HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-10-20, Page 20 31 in -- I I . ,�, I I ,?,."., .. I I � " I � ­ ., I I . .. 1� I � . A_­,_____­...k1*b..t_ - .­__ ---n-7 ­­­-, - - �.___ _­ il I— � ­­­­ ­­ ___­­­,� ­­­ - ­ �­­ ­ , - I - - ­_ - - I 11 11 - - I-. - -- . � . I -, , 7. Petered. she rake I* Fmch. S-1ke __4#,0.##.!14000# ##lost 111140*111110111"110*4100 . . " Of 14YSTERYWW 06 fl::, ktar. , wbq rjx�*d A " - , I'm 1, FROM BOOM 50TIAND � � *0004M 1J I I I b4tia, *a ,,,, I ow " ' - - . YOUNO I . I I , ,� I . OXXOXX *W� w AT%X*T iir"I* 10, oc#a8J== log it, MOT= 0.7 Z;Fs�gii yatix . I I X", X= , , t , she we* I A" XXA". . � � ' � __�'_�� .1 "X "X�m TZAL:10. .1 v#4 %me oo� := 4 'HEALTH, OXASAXXX � FO,LKS , , , APPIE $T ,,-OF NO)JU ALS �HE Is, "AN y tw4l I A 11 --*� . loxio ami" * fr4*0. Silo Veit . . � Xith. ­ � '� � � solomom's fleth�d vf­ enjoying TWAId UY X4W*eft iqX')r#y4 Ono ", OA4 1­96pooly os, V $`he --4409#40460 *40 , 00*c osi. 1 1 1 - I " .1 1. , .1 Ar7qrTIMPPle"T""'. uk�%4 ^34 UW) . , loot46 =41 ; . : I - Soak * *04 V44" IN* * " I . I I I . . L I I 11 Waro,wi* ly. 11= *_A Walk- I I � '� - 11 Admitted -us, 140wo) I ALVA To litsw ! - WHAT TM T*%Vf VW. - Was Erroneous. �- : . x4e A4a'xi"Aud, , �" 14ig, a l4t4to 01gra "Ply cleall A(MTZ �SX01*00. ow"k X , , at' U#Atk - Mmsel I " " , I �1 Okst -Wiwomw - UNQ �J � 'I .11,� I- I.L:04FOO�OL" . 004, gj�;ks; 9) , !, , , I I ,�Waltlglir In 0.104ca, Ior 4"'t1s" #9 * i4 lorpubiggo. I ACUt* 10.,djoestiM X",,4 roolt fX**. Mort4 tb# X00aftnA WW 1"" at bollme � '4 .. . .11 � 44f worry � c4uptio, but wbia­ �tjjx '049" 91 aato!w Isis �Mllglkt ISAVIR 4014114 4W. bUt *11110 t0A o Z .911 ­** , . 40 Jgas waltoil lorforty,loUr YOW. -tb# vietwo, 414 49t W44 -W,Jtk�n a fQ0, &iw I I It follows, 9 4114401:9 CL; � I 11 - ot vorl4ft ow#j , - � I tons, 4*wu to X" A, A* 104Y I* the ,I A, despAtch troA it, 9, V., 0 ut tb* 1W-vh1clg-X*v1- A JUVA44ous logo,"alto 44 a littlo got, 4watond, but #44klowy. ba Now 00 lowwalatoll'y VPQ* 0 holJoloy l". t, Ik '4-4 '�ag . I . "ks'to Ova ,, . sk - %JAK r4W big, boom . ,t Jost showed ovor tbo 14ARRIXYMXO 110 *44 ,top at, xr-tisgIlop �Qor Unfortuglato. Ho 'Wax, sootted, 'I 4 .4014a atttibutobls, to oivaroi* _ , t. , ell, $UoTAIRIAV Of , 4 , thot srh0"-:%..1ve", 0,4 -, flommulook fty#: ;Ruoy. Vw*r- W#bt, 'UMIN, 3i 140'ans tim .04r . " NOV06 00.000. His t4o vQ04,1KQy0* ahid, -111 AtodIt mo*wq� , , Wd,aol,494,; I toxis of the elpt trees. And tbot* W" I " 0 - 111"VO4 . ,tot [W* *w4sq, t#4010 Qn. tkq ftoir by w0w,91 IX* XtQm*'*, �L_gicro-v , Iti no one 10140 41, bol*e ax�w,t U4170 - ; 4ta-01 . 111004- I - _ 0 RIq,;A6);d r =46* 00% pr . ... ; 91W t korpm 04 VQlam 1=0. 1.9 fwatp# 49 11 , , i ,A .1 Th#L'Pq]ke. f) I "as ; , ybIat,y-V - 010 '0�,Pf i�i, 3""is US ,ek though. the gdxy Was wVrgkgi� b# "04i parbaps, , by the -proocAgo, .q.1 suc.1% , pK09vok viol - ,' to lw,bothw* 11 ikxzklrv.,� � -0. xx;; jkx , Vamity of 'y I au� 1100 I# soul VOWKso ul, . PhAnt pe V, , Iii it 04rovm VA t1e, , sk wo,o too VrW . A ,_ I I _A wrl'# . is to 2,A) N00_1 04 tho.''Oba; A 4tt4 Xb _ _I ­­��_� �*_l . igitod 04 414401ing thifli 10'r- WO;Mtb- ilRdigwitilm-, 0JU­. *4 pastry #44 atlr1q; .the A_ t . - ", _i�"­­ ,, , 1404 1040 Voo., � - Q pkgj�V�om +-I*. ad, P g*rjy� in tjll# z 4 %VW - , #0# )>AI9W0*s#j I., " ,I overflowitig loy. ( of WOMP""plir .e* � - morging A -ratisk 1 � e, L, , I I ­ , , # loo*e 1444 and, V , , , pfigice 9t W;410* p 74 1, ge� tw., "ast r 1 4'" 1 , W I I � " ' ti,W191 , ,* & 021 vg#r- 0,04 U.4 cloaJax - Oro Pf tho toicgpmo frpXotbo 14Y of runity by� * A" 'lom TiV40h),ig, 4,t Q / , (XIN001"t & GA611t % _ , - 19,0 .no was 01414 int Pgoto 4r little. , __ r. ..y.1gloo, Ar- had tur40 abit AQ& Of olkow Into � 1-1) Oft cli, t1a , , I b(ok VQV,40a� - I lkvo� troll"'rR P.9 AwAxpurk. big .�Wskotoil aftouer� 14 CIIA'drgrg, but, J14 tho,ax, it, t4uv 91! 004144og I. � I - I I '' . � , I , - I I I , 4 4)k�,U�, rea __ a * J*�j ,0,$L, Para .ht. djQjgauX tb* farm vh", � gre'A at* *)nor%.$ 00,340tot wtv I,APA fivlval4y, lAwls, Ion$; *04 ; the gold, a( , . 0 X, mentgo. for Wa. Is- g * , - 11 �u -11- _4A . ,W.s . ,;4 stavy'. Him look, ba4i1s,rg.stI#.K, On his knee. "I" gavo lo. retply so. serlaus. in 1t*,.gqA0- 4. A I fl.b�+t.04 "gouggeekifik ­;­""�­' i-rik, tha poor i"Ma I . I -, _.__.. co-uiaw TA UXt I , temmes 91 tw $no 0411,000, M, .# . " . IF I � . I ,_,, ,,r,, Adults' for Ag4_ ,%UW A,, i I . . - . ,all . 1� eft I � mgU+-UQ x .0, "' - � � 4 otiartIcti. look iipworil. *0 Vhqn qu"M'404 &a � I r hirgs wempo, , ; PkIdAltals 1 It A or , , J, '. I But 'they asod t4' I)* iropeatell 4vkr itay so ik� x0stoty. , I 1, *$it mil .. I I... . - I I vntiojr, for wator, vti�Wr .the b4t ­ I � , . I \ -OF*-__r�_ � vb44. to 11 I ... I i -019. And Q*op I #gain 'to 'the 'Wo,44;y, dia- This raim b4a not. vp.?Vql* Ap WW, 0,900d, lh* eyeo" u6r,,wQiiI4_Uo. IXIT/ ote v. 100404 iwd. Maim L 'IA I t Oit � + 01. _y r . I . . I , _ , 4 I*. more wes,0AX, a , 19 , r. $I, - . � I I - , lip - I 0 Ar ,�: 40u� Tills vlato b%lr.', ,was mptly yielded to,, AU4,190, 11991A "� O� I Ou 1. ''t r, 1 tal- A.TbAtlo i moan V*gv'saitlp NZW L �� 000. im &F 41.41 � oa:� gpPollit,ed, dpjoizted' 4144411044 01 .one $or fat.ty I A 11 , � , 149 a . qArs, Yet' It, 14: 1040wp� tufr1i it � I. , I . I .'' As ,Lvpv, , IRAck, 04 -kin g pji,yjn� gfy ^nhu4la a% IL - J 14 I �. SIL ;7 * Of tu. -0 ;I-! , Smoot. ?rkk,,yW,_ * tirusli r A hlgh;,"� �C*dz rid. - I I A 0 1 0�0, 11111119 , ,kMS Word iekera�vj.Oltr doy. A0144 that 11114 glitl 1 4 M st9marb. hap I;Qt , , of Its 7W e I I +11 .; book � . pleagotne so R p*;*. rArr I b(t � WiirO, A, .Wbite 210944`*4 aug 4, don, the trouble to 0 go or)*. lari., P, OY ON, 9t Ilk. . - ,'%b0'!t4lr - I I .. . " book . I . a poll �A �, 410114 I � , 14 not p-gsly, 144choly, but *## ;t*V*� Our pleo'- th4l VIII&PVO hnVot Poi4od'o'Vilr' �'A&0­ rd 9r whito .0 ,to, 11.4 =A p"'IU41stjo, -,' rItt04, ''by jbo.� Jdo� ,ritir,forty �qlkro" they t(o."V.o a Ad thor 4#m,, at *1 mimt). - . trloolo�llu(XA .b.d..-Pl.a. 11 i �-,_­_�.� ­ ­ ��­� x"Vottallowt vAso, , ww�cvt eta$ , �1,)Oo. A,. j.,VH4RrX. U I 1000 Our*$ t0q sadly,I. ekyo, jQ0 f(%pOrpAt­ , ilty,' b4it � . � ".. . ult, on the c, .4 DOW4 tua-poor sheep up at , , � 'T .7v 011b Ot C40I Ulli .1a go #w4ty., . . � I , Fro4tor Ie, I ftel I W�.Slthlcvt, . I 0 man of ^v;kAV ly� :Npt ,wVrl I to. b",ak' dO . lh"� chla, -it the ,�'#Ach against, th - -1 , � ; . , , 9 feeling of oppio # . ., Dr. Rent . I I X, t5quotor . .; %4ilroligton, but cliv 044t*VOM, V#. the.. Usti- , �;Uodf�ai. gogtiompu Jr. the Atl4naY like! to give 11101.4 911 A, AriUk.11, .1 I'll � I . 4 ,� !11 X -1 a , 4, t , , I", t %116 414 tP Joy,ric,4t 10 trllp� buolutiNjr of tho, bo %,J�r .at sd.1V4co,, now Ikppikve I , rits.'a 46,Uc*cv7aU4 and,99tiett tutenvifles'It while, . . � �,'d llko, to., to.ra thom 411 Ott ,so 6W_,rwjig6 I k + , X ,, poluit ", . 5#0 'a 740" been , I , . . " I , Ce � ,I I I* . or. no 14 1 (110 0 A.6 . , *t, af�, Abordoo , shifts W,Mm . I%y VOV � t , ,,%at 4 'Of " a Wrel-110* wallit sell- to relieve It by 4"kins stign. � a 40r,=150 07" CQUIlt rob,;, OQWA.to t1g, I , �� Ing Solomon , rAUch of lj� t 110=4t 4t; � m iroo� , is frivolous and putly mOro than, seventy YW. , i I A wig .41 L I . $ 4�Wf�,'� ,', � L �. I r t 0 .0'. r 1pro"dt.09 rk, at - quit , I 0 � I , � � � , � ho C, 0 ' . - wmktot thV wow,ti , _"___ -Iliat 34400 It pot 0 *X4,* V10A '01 , #11yor,0109 Agttablv AMU I . :OjUr I I , _, - ior I I - peo. ap A $Q'Vember 4totuQ411, 104Y; sitivooesm. 'about him' . I oil, . get 411' tho � . t _ I a ""o . . + � 'Aarl , ! -, . � - ' - In Many Cases tl*p Arst'.11adtoWeig - . 1141y'. , PPLP* . W464 1 1 , 001W appo W I qr � pt the W I * 0 40 OQU bi* I ` I' W at I . L 140A c t p obably b"(01, tookpo little IIII04'reglico __ " . , I I . pie will be firivoloovIV abil. PQrUtct- four toll;,? ag kw a Vomit W144 dimeolt to sro�tgtaln­tn; his Tit4*01194 " � , . I � ­ 11 I I � I An rorl,77 " , . 0, 'F4 -1 t, We V Inscribed. glaid, no'liblo , � �Ajwkforttkuqil , at tho disturbance 10, 100.0 of collect, � . -AVdt , � h6lva the wicked gr4w st , - I �rg�V a utor In alloct.a , , . , �, . 2 .11 I ­ I.- .U_ quoly hoppy rAtuour than gp+A be hqi�'traitll ton i . tar , I 10', J0%# P V , 130 m4n,wisfA fritic I *a MAP 0, 94010906t, 6 , . ,vZoth, XA-� � bag, at horno . ,. , , . . 'L I I - L I t fi, . I ! - I I . . I . - 'ff#"A.T,T ik 0AA"QW:-"-- CUM04011C011 Ii., The V,v hap, I% t gat It. If UpOirms tho bay Antl sUirt I � olt ' I 0 � t , bra -a vlo + ' ' ' 4 I'lin*W11111 P Ill 'Put, fu lall", � 1, guess.. , I I . . I � . � � , �. its'. Mr at the ,are. TA The viklitor'1xi. 0 , ught, Ulm S91.46 ouspess or , leitt'aQ011191alft, rar, boati -, � t . I I .1 . I . 4 , , *Pppwte(x to: I , . I I � ,� r W13V estthill _ , for O , - was, t0a"O 064, A e Iyetabling an tip , rO, S9M9� Glasgow 4 - 'J, V. Mc- I "Xfo?d gjvd t Paw- lew hX 4, , L U�4 in sk wholes'al 9xity of -the . . . � , ' 11: 11 iw1k#bI-74;;6un*s A �d war ell curt Asheitupw I . 11imptlic. IRIZU caideow'' . Xr I he . I � _ r ' . � ill * "g-tV 14tvfmki 90MOO&r 0-o'0010 P1404a .on I 'b of & Preach -bay" W40 said be times, Indeed, it 18 d+jMCU1$ ta' OW ,Beth til;h4d aca- driu� Oat," vildo -1300y,04's. tivvlx. � , , , - , I __ , L L . 0 cilsim 11 Aly I blig Iiie daik- joccAstonally 'took, tit*$* articles. But thigu.1sh the attack train 1044 Of 4inni4l ter"r, I.' ft wou -'OfL 31 Me- 11 ,,r� _ ,��', Z '' Od b P,, 0 Aotoot,4 a Is, I I i � ,It juxt 11�tto' I00-14 boro to'WOUA, - � ___O,. . L *ft I T0'Q ho(l. $rtala of " tot' v it will be 4QUX__ 1- _ - Aroused, but log MAP Is 4#112K down, VOIL who bad A 414.0lip - __ . I . U 9 &.In,. a 19 Plao'.. ofiltion, suct gag -ut - heart failure or an Apoplexy, for 01 � � . I / I . 9 L 0 0 , co �, . . � powo., I,im,r pain, tuat . I nol; 'Ut soon, dooperill ­ , them 11 '044 thOr Uttlo atil felt bet � � ., I I thoso 1$4 Zia, . Beth, school-rugstor, Farr, love r Q . , URE A)qPLDnUQRAU $1 no orto dould flult oAt wbmtbQr leaphig av4gr the p4or . all AuLd Ad r- . , " L I I I I va '. `86 dr9asluti, him gently �U4 01(sring, both these coaditioram, axe , foy q.re'd, by . I I ik04,-,tl#,ck s6bui , I �'Qlo.l: ! thigkgf, L' oj.?UUCQ(J, IV � brQat fibil ,*lJ , � L, 114t .A I , I . It0ly, � 0144aco " AS 011� the viclixiet ancligraO or not. it WoUld I I U .1 . And tias'pasgiol.l, for happiness is a mall presents ellcited no 1191g, o A di*ttactivii is Wh 111)o yOu'a'P �II' 1 � I :1 a I " $4r*., llv�. ik, aenti4i to no" Is it let he' . When morning daWAQd tbOrO WSM U09. � tears, rAttisme � . , , , those am vorladulgishco. - Ile being towed from Pund _(544 � , . , , L pe to 4X* oit _tole. 11 I 01) tk I I . . 4 *m, � I - I I I I " r . " I I I . 000 no ship to be soert. It wnw,lr9HV bOwuVef, Of Um=u Ititteillsonce. The Important. however, for glogloot of South $laolds by the tot U01111"Ou ,Awful wicked' tq� l4t " . � . ­ . , I � / . . I " L , L i�,, dg0QjJ0q$L .1applost , created Ingitigoi, It exists Just I . I - 11 j� . I Z . " . WA , , , " 1�? I' I � � I kvt $0 04 . , I W for a Al truly ilk the bosolu Of the ascetic i tide ropriato treattuout In either com- , "' I -,, I 11 � ACP at lAotals. tilt, I , tine to L won,ther, And none of the AlIkOr - t9lic man. blushed. The crimpork him?" ;Wdo '11t," 'I, *119W. I . . .1 �__ the Wg Excelsior faunclorod -off, MAY I . " I I _ 1. —1--�,­ I— Ulm 4LWIth It, . .Dow &nil : -&tied lits Ad pitp , ., Island, tZ ) L": � , - " �, W a ill the bQgbta Of the 60-c ut oft In the bay until the rosi, from his neck and looded. on may favor a fatal termbia- going down, in .40 fath,041.4 Of "If that m ),I 0.137 - . � . , , L . c) Open t'A %A I i ,,, **" u0mass, 01,14ted ill your�� beat In 146 � O'clock I'm going I tco=`�L . I " , , I ku of pleasure. I day was well o4visucad And the sun tau*. tion. water, Her ,crew lgs�d .o. narrow � . s , . � .. #.; ,, , , ­,­ 11 rejj�jcb h,t rate, But the Way J4 which happiness is fjobag time The v1sitor,drew back, and would The old advice to quit 4 meal be- I . whother It's. 100*'Vvi, �4t,,$, AA I . " _.�.�. ., I . I L op - A had warmed the air. . oSCa]RJ; JrQWL grown'"S, . . . I/ I - - - L". ... , , . yet he It is the- question. Ono. during the day a iftshermatt-drevi- -have stopped Is, son of the house. for Bobble, I04JAg at.,; this ylow'�Wk � .t � L 11 I I . I _- f . ---- l,- I , .1.11 1� .11 I , -to-. - - - Igo , " .: ,N .. -1 ­ , 0. a fooling of 86,04 en, ��b, - Aigard N . - L . L' . fouud�thi I I . .0 . . . . ­ orled.40vault .X, hikil.- �*. 'The Vishory ),I, Scotlotk%t - L � , �4,16tq 0 man, as a worldling, finds wlailk 14 a deep JU- who ,approached atid. spoxtq to th 1 , b6oq 'Ill L . L, MA 210t Or UA it in , 0 taingil is still good; one vhOU)4_cQA" t at h4d " - A' I yl a prg , � , �frt ay JP ., .. / I � I , L', I , __lM.1A0?1,. near Sandy cove, port that trong. let Juno to 1011,14 theL wook tiet � I \ I do a Ind that the Is sentiments and sense- lot across from Motbghon, lyin -b-' poor man, crowding the gifts on his #t least before a man'" of discomfort . ore. *P0 W, .No Are We tt . . , j'j'Juit d.t I . � . -1 : ,­­ , , I . . to gop L rw in. NJr , - . � I : , 'FJ �e sel"� It"' - "ak,roeab AUXUwt tba, total of herrilb.g land9d min L lui � . ,,I*'" I , IL thfol* to Which.,, . himself with 0 L of,,, bw� E� '_111'1_.__. * , , ,: , '' I � "L L ' ­ "'! ' � 1.104g," another, C44 a Vatxiot, In 6' tween 1 ths, bluffs. With big 1311lud. Attention, At thIs,-Gorome cried tuit has been produced, and room should was 1186,002 crans, as com __ d V, .. 40 I 114 1 \,2 I � �� �'. I I "I � 1, , 7 - , I .11 I I . 11 '157AVA pnigmalonato , ' loll were all I t$try; another, as a of. the in a strange, unearthly scream, And always be allowed for the qqrretion Pare 0 Bobble, 'Will yoa,daxv I -I,-". L . Sortie of them . .U.1 U . at filled with remembrance with 1,00a,8$Q crans for t�el carve. old , , , I I . . .:� I �.L .&ft i1jillf"lk . Ing for his cOV ake in big i . .. - 1-1 +1 -she,' and beat t hands of th. astrie iulce Will in an What it thvi,440,1 *144 111L 4rou I* I 0 ni- 4100 `Ift VA I '., I . - Woro highly imprd but others, In law.rt.yr, a . live, . strange visitor of e nig 4, ore. v en y v 0 I spending find of last. VeAr. train?" I I . � .r ! _______114_1 _.,�_�. ­­ ... .1 . . witue4o for. the tructi. Bul- 40 Oct ,the fisherman had his eyes sharpened oxtended to biln. But In this ges- adult often amounts to nearly a "a opi , OMAII ov"'A'90 l , their own plact, wt 5 of great those men Illustrate for us the great for anything' unusual Along the ture and cry of repulsion against the quart. When the walls,of the stom- Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower, ,,, goes* they,il , Wo, Ut �� , Y .�_ � ' .4 , � ,, � ­ � � . I . IMPORTANCE ND VALUE. psychological (4qt that human baP- coast. But no ship loomed up . in friend -there was no bittgraqns, no ach have been distended to their ut- the uncle of the Duke of Sutherland,. bad to run farther th'anl-the V .1 � "J'Ltl �'.', I . I I , *4 ea, f L ' 'Vo be rich, to b� learned, to be pinqop variog according to the differ- i ham just.celebrated his sixtieth birth- paid Bobbies Who began to f � 1. . I that harbor. Only. on the obelving aullenn9sx, only the resentment of most capacity by fogd, the addition day. His Lordship is a. margy,sided 'how they would. got f�,hggk, bq,� ,. I . , . , 1.:.,� 1,7,� . to % I .0 .1 or . p.Owerful, were In themselves atabi- out StAgog in the evolution of the beach, be saw A HIGH STRUNG NATURE. of so much fluid would seem of Itself man, an author, a sculptor. and 04 the lot. "Come L Qgl"Ila , otty. �i .1 I : � I ' at the gajeL wilgrk �tbQ' lkn(� � I _tjOus not to be ignored, His quest soul? Differing In their conceptions only enough ack; or It e a ric-a-brac, be lgi . tol". I I , , `,#,t#*",sJJ qftrt* vistio I L � � . . . . or appiness in itself was not to be of happlaexa, they Alre Ono in this, A CURIOUS DARK OBJECT. It seemed certain that he not the intention prevents the secretion The monument to be erected as Q twelve." L I . Ill, - Ott - .0 , - I d. 'or be pulled his dory Understood the Pr4mcb that Was - �' i , '41 - . - 0411, I Pt a passion for pleasure that hapPiness in essentially a good. With some to him, but also English of the fluid, as it does normal mad tribinto to the galleutry of Lord Away the twing 04IOP7. '' L , L I -1 L . , , - The difference ill in the kind of hap- bject spoken to polar movements, the process of 41- Corp of Scots during when th Tied , th* , bj4L � 7 i . . ...... �L ., � - Is wholl Is timate, but the prin clote enough to see that the O words. 10 h ­'�, '.( ,t7j I �.�. ,�.... 1, I , , : —I ,� , :; I . Lovat and his ey re%o, . �, � ". ,� LL le, or met od of its gratification pluess and the kind. of good. was a man, huddled into i curloua gestion is delayed, the food is re- a critical time in t9b. nation's his- found fba,t t Q Owner 01 . I I . . 11 � I . . I 0 Another son of Mrs. Comeau, who talned too long in the stomach, it tory is now in course of erection. In had fastened It, 4hut,"Wit I I I .- , . ; I e uently he was, Tile trouble with Solomon and all position. ,h ", I � "' "'ILL . �'�'�I' ",; 'L '� ".4" 1 . I : I 4 I 'Ato'Of iW14 doomed to disappointment. other men who have sought happl- The #shermau pulled closer to the is studying for the priesthood in undergoes abnormal decomposition, the centre of the Square Of Beauty. and 16 h " , . I . ` v" I ' I . do L ax lawn and ck. so the a. ge$.k.. Oro � I Nw 441, Is P 7 -WL � A u his Hallf , came Out On the The wq,rk of creating the pleriv Pit getting a . . in' t n 0 0 i DWI` - Inflammation is Induced, and this ex - I lre,�WVRA ly t tt . 1: Solomon failed to realize that hap ness as he aid hag been their failure shore, and then for a gnome, t . . I I ­' OL =I I U � I - I g, - told all there was to toll of the man 11. - . , . o"yo 0 piness Is a thing of the soul, and tq anter this clearer, upper region, heart stood still. The shapeless ob tendlng�to the small Intestine may tho North Esplanade, Lerwick, for and Bett JA41 'L 11 L rg, *%t I"..,.. , Who had been thoir guest thirty- , I I : it � I I L 0 � the soul Is infinitely greater where all lower pleasures are subli- �jeot was, he thought, & man's body, lead to more protracted illness. the.new fish market to now being this time 9 t co a - , t � ' I I � *my,$ I 11 �� - 1 4 . I to thar. boiler, diviner forms. 'a hulk without legs. The Ashermau seven years- Gorome had never in the treatment of acute indigos- pushed forward, so that it 113 exPOct- the tears a she, saw the P . , , , . e n ings of the mated into � m 4,:, A . P , . Ai 1, � . , .: . � :1 ripped i`f departed in haste, but toward even- talked to Any member of the Comeau tion . the production - of nausea a , . � � world, and carries a potency (it Other men have been at, these years, though it d by this time next year work turga in the hot sun. ... . - - L.r.-_ ry comfort With family In all what we's should be favored. When vomiting bhould be well towards completion. "Don't pump, Bobbie-' I � . . I �!�' . ;� . ,� . seemingly influtte development. To- every outer good, of evo Ing he found,,a mate to return Is belloved he understood occurs, it should not be checked un- I il , I ., I 'TONAOStIAU ,� ward the end of his checkered and' of the bo anl- of every -00-011t him .ad I.7m.tig.t. th...4ject. � Five new joint stock companies as her brother looved - , - 11 .. - ... , . ­�,,4�.,4-,-,­-,.2—tt*�* dy . As the, Frenchmen draw. near the said to him. til the stomacil hail been relieved of _ _,��� ' embittered career he � realized lit. Of the -,times but they have ent6rad , were. registered in Scotland last and down, and wjshe .. � . ,� I I.. . I ; 1. ,.:. ?WL %?il _ . Man 1�klbx�. voasciiril Mistake and made the discovery that I buto 'a; 8� a4blinge, so transdertill- bank they heard the low moaning of He. Was believed to be a Catholic, Its burden. If It does not occur week, with a total"capital of $18111 a bole In the fou - 1 , , - , � 11 "0XV1`411II - Nt"Oti -� Z, shore, and made and sometimes he was seen to pray. spontaneously, it should generally sheep into the yard . I t I i 1 4 .Ath. materl- ent, that all other plea sures become I the ,creature on He would make the sign ' f the cross 600, making 187 companies with an tl "PA 02 - kv 111, I oto ilto-& the spiritual transcends the , I � boots to go to his assistance. By be induced. of Z6,796,827_ heir thirst, "They - oiv�00 gi, u all 4 � 4' - Ilar al; that only 'as the human soul insignificant in comparison . . 11 . the look of his garru aggregate capital , L. let%" t*-0�0' ,; 0044 I (410104 11" 11 I ents lie bad but Would he read If unconsciousness or a convulsion registered since the beginning of the ter and feel lots iton '6rifill"cril - . LL . , ;� , . prayers- Nor has supervened, a physician must be euough� the thirst J . .1111111 I 11,M--___ - � ��, � ___ been an officer on the war vesse,l, but him . __ - I I 1. -1 , o_-. the the, prayer book, nor any other book may be The �,� - . ­__�". - ­,�­ ,. ., now city, together with the sur- I, both his legs were gone Above called without delay, for It year. �-st office are inviting tenders ka, the fence at vil't. �1, - � �, " years ago he would 'e,'�r ght of the cop 131% " , �: - ;1? , "', . ' P 'L ,. ' � I ' , . , . I.S. . . �L �;, . 4'L.)Rt�NT S% '' IS rdunding collqtl.y, was colonized knees, either shot away in action or or paper. Some : necessary to qdminister an emetic - f letters, news- stream. � 4pd- �­ L -11.1 '' , _ - T E S. S. LESSON - The Ira out,on the porch and sit in the for the on a .... ce 0 ,�I , X. Q'id as from r1lam and 'Baby r v y "l,kb1o,*Jwbat�" -said Babb 4 , - 10VAI, 1�#; li�4�"'jigsLo"ON with captiv Amputated by a surgeoi'a knife. a pleasant day. But subcutaneously. papers, eels .ad all other postal d ly L '� ­`�� ' I 11 ' L .�� ­ ' ' , opm I ­ ­ I I .11 — I . �,, .1. q ­� I'll, J`gs: the, jsf;'�_ngd B'd Ionia, and of these captives mAMY wounds had been dressed in a skill- strushino on Following this, a laxative is gen- kb otor van between Velln- an ,7 farig %O,LtheL house.' I L� obag IL .1 1, � I . I ' -1 ­ I = packets b In . 0 , ,�A 1,�,, , "oofft I INTERNATIONAL LESSON, settled as far mouth as the region ful manner. The man was clad, an for rqore than fifteen years he had orally given and the diet for a few burgh and Glasgow via Baftate, Ing ba " witli'd piece of,g he 10. ' ,' �L­�L­­ - .. . . "" "I r 0, ' I . ovety Zkoh liki:' lsartkeIs nd the door. Ile days is limited to easily digestible, Airdrie, and Coatbridge; also ,for I _ g� t -We' ,r 't,b : . ,.,.� " '. � , 0 IT*;C* .. r. '10 .- I , ,­�, ­_ � � .... , , 11, rtruculnro OCT. 92. which we know as Samaria, The the story gods, in officer's uniform refused to go beyo I traiW -after him. ,; . .0 ark. M a I I ......... � ­ 0 tip "KaGen. descendants of theme colonists, who � It bottle oi pits all day by the stove, only tak unirrltating food. Milk, of course, services between lh4hgate and t ygh�,,tf,lelop d pu . thoL � I , , \ , . A, , ti Jamol ; and by his side was for an hour after dinner. Ed- , ;'out. rran; ' �_ I 1 "'...7 , , i 114-1 lair 'Broth- Lesson IV. — I J� - I ., I'." 1, . . �1:1. , 1_ , � I 4L ,� L c � the hadAntermarried with the ninnant a a blacuit. Ing a "Ali Is the safest form of nourishment, '4,�and Gla I . L tor '" ­ L . " � .. , . Finix, 11 I .. . � L V, I i �t. Rebuilding water and a p ckage of so In the night he sometimes meemis to inburgh and Bathgat e � . I �, 4 . �­ r .� " ck y',drldd er ml"�­ ; 1968- of Jews still dwelling in the country, - _V1 . ---j . � �, � _11 tears , \ ii", - . ­­ 1. — VVb-n they went to the man"s as t he Is so Ye. t L� , " "111 't' , tte# _ _ � . , , -- ff, I 01 � . ith whom it does both wa , . Temple. Golden Text, be talking t6 himself, bu It, or 6 ,J or . le, haidi, A_the'L ;.. , .�,,,', !L_,_i) X f � I ", , ,­&� . were a mixed race, adhering Partly niste,nee they found.. him holp� not agree,'axid the addition to IVNII2, , q\� �'. '. I , , � 0 n Whalln opera ons 1,y t ; I r 6 is t , 165 L ii -4pwlft �. ' , r ­_ . I � I ,, w, _.J � I Cor. 3, 17. - olves thit he divines - .h.liggg,& . - I , . , 11, . I — to the relition of the Jews and part- less with c Id, too numb to speak sensitive t me -water of Vichy Will of cokaplinf�g im�gagj n t a -i;a, 8 U,JL, �: - , , I** * . from which q, ton remove.all Objection. to pump, Then Bobble bur; �� . , .1.. ,�-�, ,!. , � - ,.!.#4 ,, ­ �- 9 or move. It response to questions the approach of a person and grows a little 11 I . , I 0 412h ,' WORD 19TtMIR, . . west side of Shetland conti a fence to drive awn.3 the sheep from ____�_ . . Iq old '1q, 01�"_0*063% Oradmist IXISSOX the colonists had come. - Because Of he made only low moans, so they silent. ' — Dur g t a . ,art r h9Jf'LXA*4 nox 0hurch. A family in Now Orleans communi- meet with good success, a hole In the ground. ot"',-Potty. covAd 'r L .� replkgsp tdlr "t -.14 � X Noto.-The�se Word Studies foil this the fact that they 'were not Jews of Carried him to their boat and pull- HOW TO SIT AT iYORK. past week twenty Whales Were _ , !�#Vif�� 001� I 14 *Ica "funt I with the Co traus t one pump it full of water:ik"It *am " I I # - t � . . VfGIIO - lesson are based on the text Of tile pure descent the returned exiles ad In A � . a � .", 1� , And , Th _6ry "," , L ad for home. In a cot the strange oat nt at V�92& ' '' ' 1"!',?-.- . -- heard of their J , -,vublootw *",.�� 0 AS visitor Sit VlitoL -back- in,,vour chair, the "Ons- hard work watching the hose � , , . L �, 0-A0 t$ �,Ak*f* ;_ 0,41 L Pared tot Revised version. . would -have nothing to do with miku was made as comfortable ap time, having � aint. then the Owing to a difference as to O�ans ��', � ,ftlV#r,sJ , 'Jtgk*�"O� as C'U'dia, st, St. , driving back the sheep, but 'at fast', , , 'A L'- � , , 11 Intervening Events --Chapter 2 Is the 0 from a traveller. Several letters body loose above the T7 . �_ , _ , "' � h" . rn - bending a little forward . . , am� t'L' " - the gift of Z16,000 by Mr. J. K . 7 � 14�� . ": 1� ­,"','�,;­­ -gely to an enumeration he could be and given pstimulants t exchanged, in wbich these poo when writ the hole war. filled and the Poor �, � _' __ 4. -ened th� hands of the peo- restore him. The fishermen tried to Wolfe or Calrd for a physical laboratory at things crowded up to 'drink. Then , , . I devoted let �Veak . ,", . I of pie of Judah -Put obstacles their get him to talk, but the man only ple told . . �, ", I L � r ........ ­� L ­ ­�­ --1- . I of the principal man and heads . of having lost a brother% Ing is not injurious; for reading Thin University College, Dundee, will, it Bobble pumped unit Betty hold the . , ". in of needlework it is not necessary. _, � ,�', ­ I ,,,, . js�o " ' , " I" ' - "" L tribes and fabillies, priests, Lovites, way, hindered them in their enter- moaned and turned his head away. who ran away to Bea at the age L , and others, who Accompanied the elve - or fourteen. But they were pose will soon be found far less fa- is Understood, be' withdrawn unless nozzle till their arms achad.and their. I 'M & son caravan of returning exiles from prime In every ngv�nnar pos6fbIW Wondering and afraid the man would tv? need that this -could not ))a tiguing than the "bunching" up and agreement Is come to between the clothes were soaked. . I . ... i I the fishermen put off across the cOnvi -' . Coming up ke road mamma won - go 5. Hired counselors against them die, ward, and the in1prow par t leg � , I BalvIonla to Jorusale In Ezra 2. their relative because of his age, and stooping ,for of the Hoy HI . I ­ all, Inverness, the sent the twins Were pumping so I T 11 I selites I' for pay, made false representations they went at once to the village they never came on' ment in shape and carriage filed The Mackintosh, where the Prince of steadily' and climbing tire fence so I I .� ,14-66 the number .flTaIr to frustrate their purpose --Men who, b ay to the village. Being Catholics, I Of dered' why I .... I , . _001DERTAKERS- . -turning is stated as 42,860 plug 7,- L 'You can see- that he is a login of figure will approximate the digh - often, but' when she got home I A I � 'a ening the pur- priest and told him their strange I tel"ce beyond the average," bearing of our gresit-grandmotbers, Wales has been spending p, weak be and I I , RALMERS ozo maids, making - story. n .. � 'this fore going to Abergeldie, is of his- paw her dirty tired little childr4a, , � 1�, . ,� , ­ , - Itofal of 49,697 persons. Of this poses and work of the Jews at Jar the village. doctor said tlie-ye"g priest, "and what- who were all trained to sit in ng the last , of the . � � �T . . L I usalem. The priest and. f his silence, it is -way. It is not for a moment sug- toric interest no the spot where.� faithfully wateri �f . ..... . � number there w re 200 "singing men Darius king of Persia -Not to be went back across the bay to render ever is the caak. and c 140 I �,� I . L, T that is, professional not likelv that it `1g'1n`4t"#y to toll. gested . that on4E6' should ever ,Prince Charles Stuart sought refuge flock ibe kissed theta both alled .. � I , �,, , . JhEN61&9men. "' confused with ""Darlus the Median" aid to the strange nkan. When they 13 defeat at Culloden In them be,precious little litessiverm. � I �,v � - . *;: �� ;; I singeralle, This couip2ny- took with lot Dan. 5. $1. The king here re- reached the fisherman's house they Re Would have learned our T# age "lounge," simply that a sitting PO- after bi "The owner must be detained 691110* fp�,. I I '" before this. HeAs silent be it. sition for any length of time should 1746. - - L _... . . ,t*3� - .- _: - My' OLlan 8, beast� of burden, of 'u' , � - i op'ou to -"are childilepi -_ sWe--"a 4iv"dW__ L ""', . __­ I—- I - .- I ferred to was the third ruler found the man quiet and apparently ina -or(the foregoing lines. A brass band competitiol .,# I , "', 7 at* a4g6s, 786 borses, ift, And no . - which 6, Xt Cyrus and the roorganizer of a(1.`e`(1;1_, suffering less than when he was w"he h( Scotland was held fit Kirkcaldy re- poured out their indignation agabasit r,?,,� .. ­­ �__ aodk �45 mules, 'Ilia his can break down a will ouch as Is." -No man fsoplid leave a valuls- ­ I L- .- __ 4110- gaimels'. , , - , - " . ., The doctor looked at -111 '990V - L of �1 �`. first thing glacessatly after the arriv--- *nil) founder of the Peralmn empire. found. TO . RE PROPER REST. cently. There were. L nine � antriae, and him He r6load from 522 to 548 B. C. wounds and declared them skilfully 4 I y led Z102, there- 616 lock sheep to -perish frorni­ - 414"' 1 i of the caravan at Jerusalem was dressed, though both legs were tak- If only wo�en could relax they being besides a cup for the best thirst wilfully. See, the sheep ' are A 'I - a choo t alb `;�,, .. 111'S t'h sing - and establishing of FOUGHT AT SEBASTOPOL w In t a minutes than go, noiq and seem perfe�t L', , ", ,,, ­ . 111 . on off above the knees. ould rem JJZ band. The Polton Mill combination, eating gra, . Jorne K"'I"L,­ ii Zi n g X 0 homes by the x�oturning.oxlles. Thin By skilful questioning the man — In hours of S�ca resting with carried oft the first prize for thesec- -happy. When Papa comes I /, I ­,­ �, " '. ': RAN �IBUILXED tense muscles. � Often,' after lying 'and year in succession, Kirkcaldy will pu Ahe old kettle ovek. ills 4 1�`: :�;` I occupied vogue months. At last in BRITIS was induced by the priest to tcll CRIXEAN VETE t ' 0 . ' :::: �,,� 1� i . I the seventh itiouth the people reaq- — big name, which he said was Gerome 33Y CHARITY. down for an hour\ a Women tv"i ,got Trades band coming next, and Clyde_ so it will be eaqler to Watelc the ,�11��I� '61 I ,WSON segribled in Jerusalem and at once Plague Affects Many of Best Dis- or Jerome. Some say he gave his — up saying that sh6l, 1odr4qworFr--.Ar, d bank third. . � things." . I _.� . )`�.' I reinstituted "all the got feasts of tricts in England. last name as Mahoney. He said he He Was a Flower and Bootlace than before. No worider; hV.0 N, At the Aberdeen Town Council It And the next day when 0 o W_ z�` i , , t . , Jehovah that Were consecrated.- was a Catholic. The priest tried Seller in the streets for, I muscles were unrelaxed. Rest With- Qaq agreed by a Uirgo majority to cam6, witb 'his head all. band ' 1 " IV The potato blight. which has cau%- * year,,, ut relaxation in impassible. Lot and, one arm in a -aling, the A- � - "Utractoj* 'I'he beginning of the actual work of ed Immense losses to growers a the to gat from'hl. . statement of how the proc�ieitl r,ith the scheme of Widening Were sorry they had,spoken'r the rebuilding Of the temple was Dot I he came t6 be in such the bed, couch, or chair bear Union �AJWa I. Union .troot by the "I uftvo� � ,1d SU114priL so simple a matter. Ck&rg Of Leb- fen district of England, has now � io agine ly about him, . "Not a drum was heard, not a whole weight of the body. Im addition of -kratilte masonry, giving. facAurers ofatid4ftlers anon and prepared stones were nei6iih- -ado Itself evident in other parts of A STRANGE OLIGHT. funeral note--" Burled by charity, that you have not the power I. I 0. a saV 0 lift -'V, 0 k1l". the country. an extra wid k of 2 feet to - , , ,� , I kinds of"liulildifig ka� sury� and it was two Years and two In 'Addition to the thousands of The man rofused to respond to unmourned by any relative or close a.limb. Loosen the tension both tborougbfare. MxTho, r i , I . . . . . . , or in. ,17hurse 1 . 1. such o L%gm mi)riths , longer before the actual n Lin- questioning. He grew irritable when friend, three comparative strangers of mind and body,; and in a short estimated the costIttf wi 9 the yesterday nil I I '. sl� . work of ,the lyulldlQ'S could be begun, acres which have been affected I standing by his humble graveside In time you will,feel rqnewed strength. bridge in granite at 117, , and many boo " Vp - Lath Shinigi Can,. I pressed, and finally turned 'his heat] Our lesson story begins with ,the cohnshire, Huntindonshire and I he was Kensal Green cemetery, that was I supposed the I . -.-- - � events accompanylit of bridgeshire. but chiefly around Itam-!QvraY- He seemed to think the other day the end of Richard At the first ludication ot'diph- the cost of an alternative ' a a of dead And I bur I and astlagatos flornisUod an *pp W the laying oey Hunts. it in now reported that'about to�dta, as, Indeed, the priest Iron girders or Z7,000. 1 the foundation of the temple. crops thought. Dut as nothing prevailed Martin, aged seventy-five aforetime soon an po�sjbiq_ I � the disease Is devastating the the priest private in the Scotch Fusillier Guard theria In the thild of a child make in the world b I � In Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. t over the man's silence, 0 1*1 the room a I lose; a a tin cup and i . 0slabluumAl"b , ' he doctor, and no of the now rapidly dwind, you see.1 should ich9ttkans A Liwson, Verse 2,0. Thev set -That Is, tho grower near Maidstone, Who had a left him in the hands of t . so most promising crop of about ton who did his best to save his life, Ing little band of Crimean heroes pour into an equol quantity of tar day it you ehildr, I I I in charge' of the building set the ways the London Daily Mail. and turpentine; t1ken hold ibe cup A GAY DXCIEVER, kind and thoughtf&. : 0-1k. ,., �! 11 1, I priests. Sonko ancient manuscripts tons to the acre, has found the which was at low ebb. a few days Martin served his country well. He over a fire so as to nil ilia room — I After the sheep were".., � . , � ; blight in every root he has examined. I The inun rallied, and In through the horrors of the with the fumes. The patient, in in- Swiss Girl Engavd Herself to the twins lound two beautim. � �40 P ,, toad, "The priests stood." passed -, Eleven on. 1:�,-:.'. i) ­ . WKIL ", . Their apparel -The dress of the Although it is too early as Yet to I it was certain that he would live. Sebastopol during haling -the furads will cough and in their yard with cards tied by ga,v 1, � , , " ,s determine whether the consumer will He spoke a little to the flaherfolk, trenches before 0 � , . _� �;, . ,�,j , eta consisted of short breeche the winter of 1854-55. He nibbled spli Up the meml)raneous inatt r and Mile. Kerner, of Thun, Switzerland, ribb6lis *.round their necks. Ono card ��: � '' �� , ire�'JAg, 00 00 pri, suffel to any considerable extent, 'OW"but told nothing of himself. After two hard biscuits daib, and the diphtheria will P&sa-Orf* The aged 18, has -had the strange exper, read* ' "'I am for Bobbie," - � . ".., .. I . (Exod I . . 4 I 1, did I 454 28. 4�) Inude of fine linen; a Ing to the itangon8e,quAntities Of a week or more he was moved from his , , I Wjj -)?*GXf*r4 y long c�Fkt with sleeves also made of a meagre chunks of raw, fumes of the tall and turpentine leg- ie,w of being engaged to be married other, "I glug for Pet4,' so thill Chit. I . _ 1� I',, 11 �=' '04 111116104111,11 TO foreign potatoes available for the Digby Neck to Metaghan and placed gnawed bi raw because theta men the trouble iin the throat, and to eleven men at the same time. POOP- dreU never forgot tikeir �Induess to , I .,".:�11�1. - 11 I fine linen; a girdle, woveft of the if the vil_ gait beef -oaten � 11 t . '. I , 441114"sL be- English market, the disaster which . In the care of a family ( flied - the poor sheep. �� , , - - I . . I "'."..'-, . . Flame colors that were in the veil fi . � ff i lief that has ba Ing as a wealthy orphan, she c6rris . I , .� ",6,�,,� ,, � , - a linen. the growers have suffered has over- logo. He stood knee deep in Icy sludge the skill of PIIN�mfclans to give. sponded with several matrimonial . ,. I . . L - , ,� . $ ,Pj0�0-ji)t , 06 C P of taken several of the dealers at CO- The the day through, and he slept in It it a child is injured or stunne ------ — - I � "" i � Vp1Uj* ,of tUSUred Up to fore the Holy Place' priest rengwed big attentions, d by agencies In Varlous_swlss towns, . ' I ' I ' I liniiii4i: 30,70t. $3,048,W_4;00s On their feet they woro nothing vent G&don. and now that the first fear had worn by night. Around him his comrades take him at forwarding photograph,, cif -11 tharul,__;��%; . : , ,;,. , I (comp, Exod. 8. 5; 80. 27-29; Josh, la fall Or a b10W, once _q�, 01 "C3=XT 003�xo' . ,� � " OVi.,,J'0blt014gg,d1 .1)14W. VJ�UIW._J. n. .111 the Windsor and Slough dis-loff many villagers visited his bt�d- died worse deaths .thark from shot to the open aig,. Lay him flat on him Ing girl friend Instead of her own, .I - 111. _Z4�_­__ . -4- I I ­ ­ .­ . 1_1­­Z�`�� I - . I . . I I 1PI Ii.." 5-. 1,6), tricts within the last few days farVa- . side alld tried to bold conversation ,� .. :, , _ , � , , 9oTAab-',Jito(d44t# X Ion 11. O.; and shell; they died from the twin hack., the bcao slightly higher than Without knowledge of her pitrobts, 1hod,40I&II ituins vot site Whero , I `­' ,� .; 10 ,#�P,fcgidorkt, Rona of Asoph with 41yallials--ror erg ftre offering what appeared tol with him, But the wounded visitants, starvation and cholera. the body. put cold watof or Ica who are poor tradesPeople, bho cot*. I �061onxolti 46t�-Gold, I ,,.,, ' I .'', � � br�cerkpld P. MILD ,,, � 1. ,.�. . ., ,'� , I Yi#*O�,�:,W -11'ecasur. the assignment of lortrumontal be tholroug'aly sound potatoes at 21 I refused to talk to any one, and fill- , . I I 1". 11­�,�v - � osvIT.'A 114�0, -secretary And Martin, as a member of a about the head and prepare a hot responded with all hot lovefs,. I ,,, � $#I � music to the Lovites by .David and a tot4_u ,r- dug the graves at for the feet. It tho The affair had been -going oft mew if 66 ,can�lusjogix as to tile OV19111 i '� -:,.,��,/, ot , , garth P, O., J. coanally. ,pq,rf­t.ogdItfon­thnt the Pota_�ally, when he was Irritated by lie burying party, mustard bath � a� - . 1. 0 I . 0. Dido. of the cymbals speal lly to the sons toe$ were to b I and history of the s�erlotiF; XUIAX I . I �'LL, _ � . rott#vs UtW-P� O., CIIA. W Chron. 25. 1 0 givon to P go. there'sistant questiorls, he waved his tor- many of his friends, That, perhaps, child retuning in a stupor it may erol months when Mlle, XorIger da� . , � `11 , � . � I I I � I of Asaph, compare' Throughoat Berke and Buchs , ptit btloV& t, ritish , ,Z$ P.,P , ,IT .., NV*tti "Hat'look P. O... mentors away and even struck at is one reason why only a solitary be necosgary to apply warm water aided upon a bold bid.for gnatritriony. in Rhodesia - , ; I', . . ,� I �R'1, 1. , . ,� , , ,.19 .0. ' P. 0.1 J. G. with I Cl�bron. 16. 4.' 6 and '25. 0. rush to sell as soon as it 0 Ir )dy. The same treatment 'She Invited her elfiven lo%4&w -to ,tiall 1119906tollou at OUTUWAyo'by a �� ., , 1 , . \ ,,, I . � Atigo'OeachtfOod. 11 thern savagely. Ile affeewd to be survivor of the Id Scotch FUS1140 11 � . OtIovi, Winthrop P'. 0.1 J. 13outle- 11- TI1Qy --A119 Ono to tnother- , illiLt"It'gle`4 that the diseASO ban ap- to he , th(i uaulvdvowlg�eormt �� a . . Ot groo , �� - � -� : 1, "I, - , pearo Sit - the Slough and Windsor Unable to understand anything that Guards bent a saddened face over 't . sh Uld given to an adult, though upon her at the same hour org, �t, a uAt thtojW hargalf , I , _. , , I , 406 .''. :1.1, I � ' J` j�elicbwo'04'LP�, 0,.� IV. Chesaq, 'Probably, as has' been the traditica a said to hirn, and made mtrange Martin's last resting-placd. same day, intending to It" of agatoOt 'Oph I 0 *14 S., L , Wa It cal�, o more heroic. I I � I . I Actor of, Ili, InwrProtation, AV$' "Nra to An- '(11stri0tim, Somo of the best seeding . �-- bopoi of firikUng ,seek 6liewhiero ,tot -te ..... I , , . I . , HIS HICH V . on I . A p�,­ , � � I � 140arth'P. 0"', sulk tho Atior U era I h 0 are gr A in tile soundil. I RIXI.M. so I ��, , 11 �! , � 'At" ho rest to *b1oh tbby otcbtlr� UP11011al 01111gilig"In *1110"WO `Olkoirlt t b rk t 0 w rid 0 Vn decided by the ritios ry Howes -(4,469), lst 4 ollit, who would be willing to yAAj:jrk 7XIng SO)obital'ord t' bib- . 0", :, " .. . � . ; I L' At, 1.%�Vta,, HoJm44,vJII40 sang alterad,to Phr#064 In PeSPO440to two tiounties. At Reading tb6l'o are It was autho This was Hen . � IgbW I4i%d!,prL16lQ4v stotiol. , t I . AO Ts- 4 humor him until he comp n Scotch Fuid- DAIIK OUTLOOK. her, . ' ". 1� '. �'h p, sod . ecurred ft% 1&* 01'grig, how. Mr--2661!Ver WAV'to M641014 10t'- I .�, I �". I �1, , to" Viliblijrdhgs VggbOndV1II6,* �a other. So . ,kilmi as JUO; grounds fablous not Only of the tOwa to any Ist llattalio A hitch 0, . " � eli�Lb 10 � , , 1, . , �. I * � ofo giniteII thfioughout Great Britian. but also got ready to talk again ot'las own I r Ouards, now abbreviated to Togn-"I told Miss Gotrox last -, . the Lanov Is '' . ,. , ;, V: , b* ltsk#�, 94. I ever, " sho wag uriablo to soAd her Aprif Undo � 04, of th , , 1�kfork - R. ,Smit 40: 100) 1011. Ila W . i. .. (I sus , . Jolciaoy;, so . It, , i,b . Atow . . ­.'' �� I I � 01,400clokIly to_ SU4 k,.rehtloftog. out Ili tb& cOlunle*.A will. out tbla he never did, Pat Scots Guards. It wall lie Who for- e light of ray paronta aw y on " Warsion, �Ort 000haidil", An tfi��IAIIQ1160 iry I _: lorks - - � - , 40A� I Tit Xotth NVOU the potato blight seven �yejtrg he lived with ,the farn, gambled this brief biography of his 114.11 I Which the a bad COUAtod, plid -the dud 40021fillitt:U'lliotilily tbo� "I" .of , I ! - rOlIq,''00146to .'46*u J?Ay &atoll$- 11 owl dge, how0vor, , , ' p . , , L blited kn , ' , it, I ,;m0AU,,t,d;, d I", tA. L - J� eaWrlg vo.gialderablo loss, On fly in which he bad been placed, and ,Did comrade, jaik­­Well, what then?" jS loy4j# f9l ; I _#6t tAsIr itArdi 'to 7 I Oibel afternoon, -", ,4,, 9116WWA,' fafrit, 06" I i0all, I, theite Por t*enty-on, Tone-I'Then the light went out." � . , north' of, � 11610ligst)o xhornik , ., . I 0-0. " 1; 101mb musto Xftskkotif it a t1kagi halt of thp than, at they werb #Oing a* e years Martin had I W*ftft: 0 0d k . I ,. I I ea� at,w, ,04ts, culkti , , e, 40posalble w at . atiolorItIlitILVelV� 1*40, tArmS mor ay - VIM I I ­ _­ , �1 � . g, the diFitricti ving" by"Sell- ,o'clock the elovein hiviift Arriv4d: took Wloi I I 44,1061 Tall . I 'I '-, 'a- .0P la Allettod. And il ag n jog� him to the PoOr;-_ picked up "a sort of It I- - I I - , - - -1 "b- : 0, DIA 1, ,0g;AAit;,4iw - 1A 11 )'�khej�'6� $611 1j, 010�1 it "*III ft0t 0:V , _ I in I 0 — various parts to 01111(firl, tuolf, 4giti*j 00 11 4 Zola., " I " , , � . OLOVAOXOW t StOk - ;jth, 1*gard to WhAt, mki"6- �*&* UY&I11- 0 flawers and libotlaces--in fact, I . eafofill� Ll"16% M611; " " , , I �04dorl - aud how It M*A r6ggdwIl� � - " . house. bl OV4', .,After . 0 " '', . �, . .I .1 ch"- Ill � ,1I pa,y to hat'VestL,thig few that Are not t. or alil lki1ggds­-;-oUts1d6 the aide � to 1�e 4ren:t astonishment "d "got t, Aw" , - , I I I I .11 - � , '' 0",��� ", . I But it W49 not to the poorhoU.4o ­4ou'ra as bad an a playful kitten of Mile. Korner"s PAftnts. I )Itugi d*4d`ed:,tb*t1i6A*,Ot thi ill, , I . , I I . . Porkh is good, tot ilia lovilig4, djoell0d. . knee of Mr. Leopold d6 rtotlig- in Ijumping at conclusions," remarked , The glill wag obliged to 0: MA tht In, Sbutheil Rbodolit igl�otdir *40 , I � 11 . I i I I I that the urglottulikto OeroMb Wds�,td kntrt ­ I . . ladfies h 00vor tolwat`4 Zia . Irish rota6to, tl�opi, howdVer, Is child's ritildree In Ilton 0400. - � . , ,. ",) ' ' I' 0 The family or;Ued &MOlIg 1� 1�1`_ A youth to his friend. "Do WWII irftoatl* And ki V16. to6u tb� *,Aftoslith- or '' W*te�thi- tilatog, . , _1 , , 7, I - looLOW-Tho'NO wordsi ato pro'bobv, foll1illing,611 gkilootatlobs, and pro- th"­ Ives that lie Wa's a &ntleMAXI, rlcck4jll�y�,_, -,,,, .: itid, th 'tho$r � . ?,� ,Of ,.. � � � I 1� � I conalusiong?" 0 - � � t 6 � the affair I W gbOd %)Lhtti dOP91:04. It , at� ,400 thO bhhdiW60 1� , , , , L, � -A ,�'L_ . Ili - I to viola' Abuildbiatly, ewpt in Owe '� Many Lona5iierb Will recollect thO JUMP at 11 _­ 41? I I � WeAtt u4i#eA.0(.tb ijbgm,or io. �� ''I ) I I �, 10", L UP "Ot A 'qiAo1AtI6n trobt ilia 00rag.. mlio, ro,jull or bad.V�ovl, and to send lln titoid, ft. guilty one. "Certainly; h ,10 believed tht #JjII!# Wild JIV ,dgi� A . . I I I . . . I but fitth4f A 1(bitg(VAI l'OSPOW-0 6ittlots - �eixt btowa tin box. his constant cOlPPfik ' 001", hiii#d. I . 1. � , raid � n6db ,t,ftd0rA# ,visty, mov* " �'. I . ebil fe%tlValo. "1)oU Wil(th a vew -,e 46v 6cen kittens chase thO , 4 ,:� I ,� d ,flitr6 r& I . . . %re b6"A t4h,t) "Wit. ThlY bilAt hag aI30 would IwO41,1113 iptrit. somewhab cryptic 310 . . - 1. I I . I ­',�­! '! . . .... I y t - , li ' - - P��_ I I -rV_--_0__4N� ,�Mibs I . , I rAlt4i * A*4$lI4ftOWl1 PSAIIA, I - ,!� ! , L I ­ , tapA. ^?.Of thtweabollioroub, Utod. at N401 ju�,V* lblu& ,bok job, bearing the I I .,�,��!! t W# t-olleetwo-o4irib of U00who � I ,:, I at No. 130, WAS joade its appearance in savtral dlg� I ThO family, Ot.400ph Congeau t label, "Flowers Ifiside," I- ..".., �.., 1.11-- ­­­ W.*W � , I . . 4. 1 T11110100463'i 16 400k I Itsolit b0vtd. This vom Is 0, MAOW triota, but In the 9*101AY bf PleMIA Ilia "brort'U""O lot and ,has k#pt .,Great friendS they were too," * I,- . - ____. I � I - I ..-I,''. ­­­' ­ I I.. . � . I.. I . .. 04,0b, the 140*10C 481w; � , � I . 11 I WAS''forgn � k I . , , . , I ItIlIpApient pt tho propboty, 40f. 0J.' , is, nov Mad Ilowos. "AlWays a cheery I'd - - . lie b0ildtogil ate 000MU-sily 0 '* , I e�l I �k _1� 1 411, CC I I 1. P4. -, I �, .� . . ,�u � . 11 -, v so gbatA)toil as to be tain over SIA06, � WotA � . 1X : . I 1. - th, Arog IF, I I i I t . F I I , ­', I . 10-11. wbich conipam V6 I Ab a to ralst the Illsoatw. Thota have lXZeft fdany IpgUlAte jo � . � . 'up ksIwn Olftdi . 0A, 'Vinit him at tho r0kruilroluse At -Clukti- for poor old nichard, and oftell Ion .1. � I : I v uttlive, k1w or ty04 4,00turion 4", sip, I I 1. I I I � . , voetittwosist.'' 10, Old Inch thb.t hold *orr � I thing 0196 besides. It Wad Mr. lAO" . . 11 ­ � 11 I I � . :1 i . biArly All f ittift *61001 6,0911241 *1011,114. 11 � I 'I, iio$,Stk4ata� L 11 eamp, of .. " *.,� I I Well 'irk tbi-want. 0 I . �2 tot 100my­Tho, "first hOUS610 m- IligbY cOlOnt3", SIX fall" forlt Vold do Rothschild who paid i -, _ _ .,; I oo' atiko*, *,MbI . , i � f I �Ij I *1 . . "I - I � . � IdIrt to solomotes tomple Which Jitka ------+— tho sho" "44. frota tho V111446; Mlirtila's funeral, as he did tot fillit I . � � 1, i, L , I � ,'thd# Ift 'VkO tt!11160 of Ibittip � I I � , 1'. ','� *dL in &SO �N. "O �Ofty. � . . %)o I& A, '40holgirly ItAll(Alt b1triget at jtgJ%Igk,8 witoo wb6 died _ I IL —MIL I . .., .titilik 60 I �' I � �,U, *# 4 t lt'k .-, b, beft detttON ,� ­ ' � I tiny' ot,thwrultik stone, IbbIJ, Iron bw ot, . , 11 I 1, I - - � who*y( .1 owyeatsbotoro. rm0#1Xte1QtIy#*flC XOT63t 0AItS AS ctoOltill Ili, th& littlt Villages who It said tti inotitht tigo. It ill Otte to thi k I � . , . � plentrouts WifrIg found toptlier; "t%W , ) � I � I I I - 'A 1411906809- but be hag �Uth a jgrbjjt� Ib4ift *11t,ggilge, tko,t i- �, I It I I, to be had to I .111, . . I , later �- tbo litovilot Hanal M Bi � , Apt,Ak tftl! 1- I Jul i� , .. thev blailditi" por thik Attieltz, foud I � � . L I . out,or T0416 out 144t ldovbe bit Ott, AV WOKIttO Whilih Me Irkdet 61 the Crimea, f6f All 'th .. 11 . . I 11 to,old 'Atilt appotl to. i4tho w1ko had O*Jaj, %at, . i � I *� show trakm bi wly brioutKI Olt %.AV- � I . � , ,�, . , , , , wu ilia tol"O, to%016. ''I I vootomkt. allojtIt 416fouto '011i t'ftond' Th�eo JlVed­.�16fttly And W" lwwt to. � . . I I I I .1, 01**ft iftout*ft; finally, im dwov". � I . . . JKL%A� 'Atob.IKJJ�,-I�hk)OL'&O�i.4t�'tl*6 IlIf&' go' 'telAttori or JotlibiLte, trltfid IX41 ­ ", : tj *hItik Smakta � I . 11 ,� .61e�-16 thtir I I A tlevot �rovbg t'diglumv U44 *A)C4 1 1 1 I'll 1 4 , Of tletoo, of Miss An I ; � . � wopt with 4,11oud ii; I ttotk�, aud, Wed Aft 1bktW liodf Irish - ed 'his bodoldot 'Atilt nOW6 stood, by hit, � I I . I I 11. chlilIs And othtr *01t1*4 Of *"I" I �-X(relglo. norroW btt%1a4# ot tbbtft- "ft' td,, s$ Nakhticutok, ilk t latt ts who ., I I I , tim lowest poittt., of *� !�� I ' L � .%O ��s the nktWt �balc "tto"Oo.sk # � ��,,7, 00A I 0 , ,�d ftmote 4 _Of � . . , ) , .1 tJ&r*tJVi6L ou". % 'Iftlottifitetuflog w-PAV, lot 1,4001t . L 1. it . � I . "I � wthufacturs of ) I I I loolgowtot" *r tht,li � I 1;Utiarii. Itartto; podlair. of wtib- I I . 06 10,1040" V100tist 010 a" . �_i,7 11 1 0*6110, . or : . I L', bv*I0X­0*C(t4 to 04 ,""o telviollb boom ,l I I � ��� COIALL alis Thd* Is A. sitroug ItutitonAlon ,,that l0o, 006, fight" it, the, 't"Aelf" U I . I , cosard(witito wetIs the, ob)ftt .61 bar. , � , � 00 b6w 11AN't'Atiob", %�41tu bts vott , I I . ,� I I J All kinds of 1, in its stlonv, . ,Y* and soh, Kst000l. � op wOre, owt#C , , I � ,4 tffib 19, 10bout WO Ik na,abl# Agum In I I I I +Ob* 1, ,i 010 he i aw IrShut"t but -ho *111 thd WtAt. rod. ITO Ifivor, . I I � ways 6A hAtid. X4. 'Colild tot Woe", OW tiotim Of tiled, *itw te tm.4ttlit tuttm) tori. attom6lIt lot tit lahlS ,L*O't* � .11 , "" , tvir b*(qf**th# bulldi � � I I , . . oy. .ft%$* � 6111, boots. fta . I , . I 11 , t vtolvk* rhaintalu tbla; 11 I 1�1 I I , kt, bolilo bt aj�t*,ot A pltitk bf at -e�%00' d 'to *"(161; 1, I I M i � � U tbout of', I thth tot r �� � MY lauguq*' b6 it A, *biwApebti. $ilia Under, it 1g, . � ,,, I 1, I , i a w&* witloAlly4artiolsd placo, I � -1 I , III If ,� %U pe**.4 Inost of i0hitu il mothifig yauri& or it" rw,fit)4 011elle. U441%. 190*01oh,, With 4 bar 4bM:reikd, #4.144yastovol.11 44 1 - . � 11 ftftll3t J*tlooling 4 kop$0, bUtitlit tuar �, ). I '� .. I I � � - . I I I Ill it ( I I ! lig"'Irr.thh1l 2- 1 1 1 1 �� " Tfflk14A_,dI6fCqv* at tolliort 1*1itell thd A ta,th1fluef WiOtO"Ar - Mof"I"d (�A 00ratmim or V111*110i. Ire �a* lip.ft,d Mdt it Wk* WdOba tlwt View could � I , _ 1 . farts ot, Ill; fboigh, k4lif" 1611"Irliv I � � 3 1 . . . L"- I"Atgurandh Of tio k"11410N, bad Ifitir WN"114, "of about a too* th Moo Into it Allelit'a tut 11, 'fievet broken be Ifid6t6d to sbb* ft�w, I'M �. I �' . . 11 I"allkly illog 0"tow 44 th#1*Uft0U0& � ,An i0o" we.fAhod oft #,bs vir*0 "Illit two to*t w6rk, quit 1k. ydol6afteff gotdal. I'le Lt&fted t011r=Ih* ibrkt A � _�' I , oula 010 , I In ir .- , Aftime. wuott YOU a I*r posvr*, Ott thlons Witte. gl tept. 14 ublot at 1)6lbst X I ­__ 'at*. 0 06-ftlloti� Waval 04ta I . *a pit ' IJW m !200 1 (ifloft, 016 �*OIIAJ - I k%6 do0olaftitV of ftch otWo 41k4it . " WW jta� , I I . . , W#ft Ott. " , �, d hffiad, ma tilt Older, imwo, 6A -gibbWsh 04i Wit" bi -tiltil, otill I, " * %ft. I I � , X . 11 . oft itwor, boot break dowh thill lolhitt "10111 ho 1�40hftvk In A " I i . I I %"�. .,/ ) uthrr � . , Alo%s *lift. It prot'Ably *#0 . iotft ""ib 011w It.— , I � I I .L tdi Ottis #Woov , � WU Nier;,* 1. hef talwbam" 0 �'131itdalh, Will ftfty tlh# (t*Vt1l* I I I ..�'..., �., �­­ I I � I � ,,, � le rk = ,0�, � , LE'L ,,, owt, diffit"Ity. IVAUTWVjrm�l 8otmw. , I . �. , I . r4wwufth , . i4twally � M, � : . I I " �, I And 1100mlit-1 emotl A* 11VA I . **I)* \ 11 WM# tog Av�t­ to tho =h. tal #dVer, lift i0toir botil, *I* ox . ki The VIllft**",h0," forgottia Vhat ! 41whio doh't �MU *6 (ti *Oat" I I \, . i ; - I I I I C, - . , I I*U., 6010 , AW4 IttfObt. * -he *Ott *%tvi (164K -Xistte"0014 rlw*4 P64 V,rvb I `� I li I - 11 .1 *A- r2hutili, 40% 1** h A%, ,* O"t of *PkIforAs. k . I I "O I , I , � I \-.— lk�d# -0 It- tv *Woa. ftilet t*y Atifirlpttlow. , rk to*. '01tr thug 0 t I , I . povw , *v I., i4lq�* jbe d*v* of X" iddw limi k#0* A*ftt. _11 " 41f "*110". I , . L, I - . It '10 011010AW.01,11it,64 -, OT411*017 % ed W 1, I igwg, of A*"rIa-*AAr-t \ I � ` ,- " ,�, " -__=_---&_��.' I - - - 0I0 " iatt sme r of 01= powtioia ft* tritViii 1611 &Y ovw I t13to.0--olBmm* :4kt"Wrr,*, to lie r* lot ,,t)w yfte *17 a. A14040 av*"4" vow vfto# at A 0"o, at 11, , t V i - wet. heat All,altod troom, thos 4%1 (Itlae,04 at smaslit V, tv at t*mhv *aosk � * I�ow *t*NMK saw ; bot J0 *bob I , heft ftbrooma, lot W" ; tap- a 1% *04W t_:;p , a � 4&0==A sk as I "" I "*" ,� I -.e, thot, Wd tWe" MW 400ttPY'Vill, lftotkigr - - , 112" - - f1ty, ftluq "7u 011V I 41A* aimmat"IV: #,%6;iW%6 *0 0 1 -1- 'k . ,�_ 11"a *at in to � 1W us tit AD J . It 0 , I I'll � I IN! ., .1, � , , " ,,�`. ��__,"J� I "... . "I , � �? I �.. of *Mt TaIlk 1W. *Waw, to 1* �,br I talig,44 !f*nfisy, ww" till*6 ,to vloat glattlow bo'm t W-0 Miaw =066 you A , wa gitowy, �**A W4 %Niat I 'Iswo "ifti 14 ' . diss"#.. 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