HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-08-18, Page 711 ______.__._,__,___ ; �r � I I' �_ "jr, -'— I � � - . .--- , � - �. . 11, ___ -1 - �� , - I., . , 1! I '� � ­ , -_ - - ___ - 11- '___ - I /, �,��T­ � -1 - -11, - - 0,4100 , , �� — - I , _12�11111111111111111111111�� I � ,� I , ---- rr" 11 - 1. I . ,!a I, 0-1"11 - �_ ft - _....'i& I .. . - I I !24" I ........1i.K I - - _._.1iA I � .1 11 I ..� I , - I " Mm "041 I � & — '1� .1, I I , � �_ 1.41_1�:,;M" 1 - " , � --"-W%_ lq� I �rit%tm � I ANNINS I a �, � 1� � - 1.8� -T. — Wr � . . . _,� & WN MUM" - #",Iw 411410M & am" ,- , , .-1 . � �, . 1� � � 117- owwam , - - . ­ a some"=" 4 " 494MVP ILASIZINIMI V"!* X" 3WO '� ­ I I I 11 a . , _­ � — . . aw"Nsp - =47"' 1 F__ii_%i&TM,T- 149 XX T= I �1' .'.,' I ".." — - . . '­ � 1. — ­�� "n I 1W Vk%�" TV*R* WAWOM 30 W414 oft Vft. SW404 $a* *a X" A . . .1 __ 1. � �. " , � � I � f 79- = ,� .1 ... a a WA 44W oraw "Q ite- X"UAW, , A U1# W"Ok ""7 of 1ko VW *0 -**~ T.., __ __ - — - ., '11111111'.01111116 M40M . . as, -*,4*W4*w% ow 06 M* is I " = - - - - - - - - - "I'll, I ,- 31111,0111, I= "WALOA 2bow-awilsoms to Alwft�- %&A VIPs 3WO40mir4o 3114744 14 , I i " - 4" V"A , � Z711 ,, :,I*x aft , .. A . ow 4"W. ,; . — 11isips "`is *644, , C -i ot a x0vouall. " tu '" � - -_ - I 110. .. . the distswea" IV 40' hov VWW6kf46 awaROWIL _- . I tXoiii='�" L -_1 I . r � - � -_ "4w= . =1611siolls,a"s. "W 11 -_ 11 I I � 00- P"W I Iftse"a at 111ahatilho W* W~. b" � W*_J"" VW-04"so 0* iieoisihsw owal". xhoaoc hiisk U",-Vwy Xsk -to, � - .� � 61 IN I! L lxtl *111100AN". "MUZO sw *11%%w Wet- *** 0. rowomou - of Uw *AWOU064w t**t %b4 bww ~ saiiiiii lam 701ftli" I #0*0 81111. Xv" X"W". 4 I%* story ot t3w X"Ifw. a litue III 1111 *00004. ese%sliskV, lia . ow-- - ­­ Is to %* *MAO,s, ouvoulaw NMI N� %*.%"*Al W i L � - ., "liaw. 11,10 .1 I mom 0--attle =to *WtV,Y sid"040 %9 Ow limit" of old "Whoot ouwww. Wi4le whoot thot T*"w'a 00 Jbi 4 L O" 101 I MrAvil tille w t A W^Wco. whow wAt for divorqb has WW tho oArly biotury ot the, 1'"Im psa &% "W ontwwr ~ ,W - you of OW4^4* *04%duvig- OW4 h*"#*,_.liiOq;0Q4 V641 tl I . M41111101 10 W^U* thlo It e - � 7A+t f, . 141AWAod Xpladon with It* lawt, 100. U X(Rthmwisic ull V . - I i 1: I I mmorwf^ Of UPW Tbe SIVA..� _ � L -bo~ st�*-*" W" O" a" 04t. Ow,powlatio" Vill, 140" Iso veiwwwwx 34M.W Y*Ak lari"Ilhory ." 49"y "Wi* kilgar� we isepow kwft%W 11� ''i1p.11lik"* r bd*m down. 4*4 **: ow 0 tw wmftlag 4ft t1" a0womwo. b9ot 4m" 0* SpOVA .., , _" �#X Katlicsikarlf 44 * Vrokotc*. " 04 witti 11havo 04potw .70*4* Ioi* 'All 44tionisl *0A4R1;i is Q.4% 01140 390% axw,o Is Wksiso 4worxii* J004t; ilii� ask kit *^lift" b" M "wW6'tOL Y000*01f, f�w * llvvAg. abopa -Ik a" w- uw LOZ4" Xf,mia. I (� of #111:1 � - 1101, t $ I sliocturoKiiiii Qbwaaots that thitif PVQ.� tair"Wit, Ji"Iritil" varrAtivas t9- Itliko t4at XWtory wul *0% ir 0 t , = 1, . I - 4 MAW Us* ;XAM40% coliaty,wWwas, 04*60 lot* nsrw are Pau, of tu wv*try, =_ OWA " - otUa and 900V too )KU* f" it %I*# *.Vrea�,*k "Is. tt = am tbo tAV904" ki"M JK ,T=. Saw, 4"OrmlOV64" fortlOU94, *S9XV0. Past gstitur;�, %14# proulloolit liart -.)A. 0110 *i1"000s Is 1111111101 fty, aft th* 60"U" tbat blit-ballo" -*Oil- sooft -.004MA94,14ly 104"T -W. 'Wiw*. 00 "40 at Iisr" bkg,*%Qjo4#. $it* 3WW 0*CS4*4L iiiii &*I- ithfair UN 04"40 y"Ifis ogo Ww#* *1"j,took lot, t**.-�Wvelapwot of till* Wn op"Wit'.V404 WrO40, Iss reostySa *Whallf ot, an tise PrWs;�'t_ - , I . � kr�Ij tin . A", % OW ji t)4 ItOW 430011; 1 11 36"*Ww at t" IN , hXofso SUll *01&. A ,urwuq, *"*- 'VW0**g *$it" for tAso A** 1;i"til. isu, t0V%*0QJCUQ" 4ubalto#rAA'fn 4 Brjli� I U'04, Ili* tho" ,(* %bo =*T � I - 1, it li" ft"Iset, WJSW, 0, Tob,_ =,d t"* ey"t"t$ tlw Loth,lie _�31jdf. 1 0064 Landows J*O#t , � , , , _(r"t. territQry b", #009414)wh 'to �Wa *wfo * sastguilaoiiy usao I* aw's, - 11 I I lux"iOus wN. petition, ft Lwolikslitire brtfts **t rut.70ts *4rpo" tlike plottio. *ro dip- " TVAwat statiquait 0 Wuraltar. livr . � I — - . (.4woo but her Prqu"V 111,4011VO :, , - LL Ir - Xr, 0". aza 1k. UwAiiasw bives* *'V0u6sr1##, It JA PrQb^b1_$ d*0 tO I %klo po*t AUliggly. It Is UW* th-4, PO IY4 tillmiso" tollikov*54iff, W"WIligh 1*10L it"ll prospii"ll of 'eVfW %Ch'FAV" tIOU--940 WIALUX 11111104010 lt , Or Oflnt(T­fjor - go, . at - -ie u* #rr I. Ig - '�_�­ '=:! ! it , " W0* Z tbo _Wrociii -144 �V%Wbiiay 1 it* sact that mulroa"Ato of iijustwa for 0# kIvallity, ftr1W%ikr#4 hold 4W 14ii,eb *0 twgitty t0*44-u . In , �--_ L W,*Tm - ,7 - L %U* - I � 4 * gig, took 00,4,WN Nspa. � �L _ Ili - ' . Q�l_ , C. 4WWC,tioa� when b1s, obvilioliulo 44t Uat suqrqly,� to thIsCo AW4 L - * with i5 ­'Po I Ngs �J 11 I * dateral"d 41004h AW tviw W'" wactul, 04AII!,suck at� 4, *;j OuA000y Aat�' V - 0 lav`141`4 Wift"t to IrtrAlk 10- ,lox xitic.- Att*r ­,� . strA 44" "Valit ,W** Ili' t)W '4)111�`k 4f AW F4ro- ,;;:041 Z** - I thio� 06M VLJ 01� 14*JMty� 444SUAR tbil ,its coll I to " as. I thall'it'WQUId to ii� 09,4 XbW " P"R C9111PAIPP 4" WX yoli.m olgv*- L , surt. wisick I" ** X"W tht'-Vatwo toll (W1-bW_4 s diving . I t, =; 114,001to . h Q;r'r$%ho brjng� Up tb# I" - *jf^ mlv� Iim to 140t, butoriqokl vorallroxion, . .00VQJ'AQr, *nif Coulpan)? j�fg� 44 _f r LW ' , , , :3 h1v re4Wua14tt-*V1Al% b9ittfAnk, t it, IWO* th*t torribIe W%r go , L I � " - a1--0Q#4trWtIQ4­ ­�., .L 4 "JKi*Com;. , : *is* wn� 04 tho 4004w- . I - '4' b!4 W *""4 "4""_%broo Lt�W l4ttt��'P'M�j tv"Xw " Ursa likle, latmith, 1PA6,00mat U44 W1tbQAt7h4lp,,1roIA t4o, rstoo. It hint to hoivo, his , advoiltUrer'S of ., _ - L 'It, �. - - - I 'ithirk & JeW 4gu.r# -of *10 , iltarj� X"lonatfilu 'ind � �aitoguluftw-iiiXalts, � I *MY Alstrup'tillt in t1itraft 1�41aikd tv#4- brought it _ .1 9 1p�i.'i. - , I I R ,qt, �Ak tao*. but not 4,�,Vouklfl Of it the arl; of ,war -4y tit 11 , I . Welltogto ,, t . ,�" - �� 1,141m, Von VAMLIF-41 *14flod. 141lis'lillnualiou'll 1$izll . 9 X closo b.V '44 I - 144% - . Wko"11h4r­WAtQrlQ9.� Ulbere toliolioliaotliker h.mwav 3roars. this 414rIct. ow'. , ,*0-, Proof* "WON 01441no,a. Ilia �Ouc diA',�- WhR'& blIfwr4j* will bIt W, wastell, say* :0wroon'lo l;ay. go"dell his wbitioa to, $he late Sir W ill bA Lto . —.;.. +1.. fall. J;W.-_W**1rk 40"'I'llroxiiiii . Lk; m 0, it ". ulautb6"d, ,Wa# # #16. .#_i.. itv to thsi"-righted Aci.T. tk�i: III 1'. —*­-Va-,�-h1l 'Thin year foig . oit,*vrs, givsa 414 WIR .. . �.L I I 1. L . . . . I . I I I Irl- ItAt gun Into x4oul4g. oud virbon VORD .Vrunilftond Ray'o''theO Witililt, $rarited 10 1070 byt*lu I pharlep jt� F. , L', - I Ilion". _�.­:)_ - , � �. . - In 010"', snit it. appegftd� -that-they . ,-7414 YX 14 rcw Aor us 4010t 110*4341 - 014* in 1:11401 bsy,': � lti4 trOaS00 41111P.'A". V#Pt- Burns is tl afft , , "Ifout$ llQ, ratter 8111;4*44 It, . iii, . tkn"_-XroWkd � goal, exportwA tQ Isillig. sox, th , ter # 'Were ** $X . ,* lfkfr�; ifilintW � �t�, tbQ kS�Itii,4`0 ,e , to� 'n, #4 , -y got , ,Quj'%, � sulk r.rin' � , �, .I; ,I)t vbat"4 Lai vitbin.i W 14 to promloirt'lNoli; switonk, ,a; 4iIi,tyrZua,.,*4 Val, '. Vw4t 004--vUbvirilt .1maAe-lato g0fi.- .It to 44 wrowult $Ount , Olin vai afrol:- *�rlqv - , ag,kf- vt b,QL I - Qolr- -1 . I - U - lot COUAI* that N Alkota 0 no. fewer, tAan Co. llqll� , �; tho Isholo, , aulpan's 1110al vl�fot " - Z-211 4*y,� - - _ I Xs,W . %# fAir 'ho tivilt do 'jJQt'i;lrj#4. Instant poilcowith'it, - - , _ - I --#" #1_ , . '", . - - gw�'#� wisO �,w - * t -, -tU0.-__4lA_­_ , *0]3 illut id"". .- 14, 440 of tus OrAuk"t iromqa at mqd,� 101 t4a, ptist, Of 114144"'Ory, 4000400.p otewa, ropello , vii"I to pl,v "Polk it, th"i'terio 40lither WAVO. As partit. �- L ere .0. or . WWOrafaM the ;Wwued 'Yowl ZV01*44 thot, � , AIA'd L - , �, 04 Judobw foruix otiinkii 't*ni1WjnS L. *VA Industry ,�,Xhat "tho to the Xilforub Army, - a6ing , 4 ,th . V A V I M%#*# goatlor"AM of lAkQ(WJK1*' M4013$ Will 4A. brought up, durim _ orod.*01�4twelvu 11jew 09Y r0llfth# 'Of JULI,y find August, tuo wl;ro ritspouxltlo for bringing Akt4. , -, 011A,, and . () uatlirs pt tho 1)41�4jlq 0 " OM po"W"9ft at thousands of opaA, _ I . of �thtt *144,30 the qbqru 1* . , . sitting criiiia-leggeA '04milla , 904111� mount Power JA 00 k'Ar r4t.st. 14. who, � bob coM at A Yw,�t woll outl*y, The wiw,thar is ta.vo , (M . mu'. I The, I OX '0110,01 10 11,06VO "'leme, llucwhi 8 , 4114,,� thttctorp. iiiii ll,-OuX I , rable., , -- I . ,199#14,0 covoolxl $tat ,IUJC(k PQN, 040., World 10, , THAWS BUIL.W. 74.Ot Ifitoy to twilit he iii4q, _04, . UsON*(4: �r� ;94 his ttW,Vl% *lt*r lit $9,0k ,talf�Q# hf� iihup6d -it the clislRov, . I r 4tteAtIon to , . i4 otory wax that olo solillor ,of Among the Artlelvit x1ri-4 1)404 roofred. -*44 )o 'Village,'the V L Ofg)Ibora JlA,SQQn A$ the MoVill, , - - "RIK . . , oy 100? % t1w virtue Of nvor''forgottwK �*_ 4t voist,,� r ,Iodi , L , WwArrio, , L� x9mo ered ikirik, filword bla(l0a wAd,scabbollo,, OVA" Ad UWAlt. ... I 1 iiin . 017 QW11110JA lot- M Wight V=x0ors how to shoot Auft ky No4s.01. qiroklo her, VL sortunfli Uaw In, prisog, tot !V - � � He ilkil Uort, . .,wil L " . - a orce ' Wie* har? , Aild hij -neighbor . frillin ih* Path, Qt pistola." largo An _ , 14silarat ,*ald , legIngS IN NCO 414 4virl,4411001forget(ttin 4R.t�bci I . u. of'-Ulowkwoll,j oxx the bAnk PVW hall the L ' q Cent. . 4 Vnisil., * 'Pagullw') - wir 'It' , e", biIt� he t1iii nVot I I L , 0 tillin %' L Tho 'dotills *rQ om Irlorw astQn-, L I A& 'A suot Opylattoill -, X?�6 at. It �� .3 . . I e -tho Cqkpff of a '140 . . OV111704 worlil. I . .- ,- tkrerlug-u04f-dL bPttl4L',of- �� W0fk.*­,4 , *60uiiv bsv* wa, epli'stILIA-toa from. d ,I� liroli:L, 'howl'm %O� tho ar- I .11 ,4 _ OCACO of, it h944.r *sl laid 49,04 oy"444 qq�ira . I 4114trali* lo#0 *year* a . . I I . bro4d fvm, �T-� G.' th4 Q01W Qf - In , � Is Inoperialilni;W., dor of % low Woods. anti illow U.Qwli 4uppo-glult uVolija to he Qutirvl,�t I , .gq� 4nd, f�r ulking. tfix4, tho ter I Ithe wing at the Age, thi) P Am ­Ot his wuntry, wilit i0itim pp§o�_'of -ia# 4�0WA14'k.tLi0o �c �jalfl all tiloL Willoughby, tug Jarst. prfs*. wilkintzro, virlizo - 1.%IX. " L' 0 Jp� -.4.0"'bi , , . 'A" ;Ift . itt!tiel employlid fit #% I 1 3* i I ' I ­ . L hoif4l" *a, mavoWturo" Of thgo Iiptsti urvibl" my l9rd. VAI RosAw" V. all; 0% L 010 JA*L I r 0'. Us iw&d. blaotim. and .and , 10, ,%*�,%ther at tW91xtyAbro*...ChI1-', 0 1.1011OV.er�; ,, I ,., tQ tavOltw, S*4414wwo, with 00.,mg 't lielii;vily L'o , - -, 114doo.W# ,J � QompAn.yr. th9t d from, tlkj�'VAPIFIO qh9ro$, ., at the, JQ9t W , luck-,:,'.h*t oviciii 01.4ir wait. Thou I 0114414 or,-� qw�tb WiRIJ& WOW , tow y9a" folit , PqOw wkis Up 40 ''dolout Ict good Pon will ants herself iozwj. not very, .0�,ruflted ibe* , � herol.'Jh* gold I$W" ' a W W I V Ono. at ,WhQXA seventeen oro, Iklivo., 0 � Ali MIA atarldliog luext 11 din. - , piirftd� ea X " I L 0elf, as its I:bjo� dj#._ .1140 -. J.V, strafolit into the not - �l J& � .mliso Arkil #if I , f , - : I I 1 .4 not simo two va vo, qvx; 1p , , Tot 4t I As by '40, weik only to thl�.Oronti it =,sF,W or goo were,lp4qeswar, . *JR, L bottle w*qoo gs 1 6 mitt0liki and 1401100,9 I fait Work ploosaut , V worell . � *.011, 10 F", a I , W . 11 t L" � I 11 moct agAf4 - WLJI. t4ey! J0014ontoili 119 ft M_ "141i , i�.,, 41milo" lnst*noo� Twelvil 11ouliAnd lomb.tio liks jwq1I AS military adylecr, , igiligh1p. .1for, *WnerS.. then ,the VoryL licaUtifill eyes of GormAIly, wir .. � #XPAilitiqxr. �Mqr owl *10% .. - - �4044. , - - riltit, AcliplIki ,moh' otli .'' Thor AWOU4 orho wAm... I - " - - ­ - 14-i ,. . . I , I I . 'L � _ or itt, La#L liging his 14jilk d ,.O Tolt.eaL 4*%Y,�A�0 I ij.'Atl , 'exty ­ ­*+, , ,, m! �O 'L I . " ago" I, ,, L Ill* 4, 9110xilo. bad *ltogothe* Iftotoeu olki,-, 4j#t1g,I;LJ�*trJ I , W" I 4*uently I _0-41, , A that , . ­ . 'I . few , _ _W 40 � � I .1 tit . I � ­ P a L - av wdsttiltliukus are Without ChA - or gess.. wOR%.p1.Qy4UWqAt factors in -he 1*44, holds MWO-011)RU And thoi, $halik4u4 , . . 'r� L S , V 41NC�L V years ., Il�jj " L ss, then 'hav* ; L d.. :_VV*04 and J4 Caid jjac�. ,A(V , . I �SfAN "n .. L � rrall 4 0003hy, Scoti I I . t I , . . - , AR ing j. httri�l t.fX0.Q. 9 , ploynk,lint� vooitqv oiltAblighte a chain o and thef , XV144IIII'li d4li'l- 1 'I *19)(If at . Whom, fqurte�w 11,04,, tile Ing to U0 0 1146 unith Qr their potwors Peninsula, Which lies right on Xa� Ti�sf S"rch: L h j 'L , '_ L' - , , f , I - far . 4 PAW14h plit Rul , _ _ A . , 1. ED iL . I . ,. t,.1t,so jc",p 'bim, em . s'Ad' thj� JQ;Raly� foro.ot$ at Westerlt Australia. IeWk be0lika, to till. Intents and pur, bAd A i Paiwe lsekkpath to, Tfork�uln 4 , I I . , : .0vo am titt � , . . � , I WhIeft 'W#At' fJOW4L in .J.%a LWith the . , , , . I . . � 461t out, Oi"i��.,Vo6.,)�pbq'.As.,o.,,.tad giil� .tw k�dq ' at ihoiA L for traodIng posts G%IQAW tho 1410,114 011111CS0,CAPItal. .. L I 'I- - 1. ' , i S , 1$ da� w4a be , I , , third,. ft.blien. 40,610goni of Rotlk. 446, , hun� I 4, � at post's 4 Wroot. -ne . . PQUnd*,L wortl.k f is . ;XdJ*rAI Of L Florence, , or' %L'I Q 'dj 'X'ELQVZ%; �XltojLtEA,p , -Ift rti"_bv#r,y*4,4VO� Its. . .If) of th* P(Aeloc. and the '1304ver was A war Wo may confidently , , I . L groutla, W Z . IZP" . L ' Volt. wax the fojUpr 6t.IOV.�tqon� '�hii. . . o h awalto, .- Xtb# -froasore., ship, Of th ­ �, . ;i#�,_ , . VIM, Of 1110, 4v1?,40est,Qr islop4lolo.1 tm�yo I r4 lJyIng' arill rl;"- "A"O T'gr? WILD COUM%'Y I Intondmil for service lit Ottil 4914. therefore, Is otib between Japan and :��daj *�­Spatiih- 1 �-*%,, oitpr 71 11 : �. At'mAdQ Ln ,dren; 41, 6t wlk�onlk ai* it Itil QilIt,d­QOm" to Ou . , 0 �41ao�grkeft, to I I . j'O"s, 0,10 eourt�,Aud Was at. Germany. unless, of course. the I%t,.L ' 1.0 loan I ., 11 And, I I", With 00 mulp, � 'Whort illim. wis,blown"'uIl'ol, ,, "�- '.1 . I., I I : t t' ten the arkly Unli, bptwpQn Phi B;Ikssa IN TOE IDAYS OV, TiWa Ttoq=T. ­ r ,, I , , � ­ .0.�� � ; , � VArM 39 o3t L sUrroUndo by, * ", b,410 , #prjolno� 4 - -3�10 ­ - - - , t This was. a ipeat experiment. as it ter shows more than her usual affa. , , ' ' ! UT -100. VA ",A- antiorIO; A% arid lutm IN" SMALL BLOtio."", and the i4x1sigrit v9'tho powers who Totjjiirniory� $f)L , , " ofr ., Viia.lta'ot# ' ��n W "V*A � "� To, a _Lis, -0 xon*Aea�� Old- trAditio f � ­ - Vr­ , . .,_ . I ... . L,1;4� '� TT . great cltiCii. Iiik�% With . bility. I " -4taii' ' 'ehk r A.,O I Ito ,I , , .. � I I "IXt, WIL ho W tkt�-' "1111414 11410 AdOltll paves the streets of our 161404. 'A�Atnlfgi at 1r4"gIV&. I , , tjk,�'.,*J�g'h of . R. Illl,44g, Ag��lk . , - z.. 001� I -1 117 1 ratter.� Indeed 00'ravol, 9 I � � gk ' ' -t ' 44, a *6el, w4pe are Invollill, uOUCC With L was only sbc yvar* beguro this that WHAT THE Japs WOULD LWI�L I , ,"L the VhQla I 1 . -W*r. �tO )WP families of One 9LV two 411, Aoor ;t law years, the heavy traillo Of oom-dii, his I tho StOpholigorl, had run his famous loqo� , , . '*tC'* 00 '04 I14�-klap .L t4o' lrloo'u, ' I � f,hfj, L I led Z4404 'th4t",ho and thel ol4-,, Wait Aran. the ,fAQt - . .. . - ,�, L ca by , . I � . ­ - dtpix -"t9g4Ib.Qt � " at Thoi "Coll, I IthAt ftrin laborers Wears tho surface, so that it becomes -Sultan excited mitch 1% oil all motivii.. 'the Rocket from 31ancholliter Fortunately. Britain has no torri, . .lation %9$, yo**,L Lot �j,. , 1, , I r4lahti , Je I sy, L d . I 1, _ eAw 4 It - is - tearod � t4ut th,ore W411 be. 'A And h ' h ' ed io, Xg* Zsa�r evoriking froomeS. to*$,),,% W0015L CAII unovelft. and it has to be pulled up. there wero, many, who, ,had his to Liverpool, And as yet the whole tOrY­8avO the unimportafat Wei-Rat4L L ' - th I , w� on � 0 ­rqt4rA , 4w utity I thikt,'llitA41904 , �L 06 ,An;,' rqclirropie4; ,�, I;. , o- grrclkt. ,Russ . � 1�ith ih� pro� I brisk , families of this,. magnitude What to do With the Waste blacks, carcer with I Watt, sgoso a single Wal -nearer to Japan than Hong� ­%jbJtJ%atg'�'O i L ­ ii 11,34 fomr l4Ad,,..1k& le,�.t, dtrqcttOrlg ,g up of Calmda did not pol . f­th9,��­djgtrfqf ,' , . I a' � do#' �lflp �f 4_f4w y ile n o vy. . , �_ . . I., ,,b I I - 1, I" I . '10. I � �Varek Ago. )v on 99Y71 pxWor that Isox. OUOU14 �blf lalrow,44 it# A�qtooxsldng- � . -goodIA military ulissitln train rran line of railway operated by steam Kong, so serious complicationg, arii, . *04 " 'Oft'lluip prov 0 114t. .1 the I . ,�, w4w of which Are almost as cc Was . . � r, �/ tiP , 1: V .�-, Z '40- WAt Ta.im,agli 44d a �zktlmber of to *a%a wlifttimp4lik­�oo!'o AS new. has long been a problem for'Placed at his mplesty's 4 power. scarcely likely to Arise, so far a* ' L ., 114ow "Karl!; 11410*1, _041", 4mQiT444 ilsitell''this cauntr _IoS( 74,'V. 0'*-- FAMILIES OF TVW*Y� ISPOSal. but The crow consisted of twquty-six Ohina Is concerned. But, it is a no, L "_ , I I y anot - �b 'ilro's lbo�'$44 ' - I the lobal authorities. They used tit all e0forts to u4clernitile Kalil Mat- , . �T , � 4 .,:, � �a 1104- ' Th Linea . . of twenty � � ,V$F& 1, , dLlotrt�pl;44 provisions,- with: a. .11 , 1. " .,44qL , JI14 , , 0#164 � - . � . ,� L , �­ �� umjwz. Ox "vA (')`T`s'.' , bou0it �'�.Xt�.*jjui�*Aromp*ry L I Inshire A ftimily one time to be sold for next to no- I leau's lulluenco *rid authority proved men and alie was well armed with torious favr-tbat Japan would verp , � J, 7" ' ' ' '4 " " �, - tiftlt hand, Says - I I . , ." ,. "" 1 " ., lopu about 4, Is @6 . common thing4 and the counity - I , 'Zilit'"In, '196 't.h0r#� CAMS A, Sh . I 0, $t, Petef,N.buro IL t V tu4t''W"iA .00, ;51oulm Of' Ag.1 the is neited far its thrift. t thing as fire -wood. tuttle. . I ­ . 4,. L . r1et- , �,� V4, 6 I IWO Idne-poutider guns. much like an outlet for her surplus ' " h , ­ # timer". tha I �,, **6keir.1110 amlolit, t, O's 41;060t Ili . Of this*', lelbr urtle, Lgetlyear the Agrioultural Society ItP WAS tIM German toy inanufac- He accompanied the' S On August 29, 1885, under com. POPUlAtion in northern Australia. . L, � ­ -Q I� ' At thAt"t'likis hundreds , , has doflj�c,l � . ultan on . A" Loft ' O', '44 , - - I ., Ith , ; 16 � 4, silrals, of guslijans sitiffered becaulso'of tuand of Captain David Hume. the Nearer to Japan than that. how� . I , I t- oia,�I;roqg .. rit oft � . fuOt4tOP4 for tllfi' last s8vantCeu bad records of teii laborers Who, be- turer %%,he first saw the possibilitius many expoditigna against rebellious . , . , ad 6, the tribes, And Was with him on that Deaver, in company with the Colum. over. lie the Philippine Island,%, ,ur I . I -*Mal; waio 04up V.4,'�tp', 1 $4 L or� tho sliortAgo, at -the grlip'l and I akq'. line 'after he And tween them, had 161,phlldron, Prizes of this Waste material, and to-dav I bin. A galling vessel %ling which seem almost destined to be 1. ,. . � j3" L ' * 'ire, L that ' ,thrijQ ericaliko , okild:w1do relief, w.ga glad years, ,Par so ' t ' _ �,�*� ;, L, a , P4IX 1 _ , - - .1y sk.celipt,oli 'Seddon df00QXv0d their gQld*PrO, were given to tgur,farnoles possess tons of selected Pieces are shipped lZi last dread inarch from,UerrAkoah to of 840 _frolia� 10bilf " " L ... , ,the ' the Gave I _ - 11 11 . � Adolph 4�; gmug L th .rmuout. Now that L-PartuershIp 'he 'Prospered Ing sixty,four children I burdan, built by the Hudson's Joined to the Japanese group. , I L the -*Pevtju&' of wJhjdh Germany, there to be converted into Rabat when the Son 61 Mahomet AL Day I 1, I : thotit . 01 tbCllu "00f,�. I 'I) it IS doUbtfol L Oaad acquired V, I "bl I .. , ' Imuses. alphabet blacks, and wQMVY and broken aid man. I�uq- ,^W rt L ' ' Jig w4kr�:,Wlth Japan is on, � ,. dolls, Company, as An escort, bade fare, Possibly Uncle Sank may. at some ,*WU,r# � -Ot � it W - kl� , 7 w otherr the GO L v� uA . a arxw In Tee- number Afty-four hAd, been brouKht , -ui; I It, , Pilo he sent A gold , a I .... drod sitallat artirles. liumbed, to the hardshIps, of s, forced wall to ElIglaud and started On her not very distant date, become era- . -a tv�� lt� . vernment, will : be Val ; . �.'' PO - I I04' "', 4. , WIJI10 tL­ -d, t J tnia. , , M, . � - *4 AiW4 14 Lobb, DUA, * , K� 411''t, . or 96 weaunoga, , UP .and forty-nine placed at work. long And memorable cruise. broiled with Japan, Ild- - . V.�,t W, - 11. . g iq on a 10141 wateb. to a, - r I IN, ''A r am � 4 oborm . , I , - T�­ . , In aker in Fingal to Ili one family at six"Pri sons and -that a and then -well. L ��,­ �,ttir`T , _06". yj�. Watc Seeing the ivory for billiard Passage across the Ati I; Mountains .", r. I - 9 tillow outside ILLS And Assistance, 40 bo -irgiialtod. . But the Watch tha,tL daughters glovdiii were at work balls comes to us frolo A,rloa, it, Is i agAiust a people in revolt. It wgLe SRO CROSSED FIRST. we all remember how war began , '' LL't W0�61&ta i L ' with Russia, Japan, again, in sup, I., . I - ;dxpira! "o , FI�ran�4,. Ii I 'QJ 'L mAttor how many I PCOPIO 'tnAY be Was ret4rued 'to hilin"LWAS Ana er I as strarigv� indeed, Although destined and constructed I I `.Wen'�" L, 1. t4 .follows: --con was a Joiner, dgughter that whon the so- I imperative that the death of tile Sul- , _ _4 6w4; ,. ",W_JtU.,j't) r ?oJXS4 r I �� '6�vllig InAhii intarjoe'iif�Rue$10�, w posed iii have rather an envious eyo ., . . I '. � 11. 4 Iti,ch (ind of firiforlor q tive Illa of a billiard ball is over I tarl, should be concealed until life for the use of steam, and In , every i �'�'__ . e " � I -the, report& at , vality, A" married ,shoetnakogr; daugliter, m4i- ,� . :� a I ,,According to* band cording to Bart's story. The m%t- tied foreman in 'foundry; daughter on the Hawaiian Islands, in tho I L, Vl"tarkoa while g -I �' , , It should So often leave our shores!favorite son had been Proclaimed big requisite A fully equipped Steamship. 1. '�a- ;,,:"; � U , v ptpers� P r e. "�- .. front tile Provinces,' there will be a ter was then taken I . . - .. , for India and other parts of tho, � successor Lost souill usurper should It appears unlikely t,th Kid-Paciflo, which just now ara I.:: ' ,;",L to 1 'r, IT A- 0 ' of ell face, total 14 . Into court. There married agent, gun was a litter in ths. a Ileavqr's American. L 1, - , . '. Lo'',# 'L ... -1 %� � , ifure of tire crop In malty the ma istrates urged Burt to Ac- workshop, son VLorldng with a taii- rest. The average life of an throne. SO, with engines were used .continuously dur- 1.� 1. �1�1'1111 .1 . be, a,. 114 'eAS' districts at Central. Eastern arid Capt a IUL'dgmeat of non -suit and in or. daughter clerk in business office, billiard ball Is not more than a Pau- Kaid Maclean marching by the side 19 hole of the Atlantic .1 ­ , ., . 1. jaig r , I . %, the w France, as we know. has already , �' , � all date about WO Phil- Vorthern RUSSIA, and as a result the Pas- had a little private view of Japan. . " ,,, - it, ,I r ., sg;A�pUjo 'it" the presece urn the a i Ple of years: then it is turned down 01 it, the body was borne on a t . , L . I " 0 . I C110h, ,aiad f mi d'in store"for the affeeted di$4 watch ,d ughter marribil grocer. daughter . Still tile distinction of bein P, L ,. " . 1�' a n ,� I L .'th" tridta will-Aindoilbiedly far surpass sue agaW *� 0 r hi. W iltor in ser- all. After sonic .0 11 rr 'Poldaent! ask6a to the Watchmaker, and then rid becomes a poll b litter, and the sheikhs And kh it . 9 ene teeth over the prolonged stay of I A, .. 11 , - was mother's help, daug 11 I he tlrq,t steamship to cross the At - I .0� rec vo $ 0 M Burt t , tieing too cracked or uneven-- paid 110110age to the poor clay under lantic.,from east to west Is undoubt- "ROJ." In Saigon waters. It should " , 11 ougiij- the membOE 'the forkilikes in'the years 1891 and vice, daughter biartoled a Waggoner. f line ' ' , I 1­ ,,,� '. '. " - I ....... 1, OX � slug- I or further use, it is disposed of to its trappings of green and gold just edly here, The first attempts :,i i � � - .. L t '. r4ou4ty" 6 — �� . . . . . . . . ..... U "AW or tetell' on .ieiyii *110 got - 1� not be forgotteq that Annalin and ,, ", . *A14ar , C Is pains by the watchmaker as though it were their royal waster Loroqs the ocean with steam as A me - I -Wak-'td . WAR 316 tmilk In the god.ior h their'liltiv. tile dealer in aid ivory. to French Cochip China are not so'vay ". _ � "4 �: ,L ", _j_- "" A TOTAL FAILURE. '. And was laid _uo'for s CHILDREN ARE U"E:RFED. Some of the old ,balls are Worked far from Japan. and, taken tagethor , '. . 10 alikient that,ot a uke, intended to . everal weeks I alive and powerful. In secret the tive power, were made by ships sal . '. I . are . L ��' . . — e into such articles as but- body was carried into Rabat tit Ing from the West, The Royal WI_ �,:­ L , . From the 0ovormnents of Vjatka, in consequence. 'Then up " t h -- I- with Siam, which adjohip. would I _�, -, -to a Conamittee of London - I form A - nice little'rejouthful should 'L`�' , � . �'Jjkq,it&�, of t 0 lose,of the vessel Xasansaratoff, Samara, Yekatorinoo- watchmaker for. assault, claiming Coun to. Or dead of night through a hole -in tAle Ilank, built Ili 1880-1891, at Quebec, I 10 .WAS,. . I I I ell stay, Yambbff, Orel and Blagan; the heavy d ty Council Reports ELECTRIC BELL-pUsHri.S, wall. I I crossed in 1883 From Pictou to Lou- ,' I I . . .,then roviv ' is as follows- , arnagoil. -When the case r�ame the Island Empire develop a Ian*. , L I I 1 �'-rAa far back up September in. tjlO Zemstvos report a total failure Of up for trial it; was discovered that The Education Committee _1 .11-I But an ever -Increasing number is The young Sultan came, to � tile, don, making the passage grabbing appetite. And that wouldi � L ,, in twenty- � throne with bring Japan next door to Bums, ,,� ;rehr Of the Armada a large Spanish -the crops sv far as winter and sum- Instead of a judgment of lion-sult a London County Council has present-:sant to India. where there Is now little knowledgo of the' five days, but it was not until 1888 which Is British., � , iiilleo " 'n peas, beans,, and cattle verdict had been: entered against ad a report to the Council with re- I so groat a famine in native ivor world beyond the walls of )its harern that vessels succeeded in makjng �� �- 1. , A amed the rlorelAia, In4try- wer corn, �:- " L * � 'Ing. �p*e,,Vold the Stating Arid Aave tile food are concerned. Burt. In view of this the court dis- gard to underfed and improperly led that the Hindoo inlayers are y but ho had sense enough to recognize nearly, it not quite, the entire west. EUROPEANS MAY ,WAR SOON,, ,, . only that Kald Maclean was the strong am journey under steam. Another neighbor at Japan is Ool�- ,�­, ,� . i4itnurs:,on, ',board until sVitable we4� A bad harvi:st is predicted from missed his claim jv�th costs amount- children in the London schools. The 'too glad to purchase any scraps for And safe man on whom he should The Beaver's destination was land. who with J vs. . ' " ,! " L, - oe , r L ,16 4d' 'A - favorable opportunity at the Governments of Moscow, Nov- Ing to .a.ver $1,000. , . Council, with a view of checking the 1 their wonderful and patient, work. the 4k; Sumatra and �� ­ - , ��v,:,L IMIZAP0, AlladId coldej took refuge in gorod, .Tula, Kur-sk-, Tver, and Since then Burt's life has been one Physical deterioration existing I ]can for support, As the power be- Old Hudson's Bay trading post -port other East Indian Islands. posssaws "L � , The umber mouthpiece of A cigar- ,:" �' *the gafo,-And� hind the throne the Influenct) of the Vancouver, On the Columbia River, some attractive morsels for the Ja� I . _ landlocked 134Y of To- Tskoff, while on the other hand. long struggle -to 'obtain a rehearing aukong the London population, arid holder or Pipe Is always saleable, Scotsman became greater , L'' ", "b , , - than over. opposite the site of the present city princes palate. ". , Ornery, The vessel was understood �coutljarrk Russla has a fair harvest. of the cage. That a wrong verdict securing the best results from the I even though badly crackedlor hittim, ; In 3.901 a knighthood was conferred of Portland� Oregon. The Atlantic ' ' �_ �Aoi,Wo0oa board,no, feweg. than thir- But.the misfortune In the districts had been entered was admitted, ,but, expenditure on education, asked the Thest, go to Austria, Where there Is - But it is to be hoped and expected 'L ­ ., I , I :. , �ty..', Million gold lzolns".equal to ZSw, of' Central, Eastern and, Northern as the legal authorities of Tasmania Education Committee, to consider a firm which Postiessies a secret pro- ,upon him for big assistance to Brit- Ocean was safety crossed and ,oare that Japan will not,prove so aggres.. , I �� � ',,00011000 I"triglish 2406Y- TIIQ Offi- Russia are likely to, be all the worse. interpreted the Aaw, Alkere was no and report as *to tlw necessary Par- ceNg for working -up old amber into 'a" diplomacy in Moroe'do.,The stren4 Horn reached without incident, and give A neighbor as thin, for. aftgr an ­ L . Ciwe h1lid.nien, who-wero starving,, do- 1. I 1, . I , I because the men in the districts men- way by which the wheels of ,Justice liamentary power being obtained for netV. It IF; whispered that the ol , uOus fighting life -fighting barbaric, then Captain Hume turned his rAid- she Is 7AOt quite so bad as a Euro- " �' KWI. then 'holding the 10 d , -lbeamen, fighting the cholera got atearner's prow northward into Pearl Power. , ,4, L Imarided food from the XacLeabs Of- tioned have been 'called in as re- could be revolved backward and the the provision. of food Where neces- cigar -holders, come to life again in I'Ll ': : Ithaf$?art of Argy1lishire. rdshiA 01 serves, and' all that remain behind wroing veroict,changed Into a right sary for the children attending rate the shape of prehistoric amber neck scoprge, fighting the wiles of Euro- the Pacific.' "She was thq first that It'Vemant to find good wax scenes Li., . I - 1peau diplornacy-lias agreed -well ever burst into that stielit $Oct.,, for future neW6-bills. it I* not nec4W , are Women, children, and 'old men, one. The watchmaker bad supported school In Lbndon, and as laces and other spurious antiquities, , � � The VacLewit's refused, And the incapable of work, . and unable to A BIG POAiTICAL FULL, . with him. Though his beard and Cumberland Harbor, Island of Juark WY to look so far away " the.. . I I to obtaining powers to recover the I which, properly planted, are eagerly 111 . � bommauder threatened to out his Procure bread for themselves and for cost of, such food from the parents i purchased, oustache are white and his hair Fernandez, rendered immortal bl De- fie mater al Bar pe " I ,oldleta, Looms '71- $50 in number, aabore and that was exerted against Burt by globe-trotting curio- . Pact for I . o has, . I , And 300 what they �eeded b their families. or guardians in cases Where the need 'hunters. I ! frosted at 57, he Is still as hard as foe as the scene of the adventu�ea of in her own -circle, suptoleaft troub. . I . .y force, In consequence, the wornien of to the utmost, In the light, Burt's arises through causes othe . , nails and far- more agile thaii Most Robinson Crusoe. was reached oil lout' Problems, And not fis tham . , I �. . Thilib ' '00 MacLeafis .reluctantly farm was gobbled up by the lawyers fy r than , Nearly four thousand tons 61 agreed, an 'the conditi; on this waste -paper from Government offices 0 _�� many villages have revolted and I)OvertY. Following close men at 40. A few years ago, on one December 17, 1885, and Honolulu, ragions to which we give most _ _13PAftilitrilo Should- give 'thern-assiff-_ mare a era a to t loft and -his means utterly exhausted. instruction tin ortlin- *a.s issued by I is received during the Year at the f his visits to England, he bought Sandwich Islands, on February 4th, tention. i Itance in a feud against a neighboring Poll stations, where ey declared ; Finally, the attorney general of the far the young Sultan, who takes a 18313, whence, after a brief stay to The recent rupture betwom Nor- . ce colony declared that the wrong ver- the Local Govornment Board upon Government waste -paper vstabllsh� lchild-llk� delight in a now toy, I . clan-.� Tr4dition has it, that they did that they did not wa t to die, and the same question, and the cOm­rnerit in E�arl Street. Among tilts procure wood and water, she pro- way and Sweden renduds, us .thp we . ;, so, u'rod that am light -followed an- that they would not leave the can- I dlet . could ' be expunged and the mittee reli6rt the following conclu- vast a ount of stuff there fire ill AN UP-TO-DATE IFANSOM, ceeded on the completion of the his- have an awkward poiltkal pro,blem. . �.; , - .other, until the MkicLeang, for what tral police stations until their hus- right verdict substituted for it only , sion. ly a bott one hundred anti fifty tons Ilt was duly landed at the coast and e The Norwegiatisi view the Swedso '. L � through a special act of the imperial F * . � reason le"how ulikrjow�, blew up the bands werCiLreptored to them, irst, the children do come to of old ledgers and account -books, I then came tilt, ,problem of m sh itap view- - - . Parliament and the royal assent school underfed. getting It . SPAntsli, 011iip as she lay )p Tobdr- GOVERNMENT INACTIVE, 4 WORK CURES NERVES, ad the English, only a little moro s .; � . . B.... thereto. � and these form another of our odd Across to Fez. To tile Moors it I — . . so . =a* ay. Up to the present time the Gov- Public feeling In behalf of the. .old Second, that others, and probably exports. After being defaced they I seemed impossible. But the Kaid, I A war between the two coun- � -a larger number, are ill -fed. The Latest Sanitarium Idea In a tries might Involive Russia and 'Ckz- � 'A pretty: legend han6d down 11h ernment has maintained an attitude man who had been beggared In -his -Third, that it is impossible to all go to Belgium, where thev tire I who had overcome so ny difficul- the district from mother to daughter of absolute inactivity towards all of efforts to obtain Sc- sold to Belgian bootinakerii to he ties, madc, light of thfillnolle, He Big Workshop. many. . aroused in Tasmania. A fund was either underfed or ill -fed children. tons of uged ribbon from land started ,,ox, cracked his whip Two Massachusetts physh defeat in the Must, I i, Is to the effect that the Infanta of these manifestations, and it is 'be, Justice was strongly cure the best results in the case of inade Ililo ladles' shoes. Some forty ! mounLed thu b alans have Russia, seeking "tavergre'll for has .. ISPtlbii In -her vWons of -the night, lieved that nothing will be done un- raised to enable him to come to ilin Mors -o I on a I established an Arta And crafts - might try It on - _ velk -Prince, who she s It In too late, and un- England and prosecute his claim of Itariurn by the seaside for nerve ex- the Scandinavians, an she has al - L: as 10 L drivo of 126 sell .w a - Fourth that the order -of the Local telegraphic Instruments reach 11111108 across a C ountrY innocent .' told Was,to be her husba:hd. Stirred Government Board is not likely to Iroads. And he reached rax as fl,ash hausted men And woman. ready On the Plane; and Garmeallp, by love, she sef out on the Florontia tit famine, typhus, and acerbut have here, He arrived in 1899. He ap- TIFF, SAXr DESTINATION. he I broken out. Ing that_ . _W_ - L produce good results, because it pro- though _ had merely taken They had long held that rest treat- stronger in the Baltic than Russia, . rao, pealed. to- Queen Victoria. to the While on the subject of Waste- ! us 1 a , beautiful Prince. - -This- year, ­Sce Of, t1le vides for a division of authority, Pin up Pieced Ily, ment is often unwise for those suffer. might object. So there you hawe ., - 966-- - ­ paper, it must not be forgotten that -!' � L �:rrk_th0,__eOurss­ of Itiffre China to Privy Council, to tile House of Fifth, that although the Council lug from nervous breakdown because material for a fine Baltic Ilbustup.q, , '. Unit dTobermory Bay, where railroads have handed over the larg- Lord4 and to King Edward, and the - tons of alit, old newspapers, worked � 11 Many or the stories told of his ,a" Mae- Should assist In carrying out ttill or- onderful physical rest does 'lot necessarily GERMAN AMBITIONS. , I I .1 Loan OfA)uatt, the chief iif the clan or part of tl.xojr rolling stock, to the only result has been an accumula- der where local authorities des' ill) into mill -board, are sent abroad I w Powers of endurance, lie include rest for the mind and the Another possible war would be the � ire it ' 'to variolls destinations eN-cry week, .has often been In the saddle nineteen I hop oned to go on boa��d. As soo� Imunagement of the Siberian Rail- tion of docukkkaritary evidence that it Is not for the Council totOktiat. ;hours out of the twenty -lour, nerves. The atmosphere of thehouse I _f, fiYes 1way for war purposes, the provision- He Dutch,German conflict. It in kRown � asL��bd Spanish Princess cast would nearly till a furniture van, proce0dings t,hercivider. 9_� Mill-b0ard has been brought to such I ha � � upon . the chief she ruslitil to his I Ing of the famine difitricts will The wrong verdict' still stands perfection that it is not only s indomitable Pluck and persevor- is cheery and normal. There is noth- that the relations between Quatra . '. sf4alid ' claimed him as-�Ikar own-, naturally Involve far greater diffIcul- against him. No compensation for Sixth, that While the necessity for cheap- once. Aft,,r 11, Ing anywhere to suggest ii -lie -as or Willichnina and her German Coaxort, 11 feeding children as the last resort er than Wood but lighter. more -- had lost the night of nerves. On the Piazzas, which are her husband chosen by heaven. ties than usual as the rallwnys can- a fortune dissipated in. striving to out of public funds is a proposition easily worked, ' 1118 right eye lie me(](,- himself a dead Prince Rextry, have not boon ideal. .L I absolutely waterproof i H 110 t I , roll swept by the tonic breezes of th �., - -,:--,'VESSM 13LOWX UP. not even cope with the Ordinary got it set right has been awarded and With the I ill(, left shoulder, alit[ his 0 Rumors of an approaching separa- indorsed by the whole spirit of the additional advantage Ono good eYe has Proved better than harbor, and in front of which tion are current, and, should this OcLeit was, trade and commerce, at the same him. But sustained by the bounti- poor law, there are strong argu- that it will never crack, Bra7li rec- I Yachts Continually pass, the patients .- n of course, now a time taking care .. of the forward ful fare provided for him through ntly ordered frorn us some train �anY two ordinary optics, He has take place, there Is no knowing but k I . Pi boholl. When the tidings reached movement of the troops constantly Soddon's generosity the old ma merits against seeking now legis)a- e - i no stay several hours a day. Four skiii- Duort Castle, Mrs. Mae", n could present moment. cars made t, fared boidly at the hands of the that Germany might seek to effect a still tive powers at the ' entirely of paper and , two ,qu, ta fill girls are on hand to help in the . '_�\Afldi'rbalfto the situation, but she going on in the direction of Mark- continues his gallant fight against Seventh, that the non-efficlency of s tee]. 118 WhOol he hits served so teaching. At frequent intervals nour. her drearn of many years to over- , .1 sent a faithful adherent to Taber- churia. legal red tape and circumlocution. Present volontary agencies to meet One of the "lost profitablp Of ()or I fd1thfully. IN has a rujignificent ishment Is served and whenever there wheim Holland, reduce It to the , the truth begame Warnings to prepare for all even- He declares his will not return to C111, ious exports 19 tile refil.;s. flun, residence In Aforocco city and an- is the slightest Indication that a same - � moryo, When cl the demands of money 0 e a position as Bavaria and Sax I ear tualitles, and to buy cereals forthe Tasmania until be has obtained a .. f th case the puddling fin,naces of sonill ,star- I Liver fine 11011140 at Poz. Ito Invert- workor is beconling overtired it is any, as a Federal State of the Gar- , . to .hon She sent by tho%hands Of threatened districts aro daily be- decision one way at, the other. The does not yet appear to be proved. � a Illy dresses when at court. it, the tactfully stiggoated that she rest f(,r man Elmlilre, nud gain possession of .. � . XrUstWorthy ietalneis, all MucLearls, lug received by the Ministry of the chances fire that he will be dead, The report of the joint committee . fo`d4Ilire--I0cQIIY know') aN "tap- picturesque native costkime plus cav- - I I cinder"-whiel, lay for yours awhile in the COZY �Wing-room tip- the splendid Dutch harbors. . 'W 1. . A few presents to the Princess, and Interior from Zernstvos, but theiand probably burled In a pauper's .on underfed children seems jo point . In 91- nlry riding boots. As a, inemento titairs, where books. magazines, easy Khe would also assume possession . . Among thorn a huge ball of Worsted Government does nothing, And to all grave, before It -is reached. to the fact that although In soma I giintic mounds disfiguring the couji-i of the land of big ancestors ho keeps chairs and -on chilly da3 pen of tile Dutch cclonies in the Mast. , ,of the 'finest quality. Inside the ball -an 0 few places there has been difficulty try -side. The Iran -works were 1, fine act of Scotcl, pipes on which fire supply a tboroughlY3 delightful Which would at once give bar a now Intents and appearances it would furc,cl to purchase hundreds of acres'he In no mean POrformer. The music atmosphere of home. colonial empire, and enable her to 1. Was a-chargo of gun-Powqbr sufficien� a though It Was relying upon experienced in coping with all of the of land on which to deposit tills' . , seem a needs, thn difficulty has arls-ij, from .to' 'blow up the vessel. MacLean, a miracle to resurrect the burned Suitor-, 'Darling, I once worse i that he gets Out of thera is of a kind Wenving. wood carving and pottery think seriously of a conflict with . privately informed of the sell me I offer you my want at complete organization ra-� than worthlo," millerial. that the natives approclato timch era the principal branches tau . a ' crops. Illand and fortune!" ,So Al I ghtin Japan on her own grounds. L Wadle big, escApo, and bad Only reach- The Lady-' ther than from a deficiency of funds I Ong carne a 001-lijan analytical more than that of modern Instru- the school, and of these weaving and We must not forget that Germany ' ,od 'the Sputt Dhu, a small caseade MAY UP, A RD, BELLION. sorry I can't accept. The former is A d the Joint committee apparent] ' ( lionilst. who discovered th,.It taP" inentm It resenililes their Own. pottery tire the favorlt,w. Frank the has drearns of world-emptre, and 't(W large arid the latter too smalli" n Or 40 western side of the bay, wheir Should famine among the peasants I ,cinder contained A a Y1 L the, I Flareritla was I ' re of the opinion that private bene. a Percentage or I Thf, One mistalw or his Career was first It tilts been the policy that tile 11olland Is tin eaqier prey for her . blonin to pieces. of a large part of 4ussia, be lidded I A professor, in explaining to it VOIVnee is not by any means yct'Lx� iphusphorous, wbich made if I MOi %*ro blown ashore an It valuable his mul"llwil to The Spanish benuty, shop, or school, as It is sOnlOtilneFl that% Britain. lletlidpq. Oermiany in . The to the troubles growing out of the Class of youilli; ladies the theory lic-'haust'd. Ifor the production or ba,jic steel. I heights to the west. war With Japan, It is believed that Carding to which the bad I. eritir 1, the pa9t 'whose Irtrigue With Liewenaut Nfor- called, should 'lot In any sense be a thopAst has . co6k a Y eyl �During fplv y � _ . .always uilied am war as � - � - - ,-,A-Ikifor--%v,or4-thrown-into.-Or.---clivi!� TW-UMIT- rM1F"d--dVbi�Y iiiiVefi 3Fe�rs ­Saf&--�r - .. -------+- . Itliousalifs of t eat's Una of I timer. F;vvr�rrfl LYU&J'a Vbfinger � Ulan Play uhtip. but mat aw pPdd&fd a a - topp - ing-stone to another: and the L .. bear the present stco,inboat a IW6_ff_"16-ffe7"ljjfJjj-`Wjn-Wr " Thus, Miss Brown, in sev�n years Nell-"Vve docideet to marry your spise I (I I ons of the once -de- ,herself, brought tile Xal,l to I,(,,,- should aNays be of the better sort. Dutch war would get her lurto trim. ; . Pier, increased, 'hnd it may be difficult, if I refuse have left our ports for I don j,, qeek a divorco. Tljf� suite,, To thin ana trained wurkern h fur the British -provided. ot cour4o. Still ndrited Cook's Cave. not impossible, to put down the up- :You will no longer be Miss Drc - ­ leousin Jack." Beile--"The ideal Germni, ones, and tap-cintlev tilts ae- W a Next. another Spanish War vessel, risings In the future. Indbod, it. ma I "I really hope I uha'n't," dernuroly I Why, Jack never gold a word to me quired a comincrefal Value of foul, 1101d hin' he voidd show him a trick A hould also be teachers and' acti ve that Britain did not fircil Rtop the . y responded the girl, modestly casting about-" Nell -"Ohl wort,l two of 11ont, but. �,f conl-ge. little game by wiping : 1114' story goes, was sent to avenge be next to Impossible for the I Producers were employed. . Gov. Jack doesn't to five shillings a ton. The patients are muntly ciever per- . ,,ill th,, Oer- , the des6tiction of the Plorentia, and ernInent to Carry on the war with ,down her eyes. iknow it yet." lie retul,ed to adopt the Nlt:)rlioll in(- Is, nil ninn fleet. '. gill her Crow. She was commanded by _+ . thud of getting rid of tin ' 90, (I It, it short time they be- , a Capt. 1vorest. In a oterIn showas Japan in case the trpops are abso .- 11 Infalthfill oine good workers It Is hoped, A w r between two alliml 11,,werg lute1v required to suppress rebel: _-1 I rPOus I Arid settling accounts with c Recins absurd. : .� Wrecked near Ardtornish, on . I RUSS RED CROSS FUND, I therefore, that beside helping a grout yet that 14 �Xn,tiv the lions In Central, Northern, and East- . I I lie co-respoodel I So ho won re- olan V nervous Invalids the school AVill '�7ha Ili threatened yearlv he 9 , ... L b.,tween I itoWW� of Mull. T tat of this eru Russia, caused by famine. Boxes i luetantly granted leave (if alm2lict) to . k ITALY ANI) AUSTRIN I ., . 10disol was sealed , It was said, by It is believed thaf these reprcsen� 41 of Gold Labeled as Mar-Isettlo his domestic froublon accord- Soon MOW a widely known name for I tht- 'shchuhtnionts of the powerful I L 1! .T . . chandise at Station. IvIll4ed ItqvIf ough united b'y the Triple Allk . . Ing to ( Inelhod On h In I 'witch tations of the 0,ankstvos regarding . [9 ThO IfOuse Over the Son Is now a nee, those two -staten ­.,l1I,,v­ a . , Germ Shuil Mhor of Locha- An extraordinary blind 11 I the ' famine possibilities have been . discovery of troia-�t)ournvy to the e,,a,t a ,� Uri M`Ufs, name interpreted for sure was made at the Sumara goods rihosinell took 'lone of the Pat tents aLing onmity which pil1jill,; ,"I V f wild shop ulerely' ' ... giving the Czar more trouble than Sol"" Put sho" tit IM, there. It was found tivig I ,�, ,� ,;�j L XdIiL renders MdAha the Groat 33We- all the other question �, station, near Odcj�sn, recently, him and his ' a , nil or other. _ ad Ono. Whon Capt. Forest' - a combined, I 1_-�_ en"Orl - I'Ort"ll"feiY that the dormitory should be apart I I Ikild COS run up his InAstS bo and that they Were the subject of I . . . Scale boyallivere seen trying to they had never received tile twriprit Of front the Piece where the Italy clierisheq a llro-loti,� r4�1,lge �L . --orle, two I I . I f� LIKE 11) ape a box w loili had been taken Instruotion Ili tht% Klild's school of work in ngninqt Austria by rernmil1wring Hint I I thift f6tlr, flVd, SIX -he thought he Several earliest conferences with M. done, 4o that when the few holies Austria Was, Once , her ovarh,rd ,, w I , , fro, a truck Ili sketry alit] aliecopoled only in kill- allotted to - I , *Ijift wolkilLhor Witte before the departure of X . . _. Sag Tt4^'r tile railway siding, kill" It are over the pat lentil oppressor. Italy nl,00 In di" ", t 1, , the AtOrni, but when - J)OC r4ded? and they refused to stop wilon three. Jrog a horse and a mule. may take rest or recrention ' , 1. .06 YkA%n)bor§ Increased to nine he do,,- Witte for America on his errand of , .. in a tilt. . I elftrod the I �� Sul Tm so toned by a workmari, on the li,l I,e- ferentr atmosphere. � "nervoun" Of the inerei.,jo ,,i `,-i,, ". ship was doomed, peace. If tilt) situation should ! be, . N a lkVO1J 5 I Ing wrenched off, tile box appeared t(a - +_ Itlen as well aF4 wonien are now ell. nil ilave I power Ito tho Adriwi, ,-,I �., �, . : but �WO must come to the facts at come too bad, It is likely that the I .. I be full of Russian papor money ny her ljosn�soion of the ,,ppoqll,- -9,- 610' CA96 And to events of more re- peace -at -any -price policy may be . . U101-ITY LEGS. Joying the recuperative oflecti) of life of I'lostila and llerzogovinn 11 a1v I � . . Its Weight, however, it was evident Ili thin unique gunitarlion. They be - I �vuit. date. In 1041 the then 1%far. pressed home upon M. Witte and the . I that something ciao besides paper A Into chief Eitafir officer of the 11 wmild. ONO vaine th-, im-4,-A,ion -,f , 4*1ftIn of Argyll obtained a grant to Stall! at the Peace Commission. I . Tibet Mission Force, rolating $)onto co is especially Intore-It"d In wolpol .such s4eapartg tin Trie4t., nrid r'iliml,. I 400'00 trOdstiltO from Ahlp$ wrecked I - I W,111110' _� 1i Vvils Inside, and beneath the notes, of the experiences of tile wnpodition ­irving, carpentry and pottery. soon which tire already more ftchaii in . I b4i"T061"Ory, but tite " 4 _. I � N � N Peatly Packed rolls of gold plecola I coming to do) good work I 11 these 1 I operations � . . 011 I . Were eveptually discovered. before the nOYal United SerNice In- cralun, n1though, of courllL their flopillAllon than Aii-otrin-i I 1,11 V, . , 00flOd ali '006 UnAlIce.estful. Again, ALr- ONSO Ttlfl SCHOLA.R. A ) TIle news of the affair spread Ill . "titution, said that one day after . a No In puplwno(l t- hnv�. ambinwiz 1 Aft 1446, his sort tried to recover the Ring Alfonso fins Ft fair jai . ivild-five, 11, I nourfi of laborious climbing tip a early tasks art- simple ; C, m to _F and the local chief of a __ *_ . In th., (11% -Mon of mac-Amitt. xvhl�h , ., Ifftstir0l ,APPliteAltlY WithOut Rile- be rogarded gtq the boot educated of I Police being Informed, oncerli were htelip and never-qx1ding path, lit, heard 'I' 0-1 beer MInn g4tronginind lint) 04W.''pirom tile tokordS ii is learned (IV nro n"t t ho qatn-, aq I hoqv �,f 1 crowned boado. '!In is so, linguist, bo� Ousted round the goods station whilo,' it rrroan of deapair from a prl%atv a It N Idler liked Yoll to ho her bridi-smalli. In Autdria � � "t the "eek then "ill In a lia"ty fill: filiniliall livith Frorigh. Italian, ­ Investigation %van made. 'rile b( x ' " ''I that so?" Jet,s-."No, Indeed! A War which mnv roryi-� ,it nny mo- , 'blilt't�*" 1"'�11 Alild that it W98 dIfry4 OeMian and English. o ne r tftiV7 �, oriented Well One Of four, and the I mok 'ere, Bill, I 'avc, ,ad enol ,11he - `01t to And 'finthihg h0t the, rugt- 01, With Ut . otlio, it ve to � 1. I 9 ii has naked rile to lie hoc 'best wo- nient 14 lhe Urj�c�o-Rulgnrian Though � � . ' ,Z, inortlif6a , klit!IJ, r a 00 Schiller and the i \ ., three others were still on the tru k. lof this,'' tbo noldlor said to his e.ln_ men ' " lhose tw , "OlAntrieu nri, 44-paratod hv r oillia. I ,e , r � \' I ,On being opened they %yo�ry nrqo rad", "I waq told on *ow it was a r I rJUPrt0ling AUtriart poot, atillparzor, whore , '-* I k) . Ill btOutnIll' tabb-lan&" th'i coul.t v W Macodtima, their riv- 'Aftiott, to linvO 011990d �0'�Or the ounk- liarno will lie liev to most people. Of � .1 11 \ found to (10fitftill money In notes and I going fishing n 'ridn.j? anti � . Ifickti-Ilow (10 yoti happen to be I I . 06"treaspie.'alid fnAVI.V tiopeals Were . I . ii, gold. -8o It In Con't yo 0"O. YA ro n I. I thought airy noutiull hntr�o iq -i great , o'' 104044 To "To 1MV, � 1,110 AlUtlent claqgloo,, Ichlit Alft3nsq ff � Altogelther You believed Friday was nil titilueky thal thev are longing to got to . - i 1\ the arnount in, the c limbill, up otle of the less of it?" Ip- (lay . , Wickn-Well . I nlwctyg have donth-bl,,w- , Irit ivrou �tho PrOk"" HOradd, many Of whdso pdoq ) i turned 14111, %Ntth Jocular superiority. 'ell was "in"t 110 has tr4hA14td4 'Into Spanish. %5? . . boxes totalledi Just under a million � But it occurred to me thin morning Thf, digplito% Iq fill, ill filtini it, - dIV4i`fg' I' �, lit bles--nearly 3500,0oo The boveq 1 vlo�-60,4 Nodolld. mv. �A, voty 21ho , fl, "O , . e a ;j. b blax I A Ire ver A roover, ho rovela ill mathematics . - TU1,1111 llot*r, that I)erhnpn It would be unlucky me�nlmi of Wrivedonin, and llijlgaria 0 As wolt no Al'. . rid, arrived from tile Far Kant, and for the fish"' ;4 infriKutnir in the north tied and 611V& t�jn,$. -�,,Iofjg And blatolir And adorm drawing. 10 M*by(gal * a �0 �� were described as "household be, tAlIko purl w6e, othov!g beato- ­­ W.I., 4 . ­ , 1. .�- ?� "y .. " � 3fag-Are youno cure yer husband A young doctor nald I() n Twettv Gr,-- it, the -outh for the gopr- " , I ,W " to "'* , M %, .... ­ �11. �ngl.mgfi-" Eikell one bore the )led loves youctoo? 1, ­r)o you know, my dear. I he%-(, ma" 'IN, halr­1 ,if the two na- It I I Ah'*� ,�""Allsll totoldote tha o 141141M "DON. + � �, 'r.. i1rh 1ji. � . By LON in e '0*� �11 . 4.. 1 't%A. . ,,, " T,,a BtAmp. LII -Why, eort, He's nhot at oart affi�ctlon for .you?" .. I, a vo tiona for �n(h other Iq Ro irn-at triliot I *1`1111-0,11"JAIII11% 11184." "d 4 Mtktritlistanditig ittr olvto flud lium- ... . . W11010 (IfTafr savors Ptrongly tovict, pot fire to do houno onet. ton' You lind it NOV— Rile coyly IncItOr the very exi0ence of the nirk is al - I I ttoWn, wid - #'Jr!'1141" In W0 Y604 iefodug 001190stod, dIstiolotq, 1.4ndon . of officially-asaltItod mine propriation lie ptita polmon In me efijyvj� . 416 VO4AIJO Of Lorile, aftt,.yI;r0Erq4 Pillco Inunt he Iregarded as Ono pt tile - � , I Zn ­ of arm, or Itod Croon uodn every ('11 -0, Yen, I feel I %A Ill liver trou- mont ov�rlonkoid I I t(Atityll. mixtivitil4oakoh, ,k,�Jiqh�the - �� P, One tilylo I looks at anudder man bled life witho"t yoll," he responded y hoolthieq 01tiog .14 th wopid. - neiropoplor ling not hesitated to do- � ­ -_ Orraglovinliv. however. that nmi- . VI" ir&o%,ertd�, %qth t1lb 0jimItil4s . ..'! , ­­ i I'll, 0 � . . .2 . elare that "Thell you had IwIter atithma." xho, able 9,ontloinan rpinindii them of his --*- I � I I 1, , the Police at Flumarn flit ''Plonne, RIr," pleaded tile beg ii�fth inurmuret! evintoneo bv lhe Impartial and (IN- " I I 'Itopliftnto-4 "Itill n1`4ft1Ii%blo'L #OVeiloa 01,00ou toy 14 , �, . �� . , I . I . ,� -�r - provpd the occasion by approprint- ''I'd like to get n silonro, meal 7_11! : 'T'llat coat tooks Ahabby." r tonnivi, maNnacro of both -Polarson'ol $KOM of,ardnan'0, tvhftI1 still itfan rotd.t, . - ft 06.#0,0004 of yhvd�Ars i I ng aportion of the freniviro ,hirlulT -Tifere. Poor k4low," qn1d Klogeman. marked Hicka ta his lOtionate fr i ill Weekly I -60L�tld� 0*11110d blitilobell, lot stii thlo ftzor has � $­ , the official invegIlLratior ' hore'n n 1) no f r , I of 00 Wood W & Vlo�&fla 'Sip lost- . its teftl%lbr." "I dpli't 01hiho I 09' Flaniarn Is 5CA) miles ,,, ill h ,n, t 'r joll, glr� bi y .,-oil - 0. thank tile poet; -why .j,)n,t v,jjj have "' t Relt, . 11 , ,�� \ % Pa Ion nwr voll havon't turned')" * 1 4 \ N. r(" __41 W 6*1011, U16 1011kis In tho khAte. , I 1\ \ VIORcOw, And to ono ,if the junril,,rl Vol a dympopola tal I,.t abollt I)o,41ou think thin coat Will --"Rhe takpo a very .mall .hnol 0. .1 I 1 411 �OUP WWDO I 10410411110 StatiOnn of the 'I'rens-Sl1wrlan rall- have .iou? f always nuffor when Nell -"Oh. vent' to 'fitot iti- it," r 4 volt. hag theop n;,Ieql linked 1ho Impoclin- ,j(","t '?),el" , A Ill I I .1 X) 1 41 11 , 4 . I 11 Or . : . I I � I I � I i th _11, � 11 11 ; I I I I �X,E;"*01 th"t ,,, NO* 00*0904 . I A11881A 014 THE ANXTOTIS SEAT. W06Y. I folla one andiyi and nothing more ­IvIlat PIM?,o moll-­,ewo given , ,� . . � , I I I overeat." wall said on tha subject. aniallcr than her toont�" 1. I I r ;:�! I I � r I I "I I . I f I I I I I �,, 4 1 1 . . . . 0 1, . I 11 - � , I I., . I L " �ty, % , , . I t � , I I I I I . � i, ?�,=-%,4­1 � 11. t I 1 .. , '. . �, . ,.' L L I I I L' ' 1A I ,� I . .1 11- P . 11 . . ,) Li� ' 'k, �, ­ , I . I .L . I 11 . I � . I I I �, I �, . . . . � � 1 I I I .1 �, ; I I I F I � . I I . . I I L , � . 1 . ... .. I I I I 11 I 11 , I . I ,A. . 1, �! I ,L_ �, :, '. I L , I 1, 11 11 1, � I L . I I . I I "' 11 , I � I �� ----- - I I L I . . . #.. - , , , , 1"., I . I . � I ,. 1, I I I � - ­ I I . , � I I il , #.. 11 lti4" .1 I I , . . 11 I I I i I I , -1 - .. ,--,:,I '. 4 �- I I - - __ �* C..._ -1, *1:_,____, ­ 1) L . I I I _:,��_# � --,;,----- , ,,_ ___,,_ - �* , , , "_, - � . 11 �!_ f�L-­_'T '.I'�4 ",�"t_4­'­­ ___O��,'�_"Z_ _, _ ". _.�'­ .- . " IR "i w * _.. .1 A"p, �# " 4,1�kA,*_ ­". ­��-4­­'4,­_�,­ -*_-,�",ir,-W,#.1 — � f -L < I I . - , �", --­ _­ 7 __-_e .. , - , . ­­­­ � _-,� � `­ 1-1 , , , _ , 11 Q, � .- t �_.- i . I . I'll __ .. � __ , - ,. 11 1_1­1__�� --.--- , . - _. It I- __ M I - . 11RIM IZ7 � P&�:_1_____==:7 .- Mr-___ _4111t_,/ -;- . rlo�l I - -_ -----,qqw '4�<_ 7.9-:110 11 I 1. 'LL ­­�,� 1;32 1 � - � . ,"Ofto L. ­_ ­ 1116" , . . L . I .. 1, .I RIL' ' ­ � .' kfi&J"jgli ' ' � " L, - "0W!A,_-_�?­ . I _ — . I , - &Wiissi. - �bN I i L -'---'--L'- . ___ L .1, . 0 "; � ,,�, '' �i , �_ ��; P- 0 k!., , 1�; r*11 "- '4 ' I I �; �, � � * . '19 . , ,J,. , - J I 'I 1�� .11-� � .,!. , " "�,.,J,,,,,;� .. - .� -7 " '. ,, � �Y,:' li I 1, , , , , � 4 , 1��. I , i ` ,�� 9. ln�ll 1:1 � ,L:, �, .,�/, r 'I" I , ,�� "L, '. r � (11, ''. - I I I "", ,,, , ��! " 1. f I 0� I � , � , - . , . i.-�"` ��Lj' i V � ) I L ,r �A �, ", s',,1., I �, . . ., , � . ,� .1 �. �­: ,:,.I �,,..,,, - � I'le, , 1,� ��- ,� L.�� I � * , . � �'�, fL , ` 11 � �'.! tk , � I I , .� I �$,L �;, . � L 1�1 I , .11' 11.1 I .: �; ,,, . ,� ., 1, I .1 . 1�,� _ I. ��- � , , � I �. 1.11 ". ,�, , , , 1�, , 4 , L i ";Oi %� � ,� , ��') ),� . I . , , . ;L , � �' I I I f I I 1. I L �', I . � , : I. I � � , I . I I 1:1 J., , . I � I I , � 1. 0 � , 1, 11 � I I 1. ­ I 4, 1 I I L 11 , �, , 0 � , I , I , , I A