Huron Signal, 1848-11-03, Page 2•, let- l M ceY iN. IVAte Or TIP: ECROPA. CONV1gyWN AND stwrieNCI: OF 11. 1,13.l'1'II LeBRIEN. N►w 1oal, the. sb, lent. Tito .lc..sue r Ea. op.a es ala, d at hale- eel three 1'. M. I'bc tees w b.'h y eater taut. Nu titling* in 11 ere la.: en teems deal nee tsJ W 1 -,'Let thus redaat on W it:cuacry, s. irk attire Jun see. The auauocawt at el the Nt as cr tooe ug ►,y surf Pee, and wca taut gcaerally cg. Leval, 11 s tit) abwtcat peerage stet wade to Nee Yu. k. The 7:u,., r grim• sects •dsy. hies ret es—that se ietag to Heisted end to the Cuhlmcnt bene all ratter an (tiling rhe realer. dwih'i lJ Buou bas been cotimetc 511 high tteasoa, aeJ ear, on S.turJay the iltf test., *Sl.ttnced to Le banged, draw o midqua.t.,.d. 1 be Jury bunese,, united is a unasimoua ra•cumuseudatiun of the Mittuuct w Ike afteteacy ot the Cruwa.— rp to the l ling of the steamer, nu d.fi- tate ibhu,wr.•o .•t the course that the l.urd 1. •.s.r. emit a use pursue, was eaccr- tatned 'hW,i,1. a Iseeaage scktes.ledge the shay • edema bad beta received true, the Towel'. Tho last advices btougljt us to the eluate if Mr. \Vh.lcside'e address ru the Jury, un behalf of Sir. tear en. '1.6e court tat on Saturday it 9, and lbs Lurd Chief Justice preceeeed with his charge 11 1 alit r 10, when an aAJCerninent occurreu to listen to tie etidecco of Mr. Deleon, a l'roteivaut tiydet.t el Trinity College, to ',hew that Dobler, 11.0 inf. rmcr had par lard himself. The Judge resumed hie charge al four o'clock, sit the jury retired. to an Lour aiJ lweely minuted Vv. returned Into court; with rert4ict of Gcjit't, ehteb proJu- col a prufuSaJ aetse•tive. Appcneei Ua the verdict was the fulluteiag: "We car - ne.4y neumwem a the pr.soner to the owe - etre of the Guvernmcat,'bat fur nt..ny rcasoes hh Info should be spar- ae!, lin Monday M.-. O'Brlen was broiig!.t u for Ss etcact ; his wanly bcar:ug, calmness, - eulnpusure, and flrmnedr, as lee ■teed In ,tout of the deck, was she thews u( ubaer- 'lali• n thruuhhout the court. The Clerk llac Crown thea aekei,Mr. O'etien what he hat tutey why ientetco of dente should tet tae poster oe hon. Mr. t)'B. then sold, `• My Lcre—lt is tet my Intcmtue to enter lulu eny riaJrcstwu uf icy conduct; how- ever much I wiget have duffed to anal Myatt( a•1 ' np eortueity et to doing. 1 ant yarkcif .att i1ed with the conscrour- news of liming performed my duly to my cvyutry, •oil hating only done that whicb, .Io 07 oplaion, It 0w the duty el every Jtt.kwau to hate dant, and 1 ate now pie - eared to :bide the coiucyuenees of baring performed my duty to Oft Dative land."— (Cheer-s in the gallery.) After a brief ad - Leese, the duos* put un the bl..ck cap and ppreceesle4 ad tellowt tee That your 1V ellen burins °Brier, bo taken w tbo rd_ wb, i ce you cant', eta oe teen Jrau n un a kindle le the place alt execution, an I be banged by tete neck ti I..you bo dead; that afterwards yocr head shalt be severe) (row jsur body., mod your betty be disposed ut as her Majority *ball ace m pleased; and may li d hate meter on your soul,' deer that be tuck an affecionate leave 44 the ereaJ, who plushest! to shake bun by the Gaud, aeJ manifested great composure througbouy be was then removedto Gao to Mereartetitt San. Lady lel/eve bas fawn to the Queen • ve bed' uf- Let sun; it a rumoured the ib. Lord Lieutenant wit inexorable, and no mercy went, be ettewu. The organ, ot the Irish Government, UrGhs F.s•rniajf. P5efi '1 Thursday, is st- 1 s;t un lb cu' j. et. Me.71Ihen hes also reran ce nsietc't. C. J. 4,..'1'v'e trial to open un the 0!,t. Teel of Jlr. te.1.'vn' - l.uefeelege'reue.0 preCeeticd at hit Ito - Cutlets, Cholera made fta.appicranee in London --costa reported in the =Wield*. alit: in the provincial newspapers—ono half fatal. 'fwuo'y—fire c tees of cholera had appear- ol sa L.r.ubergb, tamely of wb:ee proved t.tel. Tho number in London and eternity, mith ntica.ly reported, was 97. lin Ilull he caeca bate beta repotted. d -Mea the St. Lois Republican a Sap. tl OUTRAGEOUS ATTEMpT AT AB- DUCTION. Thursday Woke, at • liie boa(, a man •ppeeted at the Mastery, House, neer the ferry landing N cumpauy w,Ib two hand- some, well dressed girls—one about eleven, •ct the other ten years of age—meek eg ludgtwge kr the eight. The bar keeper .aiurtn.d hs■ oe had no accomodation. for females, aad recualtecodid them to the Main Street House. '1'be man went to the Main Street House, obtained a bed fur the girls promising tp call lot them next morning, and then re- turned to the Montery, House for lodgings Orr himself. The bar keeper suspecting souuethrng wrong, gave iolorwaltun uf the man's conduct at the police office, woe also of the place where the girls were taken.— Marshal Jennings immediately went to tee Main Street House, and told the landlord not to glee the children up until he again saw him. In the morning the man according to pri so•, calls for the, children, on being re- quested to delay taking them away, sus- pects that his vilany was discovered and tutoedtakly gots to tLe marshal and in- t -wises taw uf bailey two stray children un- der bra care, being unable to find their pa- rents. the villain is suddenly changed to a phiLanthropist and starts off vulunlart- l7 to u.:at ti wanted in searching for their parents. Beong unable to find them the marshal and ilea wan Fre{ anted. Upset again gi mg to the Main Street House, where the children are retained, the following facts fel Leon a.c(rtafoeJ Irum eldest girl, who appears to be a smart and intellgent chill. That they are cou- sins and;named Hannah and Sophia Little. That they go to school to Mr. Hicks., and upon returning from school Wednesday afternoon they cropped its (root of the mene- gerie, s hen a man cause up to them and ask- ed if they want to seethe show. They repli- es', in childish innocence, in the affirmative, ellen he tuuk them in, show cd them around the pavilion, bought candies and. sweet - meats for them, ar.d talked to and treated ' thew in a tr.cat at/emit/nate manner. 1Vhs n night came un, they expressed anxiety about going home., when this vil- lain persuaded them to remain with him ; That he soul l be a father to them, kc., and supply their every want, at the same time pre mbleg them rings and such other tweeter as pleue the fancy of children. :1t this uu.e-the exhibition for the evening rs closed. Ile tent. them that he is to be emeleyed by tee showmen as a driver, and made { teethe promises in cue they would accumpany him. Wel..._: ';;;y ob tsinin the consent of the children, be takes them to the White Mansion house on. Second street, obtains a bed and then retires. Thursday usorning, after breakfast, the children are again taken to the menagerie by their abductor, and by him provided s 'during the •!gy—a Inc MOO Of We trine be - ;ng evt;rcleJ, At night the digin tells them ho hae beta unable to procure a situ- ation from the show, and •tends goitg to ludsanniewbero be would meet with a cir- cus and go with it, at the same time exci- ting their fancy by picturing to them the happy and interrwtiog 111e uf beteg circus act,e.rcy tic., which the children, in their innocence, highly fancied and consented to accompany him. He then proceeded to tho Montery Mouse, as above stated. 1 Alter ascertaimeg these facts active par - suit wa• made ter the villain, who was ar- rested at the upper ferry, to the act of cros- sing the: river. He gave hie name as Ho- mer, and so registered himself at the White Mansion House. ... -..a r...str The• • conduct of this villain toward the eldest of these girls, indicates the brutal object ho hat m view, in abducting them from their homes. Whenever opportunities afforded improper and indelicate liberties were ta- ken with her person, which the fiend under garb of father, aad protector, chimed W her &.l a ; rirble e bo could without im- propriety indulge - 'Ther villain ; alta:; to t implicate the drummer of the band attar..I the me- nagcrie, with whom, from all the, Worn can learn, they wen 'Lx go away yulerb.. morning. To what extent rho drummer r. c nncereed—if at all—it is bard to say.— Wo pressure be wiH bo main to answer, and tell Meows talc.• h deo appears that a location near the terry labdmg was selec- ted to lodge the chlldrenr so as to have them convenient to the ferry when the mu- sic wagon emcees), in which the supposition w strong. they were to go. These beautiful and interesting girls are the daughter and niece ofa highly respec- table widow, residing near the -Big Mound, whoso distress at 11.e long continued ab - Bence of the children, after dilligent sod persevering search had been made fur them, can be more readily imagined than desert - bed. Fortunately the matter was expo ed in time to save the children. They w re restored to their distressed family, and the perpetrator of the outrage committed to prison. Ilostitilie. is Italy not renewed, god am- isocty published et Milan by the Atrdrra ife Ira are red its the, With abut tl.o pro- grroe el the mediation qutshlen. Intuuret Lee freta Nap!e3 end :lici'y mire ttar.ret:i:l•-g. in .lumina, the dreadful tragedy ef ear pruceeJtng with dreadful effects. We Js.t week ariouuneed the death ut Count Leherg, Commander—tee.—Chief of Hungary. Tee star uoiv Keine to have assumed a de- tuwirratu elaiat:ter. The Emperor of Austria, Ca the mune r of his bras° Count L..obere, sent to compose tho difference betwese hia emu stele—etre and has dissolv- ed the Ilungxitan lho . Information of the umlbre,k eta new and terrible recolu- l.un at Vieuca un the 0t11 instant. It ap reale, hum accounts In Gerv'au papere, fret tin: u.t miry hating refined to march .motinat the [leerariain, part u( the Nation- al Guar.] joined the u.urt•y. Barricades weererceteJ, tuci:n aouudcd,arsenals bom- barded 1111 sucked. The Minister of War, Ceual leditrc, lolled, and las naked body expeeed un a gibb°'. In the amidst of dbutt sen nes the lis f.ctur awl other mere - Lyra of the ituperisl taint!, left Vienna at abubt a P. M. tin Stlurd";; they were C3 - out ded o-outM by 1,0119 cavalry. The ',rateably* uf the National .1. ssem- 111y, se tee 9tb sera most interesting. tem 13,1 Artie k. .eelar;ng that the Pre- ai.:eut shall be elscled by uotsersal gul- lies* by Cent. amine an sbruluie majority alt dal *gamest 130. I."u;. Napoleon, it le believed, •hied* the beat chance all' the else.trtti. The Assewt.Iy hate votedegainel net IMMO of tater tiu.nry, in! r -pealed the law•ehkh tel the family alt 1.tp.,:eua from Freres in 103.1. A mod tiratws to the Memory was commit reJ cert71a. Ca,aii- nuc wet relent the .Alice u( Puts:Ment uae.l the lefts deny 11 settle -,I. The Atm stee nets• her produced • innal prefeece resra'a, s le Parts. Very alarem. icy r ryuri• pres.tle4 ret farts. Crew .lustre • ',utter is mid to have e l need .•t1 mita teeter deet the city way bus, Meted by trammel Heroic, that the p..u.e of &!,.•.ibrweu teal burned—not mem . J. Tee Iaaperur of Aua ria, in limy - nig V.u.'•., stake his toteutain was Le ob- i .t., ., skslvljag to ji" ani to les uppre..d fn „fs.e. I 1 fe litsmweer C.Rennin kft to day at le ti olut k, ler Ilsl:felt stet I.verpeul, with 3 p meet -ere (ur :IsI.I-x ant 70 for lever - Tea Last o. $3,000.—A five dollar bill of the Fulton flank passed through our hands yesterday, on tbe back of which was melee as follows:— " This is the last of three thousand dol. Ian left to me by my mother at her death, en the Stith day of August, lupi. Would to God ab. had never left it to the, and that I had been learned to work, to bave earned my living ! I would not now be what I aut." The above is from the Journal of Com- merce. What a lemon that eopereeriptton conveys and how many such records might bo made were all equally candid. But it casts equal reflection upon mother and child—won, we suppose the water to be,— Upon him, fur spending all bit meas. is a couple of years; upon her, for •epplyiog him with no other resources than the limit- ed and perishing mem of $3,000. Yet how many foolish parents indulge in the setae notion, that these chdJen's prospective it, heritance of a mere hailed fortune entitles them to exemption from useful labor; and ender this delusion allow teem to grow up without .pecitie aim or purpose, and is the indolence which almost inevitably leads to o dissip•tis, rice and sat. We do not lemmata to any that those parents who thus permit their otleprisg to spend their youth in Mimeos, sod e.pcctally u( such chtldren as, when easily provided for can poatsee at moat but a few thousand dollars, are ene- mies of their own olleming and of the re- public under which they live. We speak advisedly, and obeervatiow bat abundantly pretcd the troth of the position we thus take. We apprehend that no one will ay that the interest of three lhuuman, dollar/, or four tiw.s nkat amount, will alerd a sullicaent 1 weenie toe a per - eve brought up stud Hsu semblanco of •telt► aad la pa ei.e imlole.ee. Net will it be uutatsraed that any mu can pruJeotly be Iattacbtl upon the •ern w eh se capa- city to latter, without the well secured sod usli,. ble punnets of a c•ptsl the u- terestof whicb, atter deducing all comm- erce e., will •mouot to a'beruugh canape - es cy. leered, ululate the damn of omen meanies'ion, w punct baa a 'reit to 1111,t hia children thus upon the world. He is bound to provide hu children, to the ulmo.l of his poser, with the mean. alt ublautiog a lavtl baud, so that they me; eet become a burden upon satiety, or be lel into vice through the rugged avenues of poverty.— This tea only be duce either by fund ng for each coild such a sem that the a0terest el it will provide for him or her fur life, or the "more excelleat way" of fnairbh.g them with the know ledge and babite of ioduatry •hick are even more inalienable and more prusucitve than !untied health. but wo doubt the right, slide we must unequivocally deny the expediency), of per- mnung ebtldren to grow up sithout tho- rough initiation into souse business or pro- feseioo, csee in the extreme case to which we had adserted, wherein the fending of adequate means a supposed. Conane or bind down money as wo may, the truth that "riches have wings" is continually made apparent. With an intelligent commentary on the motion France has lately supplied u.. Amid the commotions of seemly and the revolutions of governments individual wealth is never secure. It may be buried en the rotes of an earthy/take, or desfojed in the first hearings of a social or national irruption, or trickle through the farureruf a political movement a eater througe1h, the crevices of an imperfect reservoir. Wealth is never secure of its income; labor is al- ways productive of its reward. habits of industry and capacity for labor are by far the most reliable resources and nines of livelihood. It is therefore the two fold duty of every maor—bis duty u a parent and as a ctuten—to provide fru children with these, whether he gives them wealth Or DO. It is uselen to say that a mac can turn to some employment m care of Decorate', when that necessity occur,. Tho old and ! trite but no leu true sad mg, "Just u the twig is beet, the trees inclined," proves the fully of such a supposittue. Every one knows that, unless some moral miracle be wrought, the habits of the youth are the habits of the :'set. it is invariably and b ile rt. Ten are both pby.ateal and moral recons fur cm:el:elln: lha a man brought up to usd.;eate and 'tireless- ness will continue to be indolent and aimless through' life, and be incapacitated fur pro- fitable labor. The bodily power, the physi- cal and mental adaptation, the skit! and ex- perience Decessare for successful eompcti- team, the conseious ability or coo6Jeace al- ways ancestry to see' st—all thee; its The :Miistole of necessity is hung round such a man's neck at the very time when he a learn able to support 11— when he is powerless and dispirited—and it must be a potent arm that can suttee Lim and save hies from periiibing in the sea of trouble, if indeed he can be saved at a11. We have said thus much conceraiog bringing up eons without habits of industry. Possibly, however, more ought to be said rapcctiug similar neglect iD respect to daughters. That branch of the subject we cutlet do justice to at Ibis moment, for vutoo. reasons. The same prinesples Trill however apply to the case, and we humbly espouses with tea -fold force. But the sub- ject has sal many collateral! branches that, if ventured upon at all, it must be in a seem este .s•.1,. eve • aura upecrater. . CRIME iN CANADA. th:nk there Dover has a period in the history ef Canada, se. remarkable fur the commission of the graver elan of crimes.— At the Home District ueiaes hold recently, there were three trials fur murder, two of which resulted in verdicts of manslaughter, and -lie, that of Hugh Bry.00 and Sophia Sparke, for the murder of the husband of the latter, in a verdict of murder. In the Guelph papers, besides reports of two or e ':vful corer, not many months ago— we recee.!v :w a most revolting account of the vtohhor. ani :aurder of a girl of twelve years of age ; oey last number contained tbe confession of a me.: Peeetuted for murder at Niagara. We might 1001w0 I the het by alluding to the murder of Horan, at Kingston Barracks, but the catalogue ie too revolting to be dwelt upon with any degree of minuteness. To one consideration, L..over, do we desire to draw particular atteht:oe, anditis thin, Davaseassall bad to du with ail the,.; murders, except it may be that of the girl, bear Geeip;i. Tho sti- mulus to commit them was obtained ir:.!D the low tavern or grocery ; and it would, wo think, lee rafts to aver, that had these taverns and groceries not been permitted to exis•, scarcely one of the murders in ques- tion would have taken place. The evidence on the trials in fact tattle else than • lifting up of the curtain, which ordinarily shrouds the drunken orgies of the lower etas. But the evil emanating from these plague -spots on the body social, taverns and ggrocenee, is not confined to murders. - 10 Montreal, we aro disturbed by ono or Amore alarms of fire utmost every bight ; and if fairly investigated, we believe • great portion of these fires occur either in Laverne, tavern stables, or through the li- quor prneured from taverns. Talk of in- cendsaries !—intoxicating drinks are the great t,cenJiary ; and so long as the com- munity countenances the habit of using them as a common beverage, and permits the existence of enmberlesv•dram-shops, it cannot consistently complain of numerous tires ani murder..—Alonlreel Wifser. 1,052. Braow.—in the month of Jely, 1891, the body of Lord Byron was brought from Musnlunght to Ke and, on being land- ed limn the Florid,', was removed to the h ruse of die Edward Knatcbbull, who then resided in Great George -street, Wptmnn. •ter. ilavi.g •,ai:e,l myself of peculiar faculties, 1 raw, on ono occasion, the corpse of the poet—the ltd 511 the coffin being for so'nu sec y mirror, remount. It was at reght the: the work of opening the shell eomrnenced. This was soon effected, and when the let covering was removed, we beheld the face of too illustrious dead, " All cold ami all "emu. " Wire 1 to live a thousand year,. i "Menld never, sever forget that element. For year. I had bees mUman with the mend of Byron. His wondrww works hal thrown • cb.tve anomie my daily paths, awl with mil the.etbu.aem of youth 1 had almost adored his genius. With he features ti.rough lb. Ds.dwm o1 paintings, 1 bed b,'cu familiar from my buybooJ , sad DOW, farmore beautiful, me in deatb, IL.. my moat rind t-ao.y had ever pictured, there tbey lay in marble repose. The body was sot alined is that ispat awful of habilia- ments—a shroud. R was wrapped in • blue cloth cloak, and the throat and head were encore/ed. Th. former was beauu- eRy smalded. The ktttN of the poet was covered with shut(, crisp, mottos luck., Wieldy streaked web grey Lame, reticent- ly eves she tempter, which a ere ample, sad tree fro• ham, u we see a the postratte.— Tbe face had nothing of the appearasee of death about it—it was neither sunken sur discoloured in the leach, bot of a demi, mar- ble whitencaa-1t:e expression w.. that of Nets gasetusl.. Hew eleneically beauti- ful was the curved upper lip aad chin. I fancied the nese appeared as if it was wet in humouy with the other features ; but it might possibly have been • little disfigured by the precuts of embalming. Thu Furs. bead was high and broad—indeed, the whole bead was extremely Targe—:t mut bave,been so to contain a brain of such capacity. But what struck me most was the extreme beauty of the profile, as 1 ob- sereJ it when the kcad was lilted, for the purpose of dictating the furniture. It was perfect in ,ti way, and seemed like a pro- duction of Menu.. Indeed, it far more resembled an exe rtieite piece of sculpture than the face of !Indeed—so Will„ .0 sharp- ly defined, and.o marble -like in its repose. 1 caught the view u( it but fur a moment ;- yet it was long enough to have it stamped upon icy memory as " • thing of beauty," which poor Keats tree us is " • joy fur ever."—Pea and las: ,e4ketccku. PaowtausL Dese.Tvaw.--.We aro glad to find that the miserable attempts tu J.: - preemie there securities have dwindle.l into air. 1'runnctel Depeoturen will be found to pity book accuumis j•ut as well as any other paler In the Province. In proof of Me, parties are actually advertising their reasenees Ib take them at par. Amongst oth- er steeples r proprietor-, if soy of our absent friends welt du us the fat r of "ma- king a tender" . f such seeurtt:ee to pay- ment of accounts, we will ale rd them suf- ficient proof d near faith is their value.— Domini Nisedse. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 3. - !.; the meat►ly rale te(.haree of the Bujd- i.g Society in the British Hotel oa Saturday eveciog the 28th olt., one share was sold at a premium of 46f per ewe. The scarcity of mouse, like the scarcity of anything else, is just the measure of its value. Yet is is possible that " gold may be bought too dear." However, elute we consider that • mea may, by borrowing from the Bending Society, prevent his propeity trout being aobd I perhaps less than hall its value, and that he has the ensile', of paying bask his loan, in small mootbly ivatalweats extending over • number of yetis, we can nutty "appose eases, when eves stilt higher premiums would be not only justinable, but profitable. Besides she borrows' participates is the Mach of his owe premium, aad when the "aline resells of the 1 r. n....:-.. ere ...-1--a -_1—a....,.J Ise attest amount of the premium is not nearly so ex- travagant as it appears tea casual observer. We refer our readers to a tabular etateme■t of the revues of 1J. lJ,ng Seciet ale, w:u.h we beve inserted io to -days'. ;..per, and ',tech clews the workings of these Sweeties, in regard to begone •a1 time, is • more brie( and simple form tans we heva •se• es►ibited heretofore. gqqqqq We wield earnestly direct eveasios to an ad- vertisemeat is our columns to -day, uoosectog a Meeting to take place on the 11th int. in Goderich, for the purpose of vane/mos the til- limy of Jobs Bigsall mad bi. ea.ecutes. Aad Fre sU the Teachers of the Dist:tee that sates* or, bestir sheave/Ives immediately in their owe bebali lbey will sett`: the low. The Te.cken and Trast:n should tn`u•tly m.mrriah.e the Governor to Ceinei!, and eaacevour to obtain 'peeled ai-herley for stixan5j the pre)eal1 of Big- sall and Missing it to an immedt..' w!'• 001 to behalf.( George Brown, Esq, Bigcall'•-seti:t. ty—bu for the benefit of the Teachers. -- THE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT. Although we intertidal atroog hopes that the approaching Parliament will so remodel the School Bill u either to render District Superin- tendents anneee.eary, or assign such distinct and important dunes to the office, as will pretreat mere encumbrances from being crammed into it for the sole purpose of obtaining an easy, lazy, livelihood. Yet, lest oar hopes in this respect should be disappointed, we will offer a few re- marks ea the qualifications which ought to ren- der a man eligible to the situation. We would reasonably suppose that the Act . eeihes neve . cholast.o attainments as requisite to the due fs161ment,o( the duties required, and therefore we shall pus over these qualifications, barely remarking that though necessary, they a,e by no means die roost important. The Ent requisite in a m• taking charge of aoy bemuse. is, a Norregh ka(sbdge .J L5.r lessee.. We do D ot mean tbat he shall poeares merely the &baby to perform the mechanical se ordinary dssies ot it ; bet that he shall tiot estaod the mature sed principles of it, ad shall be ditty capable of making the most judie.os. 'eeltessies of these Pea :(pi..; .( wasting the practical make at Ih• least passible eapen•lu.re d time and labor. Then are themesds of 'evillest op ratiee tredeemee Met can mimetic a peen of wnkmu- abip to the best style, wheat" oevertbel.w igno- rant of the principle of design and spplicatioe, and who eosin sot with propriety er once= carry oat tee peewee. of their own trade. This set to eeterr ally recognised is every depart- ment el human .dLua, scent a that winch is of aft de.r• the mewl i.rg,ersil, amd which nems the crostini totemic* on the human elea- neter. Ve• mem\ pop.Lsr artefact -9s. Mea wos(d eller dream of app.hntng a man to the .eprnohemdsS.y .f any difficult or wrapltcatd meehesON eeterpai e, merely beeline bre fisher bed hoes a " gentleman," .e beau" he himself mu a rod "jolly e.mpemen." They would sot suppose that beeaaae a mai could tars aeJ peli.h 5101 ur uteri, he was teenier. cepeU• el dssipssg aad euaaueerirg a steam magma ; sad lar ler would they I.sapae, tint became be ween pad basher or bother he sheen therefore he tourer, with the .rests.e of a elopements edi- fies is archtrrctars. Bet way thug which pm - "'au abe osdiemy shine .f b.aaeetty or, eves iboegh eo,ludeeibly ddsemed. G awisee •ted good •weigh fur taking dirge *1 muter eJecat,nu Sebes a bey Mee ample r p hay as M be salt ler every other •sefel p•r"pse,e 11 is generally 'greed ■pea that he should become a euros or a aeheuluuter,—pat as thongb aenher brains nor habits of lad.slry erne required is these sena- 100,. 1,1 Mori, witch (mirages bare been w lu.g cul w (requrally perp.ira ted on ',neaten, that it has sunk dose to the veiy lowest niche ta the public esumaton ; aad the sckuoinuiekr toenail of bog tenerued se the highest and moot important of all public luuclewales, is 1.o hequeotly regarded as a mere necessary encum- brance, and to many inflames s a kind of i0• signilicaot formality. This is oat of the reaaoos why the progren and advestagea of education are w comparatively small ; and if ever man- kind eapect to derive the fell eseasure of advs.- lege wheels ought to result from a .y.tttu of popular ivatrudtiuu, their first effort should be to ruse the character 44lighera to its legitimates alaodard. The date* of the te•chere ought act to b* coo6oe, to the deU mechanical monotony of hameueriag children stupid, by eoceavor,ua ts compel thea) to remember weds and forms more speedily than their natural fatuities will permit. This is mere drudgery both to the teacher and the taught, and is, .1 beat, only of Miner Ittlpurlance. Bet to aoheol.naster should be regarded as one who haa, 10 a very eooatder- able eateat, the tuouiding of the child's future chancier so his Lands ; ea* who mum exert •o influence which will be (e11 through lite Duch m,•rally ..id intellectually. Therefore, flu first guidi:aeons or the Leashed, should be • know- ledge of human nature,—e quick pereeptioe rel the natural Jarelememeut of the various meets! faculties ; that he should uodentand eamethieg of the great diversity of talents and diapon ions Muth nature eaktbus i• different individuals, and should, throush study ad enervation, be able to mode), his Inethul of issuuctien to the different csp.cities of the ehildrea. It wooll eettaioly be ridiculous to employ a permit as • practical chemist, who kuew nothing of the properees nee chew:eel eCiuilin of tie subetaa- e'• epos whish bus wee La operate ; and it ia as less absent to ettptoy an ted,vide 1 as a caluva- tor of beneei aware, *bet bas sever studied the 'object. The neat qualitnuo. of all who are ia any way connected with the eastern of .4.- e -aeon, ehouli In, • "beerier merest rkareckr.— Much of the e6Ju's progress its karuing will depend 02 the .meant of rcepcet which he enuttaiar for bis teacher, but yuu moms coa- *eteatloualy respect or emote year ch.l l ho 1e - ;meet a mea who is set maul. Amt you may depend .bat his •widest and example will have much, much effect epee your child's character. There are a few of the qualifications which should char•teriae every •choolmuter, otherwise hie uu(ulneae, his sumo' is 651 proGwese, will be limited. And if these gsalitications ars "seer tial to the emersion Teacher, they ere will more so to the aaperiatendeot .f common Teachers. Thr higher the reeponsibilidee, the teener .1..id be the character: beau Ibe Boperiataodeot Murata net ugly overarm these gsatifeatisos, but be scald be able to reeogaixe them in others. ile should not only study kan:in nsture, a^.d tors it, and be able to apply the beet mea -s .,t cultivation to it, but he should be able to ascertain whether or not this know- ledge and this lee* were poneased and cherished by the various teachon within his jerisdietie- tin. Hie morality should hit ouch as would command net wily the respect of children bot the reverence of teachers. to speaking of son- aliy, we may ober., that we do net mean that bind of dead, negative thing that is profanely called a goad moral ch.red.r, which in every- day language joss means thtt the person billed anybody, nor bad been sent to the Peote-e- ttc'y for steal eg. A nee may Dever violate the laws of his ecestry ; oy, he may be strictly hooeet in his dealiep with kit fellow -mem bat if he is • "jo;ly compaoioe,"—a fua-Ioviog, tippling, talking, feshion-rid, good-natured, ac- commodating man of the world,—he will, so doubt, be a very agreeable popular member el society, and few will take the trouble of-dispe- tiog his claims to a "good morel character!" a`t'a is jaw is(tar from being a taoml man as ni(esu h; from melody. Morality consists in as carnes', hiring, estri;'0 to produce gond—aad negative qualities, me never produce anything. The morality of a Superintendent of Edue'uoa, in order to confer either credit or benefit on the carie, mast be active—it most be practical. We trust the kw Mots which we bare thrown est may be servicable to the District Authori- ties in making a proper and judicious eeketioa of a pence to 611 this important situation. The progress and advantages of popular instrectiwi will, in an eminent degree, be characterised by the qualifications and chancier of the persons who take •barge of it. Aod Pidgeon from the character of some who hire held the °Rice, or • 5 least been. the title of Sapetiatendeot of Common School., we would be almost forced to 1be conclusion, that those who elected them had intended to burlesque the holy cause e( popular inunction. A men mum be • good Greek sod Latin ,cholar, and yet he u ignorant of henna w ean and the proper method of balling forth ad cultivating its various faculties, as though he eo,ld speak aothiog but Gaelic. He may be well qualified as • dr.ymen to Noris re.pectable brewery. 11e my be big, haughty, ad over- bears', as excellent ■iggee-drieer, or • bold Colonet—e.peeially is time of preen—bet thew gnlihcations else never reflect either credit or dveatag• on the cense of education. We aehnawledge the receipt of "Sophia and Believed 'Laa4Ysa Alesew," tic 11449, and we think the Compiler, are fully jwtified is earning it " A Repository of Useful k•ow- ledgr." Beales 30 pspa occupied with what might he emphatically dssomimated as Almanac, it enemies 5b peva .f timely pouted matter Rause to the irnmrdnre affairs of the Province. The information Fri en arranged and condensed as le loam a aempaedioes, awl at the sense nese, a valuable 'temente aeewet of Ornade .. As 8s sad ss net only semitones 1.1 really tatee- eatiag to every me wise Me any uteren se the ,train of the enemy. rfcx TO THE TEXT. We remember el once Mums a eery Meg di•- cusa0n on the toil., and difficulties, aaJ ardente melee of the clerical prefemiou, aad, the pus. werlhirs,all but enaniesomly sheeted that preach- ing was a.'Iaboalose mule," :repairing mem MAI- it, re airinggreyablI- ity mid research. Bet ,•Id einem 444.. what was mor, .oriel terhla mush, blunt rtckleaesers .r .pore h, Ikea feu bre party or :reylaral knew - tsdgr, d. -weeded friar thallium", d. snej that We "sew Free efiffLrlry N u' is praettia', tut ti ys just dweltd the subject tom nicety u' heed. mid blanche.. es wet customary moo •-days, the ring wed tern • sermon 0• its .ia accord ; but tt was a' further d,grreut .i' the gold Ade wu,,' titterer.; n' teen timet, for they ay stock 1,, the teat !" The conduct of the Candise Tories open reminds us of old Jamie Allan's " gene sold Noun' divines," for if tboy are drlictrat to testy thing rise they at least deserve credit fee aawdwg new lett. Yeti tory expose the error" sad here- sies of their doctnars--you may try to Manse then from their dogged penetraeiy or endear's' to choke Ther whislag dechimarioss, by cisme ming common erose down teen threats; bet the septet of their discourse is, that loyalty, British euoueetioo, and Uolouial prosperity can only be measured he the amuuat of aurins which the Tories receive (refit the public offices. Teta is the Alpha and Omega of Tory policy ;,the soul and substance of their presetting : aad though you should sh.rue and brow -brat their enpriac,- plrJ Nein: lines, ; though you Mould pelt them we. grape sh.t audit:cot to penetrate tie hide of a 1.1e141. or though you .house even coode- a.eue to reason with them, you might reams till dooms icy, but sell they would stick to du text. There is an anecdote oleo old IaJy tavern -keeper who estimated flu quality sad importance oldie uveal Seamiest so the pariah kirk, by tie quantity of grog .6.41141e sold oe the accusers, and if you eek a Tory .terut the prurpenty et the sassily, he will commence couutug his naps to otter to ascertain Low e;a.y Tory office - h olden, ate in the coe.iiy helots be cam answer yoer geeadoo. The old woman said " It was a grand S aCRmw\l i drew • busks Y' sitter," sed the tory says "It is e loyal ciente:vetiver moss, then is joist ono Radical ufLce-holler a it 1"— .lccceding to Tory eumpetatea we .imam Ie far from beige sassed, Ge, every Tory aR,es- heeler that dies or u dismissed, doetreyi •a.lket het is the gnat eheis of loy.lry and Brach coao.tioe ! Aad we expect to hear, at as very remote period, the d. sppoiatad, disafected, dis joiated fragments of the " Great Cuesertausu Purl, coaeeauammg their fetbls energies te Onset fume tee untirefel duty, '• The fuse Ifeks are broken." An'idiot who had got possenio• of a tis petite Liked " what is it that rakes a Lie'?" ted ea beteg toil that et is ,Honey, be eacl.imeJ e\thu- aiutely, " %Yell loss, 1 am just six peace worth We king !" And in like mariner the byslty ee soy gives Tory. is jest a ea easel mesio lit too salary whisk he te.enee ; therefore, loyalty sad British coaneenoa eon be parehesed io packer. of different dereentioae, varying to prise from 9) l0 1001) pounds. For iastanee twrl,• months age, the loyal, of the celebrated O. R . Gees. (of Grand Damon notoriety) .is coamderes fall valet for 500 porede pet mama. '0. R. (:swan is jest the suras man with the same principles so -day, but it is highly proba►ls that his loyalty t ad WWI of Bridal totaecti.s would set tell, sets Is t Tory market, ler a York Mr peeve. Sash is the deprrwtiee i* tee vale cf Tay loyalty 1 Pei we meat do entice to the mase "celebrated" t). -R. l :oe en—he hes d,eeocereie and tai tlfuUy po! i1.hed h:, dteeorrry, for the bear - fit ol the duped people, IMteertsie cheeses which have been made in the Beard of Works Depart- ment, respecting the appointment of Mr. Killal- ly, sod the rerms,al of Mr: Keefer la Montreal, Will cost the coney a vast mama expellee, and that, too, at a time wbea "'every .body koews that the Ptstins:al revaan are decliaieg."— (Qoery—Ars the revcaees mock decimal "nee his Tory friedh voted him rite hundred a-yeer of the people's money for doing nothsagf) Bal this same honest O. R. Gowan forest to tell the doped people that hisdismierrl from. she .eaeeears office and the dilution of some half -deur others from the Board of Works Deportment, will, ohm pining the salami's of Messrs. Kdlally end Keefer, be a very coosiderahle mreg u the public: besides a terrain gean.tee that the ublic !twines' will be meth fbeiltsaed. " ifoa- eat, honest jsgd 1" The Int Italica m.iq per- petrated spinet to "Great Joaservuiv.Prly'* was she appointment of Dr. Lemieux to the Marine and Emignot Hospital of Quebec, and Dr. Lemieux is a feted 01 Mr. Cinches' the Member for Moatmor.nci. Alas, alas! emits! the'Governor General not have lima is • Tory who was a friend so nobody IIT fa tbe lest number of the Hann Gamete, when talking about the District Printing Giles._ asks " is it repotattle for say Printer lo set dews a journeymen in his wages? " 1 ! ' W. suppose the question is addressed to Ver. John Hunt ase we think we het, John, who we believe is um working in the Courier Office. in Brantford, answer emphatically, " it is repttaibs for some who e.0 themselves Editors, Proprietors, and 'Gentlemen' to do .o, bat it ie certainly the very lowest meet's of Gorging." le the same article, Giles (ember informs hi.s readers tb.t for all the work which he bee deers for the District, he has charged al lent 75 pre cent. more than the estimate el the Signal/ says lower than that wowed nee bore remwera- tad him ! ! Thomas P. Dickinson wooden if aoy pert e( this 75 per ewe. to eeaw-.teabls by • writ placed in the hands of the Sheriff john Cox wonders if the payment of a certain I 0 U is included is it ; and the owner of the Huron Hotel, and the net el the people of (lodenele its looking over the catalogue of dement* debts, refuse to believe that Giles can have mewed such cambium, prier for bis week, denag ere brief period he hu cursed Gederich with hie presence rod be chattinag. Aad w is sw tan, sok " How is n that se snblsshieg. •o- ptr.eipled impudent peppy is permitted le taaele aad oetnge the feller 01 the cemmsaiy, by talking of prices, of ....tie., of meaner wages' ! or of enyth,ng esorpl MONIS' tenet*. at a.ltm etbrr Irides within the Maeda - ries erf bis hsee1* butadadgor, TO CORRpNONDENTS. Ir The twavrs of Joan Diebw. gag„ •I T.ekeneu.th, aad d hasamil P4.. Rin ..1 Rls.eh.rd, wife received shot we W Mee t• press 41,44