HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-10-20, Page 4.41741‘1 A LIST /l'F' PREMIUMS stoord I.4 She BleioaSald (Drastee) Agri' goateed Hseiel y . Mow, ltdd al 81. Xer'•3a « Wieland , de 615 dei et My - 1 11411. CLASS FIRST. -13018E0.-. Beat Mtee anal Foal -Jetta I.egr, LI *id beet -William' flew 0 Heel 3 yea OW Cele_A. W .Gees.••, • 4.4 beet-De.te1 Mel.esriu, 0 Beet d tcam Co't-Oss,l McLe.ns, 0 Jed be. -P.rdoo I Isv, 0 }fest 1 year Cote -C. Marie/, • ked hest -C. M,MbeN, 0 CLA88 BECOND--CATTLE. dent agrJ Bull- %'w. Noble, 1 Ind best-N.mnel Robinson, • Ilea f year" nod Ball -J. Hoaderwn 0 Hem. yearlsag do -Wm. Ilopktrle, 0 . ed beet-Ilcory Walton, 0 Hoot Cow and Calf -D. McLeari., 1 rood best -Thomas Skinner, 0 Heat Mitch Cow, ha.tno hist! a calf to 1813-Pirdou Fuller, 0 ltd hest -Wm. Noble, 0 Beet 2 year. old Heifer -T. Porter, 0 2rr1 but -Tho. Shock' llern, 0 Ileal yearling do -Thom&. Skinner, 0 2ttd beat .-,Jnaeplt ()idle, 0 Beet Fat Ort -W . 1'. Smith, 0 Iced Fat (;ow -Thoma. Cbrintie, 0 Beet Yoke of Oscn-D. McLrarin, 1 end test -W. N.•blo, 0 ltd hest ...Aka Rotarians, 0 Beat Yuko Steers old Steers -John Edmiston, 0 2n4 beet -Janice Aiken, 0 3rd beet --John Legg, 0 II at 9 years 014 do -T. Sktnncr, 0 :fel hetet .-Joseph (Alda., 0 e0 16 0 68 * 10 0 15 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 O 0 16 0 15 0 10 0 5 0 O 0 10 0 15 0 )0 0 10 0 7 6 10 0 7 6 10 0 10 0 O 0 IS 0 10 0 15 0 10 0 5 0 10 0 50 CLASS THIRD --SHEEP AND 11000. Rost aged Rain-Jo.eph Odder, 0 15 0 2.0 beet -Wen. Elliot, 0 10 0 Moat reading Ram -Adam Oliver, 0 10 0 Boot 7'up Lamb -Julie Frlwt.toa, 0 10 0 2er1 bent Il.cry Wallen, 0 5 0 Bost 1'.ir of Noes with Lambs by their aide -Witham Hunter, 0 15 0 Sed beat -Hein \Vallee, 0 10 0 Heat atngle Ewe do - Adam Oliver, 0 10 0 2nd beet -William Hunter, 0 5 0 !feat Pen (3) Fat Welber, or Ewe. -William Noble, 0 10 0 Zed b:.t ' -Joseph (Addie 0 5 0 Moat lSwr-W llluln Hunter, 0 15 0 41x1 beet -W. P. Smith. . 0 10 0 Beat Sow-\Vdliam Ilunicr, 0 15 0 CLASS FOURTH -GRAIN. lief-f•he•b.F•Il Wheat-J.'eklie, • and beat John Switzer, 0 heat Y boob. Spring Weal-%Vur. !hinter, 0 Sed brut -\';. P. Smith, 0 11eet2 bush. Barley -Jacob i.eper, 0 Sed best -William P. Smith, 0 Bed 2 bush. Oats -W tlham I luster, 0 ,fad beat -Joh. }tenderest*, 0 Beit 2 bush. Pear -S. Rnbin.on, 0 Sad heat -Joseph Oddie, 0 bet 1 year SM IMAM 1 0 • Il•d bon James Money 0 15 0 hod Aero -fuses Worst 0 10 6 Oise Yoke of n.a-?b... Oahu .0 10 • led but -Gawp Webber 0 7 • Beat Y4;r el three meal weer. ...George •deL..•d • 7 if lid best . _ hem' L .atb 0 5 0 )fest Yoke tore yoa.e old steers--RAen Aideren 0 7 6 1141 bets -Jamar blesmos • 6 • Deet Rao -Jones Mars, 0 IS 0 1.4 best -Richard Belkwill 0 19 6 3d best -William Cider 0 8 0 8tot Nem Lamb -R. dal►wdl 0 7 6 led beet .-R. teeth 0 5 0 Best Pea of two Ewes th.t raised Lambs due parr -James Morey tad best -James Bisset, 34 ►«t -Thomas L.mb Beet two Ewe Lambs --Jams* Mena, 2.d beet -Willmar Elder 3rd bet -.News Morey Beat !los' -Robert Bell Yard lost -William May 3,4 beet -William Bender* Best Sew -William SsoJrn Mal beet -John We.teott Int brat -Thomas Rowtcllk Best 25 lbs. Salt Ifattet-Robe Paterson 2wf best -George McLeod 3rd heat --Jams* Blair Beat 25 lbs. of Cbeese-Jobe Aad.r.ma Ind beet --Matthew Rodgers 3rd -best --James Murray Brat 2 i.ahet• of Fall What -Hugh Sawa! 10 0 •2.d Beet -William May 7 6 3rd bent. Richard Balk will 5 0 Babe a 9 berth Senn W heat... W illiam Sweet god beet -No merit 3d beat -N. merit Best 9 besheb of Barley -Robert Pat- ten.° 7 6 ked best -William Smith 6 0 3rd but -beer a Webber 5 0 Best 2 bash. d Os1s--tVm. Sweet 5 0 22nd best -George Wether 0 3 9 3r1 bet. -Timms Lamb 0 2 6 Bret 2 beak of Poor -Jobs Mitchell 0 5 0 tad best -Joni.- Blab 0 3 9 3rd best -William May 0 2 6 Beet 2 bosh. of Cora in cab. . R. Dant 0 S 0 Mal best -Jobs Hicks 0 $ 6 Isar 10 yards of Dorm's Mmafactsred Cbtb-James Dodger 0 7 6 gad best -Jobs Asdersoe 0 5 0 Bev: pair Dontook mole Bluketa •.-John Atvdeeou 0 S 0 2nd best -Thomas Lamb 0 3 9 Beet 10 yards Flannel -James Barber 0 5 0 Zed bar -Nees shown 0 3 0 WILLIAM SANDERS, See',. PRRMIDII1 15 0 19 6 J6 70 60 5. 12 6 76 50 12 6 76 s0 76 5O 26 7 6 50 26 10 0 76 •0 Awarded by W. 1111w Demist Agriealteer 10 0 Sumas for the peep 18134. fat Paseo .d Tosaipo. 5 0 10 0 5 0 )0 0 5 0 7 6 5 0 10 0 5 0 CLASS FIFTH -DAIRY. Bat 10 lbs. Roll Butter -John Edmiston, 0 7 6 1,41 beet -Hem' Waltee, 0 5 0 Boat Keg of Butter-Aseoe loupe, 0 10 0 2nd beet -C. G. Sperling, 0 7 6 3rd beet -Hem Walton, 0 5 0 Beat Cbee.c-Job. Lancaster, 0 10 0 Ind beat --Henry Walton, 0 7 6 3,4 bat --Jobs Jcklln, 0 5 0 Beet Maple Sugar -C. G. Sparheg, 0 10 0 end best -James Aiken, 0 7 6 3r1 beat -John F..Sm etnn, 0 6 0 Hest 10 yd. Clot .C. G. Jeterliag. 0. Ja l The following g.wtlemen acted as bagel • I the Exhibition :- WOO CATTLE ASO emit», Meows. JOHN CAMPBEI.T., Zen, WIi.I.IAM SHIPLEY, Loudon, ROBF.HT ROBSON, do W. BOOTH, Nisenari, 8. FRYFOGiY, N. Euthop., JOHN BIDNER, Niteouri, FOB 115. t'.esuca. Mesar,. I.. COUT'r0 7DEN, Sr. Mary, WILI7A11 GATES, Missouri, 81. HARRISON, St. Mary. Whets The business Or Abe day was ever 113 Gestesten at down to as excellept Diana, prepared by mine host Mr. SAMUAL Fascia, tad as eke hour was late (5 o'clork), the party ,sand to do themselves ample notice. The sloth being removed, tder emu/ loyal and privet* tools wee eaves ; a somber d chaise mega weer wog, whish added greatly to the hilarity of the.vesi.g. At a late hear the. whole party separated, all del:ghted with..the cceasioa which I.si called them togrdier. The day was fine, mad there was a good tern oat of Cetale,-the pole« allowed they were in hatter credities by kr the whet gas be fined in elder settlement* M a meet of Mu •orem els, i may mute, -that' Tweety-thee* hundred duster wee left is 8t. Mary for hurl. .Old to drillers, who had come from a distance. This cerIrly hooks well in a piece like obis, when Daly pis years ago, it was • dreary cadence, seldom visited by the white e ms. 1 guy .croon • ao that the first blast wee take* (same day. is ter new F..ndry lately erected by Mees:.. D.ndock. Ve.cb 4 Cts , lei as they are drummed to sell their caaiag.au cheap as they can be had io old e.nM4eb- 'seam, it »dl be • great advantage to the set- tlers. Yams Indy, WILLIAM BARRON, Bee',. I.ONDO>Y • ROAD•(dfAN('t1) ADRICUL• TUtAL SOc1 is t' Y. The Ford. F:chlbIu.n of t5. Leedom Rood Bee.b Agricultural Society, held a /At. Joseph Q.tc►'s T■.ers, LI 1'harpday the 98th day d September, *here the following I'remimee were awarded Bre, Brood Mare and Foal -Junes Blair LI 0 0 2nd best, -Tamer Mmrrav 0 13 0 3r1 best, -Thames Rnw,etiff. 0 10 0 Bast S years o44 Fillet -Jane. R.t►wi11 0 Il 6 9d bast. -John 16d1y. 0 ti Na iedt -Ftose mowed wen a ha ltea7u - - •od sot Iong womb to p,meenog, 0 h Rest t ems old Colt -Janie. W.,r, 0 11 !Lid bet -Jobs Wrat.cett, • 0 3.d beet, -Robert lieU, 0 6 Bea, M 4.:3. Cow -norms Iiolgaon, 1. 0 0 lad heat -Richard B..ett, 0 IS 0 3rd best -Matthew Rodgers 0 10 01 Ikst 9 years old Helfer -Jos. Ages 0 19 6 0,d beet-TAnn,n. Heiden 0 8 0 Sed bar 1V41mie Elder 0 6 0 lE+t I pewit/ Heir' -O••. Wmriseu • 12 6 8d best -James Wh,ie(ord 0 tt 0 beet -James Whiteked 0 6 0 . Sell -James Whiteford 11. 0 1.i hes .Jane. Bier ti I 9 6 0 1S 0 3rd beet -Well... Elder For the beat Acme of Poulos. --Jobe 8.15534. LO 13 0 Iled beet de -Mrs. D.alop 0 10 0 344 best du -Harvey Brame 0 7 6 Fer tie beret Acre of Tersipm•-Thoma Cooper 0 15 0 Zed beet do -Joie fleeter 0 10 0 344 beet do -John Salkeld 0 7 6 Prises sem.rdad j.. Pf«4 f1reg :- Beet -Win. - Best --W . Willem (farm servant s Geo. armors, Jr., Esq. Li 10 0 tad da-Jemrph Salkeld, sea of Mr. Jae. Salkeld, Swam 1 S 0 Sed de -Heart' Fad, farmer 0 17 6 4411 do -Peter McDonald, farmer 0 15 0 'areae. or serrates A'o TV1*Irs. , DAVID CLARK, iEre. JOHN ANNAND, RIDSERT 36ODERW Emit. Eq. 'VDate roe rtaua*uo. JOHN RANK1.kigt 6yt 7'It xOel- LAMB, Fie. LOOK HERE!! LEATHER FOR SALE. THE .ubecriber begs leave to intimate to the Public that he has and will keep constantly on baud, LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, and of the very best quality, ter sale, *helmet* or retail, at the lowest remou- ntprice.. i0Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing at any oilier place. All orders strictly attended to. \WILLIAM G. SMITH. Godericb, J.ip With, 1848. 2611 ON COMMISSION. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! A T eon sad charges formob ; or Pall Wheat L it cash pries emtf. - THE SUBBCBIBBR le also jut is receipt of a Owen& u serusw.t of DRY GOODS, coarortog ie part of Pod de Cbeies, Orgeodece, studies, Cashmere sic Lathes, Odessa Litres, Coleerg .ad other Dresses, hoop Berate Scarfs, Meade Voile, Scarfs and Ifeedkevebkfi,-CW.reere and other Shawl. is goat nrisy. S.perier COTTON YARN, Om, ice. Ladies' walking Beta tad Shoes ia greet variety. -.4L80 - A emend assortment of O R O C E R i E B. SHELF Dad ..her HARDWARE, Sickles, Scythes, Scythe Smiths. Crockery. Prisma, Oil sod Turpentine : Ptteb, Rowe, Tar •sd Oakes Nails b 100 Ilea Kep or is my ether quantity. C. CRABS. Dederiob, August 4th, 1848. 27tf STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs hi. (needs avid the public, that he has taken t1. BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brows, at the East sed of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting on hie part to pro- mote the comfort and eosve•te.ee of his guests. I. M. Matters himself that his *election Wt Wino and Liquor' is equal to any, in the country, and his Stabling dep.rt..at la of the most complete description. Stratford, 28th Apra, 1818. 1311 J. STEWART, ATTOR"IEY AND BARRISTER at Law, Solicitor to Chancery, Cosuy- DSee West Street. Iguana iso. ANL 17 WHEAT WANTED. rA811 pate ler PALL WHEAT tin 4 90th day of Ale •a.•tb. C. CSABB. floe/wick Sept. I , 1848. 3111 the 1)Thr. COURT MAWS, PRLNTKD on a superior quality of pap. for sal* it to Heron Signal (>8oe, cheap for Cash. t.00erich leo , 1, 1848. 1 r, J13 ;UMA?Ism CAN B$ CU!CED!!! I2111Ii Mfg aA 1 BURS .LRIRDY Gr RHEUMATISM; mad bee num hied is email taro -dr tgp6*d MEDICINE sevide ole.m all mists of the triad. ad die peed of shit Arista Or is seise la k web et the aasiacees, of sem pith fess a•s- pews. (e esu "thews who.) W peso. is Armes CIN. R.-Wh.fasale Myers treated se Libe- ral Tams. Pse sate by C. Comm. sole Agent kr Canada Woo. 17 Mose Gums" salmis signed 1h. DOYD DICKINSON. PRiCE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ALSO,-D,causur.'a COUGH DROPS, a Certain Remedy for Conies, Colds, aaac.- Patca-ls. 3a par kirk. Detroit, Mishigue, July 4th, 1846. 96-11 1N311IWil3INI ONV •1 m Svtl 111 t4 6 0 BF .quriroJ try. ATTACHMENT. HURON DISTRICT, j MA. virtue of two To Wit: ( writs of At- tachment issued oat of the District Court, and Coert of Queen's Bench, and to me di- rected against the estate real as well as personal, of Henry Elliott, a0 sbeconding or concealed debtor at the respective suits of Thomas Gilmour for the sum of twenty (our poonds six shillings and three ponce, and of Robert Moderwell for the sum of thirty 000 pound. ten shillings and six pence; I have seized and taken all the estate real u well as personal of the said Henry Elliott, and unless the said Henry Elliott return within mho jurisdiction of the mid Court, and pit in bail to the actions within three cahnd.r mouths or eases the same to be discharged, all the real tad perusal. estate of the said'Hesry Elliott, or no teach thereof's' may be neceasery, wall be held liebl• lot lea immoral- t atonia•.bed Hottes... lion of the said claims. J. McDONALD, Sliel H. D. 8aeatrr's Orrice, Godench, 98th August, 1848. anal SHERIFF'S' SALE HURON DISTRICT, j BY virus of • To Wit: s writ of Fieri Facia', issued out of Her Majesty'. Huron District Court, and to me directed araitut the Leads and Teammate of Thomas Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; i bare wised and taken in Execution, as belong- ing to the .aid Thomas Charles, Lot nem. ber three, on the North side of East street, or Lot runni•g number one thousand and three in the town of Goderieh, containing one-quarter oleo acre of Land, be the same more or less with the Building" on the said Lot erected; which I shall offer for sale at the Court House in the town of Goderieb, on Saturday the 25th day of November nett, at the hour 0113 o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Sherif 11. D. 84KIUTle■ Orrici, GoIerieb, 21st August, 1848. 3.30 SI}criff'I gale of Canbs. HURON DISTRICT, j BY virtue of a 7'o Wi(: S writ of Fieri Facia', issued out ofHer Majesty's Huron District Court, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of Gavin Hamil- ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, 1 bare seized and n, Pad taken in Executiork Lot • uoyber one, on the Noel side of Melbourne S treet, and Lot number forty, toe the East Side of Wallington Street in the tows of Anion, which Londe i Shall edirr tor sale oa Saturday, the 96th day of November Mit, e t the hoar of 12 o'clock gong st the Court House is the tows of Goderieh, - J. McDONALD, R. D. Smairr s Orrice, Dederick, 1518 August, 164*. 3090 • (*riff's Sale of 'Lv+Las. HURON DISTRICT, j Bime Y them of a T. fru: (( wilt of Flisri Fade', iaseed out of F or Majesty's Huns District Coen, sad to me dirio1•i apd0•t the Leeds tad Tenements of Richard Dar- lington, at the toil of Robert Turk; I have seised arid taken i• Execa11oa, Lot number four to the .ereeth Concesnio+, E. D. in the'rownehip of Colborne, coot/dots( 100 tierce; which Leeds 1 .hall onir for sale at the Court Heuer, is the town i Dederie5, oe Saturday, the 2Slh day of November 04*1, at the beer of 11 f'Clesk sue. J.etlf.DONALD, 11: = 0..•.e'e Ovwcq Dederke, 1415 Most, 1640. am.! NOTICEi A LL preemie I•deN•d to 4e melte ef the lath WILLIAM DITTON, are re- to ♦to meths their...0•nta f.amedot.- .r th.y will b pNed le the Coen for .445.1tioa wlth.ul further motion. THOMAS DUTTON, AOHON LANCASTER. (iedeveeh, July 90, 1043. -tubes ir 4,r NOTICE. TR A YED from Lot 13, 8th cooeerlr.o, Dust% • l pt (Silo urea years One .f 1 x:1, white spelt aloe( thoba#:sl'i white tell; Oro a wit. epo4 nodes e... eye. 1'!is etbwr red wit► t tett some , see •kite spate fusurious white. -.1 •yWinton flatting Ibeum or goring such in- formation to the subecrt3.er ae will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. JO1511 THOMSON. - Township of Downie,/ Ind August, 1846. 1 •Ot( FOR SAL$. )t:'4.., THE BRICK COTTAGE sad Lot rus- aieg No. Mk is the Tewa .o f Cad••aeh, 1 formerly to the poo...osoa of ----f O'Neil, now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot• tags is very consasotly scraped, sad well suited for a small family, bee a spacious wood shed, stable, Lc., good well of water; the gartjeo coulees Deem' choice fruit trees, and the whale enclosed with * strong picket fence. Only a portion of the money would be required dews, -the remainder is three annual snstalo,euts. Apply to William Rat lesbian of the Clin- ton Army or to BEN]. PARSONS. Da lai*Jb August 34. 1618. 1011 SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, ;CARPET -BAG, AND VALISE :MANUFACTORY. H. MORT- ON, t BEGS isthmus to ismus s dieM b peblie that M. commeseed the .bore file of Besiaeoo ie the Shop a the East side of the Market-Sgasr.,- ete y occepid be J. Ratkdpo 4 Ce., -sed hopes by strict enemies to merit a liberal share o f the piddle patroeege. IT All Articles a the Truk eri11 be .aid at .he LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. HIDES, WHEAT, T,MOTAY SEED, awl all \unit of Marketable Produce will be ta- ken in a p. CT A llberd disoouat w111 be made for Cask, ••• FOR SALE. an exceleat Span of olIIo.. ea. .54 • first rase Two Hoeft BUGGY. Jane 14th, 1848. H. 11. VALUABLE FARM LO'T'S rat 511.* IN THE HURON TRACT, NAMELY • FOUR Lots on the First Concession of Goderich, fronting Lake Iluron, con- taining 82, 72, 671, mad 581 acres respec- tively. Two of these Lots have consider- able improvements, and out of them acom- modiots Two Story Leg House, with Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX..LOTS on the Seco.d Coneeasio., conng 80 acres each, two of them partially i4roved. These Lots are situated o. the Bayfield Road, from six to eight miles eolith of the nourishing Tow. of Goderich ; the hod is of the best quality, and well watered, and the front Lots command a beaut.fal view of the Lake. Fur particular@ app! (if by letter pt paid), to JOHN CLARE., a RE., 6 erieh. March 17, 1843. 711 PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MO- ODIE, F.nno.A PgtNC AGFA.. eAr 11. We- aves • Ma.sa.aa will devote all their uleau to prodsm a useful estertaisiag, sad alien Peridical, ter the Cam - dim People ; which may afford amsaemeet to both old sad young. Sketcher and Take, ia verse and prose, Moral Emmy, Statistics of the Casey. Scrape of Useful lefeesatio., Reviews d sew Werke, and well selected anicks from the mut popelat asthma tithe day, will form We pees of the Magams. The Editors lief eaefdeet that the istepeadeat mad riwg country to whole service they aro pored to &theles their taeats, will cheerfully fwd iia seppen to miceer ge their amdoouo and \atseanble eaderukieg. The haw price a which the Periodical is pieced, is is order that every penes within the C.I.ey who am reed, mid if wises kr nasal sad meet0 iapreveene. t any become a wbeeriber mad patois el the week. The Vsenysr* M/.5o.. win costs;. tweety- fear mut is each number printed oe sew type, mad *pox good peper ; and will form at theme ti the year • sat Vol.mne, el 988 pegs, to - Lecke: with Title Page sad lades_ It will be tamed M...hly, comteeeimg a the Fina ofSeptember, from the office of JOSEPH WILBON, Frost-etreet, Bellevelle-the Pub- lisher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the 1Lpziae, and lettere to the Editors, meet be addressed. (poet -paid.) The terms of ob- seriptios-0NE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- tisrinberm he paid s advance. Gad.icb, Marek 3, 1848. 5 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS; FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. THE 8oheeribem have opened a New /-'Type Foundry an the City of New York, where tbey are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Lk, Paper, Chews, Galleys, Brame Rules, Steel. Column Role., Composing Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary fora Printing Office. Tb. Type, which 'recast in, new mouldy, from entirely new meat of Matrixes, with Am counter., sed warranted to be wow - posted by any, be .old at pricey to suit the times. All the type furnished by Luis " hand Got." - Printing Promos furnished, and sad also, Steam Engines of the most approved p,t- iless- Compo.itio• Rollers wt for printers. Q7' Sddoes of Newspaper' who will bey three times a mud type as their Bills aas•Ot to may give the a-bove ant -.cath' .•cruse io their papers, .ad .woad their . etd /on tai' it is tthe 8w.b abeesib-- a- COCK is Q _ Are 78 AI's strewx« Mirk. Member 7th 3047. mei NOTi0B, ALL 98... Nibbled t* the Fot.W d t4.. 1a1k Mr. 111C10,1 of Stretford, will pl.•se Settle the serge without delay, sed wftheet extra espouse, sod .10o ■11 these bawler sly (natio. against the above Prolate, are re MM rmsv.di.tely to peleut ups Rues retied Adjustment to Joel. Hone, Rlfteb.43. Mitehefl, Yarcbt4, 1643. P1111T T18 11.41•1, M OFPA 1"! VESETABLE LIFE iILL$ Nd Ca BITTtR8 ayrl,e.e *....1 ..vawte air tom ... .*e r,....4 tv feetorlope nak N . sy the i •stir '' 1IIIL T1(t rases, Lra act. THE Subacnbera begs lease to Is(am W hisses sed the .ebbe at large, that he is .taw preperd to :e., ".• olden fox LUMBER OR LIGIIT K AU(:ONS, which shall he masefactared of the belt mah.rta1s, and by experienced workmen. 07` Harrows ate! Drags made to order; Plough Castings Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. 0.dask5. Feb. 61 1626. 211 EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR hat CO. WOULD re.pectfully intimate that they Mime jest received, direct fro:r the New York and Montreal Markets, a veru large ameortmeot of Straw, Legboro, Duo - stable, Tuscan, and imitation 8tlk BON- NETS, and a great varier of almost every description of FANCY variety suited to the fashion and tuts of the season. Alen, 10 extensive .took of HABERDASHERY, CL07'EiB, and all kinds of Staple Good.. Likewise, large gtsatitia of GROCERIES, p.rtictt- Irrly a very superior supply of TEAS, from Is. 3d, per potted upwards, accordug to - motility ; sad Teb44co st all prices. A. the whole esteems* stock has bees .elected by the prupnetorn in person, they cart confidently reeomme.d tbew to their (needs ..d ewtom•re, and as the purchases b.,e been effected exclusively on Bash prin- ciples, they have resolved to sell os the moat reasonable terms and at the lowest parable profile rot CAW!. (17 Marketable produce of every descrip- tion taken to excb•sge .t the higboet mar- ket price. THOS. GiLMOUR it CO. Goderich, 18th May, 1848. 16 TAILORING ESTABLISHi• SPRING ♦ SVMM1ER FA0HION8,f.r i946. A FULL traiiety of the serest and mal impieeed Srttoo *,u Scrrra F•aa- IONS for 1848, have been receded by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all who may favour him with their patronage. A. NAY/WITH. Godencb 191b April, 1348. ly MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! ! FARE REDUCED 4. SPEED INCREASED. CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Tbeetga Canada to Bim NYork, ria Chesham, Linden, Worm.. , R..jer,, Hamilton, Weter'.o Ferry to Bmfoto. 71(5 WILL 1a0w. STEAMBOAT BROTHERS CAPT. W. EBERTB, Stamm ma the 8eaa of Maid as fellows :- Laves Malian every Meader. Wallow day tad Friday Mornings, at 8 o'clock, ler Madam sad Deereir, thence to AaAsUA.-g u 3 o'clock. Leaves Ankerielleow every Treed'', Thera - day sad 8ete day Monier •t half -past 7 .1.ik. mediae m Detroit tad Window for Chmatea The BROTHERS ran in sweetie with e DAiLY UNE OF STAGE COACHES. Established between Chatham mid Queries, y. which (old the Steamers oe Dike Omens) pessregen will be soaked to mob IGapte • its at least three days from Chatham. Pameagen can leave Hamilton by steamboat fur Tommie, Rochester, Oswego, King too, of a.iy of the ia- termedtate porta on Lake Chuck. Oeettenwa from ell pans of the States will fid this Mete very agreeable darial the MALAWI aced winter, as it passes through the most cherishing ppuena ti Cauda West. The Chatham and Loodoa road is sow completed, and is a very ped ted. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, ca. Chadian to Detroit end Window, mad eia mesa Cabin Passage $1,75: Desk Page $1,00; Children, half-price ; Horse, Boggy sad one Goa)em•n $3,00; Double Trans, Warne ad Driver $4.00 ; Ox or Cow $1,00; all other Freight in proportion. Rlfrre.co.-Chatham, Eberle, Waddell & Co.; T. M. Taylor. Whacker, L & H. 0ev. capon, C. Hut. Detroit, Ives & Black. - Louisville, Knight & W Tecumseh House, if. N. Smith. Wardnille, Anderson & Babe. Masa, 8. Fleming. Ecfrid, G. J. Smith. Delaware, U., Ieo. Junction Hoose, Joseph Rollos. Londa*, M. Se/mr. Brant- ford, G. Babcock. Hematite, M. Babcock; M. Davin. NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. Chatham, April, 1848. 20-tf FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLIIORNE. A PART or portion of BLOCK G. io the township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared tad in good order ; knees to repair. Them is a good Frame House (Cottage style), upon the permutes, 35 by 9 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, tied Two Frame Sheds., each 30 feet long, with a Log Farm House to tolerable repair. - There are three reusing streams of water through the Lot; two of which are in the clearing, and • first hate Well in the cellar of the frame bowie. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm n situated but fee miles from Gotericb, the Dutrict town. '783. eiesirable property will be sold ata reasoatblo prise. For twos apply to Messrs. STRACHAN Sc ',TZARS. Senators, West -street. Goderieb, Mareb =1e 1848. 714 FOR' SALI4, -- BY tie subscriber, tet valuable property aft006d ie the tow*.hrp of (l wiep,, • Let 19i 4u eoriesseie., wmtbm se mow .f the taws of Godgrtsb ; there i. . good 0.p Mill sift u d 80 serer of 444 90 Mee eleare4 It ie a •ever faibeg stream g well adapted M nay ...ry, iRNiug sad Poling Madaswy, Distillery, sold Geer Mill. II. B.-WIll be sold chap fir e0d, sr pert M lbs messy may he for a few years. A1ply N the prspr.etor. W1 611. (Wire*Peb. 18, y11 ALLJGH 3 gay Irwini.. OK r i... ani hay LILO r OM y 84 hi LLOA JR ret Aa L.Lta-A 4E7ANA1111.1>i,g•111 eyve7'w.th Meet M Omot11w Iwseursis t , swoon anus k Live* WOOS 005. ujrry_ in la* sena W ww. .e.w ore divas mead tart .Y M NNW lavereaaa. rheannWeeseere..d .rasa, at... . slaw atoth...s .A w.,. e.ws.wr 1. .1hed las. -111.1005 Cau1,IC. and 55.01). Leeman. trots, cuirrmumas. COLDS s 4;011.1444441. COAT. CONeUM.' TON. Used •ab sneer mew is ace firer COL.avPr 'Judos ,tsdeurea3i esu elmeel lir Ur.iimbieemaree►h thle •rtta V ILUPTWAIN ty be •orf., *5T1IPI1I•, rano 1,450 T. *SVR* mei AGMS. Fel di earn thas. em sem•5 seen eeielee A be Mad a seta wasde. esd ear,Dl• .web. Oder .whist Imre the ems adti.m r, nese et the diene -o .*e be row endlefnue to rerma_ 7.Y 7*131. se 0A77a75D. *1(D At CURRD. ►UULMt.s gi COMPLEXION, •11111ta*L 11111.0=LIT!_} Ml,UT.IY1D011ri0Y, ut4r1L 41ZID.CJf1, gime) INWARD FNMA 1.ePLAJOi4tuar helots *LOUD, 440591.1. Man gi IPPA ♦8: 210:1"LAIW?I. t srttw r, l005L.'tl.q •lrnct:.IAL DLICA6*,I.- Ilew Y r seriee eseeab as the ethos 1 Mom, iia deb wow 84. hes ars r...rr ..verse.s d aesesea lrMOIT IMAM. MU Fuca oarentr V. Mtn roue coaret/Ivre d .a Wm 0RAIMfc APVta.TIONIt PA4M74111114r eat *LLT, PSINTLa'. e7areatre;, 111..0 e• The eugem•1 woe.W et tame was sad .t rare sr le rem cleans. N the as ear them Lib trdiwr slant PAINS athe a..I..ids• Mak. yet., oils •ad wpna R 8.0 V M A T 6. Rc. Thaw ie* .•a Kr Swede direr. wet Ws s.1 sled be tic We moidSaa main or BLOOD le 41140.41111440. =vary. SALTLrr1UN. 1111111.1.1110114,57/ WLLUMmt ' Lcaorua.t. te =iaM►m>•tlifas ter .e aw. 0Lcs Rt. warp loam w O IR II N. dad ants. w elms; geoid 1e rb8sr. Owe* oil Orepellhoblobione Moo .au w 1545 gMm e i e.e.7e4. Lotti all be reeee6. Tie 11,1 MU Mil re11Ili nfTIU PURIFY 711E 81000, Ad Utes remove all dis•e.e from the system. a ..yye wt.3 nus prt.o.. sae I I F E PILUS ed IMMIX RITTERihey.mdwcame imps. helve V t e eelwU.. .f ease, peal. I. Ths psalms althea ..didws re ase pee q r vile .e. ew mei yry 1.,pmtw *r5 . sailed " ]f . Dowd S.w.w..'• r.. e• weak! 51 • ericri et sr a.d.ay h+ weak!f waU Amar t. see IMM., y .1k1 arms,. sheep Mae err cm, cert ew.) Lod or.. The emerge .d samre.e..n sapenpl aa, .r,ga+. .w *be paw* shoo .15.3.4. *1015.1. be wowed that they .re a eedos s. ron4et, W . r her cher 5*1 p.t.or twapp*a.; a. r rs .tsar that 11.7 .4i drsa aeRq st dept rack chs. Dn. WILLIAM M. !0P1A1, i Fwl..y. tense el Amble" .wet, New Tetb. Fee bete by • -BENJ. PARSONS, Sole .I6eat. Dederick Jan. 28, 1035, 1 HIM' NODI CHAMBERS' MIS- CELLANY. •!D t5T1a7W..0* .nsWLt1r,A, Edited by BMW COAXIAL', author ef Cyclo- pedia of Foglia/ Ltersters : With Elepot Illustrative Esau/opt Prue tis testa per No. COULD, KLIDALL & LINCOLN are happy to u.00aes that they have emelt- ted arr.agenmets with 8cks. Chambers, .t Ebabergh, for the re-pabheetiee, is semi- monthly c.mbee, d C.**atas Mrcw.uv. fro drugs a Me Me ctuaiu r u s' simply 1kr ieereuiag demised for ental, .strective,ea,l catertaiateg readi.g, sad to beiagadl the aids of Waste* to bee: a the caltintiea of the fol- iage of the people• -to impress correct views ea important amoral cad metal .eess.ao-•.mppreas every •pfcks of .rola ase• ammore -ebwr the faiemil and imPemeting, ey tS. cerins et talc. Mows boss the imaginations of pep.lr writers -seas est koce by d meiptiene ti isteorseiq teem .rues --pee a set to evsryyy sesge- tiosm ballad cad lrriul try -la abort, to furnish as .abtreeive W pilo, a lively fireside commode*, se fares tot- .Ij.et ma be attua.d thro.gb the Issuam aeakm of basks. Thr eaverwBl ackaewIdged sera• at the CTALWNDIA ¢ Deems 1.751.77.5. br tit same s.ther, eca.eeted with its rapid sale, sad the seuen4ee esemeadctios bestowed by the press, give the publishers fell ees8iew u the real value and entire success of the protest work. The publiemiem hits alesdy commenced, sad tulB bei costumed trema 1wthly. Rett► member will form • compete work, sad every third item- iser will be famished with a ud. page tad table d contests, theta knots' • beentlfshy dime rra- ted volcano of over 500 pages e( medal and entertaining readisg, adapted to every class of ceders. 7 be whole to be completed is T*IRTV c.St*n, (onetime Tee tiepin `'aler*ee. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the V. Y. Commerei•1 Advertiser. We are glad to see an Anericaa u.pe of thu pcbicetion, and imperially 4a so neat tad wort n,ent a Arm. It is an admirable eompilatioe, distinguished by the pod taste which has been showe le all the publications of the Mesar.. Chambers. It utas Ma acetal W the eater - taming. We hope its circulau1* here will be large enough to supplest, to ■ good ransei, the n•wypemby sad immoral works which have so long been too widely ciremkted. IIT This work can be serol by mail to my pert d the country. A ie.m enmities°, to the publishers of Iftt Dollars will pa, hit the enure work. This liberal diacout for douse pay will Dearly cover the cost of postage oa the work. Thor wishing for ase or more sample somber" eta remit them amen ingl . Booksellers cad Agnate supplied oe the asst liberal terms GOULD, RE.NDALL A. LINCOLN, Peblubets, Boom. 71 c Ejntun u PROM. ARD MUM= May rpanar THOMAS MACQUESS. *0571* sett. ►.►sore•. Orrice rasa*T squad., 60005,04. •.• Book mod Job hiatus, eaewte4 with 0eetaesm and despatch. Tram. or TWA HURL SIGNAL -TEV 81111. - LINOS per engem if peid strictly la adeemee, OA TwILva • ID 811 Peace with the uranium of the year. No paper ci.owtietred until amara are paid sp, asks the peblishet thinks it leis serer Lege to do .a A.y isdisrdeal is the eeetry basemeng e- sposa.bh. for NZ asbueri8., shall reserve a . ameetk every RT AN inters sddeaed to the Wow memo be PPIM et 904 de XSoy wail nM be fah. eat of the 71.00 er A1ti11*7RM. Ile Rees sad yeast. Mot eve ry .,.0.... L• 9 e; Fiat sehniceset leartGw 0 0 74 Tea I.... cad •oder, M.' rttear0 3 4 E•eh oshemm et •a er sem • • • 1 0 18 0 ver ten hoes, firm i.ss,ties, per lie•0 0 4 Emit eahaequeat i0.r►ties, pee live, 0 01 A lens/ deemint to thaw who severest by rho year 1