HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-09-01, Page 1___ 1 .1 11 ?1 1 lip It Mkum XUR is *a *ro* I.L.Ille A, Ah - 0'( ThR 000ekmi xTAR arawatsm tun "y otlaw mwsp"w ----------- mowoirfiotb# couatv 40� ------- ------ TEN PAGES T1 N. q0DERICK,, ONT-IoIRIDAY'll SEPT WaW TgN QR) f0r$0t't)l10 Visit 4Uth1s ans Of, "fegilutim in Its. which we *,,X- $Leaol Tax Afterward a, T"I", 104* --um Down,_. i GroyhoU4. thio excursion to Vkulloik FOU'R VER OL4 NT INTEREST Tho. wug vto�k,tskln Cv* 1*00 there be wqtlld 4 Tau to no Ali 1W. utiron Lic, CL04.;.,�-� W (a 010%,0A this, tho progoill"t t next W-.0PAPdA? A, awP 0 a t T to 4614thltal ttw# t4ow., the wo''.41tXamil We011lot( 4 414 , w I h io Kreet"Old frii4do. �740 d 14"d Pubila 0reg-4, of the t Xt to exp" theta 400 0 "4 not be _t44 f It* VQT* for t, Y W 0 ptove the to, t VOW w3k) . Our 4 t 1500-T9 slectriq 1164 plekt. withoriltwIll At fty Vila#, iiiiii"itto Ol NOW OWdA at tCillen roweif. TOPICS. the no .. ..... An Invited IK "To - am Mu STWo faIt 404 vjotor= InIanduavenu r. jamellL 00 differ �rpinlontfl III r de"', Xro A ff"o is 041�"r Dalton, wll qt8AsWOI4 , , I - wnest 0 be so , Yvo* relieving ogleer'* t W9 thing for oureftlZe atrAtrb Vast which, bet goo "Volit, 004 W4111 aidt nueot 961"R 0-11-1 -that Muni. ot the I A Pit; A 10 the Pelting tive been to b ainof Olt* a t 4 -a moul _I.OWnertill, At, ano. �$TA�WA4P LOA14 COTOAXY had success in OuReholdem A Ila Schools rai. ears, ORC.4 uoiaor[Q4, uoglilte k,,o did not be. wAQ say they Vill, olixpeA41rill ........... Atilierbw ROV410 Would be till this public Oil wo A 00 0:401104 toll'o A. ol-tb, 0 0 litleg In Mir t4 A 0 6:iq 4�a t 1. Alcoa) Ilk 0 10 111010 Ono d1W, We Wit"Ase-4 b., colutwoolo" who rA t. Fjtipt.L, fift boliI u In , to, and, the N"opill WC -0 d be oWd for t air "Chfie to use the 41troato far, th or Boll Art Iii 11 DAVIt At YOU tim41over, of P01.03 orrosel services and p1pelilp and for a nominal taxati f Or�o tivas A04 study to ofovote, ten in-Volted rocto Too, nThav, Go OX, NORT I ii, to stock wais told on to the successful Mao, Years on sm. 0 vt�ft;. Y04 eanget Just what, oil want by be expected 04 at, a STRI 'Wackrair lqrl le ftrau#,� R.Ao ) at dacTm adI7, liog, agemeot ot,theso vervicca. under the tbat-they will supply A poe"qualit .0, the afternoon train on attendance. btilt, mt4m, bidde Wo was A, y 10' ilug The auctioner. Till h ptom nOLono, could 9" WILY be dismissed without _U4WVX@00� J&te,,Og�'Aldk. CXpfttoa to neg CC& his own bUoi. Went, Oil may also the other Qla 01410aused. by 4.0,11ght Itithbop, M'Ifili 'VAriael tj urh"era being N oil of I botho, extent necemi for such lack In �e get link no Ferstrak Injury 9 It ''bibm the ace rQ- tratfor(l. ThestriCk #noun the lilt fifty to atto they will Join 7 ill for Silo. 43M and the lifirb as eta, 311"gell In the fersonnel of tile (16unell tollurn's electric Plant, The real Issue I, at, to the b0slueso of the .. ... . ............. r it'or SAO' 111A to Make preparations f0'r on the dollal It its a kid III not Allow t me, for the Requisition Municipal Vera 'W entr i's r the Grea North., "A spin t4WZ4t4­Xt 0, Job down. o o 0 Of Such matters "a Private ovionersbip of uA I tion, as the Show will 1*30 NYAX CQX0I, The London 1J. 4.0�, 041 Ove ...... -oo �Vpess, y �tev4ay aild. "Cal. be M811C 089. fie believed the such a plant. until thin propow all, 74 1, than four -weeks. il TUB PU13LIC MEPTINO. qBtablis 010111t Of a,944 Plant would be Otic 0041 Inade tio One wou,4� lthave seriously roftw r4 doy Odl timen auvantage to the town urged that the town Should go into orroloslon, -TbX00- -wn% well-Wereo charged be� Toro Ufa ord 1p mayor Murno and was -satisfied to let the present such an Ahrou it 10,61,01301 Peters, trilim General Y on W ...... nles of the 0 0 10re ftNIN4 Monday with being drunk and ditiard- 15 SOMOWhAt Vasatisfartory-Tho promoters 1%ko-tbo risk of working up great and the prob(Lbility of u Avill, hi VttOtl;l� hive4twOut-the riak 7th o0:40 P. to Frpeed dofi�r gad costs severally fined one Lights Went Out and the Town a successfu buidness. Re.would vote atotQoiderlohaa gQflItOC&WP forthel!llaw, and also for the two 0 Coastal Co municipal Plan two unall $t*yed Away. agoinent too town e, so yon" too 10 A Canvas. Compauy 0. In as entered by but Other by aWt. as being In the interests that, as was sald lit the P A FPO rocery sly also of the town. UWIQ moset. 0 4961 iton to 08, 1. 8L and 8 ill "Ight, A tew D1040 0 The public meeting held In the Town Ing, It Is Private enterprise or no g" 06 , W I Jars last Nid, w VQ -�,lx V 11 c a k,f oly 4 wo Ini stri'd vItouvii 0 by IRODOY149 t14 6ft- 1611 T13M DOLL t6l Va P;. T40 soldiers, will leave Wore taken from the till and some to. Mr. A. MOD. Allan followed with a The town Solicitor has 404U apt, Allot be' to W w VZU red the Mud Hall on Tuosda evening to discuss few words In support of all the bylaws, 00uncil, and it is the 11no tailoring stock. at �r dii� Saturday night, And return. bAoct) was missed. The entry was 01144Y, nlgbt�" It Is understood the W448 through a )lack window, the three bYllilwa which are to be Rod then RO One else responded to the not disputed by ON' rlQet We Will offer Qby.% awarldio, Augua 00AVIIJ The R(knd will ve their final obeq Voted on next Wednesday was by no 01114irillan's request for opinions, and One, that the tow k. a lot Safor three days onlyol n's rit Or OxPropriato the plant. or to, the I where thete In every 000' Air Concert for t IS Season on the means as largely attended as the Im. ilent, V, the meeting closed. 04- lot, their "cominIrt. As four Nqtlaro tbis.-FrIday oveninm then issue another franchise, to fully pro. ------ R cin next Tuesday, at a offs- V'Vnr' cOm, portauve of the questions deserved, 9.9TA Von L ­ TR T$ countorfort , arcent. Call andsee C04*110" Will mean perhaps nearly plbtfagtl�elrgreemont t Aix, TVO I ho; � ODER 1 113 00 I'liaPS the fall suitin men sit will -be a a of "o Qaft,130*00tbor 04 the town but th.. who did attend should have Road. trou ering that you would like Is here. little Interest tot our citizens, and letr The vbteiol list for Gaderich was t n no the uillical Scij,ty . tooted, so that, if the company aWO the VI OUA% fN'F)' R L. IN Il had better treatment than was aevord. Additional church news on page 7, up a good business, bUiLhu, nqq "%farm If 80.,you can eave a -few dollars.- 06 tl* Of P10"utle, to the boys of the and the town V toWnrall "Jamr or 0 so ;It V ACKLIN aSeventh, Itod Iii the Clark's office on Wedoes- ad theta by the municipal authorities There will be a celebration of Holy Wants to obtain it. they can d sS.Y,. Part I contains 841 names. and who have had these matteri; un all it. Aug, Fll, u of Communion at the close of the ,to, the business should prove on nX sery rer"uner, the los falls an the corlipany r day, 113OWr.ING ToTilt.-Three rinks of the 2. 487, making a grand total of consideration for so long. Thedingy, It" LABOR DAY. -Monday. Labo lee in St. George'", next Su fill, MEDICAL should be a big day In Goidericb, s Goilerich Bowling (Nub returned Tues- The aggregate number of jurors day. Ile A -0hamber's X009clopw1a 10 1 1, 1 11,91 11 iUnNl3ULL the excursion of the 7th Regiment of day night from a short but pleasant V us -11161a; Fusillers, should bring a large number bbi-VIIng tour. They left here Sunaay uncomfortable hall was not even half Rev. W. Cohrtice, of Holtasv alone. In view of all tile facts, we lighted, (indeed for a Wine "lot a think ths tOwn can welk afford to UP4 D Once more Tan STAn would 81ti. I&mp was all the light,) tbOnO 00al Oil probational- lot. tile Metholdis 0 StaiVWIL istry and an underi; aduate oi PrOve the bylaw. Optlarld 11)A, VOlumel liblosiplans, of Londoners will% them, for the fare night by the ateamer King Edward J AXXS L. IC Torqutol W Why It 411" 111174. to bring All andentrano, were U Na Univer- not lighted at at, torial University, will preach Un Aplily 91 M A. (M. VI at both Second. go to the Elevator. It is A,.' member will be a special one for the day. Al. for K1119Ardine, Where In the morning ch to the risk of those who I Oped services In Victoria street church next Ipged tbat this Car a. laugh them, and If any tonsinuOr Of Sabbath. 0 unctiftof physiol""s and Sul9001il Of QO- teadIJI we -hear one time Londoners thet P14yed the Kincordine Bowling week. TitH th, Von , 1 -0 o"O'y a r a it their as at copy -Ot later than tnu Monday n R 'a' of tat reacSubscribers on investment has proven 110 atate, 0 of f the gellowL of Obatatoand SOOlooll, �n� �allng that they expect many old Olu And were defeated on the rounds every week. time tile 06unoll Was Present he falled 'to A deputation frQm Aylmer w Itself alifficieril good for the stock. 14Ts X. is 0 19LO fth P At Graduate Student of, esp. tale to 1. time friends in town that day, Picnics V 4 allots. At 1.30 they proceeded t9 Mrs. Richards, who W, take any part In the expectd disons- on His Lordship Bishop Wfilla holders to ensurC the rebullifin Oil 0 shop wl rogine" - silillian, York and J mona-Hopkins Kospital, galore &roL already at,panged, Put it it, I ing -a they were met at tna I a Full A so s, olum- more, g of the In, v an ht Of is, what to summoned giant or to give any information to the London on WO(Inesday, with respect h ply to botto Iam ub and Mr. Omwford with his of drunke ess, failed to ap'p6gr and it not Creditable to the busineag ideas of WIuRhAul, to fill the probably the company In. Coll bt dy in JikelK the leading Itent on the Fragrant the eyor, by it number Of the Wing- 'W"' befru" P. M. Humber at 4 p, electors which Would enlighten them to the rettiolvoul of elevator. and that they 0,9 eat and Europe, W "Lontilded, ad for t 0 day will be it bueba I match b esday t0Anaw<,;'�!Iqa charge on the several questions, This u Rev. A. B. Farney ask for a furthe I aiVienna.) between a leading London team aild a auto, They play was fr i A liner to r guarantee. We think WALTEft S. Tuny bin t 10. 1 0 nimr., ate U"f' good Goderfeb one. ad afternoon and eve- was said the de ny caused )y the transforrin would rebuild Mln "I, or 1 3 11 001109O.Of Phy. olaus and ng gattleg. 1% 11not i=. hi Dickinson skipped -ulak-a. it was not ordi. Rev. Hural Dean Lowe to at t in any event, fendan t had leh town One tallniciliall I vaca by the early train that day. it f a 0 Re So on and. Raised, Phy. A BOLD BURGLAUY.-Last week the the D a rink. and It may be said, be nary enurEesy to people whose In- t but as the guarantee is at s, aw ork and General Mom . himself to be equal, if not Gardener Charlie Wells has an En- terests they prnfulgio to serve. Tile how' , I OrW store of J. B. Hawkins, hardwa�e Vro5ed n London. The deputation simply an Ondorsetnent of oJi &mply nade an Or tit appeal for the retain- Protected DOtO- We think the "a can IA. w ork city. glish vegetable marrow which Is Mayor, whose duty I W-ts to preside. 11 g, or: mi.. "'Clucy, and,Hla Lordship Jam t to any other ski seen on a], novelt two good alzed was allsent, W( or the prallent, formerly, in the xnarchai9t, was burglarlously entered jje Winglulta grou said his agreed to the request, 11 am ton-ft.-Godoorlorwant, nd. It F. he and the till rifled -of its contents, success is due 'to the fact that a num- mono III) to joined was Somewhat indispoaed and unabre Barely recognize the greatadvantage X- A obooliframil togethej� th OhA( length of out ton nelies. It is car- W attend, and not it word was pro. After being vacant with nine and two revolvers stolen. Th at Ito Ourselves or such an Investinent, and le bar of his Wingbam lady friends were store wits entered through a basement eye witnesses of the game; however, tainly it freak of sented to explainthe Couticil's views months through ,,, 10,11for mony lend its name & gugr ntee of its o9deploh, July 190. tion of the as a 01ndow by forcing two iron burs that big nerved'Were not shattered by their nd has been giving two v The town ba on either of the questions. out, to ex. late rector.. Venerable Archdeacon D. falth plain the status of the electric light Williams, M. Ali to the Biahoprf t th, In the atiOcess Of such a business covered it, and passing betweenPtbem Pt ence. Arrangements had been concerts weekly for soma time. and to r as Shingim, Celia Will visit Dunga"an Wedae&day after into the cellar. The work looks like '8 tO visit Brussels next day. but help kee tip the Institution, all Doom. . C n bell -14"ber, etc., a a port. the woll1l; of boys who knew te place. these had to he cancelled, which (I take in th6 moonlight ex. nstalled In St, James roving system for which a further Soon f of the Dioceso of Huron, an I Third. its I a tile bylawl,3r lukp can ahoa?, who IOMIsasked I" It by-law. All this bent wits dUIV I forareal. burglar, would never have a reat disappTointoment to at.- cursion 0 the electric light III nowbouse, U eqn- the God on the Greyhound next Wed. at a t'll' when claims are being made HPisc0iiial Church, Stratford, last Son- ant. In t he abooaAcq Olt for the success of municipal owner. da Croon of the Rev. of any statement -with a HOTELS. been satisfied with one gurr or one lo bowlers. nesday evening at s p.m. athe awn ar Ot street, hey remained In Wing- froat the Council - HE HURON ROTEL, Gooderjob OnZ-- ship In our town, would he laughabl,, W Illitn' Chiff, I to of Strathr y. Par. n I L XtrlLet, pistol, when there were inany more in bam until next morning and bad an. The old-fashio ed showing the necessit T(ectl moderrilseill. throukhonot, An ideal windows of the, Ore it not that it Is more serious. Is a native of Uoderich Township, and Y for this expendi., easy reach and other valuable articles other round, and olftring the series of Central School have been roplaced by w ture, other tile, Atopring, place for the Traveller and -"OP., SAIE, ce of it. Adolph 11 A in up -t -date and the very -or: -.The residen ve P.2 ,, at hand. The arms were taken from gaines Goderich came out victorious modern ones that will give light to the Mr, John Acheson wits chosen chair. has proven himself to he it cler Inan statement n t Ile general JQ I �L�njar, EK"X ft, contain ut eight cann"Oda on. -A- SIAMA Proprietor. the window, showing that the burglar by 15 stints. In the afternonn they class rooms. The new sashes have two man, and Mr. L. H. Dancey, on behalf of marked ability. The in tiction that the Present Plaltlt IS overloaded, it :;I. roams tb,ete- AINO re passed -from the back to the proceeded to Clinton, at which Point lights each, and being weighted are and Installation which took place at, is Probably quite true that tile plant f' I 4Z 'ind good Ito. of the promoters of the Gas Co., apoke be port. Archdeacon of rth, and was In the T HE front o8f the shop, to select a particularl' at some length In fivi Sunday was conducted by Venerable needs Improvement, and additiona, if atf.W' fell asi 7' a I t ate a olls ng his r(K'son Arch. hIcKenzie., D. D.. of Bran tford its eftlefency is Othey Were met by two other Goder a I h nd ad by b a he I -inks. The star player af this game Mr. G. J. Shaw, who SO successfully 6 aid qnn. Suspicion, it is said, points tu i why the bylaw at 'RAL ed, soine of the chief the culprits, and in it few days it is ex- was Mr. Thomas Davies, of Detroit, managed the Olevator here, has return- form -NE of wbic were, authorized tO be maintained, and -4,RTIES IN THE 40OLIBOR 1110TL that no holaus is asked frop, the town, peeled th6y will be fit the hands of who Skipped one of the Goaerich ad and will be In charge of the rec no o Churl the provincial therefore the expenditure asked for in GODE and that the Company will pay in of England In the bylaw is simply ouch Ike W T BELL A JOHNSTON. Pnops. our police, links. He proved hiniself%nexoellent ion of the building. Mr. Morrisl would be VAWOMNO 'MOIL 0. JUDOWS COURT. -Judge Doyl� %star work. kegull to A high standitrolof excellemor ad mkLins, ajid !4�-Tho'bousean&lotonS.outhBL.immealatol ling In its plant Ive Co. a. S. Fxecutive wits hold 4XII( the ptron a at the Occurs) publ day foreno6n hdaritIg the cliarge of an ago, aiid'it:t the 17th end Jackson was large number I Of at Clinton on Monday last to consider This old etablish-bil hoRwiry will be wits occupied all Tuesdayand Wednes trophypwinners ftt London two years Mr. Thos. Johnston, of the Colborne employment to r "liar wa against ,Billyi, Is day, and will be engaged on th y forty oil fifty thousand dollars it, plot- A meetin of Members of the Huron conditions. 'Pe revidentle of the late Judge Toms: up skip, and made an exciting play. Tito was also at Pickering, Arrived "Vila taxes some $125 it year, and expend Lnuda' necessary In anYbusiness undo game ackson Terxp,easy-Apoly to. srespootrubilt-Ifelted, unnatural crime against the man two up. At the 18th end, when Davies Houst-, was married at Bluevale on men, He CKP, ned th position the details in the formation of 116 EDITORIAL COMMENT. Wednesday ev I Al DIOXMSON & GARROW. SPOO401 and personal attention will wont to deliver his last, bowl. Jackson eulng to Its S. Carnp- town was to W I refereonce to grant series of The 0. P- R. Is milking a vigorous bo:j d e named Mason, living near Grand - Townsh% Rallies, to) be held probably a ners, and we hope to merit a Or Bend. Crown Attorney Seager had was lying 8hOt, and Davies 2nd, 3rd nehise, and claimed early in olveniber, %I to every department of th bell, Particulars of the ha y event Ing a 30 year's are not to hand. but Tlig for the purpose of and well tinish- AharO Of the travelling putille. well prepared, there being pg'r&R ex- that the protest against what Is a plain viola. and 4th. Davies asked, "if I take tOW11 WILS ItInply protected completing the Org lzation of Tow tion of both the pirlt and letter of the iWo �i;�rges, and Mr. L. H. Dickson that out we will Jay three?" Yea.11 to n. co or, rooms. n evej inurdelpid. Govet,n[nPnt'8 agreement Iiiegardim iii mranolitbito Ado Wal I Apply ounq4tism., lawe 11 1 0 N nee pos, Then it if; mine," and the next in- ubui tted to the town solicitor Ity, and local assocl ns In the stildii rids to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston a most Pon that finint, its the bylaw had ship Associations -i&n 40d' enjoyable and prosperous futime. "can gol IJ stordy frunouldwelling, now (3 years) bELL & JOHNST 1) n I to YOU k. BERTSON. t V.W CVAV04V of Exeter, made the best defe stant Mr. Jackson's carefully Mr John Kirkpatrick, of town, bag and revised hT hiol. (A reference to various towns the new transcontinental line. sib10 in what was fitly terined one of drawn and lrger villages. And no shoit had I)epn sent flying off the green cute RU Vill SAL -MO nores.18tib cou, Col- the most revolting and disgradeful left �t Tdi'STAR Office saluples of the reaso s g von on another page of This Is the oine Of atl agreement wonder. For a distance of 275m cases ever brought befre the court. and the game was ended with Davies the corn he has grown this summe twollramoodwellingo, r; lies this issue will fully get out bow the reached at the county a. S. conven. i1crostil the prairies the G -fenebo; gold wells, 2 acres 0 THE feet high (own is predfie also read a tion hold In Goderich last June, and pacifle wit rand Trunk 80#jq fL, a it A larce number of witnesses were 1 for the remarkable obot, but no itrid some a trifle Over. Tills is cell. ay- vith talls, IP One shot, Cheer after cheer went many of the stalks being 12 h and, present to give some show of a decent up very strong 1,08tirriOnittl from theM character to the prisoner, but the evi- `l`no cheered louder or oftener than tainly an enormous growth, but we a,, of Brampton, written on the 28th those organizations are gap- Iaccord 1119 tO Plans approv. d Real Es POINT FARM to hold local conventions and ad by title Government, Parallel the 0. Oil ROBEIRTS614, BastUdell den.e of his Own family was so clear)y Mr. Davies himself, who sarS. II grow somethblFs pretty well In God. Of thin month, in which that gentle- gatherings during the year, and P. R. P or a considerable part of the Uh to sell or to buy P SUMMER ItESO][tT (,the did not thi k f cou do Prich, and this is one of them. man states that the gets manufactured thus work In harniony will, the distance the two lines will to, against him that he was found goRLy. n Id It?', This FARW TO RENT. -The, exillouto 4rue woun body. A program, mubject to to of the late ChArles Wi on affer Wis Honor making a clear and unini- the Goderich Club bits not fail to,) call at the tent of the Huron t, hange, wam drawn up. and its soon AA Towling t tile big fail- do very highly spoken of hat respec 0 n b the court without any liesitati d lip one of the nicest When In Toronto at there is it good heating on, 1tgas. and is County t be over �Wwwm Paul tho Weqt halt of' J�bt Nine. of IM& P they are highly please Old Boys Association in Society Raw, I Lindsay burner, it gi h were selected as local a railway Is already C of tha * teninilemapart, deed. a Election with. 61.1 in t an � Alden of a RqufpopWthfoorroutigrehloyefaopro tourifin, trade. Passioned summing up of tile had,ovrid trod (is an lilutninant, used with t a the parties who In ton Police a cltse!i of ast pur ad at the The second offence practicafty treatment extended to them by President 8, T. C hurth has composed veh an excellent conveners have vent certain desired Opened up. T No better,place to end % heated litted, and the priswoarler was remand: the visited fowns-Kineurdine, Wing- a earn, copies of which will be given light. so that th he taxpayers Of Canada term or to anict on ham and Clinton. D aj . from M in I a t Soplo should not be information, a circuit of these rally should protest, too. lo' a a U To a or the u its 0 ed to Tuesday next for sentence. alf'Huronites, and as a review of "The aft -aid to put ine a same system it) meetings for organization a Public money lolatinir Parties will i1nd find ly, .4 formed, and the meeting will be at- AYS a Picnic. Driving and ------------ Good Old Days" it is well worth read 111 1" town. Some person had argued will b Ile credit were voted the new 01 -NT AIM the Most; AccianNT. -Peter X--rr and David Ing and preserving. , but tended b a representative 'of the the ground that It was that t III) gas 'volt, 'lot a good gm the answer to that Is that Lhe gentle- Provinclar flred t4) o 'POR SALE.- The destrable liv pleasant place to visit. Connell, of Clinton, were driving out The new church on North street Is r it Avenue MARINE MATTERS. front Toronto, the it Goiderich body 11011 up torritory not present n a V! r, op to obn Steep's one day last week to men who propose to Plot in the eys- President or some member of the With(')ut ra wily facilities. droPerty Oil III J T. OOLDTHORPE, Prop. . The schooner Vienna is in portto being roofed, and the brick work Is tOlo would not expand such a I 0ounty Executive, tau and t th 6 an of la d. Ith Put in a new foremast. 11 prosecute the work on his new real- nearly coMpleted. The ediffee has arnot a.0 js find such local choice fr 0 Ouse Is ca, The schooner Kolfage reached "it of money and supply yesterdarfrom 0 port now rcachad a stage at which its apchl. citizens with an article that they a rol has nil in a I p 0 1 nt4 S406VIC-10"PIP. dence, when they met w it It an accl- le.akers as may be selected, who will On Pages 5703-7 of the Statiaticalye&r. bar Irk "any person toontl Or dent. At Wise's corner, Ilth con., with tectnral foatureacan be fairly.judged. could not use, 6 to j rl CI n I ockburn Island ttond and address the rally meet. Book of Canada for 11)04 Jig given an III or Ooderich townnbip, a number Or Pigs Lumber Mill Co. a Oh. GODERICH MARKETS. it cargo of cedar posts for the Goderich It will he avast irnprovenienton the law which was Mr. Dancey read a by- Ing. The program or circuit whet) paesed by the 0ouncil completed will be publis entle- bed I n the It, .08tlng "tat"mentof the revenue frightened the horse, and both old church, and a greataddition to the of Oahawa 4ist"I'llursday Intel �XRS FOR SALE. - Several hundred WhOut 19 as last week abd oats declined one men ere thrown out, The tog Haron was out all day Sun night, grant- count papers. )d expenditure of the different Ali.. (Ionnell - architecture of North street. ing to the gentlemen who propose to countries Of the wotld, in t eciplMofoldnew"popersforgaiii. JuAttli cent, There were but few offorlam on thia going throtigh the wire fence and day with a party looikio� for tho The following are the nAnes of thJVhpy,?m% at! housecleaning. App y at Mr. those Put In tile systain here, t W year's he Year for ST 0 (314,. rr against it, and the buggy badly e ted from OutsidO POIAN, and It is expeotdol damaged. Medical assistance had to were Pot successful. markot and the a of affairs art, ro- Ke drowned men, Bailey and oods, but who arn ent Itled to Commercial MOO- franchise for Osbawa, and he Bald ­4"s re available. or soya steC. P. R. Construction Notes. WlllcIl the latent figures it -tty big runs from 420 per mas from the G. u. 1. Boa A. wbon for the electors of the town of Gode. On Sunday there wah a pro This expendi y threshinga are more plentiful. serious accident happened at the game bitlitjately, and on Friday Mr. Hdmiln,, Job Bean, Maitland Dunn, Wesle thousand dolia should L16 NOTICE. Amin market will be a quiet one until be summoned. A few years ago a Occasionally perch have been on the their work for inspection is acCapted : rich to say whether thin fort or fifty slide near the big shovel, but no case of Now Guinea to head In the lun 11agg are deelhiltit, larger offerings bolillng the eorner tinder shmilar eircumstarl one of out, well known anglers, landed Graham, Nellie Y spent In age resulted. $72.0 in Western Australia. In Dart MCI ps be West. Marwick, tire town of Ooderich or whether it East of Dunlop's 6ridge the work Or" AuStralia, however, thap cause, but in other prooducta of the farm there when the late Jacob Slieptard, Miss 16, and also it fine pickerel, at one Cteath, Katharine Straiten, Grace should uo to Onhawa and be expended , 8 emg eople own halt been but little change mince our Jan. isoille, Sheppard. and little Runice Yates, fishing. Tait, Lulu Tweedie, Frpcis Wigging. there. on the track I b I re thrown out of a buggy, the latter 'easily ready it large part of J. F. Andrews shipped a car of cattle to Tor- we a pointed out the TIOL P"shed. and al- their Own vallways I and the expendl The yacht Dorothy. of Oleveland James Hamilton, late of Halili the truck Is On- too re n having her Iton & of the ratRpayers taking a deep In- closed with the permanent fence. tides what 19 )aid HillOtt, In tile Coal and wood hualnesm terest In this ppoposition and not oply fi-01941t and farosir, its well as' onto oil Saturday, and one to tile same city 0 leg broken. The township was in port on Saturday, and her am there Ind DISTRICT OF WEST HURON: Mnday. oil the 1"p*y hoo I to, uldn 9.hould...tgk"0me_ -action, to sarff. G. K OHry far ag we ciou'lif learn, the of In the ordin A M -B pued-H -abate the- -cars, M* here, -hits bought Ebb dhid hiliinesso Out'lo-voto for It tht-Tuse]VON pulp Gas 0 Shartliff, A. J. nd 0. M. eck,spe Vulk_ iiij ohnT. Rally of i�arkoit, the price paid vary n@WWnce. else there may comeo, time Prentice ft nt a few and will move but also encouraging others t(, (10 th(' regarding the spot for the cement (try cost Of government. In Great is I W. Downs, at Olinton, up I h. a"- icatiom fortormimlom IUR from OM to iiso. when there will arise costly litigation hours own. tO our siater town. There Is a good same thing. foundation for the bridgo to Croton the Britain the po,penditure is $16.71 par fdo tntleter him tavern d6gol forth MONTO QU(YrATZONH and heavy damages. coal trade at Clinton, and we trust Mr. H. 1. Strang asl 0, T. It. track, has not yet hear, get- Johowhasthe Man 40tol T910T. The Steamer King Edward wa tion tied. Capita: In Austria. $13.78;in prance Go"turtch, tO 10 Weekly Sun office, Tuesday evening, Aug, fit Mr. Hamilton will [)a enabled to con OdsJdOh4 th t said Ap No 11 lestion THE ECLIPSH.-The partial eclipse Lee's dock Friday and Sunday, and'is - or two, which were an(w('dre'Ld(lh1I Will Fd oilatilared sta tabothitthof th%vilard of 29-Tharol hasheon another decided drap In to-ol the big business go succefisfull Dancey, and then M 9 y Mr. The engineering at,,( $17-P.5 and it, Opriuny $8.0(). In Cana,_ of the sun still doing a good business. on the r. Strang ouggest- continues de, the eatinlateo foi. Isfeellob 011111110fter'! tO 'fit u u, m Autillun, tile hl* market this week. Park. Blackwell.. was watched by many fiWal I trip she w handled by Harland Bros, If he does ed that �bere was It gentleman piesent, actively at work along the track, but th IN year call for an hour late, caulled itt and Co. J;D-day quoit select hogs off the car at. citizenson Wednesday morning. At 'by heavy freight hills. be will certainly succeed in keopinj from ly whether the actlylt,Y PiPalla that levels an outly of $V0,(X)0,(XX), AllWorsOnMilbereated wiflikolvoth thouiWivea $VS. with the qUarter off for lightloo and fate oirolt who knew a good deal Or $15 per 400 Oglit. no are being tested for accurac or that head sunrise the clouds hid the great orb, tile citizens of Clinton war I). about the gas (location, and could, rOm them, in port a few days thlaweek. Shehaa the additional work Ili Tfild ilatitation is t4 cents lower than reported but a little later It passed f The Stearn houseboat Lagonda wag A London paper prints the follow- doubt enlighten the people oil I ten alinost equal tO t A. A n Britain 11 by this firm last weak. led. time or France, exceeding th hilt of 00derIch, dalt 30th ITI(liltispactor. land those with smoked ing;noo tone will show. fit of Austria, beatfold a,,d watered, 85o below last weidiIs eY,P)ePt the St. Peters front Y doubling that of Germany. �VJSXON rkot to paying $(L75 for the or colored gpeat guest carrying capacity, but has the ntlem-in from Detrolt proved to The hasement for the bridgO Across And this, despite dayef.&ugust. Igo& Harris at the too glass had ft good view of tile obscura. to have innooth Witter for steaming, W thour boya will Ildve to play ball matter. The chairman annented, and It and neat I Una. Occasionally rain clouds inter- Otherwise it is not Pleasant for guests. London: The St. Peters, leaders in be M. Jeftere. who In visiting here the north channel are till cle the fact that In A -am 0.15 to 0.80 the sun wits The boat Is nicely fitted out and its the Junior League, go to Goderich on and announcing himself an a member rival,, one being well advanced, and are P t n th a CIO quoltation, $0,50 for heavy hogs, and VIM for ar of the Furopean countries suc11 enorman lightio. Harris states that too many "kht help fered, but ft *41i bef hold on the till continue loi come in, It k they of vast arry 8 maintenance 0 coots bus beau loollosed. at In clondlAnd, and was Pat way up to date.. Iuron pert, true- -a every- place for the c inuipionghip of I hold forth for half an hour with a should be all ready for haw,our I es find navies. for t ravellerg by' It at bor Day to JAY the team of that of the Board of Alderman there. he with the d of to all k it cut f -am all L: rpt#Wbisr, at the iour of eight a 0 In full view, but ft ortly before 7 coin fol gains steady a Wdlol%V 11 Ibbiftf.00n, at the Counall t it wab 10 60 lot tho toft of Godoloh. fur the Purpose Of seen again In full until the eclipse bad Th h I . f Wednesday eve. Uounty. Our "kids" tire going fast. peech which was moqtly entirely lrrp- turns hefOrO the snow covers the hftkl ! coMpialtitilt UAlaost a to ad currine f0hilleirdle prides Coo and the boys of the north will know levant- and threatened to lead into a eart h. rrected a6sed. At no time was eavF did same damage t they have ont, Into it gallop at the finish discosslon of the amolitbl, wall& 31111 wr thib L100111 uv tO 11006 Of Thursday.) the Sun ning'and 9Z e A CONTRAST: 1812-1908. rail w1jeat, stand 91olden, but at tile height of the scene the work on the on(er bra RePUI)IICftn and De- The large pile Of gravel that was on figolidatil Mu Ale Pa I y� WIN Of the lrowh of Wh"t. 0 80 akwater. A A good bunell of root,ero; are going up, nioloorat,lo Platforms, but that the t-honorthweatcorneroil'S a oil or the ame 0 it looked as if two-thirds of its surface large part of the fencing or stone too,6 'low foUght oil" Illcillo 111 18121 all other c audience at last Intimated they were tons all been placed in th, f,,w aindations Tbidr Ili a", they freoi3,. giodly Pat. OWL, Patent ............ 290 Was covered with a pill], the portion superstructure was blown into the The Board of AlanWmant of tl 6 The "I'lloNt thftt they had to orive. per powL. ouilly ............ 276 t there to hear Arnerican politics. for the fron bridge r the river, 2 Walch We, to 140 0 re vior ton ...................... 1900 Obscured Vat in considerably be. take, and while the damage may be a e The only Pointaqoirmane to the which gives ove flying Lhat Canada iniffbt live, 11E. oL, ton. 20 0(* tween 5.40 an U. 0. The most notice- few hundred dollarn, Uontrac r Hat - at 0 the 0 2000 11 to Travelletwit AAsoclation alit ne an Idea of the lin- re11 1198. per 18 (* able feature of the eclipse was tile tie says In four or five day their meeting In London this lion hero Were that Ran IS certall'yn. rnenne olm She llveo� tweatiao, in Lhe red tine do To 18110011 t, 9 the work week, tntitY of gravel and cement Where dooth direct. the Ntttle'oo rago, to to t t 1 -028 029 "towards night" agpearance, of the will be overtaken, and the damage ms used a ronolution re- most destrablo thing to havo In a coni- required to build these 0, at t, Its fit 11611 t a re. unity, that it bridge stop - 0 000 Could riot posgibly In- ports. ()Or I`01%004� hhhoroo nhod their blooli ......... I., ...... 0 1 038 morning, fbr with t 0 sun high In a paired. questing the Dominion Government 040 45 41[OudlPSS SKY it laboked as It t be 910arn- The elevator building in being to change Thanksgiving Day frorn "re our electric light syststri, that bl-en running or whImPerod for an inersaged OR per 0 40 in Wito ab hand. The view of the ad to Monday; the 23rd of Th ree trains have Htr"llol st"mil the Ine" Of 1812 To (ItkRIC clear- Thurfiday a thouilit, the ProEosed rate Of $1-25 regularly the pant week at tho.4quA ....... 60 for work, and all WOO( SpOtR ILVO 'As a w stronu MAW our Ill today he ol k CC P" was well worth any effort be ng moved. The superintendent Is convenient ay. he change in Ile- rAhIp, Allows up well. I)nring that period Dauntle. they 111711t for hisrhor pay I is fi October bPiWC OU917IStPd US the Mont too ilgh, and I, at being at) oltrong- ial "d Intek. and I .... ........ ........ all our resident, 0. J. Show, e would advine refusing a franchise the tracks 11 1w, fift ixt!lr I o hereabouts necessary to see it. In favor (if intordelp,il owno FiAll arined with Ilietarill't; tineiiiiii lan tli!Otbot wor teady ave been fro ently whO was Allred on the ground that it longer to ny Company, hit'. Jeffers ag- Their naimir Atr(to III won and lost. each o nt ly aP, but it ban ti.nwZi been considerabi Vl('riia LAuRrsTON. a................ 340 )&to Rees Price. died At, the residence hu bel elevator. The allperintiorX*;t be forwatIded to the Premier. the J. Per from thirty to fifty feet across ot too ......... OWTUARV.-Ou Monday, M ary foreman at the elevator until recently, holiday Will be given And FLIAP that changed, and although the h4uht of 'I'lleyJ-1-t thocountrypayRthoot. 0 Edna Sopholit Price, 40 outerluti if ts and who had been at Pickoring nuper- aornired the andlenee he was entire couftv"oA41ty oRh daughter of thp the business Interests of th . the Pile has not lucroaseof much " , 'r Intending the drection Of IL 60000 will be beneflt*d. The regolu disintA,rented in the question her �4ftft 1 UlIob tfif t hal" tft vo ifo If he had been earning a hig roitiod Y willpned, it being Chatham, Ana, 212, Jani, 111 -load it corner of Waterloo and in one of the most skilled mechanics In Igecreta orloillo ot "A ofberinothe I lbil INA ry of State, and Hon. 0. S. Or Romo Opposing Interest lip uh highest part. In *4046a 8 It"d Of the 0XI16 Voriu%lftft 016 Montrood Streets I , I , 'V, Months' Ontario, so the work will tie well done. Hymall not have hidden his dial ntereste(dlo.. "011mesville. ........ 0 40 infore Completely. The bridgo work at the Maitland, 0 t 4ftidt" a fat relluired YiNoild'"Iriftiord, tiIItuftl Illness. HerroloatIrWilfbOtUncitpeefed, Harbor NfnBter Marlton has located hirs. 'Arch. Lattirner. formerIv Miss ear Auburn, in progrpAoing nlowly. Nlowmv PRUPONAL. At the Ep. V. vlj� Mr. Dancey, dolodogustioltilt AS She hool failed riopidly tl,6 PAO two it now Inner light, and It In go placed Lizzle Cral%daughter of ire. James nomewhat against the "Quicksand Oron discovered In the river ltchlairniaro'n will, replied to one or 0 bed, and d Ob c 4,.Jilar 1 0004 *60101 Itud frbra thmt Period no Wil, that the present outer a a I n 0 1 t of Orris. arrived at Blvill t IV RIf(wrd gave 11, very Int re n ed AN I * ­ ... b"C'612I twil he I worth Long" On OndaY evening Mr. intl tw toow fit i"fiao W ut I lit -at, 16d,o ............ 11 two *,to hold out of rellovevy, The Idtl& line with It and the one to be placed t h considerable find profitable address on his Imprea. a stl g points advanced by tile violtor. lind stat on on.alonday, eveninq full 0 sad- then Dr, Holmes said that is it citIZOD tion. Ith dvedg ng and pile driving 101 1114d 'At muotmk*l.. Oil hat 1� 4u ......... too 900 M 89 Price, Who had restollod the Age hU the south point of the outer break. V In gettinf a propill, foOnda. nions of I If', went and east, particularly 0 miss. Two weeks ago she left lipr he anted to apeak on the the Point, Airs. Win. Stanley return- ....... go.".7 W to 8% of 20 YCATS. was well known in thin witter, making ft 8 light range for home in Moosainin, Asodnaboln, ac- quoIntlons. vileo"Istft 4Vt of 'Raton, and manV who Were entrance 6) the harbor. Itisexpeorted ftmai plar dogoln xildren 11113114itilluir MdOmn .......... a aged tivn years leep Sorrow the � ?Intl" of their In at least 8 inanths! suppoly for the Woon inanths--iiPith the Int'antion of poani w6ul not Cost tin one cent, ot, tithooltnatis at the cootral And the light on the breakwater Ito I bt little girls, on two t,n,es. bon sainted out that the pro. been put on tile work. Pred Miller. ti fttraill, 00 146 tog, 41, few ,n,i the Obstacle will likely Ile overcome cornponled by her I I and pertinent son Xk'q*ft pi 6464' 600 to purdthe, tlil will be 0 thin weak. Several more laborers have t home 01, Saturday from two r4lal. with a Agri fill* .................. 079 makim a lengthy visit with relativc,; In to 944 � Onto of Alias Atti, Ill Bruce Cotit)V fishermen Atray- and tv ends In Ontario. The train was OIJWM�'. V and Mrs 'At APR b fitio-tiolo lichool cam The doilitl lloi4 bot INAaftiolld". 060091ftfis in thO nineties Will reld supplied from 9" buoy contain- arylteven mOntlig a the tile now cook, in a native of -Switz r- 4, of with her brother, Air. fttd nonth'n visit with her daughter in promoters On))- asked to he allowed to land, and han neon service On Manitoba. - him A Oobaldiston pent OX-PlInd in Updarich from $M,(XK) to It, ocean oicarrinhipa. He ban every- J. Colurtice tire t "A (- P- o10117(loniltance.--Alir kloliffig) of it rotnill1bg egrAer, is rne ad be "P a la"llileso" which thing an neat and v1pan s a pin, avid viRiting friends In To. D N11110f;0 N-61 ori,06 , 7 and the If ift Which their llcen- only abolut two bourn on its jour_ Would Oil he lost a game of the alleged In meapable ellef, rito ttn(i other POintg.-Albart Hal- �Th* otifig U tttd r to To objections to their proposal, such as ... ...... 400 dot., (YAfft e0 that catMot, W gene. sea di Owed and n tAJ thosoo Who know 'or It were pilomptlV arrest- tiny calltward out of Winnipeg "Ile" the poor quality of the prail, were true, oitead, of Rolland, Alai) 19 here on 'I Brandern camp I'm boon working hika k of tbdft%I &h. tn�iilva Mftll'ilohoe oftet kInilly ed, PishetY Inspector 0. Roilbertoon the elder GOM, T 8' _t t Sit � gentle kn*trir overtime. and their labors are viAlt tO bin mother.-KII99 Ev. ., fa0 Owe' 11POtl them 1119111bg In Taber- Mrs. Latt met was on route to Chat. show- con, of ocontance. Is the Igest of MLira 'filrl tenk "'a': with dyRO"Pt- that no one WaQ compelled to take the Ing to good advantage. ft0h%d erf0l*- Ott, Wed- 01OVOY harbor and pounced uppo, them, ham tO vigill her busbandla people, -- A numbpv train here itpla, gas If he (1141 not want It; that municl- Ontialdintn. eilt Xt olloids, rimaky the rul"brAd tookplaeoffilta the pot:pIng their neta and parapherkinlia. Where the nick child wag plaeod In t lie pal investment and management of a 0 lAPII Herald : A gang of fifty attpnoted the Toronto y1jit6o. It habit, and one of the pritir the quention now. lang Machold Guelph via 0 P. It., D. B. Calback and of Oh Cron pin [It %van Oil t of Itall 1v will e1109PItal- but 6110 41fed an Monday and that It wan simply a question of a Mond,,LI evening. anti W ra, * toAny A tiottot, off Thilradgy, $e14*;lh'*tA $11a ab'tb* *606 t Me, Q�tojj are viciting her lathe 1* WON N'96- Ot ri� It"ales of tile derlotforl Of the fliollet'les, morning. Tile hady wt -s brought to iVatoo et ration oit ft)fo`We1) t0fiAh, (11 disttfvtg OUtAide that 81Yth on Nonday evening of lant plant at, no gas. layinr g ralls) one this roe. son. �Itrpt vil4yh* 6 asked one nolltary reragon from I Ion of the Guelph and Goderfell Rail- Afunft& h Aff, AM, DotowmAllki And tIfRr licenses. The, de. wi& and thil) (Ilnem) took Place from ghlo .6 any inember of the 0ounnil, or any way. The atorting point was near 11y, Ur fie AP -111 *11A okw mow CrAw", ueolo Aetill'rinined to put it stof the rogidence of Job - *III#, Willft *1 to, thtAr n 41?COMb to the pregent, whi, the franchise rossing, an the part of the F. VOW ks. A, lam* afti f u ,Th*o five men Impt . Union Celilletery. Mrs, L,%tt perrom t 1, W- C- Pridbani'tao Ptirchated the bftt Imer liffilb . , I ashould not be ante and getting to Elora mad, and tho gang Is workit) reite on the do) ar, amolglft,"61t III Aft- R0110feWob's 01012(ill-billa seen" to be m oting with lie. share of towards the Of t 0644svell hAve, V4 11�611140. and tholl, not If tallans coull A food SOVOWN, OP It Is Only Ono A. IL bw 41104 'Wei to, III%* DIF relieved Ott gxy. rthe r)ylftw. An to the elevator bylaw not Ond af=., ae(amodation last I r he urgere'veryono to vate for by And Was killex tL C A" a 1196 thAt her hubb. moomr, or 9W In ones find $14.55 ligunifig 1h Manitoba. I,,(, that ho had opposed the' night, ant) a ealiple of box Cars hall to 01115 will 00 lusido takodii bAT , T former bylaw because of the Absence be &ITAPgco) 11101 nitt W -7