HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-08-18, Page 3-,,?-�� --�; - �­I, ,,I .--'.1 1;,11 � I ,,.� ., ­,�V]107r -- ­� -F;1 - , � T, "' I - I � " . - f ,W"- Ir " I 4-�T ,� : -- i, 3, ­Vt It.7- , 11 I 1 2- - , . .. � .1 .1 .1 , I I � � , .- .. � % 1� . I � ; -7 . � 1, .�, I � I , I �Iel 11 , *'Z� � ., 0,11 "­- (-17, 1,.;i i �"" 11 , 11 jjf , - , ,., " *1 � 1." " ,, � -1 , li� . � , l.;', ;i�4, , , I , . �, � I , . ,,, , , I - I A � �� , -.1, ", ,3­4�, , , "I..... I ... , W41 . -11.� - 1". i'. . I., iII-141 ,� '. --6: , - I . , 1. I . . . .1 ,­ . '� 14� � : , , I . fl� � - . I It, , , .­ 11 - , I - - - - '� '7, "' . I t,, � I � . , �. I , A, � , . �, , , 'j", , ,' ,�, " ` '. ', '�- ", . �` '�� 'i .A 'o, �1, 6 * , , �f ) 1� ". �.- 1 I 11 . �� � -- I �,t. �. 1� ,!­!, � " , . I I. � -, ` 11 - I . � ,% , , I . . I - . .1 .41., - �- . . , , I - - - - I in I , , � . . I4 , I � 11, - ­ I 1. . . , � r" ,,, , " � - � � . I . � I -L � � - - -- - .. -- -- I - � � � - --.---- ­- -- - I - . 11011-- ­ I - - 11 - -- -- I I Ill I I 11 . I � '10w1k.- I., �, ­ ..w -1-iii--l- i - 4 I. - I ILI., I � . . I - I ---- , � , ,11 --- vwym I 11 W* 0ould Talk * You Alf Day 1 4� ­.. q�. �.� ---- , I Is - -,-----,-,-,- . 1. a 1— - - �7� -, � , - 1. 4 , �10 W_"� V�Lv 14W .W! " V 7A , _, i- X _ i;w � r - � I r ;, * . , I I . ,� , I ..... I'll, ��� "I'll . � 4�r am I I 11- , Ar SIRM . C 7L&F cow MOXAPOZ-ow C*W , ,�,,I, 1 Taw . I I TO a TIE LOSS . ")- -,., '. . � - UL ,�­j . , ­ .r 11'.,-, I � I �1. It- �� I �e raw � — A "' , . � I r 10M -7. SVX" OWASA = I I . .1, I I it r , Ut () , Dow* ==J02 IVA*. L -iLrl � I Ir I I " , � � : I - I r . I - � . � . �� .... - 4 4 I I "I . I I I . , I � ow,0440004040" IIW141 1, I i0i . " 'a ..... &am I I- I'll 0010111001111111100 —P--1--- -.,-,.—i--...."-..�-r�-I -11- , I �, . � � 1,3ft *PA V%X0i %%"*V^U I I I r I 'W At t.. 11 I. kokol,&I -11A, okalkof, �Ivi.I.oi am lagaliv as. a ""HAUL Wo%4,1 I 11 .. . �, I . e— r, 6.&I 1 1 .... rr . -111.1 .0110001M., 11 . Ow 34#60yo-411411lit Will. **tUW . OR *14 ft- oat 01AW IRIS*** Is tho nwost to 'motrao-rlolt� 0111tv, "I LLL . $Wft 10�­ ; , . . . . . 11 . � - - r " THE STOW"W's SM . .. I � Totset" Ca* Ton *U *boliif. St. . . r, r Ot I I I ft% � Ift Any t4K bvis roscito, - I I . ,n___ . L 'L r .1 , I (*C � , I " . I I ok ­1'ry' F I - I " . I . Doirall*$, P01P-1.,W*VX,. 14 W044190 , WW L ., WMA sw � "Y "fX'.r"'L^SI"­-Q Al�', ­­­­- . L o I* IMM-i"l- ­­. - -- -- I—— _-11. ­ ­ 1 --fl*t' ***m To*. ft0*ft*V-ft* pur"t *" woo do I I . --jol"k .J. sk,*0*14"t w*m- , ,. ­'. 11,09 - . . . . L - I ­ �r - . , r . I I I IL . I W It I I ­­-- -111 I r - I . at Oft ham -ft INEW 'L no§1*0111 t" in fto ~M . I . . I I I - .1 MO.. , . who .. — 11 . I �— I "M I I I 0111111 11111ow to 4401104I In" vonaots. **at al"i 400. ft I* . 41"00P. I � . I CHArmu '11. � spooped low"00101141y to Wt W *4 tt chroilip 1400"Wtiop at tbiti, I . I r L . . . . I 1 14 V* fQOtnsi Lk&Vi%g brQW QQVW%*ti 0I it, "111" LOW 4kad X.Millsi 00"d * W14- TELECRAP, I 4%04 AWWA, St. t*ok4 "4% . _J)kt lin Ole )W %set* so , I I ' . � I I I ------ Part - . 1.04, litam# timo- ago. Iroporto tivit hol I � I . I 1p""Mo 11 ! to -------.. r I . - L . t4% Oquipll;4off, liad, roi:O�W,l tka4 "I 1111W I - la, still i4l liploodidillioalth. "Y4440, A t%lW*pb*, 00fis twok � lr�, . , I . 11 I - thouglit,tho r?4a walk *4 *Upotlydorl fAll dolet tkInu I Wo'broUss *;*Y , ;F;k8i)0�Q4, ai� L : 1. I _Wtoo 4* Viltdo hW ,CQIJ& gontin$ " �U.�, ;JuX#Vo I'My t,liro I#, erlrtire� � llpl%%W� &Q, 11 � , L I _ GOD ANIMAL STORIa tU, he "" ulaWittWy 40'etedi WaW *4d fMC*UW' *4 thtt� lu*W' . I "t; �, T $in& L so ly $41tolkictOry, X h*.VQr had AQ %Voq- I P., 0 . . # .. .. I � . I -1 #QM*r ta�l;iry l;kPOA thit a , , Ve :t k^V'S I so 1�. , ., . I ,q1AjrrsI4UrJAf irlg�rootm, at the Court. It, siolilitid Ol- "d 90109- Q 4 I . � L I .. . � I � oU!t mIA4 W,P' ** Ilia 440 1, "d POW4 XiftOY VIA* L - cilpturo. All tilts" lWimPtOlUst 404' 1404% ,aa hor ^Ott 40j4,jilQ*ae, , . , L Jh* 41anq, 1 t L , I � 1. . AAY- *Xd sIMP4 %4k 00. 4, J*L tv , 1. roph boolt I t I . , - '9 %voly ­91gtit S"41 1 Vrl . r -.0 . I — - equosti poor 1:kp;ft%I1" I . T,hw, dwol. ilor �"r#.from LLL .... .. .. 11 I L 1. I TAXXX ASOUT 'OVA onvoillt tilt the third . doy of lnapriv- little parlot. 4t, Cliff: - %Mind the, LbQV*,as 4% 1 iI LL *V t I .... I oijinellit,r".J., P A. 'I", )*, $4�14* Wbia% Ir 40 hingii � tio, IrQ10mor =4 lumt- "atelikilig to sdr4 Vortiltiale* gotnti XoVW, , , ,AJW04 to �0,7 ' L. I 11 : . � - r 11 L . "VX -100T" X%=XM , , ?efrii QQAe fill, !J�WW­taik.'X0*k thouglit almost curtly. olablid ou to lipy vm, ,#no, I'll utv,ir forgot W,4d'R,,'Xt4- L .. LL Marv_ . 11-1 - !C i fit the Cage 40010191 __ I ' ' ' . . I , ­ T I I �ttouvly I oil. JAQ;�# 0@y "VII)N. '%'he 4QetQr,t001(k.A( hot) I - ,. �� 11 r . - . ..". . instaxit, was tit% proteU40 WhtftIIIy,hQW ntsuch Alost it ,would - %J , � ,lit I )$- L W''I sou . ; # an . L . be AU04 Walk 304 Ural ��# . , 01K lo- r � . to *44 " - - JI.V � . . it, o*% �&Lgx I icailla Awnrii prio0jo, . W 009 rog vp COXV0 ItrAlly.4ilp., tl*9 *f,t1;ll W - , �1111t � J)ij. I go r - � it ao.,rt#d for li;ber faltw , orol, 44 little 1* At"141 Utint , - #14ijo, X . . I . I l� - . . I ank4l'? AN _ " I I L *IT halewt, A &))to L Olt, or *48 oov - ' If# � L t 2X . . . t1%i3Op0$t wintlow, sind .0, ;lash ,of AW, f0iixiiii,l L 14 101' ­Ja � L ,1 . 4L V"Mf( 140ifaO�V"$Ortlaff a ugli, ititAlild' I- ti� *-Ayio '41), Ontirgly w1iten-sku, %dV0X'* � I L . , I , Aero "Toill r uW 'to 10 r . . , *V# , %n4t 104 We toLt�V J)"illid q, L I r r r I � . that latit th dOA!t a" -)%OWL 1;, oolitld', J* . dQA_9l r X ill" ts, 301- L . . I . 1�"=�* J . , - � * brown J�rr a* .0l'o g*roqa Inneg L r , '30 " of, ,, 0, . 09#* Who WV � '4l iiitur4llet "IM . UO ftro,'I r tilin AQ ,,, r J�%�. � . � I I . I at tit ;, . rt I � . , � W11*1101 H& . . 11 -­ ­ . , . I r I . , t ,1)1 #4 .., --- snns&�_ "�, r , I r, I ��� .� - W , bo L L- I ,Q , - low I - . I -4 toy At rtlajwx P1141 ' ,��­­­'­­­­­­ '''��'��',�-�'�";-rl,lpllp'"'"�"''�i","".�.� ­ � - .49 I ,"Wig* of Of hig, citimligg CAptlye" I : -11444 I will sing vow I I hl � huld—olno * d9 , xil good bVelvil to"It'" I W" 0 ll L `TU loputo I two" I, Nov X 4XVI, I -.. , , onr ,,,O, RE lli,titlevie'. in 'thn, re Al . I U# *A , 0 to glillatek- not tl�' t a of met 1ft r i V1111 jitaved W, !tile.'* , , , -. L ,not W " . tr alai,� , .W gQint t 1W #04 , _ Or 11 , tonantS. ;w4Vy.bofIiy 3%no**�"thsit to.".0 . r 1 oralet-ill-iii' L . It., r *A*tQA this 1) , Winn) *-#;I uwr App, k JU&I tatelftenq Opillit- ; till* I 14040 ttit"L 13*44. J^dy I I , Tt W Ono 4OUI�tSL Itfri. Vurlus' WtOV'y tt000i * r #AW146 every. 'eir , . 0, 'Which is manifested, L 11 L :1:1:1 "ZIlt . .tj�rk Qfr tb,. . 11 .Vorn"Jig lImet'lo; ltiqlaimp g r. '' %, brother �- ,7-- tho a tiod, to' hfm� (o ;000 'A 1W %,nj to 'UL . 11�1 I 40JJ)bL � . � ­,, 4 = I � d of humill� '041110# � 4 Us Paid 40 the 011C test x0gavil" ,ly too . WOO, Uo"4"Pwal Alw*yo Uav* ia: os"Ir of � (,to is: PA" 41 (I I)), - I I until 16 lavill ok" , bi ',V�.Obo � OW hOW he Rho Atoppoil alig, looked creation to Ilkilor* ApAtiv L soking lore.4 " atL bjm� WheLrAr'ba "walt, I I " . � - �'L 1 � kA4,00r0k "w4thquit'A L, 1jLo)J tlaf . t *b ,t r- .. . _S, 4ti*to'X�W Thay' %1% � 'Products coattnu'ally ;,�Qt AloceontrIly ma 19 "as 4ould walk. vithollitt palv� $Uhl 1 ii sida#d tile 0,11 1UP031 Ili* � Will - L . gtori or jA t ' 1, ftfw�al - : "- .but fr.Oh' X*AtL$ art ' L ._ . . , traq0 01*1koll'ielovillilingi. �si O A1.V V & `jjj� 4� , L t'Dood'aXIOney'rills Mill, woo?l VQLS 41414ing; 9 - od , ,, 4lattre"t -4ij, mattgrg- whi4r th9t 4411444 14, Iun* plga� btgatbiL stild "In . � I -0 - Libby"'Is Arlilivor) JC IV . theL 4ealrO, to . o' tUg", t'WQr JOVlng.L UW4 ,him -041 r. 'I'l . 1044 . Allit U110 saw that he had gone , oropplug up. to' Add, � to, thf', Itoolf. . r Tillo, � -do L04 'InUohL 9f paurr, 1"I'lulikk -IervieA , � ­ . . I . I I I.- nkwo'�O ac000plJO by aoul.q'%'*'h4'Lh* _ hQr 401t, V40k, . k , M ­. 1. -A - 1, '', ," nd that he bad c%uglilt r , . -'r, ' , I - r I I --- dearth, % "by , a ,liiia � ailing, tlia t, . -1 *Aimior? 1 - � "Sut�-Uut -'I'ueed not trouble yOU W ,&, 1141100 k - - . . d W of the controversy. UrW aiiO, lk tOr ,MVg$t'f9irM, of, %ble: is sho.wA .r L A . . , Atorloo ot dogs. sna'ooar sialpWo' L 00 , , . ­ asit d4V L L fivir t)liox golI , . 9 Uu or 110 1A 141% tooth Veal Loaf, XeJmr4 Pate, Deviled Ham, t�gi ,qgme� tutio, .­ Q. r I #10: *nd"Qj.U?r"�jgg, WUJ4'- Will j�0-4;4� ,who, site �mowliix, 'itit, 04 ter 'tt*04, ' ' � . , ,,sit 14AWA and rest, I 108 � � tq. �omo Mai that way. .4 fte sto0a for a moment. W We . . . , . ' ' ' ' 'ble" I I " h sid, going from rarl to LWhite, then tho I domos thought - I X j .1 I- I 4(you, t"ARt 0 %QAe­ LIP a . od ,.4 -enr b I*, but %W0 4170 19:1 that 'Vl6iil , be, said, Dried B*A Har4 Loaf, Vienna Sausage, , r r L , til" I)i*A . qM0 I'." ._t'. JI . L 4. , to Ltor ,­ to, � eithgg' door tQ' ' lo' ot a L not at' , . I I L . . , il� r 0 , . . 1: 4'Y#k%""'qbe4J09W. * I ­_ . ,#If jQ%X WiU'AQt lat X With YoUt red 11 r L atotjoo� of ibiI diapilt4n *1 , ,e# � Oli � mQra go, orloo lippe't* Xi;kran. Wofflfi,�bey& m*dqt; f � ,. lie- , L, , . .6, tQrtVM$ Q# qd 1541ted Beams and Corned &mf Has& _ , ; '00 go � and the whito alone . � , "' r :,� I t . .erli,i t,h4u'LtbJ% familtor Lone, , , .. L .. * Optrat'la xt.00 - oi''but $lit. bad A Milo 140kiw up for, 4 L second *04 there III on . . I . inAt d6go arto, onlp;iblo. ou 44bit A,'Mouk 9 I , , eyes, .still 1;01, Ot'r-tIVIt'des ply Quo other way; I will matned . - to , � ,Qy Ili thoL Lpntllog Zoo 10poi swi mot, him � r _ Past jjr r . . , eet I . otitoil IrUmidahip, tor' Qth , 4nftaI# , L volto, that. thoug4: it, had been t#,n l6wer@4 jtjy- '0y, the. e4lTiago and sead the *47z;� are hurt." shQ breathed. and 19EMY A= W0=6 AN)) READY TO =RVB r ,set t�',U�gud .a nut tq g, spectator - .1 4I ga juXJ V. I , here audd,JeAlyll , e , � -WoAd , AW,jj94L. � :O�Qfgailo�L Wgg1Q,V �a� I , 40044r, I041404 Wan 04"itkintur , _Qt. ktobild r him ula(II , (I tmao: with you. to there seemed oob in , . L .1.1 I I ,, ,ladd..j. 'A .having be0A loll 1% Vird's, And,*X,Wiluo. this, *'�`, VA ar� her long 00 ks ceigght, her IIR in her teeth, the simple words. I , .IU� .t W, A ­, Oof;$b tflo� bars, I - ' L -XI110, if ' - ' .� W blg�,'Llgtfor I t ' a -to or ight§4 �by, � thot� rp "­ UU4L I I . . �:.,%' . I 0, 2u ROOK "No" to Mob gw$ 2%4w& to x0m. so" iho. t- *.�WorX Onk 4*n, . , � � 'li L it Will, lim.fillous! 11 W4111ggnooL Jkly featies ols, be hurried, to '00, We of it be COAURUg0i, . I I.", I acir 0. Tbo,Vloi� so , nd Stood Irresolute for a space . -1. I I .a 1. I I . I , I while one. "old count tell, then she 00, icap .1 , I I 1. 4 his the, vi 040b"u. . . r " , titi,Aol'�-tiv, ,, A� 'd It, back. 4bidli, - in tuVfi� 61". soro and r ',it 0, r, tirot Ing . T� ; amdato 40OUte �. ��, , (I., : 409 1041.1 �O,r re',411ft ­ 7 tho bUatiqU; ortio4od" V oleo, , OraL ,, r, Addrem LAWS MeNOM 4% Ubby, Ch ,- Autntiong, � the a - A' , . L gul rX ittluding 0:1varing to,,*, up at. him. . dgh) . an. wito, with, a I � . hIg I Alk � 4 I � ;iosigter,Wo. tuct"', , d-bilkn4o . . r.. �, rr 0110 horga Well J - . L I I , r' ' � I � � I I _ Jua r:. ad, been _ ,, . . .. � . � L ." , L � F- ' -.� Jonfe tjmq�, _ OT I. . Xf you , edm I �, r ­ L r . . ­­ - Qroov� I � I O.Irl, _ _ . , irat oaj, 7 , 0 �1:, � 4� ' '�S wills vv14cWy; , whoit 4 " . "What, a ,.dftrt;.,41gV& girl It in ovgr Ilmil). but tho, ) ar airtly Anex- will be so kinil." she said. and are rest- r r � - I r , airtli� - .t;. W', , ' f other Was. "till 0 the' 11 your children, 1:109A 6 - .. 11 I . I I I a - '', -i­'d �"jin'tU�`-'Uitqh�­Po � I ­ � 1. I I -1 m404 I U�* Oi,ti"lle led up *'Atb,the harness, to 'Send the footman. and tume , #6 w,ith _ a loss a 11 4 wal, r 11 Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed A L . . 004tS. Were Ia $ '' 46i of Alirli I . I l Itrik , ' ispp ' 91tt that sue weaut dhim less auring sleop, call h a, � .se,, r, ri is' `4I IS in tbob road'A -. . iled, tounton. � r '611. $gr . in) - R 991, UOURI, -qr - 7 orbly Itir.a lot tai P .to % WELL INSTRUCTI11DO I ,h4.,d,been ' A Lo f tic I UPI de 'cUbo t' UOW A UPTAMVP 4% d that Us seemed to take tittle sigil escaping him. but Norah anco. picking a tit none, eta.. YOU hilk , 4,,a4iir 'a, IWAt �UQJP­�� , , , r, L,4� p'� - In I ,# A use �. . rose . Un,0111 quoti . rd In Alt Lo d While travel in Mexico I discover, CO, vj.� y c I " . it, Wao,L f9un(j'�tb - 4 . _ ', 'T408i litspectator" Of VtQeUt dfito ,the altuation up*" it thit the PrAXn'Lr . Her head rested on his shou L I .. . dent, r de'Serfiles Fe.rodale, Jr.1, O" 4OW LVQIO. "'It guky�� atQil4'. Of doplaul L: - � I r I ..4t"'thd" , said quite innocently: is worma. . Wall oil a drus v ch removes hair from . � ,11 . t.lbo L hAllit Q1-AA99l1'%0Lthjm`V0 *.Ina 0, r CortospOn hig r ao� thio able, ' ,,Will you tell hills, please. th t I Of tile trouble other o r a , or any t:rt of the , r , g T , Cat, 'meJt,,LArrQWdaJg*s heart, with Instant prolika R oraveg, worm siterminator 9114atuni and her little hand lay.conflidingly ft t;ka T . . . � , 'I-f �­ L -, The � , ' Ill L I", - ", . . ptit4de, and L I 9 Op a,r I . . . . me. Alfred.'� said th will send to any one tit I 0 " L blaqll�,, rortrJoyer, , . " it X0 41 t Y and P ,r,t ontlyab.so . � , praxontat , Ui o4upoi'f�ieud' vorktUroo.' w4th r 4 she W Al. ,under balf-lowered .CL, Ia oil . I .1, - 09 004 to h 0 WoUlled him. al Ill Send him any help it he wants remolvetiothe'sur pesta, at once rellsvilus his. "Tell � I W 0 00 -COO.' animal rust, hifn in tho';9tre.et 0.9 , .,,,,,r i be -he took out' -, maiden, "how you ever "we any SIX , I , . r � 49, not, t L f*.Vf4, L I (L� _';'04 i , . L�'To' Ile cloapkatfo salt w happ, woriltlr ila., Ong -very kU,tffuIIy.. Lady, �ids', " in, it'ro the Alf 010. r � 'Tense Gut CL tottage slump. ., . 0 kir . 'd0lipacYt - ,U0W � r IlQme one night, and the -ace. an --yes, yea," he 'said, and he gave I )9 tmen by unsuccess- , -L 'a . tl d. gently, but firmly to pick mo out na the, girl you want- Don't Ju 90 1-1 Ir - , r. I or, of, 'taLu I watr 'going. , , Xotgh*" he Isola. " roll must give Cut I L ful attempts of a ore. I have suffered ' L 1 4 , .. W k " , td, lCVW that '00 a0vompArki,94 ,up a ,or. tit 19 got r '! i 014 ' L . jvd . on � beint; . . lab the strugglipig, )panting horse on ad to marry.'t � ,,t t,partiqAtar t it or �, ­ us Oho or.two, *pro; rarael the message to the footmai4 and was for mars with this affliction, and now I . ' L ' ' ­.Qw­�Jje. , 14r, ii! a I - . L ", to his t9ot. ­ "Well, Dora," replied the ace to 'work 21 V_ : ., , "llk�"Pr9lientL.�6t 'thilt itftt"Jr�it' 1. wOltfIlt ifet 'r, . . VbA inall., rather. r r . . r .. .L' . 1, -, I . tica't ,to, Ua,fk,�L�, - back in an Instaftt- . tat I& Ito's to to help others fron L.. " '; , ,,,,sprtskb . mr on of the Qg 0 .'I Ou like,"I ,no coachman, and tootman stood ,,you must take my arm,li, now To Timm A. laolt=- young man, In a gush of confl. . h fit ILI A trouble. My tree, I ��''. L ". . fo�', to - Ifid frjoad' the bolr$01 - toi see the reAs d will 4014g ae. l9rig an 7 I he said, 004- ill out ILT M...'y" .'. Call) . . . 0 . the Wreck and , . . & trildhod t I , "; L ."reftoon,4'ra ently said XQrah, pl, it was mother that put me u ai ham , .ff apt, in 0: In end she Oiling' for a second eyeing: r - L ' 't ll�ollavlt)qr. did - , , , ply, p to and lowill forlet $is it it ELIO L 11. ,, WAI, , � ,qjittic;Ar *11,111, As be vits� evio L -I and though he tried to QPeak it, 0. . - If :�­'Vigt�f,lr .' JJ46 �,� -anti Was Wrl It_,"r, 10 . be r. Don't oulror longer, Ile, .. ­�i­ponfqt I— -4 11 , � etylidele to -a wiping I In r h do the coiacisit , remov I ;_ "r Ag'r ,. . , , 'lit, 0 dgified to do, IQ4, With footrA&,,X,o Juitr Was 10 a OEL * matter-of-fact voice, there was & Rua- To Thoroughly Take ;, -1 ._, ' ,� I �� ­.. '­.,;. :', , . r --,;" :, L . � ' ogaIn. Then, U­'Wy V -und their JpLerapr ,r g tit list to now yours for I ;,L. I tell - the 14)V � -.'1* 111 Ir- I , , ­� If . , �, I , gone and his Out of 144M. I n the alikink. Wrl I " -L. ' . to '4 yard door dust, end 0 ith do.light'L 0 t 4VA ,. , . r, , L .1,; I I � much -Wagging ' . . l4cQV9rQ4. w L pielously joyous thrill In it. i Do fly I Ot ddre o. 'L... r, '.­ '�' ' , .,�, 'VJ '�.W .ITAX XtTTVJi4 r � . �4�.thll 9 Ot this albw. TbW door. ,that their .two, Vitlitgoo,blellideii to- coat torn. . ould have declined, but it To thoroughly take the cOAQDIt Out NOT DESIGNED r OR LOVE, RS. 40."91811sm�.,th. Six- , ':�, r�, 10 - ­ ­ , . lt looked, amd.- In gother perfectly. . "Are you hurt In any way?" do- Norah w teenth Street, Philadal It , Pa. �; , ­ ­ - ,. , .1 r �,­, - -1�­ .- - r .. it' if'., - -'j" " --' ,- L ' '' ' I -1 ' - " "" L '.4 'slllm� ' ' , a wag Ia , od"but no seemed to her that it would Only of a horso, there Is no better Way He�-"I am sure Cupid had nothing P 'a -it;J ---- r .. ,�. '�; �'?�, � - owligit � ni, a 4 1 13 ,long- mended Cyril Barrio. . ' AIM - A-11 AIRDIUN, I, A- , ,, r,,,"r,", ii, _l, ­'es dept of tho response, Within dumb entreaties of , 'loll, ray cloaro.49 you only be h and AlAII: ­ - ­ " $�,.,:,Ltoil - I L,-, '.' . I -cor , r,,,, lr;,- thank you. But Iri 3 F 2690 acres -22 lies north of 5�, 1, r ji a, "orrosp � . re- go -to well? 4 put her hand upon his arm. quires pluck and determination to 8hc.,---lWh a miles from 'Airdrie railway r . ,I r to " ot , " jal , t, r ' his canb:16 aca"intance. 'the lle- exclaimed- involon- ... "No, a m lady- I crop ash. the situation, Olt" the,, to throw him. It o.vtolinly re" to do with the alphabet,' L I . , , , -0 - " 0 a 1� a more 5lu at gives you that impres. Ualwary; ­,:, 'r PC 'ato'p got r L . an she firtooped to 'ship?,* nded, but it glon?, & depot; convenient to church, , . I . I ' . L, ­',­�,�L r �i for�,t6rrjer was, 6 Uilqul , spondent opened it, whereupon the tarlity" witl' r 9 schools. _ , ffist'tq u r I in, kiss her. . "I think -I hope -she in all right," She did not notice that he had given throw a horse single ho, torus. istc,; splendidly Situated: magni. I ­ "­­'' . - og, with a joy8us bark, darted con- He�..If he had been doing it he to ,i ,,� � , , " . 'it ot,the lion,gohoill , t I It go d her the right one- Instead of the left, done, your horse is virtually f1cent viow: firlin-clano soili good wat � , ", ,, ftlou ; I It thus appear- Was it no wonder, that Waroth'a replied Cyril, I : � I IN �. wled that miSpy � L . � , 01:100 It - litte)r of evidently at home. I . For a minute or two they were oil- quered for good and all. To do thisA would have placed U and I much noar- supf withl, �,` -�: -O . Ith tears of happl- "Thank God for that, girl, fly; up-to-date improvemVits: vireff t I , 1 , your huff It of eight rooms, tV,d r,:, 11, ,to, eyes grow moist W ant as they made their way along a good ptrong halter on OL in or each other." 'Ziso I � 1 damp ell that the dog had been gUlat .on - -Ament" responded Cyril, almost ut L a rin all nio urn conveniences nall rainago \ - , - I , 2 4' " , " ns)'�' , - ' "Whoul Ton" o6 a bad the @agaoity to seek out Aesa and gratitude or that When the I the lane filled with the perfume of a gorse, take g: , strap with —4 of stablo. cattle afto a, bugay' � ­ r . 1, . �. O�,)q�tpble "'�'h�i`$4ej,l L , Who and ha . I . _ ­ , , '4 - L footman announced that the carriage Inaudibly. katkink; llf I . r ... I L . 1� a perfet�t stranger in the nearest freil "Yes, ob surnmer's night. Abofe them the it. and buckle it roundvthe horse 8 00 The Most P,Ipular 411U. -The pill 1, a jail. workshop, co%alo. etc.; Itood 11'�..-11�1� ,el,, .. . * the lopo.of heAhbil* a to %,rag waiting, ahlil should. start with �, I �ton't kno�v what my slowly sailed upwai & thrush - fetlock Joint' take the roost popu ar of aIt forms of medi. fences, talt new and ell titantial: will ­�­ ", r, ': , itt'in to it quented street 'and induce hir . foreleg below U6 or : r' �.' L ell -t droAdflilly. an �-MQPO 11 the d1sakay? � waster and mistress would have done moo" ' sold as a icing Concern, with eta . popular are I � ,,; , and tic it to ki"'s, kind Of pills the most because they � I .it home and unlatel going sleepily somewhere in the a. rope eight feet long ach nory. tattle an house fur - r, � ", � ut the house In dlocQLASOltato fash* accompany Lord Ferndal�. want out of the if auythlng� had happened to her." L&rme4ou's vegetable pills. ore , this term JO cat p owable, and I I ­,�;. �..L A 0 d the bats whirled through this strap; place a surcingle round what it is asserted they can do, .21'sgim �l !, ', 'r , "' , too, L "I've been in his hedge, an are not rd on silly ficti- . . terrier great door. And returned,- bearing in his Up voice shook. I SpINIally adtapted tor erowing 1prd r� P . , ­ . -This caused tho- room, ! the silver light. ' our poSi. and put forwa "' , wit ., a I ,., 1, - auxtoty d'be tried to cbeer up, the Those very human traits of vanity Own hand a decanter Of wine, and lordship's service for twenty years, the horse's body; take up y tat eat and mixed arming. %ill f. �,� L tJOUS Claims to OXCUIlell". They are ., ark Ionic are 'prominent insisted upon Norah's drinking a sir, and this is my first accident -to Norah was still trembling a little, tion on the right side of tho horse, compact and par Rkrticulare on application to Gray . rid dislike of rid table, they arc easily ran , Airdrie, Alta. I �­ ­� porrot .y, but % i�, , .. I Wing inother in.gvery:wa I I'Apti-fAtIcLaniruAls, A dog "dress- g lass. LT speak o ut but, as she had said, she was not bring the rope over the horse's back takou, they lig om -nauseate nor art . - ..— I ." Finally, jt� bright id.- - in the most Stu ' �111­ '4 1 VAIA. 0 -ncWO rrf6r amusement. 'a an awful frightened. It was not fear that from the � oft side; take hold of the and they illir �; _, _ I �,:'.. �t,,,..' .L. 0afrio Into '� "Better,,16bay, dear," said Lady wreck with dismay, "it I � � his dogjy­,�Ltn& -JT,o rush, UP" by, �c I ham gim". :1, , � - may submit ,withoht a murmur. but Ferndale 'emillingly, '%g Lin a dreadful onel And it would have been a deal eat so last that rope, and pull his foot to his bOdY: � . ,!",:, , .04 4htc), the go.,rdQu wliere the drown I seemed to her as if he take a firm hold of this foot, holding �,�", , , ,o4'LoQJrpSeg . ortuinto kit- he lQokd the pieture.,of misery the tyraniti: and fearfully Obstinate. .. worse," he added with respectful it almost n take hold Father—you ought to be ashamed - 4 ,� L , of the �Unfl L orah had'got her things on eart must hear It. it in that position, the flialito muld lcoolt bettor dye& 19 1.11r," , � I Iterw at beeil buried. , L *01, * ngible, of yourself, Dick; you are now in -t 0 L ­ . whole time. L When N nessficss, "it It, hadn't been for 77; .1. ­ : It a busy I The silence at last grew t of the horse's halter with the left .1 -Mour love. write 41y"It mointooll. T.N111 �11 1, pilllvff­vesur�,�'tcjcd them, 'and otirt-led During the Coronation festivities and Lady Fom,Aoile had wrapped the you. siry catching them as you did. a his head to you. und Kou twenty -filth year. and you NSITION AMERIC" OVISING 00. 11 , It, embarrassing, and,auddeuly hand, pull a r me , s a mercy you wasn't got down almost ven't earned a penny )et. At your � , � I Norah almost stopped. press against his body with your , � ".� I � 1, - ,�, , , . I ibe earthly little furry bodle$ in In 1902, some dogs ,absolutely re, soft shawl round her, " Makin 11 : MONTREA L., ., . its. .. - , rah under 'em �; I 'L� L glad tilempli. to his ', diptracted fused to recognize their own houses into a parcel, post bundle," gi and kicked to b . age I had alreudy warried a woman I . � .1 I * I I - & .��- A covered with flairs and other decora- laughingly declared. a x4alld came for. "Never mAnd that. Let us see whatl "Lady Fernilalol" she said, in a lalbow, using the words "Lle down." with ton thousand dollars." . " L � stioind, Can 19 action 0 W5 , -� , , ' I I''. be oe4flited solely. to instiact?' I t ions, and went,away In a huff. One In ward In her lioiliqt and cloak. damage "I"ll tier with dear," is done," and he went and tone of remorse. "She -will think t1 e carriage. . I thact it is worse than it, is, and I 18 The majority of horses can us thrown in this way, in less than, Q, Dr. J. D. Rellogg'a Dysentery Cordial , , ­ � , ,,;; ._ " '. 1, . , Cats and other animals have been �r;,:�',�' "' to �Jde food,W101 .1 ;j�rtic.ular dog, belon ent Mayfair, was obAerv�d to be sittilig pond you, ,examined - - N a A w- said Lady Ferndale, but or h a "The *he.,'s'brokd, girl" afinounc- forgot to send her a message," footman. I ­That,�p all right," he said. minute, while others, of Course, is a Speedy cure for dysentery. dlei as li r. As soon as f �Jiolera, summer comF ankit ;h1X.1L4w ­ .o#gn ,dI ,"'.'. .... .: jrfbllds.� , thus, a monkey ,in the on his haunches opbosite his decor- barking his dis. ed that she could be as obstinate ail .dd Lord Ferriddle, end point-blank re- the "And the pole's gone like match- wrote a line or two saying you were I and complaints ino t: 0 die .I animal has been thrown, take. �1.,,1,1,dro% toothing. It Ives isomadiatil I .'�,�..'�I . " o, ". - London �oo was watchlid di�idlng a � ., 11 L �qu4, portions 11". 'into is ated domicile, and LgUst and disapprovaL-Loudon An- fused the escort. wood," said the coachman, dolefully. safe, find sent it by the coachman." "I'm it's -You seem to have thought Of t those suite rope that Is underneath him, bring it r.1n .� rare the offects under the - stircingle and pass it 01, Indiscretion in Ing unripe fruit, � .. �'��,��Ii� ', . bi three , ariona �, ­ 1, mself, pre- one of"ithich he kopt'lor bi swers. "Why, what could happen to me In a close carriage between.here and the afraid -impossible to take I her ladyship home," he added, re- everything." through the ring of the halter, and- mount be!%. qtd. It acts with wonderful 2,b,pIdIty and never fails to Conquer the No , ��j �, 9 to. two ,simian "!I�r. L , seating . the jotheri . . . I 1. ­ Court, dear Lady" Ferndale?" she luctantly. 'jaid. .' P t much to think of, I was no "It back under the surclugle again, and Iscruls. one need fear choplerok it theT - in position have sk, bottle of this medicine can , v�4dereli ',1 11. ,, - chums. A hog which .had "'garden � I "Please don't send heirt I Is not very far to the C,ourt. Ladyieforah." - pe e Veil ant. - , � I. L., . . � ,� into a vegetable I by chance � distill not like to come again It I give yet I forgot it," she brea I will see Lady Norah safely home.'t I th, to bring his head over his shoulder. — , . �t . ,., L., idid,not ottiv to luxOrlatO in telfish KEEP, CHILDREN WELL. you so much trouble! You wouldn't ."And "Thank you, sir." lea, with self-reproach. Make him Put his head on the Bramidgan-" Come home and take �7,,� , 8611.tudo, 'bui rushed away, aurOi in a ,��,­�i­ . send her if -it ,I wRre your daugh- "Well, then," solid Cyril, for thel "Oh, don't blame yourself," he ground, and if he makes any at- supper wid me, Flannigan." Flaunt- ,turned' with-' solluir PQr- short time ro It you want to keep your children ter," she added shyly. . two men still seemed shaken and con- said. "Why, the shock alone wall tempt to got up, pull hia head tip gan-"Shure, it's past yer supper- , , ��.��",,�,. L - which Charles " cine Pals. A ravel' hearty, rosy kind full of life during "Norah's rightl" exclaimed Lady fused, "if you are sure you and the enough to drive everything out of immediately. which will prevent him time now; yer wite,11 be as mad Ls a ,i;: , �. , , '. , L I IcqiJ at Hungerfcird used Dickens not the hot weather months, give them Ferndale. . "But, mind, we take you footman are uninjured, you had bet- your head. I think you have behav- from risIng. This will give him hatter, '!. Brunnigan-That's Jist �:�t�;", L , a dbg -4, , L , I rej�ijgrly­t�­ carry bones to an occasional dose Of B[LbY's Own at your word, and you are just to ter load t' 3 horses to the village and ed wonderfully." d thoroughly to understand that you but she can't lick the two of us." I—— " �-* ,-,,,�I- 1. . ­� ,� . L .�.Wtth.�6.ty,6k�ekn leg� Tablets. This medicine will Prc'cnt come to us as if you were our dau.gh- leave him here by the carriage until .H strange that )-on about I , OW "You ,It; once a horse realizes are master. I , I , -:`;,-, A striking instance of animal I . i-hringht forl'otliers wag Orion On the . all forms of stomach and bowel troublegi which carry off so many lit, ter. That'q -a bargain. ray child." "I'm witn3ss to it." said Lord you cli help to get it all it have been therel" she said. .,Y,,n , girl" he said; "but I'd better saw it an -or didn't you? I mean . . I k f -htl)" Vill 0 - - -"any your power over him, he'� . 0 pl� 1--- a dlsbm._-�Oits or pan most anything a horse can do. I with Lever's Dry 19oap a powder. It W1111 R, I I ,etapore. An tic ones during the hot summer, Ferndale. - take the horses back to liernuale as tile horses rs 00 rt will remove t grean* With the rog,4trom,LucknoW to Se Thel. both went to the carriage noon as possible. MY mistress will I "Yes, I was watching the owl, -and greatest ease. elopharit-train. was On a , or it will cure these troubles ' - f — .. ,,, town, when one of the big if they come on unexpectedly. it is and dy Ferndale seemed- as rho be terrible anxious it we're late, and oa%v it go swooping across the road No WONDER. �� i;, 4- tatter just the' medicine for hot weather held her in lick, arms and kissed her, fancy an accidfnt has happened- in frlont of them. ht % , ,, '' - � )arroe, and had the great- i they OUR QUERR QUERIST WANTS TO Ethel (to her dearest friend) -"I ­ - beasts went troubles, because it always does as if she could scarcely bring herself Which it has," I Would be startled, It" -the color led the poet, "why !" ,,, , est Idiffiri in keeping, up with the KNOW- put my foot in it so dreadfully when "Julial" yel Whats .. and can never do harm, as it to part with her, and the last Norah Cyril nodded, and taking all unve- i flashed into his face for a moment- Edwin proposed. I meant to say, don't you keep that kid quiet? - ,93eing this', 'the -, re�t. I ' and - lope from his pocket, wrote on the -it was rather strange my being '' I I . " i's guaranteed free from opiates saw of them they were standing arm What Is the gerA of a, German band? 'This is so suddenl' you know, but the matter with it?" , , hind bifik began witlf. hiii trunk , to harmful drugs. It is good for chil- in -arm on the steps waving their blank side in rather Blialty,characters I there." He Could not tell bar that What ca the rook to caw? I was so flustered that instead I ux- -I'm guru I don't know." replied . - 1, 0 1 for there was a funny feeling ill his he had returned to the spot where ,,I'm singing one of i�, � rAOV0 some of his suffering c I m, dren at every stage from birth On- hands at her - Can a 1911.9dow-lark about on the claimed, 'At lastlt " his patient wife: , "I"', .* pardon,j load. . � ward, and will promptly cure all Norah looked out at the night -the arm*. land? your tells, i . EYD-`� their minor ailments. Mrs. J. J. safe and un- I he had seen her in the afternoon, bies to tile little darling.'4 .�,", ",.,'.�,, : -DONIMY TOLD HIS TUI moon was rising, a great yellow orb, "Lady Norah is quite that he might drown of her- in the Who knows what the cross -cut saw? Signtila ol Danger. -Have yeii lost --+— � I , � I � Near . I � . - Mcli'arlane, Aubrey, Quo., sftvg�-"My above the hilltops -her whole being hurt, and will have reached the gloaming, and perhaps get a glimpse � your appetite? Have yolk ap,coated A VARYING IMPRESSION, .­ r or home, It � donkey on(% dis was troubled with colic until I thrilling like some sensitive musical Court before you get this. The � of her oil her way back to the Does hL window ever feel a pane tongue? Havo you any on 4 insant, lieva In the theory that ' could open the gate baby ' fettle in the niouth? Does your head ,,Do you be ,,-e.,,,': covered that he rid instrument, her heart malting food Of moon- At the eight of a hard mill -race? It no, � under coachman was not in any way to Court. " I'm rather .11�1 I L . 4j. tbd fio-lid in which be we$. grazing. gave him ,Babl,'s Own Tablets, a acho anti ahave yet' dizziness? , into the sun?" , I I I , I they promptly cured him. 'NOW when the influence of the lovable� couple fault. Cyril Burne." Ing about in the evening. I an' 80 While the lish-bulls out with might Your stow ch is out at order andl the earth Is faffilig till- �­­­1­111AIt­, with keeping - need inedicine. but you do not fjokuo -Sometimes," ainswored the ,,�I , ;elfishly content to ,himself, he he Is a little out of sorts, I give him she had just left. For a time she , He read this to the men, and they glad I happened to be there." and main, licine lie that. prefers alclinuils to u6satific man, ,,I believe It in the ' thim intgrOOtIng fact rncc I forget 11� � 11 luxurious car- touched their hats gratefully. .,so ant [-so winter I " �­ �" : dosd of Ta�lets, and they promptly learked back in the were we all," F.he And tho bout -tongue wags apace? mcd1cole most suffer, but under th :,j r fmmedlsltoi� called thres. frionds-4 a to "I iiumms,,�.,.Ia the . I d recalled their kindness to -Thank you, girl" said the coach- corrected herself. "What made I lie curn.tancon the wise man would pirocure .'�. �.. . were , a foal, and g, yearling -and ,S. bring him back to his astral health " rings an it".., I You can get the Tablets from "It's very good of you to down to a box of Parmelee's Vegetable Pill!) , . Pleid and for your her and forgot all else; but suddenly, man. horses stop?" she asked, innocently, Who does the tree -bough and speedily got himself In health.. &,rid -+— "!�. cortea thein train the druggist, or they will be sent by almost with a shock, she found that speak up for us, but you haven't "The carriage caught In the trunk strive to keep no. some distance along the'rowd, un�li, y rACMC COpLST EXCUIISIONS. Ifil­fact, the entire party wa's mot mail at 25 cents a box b writing her thoughts had strayed and that said that you risked your own life i of a tree and the near horse fell," Pray? i I �`T 'back by a farm-hand I . � The Dr. ,Williams Medicine CO., they wandered to some ore else, and 'stopping-- I he replied, simply. "The coachman Is drilling an awful bore'? . During Juno, July. August and 1�11 -,, "it turned Brockville, Ont. she found herself thinking of Cyril "Never mind that," said Cyril. , was not to blame; no one could have Call you mend with glue the break of to 3 Chicago rLad North , . ", �A,galrf, an Australian opossum, Burnet "There is no need to mention that;,hold them from the box," day? I EFFECTIVE IRONY. L SeP miter th' . : 1, . liyought to England as a pet, be- 1111 it seemed ungrateful to bpqtow a I'm all right. Here, let us drag some 1 "Poor men," she said. "You will Does a railway sleeper snore? Western Ity. will sell from Chicago' 1. ,,, to a 'dog in Like rldJeule, irony is often more round trip excursion tickets to Son : � � came greatly attached I single thought upon any 011ie but of the Wreck further out of the�be able to tell Lady Ferridalo how effective than argument, and ngolog Portland. � y Francisco, 1,06 A I 1�` t)ko' same house. , An opossum re- these two, and she tried to drive road," and he went to help them, it all happened, and that they were What makes the wagon -wheel so convey suggestions and Ideas intrian, Ore. (Lowls, & Clarke Exc�rslon), So- - u POISON IN ICE CREAM not to blame?" tired? terao and pithy manner, its W) I a, Vancouver at .., OlUblus a cat in. being Very I SSY him from her mind, but looking out but he stopped' suddenly, and his vcry , 'r ttle, Victori . �. , 6�er its toilet, and this particular - of the window she saw that they face grew momentarily pale. "Yes, it will be an excure for call- Ara teeth stuck lit with gurn? yq, "You can't always judIreQrl Obny(' alow rates. C cheap �, , ,, ;orrmpondinglY 1. ­ � %pocimen, after performing its own "Never mind," he said; "the foot- -ell curate i,ot be so ,who liv(vara In Canada. A BUSY DAY, ji BIRXWGNAX, were ascending the hill, on the other I Ing on Lady Ferndale." Can it Iligh Chui appearances; the man iota I` , ablutions used to wash the dog's side of which Lady Ferridate had man will gee that no one runs into a fares front all Po ,,�_, �. Ali, yes; you will like hor so hired? diamond Pin ma� be really weiulthy." sor- , ENGLA". i 11 Why is Jamaica rum? I .�..: I I holaii ilia muzzle.in' its little stopped to speak to him, and back it." Choice of routes, beat of train : 1. face, . . - much. " A gentleman, it was onco said, vice. favorable stopovers mad liberal 1. � 'I',," . and -carefully licuirtir it all With he came again. He took the one carriage lamp that You havol spont a hnppv nvP"1ng?* to never Inflicts pain. On which a Rates, folders and � , 11 I I paws' The Vospitals, Crowded pt Lady Ferndale's Was still burning and examined the a cut r's wit return limits. �- I I over. In this particulat instanee0f Would, he acce he asked, and his voice was subdued Is cloth sold cheap at remarks, "This to hard on the don- full Information ran bo obtained or I '�' , . friendship it mitY be that Siafferers From Baleful Invitation and leave Santleigh? How horses with a practised eye. by sympathy; the touch of her hand, sail? tistg." General Agent. . �,.-, anirlhal I . a "Not much damage done, wonderful from 11, ff.. Ilennett, � �, d pojiteness in It I � " Not a bad story is told of an aged 2 East Klrlg St., Toronto, Out. 31 . -, the dog's, patience an Penny lee. q ickly Lady Ferndale had tak n to "but the the sound of her voice was thrilling Can you drive a starboard tack? � . � I Sun- him? Yes, he was a gentleman, to say," he said, cheerfully, I, ... ltubmitting. to the process, rather For four hours on a recent I through him. tier very nearness to Aro bucket -shop keepers always pale? I rgyman who met a man loudly , though he rnighl . declaiming against foreign ml,smiow). 1 �4 � I . f�jfafi hurt its little friend's feelings day afternoon and evening the Bir- I t. only be an artist, sooner you and they are home, the him was casting a glamor over him, Unit you call O, pet bout -Jack? C 0 1� I I b.y� r6fuslitig, is quite aq fililtieworthy Ingham, England, hospitals were foor and unknown. If he left Sent- better. Cood-night." - go that it seemed almost impossible "Why," risked the objector, "doesn't Ted (nmillingly)-''You remind me , in c ICLVe ,low Is it a- heal then Of ark Old frWaLl of flilae " li"thol "'.4 . _leJ.glX she would, forba,ps, never see Then he went back to Norah. Alto to speak any.words than "I dyer lives to dye � the Church look after the at aid. I , ..�,-,.-,-:---..4jig�th&-Oposauln!A.anxiay-to�.49-,-wj4qk lairjiy-�-besioge(l,.--A.-constiLnt --strearn *aii­jnj-­-t-Jj� i 61i-glij '66oradd to had - obdy6d film sd implicitly' that --­ Indeed, I low . I l, � I 1C roglard�d . of vehicles kept ' arriving and tits- lifin a youl I love youl" When he clearly dyes to live? home?" "We do." Field the clergy_ (haughtily) � 1 � �. . ' as a kindly act, drive all the happiness out of her she seemed to have been motionless. "Ali, yes," said Nornh: there never Are there lots of plums lit a printer's man, quietly, and gavo the nita n a please?" I �Thls eapacity for AympathY and charging sick 'children. The little oached her -- �,-, � �L love of o7thers Iii sornotbing Of an ones came in cabs and tramears, in heart, and she leaned back and drew She looked up as he appr were such lovable people. noverl At plel give'? truct. . Nothing lank" ,.or,- ,,O�,i� � . so who Insist the shawl round her as if the night with a question on her lips, for she least," she sighed guilty, -I have Can no one an answer ''So far its you saw," sold cot �,ri,.:'l.,9,-r ", ­ .Argument, against tho portimbulattors and ambulances j had suddenly beconio cold. had heard nothing of the conversa- in- M,F,ur"o - 1, -to hiititd, ,,Ic ,� - �r - � ; :,i 1 thist itninutIA are guided by nothing Many of them were suffering fron 'rho carriage had reaphed the top tion between him and the men; but met so few people, and " never any set to a witness, "she was doing her w , war,X wh� hIl- 11-1. 1,fig­ ­ .. yaontn on �rlur i-%- ,-l'',, ,,,,,, r . , �. but ift6tilact,l, Another is found In Vi6lisut abdominal pains, and all d was going down on the simple "Well?" would not come. who were so kind to me. -----L-� ordinary houcehold duty -7" unover -7.. � !, IA " � '. ,. the , 01illineity of dumt� thinks fdr were afflicted With alarrhing sickness. of the 11111 ail ,,Kind to youl liow could they "I should say so--sh. won talk. I,, I it!", wn"ll, , ,,,,, , "" I :' help It?— .- - � r. the other side, and she Vent forward "It is all right." he said answer- i, round n 11 li,mal, �. ,. �. . Ajilik&ibellove, and ipldVt Wlio has At first it was fearcd�scnuei now at the gate upon which Ing the look. "Neither of"thern is HEART RIGHT Ing," wag the ironical reply. �� . 11 .. -d #eel, It kitten ' pretend that a dad deadly epidemic bad broken out to look rne had been sitting. when hurt and the horses seem very little The warmth, and something more -- ''Ile nover had but one genultne case ']'It(, Dilowlitil-r- I N­n,l, I ,I 1�0 '%';il ,;" . U t, a they' Cyril Du t has than warmth. the subdued passion in !r,i tits life," gold a lawyer of n. rival, lovo me vi.i ilumh af!­ I- Ili" "'r '', ­ � I o4rk. or. a reel of cotton is a mouse, but Inquiries ma f she saw something white flit from a the �orsj, barring the fright. I tits tone sent the blood to her face, When He Quit COffeO. ried?" al -I .1 My? Or a couple were all Patrons o an Italian - fee- art([ that Van when lie prusocuted Th,- )Iothe­ "--1 , I �� Aitit stolk, It foroetoll . , tree and cross the road. It was an been a wonderful escape. And van?" was silent for moment; LI to Insurancii Companies will not his studies." You will wit, (at... if,, I , h ti%"I I'' " : . , of ,lo&', fridulghig fd wo6k eoftilm't, diream vendor on the Parade. owl and its screech startled her a His eyes wandered over her alk,xious_ and she a , � g ,� rojiiiillhg, snapping, and yelping as it lit all 45 cases were attended by little. ly. then suddenly );he slopped intoire EL nian Nuffering from heart Ronio lawyers have had curt(nin ox. does or n,IL 60 11MV, 1- �` 1 "� e ;1141 I . "Loolt, there is a Wlow worm," she I)VJOUR� periencen of Ironical wills, Tlutro is rtud " I : I io 60 ddi.016t dal"11090 I . 'the doctors. In many instances the it seemed to have startled the "I have come off better even than exclaimed with girlish eagernpsA. it it d trouble. Tho reaflon is 0 --- ,. .1, .. I work of the medical inen had been horses a great deal, for she felt the the horses," she sold, "for I am not In a low voice, as If she feared to This is a serious matter to the the not unfamiliar case of tht- French v­­�,­ - 7,11" t - I I . I e0XXN0-0V�THV,0A%T,LE.11 made lighe by the intelligence of the erve, come to a standstill even frightened." husband or father who In soliCitous merchant who left a handsonar, legricy it It; Kn,mr, I . , , ", I � I I I Ainis- carriage sw startle it. not II, ell", 1-1111 ", h-,; ­ I I , , '. I I ThAt hoted obsotver Of anIMM life, Police, who had promptly adi for a -second, then rush forward so "And you can walk?" he asked. Ild ,�,otl ror the future of his dear ones Of to a lady who had refused t') illarry 11, rl,l,,,,,,, I , "" t, - , '.I � , . , ,�i I ­ )& 4.,, �jl, Bernbridge, -has recoedod tored emodes, without Waiting for "Yes," he said at oncit; ­wm . � years before, In grati- 'hum ' ' ' y "L 4 . . sharply ark to jerk her on to the front "Oh, yes." like to have, it'? I will ilet It for ten the hetirt trouble in cuuKed by hit" twenty ita.li- wit -1,11 -'It' 'Ili' "' �'. 1, I Z e "king -of -the- the doctor. With a smile she picked herself "I am afraid you will have to ail unexpected thing and can be vor tudo for hot- kindness in not taking , 1,,olhll,l ,or 11,,41 -t 1-1 " 11 ''' " ,XCitliag game of seat. " and he went forward andirilro P4,,v,o wittro-,ki rilry -111"', ,,""I" ­ . parents ancl frion-6 of the suflierera UP,Lbut the smile vanished and a walk to the Court," he said, relue- YO". it up. "There it iR,­ rected if taken in time and properly hlrn at hIa word. K1. -11-111 - "'w"11" 4 I oastfo'?, 14dulgdd lh,bY 00filil lambs , fully picked There Iq a good deal of pointed at ' '�' � ' beean ,in A 1" - , � ­., , ,,, 1, . i!,r. , to greatly excited, 411tidIVAting Vague alarm fall upon her as she tantly, "unless I leave you in charge the palm of treated. A man in ( - 'olorado writes: Such rr­,­-­1 111, t I-, ` �­"` 1 .014, Tjf� p4fturg hold been he said, holding it 11 lit. a � . . oriat �coljaoqucuces. There. Were a f n In Borne kind satire In such lr,)nicnl facetlap as the I c�r­l -it), di"'I"' I ;­ . covered with hears off seaweed, Uhd the w . saw the hedges and treed flying Past of th ootma and br gi his hand. "it is not so pretty an "I Wag n great cofTe,e drinher for " '1:,:I'ct,l1 (Ill. .r., o -t I. or I I, -, ll� . '. , 1, I , . III, 04 000 Or thd06 a, lix", took tip 10 noine noisy scones outside the hospi- the window at r40119 Paco. of conveyance from the vi logo; it is Its light, and even that vanisheq in many years, and was not aware Of following we are reiriltrided Y"ll -tti.,ko a.t1ting -I.- . r I I 11f,position, iinfl* d6fied gat., �onjors, In tal; and then an indignant crowd Has any one ever yet been able to not very far." I I /� . who . sure that It In not half suillou.". No, I ,%,,n I sa� Il"" . went off -lb. search of the inah quickly .., any other. See," slid lit, held it In the injurious effects of the hahit till can't buy a quart of gand, and tat ---- I 1, � 9.04do' ht , goiddoh 10111100, fa,Wds' describe ell tbb Phases by which an 'loll. no. no,"'she said, the full rays of the moon. I become a practical Invalid. suffer- I ­ Ilret t.v" I � � bad sold the lee cream. Ile beat a rogresseS to the final catsi can walk home quite easily, find A realdent lit n suburbiti district , .. (1�('J:" L � 1 it N ... "�" ' �' " - . . I � Uxe, -been,zio4tl playing "ttifth" df; which was cov6rao by accident p ward, so near that the Ing from heart trouble, indkgostlon wait as � in,pr,t I v�a I �, � 'UW6&4ffthdfXt91y hasty rotroat, d trobho? would not give you so much trouble She bent for that tied how his house bad fared ..I it I C, ,41i4.ai, ,f him milm, III v L �4j&qdutslv And Ila red -brown hair almost touched his unit nervousnenn to till exient during it folownforkin "Offi. badly." I" 1. 1,1� ,,%I?,. it ... i ,;� � , I thb, police. It was well that a god Norah know and resi nothing for the world." and he made me wretchei,illy miserable in (ol pI I thwigb , 1 r : as'ehildizil,. T11.6 doilettv tor .,&Ak- foro of cofk�tables was oil the scene, more until sho o*perlenead a jar. as -It would not give me trouble," UPS. His breath came fast, Y, WaN thp reply: ­rny Ogterri to the (in, I nol"t'. than Inoul In"'hol. ton .1, ill I I *�ly t,*L _ would - lie said, quietly. ,,But In nown flies Ill ov. 1v 11 . , � �l' 010016vol" *tkg, , ttrikin '-diplt- or thd witil certainly have tood still an a stone -but, all! how fix -if nral a nuinanie Io thoso who ly (fry place in It." lrn� I oo v , N'... 1-1 f'.0 I., 0, , ­ , . � if the wheels had tatiq)it upon some my sufferings "Wot'll I (to with this burgitir I ,,air lik, tho ro"I'lling "o,'l, ­ , , ,fleti by %, ttlifitrol wh,j(1j t1r6fosgor been handled "uglily, thing and felt this arriage away and apace, and the earl might hear of unlike a atone with that rest beat- witnessed , I WOMOV, Wt* vaptuirod "d Altut tip in " a r of tho Ice cl'earh has jail over- but sit she felt with it sho the accident, and be alarmed (in Ing heartl-and Norah, entirely at)- ''I rotitinut-d to drink Coffee. how- alarm, 11111-talit, it along?" asks I o1,,ath­-%%.fl, it,, r -it -1,11,1 col -Ill 1, touched ever. not nuspecting that I was the burglar number one Second burglar I .%vt-eier, cooki,i-i(a) (!"in"I" foIr . A, 04 1 % S=fTvdo : ap- -y01,; Olip it In the bag. ��. 1,1$4'jIttl0�dihJmjlk1 app6itted beol�, by tho ponce. It Is ble� was con�cloffs Of,,hearinjo audd-Wd your account." sorbod In the curious ini'lect, I � *610NY, 11ittleso, t6fid, -to If ghtforing ifig kopt in All. ft.dzen condition 'and stumping and soorting of thatright- 1,YeR, yes," she assented at once, it,with her forefinger. caugl, (.f mv ill-henl1h. ill . on We can , o­.� loo I—, chotraiing f," an*�Ih.m�� .1 I frotu. v4ftl$�914, *dragging 10 llmbfll� was hairtiled over to the analyst. ened horses �iAlftd the Voice of the -I will walk, please." 'I don't quite Mile it." she said, plying (or life Insurance, I won rel- got nometing for It.'' i in (nrt I,,- 4 Inuhl".q. but I won . eifter,'r it I* 4 hcjpjot�.J kind.'4f. *.ay- XCIi Cnt.,A�U Volt MUMS. coachman, tU , bound of another -you ,nuat take my si he drawing back her finger anti looking jectod ork account of tile trouble, —11 say he'q IliviLl' " � I I I I Tho, olyi0ver '.4ould "only W101WO I 1� 0 , I gold. up at him with a smile and a litth' with my heart. Then I becamp AT 'I'llf', FRONT DOOR. I -1 I 1� Plot, a time W condition of SOMO Voice. le fallitl it iihAlst belve been She put her hand on his arm, then folulnino shudder %thich he thought sl,rmetl I found that )vlaving off I Wq"rookR"-W-WW-W oir000loik� 0---7-9!1!""!TI5 M - - I of the children *as d*000dfirigly or It- It sli I ., I 1 I ! ! "!!'! !I!,.t "i " I I for drew back with a sudden co surely the most charming g4-sturp he coffee helped inn quickIlit, ao 1 041 it Weary UlIlle-Say, Lady, I in (iat " , . . I : I lool and but for the pruip t ineasurds only f - oment ,'.or so. h i J.ck r, and had ever imagined. "Net, I urn sure It nli!ogrether ant] having been ftt- hungry I don't know what to (Ia I I " . titLeil 1hfght holva had intal conso- without I ey 9 drop ed a I don't like it I � " I r, any appreclablWititervall she her Oy a a o SRI , -- ." and she laughm tractod by the advortisernorifn of - I '' flutnees, saw the ,uppermost door Of the aver- . --=l!tn=-1- - - he i Summer C01019 "N , /I I -­ - I — "Then good -live, glow%lOrlo ' I'la-tUnt r00d ClotTiT I began its UAV Mrs. 000oatt-\ery %% 11 1) )or younhouldcurnib vI4ntonco.'It ". ' "' ' " , " I ,�,, ,� . � I I i All ,the sufforets W&6 d1scitarged turned cartlagib Iftafthed OI- I said. ,,Pool- thing, I pity Moll"' hA "Tho ehanifil, in my condilion wan mail. walk around to the kitchen ..it ,at . ,A6 . .11 I latfirday night, felt a wants kt.rollg eM round list. an lie Iald It -on ithie, iind it was not long fill we'll give you something tit out only making Ft, lool mi.crable, " . froni the 1h6hpittlit on g dided, Inaudibly, rein rk , I but it 1. doing you harw- Taka * lt. r, `V , ip In tho 11 -d by her I' As completely cured. Weary Wilile-Dat's n ;surtv , I . bugh Mgt , 11,6MAItir: - under madleat The noixt momont sho No ,,, tile gross; "to be dislikir I wit . All mv all- long . .l,,,1t1. roAd, the it lr$ci ng r!o k-.� I � tte4fill tit their horneti, - or, "I dare nay he in lmmenQOIY I I , I as"m moritu vanished Ally diffemion vag wnik, lady, couldn't yer [land it Out , ., A­%tikI1jW f0itturio ,of thiti Intidoi and, looking', UP, Ilho mot lloved," gold Norall I 5hiloh's . f4iot that soma of thO little is fookilig Into here With ump Back a illy rortiorpd. my nervotioneqn here jist as welll" 4 tit nurnola eye "Ali. he didn't know when he lvaq "amplot( 9 " ; ,; 0 *#re Ildites Only ,JW6 y6fillil alarm ilifid,'4111�1411,V-116110 gotiletillog MrS EMULSION won't trAs a -well 00", he ralid flinalippilred, and, tranot important ,if --+- I Consumption P , - dIa. A 1hight bO 080 that , 06111 ift that MOMOnt It" back Walghto Aillifit? win It fnAk6 Norah moved forwnrd, ant] Inatine- a it. my heart steadied down and h,>- DR�Alt To JITS TIVAitt' it ha The Lung � I 1114 llgllr�l I a thott kS tells, but U fecdo toft boos tively laid her hand on hIA arm 1pintiti Cul -e Tonle I I fb6ught, Won the ." best lee eltesim brought t1ho blood'ilatintling to - , ame nortnal, and on a opirond ev- . It liable to hkVel all ladditilitAble of., ch -00k. � , , .� aminnilon f waq accepted bv the lIP4, "Will you have another lie " I agal 11. - "You seem verl � rtot. ,, . 1, At'"to- ' ot'l*hUtil" ' salt Itestif &eiKd bow 12 und to the other Infairtince votinparlY Quitting Coffoo untied flit, ratighboi h ""NO-;ftt iythink liot 'i this kw gwitse mews of It. She huff cropped rio - " fond of out- chicken." It lot I %ntaod 0 0"" 12. vear . , Apffi0fintly 66 IiAtitint d6VA Iftot I . . of him whirili she bild heen anti using Pontom worked Out rur, , detil 6 it dec3nIP ,of "ets ad bom commPtIom slide Co , flail t. "And why shouldn't I he" " re. mouay,r ol so . I r1ily ,ut61J,ebJldJ0A MY 111(ill ft. 01110' i "'Aft :014, �Mto- :�At, you elm Iteftilif respofflotc 0:aminfng tile Irlowwovin, and it. lvnq NOT110 Oven by 11o"t"T" qpoodPd Ruburbriuln, who had 1), Atoll 419�1':Jtd-. MIC-- W- C"dill-00 ot'Ottla I s'pitat Wtu� � 011l't _he #*JjJrtAejJ. t. . In ::aj 4� , . scm h O'01" I couched, Creek Mill) nvited to dinner. - when I can k, � I VUJ�A. Adinitted t6 th6 �0 - '-'k"s=&o, , lit. left nrm that clip now ,, sL kO&J 4& y"ll,gr Of ago, ho: 14:11ft hiat turt. Vint stlr6. . Therp'x n rourion nnd it Ig wxplikin I ' — �:: Ith tomtoo, I . Phe flavor of our flowert; in -...-- � I . 'a, U 6d L *OD011"t Out $8.061 Ali &VUWA. and lightly ns 6110 tOuchOrl I tvVt tile --- .1 - - ­ I.. I , . ,4. I r I 11 to e sef 4 fo,ovAlp hip fit to d It ....... (of in th'6 little hootc. "Tho Road t. . . I Piet" dorilt WC181t, AZU -- � (Olt a fultit chudder run through him Over 10. 3 I ,� I It, result ot hf*, i4mi0lo I otlikiftlit tot "'Plo"e, I d fro'abd 11W, and - - 11or hand Dow from hia arm, and.Woliville in each P00hage _ Y morcii ISSUE 1570. 3 5. I I � .#�"Yaeft 1194ANAK 1014(woull I I , - . . I � � I I � 1. , . I,, L� I I . 11 � I . I I I , , � I I L I . I , I 1. . I., I :- � " I I . � I I � - 1, I I I "I .. - � -­,�­­­­­­ . I - . � 11 I ", I .. 11 . 1 I I - . I . 'o, I , I � I . I . ­ . ". I 11 I I I , 1� 1 6 - ,.-, � I ,''I I t. I I 'I, I . . .. . . � I I I , I I I �, I - '. . I . , � I I . ` 1. kWi11L.­,ia,,�, , " , 1, .1 I " I .. . I i � . � I � " . " � i -, I I I I ,�, 11 I ) . f, . � I k, n4tkh � 11. I I . I I . I ..iA'. "'t, I , � I . I I' I 1. ,�r � - , y , - I 4.11,10 N I ft � 1. " -',� ,,­­ ,­ ­.- , �­ -- - ­­ - - - 411' I � --m-, . . , . . -r­11--N ­­ ... -, —.-- A%� ---I- -IV- -,o a - ,­­­­­ ,-.--- ­ "'. � , I - . . I I I - %&I - U. . - 777 I—— 1. � - � 1�,:. #1 IL IJ � -1 ---s-- --�­­- , 1* - ­--­ � (17­--�"`­ "'lia " It , 1�­, � 4 ---- ­ i--, - :,.--I-'- I sk - , J , ,; ,�,� I .1--.11 ­­­ - WA MA�­ ---. - . 11 - -7 � N- -- llz--4"-P--:�� A � I I � . I --- - ­­ I -1011 . ­ . ­­-, - ­��Z�; "I'll _ � -"'­ �. .� - . 14W --Qtk1­`­ 1�1­ 17-- ---%-., . . . I . Al".11.", �� -.­J,.11i1­'­, I . -,.S�i�,­ -14, �-y i --li-,ol..., ­­ ­ . i --11,111 ... 10'', f 14, , :,� � I I V I ,�,, ,�, � � 1,J I' � � t ,,� '� ,� '� t�fl, , , 'W" �'.,' 11T , t ,�� � _--p . -,: , , ­ � , ,,;; . ',�', ., 1, � ;i :;� � ��. ,� 1A, ;11 "'., "! �,� A Y � I ;I . I A "'. I � .. . � � t',.'l , �� R, I I ,etapore. An tic ones during the hot summer, Ferndale. - take the horses back to liernuale as tile horses rs 00 rt will remove t grean* With the rog,4trom,LucknoW to Se Thel. both went to the carriage noon as possible. MY mistress will I "Yes, I was watching the owl, -and greatest ease. elopharit-train. was On a , or it will cure these troubles ' - f — .. ,,, town, when one of the big if they come on unexpectedly. it is and dy Ferndale seemed- as rho be terrible anxious it we're late, and oa%v it go swooping across the road No WONDER. �� i;, 4- tatter just the' medicine for hot weather held her in lick, arms and kissed her, fancy an accidfnt has happened- in frlont of them. ht % , ,, '' - � )arroe, and had the great- i they OUR QUERR QUERIST WANTS TO Ethel (to her dearest friend) -"I ­ - beasts went troubles, because it always does as if she could scarcely bring herself Which it has," I Would be startled, It" -the color led the poet, "why !" ,,, , est Idiffiri in keeping, up with the KNOW- put my foot in it so dreadfully when "Julial" yel Whats .. and can never do harm, as it to part with her, and the last Norah Cyril nodded, and taking all unve- i flashed into his face for a moment- Edwin proposed. I meant to say, don't you keep that kid quiet? - ,93eing this', 'the -, re�t. I ' and - lope from his pocket, wrote on the -it was rather strange my being '' I I . " i's guaranteed free from opiates saw of them they were standing arm What Is the gerA of a, German band? 'This is so suddenl' you know, but the matter with it?" , , hind bifik began witlf. hiii trunk , to harmful drugs. It is good for chil- in -arm on the steps waving their blank side in rather Blialty,characters I there." He Could not tell bar that What ca the rook to caw? I was so flustered that instead I ux- -I'm guru I don't know." replied . - 1, 0 1 for there was a funny feeling ill his he had returned to the spot where ,,I'm singing one of i�, � rAOV0 some of his suffering c I m, dren at every stage from birth On- hands at her - Can a 1911.9dow-lark about on the claimed, 'At lastlt " his patient wife: , "I"', .* pardon,j load. . � ward, and will promptly cure all Norah looked out at the night -the arm*. land? your tells, i . EYD-`� their minor ailments. Mrs. J. J. safe and un- I he had seen her in the afternoon, bies to tile little darling.'4 .�,", ",.,'.�,, : -DONIMY TOLD HIS TUI moon was rising, a great yellow orb, "Lady Norah is quite that he might drown of her- in the Who knows what the cross -cut saw? Signtila ol Danger. -Have yeii lost --+— � I , � I � Near . I � . - Mcli'arlane, Aubrey, Quo., sftvg�-"My above the hilltops -her whole being hurt, and will have reached the gloaming, and perhaps get a glimpse � your appetite? Have yolk ap,coated A VARYING IMPRESSION, .­ r or home, It � donkey on(% dis was troubled with colic until I thrilling like some sensitive musical Court before you get this. The � of her oil her way back to the Does hL window ever feel a pane tongue? Havo you any on 4 insant, lieva In the theory that ' could open the gate baby ' fettle in the niouth? Does your head ,,Do you be ,,-e.,,,': covered that he rid instrument, her heart malting food Of moon- At the eight of a hard mill -race? It no, � under coachman was not in any way to Court. " I'm rather .11�1 I L . 4j. tbd fio-lid in which be we$. grazing. gave him ,Babl,'s Own Tablets, a acho anti ahave yet' dizziness? , into the sun?" , I I I , I they promptly cured him. 'NOW when the influence of the lovable� couple fault. Cyril Burne." Ing about in the evening. I an' 80 While the lish-bulls out with might Your stow ch is out at order andl the earth Is faffilig till- �­­­1­111AIt­, with keeping - need inedicine. but you do not fjokuo -Sometimes," ainswored the ,,�I , ;elfishly content to ,himself, he he Is a little out of sorts, I give him she had just left. For a time she , He read this to the men, and they glad I happened to be there." and main, licine lie that. prefers alclinuils to u6satific man, ,,I believe It in the ' thim intgrOOtIng fact rncc I forget 11� � 11 luxurious car- touched their hats gratefully. .,so ant [-so winter I " �­ �" : dosd of Ta�lets, and they promptly learked back in the were we all," F.he And tho bout -tongue wags apace? mcd1cole most suffer, but under th :,j r fmmedlsltoi� called thres. frionds-4 a to "I iiumms,,�.,.Ia the . I d recalled their kindness to -Thank you, girl" said the coach- corrected herself. "What made I lie curn.tancon the wise man would pirocure .'�. �.. . were , a foal, and g, yearling -and ,S. bring him back to his astral health " rings an it".., I You can get the Tablets from "It's very good of you to down to a box of Parmelee's Vegetable Pill!) , . Pleid and for your her and forgot all else; but suddenly, man. horses stop?" she asked, innocently, Who does the tree -bough and speedily got himself In health.. &,rid -+— "!�. cortea thein train the druggist, or they will be sent by almost with a shock, she found that speak up for us, but you haven't "The carriage caught In the trunk strive to keep no. some distance along the'rowd, un�li, y rACMC COpLST EXCUIISIONS. Ifil­fact, the entire party wa's mot mail at 25 cents a box b writing her thoughts had strayed and that said that you risked your own life i of a tree and the near horse fell," Pray? i I �`T 'back by a farm-hand I . � The Dr. ,Williams Medicine CO., they wandered to some ore else, and 'stopping-- I he replied, simply. "The coachman Is drilling an awful bore'? . During Juno, July. August and 1�11 -,, "it turned Brockville, Ont. she found herself thinking of Cyril "Never mind that," said Cyril. , was not to blame; no one could have Call you mend with glue the break of to 3 Chicago rLad North , . ", �A,galrf, an Australian opossum, Burnet "There is no need to mention that;,hold them from the box," day? I EFFECTIVE IRONY. L SeP miter th' . : 1, . liyought to England as a pet, be- 1111 it seemed ungrateful to bpqtow a I'm all right. Here, let us drag some 1 "Poor men," she said. "You will Does a railway sleeper snore? Western Ity. will sell from Chicago' 1. ,,, to a 'dog in Like rldJeule, irony is often more round trip excursion tickets to Son : � � came greatly attached I single thought upon any 011ie but of the Wreck further out of the�be able to tell Lady Ferridalo how effective than argument, and ngolog Portland. � y Francisco, 1,06 A I 1�` t)ko' same house. , An opossum re- these two, and she tried to drive road," and he went to help them, it all happened, and that they were What makes the wagon -wheel so convey suggestions and Ideas intrian, Ore. (Lowls, & Clarke Exc�rslon), So- - u POISON IN ICE CREAM not to blame?" tired? terao and pithy manner, its W) I a, Vancouver at .., OlUblus a cat in. being Very I SSY him from her mind, but looking out but he stopped' suddenly, and his vcry , 'r ttle, Victori . �. , 6�er its toilet, and this particular - of the window she saw that they face grew momentarily pale. "Yes, it will be an excure for call- Ara teeth stuck lit with gurn? yq, "You can't always judIreQrl Obny(' alow rates. C cheap �, , ,, ;orrmpondinglY 1. ­ � %pocimen, after performing its own "Never mind," he said; "the foot- -ell curate i,ot be so ,who liv(vara In Canada. A BUSY DAY, ji BIRXWGNAX, were ascending the hill, on the other I Ing on Lady Ferndale." Can it Iligh Chui appearances; the man iota I` , ablutions used to wash the dog's side of which Lady Ferridate had man will gee that no one runs into a fares front all Po ,,�_, �. Ali, yes; you will like hor so hired? diamond Pin ma� be really weiulthy." sor- , ENGLA". i 11 Why is Jamaica rum? I .�..: I I holaii ilia muzzle.in' its little stopped to speak to him, and back it." Choice of routes, beat of train : 1. face, . . - much. " A gentleman, it was onco said, vice. favorable stopovers mad liberal 1. � 'I',," . and -carefully licuirtir it all With he came again. He took the one carriage lamp that You havol spont a hnppv nvP"1ng?* to never Inflicts pain. On which a Rates, folders and � , 11 I I paws' The Vospitals, Crowded pt Lady Ferndale's Was still burning and examined the a cut r's wit return limits. �- I I over. In this particulat instanee0f Would, he acce he asked, and his voice was subdued Is cloth sold cheap at remarks, "This to hard on the don- full Information ran bo obtained or I '�' , . friendship it mitY be that Siafferers From Baleful Invitation and leave Santleigh? How horses with a practised eye. by sympathy; the touch of her hand, sail? tistg." General Agent. . �,.-, anirlhal I . a "Not much damage done, wonderful from 11, ff.. Ilennett, � �, d pojiteness in It I � " Not a bad story is told of an aged 2 East Klrlg St., Toronto, Out. 31 . -, the dog's, patience an Penny lee. q ickly Lady Ferndale had tak n to "but the the sound of her voice was thrilling Can you drive a starboard tack? � . � I Sun- him? Yes, he was a gentleman, to say," he said, cheerfully, I, ... ltubmitting. to the process, rather For four hours on a recent I through him. tier very nearness to Aro bucket -shop keepers always pale? I rgyman who met a man loudly , though he rnighl . declaiming against foreign ml,smiow). 1 �4 � I . f�jfafi hurt its little friend's feelings day afternoon and evening the Bir- I t. only be an artist, sooner you and they are home, the him was casting a glamor over him, Unit you call O, pet bout -Jack? C 0 1� I I b.y� r6fuslitig, is quite aq fililtieworthy Ingham, England, hospitals were foor and unknown. If he left Sent- better. Cood-night." - go that it seemed almost impossible "Why," risked the objector, "doesn't Ted (nmillingly)-''You remind me , in c ICLVe ,low Is it a- heal then Of ark Old frWaLl of flilae " li"thol "'.4 . _leJ.glX she would, forba,ps, never see Then he went back to Norah. Alto to speak any.words than "I dyer lives to dye � the Church look after the at aid. I , ..�,-,.-,-:---..4jig�th&-Oposauln!A.anxiay-to�.49-,-wj4qk lairjiy-�-besioge(l,.--A.-constiLnt --strearn *aii­jnj-­-t-Jj� i 61i-glij '66oradd to had - obdy6d film sd implicitly' that --­ Indeed, I low . I l, � I 1C roglard�d . of vehicles kept ' arriving and tits- lifin a youl I love youl" When he clearly dyes to live? home?" "We do." Field the clergy_ (haughtily) � 1 � �. . ' as a kindly act, drive all the happiness out of her she seemed to have been motionless. "Ali, yes," said Nornh: there never Are there lots of plums lit a printer's man, quietly, and gavo the nita n a please?" I �Thls eapacity for AympathY and charging sick 'children. The little oached her -- �,-, � �L love of o7thers Iii sornotbing Of an ones came in cabs and tramears, in heart, and she leaned back and drew She looked up as he appr were such lovable people. noverl At plel give'? truct. . Nothing lank" ,.or,- ,,O�,i� � . so who Insist the shawl round her as if the night with a question on her lips, for she least," she sighed guilty, -I have Can no one an answer ''So far its you saw," sold cot �,ri,.:'l.,9,-r ", ­ .Argument, against tho portimbulattors and ambulances j had suddenly beconio cold. had heard nothing of the conversa- in- M,F,ur"o - 1, -to hiititd, ,,Ic ,� - �r - � ; :,i 1 thist itninutIA are guided by nothing Many of them were suffering fron 'rho carriage had reaphed the top tion between him and the men; but met so few people, and " never any set to a witness, "she was doing her w , war,X wh� hIl- 11-1. 1,fig­ ­ .. yaontn on �rlur i-%- ,-l'',, ,,,,,, r . , �. but ift6tilact,l, Another is found In Vi6lisut abdominal pains, and all d was going down on the simple "Well?" would not come. who were so kind to me. -----L-� ordinary houcehold duty -7" unover -7.. � !, IA " � '. ,. the , 01illineity of dumt� thinks fdr were afflicted With alarrhing sickness. of the 11111 ail ,,Kind to youl liow could they "I should say so--sh. won talk. I,, I it!", wn"ll, , ,,,,, , "" I :' help It?— .- - � r. the other side, and she Vent forward "It is all right." he said answer- i, round n 11 li,mal, �. ,. �. . Ajilik&ibellove, and ipldVt Wlio has At first it was fearcd�scnuei now at the gate upon which Ing the look. "Neither of"thern is HEART RIGHT Ing," wag the ironical reply. �� . 11 .. -d #eel, It kitten ' pretend that a dad deadly epidemic bad broken out to look rne had been sitting. when hurt and the horses seem very little The warmth, and something more -- ''Ile nover had but one genultne case ']'It(, Dilowlitil-r- I N­n,l, I ,I 1�0 '%';il ,;" . U t, a they' Cyril Du t has than warmth. the subdued passion in !r,i tits life," gold a lawyer of n. rival, lovo me vi.i ilumh af!­ I- Ili" "'r '', ­ � I o4rk. or. a reel of cotton is a mouse, but Inquiries ma f she saw something white flit from a the �orsj, barring the fright. I tits tone sent the blood to her face, When He Quit COffeO. ried?" al -I .1 My? Or a couple were all Patrons o an Italian - fee- art([ that Van when lie prusocuted Th,- )Iothe­ "--1 , I �� Aitit stolk, It foroetoll . , tree and cross the road. It was an been a wonderful escape. And van?" was silent for moment; LI to Insurancii Companies will not his studies." You will wit, (at... if,, I , h ti%"I I'' " : . , of ,lo&', fridulghig fd wo6k eoftilm't, diream vendor on the Parade. owl and its screech startled her a His eyes wandered over her alk,xious_ and she a , � g ,� rojiiiillhg, snapping, and yelping as it lit all 45 cases were attended by little. ly. then suddenly );he slopped intoire EL nian Nuffering from heart Ronio lawyers have had curt(nin ox. does or n,IL 60 11MV, 1- �` 1 "� e ;1141 I . "Loolt, there is a Wlow worm," she I)VJOUR� periencen of Ironical wills, Tlutro is rtud " I : I io 60 ddi.016t dal"11090 I . 'the doctors. In many instances the it seemed to have startled the "I have come off better even than exclaimed with girlish eagernpsA. it it d trouble. Tho reaflon is 0 --- ,. .1, .. I work of the medical inen had been horses a great deal, for she felt the the horses," she sold, "for I am not In a low voice, as If she feared to This is a serious matter to the the not unfamiliar case of tht- French v­­�,­ - 7,11" t - I I . I e0XXN0-0V�THV,0A%T,LE.11 made lighe by the intelligence of the erve, come to a standstill even frightened." husband or father who In soliCitous merchant who left a handsonar, legricy it It; Kn,mr, I . , , ", I � I I I Ainis- carriage sw startle it. not II, ell", 1-1111 ", h-,; ­ I I , , '. I I ThAt hoted obsotver Of anIMM life, Police, who had promptly adi for a -second, then rush forward so "And you can walk?" he asked. Ild ,�,otl ror the future of his dear ones Of to a lady who had refused t') illarry 11, rl,l,,,,,,, I , "" t, - , '.I � , . , ,�i I ­ )& 4.,, �jl, Bernbridge, -has recoedod tored emodes, without Waiting for "Yes," he said at oncit; ­wm . � years before, In grati- 'hum ' ' ' y "L 4 . . sharply ark to jerk her on to the front "Oh, yes." like to have, it'? I will ilet It for ten the hetirt trouble in cuuKed by hit" twenty ita.li- wit -1,11 -'It' 'Ili' "' �'. 1, I Z e "king -of -the- the doctor. With a smile she picked herself "I am afraid you will have to ail unexpected thing and can be vor tudo for hot- kindness in not taking , 1,,olhll,l ,or 11,,41 -t 1-1 " 11 ''' " ,XCitliag game of seat. " and he went forward andirilro P4,,v,o wittro-,ki rilry -111"', ,,""I" ­ . parents ancl frion-6 of the suflierera UP,Lbut the smile vanished and a walk to the Court," he said, relue- YO". it up. "There it iR,­ rected if taken in time and properly hlrn at hIa word. K1. -11-111 - "'w"11" 4 I oastfo'?, 14dulgdd lh,bY 00filil lambs , fully picked There Iq a good deal of pointed at ' '�' � ' beean ,in A 1" - , � ­., , ,,, 1, . i!,r. , to greatly excited, 411tidIVAting Vague alarm fall upon her as she tantly, "unless I leave you in charge the palm of treated. A man in ( - 'olorado writes: Such rr­,­-­1 111, t I-, ` �­"` 1 .014, Tjf� p4fturg hold been he said, holding it 11 lit. a � . . oriat �coljaoqucuces. There. Were a f n In Borne kind satire In such lr,)nicnl facetlap as the I c�r­l -it), di"'I"' I ;­ . covered with hears off seaweed, Uhd the w . saw the hedges and treed flying Past of th ootma and br gi his hand. "it is not so pretty an "I Wag n great cofTe,e drinher for " '1:,:I'ct,l1 (Ill. .r., o -t I. or I I, -, ll� . '. , 1, I , . III, 04 000 Or thd06 a, lix", took tip 10 noine noisy scones outside the hospi- the window at r40119 Paco. of conveyance from the vi logo; it is Its light, and even that vanisheq in many years, and was not aware Of following we are reiriltrided Y"ll -tti.,ko a.t1ting -I.- . r I I 11f,position, iinfl* d6fied gat., �onjors, In tal; and then an indignant crowd Has any one ever yet been able to not very far." I I /� . who . sure that It In not half suillou.". No, I ,%,,n I sa� Il"" . went off -lb. search of the inah quickly .., any other. See," slid lit, held it In the injurious effects of the hahit till can't buy a quart of gand, and tat ---- I 1, � 9.04do' ht , goiddoh 10111100, fa,Wds' describe ell tbb Phases by which an 'loll. no. no,"'she said, the full rays of the moon. I become a practical Invalid. suffer- I ­ Ilret t.v" I � � bad sold the lee cream. Ile beat a rogresseS to the final catsi can walk home quite easily, find A realdent lit n suburbiti district , .. (1�('J:" L � 1 it N ... "�" ' �' " - . . I � Uxe, -been,zio4tl playing "ttifth" df; which was cov6rao by accident p ward, so near that the Ing from heart trouble, indkgostlon wait as � in,pr,t I v�a I �, � 'UW6&4ffthdfXt91y hasty rotroat, d trobho? would not give you so much trouble She bent for that tied how his house bad fared ..I it I C, ,41i4.ai, ,f him milm, III v L �4j&qdutslv And Ila red -brown hair almost touched his unit nervousnenn to till exient during it folownforkin "Offi. badly." I" 1. 1,1� ,,%I?,. it ... i ,;� � , I thb, police. It was well that a god Norah know and resi nothing for the world." and he made me wretchei,illy miserable in (ol pI I thwigb , 1 r : as'ehildizil,. T11.6 doilettv tor .,&Ak- foro of cofk�tables was oil the scene, more until sho o*perlenead a jar. as -It would not give me trouble," UPS. His breath came fast, Y, WaN thp reply: ­rny Ogterri to the (in, I nol"t'. than Inoul In"'hol. ton .1, ill I I *�ly t,*L _ would - lie said, quietly. ,,But In nown flies Ill ov. 1v 11 . , � �l' 010016vol" *tkg, , ttrikin '-diplt- or thd witil certainly have tood still an a stone -but, all! how fix -if nral a nuinanie Io thoso who ly (fry place in It." lrn� I oo v , N'... 1-1 f'.0 I., 0, , ­ , . � if the wheels had tatiq)it upon some my sufferings "Wot'll I (to with this burgitir I ,,air lik, tho ro"I'lling "o,'l, ­ , , ,fleti by %, ttlifitrol wh,j(1j t1r6fosgor been handled "uglily, thing and felt this arriage away and apace, and the earl might hear of unlike a atone with that rest beat- witnessed , I WOMOV, Wt* vaptuirod "d Altut tip in " a r of tho Ice cl'earh has jail over- but sit she felt with it sho the accident, and be alarmed (in Ing heartl-and Norah, entirely at)- ''I rotitinut-d to drink Coffee. how- alarm, 11111-talit, it along?" asks I o1,,ath­-%%.fl, it,, r -it -1,11,1 col -Ill 1, touched ever. not nuspecting that I was the burglar number one Second burglar I .%vt-eier, cooki,i-i(a) (!"in"I" foIr . A, 04 1 % S=fTvdo : ap- -y01,; Olip it In the bag. ��. 1,1$4'jIttl0�dihJmjlk1 app6itted beol�, by tho ponce. It Is ble� was con�cloffs Of,,hearinjo audd-Wd your account." sorbod In the curious ini'lect, I � *610NY, 11ittleso, t6fid, -to If ghtforing ifig kopt in All. ft.dzen condition 'and stumping and soorting of thatright- 1,YeR, yes," she assented at once, it,with her forefinger. caugl, (.f mv ill-henl1h. ill . on We can , o­.� loo I—, chotraiing f," an*�Ih.m�� .1 I frotu. v4ftl$�914, *dragging 10 llmbfll� was hairtiled over to the analyst. ened horses �iAlftd the Voice of the -I will walk, please." 'I don't quite Mile it." she said, plying (or life Insurance, I won rel- got nometing for It.'' i in (nrt I,,- 4 Inuhl".q. but I won . eifter,'r it I* 4 hcjpjot�.J kind.'4f. *.ay- XCIi Cnt.,A�U Volt MUMS. coachman, tU , bound of another -you ,nuat take my si he drawing back her finger anti looking jectod ork account of tile trouble, —11 say he'q IliviLl' " � I I I I Tho, olyi0ver '.4ould "only W101WO I 1� 0 , I gold. up at him with a smile and a litth' with my heart. Then I becamp AT 'I'llf', FRONT DOOR. I -1 I 1� Plot, a time W condition of SOMO Voice. le fallitl it iihAlst belve been She put her hand on his arm, then folulnino shudder %thich he thought sl,rmetl I found that )vlaving off I Wq"rookR"-W-WW-W oir000loik� 0---7-9!1!""!TI5 M - - I of the children *as d*000dfirigly or It- It sli I ., I 1 I ! ! "!!'! !I!,.t "i " I I for drew back with a sudden co surely the most charming g4-sturp he coffee helped inn quickIlit, ao 1 041 it Weary UlIlle-Say, Lady, I in (iat " , . . I : I lool and but for the pruip t ineasurds only f - oment ,'.or so. h i J.ck r, and had ever imagined. "Net, I urn sure It nli!ogrether ant] having been ftt- hungry I don't know what to (Ia I I " . titLeil 1hfght holva had intal conso- without I ey 9 drop ed a I don't like it I � " I r, any appreclablWititervall she her Oy a a o SRI , -- ." and she laughm tractod by the advortisernorifn of - I '' flutnees, saw the ,uppermost door Of the aver- . --=l!tn=-1- - - he i Summer C01019 "N , /I I -­ - I — "Then good -live, glow%lOrlo ' I'la-tUnt r00d ClotTiT I began its UAV Mrs. 000oatt-\ery %% 11 1) )or younhouldcurnib vI4ntonco.'It ". ' "' ' " , " I ,�,, ,� . � I I i All ,the sufforets W&6 d1scitarged turned cartlagib Iftafthed OI- I said. ,,Pool- thing, I pity Moll"' hA "Tho ehanifil, in my condilion wan mail. walk around to the kitchen ..it ,at . ,A6 . .11 I latfirday night, felt a wants kt.rollg eM round list. an lie Iald It -on ithie, iind it was not long fill we'll give you something tit out only making Ft, lool mi.crable, " . froni the 1h6hpittlit on g dided, Inaudibly, rein rk , I but it 1. doing you harw- Taka * lt. r, `V , ip In tho 11 -d by her I' As completely cured. Weary Wilile-Dat's n ;surtv , I . bugh Mgt , 11,6MAItir: - under madleat The noixt momont sho No ,,, tile gross; "to be dislikir I wit . All mv all- long . .l,,,1t1. roAd, the it lr$ci ng r!o k-.� I � tte4fill tit their horneti, - or, "I dare nay he in lmmenQOIY I I , I as"m moritu vanished Ally diffemion vag wnik, lady, couldn't yer [land it Out , ., A­%tikI1jW f0itturio ,of thiti Intidoi and, looking', UP, Ilho mot lloved," gold Norall I 5hiloh's . f4iot that soma of thO little is fookilig Into here With ump Back a illy rortiorpd. my nervotioneqn here jist as welll" 4 tit nurnola eye "Ali. he didn't know when he lvaq "amplot( 9 " ; ,; 0 *#re Ildites Only ,JW6 y6fillil alarm ilifid,'4111�1411,V-116110 gotiletillog MrS EMULSION won't trAs a -well 00", he ralid flinalippilred, and, tranot important ,if --+- I Consumption P , - dIa. A 1hight bO 080 that , 06111 ift that MOMOnt It" back Walghto Aillifit? win It fnAk6 Norah moved forwnrd, ant] Inatine- a it. my heart steadied down and h,>- DR�Alt To JITS TIVAitt' it ha The Lung � I 1114 llgllr�l I a thott kS tells, but U fecdo toft boos tively laid her hand on hIA arm 1pintiti Cul -e Tonle I I fb6ught, Won the ." best lee eltesim brought t1ho blood'ilatintling to - , ame nortnal, and on a opirond ev- . It liable to hkVel all ladditilitAble of., ch -00k. � , , .� aminnilon f waq accepted bv the lIP4, "Will you have another lie " I agal 11. - "You seem verl � rtot. ,, . 1, At'"to- ' ot'l*hUtil" ' salt Itestif &eiKd bow 12 und to the other Infairtince votinparlY Quitting Coffoo untied flit, ratighboi h ""NO-;ftt iythink liot 'i this kw gwitse mews of It. She huff cropped rio - " fond of out- chicken." It lot I %ntaod 0 0"" 12. vear . , Apffi0fintly 66 IiAtitint d6VA Iftot I . . of him whirili she bild heen anti using Pontom worked Out rur, , detil 6 it dec3nIP ,of "ets ad bom commPtIom slide Co , flail t. "And why shouldn't I he" " re. mouay,r ol so . I r1ily ,ut61J,ebJldJ0A MY 111(ill ft. 01110' i "'Aft :014, �Mto- :�At, you elm Iteftilif respofflotc 0:aminfng tile Irlowwovin, and it. lvnq NOT110 Oven by 11o"t"T" qpoodPd Ruburbriuln, who had 1), Atoll 419�1':Jtd-. MIC-- W- C"dill-00 ot'Ottla I s'pitat Wtu� � 011l't _he #*JjJrtAejJ. t. . In ::aj 4� , . scm h O'01" I couched, Creek Mill) nvited to dinner. - when I can k, � I VUJ�A. Adinitted t6 th6 �0 - '-'k"s=&o, , lit. left nrm that clip now ,, sL kO&J 4& y"ll,gr Of ago, ho: 14:11ft hiat turt. Vint stlr6. . Therp'x n rourion nnd it Ig wxplikin I ' — �:: Ith tomtoo, I . Phe flavor of our flowert; in -...-- � I . 'a, U 6d L *OD011"t Out $8.061 Ali &VUWA. and lightly ns 6110 tOuchOrl I tvVt tile --- .1 - - ­ I.. I , . ,4. I r I 11 to e sef 4 fo,ovAlp hip fit to d It ....... (of in th'6 little hootc. "Tho Road t. . . I Piet" dorilt WC181t, AZU -- � (Olt a fultit chudder run through him Over 10. 3 I ,� I It, result ot hf*, i4mi0lo I otlikiftlit tot "'Plo"e, I d fro'abd 11W, and - - 11or hand Dow from hia arm, and.Woliville in each P00hage _ Y morcii ISSUE 1570. 3 5. I I � .#�"Yaeft 1194ANAK 1014(woull I I , - . . I � � I I � 1. , . I,, L� I I . 11 � I . I I I , , � I I L I . I , I 1. . I., I :- � " I I . � I I � - 1, I I I "I .. - � -­,�­­­­­­ . I - . � 11 I ", I .. 11 . 1 I I - . I . 'o, I , I � I . I . ­ . ". I 11 I I I , 1� 1 6 - ,.-, � I ,''I I t. I I 'I, I . . .. . . � I I I , I I I �, I - '. . I . , � I I . ` 1. kWi11L.­,ia,,�, , " , 1, .1 I " I .. . I i � . � I � " . " � i -, I I I I ,�, 11 I ) . f, . � I k, n4tkh � 11. I I . I I . I ..iA'. "'t, I , � I . I I' I 1. ,�r � - , y , - I 4.11,10 N I ft � 1. " -',� ,,­­ ,­ ­.- , �­ -- - ­­ - - - 411' I � --m-, . . , . . -r­11--N ­­ ... -, —.-- A%� ---I- -IV- -,o a - ,­­­­­ ,-.--- ­ "'. � , I - . . I I I - %&I - U. . - 777 I—— 1. � - � 1�,:. #1 IL IJ � -1 ---s-- --�­­- , 1* - ­--­ � (17­--�"`­ "'lia " It , 1�­, � 4 ---- ­ i--, - :,.--I-'- I sk - , J , ,; ,�,� I .1--.11 ­­­ - WA MA�­ ---. - . 11 - -7 � N- -- llz--4"-P--:�� A � I I � . I --- - ­­ I -1011 . ­ . ­­-, - ­��Z�; "I'll _ � -"'­ �. .� - . 14W --Qtk1­`­ 1�1­ 17-- ---%-., . . . I . Al".11.", �� -.­J,.11i1­'­, I . -,.S�i�,­ -14, �-y i --li-,ol..., ­­ ­ . i --11,111 ... 10'', f 14, , :,� � I I V I ,�,, ,�, � � 1,J I' � � t ,,� '� ,� '� t�fl, , , 'W" �'.,'