Huron Signal, 1848-10-27, Page 1Mho' ate--
reffiettorrie-ttarey e'
12 Olt 1'" t...• .
tel aewaalce•
1,000,000 ACRES OF LAND
daepeeal, shoot 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND dispersed throughout most of the
Towsalups la Upper Ceoada—oearly 600,-
000 Acres are situated :n the !larva Tract,
tell Meer as one of 11e most fertile parte
e1 the Province—it bac trbbled its popula-
tes in flus years, and now centrum up-
wards of 110,000 rehabltaats.
Tbe I.ANIJS ere offered by way o1
L d 4 8 E, for Tor fears, or Jor
8.., C S !I D l) lr N—(ie pion of
omi flfik Cask, sad tie islsace in har ei-
reest. Wag door array will.
The Rests peptide 1st February each
yew, are sheat the .Interest at Six Per
Cbnt.wrr■ the prima the Lead. Upon inset
of the Lole, wheel f &SSKD, NO MONEY
I8 REQUIRED DOR'N—whilst epos the
others, according to locality, one, Iwo, or
throe years Rent, amt be paid in advance,
—bat these payment' will free the Settler
hent fie -thee ends mid Sed, 3rd or 411I year
of Iter tins of Lease.
Tbe right to PURCHASE tie FREE,-
REifHOLD Ilona( the term, is secured to the
Leer at a head sum named to lease, and
as allowance is made according to antici-
pated payrsec,.
[.seta of *.ands, and any farther informs-
. Mee sae be .beaiee4, (fry sp$ic ties, 0 by Cle. en•g, ols.tenag, all is a swarm,
letter peat -pad) at the CotrrAsr's'Oencas, Father, mother, sad carer•! ebild,
Toronto mai G.ierirk ; of R. BIROIALL, Leekisg as if .t had sever sanaled—
The Semptres., leas. sad weary, sad wan,
Wit► only the ghosts of prmeats es -
7 The W , her`allow mealier
The grim sad sooty Animas ;
Every ...l-Rbild, wools., or man,
Who lives—or dies—by labor.
Al -
Tire's a tee, se le the ale
Aad sera ie every etwet—
Tbr armor al awry toy ers,
The miss of sumenoea 4r•—
While reend the Woekhowe door
The Labeeieg cle acs fleck ;
Fee why 1 the Overate of *tae Pse
1s setting the Workhouse Clock.
Who dose ma beer the tramp
Of streassedsepe drag aloug
Of eithee sea rod enures stamp.
Sickly, sep/kd, err scree&
Walkiag, bntprg, ereepieg,
From coact. and alley, sod lame,
Bat ail in we direction,
Lake rovers that seek the mala.
Who does om see them ally
From moll sod garret, and roam,
1a lase, wad court, sod alley,
From homes is poverty's lowest valley,
Ftweisbed web shuttle ad Ioonaeo
Pus leaves of e,waha*iosa o plkry—
Asd is the wood and footways rally.
As if ler the Day of Doom I
Sims d hardly herr form,
8teated, croaked, sad crippled by toil ;
Diagy e' •e^ sake, a "a.., pad oil,
Aad smirck'd Meade with vieiems sail,
Esq., .1apisdd, Colburn District ; Dr.
ALI.r'tu, GrielpiL, or J. C. W. Dat.r, Esq.,
Stratford, 'Loon District. •
Goh, March 17, 1848.
BARRISTERS and Attornies at Leer,
13oliettors is Chancery, sod Bankrupt-
cy, Notary Public and Coneeysneere,6oda-
nch and Stratford, Huron District, C. W.
Jame STaaewA'Goderieh.
Douse Hors [Woos*, Stratford.
Godetieh, April 110, 1348. dal
APPLi 5ATiON . tel k mine L.. me _.:a
Session of the Provincial Legf.lature,
for leave to bring in • Bill to roostutute and
form the following T'istnships and Gore,
and Block of Land, via ;—North
South Easthope, Downie and Gore,
Blaeshard, Fellartoo, Logan and ti
W.lteelsy, Moroinytton and Maryboeeugb,
eel Western ballot Wilmot, and the Block
et Lend bellied Letran,—ilio a nor Dis-
trict. ALEX. MIT.3411/.L
8ee'y of glirmittio.
ef�ptfagd, (Horoaj,
1/t sf: A+rtl, 1848. .fair
Stirred by u overwbelmiag zeal,
Aad social impulse, a terrible throng .
Louth, shuttle, sod needle and wheel,
Foresee, rod grindstone, spindle, and reel,
Thread, and yarn, and iron, sad steel—
Tea, rest and the yet untested meal—
Gashing. rushing, crushing along,
A very torreat of Mee !
Urged by the sighs of sorrow and wrong,
o"-_... ,.-., ,. a tmeriesne strae.
Step theorems orbs eta!
Stop wM ear its *award course
Aad irresistible moral force :
Ole ! riga and idle dram !
Tor sorely as misery all atria,
of Air ew sable his,
Aeemiiag m Na;an's seheose,
That Has M.ermeat thews, wain,
A Weed -Fewer meager thea Steam.
Osseo', *award, with hasty feet,
..They smarm -wed w*awsM 'Un—
bent is drink pad eat,
Bet stervieg amidst Whistories meat,
Ai fsaihias dews Gonda '.
Trask the P*dary-•-bat still vaird
TMBabeeAsir oSlh ibt wQ TA4 lio.1 Christian cheeky, Issas year bead '
1 ase in the seventh Coorseadee of the
Township of Colborne,\Vest Dieters.
There Mete the prensees • small Log Ban,
with 15 amen amiss. geed culuvatioo, and
well fenced. The Lead te of excellent
quality, and waihiw 6 miles of the Town of
rbeh, eoataining 100 acres.
TERMS of Sale will be made known by
applying to Wiliam Robertson, Esq., Cam-
eliaCompany's Office, Cwderich, or to the
Galeri°h, March 1st, 1848. 61f
MR_ OLIVER, hav,eg left the whole of
his lteue1Ud &cseusts with the Clerk
d the tat Division Court, Goderieh, advises
all parties indebted to him to see that gen-
e■ before the 2018 of sect month.—
Any itAtiveretioe required, wilt be given at
the °dee owl , where t person will he .►-
wy� fe etteta
(iwderi°his Jaime 19, lf4i.
cb.nlltigdiw wr Queen's Bend',
shift COt1 V ET kNCAR.
T• HE isbebituts of the tow* eLGoderich will
apply te Pubssrwt for is All to beeps
aces eke said taws.
Qedmirh. Jelly 9ith, 1848. — 27J
E . Gorr --14 Tji 0 N ,
1►ilfN♦1l�=.1Eifteol24. SEIB14
00011 slew.
, -
weratitno, to emexcene, 5Aiwaerre'', lee.
Feb., ISIS. R I � 0 . 3,
engaged to pilot the yacht, nn being COD,a (root of tie:yacht gate three !many cheers
rutted by Lord Adolphus Fitaelareace, re rut the Q•esr. 11 was further arranged
commended that, if it were bee Majesty's that Ler Majesty ovoid receive the ethic
pleasure they should ieoceed with the voy• sutborities at half -past at, to present a
age. Her Majesty havag consented, the loyal and dutiful *44...*, oo(er the frye-
squadron continued its course seaward, and dom of the city us prince Albert, and al,o
steamed all night at the rate of from 10 to receive a deputation from the proferauts
If knots as hour. Having passed outside of Mirtjschal College and the Uei,eraity.
Ore pope& et Yarmouth, they made the'A% otM o'clock the whole of the vast am.
Newarp Light at four o'clock a. m. on phrtheitre around the dock was filled by
Wednesday, the wind blowing strong from elegantly dressed ciezen.. A detachment
Me westward, with clear weather. Tbe of uuklary guarded three wiles of the plat•
pessegl stela, etre York bt►e coast during form. The special constables lined the
the day was pleasant. The tea was per- Inocr Treat o.1 the circle, and the carriage
fectly smooth, and ber Majesty and Prince way, which was railed off on the quay, was
Albert enjoyed the prospect greatly, spend- kept clear for the magistrates and council,
inz such of the tune on deck. le the who were now on their way to present the
sewing they were off Teigemouth, passed address. At a quaiter.te one u clock, her
the Fere Island. at midnight, and (ben Ma} -sty and Prince Albert appeared on the
steered for the Girdleness. The sky now main deck, which was splendidly carpeted
became cloudy; the wind freshened frolry for their reception, and the moment they
W.S.W.,and incrossingtheFrithofForth were recognized they were welcomed bya
• heavy swell from the westward cause burst of cheering frum the ituaeore multi -
tumbling in. Hue the yacht rolled a good tude who bad congregated to witness the
deal, and once or twice her Maj -rat sent tip reception. The Lord Provost, havto been
inquiries as to the caueo of tier cbsnge.— introduced to her bIajeety by Su
On being assured that the weather was Grec did obeisance, and kneeling, presented
quite favorable, although somewhat change- her Majesty with the silver keys ot the city .
able, and U beteg the opiuton of ('aptain The lewd Provost had then the honour of
Cargill that U.e yacht might make Aber- kissing hands, and presenting in the name
deed in time for the morning tide, the dea of the community a loyal and dutiful address
of taking the Tay was abandoned, tied the from the magistrates and council of the
coursematotaised. Meth o'clock the high town. In presenting 1bas address the
land of Kincardineshire was full it .view, Provost said, "he had the honour in the
and was a grateful sight to the royal ori- name of the magistrates, town council, and
tors. Unlike the undulating abase sad conarsutty of Aberdeen to congratulate her
chalky eller of Kent, the verdant tale M Majesty and lilacs Albert on their sale
Essex, the table lands of Norfolk and Sag- sod speedy arrival in this ancient city, and
folk, studded with steepled churches slid begged to tender the grateful acknowledg-
botted web windmills, the Mack ted frown- menta of the ciU*ear for the distinguished
mg rocks of the east coat presented oath- boomer thus conferred upon them."- • 11.r
tog on wb*ch the eye could rest with plea. Majesty 'trecio8b y releerve the- literate;
sure. 1 -et along theme bold ragged shores, and expressed her happiness at being to
standing out from amass the niosigain Aberdeen.
masses of conglomerate quartz, t o The'Pfovost and magistrates thou with -
points of Interest well worth observing.._ drew, and her Majesty and Prince Alpert
At seven o'clock the Vird was detpached adrend.g to the taffnil of the quarter deck,
to t umouoce the approach of the yacht, sad were received with deafening shouts of tiap-
t h if past e•ght Aberdeen wasae IOU planate. Retiring for • litue her Majesty
13.agry—p•miy the street et Bread :
Thirsty—the wee of Milk : •
de the Ludgate Ma.
Se geegaees, twgk irPreclude Art.
Wild settee, Lad wool, and elk
At latae, before tint door
That bear; -o many a kDoak
Ere ever it open to Sick or Poor,
Like sheep tbey huddle and dock—
And would that all the Good and Wise
Could we the Million of hollow eyes,
With a gleam derived from fleet and the skies,
Upturned to the Workhouse Clock !
Oh ! that the Parish Power,
Who regulate I.abor' hours,
The daily amount of human trial, -
Weariness, pain, and self-denial,
Would torn from the artificial dial
That atnketh tea or eleven,
Aad go foresee, by that older os.
Tent srandr io e light of Natere's me,
And takes las time from Hearse !
' ANDi-IX 1'h'NI'E
'AT TIIC ►.'1) nr TIMtPA5.
lite., to arrest the progress of as 2 imus.-- Most kind and Lorpitabfe mail the recrp-
So long as the fire was
where tt began, cud which reweave from a di asore they saw the fate of the
by water casks, there ece se hope; verset they had lett. The Limes which
but whoa columns of diagy- sound -oke, ssew- Bad rpreed along the mire, deck and poop,
Ing free)the batches)e, rolled over eeery ren i•kr L,.hlnieg to the ma=ta and ;value;(.erne, 000 cncral cuhll.gratn. 11.41
soot the sot tips of the soil-memereboard the Caters;
part of the ship, *11 chance of preserving
her semen! loot. The flames bad slreadr elen,ioed the beaten to en immense dw-
reaebed the rale tier. Tbe lower dcckr *spec. sent was phooey reflected caterers!
..1 jre-re en board the brig. The burning
Math f.•11 "ter the side. At last, about
tee s o'clock In the morning the
fire ranged the niece:Inc; the cxploston
leek Elate, as,: the fragments u( the Kent
were hurried high into the air. Cowards
of 81 inta,iduale wcro druwbed, or other-
s/ire perished.
About metric o'clock en the night of the
of explosion wse
as lessened, the ship became 1st March, a bright light was seen by the
water-logged, and it was evident, would watch of the Brig Caroline, on her say
speedily scale down. Death, 1n two of its from Alexandria 10 which al•perrntly pro -
moot hurr/bte forms. was before theme and reedcd from a. burning ship. As it had
the vessel') deck pee.cnectfah awful ecere. been stormy tiredly before. the Caroline
11 was crowded with between rix and seven Was double reefed with fore -top sally, main-
hundsed human beluga, in a state of planet try sad, and fore=to_p•mast rue -earl, close
perfect nakedness; rum° prepared to meet Mori, the wind with • heavy tics running...-
their doom in silent resignation, while Ceptain Bibby gave ivasnediete orders to set
others were in despair; some on their knees the mein -top gallant sol, and Me vessel
in prayer, others crossing themselves. and bore dose to the ,pot. t
performing the externals of derotaon.—' About two o'clock erery eye was fixed
Meanwhile the waves lashed furiourey on the anerrasidts
g brighe.s of the sky,
were ordered to be rcutticd, the combings
of the hatches to be eut. and the lower
ports opened to sdnut the waves; and in
consequence of thin, some of the rick sol-
dier's, rine woollen and senun-
.8.14,ee, to reach the upper dock, perirhed.—
The immense quietly of safer thus thorn.
(limed into the bold, checked for a tune the
progress of the Games; but, se the danger
against the vessel; the binnacle was a rench- . when there &rove a jet of vivid light, cri-
ed (rote its f stonioge, and scattered in Irsg- 4, idly catered by an explosion, though they
manta on the deck. were tootle. o*T to wear the report. to hair
Those on board being alm+st in perfect an hoer, they were near .r.ough to snake
despair, a man was sent to the fore -top, if out rho wreck of a largo sestet, lying
possible, to discern some friendly earl. lie head to wind, of which nothfgg remained
gazed asxtnusly around the boriznn for ai but the ribs and frafht'
s•1ioera, which mark -
moment, and waving his hat gave the joy-
ful sound. " A sail or the lee bow." The
*itglligsae wa,recei,ed with three cheers.
Flags of &trees were heisted and minute=
goes fired. The vessel was afterward* She burnt nearly to the water's edge; but
bud to be the Cambria, a brig of 2in
00 ton■ becoming lighter as her Meet nal span and
burden, booed to Vera Cruz: Afler some tunbers were corsumed, she slily floated,
minutes of awful suspense, the brig heisted pitehrng about, and laling with the long
British eoloure, and crowded all Pall to their swell of the bay. She as Jeperibc.l as har-
relief. Yet was the peril great, the Kent tog the appcuance of an Imanca-^ open
• a - had been long on fire, and a tremendoul cauldron ot basket -work, leruw,d of the
sight. and the Hume again advase ed• and, with sea was running.To revent the rush tel blackened ribs, naked stepped of every
Sheltered from the south -cast swell by the Prince of Wales ie nee hand and the; the boats, both by the
soldiers and eaklnrn, plank, encircling amass of (lame, by no
the Giri
dleness, the Day was u smooth as Pricers Royal to the other, presented ffi
some of the officers stood over them with i means of revel intensity, but concentrated
glace, end notwithstanding all that had tbomrelvea before the multitude, who wel- drawn sword.. In the first boat werel ho force at two or three p: int*. probably
been prophesied about the danger of erne- corned :hem with the mat satbueiaetic placed all the ladies and aa mane; of tile' where the hatchways bad supplied an addl-
aing the bar the yacht went right forward cheeriK• soldiers' wives, as. it could estoly conteio.I Lionel quantity of looser loci. To leeward.
and entered the harbour in gallant style. In the a irJam , Purace Albert, • eorge i It lay outside the cuddy ports; and twice l the atmosphere was filled with clouds ¶.f
Tbe appearance of the deck was, to lbs espied by Sir James Clark and Sir (hero the cry was beard from the chains, that it i smoke, and besprinkled with byriade of
royal visitants, a subject of agreeable sur. i Grey, visited King's College, and was re- was swamping, but after much difficulty, it •Parke and bnrninl: flakes of lighter mate -
expressed their astonishment at a work at prise. Both her Majesty and -Prince Albert{ coned in the hall by the Seri of Aberdeen,' was fairly launched upon the deep. and waseat*, continually thrown up scattered by
r of the University, Sir. Michael I Ken from the poop battling with the waves! the wind over lbs sky and the wase. —
wich atupeedoos menitetde andBQA 4 tl.. releasers and magwtntel sad making Ile way to the Cambria which' Part of • mast and some *parr poll roes
ing the outliner. of a duubte Inc ef ports
and quarter gailericr, indicated that the
burning rkcteon was either a Grit -elm
et bffliamat, nr r'tictr of-bwrrte. surly
r'zi; k.,1 tis •yni:xe-gifl, that a orf W 3d*f! peel •hawto u sours **tenetflea" apo'trill mall lha OWdl a t. abeaal,•0tidi1g.
Dad Do idea such a net care.. a was r- eddrets from the lieaatos to b s r t rites- the eat, •to escape the caplosaon. In about' under the weather -quarter of the wreck.--
deen. 'set tie describe it. 11 includes the rims, -which was very cordiaLq received and i twenty
upper part of the tidal harbour, and the gminutes the boat had reached " the • in a few minutia the C...oliee came right
gracefully acknowledged. e Provost Tfiof 1 ark of refuge." Still there mac extreme down before the wind, anJ was brought as
water corers an area of thirty-four acres. Old Aberdeee also presented a loyal and I difficulty in getting the women and cbik j sear the bows of the *rock ss safety per-.
1t is the largest single dock, we believe, ie{ co a.trtut,onal address, which was received dren on board the brig, and the boat was a !milled. No tins, being at Aret scented
the kingdom. The chamber of the lock fa with equal cordiality. His royal highness great Bangor of being stove io against its there: but suddenly the silents was broken
250 feet in length and 60 feet in breadth, ,bowel the utmost courtesy to the large sides. The children were first thrown Oa a shout, sgg), accentlore. ware seen
and is constructed entirely of dreraed asfdience,' comprising alt the beauty and board; and the women were exhorted 1. clan nag tutbeteutardalars: Fromlberr
granite. The whole of this immense *true- fishron of ()Id Aberdeen. Prince Albert avail themselves of ever favorable bearlowRsituati,n, eitnoet on a Icw& with the
tore rests upon a foundatiue of 4,000 plies.
There are three pair of gates in the lock,
the ribs of which are of cast iron, and the
covering plank entirely of mahogany. Be-
yond the lock, on the soetb ride, a coffer-
dam has been constructed for another en
trance, for a single pair of gates, 70 feet in
breadth. The whole of the q.ay watts
around the dock are composed of dressed
rune, and measure 6000 feet is length. worts et Meseta M Donald and Lnhe
are all paved with granite. specimens of 'polished granite produced by
The passage from Woolwich was made machinery. Ile also eisited,.ome of the
in 39 hours and a half, and from the Nore other public works. '
t. 37 hours—this last run being ditb- We are informed that all the royal party
out a parallel in the history of steam esti- bore the voyage without inconvenience.— ed—uoe or two,it was thought. encumber- sail to be taken in, the fro -tri est ata
gation between Aberdeen and Londos•— Her Majesty appeared freqnently on deck, ed with the weight of thea epees; mune! pail lowered. and the cosine el he ship to
When tho royal yacbt was telegraphed delighting everybody by her condescension, other individuals being unable to reach the; be c..suoued to leeward, till they wcro be -
from the Gtrdleeesa Lighthouse the barber tad astonishing many by the simplicity of
her attire.
Frsm Sag's Life is Lsedes-
On Teesday, on the return of her Mayr
fly sad Prince Albert to Buckingham Palace,
Ulu hpyla, prorogued Parliament, every-
thing wap is mediums for the departure elf the
royal family for Woolwich, pad shortly af-
ter three o'clock her Majesty and Priam
Albert, accompanied by the Prince of
Wales, Prince Alfred, ed the Princess
Royal, took thou departure is en epee ear -
nage. The Comtism of Gainebereeghsd
the Vtsco.etess Calming, Ladies is Welt -
mg, followed in another carriage ped four;
aid Lord Alfred Paget and Captaio the
Hoa. Alexander Ooraon, Fgoearries is
Wattle,, °ewe sI t third carriage. Every
preperstioe wee Inuit far the ysesphoa of
the royal Ord, M Weeltste8, aN es
metre mieaestee wee apse -hied 1* the
dockyard, and i• eteammd Wes d
e abs secee
es dm rivet. The s.Mekatice .s hetet
the royal ysebt atlttltrt repeated obsess
was quickly effected.
The rel yacht left Wohtiel at It
Wist/a before tore delle*. At moves
'Meath *Arles. abreast the Keeled 1t bed
bees seraegsi that the
.heels amber hes tar as am, the
eight was es .Mar sari the sk *Meet
hie, that Ceptaie Cargill. who treat drier
was thea shown through tbs library and 1 of the len, by springing into eh. malty! water, aid the rapidity of the bark's motto.,
messcim, after Which basstoyal highness friendly arms extended to help them, pad • they could bore sees her oply a short time
proceeded to Marischal College, where he ! mercifully not one single accident occurred- belure they ttatlad; great therefore imus
was received by the professors in the oped ! Meanwhile the crew ani peesengea of have beta ltteir jo7a�when they bad a pror-
square of the court, and walked re the . the Kent, who, watching the progress of: peel of rescue frutu wort horrible (.1.. and
college hall, where an address was present- the boat, had been for a space almost Moen- , beheld wtthia a few yard& the bull and-ia.fe
ed by Sir Micheal Brace. After inspecting l sable of the volcano -that tb,estened to beret of a large vessel, brailiautly illuminated by
the pictures in the hall, his royal highness i beneath their feet, again began to take ae- `that flans.. Bot their despair would return
proceeded to inspect the granite polishing tine measures. After tee iret trip; the when the vessel shot ps..t the bow• o1 the
+ ' boat. could not come alongside. The oro-; Kent, leavirg three to conjecture whether
men and cbildres were lowered by ropes they cowld be saved, even were eD attempt
from the stern, fastened two acid two to- made, because of the heavy sea, and the
getPer- Miley were plunged repeatedly! probeble dtaappearanee of the wreck ere e
under water. Tree out of the sir beat.- boat could reach then*.
were swamped, and .once anon were drown- I Captain Bibby ordered the top-ga�lant
be quays treason 1.00 feet in breadth, and where be spent some tame in examining the
authorities were quite taken by sorprise
From the intimation of the embarcatioe re-
ceived by the Provost from Sir Gorge
Grey, it was not expected that the royal
egsadros would reach Aberdeen bay until
seven o'clock in the evening, and then only
by an effort to save the evening tele. But pe
so perfect were all the arraogementc orale Kent a by no means the least striking.— Bary. A rope was extenele,f from the .'x- to make u.. *r way to wtadwarei Mean-
t!).for her Majesty's reception, and so fully She war a fine ship of 1350 Loos, bound to tremtty of ,the speaker -boom. along which ; lime, jolly -boat was -lowered, and
alive were the erne authorities to the impor- Bengal and China, and left the Downs of : the men were recommended 1,. procec.l, and ;Manned by Mr. Matthew Walker. the mato,
tance of leavtng-notbing to be done at the the 14th February, 1323,' having on board ; thence slide down the rope into the boats. i and four seamen, who pushed oil rellsntly
last hour, that before the yacht had entered !0 officers, 644 soldiers, 43 women. and 86 ' 1► was a perdue• passage; for Mb boats to the wreck; though thi ar courr:e was ret,
Fwere teased °I net,reach Own dsuch nth in pwingine ' open, aoal those, who tried to Jerrod a mt�rrselM �. g', "" 1'y Ile m
with 20 private pasoengers, and • cern (to-
the lock to pass throe,,' the gates to the children, belonging to the 31st regiment; oven,
Victoria Dock, tate Preemie and msguetrates
were ready to rectors ber Myosty, and
thousands of the citiaeos rushed down ,to
the harbour, when the city bells were set $
ringing to bid her a royal welcome. The
veeeeas ie the harbour se^t their colours
aloft in quick time; yards were rapidly
maned, and the scene, as her Majesty
viewed it from the bndge of the paddle -box,
even at that early hoer, was well fitted to
arta her adoration.
The yacht we. mooted at the floating
Moya immediately Opposite the landing at
nine o'clock. At half -past mw Mr. George' a deed wdgbt
Thompson, Provost; Mr. A. Davidson, and shells that formed a part of its lading; of it, mull a share bad been offered to their . tier led with the nguny. Ihm they de
Sherif of the moiety; pied Mr. Arthur so that the main chains were thrown under own I termloed to pave lint r pos.ible; but jnrt
Dingwall Fordyce, M. P. for the city, pro-waterwater at every lurch; and the article. of - The number of the omnivore was new
when within their grasp, the wretched bcr
seared on board the royal yacht to receive cabin furniture were violently dashed about.! much diminished; the night was advancing; i meg, whose cries had tec.ed, w", ntunred
her Maje.ty's commands. This was a mo. Apprebenstons being felt about the se- laird the captain of the lent demanded that , into the"' by the Erre *veering te rope o,
meat Pignut anxiety to the city. it was minty of the Mowags, as officer, sown,- not an iortant should be loot. The wreck rl'^r Dy which he hung. 'en
efforts were
feared that the Queen and Prince Albert ponied by two sailors, descended into the , was alicady twd ve feet below the water- 1 next darocprd loh the leen en 'be n.vt, from
would proceed at once to Balmoral, a• the hold, taking with them a light in the palest ; mark: and the bbeit new epprnaching for the "'eh pia o1 tlae neyue.t wino canted .H.
da wee Seethe royal carriages all m readi-, lantern which was afterwards passed a to' last time seemed ca able o1 containingail the azo of the boat Permrtnf. no rn
sew. As express was despatched to the i be trimmed. The officer havifootd one i who were in • condition to remove: anthe I'ru'!eneir telrr,t rn many should not haw
Bert of Aberdeen to request his attendance i of the 'putt casks adrift, sent the sailors i throe remaining n%cern of the Atet pre- bees taken, for on rc'u►nlog to the Car,
N leer Majesty without delay. The epeciel I for some billets of wood to secure at; HIND- pared to depart. (*riptide Cele. viler had heal they wets nearly ewampe.l.
e. .bslary who were to act ea guards of While the *hop gave • heavy lurch, and the ved to be the last to quit the Wreck. A second trip was merle, sed •i.t more
honour Were meaterad, aid the warless I Officer dropped the hght; and lotting go haw retired to enter the boat, till he had tried - were teemed. Mr.. %Vatter nbeervr d from
pebtie hodr.e who were to constitute the I bold of the eaak in kir esgaarne.+ (0 re- to pervade to spilt it, the rem putt around; the state Alt the wrsrk, that 11 %le likely,
..tort thrtruth the city were convened.— 'rover a. lantern, it soddenly stove, widths him, who *caned etrOMIhrmb ani power• ere • third trey ,'., d be mail••. tfffftt�� ions*
less with thornily. Already the guns. who... wnu•d go down; a which rap% as, was
tackles had been buret see rkrr ter the gnat deeper of the rurriver' on th mast
Mimeo, soe.vv.ivcly rxpleded •.1 th,• holo, toeing r„raed into the tortes and lost, s.tdm
tato which they hod fallen- Ito tuenforn, tions) speed was theret''rr email be than tee
U *rnokn in arid
from bretteted no louger. but laud hold nn the , and tor the last tee a the jetty -boat pe -ht
1 the caprate and officer* pease, I.•r they drew
*ere at them pest, and instant orders ware the w•e.0
Slum, and every exertion mads, by means otter the infatuated people who (weepied isucc ag to the t;r Iv one of b,wu,ng lam
of the license, bucket. of Nater, wet sails, the hetes, and dropped two the watt r. bete, and of the fltatnewn Seethe it
Cambria also perished; one roll down the; yood reach of the teeing flakes and sparks:
hatchway sato the lanae, mei another wee' anti then the hove to. In *los po
crushed to pleeee between the boat am! the r onion there was a poasabiitty th:.t if a boat
LOSS OF THE KNIT. vessel' Iter raft hung near the peek, it might be
— The dry ane now drawing rapidly to a' steeled towards the Caroline; for, in such
Of the various records of dclirerance elope, the tante were advancing, and many j a !CI, it ora. impoessble for a boat, • raft,
from rils oD 18e deep t8. n*rrative of tie still remained on board. haste was nee'''. I or even a Pp+r, ti otAloaded and all -manned.
eluding officers) of 14Smen.
For some days they hsd floc weathers, aid
the .easel went swiftly on her cuatse; but
on the 18th came a violent gale from the
south-west, which gradealty increased; and
about ten o'clock on the morning of the
let of March, while in the Bay of Biscay,
NOM tine in the air, of being plunged into' dashed about violently by the ass, threaten
the water, or dashed against the *idea of tog deraructiun to whatever they abo..ld
the boats, that many of the landsmen threw . come in contact a eh. As they canoe with -
themselves net of the stern windows on the I m a few yards of the stern, they .awe men
upper deck, preferring the precarious "'hence : clinging under the elites counter by a rope,
of reaching them by swimming. Rafts and or piece of the wreck, so clot•e. tb•t as et
hencoops were prepared, In ease a ,should rose with the water, ho was jerked opwards,
after having struck the top -gallant -yards, he necessary suddenly to take to the water. and sospenyed, to meet a more dreadful
they lay to, under • triple -reefed rat. -top- Tb. officers were removed In jnmor order. Isle, for a terrain of Heine gushed through
sail only, pith the dead -lights in. They A pleasing instance of kindnees mac alp- the casmge of the gun-rooua ports, pcorch
experienced much annoyance from the rot- Played by some sn!ducri. All e..ffered dread- ing h'm rireadfully, while the sinking of the
heg ef the ship, which was aggravated by fully from thirst: • box of manges havteg wreck again p..eugc•1 tern downwards and
of sorne hundred tons of shot been discovered, the men refused topartake • buried hies in the ware*, as he erred end
Os being iarodased to fair G. Grey, lb.
Prevost woe *formed that it was ber
)wjaety's isMotioi to land on Friday mon-
$.g, but that be would ascertain bee eem-
se rade and give • &AAeiie anaa-sr to an
hoer. At ream . sloeb the gratifying u-
otseeomeot was spade that the landing
would take piece at half -past eight o'clock
ea' fiats tips Ipltjteas who hat •eaeunMed
rants commuaksting with the lamp, the
whole was immediately in a blase. An
sestets( rearm was gtyes, and all the re-
swrces of skill a
roto operation.
the latc8viay; but
prudence wore brought
to lift or ropethat eonneeto the 4)/11/Of .•tl.
boom wnh the aNxerr top, .sung h meelf tied
near, the h, t, i.d.• *et=
wimehed: deep -fleece