic of a learberuth age is this ! The Judge's charge to the Jung was in layout of the law, and the case alto telt to them to decide by their veNrct, upon the issue of which de- pended whether the Prow should be gorged or free. Their verdict was, that the Press rill::;uD tie 1'1:LT.! We have no fear, 10 such eases as thee, when we have an en- hbhtepe.l Jury to deal with—and it affords u. pleasure to say that the B,.nurst Dis- trict tat nut vyaeteig in rnany such. Sup - purist, for instance, that the Jury le ribs caw had been one ignorant and unenlighten- ed, blinded by prejudice and ppaauroo, their verdict right hive been a different one. — We right have,pe.n found guilty—and for what ! fur trio ming the people (a -duty which w• owe to them) of the corruption of one o'. their public servants. le effect this would be saying, " it is true that we, the people, through our representatives, have the appointment of our own public cements—o0 have I're:s to watch the da togs u; ties. men, and regularly to inform ns of their conduct if th• y act corruptly 0r dishenrs.'ly; but we want nu ouch guardian. 01 our MU -reale any lunger --oar serruete mvyI1st do as they please, and the Pleas 'that *rale against then[ when tncy 'atoll vlr, ere .hall punish.'" 'Phe mon, upon L. ISL told that his )rocket was picked, and din:ced to wbero he would find the ruffian 'whom dill an, who world turn round and tr'eet'Afr-kind-intormtnt with Motes instead of Masks, could not act less grateful'y than tl,e people who would gag t(tcit Praia fur b illie/ng re duly to there. Such- condlect, howl1'cr, we are glad to be enabled to try, there is little tear of the people of the tli-i thuret'Dtatriet ever evincing. We know there are a few malicious spirits amore; or, who would butte guy and bwrk eaii it were In their ppuurer; but we are beron,l their react. %Vtrcn we unjustly and maliciously assail private character sol slander it, then we n uuld feel that 'Cur position was a wrung one, and desert -mg 01 the ic8:etioo of the libel law—but not till then. The very intelligence that now, on public (Mints, acquits us of crime, would in such 1 i Case condemn us.—Buthsrs! Couri, r. t in realty guiltless. This is perhaps one oI the strongest of the many catechisms argu- ments it favour of the •boliuo. of • punish- ment which le irrevocable, tad wb.a at as. frequently happens that the innocence of supposed crumpets et conclusively es- tablished after their conviction, it is well that even so short a period la one yeti ebould be pereaiatad to ey= before case where the satteme pes0lty is Ie be I eobjeciioe, and the Laos Quell was beppl• indicted --a morass which once piil ante I relievi t kiwi a farther tietielisi to 011 1x0 0 cam roar . riser.. ls ear ra per(tsasatiM•-ivellik j -Troaach If we •re not mistaken the partienter cue alluded to by the Currier is that of • Dr. Cuuledge, recently convicted el an et:orlate order at AegeMw aid reterneead —not to be hanged—but to imprisonment fur life in the Suite Prison. We have no Doubt that the d,wruione of his c,U have been somewhat exaggerated, or rather diminished, until they reached our contem- porary in their present contreeted form.— Every one remembers the stay of the !tow black crows. As the prisoner Cas in .o ex- Matta'. 'Ilse Amer ace armed at or - 6611th rlellc010 state ;; pealth at the time York tau Wednesday at iodated. 'tfhe 'cul .ser of tae law ie put 1xetu thesis units to crouch at leer feet. stood the laiom Queen, Miss Addle". The young lady states that the two leopards and the tiger made a imuultaoeuus .prmg for her a1 the meweot the use blows down, and were repulsed by the nob!e gal- iootry et the lina, gibe bounded between theist end pruter(eled bee te LYS nranee0 dr• earthed. Phe //►►.eteseen• of the kroner, Mr. Pierce, shun tedeted the savage group to ONE WEEK LATER NEWS. From Levwpselt fir. dot. - Toautvre. Norembmt 9, 41 V. NI. This afternoon, the arrival of :rn steem- dim Americo, at New -York, was uneapec• telly anuouue!.... by telegraph bating scaled Mea 1•:verpool ou eaturday, 98th ultimo, making the passage across to twelve day. and a tow hours nietoding the stoppage at of his trial, w; do not see anything very report which we have received, at the Wise cv'rwrdtnary 11 his bot being "expected to of u .r writ. , is confined to the .1.1 of caroms the Winter." Altogether we rust g og the Markets, tad conveys information of • try we think the Courier has faded to pose the Abolitionists of Capital Puoishm.tt this time, for even granting the whole truth of his story; euppwin` that the prisoner in Maine is lodged in rather an inconveniently neither er of prices, mind an advance in the rate of duties un foreign produce. Cotton has fallen id.; and coin is reported firm •t last week'• quotations. Flour—Western Ca - small cell, and deprived of those two niche.nal, 300 ; `Sur, J7. fel. Wheat, 7s 3e1 to Is tid on tour, penuble., light and air, and alio wing tbat and 34 on betegissteslTbine e armee, have been a u more inhume(' to subject • man to such lar`e, and the market depressed. a confinement than to eboke him to death Co/1134.a 36' 64 ; Meal 176. The duty in the presence of hundreds of hie fallow - men, a question which we will not stop to discuss now, what then/ We have yet to learn that inhumanity towards the criminal is the only or chief argument to be urged in favour of the repeal of the hanging law, there are other and higher considerations which have been so often repeated that we need nyi gu river them now; but whack will, IRELAD. ae are convinced, triumph in the end, and W'here intelli once that O'Brian and iu spate of the opposition .,6eicJ by a cel- (t rain clans to every reform, in the end his associates have had their sentence cam - achieve the final overthrow of the gibbet in muted to tranaportauon for life. ileie and in every Chra.trao country—Pilot. The tried of C- J- Dully, at the Commia- saon before Justice '1'orrew, had r-scIude4, but the Jury, we learn, had nut rolursa AsuTrra MELANCUOLT OCCC&Ii.'rCR MOM their verdict at the last account.. 'Phis /al?91 h, LJADL'D Fint-Aa1•a )OTO A HOCdb. speCIdl cOilianission, which is perhaps the —Om the evening of Tuesday rho 34th oft, most protracted ever held in Ireland, has at a person w hu had becu huntiug, arrived et- length been adjourned to the 5th December, the roues of Mr. Jobe Cli ord, ,• the 8t► atter occupying no lees a period of time Mian twenty three days. In answer to the Lord Chief Juitice'e usual funnel que.t:oss, " what they had to try in objection to the senteuce. " A1e6,r.. M'Manes and Meagher replied in a drain of eluquence that would coin - pare well with that of Emmett. At the commrasiOn on the 951b. Michael name of WJliam Sheaham, wbo bad been Morgan one of the three clubbiata, who, in working with Clifford during the day, July last, stabbed the constable Byrne, in remaining aloe in the house in consequooce George street, was convicted of wounding u( the run and darkness of the day, and with intent to de grievous bodily hunt. who uttered to chop sonic wood which had The sentence will be transportation for beta brought into the out shop, where the gun baerd roombeer, or work- isle. The Lord Lieutenant and family ;ranting against the parutwL near the door leading auto the inner room, with the muzzle down. After e!,.rppIog a couple u( sticks it as sup- ' puled the ehakiog of the dour caused the gun to tall, and the lock striking the floor produced au explosion of the barrel, the whole contests of which(prgeon shut) en- tered poor Sheehan,' s thigh near the grout, lacerating the Femoral artery .o that he bled to death before assistance could be pro- cured. Neither the deceaeo. nor Clifford 1 knew of the gun having been brought into 1 this house —Prescott 7'elegrnph. 'line LATH Execu•nori or NIUL.aA.— • The Halifax .Yorastotiae, in- noticing the 1 horrible circumstances attending the execu- tion of ISrennan in the town of Nlagers a kluaona aur Aisor.—About 4 on the morning of Fit•1'i last, we were aroused from our sluribers Ly the'riaging of the ttrebell. On arriving at the scene of the cunflagratiun, we perceived ■ small huuse, ur whitely, occupied by. Mr. David 1•`rew and lapily, completely enveloped to tlau,er, which were commLolcated to as adjacent dwelling, the property of Air. Duo - Can Mc Keeior, which was also cump!etely c„nau."ed. .1% hen the shaii'y. Was burnt to the groaud the bsirnttrng spectacie. ut the mutiletif en 1 catetoed reutellla us a human thong were d..tincuy sopa by rhe epecta= sere. tan enquiry, at began to be strongly rus;:eetcd.hat the relics til another indivi- dual rust be ruanuwhcre auwngst the ruins, wbmcb uof,rtunately, proved but too true.— Upot exoneration, the corpse u( Jane Nor- man 101 Hatted) Frew were Sound, the lat- ter bs;ag the wife til the said David Frew, the whole affair being the :e.ult of lntem• perancc--ceitarnly a loud waren] r to 1114 who indulge in tke u -o of Intoxicating thews. Front the circumstance of the drunken and natous proceedings which -had b -en wrtncsed there during the night, dud from the tact that I''rew had raven blithest and iw•..fuldren (ruin the tire, leaving hie wife behind, simpleton began to potut towar& Mill as a murderer and incendiary. Oo the iugoeat which was held un the bodies by John R. Benson, Erg., Coroner, wdit:lent evidence F as produced to induce the Jury td return a Verdict of Ifilful, Murder and arson against David Frew, Im' the cave til Jane Norman. With icepect' to the death of hid wow, though it was strongly suspected that she had been depri reed ut life to cover the murder of Nurwam, stall no evidence was poJ to prone ouch a dhabuhcel act, and the Jury could do no Moro than to .tate that her death was trre rerult of we riotous conduct and drunk- enness. He l' as c„uumutted to take his toil •t the present Arises.—PeferkO- ?ewes Gazelle. on tV beat has advanced to hs per quarter, and on Flour to 3s per barrel. The Lon- don Money Market is firm ; Consols b.5j. The following editions' particulars have just been received by Telegraph from Bur talo, 11,e other line by Troy being out of order, and the present is therefore a special report Conce.81On of Augusta. who is by trade a cooper, and wilt was then reining very hes. vy, and the night dark, Clifford invited the stanger to come to and have his cloths dei• ed awl take sumo retrc:huaept,, which invi- tation he accepted, leas ing bus fooling pineal in the outer room, which was used as a cork -:hop. Tbero was a person of the " A Po•ila roe TUB ABOLITION or CAri Tat. Outgoing/17.-1n the State o1 Male the laws do not permit a man to be hanged until one year alter the sentence hu been pronouoe.d• At this preeent moment there is an unhappy wretch cooped up in a cell, eigbt feet by four, In the prison el Augusto, waiting to be hanged! In hit milt there in no window—tie only hoot egd vertilaton beta, afforded by a 'meal bole user the dew,. W. ere coolly told that he is sot impacted to punt: a the anter ! We should thtak sot. Now wt should (ke to know whether at 11 ant better 10 hang • Inc. at ,no. Liao Was deliberately torture tum to death 1 We like nut this 'quality of mercy,' and thiek at rallied ever sdrr.ile- d ., W5 an enable re perceive the "p01r'' for the Abobueaweu of Cepul Pesuha••4 custaasW In she above paeagraph, wife!' w• copy true the Afornesg C.'svfer of p+ Saturday. By what rule of logre ,wee at fol- low that because ,. the State of dame they utwe shut up • primmer re a rather snout* de•geon for the splice of twelve caiae alar motelhe, and ►aagsd hint at the end d art period, that th.efore it would sot be odd- ities'''. on growths til policy and morality, w ILway with Imaging altogether 1 or whss the Abohhoin.l• of Capital Psnmb- mneet sad anything le ("veer of moping ep unhappy wretehes in retie eight feet by ' fear 1 With regard to the Ise delaying the exteuthme of primmer" her. year, or longer, *tech obtains Is the Stan of Marne sad ss fussy otber wart" of leo Heise, we aro set ' at all sons lhat N re not a very wise aid kwmene ens. So lest .e Meas Wogs • ase tellable, *ere will onw.eumaes err to their ewrrrote, and hew -eat sees mod there- , soap often suffer crimes of which they are few weeks back, says:—, ' Who can describe. the effects of wit - tiering such an awful scene as the ode thus bridle described 1 Could it hare had a salutary effect ? Or ra 11 not rather a label upon mercy, humanity, and even jus- tice, to take life for lite, and blond fur 1 blood ? then were it a just principle, how diegnceaul suck an execution. Oh, that men could see with our eyes, and feel the injustice and criminality of a law which de- mands ••a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an etc.” Thank (leaven ! this law was centuries since superadded by one of gra- cious forbearance—of God -like mercy !— Why then should man persist In enactments which are contrary to the requirements of j.rstice 1 iVhy should he not attempt to remove the evil by !leaven's plan ? by acting on the economy of the Gwpel, instead of rho economy of Moses t" • TU•ILLI`s0 I.Crnx'T AT THKINN Aea1R— NOBLE? GAAAA NTaT Or TUK Lloa,—On ThureJay o( last week, during the heavy !storm of wind and rain, while the extensive 1 coll•-ction of wild beasts in the menagerie of Messrs. Rayneoed lit Waring was in the village of Norwalk, • feature was introduced I in the exhibition not previously announced I in the bills. Ahuut 4 o'clock io Iho after- ' neon a violent gust of wind blew dowel ' the canvas which forms the large peviilius, completely enveloping °the spectators fed cages of animals in one common miss of confusion. The accident happened at the time when Mies Adelina, the Lion Queen as she Ig styled, was performing in the den of wild beasts, and u the fright of ileo anis ren- dered thein seemingly uocontrolabt ,reat fears were entertained for the safety of that iatereauag young lady• At this moment a scene of indescribable terror and coofusion presented itself. The roaring of the terrified beasts, the screams of women and children, and the '• pelting, of the pitulea /terra" without, rendered the sore truly appalling. Tho panic, how- ever, was but momentary, as the prompt a.'id esergelic measures taken by the mana- gers goon cleared the wreck, no patron har- ing rec.eired the slightest anlory. Rut the ,ut.nael) i.7tore.ti•g Incident remains to be solo. The u•iroar among the lions, tigers sed leopard• an !ho performasg cage, gore rile to a r,'por( tb.1 they wore devouring Mw Addles, in the Peet instant the Vltava, was drool from the cage, when a tableaux pres0etee itself soch/ as would defy either pest, perste. or aNulptor to portray with accurst in the Windt» d the don a young and beauufu: Uoe, the Sema recently pr.Pgated to Gee. Come by the Emperor of Mo►eeco,) is a rampant pa- ddle, formed the .tree? feature of the pietism; b.sgath oar tit his hued fat lay stretched 11. deed body of • leopard, ted struggling wiibia the invincible grasp of the fore pews were the tiger arvrvis, oppositeleopard. In the oppositeend a•; (modeled ma • statute et w dinettes' ewe lied majestic a -t to , tie same as white she commends the wild t have returned to £ogland on a visit. Mr. biteride's retaining fen an the case et O'Brien was £600. Posiuro information ba. beau received, with great pleasure by the 'needs of Dillon, of his escape to Agnew- Ka. menIca. He ..caped to the disguise of a fisher- man. The law being consider -al vindica- ted by the conviction of the leaders of the lath insurrection, Lord Clarendon admitted to hail 11 persons arrested under the Habe- as Corpus Suapeocion Act. The trial • Dotty, icc., was to take place the week alter sailing of the steamer. The Irish papers gt.e a deplorable picture of the state 0r the cuuoiry, thruagh the state of the potatoe crop, the want of employment, and • the disposition of the people to make off wt,h the product of the land without regard_ tothe payment (deny rests or taxes. The spirit of emigration was rite. Multitudes were flocking to the seaports to escape the couatty. FRAFCE. The discussion of the conetitntion was termivatcd by the Assembly on the 43rd.— Before it to finally proclaimed it will have to undergo a division. Oo the 27 the French Assembly 4ivided-687 to 1.32— fixed upon the 10th Decr., as the day 013 which the Prerideutaal election shouftl take place. Nothing further of interest in the Assembly. TAVERN LICENSES IN TORONTO. liVe published to our last the presentmcn of the Graud Jury at the late Arises, in which the following paragraph occurs :— he rand ury have noticed with deep { concert that the greater part of offence; which engaged the attequua of tho Cuu0 t 1 during the present daises, hly Me. Sherwood did sot wish to be too rigid with so large a body of bre respects ills cemetuleesta as the beer sellers. it Is oddest that the law requires •meodmest, tad we would most earnestly recommend that the beer -.hope as a class be dune away with altogether- We caa.ot see why beer t'aMd be veld a m diiaoat teolted1 fro ether tetasi4attttr Kosten. It is offte Cer- tain, that ofou Wearer a house fur the sale of beer, Ct any other liquor may be said is tt, with very little cbauee of detec- tie►. It he editor that if all Weems • ere placed on the 40115 (OMNI the number .cold be greatly reduced i the number of regularly licensed imus .t prevent being alothl 156, while the beer .hops bave Alien esttiurtt'd es high ea sOV. 4 i have "cured when the panicmi were in a state of intoxi- cation. tether* cl'ery cru of marrfe,, ♦rrgdury, larceny, and .ssardt kilo ken tra- ced to, stall fueled connected with seem one orf Mc nrwerum smali taper., and grog - Mops swift which Me city of Toronto is isJcafed,J a 'towbar of which are knows not to power the qualify -aurae required by the law. Aod ad the Mayer and Co/MEN (:honest tat the City may be considered as tie principle cause of arch nuisances, the Grund Jury feel themselves called emir to bring the subject wider the consideration of the public, mu the bops that the city author - Oath will See the imeeesity of curtailing the N umber 01 eweh places for lie future ; or ekuuld lie •7slm of indiscriminately grant- ing licensor withle the Manta of the eiy stun preyed, that 10e ulerferesee of the Legielatrre may be'evoked to remedy as ern so .ubvernve to morality • and geed order.' We balm often drawn •tl.stos to the evils •ndgllf fruit the •umber of moan driskuag- Louses ie Toronto, mrd the public are tweeted to the Greed Jury far bnegieg them proetladdly forward(. the sheer. Wet we ossa er that loo oseb blame is Mad by skew os the .beuderi of the Corpo- rat100. Ties troth a,, abet a defect in our hoose law renders it senposeible to pre. rout thtwhours home u,,eend. TM act was plumed is 1837 ; by it two cheer of tavern went t0 be hemmer, ions wuti a large rlrcenso leo, slid .hop' for wiling beer 'with • small tee. But en penalty was imposed for thelefrecture of the latter arrangement, Su that beer the boon sold throngheut the ruvinee wrth,,ut any hennas whatever...— It in s very exs.aordInasy esreewn.1.5 e, fast elle Ida Moody". 'Whoosh thee wore well &Placa ed en the matt se, d.d sot attempt to rtteay thee defect when they Introdooed Derr slssod.d 'smooth Law is 1646. W. thew they were well s.fe,sed en the wet- ter between the black Beerwtop 1.ssseea mow sad et4B orreview(' matt tip fres Mesteeel, eithesgh Wm WOO wooer tetrad, Red the toyer aims, labs hr lfwrd y Lis ,e.peelore that eeeh was the ow. Pruia- FaT.t ACCallasii--Aswiitttti3d J0mes Carrell, employed to Lesvittie sail rafter,' Dundas, was instantaniously killed on Tuei- dey tut, by the bursting u( a grindstone, impelled by water power. The unfortunate man wu crushed in a dreadful manner, and the stone, in dying from its place, was forced throogb the walls of the building a cueIMuable dulanee..—KamilJr Spooks - toe. Tee wrATiW.—Withi■ the last few alayr we haws had all aorta of weather— wind, ram, sunshine, frost, and snow. The roads are now pretty well frozen, and a little more snow would make tolerable sleagbwg. However desirable [bas may be for travellers, we dare try the farmers would prole? a little more soft weather to enable them to complete their Fall plough - rmg. If the winter acts in sow, fodder will be very scarce before Seri ng. —Batherat Currier. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1M0•. A LIFE-LIKENE§S OF 1'ORYISM. 'rhe short discussion which took place at the meeting of School Teachers and Sehsel Trus- tees on Saturday last, suggested a few thoughts which may be useful to the public in the future management of their District affairs. And as we believe that the chief duty of a public Jour- nalist is to write for the benefit of the public, and (or the protection of the public interests, irrespective of fear or favour from particular iodi- ' deals, we will My these thoughts honestly be- fore our readers. The Trochee. of Comma Schools are the wont paid sod the poorest, while at the same time, they are the most useful class in society ; and when b7 either fraud or negligence they are deprived of the wretched pittance which law and the conventional arraog- /sent of the people have awarded them, the man mast be hearties. indeed who cannot feel for them;—bot as sympathy alone will not supply the necessities of themselves and families, it is aeeeesary that semetkaag more tangible than pity sloeld be esiended towards them. ' Sohn Stewart, Esq., Banister, informed the meeting that the W•rdrn proposed to make up see much of the deficiency occasioned through Bigaal!'s ecoundrelisun, by appropriating to that /Airport a certvo considerable sum that is ex- pected to be paid over by the Loodon District to the authorities of Hiroo. New although the Warden and Council have no more right to ap- propriate thin adm 1• the ligaidatiw of Bigsall'• debts, than they have to appropriate any equal sum of the Meat taxes for such a parpd.e ; let we believe that most men hob* District would submit to such an appropriation raiber ihao allow the School Teachers to suffer. But this sem from the Lades District is sot available at present. It is oars only prospectively. and before we could lay oar hands tangibly upon it, the Schoolmasters might be deed for want of the accessories of life ; therefore this generous pro- posal of the Warden ie entitled to • place among those ioourtwrable impncticebls propositions which come ender the head of "good inten- tions." We think a more generous and certainly a more common sense method of relieving the inasediate necessities of the School Teachers, would be for the Wadco of the District and Bigiall's steatitic' to obtain from the flank, on their joist mote, a sero egoink.t to the *mood el Bissell's fraud. The note meld be drawn •t Ma naesehs, •od before that period elapsed, the matter would lee so investigated as to spew the legal mesas of meetiag the exigesey ; and at the very wont, the District. if no other redress w be *Whiled, well tolerate a special ax to do assent of £454 13 4 rather than have the poor Towhees instjt.d aid robbed by • theism mess of sottish ladder. like Jobe Biped. 1a We meeatim., it is necessary that the people Would eodeavea is understated the stem of the whole transaction, sod ascertain if possible, who are the really repouiblii pattie is this gross freed and hepatitis!" that hes been practised epee alvei It was segge.tsd tet the monist se Someday, that the Ihamiet Co..eil sewed be held respon- sible for Bag1.11's vinaay. Morally we thiel they are respirsible, bat terally we believe they an not. Tiers we members of the Council with did ret vete far the appoa.ta.st of Bigoall, and who sod mot veto fate the accepters**. the sham seerhy wsdand fee hiss :.d hareem Md we bees et liberty w proper se F isease e to Mt. Diets Watsss'e series far a vow d re. - sere es dr Distnet Csecll, winch we believe was carried a..imeatdy,—we woad have pre- ened • " vote .f choses fee those Twp Cosa- ni(ses who, se reckless d.6esu of ensu deems, eel she pusher immerses...41 oder the Whore of theunpile' spirit ei teethe, op- pw.ned 1ena Big Nes Seperiered.st of C..- aim 8111011111, • ss.s .ed .r, olid emended, and wished at his vi!nano.s embtaleme•t sf the "sheet W.sies till they cabled him to de. game with a largo cos fMs which the penal. bald $ a1Mn aaeisd sewmy." TMs weed lal.%Ai(g"leg pure* se dream Doe.w Neurwbe vaI'MLM. the Ws et lawhieg the teb.k. illifir ef the Dutret, or 0( pte71.s fist sal Moir *kit the pehiie Dods ; besides it weed Moir pried the truer la he Yee Yep►i,--ahs Ilightt 0 shssdes Twp Jsf, to waw se Maw to them that ere eve within sag.i(ying. not maerep•ssraag the tatter, I.t as esquire i( the Warne el the Districts we ary other of its isaastiai fried& of kelt* Berets*, wend have eatruisd rim with Iweive or bmtees ►waved pesade' war4 of their petro bedaese,upse the Buse eeearity that waa wrested for his faithful felbameot of kis duties to Dwane'? It w oe asetbt tics ea **wry OperensOlf ttely.diier weir ity wkirb had hemsaYrepted for ha was rel .alae Nor hie pier of pew apse whit. ti this vainest This tsar •r they est be the etre, het )udslag *cin apporewwsw tad petwtivas we Would think it is sot the caw. But suppueiag the bonds to be all good and pailable, woad lay of ifs ponies. sr airy other par17, or sal banker Lae gives John Bigoall the sum of twelve—of sere,—of sin husdrrd posed. apes • eeearity of three sehril beds of tae budred naiads each 1 Weald the A Beat of the Beak to Godeneh, who was intr. wary amp;otated with Ili the POWs Ott. advaaced five buadreu ;meads, w7, even hew bandied panda, open the .s ;L''d. beetle? He would sets Ws .odentand that the of ler: bet (rived. sad oat who was isstrume•tal is 'bursting hie into tis good graces of the Council, actually refe.ed to become • part7 to • bond of seventy draws oat justly sad •a termly for the amount o1 two handed /reeds: •ted tier it was wiab the •[mei th icalty that two solves' bulsmca, eves to the undid of see hm•dred goesdn each, raid be obtains/ mese leu whole friends ! Why au IL, then, Are: John Bigesll's honesty was scarcely worth one hawked pounds in the deimat,on til has owe farads; and that yet thew same frauds con/Ordered this some John B.gnall • 'hitt wed proper Corlett" :o super- Toted the moral trwiaiag and education of the Deuot, and to b. entreated with twelve or (uotteen bu•/red poodle of the people's motley? The answer to this gmestwm is she moble as sso- tight, sad no •hutfimg nor sophistry cso obrcere 11 from the perception of thinking men. John Bigoall was a Tory of the int water, and all hie friends in the Cr. -seed and out of the Conn- ed wen Tories of the same cut. The int article in the creed of every 'Dory is, " Man mind thyself,"—" take good care of number one." Hence no Tory would run the rink of John Bigoall in the tofu of two huadred pounds. The second article in the creed of Toryism, u to- gaup that uncultivated animal called the "people." John Bissell was iherelore the very " tit and proper person" to be pushed ,ate an office of pibl,c train, because Toryism he so sympathy with a•ything belssgimg to the people except their pare, tad fur than it entertains a thirst u stress u any of the chemical a?talt:es ! This, then, was the reason are great arcre).of John Bignell'■ eppo,ntmeat to a p.buc oSee, for which his moral aad eeteUectual deficiencies disqualified him a trach as biophysical dioceses disqualified bum from perlormiog the coercion of the butterfly. And we must tearlessly tell the inhabianta of Heron that so lag as they are pleased to elect a Tory Council, }eat se fosg will the freaks of John Bigoall he played spun 'hem whenever • fitting opprur.iy occurs. We with them to beer this w.r.tag fatly u miad at the coming eleeuas foe Cwncil(ors. We assure them that at this nomemt then is as much Tory jobbing and Top corvettes ie the m•aageme•t of our District •Bain, u would hare disgraced • parliament of the " Family Compact." The people possess the power of m.kisg the District-Councd and the District Officers what they ought to be: and if either thram4b fear or favour of Squire Sometbi•g, or Squint No:hiog, or any other Squire, they are deterred from the honest exercise of this power, then few good mem will is future sympathise with each calam- ities as have resulted from the willingly of John Bignall and his Tory supporter:. Now, let n mak, Was a plaia statement of Bigesll's fnndalent embezzlement of certain portion of the school monies laid before the Council in February last when John Bignall was proposed fur re-election f Were the whole mem- bers of Covineil made aware of this feet before he was re-elected 7 Did the Warden, or the Clerk, or the " teamed Solicitor" ever eaggest to the Council the propriety of cancelling or renewi05 the bonds of eeariry on his re-elec• ito0 1 Verily we are • docile kind of animals. ILP We seldom notice these little things celled floating rumours; but we are bound to date that when speaking of Bigoall's " essociaks " on a (outlet occasion,we did not mean George Brown, Esq. We meant those who poshed him upon the attention of the Council. and who have coolly urged his re-elcctioe repeatedly without even hiouog ■t the iawfficieaey of his security, or alluding to the nece.sty of renewing the beads. We nook Mr. Browa was sot an. of this party. Eves when speaking of the fraudu• lent conveyance of llagnsll's property to Mr. Browo, we hew oat the uhghteat desire to im• plicate Mr. Brows in the freed. Oat epitome of Mr. Brown's share is the Bataan .tlair is simply this : we think be bee been doped ;—.w. think he sight not to have offered ►amd.n a Btgnall'a security, sod we abiok air (;eoscti should not bare sawpsed him when, he did elisr. kle bolds • very =pottiest office of treat is the Deiced ; sad we mamma ibat se District offteer, howe- ver honest or wesltir, ahssld be taken u ad.•• rim for another District officer. Such conduct exhibit. far toe leech et the principle of "der aye end 1•Il dale pew-" Ws egret she reni- tence of the near whaeh suggested these re- marks, fee two reams► Pine, it ehargee a with gad' which we Dauer dreamed of eemstt- nag ; and sewed, it charges Mr. Brows with saying that if the Signal wee mot so lar threads his sour, les wield come aid talk to as. We bops Mr. Brews did .ed say se. bemire we cannot reciprocate the esoplarsent . (er we leave always spoken e/ him no the of the very few Tory otic, -holders who doad feltbiully to the dams of their office.. Bee(nin wows awry that Mr. Brows should eatertate sue. *contemptible 'Warne of se. hem some eireuemuaee sight .oris, 0111 we would esesij.r le . dote te se. - vi... him that the N.r.., "OW *Mold 'oxen sees :retie in(Id.sd., oM a the a.eef M- utest Treasurer. (Cj0. On write/461y, es to set wee bold before George Foam. X044 Lereser,4 •!e reek na the bdy ed Mr. Ite►•rt OYI(es, who deed nuldpwl]] oa the preceding evmag. Vprate t, " freed BMW the ole[. of .a ever doe. of Laedawwst Ohm ed strdie(wr-"-- TM dorms* vee a MNen o/ Bedibin in Forfar.hlret fleas and. Ail Me 1111 tt wife and family to Loeet Ms death. A LAYMAN." A. dam m. • foie• ti politest plisse all times', sad as our ua hear hairy •a ser hands, we will take as beerr earenrst it se - viewing Ibis shrines, canoes, loareed and begth- eeed pr(rothese .. el sur Reverted Meted " A • Vette rAilic:k..j.ry raw ...Wed either hip rg.ossith m*, bed M dna wase I1 soo,+r11t earkrysror 10 ra,xo ! {eel fat hs rtrd alill/#uatd. .IM, safer io the keepaag et the Polar Sear time s rise eelums• of kis freed the Grows. We hems it •mwamep ee ear ..me into noloarot. time art for our oven mks (iet ,t meat be sisLted that a maws chancier eau serer he t.7arod is the Ind - motion of honed men by the cowardly tinsi•e.- non of the "clouded assesis," "hes fee the milks of the inhabitants o: Gudench eke kers rinsot t. fes from " A Lsyame." _ erre lairtimenuca . briagiag him he1..e the p►Iic, and in ssi.tentYtaUy 'ivies nate nepenthes to his asa7mat oribbliegif .we are, as oma raw'Wre, boat& 1101111111106. plid.te N the fry. wmew A'l1c$ O N • (.wise ««miee, we b.ppesed to say ubMM he " belomp to es °Wet of aoddied," somewhat iliRereel from that of the tem wi14 w)&ieaJle ern q *mi•tea to eliahl./om' ma cease. Now we always supposed a eta might easedg•1 that ea n wee set a Zesedby- 1 ear a pempkte a tsrsip; without being platy panegyrising the needed of the a• oe she ergs- sinlioe of the other. Bei the r.aity of " A Laymen" seems to have takes firs at 1W oomph - anent, and hes lucubration' have .se. bees mitre bold sod vd.mamus, evidently resoling lino the latae idea that we bad .ekeowkdged him as as intellectual writer. We never libel any titan's character, sad we shall kiedy Wow that this would be • libel of the groa.e.i desrrip- tion. As " A Laymas" has not.•deavoer.d s moved the feet that his intention in untie( wu mot to enabled may great practical pnacipl• to morality, nor Le capeto and combat esy e( lie prevailing vices of society, nor to instruct and edify mankind; but to traduce the character of bin Mscgaren without importing himself to the odium whish lwtly alutcbes to traduces; in other words, headapts the cowardly expedite' of werdering i. • wort. Hem, therefore, net es - titled to ae i.ce. .tad fad We no other object is view than the rindne•tion of ver own charac- ter, we cerlaiely would not notice halo. la one *ibis comm0aicatiaa he is pleased to iuinsato that u is • nastier of iadidemee to the public whedur he writes over len own name, at her an unwed or ietiuous one—we ihiok difreresl- 17. When a ser venue a novel, or tale, or any puce of mi,ellcaoeous eompositios it is • mere r antler of choice whether he accompanies it with name or tic:. But sone other time a Amartkas deliardly ralllan will anonymously enact and tinily the repautio• of a fallow -mass And wbatever may be the criminality of such conduct in enLesry circumstances, it it fearfolty aggrava- ted when done under the garb of religions 311,glcti- 111 the individual is thea guilty of the most dar- ing saerslige in wide religion u an instrument of wieloolors. When "A Layman" piously coax forward to expose the heresy, Infidelity and socialism of the Temperance Lecture which we Idelivered is the United Presbyterian Church, on 4th September, !ie ought; as a good fait►rel Christ:an, to have thrown ride his cowardice, and - given the fall weight and 'xoefit of his name to bis evangelteet etpware, in order than those who did not hear the Lecture twilit have i het men ieliable 0athmit7 for dreading the pee- ! er1 Weiner tendeeey t>< oar writings red lemmings. But •' A Iajman" was conreions that be was about to give publicity not only to 'Mild and malicious misrepresentation' and perrersioae.of our sentiments, bat also to tome of the meet bar and unqualified falsehoods, whicl, would be recognised and demeuncld as falsehoods by aloe - teethe of arose who attended the meeting, and hence, to escape the reprobation of those who did &:tend, and to impose upon those who did not (trend, he wrapped himself in the cloud of the aaonymons culumnialor. 10 his communication to his friend the Gazette of the 15th September, " A Layman" says he attended the Lecture " with the most charitable feelings toward hire (Mr. blacqueeo), and with • dear. to ohiaia beth pleasere sad isimm atirm." Now what are the public to septic' from as snonymeas writer rhe ander a friend regard for religious truth, commeneea • series of seed - low, insinuating calumnies, with* barefaced fie? • He has proven that he did no: attend the Lee. tare with may teach motored imtentisa4, 1t is asserted that kr did sot retread LAI lecture ill all. That he was not withim the walls of the Church that evening. That his strictures—or tither hisyervenioas of our sentiments, were framed from note• taken lel • gentleman who was em- ployed or re ,..ted to do me, •.d who afterward, ek,owledgad that the amen weld bear me role eosstraelia a had bees pat upon them Ad is order to avoid deiced.* rhe ah.rseript, ws are informed, came to the Comport for in the Mr handwriting of a Lady; but certainly Os MI5 who hes ever knows anything of fie benignity of woman, could, for one moment, sopped., that even the said ahaad.oed of the reit' while bee guilty of gosh perfidy and ia•ideeneterteriags of teethes have dagsseed the peadaetiaes .t •1A Layman 1," la fat we would this moment, rather submit to the greatest peered lydignity that could be offered to es, thea lie compelled to believe that Gdderich earained on woes, a- mble of di.pi•yieg .soh se 011ee won hisee .s ad wat.f pn.oepde. We a., hew.nri„ foutjS le't d the t the 'keeper wa pa0derd *fees tl i, Int the real mother .ho.W be eapspsd NIAe ' .can .f the public, and the pemitieh timelit he oetapir ,s neiety is, le lay ttTi. 1 .1- rogolberfece.epanbletitiWNRpiril iii.. of itch prod/whose. in 'int nth ►e bees the anxiety le Meed the veal name of " A Lay- man," that nary arise and .led* e ' mbar eter,lJ i• the party. itemih ''Prize E ayi.t" (we (aenet ex dews, i) sew to las -re•as a b•(ta. i. as the •tthsr ! is a►s$iMy h.f«mrd eklh w a' eimiad hoot d ee tht,Ar sp.sdalrjeg 4sP•dltiabi4,•• whoa swagger's( Weak tiniest' 4 mete& in Iowa, seta•p7.g1"11fibed hit l,gp .weir t.4 lsertl f slnhl he i.. s / ," and .shied )tie dselthet ea I ____ qr *So S•edisramest apnea the hew l 1 - flesh is dr [host w 9s.I', Mr 1 ANL w ash— 4M give . f4w gedfaemeer Nitallr+ea.'s" pel m- f1iu. in oder te seneweie how fclf s- vidle n the stinistre d the Tomes. sad ea-