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Huron Signal, 1848-10-27, Page 3
timed mild M 1'tMleOMties.' The saber dative of the Siperietrdtat'e e Rete tly • taw asmpl , t.0let4 ►i rik to kear et ra,aq¢-re-i perform moth actions, w th which he *Reel have beth .g u y,, ge grey eoukf he dets/led to more geitrnl e.t,slectivu 1;y '-text ')'tea surer. W• hero • wt of r i.suapuve mot t' ' 'MVO) iilr br mot - sem r,ituLl:e ssptiy oae•''ul) t'•e ., of my considerable Dumber of olgee it seldom t.crea..a eo Its jotuney, . p(•1r ere think '11. Gore1anoset Ederstiosel Fitad should he allowed to pais from the Prorioeiel k:,dtegesr to the several Dietriel Treasure:,. sad Goin theta to the respective Teachers, with- re.t beteg handled or toterropted by Superiotes- deata of asy descrip,toa. This would prevent • great teed of st.udlieg sad them work, and tea two or three thousand pounds a -year to saereasu the wages.l the half -paid Teachers. OUR OWN KUI'ERINTENDENT. By some strange coucauuation devil circum- stances • person gamed John Ihi.goall, (,ail to be a '' gentleman." -nay, some *ren went the length of supposing him an Auaerm4/s ss.s,) was pat ie as District Superintendent of Common Scheel. f r the Cosary of Ilurus. U. was either 'pommel as as act of charity, or as an act of " jobbing," kir all that we mold seer learn of his esali&cations, was simply that ler sou a great kg muss wire a great kg .Fount 1 We viers not aegastosd with him, but the *mond time we taw him, we enquired who be was, sad oe bear tn(urtned tLet be was the Superinte.Jent of Education, ae ouncluded than Mit people, (Waugh their represesouives, bad /Made a neaten ; k c the very appearance of the tryso seemed to W se outrage ou his office- •• Deep, sage reflections perch') norms his brow." 11e reminded ss of Iloreee'a plough boy, who "whirled es be west fie soar of sho.gkt."- And ac.•+•rdiagly we wrote en article on Super- ietesdeere of- F4.eatiea, which appeared .a •n early a.eiber of the '.gaol. 'We drew the character of • Depetintendeet as he ought to he, sad then we drew it as we supposed it acme - time• is. We did not name Joha Btgeabl, bot by some Merecul041 trio of idea., our portrait was real as life, -it suited exactly, and was eekaswledged gewoiee, eves by his very best friends. Oa the following rnoreug wets we mode oar appearance it the post office, em posi- tiea re4isied as etroagly of the fate of hero. Mwoorsese a wise he (ailewel the ur.er Jos iite ettitiedfferikeeirt We werewwremewly eaten alive, Mt we certaiely hada very narrow creamy Bot, to pursue oar narrative. the man Joha Signal!, ems in truth and verity, made Super- intendent of Cowman Schools, that is to say, he was fully invested with an opportunity of run- ning sway with the e,iseatioad fools of the District of dleron ! The idea Of education ever deriving either benefit oe credit from John Big- nall,never eeald fins • .moment's residence in the brains( my liviag Bowl who knew him, and was capable of entertaining ideas. His appoint - t•••rd• be/ W tsaaug sad dla rat iy!ag : 1 merely %emit se yea fur a swell. a troi cIoe ; not eo stash 10 V catl0n of. tae 41., serer aleft be 'Metedifs where Its is kaokaolin.),, of , mt:caeg !}geary p'r- .a.f. firm :hr ne6f.a'luog ou- tlaw of tilts, who* vitt o editif y ia toe, grbeide, cy ..i sela►L Ic is tri t. area:s` a .1111" dims/rose' in a neighles(bocd t epd ,es, t sam resari t.k ; but at the e done tt table, kw the sake of the ri.ing generease, tint he sl.ould be made an object of scorn. "Evil communications corrupt good eisnoen," aid certainly lie ars who eau be made aware tho facts connected with the Stratford Agricul- tural dincer, sol who reals the rernarkieln t. in the Huron Gamut, yid afterwards asaoe.stee even in a ncigt,lorly wanner with the aWboe, is setting a fearful example before hie children. td 6. 1 saware. r, that yea sad 1 are opposed so each other ie. our political views; but from the exchacge c.f the very few ereliments wh•rh to,► place between us, I am persuaded that on are a Nun. 1 *mold call you • Gesticulate. were it n ot that that Dane is frequently•ssumad by per- sons from m* whosouls ,comeinel,wm sad Yater worth:eeriness have poeesed the last papule of nuohuol. 1 leave the matter to year own sense of justice, inertly requesuag a bridstatcmeat d your op'nioe of Mr. Giles' accoao% of the Strat- ford'lissoer, w•Ltch 1 Lope you will forward by recurs of mail, to Le puhiuled is the seat Sig- nal. I am, Sir, respectfully yours, THOMAS MACQIJEEN. „I the to oath (se by Giles es (mole las of lie d prtar,e7p a.gia Nur*.-We hays not yet received Mr. Dick - ▪ acknowledgement of the receipt of this let- ter, but we have oo doubt it will be forthcoming In Jur time. 1Vehave a little more to say npoa the subject next week, for notwithstanding our extreme pity for the boyish silliness of Giles when he aotempre to play Editor. Yet we Mee no desire that he shell play the unprincipled ruffian, i, publishing charges of treason sgainat u•, without expoongtjs tajsehooda to the glare sad indignation of the public. We bad no in- teetioo of ever making a single allusion to the tril:ag affair wb:ch took place` at the Stratford dieser: bet as .t has been biologist before the public is sseh a menatmns and mligosut form, we feel booed to cell open the individualwho ;Induced the seise at the dionet to come forward peblicby,eoh the substance of th.e very seti.f.c- t tie epslerr redo* Rte awake . ib. lrltswie4 moraine, .o prevenee of *number of witnesses in the Strai.orJ Poet (Mice; aod•by forwarding ,t to se on or before Thursday next, he will save as of some trouble. To Lia F.l.tur q% As Huron Gunk. 6 man, October 23rd, IE -19. Sin, -1n your editorial remarks is your paper of the'_Oth current, wherein, very properly, yea briefly alluded to the superior quality a Stock meet to steeh an office -even though he bad aur exhibited a: the Agricultural Show at Stratford ran away with the fonds -was a job of tee on eon 13th, -1 am Torry to observe that you meanest description. We will expose the affair haee bee° moiokerm.vl into the etemedings at at our undies( aooseu.<ncr, and in the trme-an the. Dinner, and se Secretary of the Society. 1 rime, we advise the Trustee* nail T.avari..,r *heard .,.. ...J. .a. ........l.. .-r-. -a the various Schools in the Dietriet to hold a hoer informant -as yew were est present at meeting in Goderich, to draw op • memorial the Show or Dialler, 1 imply that ibe informa- containing • fell statement of ail the particular' tion was given you -has moot falsely and mali- of hu oppoietment, the amnant red sive of *mealy endeavored to pervert what I call a most his securities, his emben!entent of a convdrm- Ltri/1.I occurrence, to the Minty of 4 lode dal b:e amount of last yeses School Feed, hie re- ; "bo, (though yoe ere oppsmwnte ip politic*), u *eetioe to offew.ai the February aitung_of teal meets thought of fur his talent and ability, -1 mete Mr. Macgsee0, Editor of the Huron $igw•L Tam sorry to. offeree that your informant has penned you to mix up some portion of s polit- ical feeling, in alluding to Mr. Macgeeeo, and as if in connection with our Agricul;urol pro- • Coeneil, aid his wbsegoest elopement with the District apportionment of the Goverosaent 74- ucent:nal Feed. The said memorial to be pgse t ented to the Governer .o Commit, en the doable porpoee d exposing the Ubiquitous marhiaery of the School Bill, aol df ascertaining whether the poor Teachers of the District wi:l be allowed to eeedieg3. Toot iaformaet should have known be robbed of their miserable pitmen., leg the that .grie.lterf might not to be distinguished negligence and pa117 Jobbing of ria Di.wici by ••y political bias. Every one has a right to atborait. eejoy Lis owe political opinion, and to uphold it by any proper mesa. to our Branch Agricultural Society here, 1 aro not aware, (any I was one To James Devises, Esq , Tcc•sauvnt: of the four who commeocal ii), that there over Go/tomcat, 41st Oct. 1811. yet has bees toy political feeling ; and then Dasa Sra,-1t is as oU remark that the best harebeen parties of various political feelings. in way 10 relate u to take De notiee of 11: the management, ewer sines it was established. let fa!eehood alone sod it will sone run itself to It he saline -wickedly so -to say, as appears death: is coasideration of these maxima 1 seldom in yout lever of the 20th, that Mr. Macgeeen take the trouble of splicing any of the produc- " cot only attempted to perpetrate a.peech, bot thong of Mr. Gdes. The ,sae is knower in Ila- ' advanced opiaioos so et variance with List lore on and in every other plate where his paper elf- of loyalty and British connexion entert:i ned by those present, that he was put down by cries of "treason." Mr. Maceeeen was sot put down ; be was heard with much pleasure in all the observations M made, end he never alluded to an21140 of a political nature ; and hie ob.erva- tatii reply to the mast of the " Press" were juIicines, and did credit to the prnieseion in re- culates, and 1 am suny tv koow that his diame- ter is ■ more satisfactory reputation otitis ea:nm- nies than anything i could write against hint. Yea may probably suppose that 1t is not gene - roe to call span you to eootra'iet the (ateeboods of owe whom I regard as I.ee•t1 m7 own notice. My reasons fie doirtg so, are simply these --:The remarks of (files r the Mat Dumber of the ferencc to the object of the meeting. Huron Gaudio, in reference to the Agricultural Mr. Maegoeee made the rcaark-and you will Dinner io Streuord, may he chiefly doected perceive it is mot ao original one -that " be that N.irt me; bat they embody a ream of wiU;ol roads two blades of grain grow where ooly one daring falsehoods derogatory Jo the character of grow before, was entitled to mare credit than ell the Directed* of the Society, (who wilt, no the heroes •id eooqueras of the ward," -.t doubt, take their own method of dealing with least hie remark was similar to that. it was the wicked silly creature). ted as you were present at the dimer, sod like myself au lemon - t'7 (000*, Toe. Mrd eagwarruvely senora en the metier, ..4 -..basis mow teatimosy will be more folly appesiated, by thiniiag men, thaw nem. who am ao deeply iwplueeted in the arTair. 1, tberef.r.e*ippral to your Moor sad 4.re set truth for a brie) coattadictim of tie grim mime representatioaof Mr. Giles on This sulryct. I can forgive • sur lot maintain& an honest op-' petition : i w almost spoisgi.e fee his perver- *inn and exagjgreatioe of feels, when he ie ton - testae( Ile -elm elemo may ei his toes political creed : bet the wilful sad delibesate mss.fette e and publication of dance fsI.ebned, merely for the (raakcathon..i wiesesal ata:igaity, involves s species of psis.eos •.lrm vehicle it . the day of e.ety greed moo to creek. The repea_ rage of every mead** the btra eed g..etjeg, i• more or less imp.gar•J by the .**stunt vement of the ewhr'wellie maer.,. - sad 4.4 i suppose that there was •re shah* red.vidsa ie that large meeting who cwid wailingly *cern, a party In the perpetntsew of mokohnee ealeonmy, it who could eves lamely wish si her 1 woad at ecce appeal to the Deemer. et low 8wattord Agricolteral Society, it vindiestios of n.yeau - feet Bet being frilly peeasadod that the fee - lac ties bears the internal tarsi, of a sees& ihnif- ts.eeed, idiotic Mein, stoney prepeeiarsaiag Er %'e weaW mead ear Gedsrich rerden teat the Hoses Distriet Pmidong Society " w;ll sett one a eir.ahase. of 7'jty Pinned" each re die British Not os-tsorraw emotes (Sates, day 0.e 11AAG ratT.'. { 1'+et sojd .Ilan bores',t a /., .er gg,.retuPM/e pd.pll bare tittle .: o a, .ill onti41 (ter IRR otemng er tit* jjW, ♦ ht /Me10801011 lreiuirseoesd Rip ryr,sel*itigr•rSealliellatilhie4seeadiate net ter onlyriflbe aei dlitee PtieSieto, het hs ibe rpeedrilli.oflb/Sf"ay 'aatook.fife hoped that all who eta possiblymake it coa►t- o i*0t will attend on 8aturd.7 smote. aid. Mr aglAbs .n.,n!meuts which they usy ow*, se Mai the whole to the stock der Mud on hived at peeey- MMt, may be rendered aysa*able to the purposed of the 8aciny. -- - --- ----.. ,win .cels,~ IIT'lie Eshibitios of Ilsas blade Cloth, 1('Maomie, t.. teak phew is the large Hall of the Huron Hotel, on Tuesday the 21th inetar,l Teen w4 • very fair gwutity of oac.Uen' Blanket., • cos dersble aaaortueAt of Fla/meta. sol a few pieces of good heavy Fulled Cloth, wince ddfrred mach mote in the nullity ,4 the dieasing titan in time texture of time Cloth. The Prizes were awarded as fellows -PREMIUMS Awarded by the Hiroo District Agrieoltars, iso eiell. for Domestic Manufactures, oa Tueeday the 94th i0,t., Oct. Ita4d. For the beet Ctoth,-Mrs. Dunlap. EO 13 0 2a4 -Peter McDoaeall, 0 10 0 3,4 -Rob'. Jol,aatoue, 0 7 6 Beet Elaonel, -John MellNwb. 0 15 0 2od -Pour Meps.gall, 0 10 0 3rd -William Piper, 0 7 6 Beat Blankets, owl/merge Welton,. 0 13 0 Ind -Thomas Elliott, ' 0 10 0 3rd Elisa Lanus, 0 7 6 Jutwu-Jamie lactam*, Esq., Thomas B. bluodluf, Esq., John Hirsch, Esq. Q -r The only things of importance to the Pro - 'once which bare lately occurred in the Wm.t are, tLe resignation of Col. Jobe Prime as Ma- gistrate in the Western District, and the ale o nce o(.lalit Berens Giles, Esquire, " Gentle- man," ' from the Agricultural Diaper in Strat- ford. The Grit, it is supposed, will upset the present Government, rod the aeeond will be. a sad blow to the progress of all human improve. meat II-i'"Yenta"says "why Joo't yes ester ea actino for Jibel iagaihst the Gooier " 1 AM we answer " Veritas" by asking " why wosi, soy Miss Weer louse a sotto• cot Libel or any ether tbiog against • Gouger whom iso law. Lawn ee .A►ise, e h Oompi teepee tiirh,wrrese Mys.. -. workmen 7 Besides we have so faith mo mew es- tablishing or rnoratieg a tarnished chanteuse is the Conrta'o( litigation." TIIE BUSINESS OF TIIE COMING SESSION. The Melanges Religion:, gives it to 'be understood that the following measures will occupy the attention of our legislators when nest the legislature moats: - 1. "A bill for Electoral Reform." This hill will presevo the cxtoting propurttoa of rcpreecntatives for each section of the pro- time, but the number will bo increased, come say to 120, others, to 150.• • "A bill to organise the Post Office Department." This enactment will estab- lish, a dimfailehed ehil uetform tate or pass- age for the entire Provtlxe; will reduce the charge on newpapere, remedying existtag evils, and establishing a General Poet Ot&ce in Canada. 3. "A bill to promote reciprocity of trade with the Veiled States." Uy it, (says tho Melanges,) we shall receive Americas products ata cheap rate, and be enabled to export our own free from exorbitant cus- toms dues. 4. "A hill to organise the Customs' de- partment in Briti+l: North America." 5. "A Judicature bill." Not a sew measure, simply the present one remodeled. 6. " An E lucatiun bill." 7. "A bill to repeal the Bankrupt Laws." g: " A law for the h ptarial profession." 9. "A Registry bill." 10. "A bill for King's College, Toron- to." Principles not yet leaked out. 11. " A Aluu;cipal -bill ;" the present one modified. 11. ".t bill to provitfe for the eocour- agentent of A'ricultuie." 13. "A bill to abolish the Feudal Te- nure." 11. "A bill to determine the mode and time of payment of the Rebellion Losses to Lower Ca:.nds, of 1837-e." lb. "A bill to provide for the payment of claims agatn.t former municipalities." 16. "A•bill fur rho regulation of two P rc a s." 17. "A Medical bill." 18. "A bill to reduce and fix the sala- ries of pubic °theory.' 19. •." :1' bill to ..tallish tho ../morel allowance to members of the As,ertrbly.•' 40. "An Addre.s to tier ]la;• -..•y the Queen, praying that the salary of the Gov- ernor General et Canada may be a chug* upon the Imperial Treasury." 21. " An Address to Ilex Majesty on Um subject of the mooed of the Navigation Laws." misoodentood - simply so -ams an ebjeetieo made to it it by a person preeeet-and • kind of polities feeling *hewn by two or three. There were between 50 and 00 present. The obser- vation was repeated ad the roiwwerstaodiog of it early Mena: and west day 1 1oerd regrets as to the taterrupties.-ar,wng purely from a mis- semeheonoe. Me. Maegeeeo did soot Ines the meetiag, he was there to near to eed. 1n eoaclusion-as I aril perhaps trespassing ter meek on your apse -le( ma remark that there were no " foolish young men" there 1 geoid observe : aoJ there were, therelise, none bei be.4..eed. The Manse way • plesan t one, sad did etrdit le the maid," Mr. 1Jregies of the Farmer*' Ian, and every ewe seemed to be pleas - est with each other. 1 de tet th,.b that your ufuemet'e nest he • "pamUtieel fee1i•g" being noised her, (where, ea yea well Mow, tme Me two parties, -end where is there sutt)`wYil "Rye the party is any wry, he whin* to upheld; Ar the term " loyal" moat certainly molt be applied in s ford.fferent wry than he would wish hooses folk to believe. There ere "10701" toes and tree te their iwetry and iaatitateess, in ell parties. l am, air, i 1 Tears, te. 101115 J. E. LiNTON. KING'S COLLEGE: -IML M'CAUI'S DWELL1NG-HOUSE. er Professor a illisg to occupy the boos* and he .huold have been eontsahi Alb the £ 40 era .;, i which that Pro(esw r recel l- ed for rest, 1f that aim is mit enough to pay hie reed, his income Is Targe esuugb to pay Hie otter. ace ; he hu made an a, range watt to n It ht, ,.. n coeveofeoee, sod he aneretto pay '-v N. • i'bta i. e.ly,.i Nyge tie fob, or at the tv..,a ter .m 0Nte brew, ..1 tut latter P.. ,i, t• bet ant., ,appires tiro or three (`omr,..a, tietmel machete, dr wbuld.edueate the Mime num*, d' poor scholars. We were not surprised te hear of the spphcation--sus are port test -we w ould hese been rather sur- psiaed•had it woe been made. U+. 51 C'•0I will not have the opportunity lung. Lot him maks My ethile the ren shine.. -Tet Bluer. .1inrket i' TORONTO ZI.ARK1:T. Holiday 1'. M., 23rd Ot toil& 1848. On Friday and Saturday, was an ordinary ripply of Wheal, Lc fermors, which realize.) from 3s. 9.1. to 4s. -the lat- ter be:ng the highest price paid ; u,d 84 9d vase/oil the rate for the great p►opertiuo of what was brought in. To -day, tie mar- ket was but indifferently supplied. which is uaually the case un Mondays. The price was ib. tante as oa Saturday, from 3.9.1 to 44 per bushel of GJ lbs. Flour, by retool in bags, Millers.' extra super6oe, ice G1 per 19611as. Faruten' fine do., 17e 6d to 20.. Of this Int::r, there has been a great deal of indif ,rent qualnv brought ia, supposed to be Inanufectortd from inferior grain, and it 15 nut bought up, except al inferior prteee. Some has boon sold as low as 1St 6d to 15s per 156 lbs. Oatmeal 17. 61 to 20e per barrel. - Moorecat, Oct 23, Ie.*. Fleur very doll -small sales at 25s a 2L. Gd. Wheal -Salm at 5s a 5s 3d. Some shipments on owner: account. Ashes - Pots have declined to 29e for good, and 28s 94 for ief.riose Pearls ibe 64 a .3* 91. - Salts Butter at lid for 1st, 6d for 2nd, 5d for 3rd, sed 44 for 4th. Bt:rrat.o, Oct., 21, 1848. The produce market is without much change. Dales of about 1000 bbl. Miebi- gpt.ir Gernee9:. Wirleti!t-a i•1rrei .ltd 440 bbls one choice Michigan brand at x4.561. Some916 hide "Pear' and 150 "Dimmed Lilo- sold at $-4.05. lo wheat we bear of 7000 hash Chicago at 731e, sod 6000 bush Ohio alto at 89c. The .lamer City, of Kingston, owned by Colcleub!t and Grier, drifted from her former porrltus in the Lachine rapids yes- terday afternoon, and afteew•rds struck os a reek, and went to pieces almost Imme- draleiy. No Ines lest.-Celosief. The EYamiwcr has brought before, the public • specimen of the jobbery carried on in King's College -a small aft:ur, • more drop in that great ocean of corruption. Dr- M'Caul occupied, as l'rinc.psl of Upper Ca- nada College, a handsome house belonging to that institution ; Ire wee nestle l'residest of arnt s College and resigned the Prract- pelohip, but the house, we suppose, was comfortable and he did mit give that up. - A short isms ago Dr. M'Caul for private family reasons wished to le tee Otte hon.*, and then came the jobb. •l'be D-ctor was not requir..1 by ties College to give up Me Nous:•, he tell it entirely of bis own accord, het he called epos the Cousetl to .glow him 11e sum of £tM per annum for honer root, under his sew arrattgornoatn. it hay Omen the praltiee to allow the Profeeenre about Zoe er 150 pel' annum for lemma rest, Ivt Dr. ))Motel claims Leto beeline* the hoes* ise der oswle erewplrl wee worth that ass Hs ben Mon . 1 the 0rcup0tom of a Mahe worth sere than he a.:taague.. lee leaves it to rill his own conveswitcs, and, ss it is winner 11. Oe.11ege gruosde. 11 weeld he impossible to het it to say sae n ot errew..ted with 11e College. s.{ ,IMO ib minenb4* tate 0.11 mine of Magid .Kia was snow emomment let.Os live elsewhere he should have fttet 4 HURON DISTRICT,/1%. O T I C F is To WIT L‘ herby ghee fleet the Covert id General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and that of the fheerfrt Court, will be holden in, and :or ibis IA.U.el. as TUESDAY the twenty -NOM 4! of Norens- bef "rate 01 the Coati Hone in the Toon ..f rwlerich. at the hoer of 10 tit Lek, at which Wore aid place all J.,etle!a of the Pease, Coroners,, keepers. of Goals 11. WOW .1 Correct'.., Mph Comrf btee, Cusialablre, BailrQs, in a 1 others con corned, are hereby required to attend, W do and perform there things which to their reeptctitc effects apeertatn. JOHN M'D(1NAi.D, 1'kr ri,1J' l/. D. Fneatri a OrTier, 8th October, 181a. Ott! N OTIOIs. TIIF. Dileetom of the Heron Di,trlet Bail.f- iag Societywill dispose of mots Sharer of 1;30 each. at the Brit' olel. Ooderieh, on SATURDAY.the 24.11 nstaat, at 7 o'clock. P. M. By Drier, THOMAS 1:1 DD. sac re tat )' . G.derieb, 200h Oct., 1818. 3s* SALE BY AUCTION 111111: Stib•er.ber will scll by Public Aue- tioo at hie house, Lot No. 3, 10th lento emotion, Colborne. on Tharerloy the 46th id October, at 11 o'clock, A. !IL, the follow- ing properly, namely :- Two Yoke of Oxen ; 3 Yoke of Steers rising four years old ; 2 Yoke threo years old ; one Yi ke rio,eg two years old ; owe pair yearling Steer (:mise* ; 6 Milch Cows ; 2 Heifers in calves, rising three years old ; a half bred Durbin' Bull rising three years uld ; £0 Sheep ; ono 'Fillet' riving three years old ; one Ox Cart ; one Saddle and Ul:dle. DUNCAN MACNEF.. Tt:ett3 -16 mouths credit, on approved \..res. J. K. GOODING, Auttiomeer. Colboroe, Oct. 18th, 1818. 38 TO TIIE INIIACITANTS OF STRA TFORD. NOTICF. is hereby given that an Act of the Provincial Pu:lamest passed dur- ing its Iasi Sessiun, entitled, "An Act to confer limited corporate powers in the Towns and nllages of Canada West, not epseisU! is.oepoeated," hath been declared to he, and the same Is 000 a 1iil force is the Town of Stratford. All Proprietors of Houses ars requested Vie provide tire Ladders hereby prescribed w•ithto one calendar month foam this date and all persons unlawfully toting fire, or guilty of other nuteanccs, will render them- selves amo.able to its penalties. D.' McGREGOR, lmsyrc(or. t3tratfitrd, !00th 0,44.4 184s. 38 REMOVAL. R AL 0PE, - r4Pi CTFli LY beg. leave to return his sincere thanks to numerous friends Mil the public generally, fur the liberal pat- ronage heratoforo received, -and informs thew that he has REMOVED his . TAI - LO RING ESTABLISHHJIENT from Lighthouse street 10 East street, next door to Jame" Bissette, Carpenter, and a few doors west of the Goderich !'ou.dry, where all orders will be promptly executed as heretofore ; and cn.treners may depend on having their garments made up in the most iutprnyed and fashionable styl.. (rio' A full variety of the newest Fall and Winter FASHIONS fur 1848-9 jest received. Goderich, Oct 27, 1848. 118 APPLES! APPLES ! ! }(OR male is any quantity, by the subeeri- her. y C. CRABB, Geierich, Oct. 26, 1838. 39o3 TO LET O* SELL. 'j'iLtT largo and commodious throe story house, pre.cntly occupied as the Huron Sig,nf Printing Office. It contains .Ix good rooms • large under story suited for a kitchen. ' it is 'nuttier' on the North ride of the Market.Sq•are, and is well adapted a, a plies of business. i'o inn will be given on the 1st of January, 1i4:). For terms and particulars apply to the proprietor. MARTIN McLENNAN. Goderich, 47th Oct., 1848. 3811f • $4©1.r WHEREAS JOHN BIGNALL. Soper- (steiAdot of Common Schools of the Hetes District, has abseoaded with a large Mae of P*Jlio Mosey, the above Rewari will bid pad to ..y one apprehending the said JOHN.BiGNALL and recovering the amount stolen ; or the reward 01:1 he in proportion to the amount recovered. The money, Tires hundred art.l forty right ponds, was is 0110 notes of the Saab .f )b1 own treat.' Tho above John Bignell is a rem erkaily large man, with comae feature*,6 feet 3 inches' in heigab : very robin hie shoulders, haughty io but address, and about 50 years of age ; hair straight and inclined to grey, whiskers white. Any itiforeaaLaoa respecting the above, to M for warded to GEORGE BROWN, Treasurer /larva District. Goderie4, C. 11'. Gederiek, Oat. 17, 1448. Mkt STRAY COW. HURON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TILE Exhibition of FULLED CLOTH. and o`hey Woolen Upnutoetoree, being postponed fur one teontn, thhe Game wt take place at tho exhibition 100105 of 61r. Gentles' (Huron Hotel) on Tuesday the 1411 umlaut. at moos. R. G. CUNNMNGI1Af11E, Goderieh, 10th Oct. 1846. STRAYED, from the enb.erftsee in Gode- siert. *beet three weeks .taw, a DIStXX BROWN COW, e11 fee. est white, wldtm tail, •n -I white under the holly. with a .Mall spot in the face ; itahewteighe years old, with gimthet boles nee/ gels ripe of the betas. Any preens main nifwemauon where said Celt se. M. ilea, wall be suitably re- warded, by eddse.•msR ClintISTOPHb.R BIIANNO '. GOIesie1, (kit. 90, 1641!. 38tf L UMBER. F 1RS1 FOIL S:1I.Irr RTO BE IGLU hn print* Iar(s.e. i.ot No. 1 23. ea the Srb unscrewing of (hdrnei , meta,.(ng 70 awns. S0 of which is slowed .1 1 .oder .auv,, errase nly ukr- or.l ,-d esLiauJ ready ,lpr ctril.or•pinsg. 1'MewI., ..es ,. o. „., est 11051re7 and 0•l warred. 1'L, r•. ua gust! .ub.setfal log Dreamt this.. o. Ir. wed ewe sow of seper.er Reit newts its be ring eeedi• eras. /tart w ,ase pespwrter uu.►Muw w -riser• rag ,era Who( h..,.atav, Lr w i" • •i u'•r o1 it oa tmosuirrikito te,u a. (hto-Ln'f of 14e &rice v ill 1. REQUIRE!) DOWN. cad tie other Leif iu Iirr. r' usl ■n...l laatatmrndl. fl 7". tur•her Ferner:aro, applyat tb:a (Mite, tar le rho Peri r.etor ea rho prem -<e. (i1:ORtiE ELLIOTT.Jur.i.,r. :etiralsk 1114 let., laid. _ 3711 NOTICE. LO:ai (ii'T ma SQl•,1Lt.. ! 1 1 • 1.1. Crnnns indebted to the Subscriber e, - f/ they M• Note or Bork Accennr. ere reques- ted to call raid ..rile immediately, or their Notes • r 4 .\r e, our, wilt le pl. ei: in ,!m Roods o1 the (1best. d the Coact far coiiret.on forthwith. WALTER. e l l -11 t P. (...,;.t iolr. 174 Sept. 1448. 31 - ASTRAY. (1A311: int° the .nibs., of the ruberribrr. LI 1..t No. 7, first ('onceraion, Ei,t Colbourn. some bole in July Isco. a Steer ('.\Li', (year- ling'. I. and 6 hire. Any prr.rn oo sing said Calf are req..ested to prove properly, pay charg- es. .ed take it away. HENRY Pi*.NNVDAKF.R. app. loth. Is48. 34 TIIE Subeeriber has oa band a large, quantity of SAWN PINI: LUMBER, of cation. dimensions, which ho will Pell on the moot Reasonable Terms for CASH, sr for WiIEAT and PORK, et 5larkct prices. lie would also request all theme indebted etthei by Note or Book !Account to Mesas. llaawaTr..c k SlAaT, through his Agency, to call immediately and settle with btm and avoid ueneeemmury coots. JOHN HNALD,Carpenter, I.ightbwse+treat. God.rish, 13th Oche 1848. 67 ATTACHMENT. • CASH FOR WI I i:AT. THE Snbreriber hereby tali -Mates that he has now ..n term. of Reece and port ownership, the entre rrtaaagelrasol of tete Gor)c•rioir 1LIls, and That be ti prepared to pay each kr any tots nil al _sod merchant- able Wheat at the said Mills; 1 rtoitZeJ'be f ame be t!elivt rod there in tame fur manufac- ture before the clove of the !Int g lion. Wil• I'll'ER. Ce•ornrcn MILL!, September 3th, 1848.'. 1211 CASA FOR SAW -LAGS AND SAWING DONE ON SiIARES. rjHE Sebxriher will pity ra.h at the Gomerieh Mills for (cold Black (horsy Saw-l.eg., and wifl sew say other descrip- tion of good Baw•L.gs for tarty parties on shores. W11. PIPER. (4onutm )1*Lit, September ith, 1848. 331f STRAYED, 'rtROMM thepremises of the subscriber, No. 1. r I lth Cooeersiun of Colborne, • Yellowieh colored .0X, mule, with n stripe of white down his hack, -be had oet a bell, sad is riot eg even years old. Any iafonnarioa which may lead to this reoorery of him wl:l hr liberally rewarded by CHRISTOPHER STEWART. Colliers,, 14th Sept. 154". 33 - Dl 1 RICT OF HURON, 2 RV r rtne tar To WIT : S a writ of Attachment issc•-d out of lier Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench and to me duectie! against the Real F. tate em well as Personal of 1lenjw,n B. Eby, an aheconding or con- e/sled Debtor at tie settle( ,Vt:ham Fred- erick 11cC .Itueh, for the tum of Twr oty- •ia 1'oumla Eleven shillings -and Three pence, 1 here .icand all the Real Estate of the oatd Benjamin IL Eby, .cd rime.. the .a:d Heftier,. n U. Eby reeura attthia the ju- r.J.ctio:• of the said Court and lout in had to the action within throw calendar ,•r ranee the raid CHIT to be .li.charged, all the Reel Estate of the said Ber.j.min B.' Eby, er w merit thereof a, may its rice* s • miry will he held h.bie fir the payment benefit, u1 'malefaction of t' n tail a latm. 'NO. ML:)ON.1ED, :Sheriff Huron Dia:, Sheriff's Office. Gorier:eh, 4th October, 1813.) 36 13w V F1111) LY. the 22nd inst., on the Bash of lake Huron, shout twenty entice Loath of G'Jcnch, hit .t JOLLY P.O:1T, PARTLY DAMAGED. The owner is requested to peeve peeper- ty, and wattle with therieb.rnlrr. A{l"RIXJCK McGikEGOR. Ashler:41, 25th bkpt. 1849 3135 Inst CaI& ! Last Call! Lest Cnit Aj, r preen. indehtei to D. MANI.F.T A. (,ti., er to ISAAC C. SHANTZ. will beet a .pperte,ny amyl's the reepeeuve emeae,► to Witt.tin Cos.• r. n .0 s the 4.ad 5.1 of Oe- ,.'wr nes', at the 111 BON HUTr.I., floderie'e. atter which time lie- 8eilrff re ell earl ono ell de - halters, a further time e,meethe rim... WILLIAM t'(13tsi-.Y. Timothy Seed. taker is traysaset at she high- est Market Pnee. 1.t September, 1 ° fa. 31- 1)1. 1'. A. Mci)OUG,iLL. !AN h. connulte,l er e'1 house, at t1, British (lets[, (L0avarrtati s) fi•.,dcrich, Mrp'. 13th, 1141. 3J - NOTICE. THE next sittings of the DIVLS1ON COURT will be held at the gaol, Gni. e. st.a...ly ,s. 7.1. slay .f Oefieicr nett, A. F. MORGAN, Clerk 1st Dirisio. Court. Goderieh, Sept. 6th; 1848. 32Gf ADVERTISEMENT. vii•: Subscribers in ecknowledginp 1110 liberal patronage which they have'rc- ceived during their residence in Go.:cnch, would respectfully request Ge immediate settlement of all meeting elle to the Sim, as they close their books Mist this date...-. Attention to this entice wilt rave costes. T. GILMOUR k CO.. Goderich, 8th Sept., 1848. " 22tf ' DfSSOr LUTION OF' COPARTNERSHIP., THE Copartnership heretefore•existisg , between the' undersigned (under tbtr firm, of Gooding Ind Laaeaater,, loakouy 055,) is this day disseised by mutual con- sent. J. If. COODIN( J. LANCASTER. The bnsineen will be continue& and an nntetnndmg •e -corms due by and to the :inn will be' settled ley tl;n enrierigred. J. LANCASTER. (;u•ferich, blh Sept., 1448. 32if B30'I' .AND SiIOES.. 11'I11: Subscriber begs leave to inform -the Farmere and the p•rii;e in general, Wit,. he will sell BOO 1'S rind St1O1'.$ eheilpnr. for east., than they eau bo pereloweet cite' where in this e.onn•ry. Intend:Iv lair. eha,.'rs ate -te 1.Msred to eslt and ott•mhtte for ehentrctve., al hie Shop Oh Liglithemee meet, near the British Hotel: . Ile hos also a Horse, Waggon and Ilar- liar•, a hide he wink sell ebespee than tier cheapest, N. CLARK. Goderich, Sept. 1, 1845. _ 3111 J. ti. (. O UDI-N.G , Altf'TIONEER, ` ,1711.l..''crd R.ALE:S in' any pert of the 1),.'rir,..wrreionn.bI. Teter. Ap- ply at the l:ri'i: t flute/. Goderich, Nth Sept. 1841. MA - FARMERS'. INN, yrRATF1)R1), 117 THOMAS DOCOLA8S.• ►jX1i1: S,'•er-rlber (from Galt) has )otelc 1. testi.: the above well crtablishsd 1N N and 110TEI. 10 the V eat end of Stratford, horst: o proprietor and Is' a occupant, Mr. n John Shemin ; spdht• liege to sag that ho will .muleavour to sett t. ublic and Tres - pliers well .cc,. 11 t,:ohs and th♦ir com- too • atterled fee Ili has good ,lab:la •s an a't. lento ^ Hostler. His 11at is t t t enpdu-d wills K tam sad Liquors, a T.101kAH DOUGLASS! Sus (uel, March 1, 1846. --1 1. LR I$. LAfr, r'n.tlfr .ft r, Cs.11e.V a1ii) ANU. 3..r,, iot . - (JODF.RICiI. to tc 01 a n 58 sot Qi 8