Huron Signal, 1848-11-10, Page 2:a
Or None IMrauraranY to AOattULTI'aa.
1 bad occasion to rt -1t therm of a free ed
t•( wine, at a .ch..ol of great reseectablhly
in w wealthy agricultural district. 'Phe wet
ter, a very Iutsdogeat penuo, snowed me
tee delatf• us but well arranged °ataLlah-
1 .rut, wbrch sot cvowefy a roars in oto
ry respect. got/ring tlld well fill
schoolieum, t:c 0Murvcd t0at front of Lis
scholar. wale Tare etr' a, i.e. (itenebag al
hie try 1'inquired what bucks a egrt-
cue subjects it con/areal t 'Me este•
tri cc. •. m.ud allack 4..tla .Urrlw (Ad 11 the
thought 01 0,..h teethe Lad never eccured to
w 1.10.) and replied, •' with shame 1 ecknow-
Irgs, gut este ; but send nue a foal of such a•
you recommend, and 1 will rwurcJrt.;ly
weenie them." Now i a?prehended this
cue might be multiplied by a thuurand or
Mule. t'.ut sou solider then, that a youth
w ho net,./- heard tau curd agriculture at
school, and "nu :. reWuul or Geier Sent
luted*R'rrent d•aIriets to be taught ogre
culture car a 0-t:roc,', should gat home to hie
parent, a s. 1,11111W lin plan cel 1.rmrng, be u
gated, eau u. Iudlllaleut. In all other trade.
awl prolr*tona an apprenticeship is consi-
dered essential to Ib acguuememt u( know-
ledge ; but farming, the most t:ccesrary of
all trades, es to uu left to chance; or rattier
wacbance. A system tf ur :futmily is
commute in making • hat, coat or ,huts : ssamalated with tie editorial Jepaglrncot.—
times are eatablielied educational rules fur
so illiberal could never succeed in a locality 60,b lL ; as the three wee..■tul ceeddates :
remarkable fur its urteflrgwlCe and clear but the votes of Bourg la HOMO bed some
coIcepnus of the t.f civil and reit- other rommuees are001 eompneed le this
times (rause. list. It was reported that Prison LIMN
The fattener EdIter, and principal props- Napoleon bad beeia retutned for tie depart-
etur of the Gazette, having, to bat coat, mesa ale !inn!, that the Abbe de Gemuude
wasthat the heart ofthewAele l),atrrt was alikelylie to be the such /w 1
sou re(onu to the very torr, bis '• loyal( the llerault, ted., that
mesa ru.,iedtn let etltlejoetela-with pen tr ee.e1.cted ter the Soo ods.
*tilling, end rise, until, at yet, be wait Wk read to ata Cernetitetiogtle s--IieTee
*riven t0 !cite, for e a ah ht eosa'deta- Iroera.w the result el ttur screens fee tke
lttie," the ed'totlsl chair, as well ea Abe est- depeyunent of tteaSeiee will be uftfieielly
edewirmeselave* o
f the 1e, la lave* a yoea** 1*ajared. At the moeeent w are virility
wen by nu weans roniarkable for ht. keen the candidates stand se follow --
percept! e, or brilliant acgn:reu,entI, al-
though in ether respect a good member ul
eoctety, as we are informed. This wave
led, cf course, to the rapid extinction of the
Journal in qucalwa as the Dew edit r, unlike
his predecessor, was throen solely upon
lee returns cel the Lidice for his daily suato-
'Phe Press and type of the defunct Gu:elle
are to W removed to'1'woslu where they
well be a eleyed in the publication ur rath-
er resuscitation of a journal uncs called,
the •• 7'oruate Standard' but with what
success, it. former nee may readily pre
dict ! There is use thing, howe'er, wloch
may Icnd to re -timate the Combined gbusl
of both papers, fur a short period, and that
is the fat t of the name of the late juvenile
saltier being neither directly net indirectly
the church, the bar, and the unstop; rut Newcastle Cwrtier.
.. riculture, the greate.t tutcrert of all, on
iihich our very ezirtence depends, econo-
inteally and politically, is to be like a ship RESPECTABLE PEOPLE.
without a cumpata, iwsee ebout by tbs \\'e do met know of 107 term tint ie
ever -varying gale of individual opiate% oftener used enJ mu-nppeed, than the head-
withust the hope of reaching the part of leg of Ibis article. By a respectable man
1'erlectiou. Were a youth ever Su much us geoeraily meant • per.on that there Id no
u.cbue4 W fuiul.1 his wind wee venous- roawn under Heaver fur respecting. 1f the
✓ car and ubrervrtiwa cel the %arious aye- penes whom sou are dosrrour to charac-
t• 1114 cel culturu to our own or duffer's( Lerma favorably, is distinguished fur his
counties, a■ well as In tureign chutes, there
is under the present echoul system no op
tortumty fur bid doing so ; and no doubt he
wuule be.urprtsed tf 1.44 bit we areacen-
tury at Ica.t pelted the Cleo** to agri-
cullwal practice. 1 bupe we 'hall muco ver
every school, mud cel feet every farwer'r par-
lour, puesessing a few sound practical works
on agriculture. 1 presume no roan will
colat401 he kouws every thing it, agricul-
ture ; rf be doer, it is unfortunate fur her.
l tie 1 ate sequurted with the att4ect,
i am IiiTfy cuovicccdthat it is full of iuter-
..l, and of midi extent that a lite-eineel
. lady and praaa.ce would find car on the
wrong side of perfection.—London
Lenora( Goullt.
Fifty gentlemen of the 'Ibwc.hip m
\Yhitbv, having orale up a puree of b'dty
Pundit, wile a view et promoting Agrtcul- Respectability includes all that vague
t are Ly stimulating and encouraging the I and indcfinaLle masa of respect floating
. c.ence of Ploughmanshlp (the foundation,; about the sued. It is elate toes and nomf-
u(all permanent and successful (arwiog), Ina!, hollow and venal. To suppose that It
it it proposed to match twenty Ploogbwen ; le le be taken Itteralty and applied to atcrl-
(re.ndenu of Whitbr),againet any other ing more, would be to intro' your own
'I'oweship in Upper Canada, which shall • in 1 IgneraDee•
like manner make up a emu of Ffty Pounds i To esrich-tlr• mind of a country by works
Napoleon Bonaparte 110,014
Foetal (Moderate) 80,191
Raspalt (Red Republican) •••• 87,959
i%orw (Red Republican) •65,6114)
('abet (Red Republican) *16,480
. 64,05?
• • 50,813
Gen •u (de Caee) ... 19,111
Some deturbancee have taken place at
Elbeuf.—Birniaghuit Journal.
*tag to baptise end to deans. How *be
Cosstry *111 soles by poetposisg the birth-
day, we cannot exactly perceive. We ere
sot aware that oar Coswnstive friends are
kept out of odic* by x11e delay, and if they
were, it would certainly (looking back uu
the paM 0a a supple) tge,*terrible pity .—
Eterytldeg, thee, legift th i, we ate
di.potted to be wilt*r sc * the
•• meoumtest a seri its eoalone striae/ to the
advice gives h( a dear mamma, to her ill -
believed sue, ---0 Robert, sweet, pet down
your knife and venni be impatient; good lit.
Ileboys should leara how to wait, and
Betty must bare time to get ready the (ho-
ner, you knuw."—.Vo. r .iJ Transcript.
'J'I,u Cu:nTenr.—buriog the resent pelt -
twill curtest, we do not know that we have
■uythmg to complete of, particularly, with
respect to the abuse of uur nominees, by
the whigr There it certainly leas of it
..renew ^^`
Niton►?. NOVEMBER I8. 11118.
The oifel and ddJoete destruemoo of b• -
than we have known coca ue tante upon alae lite, whether perpetrated thrush the dark
the political stage. We think tbere is lees malignity of the midnight asesseo, or wader the
of bitterness and vituperation displayed oa sanc:lon of vitiated public opinion, whether in
Sittig/ for It, Gregg; Wannest& dsarmiitd
to fight. He did light aeseedingly and woe ;—
ted fin se dotsg has beet dignified with the title
d " the Father of his ewstry ! " wed hes eb-
tai wed venerable meows, which will endure
with the records of beams history. Whatever
didirenes •utJ base existed is the nature ef the
real or ipeglaary gefereeees esoplwttted at by
the two iad*.I4 b4 . oe however deflsie.$ tory
Aare bees the mime w WOW of Haut% VI/A"'
compared welter*,of Gesege Ifillehldrelte1bq
most be admitted that he was *matted by the
same news and motives, and propos ed the mine
menus of carrying his object. He failed, and t•
therefore boned to submit to the fate of a com-
ings felon. Not, be it remembered, because he
sdept.J the views, sad threatened to adopt the
meals employed by George Wahiogtoo, but
because he (seed of ',Asensio the employment
of these mean, in which ease he would bare
b°16 elder than has been known to 507 accordance with laws which are the relics of
Presidential contest fur the Tart twenty- bs,bsrun, is the duel -nag d modern civilise -
live years. \Ve rejoice that we are enabled lion or on rho blood swsad 6.Id of " oatmealto say sat, as It augers well fur the march of glory," u a direct ndatios of t►* law d lies -
in this country. We can
well recollect, that upob the approach, of tea 1 50 ahesrdily ID etself, tad me *atter es
the final winding up of presidential cur the higher sentiments d our mature. " Whose
tests years gone by, it was not without shelled, mimes blood by man shall his blood be
serene fear. being entertained generally, ,» use .sly be regarded as a general prinei-
goud nature, you say 6e it a good natured that ruptures of a mei euua nature would em- 1 pts bed do,
11 1. not an ia(sU bk predietibD;
man; if by bet zeal to wry, his (needs, yuu sue. At the preseot lima we are as quiet became thousands have been guilty re warder
call him a friendly man, it he is witty, or as a " uuuurrr morning prepared to he
sensible, you say he has wit and .untie; If
he a honest or learned, you say so at once;
tot d he is nut particularly emdueed with
either of thee qualities, you gravely ob
meth' that he is •' a ter, respecuble ua0."
A reran may be a knave or a fool, or both,
perfectly resigned to the will of the people, who were nor, and who eoetd not, by Inman
who slime base the power of decision to the , agency• be brought to paaiehmeat. {t tassel
ere.nerca. In fact there ie cotImg in tel be viewed as a positive iojanetioD. Renate
camdhlatee calculated to draw forth a cin- j acre were the murderer is known, and when his
deu.uation, on the part of any of our pN-' 1* sc sowltdged, no hereto beteg, under
de. 'Plies have Loth .erre) their country, Chrruu dispesselion, dare come forward
as the case may be, and yet be u a must and periled their lives in maintaining tea ash soy " I am eke iadindsam
a.l coi.worred by
respectable man, to the common authorised, which a commendation eeougb wits- blood '" lin
Dicks* Ass get, we believe, bad an eppeelesuy
of reading the Heron Signal regularly. orad
therefore, we ea*DOt blame him for pietas it
epees a level with the Casette is rowed te " pet-
ty sgwbblieg" and " rancorous feeling."—
We preearne he has bees • constant reader of Ib
Ciauue, tied ea be taut have bens Yekseed ad-
mire even week lads tfileheliath of
Giles with lhI" kis
!tweeted eg J A POd
letesk'ibfttatt dni•r >
hellish, dark, bmseise iodsesuoes about est
ruhdelity aed socialism . be meet r.seeesbly
have supposed that the Sigurd was mein inieg
a mutual warfare ; dew opishd, we ay, wostd
under inch drcsrssWaee, b. at Mea lawma4.e,
but at the sense time no intellipnt mu who
ha. read the l*.g'stl mace its .e ..excret
would put it epos s level with the O.sees either
Wee hailed es the Ddivwse et/ Ai cushy.— is thio w ie any seer esgeoa. W,beiiorsms s
We make no inquiry oto the positive crinis- bred:ern of the Prem, bah Radical reed Tory.
silty or probable eonaequeoces of Smith O'Bre•
to's conduct ; we merely wish to justice to the
enfortuoate gentleman's chancier, to represent
hie case in its proper light,—and thee to enquire
What will be the effect el putting ben tete
igoomiooua death
Among the ssesssoes Sloiae in the mooed' of
what bat bola called melamine, *bee. are kw in its columns. We have never, is nee alpge
darker lbw tete fact that a majority re those who instance, interfered with him or his rwtup, ee
suffered for political offences, Aare had mono- I bine hie lectures, or his speeches 1 We be sewer
menta erected to their memories : and posterity even coadeecesded a Ionian a Week stereo
have fearlessly denounced as murderers the ger- which appeared to his paper, curvet ie each
eminent which put them to death. Bach is the 1 craws as his report d the Stratford Diss, where
progress of humno events, and the mutabilitytheblack mahgoant falsehooille of him or Ins
at public opinion. The Treason of to -day may I equally degraded coadjutors, hese dewmnded a
be the Constitution of to -morrow. And it is coati...kieos for the beoe61 d peblie moreet,.
certainly not drawing too largely os the powers I We Stye aeverendeavored to eoeriaa the pebble,
te imagination to Pappose, that is lees than by the most uprinciplsd mieeepreeealuiaee moat
twenty years, some daring, spirit will easy the diabolical ioeiuwtioes, that be views IS Nihon
aeuw tit the tost►tc! t►+_µ➢ ap-
Tee beat title to the character of reupec-
tab:Lty Iles in the consenience tit (hove
who echiu the,r:heat, and in the conventional
hvpocriey of the wurld. Any atm may lay
out say thee: tut* 't t• wWtai for es Mince a abed the roe vers .
to complain a little 1t at Gen. Taylor doss 1 fuer, ceder the intfuencs'*( cornet moral reel'
not stand Upton his own platform, or rather lives, sod with a proper view of the subject,
npun'lie geuerai whig plat:orm, instead of -every man wovid shriek with horror from the
snaking the effort to come in between the! teak of bee,' the eaeeeeoser of his eine-man,
two—whng and democratic; but after all Gt
from s unite:Au that the passage in quetpin
clatw to it who is willing to give himself will make no difference. Our candidate applied with equal force to him and to the mar -
of importance 'DJ can find means to al oda upon the platform of the democracy
*Al admit that the *olemes el the Sigud have
been the vechical et as mesh original tad isle -
nesting matter as the cashew* of ley ether local
paper in Canada for the thee at has hese is tabs -
race. We ars sol swan e( ace asuman
commenicatim reflecting oa the oeedsel of
Giles or his prisciples(1) ever kering appeared
divert others from inquiring too meetly into it ll /lief, ready to meet triumph or de -
hes pretensions. 1t le a disposable tom- leaf with the measures of the party with
'nudity—nut a part of the man heat sucks whom he is uow and ever has been assoeia-
to him like be skin, but an appurtenance, led. It seems more manly, and when
like bee green sod chattels.
darer. It must therefore be nprded as nee d
thole green' pnoeiples, which are so abundant-
ly scattered throughout the pages of Revelation.
For lettuce, "They who take the sword shall
perish by the sword," cannot be regarded ass
Repeal d the Irish Union, by other Mown, it u are hetredoz ; ner have nater cru mew.,W
to be hoped, than dagt
aer; and that a monument, religion ; we have looked at his sad d at
o'mtopping those of the Prime of Orange, the the conduct d hip three friends, and Mein *ma
Duke d Wellington, and Daniel O'Connel, will ao, we would blush at the very ides of isweltise
be erected in Dublin to the patriotic, and it 1 Chrivaity by emaciatisg their meow with soy
present, condemned cad degraded felon W. I of its various denomiatioss. It is tree, we
Smith O'Briea. And his blood, if thus coolly I have never recognized Giles a a politest{ oppo-
sed deliberately shed will, in all human probe- cent—he bat no ksowleJge ser eseauties with
belly be the muss of watering and nourishing 1 politics—we have never treated him a • geode-
s thousand spirits similar to his own, —who wee I meow even as a man : he has sot the slightest
seek revenge for his deetb by .ccomplisking the claim to either title. We hare not zegarded
object for which he died. him as the Representative of Conservatism is
Nota.—There are shams in every department he "elate of fin. -on ! we could eat 8ee.aly
of bums affairs and we bare been both amused view him a tine repreeentetive d anyt►itg ea-
sed siakssed with the sAarn fwsm
y of many i eel), /One, blustering, r iodeseeese
of ofriends. when noticing the semtemee d i We have never written one tenter* agaiast
Smith O'Brien. Their Hence seem to get par- lam in the way of bullying or beowbeausee sot
slized at the very thought of drawr.g end gear- !one syllable that we did not believe to be moral -
elected he list his guide—rte judgment of tering the dead body. They think this part of , ly coneet; and he has written few eyOaet..
the people, to direct hum in his onward res Aces, because mellons have *ken the sward f the semtenee is beeehle, revolting, Imbrue*, leggiest se but what his couscieses (if be W
ccureC•—Detroit Commercial 'Bulletin.
P P ad, in short, mvagely cruet ! ! It is revohiag, o.e1 told him were malignantly fate. We
and fought with the sword, who did not perish simply becauweit is sot common. But if any I never represent a man a a lying, abatLiag, as-
*remote GgrnaAL Score Lost.—The by the sword, bot died in their beds like other I man; or body of men, will wilfully bereave w d I principled creature, melees we eoaeciestiwMy
statute'. Gem. Scott was lost last night people. This sentiment is therefore laid down life, we 0111 give them full liberty to boil and ,believe him to be such.We wJl give • pease
about 8 o'clock, in about the middle of Lake .s • geLenl principle, and like the other, applies eat us alterwatds, of they can find any additional ; of the worthless ling. 1a the Gazette of the
St. Clair. Site was run into by the egwltys stl ; sad both are merely intended as Velum-attestin m doing ; and 11.0 the failing 97t1e October, he arms, for the twentieth time,
l$choon*Y'Idlrsis l sunk in a ver few min- 1 warnings to revent the wilful destruction d
► 1 Ih D and eating been customary, we presume our that the Press ad Typed the Signal Offies ane
- —the perm to be deposited with a Treater. i of art. or science, tr not the way to rank
er menial) eboeen, and to be lien upto I yourselfre.peetable, at Isaac In your Info- We understand from Mr. T. S. Spare. ra a human life, for "vengeance u mine, math thee sentimental brethren wooldelperimcenoqualms the property of the Hoe. Malcolm Csnwo —.
the winning party un the day ogtrial—afire- I tonic;—to **lave, oppress, cheat, or plun- who was on board that be thinks ill gon 1 I'ed' Ind 1 will rept?-" ' of conscience on the occasion. The brutality Now the poor, otlly, useless creature homes
Is the Jewish Theocracy, when war was to and **ageism consists in forcibly bemiring a nothing d the matter. The nebaritabk eo
ably to the decutun of the Judges to be der, would he a much surer way, and to board were saved, although there were two a y g 1 p
Appointed es follows :-Each contributing I ire* this, we might griote innumerable buys who got on board at Algona who are I be levied upon a "1100' en express eommaod strong.
trong ketals oma. of t f.;—the remainder is position is merely eogeodered in the venom of
party to name three from swim d'sintereet-
cd rPuwwhiip or Townships, and the six
Judges so chosen to name one or three
Empires. comfeh"J to admit this I Truly it is. Of beg,e„ge and freight of coerce was all lost• death, but also int pernms who were to inflict
The match to come toilsome day jletu•eeu I course, no mechanic or artiees can, accord- 'gl;,.ru were abo.nt furry nt,se^ • re on it—".!•i.! the Co oaeounov shall stone hint
the seienteenth of May ane tenth of June' ing to this mode of resuming, come under bvard.—Dctrcit''lla(icIin. '
next, and as near half way between Whitby : the head "respectable: --of course • not ! to death. Now, finless a epeeist mandate item
and the Township accepting as circumstan- I and all be can do is to shake his bead grave- Ilea** can be produced, declaring that a parti-
te* will admit. ly, and, with a sigh exclaim, " Tunas MUST Kroosros Ptinnwernaay.—The enquiry 1 cuter " Jack Ketch" in Dublin or Clownet shall
I'be winning petty to expend one of the BE SOMETHING WRONG !"—.11reknaic'a .•ld-4•into the management of this publll Inside- i •' hang, behead. and otherwise mangle the living
purses, or fifty pounds, in providing a dinner 0oca/r. I tion is sol pending. We understand that I body of William Smith O'Brien." we most
to the forty ploughmen, the Judges, and ._ - - __.—. j the result of this investigation has been to ' coetee n to believe that the mobile execution d
rine hundred contribution to the respective 1 produce upwards of three hundred pages of his boaible sen *11* is cot warranted by a
purses (and meeting any little conengr n- I V* ,io Ane Tits. TRULY VALUABLE ix So- cnarges against the Warden, embracing j
cies for printing bills, kc.), and in awarding visTT.—Tho value set upon a member of I almost every species of delioquency that 1 " Thu seal the Lord." it is however, un-
certain number of premittme for the beet eoctet7, eh..uld be nut according to the I can be Itnagined to a public ufficer. All,, wintery to know, that tbe_defevee of the death
specimens of ploughmelahip. fineness or intensity of hie feelings, to the j that the public has heard through the Cos j punishment upon Scriptural pneciples, is soar
- 1 to remain open until ; accuteness of his sensibility, or' his reads- vier, and other papers, of the horrible Coe- I rov600d to a minority who sdortasately have
instances. . .
Well. this it the way of the world;—tint
Wit not humiliating in the extreme to be
not yet discovered. was given from Heaven to that effect, and when
The schooner took the passengers sod a criminal wag to be put to death, God himself
crew, and landed them al Algonac. The bad explicitly specified not only the kind of
nese to weepfor, or deplore the miser he
the let of January, 1819, unless sooner P 7
accepted. may meet with in the world ; but in pro.
It le also to be understood that the Vic- portion to the sacrifices which he is ready
tureen Township shale be bound to keep to make, and to the knowledge and talents
the proposition open fur twelve months which he is able and willing to contribute
from the day of trial, if not sooner taken up towards removing ties misery. '1'o bene -
by sumo other Tuw•urhlp.
All communications on the subject ad-
dree.ed to the Secretary (Post -pater will
receive immediate attention.
LJy order of the commilee,
PETER PERRY, .Secrcl.sey.
P.s•—All newspapers willing to aid to
the promotion of agricultural pursuits, by
inserting the above, aro respectlelly reques•
teal to do r0.—Tse Clete.
A Cuv'l,Ne MunLET.—BangsluIe itself
lies about twu miles *rum t..o military cen-
tre, and is on that male, completely hidden
by a douse lope (grove) which *testate,
route i•, amd ie penetrated at different point-
by ruede Ieadiug to the gates. Thu greet
la a perfect inetropulrs of monkeys. The)
poral punishments inflicted on the wretched I yet 10 mum the great first principles of tree
primmer' turns out to be true, and more religion; ad that a vast merrier of all whose
than true, and if she l commit Administration dun g 1 intelligence and most e".""vp ire ealcsMtvd
its whole career shall commit notheng but i
blunder', it will go far to cover tbem, that to reflect any credit upon religion, shrink from
et has: caused a searching enquiry to bei the idea of identifying Chnstiaity with the
fit mankind is a much more difficult task made into the management of this den of animal principle d retributive entice sod the
than *eine neem to imagine ; it it mut quite
so easy as to make a display of amiable een-
sibttlty : the 6lrrt requires long study and
painful abatainence from the various all•r-
ring pleasures by which we are surrounded :
the second in most cases demands only a
little acting, and even when sincere, is utter-
ly ureses to the pubes.—I4'rsh.isser Re-
ELACrnO} Or Pae+ca Lour. NaroLroo,
AND A RAG Raru.iiCA:.—Prince Louis Na-
poleon has been elected, mrd through the
instruuientaely of the Real Republican.,
who have equally succeeded 111 returning
the most obnoxious (to Government) of
their three candidates. M. Rasped and
M. Achille Fuuld are also elected. The
as arta in leuu.sn1s, chasing each other 011 Ter -ea correspondent mays :—" Prince Loa-
the road., capering on the hedges, chatter- I IA Napoleon moat make no oueteke in this
ing uu the buughe, ani gramme hungrily ,„serer. 111„, guise at the heed of the poll
st every ow who mews with any salable. Iv due to the Commuwsts and Socialists,
• They are a cotenant pest to every house-
wife in the town, dt.cuiering uneoSpccted
praesgre toe their stores, forebtalkng the
meal, and maktog baste, retreat, A native
!able, In illustrating Ibe dagger of ml.cltev-
ous comp.nlunl, teem of a man whe took a
journey, accompsincd by hie monkey mad
vena goat, taking with him rice sod curd. for
A refreshment by the way. Arrived at s
tank, ho received to bathe and dine. Lay -
trig down the bundle wall the pruvietone,
lie tied the two animals to a bush, and
went down to the tank. 4o rinser had lie
,(,.appeared than the 'flunkey took the tete
tile, marled 11, dueposed of the good Outgo,
red tree wtpiek his hands au the beard of
• the gost, so as to leave plenty :s'• markt,
nal d.wn solemnly at t:er rather of lite
tree. The pw.r goat wA.:ed Uro bwU I. , eanididstes by the Somalis**, Common(Ns,
etas to her arch companion.—e A Ruiner'Terra/noted Terrste d' parte, as • means of can).-
tu t8. Mvure." I ing oil, their owe prljeete. But they
were not the "Bad" men who relented
I hem : r tee lti ".aefie. for the Yuene, for the
DEATH OF TVP, PETER BBORO' Umry foe the Ninor fur 18. Clientele ; tad
GAZETTE,. I .yet he has be. ' ebonite 8 all Item'. The
conncUoD on the e' ind ola'mrl)r 05°11 man
We bun from our rontempnnry of Ile°, :,,ra moa N false
Dwpetd, that the above Named joerrst. - i meet a. Or( if1110 te,,: wet of the
"after • wheezing *matinee of throe years," step bewill r here sow dPetrdtw,i o 11M
departed title Moos the morning of the 14th I Rspeb e
isle This it seathrr meet powerful est eight is the strewb. Thi Bee1eee'd. were
Jones of the enfrtendhl.e.r 0( the inhabitants as crowded u on the nights preseeding
rd the Colborne IANrret to the principle* of leourreeettnn of June. Heel"
torpors. The Caaefts from the very first pmeeod st brief intervals, but MMwnt inane-
y,,,iteerte ut its existence hoped fere, sod no diaurbenee took
b.,p., N It wee evident, to ell who under 1.4 Peewee Ores the toff to the will mete "•411stwrd las lrwiial ctreuletr.e and political result of the election :—Len.p
in Noless, we '7
greed, that • Joareal 50 ctrcn
umsreccd era 11),)'92 ; Achene Fre(!, NOW , -
horrors. \Vo believe that the Warden has ' wilful shedding of human bleed. The death
now been fur three weeks on his defence, ' penalty new, is principal!, defended ma th.
but report says that he has failed to estate
fishing his iunuceoce in any 'peewee.—pnveipd expediency; the fa!hey d which we
Courier. lately ex exported Is a Dumber of wise, which,
through the kindness d rosy of our cotempo-
DON' T BE IN A HURRY. retiree obtained an extensive eireelatioo in the
— 1 Province ; we .hall therefore only repeat the
Wo have not taken any part in the out- ' greet natural Mw which should be legibly engte-
( h h and market
meeting Parliament sooner, because, In 1 mankind coact -agate, Dewey, " 11.1 Jest to ' public Journatiet, and that your solum* will in
mere useless formalities performed on dead mat-
ter. And if the destruction of lin is necessary
to deter others from the commission of crime, th
then the more harrowing and revoitiog lite mate- but to exhibit e tree picture, we ,no.. ,n
,ter of lege. mur, ler, the nacre efficient will it first instance *brow mile common r: roves, wet
as s preventive. In plait language,. we openly declare tint the assertion i. a he, and th•
think tees, and the Press es particular; should author of it a barefaced, impudent, agsalified
either speak oat spinet what es really barbarous lite! Neither the lion. hlaJcolm Cameros sort
and brutal, •iz : reining the wan of life, •r any other men holds a Bill of 9ede N tie Print
eSAt -
erwees no
my tbis,about the indignity offered
u the hieing body It betrays a sspentition not
belonging to the present age, and ezh,bits a kind
d unproductive, thicken -hearted humanity with
which few intelligent men will sympathize.
its owe small brain : sod eo Isog m there are so
Isres out against us, the public do not ore ore
fartbiag who is the owner el this etabh hment
Tecxcaaerru, 16th Oct., 18(8.
To Mr. Teams Mecum*,
Bu,—Your letter d the 91st host., 1 received
my oa miu
Tuesday emitting. You appeal to me
a lowered truth and justice, briefly to contradict
wick iek in the Gazette d the 20th inst., relit-
Establistmiat es this Office. The Prete
and Type, to the last penwy d their value, slay,
at any moment, be made available to the maven
d mase
the debts contracted by Thos Macgen,
is Goderich. Now, arcing that this is the use,
and that we and every echabitaot of the town
know that repeated attempts have bees rade to
seize the Hay* Gazette Printing emehl ebment
for the debts d the world -be propietor, and that
the writs have been retarded by the Sherif to
the swindled parties, bearing e issceepaio.
Nulla Roma INo Effects). Seeing that we end -
every other person In Goderich are swam, that
tin to your e..dect u the Strai(ord Agncolts- I %villea_ Preeeete Esqhen era• eked twice.
rat Dingier. T beg to decline interfering in the!
within the last five mouths from Buffalo to
matter; not because I deem yea deserving .( Goderich, not with the ezpeetatees d getting
cloacae measles emeaslesmeasles a fir u 1 am aware; bat the price of the Gaut.* Press, but 1. the hope r(
inasmuch u 1 eoesider that it would only tend deeming nom. etnsgen to get back hi.pwptrly
to perpetuate that coross sod spiteful feeling I oat of levees*the I•wlesreatwre4 hu
which has too long existed between the Signal
adv' otter it her
and Gtstt. 1 teat that *the yes will aha- I been mettle twelve or eighteen months. wkee
eider these circumstances the creature u au fat
lose to every sense of shame and eommmenial
deeeacy, u to talk and write about any body's
printing press, or even to speak shoot a priming
press at all without hiding hie face ; we ask,
cry raised against theMinistry or not vee on every a urcplace when dos that petty Squabbling, so utterly unbecoming
sober truth, we Nope we are reasonable reporterste the amaamt f cruelty tadUaodnbd
people, and because we do not see any I icy eke reiiie weed i, celled epee 10 nitwa+a'
good in hurrying on folk who tell you u' jest is tAs.s.tepreporai.s will tits revel fest•
plainly as they can that.they are not teed,
to go. 1Ve have the more sympathy swab "rs retried "d "1.04a Io lite corwes-
the Ministry, too, because we perfectly re• stew d •►arra.
collect what a vain: we used to attach to With regard to the Unloosens and magui.
/bet same vixen*, of "not ready," in days tads of Smith O'Brien's crime, we lean from
one by, when, like Macbeth's "amen," the indictment that it consisted principally in as
Murray and the Eton Grammto ar estnti05 e.rpass rhe dew, of the Qoeeo e
stuck in our throats. It is True that the We do not pretend to understate this antique
mode of ezpresdo ; it belongs to an age with
whoop customs we have no desire to becoave
familiar, u we thesk the profit would fall abort of
eompeesetiag for the toil. Bat without ksow-
ing say thing of the character or dispositions d
Smith O'Bneo, save what we Ines gathered
from the *bile sewapspen dating the last
tweets stere, we thick we may rely take it
for grouted that had be met Her Mammy aloes
is owed the wildest twosome ie Ireland, is a
eases* elevens sight, so far from taken :he
e dvasage of her feelers sad pitiable condition
to " owpmss her deeds," h. would have throws
off his greatcoat sad endeavored to shield bar
from tete " pettiep of the ottani *aro." 1■
shat, we may very safely sten.. that he weed
have pere•end sd sheltered her with ell that
dignity of ditty wheels Mielligwt manhood feet.
in misimerlsg to the seeessitles oI wntaa's
helptagons' : therefore the eharge of an cites-
tow to "eempess the death of the Quiets,"
wbateur effete it may be ale.Mted to p..dgss
epee this minds d • jury, ought, is psblie yeti -
WWI, M be Mime et lee tree mdse. Is psis,
ee4tass sees, sdersruda8M losgsyo, the
trims of Smite O'Briee was rat the edam of
Gem& Wedt.gtea u a smell s.aM. (hop
W..kl.giu uttered dirt the U..04 States
woo fenjesed tether tame bo.sfitted by the gem
emu* d Bemis. lie wrppso1 that they
were erre pSutt tit peen rhemeelre., sad as
deme sigikags teed get be obteesed without
and on this fact he it warned by the Re excuse with us was what we ideated new
forme, wblch tit doing so relieves itself call a standing joke," though but a very
from the imputation of being of the party sorry joke at the time It was practised; but
of the Ked Republic. The Prince is rand as you eant't maeufa"tnre a stile puree est
to he in no respect Repubecao. The So- of a row • ear, or an axe -handle oat of a
mallets are out at all liwpanalub. Not • tooth -pick, so nuphar whtppieg nor scolding
particle u eyui
t 1 f pathr exist+ between Mm .41 mak. • man (or 1107) read7 into a 001
ray, and that was the bogie we "aleand the red meta. l e has been placed lino
among the representatives jurt e1 cued fur, prepared to the much revered patron of
Parte by men whine principles he abhors, whipcord who undertook to correct our ez•
and meatier by ten who, were trey emcee and ourselves, and wbo (pews he to
through bt cad or oiherwse to melee at les .out, though he allowed Il to our
power, would make him feel hew little they body) now sleep. wttb his fathers in that
cad his pretettuoas at heart when they
capacious bed which sores ewe well made
contributed to his glutton. It would .p- never requires any farther making. The
pear that we are, therefore, on the eve of object of the legnlaton be'eg 1"gialatroe,
a new struggle. Prince Louis Napoleon
we decidedly .bloat to Mlle' togelbw the
heabeen placed first among the successful Ministry with the words "nn erects" en-
dureed on their feerelvesle or ',boulder.. If
we thunght, as our worthy preceptor tend
most ungeneruusly to think, that the plea,
not real)•," was only a sinking excuse --
is that case, Indeed, we would follow the
practice of pedago use—catch every sinner
by the "scruff" olfthe meek, and make them
' meet' whether or 00. !Int is then any
ground for such a auppielot 1 On the eot-
uery, eo and strong ars the mie*s-
tsrs that it is tbekult to imagtee either
sbe►t-cornings or tong-corniege that would
Ware lbem without a majority. Tie plea
or " Not ready," under ouch dlrcenetanes,
fa 10 oar minds Lather eeeooreging. It
seerme to inter tbst, (thong% free to de
pestty meals whet they like) they are really
d,speteed to bo fruitful, and that whom the
(tun be filled with *natter more useful to the
community at large.
I am, Sir,
Respectfully yours.
F. 8.—I bad written the above and would
hats sent it before that bad Do* your extr*ordi-
miry letter to myself appeared in your paper,
whish natured me to eeppoes that you had
written mealy for the purpose of publishing the
saws. I am mach surprised that you did not
apply to the Chairman d the Stratford Agricul-
tural Droner taste* of me.
J. D.
We regret very numb that • ems possessing
the iseilligence rad discrinaisauce, for which
we wdleegiy give Mr. Dickson credit, should
ban se far miwsdervesed the utero of the goes -
ties na which he was appealed to for • decision.
Had it bees a question of party polities ; or m
gmmtios involving Rey .peculative *pisiea o0
which rope eoeseientievely deter; or a queens
of factional duesswu Mowers the Herm fee
neee ted the Signet ; we would certainly not
ben i..wlted Mr. Dieting by re+emtieg hes ia-
terfanso. es either tidy. Bet being • wmprs
gesstiee henget rivet ted J.r d, we ewe
ter* lila it M do dely d every good rear u
*est the eeppeamu of withal falsehood We
appealed w Me Durham is prefereses to the
Ieiairw d the rwtiag, fee a nee* which was
bee etly sated, e*oely, that the Dia.sses of
the Stratford Agrieakeml Smiety west adapt
*beer own method d " Joalua with the .irked
Silly ere•tere;" old they have deep es, hesore-
bly. wetkaet ley *Nneae5 se the d.&es.cs of
political .peso.. Domitie we .fished to new,
b err repeal to age. Dodos,. that el tree d
meted intelligent* the bee ef out end eerier
will nrn ettae "eery Aed-a* if 'beer Mer
would it be right 10 allow him be *emit bob lijs
malignant lies without contradiction We
think our silence would be criminal; std there-
fore at the risk of arcade* mu best friends, .ed
of grau(yieg our worst eeerws, we have dela-
mined se sed hr se wets eeeawes, with jinn*
u little ceremony as we wield deal wish sop -
other troublesome reptile. W. tows ds tope of
making bum poke his ,neat basemiugly nes fr
gutters, nor of even elicitiag a Ne le-i1ie (we
would just as soon expect 9 e Mt
we will at lest have the
blm at his proper level ill babiri e h
perhaps d leawsieg the ttt~aegs of kiermelly
impostioes. Thaw tyke foppish end ismer -
wow him en, ,. • word p.iet d view, orally
bed as himself ; sad now filet the Mva ..raged
every principle of truth cad justice, they mime
fast take a as they find ea, aid that will heti
pretty rough oceassionally. And t eme\ 8.
should he aided is hes week of dnaorelitlelset+y
the Jadge on the Bench or bye an* N Megkr
crates. we will treat them MeV the stele Medic
and oneeremoneeoe emtemert Otell easel es abet
of Truth and lance, and nor chisel te to nes d1
our humble.bilkies h dotal geed tooter hstiow
creatures ; end we doubt not 1ef sennet We
len bees iii the Mbit of wnrog m
foe the peblie for upwards of Wrest, freme,
we have displayed more tsaemewellimbtig &flab
the last else sum*. V G•rlslfeb. *lar in did
b s1 the rest oldest s teed ; al gulp hem= we
ewer ears ea Obleset with 557t84.4 wattit4 i
aopfourmbM dt ibleyeeleesealasill.
b$Ytwee*ds s .51* eeen-
tt P e>1.diu
Q.a*nthlweal Who.oe
etinas.eth,pFicsraetga.(sewee,lbs .es
gesemploy* dBsbet whoa • roan V
4aaaf.18ee ; seat tromrpfirt
t fti