HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-10-27, Page 4tow A 1.113T (1Y PREMIUMS Alto. ski I at Ike lila *skid ( Bra ark) Jeri rWirral Society's blew, Add pi Ht. .Noel, oa Ifrdacacia y the 61k day 1 f Sep- Icoskor, lean. CLASS FIRST -HORSES. Beet Mar and Fwl-John Legg, LI 0 0 'led beat -Wdha. Uieet, 0 16 0 Best 3 yr. oW Colt -A • W .German, 0 15 0 9aJ best-Dsuial Mel.c.rtn, 0 in 0 Best t years Colt -Baal. McLrartu, 0 'Jnd bed-P.rdou Fuller, 0 Ik.t 1 year Colt -C. Mitchell, 0 :Ind brat -C. Mitchell, 0 CLASS SECOND -CATTLE. Ik.t aged Bull -Wm Noble, 1 0 0 lad best -Samuel Robinson, 0 15 0 Il.t t year. old Bull-J.Ilccderson 0 15 u Boo, yearling do -Wm. Hopkins, 0 10 0 Yat hest -Healey Walters, 0 5 0 Rest Cow and Calf -D. McLeario, 1 0 0 _oil beet-Tboous Skinner, 0 10 0 Beat Mikis Cow, baring had s calf to 1841-Psrlou Filter, 0 15 0 lal hest -Wm. Noble, 0 10 0 Beet 6 years old Ileifer-T. Potter, 0 10 0 2mI beet -Thos Shoebotlom, 0 7 6 Beet > carting do -Thomas Skinner, 0 10 0 `toil Wet -Joseph Oddly, 0 7 6 Rest Fal Ox -W . P. Smith, 0 10 0 (feat Fat Cow- 1 b..u.a. Christie, 0 10 0 Best Yoke el user -11. 11cLearin, 1 0 0 end heal -11'. N•1.1e, 0 15 0 3rd beat -M. N Kobertsom, 0 10 0 Beet Yoko 5'en r: ,.i.; 1..11c -err -Juba Edmint.a., 0 16 0 _rid beat -James Aiken, 0 10 0 3rd heat --John Legg, 0 5 0 Best 2 years old d.' -T. Skumer, 0 10 0 2nd best -Joseph (Mdse, 0 5 0 15 0 IS 0 10 0 10 0 CLASS THIRD -SHEEP AND HOGS. Best aged Ram -Joseph Odie, 0 15 2nd best -Wm. Elliot, 0 10 Beat marling Ram -Adam Oliver, 0 10 Rest Top Lamb -John Edmiston, 0 10 Ind best Iler.ry Walton, 0 5 Best Pair of Ewe. with Iambs by their side-Wtniam Bunter, 0 15 and best '-Ilenry Walton, 0 10 ltcst single Ewe do- Adam Oliver, 0 10 g ad best -William Hunter, 0 5 Beat Pen (3) Fat Wether. or Ewe. -William Noble, 0 10 lod best -Joseph OJdio 0 5 Best Boar -Welham Ilunter, 0 15 2.d best -W. P. Smith, 0 10 Beet Sow-Will:am Hunter, 0 15 CLASS FOURTH -GRAIN. Best 2 bush.Fall Wheat -J. Jeklin, 0 god best John Switzer, 0 Best ' hush. Spring Wbeat-Wm. Hunter, 0 :end best -V:'. P. Smith, 0 Rest?, barb. Barter -Jacob Legate, 0 2nd beat -William P. Smith, 0 Hast 2bush. Oate-William Hunter, 0 beat ' -John Henderson, 0 Bost a bush. Pear -S. Robinson, 0 2nd best -Joseph Oddie, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 6 0 10 0 S 0 10 0 6 0 7 6 6 0 10 0 60 CLASS FIFTH -DAIRY. Ildst 10 lbs. Roll Butter -John Edmiston, 0 7 2ral beat -Henry Walter, 0 5 Best Keg of Butter -Amos 1)oupc, 0 10 2nd best -C. G. Sperling, 0 7 3rd best -Henry Witten, 0 6 Best Cheese -John Lancaster, 0 10 2nd best -Ilenry Walton, 0 7 3rd beat -John Jeklin, 0 5 Best Maple Sugar -c. .. opening, u rat end best --James Aiken, 0 7 3rd beat -John Elmiatnn, 0 5 Beet 10 yds Cloth -C. G. Sperling, 0 10 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 u 6 0 0 Tho following gentlemen acted as Judges at tho Exhibition ' FOR CATTLE ANR HOMES. Mesar,. JOHN CAMPBELL, Zora, WILLIAM SHIPLEY, London, ROBF.ST ROBSON, do W. BOOTH, Nissouri, A. FRYFOGi.E, ti. E.thopt, JOHN BIDNER, Ni.ouri. POa FARM P•ODUCR. Ne.re. i.. COUTTENDEN, St. Mary, WILLIAM GATES, Nissouri, M. IIARUISON, 8t. Macy. When the basineas of the day w. over 83 Gendetuca tat dews u as eaeelleu Dieser, prepared by 'el. best her. SAIIVIL FMUA, . d as the hoer was late (5 o'clock), the party seemed to do themselves ample plaice. The cloth bring removed, the usual loyal and private to•ste were given ; • number of choice monis were sung, which added greatly to the hilarity of the evening. At • late hour the whole party aspirated, all delighted with the occasion which had called them together. The day was fine, ■..d there was • good turn out of Cattle, -the judges allowed they were in better condition by far the what eta be found in older settlements As a proof of this assertion, I may ,lute, that Twenty-three handrrd dollars was lilt is 81. Mary for Cattle sold to dealers, who had come from • distance. This certainly looks well in a place like this, when only iia yeas ago, it was • dreary wilderness, seldom vaned by the white twee. I may mention also that the first blast war taken (.me day, in the new Foundry lately erected by Messrs. Burdock, Veech & Co., and au they an deteimmed to sell their e.atiegs me cheap . they cao be had is old establish. meats, it will be • vest advantage to the set- tler.. Veen truly, WILLIAM BA RRON, 94.c 'y. 1'0.1 6!)17M S Awarded by the Huron District Agricultural Society for the year Ili4e, for Potatoes soul Thew. For the IoM Acre of Potatoes -Jobe Salkeld. LO 15 0 2.d beet do --Mr. Dunlop 0 10 0 3,d beet do -Haney Brace 0 7 6 Fe the best Acre of Teraip.--Tbonas Cooper 0 15 0 tad best de -John !tenter 0 10 0 Did best do -Jobe Sellaeld 0 7 4 Priam soiled far northing : - eeea-_Wm. Witl.00 (bre" uveae to Gee. Brow., Jr , E. LI 10 0 god do -Joseph B.Iketa, sen of Mr. Jail. Mlkeld, former 1 k T Jed d.--Ile.ry Ford. trimer 0 17 8 4th d.--Peser McDwpild, farmer 5 13 0 yt:Je.►a or rOTatots A1. DAVID CLARK, )Cage JOHN ARMAND, Esq. ROBERT moue -Amax, W E:LL, Fp. Jeoem hew ►IA O0.*•. JOHN RANKiN, F..q. ALEX. HAMILTON, E.q. TH04 LAMP, Esq TILE MUNTYKAL TRANSCRIPT an. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. 18. Pubhebed every Tuesday, Tkaradag • mull I+utordoy. at the Law Price a TWELVE SHILLINGS per aauurs, pay- able invariably in *Jesse'. The Tremens ja print nearly se I on a sheet ;e s. any Deed in the Provisos; anal 'bond circumstances permit, tt will be still furtLer enlarged .n the course of the ensuing wormer. )luring the approaching Session of Par - nattiest ilea Transcript will costun Reports of the Proceeding'', sutctueily cuwprebea- ure to furtyab cord of all that Lccurs it bulb Lesialatise Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support ,ta old character. A potties 01 its spare •p.ce will he devoted to the in- ..ereon of miscellaneous matter of an ia- tere.tin and Literary character, and every this utTO W morale will be carefully d rug We have commenced, and iattnded to continue, a ,encs of Biographical Sketches nom Chamber's blowflies?, of Useful and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the prevent season, notice will be takers of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary Institutions of this city, which we commenced last winter, and which gave general satisfaction. TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. The price of Subscription of the MoNTeEAL TSA.ecairr, (when sent by muI) is TWELVE SHILLINGS per an. num, payable in advance. To facilitate re- mittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pat for Fifteen Months. TEN SHIL- LINGS for Teo Months, and FIVE SHIL- LINGS for Five Months. Wheu the peliud of subscription a Dearly expired, we o beli send three different copies of the Transcript enclosed in blue or green covers : and if no remittance is made, the Paper shall, in every case, be discon- tinued. Ar the paper is given to subscri- bers at the lowest possible price, all money letters must be post -peed ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be de- ducted from the money sent. (l7The Transcript u sent to Subscri- bers in the country twice or three Use.., week, at their option. The whole of the reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's papers being put into one argot -thus sav- ing the Sulsecriben one-third postage, the puce of subscriptton to the both is the same. Subecnbers, in writing for the Transcript, will please mention whether they wish the tri -weekly or semi weekly paper sent to them. Qr'Newspapers wish whom we cachenge wilt please copy tits Notice which we will be happy to reciprocate in the sante way. GodericU, March 3, 1848. 6 FARMERS LOOK AT THIS. THE cheapest BOOTS and SHOES of good quality ever offered for sale in this District. The subscriber in leaving Goderich returns his %inter, thinks for the support he received while in business here, and now offers for sale the remainder of his stock, comprising in Boots aid Shoes about three hundred pairs, at about one half the usual prices cuITent nere; colt mot All those those indebted to bim either by note or book account, will please call and settle immediately and save costa. GILBERT PORTE. Goderieh, Sept. 1, 1848. __ 31tf LOOK HERE!! -LE.ITHER FOR SALE. THE subscriber begs leave to intimate to the Public that he has and will keep cot...tautly on hand, LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, and of the Very bust quality, for rale, wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- rating prices. Qom' Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing at any other place. All orders strictly attended to. WILLIAM G. S1 ITH. Godcrieb, Italy 23th, 1848. 26t1 ON COMMISSION. SALT! BALT ! ! SALT! ! ! AT cost and charges fur oasis ; se Tali Wheat at cash price only. TiiE SURSCRLBER in also just in receipt of a ge.eral assortment of DRY GOODS, coaeisting in pan of Pod de Cheins, Organdees, Muslioa, Cashmere de Ganes, Orleans Levees, Cobo•rg sod ether Dresses, fancy Bsrage Scarfs, 81sde V 41, Scarfs and Ilandkerchiefe,-Cabrera mad other Shawls is great variety. leperier COTTON YARN, &c., dtc. Ladies' wdkiag Boots sod Bike.s is great variety. A general awartmea t of G R O C E R i E 8. SHELF and other HARDWARE, Sickles, Seythes, Scythe Smith*. Crockery. Priors, Oi! and Turpentine ; 1'iteh, Ross, Tar sad O•keet. Nails in 100 lbs. Kegs sr is say other ge.tity. C. CRASS. Cddetieh, Asgest 4th, 1848. 2711 STRATFORD HOTEL. TSA AC MAY, informs his friends and the public, that he h. take. the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the neeupatioa of Mr. Brown, at the East end if Stratford, where noll shall be wasting .. his part to pro. mete' b. comfort tad coaveoieees e! rim guoats. I. M. Betters himself that kr selections( Wise and Lasser. is equal to say in the country, and his Stabling depertnse.t te elf the most complete de.enptiee. Stratford, ,18th April, 1865. 1111 J. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER at Law, Solicitor i. Chancery, Cooley - away, lee., OAIoe West Street. Oedwicb, Mare % 1 at, 1846. Aly N'HI:.tT WANTED. (1A$i1 paid for F.1LL WHEAT till lb* t aa'A day of this mouth. C. CRA la Rept. 1, 1•tt. 114d DIV. COEU'l' 111.ANKS, PRINTED e. • superior quality of paw, for ogle st the Huron Signal O/e , cheap for Cash. I'ooench Jen , Y1, 1548 ► R BU MA.TISM NOTICE. sirs AVM) test lie CAN DF CURSE) i II trinfurrni INDIA N RHEUMATIC M 2213112 1 Al a XV r1t7*a : melbas Matte !arta, I. caring this ltesdfd Ca.ptual, whits properly applied rTTbu MEDICINE ,made awe all el here al the ►Aad, god the prone( the Article n is seise It. It .reds met ilss amutimee of rue puffs from saa- dry plans, (no one kuuw• rho,)• to prows its eine.. ITN.43.-WhoI..•k bayera treated uo Libe- ral Teems: For 8.1e by C. Cuss. sole Agent for Camad& West. p' Nene Genuine uolese Biped 1N. BOY) DlCKI ." PAI f: 004.1.4 it PER B0T"I'LF ALG,-Uicausoe's COUGH DROPS, t Certain Remedy for Cwghs, Cold., &c.&c.- Paacx-ls. 3d. ler teutc. Detroit, Michigan, Jaly 4111, 1846. 26-tf t: ' Xr e Fg C7 C r a 1N3111Wa31NI GNV TI m m • 13Y AUTHORITY. ATTACHMENT. HURON DISTRICT, Bl" virtue of tip 7'o If it: whits of At- tachment tesued ont of the District Court, attd Court of Qrteen's Betseb, and to me di- rected against the estate real as well qp personal, of !leery Elliott, an absconding or concealed debtor at the respective suits of Thomas Gilmour for the sum of twenty four pounds six shillings and three ponce, and of Aubert Moderwell for the sum of thirty one pounds ten *billings and viz pence; i have seized aryl takes all tho estate Hid as well as personal of the said Henry Elliott, and unless the said Henry Elliott return within the jurisdiction of the said Court, and put In bail to the actions within three caleeder month. or cause the earn° to w d•.eb.egod, ell the real and personal estate of the said Ilenry Elliott, or so mach thereof as may be necessary, weal be held liable for the payment, benefit and satisfac- tion of the said claims: J. McDONALD, Sherif i . D. 8ii oar's OFFICE, Goderich, 28th August, 1848. 3.31 SHERIFF'S SALE HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a To Wit: S writ of Fieri Facies, issued out of Her Majesty's Huron District Court, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of Thomas Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; I have seized and taken in Execution, as belong- ing to -the said Thomas Charles, Lot num- ber three, on the North side of East street, or Lot running number one thousand and three in the town of C_pderich, containing one-quarter of an acre of hand, be the same more or leas with the Buildings on the said Lot erected; which I shall offer for .*le at the Court house fie the town of Goderieh, on Saturday the 95th day of November next, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Sheri H. D. SHERIFF'S t)rnce, Goder:ch, '21st August, 1848. '8.30 I)criff's Sak d (*oh. HURON DISTRICT, t RI, virtue of a To 11 41: (C writ of Fieri Facia., issued out of Iler Majeatj s Huron District Court, and to me directed agaioat the Lands and Tenements of Gavin Hamil- ton at the Butt of Joshua Calloway, i have seized and taken in Execution, Park Lot number one, on the North side of Melbourne street, aid Lot number forty, on the East aide of Wellington street in the tows of Albert, which Lands 1 shall offer for sale on Saturday, the 35th day of November next, at the hour of 19 o'clock noon, at the Court (louse in the town of Goderich. J. McDONAI.D, Sheri H. 0. S.ttarri s Orrice, Goderich, 15th August, 11148. 3m20 Sgcriff's Sale of cabs. 01.7 iSTRICT, i RY virtue of a 1►ii: Her writ of Fieri Farina, awned out of Majesty's Huron Dunne' Court, and to me directei against the Leeds mod Tenement. of Richard Dar- lington, at the wait eI Robert Park; i have slued sad taken in Execution, Lot member Nis t• the seventh Concession, E. D. in the Township of Colborne, containing 100 .Cr'.; which Lend. 1 shall offer for ale at the Court Heave, in the town d Goderich, on Saturday, the 95th dayof November .ext, at this lima of 19 e'cloek noon. J. McDONALD, Sherif N. D. 8asatrre Orrice, Gwleeeh, 14th Aagtmt, 1848. Sall NOTICE. ALL pansies iedebted to era estate of the lass WiLLJAH DITTON, are re- geeeted to settle their 1oeonets iea.edisle- I y or they will be Owed ro the Cart fee toilette's without limber notice THOMAS DITTON, JOHON LANCASTaa. eiotiertc:h, July er,, le44. 45wF IA( Illlb......ekr Dewwi Ys$ sf Ouse WINO yawaid. One of the. w(Nh • white spot *Meg the back, ad white tail; eke • white /pet moiler each eye. The ether red with a obits rpm is the face; seam white split shout the Awake, aid Md feet My perces heihime Nen es gime, ouch se- formalise rformalise to tbe esbe.Her as will lead M their recover, will he seillably rewarded. JOHN THOMSON. Township of Dowels, Sed August, 1648. I 3514 FOR SALE. THE .BRICK COTTAGE and Lot run- ning No. 569. in the Town. of Goderich, formerly in the po.sessso. of Henry O'Neil, now rented to Mr. James Orr. Th. Cot- tage is very conveniently arranged, ams well suited for • small family, has a spacious wood abed, stable, kc., good well of water; the garden contains several choice fruit trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong picket fence. Only a portion of the money would be required duwc,-the rewatoder in three annual I_nnblments. Apply to William Rattecbury of the Clin- ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Geti.rieh, August 24, 1818. 3011 SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, ;CARPET -BAG, AND VALISE MANUFACTORY. H.-HORTON, tDEGS to intimate to the public that he hal IL) commenced the above lice of Buinem in the Shop on lite Iss1 side of the Market -Square, - lately occupied by J. Rutledge & Co., -.rid hopes by strict attention to merit • liberal share of the public patronage. EP All Article* in the Trade will be cold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. HIDES, WHEAT, TiMOTHY SEED, and •11 kind* of Marketable Produce will be ta- ken io exchange. LTA liberal discount will be made for Cosh. ••• FOR SALE. an excellent Span of }[ma- ss, mid a Ent roto Two Hose Bono. Jean 14th, 1848. H. H. VALUABLE FARM LOTS - /OR *SLR IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY • POUR Lots un the First Concession of Goder*eh, fronting Lake Huron, coo- taining 82, 72, 675. and 58j acres respec- tively. Two of these Lou have consider- able improvemeets, anal one of them acom- modious Two Story Log House, with Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS on the Second Concession, containing 80 acres each, two of them partially improved. These Lots aro situated o0 the Bayfield Road, from biz to eight miles south of the flourishing Town of Goderich ; the land is of the best quality, and well watered. and the front Lots command a bc;.utifal view of the Lake. For particulars apply (if by letter post paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderich. March 17, 1848. 7tf• PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. Mit. AMID Muco. MLAILLI ., P..Drtoaa THE Editors of the VrcToau M*uAztra will devote all their talent. to produce a Imolai entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for eke Cana- dian People ; which may afford amusement to both old and young. Sketches and Tales, in verse and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics of the Colony, Scraps of Useful information, iteviews of new Works, and well selected articles horn the most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Magazine. The Editors feel coafideot that the independent and rising country to whose service they are proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend its support to encourage their ud.oas and hoeoonble undertaking. The low price at which the.Periodieal is placed, is in order that every person within the Colesy who can read, and if anxious for moral and meatal improvement may become • subscriber mad patron of the work. The Vrcroau MAGAZINE will eo0tai0 twenty- four pages in each number printed o0 new type, and upon good paper ; and will form .t the end of the year a neat Volumre, of 288 page[, to- gether with Title Page and Lades It will be issued Monthly, commencing on the First of September, from the office of JOSEPH WILSON, Front -street, Belleville -the Pub- lisher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the Magazine, and letters to the Editors, must be addressed, (post-paid.) The terms of rob- ecriptioe-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- qgsrieely t. k paid m sd.nee. Goderich, Mleb 3, 1818. 5 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers have opened a New Type Foundry io the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, lok, Paper, Chose*, Galleys, Br.. Rules, Steel. Column Ru1ee, Composing Sticks. Cases, and every article necessary for a Prioting Ogee. The Type, which *recast in new moulds, frim enurely new sett of Matrixes, with deep counters, sod warranted to be unsur- passed by any, be sold at priests to sett the times. All tbe type far.isbed by us is " hand cast." Frieling Presses furnished. and mad also, Steam Engines of the meet approved pat- terns. Composltioe Rollers east for pn•tera. a?" }Niters of Newspaper. who will buy three tinsels . much type . their 'billy 'cement tn, may give the shove act -months' iesertioe to their paper, and seed their papers containing it to ,tbe Subeeriber.. COCKCROFT k OVEREND No 78 Ass York. December 7th 1847. . I .tri NOTICE. Al,). these ledebted to to Estate of the bate Mr. HICKS of Btenfo d, will please Settle the ase without delay, kW wrth.lt extra ofpenees; and also all these hint soy Claims •gg•aMoet the above Set•te, are to -mired imt.odately to preheat the seam f.► Adjss emet to Jews Hies, lltte►el1. Mitchell, Marched, 1548. A WAGt1ONS AND SLEIG64S. NO. .1 ZEAiT RTti<ET. .Ya. 51p.. TUX ra.amTTS.MAir Osvaat. Sobslldhaz. begs lease to Worm This friends ad the ntiblie at kluge, that ►e is now prepared to .0mi:re orders fur LUMBER 011 LiGHT WAGGONS, which shall be n.safastured ail eke hest materials, and by experienced workmen. co- Harrows and Dina made to order ; Plough Castle's Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Gellerieb, Feb. 9, 1848. 911 • E X T E N S I V E IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GiLMOUR k CO.' WOULD respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct from the New York and Montreal' Markets, a very large a.ottment of Straw, Leghorn, Dui - stable, Tuscan, and imitation Silk BON- NETS, and a greet variety of almost even description' of FANCY GOODS, suited to the fashion and taste of the Beanie. Also, an extensive stock of HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Goods. Likewise, large quantities of GROCERIES, particu- L►ly a very superior supply of TEAS, from le. 3d, per pound upwards, according to quality ; and Tobacco .t all price,. M the whole extensive stock has been selected by the proprietors in person, they can confidently recommend them to their friends and customers, and as the purchases have been effected exclusively on cash pnn- eiples, thee have resolved to sell on the most reasonable terms and at the lowest possible profits roa case. 07' Marketable produce of every ,de erip. tion taken in exchange at that highest mar- ket price. THOS. GILMOUR k CO, Goderich, 18th May, 1848. 16 . TAILORING FS'FABLISIIMENT. SPRING $ SUMMER FASHIOA.1,for rt 848. A FULL variety of the Dewey: and most improved Srareo A To SAearrer-P ,.'. IONS for 1848,, have 'been received by' the eubacriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who mayfavoor him with t;,clr patronage. A. NAtSMITIi. Goderich 13th April, 1341. 1e, HONEY .AND TiME SAVED!! ! FARERE.DUCED 4. SPEED INCREAiSED., CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Through Canada to State of New York, via. CkaLAsm, LowdenWoodstock, BssfforJ, _ Hesnftow, IVstu,!ee Ferry to Bwfalo. Tilt WILL ItSowN - STEAMBOA T I3ROTIIERS1 CAPT. W. EDERTS, w ve ILL. e trim a te .,w o beawI Fas to11, :- Leaves Miasma every Monday, Wednele day and Friday Morsiegs, at 8 o'clock. for Brimisor and Detroit, theses to Amkertsirrg at 3 o'clock. Leaves Awrkertaharg every Taeaday, Thurs- day and $sirmday Moralises at half -put 7 e'elk. touchingal Detroit and Windsor for an. The Magian. BROTHERS rens ie connection with a DAII.Y,J.INE OF STAGE Co3C)11:s. Established between Chatham and Qoeentoon, by which (and the Steamers oa Lake Ontario) paatr•gera will be-esJkd to reacts Kingston is at least three days from Chatham. P.sseagen cam leave Hemilto' by steamboat for Toronto, Rochester, Oswego, 1 iagstoe, or any of the in- termediate ports on lake Oet•rio. Gentlemen from all parts athe States will find, this mate very agreeable derieg the tommer and winter, as it passes through the moot flourishing parte of Canada West.. The Chatham and London road is .ow completed, and is • very good road. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, viz. " Ch.L►aan to Detroit and Windsor, and rice twig. Cabin Passage 41,75; Deck Passage $1,00; Children, hell -pried : Horse. Baggy and one Geetleman $3,00; Double Team, Wagon and Driver $4,00; Oz or Cow $1,00; all other Freight in proportion. References. -Chatham. Ebert', Waddell & Co.; T. M. Taylor. Wiadeor, L. & H. Dev- enport, C. Hent. Detroit, Ives & Black. - Louisville, Knight & Weaver. Tecumseh Hoose, I1. N. Smith. Wardsville, Anderson & Babe. Moss, 8. Fleming. Ecfrid, 0. J. Smith. Delaware, Bollen. Junction House, Joseph ,Rollins. London, 511 Sega. Brant- ford. G. Babcock. Hamilton; M. Babcock; M. Davis. NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. - Chatham, April, 1848. 90.1 f FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. A PART or portion of BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OP LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences is spur. Then is a goods Frame House (Cottage .tyle), upon the promises, 35 by 31 feet ; aloe, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two Frame Shod., each 70 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair. - throe running streams of water through the i.ot ; two of which are In the cleans', and a first rate Weil in the cellar of the (tame house. Wood upon the load. chiefly hard timber. Said farm is actuated but !} mile• from Godench, the District' tows. Q?Thts desirable property will be sold at 1 rm•.o•abl. price. For teras apply to Messrs. STRACHAN k 1.17.ARS, Sebeiteve, West -sweet. Gederiek, March 21, 1848. 7tf FOR SALE, BY the sub.erih•r, that valuable property srtekted in the township of Gotland", o. Lot 19, 4th concession, within Se miles of the tows of (h ; there is a good Saw -Mill omit au d IVO acres of land, 20 woo eln'Oi 1t Is • mover faiiiu stream well who for any Machinery, uch as Career aril Felkwg Machinery, ailery, and ('rrlat Mi11- N. R -Will be sold ebeap for cash, or part of the mosey cry be for a lbw years. Apply to the propr.e4er. WM. ALLIGHEM. (iod.rlch, Feb. is, 1140. 1 - flillT til l&SBJ. M0FFAT'S MEMETAIRIE LIFE PILL$ 1Pl4GENIX BITTERS 'g'hs alp► a., ...led •ei.lotty .alsb dmo •11111y ed + ere a se their isrdsiebes sIV'tr g le M to Hommeo whisk. profit. y we. hos resem ee She tlerM are of ppaety s% ova «mreere.y a mos. Y i Ye, M *ma sal thyhle1. ail t tbekr n bosom YIismar- >il11rmss; aJ . s ai].Aws>=pg. W AST.YA. SOWS eM GasafO SULEVAIATSIa AP? c7'fmaw d tau lIJDSl1R sac KrDNlra 2111001 111V118 • 111111 00112IyAW104r k.1 w mob air .mL whom Ikss tomos pend. tbw k.0 b tion kraiasl . 74stss. hoses, .5 webs, ebe esu we lbws Midis. eU ams sewsls be webs, ekes. AULR)US comm. k..5 BLEW, cerreteer. rLBtt C0.'nrL'caaa. COLDS & C00•r41, mem ou.tsuasrnuyt. ttm..0* pool meow Is i.l,gsa CMORRRUPPT .'•1103'0a ae. DEOP11RL . . - Mol min ors miso o web uss Its 5RUPTHA* w/ W res. £RTIIPELAI, Liner. EPS VISA air AOOI. re. the wow ad.._ lira meta isms esWrlssk .A to Mose a rata •etlr, e•e ••wstm ss,.4y. Met mdsosn hYe s sews whom'.r Aloes I11. 4101•,.-• .w r twee seam is wrsest- TRY TIMM, .s aA7'lar1t0. AND a MOM. r UULSi$I co'PLgx,ON. 411MXIMIRAL D8DILITs GOVT. G1DDINg*e. ORArEl- NEADAUI, Weww, Mac. DEWARD ra.aL 1NPLI.'.4ruao /WgOaA. Tray. IMPURE 1L00D. JAUNDICE. LUSS ✓Arra. TfTL LzVa* OOip&Ai)re1. Lyman'', L00.* ••• MKlLCt'ItIAt. DgeYAS=I.- eswe lab to maleate calmly M des e6so of I5s.ssp IiIL sW r err te. the mss seeddhl pgsrss45 K •••rsaemlta NMORT SWEATS. h'IR rove DEMLIT T. MIS/MOS COMPLAINTS d✓ W 1551 OROAN1c Arr&OTHrtrx, PALPITATIO.Y des 01AIT. PAINTER'S cion.. r I L a i . TL wtiisst wasrw.. or How .oleos.• w mood of PIM of at Pomo ,esters Mae sen of dam late y4ieir sea. PAINS te de aid, its. book. Iris. twits W owes RII■U ATI/lig. Thr 511110.1.1 was this undiu c..... wie he to of *Sof M Ib Lis Md.nws. KU.R ewe ■1.008 to the I/1,AL, 1overr, EALTRNEUM, &IfILcoms. sCRnrl'L*. r ZEIS'S STEL, a.■ ,ewer terms. Cr.CE RL al rales dssr0esta A 0 8 - 8 . ofd kine. an Apron* eapba kr the.. Maic,an r.,wt. wild., niMsbser flews! ono tl..r c.wo.,er r •.ysmd. Robot wits amara TIE LIFE PILLS Ill 11611I BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, Awl thus remove all disease from tbe system. A ...& vial .tuOwn the LIFE P1112 sad PNCENIX 3.F'TTERi►.ywadu. rr«►da.ay.. Woe w Ihe .atiwhtis olawry ,.IMM. The gess., of taeia **noise• stem, put 1 wh i. o. wr.p}gPwenn .d MMq lsgw.ayro. ber le a sophMt ..ltd .(4 .,', G...d s.s..rttas." waw ,,.a[ the d.reollei,, a., ea whish It a An win of an.dw.y n... Wats Amok r w twit., y erLieS *troop" totting t1.. city as tory sone ad Ti. .rye.. sod morn'at ury eopyrirlaa'4 thanfrc• thaw w►o pawn tem wilt .bis woman k.5 tot aw•red t' -.1 IMy .n gassiaa M ~OW. W 4 air boy rhesoo wilds r.t.e .nyyns; M If you `, M sahaM Ord limy tame t bo. No, .r dame tea ice. myr era ar lad ride, w Rerad..y. inner of dwho.y moot, Rr. T.ra. T..a•re ay BENJ. PARSONS, Sole .lge.t. Goderie4, Jan. 9S, 1838. 1 CHAMBERS' MISCELLANY. or ctrrrL AND r,TT.1T11Nlla 1/0WLatwt, Edited by Rosser Ceanse's, amber of Cyclo- , podia of I:oglirh Litentere : With Elegant Illustrative Engraving. Price 25 cents per No. COULD, KINDALL lb LiNCOLN are tippy to announce that they have comple• ted arrangements with Mere. Chambers,' of Edinburgh, for the re•pabheatioa, is semi" rndnthlyLumbers, of Crunlraxas MneILLAzr. • he mesee a the hit.er,...y is to MOOT the increasing demand for useful, in,tnetive,a.d enterta..ing rending, and to brieg all the aids of lit erat.re to bear on the cultivation of the feel - hies of the people -to impress correct views eo Itnport&st moral aid social gwatieus-aeppr,sa every species of strife and sseagery-cbeer the lagging aid d,ap.•dieg, by the Mattes of tales drawn from the .magi•atiom of peon writers . -r'u-e the fancy, by descriptions of tnteresying fyre.gu acemr•-give a left to every -tiny oeeupa- tions by ballad and lyrical poetry -;n short, io furnish an unobtrusive friend and guide, a live!y fireside companies, as far as that object as be attained through the isnlamestality of beaks. Thr ■nlvermlly eck.wldged merits of the Cret.orgnt. of }JlsLise LrrawgTeas. by the wore author, connected with its rapid sale, and the unbounded commendation bestowed by the press, give the publishers fee coat -idents .e the real Thee and come success cf the pretreat work. The public -stem has already commeeeed, and will be continued semi-monthly. Each number will form a complete work, aad every third num- ber Will be furnished with • title page sed table of contents, thus forming a besatifslly Mesta - ted volume of over 500 pages of meet and entertalbieg reading, adapted to every elate a readers. The whole to be completed is TOIITr scream, forming Tea elegant Volumes. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. Y. Cotameesial Advertiser. We are glad to see an American Mime et this pcblicauon, and especially in se seat sad eesee- o lent a form. It is an admirable compilation, distinguished by the gond tante which has bees shown in all the publicatinea of the Hewes. Chambers. it hates the nud(st std the..Isr- taioiog. We hope its eiradnen here will be large enough to supplant, to ■ good extent the namby-pamby and immoral works which hive so long been too widely circelsted. itT This work caw be soot by mail loamy para of the country. A direct remitWee to the publishers of Six Dollars will pay W the shin work. This liberal dimmest for tdvmess p•7 will Dearly o... the sat ef postage en the work. Thom wiiiag fee w se arra ample numbers cam remit them asesdiegl . r Bookselleand Agents supplied tbe mos, liberal terns. GOULD, KENDALL & LINCOLN Pmbliebere, Bosom. c qe ijurou Signal r. ►RITTt0 Aar, PVet.meaw Stair ratsaT BY THOMAS itINletss.K, totrow atm rn .1tTna. al'rafw w*eEaT-sgoaa8, 00005,00 '• Book and Job Prietiag, executed with sateen, and dispatch., Taw a ensHunen asuman.-TI►N DRIL- LINGS per &seam if paid airwayto'deism% se TALL/. Aso SIX PIACI with te expirstme of the year. No paper 4"rgee.tia.sd until vroom are paid', enk,w the pebliier thanks u his'de&s- tage to do so. Aay iadivdeal ie the eeestry becoming re• spoilable for sig eubser8as, WW1 reerive sew., copy genus. ET AU lows. addrss,sd to the £niter awl b. pmt paid, of they wil1 sea be take ail n the poet office TESua SIP AnTeaTvtra 8u liras aid elver, foss ia..tia,.... S.0 2 L Fweh lebssque.ltwniem 0 0 74 Tss 11.s mad .oder, first i•asrtir0 3 4 Each wbeeesedt ,snob.., 0 e le Over ten lists, first insertion, pe See, II 0 4 A liberal &s eat iet e thous '.bo a6,eitper Mee, tw 67 the yen