HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-08-25, Page 3, - . I � I � t 11 .1 . . I:,- 1l? ­,MT I - . 1� __'' . I "". . ,�'Trl , . )` �47' , . ."MMM ;. . ­7�:Vll 'it 11. ;,t,*� , ,�, , �". 77111ill i. , 1. . �­, 1� I 1 I 11, " , � � '.. "I. 1 61�1. : til :i 1. , I �_' . I ,,,,,, .- - . , i I , -14 I , , 1-i - _1� -7 - I - . - - I - ----,--,-M-- — I.- - t ­ - - I IN— - s ____ - � -1 - E " &A: I .. - ____'_'­___!. ___ 1___-_._.___._. 1� 11 __ __�___.I...___� __�A - — - . .. � - .1 _­ ' � .4', i I � 771V�'-�-" ' ,: . "I I, T f : IW*'i''I I, - , =,Ii. JL t" I � t . I" � I I .. . . L A-'-1-1-1-1, - " - f '01 �� � V 1# 'k li, I I � � ll:� S ` _T1__T___ I 0 1 U � I i � I . I � � i -0 , .B.EE 1�1­1,­, ..�J"!r , , V �.*",I ­ � , ,� "r,T,. ,. �r. .1111, , .t �L I , �11, . I ,:'11111 "Al 1 � __ . .17 - .1 , . I %,�*: .1 I -Pt'', "_!. .,�V,, ,�. � IF I :., , q=;R= - �__ ­ - - � to ---- __ I 11111111- , ---eiwai .. , 4�! , , , , V= vbm " ____ I O%ar L"-- I I 111111 -, "Mm hvm luwaft *J I 111111'" 4 I , _i4%U_____ __ 116- Pvt. % 11 I 111110 W% AN *41"T"M I , " *"W� -, "= I 4ift"" *" Mw "" Ilaw"a'" *A* PC "AlwW was, ON4 qia 111111411 a -in - 7= *=Mo. coam hialift -6 ,,=MNavill W- vol"'es daidla, staunken . .1 .1 I" - for"4L � oft$ooft 6tioloolf, T60000* sond #At V40mv ftow 10""a"' -1 "* 11 o bill It, owV114*1 I I I MeTrabodus. Imumm" a . or . I I ' " 44-�%Wjiiw�, .-Wity so V" su - � , I 1, X�z - ... . ., r . Now ill" sift sit 04 owv I 11011, . . . . a 41111ritsisirl!'-d 'I MA, 40— --- ' . I I - � I '* 7 t . . � I 1*1 4# 11111" wake-4311i0elf V" 11010, I I "I - , I '. . ­�? � 0"t %, ow. vift Yost *" X" XXVIVe" .. I. �, � .1 lon..400000ati. . I 00 . . . I if , � I �,� . . � $0 *011; UK, 40 *U 110 1111" 11111111111" I I "01111110101111111011111111' ....................... I . I p t� t I ''I .. 11 -Z U** Xr. Ur" W41 �", r I I THF. $THWA"'S SM 100 � � A :, " " . t4wesf to 441kow VAt , "Vo I O" 41"400* W=^. %'NAW-wo imm M=X:p =4^Xa=r-4 1, M .11 I S I 1, omw . I 11ittiftillitt,14 0 WMIlle I* VY PW 0"" WAV I I .1 -mmisow w7sempretwirsisi . , 1% . 4opwwlgwkmmmpmnww I ;t � �, I I 0# ,� I 11 �r,�t m4lo ti -V *11 11ft gra"". I I . .1 � . - I I . 0 -40 -ft- - W " P~' *AO I I. o 04A I �, I 11 I � � I - �_�� � . . I—= W -Mb IL o-—, J � wi, .X ariii *0404. iley 100", 11* - file "*110? I I � .------ __ --.-- � 108A1q%a Xa. 4i.x%tw *49 14. OW4. 1IX 401", owlil , , 11100" he" Ar potil, 440"d � -- � r 0411y, *it* 1*040. r . OP. we'uno I _ � . I � .- I IF"PF W"W""WIM"'W"", I 40'rou'aftiliurt"t . I,ad$ Orsa "to far, t" k*k *016 REVIEW ,By THE -0.114 T I LEGRAPHY 1' .* aud 4mt It% 1,'A I ,� . LOAF . . � ARwAskatloa, Bad lit t as, " 49 sot . I of 4X 0mooi. - Slits, 4W *O% *"Wfti, 04 4 Avw poor WTI(* X wx* for -4 I � vll v X. � 1% T t MO 41 I 0 VY tbrest wordo. 1?ut I . I I I MX0011 114.4 0. . � - ,.--.,- , - - M .. I 0 1, � --11 . - � 11 ... ---F. W � � . to, row -At her. ,I woo lwky " . I I A. ttilwoow "Olm fro C It I , All, on t SIM&Ia Xt "O"" "I"" - titit" 04" wor" *1** 4io. *4 ~ At Th"t A. PIP0 siv,tli, OWPW - 14"to I* po 4100TIf"'All , 040,W ta U809,00 a A III$ " "UV, .. , " I . , kursly "Yow = " sm =11! I a =I I , Aq "t allac At tus woftQat �, 11 Ot t LAI � .1 ------------ � , . siamw . . ilfp� 'L fild , 4 ' � qlmt r *ysi W4 my oriflouir., 4^4 Wnit of. tho %W444t, uUt is All. I . ""n, �) � V W WIRIP 41" , r, 1 W*4*AZX* XQrAll gtopp" as A yo4r. Vo you? It, not. lot, '!14k I I . I . 0 "I a 1111FAM Ogg "U X001P , ,b* #Vokil, r W k*U qVosIt. "o XQrAbL 1* XkOt, t.iroat � #0, ­ , " "—, I "I _�", lo-okell at 0yru'A*4 -Owo was 004- 6yw *U t* bwk4ifito 9; ItOrt, It iiitas I AW X**tr 'Will Uspot 40,00, 1 (Ali R , 04 to r0c, ,10, " 1IN001 I WAW OWN" i'"Woolva$ . I'll, I'll .. , I WbO ObOOM U'V* OkOught 0 "Adin 1 4 Q . " roph. bOOK ,; 1� I , I T.Pv, PC It Vaoitror4i *Omitw* ft ot , $4 Aw", � Ilt ""* but, *0 34:414! � I , , t lcv� Wo 04A 1� . oraitiou a0d, tsfi4sr vsmog* 1* ­ , � -9 . Troo" 114 . WILL111k tratioll1% ta Alextoo X 0,104w,yor- . . . -111 ly "ftu*01'. sho's-44.,, , _ ^r , * Warill iiit* I I . 10ow, I ". 44, '41109. '000b. rola,Qviw baw If , tW4 I � vou"01 I 00 xotrapoup. I - 4d_ , for . - " I � W I . . I � , . b#r" Uilaututit ."4, I* *011 *4 * billi" � 4,04414,1 wot to. me': 'it I W, W voltho'la Aho wow, T *Out 4uq owla. 1 . XeX,11110 " � R ,, *ripv, *apf*, Or Ae)� A%r&'Qf %-04. I I . I I , I iiil".,. Th* slawit sitaill tit* WIW44 1 . � , , . � 1: . � I - . Wto , , I 1 I it Appeal* ;irow tbowlathly X* Way r�U , ItJt t%4 berissif, And the. - . � I ,� .,�'o tLh* I%Oft, 4 Ogirlid,*0 othor -, V*w T114. 111LIA444*011illittit 04t. Will$ vap, , r tRANAAltly kila M1110'"Natty so I uw M%d* h(R. bloodroft Vlat ft� bl*�,VsWs, _ _ . _ my * , Itia tho T solid: Ito, any, ete's, 'ailikited, 'Wit; .� I �._'_­ - ' Pat Of titio me vow or 40*1041 , 11 18041 . 44 1 Muk �' ' - - , 4 ' _ __, P, I ad po r U is"t 40 A " I I I "try 0 y , to " I I V = 1100N '. u'l, C111011. . I MUM j�fld.hlfl J^ce *�Vftls #4 100*4W i w Joilty ithill Kills . 0, rovioOt ­ W. $01. =;;ill. Will A 1081,611fOr otoult., . I oa � , "U,, r abojOs, of a *&f, T'"Oulla UVa .Wt, 4arklogstl wish I I I I . I � _ O" �r 14 to, Wit . . . ' ox 4% Nult" I . . . 4 - _1 I 9 I I zu"t Ill 90 10 evcAl4k 'r i � fox, this 44 ,of, undono r'Agloutill, �*Xt4 ls nothitilt I a', N . I I , k, iligill. tryin choelow—l! us stoppo. AA too iiq�&iiiigbt, V l6rd.: Goo&. NIZ vq1titittieril lU'1,',4bl.1.h,4rgU o I . 11 I If U, W. I . � g f$e It", I all by ill *_ I 1 X*4 R I , ssucms 1 4 1 - - - - -1 - ­ that lit the, Jo%W week . Ith no _XtO missiest tkitti, Aiva* UlAt , 1*4 d,ha -a' I I I I - "I tw"AttOrAptit 4; 0 111tral bovo 511144, Ta . 11 .a 4#*It w _* , T41y, Norah. ." and,bo. TA 4 at. wi u, haii, croated Intvilso A*Z,fitq,*� I of giii" VItA . JAw wiluctlow Bull U14 .. , , , , " WI I i I JV" W x0ftit , *W4, #4d, ai4illit. - I _ ­ � Kroh bla 1*4 -0 0 f , I : *,But It Is AQU*bIAt'11_ she pot- . An *aotdo# blad coltal, I ?Y. %Urns�� $*. L Are ItIon *III oviiir acotl*04. It ho lotlir I 414 lJort 0 to 1411P otikeral 401141 I . I - 'I hor 'brow voin4oll with � 4.=- 06W bett to ba, blif, I.,644ndgit: , ­­ I x1oto 1301K -Of it 111&Rl?l ru v M10 at n roub 1� �� I I 1� Voris zoo. 100 them 1310 to" of ra"t wage 9041* I W Y. pitotiocti*A, 0*4 . I - 40041 - 404mod. as uttat for human sood., of illtt: It tathWs, coldness' ilklild, "ki, klio*A, that, N111101 � R I , y I %� UY Awatll . 81004 . 11rovoLtilt :, . kq� 4 le tapr, " *okooplt4od sit WOM0. . . I r A I 1� r � . ., ft vitla's b1tv � Wauttl4r AIWAMic. vith A 'O., Cranston, .,A%* oxating, 4imsoll I -Nit too -it Otto It r falls 'to � Wo whft 10 torill,w,aro'hoportittd, $r0on: ' � 0, , z 'a , Sr 44 too �W* - . J, 044 h1hit. 0 Ught. this VAUPu, Or,.Aud ,* - , boo 1 e%14* $li'4'LRaA4'r*"t#_ '� g, . - oll 6 -bit 6* d-Aftst 104, Imi: iomittisi . Ams 90010A this �� : � 11011lovo -surtor onger, lzo�. - . 11 %tilliflo, that , 0 vialt. *Ad U10 , '. Z. 00111irk Spaorlbold. A# -,Ipqjrld�ll, �=* t Are ot tuo he", � IiJife '64achinfLA.A. ��tha wastlift , Or, Don't, I -A� wooll". - Of tu"wholor. MO tons' tould Act ta %dvantage Ot it., to 1, , XtIvir,04m utaid, tii '10,4t, . tothw uUA00 All order to got, ,his I I . t 4wr alkwv � . otla b "Papa, papal" SUA ffawmu I ,I I 1 now Q � 00 Ma,hligo.. Milltr'tho to "pd. f416� UAjoilky, %q hql,t - _,_ - PAIN11 . , � W so now xo,Ar% war 4 asItink. Witti 1. I 11 . x1low, , 11 I . ­ 10OW101, OLVW *' utt* of 44"014 gilld , �. . PAP44, I I - Ill 11 lost ou 1eq.1v ,�%Ttildrtlill. . I , ,is* jhoU1%tiLUP,og liAnti b . I *­*" I Urrx" � V L . thinglAq 0.4, ;�qal� iWW(4i"A. v1I%1- " '­ --.,..=:1:.."1111l1. ­­­. . . , .1 040111"y 41"Lel" l'i'tti. 4"tth six- y . I , . . .. , 1_401� L , ,,, I ­ � WAl'you. 40t Sit . 1)"111tit-SO"t, Vito ~ 4. Iral ) I ,�, t I 9 0#4 , Aum.w-, ,of *%W*0,-i:aOLdo�w4*-,4,t,AQ0-, UO4­_* A this touipto0o 3,44t:pAtiotioxy. . I �4 I I I . . 00� 6 i44f ft0k Nkr44WI , And, JA WOrt �, th . 44 1AW, C040% 4AIRA, bid � Wisifivid I op In Uri 10-lumi't, , t , , � , , who hal;k itolitflio,� to �titie, jpl, of '41' rot- , A'j'Ou'. wCul ' . , " � . tprl%, X014 14.44guot'. W1. � whia al- TAX XVAS� ON' 0*40 a. 4 I L � . . . . � . —, - I I 0 I - , mon. �.rv* 04, first, to call attprlt : , 4, a hii oho . � . ?4,14 ad . 44, , .t , 0 0#n'tWro Were (Lo VA- -0,-`l- A 1- i� .0 . I 11 -ITA I I ;. . & , QW, , d, I . 0 V., !4 0, tilmlle yo,�. my�. lord. I AIIQ41U. Atli" - � V* 40, za"r+-slit 14.4­�400#' ,, to,'thq qtiOw 9.f the too . them,' -4 I*, I YOU VIA" our ,, sivmlfi, : I? - , " it T :� . . , . I'll Y� U" � d lichroal,, . AX4 Auposil, to. utot ta� 1160 VAX I ; � . Tb"'00 046W will, 4404V - 1, I proilugo jht�ndod . jet" 1103:04n. Pet *404 ;-4. 11104=44041d"l-VI *4 00, fall W'd 'a ­'Aballx Youl 00A)t 1`41k, 0 - I � " Q 0 " 259 A sic I * of . I 1i � 1 wagw sk,littT4 ishisIffir h0ma_;., otaild atill As, It shill �doclln - t 9will ,, wh4t.0bo 0*10, t I . O# - I - _44 "o gck W .4 , "Imaiiiii; Y9 ,I I I 4940% ,Altuost It. algary, a lAill.rtrO4 J!,fr4ritarth I �- : 'I., A *4 S.M.' JCI %I isfillid., r , , I . I pp*_W")sLqtsr . *)Ali 01 ., Of! L7ow.- the 44i I slowly, her,- ;argill I lie 4 rro MOM vio la C,l 40M . . , U "Iw4y 1 �� . . __ , " ,stivilition" but so vo.040=0 - , � a Of tM m it . tia uarteral L,11'% ' F..", O c I t 1 Will" tA4 W4 WO It"Xi"to ­- . A Stitlilting lisrmet.tiL OP ' tslee, a -'solo ,a c tirlik. 404014. . , . I I , I ,. I 00. UntIl"Shat 'w* I 4004041y, . I �- , ' ' ".- r' . . I"* sia of it razi, 4 ,; hJ>Ie d4dz alsuittot, 1ASIP11" ... � , 1. 'it . q, _I.a ' ,,Weil,!._,Jii, 18040, f1l J -6t *mOtiO0, AN if'Sh* TA % 11 . . . � � Jour-w9ek '444.4411is wordst. ." �: � gs6nt , , . . aiqd,04,1� ' , - � I � -40140� V 0 .. � , 60A AC view*# flklst�claia so , I I , . . , $00tIA Whet )low, OCOUPY 6 cl*u* U*Itgrd b" was delivered 4 f0W - 41I go 4 water 1. Ahalt ,faA*_9f* V Arm," 1109�, I ptictillIll ho",vo 41*946i'to �1410, lot I . . 11� � "I�L` � 4 . . tx4woftll� to vpkii.up,for bar tietuarls Ahtort� qfft *0 4i I UW%oldlXitti loifirov"bulosts; W.I.Itz I 1. . - . ,D . I ­ � ,00'Bind: 100." - � -1 - I � I . I . . think, J'gqk*t: AgVo, *tV#InO,d my "(4 to YQU,L'*. Ilo'Att-' , ..qas in a VKI#,t1 buildito Of d4 O., At the City I r,P toll- '9�jfl u" Of olght raroat$, 4 I I 1 ��7 ! L * 101. A - 10;-. . , I ,. _r - . I ­;;- ' ' " " 1 ­- , .r':,pIck0(1­ ;It -,,Ov soinotbilig lot � 00,111W. AUSIAt'llit COMIX19,01k , 11 . -� . � ,, . ttoil � -1 . - 0 It , '' I . . I , � �l --took-blir 014 IIS40 _ Oy. ora, 0 ,11%,1th ,,,, - '� 'T '411*1 u' bAii, f , - matl�" , dqn, land, by uls li Irn ad 4q,,page deq� - _1 -, -­ I � I "i WW44j IW *-Ao*,*dtc0. O'Do ,1-0;1, ,Dyrlk , sV!%t..A ) .�vl , , I "". -., . b&fl.d'#Ad_ pro _... -_ � , , , , . � , , ;, ., (,]too 440 tons O � 40,inoftg I pood It, . - c. ad . . ) I 11 I ,. .. londI. lit I 0. usy .v I _ .1 , . .it it, JiM%. Pt' th�b Itailt, CO#001'�� , . I I , , , bQw that Ingludod, Ole "I 4 1:10,114,11ilt- . , -0 -_ , . . . 11 I �. I *Clup�, 4124 �A,, halt toA*,. Or trult . . 14 .1 that 'MO a I -with ON FOOT. 10.44'40403f I It , ;�, I ..a.l., . .' A-44. ququ"_�� " 4$44A , , I 1 )04 L .... ­ I . - "I. 1� I ,� � , � � .1 .� � 14Y. it Arm?", oho., 41 1 : , �: ., . , ,earl And Guildford Vlerton,, turned The pftaable a � of the unhe 4 1 s , - go*' VU* A Ill; OwVil,' O, autt, A AUBiAX ,, .. w1pru op. Corr , I I . � .. � You"'La4y,uprob " bAPPY _ , all DOI 0, al"'AtTatoul "A104 � I - 4 1, ,_ , . i I I I � I , , I I , , I I :. ' %,` '..` " u, istrainkA. -you - . _ 11�11 . 17 . It, I" believed 'tualt, tile military, I 411014, Od puliN . Ith f1kq9k, I i 4 . I% Itch too often All, is % Wing concern. ll, I ,�, " "96" Aris, TO1X_X* 14,opp,y? a ThO Al"at 4 tips Itill Sq9tJ@iA hwyo alrewitiv 000VO to lillkin 10 *1 . I . 1"t tw' j� .: ' r. one, tdin'� I . 4 looxbertiow littek � , . 1. I _11� I . 44 wout, down tbq atops, � todlik one house mr. I- � Ir I C - h silvq�, , , 'or moro " vou0ioF Utt_*00001; hfA to � � , ut.horA � , . rad%ifillor,V. . I vat li,�-p inteli , -, , . I . . ­ t 40101., 1. " ' I . �d � - Wail � And , I . ' n . ." .. , . , , .1 levity"444 *4 f put thoms'elvPs'l to. 440upotlim with I . ­ I 'I r to,,dr­ - I 1. ; -p - mit.. I .+ 4*ctlo .4rivo nearlyt. to the lodge, ilivon our Indoit . - � 134 I ' Very,. 40go,lotely U , "" . 1A to fartin is Kit Plowable. and . I , , ppyt,"'ll door closed behilild bito. Ito Walkeii caimp our ruktilmol -sports , . I � VM44. it A411 is ovort - .7 �� , - , �Z 4 � " 110*00.dit - "It Is, Just � t�- r 'M� l 4 tir pastAmov. Tile *in y adapted to rowing hard � I I � . ' 'In - 'IWIlph't ' ' the War (Ifte Wit1k, a VIQW of asC0- -- On, 600 aSk, I 1101 I A ,...414 . I I'll '. �ho , intipe, L ,YOU Wet� Itry, Is rlir4ical, , ,-, 44 WhIMI Saw YPO'Witig th'" 46 otal. ped suddenl,N, and sot 40%4n. %Anifnig 0 � 0. an Tiliblication to � , : I ­� J i * , Own, the all 0 . .,aoro - _ 0 C - set anil fur mise araking. I Wt, w bilittatr otittot� round, - " . ; , 1. ,� 9 � ­ . 1'r , . of hozard waiii. in his OPInId#. ave of I ro,its. L's , A � ., I _ I I 1A00"tlnA,0rpIqA0,.2Uft ._.# -, � Plot Of 't 0"witylmj L L I I what allowitucot is to be to ItUdflo, A tit, I . � . , ptill4bil. v 0'4.�,�Oqvs,*V% , "%'-,�- L, - ,, Ad . . , ":' L . . �L L tlkQU � t . . mind, L �wh* 'So hSd Ignored the most out4tanding of our 4,'oX,'% I O I,, lit'. 16, .. ., I .1, . I ... ­ I I I ' ' " W fto'-%­ ", I 1 .C4 -_ . naver ' L anti millide, light of A ­ , I � I i , I I .. ' - " ­' i '�' ork III dArOL,ftif ''I. - 1 made tovifarc( the expoilisigs of the Vol- -�­ . _ ) . I "' ' rnorti, Jqbotw,,A)4d UNiti. d I Al vices. and one which OV41W sedou - .. I , , , �.'. �' ' ' . � . I . �111 I I I � . -*Jlet_l sprice; AbOthfir IINOI _,-� X '�40 � ,�4, "ypu: so I 1. .. - gurts. while Norah had been. with, '#low "L I i " '' - -, .. L, " 3" O�.,L tiAil , 6t L L IAOW' I li%vo, YOU ,wpt,," h1s,l - - a , I � L � , ; I natl0i -` � ".., , I. ­­ , Illic , - L , I IV tk 11 014f , ­4rt 1 tea; him, now the ptiin. in his, arm Wan so from a dls�auitle t 'InLrtt . '. ?, 1�. , ..0 I 1411A4,0911i 'here & : , , Q7411104 oo A"Ply! Untoors who may Como to the V* minded patriot must feel WAIX1014 : " L L , _ o4O , I . inins , I quite �4 do- ,NINO � , I I 00t;Aiku"tho in . , I 1. , tried, It. i ,0-',,�,�i 41 PLV ,02' _ its moon As menace to the well-being Of1t:= , , ;� '*Ysot'A� %0j1li�4Otg,�,'tU*Vll b*' b .7 1 L . . .l, , t,�,Uj I Ilk , ,% .%a th and sick l� I I - I . , _tbo )�JOQLO��to L' % 4 ., Inez who A*g# eqctined the acu at he felt giddy ftl�a i.aformatlon has boon ObtailLod I a ,, �, , , � , . _ � - � +- " - I . I I I � . 0 why . , -, , 84 0 op "' top of * fortune, or � iiiii: �4 'woU frolla it. I . � �;., I .. - � cv. , , " n. t, 1:,X15 EW . . . to a URN I , poe . . . munity and to our Imperial, c - ourral I L I I Jl , I - � j � 11 --, vilisfiet, jin,ciootfols.,­ , - , i - � then li#.t � Wpajq, *-04 �Foi6ori"-, 404 upon this Point no thaot will be loot The gambling evil h A Penetrated to 001to4000mf"iffitiffooityrowfirnow Tals. I � , 7_., I 1 I , , , . iq . . .1 ; �:­ , . ,,, , , . " . ,& .."P.SrOA a. , Opi,�T'Z- 4111a 44vo''vloxerJO 44u,�'Iwlillt�� from on Mwkwaril -scropo.At Ife leaned against the smooth-shAv- I ": 4 'i -, I" " I . . i L L , � , ��_, ,. � , n 1, 0 � 11, - I f, ,,� OU i in communloating, wltU aotirmisiudors the highest grades Ill our social. life, 201" NO 5V � ,, I f� , "I I- . � � 11 ­.� � � I",- '' '. - ", 4 . . � I L , h , let -%%An it is all 'on mqy Ae,count,­.Im book of turf, and tried to feel the . ''I ­ Ir I . L, MO : - , , )" rit- I I 1111 = — - � "'. I . . I ,�'', L 'iIS.R Azu% , voo I L . I , Piror, U.T'M� �"�You­ialre all - of`-,-)�ootrpo throughout the q0untily. to our commercial life, and .0 I .:, � , : 1?�_ I , , I I L .. 'L 'I .''L ,.* I .:Row, *,14 ()oer of 'hvo"rq6)oret'sporPi4#i%q',�t'o 1% roas' ' S Is L she said. .."d thero Is nij thought of Injured "limb, but he could scarcely. to Our "0012*11101 %"4iX.ft bVillith 8, QV=M . i _11i , , I L - . . , O!, litid;p7ou doilt ,,, own fingers. II'dinbursh is surli to roake ' is, good ,sports, but tile most regrettable to*- " L L" � ­M&isL" n,M�!sl ifnt'04,;,.�wiiaa� vvery F"fixestoro UAW Grown. ­ Att.+ R-1, _.m.. tr,&+ Ig joii4,iii' - Ob Ypursolf .It I ., f I bear the to:ui;h of his � I 4 A+ , �1 � I . . , � . � ,� .� �. �. jjjn� ��­ �' 1- I � ` #90 , . I �. . . 'T � ,­,., , , .. ­ 0 .4 IS an on Your Aeon he alhlWaa. he 901129 to be Idiot QVIgh to cQmtTAOuk4O4 '"? "att 9 'Autuir""U., "" ture of all was tha wO in, Win __ 0 r, r I .. I hQ.W bI4ntJ, h ' �,_Lbl Ull I have betiol , � I � J � 1V I 9, Oy�muilt,4.0�6,tho-4v . . , O,W 1, not " Angry At the "AVIII be the desire Of 00 brI944ell Of the desire for 'gambling ll�xd spread I ', L I 't,,,iMhAJ1:-,T ( ThA_;ftpft_itA -th - yOel,,R,t oented.. 1-IDon't stpoll nay Ore -by falut, be thought? � -1 � " 4 .10, lbrL A1:lff4'jitCrkT_' 1. . I I ,a ,Coui�,t olf L A IndepeA , ,stop -, I U not 011. L � " , Oil , j:,hOb.lak 4 d Yet , , . � :�.�'fio dcht''Qr4QV_vf-rbr0,9tbrA � hold its , ­ t, I, opAlLkIng of myself, Ali, there Is the Idea,. he struggled ,,rd Provost Crapsiton I$ 80 to the'lowor classes, among Whom I I "I , -! -tiiint, *04'40, - - t I . �� and yo� gro'ba4ly'ligir ? And lift bar . . . : it iff- an,4inpo; , . I + to his toot. thiAlt- which Lo "copper book -maker" And the . � I I ,C)JJId.­ It, ' *ate to onsAii'moncylorider bad firmly estab- , .'' . eL " 'e, 0100A a � B0410A -, 0; _�t�r '. 1her hAnds Weak broke off with pompthing 111te a I for a class of water; but the lodge such numbers as will demonsti: - . AIW-14;igloii , I � , tAtl, tio, city, Orr6w and , . . housed" I Ing he would reach the lodge and ask I Popular a(comitnander to turn out in the , _ - 7 Ort4uv,t6 ,.tu�, pi*cot N " 1, . , '. � C rleiiitirta 0 1 sin* L HQ , � -'���� . ,,�, r 4 til,, ok,jb- I � tOgcther,�-aI3AQIl0,; . _ h elves �4 as'tct, , �* itfiui�k Now, Jcraq,, rocelotlY. ' �Llijtlqj4o . . .ly , 11 1, L ,, " oodlqgarel 4�sd"Anslk4rcd, wj�,34 �oubmittod at tlils t400ting show the . Algh As the grfialt'plAciel shining In And the trees and the sky executed a his Majesty how admirablyt P hat lishad theme - .1 ,� .11 L,L� '_ L� j. L�� fal '. , . _ � .y I I I I " �: _ � �: �, . Lie �L We Uyril gave up tqUilf,to smile the ;0 � , , _ ci� r0sper- I . t 'Peculiar kind of dance, before his eye, Interpreted the feeling of the 'VOIUA- With rogarO to gambling in society, A I .,� ,., "_.� - ... ;Ioty to' bo I , 4dertully P ' questletil-AWAYI , " ! he AlOciftlight, loomed before them. �,�,!r,� ': ­_ 4 _ - �,��!. ,. , L ,,,, 11 �- , � AA Iodcpaflilen,V� .Finance, "And now will you go?" she sold. and he fall back on the bank. tests of the caPit&14 All over Stiot- Mr, Campbell could only so that it ;: ­�, �,'A, , there , .� x4 Lifl&..4o��:Bbjrk, Pus '000, . L I( eAmIttoil, almost as if "Would You raillei that I did not i - land the name fooling is beltiliVed to �half the static which were told �:, 1, . #� , � � to . , , a x, .1 .1 . , Welk," be I , , ... I I I �,F 4 ryiA, - Committe, " , a 1 04 41 *, 4wow t a td L ,A luvestigated, till the scour- I He had lain there Ali delicious UIA ,: L I J L ei'voill O' tles,: okci,,'And I t Were. Oolfaothik'.to be Ashamed of, 40 VI __ . I I � .;""-"".O$Vfg��*,A*,VW,;,!;���.;t� ' reported thiat they 01 we, lticicyefi*oq� 11th YOU to,thb house?" he ast-od. consciousness for a Couple Of min- prevail, and there is general expad0t, about the Bums of money lost and won �,,,�', �.t.,�r +�b . i4a,001iltion to A I h. to get hold of *,No"., � � I - ", 5 k , U baP1)y,(cUod­tbe bUSInego . . she replied, ,In a low voice, utes, when Bocce, Louth came through tion that throughout the country at "bridge" among the upper claxses 1, I 1, 14 ­ A'y CPA I L. Will r Aftirm ,of the or, but I I I ", ­. �,-10111.. , , , . be a. " L I . I I ,Ughly' bunl- them, eakil It W*o,�clitnusy of me, "I was tillinkint of Yourself, I went- the gate. She w6i walking with a the day will be observed as EL puelf'o were true, they formed a very evil L �� I Ilim - ­ '. , L ,�, 1. III in � I P. , , � -1: , - , I I I I der I#aaggc a there ., I : they got ,file, down� and I suppose I . I ! 1-% - �.. call. I , , I 11 ad You to get - house. I would like light, careful step, as if she wished a holiday. This *ill mom �"�:, .L , ' I ueo� manner, the investments safely just tWisted, my,,.A�rm�,, n %A joiAux ''IL '" T.404, there itp A s ho O%vp ,the. _j , portent for the furure of the race. It 'L I I L � ­ , .. 11 �_ "', �,�'*Autloa'� eg1jr( ;td their parents; iWielY ms,,de, and that no losaos I . I � � :: � ", - I ly all you to come, that my father. innay to avoid attracting the attention of at people to the capital on a acklei was only fair to say that there was , '. � I 11 � A -t. 6rC �'Ilto L otS who � Noralt shudderad� ,fte had % keen know all you have no, and thank the people at the lodge. and bar plialc which will help to make up for tits to -day a healthier feeling among thd . .il 1 ,.4 had been incurrod duillas; all the I 10 highest grades of society th6A exist- , I I , .�L Ll'_�Wj L""I leave it imagination, abil.'she saw it all; the you as you Ueserve,, dross flitted like an overgrown moth lack of visitors recently complained L .. " `.c '11111110"'th - I I I I I I years of thle 'order's'history. The I . ­ '' , ­ , ,, .0 *611% �, . . t .; terrifted, plunging horse struggling -'%'hen I will a In the eighteenth century, for in- , 1,� �:_ _ '"... 'L� . .. ., " . ,., t ,,­'. " L . . . . . . , .1kobilslair the, mp�tt4 order w, accumulated funds have in- otuallY -forcing ptim," he said. "But against the dark trees. of. The various railways Will up" Ad ,, __ , , 1, _�,­._ , . ' . - I ' ­ I I L."I :dliigt�nco and _� you have thanked I �.�L"".:, ��' �� L, _ . frankitiks and creased in the last three 3,ears $3,- � me more than I She saw Cyril, and stopped with a doubtedly offer 'tempting iteellitlep stance. when statesmen of the hi*h- , I rot., '' -L- him to t4o ground and dragging him , L_.:� � � � t ."il. I�he order's position 'a , enough, Lady No , little cry of alarm, then cautiously which will insure an immense attend- ant rank gambled away their entire , 1.z ,"muo Act 4,­d0,er=InatJ6n,WeaAbla. to 272I84 �L . t I . � . . - She "I have 1�,Qt Ahanked you at all. and fearfully approached him. h upper , .. I �LL ­��'� L�,] , ,�Ib . . . growing better every year, for, under tWr hoot,%. saw It a d ance of spectators. It will provide, lOrtuils'. Still, it was to t a . " ,.,..�. �� � ,4 !,Ltb6­$,r ' ii will instance, the increase In accumulated a Bay?' I . I "Why, It's the painter gentlemanl*l classes of society that the country % �', I � ��, �� �: f '��,.,,00,nojd great deal worn ,than It risally had what, coul l:'-`,;, I ­ , , , .. . L 1; ,qblem. too. another of the too rara 11PPOr- I L L -011 Lto'! L been, and- AL faint moan broke from "Do you reolly wish to thank me?- ,she exclaimed, with a surprise which -om every L, , � , " .� A� '*' - asBOU, dMiling the last two naturally looked, for am example. and . ­­ , , , I , r6mamber"04VOVAY things 100&4 L Was t[t h 1. tunities Which people A I I ­ I- ,, .1 11 I � er now Palo lips. he asked. i Intensified as she shw how motion- It ,was to be regretted that the sin ,, . " I U .wl� .�t I; — . 4 PA ner cc J � i : :� � 1, , I � 11,� 1 4� 1 ... . , I i . I , , �� Ji 1� . 1- I � I I � , , I �, I .1 �­ " � ­,� ,,, �� - I I . .� I . , 1. �11 L *1 ­e,�,� ll_,'�� " , A. L , , , ., ; 1� I Avv..� :� :,, . I I 3t . , �" : " � . - � i , 1� ` ., k - ,�� : I x", �,�4_ ILI . I ­ .., f!' i ��,i'�, � ,�`) L � : ',� � 11 � ��I. I * . �: �, ; � � , � ,,�; , , , , �A I I . , I �,�, , �, , _� � - I ,�)� - 4�1 , ,,, 1, 1� _� I-, ,,I � � ,�� ­ �,, 0 , Be Place +� , ­ I . . .1 �� . . ., ... I �, I "', ,�,,'.'. " ". 11 L A , , f , , � CI I 11y;l I . ass ; -Oh, what shall I doll' she saido They had reached the steps, and he 'less Cyril lay. At first she thought part of Scotland he of tesittlymis, or haittard was manifested in so . I — ... . - 1� 1 -lsw -.-bo oundo , '14,'the ,economle a the inpre In insurance at I .. I � . ..�:, I . . � . I I ., 11, ., ­:'," 1, . , t) . ti I 4 I CIPAI'lfif � -becoming 4, producing, risk during the same period wA'S only almost Inaudibly. stood with One ,foot on the bottom '-well, Becca, thought that he was how popular his Majesty Is Among marked a manner in connection with il.l. � . -, I "I , 1.1 lit -you th0l, it is nothitlg�" one,. looking,,at her with a light in intoxicated, and grew, alarmed when. his Scottish subjects. hitabel Record did really do It, Is 1� . 11,1 I . �, I , I �. ,,�, � ,., L - ' �' I -, 1: monli ,er Jok 0ealt; Indu � per cent. The order has increas- ass a �, , , �, b tho, 0.97 tho game of "bridge," 11 I , ��' � . 1 ,� , 1, I - IN, '46 ,room in . i " " Ah� 1, cannot 'trust, you I You have F4,P NTEBM MOVEMENT. KX APPEA-L TO THE KING, that a reason why you should grow il ".. � I ,:, �,,�'. �., , . A4, mo, � Thera ad its accuinulated funds since the And I Cannot 11340- his OY66 which, 066 seemed to feel un- bending over him, she saw that tko H VOLU . .� , � , I � I der bar lowered 14ds, had fainted. The review will also tend to Infuse In our commercial life there were a grudge?' 11 ,. j , *�`, I . .1 . made light Of it) .. I - �, ,� ';�6�1 ' . _�' I , , meeting of tho. Supreme Court , . . �� . , I . "I - , . 4,40.r'a, ; . last ..If " . -1. I "..'_'. � .', � X � Q ­ . .06ufil ,, . . IIaVe that You are not hurt. is you do don't Bay One word, I Her first idea was to run to the new life into the volunteer move- were "So I sot right about forgiving , J ��, , oy,body must prodood'-so more rapidly than it Inc"ased in any I many phases of activity which � ,. �� � -L I I �q%7e� mjn�-W�4, ' ` ' " ' * Ant . there anything, ,anything I can do?" but JUSt give me the rose you wear." lodge and call the keeper, Jobson, to -ibed as gambling, her as hard as I could, and pretty !" I 11 � ii - , I - � , pimdilctis what to Al s . �, - . I : ;, � I "Nothing, nothfft,: Lady Xorah,'! I . 1� I'll equal' thins proviouidy., Muting .the ment, which in Scotland, an in some net ordinarily desci :,,-- "r I jxioided-. 4ild'ropot wanted receive$ a 818 Working days of the , His heart smote him the moment her aid; but she did not do so. parts of England, has rather suffer- but which partook of that charopter, soon I just loved Mehitabal Record, .. .. �� �_::, , I . � . . ,vear the jt:� " �,� - � .,, . llsirgett,! xowarda. , -. .I. . . order pays put $8,892.89 per day, h maAaged to iiat*rpose. he had made�tha request, and he was Eve, the mot)ier of its 'all, was not ad In popularity within recent years and which were certainly examples of no ruatter what she'd done." "I .. ,. . , � � I , - . 1 �'And 31 was so selfish I thought of prepared to ass her dra* herself up more curious than her daughter as the result of what, rightly or tile sin of ho, The needles were motionless. :, IL _,, ,:.:,, �, � _"�*.,' _Wd. ' Speculation in The I . - 1, tt; ,­ goqr1ki ��ula it Is; wise,Act try and each day puts away a surplkls 9 ii�od­ -_ .- - _ - -_ ­­ - ­­ - - f - , . ,i �, � , 1. 1: 146, - reprove him With a look of Becca, and Beeca's little mind was .� ';�� , of'Wbf id of $8,907, 'TUa kirdWii'doolitaidateid-ift hinq but myself and the -the and many - speaker, although flushia or the J,? � I.,.: , ,Prodiica sornbilihilg ch'. fh at . . wrongly, is regarded as the want . 6"ta foriiiis was merely a do , :,. -, � �' I . .1, "I maiden dignity. sire on the part of some person or gaze of many eyes, coutinuod: �, � �, .., � ,�,� . siiuplp)y� is scant. In apy ease, it iftAnds now amount to over $9,000,- others, I she said, penitently. all agog to discover the runson why f genuino practical interest on the ,11 � '. � , � � ill � , I �:, - might have known that you would But shoatood and looked down at the strange gentleman should have 0 persons to got rich quickly. 71119 I -And wilen I'd thoroughly f '.� " ­,,. It dont tc avold thope odcupationf;1000, and these, the committee re� ' p rt of the war Office. It is not - � *"A, -, � ­ I _�­'­ lr a 0" , �� ,� ��' . �� � , � I surpluslports, are all well and safely invest- 4V )� ,, ,. ,.-- .-.'.1 have tried to stop theral Oh, I wish the flower which Lady Foradale had fallen down in a fainting lit in the Y desire was in Itself essentially vle- given Mehitabol-why, my h4sAach. . ... ,, , .:� _]. ,,:, 4, whiclis there is already . at known whether the Queen in to " , ,; . ", � ­ ', ,t. � ... - W ad. The society has ild4od 11,000 , ., �� I I 4TWA -tho . : -1 wish I had not'lot you coniq With picked for her and placed In her 'gir- C6Urt avenue. ious, because, it added nothing to was gone, and I felt nice all over. It " " 1, , I of' t1lio. PrOuct. . roe ipany the King, but if his Ma- h oftimunity. � "'i . . I I.. . . , �_ ::1 -wCTId Is not 'crying for lawy4rs.� doc- members net for each year of the ow?" die, and he saw the color come and So she knelt down 'beside the still accon ,y his royal but set me to thinking. After that, Ji,�F � 1, � " - , � �,--. � . I I merely acquired (oi- one malt %%hat whenever I had an ache or pain. I , ", - l'. , I -That I certainly Will not," re- go in ber lovely face, form, and with hands that ,,trembled I Jesty is accompanied b 1�, 'L � 11 , I I ;_ '' $ojoi preachersi or accountants. The past triennial period. No changes .,If "It Is a Poor guerdon," she said, 'a little, unfastened his cc at, and - , r, I ." I " sponded Cyril, with a smile. , tisort, this will only lend addition ", � , I I I : �1.11�! - lio.,pAllid profossions .ar4o,Pv'or'crowd- were made I he rates, the Supreme might be looked upon as W1, OtIg I practised going away by mys4f and J t "i, , ,, , .,i ,,,�,,­ ang lelr' t know how glad -bow proud I am with a dickering smile that seemed hold her hand, cold and wet with al eciat to what has every prospect , r I � �, , r�" ad , ,There Is a large surplus stock Chief R contending that the YOU 1co to other peol5le. forgiving some one, It workW won- " : � , I __1 I " , 1. 'rlq' ,to be with You—— He stopped. to make her face Inore serious. "It I dew from the long grass, upon a memorable occasion in . 1, P I . I I 1� , _ �� '= , ­ . .'' Cf., galiadvlce� on tho'niark0t; also rates of the order at the present time , , his I of being With all respect, continued tile pns- derfully." � i "., , .� .11 , 7-1 , �MA&( of the,�Joteusity in his is alt di?sty and laded," . � forhead Scottish history. Unfortunately the tor, he desired to add a word con- "Did yell always have Bottle, one," p:.� ,,, 'J� - ��,,��-;- ��,,�­, cat,�AdVJgOt, find -of bookkeeping. were ample.. . conscious ''i � -,. � I I . . I � � . ; - �:: ,�. , , , i;, ��, �: .. : . 'voice, and that '#s intensity had "I would rather have it than the He I�okcd very handsome, Becca last review took place on what wall - corning the Influence which might be " , , , - I . I rocord, _ 1� 1.� , . 11 I elected, with Hen. DrI. Oronhyatekha 1. . L I ... 11'.., , caused her to lowej,�her eyes. .Slowly she took the flower -it wao'black, glitteting eyes scanned his face But be the weather what it may this . : , l �,:", � - � 1. , i 010i* � , .� . :"I.I., -, ; ,: I �, a I Clo4equattly the- ro-wa-ro- are dimlliz - All the Supreme El"cutive were re� � --- I exercised by its King. Ills Majesty asked the minister's wife, soffly, "to . ,'�, 1�,,� . i . , brought the color -j+,'o her face and freshest and finostil' I thdUght, as he lay there and her' one Of the wettest dayn on I � _ . I practisa on?" �' " �­ __ was much loved by his people; he "Deary me, . � - ., 1, LLL , , . .�� _ ., I Tbj,1,;fbd of man that is. most plan- at their head. It should be wodeid no,"' saillf Alluity .L';' ,.',111 , � .,�. , r, , ,� . I. in the market is"t'ho one who that the detith rate 'of the order Is I "i mean that I Ould not think of dusty and laded -from her belt and 'and clothes minutely. time, there is 130 doubt but there will had proved himself worthy of the . � 'L I., ,�-":, . ; tuu Glen. "Evorybody'a always treat- ."... _L4, " ''I * ­ L'L ,j- ,.. letting you go alone." held it out to him, standing ,with I "Has he been fighting?" she asked be plenty of enthusiasm on the oc- postion, and had rightly earned for' . ; "'. I ­ I . , �,,�,., � t , �. 11�� ,',,L'�­- , knows ijo,brusInbas in.'pe,nicudar and low, indeed.much lower than it was It a little w ,' ;,� ;` �. , �L ' I " I I , : � , ELY." downcast face. 1herself, as she noticed the dust and casion of the King's visit, and it himself tile title of ..tile peacemaker ad me so nice, I ran out of folks .11 �� ,� I ­ - . . . vionts 'something In 'which he C411 some vests ago, and the average age And yet it is 8�0 � , ,,, " 11 -P. , I ��,.'��"'_-'L. .�.� � I " - - � He took the rose and pressed It to'the rent in his. coat. will not be, surprising it the muster of the world." If the King would to forgive long ago." n. . ­ � she remonstrated '­ "" L , thes while at w*r1k. of the membership is only thirty- "How did you manage your 'cure' ,,.11 .'L - ' " � 11 t� W.ear good al. ��111 L, "'' �;. - ­ . The mqu most in demand and least seven . The medical work . seems, "Yes, a Very little wity." his lips; then, carried away by the I But there were no marks on the of 'volunteers at the review dxceedo exert his great influence in separating then?" . 11��L�,;,` 7� ��, LI'L L""" , , " � b I . I All , . I "Could I;ou not bathe it? 14 it thought that sho had worn It, feeling clean --cut, sunburned face, and, still even the great dathering which gambling from sport, and in dis- ����-�",i% e, �'. 'i , 1 I �', . 1P.1' AjAilut-lo the one who has had fie- therefore, to be well and carefully brokent" she asked.' that it was, so to speak part and putzled. Beoca thought that perhaps past Queen Victoria in countenacing what was essentially ''Oh. along about the same time r I 11:il11),;_ ­� ,,� , � "" "I - I I � ,i.:i �:� i, 1. � , ituiti jXpZrieIjca j'qitil sonio.occupation, marched (.'11 �,.�. 11 "I �- ." , , . li . i I . I I ", 1, _ done. As a fraternal society the . ,.. . I 1. ,, � .,� � I hielf,goils the hands and the clothes 8 car- "No, no," he Bald, with his short parcel of herself that she gave him, he had been knocked down find rob- 1881. 1 evil. and encouraging what was ps- ran out of action and pains. too, I i ,:� " '11��r I �_, _ . I V , . , 11)",", I'll, ;�. �. �: , ... I, � ,.:, ­ . h th Independent Order of Forester laugh. "That I alh; Certain It is not, he took her hand, and bending over bed. � AFFAIR IS IN GOOD HAND -S. sentially good, a ver3, much more haven't lost a day in bed in forty- � lh,� -, %,,,; '' � , ­ and4ho, at 'the some time, as a t I -1 1.11 I I , �, �.-, �, L L � ..": �. -1 I I . , tapaglt 'for planning and directing. tainly has been a wonderful success, and there is no? it, kissed it passionately. I Burglars and footpads were not of healthy impulse might be given to five years." I - ,� : 11 .11, I ,�, ­ - , �1,1�",:,;��:.,� ".. � and something of its financial "If you will conicit' she said, "let Norah went white to the lips. It common occurrence in Santleigh, General .',it C. Tucker is not the There was a PRUSt'. Miss Everett. ��,�, �'�I' i '. �, ` :1. , , I but e s of the nation. ". ,� . - .1 : � 4, ,;,.,� . A, railVay manager who has tramp- strength may be understood from us get to the Court as quickly - was her hand only he had kissed, but: occasionally tramps passed through, iiiaii to leave anything undone that ---------,' r ­l, with shining eyes. broke the silence: ;,. I .�!::� �. ..� 11 I I ,the ,`Hes and built a trestle, a - 6, 1 , .::�. " I . I , �', -, .. � sa the fact that the reports show that possible," and able set off. it was the first kiss of love, and it and petty larcenies followed In their Is calculated to ensure the Rucceas of Use the safe leasant and effectual "Ladies, I move c, vote of thanka '' : ,�: �, 1 � I 1. " '' I ,� '', � . � .. �� ';`�',', ": kiook�,p;iblibher who has set type; a law, and once he returns to worin killer, Ant= Graves' Woryn Eli- to-tu dear Aunty Olen, for a bit �; ,,, , � I -1 , it has already enough in its treasury "There is no need for hurry on my stirred her maiden heart to its trail. the rev 11, :­ .,� , I "' 1"1.1� 1� . a . in his terminator, nothini;6 equals It, Procure ,�, � � " .1 � _� ,­ I � lblisb�; 'dealer 'who his served an Edinburgh fro! ry deep and very dear philoso- I'j L' ,9 � lutablor -lack, a contractor who has to Pay all Probable death claims for account," he said# pleadingly; "and 'depths. But if he had been knocked down headquarters in l k It holed. of ve �,�,�, �L 1, I . I I., I I I � " 1. rr 11 ,; r_ P'lineitatiYed in" and "checked Out"- about five years without collecting do take my arm_again." With a long breath she thrilled and left for dead, his assailants had tour of the Scottish volunteers no phy, And I move, also, 'that we lo� I �,!, ,,, , ,'�, . I lost in pushing forward "It is a 1,, ,; , 'ighi to meet adopt her cure and practise,it - ,�! ­�, t. premiums from any one of its "No." she said, 13 y, "it Is you throughout her whole being, and left hilin his watch, for the chain was time will be "K, �.. * ...... ­� . � - In a word, the man most in demand any roll , :Z�V � . I " 1. _� .1 � and hardest to And is the one ujiio members.-Torooto Globe, . August ,who ,should take' Mine* I ought to stood looking at Ill"a, hill I I.fully, glittering In the moonlight. the needful arrangements. - ­ a man you I,, , .J1 trust," re- with nitmturd plaster or without. as ;A , ,; '�,.: � � has'leariled some line of business 15. help, who need 'help more than I do. wholly entranced. (To be Continued.) marked the Indi�.daul with -.he high each one likes." �L:fl I ,'j-- r�', , � ,� � , . , t to the 'front of- op — Shall I. call 1. h9lp you? " . I ,, �, ,� , He looked up at her, his face fit- 4 4 forehead. "Oh, I don't knowl I 11 J I . 7 , � ­ from the baseman �. 1.1 4 '.1"A I. 1, .. I.", I I . �. flice 11 ,The man who Want to learn ANTHROPOMETRIC SURVEY. could 'walk *enty miles. My most so white.as hers. prefer a man who pays cash, " ro- T�1.1 :,'', , . 4 � - �. I : ,_�11.�-,­,A'a business from the top down are I orm is a little stllf,, that is all." "'Ali, forgive met Forgive met X�d- THIS MESSAGE DISGRACEFUL ,DEFICIENCIES. plied the man who kept the grocer's Sho-You stly yoii are devoted to ,� - , , - � 11 . ." _ �%; I .,,� .. . "', , I "In my opinion," said the Duke of ­Lst us hurry. You do not know I did not thinkl I -ah, you woo � shop, I ,,, . � 17 '_'Z�, , I art. What is tile particular art that I I'll I I Ora. Devonshire, "the report of the com- I ,1� �1 ".11 -., ""C"i. a, great Industrial. 'I what you haVe done to it -or will not be angry, you would forgive me It is a disgrace-- ­ I . you ilovu best?-" 11io-"Thou. art." . .. -1-11 I � o"', �� I � � ,1111�4 There'ato opportunities for all. Every min[sion has not received from the ad, with a re- It you understood. it you know how IS FOR WOMEN To half do things. A Small Pill, but Powerful.-Thev . _,,�:r T � ��! . ticiii it deserves." I proach that was ineffably sweet and I love youl", To be lax, indolent, ludiflerent. that judge of tile powers of a pit , LL, , I �. lem di, twenty years the great indus- public all the atten ,� b� , a die annually from .. :L — Its size, . ,= many ,p mono � �: , �­ . -11... - serious. "And yet you would not let She shrank back slightly, . 0 would consider Parme ee% and k ndred summer corniflolot.l. I 1, .1 ' I trial, army must be recruited aniti-M. He suggested a systematic anthropo and' I Not to develop your possibilities Vag table Pills to be lacking. It lb ,a who ight have boon saved It oper ... . i �. I 'Ir L IN-ThAl, tone has P ssed *hen It was not metric survey'. I me rest until you had found out that drawing bar hand away, pressed it DAME BRADETTE CURED OF To do poor, slipshod, blotched littio wonder among pills. What t remedi'anit had boop used. If attarLr d ,to '11�, �, . L .- , I a , I . . I ,;, L. ., .L I " �L.,; .L . Spealdne for the Government. Lord I hIrt.l. Unconsciously against her heart. ALL HER, PAINS BY DODD'S work, lacks in alio it makes up in polar,, not dolay in getting a bottle oI Dr, 1.," ,�, , �: . I ?IresPootable" to be anything but a was not - ,.�, �,� , " I . Tile ramedlen' which it carries are put J. 1). Kallogf*s Dysentery Cordial. the ".. '' , ",,, L 11 L , � ��k� - "pird(epplonal man." Science . ttnd Lansdowne gave'the assurance that "The aaaes tire altogether different, "Ali, I've said Itl" he murmured, T,) give bad example to young up in these otnoAl doses. because they medicine tha never tails to effect a ,I-) . _'� I I I L I., I . �i , � r . I ­� ­ lestruing ImVa. become the hazdmaid-� the - rliport_ phoulO not be pigeon- .he said. "If d been hurt—" desperately, as it he saw that he had KIDNEY PILLS. people. are so powerful that only small doses cure. Those who have used It say It �_,;_, _,_" . - ----.,- -1 _ - yOu ha . ve ate required. Tho full strength of the � 1. .. I , I 1� _I8 - L �, % � __ _f,h _ _4ustr al- arts . — - extracts f" secured In this form and do : .. I— 2- I 1, fi�i_o,f holed and forgotten. But further an-: He stopped. "Don't lot us think of lost her forever, but that it was use- To have crude, brutish, reP"Isi acts,U,omptly,,oad thoroughly subdues �j.; � . , I 6 I'll � , . : . 6 J4 1 the &ad seano. 1, , - 1,1` I It— L To*day anything is honorable that quiry and ,investigation were neces- anything so horrible." less to try and recall his words. "I manners. their work tho,roughly.. .,; ".-L 11 '', I 1� " , ,r' � '1� - .. � dogo well. Produce somethinst- nary Y �`; L , �.� , before a great, many of the to- -What would it have mattered? I love you, IAdy Norahl. I love youl Suffered for )oars Before She To live a half-life, when a whole �_H '. ?;, , ­" 1. is , .1 , , I $Ive niomefthing to the world, andthe commendations, could be taken up. am only a useless glrl, while you— Don't speak to� too yetl You are, -pound Quick Relief in the Great life is possible. Blooker-9ay, old chap, I'm in I I �, I" J , I Jamps-"When I'm rallinf, I never :-1". I.' L 11. I ��,., , I . � world Will pour its blessing into # . Will you be able to Paint?" angry, offendedl I have behaved bad-' - Not to be scrupulously clean in beastly bad hick; need money badly know what to do with rit, hands and I I '�,.�,,,�_ .. ,� :�,'L . . d It I I Canadian lKidney Remedy. - and haven't the least ideft, where I I ,:, A, 'i ,�,_ --- , 1. W�Ouk lap, -As well -or as badly-as.ever. It's IYI I ought not to have sal person and surroundings feet?', JIinq-­OfTvr N-wir hand to , � , . MUSHY. . _� ­ , __� 4, '.. �,,, � , � I , I _tv_� - ." But—" T acknowledge a fault and make call get it. liaxtor-Well, I'm glud the girl, and uso your feut to got ' �r � . 1i 'i I : , . "I" I . Pearl -,'I heat that Jeanette and the left arm A sound broke the silence of the St. Rose du Degele, Terniscouts, n 0 � ,,i.,�,� ,' 0 I I 4 "I" , I I � . . i — Hatry were about the softest couple I "Upon my word. you rooks me feel I Co.. Quo., Aug. 21- (Spec I al), -Suf- o effort to overcome it. to bear that -I thought perhaps ynit 'away from her father." ­ I ", . i,,�, . I _L . said, with o. laugh. -I night. It was the opening of the ngrateful to friends and to had an Idea you could touch, me (L , _ ,'�,� '' '4, _:, I - I that were ever married in this.rnean," he To be u Z ", �� I ..�, � � . I 11 �, i� . , SICKLY CHILDRFINI town. " don't believe there is anything the great door. He stopped, and Norah, foring women all over Canada will those who have helped us. It. llavoyou triod 11olloway,piloin rur:el 11 1, " � I 1, � '_ , � I - with a start, looked toward the read with feelingy, of Interest and re- l'o go through ](to a pygmy when It lion no equal for reroO�111ff these I " r �,. ".:,-, � — Ituby-11I should say so. Why, they matt ' 1� I,�% � �, L .., 11. I , , , : 11; ,:J I . er with ine." Two figvres stood plainly rc-'Ii0f the experionce of 'Dame Amodee , Nature intended you for a giant. r1lacy artl Uitietully Prepared -Pills troubl000rno excro-woen nq niany have - " . � �0�� , I � l.tt wvre so nofr I hat their friends boiled i "I do not, believe a word you say." house. I . - 11 � 2 �11.., More obildron tile durfriv tl-,o ' ­WeI4 then don't lot us say aft�,- vOuled,against, the light in the h ,,Bradette of th-is place, hich dissipate thetutwAven it the store. tontliled who� I)pr.v,) tv.Nd- It. ­ - �, . !1. ". � . . .1 � all, - To kicir over the ladder ,upon w 11� � ", " . � . I ­­at--o,qy- -ut) er LL t -h-0 --- --- r1ilta_--bQtQr", -head and passed his "it gives Ach cannot be expecte to eve inuci. . - . I I 11 :� - . I 11 � .11, I ­thgly. AhIrAw-1it at - It ,. �� ��--w7. � *oatbtr��mooths�-thjtn them." � -,.-- -, t1ing mo -r ­o '!aLflioot U."' lie reii�ajkea. Cyril rilsed his me pleasure to be able 1which we have climbed to our poftd- effect ul-11 the n1notintot, 'Lit to over- ,. .. ,, I � ,,, I isiIats6n of the year. Their vitality in "W'hat a lovely nightl I think the hand over his forehead. Ito tell," says Dame Bradette, "that ' tion. . come cei,tivonong tile medicine adminio. "Is that a I)irthirinric ..n Your �11 4 I � I i . Surkt- "Lady Norah, don't cast me oil on- I I am cured of all the ills I suffered tared moat influence the action of thavit friand'N forellead?" ''No. that's a ': f t, 7 1 11 �41. llbeo'lat Its lowest,libb, and an attack moon shines more brightly at To be grossly ignorant of the cus- canals. Poxvioloe'a Vegatnblo Pills are, ''A Inlandry -nark. " i �, �, . . I , . I . �. ", Infantum or RING IT IN. loigh than at any other place I have til you have seen me, heard me—" for a number of years. I found in - no made, un(lo! the supervision of ox-� laundry mark." I 5 "Y?"i � , 'I', ) I . . I . Olt diarrhoea. cholera I I I toma and usages of good society portb, that the substance In thorn In- flow odd?" "Not No �,�ry ills W:f0 . ��,, I ,, -,�, " stomach trouble may provo.fatal In . I'llo made quite a little speech . ever seen her." He could nay no more. IDodd's Kidney Pills quick re is( . I y , 1, I ,. 1, * few houis, For this reason Ito .. . said Norah They had gone up the steps, and from all my pains. I only had to —4l— landed to operate on thd intestines 1" hit him with a flat-in,ii " I 1 11 1 .. when hit proposed last night, con- "I wish we were home," J�ttlrdod In action until they pass . � 1 11 , , "And stood before thcoearl and Guildford take one box to brIn12 I-,ui( my t!, , , 11,�', , , I 1. tome in which there are ypung chil- elen, blushingly. Idisregarding his rhapsody. , . ,,, � fided H I I ugh th6 atoulawh to the bowels. 11 I I I .., , &ieiX Should be without a'box or ,,Sort of a ringing speech, I pre-leven then there will be no doctorl" Berton. I health, and in five MOr,LhS I have 4 Lover's Y -Z (Wiss, lJoad) NsInfect- I �, ,IV I �, I - — . I ." " - zaby's Own Tablets, which promp-.17 sumo?" laughed Katherine, noticing I "That's something to ,be thankful Guildford Berton darted a dark , had no return of my trouble." WRONG SOUT. � ATIN'TY GLEN'S CURE. Ant Soap Powder dusted In the I I I . - .. .. � I I I gilto An Stoma* and bowel troubles. the glitter on her chum's hand, for," he retorted, determined to ills- look from under his brows at each of' Those troubles known only to wo- — both. softens the water and dials- . �1 , I - — "�� I . ­' � , Ablate are 'given to a well . - them In turn, then dropped his eyes men always spring from disordered Perhaps Plain Old Moat, Potatoes Elow the Old Lady Got Rid of a facts. . k, 1,1 � I � � I 0 ibe T 0 . pal her anxiety It he could � , ; j ''� � Z, , ,fill- in and stood With tightly -drawn lips in Kidneys. - __ IJ � � ,p,� : , �hfld, they will praverit these , %,_ 1. . Well "My dear wife spent her early ; She wan walking a low paces The fornale organs are en and Broad May be Against Dreadful Headache. .1 , . I" . , lusAts antl keep the little one ,, front of him, and stopped suddenly sinister silence The earl regarded , tirely dependent on the Kidneys You for a Time. Tommy Ilomeroy'a I I d Mavis -"And so vou n- P­rlil� to I : �', :" mo 'a a J p. . � �, ­' ., "d atrotig" Mrs� Joseph, T. Pigeon, years In a milliner's shop," sold 11 before a small gate with a little cry them with haughty surprise on ills Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to P,n,ou(,,,,n.,-c,.b marry Ferdinand n(t,r all %'ou've . �1' I . �- _, S.. ,Vy little one wealthy selVitnado man the otherlof dismay. cold face, and In a tone of ice, dis- cure the Kidneys That in why they A change to the right kind h 1. " '' ."". 11 19*4o6k, Otto ta of d .to a dincussicin at t , " . . i b I woon all advocate of muntard chosion him out of till the 1,�gwnq of , � f, .;, ;, I . 131, "Mine spends most of her time ne s 100 a . LA I . - *aw Attacku h colld and. diarrh- day, Ilia Itate's looked!" she said. regarding his daughter's Presence. filways bring health, strength and can lift o from a ick bed. A lady 1� I now,- growled his it 'The caper must have locked it," said: p1rintern and a believer In cold -water tjuitom You uSed ill hnv,," A, is- i "I . �'.1 . V, ,_� ; , ,4j,_Aod,,t found b -ally's Own *ftbletq there I 11 ' heerfulness to weak, run-down, Put- in Weldon. Ill., noys: � � ", I , , . : . ,J �� . I . J9, jAtJsf&et6ry that I vtould dear.7 -tomt! . ____IW'8Wid;---- "Mr. Burnet To what do I owe the c applications. . VoR, he was the ... �i; ,,n, �% 1%�, Pr- I I � I . , , , � Act flow "Shols pretty� I fering wom.-ii ­ I,ast spring I became bed -fast that n Pordin- I � I I ''What a variety of cures there 4,-d, and I decifl-I . � "��: �, ,, . � ttablieff � t . I , bill �iltllottt 'them III the house. "These "It must be rl*ful," remarked a 'lob. what shall we do?" she OX- pleasure of this visit?" 11 with severe atomach trouble accoill- arc," remarked Miss Everett, plevia- it wan %vorth tw,, in I ho Im4h " I , ,� I fit , � only vuro,s�mru& ttOU­ gulshing young girl, "never to have c1c.1te6d under her breath. "Pepsi" she Bald, hurriedly, 4'there Connolqseur-"I tell you what It is, partied by nick headache. I got --- � L, 11 ­ t I , , , . 1, .1.11 I , . I '�, W&A tutf all tho mlno� allmouts t1tat a chaneb to maiti,V." "Yes; but not -1) I b I ad," he said, with has been an accidentl Lady Fern- all tly, with a meaning look nt the . � 0,411�'. 1 1� � , ot Infdots And oung thlidren., vearly so I '! 'If I arm Whan callod in to nt,,00 a ,1�-turtl- I ; , � " � I r , I �? �Iia I eirom tredpans to burglary dale's horses rnn away, and the ca�- at iern. 7 o " � , . .1 , 49% IM'Daub,*thoso ostriches are simply1worme and worve until I becarrin an I "Ventorday I heard of the _It to an Officer of ttit, I nw of Ilan'th � , Y bad as to have had a A #1 , superb. You "houldn't paint any-, low I could acureply retain anv food , �_ I , *YF ob"tain to, 6%ilti 111trInful chance and lot It alLpf" said the The othe I " �i I � I I " r day riago was upset, and Mr Burne-- 'IrLughing cure'l" ance it searches o,A tl,o hld1nr-0-­ ,If 1� � ,:' )� 'r, __ ­ � Is 4 , Ory easy step. ' thing but birds." Artist (disgunt- nt all. although I tried every kind. in, %ad like a Kuorai,­ of th� i�~,,. 1 1, ) . , �, 1. I ilru$i And may � be given with t4lift'l 'lady of uncortaid fage. I w �- I hidden griltund, slow I she stopped a moment for bre3th,: ed)-­Ilhoso are not ostriches; -� 1. - "Indpod'" The minister'n wife -ay� I 11 I I _�, I I I . � a K� X of' they' T had be, ome complet( Y dincour fa`tta hands upon aod , , "I itrm�% t M ,. Y to the View borij baby'or V01 * "Mr. Durno stopped tile horses at t � "', safit, I , � � , � - Aft. Wallace (linprotialvely)-l'Ah, am a, t to makti forcible entry." are camels." :01red, had given up ali hope and hantened to help In steering conver- you ' ltevimtanca In usilooft nn the, 1.1w , I 'I I ­ I �, 4*Owft 0 1 S great peril." antion away froin the belligerentri. of health Impo,eo a .-t-- of p,-,�,,I­ , � I , MI(I. ilhoro Are inlitations He dIs dged a. big storm from tile Mrs. Jordan -"Did you ever hear;thotight I wan dclutned to starve to al bamphnient on pain end Or. T oot- , 11, �J' t:., " I of tbit, I Jb6410fito futtl mothers Should hors Iii another 6tory'ot s. rain rho I "Y - ; ,� � . I killod himself beft1W his homil was hedged bank and smashed the pad. The earl calmly took bar hand and my daughter altig, Mr. Johnson?" death, till one day my husband try- OU ve kept yourself no Young. an' Electric ,)it wail oriffinated to ­- L�� L I . � ls"';�Ithtjt ' tho tvord& I1Bf%by*§- Ck%%Ih UANAPP,V�­ Mrs, W4(%IlRtO (SWeatly)— lot*' removed it from his arm. I "Oh, yes: I only live live houses from thing I could retain. Urn. Olen, you munt have something fume that Peritonea .1 ",, � I , . , UblAS" A'Ad ,tile fouk"lor clover Ra4ar % rough kind of 'Open "Excuso me," he said. coldly. "Do I 1. , ing to, find,,ntl e , r � , 1 ,4,' .. I ,krie dtd �tbtt lraP,�, 'its 10w- k"- I " 11 I now hroug) t I tip some Oratic-Nuto lntprqsting to contribute on curen. " I . I I . I , I , , _* , 'Afflu'r Ifead bu ­ 6rIr lolf, Is - I V uhdarstan6 'that. '.B-. 16utne has your house *.ur.' The old lady thus riddrettried "'s'. Mrn f'ng4,y- An' wot ho N r, z,flii' '-, . ,�� �, , M 6 1 "To try surprino the food agreed '?� L . , pr, or dise.g tbo paper ilot say?" egamel" .he Bald. Mother-l'"A were two apples 1, .)r 'foialtidi � Ott tho'*tappor, *.round , oat'll Norah looked at him. It seemed to rendered you a service?" .1, t 111. t I I in tile cupboard, Tommy, and rowl ,ith ino. digosted perfectly, and a recent comer. Imt It wan gi-ndual-linnIto of V-1, bov. A111,00" Nit-- I 11 . �, . U* maou V6100, y0iir ohild's life 3(r- T1cdP`9­:"'V0Ur %VOWS (IOStU1110 I hor thitt he was prepared for tiny "Yes, yea," she said. "Mr. Burne there ' to only one, Ilow'a that,)" Lt � 0"I'ool" -lLk(ll wo 11 I " , I � I ., I , _ , ,,,,r itiot Lbd polls I I without distress. I began to gain Ily dowsing on ,he community th, I 1010-1 1-11 f,�r a k, #4 .I cl , t0liglit Is ChArmingf. It Alrbitily kind of entergencyo ando little thing Stopped the horses -the two g-roat Tommy (who seen no way of enrape) Poll (which 1hey had a naint airiong thein -one hwirprilei. I ­- It I va, but '),, t,v(,*-4 '' I I _� I til-tbe boggara, dogerlAtIont" Mr. Croevs.-,titidu subtle horges-think, papal -and," her voice ntrongth at once. my it ' . �* ' Otitu,t* for BaVY's owit vitbld I 911 'it was, It brought A "Well, me, it was so dark In there of the unobtrusive. happy, healthy alin wa- ,,, ,� ..... I -it hit'-' "cal), L _", " � L ", ftt hkAf�100' (1h6t, PIAdS childrOlk W101t "And thitt "minda me 01 it Conlin- kind of admiration into bar eyes. grow lower, and was meant for his I didn't coo the other." � had been flothby) arow firmer, my , kind. Children were already calling wid I,ritk, x%hil, Ott, ln,;t sttike wall �, L2 �.. " I � . Aild ItepS, 004 Woli. Lgot4­by all drtriri%­Wh3� Ant I I& a doscription?" "You think of everything. I Should ear alone, "and he is hurti" I "Our candidate has worked life wa3, �heolth Irrifirmed in (mery way and her "Aunty (lien." Joil. thrit no%,. Tire is ii -0111, t" havot 1; "� L ,� I , I , I "That Mr. Burne in hurt I very levery tiny, and in n 11 I � - tittaialsts, 01" you cAn ,got theft, I I . .. 'L � 11.1 . - have walked round." like the rest of us." nald a poll. vc-ry few weeks hills lifil-i 1, 1 a ball PloYor , � "' .,,� L i 'iswil .at ,01 ebots It box b Writiog I . . I are, much regret," he said, stiM_v, "and I UP "we; I gained 20 pounds lit weight. I "Do Yon lintlevo In muntard?" do- '' � . . .. .. re I I "Wall," be responded, "ladies that the injury 'in not tical speaker the other day. t,. like(] orape-Nutil go weil that for 4 mended the deterinined ndvorato ""S--�-,�-"",!��.�-r------u--- � � ,� ,� , * ' '. .- a n*p- don't want any fine gentleman h - -_ , - Us 'D - 1�1 ...... "For thono that it b efito. yen. " \ i . L �__. 'WillfkW �'Aaa till#. _� OOF'� not supposed to broille open pad- trust , ookvill gut, � L . �= __ rvory one cheered except the candl� I months I n f e no other food. and al- ('11 . ., 11 ", (�, L !�� . L IockgL It'r) d Man's Privilego. I won. i 1, I � , ., , 1wayp (Ot an well fintinfled after ent- sold Mro (Uon, gently Summer I 1, . .$, 7 , ._�� . �. . der whether the' gamekeeper will date. "I'litt toll tin how you have h, 11 . , I � � Ing op it I tied net down to a flno kept Whoopind Cowdh I I , I IL I "-. , . . Shoot me, Or dfily itisist upon say Elderly Lady-"Thlo toilet nonp I 'vi - 11 , , *," I -vk mouff-mm. 410ttill SIX MOIA110" ' Wo Hk4h best to aM have bought here hall Atalned my fAce , bariquel, wall," hastily Interposed Mira V. -r The rhildron ae�oin to catch whT.,ophl I-,!, . )�ngifsg � � all over, and your mentor told me "I h,qd no return of tile minorahle Oft. =,guttlylittlittannimortteitt when t � 1, , I � 'irld'' mA , r .9 Ft I 1, � " , I ,.,�" Juni , . And, I 1. , : , , � '1% hold the gatb open, as he spoli!6 SCOITS EMULSION I)eautiful nick atonlach nor - headachpa. -I don't 'mind telling. bill I cvion,4 tycco much harder to gor. r!,il of. ,.", ., I V" A4*0$.t . I ­ , N 4.01 1. J � of th( I I for her to pace throilgh, and in do- " ou'll think Wit n (tinny kind of . I sapteftwi; Old. 01sittgo, .and xott)t . It would not harm tile most I i ing so, bin hand chilitielid to tofth III. lod limum It stands so em ,complexion In the world. Youthful that I llwfl In havrl When I ate v � (" I I . twWatow *. toill 00111eft chittogo. ,0 , , , : hers. not, pity and tiltuderness had phatkAfty for pdriett nutrition. Shophoy—YoWm: bitt yours itin'tiother food t oin now a well we- curo," Alm (lien replied, with n Shiloh's I., ;, I , ,a ft"d trip, oixotitstitift 00koto to .4 all I �nmllp "Once. yourn ago, I had a I � � XtraisofktF'L �,6ii; Ali , , the mont beautiful complexion in man, doing all my own work again, L '. 0140, 110A16,10, I L given him caurav, And he took ltktu Andyet in, tha Matter of restor- the World. to it'rn?" K I ajdGipol that life in worth living. dreadful headache I hadn't alopt Consumr%fioml 1. . 1� ... . r OW(lA*14 4 UOLTkal'Inuetionjij, ele, I � I vdbthge# loan 11146,1 NIS hand elbsood R� , lvbry I I till hers, and ha WOW It, within his Itig appetite, of giving new The litarber-"Do .veil over Man- rap(�Nutr food ling been a gnd- a Wink tile night before -I wan The Lung L I , I , v. it surely navod grIeTtria about a friend that hit . liattlit, .vittkirlik, Visvbuvor lit Arm. 1lttftgffi to the i1nues, especially Volga the iihin or your face9" it The I fiend to my famil, d, -t Cvire TC1, C . �1_ -low ftt##. e6trilitliOtalogly '40AP I L 4XYOU g"I my r1kht "'14 It All fo the herves. its "don is that Civatomer--­MaQgafre?­ The I artier I niv life rind mv two ItV le h0Vu have treated fee right. w(II enro them - .. I Th"o Iq no . "hiiii froft *11 Pointe, In. toltOlk. fiflit", bm Said, tkadthtly. 1-­Vpo� knead it, you know ' The , thriven on it wonderfully " VaM(I "I NVAS Ju9t breading QWaV. 110inU Injurious dri_ .1 !t 1, ttip;I.ank , � , 09,*Vledidine. to tak" aisi" 6f tbut", b0t bt ttiklb 0" . � I . ' .bJVWN latihot Id lf�r b,Vo, but she ' � good for (fall "fisple. 10untemer-"Oli. orranlonal1vt li%it frivon by Pontuto (-'a, Battle Creoh. over nn(i ,,vor In my mind whnt I'd L, , VW, t4vorilible $tf6"*ei,X 4164 11wAt I . itilto . � . wtv 1,, Vohltahol Itarord same dar. At atl dr-t=:ot ., - , 71 0, rL I`C,ttle, 1, 11 � I ,Wod h�r hand J6.1,6ftt Viibto ho : I tooff a IIOWVV� 01=1111011. .veto Rpoin to need it no much %orqo Mid' -) _L A*w*' lithitc ristm. � rolde* and I I I � had ,011ilad It, ohoeo. Ilia" I do that you nn;,�ht rin well , Tberit-*F, n rilapon when I nnta- that a bill grudao wnq ___._­­_---0d__JLk1 I � 11111131 thr6r#A*fl6w Cliff bd obtliklt,4 , 1, I _ POU rVX& I 1, 140,10'. WS -I AII&ValAs. . talze %be rpgt of it while you're ' (101 tile little I)oo4. "no Road W artowIng right tip Inside ot in(). ­­ ­ ____ .- . _ __', I I 4%isett, 'Oeoillval Agiiiii I I I .� � "'WhAt *ill Pon d4 tthett S r � . 11 � - said I to mywlf. 's'pono Mo- I.SSUV 110. 34--05. 1 *qm 1$, Ito, 11 ��, , , � 1 . h6th;61, Will volt Ileild rdr A iloctowt 11 . nbolat itill .wcIIvtII6,­ to each pUg. - Now, � 0 11111111tilt X$SrMll Tor"to* 0144 U I , . I l' " " 1� . � . I I � � . I � I . I � . I . , "I" I . 1, I I I � , .1 .1 . I , I I - 1, I P I . . I 11 . , . . I � f I , . - "I I I I C-11 I 11 I , � , � � I "6A&I", �k . \ I I " I ­ � � � , I . 1�1� ,� ' sj� , I "i , I'll � _ � , 1, I , V . __r . . . I . " I '. � ,� I I I . . I ., " � _, � . . . 0 "I'll I I L / I - . I I 1� � I � - r I , " I 1�. �' I I I "--./ i 11 . � . I .� � I �. I I , 'a r I � I 1. '', t I cl I . . I . 0 1 1 . . � I ­� � - I -1 I I ,: , I '. , .,&, 11 I I � � I - - 'Alkli I . , ­ _ � - . , liillk " I ­ " -A. I ­ -I- .- i- I � I ___11 0 1 .- � .___A1 , - . ,I . ­_­_­��.,,,'�?A" - � __---_­_-----­­ _____­_,__--�_ .A ­ ­ ­.. _­.-­_.__ - - :1._ ­ - , , wille - - ­ " . I , - - ,,�.­ I - ­­-, "., 11 __ 'tl �-22=^­ I_ .. - ___.. 1 ­Z-4�� , - - *1'_______ � ,,-,,' I . ,�:!= #__-_11. � : M � ,7 - - . 11W � I 1 7 _�__r -1 . i== T____­�Z2�1 I , -= " � * I I., , " !, 7--. � - , I . - - ..,. -1 I—— -­ ... Ql==3r " 111111111111111 - ,__-r--'--- ­­ ' . . . . . .. I.A..". 1.11 6L�L I . ... ��h,,­14_ . � � - ---WNM"-- .... . _____­ .