Huron Signal, 1848-11-10, Page 3soak my es Goi•s. mese he mem* M w' wen tb. " Homes of Sco ead'a Sumo" Asd tbeer at p eggs, Witt diene nether to the Sctsautic Searcher of Naism's records. h ry retire NO ascent Unmake • large J of auutectures rerpectieg dinopera- ` losseopleal0r ►is wholesome sdmiee, 400s of .'blur'" mighty asset -Water -is said we tr.'s be wipe felly yp eco• a Ike emu- pseeented ',tad the reautot Lowes of Mx.uow- elowes4816.14111111,111112P4 Nat in last web's Loom. (iwdlb • T` -r--- STRATFORD CORRESPONDENCE. SHIPWRECK AMD LASS OF LRE ON I f;yureoan, let Nov., 1848. LAKE HURON To Tema. Notecase, Fitt. ie ser paisfal duty, thin wma, tit record the elaa,-Honig this day read the editorial esti- toed herd was towsestra. by ilsipwreek.- cls is the Huron Carats of the 20th October, Tbs fell.wiag an the warueelers w they ars as to the Agricultural Show in Stratford, coo• Isbdp r be kaswa• 0. the alurnsoa of tea" tainisg serous reflection' upon your character, 309s att., Mr. Jobe Bedfawd, 4 mauve of Bow- which 1 demo..ct, as utterly *nuns ; and having isghaa. Muwl.kakir, C./isad, Ililr• Thosoae also read a copy of the letter of the 77th of same Miles, saw of George Miles ef Healey -i. -Arden. month by Messrs. Alexander Mitchell sod d .1. rases meaty, Atha Reynold", sea d Mr. others addressed to yea, coademniug mid article, Regaslds. Tacoma, sad a yeses led Frasuu 1 beg to state m7 acquiescence to the aentimeate (wase. haft this harbour i■ Mr. Bedford's Bail cootaind in that letter, tud had I been in Strat- beet tread kr Meniamarebtting at the bead of ford when it was signed, 1 would have put my Lehe Hales. The wind was blowing reedit, same also to it. 1 was incited from Shanahan frost the 1,wti-lbs .&y was eluady aid indica- to the Show, as one of the Judges, and was pre - ted • change elf s• wthar. At twilight the hilae sent at the dmoer, and .yprovd of your remarks, appeared abet wrens er eight miles distant from to wbieb so one could **et ; u they were the harb.ra, sod at sea •'clock • tiniest squall strictly baring on the object. of the progress of esteem from tM Southeast, accompanied with civilisation by means of Argicdtore and Com- mis sad thwart, Ira toe sight was very dark.- merce. At twelve e'el.,k ibe woad veered to the South- I am, Sir, eer, and blew a gale. From a report it was Your SAMUELmost obbednROrvant, pe h.ttba,ens. saes had effected a leading ea the meth of Plan Past shoot thirty notes distant; Near St. Mary's, Mlsnrkard. bat this srpsrt terns net .nfortanstely nieorreet, sea wenn e.Ysamer ee.0 1.te port on Wdresday STOIT,eoe, 31st Oct., 1848. b,cgiy rbc steioJ I lataliigcau, that the best Su, -it will be doing a favor to the w..el" ass 4"-bre.k w tie moraisg d tM settlers in the Festers townships of the 31st reseal her the elmanel between Chiefs' Iluron District, who are so far resident from Pont sad Whitefish Island (shout thirty miler Godenehif the , ' District Clerk would pub - dist, sail nitres the ehaess el, ack the neeo fish i0 your paper, the names of the town - hips seeh. ase astawdidawly .. stao • shi for which Councillors are to be sleet - • tee me. nese r farioualy so0 assistance Pe l• cagy be ..seer4. The oeptais of the sloop who ed at lbs town meetings in January, 1849; saw the di..atee atm.ed the crews of at the sometime specifying, by the popula- n ee ether mesas. And the peat tmarniog a tion returns, what townships are to return petty went met is search of the wreck, on reach- two Councillors. I may suggest also, that ug the thew rhe trot ob)ect dreg Mw was • def the publication of the names of the Coun- wbieb was iastutl, ereerrI s'du Mr' Bedford's, ej4lore present and absent, at the October ■ ad a fermis; the poor faithful creature he led •option, and future sessions. would be w ikon se she remake el the beat which had drift- far a benefit to the public, and to those ed over she were said eras is the boy about two who travel Toch a great distance from their ,odes fest the fatal spot. Search was Mete - home" to Council, that all would bo enabled d.ewl, tams" far the boa..., and repeeltd daily "Atli tie left, unfortaastelywittiest 10 sec who atteded 10 their duty. It u emcees. A.er ►°res and boars were picked -our o nto4 also, that the duties of Coun- epi apt Me. df cd's p.ei.bk writing demk, editor., should nut be confined to the which are saw 1• the poa.ea.ioa of the master et days on which they sit in session, but that tine mk.amor eery Ass. A perry are going up they ought to exercise a euperviefog power with a ratans vessel, us make fur•her search for in Abe township. the r'wiwd Mee-fewr eafonsoate men. Mr. I am, Sir, , Bedford was a member of one of the elbow and Yocr obed'st serv'at, .resat regeatabte fa idle w 11.rwi.gbam, and A 1NSILLOR• beeves loom son year i. Godeneh, his warm (rie.dly. helms, aid obliging disposition Lae .SIRATTOaD,'301b Oct., 1848. rued him many (needs who deeply regret his nwlaneholy fate. Norio -After the foregoing was in type we received from Captais Crabb or the Mary lent, a eawmosieatiee a the Abject, which will ap- pear .0114/ 0101. MEADOWLANDS. to waaderiag thraagh • - strange land, much of above referred to, mig!it it therefore pleas e your Excellency, f0 Courted, to direct such relief as the circumstances admit of, either ay a writ of Extant, setting amide the said fraudulent conveyance, or la any other ram. Der thak.may•appear best. And your Petitioners will ever ray. TO COItRESPOND1iN1'8. The Comaaoieatioa tout Blaaehard is is type aad will appear in our neat. The Comoseies- uon from South Eaathope we cosset Mart 11 le too mercilessly rough, sod the writer should remember that no "manager was ever roiled by being pelted with mud." We return our sincere acknowledgments to our numerous friends in the Easters enema of the District. for the prompt ted voluntary manner In which they have come forward to vindicate oar character against ibe falsehoods of our Irahgeaot bet pow- erless enemy. We are now fully satisfied, and though the dastard has in his last Genitor .d4ed ieseit to injury, by stating, in opposition to the declaration of the Office bearer and Directors of the Stratford Agricultural Society, that be has so doubt but his malieioes report in correct ! ! Yet we hope they will not trouble themselves 407 farthet with the matter. When the audacity and utter iesigoiftcance of the poor enfortasate creature is taken into eouideratioo, nor frien41 must agree with se is thinking that any extra exertions made u expose him is, i• the leagues' ,>( Byroo, like " breaking a butterfly '(sou the wheel !" or u Pope says, is "'tesemblesOcean into tempest wrought. To waft a feather, or 1• Stews • 4y Ma. EDIroR,-There is a plausible spirit of emulation among our Taverns here, and the liberality with which they patronize the Fine Arts is also commendable, several of them have lately bad their promisee set off by an artist. in one Barroom a ship in a storm is represented to the greatest per - lection, and calls forth general admiration ; a short lime since two gents discoursing STRANGE COINCIDENCE! Lord Byres says, "Thew Teachers of great Moral Lessons are sometime, (mod in smog* company 1 " Aad ie stenciler over the coleuses of last week's Huron (Jolene in search of the Rev- Mr. Gray's Temperance lecture, we stumbled on a wonderfully eiite performance, in:eoded, we suppose, 00 • nbetitate, aigoed •' John Barleycorn." And as Giles had formerly thanked Mr. Gray for making bis colomas the vehicle of his Temperance Lecture, and claimed some credit for his willingness to promote the " holy Cause of Temperance," we think the Temperance "Lecture and " lobo Barley:om" should, in peon :o kis Reverence, been placed "cheek for "howl" ! ID- We are requested to direst the attention of the Godench Fire Company, to a notice in o0 Advertiaieg Columns calling a Meeting of th Members, is the Colborne Inn, on Wednesda 7 evening Ent, the i5th ism., and we trust that Taylor. It is 0eed(1sa to say he consented, and the season of the year and the importance of such agreed to go for old- Zaek.-[Albany Express. ieetitatione, to the safety of life and property, will be sufficient considerations t0 Induce the 'STRAYED OR STOLEN. prompt attendance of all eooeiroed. h BLACK COW with a %bite face and LI' We have received the teeth No. of the cot tato. She was raised by John 1)ig- " Journal of Education " and however far it nail, and purchased by the Subecriber from may differ from some of oar views an this int, Mr. Robert Montgomery. Sho has been portant subject, we mast admit that It contains pllee•ng since Monday the 30th nit. Any masa that is valuable, --and 1s, in the present person giving such information as may lead arouse the poastleu tbop.ede of Selavo mem wbo are reedy to early iso • war against their Gorman fellow -subjects. Little reliable nose can be gathered. The Frcoch held aloof -Russia stands ready wit's 100.000 000 to capons• tete cause of the ):wperur. 1a tial) these events are producing peal nue !I a1)The Hungarian sultrier. at Milan demand leave to withdraw to their own c000try. The position of Itadetaky appears pertlow.-Tke Clubs. STRATFORD P(►IiT-OFFICE. 137' OF LETTERS na.*.ug,a the Stott - I -4 iord Pe.i.Oise Im Sevestb e. 1848:- WHEREAS JOHN BIGNALI., $up'r- it aderioa,Sam,Jeb Thomas KYe• s ,Moline Heronilhsetrrtet, hes abecon tR wiith • large BMWSam, Deer as knitted,. David mss or Public Mone,. Ihu'bon Reward Oniony, Will,aul 3 Motu, Janos will be pawl 11 soy one epprehendang the NI. -roe, eist Croner, John Th.and JOHN UIG \ .11.1. • reit ,rcunntsg t lse Carroll, 1'.., k Mallory. 'hoes mound i101.01.•r m ward s i t be V mei. Jelin Meir, ,r„p„r' 10. 1.. Inc 'tin.. I 0.1.0V0011111.v0.1.0V0011111. The ('l-yy.. Jeers Millen.. kRoobla ert ,.", r. 'I'h,.c h. nd•.•1 and forty coral t'ha;uhln, William alswyewry, Joseph)• 1 olgebuuu, Anl.ur *lrGloughlen, Jawss porde, e •,s to thou sautes of tete Bonk of Carouth, Joseph McDonald, Derma Montreal. ('aastow. Charles Mclwllead, Dimas Thei above John Bigonll is a romarbaily ht Greger, Isabella cool' man, with coarse features, about (i feet D0011,0•11, Hugti ----.. - Dolelr, Artl.ur hlcGeorge, A .( milieu in herjjtb ; very Iuund in 1.1. " Yoceu Lintas." -Of all modern rover- Delia.. demes McMillen, Mrs *boulder', haughty le bis address, and about two., the moat useless, and the most un- Densmore, James McTavish, Petra b0 years of age ; Bair straight and inclined calledtortunete 110 what ar• teen , mon r• hemJam to grey, whiskers - white. Frieder Rohn.' B A. iodination respecting the above, to Frasi'r, Robert «kh•m, William y • be forwarded to • GEORGE. BROWN. Treaserer Huron District. Coderich, C. W. Guditriah, Oct. i7, 1.1118. 381f dies." It Is melancholy to reflect upon the amount tel womanhood which is waited in Fletcher, J■uwe guinea, Patrick Gj7eicber ladvirm. And what Is a young lacy -or e, Henry Ituttlese, Peter rather of what dues she a,n.t.t ? She Godly. R Iteherte. Alixu•der conatata tet a certain amount ofrtlks, ratite, (;,Ilii, James Itutlidge, Thoma* and laces, of "0, dears," "Ab's, • " be•utr- Hi.' 'op, Anois Reed, Pbtrbe felt,' compere. giggles, a piano, sed a pair 11,,,wn, Nsmuel Rican, Michael of corset*. Tbere may he • few other wt- flatland, Patrick Smith, Thomas nor ingredients, but these we the principal Howden Alex...der SMpam, Thoma. Halpin, Morton Sterennit. Neil 11.y, Andrew Stewart, Peter Naruilte, Joha Scott, Akaa.der Hill, date Smillie, Das id Hamilton, Ale:antler Stemma, :oho Johnson, Minuet Sherman, John Keeody. John Taylor, Flamed Kelley, thigh 2 Wal,h, Patrick. A. F. /SUCKLE, P. M. 1 invention The use to which Hos r noes. 1 may be 4pphed are out rumerour nor nae• ful-they are rather ornamental. A young lady cannot wash and scour and bake. It takes a wewan to du that. She cannot make a short, but she can work embroidery. She cannot rue with the sun, and take a morning walk, but she esu dance all night. Indeed, this is the only purpwe for which alae considere iter pedestals given her. As for her arms and hand., they are certainly made for no other object tban to thum the iII: Diree,on of the li.roe District Build- ptaoo, or cony y her food to ben mouth.- dog rectty will dispels or two or mor' She is a very lashlonableornament in draw. 1 Shares d £50 ..eh, at the Brltah lintel. ing-rooms and, parlours, but she it rarely 1 Goderieh, o• SATURDAY the 25th instant, seen in' the kttchen. She goes to church, ss. 7 o'clock. P. M. but .he seldom visite a sick room. She is Be order, very exacting of the attention! and kind- THOMAS KYDD, Bed. which she cooatder. due to beset(, 8ee►eury• but she bestow, Bone upon others. Sbe Goder'.eh, tiny. Int, 1848. 38 sometimes marries, but she rarely makes • - wgreat error of her life. ife. She keeps • house, but she does not N O TIC E . make a home. to fine, she lives for her- self, and for herself only. And that is the TH I. undersigned will bold • -Meeting in the School Home io the Town of (iodericb on SATURDAY, the Iltb november near,, for the parpose of devising the best B cans to betoken to relieve the School Teachers, who are at pre.eot suffering from the heartless conduct of JOHN BIGNALL. the late District Superintendent of Common Schools in this District, who has .blended with the School Mosey. It is hoped the Traatees and Teacher' of other Sellout Sections will attend, with a sieve to secure unuaimity of action in attaining the object in view. DISH: WATSON, WILLIAM WALLACE, MARTIN McLE1.LAN, Trusties School Version Nu. 1. Tose. of Guderick• 'Gederich, 30th October, 1848. 40 NOTICE. Gond men pulse times arsia greater dan- ger for saying the truth thaw' evil mea for speaking falsely.-[Ptautas. - When do two rod too not make four ; When they make twenty-two. A Luis I'ut.tttebiO.-00 ooe of the meth rivet steamboats, the other night, polities ran very high igg the ladies cabins. and one of the fair creat0rTs grew wrathy with her Cass hatband b'caase he swore he woaldo't vote for Taylor. She just retired and locked the door of her state room, vowing that her " liege lord" should not get adm'veioo until be swore he would vote for recover of her, will be handsomely •educated 'tate of society, entitled to rhe wp- rewarded by pen of all who desire the iotrodactioa of • more ALEXANDER NAYSMITH. e tit 'aret system of gospeler education We will Go,erieh Nov.,10th 1848. 41 APPLES! APPLES ! ! LNOR sale in any quantity, by the subset -1- m C. CRABS. Godsiich, Oct. MI, 1838. 39w3 Tb LET OR SELL. Tit AT largo and eomt.ndines three 'tory ▪ house, presently occupied ea the Huron Signal Prating Office. It contains lux good rooms a large under story suited for a kitchen. It is situated on the North side of the Sta•ket Sqdare,'loo ie ee11 adapted as a place of business. Poem -melon will be given on the lit .'1 Jamiary, 1849. Fur terms and particulars apply to the proprietor. MARTIN McLENNAN. GAericb, MO Oct.. 1848. 391f NOTICE. rllIlEpext Sittings of the tat Division Court will be held at the Gaol, Gude- rich, at 11 o'clock on Saturday the 2J December 0r at. - A. F. MORGAN, Clerk 1st Division Court. Guderieh, 3tst Oct., 1849. 40 ATTACHMENT: feel obliged, be the plablieber sending sea copy --- - 1 DISTRICT OF HURON, t BY virtue of d the (earth member, as we have not received 1Fi(: a writ of on the o. __ _ Atlstellm.st issued net of Her Majesty's from eaot.mptaiiagthe ivories, specimens of the by a .hipmhte making a heavy (rehire's, on We :acknowledge the receipt of "The A 11TEF[TrG of rhe Membersf the (date- lluron District Court, and to me directed t.eaui in; and pi.turesqo' which mar be Pr,'_ t «e'en us our obeerv•tion, result frotn MS resell. -urn leo to s^e w•'i it was s.!;0 mittrr, old nein. "Lsiionary and Sabbath be:tool Record:' loom .tt rich .F IRE COMPANY will oke place .1 ; against.the cleats real as will as pr,)eonaT in the corner, muttered, hat ! ha : hs ! oh-- Montreal• .1 neat little periodical tontaiuing the ('utbo?ne Timer" !MT- Ilii, on 1%edueedo'. .,,t llenry Elliott, tin absconding or condeal- 1 the kith lost., at '7 o'clock, r..., recisely• -led dcbtuf, at the loth t.of freer; c ficown ti c THOMAS KY D1), rise'. Elder, for etre„sum of fifteen pounds ten rat NOTICE. T. 'he pl.s,•w aid gesi16estie which we deri.ve'1 h beauties r thescene was disturbed I TO THE INHABITANTS .SRA T/'ORLi. NOTICE is hereby given that.an Act of the Provincial Parliament passed dur- ing its last Session, entitled, " An Act to confer Limited corporate powers on the '1 owns and village's of Canada West, not specially incorporated," hath Leen declared, to be, aid the .IMOD ;snow' in toil (0000 ors the Town of Stratford. All Proprietors of 'louses are requested to provide the Ladders hereby prescribed within one calendar tnnnth from this date and all persona unlawfully using fire, or guilty of other naisahcee, will render them- selves amenable to its pcnaluee. D. MCGREG OR, inspector. Stratfurd, 20111 October, 1 748. 38 LUMBER. ?VIE Subecriber has - on haul a large quantity of • SAN- N PINE LU• MBER, - of various dimensions, which be will *e11 on the most Reasonable "Perms for'CAS4j, or for W'11EAT and PORK, at Market prices. Ile would also regtte•t all those indebted either by Note or Book Account to blears. BRgw•4TRn $. SMART, through his Agency. to call immediately and Fettle with bin and avoid unnecessary costs. 301174 Mc DON ALD, Carpenter. I.ighthotaee-street• • liodetich, 1^th O -t. 1849. • 37 Magee which particular seenee bear to "other don't you see b -Se's sea rack I -looking at' 'crew ie other bods,"-io screw" which were Iwg faaullar and mesh loved ; sol which in all the picture! b -he s puking. they yeethful frmbess, are still ensbnoed is the hetlswed a.enierise of by -gone years. There is ABSTRACT • hied of ymtotbetie ioS -a Peculiar. 00- Of a Memorial so lois Excellency As Governor speakable ,0ehaateret in such resemblances, General, width SOUL!) BE adopted by the that draw forth a trail' d °weer, dreamy reset- Meesag of Tea/Jaen; and Srbol Trustees to Wetness. sed set obliviously on your conscious- ' 1. f1.44 in Gsderi0A to-.wrrero (Sntuntey 1144 sees of being an exile; and the similarities and i.e.." the host of endearing.ssoci•tioos crowd around To He £zau.ncv r. Coc,nr. : yw 001 70. become riveted to the spot, absorbedl The Petition of the ScAoolmas1rs mid 4ekasi- ; reverie, and sets experience, for a brief I Tratsuss Tf ds putrid it/ Hare, - pevi.d, the Ywiag heppisesa 01 twenty year Hvnet.r Semen -cm : age•That John Bignall, Esq., was, some years I. env j onsespil'ehregh Canada, we have rine', appointed, by the Municipal Council ...it with Oiw whew similarity 10 the Cons- omme of ear happier years called forth these of this District, Superintendent of Com- pleswag emetieoe ; end certainly we hay. me, mon Schools, and that the said John Big - sone to which we are more indebted in this respect, than Ma,towLAlnt, -the mansion of Daum ;rmina, Esq., Clerk of the Peace (or the Dundee of Heron. It is eiteatd in the rows - Stip d Colborne, about four miles from the tows of Gaderieb, sod 'boot one mile back from the Meitlead River. The lead tad • eery superior quality, fairly diversified with hill and bellow, Intersected by clear- winding rivulets, and pos- eeawag some of the purest, strongest ebrystal sprier schen ever met with. Tee dwelling hoose to built i■ the style of the old Bart/Mal nm•tis.. of Se.t1se, and @mode upon a jetting pe smeace y, whose circular form sad steep green' tides, eon back the recollection of the foes hams or 10.0eds of childhood ; or per- haps awe apprpeiuey reared yea of the • usaerosm oeol Madlaudu. shat peered* holy • tate Am rtntb er boned tiro glees its the mer- les& of Calade0 -. A. th. bees a lois pro- swaatsoVi L • 111eet sides of poem extent, to she egsra otoehisia a s clear, sleep pool d much toteresu.g and statistical ialormarion rt. gardiog Missies and Sabbath Schools, beside•i good stars animal sad religieue readies. µ ARRIVAL OF .TILE HIBERNIA 1 Seven Days Later from Europe. Now YORK, Nov. 3-3 P M. The steamer Hibernia left on the 2l.t October, making the passage in thirteen days. • Ltvsarool, Oct. 210t. Weather during the week has been very on.ettled, with considerable rain ; towards the close a change to a clear cold atmos. pbere. The harvest was completely gath- ered is` Scotland, and the potatoe crop was good. In Ireland immensely short Oat nall has lately ,absconded, taking with him crops. Large supplies from the Baltic and the v.ho'e of the Government Educational other ports, kept down prices at Liverpool and London. Arrivals of breadstuff,' from groat to thus District (E351 13 4), ■ refer- abroad had been limited, but expected sari= ease to his accounts .hews that ho was vale would prevent any advance 'for souse further indebted to the Edoeational fends time to come. Flour sold at 31s a 32. 61, of the District in the sum of £103. Than fur Cana tan. Iadian Corn show! Impru- Dee L. M'PIrRRInf, E'sq P,'ei t• reeking the whole amount embezzled bydud enquiry for Ireland, and recovered re- C R Dlceson. E.q., Yore Pr'ei t. $ duct -Ions io prices : 33a • 38e for white, Stratford, int Nov., 1848. 40 him £451 13 4. The amount of the secure -15. a 37s for yellow. Indian Meal 15c 6d ty taken by the Council (£400) was alto- a 18s. Trade quiet at Mark Lane on the CASH FOR WIIE:iT. gather insufficient, when the large sums of 76th, and most articles maintain value - public and District money parsing through ii Godeyicb, 704 November. 1848. 41 NEW SAW MILL. .billings; 1 bag" .eized all the estate real as well as pgnooal of the said Henry =ion, and unless the said henry Elliott, re4mfs-withis the jurisdiction of the maid /VtI1E Subscriber informs the ishabitanto C.ere, and pot is Bail 'to the said. action `' of the Huron District, that- his NEW wttbie three calender months, or cause the SAW MILL in the township of Klnear- maid Clair tele di•pbarged, alt the estate dine, on Lake Heron, thirty n,ites above teal, mad personal of the said Henry Elliott, Godericb. is now in full operation; and he or en mach thereof as may be necessary. is prepared to fulfill orders for pine or other will be held liable for the payment, based* sawn Lumber, to any extent and of any di- and wtiataouon of the said Glaim. emotions, og the most reasonable terms. e 'J'. McDONALD, - WILLIAM WiTHERS. Shertf Hares' District. Kiocudine, 90th Otic., .1948. 40 - Ssi1*IF/ s Orrice, Gatwick, 17th October, 1848. 44-3m ST. ANDREW'S DAY. -- BTRATFORD, INFORMATION WANTED. AGENERAL. meeting of the Sons of rr ,,F THOMAS WART), of the County of St. Andrew will be held on the 17th V Sligo, Ireland, who left Ireland ■bout le ;rest., et the " Farmer's inn" (Douglas') at year* ago. He first arrived in Canada. where '7 o'clock, evening, to elect Office Bearers he remarried six year,, and then be left for the for the ensuing end to make arrange U. Sot"''red he is now supposed to be in the $ y ear, arrangState of Illinois, lie is about 38 years olai,ie, menta for St. Andrew's Day. about 3 feet 6, black whiskered, plump face, ALEX. NIrrcuELi., Set y• rather dark, and dark 'hair. Any information given to his brother, who is at precept living in the Township of ilihbert, Huron District. or sent to the " Brantford Courier" office, will be thankfully received by MATTHEW WARD. Oet.38, 1848. Beef, Primo Mess, 85s a 85s 63 ; supply meted ; ordinary, 80s a 83s. I'ork, 66s THE Subscriber hereby intimates that he his hands aro taken into accouot, but in a 50s, according to quality ; sale., 5000 1 has now on terms of lease and part reference to the bond of security it appears barrels. Hama and Shoulders very scarce ownership, the entire management of the that from the manner in which it has been in Liverpool mOases.,arketOases., 34i is 401 Goderich Mills, and that ho prepared to fur ordinary and midliog ; 41. a 48s fur pay emit for any quantity of good merchant - fur oat either through the uadvertaooe or ignorance of the Coemtil, the parties in- cluded in it with the said John Bignall, viz : George Brown, Junior, and Morgan James Hadilton, Eels., are not held jointly and severally, but Aperatety, each In the nom wasrr, res.11ieg from a stress spring its its bot- mtdling to fine. Trade in manufacturing districts dull and discouragtog. The London money market opened,steadily on Friday, but the absence of steady news from Vienna, caused prices to give way } per mat o0 stocks. Console closad at 841. able Wheat at the said Mills; provided the same be delivered therein tine for manufac- ture before the close of the navigation. WM. PiPER. Gonsarcn MILLS, 8. 3 September 5th, 184911 C. 1100. it sou:ht th'' 0o9ear Met the CASH FOR SAW-LU(; entire security held by the District is only IRELAND. 400. Further, it has been diseovered that ie the case of O'Brien, tho Lord Lieu- AND SAWING DONE ON SIIARES. b deco rated ivio a decided answe' isms. sad seg ►fsag a ankle lake is ledniatar 6•01 Wed • estmenat stresmlot imam, sad 1e wb alaM alantin the merged the esdew. At (be ewer reg. sed es the epp.ite sided the ene0 .w, r. lei dies wish • geode elope till nearly lbs stem lead se se the she of the sames h ese• sed laves a .s sidasm.tn d pesslia h esty sed .0ifurmity : sed with s few artifi- cial wh cisl 'bothdsmmirl eve meow eow tow of th, pee rMali will sherry famish, the epee tenant as i g $ mor to the said John Bignall'" ab.eo.dieg, to the depot/mos asking for clemency, and :THE tHE Subscriber will pay cash at the he conveyed over his property to the said no dewing" *mon ie formed se to hie Can. 0040(1ch Mille for (rood Bleck Cherry Gorge Brows and Morgan Jamas Hamad- Full weight, however, would be given to Flaw -lots, and will'aaw any other deserip• res, i„14„ 10 regent toes hem few see- the recommendation of the Jassy. A writ sf tion of good Saw-Lsogs for any parties 01 peg0ael on his dishonesty; bythis ego at error has bees prepwd, but it was net share. yi P known whether 11 wonN be allowed or not. WM. PIPER. ogee instilling (should this conveyance be allowed to retain in force) all the *meetly, wwMhoofa fhk wsprl__ wito whey of the faiths' as it is, given by those parte for isnapesy ls•didse el roosts• A. it is, i1 I alio honest conduct of that said Jobs Big- Mara writing itistibrw, 10 rises simonise* urbanites. War ysaeona..4 as the rrrselatisar d bl'pheadt lad W its risme Untitled meg- pad the pose .4 the twee te, W we has easseset/ diem ta ass deep, we weed hate esstn.dy bread w audits the vee W bees swesssi4sdy},so some the Attendees"! ready Arp.tissd is die maireisa hart d Ras a its basieei Des. a law mike below Ddadies, geM • 4...01.01 aisle -fest of ohs haus., ase tr► dice a que .pp.aees d tit• hectic, ctrl tntM sp elan resat awl fr.lieg romme- meals* is tap .fatted 1 tbmas wise have home 47/4 'ir611 Bili •ithiilibe Wei sed horn e+ylat salt ! And from cireumrt•neee too mote - Hoes in the DtstAet, it 1a cariosity eosdlu- doe, that in reality. only own bu,dred poohh& eau M recovered! Under these eireesMeaeee of great hard - .Yip resell •g to yew Preit(nesee, *ewe - oiliest upon, 1st. The dishonest conduct el the .aid John Rifpall; lid• The tiadvertanos ey igsora.ee of the M..icspal Cseseil of rte District as shown to the mens., In whit4 the Bed e( the said Jehs Masa is draws at; and Idly ase lastly from the finder y ez4.Yiud is the testey.ao. O'Doeoghoe ons hese convicted. Mee- gber'e trial commenced on Monday. FRANCE. Cawaignae's popularity Ms deolied.- Notbts` important has transpired ie the AsseorMy. AUSTRIA. Almeria. same *till es.(.esd. The Ego - parer 1*. taken ep bhp residence is the su- burbs of Vesies• The city) had not been bombarded but vs as still beeeiged by the two armies. 100,008 troops encircled the city. The railway Ming torn op many mile" from tlleeia. The Emperor has re - torpid sol to Tenanted, bet to 011rnett, Mot'avia; be has with bis as affective fore.*, end fres that point he w111 be able to 411.1 1. G.salYcn Xmas. September iib, 1848. e!U FARM FOR SAi.E. /Td 1tV sou.) h4 lion hatpin, font Na. 1 13. M the 3011 ('ee.ss(em d Coder ro0taiatag Ie area, Mel *Melo i.rksr.4 ander esideslio* : tea aerak two newly • r- lomehrd ere resew lar e►gp.eg. The lead I or •scellest quality sed well watered. There w e geed Absaatal log Derelhy Hesse ee it, aid' see $Sr. d papery* God Rees a bowleg condi': tioa. Aad se the proprietor is dearnas of enter - sag tato other ►eft!'", he .41 dispose of it so moderate terms•Doe-half of the settee wiz M R1N4RlRPT) nowt', sad the *doer MK is three 1011011 4.00.7 itroset.w'us'. (1T FwMh.► pe►tie+hw, applyat this 08ke, or se dee P..prw arwgrtie pp.rermenss+s. 0E0501 ELWOTT, J..i e. i received Oct 21, 18411. 3J Gederieb. 131h Oct , fel- 37N se IIGRON DISTRICT, r 1 A T i C E is '1'., WIT : hereby given that the Court of General Qnarter Sessions of the Peace, and that of the District Court, will be holden in, and for this District, 0e TUESDAY the tweuly-first day of Novem- ber next, at the Court (louse in the Town of Goderich, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. 0. at whtch time and place all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Keeper. of Goals and Houses 01 Correction, IIigh Constables, Constables, Bailiffs, and ail others con- cerned, are hereby req .ired to atteod, to do and perform those things which to their respective offices appertain. J011N hi'DONAL1D, Sherif 11. D. Sugatri n O►ncs, Gonaatcw, 9th Odder, 1846. $ 118td • 1211:M0V A1.. 1A II OPE, PF.C+FI;LLY begs leave to return R I.SShis sincere throhs to numerous friends end the mitotic geedrally, for the liberal pat- ronage heretofore r'cei ed, --and informs, thea that he has RF.MOV ED his TAI- LOR1NO NSTAY1.1M11NISNl' from Is:ghthotue street to Evt atter, next door to Jose. Dessert, Ctr,iester, and a few emirs *mit d th.Ooderieh Foveae sabers all order. will be promptly ernes 1 and customers may depend o. ha01ng t err gar- ment. ma.ln op in the most hnp►oved nod fashionable Tyle. f A fall ..ryty of the newest tail and Wooster FASHIONS for 1448.0 just DISTRICT OF iIURON, 2 1 v -rine of Wrrt • s o writ of Attachment darned ,out of. Her Ma)esty'a Coact of Q.ssn's Beach and to me Stetted against Melted Relate w loos, t 4116* ! of llenjamtn B. Eby, an a fa 0.'.. Ns. sealed Debtor at the *efl•aff Wiltis,al lhttli erick McC 'Hoch, for the--eosr°trimmer! ' • six Pounds . Eleven shillios. and 'Thee. pence, i have sieaed all the Real }state of .the saki Benjamin., B. Dry, and unlike the said Benjamin B. Eby nesse wlthis the pt- riodictios of the said Court and put in ball to the action *(thin Mice calendar menthe, or came the 'aid claim to be discharged, all the Real Estate"ofthe said Benjamin B. Eby,'or co ts.ireb Hereof as may be resect miry will be held tiable for the payment benefit and satisfaction of the said o Coin. n - JNO. MCIX)$ALD, • Sheri] Henn District. Sheriff's Office. Goderleeb, 4th Oetabev,11148. • 38.13w Last Ca11 ! Last Call! Last Call ! L[e persons indebted to D. MANLI:T At Co.. or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ, will base an oppon,mty d paying the respective amounts to Wn•t•us Cour-T. nn the 4th and 5th of Oc- tober nes•, at the I7URON IIOTEL, Goderieh, after which time the Bailie -will call upon all de- faulters, se further time cannot be given. WILLIAM COSSEY. Timothy Seed, taken In payment at the high- est 'rIerket Price. lot September, 1813.- - 31_ NOTICE. 1.00K OUT FOR S(1UAT•f.F I ! ! A1,1. Persons indebted to the Subscriber el thee by Note or Nook Aeee.1, era T'gnes- ted to eall and settle immediately, or their Now. and Aerostats will he placed in the kande of the Clerk of the Coat fee collecuoo Ioeihw.4k. WALTER toll ARP• G•,Serieh. 17th Sept. 1848. 34 - ASTRAY. Gns AME into the melon,* et tl.e seheersber• last No. 7. first ('eaeeseiao, Eat Celanese, enure time 1a July last. a Steer CALF. (year- ling) red acid white. Any per.on awaits said 1181( are reviewed to prove property, pay "erg esJl aid take It sway LL (HENRY PEiNTBAKER- tlept. 20th. 184e. - STRAY 1':1), LIROM ti. premum of th. rehire/Am, No. I, lith Coicter.ea of Celboree, • T'ilowi.k colored OX, mate, with a stripe of white dawn his kaele--be, bad ea a Mel, sad is tiring seven Ira" std. Any fafarm*tin. "flirt trey keel to the (,eatery et tit' will it iib ally ww1Med kCHAISTOPHER 8TbiARt. yCalehist 1.161104. UM" 33- DR. P. A. MtcDOVGAI.I.. GAN 4. eaisiha O4:.I hoard, n4 the v Braid 44.04, (fmpgesagaa a•) (;0derirb, :tee. lite, 5848. 47» s i