HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-10-13, Page 3tA= ANIM W#J00WM,' I �� ; satmAtlit vuw td ft"a" ix Oak- 1% wxtor of the .-Kaiwaid, 9bulk- womemy tk^ sIlliosi� I*A w4ellAw cAI t%*_1!Xw4a- "ring tWa bA piseliiis I 1,N "M iisilow me worIA44 Ib JVW% by JIbW am P"N.*' a sarlous, "Wains to Ilu bim Ili 01111 IA tW0 ^08" 461111fill b^* filaft SM SWAW 1111thlielcto bVT d6a " = 0its rjvlrnl�t of YAWAA SL motop-4tar jithwed Aa,lisuww by a reviteltbw *A O" W 04 14KWO a&* gag of M* ematry after t)&* suviss of war W43 esslol*i liest we* !a gi^ by 4, alXkA VM* W "trilift. Lesylit 4 prif MN&OM" SaY Is *Vor axt U0 Z40" A14aft dOW4 lv� "o, ; fts, advatiturowit burg itorio. I, **ftw %he "Wa b" t#"* 4ttarod, giam o" Wier b" U147 *00 0111111 4:47F lids X* to P"AONI 11111dustrial VA4 paltu"ll vrowlil froatior. w1w* ow cititetswo I TU vtotift "As, put Jo4wit, A It to bo, vabli"t %* Aartial I*W. &ad iwliall-tia %be warK wr1w W. B., Iii yg*ra t. bo, writer, wua is Al- oftliciiiii, at warsoue. "#!as ^:MOO- � ioalt Dow irstriow wbo, after, A %be 31111,11114UT "VO b0OW& 1114140* Of U04loop, Ast tko 1oisidou IWIY X#Wllk� York. .4 001PU Y 0 tk* JaPA3§01111st PAAiw- car racial toWstrilat hiM alA*" to tlitiii Istat for 4,� indep otery goo far thquo ait I le ow ww*. OrWAN Q4 k1jer, two pliatip, bwins by poiat'l-'stut wo of 'diist from ow 00 Tra"vaal. itiA Acoiiiptoa IN _k�or froug the v, 40bk 4"atl . M, rpsood Irit * been a grililot fo*ft gmtod billow - 0* Ailaii� I 114114 49 AAL ?-I*w Whou AWyelitr-olt Jul% 44WUquis ita vbUk thi Amfow to At" ftr kim, *af, t4w kw!doftlisaltion gad set binlooli stur ify t#- *hit$ * group About to brook 4n d000lato b6g0h., W JW40 aud'vowtow ow wt , q* to x*Wr lbs, jgva" of we AtAnOut qulotls� IsavitAbly =*kft Otsolit, tolt only rQwoxd was a brIck,hurkA I^t'tQ w billovii 10,00 toot 101411 gad $0 Intit. $0144 a" 1;oXtiot .14 biaMill PolitjCjil� I* the *gt plae#. hity. b.V Q" OIL tbo =00ro.to 441 war �rm* bad left blia pritetit IV I* troot, the,. V41tr4l, v6�., =jW4 loug., tbiii, iiii C*pped AU0* i�W#Qth stud live 4 % 1*1111iM butilitati eoelillilvo.IlwoXalzad - , 0 IN Anoblo, boulo, "r craowd by. A tollj� of filt 11polmilfs.s. With W* famil$A con - 46"d filporvo., and Q44) ot, Uo Vtr,AtCJAW #,"Qw trout, �" to ft,111A W*ft irow tb* Ila* of comb Iiiise urelt tune tb*it* dw y*rdx 04#% tw of 14tv wlf% two tk4 Xr"p, tr4w;Il 'Tito ofter, twitlit 4. dr*04( I UL turowalow, tA %kill aa X nation. 40 the second Vlact* `%1fty0UM#A1r �'90ulttrY'1011� Walaq, A_ re S"Ing WbILt 404 botpp"ep, Aftlfffwl IL laftesh And thirt"O. * bqvi�� �f tiii * couts.04 0, eUtAlVing or linfan. ve qy, it roollen bAnock, urpsa VO#d- by, elaytifin, luonflig 01 ibe, 011111 ", , A '014ler to I Its p"k tq, *)I# b94 thotf but lifittly, Aoul�vr r0ont.1% b uQuo ordow T. t l4ith w"lly _411"i re., ji� Are 4 C IM Watj , 11111% '9114M 4oadlong Alight lAvvd- 14 Aa VAnall, brick fiou* n t IWA WYAI* WAR the VrOlm�l er IM& rich Q�l 4,,,,, ry m*ti. V- 40th lo mato g000'lli'vio, JX SqUal rap I* bot:au* lift*" in the #700 of Wittiviii'alt xftbiliii -,'tint xpum. st� 'O" 7 bi1t'llie A, WIlitted a0sp tia. Ill 1410i00411,4litir e#p 'hlhf* W **"-% sIt0 to tillt;lll JAOSAW, big 6r* Witulto. Ono in *4 ltWoe .4111* r, soldier itIvid Im so tile uttlooAl SpArit, of 0 trowd. wbil two� ev* Ixt People U01111, tWounded sev4VAi. no Ao 9rdo, is. ju gt *4 eAct notIC44 this, but I+, fit �gortiilbi by the. 010tor to fold or Ob or, tile. V01oliliki 1110011t fQ� On �� t1:01004. Vot VU40, 44I Igbt 4 SHOT Powzymy JZW.: 4-legrWa 'AV, W4. ThoU Vithin Avo I& I*YA 000 04 IW411. ttili:4 plkca In-tuo 11104141 ylist 04 U a wil" 1111) 14Wslifif ho Ito b" atlintyIt Ihougq And two"09, them p 94 to, l�stroot 'jkqross, the, 0s;u04,siltil 0144 d UIR Obstaclo, alithoup14 '#lit this collision.' TUIA *Ito, too Aro"Ing #44co t aepenwere qvitrtgnublit but, It 1, he11% the 'root they:i"Adq AVA04od 'Joubo* vivo AO little oily-kagoo, 140 rVo4Por1f'f happy. 11 ilk thit elred� fa !hIg down *0 P1404. o9t oNgry :Jow, vilav OV of IOWA Allkd� 990 COUtPar3t Ar=* 114, full. pursuAtt bqk* tor, 0100 glotheg; 140. i4sbq(1I4tQ the No L . A WIMA I i . t I I'llitkas 9 W mo.q4tro, U 90 IA thts mon"I 'be WW, 41jV., hO 'Tbqii# 'A4#4 lolklis it * ,,down. ftondr bad ho if On tbVL'0Vl0QL -044t. 1410 T lowers "Ward S ti4til :he VOCCAVOill' 0119101*' 0, r* wo 0, 4 tq 1414, liolliflo 1 ha, Acquig, thO,"14040 wos, the two M1440mito vt upon It 'Adhoroata #% of 't Lot 4' -t &�, nauo v4spally. teQ ftry ill biie,- bri 't dQ 'r owe work ( - But tile terror Rol desolatlon, of athfit geMbilin pro 'Dolm 4 the 000911: lot �p 4101 killa otrigut quo *bou-t ago.'the Cauctieuts, forever kept tlpbtrt� th.0 0400 gtvoi, iiselt, Ai 33001ogno just recently t1i . ft wag erit al1ubort tor won om, mat Up; like many allother Ottoti Vil-' UQ14L 6 Conareall of WIMT �ItALT- I to ATo rft fbit. how -lift "T*Pan. Ia Groat�Qf tb� 0104DUA. bao oer 0,44' 'dot Peoples to the north and South, Oi 7W - , u are d$ h woods at y1gorovol with Ill% 1,3,44 ryay.. Ono hand civilization rQ80 404 InaQ, both HigWapid A to, 00P.0 MewbicArs IS OtCht'"a 'Year$ or Iaiftoi the istiol; .4 'the %Vero John neoqrry tefield of WAterJQ'o tl�q f11 fto U.11_the icelebrating its pt4do 14 -on Wad,- since J0,KvJu lits. person* . � � 1� L I llso Pt " W L! X - reA., the Egyptian, the 'Ro, co3try, real the dillore it ever, :br4QO us ago. Tw�xqal� 0001aw Babyloillan, the A ijii�kA*, at, over tNt; ty at countries, ago. aAd hatill In 'eyo 0 b$ ptuer, a of stolu� Ili thkomgh aQ, few, An old visit, Its,14tak the (11 or of Jqluil 14 4I;4U,�At h) $1 gam" ;rom lit= the republivis of the Daily Chroutillo. `tl�13 Oran. ftl"d one firoig tile qfthtv, liuncle, Dt NO. avnue. $ Intloofiv 001411g, bQ contrived for the h "Pe of 0 Ages -but to the north tho groat'mar, Highkilid 14000t, is ot,oAgo a 'Yot with tile old of the now; tonpe Nqw 119rk. "Albe fortune be has ilk- a tlme� t6 -ke -hI4 at I ELV, 'ilia afternoon PrAyers� prQ.Pa futialture, Into Ifni 11014 vit 4 ch4h, o where he was say oter of Jaiggland and were able to cqa- heritod is estlitilbiltoo at x1001000 or XAO Al*t, �1%44 passed the Qr P104DB were ever Inbe,litted by the rktAW fs 04 by tho.,�44 Alls. But e p, fired at hire, and the al( eye, plAY0 44, th.9 questions, being favor Wn.D, LAWLESS NOX _00ioft �� I, fax rhtftly Am AMS,, sport. One day in avqVy ftfolinboir verse togotht,r with gotnpv, little difficulty. It a tile gArtatest To a quiet, self-contained, retiring )ar, the cr4alng the routs he atiou lost One man fell to the gratind. His son, And so ilrom th6 very -beginnings of tIla annual rat lar, * -ix) Is il1701144&4-that -a large fillArQ, 99 hold in a field trimultAll Esperanto 'has yet achiloyod ;Outh who has been content with �X�Ifltl 'caWgod the driver of the cart of the Olinkilift Changed t� UAVC A 91 YeArs Old. rushed out Of the time the Caucasus has stayed the lit tile euvirona of p,4 ild-,T mp, ne of the heels was box of M41cholt,, Ali , Irooplog hIS LhQUW to astdat his fath ary, vu, turst of IV ;belong$ io� or, who wills human title, and as conquering rao- Brattmar. Invereauld House lbalougo Hiaperauto was first given to th; small wage tile acquisition of Wealth atrIqUailt , worlif by Dr. L. Zantionhot, a, inative'lls,oveNvUeltalag. 14,;tbe tram -lines; a heavy ive4pon-a shovel-davitted, bir"Allf to lying fix a pool of blood, e had es swept all before them below, the Ing ltO the 01110f Of the c4op'-gra Ing to the Ing lights tfiRt his K-0 Win- Iii time to cOmip Up close to his i week. the peaceable, the unfit have and Now ar Lodge d I � ; .. 11 , what shall I do with kt?" a Inwvt, ed, %lio: whole � IT ). I tb"� , I . Or 13101stoa., in Russia, on the bor. aid Ili' to ground, strtk *06124i sticce�g Wotum hAV6 frp"tril"y derg of Poland and Prussia, in the JL;ls a puzzling question, It over- r ro a leg there began paillons, might see. -how to f4ther before he was shot dead- The 'been ciriven higher, and higher into boon the venues, and sovrAli� Qr4co, irom the first it was 1wholials me. though I don't supposs I stream. of tell-tale alco- blows ellectiva, Atteir,tht the Woo *p1dier Walked to him, searched his Inaccessible gorges and wild, beg. by royal coinirtcLnd, it half been held adopted with surprising rapidity all theta was over at boy"on earth who podtll 4140' t t 6 c sternation of the proved too jmuch for old POOkOtS, And took away it watch and covered valleys. at DaIrgarrLI castle-notabl some of "ITMAIA'.3 I eight Yeam ago, on the accaption, of Over the world. did not drvam of. being the possessor *r w and the USenkent Of the Boor. While he mlas, trying to bring Purse. ,01liler people tried to come A strange mixture at races, dating inoney to �Otiii Itonf,b This Is due to many features, not Of Us much Money as they say f oAN4 crowd,of onlookers. a chair down on 'the ead. of one bf out to remove the bodies from the back front immemorable antiquity; tile fiftieth anniversary of (4,40M vico the least of %% hich is that every Vord have, and Who hadn't a thousand I 6 amugglqrs are prepared with tbq Colestials- another toria first gracing tile gwites with comilpon allIC3 to tile languages of pluc-A to put It, ea JabbW a knife street, but the soldiers started flr- has been washed up like surf onto AFK as Ingenious an explaaf�tiun of their between his ribs'. and he was, soon Ing,' and would not let them, 80 'the slopes of these giant mountains. her presence. the Incipal nations, has be6n ab. "Of course. I will, see tiontathing oP iNthn.x 0. .1 . I As an athletic exhibition the Brea, pr peceadfIloes as the Englishman who bleeding from half a dozen wounds, those dead bOd)es, and many athers. The Ud. the Xurin, the Avar, I he Wooid of surbod with only the slight alterg- the world, Who Is there who has d was travelling to M went down, howevero his were lying in the streets all the at- Tush belong to races that perished mat gathering Is much the same As tions nocessury to obtain AlFialform seen Now York and all It holds for Other Highland games. Tile r I o the 0 r two ago, taking with him,il rac>- son ran into the rootA. A mere t0noon. and all the night until Suar before Europe was discovered. Sev- taming and, phonetic *tPelling. the fortunate possessor of wealth- 99490 Put on languages tire spokAm in the Cau-, and jumping are not, as a rule, Hen. Tilese. together with the two thou- and more title -who wouldn't know Rwatice has Ing motor -boat. Among his lu child though he was, he had the da morning, when they were spirtt, of his race, Ila held armed on care, and, Ilke dead couttle. taken root %vords of the language. for himself what it Is all for and albi AnO devo­woru found several tins of paint, CaSUS, each unint0ligiblo to the Isationul. for the simple rfespia that sand aes It roinafos true with which he tnl��ed to touch up himself with a stout�stick 4ndplac- away in heaps to the hospital court- tribes using the mat. Somo of them I the. rough field doic not favor'reoord which also have beell, selected 6 MQ5 Q t I t bell ? of , breaking, and Gladstone, when; the heroi% sliftlit dis- his boat after its -long Ailway Jour- ed himself Ally his father's side, pro- yard. are related to the early tongues on entirely according to their degree of RAQ,ER 1110 1:TF_T OTHERS. i4fik Ind 1110 success ney, and to which the Customs lEurope, others have ho known v of- pared PIV My, 11 I at-linterested spectator in the, l`809, Internationality, are said to be ain- "Then think. of the Infinite oppok-, to battle with all his puny HUSBAND SHOT DOWN. 'a 9Ta sea a. Wo d uld havq been fielgls took exception, as the paint stren g1h. Amazed . at the pluck "Another fact is still more her- !hnities and seem to be nmong the! compared it in this pedpact unfavor- ply sufficlont, owing to the use Of tunitles for dcing good. IRvoll In mo .-ded contilled iltitbie spirit. "But I In- showii by the little fellow, the.Chi- rible. t b higitsh pports, But .ee Al- appropriate pr�fixes and suffixes, tp own little section of Me cit it hailit In Minaftaya street, in thit 14ngIIagQ8 Of Babel that did Ito 'a I� with L ter will remember that he tend to bring it back with me on namen drew back. seeWAIII to we, boy though they Mai mo ern but peaceful survival Tilis house. of Vanik, lived a shoemaker, 'llcatch on." I Of the express every shado of thought or coutry'llervice. "You can only save u Abram Goldberg. He was sitting in Here amid these mountains we Ihistoric gathering of 4715 It � pre- action, call me. that I would so like to bell; t be con leaving tho'cpuntry," pleaded the a all from wll; 149 4ned to. the traveller. "And how does monsieur being intardered," said his father, the have the ghosts of ancient peoplus sent s, a, spectacle of waving tartanim his tenement, situated on THE ROMAN ALPHADET ieverybody who needs only a littI6 to only - JtWta'� Wlio started bringing help. I'll try to clear who ha-ve gone under In the world propose to bring it back?" "Ohl" "by and killed clansmen that ciarricsone I Used. Atbe ground floor, reading the Psalms, prominclation being make theta get along in the worfd_ those. also who ile the clover, but, as it proved, the Kay for you arld oil must wife struggle. There may well be tribes- liflel' to the days when the dirk nd th fAr t but then y and suspecting no evil. His honotic throllghGut-that is. Ono which isn't so onsy,after all.'* the claymore spolt mJght, any sacrifice, ii�aa dlaim� the unovailliAg answer, run for it." tile men here whose ancestor was dri Ln Fater, one sound. The vowels &it Sir John Is a studPous youth. witIll ,alperor noticed a soldier coming -into ory 'Of having aorveid, their F V'n IF NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. duced to five, all difficult- coneoutuatat I few tendencies of the boy of the lid their I countq'iq canse, So, too. "ON TEM. SIDES OF THE BOATI­ "I'll do it, dad," said the boy. yard. and ahning at the windows, high by the flood and settled Withi Summoning all his strength for a Before she had time to shout to her sight of.Ararat and his c�usln, The Dulls, the Farquliarsowr and IA IIn form�r,dati, te peoplo of Eng-, A great effort is being made at sourids tire eliminated, and the im-lperiod, and, as aptly expresseld by rt Joubert filing husband to run away from theftin- Noah. There are still tribes who Balmotal Highlanders. under t6jr portant words in a sentbilee have � the man he has servoil. Well for throe l"do an0roVf;rge1ttIri their private present to put Ap. stop to the smug" ilikhng-onl of those gling between Belgium and France, himself at, the Chinamon. In'thl dow, a gun was fired, and the bul- array themselves fit helmets and leaders. "sombla at a given randoz, lition so coustructod that they can be'Years, his hall million will not be' Interests, an thi, melee the boy slipped by them and chain artmor and carry spears Ilke,vous and march Into and round the detected at a glance, Hilent lit w -few years f6r aigar6ttes of the subuilitted during which has begun to assume alarm- let hit the man in the head. killing twenty n years to privaqons of Ing proportions, while its practisers scrambled through the window. J31 him outright, and leaving a woman those Of 3.000 Y a ' go- the slOrl of the p1li e I'S a Others 'enclosure, to Thus, all singular nouns an in and the trifles which boys of his agb order to prepare for are more than ordinarily resourceful fore he succeeded in clearing it. how- with seven children in terrible pov- h ,a strange ritual practises that their plaids wavinir, their kilta and o, all adjectives in "a," all do- ally consider so indlapousable. kJaps 1. The late ir John Billwarda was ever, one of the ChInamen made a have come down from the dawn of sporrans dancing its uou oo, 13ut when Great Britain in tll�ir devices to hoodwink, the v erty. they swing rived adverbs In "o." and all purals iclous thrust at him with a knife "When, on the following day, the the world, mingling their pagan along, their broad featherAid bormts- In All v( are regular; ti esidents of ICustc-nis officials. Among -the most and slashed him across the head- Mayor, M. Mallanowski, with a rites, 11 W4, worship I d"-Iio "Christ set jauntily and their Lochabor opvos 113 only on@ cc gation; there is te famous shipping point to emerged ictorlouit`1116M 'tile stru a gle and all,danger was at an end, frequent railway passengers was the EuglIsh people, thinking tbAt burly priest, who almost daily Jour- God' and the angels of the river, 'at the slope gli,,telling it, tile sun. a solitary exception to any rule- and NOW York and other westorn port$. Another Chinaman dashed altdrildn". deputation, went to the general con Though wounded and bicedingpro- manding the troops in Blalystock, to the forest and the mountain. ;All Upper rk-esido Is prew�nt. Grose lit pronunciation tile accent u always His forttine was made In the ship- -urn. a Belgian frontier town Uits rovela:711oft of the might of Great ne ed It ]Britain was. duo to,themselves alone, Inio 14ance,. t�etvrntn ti'liew hours fusely the youngster kept his wits. *complain of the conduct of the ,;of- THEY HAVE 13LOOD FEUDS -and the red deer have a ivapite. 011- comes on the last syllable b t one. 1ping business, and wap estimated at Instead ' of ' taking at once to his ceuire, it is not it vast aum by tile people of Wales. latid clalln� 10 , fOrt,14cr PFlvilqgcs In later. He Vas a genial man, ready legs, diery, and to beg of him to take Wbich go on for generations, like lie and ganic-lieLpL�r,-tir-erstaliter and which would have resulted In in tollishing to leiarn that Esperanto who affectionately spoke of "Sit roura for,the with a Joke and EL �mflo, and made fly ensures that such a thing sUtiuld tfio6v of Corsica in lbo past. hp nata-survanAL and maid- a" SER�1110i_.RtNDERUD. 'himself popular with the officials of his being speed overtaken. lie not occur again, the general answer- i Cis, a raistake to suppose that sort,atit are there, has gaiiied thoqsands of adherents John." �hind igome.bushas an In all countries. It is not three I but, unfortunately for him, slipped be ctcropt ed: 'Tell the inhalyitants of your Russia took the Caucasus by a get,- As a rule k1raemar hits not at- CROWN INXPCTEVIPTATE. This led ta. tht; peaceful revolution of the line in away in tile darknZas yeam since It gained a footing ON ALL FOURS. a s but now tuany thou -,john ft was noticed that, though he on- town that if another soldier is killed TheN was tratted the best Highland athleten. Oreat DrItaiii, The home to which the future Sit 91.881 ? 1$82). oral warlike movement. I will retire is a, well known and I shall hand over the town to the no need. Di%ided by religion tilt True, most of tile groatost names I Mbreaver;`, the ideas of equality tered France a man of portly CA ands of porsons can speak and read I Welsh city of more than a hundred have been foliterell in the army- imposing proportions, he always re- When he felt assured that he had soldiers for three days." Christians, Mohaiuniodans an pag. the annals of HighILLnd athisticti,it readily two monthly periodicals 1which, owlbg to compulsory service, turned lean and emaciated, as -if langug-as housand people-, to all of whom tho have appeared at one time or It- � are publis'lled in the tongue. and tile i 10dwards rc rtune is known, and which placed such distance between him- ans, divided by which tiler Ili the Braeumar arenq, when jBritisb E'sporanto Association ham! Means the, nation -by the common be had been undergoing a course of self and the murderous heathen who made them mutually unintelligiblo� aacrifices Made by officers and men. fat -reducing. was seeking for him, that his foot- there have been no greater ey , been organized for firviiagating it was supposed, would revert to thi; surely if Esperanto is needed wh-re it is there -the tribes I'hO langunge. Discipline is severe and respect for, Suspicion aroused, examination Of steps could not be heard, he dashed Condition of Scotch Crof ally- prizel; to be won elsewhere, Illo ' n Crown, as no heir was known for III of tills long time. tLuttiority Amplicitly. observed; et the genial prie§t followed When it across the veldit to the house of tile. the Island of Lewis. straiigc museum of bgo a rac-34 llighlarld atllletJc Ideal in not It I In France it has been 'taken up Tito lawyers from Maine7 Who In. runnor puro and simple, or a jumper, with reinarkable energy. Practically formed the fortunate office boy of hit und.0 the strain of active service the, was found that the interior (If his nearest neighbors -the Venters It is doubtful if there are any could take no united action. community, of suffering proyents the cassocl� was filled With a couple of Meanwhile, Joubert, bis strength savages within the bordors of that Throughout the first throu-quartors He is essentially a strong man first, twiv a as many persons can converse Inheritance have been searching tot gAilnekal Irdm Presuming on his post- score pounds of choice cigars and to- exhausted, had fallen to the floor, vast empire on which the pun never- of the nineteenth contury itussi w a d aft*tr that If he likes he may be sin It as in title country, a 8 blin in this country for weeks. also agile. greater sq,ijalor employed in absorbing the caucas indeed, the Esperanto grarturtar The name of Sir J ohn Edwards Men and `givos to the - common sold- bacto. The discovery' of the hu- and as he . went down a Chinaman sets who live amid for a ensd or individual responsibil- man frallty of the priest directed piece by piece. Only two of IT re nd model is still has been translated into Anore than no on drove a kialfe through his skull. But and. filth than many of the wretched Idoo" t appear In "Burke's PaR, Donald Dintile, the grealogit all-round.JNventy languages and dialects, At ago. the 1war is over and the suspicion, to certain nuns who wore the heroism of that little Beer Scotch crofters on the Island of Caucasian races made anything like -has evA Zuen return to their homes they will also frequent passengers from Rol- household.�a not been exhausted. Lewis in the Western Hebrides. Ac- strong rsistance. In the East a athlete the world or soon. This !least sixteen monthly journals are _0fixk -Iffit-le of social distinctions--, of hu- Holding her baby clasped to her cording to an official report on the� Mohahlinedan prophet, ljf veteran, in spite of his sixty-five ;oditod wholly dr Ili part in P'sparon- they, will weiKh all their 'fellow -sub- a years, has this your Issued front his � to, while trado circulars and adver- GOLD FOULD IN MELAND. man nature was. demollstrated, for breast in her left hand and wielding condition of their townships Just the Aver stock, which overran f�ois� �it­tfa i;iMc balance. leach black skirt was found to ))a a hunting knife in her right Mrs. made to the Scottish local govern- great part of Europe in the sventh retirement, find, though not com- tisernents tire printed in It, It al- Valley the distance between rich and Tet,,iu spite of this eq alizing ten- heavily quilted with cigars, while Joubert ran Into the room. Not ment board these unfortunate Brit- century, and was only finally ctl� peting In ttle regular competitions, iready hits, too, a considerable litera- Gounty Down Will Soon be thit -each nun was unmistakably a man. knowing that bar husband was al- ish citizens are in a far worse plight quer(-d by Charlemange, led the his extra turn has proVed a decided lure of its own. Scene of Mining Operations. 'ellilently stated -ady dead she stood over his pros- than the poorest of the Irish pe that An exceedingly' interesting stilite- poor in Japan must Inevitably in Suspicion then toll on the drivers, Arc as- ghians of Dagliestan Ili a religious 'ttraction to many who have come It hns hoon it creaqo, he growth of, expenditure on Dr, Zanionhot, lift founder, is holw� guards,, and firemen of the trains, trate body. Because they had in antry, Their turdy Vildug ancog- Wnr agail'St Russia. CraftN, daring to gaze upon the erstwhile strong mont as to Aho gold possibilities of adniffiff1fration and on repayment of and 0. rigid search of each engim, view a worse fate for her thtindeath tors, who subsisted bN pillage and an,l fertile in occupyi rnan who ran still throw a jjj�xto,,lj ful of h;eporanto being the sole speoch Ireland ivas made recently by Mr. loans uIld other legacies of the War, r ng togotlidif with the inevitable rise in carriage, and van was made. Again the ChinamQ mountaln slopes cut I)y hopasal)le Polind hanitner over 100 feet and of theI universe In years to come, .Sett, To', Milligan, houd of one of tho it attempted to disarm plunder, fared fai- better. rv, IO a fall with norne of the that tbo English, 1�'rench, Oernitin, ItLrffot corninercial concerns in 13ol- prices,, Will widon the breach , be- tobacco was found everywhere: the bar. After a brief struggle she still Most of the hovels -the could gorges, Shatayl was believed by his tween the Mosses and their rulers; vfiY cushions of the carriages were retained possession of the knife and hardly be torined liouses-occupled followers to have a charnlea life. young 'uns. and other tongues ahull be w I poll fast. Lit it weeting of the Royal Irish away and their places fillod fly ill and although the growth of a capl-'stufred with it, and hunred-weights two of the qhinamen had been bad- by the crofters are constructed of Only when the Russians built forts HIGHLAND ATITLETE a society of Atitiquaries. 'universal languagem of - Euperanto. tial will elilargb the Sphere of finan-'Of it were taken -from under the coal ly cut across the hands. While they loose piles of stone and earth and am] military roads and gradually en �'is vermatile, and Donald Dhinlo wuq Im not the case. For many I M Milligan said a friend of us Fatal oerations, the in( had a most valuable goll mey will 'findl IN THE TENDERS. were converting fresh measures to thatched with straw. Few of tbc�m cl(,sed lifin at enormous expense (lid perhaps the most vorsatili, (if 1111� reasons I t its Way to the rich rather than to I deal with her, the Chinatillan who have any wtudowi and a hole lit the hamyl surrender at his Castle of As a cabor tosser he tins nev. r min it lie North of Ireland, which 'the Scli is the change, which liven the most harmless400kil`9 Of had gone In pursuit of the boy, re- centre of the roof aervcs the purpose Okillib In 1859. He passed some equaled. lie claims a record for the IDE,A IS IMI1088113LIL. twbuld yield about two ounces of *s,,poor. come with peace. In a otd, Pa chimney. The floors are of years of honorable captivity ilear hammer In 4tanding style, and o Words, is a movement for promotitig1would not Pay exactly where tile issengers have proved to be fraud- turned with the tidings that he had of a E'sperantinirt, in its foundpir's own�gold to the toll. He (Mr. Milligan) while -public 'opinion tends towards ulont. A- certain invalid gentleman, escaped and, as be was sure to raise clay. There are usually three apart- MoRcOw, atirl was then allowed as Wrestled for wo hours with Toni throughout the world tile uno of nimine was situated. It was an rich an alarm, they bad better all seek ments-a living -room In the a u lity, 'the fiK,-,,JcJaI situation will, t all appearanpe on the brink of centre a devout Mohammedan to end his Cannoit lit a Greco-Runini, neutral language, which, while not as any of tile South African mines, te%,al to crbato<��Aocial abyps. the grave. made the Journey from safety IA. flit, Intruding itself late the Internal lift, Thn macldnet�y hall been Prepared. ,lit. h a leeping-room on one sidA3 days in peace at Mecca. mhen both find to give till exiintiNt, 'This being so, the people, while Belgium resting on a numfber of flair- They were captured gome twelve, w,it� a byre for the live stock on the 1ory different was tile story of the ed. DesPito his finuly distrIbut,d Q, of the peoples and in no way Atiming tile workmen irofe already engaged. Cherishing Political and social aspir- cushi;ns" and in charge of a trained miles distant from the scene of their other, They are separated by board or Cireassialis, who p- toon ill- sixteen avoirdup lily, at tho supplanting of existing and before lung it %UW hoped a dozen ationa, will find life increasingly nurse. In pleading and be In full crime. And those who helped track 1partitions. In cold t%eather n peat posid Rui,s:a Ili tile western section In his younger days be tisi4l to run g1loges, Aill givc to persons of IrIRh gold 'fillies _�d_-Lkdl hard, The rich, on the other hand, protepts, tile Customs officers Insist- them was John Villeen, a brother of fire in kept burning in the (vnire if of the Caucasus. The Circamsians and Jilinp, and even entered (or if,,, �frnllar nations tho power of beco With growing wealth. may TyO-teMPt, ed on examining the lnvalid'b cush- General VilJoen. He was the first the clay floor of the livIng-room, w,,ni hairlilly the peaceable race of dancing coralyo,titionj. Unforturiao- Ing mutually understoml, and whih I lrolnnd has the fine.st collectiod 'Rf pride themselves on their rich- til to- 'ions, and not only distovdiled that to discover them and brought them and freq,ttentl ose golden haired captive, prin- ly these were the (Inyq when revol-414 wo,ild serve for the imblicatwn or anciont gold urnanionfa In 1111rope. - the tilt, In them was Very SUbStall- 'were not accurately kept, but it IF; works which have tin eqal interest nod it wilm often nsked whether the ea, It will be the duty of the govern to a halt with a few ghotg from a quadrupeds share Its comforting ce�ses In the harenis of the I-ast our ibkf claSS06, to give their tint and yaluable- tobacco, but that Manner. It speaks much for the re- warmth with tile two-legglql oc(;u- bo ish dreams were full. Warlike, ;more thLin a tradition t1lat 1)onald for all peoples. gold of which they wpro inade was, to this conditto -, --Zif`thought It lie, Inv:olld wa.9 a very 4-blembodled strafiat shown by the Boera� and pants. sp!,,ndid horsem,,ii and marksmen, Ditinin once cleared Fix feel it, A lie Of (70111-84l. all inWrnallolial i,tri-,riativo or It. had been argu- Nlattlloon nation, whioll-'jif disregarded "After Ono's eyes are accustomed itlives al -1110 AL a t e 9 A carno from Brl I man with,"an onelgotic vocabulary Of their respect for law and order that �hlgh Jump. Illm Iotit4 in woivht lift. goage which call lie musily acquir d th I. 11 ()I I tah way Well leall to -his o*_ In another case the, slek the yellow ftends were not lyncb.d to the dark and the qmoko." ays E,NTIRELY BY PILLAGE. Ing also Includv"holding a !and und(iftomi by all Is orn- during the latter days of the Mouta TEURIBLE EXPLASXON. beby who Was so tenderly nursed I . pot. Ithe report. desvilhing a typiral In 1864 they NUbinitted, and Rusela, throe pound dullibell with ill(, arm , Inently and inany attempts i occupat Ion, biit ho could not agrou In,,coliclusion, the writer proposes b �n anxious mother provt,4- to be The Incident is only one of the ;dwolling In the township of llack. I,i.owing them to be unmanagmble If straight. fronn tho shoulder agnin9t have been made to reinedy the dim-1with that. f ill I I%. remed-L4 for the threatened peril of india-rubber and redolent Of -tile many which Illustrate the failure A, eon a lar�,o ac,unitilati,,n of I)w mountainq, gave them the choice time, and his nip,lall,; anti tr,,phI,,4 atiter of Ilahel. it it; qtfttod that the mine Is near I one 8 Athd,'�xllodlont adopted by the trittall. tobacco ith hich it had been lit- Ithe Ooolle system of lie manure about throo feet to of coming down int total up to a nurnh(,r unpreewliloted two litindred year" jig.) llimh- liftlivronov, if strall town in te wo3t 9 6 the plains or tafter ISI an y Gel -led. MIlls which It was roolatined Would :above the level of the living-roorn ill the annak of sport, Rome (if th,,,l op Wilkitim, (it ljijt forward of Co. IA( -ar tho Mourue Moun- vinigrating into Turkish txrritory. w that k%hilo borin he ushot In an era of prosperity In 'On this hoop are standing one on Ia %%rfRiling when hi, ivAis over 11 nolrg"NALIO" after 1870. It I., I S9 callous di4 such discoveries of for it univortital Ian itains. it tippearm or 'Ilwy chose, the latter course and fiftv l,enrs of agv, guagn. it little later, form-loperattutin for a well were boing car. ot; intWer unreaho d&VJWt1v �U these make the CtlatOles Soutli Atrica such as had never been !two cows a Ird occaslofially a horHe ixt-re welcomed by tile Sultan, but its 01, 'those %%*ho have -doydtbt i1h6fli- -O 6org. Ilia bvett the dead could lJot witnessed before. It has had fully and some sheep. . Sometimes these A fimintig athiPto of to -day In Con- ied another plan ried on all extrnordinary class of clai big ships arrived at the Black Sea And, to couio to our own times, , was "let uit h, A sample of this clay ftsAvopl to tile service of their COI -111- Inspire them With a proper 'respect, A YEAR'S TRiAL. animaln are up to their knees In tile ports to ineet them long fter the otnble Alviinnifer Aiifhony Catner'on, !the _o1apak_ of Dr. Schlerger waniwa submitted to all Arnerican ltfyj� and who fire Completions rOr and more than one coffirl was ruth,, manure. Irregular holes in Ihe F)s,,,per time large numberna perish,fd late of Ilartick, 0111sgow ewe that becAlluse they do-lenr4ly oponed,.to dfsqlose a rich con. Whatever It may have done to fatten lono of the mont rornploto and care. port Ito mado al) analysis, and an. the barildrig,balanco' of the mining thatch prolddo entrance and exit for (J hardship and diseaso Some were than fifteen wnrld's records are hold high taxes therefore theY'signment of cigars designed to min- by thin fill if universal latiguagen ever that both gold wid silver ithe fowla which nest In baskets hung w-itled In Armenia, o&rs In tint- Althlatic policeman HIS UV6 nio. right of 111letforence IA the stier, to th#�400thlng of 'the living., magnates It has done nothing to True, It wan a inere jargon were contain -,I In the clay 'd 'but one against the walls, Outside thL gnrla, other entents are, 11olght, (I feet I jildelig bf the rkatf6ll. .113�, eXW1141110 A*Q,, to N More Instance improve the ecollojWc donitions of a I n various parts of English, and (lornian trnund is sodden with A,ia Alitior, and berever they went In,h. weight (wripped). inj stone; houses the g w llch, Rt, 4R inrlio. neck. 17i 00 ti'lanthise on AaAarg6 ocalitt depu- the Transvaal. OVei 44,000 cooli(!s lwater and drainage. and Is altogoth wordm. transfornwd, loppcd. and Of itl� Al a ble since. It but it ran quito V0111 lift b 1),efing iio*. �Woekp . I �' the, oltilm.§ t.toppod, t Wafte fdcttbn with tile 9".tem may be In- on h I ph, 2P Inchon, cnlf, 17J incheR .hied Who Will rapiet, the intermediate tribes between thly for ah -it ,Ight yeara, w hvn A have been imported. Their dissatis- or In a most unsightly and ansani has beef, Air IN '01 cli driving a load of voAie- biceps 17 Inches. forearm, 15 IncheN Italian Government j,4 .0110 tary state." 1he Tollorhosses and the Losgillann, I it (Ilml beyond all refAurrk-etion hiit. trilght be an ftl:l 11-Y foh-od.from the fact! that dbspite the walst, '17 Inrlien Ito ham done 10(; been w of bf. social fabled 4114 ial-t a ft&1I roiql� Ili othvr townships the conditions I.oth Tartar and Christian, would there have qtnmf)s. for still worse. In Arno[ the vIc;- Hit- AlltlVe a&oAllL the border Rlth hocom� VIgol- dibpla�ed 1-4 hitinting them up nrdA In 13 whi,h IF; I - Itho ItllpAl amy in pr-,vid,,1i with a Oth pj6Jd4 to tile j.ot asnist .15hamyl, aud made practi- y many other pInnit, but it hall roll so tobdernerit Wrift and bringing thom bck it Ing ofli saw the wage-eartier of (ally no fight A pertod f exp"I's- Iag"'tY, not- Ind for Fliperanto to penotrato . I n l, -cini "twop for fill, wo? o; till, fr,ld- 6or Will .110 one household lying in bed In the o bin weight I n R , he rwin t of 1, uropo alid A slif ate, biplilteen rich and OXP 410iid Aeft the aged relative Mines thdre 40 noxv tabout 1,000 of mts In colonization followed W4§ I1fjed.,4d()Wn from III(; fb6m at large, Uogardlng them- ' r � iers hill iging to it 'Will -ill careful, trading Armenlons wero ling lump off arnfis he "Al Ind to %it, -04 by I hou- tin) of 'Ili .di, cdiitcot living-roorn In an advanced atago ir Alan( iprovitil to b6,6, eloveflV-maido Ad 9611Vbs aq the Vlotlins Of whit* tyran- i g adher( oill) dMilrei.it ijmtl�y ;plithigis and expectoratlr�g on the H tied in ,he country a Rd mo,,t rii-i n ii) Il"Inillitnin oa red feet 11 Inches, tind at run- tiatlMs bo tholyort tobwocoi whild tho he"b nizif, long JI'mr, h [tea broit equilil ha%ing dvolingn with l)[101LA-4 A he Alamo of a rOlOn"I "I I h�tnjid IfiJuAtle04 alatAluding bandin Moor Arotrad him were bin Wife nil seemed going on poncefully wil.-n I Allk leob,10f,' toas of thei R thelft dil''fiAtt ftruplo to rOb, and I to nearly 20 fool fon-igners 11,slovrntito in well worth oil another a ( 94:111.41. and whildren There were no part]. Ptince Galitzin conceived the J(i,-a icni, 11 1111, lit thur&r w4U pt!oplo When tboy th I it Ic hu�jOf Reiting the Tartarg to keep the __+__ P,-araon'ia Weekly n -*Mil 11 i , 10, irprisfiid to polfiino fogm.fit..*M. thW, Can, d6 ho whit fralAthitY.. In tions in this dwelling and the i rifles qupporting tht Royal 10,wng�tol man and animal occupants all h d,, Armenian politfunt agitators in ,r The military distrid 'At 1,,rea 1w 9 a rf�tt; ore *�, hit . I Switzerland il,j tile tint -�Il TO SINO RtIlml, ,it wil"t, jq I %i-% LO dto as to the wigot'llutto'd ed together in one larM room, orlrn &i. anti tbuq proj*ieill hT Ul i I of 064 , V , Olt Thd eboliou tv�g ith, frotIbIl, 1900 All] there %ver,, In it AnIno People, mhwh han ha(t&(lioastroun verRar of i1t; inaligurntion under it t of a lVarrinton, F.ng nXIM. tow,, if n th;,t ()I Nilivil etbilut ever xb�44 K3031 sue., three cows Atnniling in from 1`0111' since, and threatens now Oov(rninent, which starnp,i In n (1, fit tit of nottry tnakorn the girl a co'v- it' ero, tho TvIure; oictoo liboil they to ie feet of olianilre, Aft nhee afid r I4 I fidd bAiiAVwr0P16o'ir, 7 Athrow Uri whole flit* ,he obuniry ail if,, to o... rt 11. ,,, ., a fder� rou Z f f wig, the world T),o SwIRP (onfelora,lon qonflil while at work 'in Xh ifi` tionary flame. The ot)ject iRlitoaintent of Cnviih� are tile firit, f SOW fta number o In tile (I- , Cat a tion y ad its origin In a longise to relieve the monotony. At Dragor it man Poull(i Aat" tile Ritcholier- lifton fkmlei theto 1�Oflid nonfly every house was unin,114hit. I P11"CH NAVY. for purposoR f defence by tile ml,11 that n1iniber more than.0n the reizirn,-wital Hill ij�wslbxe�Jxoplo whill think Of tblida lAriff `PfitAap� till 1A of drifliplallimarlt 0 that eivj&ea, P. flitle and a dispriAre to our civillZa- I I the three -nntonc of 111A , gellwyv, thti-tv Inris tind have not wdqv I Illetqaghei A itre the noto-; of till, 06ft at Att - rodutro, hits *tn pionmldor� I Rocridtinp in the Preach ina,,y 19 o tiXhV0n,fq1, thint, Of tho,tivid of It* re 'tWeiv'�nl'W "*f1'fA4 Of "to All over tile Island tho W& and Untoral6en tzR) far cl� al; 11291 inw-bin,,rv, th,-v are encouraged u)'Itlental and 0 Cr that f6l. Ably itiodifled $LrriVAI Ili Jobhunotibui-g iiiiiii4st 04iiiiitro nui chiefly by a VvAt0m caHkid "maritIme Ali our o ",orl n oil 116 I Z 1. I . I I --4-.-,- ­ iltidta, '111 0 lAfter nop the d (he PIMA(" Of the the morning all(] in tile afteri-on asaccor. , ly to In a bad State OWing Inscripti;m," �Ijlch applics earn w( -n! on other contong joit, sitia thirinp. ilia last h I k I to nof bis SmAilit reorgilini,w 0h "Oita I*b It 003� of, dytythilit" IWO youllig, Allen of the coalit, and furnigheq betUf4indAge and ontetle rioVbir in continixent of aholut 4,00 'the. 4rmi, be yand Neuehatel. to wo hk� A Alikin ,00,14 reerultr evory onr. ORAVES. chainniaker f the UktAlt PkIrifitibrid the �r* 0V.V'dVtd d4L%iItUtf0ft *Ait$ llt*bt I Thb gynt, in lie- MAfe lotivtIm kild, t, P Olt TIM, f ! A 'Mociloni grave in Tiart(tiv. when Vountr�. Phigland, otand.n long at 04M IAi&6M(A;t1c&I rAu, tNSA90. tually provides tov 6170 ybara' nor fi­f`flf� 'the WAIi "kUlf""(1 a I tO. Anne"A, all aoyloin tar fbily. fil,l vice. but In point let t6Xt �Iaomo 1, 20f) 11111bg of N'S GAMUIANO CLI'MR, it hn4 fillod In In tho forg,- Sit(- has to work now ",I In ttilly Aftlat tilmidftite. ' " I* It l3ll foHgn I Of file UrR4� lbsy 06'rJf`rIJftW *A06ho tile tultmiftq oy Itarb, bad it Of *1dows or puplin of f)rrtrjtic pollee notion, In, on the initin- olWith it gnin with hor child at her bron*I,, ofilotmity l3dulght froksi dfigillrtt I* �10 V. evea 4aillong people antile mdrio"ervo only on tive chnnCe Ili olliiilfi-r , Tift*4 by ljord R**Wx Ililf bt, IM I it, bliff it, *ho k1ol thett, tho teta -Arn 1) eye npon tile Ittilln thellitra. 110 othor nVoj)JbL% poy,,, the mere. o of ilia Kaiser, liping lai,on Iillrt 'A3 =Ja'tJl0 Wfito of t14 00blin' neo 0 that faVorijo, onr b virtue of whiell arraltiql; tile gairibling clahn Of trllp it boln;g thim tile M-1-niq allon it ( WIS about the I!dvt3 gh"i"Ard6a ins befrjMed (h eduft., If,* 'a Lho t 'the III W1114 11r.a. Vill" dtf Artiro granted thou), JT6 sprinkled (Ar Wbothor bar lu. Im"Uric 10 "o V' POIn 4 4DUt tblKt ttv into W; I-antS f* A)v pomotaing (Iorman capital, owiftlS to the Ailuirmur- pinnt it f-vprenq Arco on every Ir:v%o fl") Itt,C)i 00*00 k of"..t. I *40 golv(m. AnOW, of Old pqy- 000t) rocrilito gorve fQr, V� 11ing per. oull scatidain Of I'tTflit %pard. Tho AlInfli the burial. Ilm, are ov het bo(tv Oillitirt-d bv tte 0avitryAllaftt for Atm *)Ia ar# blJfhI fct 6 t eivr after .2� I V o' fatflneta Were frimatV.P, gild jullq%t lit, tods, which ittril fllized-bv f o Milliliter 194)() (*Illb 154 ('flP('1!1AAIIY tiu) 011JOet with living iron che toila In, dw *JsA, Jittip mit of pwat. 9 f Inniting tho't cornetoTier rowint.le for- W4 of if* 14(t#ty. 11"ortniiiial WA1,00 rmittl 011641d it"tfft,6, Ctiorull Waiii e0finpoc6d jig to-Ia. of marfileti but W111011t, A0%,t)AA, "Itreod 11,19picion. It rut 15256.4`11c* ter build. mtri, i ujilw0iov, tom kite!~ bair'Atioll, Iftnoth0l, th -_ -4. , Asilimli, t%)hiAVW,. An* , tit ftskyll, 00 Al'# fil"S' 10M filionlibtrA dt: fliVj toony of - In. �oUr onm and tWo fildifithN. At the tinother Wn!4 . f;pobt in from 82 to $1.25 PA, 'A Ito, ttM�r,mkIt#t*d,th* buildt". 116" — 1111111*111II!,11111 jaw (10""Misom 4** tint it- _ J)PP160t U010 OjO lithit Ili tliteo years QW01110111t. atd thil eltsb'" commilt. A LARS A%1D A LAC A DAN needs no Ickriter, tot cbe, trdilii tolliti" fthtlot �l I I., ­I,t,,t J'Aint Indian qwoll hand to Mouth, and 19 bell r"141W 114-ttiory. leall #01twlist a iallid ten Mailtilln. In tho tvollt of clon till 04 ntnkm chritigilla handf; MR lesit tAo .14,11pillp of powato N44t­ 4*d w1foxIii" tot IIIhittla 'Somo, ivall, h0tviivoy tho ivion or() t�. III tile Club In a yozar rillibf lJo reertoll Dainh lillundri, in awfully Inn't' lean oit to a 6413t Ot hVC3d tbia awmw restIM94 ital "Affioft. lod floy dZ6101. I 41iowt Tioliove aillve ba cal(villi )lit f oil at hundilledcl of J1ik)uo1nrJo (of (lot boq­ hot wixter and "is towd makof", tj�o ()file fare. I to hall a Inc of 111v I tea they hotowo qultib 0 Al vi, OW JAWROW01 bo"'Cool iiii; roll- so 1111111111111110y 111111111111, so itt r4alc*., I %Wht*t r8lAgilor to bellown, ovil A4, It iiiiii WMA -tem. Or 0" r)mf- to boaxt, but �W, A Women soVor fk%lif; to tjoof4f, of loel, of T,!I Anon arid -Vs 9"Voro arvowo domW Uvo,sism the! willy X kc)t rat * QWY e�O makei I'm blowed, awl i3oline,,lio told Tno kefor tAill tfil, iolluv a -good guess. '111111111" prillcol r346 Of I I *41#4 60 vw� At"Nutog w, for AltilyN ugtev itrarl wordt, a lot of Ioftoyl"