Huron Signal, 1848-11-17, Page 1.1• i�t>� M 1 -ii .t,iffilr�lle� '>�:"�"lJrw krf►"}eww,w"+wM+�'ir.r � .1..��._s_,t�•,fyi r ).,o ;rit> el rrs•i: b !IM same a: a/dT -
/ 4 !L 7 1 /. o Oen b. t I.41 goo• f..�1 '1''.. ""jM� tilde •thin -t *Wflam'
I es 1r Iwo. meta « „wan as ts-srtrsa ted ^ t* Y4vt1m#r•M1 } • vel . r7 *sire
le *•rates* Isrt� 1x1 •,este • 40Il it r 1 moj bbal AMOK list le tihaeist fsiSeeelase ei a sell tees •an wwvi wet el' aretr1•s~ -famine a N eptrliedt 1s e•e►
tl st mal ,yetlf ed! ss a' 1 t o�t timbres
1" 1100 the deaf Gout. r.i;.•ma s *Yews se N sailer bee'Alieler el (txtc e , ,
sa. tIa .s W ,;e.eeey . Lettoo,,,,,, nrwna reiisrp tt wit esti ladf ,, r ., .0 *if u „grreo * , r,ismts ymtr 4 ► • sir b edJ tN, srsa+ti.1 * !tray " ,
are lee 'newt `aMr fiemawati Meeslri le vrt,werlu e and tielefpsM '
Mm.aesorit vtM+Mvws loom blt►ew. ser Ma , w 6104 Mw.M one eneedeedauoe if sloMtutt:• era•. •
. M Si fAro.asiss eeewed ta►eM Swim '4..M w..-* w.,» tIp43 h 4..0w '40804
-469•.d ae Meted ,.si.Ws woolen, &an ge..rerese tit.j al .. 1 tat s"s,- ' ,sow sial
R •• a,swlt'. bats -,A '* e."..:,•eibearl
J.i';f.t 'fto 'NP.I
'141 "' 1grope ri'
,, Ylyd ae ,*tN1.•'i f u. .
Y'/ i b;,'+M t'Mti Inst •,'ISM :.-
,�*:.r'+atl -art) r) .stu:ato•.,i • .septi.•.
{;, . r r s,,. • w es P • n aisuereae weer
ern ,.t need tame
., te+,t, •,'!f aesssi& «,r i .,.,,. ,..: to .
bans..* .w . a'an.I • ,.,
.04 s.' • •.
A ::;east,'„ ti;,.,,1 16 1
.rift lel• • II Wes L 111 t1/•M • %•'• r:,
• rso • a.el,4elere'es. . w,. .sats rias+„
• M, IN UN •
n t •sw•.sie a'1t•lrLVE AND 4EX P I:.
t` THIOGREATIMFIf pe8lflfii.t GOOD TO TUB (1M11►Tli.fP V6ifS/9LE NUMBER. ,,, e,.a ll s/r aT reals sxa 1)1 778 *SAL
.1 i:aey 4e/7
GOIRIIICH, HURON DI8'TRICT, (.°'W.) 11UDAY, ten MBEU !7, 461401,tree.,, .1,. • .
eawus.q-`* 1
stew n .•l
NA* ••
oma .+is
1,500,000 ACR1 $ OF CARD
Poi/4.1144LE IN
Mille CANADA COMPANY. base for
1 disposal, Moat 3,.000 ACRES OF
LAND dispersed throughout most of the
Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500.-
000 Acres are situated ,n the Harms Tract,
well knows ss one of the most fertile parte
orf the Provrnea-vel has trebled its papule.
tie*is dee years, tad sow contains up-
wards of 90,000 ta1ab►tanta.
The LAUDS ere offered by nay of
LEASE, for Ten Years, or Jur
Sale, CASH DOWAr-the plea
nue-JI/14 Cosh, and the balance fa Instal -
went. &choir dyne essay with.
The Rents payable let February each
year, are about the 1ntareet at Six Per
Cent. upen the price of tete Laird. Upon moat
oftbe Lots, when LEASED, NO MONEY
I8 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the
cabers, according to locality, one, two, or
three years Reel, meet be paid in advance,
-but thele payments will free the Settler
free fsrthereaile mail feed, Ira er 4th year
of his term of Loam.
The right to PURCHASE the FREE-.
HOLD during the term, is secured to the
Leasee et • fixed •oar, named in Lease, and
en allowance is male according to antici-
pated payment.
Lists of Lands, and any further informs -
thee an be obtained, (by application, if by
letter poet -paid) at the Corrinr's Omega,
Toronto and Goderich ; of R. Bians•as,
Esq., Asphodel, Colborne District ; Dr.
ALueo, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq.,
Stratford, Huron District.
Goderich, March 17, 16.8. 7
BARRISTERS and Attoreiea at Law,
Solicitors in Cbaneery, and Bankrupt-
cy, Notary Public and Conveyancer., Gode-
ncb and Stratford, Huron District, C. W.
Josh S•raacrt►tr, Goderieb.
Desist Hors Lewis, Stratford.
Godetieb, Apel 10, 1148. 60l
• PPLiCATiON will be made to the Meat
Session .of the Proum•r,! 1, <is1►tsre,
for leave to bring In a Bill to , onsutule and
forts the following 'rowo.iips and Gores•
sad Block of Land, via :-North F.asthopes,
South Easthepe, Downes rued Gore,--Etleos,
Blanahard, Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert, -
Wellesley, Morniogton sod Maryborougb,
end Western half of Wilmot, and the Block
of Land behind Logan, -into a new Dis-
8ee'y of Committee.
ReatMtir Heron),
Ing d April, 1840. 10m6
o t 1 I Q.,
Sleek ds mss seeds below i trout,
Asd et** below a crows,
As geed beans best 'meth • froths mei
Minder a sitkes gown.
Moll tales be told of the ebbe* who rife
Tbrtr sleeves to crush and kill,
Asd ■ wad be sung or heard
Of the men who reap and till
!bow le thanks to the sturdy throng
Who greet tie young morn with tail t
And the burden I give my earnest song
Shan be this-7tix Kings d the Soil;
Then sing for the Kiser who have no crows
But the bine sky o'er their steed ;
Never Suite or Dey bad web power as they
To withhold or to offer breed.
Poledships may hold bah silver and gold,
The wealth of* distant strand;
Bat ships would rot and be valued not
Were there none to till the land.
Thewildest heath and the wildest braes,
Are rich as the ridrset Beet,
For they gladden the wild birds when they woke.
Ami give them food to eat.
Asd with willing hand, to the spade end plough,
The gladdening hour shall come,
When that which is called the " waste land"
frilE Bubecriber offers for sale I.ot No.
,L ase is the seventh Concession of the
Teweebip of Colboroe, West Division.
There is on the premiers a small Log Bars,
with 15 acres under good cultivation, and
well fenced. ' The Land is of exoeflest
quality, and within 6 miles 01 the Tow. of
Uodench, containing 100 acres.
TERMS of Sale will be made knows by
applyug to William Robertson, Eat., Can -
.da Company's Office, Goderich, or to the
Goderieb, March 1st, 1846. 6tf
MR. OLIVER, having left the whole of
kis uoeettled eremite with the Clerk
of the let Division Court, Goderieb, advises
ell parties isdsbted to hie to me that gela-
tinises before the 90tb of seat ssomti.-
My reforaWion required, will be given at
the alfa calJ, whs • person will be al.
waa lir µtannase,r
b, Use 19, 1818.
JOHN I- E. Li-N?Dila
wotaev rossswv
' Cb11Mn=ssfltmer Qildefee Dew*,
;• a., 4, . cbMV TAIiCEIt,
• ion,
,eplyelbaiiwbeilrwereM 010rs04.4.8 will
sdn 4••' 1 fir 1O 1E 0 N, 1•.
-est 1 - . wiaaV elf 61111111th,
,t,ra•edli 0' >ita JRe 4.e ,.01 K'a-•,, it.,
ttra�stvYa ar.Q r
sof at rT'R.Or'N ,
Shall ring with die " Harvest Home."
Theo sing for the Kings who have no crown
But the bias sky o'er their head;
No Selma or Dey had such power en they
To withhold or to offer bread.
1 valve him whose hetes* tread
By tis cora hie hand bath sown ;
Wbe. he hears tis sir of the yellow reed
his sures thea Music's MSC
Here are prepbet-.gals fiat war the gray
When its goldea stalks shoot ap-
V•ices that tell how a world of mea
8h.11 daily due sad sup.
Then shame, eh shame, en the miser's easel,
Which ashes back hie praise or pay
Free thi men whose bands make rich the leads.
Fey win erre it weirs rises May f
TMe rag for the Lisp who hoes so /rows
Bat the Me sty der their head ;
Never Sulam se Dm had such power as tiny
To with►elf sr to oder breed.
The poet bath gladdened wi'h song the past,
And still awee,ly he etr.keth the etriog,
Eat a brighter light on him is cast
Who can plough as well as slag.
Ths wand of Bans had a doable prawn
To soften the common heart,
Since with harp and spade, in *doable trade,
He shared a esmmes part.
Then sing for the Kings who have no crews
But the blue sky o'er their head ;
Never Sultan or Dey had sock power as they
To withhold or to offer breed.
By the sudsight lamp we toil,
With our eyes all dim and weary -
Whig the Mt-replenisb'd oil
Feeds the sickly flame and dreary.
Thus, when dreamy nature's sleeping,
Ply we o'er the needle, weeping !
Cut upon a world of care,
From parental roof, all friendless,
Pride's contempt our destin'd share.
Open to temptatioa endless
These bat half complete our awry;
Yet we vaunt flee Britain's glory !
Softly, when fur twilight steals
O'er the day'sdepartisg brightness,
When the 'nerved spirit (eels
Craving for its wonted lightness,
Still from work there's no seceding.
Fou ted hoop is eiick succeeding:
Tram eight's deeps/es, booed is glom.
Meant o'er er lot of wormer,
Canine tuber ism! doom,
To the prams. hams of mane*
Tek se task dash Miaow mar,
Wbie►, alas ! bee death eon semi
pkat bade Mimess fir lbs firm
By t8ii mem re basher wasted
Wb.f, . the heart of Ckrietia. wen.
Mirth whew tetra brad we tested?
Tet in misery, without aemere,
Teff yrs for t8Arrleb Ari Own% •
Ilk I
QIittv,4 Zit*
,.,:1-*'' SWIM SIMMOIllsodp •.,;ae.
, inter, -Y O fa II
114 April, 4081, a asdisel Geretlemss in
(Gdlaborghe eNfifll by • lasimape mister,
fashioned a turnip tato the nearest resem-
blance to a busman skull which their com-
bined ingenuity could produce. Ther had
t east made from it, and seat 1v to )tlr. G•
Combe, requesting` his obeerntlo0e ole the
mental tritest, and dispositions which tt in-
dicated; adding that it was cast from the
skull ofa person of ancommoo chancter.-
Mr.C, invtantly detected the trick, and re-
turned the cast, with the following parody
of "The mak of Tbesnly" pasted un the
coronal surface :-
Them wee a urn is Ediobsegb.
And he war woad'roos
lis wets; mai& tutuip held,And cut about lou eyes.
And wheo be cast his eyes &boat
He saw the turnip file;
Hew many head. are there." midis.
"That likeness bear to mise I -•
" Be eery 8hs they are, Weed. ; t -
No age, I'm sure, could know
This turnip bead that I have on
From that which there do grew"
He polled,* tr.ip tr.- -!11101111, y
A cut from it was tbrowo ; •
Helmet it to a Spuriakeimite.
Apel passed it for lis own.
And so, indeed, it truely wee
His own in every sense
For can and sou alike were nerds;
All at his owe expense.
The medical gentleman called on Mi.
Combe next day, and assured him that be
meant no °Mbnce, earl intended only a joke.
1&r. C. replied that be treated this matter
entirely as such, and if the author was sat-
isfied with hu share of the.wit, no feelings
di uneasiness *renamed os the otbur side
- •..-�...w rwfr ea
u& i A11�Sp1V1sT tall
'•eatlurreertn timpttas0 ,rg.
OMR IR MR Mi1Ai111'a I�rr.
e"i . 00011R 10 WI` .r` a a+."
- e�., N... . . r �- t,a, 4 alp
Oh ! 'tis pitlfal to see
Wide d'utiectioes between elaass, •'i"
Whoa a*biliq e,brY-M p(t6.%wnbist ' ' J
Rhea 6.4.41ir tad . r feria gut"
is'it ohne e.ee8 .11
Vibes UM �g�imeee a ild tbythle
Debbie Pahl. et ens patens, .
hen thablaewiaa tooth(sl hnee es r„T
Te tymemfe.tsrc mauesr. y,t„ar
,:•„ . W80 bis sites ate siavug's abet. ,ei
ear-,. Int mesa the Poor then Wsrieg ; ..,:44„
•,daMriiwrettiTrprr► • . vows
w awe swat end base►' iealle/rrs awry
r7UtiY 8s eh. Pstep«'d mintier ase: ,wee
OW mid elver heavy weenegf,,.,seet tarry
Comms they with iessewiya de%
Adria WWII, Rtnel ii90111.1111 1 ,ettn
' Tires ted solei wife' IU W4 • 1 "tubed
41111 the Mhos
IRO RV •01111440
From every quarter we hear completer."
of bad tames, and we are sorry to say,
remedy has been proposed, although wo be.
here our circumstances are capable of
remedy, if properly applied. We have
many time endeavoured to prove, that HO
only source of pennaneet and genital proe-
perily for the inhabitants of the Proviaire
must he its Agriculture; and while that is ties or Otic and do not encroach upon desired goal, by steady advances, would he and irregutnttes conesquent on the practice
suffered to remain in a languishing cuss h privileges iar ultimately attained, t u also proposed to til smugg„ng•
p: '11t the high privilege'of the Pressen any nuc; 11 'u arc put of ()prawn, that IIIc respecta-
a prosperous of the rU:nttherefore.flx the ailing of uicmoera, inet.;.J of the _ V
p i+e n- weh trful patronage, they and re us *icier ,resent an of Ieav,n 1ho vocation of In- ble purt,un et. the commercial c mntunity
is at, exhbit Our aat t ,f each- their, cause
and lea mme m 1 p K 'l !;Ostsess anextlu.ivc intereet in ruclt a•ter-
treal, exhibits all the appearance of wealth. � the carve we sdvxate so far as the deem 'House;
w rip annual curt u( the
judging by its bottoms, streets, wharves,: tl worthy of their support. The Prose w 'louse; a ',tutus not altogether consonant I attuneof he nivoccal° them wkly ler the
kc., bat even within the city bounds, there! I all powerful, sod ens well afford to take ue with the dignity and self-respect of a Levi- goodcountry.
are considerable portions of the very beet, under theirprotection and foster and ea- latirebody- t u an adulated principle' The importer who pays his duty, as it at
quality of land, lyase uadratood, and nearly ; courage our tmmble efforts to promote the that servants of tun public, as *samara of present stands, has advantages that smug -
wast producing either weeds or worthless the Legislature are, ehould not be called 1 rime cannot deprive bum of : he escapes
e, p °g tame object that they have to view, name- u on to suffer ;odivtdual loss in the per- ; paynsg the American duty of 3u per cent,
herbage, that are easy to drain and cunt- ly, the ;:*neral we endeavourriy of the land we p u the law of drawback now in fur which
vats to advtutage. 'e should he carry d live though we to do thin furmaace of public duty, by which every yforce,
strangers who visit our beautiful Cil were in, by man in the country u benefited. Between goes a gnat way to meet the h,gli duties
to cettent ate the general state of ourAgri-haumbte laborer, but s. in pa good retend tcause,o be o.04 , the question of oqun•oleot remuneration i noise ot flow tees D uov-eromen ott •e 1.a hos
culture by the simple of lands in the im- we expect the favourable patronage of the t and simple indemnification for actual a:pen m a cuntrabaad trade, 1.7 d an the engaged
mediate neighbourhood of Moetresl, where eoarous conductors of the Canadian Press. I stn' it is deemed more fitting to aim ■t noth-?
ono would suppose then was every facilitjr �•e st.gdy our subject and may be able to I ging beyond the latter. The salary of mem.' int know or any thee
; but he much
the r-
and encouragemuol to cultivate crony loch submit useful suggestions, but it is the ben, while in actual attendance, will there- 7+
of land in garden style. We are perfectly preen that have it their power to give I fore be fixed at $3 a da.; t° cover actual er benefits eoutmunuy, moue indirectly ben -
convinced that one hundred acres of land,
upon which four or five hundred pounds
would be expended in useful improvements,
'tock and implements, would yield a better
return than the same amount of capital ex-
pended in building a house in any of our
cities, and with infinitely more advantage
to the country generally. The great bar
hitherto, to the improvement of Agricul-
ture, has been, that capital was attracted
to building and to cominerce, rather than to
husbandry, and that no provision has been
made for affording an agrieultntal education
for our youth, and we are now reaping the
fruits of this mistaken policy. llouaea are
built, and an adequate root cannot be ob-
tained from them -and stores and shops
are opened that cannot find sufficient cus-
tomers for a profitable business. The
some capital jodicine.hj expended on agri-
culture would be always"fortbcotning, mid
yield an animal valuable produce. It ie
upon the coaotry we oat depend for
what will support our Cities, and our trade,
and commerce, in • prosperous state, sod
tbeonly certain remedy for the present bad
times will be in the improvement of oar
agriculture, and the aogmentatign of its
pved.ete in geantbty sed value. Let the
Canadian people only become interesasd,
and gds a taste for improved and .uceeesful
husbandry, and we shall soon see our most
'elected young men anxtoer to acquire k
thorough knowledge of the ecienco MA1
practice of agriculture, instead sof all going
to the loomed profession' or any otheteme-
�isy��t Tether than farming, as at present.
elf 'ons waste most fatal, and strange men
Mimes that egrieeltore ihoeid not gssrrveilly
he te.gaaded wink swore imarest aid respect.
tag any agree dissispints or ptefiwos ra .kine
000.1,7, whoa in realily it is of so vastly
greater importance to us than an other.-
IT&Bttele tnid'cbflegl. *eve dstatiliahed for
Me edureet cel sad 1n.tnletioe of .oinh fn
MewMss owegelRtfee of agree Meehan!, tbey
Meoldfampleeo be p.r.naded teat 18. erne-
rabtp we. ,skally of some imprinter , sad
sa481 Mas respectable' 0 be.. sou or
Bios bar. a jvoe.g mai ..y .then
cheese. In set hownosble estimatipnhe
A ortttfaTr y lgwducted, has a thob-
g�ad r oWl is a ween d geaA
elilsrmtSS awl weN replete* meed, Het ne
Oise preiflr.4ewse hesielsesens elle.
These bee MOMS plessie1 reispbyment
lbrn tlre.alolli alae ty 1ytMyoslo.�eiaauagp♦•
l ofai „1►pt sock AloiiU prides*
e yrest fie g6tliltk'y offf food est
rR11>,i fed ' Alit %wink MAS l t . -
arMep'1� tRMt M s IMO fort*,
t trills Mllslletet1
tee -p--.,*tare*. mhos rte re sell le+ '
morieheile .tom
11 tows /
• ` sort
• ,Ilse adibiMe
Mies* ere trmen et tM6eR'btis
te proportion to the shill we employ is lb
eduvatlos, but we disregard all there real
advantages, asset rapeod our gamest to bund
palaces is cures, while thi country that
should give support to those free building.
is neglected. We Mete taro that egristd-
twe r as occupation that should be parti-
cularly gratifying to all good men wird
mast know that food sad- clothing aro nee
cement.' art exietcnce to his 1. (low sneo.•.t-
A large and excellent produce created &sm-
elly by skilful cultivation and snduatry,-. M
one of the greatest benefits a WAR can coo-
ler upon tau country. The practice by
which be obtains suck favourable results,
is also an advantage by its example to
others. We eubmu the., *enervation in
the hope of ateracttng a due degree of at- to the lung neglected subject ot
agneultural improvement, that is so well
entitled to the support and co-eperauon of
every true friend 01 Canadian prosperity. -
Agricultural Journal, '
ThisJoernal is now brought to the lith
number, and it would be a source of great
eU.facttos to us, if the sub.cnber■ were
to signify their satisfaction with our bumble
exertions to interest them. a:-'- ''ranee
the cauec of agricultural Improvement, by
paying up their subscriptions, where they
remain due. 1n many Hastenedl we may
have been ie error, but we can truely affirm,
that we have done all in our power to make
the Journal useful to the euheribere, end
wherein we have failed, It was from error
of judgement.' 'We were so ambitions as
to wish the Journal equal to any published
on the same subject in North Atnerica, and
we are *ow so vain airs to believe that it is
entitled to this character, with the excep-
tion that it contains no i110 ions -or
wood -cuts; but we hope this defect will be
remedied next year. On the strictest ex-
aatnatiou of the numbers published, we
rnr.rrlc.1L lN'�te;1.1.11ah;ICC1. •u,.,lertatblin1thleydk t-h,t bIui*Ir.b-ocw Alllite 1 ►mheanuuld lobe.m
_ l..
• a I fweJ mete the Lcgu.latite Council. Even
,y ea;, .,.)k1'. N40.3<► 4sN I now it ty as y04 pull knuw. less a uui.anco
rTeetiraglEdieelks Essrsawrer. I thee In fi,nntt jca...
As the V. C. malt tlorca is twenty
grail, pttlj:l4�qj �F��ten. a art urinutea, I shall pace barely tlpie to aced
iE;B.ipmIiu , - i ,�be- RY .bar eb}.4 5 b' ibis tetter to the of4co before It btelilI.
`sQ(•yl top, lr 168 0<irulCe t11Pt14e b' 1 Yours 'Sec.
bre u,e Pertuwenb 884 the fyqg I daltAIFTINL.
sues ttorr dry'e1posed aft 11(41,day
g, saws 'Artrs er son sippRe . Th. you
4t8T 4t ew to,botlr the :. JD Pi
a noti(, 'Arlie;
intahifeirc t.Jt d Itwut,y)1
enter cuteoipoA{lee, 1 will }Alves you a
ghwpre at the preexist toss.smug vu, Iodine
tL0 cutlets r- 'the 'Demure. to pe sub- the proceedtoga uf,tbeGovernment, mud that
laittitd tea Perltalgetlt, w'beibet we regard portion art the 'press ailing, unity be euppur.-
their uuabererltpportauce, afford agoarao- s4 to ppca1 its moniturepts. The great
tee that the Howes will meet to works ao4' object now to view, is to parole to tows
not merely to kill time, which was the great , enunciation of those measures likely to be
object of the three sessions of Parliament brought t,rward at the ensuing ammo. ut
during which the late miotatry held the real the Provincial Parliament ;' and could hie
of office• It is true that 11.e primary duties • believe that lair d,acnes,un tai these .mea -
of r ministryare executive- the manage-sures was their 6100116, we 0406.141 he picas -
.neat of pubic lands, and public works;; the; ed to have all the publicity pvas,ate given
aduentetratruu of the public finances; the ea such topics. But wdl,ng as we are to
conducing of tho official co:rcIi 0;.:ente, give ail men credal bur.tuce.a.y, caul oecu-
and crown proeocutiuns. But a miniatry lar dcwonrtrauw to the centraiy forbids
that should do rio more than this, that our dmug so, we must in Otte *,mance with -
should content tbemeelves with merely per- huld it Irum u•cav tuudetn tiered". The
forming these ordinary donee, would soon party now represented by doe portion of
earn for themselves a- character for pusi- the prey are not the men to unginato
I*°iwsty, and find themselves hopelessly resseurei calculated than Otomy/* our pros -
struggling In the vortex of unpopularity. pent], our to facilitate them a fropoa.d by
Of the ianoua measures to he submitted uthers•
to the •next session of Parliament, none will '1?he time who bare squandered away liar
bo of more general importance than the public demesnes -who have fuisted os the
one to amend the representation. The i presume more burdens of a fiscal and religi-
number of members is to be increased to sus character than the people can any loo-
tht1grpreaerving the balance between Upper ger tolerate -who have madu themselves
and ;Lower Canada, by appoytiomng 75 and their (nutshell rich at the people's ex -
members to each. The counties contain- pence -are not the sun likely to assist in
ing 15,000 tnhab;tanta IF to have each the removal of there grievances.
two representatives, and those containing Since otr last, we have seen the report
less than that number one representative. of the Comouteeof the Board of Trade of
trust flat not one sof engine. mutter,
Front the difficulty that a1 present sur- ldostreal, on the curium', or tariff of the
page g rounds the queautao of extinguishing 'the province. We agree moue heartily with
or calculated 10 will abfarmersdiscovein that woo! 1` boruughe which contain a small population, many parts el tuts report, and hope that a
calculated to lead farmers into would
in a•t' w.ibtrur vote being necessary to carry general expresaioa of opiums on the topics
the ltutice of iththe C n • We esu to re- 7.
iipectfully solicit the Canadian Prean to re- any measures innovating upon the exnrung embraced In that thxumehl may be given by
view our Journal from the commencement, system of representation, these "peeuli*r the pre of throu houAarpr province. vWo
and of of is found calculated to promote the cone tituenc,ed' will not be dosturbed. It IS p; proposed g pe-
be apprehended that any attempt to place clic loan ad-valurem duty, on an articles
P1,Wiw tic M. Crl4si1n4 'Ammar
Wo prreeive that tI*.ebstruetives of the
'I'uey reed ut 11.m preemie are rebid with
lobed, for which it is assumed to pub- them un a d,tyerent fisc' bog might lead 10 where a "'practicable ; auto of an rmwedt-
liwbed, it may w recommended to farmers
who perhaps are not aware of its,!:istcnee.
As the necessity and advantage of Agricul-
esral,mprorement are universally admitted,
1M presume it will not be thought unrea-
sonable that we should ask the Press to do
us this favour. We meddle not with par•
the defeat of a measure requiring a two- ate and sweeping reduction on all those artt-
th,rda vote to pass it into law and it u also clew now so plenUlully smuggled in, because
behaved teat Dulling Is gained by risking of tbo inducement resutung from a high
everything in as attempt to secure what is imposition of duty. Our mule motive tor
doebU 1, when a morn moderate aim would doing sat, is to increase the revenue of the
be atte- ded with certain success, and the country, and to prevent the minim -thirties
weight and effect to what they may con-
ceive to bo correct in our suggestions. -
Agricultural Journal.
ADV &TmagetgrrT or an llo:rasT Rcas-
sr`LLtta -Friends and neighbors! Having
just opened a commodious shop for Liquid
Fire, I embrace this opertunity of inform-
ing yon that on Saturday i shall commence
the boeiness of making drunkards, paupers
and beggars, for the sober, industrious, and
respectable to support.
I shall doal in "familiar spirit's," which
.hall excite men to deeds of riot and rob-
bery, and blood; and by doing so diminish
the comforts, augment the expense, endan-
ger the welfare of the community.
i will undertake at short notice, for a
small sum, and with greet expedition, to
prepare Inmates for the asylum, the poor
house, the Anson and the gallows.
I will furnish an article which shall th-
emes eke amount of fatal aeeidents, multi-
ply the number of distressing disease., and
render tb000 heresies -a, incurable.
I will furnish a drug which shall deprive
some Oldie, masy of reason, some of pro-
perty, .11 of peace; which stall esuee fathers
to be fiends; wives, widows; children, or-
phans: and all mendicants.
1 will canoe the ruing g tine to grow
tip in ignorance, 0.d prove a Borden and a
knee to the nation.
i will cause mothers to forget their sncb-
,itr•indiums, virgins to forget their price-
1 will enrrept the ministers of religiae,
tis the progress of the gospel, defile
psriay of the charwh, .ad nose tempo-
ral, .pirleuaf and sweat death; end if may
beim lespertis.nt as to ingot's why 1 bed
the audacity to beteg each aeoumutated
misery open a eompsratevely Happy lead',
saga hsebt reply is *ries, ! - 1
The spirit of the trade is most Inevµieet4
end prebseung Chimeras gore Iltheir cheer -
fel e.uwtoa.seo.
18ase limn.* boa the court, and if 1 do
sea these seals upon you somebody
elm wI1
i flee tea lad of liberty'.
/hse.pereissd the right to donol,eh
tbe.8aiaeS. , &etae" abe health, shortie"
the lime sed ruin the drottla of Mom who
rehear 5.hrser as with ahilN+stesaors.-
01Se,ifeMey• 1 1 •
-fens AMwoeemet.--.----
' 1111. iteewe8awev
. by tis R. Joh*
fiswRs sass Sapid* Arose.
nilammo .tat at* -1
expenses. The plague of narrow majorities ehope even
is class,
a1 sincerely
lbc r ly do
which, during the administration of Mr. pe to ca redaction
thine article' so largely brought hero now
without paying anything to our revenue.
Anxious as we are to see those Improve -
month made on our thrill; for numerous tea.
Draper, who possessed great administrative
ability, anda fair share of political sagacity,
brought the business of the Legislature lulu
a putrescent stagnation, moots out the,
n ecessity of the proposed increase In the 1001, and.plcased as we are to see the .arae
n umber of representatives. The tncrea_o °pluton expressed from different parts of
will also add to the dignity of the house, the province, we must nevertheless enter
and be a guarnlee of us independence. our strung protest against that part of raid
Next to a measure for piscine tbo reprc- report that recommends a protection to
mutation ori a wore equable lu..uhtt,, your , Montreal of 391 per cent over every utter
Upper readers will probably bo moat in. punt ut Canada. Certainly, this is a modem
terested In the settlement of the qocstioos, ! propu.ttrun tut any Locality to put forth, to
so lung agitated, connected with the Cat- the injury of every other Iucidity, We
versify of King's College- Tbe. tnantain- j coo.tgn a at once to the "tenth art all the
ing of the iuttgrity of the endowment, the , Capulets." 'There are targe expectations
exclusion of Theology, the abolition o(, entertained in tlts part of the country tram
tests, and the elevating of the io.titution to the present adminlrtratioo, end we trust
the dignity of a great Provincial Univcretty, 1 that no .1 policy on their part will dts-
which shall reflect honor, and shed blessing. appoint those expectations.
upon the country; you may rely upon these IVa want a ciear stage and no mayor, that
principles being incorporated into the Col the nwurcee of our country may be fairly
lege 17,11. With respect to details 1 shall elicited and tried, and we entertain no mu; -
nut pretend to give you any Johnna inion- I e u
the power of any person to convey- Thelt-
matron, which. at this moment, it is Dot in Eveay vestigtoe of clss and favored church
I hrgtslagivinuunas mustthberesrea
moved, even ■t the
proper management of the endowment of n.k of being stigmatized with Godlessness
the financial affairs of the College, be rub- land infidelity.
milted to the Legislature. The system of , We are perfectly erati_fi--d in our own
squandering the endowment will be put a I mind
��� any supposed advantages
dv nt hos derive
stop to; and the annual oxpenees of the In- ,
sututtoo will have hereafter to be cohfioo3 province, to the "powers %tat be,are not
to the annual ince tie. Some regularity 1 to be compared to Ute bunest and popular
will probably ire nude respecting the sale- support that womW are rendered. traukly
rtes of the ),rofeason, and the number of and heartily, to the Government that will
pro(. o,ahipa which any ono protestor' be bold and nunest enough to nsturu this
. trill ba permitted to hold- 'rhe e4abltih- pubo* properly so long at*nated tram clu-
ing ofa elver of Agriculture. or of Political oatmeal porpoises. We would say to the
Economy or any new chair, 1'obst depend.n eaten sow un power, " Be plat nod scar nat."
the 6oencial capability of the ilutltutlob.- Tito peup!0 of Canada have as irotiontw°
Upper Canada •Ccftego, 1 belie**, *ftI -b► appr•se a.e.ajwtice ; mails/ Meat. a
raaod to the rad dignityy of an'tnstftutiellff 1 this will satisfy tient, .r retain their sup-
a:mruug by its uwu rnaril, rtnig:log mfr, "Mel 04 any ; give them tine,
or mai°taiuiog succors against all co:npett- sod they will cis. y oar WAS/ stden wont to
tion, without giving 11,0 cnviMre or the drencher can Dever secure to you. tlbe•
splenetic an opportunity, to soy that she 4the oxarnple )001 predaeessun have set
own triumph rsd,wdvanta: you+ oanIts u hby
io th.her ablpe of so anntoaualdegp♦negroead .•11000ge! dlvu diofng theendeaypeopleri.g !t baalulbeeste lungcountry ata
from ted£ Kmtheg'e neral 17ollefunge ds anofd! ed their plmprod
snottuor 00rogei;tugtialby t*,eroras utypes Il hoende,tnl and in it bivaly
the mouser]• load brut hunt/age, sod produced arils
You seed not be su•prfeed to bear Woes 1 thereinnot now remedy, if we believe itself"
long „fan addittnn elf memtrera to the Iwg- , ovule ibbockunod, who ncoruswoJa a
feline" Connell: As st promote ***dieted I-thespetrets." .net"Ju-lgea without Julius
thtl Ir',u•e It int a worry herletetf•re•na the IMO t ''� Armors inert Itluuute•rs et grace dc!cnJ
I'ogllah il.r,rse of f.,rrl' 1 40 nog think it 1 1'- . the cure fur the the that
vteifld lett satiable in the receiver esteem -1414y themselves have indicted. To this
slat,!" d thl, n0*g eeumP7, to attompl (ssMt�bwu ...3011 cisme al tial, - w cru
to Itnlfste ttnset- ti i Rn sb (lends vel 1M l0 swbma w vltssa Isgislautrn- \, u
lairds arab ler year part, i Mr more nee• Men 'resume Ohm suhJect at eotoe future
wpp?d ebjet't to the efeAldllkl'rvw M omit► ilial tie•
,I•' epee 1 ,it 4. Wm woe •..•
'}r.Iwi. .>. ♦ •, :i•:,hear, Is iv!, av, toner i. ,,*I r-++dw lv ►•.-aV tR'..,e