HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-10-20, Page 2ifs - - --
u( the chapter, 1 will erre preened to give linnet et aa•tgaWi throusbetot, except for
1 ,.s.5 of the .,.ides of pr•tere.g .i•Mural •bout two sidle e/ Itit lee.tb, tutreedlately
rwrotius.J and rae.45menMJ se 11. Alter
gifted in•Ir.ctee he prepenes the es'e
for the md', t►+v ael0er s1$l s, that ewe
hinds of ore', 'I a -t meth, which be tent
" the whale p'o'se or hermit.. and thee swell
due's wts.eal." "The chaff as ital.s,' it
)• .I.* said, were preserved, is Md.r "1.. he
,risen to pl..w bora** and neer salami"--
• • Two meal Jule oala.0•1" cerrwpeoJe4
with 0111 0.110,5*, fol, of It w5 yes t'dd.
•• are snide eta thickened all pr•tstr,
eh••Iher meal pottage or aay thick or tutu
gruel, ot wh'•e g.wdso.s it a weeJieea to
►p•:.k, to that it is (.eq"enl with esuly ex-
I•erieive " We learn the. " is divers
c .an' 11541, its peie►at ktia. a 01' very good
anJ wto,i..osne brood. 01 heir thus another,
are tile of it, !modes tbirk rel their owe
adpleeet to Lake $.polo/, where feu
tests *ad bee entrees* rspidrly or 1O, cer-
met, esvigatws ceases. Thetas difficulties
ea., however, be essity surmounted by •
Casal a/ sot more this s made long, with
Lacks to oserretne a fall of abut 11 feet.'
Tbe only additional ubtructtoa to thea We
mous einem sf leased nevig■tiee 11 to $t.
Clair ipke o. semoacbime St. Glair •LIME.
Tb. u►4roclwu 0500.1 *1 a* exteaeiv•
keeled, sot ora great width, ever whack
n ot m,•re than .erre feet ce water, in ds -
pressed cnasinioua of the 1. key, can b.
count, J tau. Prom an a entio•asos et this
t hroat, it has lees found to coastal of a'
i.durat. J marl, leasing but tette cause of
doubt, that 11 a channel were usce dredged
through, i would rent0 a durable impetus -
oaten cakes, witch are very ulearm.t 15' intent.
to-te ant tenth esteemed." It was alas Lithe Champlain 1.e. ex lusively (except
need i .t e1 onetime way, for our author the .trail near Rouse's Point), within ,he�
.ie., leer when - mesa with fine wheel States of Vermont and New York, the for -
meal, ds earners, aid the latter
lural, a make •moat 41e.icate an.l dainty 1 mer occupying Vy R
cake, such as as Piece In the would, but i 1(1 wasters
mag o \1 Iis t
and dr.rinelpa-
a dui-
u,ay base thrtl *erred o" his ted, si ! 1 prutectwu which commerce requires, u la
egg net • tittle Surpnaad 10 God. •nes. 1 " V q '
doubt not the ieforetauue will be new to form of Breakwaters to Shelter its epee
may a our readers, than " the chieftain harbors.
of ibe pudding race," *kat peculiarly Scott- Toe coinmerce of theme Lakes was for
tab diets, the "haggle or haggees" was 11847, e.tineated at L30,000,000. What
.tare an especial favourite in England, that • will it be bat( is eaglet y heeler I
r0r towbar nougat tt -'ren to torus et it
I.erauge, (and the reason assigned is emr- ,, I LOPEMENT 1N FASHIONABLE LIFE.
tainly • sai.sfsclory ore). there a i
to be found •mao iten d.rs,501 effect thew." -
A transaction in the matter of lore and
The bayou was mrd* o4 the .w.'1 Juste I dollops of eon.iderable importance, In cer
.(h,r i, snivel If .. blood arid the liner of ,un circles, tier j,.1 trarepired in our city
.-.eller sheen, raid or sweet." Besides the' It &pile$ s that not long .yore two your
hoops, 1 God i.c ►statist : cottiah dick gcatlemen, rose .1 Mr. G-, were each
was uad.. It r called is Seotlssd worn+, courting two fashionable ladies of our city
aid is •Las alladsd to. . From fess small !the sallow L- and her daughter ; the
•v .11:1 by .'s l theisg 1 is water sod j hitter lady some fifteen, the former some
clrasrag n, 'sea elle. buliwg it to a Check (oiy year. of age. 'Cu b Pak up the union
.Ilff jalr, to mote t:at excellent dish of of the daughter with the youngman she
moat, sex esteemed an the westernpart of I r [
the kin Bono, which they call wi,;irew, W15 ent to the interior of the State to
nn11 to Cbe.hire a 4 Lracashtre, oaruery or I achoul ; and her lover to Texas, where he
d,non tar lex Sc, tlsad it a generallyeaten
died. The other brother continued to coir
with .elk, a ticked it wa''tateCwith ! the mother un d a recent date, altho.gh be
Ileudcs the j was sometime tonged to the arnb.out on duty, for jt be
Lora., wine, beer ur milk."
p ett.ge, bread, Oakes,pu4J.nve Maury, Aary, %Yell, during the young !adj.' term 'el
"tench hare already been noticed, • stall Ichool she heard of her lover's death in
another dt.h was made of oatmeal tailed i .`,
rmined so enter
girJbr••w, which is said to be "a well fillies I insxa ,and for
Convent r! vier, Thsete ten stood when
and sutiir• ra meat, 6t for wrrasts and men the elder brother, the ore that wee eonrtins
of lahuur;' b it Iva cumpwiove ttoo a not gyre.. ,be mother, returned to the city. He, was
The .wide dishes above enumerate.,still true to the widow, set she went 50
were all made from the '• small dolts oat- {far a to buy her wedding clothe., and the
rural," We now come to timer/bola greetsltspnl .Nm (0 .ay that he wild do with the
or heart ee.I.l, 'which is waatimes a" -s- sauP widow a.- 60 Pleased; which meant
boned as greele., tar i.iJimiof :oes a *oro that he could marry ber if he would.
oatmeal. This larger, kind of oatmeal was
Some scai.dil, entirely unfounded in truth
nude by shelling the grain. It is still used of out the gentleman that cotaduc!ed the
n. Scotland and is there called greater.- [ ; [
The • imilarity of the two terms, grestes busmen in the place of9tie young courtier
and greater, will at .race mike the reader. was discharged, but on the return of the
'Caw greeter were used In making "all turfs elder brother, be took charge again and
"u d.r •whether black or white. A went on with the w.dnw as usual. On
t o 1Jin1,e e,llud "th Good Friday pudJieg;' Saturday last, the daughter returned to her
was umJe "of greeted, eggs, milk and suet, mother'., from school, -she having been
fir't bolted is a Imes beg and then script sent for, and got home fhrougfi a great
and bettered with awes/ butter." The deal of persuasion ; her dispositmn having
grates were also wool for the stuffing of been bent toward a Coovent. On her re
Leese, and our author says that when 10rn homete 'a""g
riw un end "ares."
•• boded with watr till they horst, and with the brother of her late lover 1 Ile wee
mixt wtrb lmlter," they are "ptomain and
e ho1.eeome." The foreguieg eub.tantia-
rion rdthe tact, that oatmeal was in general
1101 in England, peerless to the iniroduc• tesauat 01 toe 701107 men, a0d be regretted
uuo of tM rotate, and the "frog recon- I his pledge to the musket ! 1t was a mime*
55 hare
of the sae of oatmeal, which of .0,501cee over (r)t ! Tbe 'ming than
we have tow gives from the work of value
, declared Lie new-born travelog ; the young
1,0 the feet,
amber, derive additions' value gtr{ Ace pt the brother of ber for, , and
from the diet, sn,.a tete foie.. p 1t.. I. ber father iliac was to be ! -IIn ruerear
crop has replaced ne in the posiuun that I.
Lkf el W bat course they souk
the English of 1&i' occupied' is that re-. it to yet impossible to tell. TO, mother
TM !Head" d teed sham....• le IbM
city, had • great desnemearinem as Therm
day a The rearm teiak e1"4. is
Obs large Hall el the Bs■ .tswe Market ;
and, at die how for comairetag Abe Per
teedhags, the •pemaes bereft .a MMrtll
eroded se Sura pest Thane err AM
teed to take mashed that/ Utas. h 14 /11'
Way with thou meso aid good Myns-
eieeereds b more &toques. sec to -adobe ;
M Ire ep'el wee by the .seer speaker to
nage easedisa preemie, Mt) homegey sum
ef whatever cosatry. Th., hod out base
carpise ewe) by appeals to their feelings
aiMOdieja/ had resaes also. They bad
beeat1411�yp , *.v. ier. Meru, a aegis
have bees .see ata. stone or Mfrs t►osssei dict Rjj it to Cary eoo•.Glea to the
persons preweet 1 ,J.od, ,t e y reeve Ilf Vy telltale**. U the was, tks 1 111.i of the
leggiest surauya era hook is llwuesl....beat in h this very district, mese
Thq Si. Jena p1lm '1'er�sat•se Bast j•emeow,
Landau tthe best, there most 'male
was d5 aue.daoce, and perfursaed userel gees, the wealthiest class, had been ruined,
popular sirs in the rouse el the *unto'. ow,.talu.ble properly scattered le the
Ills Wo■aa.r Teas Maros presided, and winds, ted their families degraded. Have
etuweodvag him 00 tthel endielln we elms" we not thee vac:ifted enough to the demo*
red tae Roman Catholic Bialeup sada large of iotemperasee 1 mut we nut paid thew
i.umber of the Clergy of Montreal, of •It were -keeper aaJ stilt owner, ono's', of
doeomwauuns, besides seen! of the lesdieg our mune!, smelt them enough ur our
citizens. hived 1 (Gnat cheering.) Mr. Cameron
Thu Mavoa, 10 .promo the proceaAugsr the■ mored, seconded by the Rey. Mr.
made a few eppr0p1.1• obeenauuas. and Mercier, Haat the ravages of iuteu,peraoce
wee• followed by the item. Mr. CI.ntekeS. had been mere destructive than the ravages
es ho to a lug and d..qusat addreee, dein- of wort
red to 6,. sative'lesguage, advocated the( A tentorial to the Provincial Parliament,
cause of Temperance with • seal and pur
w, to be presented at the ext silting, prying
winch drew with the repeated ad alb«
mastic applause of Els hearers. lie cue -
eluded by submitting a resolution to the
meeting, wh cb was seesoded by the Ret.
Mr. ea..r, and earrwJ almost eniaimeee-
ly, red shuts sea to the easel, that the
akaadosreet of rteaie5tty liquor*, 1b
order, by example, to iedece ./bees te'glve'
up their intemperate use, no ao act of phil-
anthropy ant Christian shanty ; and that
.001101 or later, the iotclhgeut, enlightened,
and charitable puruuo of the community
would enrol themul,es under the basset of
the 'Cerperauce Soctey. At this stage of
lim proceedings, the Cbairmaa read a letter
which he bad rece,sed frum Cul. Bruen
written by command of His Excellency the
Governor General, in reply to a request that
Hes Lordship would attend the 1neetmg,
expreesiag His Excellency's regret tbat
other eug.geteents prevented encu from be-
ing present •t the meeting, 10 the object of
which, and to the cause It was intended to
the House to amend the law regulates,
the licenses for the sale of iatoxieatlsg h
aur, so 54 10 reduce the number of dilat-
ing hours ; sod, after the customary vole
of thanks to the Chairman the meet5.g due-
OR ram anaa/IR11drt16 M..d1114.aldraa .*
taxis MfINRAA +11Padt Ud11lirtililll1 Pao
«.nota o� .taw het- r .1 tot •..'
•,,. .,tem,
(Fruit the MANIA 4�.e,,rrttrn Jwratmi of
*4,4 ,t"1 P: 1fi"eege,•
The head is one of the largest which 1
have Mier ett4wierd, asperreg read, kh.,
eupesuhary ridges and the output, trart!-
four std • half emotes. live of the Dram.
,sterh eartbu., is lbs measure of 1O.111&1
powers ; therefore a roan with such a brain
have( an ordlury temperament, would
have a powerful Isamu, on the *octet! is
which be noosed. It meat be confessed,
however, that the meatal power indicated by
the *Dove meaureurst, is only that of the
►.roti part of human salute.
From a Likeness of the Doctor, which 1
bare obtained through 16e kindness, of a
friend to Turouto, 1 would tofu that hit
constitutional temperament Will a tum6ln-
aliun of the sangmne-!iulious. If such was
the case, be would have a strong, robust,
physical constitution ; his activity would be
more of a physical tban of a seelsl charac-
ter. The tesrperament is combenatw0 with
Vs very large combativeness and selfs*-
Rome months ago we laid before our rea-
der@ Vine remarkable evidences s.f the neg-
lect of education in Wales, and of the
frightful depths of ignorance consequently
preva.irog. The gaol returns jnst publish-
ed by order of the House of Commons,
present not lege astonishing proofs of the
depciency of education to EoglaeJ• W.
shell take the examples as tiny are arrang-
ed in the alpbahericel order, not selecting
the most striking ,n,Iances., The chaplain
of Bedford Gaol states, that the great ma -
promote, he was 4 sincere well-wisher. l jeeriry of the prisoners arc ig.ornt, seta?id
The Rey. Yr. Tareoa moved the next 'and unconcerned -unacquainted ett6 the
commonest sceptered pbraaea. Tbe chap-
eau of the Berke Gaul reports, that of 631
prisoners, 936 were igno+aat of the alpha
bet, 201 unacquainted with the first ena-
ctplrs of the Christian faith, and ignorant of
of the public at which an immense
the Saviour's name. Ile observes, children,
Pu or men still childish, had learned to read or
audience was assembled ; but kiss ! that w rite, bel bad not learned to think about or
and+encs was actuated by hostile feelings ; understand aeythueg which they bad been
and the greater part came together, not -to tpngbt ; tie !Elis 6.t 10.11, ettesaaee, hat
promote the cause of Temperance,' MIT to the mind bad reeee,ee no den, no tmpve•
oppose it, and to viewer ridicule and Cu.nsion. Iameaubleit ie, be proceeds le say,
tempt upon its advocates, and they were flat even tbeeriminal population el &Ci:le-
led on by many who bar: since bad time to lien land shoutd show i pmportioe of one_
see their error, and some of whom would, third rtrangers to the very first truths of
tae hoped, have the honesty and courage to religion. The Abingdon chaplain reports
make a piblic acknowledgment of firer that out of 196 pnsoners, 13 were in atter
fault (cheers). On that occasion, every- igeorance, sod unable to repeat the Lord's
thing was against theca, but the Influence Prayer ; 52 could not. read, and 83 knew
which came duos from above. The Press neither the creed r Commandments.
lead .petted its mouth against them ; 001 The report of the Bretnn chaplain is,tbat
two notmstera of religion in the try of though the majority of preu0ers can read
Montreal were found iatp,,.deme and foolish imperfectly, yet their education has been •o
enough to make public avowal of temper -
'ince prigciples ; Magistrates and individuals
soon to be her father! Ile told her 0u occupying high and influential rosiuons
doubt to be a good child, and forget the I teethed clown upon them with contempt and
notion of a Cun•ent ! iter efiarmy, during derision ; and all said that Temperance was
tbeee interesting • converratlone, took pee nothing mon than a " nine days wonder,"
ted teat, when it had run its brief course,
it would, eke tbousada more, •ink tato'change
runts of Christianity : six out of ten did
oblivion. (Ilea., hoar.) But watt a shags sot know whose son dues Christ was, nor
dol they witness now ! The cans had Dot wherefore he came into the world ; 6,eout
sunk tnte rhyme ; at had aoakawdt•r 5"iiir-1."an .un 5row the Q9eea'e na®.-
0t nine days -aye, of nine years. b'ers,) The Bucks report set forth that about half
But twelve years had elapsed since the time the ruoners can read aol write ; oncfourth
to which be referred, and the cause had tau V passages of Scripture, another fourth
s▪ ubstitute fordthat est a tae ktp'P6oebesi was last seen in her carriage in hot pursuit been becoming stronger, and greater, tad are either Ignorant of 16. alph.bet.or una-
after the young would-be nun and her re- more commaitdmg ; and now it threatened to read the simplest word., and that
course, that we ehw. *t, - 1e IA, edntlr was to -be husband ! it Is a mixed , to Barry :1 before it. (Great Cheers.) -
ignorance the use d oatr•.cal, "feel awpoyiage . ignorance is almost uniformly accompanied
Cam -
growth o< oats !n every /rr{lbje tl'i up affair and the 'end is not yet-' There was ass.mbled this eteileg 0fts of with the -eatest depravity. The • 11 may be interesting to now that the
.lardy of the widow L- is worth some
eight beedred thousand dollars, and that
tie younz nun is worth some sixty thou -
seed !-Cimdneal1 Conuserrial.
resolution, which declared that uoaversal
testimony established the fact, that the
intemperate use of intoxicating!moors was
000 great cause of crime 504 4 .eau• He
remembered, he said, that twelve yearaago
they had a 'l'edtperance meeting in the ball
Di market,h h
the cart may be eaamiaed at my cskmrt by
any peter retirees of drag se; end
whether or sot it affords sal .riders e1
the truth of *bae0Ngy, 111 these deter -
Mr who were best aogedeted with the
rammer of Dr- Derv.
1r.ceq,J_ Et a tow. -T6. enrolee for
tufo resetg try wade eta Friday, I. a quiet
ray ►ed a little tea. tet is the whole
more than or hoar sod • hall. It was •
dMMbiful day, yet then was sM • Iesge
iithAer preesatt eer psopta are give• to
"'stroking lay while the sea s►lsae," s.d
therefore not rpt to turn out unless they
are seede4, and they did net feel that they
were then.
After the business had bees fermally
opened by E. 8. Adana, Esq., the Asters
ing Officer, Mr. Merrett was proposed by
Jon C. Bill ed seconded by Dosses Wel
gotten, Esq.., and Mr. Clark by Sm
Hacord avid Joseph Greet. The gentleman
Ont nominated thw care forward, sad
made a bnef and satisfactory speech.-
lle aJJre..ed the feeetsi usher the ageu-
rapes from Mr. Clark, that no oppesities
would be made to hu revere. .laving been
offend s goal in the Evocative Gousicd by
His Excellency, he had felt it his duty to se -
c•ipt tyaa thereby toe measures he bad ad-
v• sited would have a better rase.
teem, would give hint a love fur the athletic of Governiseet consderatioa, tad if they
sports of tete Geld, -and be would be dlepo ' were not determined rpm 6. might Boor Mi
sed to pride himself un his bodily protress• expected hoer again. These bad bow so
From the insufficient data preowned by the fremseetly explained, that 6. did little more
east alone, it appears ea 4, towards timeless than mention the Ieadiog ores, and closed
of bis tile, *Ise temperament pre by dcclsrirg the inconvenience sod pain it
dominated. In this cue he would be char• was for bite to leave the town.
scteriard by kabi/sal indolence ; but when Mr. Clark then promoted himself and
roused by any matter of importance, he rade a speech, of which brevity wee Om
would display groat mental energy for a only good feature. We are sure that he
.me, until again o. erpowered by his grouted gained no Iauprls on the occasion; het he
lore of ease. worked out • pretty Lateral coevietlo",
All bis domestic organs are Targe with that the province would be very destltete
the exception of :emotiveness ; hence he of capable men when this coestleseaey
would evince great fo.daess for ekildrea. should think of sending him to Parliasest.
and the associa'ione of bearlh and home We hats always spoke of Mr. Clark with
would excite powerful cmotlose in bis mind; reepeet: it is plea/est to cherish moth .enU•
twit Ideality, as well as Amau,eaess, beteg inert., if ?o.ible, for everybody Lieut a;
deficient, theca would be a marked want of but if he wishes to excite such feelings is
basement, tenderness and delnwcy in hes every body about him, he will Bad it more
co.dact torte -do the fur sex. Ilea strong likcty to be done by as unpretending de -
hived!' feeling would be appretierlyd by all meaner, then by vaunting of the stroO( •p•
eh) were intimate wltb hies, although to • pcsitiot he shall be able to eller Mr. Mer -
partial acquaintance he might appear scene rift on another occasion. • Thr gasUm ea'.
times to take rather equteocal methods of friends are now quite eetteasd that they
showing it. 11.. strong social propensity, will never have a great "e " to secure
with his large Mirthfulness and Alimectire•
neer, would render him a firs! rote bean
companion. Ile would lake a pleasure is
bantering hes comrades ; and although the
pray ales wit would be something like that
of a guani, who would not take into consid-
era11oa the keener sennbthties of the ioferi-
r being with whom he sported, yet there
would be so malignity to he sallies.
He would be a daring and ree'kfen enemy
eerier opposition, but a mngnasimoas ros-
}'ummess is scarcely targe caoogh to rea-
der bum conflate -al .0d straight forward is
the maintenance ol)ixed principles. There
would be a good deal of the epte5reaa in bite
defective that they have no 501,00 of 1O, Ile would he naturally sceptical in revue • --• - - -
bearing acd connextoe of one part of a se- to religious stat/ere; indeed, he would be S T R A T F O R D . '
!encs with another, nor of the meaning of very much disposed to doubt, if not to reject
words of frequent occurrence in unmet*.every thing which court not be proved by Tle Anand Exhibition of too 8erutferd
Nine out of ten that have come wader this obrrraliaa and erperieace. Nevertbele.s Breath Agrtewltural Society took plies ea Fri -
.Rev. gentleman's observatooe- were be. 6. would bedisposed to pay deference u der the. 134h nett r ke washer wss rise
states, totally igm.n•t of the merest tent- religions ordi.usus, and aaao,fest a regeard-
for wavelet and tine-3oaored institution.. die reeds heist' is good "'edit". then was a
He would, generally speaking, be an Auk- ver? large lots •5t.(.tea, wemen and e6ildne.
pendent thinking 5tos, shames% very mooch lied a0 assemblage of fie r•fseeed animals whir
lo yield Le the sediertafis.s of beet le mouthy and q..bty word ►ave smoke
frrr' p red reed t of aay .grieslnr$i Diath4. 1tea.y err
Ile would have nothing of the fop or 0100- t6s forced cattle sshibit.d, wrsld lit. brew
key about him. Ile weight despise erery esssidrred worthy of pv.mid,rer L rss.e .Idev
thing like hypeneral p -y sed .has ; erre very sentries, whish bpm Iwo hoer _remit__ 1br
11111. for ge•eral popeWny ; be tselrised to
rail at what the world calla fa.11.1* ; smith* their eanle•broe6ag ettretman.a TO, Minn
sighing.ntimencal:et would fiat' nogimes- Cows sad Sege were artaisl7 of a etrperise-
the largest sudieoees that fie had ever :ren hent a cuspate repOrta that one of 300 pit- 16y with him, gsaLty ; sad many of the pease mole gue
Ms return -or any other y may m:• mer
when he is rte 100181 a• • l.--agafa.l all
the opposttio0 Mr. CI hall ever be able
to offer .e hue Owe belt .-$f, einflheri0ta
Jorrsal. ---------
----_-_- --
FsmuT. MC710!= B. tar.
nes this ene•tnnicat' jt ' ! In
lengthy, Lwi11 term; d It
1 he cooefupfo7e iR tht,'> t, lrkirelfl
hue dr.ygA nt efdr�St1 a 1 , wi
of oatmel in 1;'11 la d. "
r Anel, to concluded therein so way r
pis{pose .bats ydr.'tO 1iPWIMI''1 inkh can
use or employ vibe, Wet' iiltb the• r goo
B oning sod orderyou beefyp I*5pbItp� tb� where
retell wf Mania and 'Need 'T n as Rodd
and wholesome a,k•r.hed'iidb'eTHtatfatl:so
frtai 1Veu see. -Marriageable age
is from fifteen on either side. A go -be
twat", or public match-m.ker, frequently
s Ohm, hot more cornmeal', it
slmttledbe sbe of Nil• parses". Mother
that 1 oily i,a,r<; 1frk p No" w115saot uncommonly. in coereration, when in
this appruba'ion of wtmea! that i Wide
charm and great bbeeSf eJtt. 1, it le'
the crown of We' ttatl il4ar'bnd'
doth more Brice' her'taltrle trod het tteiJ-'
ledge, than all grates Whatsoever; neither
indeed can any family or household be w•!•tf
need thriftily maintained, where thio 1. either
scant or weeding. .1ni thus-mmittotteb-.
ing the nature, worth, enema, area great
merrily of oats sod oatrncat.'-
'11111 A'MERIC.1N L.AY.ES•
511 (needs of rufous grades sent congrttn-
(ErlrS 'iiia Gee •f,,1rrira5 Mining and Iat.tg card., *scholia( 55311, axeordtag tot
',Gift rid Journal.) his meanie from a hurdeed to a thonsaed or
more Le (3d.) cash. This, he told me,
was purchasing a seat at the bridal feast for
the donor and hid wife. Early in the morn -
tag, the young female friends attend to dress
the bride, and weep; why the latter 1 know
not. When all a ready, the bride enters a
carved red and gilt sedan f to be hired to all
villages, and used fur marriage* only,) -
Fent walk the band, not very emblematic
of Aeronomy perhaps, but that dee. not test-
ier, hollowed by ,the household goods and
wearing apparel of the bride, carried in red
painted boxes, attended by her relations and
!needs. When arrived at the hou.e of the
brielogro..m, he epees the door of the sedan,
and, receiving his bride, steps with hero•er
• pan of charcoal, conveniently placed on
t6y thrbahold; then, eatenog the Vonore,
they eat r,e. and drink lea together: whrcb,
with some verbal promisee, templet* the
nuptials.-D.bfis University.Vugaz•we.
the happy este that there who lose their
lords wish to be, mstealiy pro•t:tse, that if
opposite vele,, their o8'epring *bill i. doe
Ames be min and site. leave has set often
;tband tli the matter. The anxious parents
d the vnuth having, by one meant or other,
procured a beide for hen., presents of geese,
cater, ramechoo, kc. pass between the
familtee• 1 wa.'pteeest at the weddingof
• worthy Rower at Choose, who, Rem time
to time, during our stay, had .applied nor
mess In thee general line. Ar soon u it
was given out that he was going to many,
The commerce el thew mho! seas alrea-
dy exceed* /bat of the lreditrraagn-
what will it ut..iust to r SO years Bence!
The great Lakes of our mammary, wbieb may
hew justly cnnsedered inland seas, and to
which the inland commerce deecrebed in the
r"peri relates, is as follows: -Champlain,
0.1+1 1.1.1°040, St. Clair, lis-ros, hi•eb.gan
and Repertor. 'rho Lakes are of .great
depth. as well a of great extent. The en-,t,re Ian. of lake coast embraces about 600
teller, 9000 or s::icl, constitute the coast
tat the Pruvtnco of Camels.
Length. width.
Lam Champlain le 105«. 14 re
.Ontario, 180 59
Erie, 910 57
St. Clair, 18 93
Iforun, 270 1
r mit inelediag Georgian Bay, 110 n Ig.
llicheg.n, 3Se 81 be
Sweeter. Mie 135 1.►0
T1r.e I.akme may he cnneirlered as eon•
n etad'houghos%their whelp eaicat. Lake
/thamplarn cw.eeeta with 1.:1. Osten. by
nears of the Cheiehly Casal eta the River
�i•chcllen--the Ht. In wanes Meyer se els
• .male, ihroui ti Cgta.la-a.d the Ca. m •
pl un and Erie Gaudio of New York Lake
4 )•,thio ta r ....wiled ild with Like Fine, by
mates et t*. Welea.d Ceeal, through Grimm
da. aid by/ oceans of 1b• thieregn and }.ret
(lansla.,hrnneh this elate of New Yorke..
l,.ke Krt. le reneee 111 with Idako Ise.
t'I,trhy the deep sed taagablelgta$a ef
Detroit. 1.1 nu4a Ina •.
I. the *41 ('lair '5"(smsected with Life.
Iyer•.. by the deep sod navigable menu of
St. (.4.,r. 81 telae lung.
l..k.. Hume ,s censwlad wins I.eke
hl.en,wsw by the 'les. .,, I skirl* emit in
�f milieus sod with I.eke y"esr.w by lbs+
emit, of tit. M ore., 48 nate* hem. Thn
Or ftm-
Ike r'uT Talc• YOUR 11 VISA - kits.
Child ease Yes mere !,,goody Merry
(tar love than worsen, became, weasels think
they will not bars, a better chaste, tad
dread being depot/ewe Wee* tee bubbled
ebseoyers that he has bet puked up ae a
rose reinter d e.veamaco, he 468'1 lakm
the trick that btm•Mes payed ea him."
We hones tlFeit*ei • amp.e of the geld ,ren wo time fev r.Aeeli.n m .ace
whish is 1hero to Tal ots/a, of yrbrch bo t'sN pUwi
tl beget said. The supple the iavtmuw to O, prm.*st tan erniag k
U.iesd Mateo 'rely, now Governor of that wrae.eg from atonestiag Irgoor. He
tarritery- It le pure virgl■ gold, sed • fair Med bra • "ober o/ lbs Tempers..
sample of lb. letups or rains famed in the Ifl amt tt ,ya alma m der tte lest eros *s
P pe g yam three jeeys Lr►te, me
ibe ridipM
geld regio.. Y. Com. disk seal the abuse which bad base beeped epee
in the city of blostreel-a audience pre -
aided over b! the• individual who occupied the highest mrlc station in the Province, tar, 89 were ignorant of the Comma•dmeots
tied on the platform there were Ministers of and the Creed. to Curpwall, d appears that
Rehgio of different deoem.atiose, aid mit of 848 prisoners, 304 could neither read
Members of Parhame.t, not ■565ttaed to or ones, ISO could tot -repeat the Lord's
1511 the cause of total ab.tieenee from all Prayer, and was ignor&0t'of 1O, Saviour's
intoxicating desks; and tfee ci11uos et a'tue, la Dreet, out of 671 prisooene,109
Montreal eeeembfed n thoue•nde' mol to did sot understood the meaning of the
but to promote that cause. (Loud cheers -1 1 Lord'. P , and 119 were eaure/y woo-
meeuag Wag ivied a tnrspb fes ibe i rant, one nes two of the very name, and all
cit 5f Meeh t and fur the Provence of of the work, and tension of the Redeemer.
1 And the ie the general tenor of the reports;
lower weds, end the fruits of its 6176, indeed, w have ooh meta single exception
morel red religious teluence oo the eons 1 where the statistics of education and crime
awety +srot+4 be groat and leeti5l. (Cbee,ra. I an embraced, balsams o(- the returns are
tie ventured to predict that befure other 1 defective is this important Maacb of ).out -
twelve years btu eltpeed, the triumph of r♦ 'And with those disgraceful tuts w
their cause throughout the length ad *violence from all quarters, will the oppo-
nents of the Ministerial system her extend-
ing public i 5(101uoo yet mai.tain that the
education of the country is neither defective
• 11 Exam -
they had been able to bring together 1 in quantity nor to quality i-Loadoa eweb an Seeem►bge Se the one now within!
there wtli.-whit Dight they sot expect
during Om neat twelve years 1 '(Cheer•.] � faun Laxnuoorar.-The peculation and
They bad at their bead many Clergymen el I robbery committed by Irish Landlords, •on
the Cberdh of Rome, and ■moron them 1 gevernmeot and lbs poor, received a severe
our of the most devoted 5d 50exwsfel exposure from the Lord Lieutenant, in an
advocates of the cause u( T.mp.raaee that isterriow with Mr. Besse. , wbee had a pian
bad ever raised am voice, (cheering.) and foe the better *Mopes of the poor, to intro-
Mimekn of retiree of different deomres- duce to government. His Excellency
tithe, who met we the same platform, Pa "commented in strong and severe terms on
advocate the same thou, without any cow- the waste, plunder, jobbing, and meappppli-
prumroe or sanifieeof principle. Was mss cation of public funds, recently urns Ireland,
this a happy noon for the metre! (Lead when •dvancel from the coffe01 the
cheers.) The R.e. gentleman Otos dwelt elate. Public liberality and palate hooey -
at some length on the evils of intemperance, (dente were alike to most cases, gruel'
quotuog from Parliamentary Reports in abused or wholly perverted in their apple
proof of Its dersating effects en the Malt' cation. Landlor•!s bad applied for and ab-
seil prosperity of the community, sod coo • mined imme.e 50.51 for the alleged per -
eluded by warmly urging on all who heard pose of improving their lands and affording
Vero to join t6• Temperance cameo, ad &id employment, neither of which they did ;and
1e 1i. 001000e.te.t. 160. the intention of the legislature was not
IM. B.aueas, Y, P. P. having sseosdsd tarried into effect, nor the condition of the
the metaoe- agricultural population in any degree im-
The Roy. lir. °'Remise spoke long awl proved. Theo with respect to boards of
eioyuostly. He sddre..sd himself mon guardians, they had not, in most cases,ad-
espeei•lly to hi• own countrymen -to tier/ ministered the poor law with such efficteo-
wuo prided t6*teulvoa on the memo( Inch• ay u was desirable ; and under the system
n oon ; &N moved. 5.eoad*d by Jaws Da which, is many eases prevailed, the -neat
Were, Esq. Y. P. P., that t6. sr 04 i5• flagitious oboes. had sprung up. Thus, for
toxetating drinks is gee of the gnat draw. Is•eisc•, within the last few days the goy -
becks sod .bated*, to the onward magnum er.m*5t load ascertained that to one district
of the commonalty. there war some hundreds more persons
The Hord. M•t.coLe Cseeaom, M. P.P. ebarges►e for out dor relief than the
south* loot speaker. Ho said that 6. bad whole numerical population of the district.
+J.tirae/ sed Repress.
g Ile would be rather too emtelts* in t
overt, 140 were able to read, 80 could tot �� rdafertop prosy e/ ppegyerivo impeevwe.e
read, 61 could not repeat the Lord's Pray. to e►asry matters. If b bad eidiuet to There nny7R ■ few Irs,seess* nevem eM ■ems
oppose the pure of Tempereece as before,
breadth of Canada wolfed 6. attained. k,
duneg the pant twelve years, they had
seoe1plr.hed so mush, notwithstaodisg
the hostile inflooscee arrayed agaiat them
. regia° J lend his voice is tad of the nose of restore
we have coated Teem l;ol, Mssoe, of the
The Q Prtems Andre mg els, royal glom at eines, sled n those tunas of arse.
freed?, erre 4 at Aberdeen, 5S the 7th hope and eo.fldesss w6.. they sae' The
Sri. (Weber. They w.v.,seeiedWith groat
•stherrasm by the men. They lel
sloe sexy day her weiwl Caatt., which
has lately her p.Nbmed by her Majesty.
Jarrow/ ted harem.
eflicr of these 1!t►wre throogbo.t the
c0nrseney opra epee fes pebfle need.
Ne hes also warbled Use mars of Tem-
psr=wee in 'reload, 1he Abets ef weer lad
hes. felt 1. elle e..o.ry i}. ilei or le-
Lerilaket.aiell, whilst igltublie, was
..tread with a summons to serial as a wit-
ers for Smyth O'Brien, al les Cl mel
.smmtesioe. Hi..wdekip eosld note der.
stead the iy of his sttesdane bet
eoeoet.d to awed, and reverted to be
advised int i<the desire to ha.e him u
a wits*., wee persisted ie. Hu lardshtp
1eelisd to receive a straiten of tee ere -
termed to bis., le .der t5 comply
with the 1srm*lities o/ the law.-ieersd
vd Fapr.s..
meet his preseet tecp.artiee, be would bo stre.e heavy working ..en im ess-Rrat ems_
100 muck deposed to let re Attars look out Tie
sheep sed ewes teem tet .m•swm.m
fes iloelf. • r •-- +7rsxxi. ••n
He would O, ratberdai6jeet ietiatM.p(
the tmprovreg, refining, and el.tg4.r, pse-
timeots of our nature, which, taken in col-
section with great petceptrv. power* and
animal propensities, would vendee blot a
dry, plain, blunt,ro.gh, bome-spun, atter•
of fact sort of 5 person.
It a inferred that his intellect wa,pow-
erful but impnctieable ; a very large brain,
greatly developed in that region shah
gives the power of scq'tring knowledge,
whip Constructiveness, ideality, Imitatioo,
and Causality, were comparatively much in
ferior, thea latter being the faculties that
enable us to Mtn our knowledge to some
useful account. He would be a great ex-
penmenter without a prr-arranged plan ; he
would be disposed to rely too much upon
his own progressive experience, without
sufficiently considering the new circumstan-
ces or contingencies to which he might be
la regard to the fine arta, be would be
very capable of detecting the most minute
faults In the works of others, yet his gene- es .s a prosperoe• eemmmuty se tar ewe re-
ral task in such matters world be so poem ssorcea Acid what pleased as meat was seek •
Timely bis own, that very few would Do large assemblage el stoat, hearty, healthy far -
willing to acknowledge its supenor t . muse -Se -stele Irish, Ea/lisle and Day►. Trim
tad with a few esolllalsee erne diet efamens,
keel. Sr derpter dos exb'bities bed pew
the ■ppesmilkilW*'stYtcb-earth. Fey theas say
thing we beet.Niemd hiCema4. T6e.epeea-
nw as of pleeigbe, weage.i, hares«, tad her
e pees exhibired,saee rider* that the 5mebae-
aal k.owledge of the Mcabry is keeping pees
Ude the improvements is a[nealt*n, sad the
greet reriety of farm erodes ad demesne aids-
&ety es Worsted as amount el 'silvery, skill,
✓ ed laudable emulation which mist be modes -
tire of much rural comfort toad iadepeadesa--
ia short we have sot witaemed say exhibitive
which yielded as • greater degree of atiehetiea
or inspired as with more cheerios hopes of the
teeing' ted prosperity of Cabal then des
Stratford exhibition It gays proof positive that
yrs poises. am cosh the elemesr of seed hap -
pious in oar District, bat also the skill .ed en-
terprise to tors them elere, . to the best edra-
tage, and that time slue is requited to .stabler
From the pnw•erfel combination of certain
organs that be possessed, he most have had
as almost soper-hamar memory of fact.,
etreomstances,'and detail.. He most have
had excellent powers of deocrtbiag and il-
lustrating ; and his anecdotes would gene-
rally be " to ibe point."
Iles picture. would be strikingly graphic,
without mueb romance or sentimentality
shout them.
Hie language would not be coptoue but
bis ideas would be clear, terse, forcible aced
expressly •. Tbe bayonet would be his 1*.
•erne weapon in battle. and ta argeme•t
l,kowie, he would generally depend *pee
the charge.
Upon the whole, the east before me beh-
ests. that the man from whose head it ba
taken, was mentally a great, strong, roue),
generous, and magessitnous individuate but
from the *ammo drum, 1 •m e.mpdsed to
say, that be would not be disported to trap
Hoe relations between the yah concourse of
ideas that thronged his mad, a.d great hue
dameaml pn.aples. " ruts are said to be
stubborn thieve." He word be tarter .f
a mighty army 0( facts; but in eeeoegt..e.e
of sore of kis sepriorotfloers O,r.g nose -
meal, that army would Most likely eraser
ns turves noting is Comae, white ft oagat
to have been bakeries Rome.
He would his rather too m.o41 a Mee of
tbe preemie, and very much despoiled ha
lbi.k, eornd.neg all dears, that wen fed
sirres era leiter eJ iia. b*tlgry freer.
(Such it a very imperfect sketch of lbs
eh.recter of this eatrwrheaty era, whir
1 bays dere pbreeregieally from the errs
before re. it le quite pe.M bi. thin 1 bays
erred is sere dry tl&doetisre. However,
all approved to take a egtml interest in the ea -
hibitie•, ad showed the seer i.adabl. spirit of
emu!uies is bri.g,.g forward their meek anal
prod■cce. Among toe sumerom articles of ins
prod.ce exhibited, some sesames. .1 hemp
grow. by Mr. G. Leventg. of Fidler**. chim-
ed psnieslar attention, wed from sure rewrk,
made at 160 diseet, by Jells C. W. Daly, E.q-,
we are led to believe that t6e culture el hemp
.d ha might be re.ds,ed rem...ntivw A
cossidersbl• gesauty of them articles are impst-
ted annually hath. Ddm1 8s.*..ad to w•
have • smug slp.tise to the " a Manses a. -
public.' reeeiviag eta p.emy 0f em Ceara.
mosey Uwe ws ea menet le we diel that
the .pmt .f pstnetiem .is.. --tab flea* of keep-
1afr oar ewe f..de amour ewe nide sf 16s brisk
ski* Id be . eellielm t like -meat to ream at 1tM
as meeh du sad Mmp se word ..pply est .wit
dere d.. Asd Mr. 1.1y intim.W lir wiles/ -
are to falBrr this *set by agree r wow
a Ike mill se noes as timely nes.. (w. tbi.k)
.f Ru sad reap .herd be prows is the 504 -
bsb.d ; at the weer time ptedghg bored to
rearm at the market prise trbare., erode,
might be grew..
We desk B1ntind b drier y ream. •
was .f sere try ; trine is . spirit .f Amity
end 'whites ie im i.bekirste-cis easwill
far ire areirg .hem Ib.ir err , we r
tae• the tAresyr ef "Creases.. lab.;" bet
es .«Maio. lab .eti1dy -Well se vie with
eseo ether .a i.demersee ay.pnr, Med as pr-
een IMP sahad..urlitw M indrp-daso, sad tae
11044 they w,8 ..ee.r perry. .g hider