HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-08-11, Page 5Y , I '"; 4" -. - - , - , I I . .. I . I . -- - '7�'4- , ,W'; . ki��� I - 7 , �tkll� 1Q61 , .., � - A. " ��; i t. 4 M"N't9ZA-all�­- -711�1-1 �, ,L�l 11'11­11'::­�� . . ,.%,',,-1 ­3,4­1�k, "..'' iT 191 " , . I -, 1 'ir"'A" . I - "' ,;-`T­/­l1 Ir !,:�..46 7 . I - '­. 7-1�"#4,. 9�fPli rl, . ,�. - - I ll , - . � 'F � - ,,, -- '14�'11' 1, 1, ; , ,� .!: ­�; , . 0 ., " , , " �� . _7171-7 lh­ 1-i1k-*.-d1r-21= ,w iit..I", ., .., �.' x,� ,wpm � - -, �, , - � i, . --- - ----- -1 - ­ . I I III , ,- 4."i� � ,.a -�� A �Ff - -, � � I . , 1, . ­ - ­ —­ I ­ - � I � ,T-.-- , ­­­ 7�� , �q 'f -1 , - . - --7--- --- . . "a 1. T, -- � — - - ­ - -- ­ b040110 — — I . I,_ .. I 1, .- I , I ��111 - I - . �. t I ,� �i -- � - 2=111=11 . - . 1. � ­ I & 1�' ­ Pam 4~ - ... - -- ­ - Y.'r, --- - . ,- � -�n " I �.L. , .da..d� is — �� .q . �, . Ifl . . "'�Pk q - - 04 - - --I 4 - -- - I '? I 11. . - I " , " 1".." I , " I . '1064� 1WT W me avow now* wwooft d ,;t: , � 1, . . , 4111111111111111111111111 4r4 . �1. -1-1 I I . ; I I �ft I I Sol*# bw*A wo Wild ka '"''w4p X0 qwo% ftast wwwo : NEW SUMMER 000D5 *m*mll � "I -, I 66. 0, R 0 � I a oftier "Oftirt, we -"W. &*wow I �jo� st . , r I . , I A' 060 umtki. : It 09 I'll 1. 17 PIW"- M." 0 - 147, .!. - -,- . IL 0 me awt *090 1900 UK, #K iE 11 -, ��- . �� . - - V a1w. X"140 P 11D I - I , I,;^ 1 1 % � go, 11110107 OWA" I ' ' I I . I . 31100FAKV. 4W 4111111111111111isompi m* ~ a sow *OR we pl*ft udbiscaftwens4o $�.— 141101111111111116 - . � '�, '' I ..,, 2:.".wom 1 4jj::ft1%*=j= 411000 1W md"d&U*"04 A.A.Afi.A I I , . . � L&g M."'Wrl V - 1 11W 111-1-l'..- 1. tA i 601104 *A 00006wft Clow" Coed 9$io&%%$ S" WO W I . I � . f 01well"Alim C104" ,*c 4304, $" , !!�!�*" ad". Ueda" -� . Cr aft With Royid sakft. I—; ......... I T"W"04 rr�%W"=?Wolo M16"ge I T T"bift XNAM V is" *446. Iar blai*. I 11 1111 i -.-.-- TAM A***;"" -iW1*"**(W*44*41 � 1 fto 1111144W 1 . I . I ... 41*..:.::- ""0444,400401610M*1044114"40*01"*00�- . I - I t4* Llsft� *tU*r A% "f � � I I I I . I:= I 0! I Ift ;!Wv dsv" CWWWAAW. � *.. . " � A4Vft 11 "*% wb"olmi* ., 614) - I , ;,`l I .� = ft ve.��Vooj =40 �n ............. ".. ­ 4k powda dM 14 " , ,.A .......... � l % ift* I r . . 004w M i 11 I- , .1. - -141 " , � r t .%" 4 SAM , , 11 - 'l I . I - 0 � JK ft�. ­ 4 : I . I � I $as . old4sbkmed way, I'll-, i;.-- . %; �0#00 , 14 I ""V%;V*^'Wl1 . '' I S r3s "jCK*,,40NTStA4%WUQ "OltIt 11 I II.W..."ll.... I - . ) I . 1, *01a " " "'P"M yellow. wook, Ivotly. , . - 4.11. ­.­ ... ::.: I . 11 �0, Awl I . . I I 11 1.4 . 00DOW"t .. *a- , I . �,,. - V01=0 SMV& 1^ *4 *40 it mm of wur ft"*WVW �, .... A%..0)k1.*.­­ , . s I . I I . I 11114 ilit , 11 Ill '�11%11!1�-111, I ­ -.--- - 1. . .,,A W *=A WA, 9 0A =.'" .W.. M.! t W. A " I 1r"...0 W... T, 241 With C .4.,� .......... -...'.."It I . I I . I !�I�� I . I , ". i . -- . � I I I—. �­ 11 � � I . , I T V 1"-*.-1­1�..A .... a.-'1110040 . I . � ", Ir" - Neu 4* Soft a and sodk or sala* " 0,00,0"tow'" ­" . . , � I ;1 � � VW040WINO I I I � I I I � I . I I �. , '! `Q . W140. evor.v i"4400004 I ,A,j-, 0Q1de1rlQl=j" *A . . .. I.! j WHOVWFATHER- � . � P*"4*"1M!:t k'!, I;w tior - Row 18 I I usd�Wgroavo#4A)M�,gali44� rA,, tus jmd sour tallk. ' I ­­ ­ ... , -- 1LERE I �, . . I J� . I . �� '� ,'� 1. 11.11 .1-A,-. �­­ , ­­�­­, .. . - � . "': I . 1 4* ,gr - 4" " of i jt �14 r filloft �t � �Pj$ 11jr- . . I I .g . " 414A 1 J. &NWkIx4 a 1p a tho , *JAW 11 � . "gulor W&WAS1.24W TAW* "Tail *00,AL-.?.'...t ....* $1 , , 0, jV*Wj0At& a h 00"t i I . . . I I , . 1. I t ) � . I I . . . . I , 1� . , I OW*I*i ,� ;, , 400,, J**At rolll~� Tomotilk , I I I o to - � , I , I Aorroplaolar Ith; ­ . � ''. � ?'' - TAWO Uno"s I 040 NOW with-fowe-uot $03s" "A ! pog�eow All �*VW0*. , , I � , no "ot,T- im I P �roq woor , . � . , 1 4 � q = =t 1." 2"==*0 "lot., ==.- I - � T, �, 110*4 I P. I � laso,ew INro " Avo, doublo damook tabiltag, , ;,u Royal HAW Nwo vow f"W"IM4401'rogult hv^#% NIK- - - � I I � "I J I I 11 � I *'= - , 31 00 W.PA Accept. � 1:::... , , 1, �... - -- - 11 * 0 W', , I , " . ­. r%'1It`y'750:Vabio'^"tW Yard.,-- ..r ............ . , " !2r. WWOW 04, 0 0 ", . ' ... . .. - -1 ­,�­ ---,-,---T--.-- : I 81%otbet : I � '0 I "I . I � p I . . I - . . I . I I Inon, 'r 'Witu""" 4" IM4 , Via W(WK, . I " i , - 04moot, 1##y " 'jjj� , ' , � - ,air I � 11 two-I'l0lat AAAW* , . . I I WA-000oil WIth. I& U% �o ftt I I �, . . � . 3 pteese r!:�:y pigsk-Tshlo U ­ dior Am most hj�hly 149TOODISM4. , oplt -he I . 'U,ap * IV* Attal DoubloilRatla- T* . "Oulaer Yaluea, 41.10'artid *l.?A, 4 psrT,04. - � $00 . 'L, ;�" - lnaitow:,of loar" the, , , " I I I I . I �� 14 ­ . . I twhe afth-10Z l, , -: ­*- riot twill'tQ ltoprtt a '111, mt %bli. � . I I . . - , % a 01 0. . � i I I : 1 . . . � 4 I refl:01W - jjjWjk'W lI*,.AAj*$agd . I IV I I -ta 1*, 140*4, r - PIRIDRAW Tho F 1(or ., ' I � 1. i ;. I I -.1 � . I., . And '00-0 &* to'be murrbit,e , b,y, T,"ate—Aw' ' A, I WIR Mother, N % k , � T. A] owols " I I I . . , ROM"t 0w4#At"~1v0,­ . ' ' , � , Utten T ' - 4 Z I , I . ,rul W,4 M, thalt Q ollog I I . . I � I � I � I 11 ,WIt6 Numologs Mill � J. A. ore* , I I I ll, I ­ � for . vs. a qb% � , � I �. . . . . � 11 . . co, orbiroo,oht- 11 el 01 I I I 'I . , Imply j ros Royal - No mere , reported t 4-,tvem , ,t"jjA;bq- t ,r � � Q nort Hqek Towels, sl�a M.-,^ - to 1 4 Own 9r, =9 11, , � � � "I I . qja I T4000, *U0 WA 0,14$- ulcmott -V Inow.; * 6"1wipt . Ini 1xis Wgotock w1g,be found 411 *Ight$ Of- i . .. k .. ,,, ,, �==I�%,*W.Oriftlsa"qb,gtesch,."�....,*."",. ", , PU M4 4 I , , , . 04* . . , - ' , I � I �. ! , I . , 'a" !r#vVM-#t,4kttIa -00� W I I I * , ROAUA no for* I I " . 01 thet eov I I . , ... �... . I - I , � to r -;rjo0'$t9,0" ,of vs - the 4ir t . I r , �. ,� t . roottiondoata,vitte -kte,o., ,,%U4 fio%ioroo t . Andkerewds , -, �­ � 1;. : . � y W. X9 I 0 ,O . �thq AeW 400W , � I I - � , . , , . 0oo4s, for all seasom of the year, and if I I I : � - 1. .11 � ll�slQ . . - , bell - I 4100#040tb() , , Ober bir"tWOM11114 , - . -'� I �" ar4 -is - s1w­4 , S "'UnINM, G== 9! ,q his' Agile, , . . t s U . 410�, church ,,Willi A*- � I '60 461100 W I I , . or "a 21, ; 114i , . troft tbOtAnte, fillotta him �. you, 16ave your ord�r at this� storo, you clan I I r I , . - (04 in: f" � "". ;0.*j, - witt tholv I . tw An# put* Itnobolostlici H . 6, , � r �. Posit Olt, all thol - i ,11� 00lultift *0 ObaluoUt jordVego,pf J$r. qt* . I vAP 0Mbtor...#-�,,0*-,A.4 ­.�ltll, , I ,, iq� 01".l'sfta 0 awki r , la, If , thf, ro"bod, 0 1tv". tit 404 olloo, have ! i , I .. 11. 00441rohboo0*0 . I I , I 0 , lig rngvlts loft in, 04h � -.1 41hp, 4444 Ono, of 0444'"W' ol!ftclkti� heona,botlootaltIm a rA 0-W I faitbf,411Y rely On the very best to be found I � I . I � , . 0, 1,! 11 � � ,, I -!00R..!.. I 0 !-, 04" " � , I ` IMA onmarrallit" ,; t r the, 0hurob 40(t I - '. . I I I �. ; I I ." ,. ­ ,, 1. I , , I I I 1 0, 140 " I . I I , " d� I .Oder -ito.��eitv�ro�"Ad , All 4, I I 1.11 � � . I .. . : , , . 1. . , ': RDO , ', 04,44. ibe. .14",4vap-ceremolly w4i= 140" 10A �sort of poo;la I" , #� , oVeoly. urott"bil"Ot ,� � thefood,, . ­ - . , , ,u in " An, y towni or city. , �.tasuplrls; , I � from O., .. IRS" .-Qo,, - fWA0lA0Ati',wst4v)i4e r4t the 41,00 for . 111W. A-cl . R" 0, il, ;1 U . I; 'riseg" . � I I I . , I wacow ,4&,- a � WqV*Vk44 W. AW16,0­ ""aiCt ", #, folt.,�"P' t� of W, 14re" 41th.1100k, thoreawtor , we- 1. 1. I I ."le - . � I " , , .$16 r IQr,, No., .o ,., $Qy"Valat , t, i"14 rottb#Otbo o ., Bookliso . 'i , I As _ . I . I I "I I I `W: �a�d,-,,�hol, .­ � . 'No , t t; I I . - 0 , � 1p�oi�e. Of "o ,.. , , 12- �. i - . 1.11, . . " , , � ". ­ I I r, - Ill" I , - b101"Wol � , I � .... . me=- � I � I 11 . . , .. I � p . ter 4'%t % pt* , , , gh 49mo dolan 104XI . Ittlitif Oil We aro at your service at 4%11 segsorts—it . � 1. . I . 1. � 01a 060 tot 194kot Wag 00601i'tt .- ,� for"WhIch. go Z .1 . 1VT ve 406 to . ", 4 - " . �ll­ . ­ ,� .1 � .. skillia'OntlooKI" "-' ".11 . one llomo 4o b a C40 IV O,F &Adr4 ... �� 4: I . � I I I I . I � - , I I I �.'­ I , , , � 2 040to - 0 I , . i . . . , , . � 11 . . r I I . , I ,! I I ''. I I � *4, - . . 'j,%. A r , 0,of� U144 �a,Vrk vo, wu - .. I I � .. � 'I 4 1 r ", ­#, 1 1. .11 ­ - ­ ---:., 4 400.104-4�T.6�� ­ , ". I 1. . . I I I I ­­ I I I . , , "M 4 roye . 84111 I .11 If . . .:, 0 �­, ' -1 0 'e. "It I 90twitbatkvitalthit -libb, we d , I -11 i I I " �. I 7, i: '!-,*, ,, - : , , �,:, , WQaA0AtvrOtbA0CIIiil0# to,'00" v 414 not twit, u's t t few days OK6, the " terb baluty? vaoderate,. delightful, or extreme 11 rl,, . , ��`rw T0W­,W1.Wp-,NC1L*, I ': 4r W�vect QW � I , , . r #'(* 1#Ad tow ilwol .11lellaive don't' matter whether the I . : � '-spollod . '' � . axo�041610,-tb % I . . br% . bit, vs P0.4hubt aVialitthw weather is hot I "ill the'000vic I tar,ri I ­ 114% 1 . 1. . I , A, , , ;, �,' �r � , " 11" , I :At #w 014 V1 7malactil, W-014 we , I . , � I*Wwwlk ogj� - 1, ., , . .,j.A$'fiP , � : *Wlh" r ,� 7' �r:raolhthj, 44 4' W f0i1in 14 ., j9 ,!, I a lvauitn'Ourb(i4t-11144'. 1. I I - i- .. * ' - � , , , A � 'rio": �'hx�yjlti ,,, �, I If, .. - - . I I , x. 11, ' ­ !,. I :1, 1, I,, , ­ .! , 4" I r -4 * o0age" W00Y of reproduction now, and r, " suqtk�,a, tillill wowe xud,ble."Ing coldr-with quality, weight, make, fit, style I � , rip-tyalri i�,. , : ,", .1 y �­ '. I � -% I wwotlart, at a. U"� Ov.0100 �1,644 9� . , � *,e . boA � ,. '. - - 11t AW6 r 'I, ,1 4`1 , � 'N _, , �r _ ­ ,� ,,. , '. , . �,`�' '� Caftk. Misi MVEWAtivall, a- ppointiA,to " 4 i� -1 . OWN .. I ... I , ; I . TO 0 Q# 0 'It 0 4'�.b# V44i,.0 i I , . � � - I would, QmAe over our, 110, Into out- . 1VA* wy, � I I I .11 1$' U 0-4d - I iV4.00414'WJ111, still, be ropA with I and �Tdce to suit oil forms of people �11 I : . i , � � � I � � Of-fte �pfropjfl � , �"-� , 3, - I X 4 1 t .. . ml� t 4�,,.urcl -.�.;� � I. . . "-111,-4 :1 , !� ,�e .1 .:, � s w44 litto - o.qv owraost that 11 ­ ,� , � ­�­ .. , . 4 ­ _j "" " � �", _ " "' 4 '�' . 1��,4 I" � :, .. , � , .1 . I 1� w - , , , , "­"; '.. � , ;,; l.!1,` ­,j;, 1 1 .::, i I 1 ­'­ -i , I I �b6�t�1,10RIal,�'$W.09,�molmt)"�,b . r,, 6 who tia well �Tl , and �':, ,� ­ .1 . ": .1 . - l . .. I -, I . �., , 1 4 1 ould , ftltvvor ,o : � . 4 ,rjH4 "O'Up i:, � �. ,�: ­. , . ,at , W*tsoo and, Q36 �ort .U�.errt obigtl� . . Y*laoro, Th*:Oliurcla prices a1way3 as right as the high quality ��� I ��� �r , , � , . 11 - 11 040010 0340, �, -'11 1, �� �n ,­ , . .1 . I I - "N"044 -i ogs V 6,01,4 . . : 'Emevi to b - pular of the Notho. ai�ods faltu I� her"It. ,, I$he �4%0 a croed , , 'i". � I . "'! '111.�,­.,�­ �:1111 . .. , �, � � . 't�p - , - '-`�.�. ,"",� 1�� ��'; I ", . . 4 art r. e ArIPIWI,* for 4vi'lucrome dtit cause in th , It " �­ I ^ - * I - , - - -- ­ I .. I , � s It-plat-ri9t, : ro.undqd on WO go ild her kreet ­ 11 11 , , Pali 0 1 . . L I , - said Z . "I ''I I 1--.,. ­­,7",�;:; " I", - I .. 1 4 -��4tb,t,�, , ;. - I .7 " 7 , I I -1 ­ -1' 'ib nest . . � 'I tio'n, t I V. tyliopentw4t son � 11 I r, �,j�gojt kk�j4:, .. , �'tllvo.* jdqg�, , " � � � I I �, . . "N , a�*A�49.#eildki itoi f of. goods and workmanship Will permit. ,, -, �� � ,� . �ho��,��r . .68 - . , ­oir , .� � . ­'. �. i'; , , I . . 411, th! 0 �014 hrylto 4=11rP40 other prim- � . I ... � : . i I I .1 ll`�',',;*�."0#410 -`� - ­,�, " 0i06oj1`*4,'or4e1 � 1,40 , � , 0 1 T .. 111� 11 I 00, , " I 1. . .#ry to"Irer, an , . or ", W40 Re. bhalvalf.m. Olth.phs ionoderlob"; 11y`,bs4v4 .... �� .1 1� -1 I sity�hylaw:i ,�surm*lowtq , and diku . of'uhvp. . I :10040149 Romoak"'O" "'', , -d�IgUtk,,�'4'0d�As'-00'1%P,�',�.Th�� '' pt,4, - ... -4 14�41' " t , xhti� . 1.� � - I ': ,I � '-, , , ­- '' . I � OMPAQ11. WIMN, ,�Odherantliau rIeta"of A rest r 1. 4 1 �, �. , , �,: torv� 4ad� tho-, W10004611 be, 4W. - in : . , , -1%0.%.-~ I I : �, "", ri , ; , "`-� 104 , ` 'I' , flualli I ,� � .1, �11- - I- ',. ', testo-Cli istlh6 " "' , I * I �­: , ;,,L, ,�,, , - '. I 1: I , � ­ � i, ­ I '� :,,,� , -`. *� I ., . Another !happy milast000 la",bje�a, oars: reasons or I)Qt bio 0 , fat 11 I � 11 , ". , ­ . I �- It n1ldrin(4 remon I !,� li M`0thfAf6VQhiir0bk- . L' 41 ;;cretat�. ,ioaioriied kb:6 'butimi � 1 S ms�y� peop 0 Are I , . . ,j ,, . , ;.� ' , .'�.,­­ .. I �l, � �. ­ �vla� . . to' tjmoto,"� th*' "Mo re "�t I I � . , f I W,�, � , , ally 0, -ato*for 1000 PA rd lowk,. Unit with th cligrob ona Win � Va !� � � - �� vi ge ;,P�4�,rto,-��qi�4i,wio,:Ma�too,*'ht�t �ap�. beglo, Its, 9 t'*40k,*1 i . il ' I I . I " � I I I Y, t, - , Y"�00#* 0.004"#omQot,010p� " -,; rocia'Zitally ll� tnetrabood '4, 4g � . gPilative I �' . I _ � ' - �Th 0. - "' " ��,*t'pc I C00,41, , , . , I . �004tqs dove - ,00,64 '410 'Aj Iplog h, fiq* ­ . � Z - - - reache4 R "y' 104" tp gooterrillor. (4, 11 I t% = I �. :, ) . t r� I � WIWI, "61 11,1� � � �i " � ,.�.,l 1 , - Q16WA600,;AJA titil. , �004 A,q ull or r,q81 '- .. IW,OQ obetit to w h slatletui her �, �1� 1, - 11 ' " L ,p A .1ji4 � ,qr , -`Q .i.. , this pl, tobty A 9.0i It'r-liltlilt"lotmq�114,0110qtur)Q�liti hot "lgivell, HAM, The Tailor , A",", � , ,, ,y to , � . rumotthatthe'Wei.*,ir millixig gralik '9A­­-'­*4gg00 Mo` ago of honor r , �. "". I �11 I I I I.... ,,, , � - . *** ,pokiw.0 of,00 -k.? 11 I ,0. q PRI D �:, � � ; � . � ,, . , . , I Wk ' 1 �4 1 ."pot , � , f . Model E . . filjrato . I � I L'Ic "� �­ -4 O,h mlfhc:*ft",��­#ie, - ipp 0- attain - -monfelpAigmilp'....."'... I .� I , , " I 11, - I i� �- " �, - " I � .� , L , �­ �:,� , , . , jW 0'�Proa - ildtottlit In tboTt'0JOCt CoUntT=jf1ftjtdrjtA!�fft# :,:: l, bring Mt,*o . ,�� � L , " c JAW40t i' ' ' , " �, z lot ** I % SWAQ for tIll" beautiful temirle Wal9b, n%on, ns%iel� � ; � %., " 1, d' , m , L � - ;-V,#�6g, I k1hts4otXTi*n I I I � � . , , �.� v - �- � %. , � � "I . , I � , , '"Wo'nit ;.,., he,,'W*,yo'0,tjj ­Ud-, 'L ' � I � , t rov the 11 r*1 th light of t 0 ble, W , 0 I -T 'in :�- , , 11 "' , ,`:1 -� . Th.' lto,*Olpooq�, of th�, a vl'�t� � or , ,-Vilshl�ij, W, .!A t 51,00 or 'I t - -- I I 1 .11, P, I , I I � ,4r . Qui6yow'st ,, � � 1 ,4 - , I h;n] ,., 1 , ulit*, i)owTA#A47nl0,, Pope , brotight-out .1 � ; I ... :::: :. .art have decided to s ' % i" n I L,,j'�'­ L � I � . '' . . , " , , 4 1 "a "Min . , � ship,of A W, . 411 , . I I - � iZi;ionl1ba� dour ..th % , jinjobtr 0 , Thlls'be opinion this great x�t':S*jjt.�balr% . - � , ' , ''1004 Objookhnrafro'i� Ooltrrs�,,T ompaba 4nal 1 Total ............... 40400, A otrpmelik" of oboTr',whIch n' . . � ,,'.,T 11 , , " ,. - i r 1, ,, . 0 1 . � .106,11 0 1 � - r"s..Apt, , " Vf I .1 I S,� ;: I �, I .. � . I . .., . . rtAN , " . -VQ bits all the machJuer , car?, ' . �,� . - I I % '44 ' ' - ,�,�� . P gT % 4 .1 I . . :� , . . jantAgo 4 at S11 It god- tjna� Uq -walt 4 4 111 � ... 0-1.1.".. ,, , , � ettle. Toaghoral . w I j ,, � , 1;,�' . . , ,uneil,ohnagd q.*M,00 wam,- 10 vo no . �, " ,.. 1�1 . " , , - , - , --- _&Oak In m a 0tkMV-' Is a earl. because hordootrlk .. ,�� .;-;­t,;,Lj, -, 'L , , r , fore propolAn - M.T:�::.:::. ­­:.." will,mako four o bh' ., joo.at* , "', '. ''j. i %0r%te=i1tA"1V'1 , 0101alt of tb'§, r mor -Po , RIM . Ottlime" " f had ter bulwarks eouird, ,& , IV, ��`� -, , .- I., ", , I �,,;,,. �, 04o , , , , ir ''up.. , U0141bitt-jbw mo ' 00 OSO4 09, She, Tioeds to iA. # 1 , 112,Poo r I 0 to It .0 - AT*mctW6,%U0* ,,,,tai�::.. Jake al'zil,rw , , PA ffion was ptl�maturpj head jtt,p)y botrag situall h1w -1. , ,� AMW 4. � - M . R rt (in her work, a a needs no Via �: - � 1 I ''11011 `6�W- �asi'.144��.jlo$l, �i'�"-G.4,`,'� I ­ is � , - I I �- N -11"i ­ * ��*'."Id;.­ '' t'r." Itr,14 �,10_ *'all Ommlf* vp, Ill 6iisl , . ELEGANT HOMESPUNS ,� :.,�`,*;�%'.'­�'� , . I ,A. .i "o," � S.P,-�oons "r, . ,, A30tNt'. Aorn',WW, Almawy- A0.1dalt M4 'jbylatw. A ter, motow, 00A n,.,., ...... at,44.;j.,.,:,­ 10 'labor w,bl6h will ado my owe, tin I I " � � t , , , Og"lA, , � � , ,I, G- .......... ,o 1,vow , - ' I , ... ''I , v so.�'cif*�Yfar. � I - I I to fookolA o - & I I I F, I " ,, 401v;tt Vitt? '11 M000011 WWOs", deold6d, to rate I . my , , I I I ��. " ,:�­Q"­ iolZ� W` *OdlittP` .� Are just the thing for this season of the year, and look handsome p, `,��, . I � � . . � 4 , " �46.14droai rt 2 , tlxo work of our, Olin h, tlle� eirtapst . I . , 11,� P Pr�,� i "40", nt to .'I 1 wo - I It U 11 and . 4 : ": 116 2 I hQP'th1%t` baterify. hen, A , regolling of our rain steps, tbo 4PI611' , on well-dressed people, Made-to-order, these Suits a I - � - I I . KA - 00'01-1'�' ',aiSP0010 06WW r Me RE " ­ " * ...... * ...... ...... " " I �' '1,:,Uoi6�'.)r , `,, V '40"Vo . I -6 r1i . �. I 11 - - 4 ''Tt"', 0 "' .41.9;, 0.001101% W nAtt0111a) t4 i t C. ., 2 nutgoeretl1with t a past, will preserve ,re dect I h � 1 oe�,!A vmoW .0t � �'l. �'� % I mitt*, W 0 pl,jr, t Sid wo thdit out- mlestoluirlea firp, X'i.l , I jj .1. � I ��, ' I � " .' illitto.e., Conn. VOK� Orxl?y 1�01ag tb6 Would, apt?,:wjtW`AjACh. op - Now WdW�:::',.::::'::::'.::::'. Zia %' , th0soje*eIvand that they may he an doing. t a laboi- of love th4t Is ( , '. ­ �, -10'rloii%, I � ,'� *W tabo*� , 4 , " 'o;� " "' I &t.A6, 1 h4lrri,� of the timiatatioaniubt C '. -- lne4qt tb� them to offor4od their our Hilworth Leagues and, Situdgy I .X �., . ,, �� .0 1�4�� 144Y�4,to..,tb� I " � "U. 't jt�. ­ . 1. a rQaQ , o' :�, .. , t6WnL - �g 1-1-�- .�, 9 "A rAtAff, long t tp, do;',� jo,wor .,.. . I '. � ju . . I .L '-' . 1- 11 I q,j . . I 40 M L 1� "I I... . fps ITOD �j4' V,,.L �, Arl" dth !')m4t4r" , . ­ A)p r)(9ratir t: _ eW'se the air t%k low in Price. Examine the goods, Our guarantee wit .!on and , I 1, I � , I , a M I'll 140QA �t ,i* � tr�. I I , Al ........ . � So . I - , .: Antilitnal itiisailk,]O,�,tbo,moek� ,thoo 4 ' 'Vs WO,idat� 4010ber Mk4d t: � . 00blill AlfW"Wh0tt'Isawyourbean.. schools e- �� I 11, -PI to Xe. UY414`03ittoii Was then tak , . . . the Influence for gobal.4halt Men's Smart Wear . �,', ­?-, . 'I" , , 1. mpen- , the ACCOMP . %11�1 11 C', 1 . ­ , . I ' , . ,so, On motion the Board decided. ta wok, Lifol, tow 4ar the first ti m1nourphas-mestings, kmaalrA ' l;`�� , 'L� , ' � 1�1,1� � �, 1 41, . , I Illation 1�w laitle2l, . ' 'Orid,� n me nearl,v Is sqc �., , vlaig dkaft, ep pp ' It , ­*�vdvtoin hat V Will 0 t, � as received while elk., . I bylaw tho, collect and place to Its � ,� .. ... � eL;�e6foing,�'.fAll;,�;akeditttbo',e I jlll.� I -A "' ' "I., . L �' ra'.th , 0, mtareflro; 9! iiL a: IWU',Ft;n,.gl'],d�04'w�'ILh,,the qba a made, oried . � I thirty. Years ago, to - are , �,::�, �t :�! ,., ­,. �". ­ , to peek out a home with MK� father. still the 7,000 who have not bQwj*.tba ! - �,`l�i� ", . ­­ I , 1, I I ,��,�; L �j'� � , �,,�-L I I ,',"lt . li,�' ", , 'I, , � r � , I -M" -,*, 11 , aP 6 -,,pB *41e tO,wn Tho public schools reopen Tuesday, little did I think that Olt y years knee to Baal or klased life lips. am 'to be in stock as Tug STAR is being printed. The prices will be as , ,,, I , �toal _ w" ; ; Rs I came We§twara our church is pot.de new W. 0. & R. Coat S rts Is here and these favorite Shirts are likely �i L A full line of Sta ftud-Hat-Weather Goods, The invoice of the . , .1 I A ." , .'� J." - �� p0soo, P45,69 No 1- as"',ftot ,to'bo. M" , 1:1 I— I' d * It ot-bla ess"ba,41% brulse ., lik hping 10"Aho bylaw, Oro atoo I, It, t , on o'guglit � a thp� ho if: lan , 0010tor. �' Null. - alra 11 ;�4L,`!":;:'�­�: Id", o., -, Xtsi �corlipl'oifon To"Mo"m �h - I I 11 7, I ­ '' .4 was V11 oil- - B n Thompson, Sept. tith, from th* date, 1. then a oor boy, ad to know thab we no it churchiptl I ''I'l ,,,, . 41LIV . ��; �. .,�,. ,ot 0 �'$ogr­ '_ ­. ., 'a od tdhiswoek,an t htl,dL �, I � I I - r; - " A �fjl �Pr6bal ; . I' w0ted, thq. . I low as possible. -,,�'C;1. , � I , , bly' t4k,s, �4( 1O.'"t I I I I , t the �- law he'read A first ". I 0, I . - ­­­' I -B;, a l6to, at . . L I without 11hopb and without ad In my VIP tl) .1 1, r4l 111 6N : 1'1��' �,- ": 'L "l'L , � I � cost him 40 to date. Referred ip olie Uwe.� Coon. Re' I , - Ilove In prayer, and ttilsis wherp , � , "I , r A I - ", �-, W11 . . 'L expressed strong _Q0 - . I I , ,,l 1. - I "' � 'L L � gormaittQ0.. . V A Warning tp Mothers. beark would he so honored In this strength is foon . There Is powof . I " ­, - *',�': �.""�,.,: ", �­" . opjeotlon totbe 30 Your term. 20 Yeata . � . - ,, - � ,, - " : ... 11, � I L i ", :;r�., .� wol.e.004L.growl I )rt; 'the pfleolluse 9f. WoLloot of boas at � Op n town. On that first visit to your town, enough at In the oict gas 01 to 00"vott . 41-ILOR and MUNIS I , � Ili, , 1- � . I I , . . ng to : Tbe,�Secrotwlyl jif. die,F[re Cq� asked ad th to juannot, be used with I noticed as I marched ground Its the War d, and if we as a alted korle I - I I ",fir _ Was 1611g, enough* and he, mov inch on, �,�-�"!';,I,i' .1 00, It W, .St mtllnted�r�iybs` � �. I , , 1­11;� - 11 it I, "00000 , x . W'"alvoi , addl. t4a!bYI4,w Va'sont-totbe Special earn- small oblIchen during the, hot weather 4 t ­ .REG. BLAOK FURNISHER. , �1�11,1..�-r � "',�;`,,,,�,�r,�;� , Mo 10 ol. bo,.e circle that Itt waQ nbither oblo nor would take' hold and -use tlXo diQ ne McLean's Block, East Side Square. 1- ­�,�. , - : . , L; tt r S T I 11 , ,;,.­"- ��.,��­ 'I being ,",,Itloe, . ", ; . , ' ' ( :M", L . 4l"4y it a these: I ":)� LL. , ' , ' j5g'� proyjat4 mIt.6*WIH,4wj% , 1. ., -j , r " ­ ad quate In 411 e4woo, Ito Fire COM. no One Seconded, the amand- bowel-troobles. As -a. "' only mark of.th workina, upon Its and am Spirit which Ohrlst has pot I I .11.11.11. . .� I otigo, beav I _,. _y jo,l, the pre�eoti poIly, not 11181ed to Some erbeaft6ing, of the sAunpier months to guard ftgala�st Square, but I remember now It It , t� -41, r 15 1 ,. ., 1:9 ­d-,br,',tbe r%l I "I . "". 11 �.t. r e , , , v n "I � ,�; 1, I �'L ", '' and':oaar. o$P'L , t% t I� rule it the powe� and energy of the ever, talbsoed .". ,,;, " �, I I I r, , d to It:' L - ment, tho rn(1tIor,%_ Was VotodL an And necessaitV to give the child a doge of tred oilt'll, -- I )"L�"' �; "�,­ ," 0­17*100 . -4 rr I viewed It: eluirrilaN I i,.!; "; ,�,,' I 5 ,,�.lt ca riedi Cohn. Reid* voting n&Y. bimtoe' 0 t 'correct any didol,der of orm and beauty on the world. what a irill laty work a - . I I I � " 1� , 1i � 11 �11�1, ol L11.1 ; N, . :'�#r% A r tf )i 0ondt4lePbaielt for ­ � 6 , �fth a6uth of, th , `* . . ,��,�,� 11 . 11 6 4 , the lip,wels. Do a 5 . !�,; ;', �� , " Z. ,,, . : I t Zd saw that [Den of love for doing good won a take Pines . I I il . , . , , �� .djLVIAj),0*_,4Vo " I 0 1 -�nj7,T,�'0"W'0,unjrQrMWjA 4 - -ny Substitute.- V,',� , , ��,,�,` �, 'i-;,;�,' ,:. 11 ", �,`�,�',i�;;;�,'. , I ds fl 1, -,: � .1plilogna , , a L at ot use a Til..�,�t.,',�', 'I'L ,:;, . , 0 toiby o4a,IPW.An,,6FSpeQIxI'poTp. , I but give the old-fashloned castor oil , -,,�l� - .�, .76 . � 4104 k, 09010tat"I L, atid'oiderod tq,,bQ published. mt.. : an- ,,, r,. I k . 4 aul -� 11 _�. ,41� �Vraaraha, The Trcasuroepj4qr�for Jul 'WORSELL . . � I'll .." I .. I �'­­ .,r-- ''. �L . , ed, .Wmch tend T11Q b 'in read i first time skill had beiiiii at work all those yea In out- midet, and eve tore thd, I ] ;h , trafilo., 0, D -andthijn ilomembering whatGodbu church would prosper I I)fjr on- J. H. ! ', -YAMW, Was the "a ��,!�;, "�i � .��: rj'e0bLAro,tjii d see that It to fresh, as rancid OR ad emlill , , 1,111, .L4 &­ all , otti, I y. -was oey agyIng In reply, fo, the mayor thitt nauseoft and. bas a-teirldency, to gel , , -'a � 1-111111�'� � � , , � �,� _. 13, ,­il I elavatd, r I. L ��� I , _ � "', "! I , ' i as the bylaw an, Cbaij�, am and Dlar,, fee, p" I L tlt,o,wol; -* -am - Wall. RECRIM. , , '. . . . I ," � ' 1 ' 0 -6�q tbaso,16the 4drith, read and Seat to Vi.�ando committee. the ld#a was to have It voted an at th If t4ja 4bes n9t.chool; the bowels.g Va Thee, or who- has grace so rich and Xgunt Zion. Moses had to go to tbo L , ,�!, � ij �Q 9 worked odt'in my life. I felt like sa�- deavors for'good, Just as we use thlw �. i�tlothqvl. ft same'tund - . 11 Flo' Ing. "Who Is'a pardoning God It 0 004 -given power will we come up to "' , IsIO'S04000, OL,Xq 'a Aud.11slawee frozar June . ... . ............. $ 07'37 Pa*WC--L--^-Pense. "a 0 at Choi .. desert before he was allowed to seethe OME REASU . , , I' .1 , , r Taxe&u.­ ..... v .1-11 .... I ...... I ... OD I . , . Wea an , i,;,'l I . ,� dfl.'-�SftutfW, 0 ask6 . I I rhaO Re 4 then a do.ge of cas- " '�,;, .� L ",I - 140 ................... 4 , 14#6 t6r, oil, and he disease may be check- , ". ,'. ... I � b, ,a i to bring ille-foe's Water ...­. A Z � i . Brethren. you have bagam It three great and Mighty woriders , I �­ - .L, Ops ­ i road, or 0, I ht I 9... � RTS 01? coxmilvalls. r .'ItQr,l , nc ""jL. 11 7, ­ t­fr� j0;Wbjbh . all danger a �, " �:,�, i .1 �. thA _ nse� L 0 ....... -:::*1*:::'.*:':' M,3 The W4tev tind L edLIft r lelplency I glorloija undertaking. Th9post which Gad permitted him to .see, Excellent Biikirig, quickly, ' , :. ", .1 ,::- .1 .:' - ightcommittee re- , I ,4110re , ' .1. 1. ' -,,,:� , 04 I to' I o 14, nt�, - (,, r) this'rew- h' �lj�.;L'_';, - ,"­ ,, �, I . Some 'Opposition. . ......... ... 1. ­ 423% couamoilded, that J. W, Shirley's avoided: Thle efistor m1p1d rM work ahead of you, and I wish to namely, the bush that burned as with - done with little fuel on the , 1�1 I'�., ..... ,,, �'..; 14.., :, �.. . . a drVIsiobal, tiolAVOn the Grand a 13 ,r , ......... � ........... 110M nPplication for electric light service be edY should he procured at one . ,.l - .. u le and BUY here that in order to bring it to a fire and was not consumed, the hand F �` ,. ­Tr� . atLaamparry a 1 rest thercon,.:.. .. I M 09 'e&dy for Instant use sa Anon nn beautiful Completion, you need In all that became I p af erw r - � j4-- , , ,,,�, .., . ''I �,,','. � ii,,� , L '"i'lie ffilifiefice, .pf th I n "... ':.: -2 gratited; S,2)L that Six electric mottles be kept 1 0 Pont, and t a als ays*reliable ,,,�.' � � � � 17 W alw I Lit . tow 66 purebai3e -, (3) -that. lights -asked for - A f "� L� ��� ' Vte,oin�g,k-i On the -one hatialf .1 0 I ,:�i ,�,vi�,, 0 0 0 0 , 1,, -1 1, 0 tbi4- first indication of any bowel trou- Your membership union of effort. no became as his other flesh, aml-Abe rod i� T� there'. re 0 U. " * :::::::*­.. bly- ble - If" i "i � ', , j �, - j �, . lrl ,, I Is agid,if this 0, F.-R.,brabeh. Is Wag . I . jiis-w - Rev. Fri McCrae be granted' ­(4) that This is the roost success. spirit of jealousy ill the work, but that became a serpent and afterwards � �1.1 ij � L i", " L " . -, - ,'� � 'tIlt-blijb4hat �V.ay, Steattilrd �wia t I applications of C. Demilla and A. M ,�*,; I . , " � AX ful =nt'kbown and may be re. everyone ready to do all they can. in became a rod again. So must we - . . . . l, ., " " I , � " I " " ": I ' 'It L- . PAYUNkT8. , " lied upon with implicit, confideno6eresveln order that you an resent t , , i� ":. 3­�i� �;' -:­ 1 Pa $ -inareage of wages be grantei , . of worshl ,ttr a t, If,pos- God, go forward doing j our duty to ,:,; �'. : , ,�4 ', other that tire Nevin for 13 house humbly,. In the name of the Son. of . " �",� 'L. . .1 iajjy.WaY,;4()titbaL fin 84larles ...... ... ... 2ca 65 a in cases of cholera intantum. F It a Xilr P, L ll� Lf4 I , I .. niijbt-lJosStratford.b ihs-Thd Stirnai.... .7.'.-.'...'.'.,.'..' 10 26' their F9 to be $1160 per week and biblej, on tEe 4ay4of dedication. , There God and man and clinging to the old Treasure ,1, � �-�,,� ,�,,� 4, " , "" ­ '. , , 1.1'1��!",'��,: � powbillky .to "aotly what happened Fire Dopa , . -SI3,50. Adopted. I .��, , I .1 l; I , ��, _rtment-- that o - Sthwe by Jas.. Wilson. �, ,,, 1l; I , �", � �",�', , . , 0.0 Lee supplies � - 11, ''ill � , L l"L ,t�o,: 6f e�rlopos. (it , G � turrittee recommended ---i-10— will be no danger of failure If there Is Standards of the cross. and so by this I " 'Wo", , 'I si�jlm NiM.7 ....... .. I 1, ThaMaeket,cot � �11.11 "i�, . W . - ". , L uellsit ,,with , .... ­:­ ,30,0 that unity Of purpose, Iffull of faith sign alone we Shall conquer. I .. ­�­ ,,� � � I " Tfi,4 I ,', ."; �.: � - I ,', 1.,. 4 "�' "j­ �,�� , 4 I 8L.Peop a .. that Mr. Ferguson be notified that his' , The first new Wheat at Mitchell ou are sure to succeed. The Brethren of this Methoallab church, . . 11" . . ilafet h4o''fa.lt , .(). P., It. -11 !", � ., , . 14 20 an hope Ranges 4 1 . I:,, k, I �. LLL ',;' . .of thlw*y thoi0t, ,theK had. 411 the Public Works - Me as market clerk will end in Octo- tested 57 lbs. to the bu hat. t an ciushing defeat and down- to forward In the name of the King of � , "."; 'l , , ,,'*� .. ,�- , " vallyo , W"- nit I �, - ,. . 0,,C. Lee. supplies .......... $ 153 L a IT I ­ , .46tti L needed er, and that some other arrangement "� '1�1 ��,' - P Ott. t ey j F�y roll ................ ,.... f-111elaof Russia today Is because She is ,,� I , " , I 11 �,,, - * witlit"the orand Trunk'44 �Ottl orea, -111-1.21-q W 28 then he made". Adopted, - Ings, He who by His word raised the 1. L; I V.,,, - . , %L; , - �- , �� :11 11 . . 'i, ,, . dMute-Public Library ........ $200 00 mvhe not united. ' 'Her men, ber captains Illars of the sky and formed #9 beau. I � . br�- —SOLD BY— L; Yi: ,',�l 1. �,��, , � W-046ii Rallwa,fs,, before 'they. arnal- Finance connanittee"recommend- 1%, I � I . I , ' "' , :1:1� ,. I - 1"O.toj and re7ged I 'U, Consider a 0. .A- Nairn. Band., - 100 M ad 13411tent Oftbe accounts referred and her admirals are ,not of one mind, leous arch will enable you to domplete I i � ,,� , L �,`� � ij ., J` �. . . - A 00 CASTOR I A and heart, and so noble Japan, with this beautiful house of the Lord, so �, ,��L '" 1 � - . . .00"s to tho bredl I v , y larej. now 0harlty-W. Uo, Coal 0 .......... ..... 36S at a formal- Meeting. Adopted. I I :;­ I � f - �, ths�Q'P P ',,I , � � "., '1-T . �,,, �1,it� 0 ", 'L 'Its lot ... ..... I ...... I... 12600 The clerk read his repart of the cosb . � . . " , .� ;4, -' , ... G06. ,42130, -a- InterestCoUpda,.... FOr "Uts and Clifideen. her united arf% jille4 mith the spirit that you may better worship Him who I � L : ',;I' .j � , , .:. . of patriotrbur a d love of home and bas said, I will be your God a d y �1 ,:. , ". "' L " Bills Payable. Bank of Montreal ...... 17SM 00 and measurements of the granolithic n , a ­, t- , MO r Ill 1. 10" �'. L 2:' 7L," ��: ��­' ,. . L,",,,.. thi-earened to"Millk Oer grass lnteraqt� ...... 1483 country, has defeated the Northern Shall be MY people. Dear friends of F �.. _ L, _ , ur'atreL 1111,"' "I , ' L � . Vro. ,on:o i 4t!j,b The Kind You Have Always Bought ' 2�.:, - ,,,�, -. : , . U L the line ;ng US the Waterworks Maintenance- - - IT, -sidewalk petitioned for on Cumbria ear'in-every battle. The church con. the North street Methodist church, I Y 'I', I ,.i, � l IT I" �, Y gi .� ,�'. ­ �L'�­� ,.�i,�,� 1, , %oli, y# ,and, built ten miles to P%r I L Road, and this being adopted,, he was Bears the not succeed without that, lofty dmbl- the work which you have assigned me .,:�L , , "L,., �, " L ' ' Ayres. oo-.-.,.-."' . Js He WORSELL t 111 I".......... q1 ...... . 4013 ,L, � 1: ,� .,, ; , ' , t 011tdut.h,oif us. Itis, true, his pro- CH U0, supplies .......... Is I . authorized to advertise for the eon- Signature of. tion, nantely. her beat efforts foil loans . ,�,:�; . �, , - V N I `:" -L" 'L dra "Was,not failliled.t as W do has been done with cheerfulness, � ,�� i", L I L . I . = a=� r4; - 1 7 L -- . I I r M � I I , I . ­­� I", " .1 , 11 - ; I I I... 00 � obliner of Guelph, yet, I it regards * * , 19679 struction of the Work In the two local 1� �'. ; `L,�bi - L , , . jh6j L at a few Electric Llght� Mainten ance- papers &hd the Contract Record. 4. *. 4 �-- 0"brist. and I must thank ynu once more foil GODr;RICH, ONTARIO I q I %! 11� -'� - L I Yeiiill", Wet,damo, to think connectiob � . We need today men who are ready the high honor conferred u n me. `j � ,:1, r Pay . 64 The� Council then itdjQurned. The man with the largest stock of Staves In Huron County. ­ "I ., �­ , I . - .1 %Alto road so, essential to our pro, 11150 . r The Winglasm Times says: . !,� ..". ,,,,-�,,, L'. - - W I tjt], T=&'il, -.t64iil;W. .: -. -::::::"`O1l to make sacrifices and carry burdens, and I sincerely pray' that tt'lla now -, 1, , : . — . , I � "I. that we built, the fifteen mile Publioschools .......................... fin 00 W, V- no room for idlers in the church, we temple of God may he the birthplace - --- - — I r T"', � . junotjoil, f ht. capiw- Vanstone hiW received tWo car loads can all do something In this great of ma souls born Intotthe kingdom - , I ��, � 1`1 I , . a!' G A. MOM, supplies ......... $8 oa; of the -wheat saved from the Goderich work. We need the rich men with of the on of God. . � I-, "?, ii, � , CraeriN '� not Lt a cost Mectrio 1� �, r � , of 6enrlj $2^ fQ I the city. under IL 9. Pringle. * . ..... L " 95 60 1 , , the j I L �;t, L , 103 56 ALWAYS 8 CK elevator, and.will use part of It for their power,'to give princely, gifts, but n I . ,,, . - go. — I I 9 f4 -9k--AC-jL-,2r- ..?:. , i�6soarb Arrogement with the , , feealln purposes, and will sell a we need everyone to do their part. Vv-�--- ., 4.", ., 4�, i !, 1 " , . ", tot" ALV-- . ��', " � -A.�-.-P,R- ­la,,o�,eratiou '%.v the Water Works Capital- ntF . ty . ': � � I . %,,.a of it. Drayman Gray had The rich man can bring gold from the , � L�L. "t4billar OY4 1 CONSTAN LYTIRO t 1 - � , , , .. 2dorrjson,�bm, sruppilos ...... sn 92 , Ti � . 1, I � - 11, I . I . 0, C. Lee .... L..... . 4521 . I contract of dellverin the whealf . ;­ I- , I , SL1%rjry1ja, IS' Oak RNW Jim :.: :::::: mines, the poor man can bring cedar , . � M I I . f0r'$851M tq . Vrt tott ...... . 300 . I from the care to .McGregor's chopping from the forest, the widow can give .k4ho praiposed W branch there W Anstay, servicesi, ......... 300al mill and t(vo of the dray loads are ", as" - Va 1). Wwras ........ ......... 200 Nerves on edge, Appetite Poor, Sleelp her nitte, ,and L the widow's son can �fr,60 $trattoffl# and jualging by ilre I 109 is . said' to have been the two -largest Carey the arch alone to complete the �:i 40itft mithifeiteal ; b N Ilaron'ind Bruce, deposit ..... ...... iW5 6o . thdf6,,j,6,0 y Anding' men Mimeellan6bus- Dlsturbed-Vou Need . loads of grain ever delivered in Wing' Temple. I _&LyoAVor.tWoj)aSt to got . ' ";,(­ ' 13.., Th. grain wasput into bags. a History tells us that the L�,'��". Qeo, Pbrta% Aup. and tal .... $21 4Q " L'' Caly this . rry, of Xerxes on one occasion gave , _ 0. Z'R. connection, It Is It Town Clor , ox "ON - , " N W One load weighed 5 tons and 1425 the. an h shout of triumph that the very �� *111 be oo,rrl�j by the ratepayers "'i IIIK61, gervico.-I . I 00 ' �` , ,�, , I sumi� osop Kidd ..... r . - I..... : , 40 Ferrozone. or 190 bushels and 25 Pounds and the birds of the air fell to the ground. and -�% ,� . � . - ­ .. .. '.., - lof-i at town � I .. . .. I In ... : .. ..... -60 other 5 tons and 870 pounag, Or 172 If such wonders can be accomplished 1, " ," � ,. - . Bill) .another feeder for the Guelph- . C , ro im ng deed.. 2 OU bushels and 50 pounds, ''. Qodsrf­�fi line IS now . i 8 by an army of united men, what should j � ., i I '$ ' . '-Wj:: ' ' "The henrilt I 'derived from Ferro - I � " I under codsidera- i li VbIll ' I 00 the great Methodist church do, when " �: L ciolj,�,; to IS Proposed �o extend ,the . zone," Writes Mr. At. P. Whitehead, A SAFE RAILWAY. we think of heal noble history, coming i,�, . � olad�ila rallway,.syste as r .. ... .... 10 OD 7686 from Moncton, "is reall marvellous. L L �i; :� LL L Wit ,,an from Berlin Cash to b4larlde--on haod:::: .. �%l 183 For t*o years I didn't! ave one day's Into existence a little over 150 years I and Waterloo northward to connect an bank s, �l Speed, comfort and punctuality are I L h- the -L 11pe. Bo,th- 84 freedom from nervous headache and of but little value without safety, ago ". . I ­ , towns voW a 678 InIde with only a few followers, but .1 ­ 11 I �; , --etr L f $10 0-00 emWoome time ago pains In the back and side. I call- Trains on the Lake Shore Rail r the direction of the Spirit of - -'i:.: I I — way are God. John Wesley organized first 11 f 4 lbi4ohq , and Itueompeti- � Total ...... .......... t2i$si -4V guarded by every device that human o�' ;;�,� 11 t ­ I �, , . Mt suited doctors In Montreal, but wasn't - �� , COMMU&CAT10103. Ono olass. nod this God-given agency I �: �: " � I 00,69", xelt�., Would he -it boon to L . b6lPed. I used Ferrozone. and am ,kill can produce, and the traveler over . f- ., .. - ­ _ Worked amid the difficulties said op- .:.," �' - 't t , .: hitrd was in Bet -Ito on The Collegiate Institute board asked blid to Say MY heal th Is better today this'routo goes on his way entirely �psition of that age oftlersecution. , L' . . �!,111 I at for an appropriation Of $28M fop iobool 9than fat- weigh ten wltboutfe.%rofLpossibledisa,st�pr. Eve L ! std 'had a- wricietth with L' ;j"s, ! .'i �,j,' --, LL ,)f purposes, the County Clerk notiflod' pounds Mo= =ndifeel strong. point that makes for perfect travel oat as MOSCOW an Waterloo, and '-�i �- � :�, to' W the Twintity to 71, I I ,. L - -the. Island -of Stl� Helona-ean,tell pi - , � I " - - � ,,t'ha"&e.OoUnt,YL-Mte,WILS"$'IM,I,D & 'er.­ FerrO20119 -is the 1506t tbrffl6r�Vei -giverr--careful'und col'al""t attdollf)af, failure and defeat and downiall'of old , , 1-11, '. �It " L . . l $ .... , ,l; I f I -the clerk added that the mno;161"Ar used." and every pet -son who places a value "I'. iLl . . -, 1 I 1� thq ppin e ,; � 1. 11 L, 1, b, M, ' hY I no Napoleon'. so cAn British Methodism, 00' 0 jSL Public itnal Separate schools would also t on his life or comfort sees that tile Arberican Methodism, Canadian Moth- "',` �� , 0 '. from Berth) Mrs. Duncan W. Dunham, of Par , tieket reads "Via Buffalo and the Lake il i4 juld, "Sikatfoid will t lrded'ttl be co�stdered. The Finance land. writes : "Last winter I ,; odism. world wide Methodism and , .1 'tiry` Something 'committeo,will wrestle witlithealues. tacked by neural vas At' Shore Railway." . � - . thelil'WSYL Whid - la"Whul otherwijb go gia and was run down Godorlch Methodism, Wit of the site- �,;,-, , tion, 'I Where will the money come to health. I usea all sorts oftnedicineq. ceases, victories and achievements In "Ll, . 1. "il6oih W Goolph And Toyonto, it from po, - — i i , 4: , I W, 1, - "Z U . . � Do You I . . Know iL I , 'e -1=11-1k) � 9 � . - I What it I I- 1* I'. I sf , --�' � �J, *"., '' . -- .,� I - Means..' ­ ,AMPo`,,` " .� - 4�1 . W, �� ..- C. I - , to have Shoes which feel I � ,��! �� : ',11,d.� I i ;rii;. �,,� "��, . , " I perfectly comfortable the I -1 � . , 7 first time youwear� them, ,��i" ..,� " ", . � , I and yet fit perfectly? - I 4 :�li,111' �, ,�.- I I :� % Most people eye new I ; 11, 1 / Shoes with apprehension . .',V­�4- ;,J, I L, ­ � I . - -4- "" �' and suipiclon. They look 11 �,�% �:. , I 1. � - Ili . pretty, but they hate to break them in. I . 4 �� �', � t­j� ", ,J� , % I 4 k I Our customers don't feel that way, Their Shoes 1. I jv.,, �1 .., never trouble them. They are made to fit your feet and �� I 11:,,� i � "'I 'i. I . they do It, and besides, they are stylish and low priced I 11 � . � . I , 1; ,.1. ',, W L Me"9 Oro) nettle for hew road, - put found frorrmono the best. it At the morning service In Trinity winning souls Into the Kingdom of I � I ­ - . "I I I � L And thillf Will hilo the receipts 6f the A letter team Peter Ryan. on behrilf btvtlght back my appetite and has church, Blyth, Rev. J. Edmond*; an- God. thVOU h the agency of John --- -- �- � -- -- ­ -- ­- �� - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY=�� - - � � I , ;� � �i , Guelo'k ,'� -- ---­ ..­ ,- ��,'�,� ��;� , , ,yallibtic" part_ Of it, in *blab ot thp roposed GAS Co., asked the made me strong, so that I don't ex- trounced to the congregation that he Wesley. . are living today In The ' � v �' '. I ihisiaty b" ao,laiKo a flaaancial later. subtalisa Pn of their treat for U ,SO- pact to be bothered with neuralgia or had accepted the rectorship of the sunlight of. the Gascl, where we can - 1 - , .� . , , , , , � ­ . " 8 I . ,,, :�� I I , '' . ... . �, I . of the�electom weak spella again." I z, , : i"t l. I car fruachlaie to a vz f � l , i - " . . at Delhi which, had been all how bellere the )rd of Hosts and Fall Tevrn Opens Sept. i=1.1 � ,,� ,, , . . . 11,11 . ,� ar's . ) L r , ­ and -oat of, , . ". . � the a 8 a TZ - The cures at Ferrozono are lasting. pi hd him by Bishop Williams. This Or -own Him Lord of All. I RM I r ,I ­ ­.. 11 � agreed to ptLy . Yere . ': 1. I I , . The :i J, : , k � I 46� '� " , , 1. triatter, was fold art the table bomiuse, It does Its work thorou h1l announcement was a great surprise to The Methodist church began )ter CENTRAL mil il ;,:�� 1. A^**'V t*l,:r�&. � a I'll , . , 0 , . L 0,L: the present. It Is a Specific for all forms 7.M the congregation, who had not the work without wealth or Influence, but 1. L I � ': � , "� - q'i I . . - 14" AlWays BavjM The following letter train the aollol* diseases, kidney, liver nna stomach slightest knowledge that Mr. Ed- today she has In her fold some of the � :; F� �'l �. I , 11�, . , 4, 0, I "I , I � .1 - anouds had any Intention of leaving nobleit men of our land. We shall at- �, , ,,, ., �. Ihs"4W - IN X1114 You F WM0 SHA A N 11 ,, ., 1 111014wo, , tors of the P41evator Co. wag read . trouble. It Ittires headache and lan- �AaW94 A y'', 14, 1, . . I � � , I , . I . , STRATFOAD. ONT. � , ", �' I � "I � , !#­ 06derlibb, Atfk. 4. 1W. guld feeling In a Short time. Ferro- tholm. for during the three y,e wa a remember sueh men its the late Aa ak-Z�Aa-xkw4woLikkIC3-k;acQtk-k;k , ,� , , ­ ,M. 0. 1ohnstA)nj 2sq, zone contarins move nourishment and had been their rector, he on- ti � v he yz "'., �io­,..! ��,! � . i, i n '. � %."11 -1 . Macdonald, that prince of givers, IT"pals to get a business education I .. L" W " -44. A ll I - * �r, � �'. 'Town I n it � ., �1.1 � � '' 4 . i � , 6lerk.' vitalizin properties than, you can get deared himself to eAell and one the lamented Mr. Massey, and a host P'IYG to get it in the school — I .::: � ", �, . , ,� il Aimile., ., :1 ',%�,,� , S6. -The Goderich ElevAtor and Inanyot erway-In bbopt,Itgssu of them hi f thfu ne � � I , can (to most for its studeuts — I ", 'i'O" � � � t4 , .� . �, . Transit Co., at A Tualatin -, health and costs but Me. for three estbes". We will sever his connection who have helpf-d the church at) ly after they graduate. This school is � � . 1% res V a at I so el.v.odr�aru- of Merchant princes In our land today which . , , Ar , , .'' xt , torat of the Q ,f, of the 01rec boxes fop With tire Blyth parish on October let, in fall her enterprises; but I thll.veve recognized to be one of tile best I 1 -121 :1 V r , ng , ompArry he 4 In Goderlob weeks treatment, or alit � 6 a I- - - Busi- , I ­ I I ' -yjeloter4 In all , ,11( 1 , �!� 11 I I I , I I ay. de6ldM to robidlat the eje- 1119.5D. At druggists, oll by Mail from next. look at tbow $rest men pf God, what ness Colleges in Canada. All our asona . ,� 'L ­ I: , I --- wonders they bave done, And w Ir.11111- v a r ietles L ­ � I ol I , vattir that was roe6titly,dostroyed by The Perrozone Company, gingstoni d- Se blo ,Furniture I L .. I I . . eforget trates secure positions. Business I �jL,i �.:" I I 1. . � I I . . I 101411- 1- Are, The hew b0dinit will, be pritoti. ,Ont. Getasupply ay. ASunim Curm Pon HRADA(MR.- the noble deeds that are done by men eges frequently apply to us to secure ' 11 I I I , - ,: : . I I ­ I ­ ­ I Catty fleepr6oll bding! built of Cement, I tod Bilious headache, to which women are and women In humble circumstances our graduates as teachers. J'-�L . , ' �, . " " C: I$ - " . f , � �L �l �! , And Sta6l, -and 6to i � � 1. I 1481" a' the folindai" A fog7 whistle ho, �eorr placed by itcuw In some subjects that they are of such men as Thomas Wright and Write for our free catalogue, I . . . �.. I L"' I .1. - . , tion nud po*6r house now ,there, will more subject than men, becomes so all over our land today. I like to think . Couches In velours In all fancy stripes, from $5.5ca upwards. 11 ,, I 't . .' , '. , ., . i It r d` , , r the "InvIernment at the pumping - � , � ,,'r ll, il 0, , , � 1j., , , L � 6, onot about,$140,W()� Wt dantoloo that - his non in Old London, working at the . . , I � . L , � L utterl ostrated. The stomach re Easy Upholstered Chairs in leather and velours from $6,50 upwards. , , :- I station outbampt4n. The regula- far ULLIOW and NoLACHLAN. �i 11 l- � I , �j ,- , � , , , , . thl0*111 glVis Us,, Ali eltifttOr building sea and there Is a constant and cobblers' bench for years, and Thomas Dining Chairs and Extension Tables In large assoriments, and Parlor , 1� I 't, �L- I , I j#'L ... *!��' '# "" Lff. I I L I" e6l4i eft file rAftt d4nget wortla about $17t�*. %6enolase the fi secn blaal't ll*e distressing effort to free the stomach Wright. Jr.. spending all ]its young py4nalpalm 1 54446� - A ; 1114W pAMOA At thW*ald ; five second blast with front bite which has become unduly ­ � - - . , , L" dud, dr glt;f&b4­of'I dl "i"t'" for second Interval, 11- - --IJ Suites In Silks, Velours and Rugs, from $20.0o upwards. . � . , Co I '106tot6id�,l6w6,ib,gt600ht(i$j, , the COW& I forty-five seconds Interval. 40� , I tttl6o of Ir ��' .,!, L' , It I . . and , secreted there. Parmelee's Vegetable ------Ir- --- Bedroom Suites and Sideboards, from the cheapest to the best, in all I .�� ,,� 1"040,00010 '. PhIsilgidniiaA Would "k ot twm: td1Av0V4 obnoid. I Pills are a speedy alteratizzal In ­ the latest designs. L f;l :L 0 " �� L '14" ," "." � A; -I.' he, 11 offiritsit- ortho'loo 09 0 b, e -- , c 4,'t* , SO it � ., , � , 'Ch $%ig1WeV1'Pt40WiU*" ' to -'ritnt t t, 00(hpSof the 61 0 bY)A* They APPeall t6 Our SyMpathl S. neutralizing the effects of tend- 1; I I ­ " , .Kbroifl to I I I guattilteig, Ing bile relieves the prea,suro on th fiell CALL AND EXAMINE � , 1" � . 'a � , .�L I �,,4,i gotx& .1 I The bilious Rod dyitporho itre con, ,pion] ", !!, I I I I , .. Syreffi4i'llit.theivitt- th'tL tboyaski arves which causes the headache. eahC I 0 NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS �,i. , �. I t1bg Potefictira:, "d, hikil"t " ,, Ill nis�jbb;mked; *by. do W6 not 6611 , Try them. . : I I I Ilu ,, i lititIt sufferers land gippeal to car sym. n � t !., , ". Iduintapint" 4t liia&tnil- Moto stock ,it d 4ob ask ,for a I or Willee. There 16 not one of them, - . . ,� I .... � , 4, filarlifito?". 6 "Vould StIt 11took tit Farmers who are troubled with raits ..�, , , �' �'� �M#, � A. L 6La, d#*te * like, t4bdrdil I _ V, � I V� .1, boW6V'or, who tbo, not bo brollglit 4 V- I ", I 1�, 1 Cti , I thod back to eealth- 00 ba%piness by the should try the following - One who R*ad Vf hftt Mr.L A. S. Volft,writss ; #"". � 'U'u* 126h b 1114t 0*9*4. t wbilld Uke 0(de. AiL64 triats , I L , 11 , - I One. the, ludk%,41116, ltvbr�- and �'toot* 0*1609 to ligiltd, the Aavilwr W tiAo hambdblatfil,g i6inach "d b" tried says. -,'On it large number of after a oritical examination �1 1, I . L - . . . 11, � , � , , - # Ika $�Xte* . Iblo"Od so to fill I b this iXe , !ft* LIV6rTAblets. Them fAblets InvIgor. 'N ,V i, I . % . 1t�ra*UeMr4*Wtt*k , vow , ifto the Old shingles I put halt dteraspoonful of J. BROPHEY & SO I ", L * The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers . West Street. Goderich Ill "/ ­ . #*%'ilk All ewlt"�t othumart#of totatt"t Ist, ftbumNy tlwa except stoi ,And 11VIft, A,fid stran- triblabses each, and on that with my t"Ll il , ' for Win# tior, QLAIN *hl�b lt� is Rlifts the digestlobo, Tli0y.'4160 re� ... " � Lic4A""Aod't'ihi6-cout�,Wjlld*- � f �564ffitnbar5sq .­'' I � i�, ,�. ., It, $ 411' ppoket, knife I scraped it small amount fin (3604, , - 8W Night and day calls will receive personal and prompt attention. �� � , '00,P"r " PAWNfikit"Mik"W"k h6pod U glt"ylgM to plo'- - tiogie, MA the bOwelge This telfiady Is or of concentrated lye. then plated the I . 'Phone 120. i " 11 � ,, will 10600% Aftflt* it 10"s toftb!j of tiort 'dt ,jb6'0(mtrX6toj, rod_ tl; Com, ,1*10 bY Jab, W11460, ' be stable floors I I I st)*U&VAt6 rkW ,nd,Q,4g: _ � - 1. ­ . � L L '' I old ablyglos around It ivi *I i-i,74j- . I Residence--Elgia Avenue. " L �,* 4 t. � 0 ; �Ival 1� I 1.-1: I , tAilYmotlAt.�Wokk�mky,,gdo,b�At, ' # ­ ' , _ I 11, 9, ,I , OCT Conductor I , . , - And, under the cribs. The next morn- "Asr . , ' � L 661ii dfi%tioa t4 I J�irour ,fivoi&; ,- ­-- hig I found forty dead ritts, And the "I �ii, . A* *;*Ad io a, ** hod"t � , . - ,, ; , , - alik j4-jj"pf, Mnn!!nm�-- q joattfyr'' *6 ts' "*a*#?*# ff .M, I , L L' I ; 1:, '� . I a rest left the farm for parts unki Ir an 0 N To 1% ,:I ��. , . I- � � 44�� , 1461 , 6, P& YOU dift"irust''the g0W Llpwrt, I I b#, '04 . � I � dam *�L,ji '% I : . ", L pest@ a, ; . ,; �, " I � � " I , HAVO & AUXY4 1 L , Older faft the 0"0004:16ro of d fillf *to$$ 4"Stra. 6 , � -, � ,. I') '*A%&"" .L, ., �� �, �L ' f4i'lij, �.41146vp "� 1, , Ill,%Vot!lettr#dM)%nyfftrWooftYI4' ­­ , ­ ­ "A l9leal extintnallex of fhe many dleffille whith 1 I '' V L jl.- I �, I i , . . 8$� of aft, ff, &,.& S& In I hid .�why, and have never known It I � I 11 . , , "i, , L U616 .. 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I ' t, 011orthemedialfill, 0" " P ... i , to kjL� � I lig"to,theifikknoss Psomfifillaqualtil iz Owl - i l; I - � 11 � y* I t. Ilto L ' , , , " , T#e 1* prolonged bae Ing tire body . � ixotaw 0 �tht , � ;f f PSIi - $M _ Ing jobetot of le,adloW 1 I � , t f X : � Gal foe , d, -ts*j, - . fiftfrb dis,60t.". � Murat' WIWI ,_&, sjor troo llllgakfoj.�d 8 " contain 11 ., 0 too' k Irl I I ,or* -to any addreAs. to the end of i0a8g, .L , I & 0101111101" I a 4, 1, � L %*A.,Ij,�Cte.. We or, Used 111ternAlly win L - musleal colebritiot. . :, , , iii, I t- l4#*Aj&0*;4"s, , 11 h1kha and coldo, 6radleate riotblulta The bell Piano & Organ Co.. Livaltett. Guelph. Ont. � . , I da % & two% *M%4", ­­ , t elot'k. no-, - %" L 'LL 6#,&,r,com# ci and give strength to . , ' ' - ftsawll*% - -01-1000-- . I .1 ti I It'it , I 01 - a lieft- tot, i * & 1. **j#)6" $it. fo%* tlit, 6itatritory orgatna, Give it a trial. . I . ­ - I ­ � L' - ­ -- I A great and undoubted values I I I I I I �l I 11 � � � I I � I . � I L.11, � 1, I - �: ,11 I I . . . . 1� I ') �) I � I I . I . .. 11 I I I � I . I :11, I '' 1. 11 r r I ..... I I I �, . � "I � 4�1 I I �', I , , � . � .. I "� � ' I ­ I l � I 1� . I I .. 4 l. 1,L L , "I ­ - i,�.Jftji� j,; -&*L-.- - f I . , L r r I �L I 11 L . I � I I..." . 11 � I /, ­. ,� .11 � I l "-,.-. ­ � I '. � -.-!--1 � I I ­ - .. 11. ­­­­­ ,,,.t --1111 ­.", .. 11 I � .. I ­.� ) .. ­ '. I �40100 - i - - - - 1. " �� 4� - 1. : 141, �� I , , S—Abdussma, - I , Wl- � ­ , . ,,, , , I �' I '* . 44 h=11ftaft �/ i 1, I =k- " .. AUJI&W6 1. . � I - -4. 1 1 , , .11 I I � � ! 6% . - - - ----- ,V � 4 -, -- ­� ­­" " _ , ,.", , " . .1 I* lj� I . ­--�-: . ­a�=," ---"-­­ -- � ­ , -_­,.­­'.' ­ .--.-( 4-= " , 11 I- .l, L L, ­-, ---J­­--� ­:-7-:'�--��-" "'. ' 11 I " . ­ lrc,�--- ,� � I � I 1. e., k,.- W � . , = , . . . � - . I - � � L L I . , I I . I - - . 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