HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-10-20, Page 3try. t.aoperuor, sod n>etimoy
path -were to wealth sad resewtf.
At ale dace et the Eakib► 14%9 kWh 10111
niestwtmp 1 the Diumetere d she
Seotetr, the ledges, shy agerei..ta tied treks.
nasal Oesthose of Iltomford .ad • ameOrt of
tespec'sbie Farrows, sat dews lo. dieser Is the
raresere. las. wLkh for .medley, gestity sad
price wee intestates, to give satdsedw to the
seat ficaids.ss wave. sod rdectod mach credit
of Mr. sod Mrs. Pwglas. Alter the di met
.he request" ses.uty sfdri lung. lwtiag. Wog -
tog, mid talkng was dimly perwnned, ..d the is.
p,ycaeat of the media' was kept up till a late
Oi the Stratford Agricultural Society took
place 00 the farm of Mr. Peter Kutaor, tire•
miles west of the village, on 8eterday the 14tb
inst. The dy was favorable, • very respectable
number of spectators ••gambled, sod the cos.pe-
titor. (ten oe drives is umber) eemateseed
with .ogre seal to do their best.
We bare so domes to flatter, but we rout be
honest enough 1. say that the field, at four
o'cloek, prew•ted several epectmese of the
plougiung we have sen stew we kft f3.otia
A nuwter of the eompentow meq tree -bred' GuauCif .-The advices from Frankfort
/Scotch pto•gemea whose very gait told that they
went scientific!) to work. .rod yet we were
agreeably surprised to perciets that lbs fust
prise was honesdj and hga.r.bly anted by •
yosag led of some ofve*1400 or eight -Area years
n( age, Peer Creaser, limier, of North Eauthope,
We love u. enesar g0 yostldd weir, arid al-
though Peter Crearefs plustisg had not ben
curtly the best is tie field, we would bave felt
',issued deet the ledgge geoid hers eoa.dered
hi. youth mad isitimJ 00ce, and (tee* 11•01161
reincooth,hMaMalIft weitaiely far bet ter pleased
to know Ikkt - •Bthmi4e- .-__;__1 to hs made
the last •ileac., the republican isnurree
Bonnett had eomplete command of Lorrecb,
and orders were given to arrest all mon-
arcbuts and .equeatrate their property mad
to cell out ail the young nun capable of
bearing arms, and directing them to present
themselves:at the ScbcMieu of the District.
All those g aoore 'mufti a the eaani;:
the Republic sad slated 'Struve.' 11 is
said that tb.._Madbud insegminde d been
preparing is tbo Back Forrest, sod the
French Petrie of tSunday, pubinbes a let-
ter from Maibassew, s.soo0ciag tb.t they
had taker. CcrieraM, deposed the tuned*
`rmeuw three/Meet the comaaee►ty With
diem View. wa.sreestly call epee an who web
the ioeat •J elevates d tee isdestnaa
closers. w emir eir best eaertwe
uista .best"'
a wide osouee (es the A4rrahsAwned,reAwned,sad ler ibis Peru end Makatea,s marmots'
agents is the great work d metal trspmoremnt
Seven Days Later from Europe.
New You, Oct. 17, 1148.
The steamer BritoCetinjeeia, Cetinje Lang,
which sailed from Liverpool on the 30th ul-
timo, wee telegraphed from this city about
half put 9 o'clock the monist, bating
been le days in making the passage. She
brings seven days later news from Europe.
Fa*ocr.-Loan Napoleon w•w elected
by a large Majority to the French Nettooal
A.sourbly un the 36th ultimo, and *made a
very appruprato speech His election mss
clued definitely to he veld.
to the *lot instant, state, that treeguilttty
'was entirely reel ored within the lows,
which was occnpted by about 10,000 Aua-
Irtao, Prussian, Rusin, sad Wurtemberg
troops. The loos of the soldiers during
the fighting of the 18th is estimated at 39
totted and 70 wounded, hist the e loss of the
ineurgen's is not k.owe, though it may be
supposed to he greater than that of the
SuttC..rot. RULING a Shrew. -A great
,. his kaiV, b rail filly m
ntefel hiself t. Iwurrectiat had occurred at Baden, led o)
ibe baoerdei I i lif6m ; sad we have .o by Strut. of 18. Npccfoteer .lUi.osRd. Al
Becht bet tOtdid1este if itis eorepeti-
ton (moodier��♦w(th the rite of oxen.)
.•ere eallwea with the result. sod felt proud to
perclete.alesr (heir f smut .0.rp.ti a ss to be
honorably pespmemed is Canada foe at least
another geeer.H0. H Peer Greeter, Jssise,
w111 promise to keep saber s.f indaatrioss, we
will eentets;to pyedict that he will become net
..any as tipsiest Farmer. bet likewise • credit to
the great masa of 4i -training,
is ..r neer we with -give • list re she prttsi-
um, awarded at the AgriesIlhral Exhibition and
•t the flougbing Match.
1.•a lrr0.0.-iseorpomts. of the Iowa A
publ.c meeti.g of the iahahitan's of the town Duke, and marched upon Frankfort. The
was .ellen. by public notices iseed by John C. insurgents were still at Schltngen at the
W (WT. Esq., and which took piste it the tatcst accounts, and in possession of four
Fitton Hotel, oe !Monday 'if lent., to castigate I canon, on toil 35th the nils were bre,
the lions as u Incorporation wader the .Act 10
.'e4 11, Viet O. 43. Mr. Daly is tbe clout -
The following
l ur.-
Thefollowiag geadernen were elected s Trus-
tees io virtue of the Act, vi. -Messrs. A. F.
Stickle, P. R. Janis, Robert Monteith, J. P.
Vman sod Dolmas' blcGrigor. At a subs -
Good demand fee ('here, o•d Dearly the
whole of the late arrivals cleared of as sow
as lauded at lwU prime ; geed amid nae 48a e
644. lafanee and middh g arle • 4110.
v - atter
MATO Or TOO Rev. %V. H. IlLenes•
We ,.-gree In have to reeewd *8. death al
Ow Rev. Mr. 11ue .*, Reeler a( Chatham.
r lee tofluwellp mo tancholr circuowrs0-
WM. It .prear. 'bat Mr. Hobson arrived
et Windsor ob•.at a futlnlght 110-0 t■ a
eery weak state of health, and that on
Mune last he left his Iodgfara, infornderg
tb. (,••aide o1 the haute, lbat 110 was going
to etc Pomo ft .•nd living ata little ui.taneu
frees Wemd.or, add nothing very certain 10
known .•i Iris nrotements from that time
until retort -day moi meg when bus body wee
fumed m sr the road about six miles above/
that village. Is ie eonj•'tured that the
uoforttaate'redeewn most have wandered
about is a.tatn t f menial aberration pro
doted by a prostration it. the retirees eye -
man gluts lung eontiouavi illness, from Mon-
day eats! 1Ve4ne.Jey night, when from
e.baintiou sad exposure to euld (it having
frozen hard on that night) drink put ■
period to his sufferings. An irgnete was
held npon the body by 1V. G. 11.111, Esq.,
one :d the l oroners f..0 this Matrct. and a
verdict in accordance with the abate recta
and bonutsea felurned.- Welters' dttandard.
yuent meettog they elected Mr. D. 3defIreger
u leepeewr. We refer to the smite is to -day'.
LT Oar modes, *Al parer the deieiesey d
editorial nastier ro the foremen issue. Oa 0141*
.0 Strident sod the plung over the rsrd.nM,
rinds fire the heath o(• do Ws ddidlt, prodet:0
each • dessammeet is nor kw practical idea,.,
that we hew bees ca. t. y-toaolhoi £bM9 ,y1.
anything -like a gateseate m steer. Bet *901
rsmbbsp M. sow (meshed, we .emotes _(M
ebe.d.seeef. wastres thew. ne sod Meormapes
during dos twat Meet I*S1t*rrikr4 oytbaf Grog-,
diem.. eget*.. Ar•117clgr illMIBr..,.ai Ant:
Desavvenv iv Mrsere/rel.-We s.4 it
stated is the papers that it" t►n.tl.o.thwe*t-'
ern part of Fra•,klin eo•u.17, W.t., them k
a plettirm or floor of bean atone, *early
pol shed, some three fact nailer giuund.-
11 is about one hundred and eighty feet lost,
sal eighty feet wide. It extend. doe north
and south, and its outface is perfectly level.
TI.. uraioary t1 Bald to be equal, if not on -
pe; en, to any work of modern times. The
land above it N egltlr-ated.but 30 years ago
it wax coveted wittiest and pine tree., u,ea-
sotllre from *.'o to 1Kree feet in diameter.
It is c.ldeolly cf very remote aat.gwty, •aa
thc 1n.i.. who reside so the seighber►e oil,
had Da Loos ledge d, ltd ra..ten:ae previous
to it* remit distuttry. Nur is there any
101441100 ser.ong tl.em fees any idea of the
obyet of the stuck or the ptoplc who were
it. Lo lJer.. There is also a canal sod
mea 0, *meted with i1, Lut they nest• eater
toga n explored. A .ul.terraneaa (•aesage
may be ucdcrnuatb. Farther expluratioe
ms: throw some light upon tilt et([if.-
Ibifale Arrest.
Tow Theryxevcx .-The Hon.' Vr. lifack,
Imposter Gemeral, basing Leen applied to
8y the Executive Cow,lmttee of the Proviti
Mal Agrieultnral A.worunoo, t• alma arti-
cles trvm the ('m's(' States for Ezbthltiw
app-rsacMng dhow, free of duly it ardiotely
emoted *rule Mr. Slope, would not let
the Commune, ceded use of their Show 11,11s
through the Poet Office, except at letter
po.ttge,-Cubera Pleur.
F 1 ztbeth," said a yoonkr . mao of the
ken up et Monied' sear Car iambs. A No. same of Robert the nether day, "wby don't
g0inery eugngctnent had taken lace in the lou war t'arrrgat; "• Screen. 1 t:awn' t
p bad me nn pfereei:' "1 will hire them
ncmity of Blank, in which the insurgents foe to ,, Jb_o:' "1 th.rk you, sir -yes
were completely routed. bare dove tb*t.190ogh'treaty."
away Senessete.%.000 1dL dt10/4ithM
deemed aawartiy of -mike. rlg.j16,80•
time we sok a adorns osseresmitcs tri 049
' Gra denim" J.h. Bigog4 sf,1p•411uW1ellir-
t y, has emceed hie nil. feel lbeteR tgrille dt9d
eke edueet.asal foods of the 1 ;131.4`l.rllq-
lowwr livable' f I O plertlIN,yit%.014r7
ihy teatimes is .9etwida.ia/✓: .orf• -
IiT We acksewtedge the receipt of the tenth
namber of the Agriculture! Jearwal published in
Montreal, from which we have given considera-
ble extracts ea oar first page : sad from the na-
ture of its contents we certainly feel a plea-
sure in recommending it to the detention of our
agricultural readers. We have also received the
first Dumber of the " Termer end i leciatiie s
Monthly periodical devoted to Agricultural, Hw-
uc.lt.ral, Mechanical, sod Domestic sal ,cI.,"
pobludted by Messrs. Eastwood dt Co, Toron-
to. it aataias newly -eight pages, and the
pries per assent id oiyy'"riebee e1111.ttaw LCD
•i,. rues. We •re peo.d te se reef publica-
tions starting tate eabteaee, al prices reed to
the etrcamwaete of ma* Classes for whirs
benefit they are iitteebtl. " lianowledge is
power," sod it to emphatlety so on the oti jeet
e,( Agncalrare. We are sot aware of any beet -
fit witch meld poosibly be cwkrred os a rent
toweship, whose ral.ence wlsN M felt t• the
same einem as the i.fwree of a few ietenigest.
piratical (camera. Their example .O4 tostrwc
time welt ..ey ems become Awbk as a general
Mesons- They daffier. mooed them, set *sly
their improved mottled', bat their isdettrioes
energies, 1u11 • • few years dm b...s.r...l.,
lazerees.-Great preparations are going
en for the State Trials at Cloomel. On
Tkundae,'pteyioos to ebb fedietw.nt being -' - IderreeaW Oct.9, 1848.
read, Mr. Whiteside applied 10 postpoce Fteu. -Tbe muket bait lewd very 4°11, with
tit trial, On ties greeted that his client bad .dee at 28s to 2.4. Gd for Inst q .11,1,.. Sour
aot Saaaaad.a ••019,-.i(. al. jury ps.eel, and Ina tmeer tastes, ears .sent mon.,-.�alen
*Mat of the witnesses to be produced 6d: demand liaatited.
t N gear?, however, over- Vtwaay.-Best rumples ley. bees .'':red at
jmT�it ego on+. ..e.? dilesid' 18.o 1. Al t. ie IOi*d, wittiest acne'sale. Inferior
ittiyteded•Mfspiee,t etbe- ..oa. effect, "Hsieh Red hs bee• sold s( Ss 3d per 40 Ib., sod even
tient ei t6'ltbtlle pat es the record in • *hod. deader.
t eaif'i3iNt itift: lferfor proceedings in Ped08000 1Red sold is gaan:ry at 3.6d pet
per gi,, 'llur..1ua4 discusaoon,
prep: 44 emmi iMer.tiefarien them pleaded
INJROs plenum, l'IYY
To Wrr 1 # Ywdj' gins
that tie Court .f General Qte.rbor Smatose
of lbw Pew, ad that of the Dietriet Court,
m111 be ►olden te, •ad lee We Dtsute4 0o
TUI)MDAY the twenty -Sent day.9 Novem-
ber est, a1 taw teed Memo M wM Teets
if GeMrira se harem as li i oies8. a. o-
af which flossed plate all Jeettees of the
Noce, C.n.ees . Esepere of Geste and
Houma" d Corr Own, 11.416 Constable*,
(3.....4k., 1.815.., 'd eft *hes. Cos
4111111104 u• berHy eegeitt'd to .dead, to de
pld perforce thtmw thieve whirr to thou
rrpcuse Alessi eppertre.
Biedl H. D.
Feesrre a Omen. 6neweee,
SA Oce e's. INS.Mei-
T11£ Detectors of the el.roa District Build•
lag Society will diepese 01 one or ewe
Shan. of £S9 etch. at ibe Boum Heel.
OaderiA, se SATURDAY the 984 tamest,
st T..'sleek, P. M.
By seder,
G.d.uela 90th Oct., 1848. 38,
THE Sebecrib.7 will sett by Public Auc-
tion at hie houses Lot No. 3, 1(N► eon-
eo.aos, Colborne, no Th.r.day the Stith of
Octabsr, se 11 o'clock, A. M., the lotiuw-
ieg property, wmely :-
Two Yeke of Ogen ; 3 Yoke of Stews
rising four years old ; 2 Yoke three years
old ; oee Yoke *king two years old ; one
pair ysarli.g Steer Calves ; a Mlleh Cow. :
11 Heifers is calves, scut three year. old ;
a ha.f bred Durham Bull riatsg three years
old ; *0 Sheep : one Palley rising three
years older one Oa Cut , one:124d1e and
tat *WO .
ow nil
,in tool situ'
Wrier. Aaam..-Mr. Killady, editor of
'the Wat..leall r raaleta was tins day
i•dved tenth if,'bf dirge of high tree-
I'djjjyPg ladies, Miss Elizt Power
were arroMed teat Carrick
B,is, obi • w.mwtitted to Cleans.! goal, os
Charge of being engaged in • treasonable
practices. Who. taken, Mita Power had
Ire aroma *aid 'di (,peel of papers belonging
to Mr. O'Mahwy in her poeseseio. ; the
letters made a eery novel bead dress; a
parcel of percu0ion caps were also found
.0 ber bonnet. Further arrests have taken
place ; • man named Cuseisgbam allowed
himself to be discovered by • pretended
sympatb-zer, a detective, on a public con-
reyasce. On the 21st Mr. Howley, resi-
deot magistrate, arrived, accompanied by a
detachment of the 7th Funleerr, and •
strong party of police, made a midnight
visit near Corragb and succeeded in captor-'
ing 14 pnsoners known to bare hese in
arms Under Gen. O'Mabooy, returns',
home, imagining themeelses free from sus-
picion : they were safely lodged in Water•
ford County gaol -among them is a publican
from Rathconnac, named Maher.
The Lord Lieutenant bait issued a proc-
lamation offering a reward of £100 for the
apprehension of John (d'Mabony, leader of
eke late attempt at Portlaw.
the b.nyard, the fences, gelds std cattle pre.
claim, to the parer -by, the ameliostiog suprem-
acy of utelligese.. Th. emacs of muatind
sot received eaytbiwg His • liberal edae,.
* Oil they have neither leiesee nor means for en -
bestowing tkemset00, by a vegeta, users
readies(. terie4ical liberators, whits lamed in s
cheep faro..ad tides made is embrace tie mb-
,eets winch ss if.eam *sar4isie ister..t re the
wohug mdtitwi, wght to bo rngs,dsd set on-
ly s. {.I, betas s pe'seipat .gee% in the pro -
great of civilisation. 1a s new aaaa„y like
Canada the introduction of periodiesl hamsters
is rather a bs.srdw geeduioe-biemse, is
order to be mefel it requites to le cheap, mall
cheap It must moats an extremes.iresimiee ►.-
fore it ens inoses. nm.swaesee.
There is evidewtly a r•sehalas--e.s or es
* pithy is the great eleOnt l etnakind am regard
to the valor of ks.*i.dget id'eslies extra
interest i• the defAslss ef mad plssuesl is
formatters, i. takes 1y thew whip ns arum of ate
importune, sed who ..b w promos, the tn.a-
tar. of sciety, so pmbfisber, beereyw •sterpete.
tog. no pes.ibli swerved is de(tesing cheep ka-
Oa the 00th there was • fair attendance
of the trade. The demand for wheat, bow-
eror•wae limited. A decline of 9d a *4 per
70 lbs., on the prices of this day week, for
ell description' of old. Flour doll of ale
but no ohmage of peaces. Indian Corn is
fur deismed. aid 111 Per ginner dearer -me
Covert..(leem the fell. Cure fife • lfa
and Indian Meal rather higher.
Accounts hem Ireland regarding the no.-
o-mlms are still lees satisfactory.
Day k Co. q.ote Flom lOs • 34e. Ctrs
lye • 37e; Meal Ile a Ifs. The arrivals rot
Lioerp.ol were cameideTIN.. Wheat erep
below **rage. T11e Goverin:o ut Navy
eostrset fir 11,0oo tierces of beef mice est
Ins for Ilemlergb, tied 1116. mid IfTr ler
hash. ,
Lard rather sots is russet, end at ft*
priced. Beef .till in demand. Perk mill.
slowly en the gtielity is ge..rally intend".
muss. -
Oa meat. --5.1.s hamg okra pl.ce at 24e 9d
to 2:.. per 221 11s.
Arise -le deemed. With a light resek pri-
m• have reo .p to 29s 3d • 29e 6d for Pots, and
29. t. 290 3d for Pestle. The stork :n Mootreel
to .badly held for New York account, where a
part of dee maaefitetsre of Viewers Canada fads
its way direct.
Paecn,osa +71a Rocker.' Circular gesws.
'•Pear. -Mea has ad.aseed eua.-ederably,
amid the demand wainu.s g od. We nos salve
et 3d0 b•nela, at 83s 9d cath, and higher rotes
are sow naked. Prime mad- Prow bless se. -
einem scarce. "
Burrea.-Sales at she ga»asios of leer week..
TRaas.-1S months credit, on approved
Notes. J. K. GOODING,
Colherse, (let. 19th, 1849. 38
��O BE 80LD b print" b••••••• Let 8..
1 9l. .. Ia. sib CaruMi.e of Oaderteh.
esslsWa/ 90 e...•. 90 of wish u cies;
seder wltleotisu ( tea id o ewe: a el
bawled and rwly fee .g•
(rarml.r qualityThere III
..d wall wa,erad.
pied wMtaariel Ing Dwell,oe ii.swe et 11. sett
OM a *Ope1er Reit teem 15 brwrteg whet -
us.. A.d s Ibe proprietor w demons of ester-
teg ti's .rhn bedlams, he en11 dupe., .f 11 .w
m.deraw terms. Ow-8elf et ibe prow will be
RSA/VIREO DOWN, sod t►s other ksl! us
rbrrs "sal .ssvl isstelesats.
(r E or limier putieelsrs. apply at MMi. gree,
w te dee I'rupnets ort llto prer*lw.
Ondeweb. 134 001., 1949. 37.1
A LL Persona indebted to the Subscriber St-
ill Cher by Note or (look Aeeoaot, are rrgwea
ted to can ..d settle immediately, Or ibeir Noise
• red Aceosste will be pl.eed in the hand..9 the
Clerk of the Court fur collection fortkwub.
G.detieh. 17do Sept. 1841- 34-
CANE tato the encloser" d the subscriber.
Lai No. 7. Low cease... L... C.t1.we+.
risme time fro July 1st. • Steer CALF. (yea-
lio), red .ad while. Ary person wa'ieg said
Calfarre requested In prove proudly, pay charg-
hargec , ant. take it ewer.
Sept. 99th, 18411. 34
THE Subscriberb
hereby intamate.Ihat .
has now un terms of lease and part
ownership. the entire management of the
Godellch Mills, and that he i• prepared to
pa cash for any Trout ty ..f gout merehant-
able %Vbeat at sib• sou teeth; prosi'td 440
same be delivered therein time for maeuf.c-
temkefere the close of the*VnavM-igatiPIPERon.
GueuaIcl Mitts.
- --.-- --- ---- September iib, 1848. S 9911
NOTICE is hereby gives that an Act of
the Provincial Parliament passed dur-
ing iia lase Session, entitled, " A4 Act to
en.fer hewed corporate power* in the
Towns and eIUagc. of Canada West, not
epectally incorporated," With been declared
to be, and the some is now in full fusee in
the Town of Stratford.
All Proprietor. of Houses are requested
to provide the Ladders hereby prescribed
within ooe calendar month from this date
and all persuus unlawfully using fire, or
guilty of other nuisances, Will render them-
selves amenable to it" peoalues.
SUatfurd, 90411 October, 1048. 38
THE Eghibitwu .f FULLRD CLOTH,
tied other Wades .. t rw ,
portpoeed (ie tree meeth. the seise wilt
take ace at thar exhibition rooms of Mn,
li}wwt•1ib'apk) ..s T. .
24th lastest, 001100*
• G•dlufSk bet. 1849. Secretary.
D11 a,
At Stratford. on Saturday, de 30th Septem-
ber, aged 29. after a shoat illness of the premil-
iag rummer complaint, Mr. Cs►ur.Hxwr.arr.
student. eldest ran of Mr. ',oho Hewlett of To-
mato, mesh regretted. The deceased officiated
at Stratlo,d be the (,.agtajatio.al Church, and
was moth tlipi.id tit his greinsons sad sus -
series themes. •
$41c! X
mteedent of (:ogees... Schools of els.
Huron Divine,, 8.. absconded wrtb'a hope
sem of Probate Mosey, the more Reward
will be paid to env one apprehending the
said JOHN SIGN ALL and recovering the
amount stolen ; or this reward will be in
proportion to the omelet recovered. The
money; 74ree bendced ted forty right
p*Ads, eau in 110 notes cf the Bank of
The above John 18ignall is a remarkably
large man, with coarse fealnree, about 6 feet
3 ether in heigth ; very round in his
shouldere haughty in his address, and about
M year, of ere ; hair .*night and iodised
to grey, w`'.:sers *bite,
ACV information resp. .ting the .bore, to
be forwarded to
Tregeprer thereto Uirtr,ct,
- G.ekria4, C. E.
�Zfu title Oct: 0644 tlQlf
HE Sebaeribegt ion ACV lfUi i large
e- quantity of i
THE Subscriber west pity cash at 18.
1 Goderlch Mille fer Geed Black (sherry
Saw -Log., and wall pea any otter d..crtp-
ilea of good Bao -=Yee Tor any parties oft
Gonanicn !Wilbur, 39ti
September buy ISIS,
FROM the premises of the snbeeriber. N. I. . -
11tk'C.s.eeaies of Celbws., . Teliewisb i
mimed OX, msly, with a stripe of whim Sawa FARMERS LOOK AT TRIS.
1 S Published entry
1 scud demi o •(
TWELVE MNI�•' , ►"•
fit twsr0W9 is .4t" 4I'.
The 'rrt.e.-nest es punted un a sheet
ty es tatgs se ..y ...rd m th. Po mows. ;
td 't. •,u1J 0101 ..101•11041 CO pdro,.t, a • dl bo
ellli ti
n. -ver enlarged .n tial e.u'ee of for
ensuing a '+.,mer
During the approaching kerio. of Par-
hauiea the Traervlpt will erotism Reports
of the Proct•.diegs, sufficiently eemprehen-
.4ts (0 (mated h Record of all thatacorn in
both 1.eg(tdotrrs Radler.
Ass Pa.teily- piewspeper. the Tiaa•rript
will support i(e •,1' obarartrr, A punto■
10(41* apnea .p.004. 11 be denoted to the rt".
'eruon tet ruurelLeeats' matter of an tn-
teresUny` anJ Literary . bs� *cter, end eery
thin u6eseive to mural* w Its 1N carefully
at.,tJod. el 10
W. have enmweseed, and tuf(t�'
ooellnue, a series 01 11.ugrsphicat Kkefe.'ta
eCb.*Iber'Mise• Ilan* of Cee(el one
Pr1{nmtcrtainiog T.racts ar d 0tbrr Woks • end
during the present .easun, none* will be
taken of the Lectures delivered at the
several Literary Instiru'iese of ;h.. city,
stitch we commenced last winter, aid
which gave gtneral satisfaction.
TERMS or 7T1E -TRANttbeS*PT aY
(01.• The price of Subscription of the
Meni**cit. Taatricalrr. (when ,.nt be
mail) 10 'TWELVE !SHILLINGS per as-
mim, payable in sdvaace. T.. facilitate re-
name/meg FIFTEEN Slil'.I.INGS meet
Pay (it Fifteen Months. TEN 8ttIL-
L1NGS for Ten Month*, and FiVE 811I1. -
LING';•' f. -r Fire Months. When the
ybrlud of @obicription rR nearly expired, o e
.bell acrid three different copies of the
Tran'eript encloeed in beet sr tram
covers : and if no remittance it made, the
Paper shall, in efery erre, he daree•.-
tinued. As the paper to given to manor'.
hers at the los eft po*nble prior, all mosey
letters must be poet paid ; and those whsh
am not, the amount of pn.tage will be de-
ducted from the money deet.
- 07" The Trasrenpt in vent In Suborri-
ber in the country twite or three none* a
week, at their *phone. The whole .f the
reading matter of Thereday mad Saturday'.
papers being pot into one .beet -thus .as -
.ng the Subscribers one third postage, the
pp�ride of sobseript(on to the both is the same.
llsbse►there, ie writing foe Hoe Traaseety.t,
will please mention whether they wish the
in -weekly or stmt weekly paper trent to
�\ewepapery with wSnm we exchange
well please copy One Notice which we wilt
be happy to reetpt•oe.te in t he Mme way.
God.rieb, March 3, 1848. b
he back, -he had ... bell, sed is rising sera
years old. shay iisfermetioa which any lead to
ibe recovery of him will be liherdlll rewarded THE ebespert BOOTS and SHOES of
by CHRISTOPHERSTEEWART. good qualityewer offered for tete ib
Colborne, 14th Sept. 1848. 33- this District. he s.bectiber i. Wein '
Goderieh rennin lis sincere thinks lot the
O T I(wj�,''. support he received while in bu.inees here,
and now offer. for sale the remainder of his
stock, commode, ie Boots tied Shore ahead
three hundred pens, at shoot use half the
IS ..0at sittings d the DIVISION
1 COINLO wtU Irs held at the gaol. Goa -
wish, M 8saurday the 7th day of October usual prices curves* here; esti Dad a0.. -
a1, • - A. F. MORGAN, All those indebted to him either by mete or
Ci. 1st Division Ceerr. book account, will pimps rail ad...4tle
ARV.ERTISE UNTT. Goderich, Sept. 1. 111-4S. *Ma
of *uncoil diew.timsri.aslieb be will W1 0m
the meet Bera..kb Terse for CASH, or
for WHEAT and PORK, at Market mess.
Ile would *Ise request all tbatte iodebtedo
gather by Note or Book Amami to Medan.
Banwarsa lit Sat*tn, through bin Agency,
to cabilbseedzately rid settle with biro ted
avoid eimmeseary eneta.
JOHN McDUNALD,C.rps.ter, .
Lighthouse atasa.
Godaswh, I lth Oct. 1848. . h
To WIT: a writ of
Attaehaeat issued out of Her Majesty'.'
Court •f guess's Beech mad to me directed
agiiest the Real Estate as wed as Personal
of Beajeaie B. Eby, an abeeeweng or con.
cooled Debtor at the suit of William Fred-
erick McC.•lloch, for 18. sum of Twenty -
.ix Pomade Nieves shillings and Three
peace, 1 have ateaed all the Real Fatale of
the said 1enjamia B. Eby, and wakes the
said Beelanns B. Eby return within the jl-
nedaetiee date .sed Court and put In hail
to the needle* withio three calendar mouth,
,or muse the *aid claim to be discharged, all
the Real Estate of the cud Benjamin B.
Eby, or se such thereof u way b. I.sces-
eery aria be held beide fee the payment
►..cit, Sod eatiefeetiee of the east o 1aim.
Werif 1e'we.0id►ad.
Sh011Y's Oise,
Gedei.li, 4114 October, 184L 36-13w
ON FRIDAY, the !kW iota., e. the
Beech of Lake Huron, about twenty
mike Borth of Goder•ch,
The owner is req'rest.d to prows proper-
ty, mad mettle with the sub.enber.
Ael,9elti, 9ith Sept. IN8. Dau
List Call l Lam Call t 1
A LI" puss., !garbled re R AirL1<T 1
STRAY COW. - C. , w q iSAAC C. enANTz. will hare
�TRAYED, from the subscriber in Goda-
rich, abut three weeks since, a
at 1wr d..t- Us., white moil, and *14.0.
under ere a loony. with, • ~di .use ie she
tem ; t" ab„stesght ynan geld, grab gss..1 l
Italia use tug of t►a here.
- Any peeswe,giving 'teewnwe i -s ,whoa
acrd Com can be had. wag he eutt.Np rs,
warded, lay addcerings -
(lorier:ti, Oct. 20f 1648. 19a(
as .pgnrteaity of paying the wgselhs aosesl0
to Woman Comm, se the 4mb wed 34 of Oe -
tabor vier, se tis HUROiN HOTEL, Oedaeish,
.trey munch time the Bai1ilrw111 mel spm all de.
taoltsra, • 1t,Aa eluent es.sp b. pips.
Wi14.IAM COS8 T.
Timely talon in worm at tip 01-
Mlels ati..o-
ivitLAN M indene. et .n Mt►., at the
1 ISM • 8L•
TDR Subscriber in acknowledging the
liberal patronage which they hate re-
ceived during their residence in Goderich,
would respectfully reglieet the immedrate
gaatlemeot of all accounts due to the4lro*,
as they does their books from this dale, -
Attention te this notice will save cols.
T. GILMOUR it to.
SA Sept., 1348. 39tf
THE Copartnership b.l.tufne existing,
between the uodergigsed (under the
Ira,, of Gooding aid Lanceerer, lonkeep-
urs,) as this day dimwitted Iby mutual _ co. -
The busmen will he 041uiooed, and all
outstanding ■ecouuts due by ae4 to the
firm w.0 be settled by the uo,ler.ign.d.
Gadusisi, Olb Sept., 1i18. 3911
trim Subseriber begs leave to reform the
Farmer sad the public in general, that
be will sell BOOTS and SHOES cheaper,
for cash, than they can be purchased else-
where to this eoetery. loteed49 pur-
cbasers are requested to call and examine
for themselves, at hie Shop nn Lighthouse
so mot, tear the British Hotel•
He has also a Heinle. Wargnn and Har- I
new, which he well sell cheaper than the
Gndnriek, Hopi. i, I.N. sal
w11.L altered MAf.P.B aR any port of the
IMetr.er, ns ree.n.sbl. Terser. AD -
pie at the Dri►ia4 Hotel.
.10oericb, 141b Sept. 1848, .�-
� 11enfia}.u- /Pl rfuneek are reprinted Ur
New York, imenedisfely on their ■r-
0ieel by the British Steamer', is a beauti-
ful slier type, on fine white 1 aper, and are
Ibitbful copes of the originals- Blackwood •
Mag.zao4 being an e*sct lac -simile of the
Edinburgh edition.
The wide -spread fame - f theme eptemhd
Po►tedicak renders it needless to say moth
in *beer praise. As literary organs, they
stand far in adapts of any works of a si-
milar •tamp now published, while the puh-
uC.l complexion orf each is marked by a
dignif ,candour, and furbaranee sot often
found twwitorks of a party character.
They embrace the ?Rbs n(, the threw
great partes is England -Whig, Tory,
sod Radical-B/m.ke*ond and .be f...dow
Quarterly ice Tury • the 1diaiwp1 Ale•
per. Whig ; and t►u Wast uesler, Radical.
The Farago' Quarter.y is purely literary,
being devoted principally to critictsers en
foreign Continental Work..
The prices of the Re-pris1 are lees than
one-third of those of the foreigrronptee, and
elide they are equally well pet sip, they
afford all that advantage to the Amerman
, over the English reader.
MOW 8eb erfle (from Gel') has Wolf
A. rented the have well /nimbi..11ed INN
and IiOTEL in the West end of Stratford,
from the proprietor and tate occupant, Mr.
John Sherman : and he b.g. to see that he
will endeavour to see the Publte sad True -
ellen well ateomnotodeted, and their can
forte atterded to. Ile has good Att►linp,
and an at testis* Hunter. His Bs* le wetl
supplied with Wine. Dud Lenore.
Stortford, Math 1. 1141.
9A00RXT To SR eiAlin s`e ADV* LR
j For ..y esenf the four Reviews, $.1,It0 per s.
For may two do do b,nn ••
row any three do do 7.00 •
For all four of the Renew..... 8.00 '•
For Illsrkwood'• Jlapaine.... ADO
For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 'v
Tear copses of any or all of the above'
worko wilt be rent to .-ne address on pas -
mens of the regular oubrcription fur three-
ene fourth copy beteg (rotor.
O� Remit tame.' sad ccinnou t.teations
. west be made in all eines without expense
to the publishers. The former may attempt
be done t':rough 5 I'o.imaster, by handeg
f him the Amon), to he remitted taking bi.
'reetid, and 'mwardinl; t1 by mitt, p.vn-
po14 ; or the rnoney m.y be enclneed In a
Mime poet paid, directed to thep.tbli•bera.
' N. 0. --Ch. metegeno *home Periodical.
is redtu'e.t by the last row tele*.. Lew to
•bosh one-third the fnnmr rotes, m.klig a
tory impn►Iset satin is the arspew0e 4..
mail eeehlct then..
(y in $1111* pfncipal .tale and townie
throughout the flailed States to who"
there s a direct Rulrue4 or Water rem.
siMnwinne from the ('sty of New Y.wk.
theme perineliceis will be delivered free .f
1.11051RIt M(-0TT M 1'1...
1. L E 1Y ii 15-, ' Awl4 br7, 119, P.ftO.-rr...X.
3obeerr�pn C+nsda may r�f-rive.
W. 'dB,/ ice.* ,. a A o' tkir mem'aera al,w.trtiero.t Mee(ri..i r,.at
CowzirANigG. -, Wee".
like, Isom. GOD8RICII. (iodaneb. Jam. 99, 1948.•
' l