HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-10-20, Page 3M-1111,11,
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i T t; -'0 ► "1"11��111 WORKS, v
\ G. 'f .Y
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� , PA101 00 �,otogilrre's 'PROSES" s" nd 4MSIBS11
Louis �l� 041ier*` (fTEE DEED TO TH13'FAtRM"
�1, •m
_: ',fin e't ori Subscriber who renews for r906, or I
To e�ery"TeW Subscriber alta. pays one dollar,
. ` ='vires-�V` LL -Grvtt- PREC-- ON' --PA ,M .Vit; _ _ _ _ _ .. �;",)
OR A COPY , or ,
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yo � "I
know wlfat these Pictures are ? A writer in a recent issue of the
I )) Woman's Home Companion said : ' ))
`,tib ,,.; - ,",Y
Paul die LoNpre i erhaps the only artist to devote his whole life work to the
'f HIsW hozile at Hollywood is isfrol a of om P�ris to California's iciest beaultihll "King Sow f Places Flower' r,'
„Iirden there is a riot of color but a siMplicity of arrangement which baffles
> at description. In his' rose garden over 800 bushes of the finest vari- r'�
1 1. "Queen of Flowers" blossom for the benefit of the painter, � ,
c <. x
1;Roses and Pansies are each reproduced in beautiful ail colored
c}ies, fit for any drawing ecce► or Art Collection, �Vc have l';:4
secured ns of each, and offerI the eboice of one of each to every r�s
�} subscriber PAYIN1,.-,1iJ.To DPc. 3l', Igo6. s
- , • �,
t Louis Moeller's "Dl;e*Ao the Farm" will appeal especially to our country "d
. t' _adirs. It is 1 x2o inches fi3,sl,ze and is a beautiful) pathetic scene faithful
._ If, ti. ' $ r Y P r
1. -'in*hiring and expression to t}le great original, which won fame in the Royal '•tt
- • Academy. You can have one Oopy of this mailed to you in a tub'�f _you prefer r�
'- " iV to •the Mower pictures,
4, As lisle Roses and Pansies cannot be -mailed with safety, those desiring them ?�
Y, ,
cats obtai hem b c
n t cillo or endill to he o e
� riY g
s t ffic .
`f59 All these designs can be seen FRAMED AT THE STAR OhFim You will ,"�,
'11' find it worth while to call and see them.
) REMEMBER they are given FREE to all OLD or NEW SUBSCR14- �h
. ERS who a to Dec. t t 06. ��
pay 3, 9
` : p,
• You cannot purchase these pictures in the Art stores, if at all, for less than the �
__.__- price.of-your year's.subscription—••weoffer them to you free. Do you Want thein ? r',
11 ;r��`_ _ It is an acknowledged fact that THE GoDPRICH STgR is friiron s largest and "*I
+I . most progressive paper. As a NEWSPAPER THE ,STAR has no equal in Provincial I
, country journalism3. Few, if any, approach it for "Quality, Quantity, or Circula- i •�
tion?" We desire to Increase our subscription ,list to high :vatef matk, and this is �
'.,, the reason we have adopted thea 'vin away of t: r5(e hi h -class and meritorious I,
)ms. Remember, all subscribers, old d new, Must pay spot cash in order r'`
''; any one of the splendid premium . 0
t"""�'ri7.ar{,'�+L „�• a. r : kit �,-+�„ '�+, �+�
„ ,< rNr�iNNi-Nfl�titf•N ire.
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y�� i> i y S L� .i? M✓�" �tt SN �A. \ark -YOG Ss.,7 $ar i Y L�'i:�l., A� �; k3 A.r �''�
.,; .�., .
} . Glen, A. Young-, foal of 1005, Tbos
there 3 a L
li •
1 tJ' � • A -N
exon team in
Nfir Nf3N S _
i" AIR* harness, Jas Chisholm ; best ferciatle,
L,'. (,.. , 31-R Glen.
1), General Purpose- Brood mare, .Tam
;;1; ONCE'MOTE A SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION AND A Chisholm, (Teo Correll, 2 -year-old
l'1 . ` . r guiding, R McWhinney; foal of iAOu,
LARQIE� CROWD. 11 Glen, Geo Durrell; Leant in har.
ness Taylor, y
1 r Jas Forrester. T con-
. rani"• hest col '
R t In classes 1 L .i, Thos
Htotbers• w
e ee s -
takes mare or geld,
O out on s
• i d of the ? t iso of second clan
.�)u IL' the & bra and yf h P a. g. Y � � }' a Ing, Hoht Glen; special, hest foal of
Dua an Pafr t1 r Wbide$1 we avrards 'Wein ina de where the scores
g r w g y t, lf)Oi), S Kerr, R. McWhlnney cLnw-
w@tPe. le _ h n cakes^
� ri 7 iea(1 nd
t d.
sou eI
1 t�' 1 i t t Jas Porr, H 0.
u rids 1 au d 1 to t o JitH
th til 1 n eChis-
h -
h a li, ( is
R - g.
.. were d unlit
.l's ileo and t p
Oasis let . a
111 k a g
the111o}�tiY(g,tYBe.d ()eriTeGtBtternbOYlF and f �ba1ti(% V8 Q A les were u tyo hetet'.
I? t P Road -Brood mare .Tia Forr, r el'
hb AV t8 thea es e t
:.•, . , � anti�� Y n g e+hes` : ti Asti la >< it t e a, far .r ter rR I ,
t \ �� id !' fie � g . r 1c� i Pp
•WS11w, ana>fr� tpif(lq(i , ,,la Qodly r(t1rn niltng'' 1211„ ,hires.' the fine arta on- A Young, W E Durnin; 2 -year-old
tyles W n Jititerbug an were those of fill , S Mortdn, W H McClure; 2-year-
tt:[l -t a thele ow ,i - tv, in
to 1w a ho
l's old oidia
??d & $Morton Kir
J k atrlek
fan gelding, o WtlX' F, the list of
kw nd Iron, P
Eit(Itp Ut'biti ;�G oltTt tlteattel7d grt+lk ti(1t1r1ottuitr *111 be seer, that the 1 old filly, $ Morton: 1 -year-old
jtCtl . . ld 1pill$thk-As-i%t'twotr-tbere subceogful-irtt(baptre-Ai6stly those who gelding, W 1. Durnin, S Morton :
w+M1tlf:tla)'j Ono �l td of the'usuld numkWr, show lat't;eiy at D1nAin non and other single horse in harness, Jaw A Harris,
fall Shows. x tbia . hfternoon Mm L Lott: pair matched hor tes in bar-
, ii ih the Vftla soj,, but the aftornoon .,Colin, 'i7Slj phew at the request or pees. ,Tno Sparrow, J Iiinnnhnn ; foal
CtlpWel' Watslalt Ar, tftatl) of or,,tot, fold 'president �a1111erf,III,
at* n III monatra- of IflOii, A Young, J ForreHter ; brat
2 fA14'a�_th0t,b tvetar•tc 460tlnudtls ilio'tion on owklug, deruonstration female, $ Morton.
bt P!)ticleq ♦971�tfitj>;ii the ttlltttgpttd Ch(t wAt1 Mot ginett uhjr, Rhe most favor- Carriage -Brood mars, Jnroh field ;
atole'ciftuttllrtattaell, al'( the tramp of 2 -year-old filly, )rd McQufllnr, : 1-yeatr-
JJliibltifo4fXtiirtptifr. 'Fire eit(rvVWile h .ft()i ovethtaald lilteiriered somewhat old Silly, M Woods, Win Ilenry: 1 -
on() ,ell tdVtit4, ^1110 IciaAs0ia 'helm st+lE the iebtttl'e,, ltivercheless $Yrs, yybar-a) d geldingg, W R l� n rr ler, M
yltlli ;; 't`epf e1t�11ttid, 'iitlti(ibH' tectatlly iTntirplieli lleici t�, eo4e attention Of a Lockhart : einglb horse in h11rneNl+, A
,t l►blfit� eats red. ltlf tat a )AlrftlT*fta Ittlrg$ ntipglrl+t( ti byemirllne Visitors Young; 1li,Wilsons Coal'of 1SYIt„f troll,
DUrinittnr 7t es atfd ,ra(1'(51` trla�lr6,110 q the etAtt; ter `the al(ase. riivaia W yC utpin ; best ontleman'H matfit,
l4201y` #hti`lMft; elf"o kl tel it a� °Iltbt Yetl1 iftYliiiAbeci l►y t>te Auburn band,
1aa A iris.
"It tl Ell' t 6lifta1 sthlldAtad G, ajltin. Whio8 Mat�i•aMd titf(1' Pfr oo�t•A��s tender DArrLIa-Durham -- Mitch tutu. T
tfclfy r fivaliE� iwexe At 1. �Ittd iii the 'i reotl6it 6 hal Iet(der, Harold. (Tongram, J Chisholm, T Unngrnm ;
tiitr It �hetl't e�blrt( ulow(y I3labkdfA O,,I B 1f,q In the' rlttg. 2 -year-old heifer, Jan Chisholut : year
ontrlftt- than lit• I�J(l4. �'ltete'. Wkaa � vVatn e11j6-'ed w dell by thtfse gtiho old heifer, Jas dhlabolm I and 2;
°Ilial rhtrtw trC gC�titSf • ly (t lydg llelirg Jolt'$ ZEE hey d neatrly all i<`es- bettor calf'. Jas Ghisholirg I and 2; hull
,:ex II IWthatttress (itaig'()odtµItl�le► esti s`bukl be .Itiblud'ed in that c ealf,McNeil Dios; aged hulls McNell
atitl rite, at atltnVt i fSt tr l,r ti t(►tyid matt ItOilited by a wolltan' Bros.
ices llttatltt . £ ato[ti. 1rtrip (2.10 ,0 Conte) to flet', tfn _
Tory Oise) 'Y ” OxIli�; thef '*#'L•e dim terse Iltllelt Corr, fats if den, Jag
+ gltlarEei+tt' hnlv2s ,, tart , Tboui so
Itlaerllattlrtittta blttfxl�,>i3artjti(lgis(lb� Whitt, IN*,�idu � oEter itfok� (Tn >i nF�aat ofd helrer,
tlsrb iat,dA00I *I0g 1N Wffre tt A nairA0r, etnra.r,t«rtta r .11.,w.. wr. � • a �' Little t taaiftir, cant. '1'hotnpgon.
.11% 1,' AV :any OR imaratWDW let tete Dudglt111Stl_ now -' 111Ck -- - ; --
t sla(tfty. tit 11INtr 'licollvd irwt 'tha ft fel,' o+tt'1ho01t iM h . ,
x`1ti7 * t,*r
l.. if $in 06 h� 111,r4i11i1a �- ii �i iiram iIt — int' kA
I 11Ilktf , olrr-'. '1Aq, ttl•C laid, �t Yotla#) J
TI:' ; tuba 15YU s.� l;litIVA tot iittrlsIt
2 VOW iRI , P R S'uitivtxlt t,
Or it 1 I 111 � y &,e ant x, I�reir , IitclbtattrMM, A:
W r A. � 1
"smlt. i ;A,IC' �fltita ti�11t1 fit 11W
1 L am `:1 ,It � 1u,.+� ttil'i J,ki IIa►jiku#,
1,014y, I
I �D :' y,,�y� riltitt'e.It �(,4k*,
pert :
;; �. 10 Wit''
, , ,\, 1(Tullrtt�t„!
,A, I , .
if,, t►IC.
I .,
( I
n .
Wit It (lien,
1 t',L`gyear-old
army��¢ year -
I .i4ltttllnuggh
ad rJ;.heifer
tilt cow or
i; 43 -old
11; year-old
Gbit raft' R
Aft" I And 2
iris ew,A . R
1 .Valli lAltlb.
Ili'll, A. Col.
FA t,Qbert:
y`r _
Paul de Lovgpre, the King of Flower Painters, and His Home at Hollywood.
(Original painter of Tune HTAWA famous Preul(um Roses and Pansius.)
E b'IRHT PI('TL'RiC SHOW,y'rrllc iioVw OF PAUL, 1)1E 1.aNtil'RIC AT In)LI,Y%Vta)D, r'ALIFOItNIA. I'll IC s9coND HHU\yH
L Hamilton ; cheese, factory, R Me- McCracken ; e•„Ilenlluu rnpeN, A W
Ilwti I
r n, n Ills hooey, in comb, Jns 11 a1- Sproat, Thus Little ; blah• t Winces,
lough jar ,
t t of hone
Al rm A 1 h• n
E. 1 e n It • 110
Y• I Int a'
7 111
Y. I
A It 1
A n ,•
(4O a et r
U I( [1
Jos Aiallnngh; ITI1Lple Nyl'llO, \V is Dur- huumi, phuttN, A Sproul ; colL•ctiou
nin, W 11 MaCr'acken ; ample sugar, grLraleri flowers, A Hpt•oul, A Kirk.
AV H AlcCraeken, 1) Breth"ur t III do MAN-UPArroiue".- All wool cloth,
of 501bN packed butter, \V E Dornin, All's Nott, J McDairnild ; all wool
H Chttl'; collection of hollle•Iltadefire- flannel, Mrs Nutt ; collt'030n of
serves, L Hamilton, A 1CIrk : ""Ilea- tiuwfal'e, W Anderson ; eabiuotwnrc,
tion of hnulo•inade barking, \V H' Dur- A \V ti{mutll ; bouts, '1' I IUIr ; „Lir
Jnnino Alt -laid, 1, Han n 1, Hamilton ; l{IWntlr bread, "nntN, 11' :11cCluru I't'em wagon, j(ose ; fa rill gate, \Ven. I'lltuutp"uu, 1
VITORTAII1.1:N AND ROOTS. Anyy ,.,.); collection of puoipm Arntxtrung
variety putali.oeH, A \V Sproul, \V 11; BIOS. It, It{rhalds ; heat rullea4{oil tit
Durnin, ) ' farin +
in .1 Mt t o l a t un
it raid • rt' ihr ,e 1(t' u
7 \V t afro 1, HRose,
P . , (.
Matll,u h AWN •,
g per ul ; heelm \\' Mal- LAnuCK' \\•Ian( Ol'oche4 ht wool,
louk�•,h, \V It McCi-neken : Hugau• beets, D ayoling(on, Mrs Campbell I crncheL
It. tltallwain, Jilt) MvD«irodd ; uotn- in enttun. 1) Symington, AIrH Help;
ggold tvurt•rels, \V If McUntc:mi, \\' ,'rorhe( in Hilk, Mrs l'anaphell, All.,
Bat{I(e ; gulden taulkard, A Ctilhert, !Isle ; Mexien ra drntvn wort:, .NINA
Inn AlrlluL-mill; Inanauwl.h yellow, Symington. At -H H,Ic; (,hest' Anne
A Cnlhurt, .Jan AleDnh•utitl 1 Havede darning. MrN ('nnlphell, Mrs A John.
tur•nlpb, •\V II AlcCrnrk,n, A Culh,r'I : Him) ; Moil(, knotlod, ,MI -H Hale, AIrH A
greyHinne, \V 11 AL'(A•u,ken, J Mr- I)lulHtou I Indy'm filncy atprun, Mr'"
D.11I long (irftnge (!It 1.1 s, \\' fS J )l oSt""I N' I""' llamillon; fancy Hufn
I)Wrnin, J. Mcl)airulid : whit, helgittn, euHlaiuu, in crazy work, ,\tixm Hyalin -
J Mellnirmid, \V If M(•Craekcn ; In• ton, Alt•H (!am,boll; Lublo ant", 1V 1
termediate white, Oen Carrell, ,las Al- Mc(hvt•keti. All•" Vele; bonitun Int e,
tun ; early been, Uro (hn'rell, ,)os Mal- Ali"N Hyuti I is AIl'I ('7uopbl•il ;point
- PAI'L DIE LONO},RR, I 'j, 4) 1 oniunN, W 11 hlel'rnrlte'n, \V lacy, AIIm Nutt, MIHH Nynlingion:
Tho lett'(: or Hower 1'niiiwrs, Malo Igil : t"nanLovA, A \V H n•ottl, Itoolan eltihrniller'y, MrH )lel,, Mrs
(loo (441.1 -ell I vat -ii corn, .1 AlcDa I'ntld, (',unpht•11 ; glove hex, MIS 114) i(t;
Jos 'Y ,
v J I od u )
.... h out )k
I In, A \V H )rut I
g 1
-^- ! I r r hl L lnhl, uteri In rulLun, Alrw
111d ; shear•ling ewes, .T McDonald; At Woods : winl,r mqunHll, W 11 Air• ll,.I.., MrH 1lowri,: Irahle Hon -f, \t
Iambs, O Ol,n, ,J McDonald ; rn,u Oraeuen, Jas Alton ; Hammer m(lWnHII, lirtthour•, All -q N"tt: crazy (guilt, MrH
,, .I Mri)onnld 1 and 2; Sweep- W H McOrarken, A\V Hprnul: anter- Onntl)Im•Il, Mrs NotL; patch work
, for hest en, R wen; ; fat
tile ()jig W I1 McCritrkee, JaH Alton ; Iluilt in (•ottoo, Afr% ,,,le, MINA Hy-
c61'y, I'hos Little, \V If MVCrark''(i: Inin Inn ; nal rlr work r u
p, any breed, Burr, it Olen. cnnliHuNOt, A 1V S n•nul, ,,\11. A 1 I Ilt In wool,
( Mew ott ; woollnil socks, haunt Marie,
as- Berkshire. --- Aged boar, JaH Dreany ; ritronti, \V li:allie, \\• 11 M('- \les Noit, \V 11 \le(!rat•kl•n t wooll,u
n Louk all prizes in thiH will in Orneken ; parwnil).N, W Matilungh, A. stockings, hand uuule, MrH Nutt, \V
York a class, being only exhibitor. AIL.ui ; r"llr('t{r)o of gntdwl vey;c• 11 MvOrarkpn ; woollen mitt", hand
hlhlrH, \V 11 M('0"Irken : 5 uanud
Illworth - A,od boar, McNI'il Houle, W I( \le(`rnrken, MissN rola
; sow, Jas Alton ; boar, littered viu•ietleH potatoes, W N: DWI•rlinl, \V 11 t.on; enllrroidery In milk un settee,
U5, ,lits Alton. McCracken, M{mx NyloinL(oit, MrH 01111pbell ;
wr.--Leghorn, white, •Tits Lyons, Frtttrr AND FLmNIMUS Hpieg, JOR. embroidery in milk un Ihu•n, \V II \tc-
ilowrie; brown, Jas Lyons 1 &2; Nallough, A Colbert; baldwinH, JoH Crarken, MimN flaunilton telt (,.0"y
)oath rock, barred, Ino Howrie, Mallough, It. A1cWhioney ; king of Mrm fillip, M Brethour ; Allawl, crochet,
,yons ; white, \V \V Fisher ; r0d I Tomppkins entity, .log Mallough, IS Miss Hymingtun ; fairy pin eumhian,
Jas Lyons, i lir 2 ; polandH, ,las I and T AnderHnn : tnlnrnn sweet, ,JoH AIrH Johnston, M{NH Syndng ton I table
lu, I k 'l { wynndotte+s, \V AV Alallongh, 1)01111 Symington ; ('nnadn rover, Mr•S III -1p, MIHH t'lymington ;
er, I tic 21 hantltnps, J IJowrie, JaH r'e'd' M Brethour, .1 Alton; Ontario, live o'(•loek tea cloth, Air" Ilowrie,
Lyon ; l,arnyard fowl, W W Fisher, Joseph Mallongh, .film Chi"holnl : gel- Mrm licit' ; log nubln quilt, Mrs
,yonH : geese, Jan (Ihisholnt, JnH 'loll rngget, •ISH Alalluugh, Joseph Howrie, Mrs 01,111phell ; handkerchief
nH ; pair docks, Jnr Lyons, 1 k 2; A1allou h ; Wagner, All'" i) lil•othoar, I wu)h0t, Mr" Nett, M Hrethour ; net-
ITIA, hlark, ,T. flowrie, I (tt '2. ISH (;hl"huhu ; t unmet, Jn8. Alallnnigh, Ling, fnney, Jomeph Mallot I MIN
IILN Alton ; Ithodp isbind r(0nlaq U11mlbpll; bruidin in milk, AI(rrrNo, t.
R.vN - Fail wheat, white, M 1) lrethour, \I Woods ; phoenix, it MIAHl Nyrnington ; braiding
wool Afghan,
hour, (% Taylor ; red, M Bret -hour, McWhinney, A Alton ; inana apple, Alan IIPI
e, Mrs Campbell; tollet Net,
lou ' • m' o h
etl t ax row illlf'V, D Hirth• .1oS 1Tallough, Joseph 1lnllongh ; H MrH D. l3rethunl', Mex N"tt ;
C 'Taylor : two rosy harley• M n11nlpd varieties, Jogeph M1inllouRh, I Nofa pillow, Afr" D liretbO"l At I."
hour, C Taylor ; oaten, whl1r, I Jas4Cilpatriek; 1 named vnriet(es, Jam Nutt ; Ilnpn mhirt, mncl"I nuc .' (un -
re 1"ur, 1) 130 0 •• I 1
t t r m ul )hark I
Atelier . ( •
t h 1 ,"I h Ain nu
11 h • rlhxhm w7whod h '
.1 HH
R P 1 Tlnwillul •
hour, Al. IhMhour • rearm
R ) 1 111LI111
Small, )Ippin, Mrs D 13rethour, J7tn Alton, (unwruthed) Mrs Helo, MINA lfnmlltrm
r hntir, ) 3l' x
et T f 0th( Ir • p,lrl large, •
•P R.
I) -"n r
21 n .t i pippin, Jas ,
a Alton, Jus(•) w r
vethour, I) Brethour ; tinloth P pl 111 hunk holder, I) 1MrA Nu(•, Mew Camp.
Y 1
111,11 eta i • , '
I , weadtll Jr wr 4 ,
h . (alio 1 bell Impel R h I c a r r•nr i
Y• k ,irN No. )
R It Mrs -
i (urn ,
M 13rr• hr l l' ) 3• 1
t I ► I tethour • flax
Alton gn"ty apple, ,tum Mn lea )(Ill
Jns Alton, A Alton: best and) I igh,, pillow mndkel, it Hrelmll Mrs
oat collection of rain, ,1115 Alien, •I"geph M1lnllongh ; 131enheim piPllio, � H,h ; htee ImndkerrhVrP, Mrs Flowrie,
g ,InHeph Mnllough, If7t)•ry Clulf : erah, MrH,� Johngtun ; Ihtth•nhurg lace table
ton 1 bent and lar{giilsi vatriety of rtpplr, A Alton• Jag Alton ; 4 nnnled ' coa't'i•, MI -14 Ju 111,4tun, Mt-" Campbell I
n, D Brethour, J. McDairmid• varieties, .iag Kirkliatri,k, A Alton : luunriry bagg, A1{mm Symington, 1)
IRY AND DOMTPHTI(' MAN[JF.e('- 'I wined variedem of pears, Jom Alton, I I lI -,hour ; fler•lin wool work, that,
tc"-Butt.er, n r•o u \ r
( II V Durnin n nue( v n t
1 1 variety f earth JAN w Alhnl w
JI Mrm (.711 1 hN
Y �1 r II MINA S
P I min to
n fnnc
P Y, g t y
Hamilton ; Lnhln butter, W b, Kilpatrick, It M1lr•(Iwntn t :a named �var• i knitted Ince, �M1IrS Ilelr: rulleetlon of
In, 1, Hamilton, ThoH Ditrhert lot le"ofplumm, W If SivOinekeniInnm hnrnd
t woodwork, Mrm ole, Mrs Bow-
ed butter W P Durnin, T Disher, ed varlety of plontm. T 10 Durnin, \V III .le
; mould work, Alm Campbell, M1gH
,4L .ATR466 ZaAr 5 0 vv a NY X.-
Are superior to any 61ker matk0,e
lkomr\d s of Sal i sf i cd u w5 in Canada
Bolo prove this
0l EU(w!� prefer YOMNIRIZANGES
for lkeir Excellent' cooking qualities
aim le cot4ruClon and 660ME appi�,c
vah_a d . 6uyJ6 '%&AUh(6c.av5t EY
knOLJ It I5 8a CON -SAVEr and I &
the bbl of ma1-erials and Workmanship are employed In ifs maekinq
1ltanufacturers Limited -r_mt.
10, .a T1141UPEO TOPOU'ro VA17UouvLa tO91MIZAL D%Y
lr �t"LgsAfil+"*69
nb mat of (het e%karn Soso with ovba,, stove. Call iksil too tbo Dollvonla PiLdgea
1, j �. . .I, (_.- / 1, 'i
a- 1, ,
_--- —��_ —_ o
in 11)
i i
ea pa
I) Hr
M 13
. ri
Fa�ttlit t*6�,� r
Oct liketittNo
telt Meir %, tb
will'' 0 slltyr
i,' (%i9: P
ale pure fruitE
�esill,Lown Qttalw#pi�„
I TC4 ra'ay ta>*a thelL wit
-a'atives leavono astdog
)u Is your tmublo, sum
QW, Wrult 14*or TailijoT#r 7- 7- aft I .
roc, —.1
l atvS, ►U. muskou"d YF 1•A'ua"A"tim 1grlpti , tlM 11
. i1_'I�w,w�,..i -,�-�_i r ^-nom'- ,w- r�>M _ , ''�.
$ynsingtan bloidere?cl linen plot• - 3Ao ream.;
I. ft•atue, Uelc, lrs Howrio: BPot• w N h(j(AOtI4l Po'i't Ir�tzlm,, ,t�, " 1
amhtofdpry satin, D Hrothortr, Itaaryhlatla cortn),Tdva-t. "#Ml,, «I
Jo 11
Mull, �); annoy head Lust, •Jlnt 11 her" \�Us;4u .,,.,r.., I, -1
1 l cntricw,
Ml'" Oant)he Il Brut torn ; ribbon ' )'
rtatCp FY1It Aran
work, D 1 tY+tl r, Dlr6 Piutt t crochet -A t. � ;
('al. Mientor'- Tao. LSriitto Ilea
slippers, Mrs I ivrie WH Alcuraok• '•ttoH Aiuutt -litre, ,ldvna }lfii t'1 r
oil; rag caul. is ole, Mrs Nott; "HaMlsiht"- I). [#. AtpUnanld, tIC) r ��
trate fid ll 'ietliour Mrs Nott; Yoi,trtos Judo"-.-Unartu tr(trX t 7f . x_;rr'
Japanese yarn i at. Alts Bala, Mrs �w a) e,
Nott, el•ooliet Receipts tcmcerG lr,txpd s
quilt, Mrs liawrie, \V v , i
}1 McCracken'; tray Math ;I'll's Het' --- t11
All's Johnston-, omhro[t�ery wltlt WHEN RUN DOWN , .. i , ,
,�,_ b •
Jewels, Ales Hole, Mrs NoLt I knit " DRAOGV,'! US�lpipi(ip►r tr'.
sltppars, Mrs lisle t knitted quit All's w
Belt+, Miss Sytnln ton I fancy )am,l. You Lack the Vigor, _� '4'44 ��
MINS fjynlington,) litathout'; table Staying Hower that 4PFCtCp» ,;; ,' 4
contre piece+, Mrs }felt, Mrs Howrlu;
wltHIIStUnd m0 ashar, linen, Miss Hy- zono 11 Can supVty. �, " 1;,
tningtun, Airs Ilowrio 1 drattving' root', Night cornea and It's hard to stCeiin �,,'
screen, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott I )ani- Morning dawns and the anxious, tirtltt f. ' \a, . r
brequin mantle, A1rN l:urnpbell ; eol- feeling is still there. Dont (tta[ilect„'1. . , %�
leot(on of ladled work, Alrs Bela, Mrs thtN gradual doellue , it can't care stn
Nott, self, But by 1'orming rich, ptlr0-bloodo �\; 1
FINE Aw s—pupating on moleskin, Forromwo will quickly "Lip yl the nu• -
Att•s Mollwuin, Mrs UILITII)I,eIJ; saint- tri hent and building iiZrlal your �1v1.'i
Ing ou bolting cloth, Airs Mcitivain, sy"tem craves, +
Mrs W II lielo; eollection of oil paink. 1nSta tiLly You„tire aware that some
Ingm, M %V -cods, Mr” \V Fi Hole; col- Powerful force is building tip your do- a z, I
lection of wn.iea, colors, Mrs Aowrle, llet01 energieb. At once you reel " r l I ” Yi..
Ates \V Ii Hely; pencil Ihatviug, hit's fantod, tnmul, atrengtbened. b"atgt(lt I/
Hele, At Wood; ornyon drnwinf2, hirs the world over and you won't ilnd "� •,,
Ifole 1 atnd 2; culleotiun (it pen and anything to lune up a weak syntca if
Ink sketchem, Mrs Help, M Wood I like Forruzone, Phqsicians cla"hit it Is
S)i,oiuten of penmanship. Laurette the'muststrengthening,npliftin)gintdl t' ', i,.
I�(rk, 11' StotherN, A Alton ; collection alae ever discovered. ,:,J.
of Ile a
w tm painted on glaSH, MrA, Me. No 1116re spells of tiredness, but r� ' :
Ilwaiu, Mrs Campbell; collection of bounding, Joyful health when yon take 4ic „
anLu+tl" ,eluted nn glrLSN, Airs Hple, Icurrorwtn, of which Mi". H. �3. Gold, % ,
MrN Ilowrle : collection of metallic Of Bownuan, Man.. speaks the follow- • i I ��
lustre patitlting, Mrs Oauttpbeh • col• hag word" of pralso : r a , °.. , '
laetion oP nutunru lrnvrH, A Mirk, "I slat, m ca"o hncuuse�l tlllstk'l<t os ;})'"•;:
Mts A Dreauly ; ell tainting, aninutis, may atss(ut other women to health. A t' '"
Mrm Mellwain, Mrs Ilowrie. year ago 1 was ahno"t u wreck. I waai 1 .t
pato frit emaciated, sulPering front
avnotcs uervousnesH And hysteria. Littlethings .
iforsos,--W. J. Dickson, Thos. Me- oIngwrong ht the house bothered me. �. -
{�ii n
lltc doctor advised Millan ) ul d1 ut
H folio it 1, fl' Ent frau
KK t he ring, ,1 \ t -
I 1i
HntiLh, (leo. Graluun. (lnttlo At. M. l',Pnts but they didn't help. lie Bald
Young, Robt. MOLean. Sheep- W A Illy low condition wits due to weak-
Wi1Nnn. Pigs --NJ. Lockhart. 1+'o%vI_ uses that might neverbe curtail. blot' ' 1, i
Chas, Holyer. (JI•itin-- \Vm, Harrowli, ruxone had a peculiar grateful rfll`cot
Dairy- -Miss Green, W. J, Alorrow. and built tui, up quick)}'. The 111a,T
Donte"tic� MltnuftietureH---.Alis" Uroen, slltrered from are cured. I ant stow )- I t
Miss D. 0irvin. Vegetable and Hoot' strong and vigorous and wits mado so ,:,. ,
-JaH. Corwin, Fruit, and Flowers- by Ferrozonc.'
Wm, Warnock, ,Ladies' Work --Mus- Why not caret )aside a �.jatnx offer i".
dames Wm. Proudfoot and 4Jrawford. Sickness and enter the 4I a :jtnlIi .
Fini, Art" -1)l'. I3ice, life of a'obu"t henl(h. t r , '
help yon -let it stint yo c:�+� R�Oqp
eveI.r, • 1 rico 130
"Spot"- W. H. MuDnnalil, Porter',. nifl .. .,..1 for $2,1'10, at��,,��I , so a ageu Arai - - .
hooker" A• 1Dunk1lyrlek, Auburn SS & ldit -cut. a't'•+tn a '
----- ".: J, his r
It �s pe 01
f R , I(.r, . - . *.a
I t,
;tf,n(11,aking oven ;
I i a L u c, e: y Ouuxetvifa r 1 `I,
r C"�o.� quutH m at ran); e. Otho' )
:.,,,,I,It.ates add to th
r u'I•hrincss of lho "Inge.
j_I hitt . c.a:tly rr,(ulated,
( Fa J .7 ,(ib -I t hake„ • nn
I d teas[
n lea• uceu ie :ul iudispenN-
"' , :,hle frutule. It is the
I "If til," in operation of
l ✓�
tlI.' f,1 CI i d the
Imperial Oxford ane'
u Range , ��I
y� • 10
that has ma.lc it sur h a ;u,;:u)„ gll!'rCS:. � y _
It is ill the ut( 1 , "rant,, nun 111at the, great- 10v
est (lallelome 1, found hrtwcen the Imperial °� ir•
Ocf)rd and anv other I& -i,,• on the market. ,o '� ` ,,.no lis-"/ j•�
fm The dIi lIllve :t-11flue d1.1,,, the (old air from <a good \
thclloor,saper-prat:lt„Inddr,Olbutc•iitthrougli- i TARAI.
Mit the m rt', krrpurl a at an even temperature
t ti
11' r in all pa:t•, i,u+ thio liko makes it ea:,y u, Ads itl
regulate (lie heat of tuc ow -n and secures a
uiarkcd sllvirq; in fuel, If your (tester doesn't it- 40 ,
Irl handle the Imperial 0 lrfl, write (V us duet, �ho ice
and we trill scud you our ratalosue and tell
you where you tan ace the range. Lim
The Gurney Foundry Co„ I.Imited 13
M Toronto 11onlre,rl 111rinnipez Vancouver I
I fiV' ”
41 l''1 /•,i lr�(7l'
sale by C. J. HARPER, Goderi4 ,.,
I ;I�I
- - -- _._.._ ._._- ._ -_ _ -._ _ ,.:y
' 'I li 1
. ,,'
IIV CAi,LINC, AT ��.,, '
Stoddart's Harness Shop , a
and buying a nice white llama Robe, guaranteed pure fur, with white I, `f=''
felt lir)llig. i
We carry ,I full line of Leather Mitts of all kinds, includinit pi a Buck I .�1
Skin Mitts and Cloves for dnvipg. ,1 t
'` ;.:1 ,
Robes Fur Coats Blanketless t
;, 1
4 1, , , . P �,
De STODDA I T 4 '.,. ,r" ,,HAMILTON STREET, - - - . _ _ �11' '1ERIOH ..
tl�(� w
Our R. I;
,, "I j,
It \ f
\, ..a\ tI .
' 'S
The small sun of TEN t� i
10C itl,6. 1 ',
• CENTS, i n advance,��.ea lA
,� "�tlt«i
will pay for THE F' " , (pod--.+ •>o� >
N;,t any address, to i he + ltd � ,drat � � ' i
Y" N1. io
w I
� d pub ed.Y �" ,G
' ,rt �1ila,ar r '
amu. �. `s 1- _) R
I rr 1
r qj!
t . ,
t ailalla
. l
$ r
QW, Wrult 14*or TailijoT#r 7- 7- aft I .
roc, —.1
l atvS, ►U. muskou"d YF 1•A'ua"A"tim 1grlpti , tlM 11
. i1_'I�w,w�,..i -,�-�_i r ^-nom'- ,w- r�>M _ , ''�.
$ynsingtan bloidere?cl linen plot• - 3Ao ream.;
I. ft•atue, Uelc, lrs Howrio: BPot• w N h(j(AOtI4l Po'i't Ir�tzlm,, ,t�, " 1
amhtofdpry satin, D Hrothortr, Itaaryhlatla cortn),Tdva-t. "#Ml,, «I
Jo 11
Mull, �); annoy head Lust, •Jlnt 11 her" \�Us;4u .,,.,r.., I, -1
1 l cntricw,
Ml'" Oant)he Il Brut torn ; ribbon ' )'
rtatCp FY1It Aran
work, D 1 tY+tl r, Dlr6 Piutt t crochet -A t. � ;
('al. Mientor'- Tao. LSriitto Ilea
slippers, Mrs I ivrie WH Alcuraok• '•ttoH Aiuutt -litre, ,ldvna }lfii t'1 r
oil; rag caul. is ole, Mrs Nott; "HaMlsiht"- I). [#. AtpUnanld, tIC) r ��
trate fid ll 'ietliour Mrs Nott; Yoi,trtos Judo"-.-Unartu tr(trX t 7f . x_;rr'
Japanese yarn i at. Alts Bala, Mrs �w a) e,
Nott, el•ooliet Receipts tcmcerG lr,txpd s
quilt, Mrs liawrie, \V v , i
}1 McCracken'; tray Math ;I'll's Het' --- t11
All's Johnston-, omhro[t�ery wltlt WHEN RUN DOWN , .. i , ,
,�,_ b •
Jewels, Ales Hole, Mrs NoLt I knit " DRAOGV,'! US�lpipi(ip►r tr'.
sltppars, Mrs lisle t knitted quit All's w
Belt+, Miss Sytnln ton I fancy )am,l. You Lack the Vigor, _� '4'44 ��
MINS fjynlington,) litathout'; table Staying Hower that 4PFCtCp» ,;; ,' 4
contre piece+, Mrs }felt, Mrs Howrlu;
wltHIIStUnd m0 ashar, linen, Miss Hy- zono 11 Can supVty. �, " 1;,
tningtun, Airs Ilowrio 1 drattving' root', Night cornea and It's hard to stCeiin �,,'
screen, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott I )ani- Morning dawns and the anxious, tirtltt f. ' \a, . r
brequin mantle, A1rN l:urnpbell ; eol- feeling is still there. Dont (tta[ilect„'1. . , %�
leot(on of ladled work, Alrs Bela, Mrs thtN gradual doellue , it can't care stn
Nott, self, But by 1'orming rich, ptlr0-bloodo �\; 1
FINE Aw s—pupating on moleskin, Forromwo will quickly "Lip yl the nu• -
Att•s Mollwuin, Mrs UILITII)I,eIJ; saint- tri hent and building iiZrlal your �1v1.'i
Ing ou bolting cloth, Airs Mcitivain, sy"tem craves, +
Mrs W II lielo; eollection of oil paink. 1nSta tiLly You„tire aware that some
Ingm, M %V -cods, Mr” \V Fi Hole; col- Powerful force is building tip your do- a z, I
lection of wn.iea, colors, Mrs Aowrle, llet01 energieb. At once you reel " r l I ” Yi..
Ates \V Ii Hely; pencil Ihatviug, hit's fantod, tnmul, atrengtbened. b"atgt(lt I/
Hele, At Wood; ornyon drnwinf2, hirs the world over and you won't ilnd "� •,,
Ifole 1 atnd 2; culleotiun (it pen and anything to lune up a weak syntca if
Ink sketchem, Mrs Help, M Wood I like Forruzone, Phqsicians cla"hit it Is
S)i,oiuten of penmanship. Laurette the'muststrengthening,npliftin)gintdl t' ', i,.
I�(rk, 11' StotherN, A Alton ; collection alae ever discovered. ,:,J.
of Ile a
w tm painted on glaSH, MrA, Me. No 1116re spells of tiredness, but r� ' :
Ilwaiu, Mrs Campbell; collection of bounding, Joyful health when yon take 4ic „
anLu+tl" ,eluted nn glrLSN, Airs Hple, Icurrorwtn, of which Mi". H. �3. Gold, % ,
MrN Ilowrle : collection of metallic Of Bownuan, Man.. speaks the follow- • i I ��
lustre patitlting, Mrs Oauttpbeh • col• hag word" of pralso : r a , °.. , '
laetion oP nutunru lrnvrH, A Mirk, "I slat, m ca"o hncuuse�l tlllstk'l<t os ;})'"•;:
Mts A Dreauly ; ell tainting, aninutis, may atss(ut other women to health. A t' '"
Mrm Mellwain, Mrs Ilowrie. year ago 1 was ahno"t u wreck. I waai 1 .t
pato frit emaciated, sulPering front
avnotcs uervousnesH And hysteria. Littlethings .
iforsos,--W. J. Dickson, Thos. Me- oIngwrong ht the house bothered me. �. -
{�ii n
lltc doctor advised Millan ) ul d1 ut
H folio it 1, fl' Ent frau
KK t he ring, ,1 \ t -
I 1i
HntiLh, (leo. Graluun. (lnttlo At. M. l',Pnts but they didn't help. lie Bald
Young, Robt. MOLean. Sheep- W A Illy low condition wits due to weak-
Wi1Nnn. Pigs --NJ. Lockhart. 1+'o%vI_ uses that might neverbe curtail. blot' ' 1, i
Chas, Holyer. (JI•itin-- \Vm, Harrowli, ruxone had a peculiar grateful rfll`cot
Dairy- -Miss Green, W. J, Alorrow. and built tui, up quick)}'. The 111a,T
Donte"tic� MltnuftietureH---.Alis" Uroen, slltrered from are cured. I ant stow )- I t
Miss D. 0irvin. Vegetable and Hoot' strong and vigorous and wits mado so ,:,. ,
-JaH. Corwin, Fruit, and Flowers- by Ferrozonc.'
Wm, Warnock, ,Ladies' Work --Mus- Why not caret )aside a �.jatnx offer i".
dames Wm. Proudfoot and 4Jrawford. Sickness and enter the 4I a :jtnlIi .
Fini, Art" -1)l'. I3ice, life of a'obu"t henl(h. t r , '
help yon -let it stint yo c:�+� R�Oqp
eveI.r, • 1 rico 130
"Spot"- W. H. MuDnnalil, Porter',. nifl .. .,..1 for $2,1'10, at��,,��I , so a ageu Arai - - .
hooker" A• 1Dunk1lyrlek, Auburn SS & ldit -cut. a't'•+tn a '
----- ".: J, his r
It �s pe 01
f R , I(.r, . - . *.a
I t,
;tf,n(11,aking oven ;
I i a L u c, e: y Ouuxetvifa r 1 `I,
r C"�o.� quutH m at ran); e. Otho' )
:.,,,,I,It.ates add to th
r u'I•hrincss of lho "Inge.
j_I hitt . c.a:tly rr,(ulated,
( Fa J .7 ,(ib -I t hake„ • nn
I d teas[
n lea• uceu ie :ul iudispenN-
"' , :,hle frutule. It is the
I "If til," in operation of
l ✓�
tlI.' f,1 CI i d the
Imperial Oxford ane'
u Range , ��I
y� • 10
that has ma.lc it sur h a ;u,;:u)„ gll!'rCS:. � y _
It is ill the ut( 1 , "rant,, nun 111at the, great- 10v
est (lallelome 1, found hrtwcen the Imperial °� ir•
Ocf)rd and anv other I& -i,,• on the market. ,o '� ` ,,.no lis-"/ j•�
fm The dIi lIllve :t-11flue d1.1,,, the (old air from <a good \
thclloor,saper-prat:lt„Inddr,Olbutc•iitthrougli- i TARAI.
Mit the m rt', krrpurl a at an even temperature
t ti
11' r in all pa:t•, i,u+ thio liko makes it ea:,y u, Ads itl
regulate (lie heat of tuc ow -n and secures a
uiarkcd sllvirq; in fuel, If your (tester doesn't it- 40 ,
Irl handle the Imperial 0 lrfl, write (V us duet, �ho ice
and we trill scud you our ratalosue and tell
you where you tan ace the range. Lim
The Gurney Foundry Co„ I.Imited 13
M Toronto 11onlre,rl 111rinnipez Vancouver I
I fiV' ”
41 l''1 /•,i lr�(7l'
sale by C. J. HARPER, Goderi4 ,.,
I ;I�I
- - -- _._.._ ._._- ._ -_ _ -._ _ ,.:y
' 'I li 1
. ,,'
IIV CAi,LINC, AT ��.,, '
Stoddart's Harness Shop , a
and buying a nice white llama Robe, guaranteed pure fur, with white I, `f=''
felt lir)llig. i
We carry ,I full line of Leather Mitts of all kinds, includinit pi a Buck I .�1
Skin Mitts and Cloves for dnvipg. ,1 t
'` ;.:1 ,
Robes Fur Coats Blanketless t
;, 1
4 1, , , . P �,
De STODDA I T 4 '.,. ,r" ,,HAMILTON STREET, - - - . _ _ �11' '1ERIOH ..
tl�(� w
Our R. I;
,, "I j,
It \ f
\, ..a\ tI .
' 'S
The small sun of TEN t� i
10C itl,6. 1 ',
• CENTS, i n advance,��.ea lA
,� "�tlt«i
will pay for THE F' " , (pod--.+ •>o� >
N;,t any address, to i he + ltd � ,drat � � ' i
Y" N1. io
w I
� d pub ed.Y �" ,G
' ,rt �1ila,ar r '
amu. �. `s 1- _) R