HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-10-13, Page 3MY BIRTHDAY. And thieve lived le we and but Asstter sieve Pt/ or Oeroen, To rs-perste Lk's cborewar'd tale. With ree,ina lone teem sad setwr Thi, is the fire es t frtidt time My mote day hat d. ign'J to Hae, roe. Aril tow within • to, io a*ga close Th. shadows of the past rent -race we. The pest is gene --sed yet its dreamt Are fondly letter's( before me ; limier'', &DJ Tore,', and f:ieedal.ip►' eleoma Like N«theca fights ale ILttiag o'er rue.' Aeon a dark, a gloomy elo&d Comes o'er the sua•Lioe duty &Iodates ; Aod yoeng Ave'. tete mad frituiWiip's shrewd Suirouud me with the pall of oedema The memories of my own loved iael, The 'poi!! of yeuth'e joyfel m• irnw.g ; The boundiag heart -the helping head, Affeetioo's matron tunes of warning ; The 11:11 -die glen -the .treem-the grove - The moonlit ere -the virgin blusher - The row -the kiss -the dream of love, Oue mournful week before me rushes and h.r'J, and hup'ii, and eigb'd. there Lorne the buff. tinge oflavios : Hate bought with folly. •ud deficJ The frowns and sneers of giddy fashion. My bead is grey. but not with years," 'Tis silvered o'er with toil sod morrow ; 1leercl deep tb•wght, and griefs, mediates. Have wreaili'd arty brow with many a far- row. l lime not cringed before the proud, I'ie braved the bigot sod oppressor, l'.. ecnrn'J the nice, d the crowd. And dared the haughty bold aegreseor; Iles frown of wealth -the eager of pride May greet ere, but tan ne'cr seen me, fly poverty groes side 1.7 r ,le, And f:i.t my age, c .figs closet to ms. And yet lois gay -I feel alto, 1h lean is fell of Wei and ferliagr .1:moat as wars at forty -fief, .10 when )..u:L's p•moos all were Menem': And tree bears lore nee, and the hand th holy friendship still is near me, White vn-cn from my own hood land At isiet,ala ate beat to. cheer -. 1mitf'i ROMP' 'dseerwi-ttt!"g'txi.' And yeah itself is goes ter ever: Bei finer hears sweet Geroock's tone In swnnurs of the Slait!and river try coentry'a accents stat 1 hear, Aid while the.e birth -day reusing', gather •1'!I pay, en each veteran's year, A tribute to theiad of Heather. T Mee -ricers. (;oderitrl.. 9th Oet., I8WP. flouncing !hem. In fret ILis fiction of the Government, bas bees but as effort to make the duYee.spno imposts end ether sources of our reresitre available balers they were colkcle,i. N'e hare 'Sen it state) by some writers, that there t)ehenMren seen become of a de pre, i..ted value. 'rhos could only Woe bet n effected in noir operates, by newer -mu sta- tions to the beldam. For .uriiy the Gov- ernment are meshing them to payteenr, as wed as paying with tlapaa, ■ail certainly as a secure insertment, tliey are equal to any "leek, and at feast as easily cunvenible into ea«h. 1Vhat *bop k• err, what trader would refuse them at par, in payment 01 a debt, and certainly Debenture', or ubitgs- tions which cafe bete applied, cannot he a views* curreacy ; Lut a default of other. (bust be deemed serviceable and good. We can snit so reason wby these Debentures or Notes, ehoul4 nut !;ass current at par ; see- ing that they daily ,ncres e in value. and we sho.ilJ be loth to auppme that thea was any remota for proposing a discount spot there, glider any circumstances. In short we thank the G.sernrnent was fully warran- ted un usuire tIto Ilei. nturee.-Belleville Iatelligenrer, (Tory. fl F.TING (W PARLIAMENT: The Official Casette, of Satonday lastaaaoun- eQthe fossil prorogation of Parliament to the 1IRh proximo, but of a un lere!ooJ that it will Se called together for the despatch ol-basins-s as ..r *Mat the _Mei ,f tie same .Doth. .,TLs present f»sioa will Le the most impor- tent thee the Par?anvat of Canada has yet held, ehetber ere reger 1 the number sod character of rhe"-obi;e ousruree to Le Lrougl.t forwent, or !'ie industry and ability exerted in their prepare- . use.- GLie. QT There has tree a mighty •mount of re- tnouis. and gar:n_e, sal tanning to sad fro oo -.tie Ir.c w !hd.aa.t, :1:r0c rhe Net tea heats. c„c••;-,•vire "f rt...u-:ien; dirappea: a.•,eof ...le De arose Morticing of .tater* which are ironi- c .Loy caU'ed •' Gentlemen P' It appeaq that the nnunai had been noising at feeding time, which was'thebnly occas -ion ote which his itsperta*ee o!J Lt f. ir.'ai:if a e:rici search eta Immediate- ly set o• foo:, Lot up to the moment of going to press the search has been nosesiling. Ile was as e'.02 loyalist, and would teen hese celebrated • end boosted her Sleiee:y'e birth -day 1,y ,nrtfr.g drink -*ad yet it is strongly sua;,ected that he has '"enwrztd" laymen to the eeighbearing Republic, after brat beeint enaexed to his own person a few hundred pounc of hong•1 people's mosey ! We will suite the affair more fully in teal 0011. GOVERNMENT UF.BI NTUKE . Tf:MIPER 1NCI . t.Ir. C. D. Church, aregular Washingto. Man, has given throe lecturer here on the ruby ct of Temperance. Ile IA a great ge- nius, find hie whole caul and body are throws tato the canoe which be advocates. Ile is argimieutative, full of facts and aneedotee, and throtieh the whole en very feeling and •s) moathetie that it must indeed be a heart of •Jnmaot that does not melt under his inunoona and powerful efforts. Ile is with other genii quabtica fur hisbuainoes, an ex- cellent singer, and while addressing his audience ho stops frequently in the cuuree .,f the lecture'an, sings somethiog,.appro- priato ; this has a thrilling effect, chaining, AA it were, his audience ardenlistine all the better feelings of the heart in behalf of the Carve. His effort. here Aare won fur hint unite -r- eal aplelau.e, snit the impression produced in behalf of the great and good •.uhject of Temperance connot be otherwise than last- ing. Mr. Church has done what no other man hat been side to do w this town,whtch was to !draw out to hi• meetings those en - gored in the traffic. Whether they west home revolved to ahandun the business we know not, but that they telt t'e meeting more echghtened-on the sularke.oed T.. porsosn as math- bones feelings 1. wards the eau,e and its advocates we heave co doubt. . Mr. Church goes from this to Toronto, where he s to lecture to -morrow evening. Should hecontirue hes lohers in the pro- vioce s steno,- it would to the means of giving Ih•, rause a start .heal ; 'edit ii Much needed at- rho prc.c.:t.-Newceaels Courier. in Looking over the official Gazelle, we find that the numLaer of Debenture•, usual by the (iuternrnent appears to increase, with every peblcatton of the legate. Tht. his induced us to take the subject into con- F;deratton. Matters of tMs ked ,hoeld be do -mimed, wahout reference to the party that propneee them; 'for of ail the delicate omt•, the 6nanetaldepertmenl of the coun- try in the most delicate ; and • country may e;.ee.,ly be retried by an imprudent act in this department. We do nut conceive that it is the object of the Conservative Press or the party eat her, to do anything in opposes Iron that would Teed to the injury of the l'rnviner, merely because the set proposed, emanated from the ranks of our opponents ; such opposition we abould denominate fac- tious. It m for this reason that we sit down to calmly coos:der the propriety, or impro- pnety of the .tcp token by the present Go- vernment, in issuing Debentures. it is one opinion after mature reflection that the Governmeet has done right.. De- mand" of a pressing nature were made upon i', and the Government was compelled to meet them. -Thee Provincial Chest was ex- hutetrrd,-.the Government could not allow 'tett( to b. declared Bankrupt, it must pre- pare to meet peening necessities. In such a Cafe it was Compelln.f to resort to to credit ; and it d.d sot coxae oto the Market with its Debentures, unauetateed by certain prospects, for their redemptime at maturity. Thea bony the ease, we conceive that the puhlic interests have been better stndled by the issue of the Debentures, than by a dee- laration on the part of the Government that It was without available fund or resource., and that the public creditor must geek his re Jy, the best way he could, for that the Gov natant en"d not meet its engage mea e. This latter step eau to be avoided under every censideration, and really the pimple retiree of issuing these iebentures, bearing interest, does net appear to us to poowe.s any very weren't11 objectifies order th, eire.im,tanees. We hive no hrwltetiO* ie paying, that bed not the Govern- ment done as it ha., or h.d it set uredo eme- ry -effort to intstein the credit of the Prov- ince, and to pay those who needed their pay, we should not have been backward in de - spine being nearly dlAaea.tro. child hating Deter ruacbedher grsodf.tber's boom tt would appear that the warder bad Deem committed "heel two o'clock to the alteroouo. A dark aims, as freta a bead grasp across the thorax, would seem to ie- dtcate that tis, naafi lad .cited !Mor ley the throat with one baled, shite *Oh the ether Ito bail.adeavorcd to sever the head from ►teal; the chile'. thumb* were beth est, epparsatly in the irup..teut attempt to de - ked her nick from the butcbcnsg kotfs.- to add to the horrors of this appalling tra- gedy; it ie lie decided opinion of tbe medi- cal geatkmen present at the ps.1 r erten* intimation, that the nutation was commit- ted after death. Tae body of the unfortunate girl having been 'emoted to the house of her parents, an express was forwarded to Guelph 0e Sunday morning, and the Coroner (Dr. Or - tom) accompanied by Dr. Clarke, Immedi- ately proceeded to the spot, and at noon beld an inquest, obeli, after the exam:na- uun of several ammeters, nothing having been elicited tending to bring home the per- petrator of the crimes to any particular individual, the inquest w•as adjourned to Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, I'. M. Yesterday afternoon, a permit who was known to have beers in the vicinity of the spot about the time the murder was com- mitted, was arrested and brought into Ibis town, anti was in the evening examined by the Coroner and committed to jail to abide the rceutt of the inquest. We believe we shall best subserve the ends of justice by refraining to state what further circumstan- ces may hare come to our knowledge until after the Coroner's jury .hall have returned their verdict. The public ray rest assured that the constituted authorities of the dis- trict will nee every exertion to brie to condign peoubment the perpetrator of this diabolical act. We almost ehud'ler to think that Oita to nnw the third murder that has taken place in this thinly -peopled county within the tart eighteen months. God grant we any WNW `ave (*record another. DsarnScates*RErra Psasols, Mary, Scotland's- frail beauty=, met the "gloom, king' With a degree of resolution nut to be capected (root her misfortunes, en r' nerous were they -deserted by every friend except her little dog. r T. More remarked to the executioner, by whose hands be war to perish, that the eceffuhl was extremely weak; " 1 pray you, friend.', see me up safe,' raid he, " and for my corning down, let me .bdt for myself." Chaucer breathed his last whilecumpoeing a ballad. Hts lame prodectinn rs celled„ "A ballad made by Geoffrey Chbucer on the death bed, laying in great pain." "1 could w:eh this tragic scene -was over." raid QOM, the actor; "but I hope to go through it with becoming dignity." Petrarch was found dead in hie library, r ' over a book. P •::-•clic. tt-hen dying, ordered hie to- tend,nu to remove hue, and place him be- fpre the wicduw-, that he might look upon his garden, and gladden hie eyes with the sight of nature. How ardent an admirer be was of nature, is poetically told in "'Lim- merrrian's Solitude." Pope -tells us he found Sir Gjdfrey Kncl- kr, (when he visited hien a few days prior to Lois end,) sitting up and (ermine, plar.s for h:!, monument. lir vanity was conspicu- ous even in death ! 11'ar deo has remarked that Chcaterli- Id'. go: -.,1 breeding only left him with death '• Give Drysdale a shirr," vat.: he to his valet, when that person was announced. Bayle, when dying, pointed to the place wherebis proof sheet was deposited. Clarendon's pen dropped from hie hand when he was seised with palsy, which put en end to his existence. Bede died while to the act of dictating. Roscommon, wbeo expiring, quoted from Lis own trenelation of Die. Ira•, Haller, feeling ha pulse, said "the artery cremes to beat," andimmedi.tely died. When the priest whom Alfieri had been prevailr4 on to see, came, bo requested him to cell to -morrow: "Death, i trust, will tarry four -and twenty honre.' Nelson's last words were, "Tell Collings- wood to tiring the fleet to anchor,"-Rc- ligioua Nereid. BY THIS MO RNING'S MAIL. ARRIVAL OF THE CAMBRIA ! Seven Days Later from Europe. . Naw Yeas, Oet. 6, 1848. The steamer Cambria arrived at ilalifax on 1Veneeday at eleven o'clock, left yester- day at ewe is e)eek, end *reeved at Boetoe at 91 A. M. to -day. Continental Politics continuo to produce an unfavourable influence on commerce. - Uncertainty as to the future pervades the public. noted. Graduel diminution in busi- ness in the manufacturing district., and prices receding. ' The feels: pervading, Manphester market on Tuesday was more gloomy than for some weeks past. ' It was thought that the (.ctoriee would again hitm rerw:sc to chert tire. The continuance of depression notwithetand:r.g the ratifica- tion of the armistice between Denmark and Prussia, by the Na'tonal Aaaembly at Frankfort. in Liverpool, the same state of things prevails. i . .-Same as last advices. Trou- bled were declared to lartake of social and not political character. Fighting band. con'inue encamped on the mountains, oc- cupying formidable positions, defying the military. - Deheny and other leaders aro still with the people. In I'ron;,i.,rt a ea^ie•.:n.o•v tr;surrec'ioc broke out on Sunday. 30 barricades here erected throughout the city, and 'defended with desperate courage, by the people. - The revolt was not. sup)•eseed at last ac- counts. Loss of (ifs considerable. In Saxony, a revolt occurred at Chemm4s on the 1 i:h. Berricades were erected by the operatives who attacked the troopF, but were eyercotae. Vienna has again'been tho scene of (teeth blemished, and still cettinue. in a mostdis- tracted state. Local disturbances have taken place et Hamburg. Ilungarian affairs were more conflicting. The mediation of France and England in Italy, caused suspension of hostilities. A resumption of arms was feared. The army of the Alps was to be reduced one half. The King of ,Naples has prorogued Par- liament. The greatest alarm and anxiety are telt for the issue of hoetilities. The French oppose ftirtherefurti of Naples to subjugate Sicily. PARIS, Thur=Jay, 2I et P. M. The London Globe says that general gloom pervades the public mind, from fears that Cavaignac and the Assembly would fail to establish a Republic. A military conspiracy and conflicts were apprehended by the friends of order. The low state of tho Trees dry, and the difficulty in collecting taxes, had a tremendous effect on the Bourse. Cavaignac enjoys the con - Nemo of has friends and the government,aa • fine advocate of order and good govern- ment. New Yoaa, 7th Oct. 2e, P. M. • Additional sews, per Cambria, to the la-' test moment. True bills were found against O'Brien, McManus, and O'Donsetl. The teals of O'Brien and Meagher are prrgreseing. The Hon. Baron Parke, add English Judge, was to be tient n8nt oyer to ech the trial of C. J. Defy, to be timed by Oyer aTerminer ;- ueeertaia whether the cher a will be high trees D or felony ; banshene t is believed to bo t hI punts►hent. Th excitement in Paris was hourly ie. ereasing, ei*Rore appeared to be ata crisis, Logi' Napoleon had net animal. The re port that be had :eft London, on his way to the French medal, prevails se strongly that crowds of his eaefled admirers continued to eowgrrgate nosed the Assembly. i cloud, France, and Austria have agreed that the city of Venlig awl restate tressed From the Guelph Herald, of 26th September. B.IRBAROUS MURDER. The lineal, of crime via few more daring, cold-blooded and savage murders, than the one it this week becomes out un- pleasant task to record. . Margaret Wood daughter of Mr. Joseph Wood, Jr., Farmer, 1st cos. Township of Eramosa, about ten miles distant. from Guelph -a girl of the age of ten years and sic months -had bees for some time past to the almost daily habit of passing from her father's house to the residence of her greed - (ether. Mr. Robert Scntt, farmer, Township of Nichol, ear the humane purpose of visit- ing an uncle who was sick. The distance between the two booms is about two note*. half a mile of the mad being a track through the wood. fast Saturday ate left home about half after one o'clock, P. M., on her customary pions errand, and net baring re- turned et dark her father want in search of her ; but it appears followed • different path from the one she had penned. About hall- paet 11 o'clock the mother, mueh alarn.ed at the continued absence of husbeed end eh.IJ. Balled at the rwudenoe of a neighbor, Mr. %Vm. Armstrong, who eninedately proceeded with her is "'web of the MI•meg nne ; and to their nespeskable horror, they seen Jewelweed the body of the murdered and brutally violated girl, about three-quar- ters of a node from her (ether's house, near Mo centers of the smell wood before men tinned, and immediately to then direct path to her `randfather's-the neck tut actress ♦s- biwd, snit that so deeply as to have penetn ted the spinal cord, the eppw eeetms.Ithe •via weeks. '^ - Cavaig.ac would twteppoas Louts Nap• icon takitlg ►is moat to the Aimombly, as a previewing/1 measure. Large bodies of troops have been r,,Lov44.1 tow -.d• the cap- ital to prevent anotber isaurrset.os. Sum/ cues of ordinary cholera had created alar, Q.Li.t bad been restored io ries kfort . Accounts from Vienna ciao day later bed relished Pam. The city was tramped. The dl/sulty with Hungary Os cowt1ered to be attainably mottled. A sangemary in.Urreetioo has taken place at Stem, I)utcb East Indies. Lord George Bentwick was reported to bate dad suddenly oo the 21st September, at hie father's residence. LtvearooL Maansrs.-The corn uncial is firm, occasioned by the delay of arrivals. Indian corn 35e a 37e ; meal, 19s. Wheat 8. a 9e per 70 Ibs ; sweet Flour, 33. a 33e 6d; sour, 29e a $0i per bbl. Weather continued fine during the week for securing the balance of the harvest, and ripening the potato, crop. Fears of a deficiency, and of large importations much len than a week or mo since. Console 861 a 861, ele- gies at the first price. Moat Fiear nso !-We learn tIAt there was another tight on the Suspension Bridge on Saturday, in which clubs stone., and guns, were quite freely used. One man was severely tsjurced, and a pontos of the bridge torn up. It would be well for the parties concerned in this controversy to await the decision of the taw' in the prem - tees, sad not resort to violence, which can only inereaae the difficulties already exist- ing. We underatand that there is much excitement in the vicinity, and strong threats made of destroying the 'whole 'true- tore.-Beffulo Cow. Adv. Fsaamet. Ravasas 0, Tan Cnot.saa tis Eayrr AND ISrsrasA.-Since the first ap- pearance of the cholera au Egypt, 20,000 people had died of it. At Smyrna, at the latest date -August 29th -the deaths were 100 per day. e , TORONTO MARKET. • c Moneee, Oct. 9, 1848. Supplies ofWbeat from farmers eootiose to arrive freely, and they are bought at once at current rates; the beet samples of fall sheet bringing 4a 6d per bushel of 60 lbs., and ordinary merchantable from 4s to 4s 3J. Flour, millers' extra superfine, in bags, retails at £l 5s per 196 Ibe; and far- mers' fine at Li a £I 2s 6d. We bear of no trade transactions. The prices paid for other articles of produce are, Rye, 3s per 601be; Barley, 2. per bushel of 48 lb.; Pease, 2s per bushel of 60Ibs; Oats, is Id a 1a 3d per bushel of 84 lbs. Potatoes, 2s 6e1 per bushel for best quality. MoriptiaL, Monday, Oct. 9. • Sates of Flour at 18a to las 6d for best brands. Some sales sour at 27s 6d. - Wheat, best samples offered at be 9d a ds 104, but no sales. *tome red sold at 5s 34. Peas 3e 6d per mjnot. Ashes, 29s 6d for Pots and 294 to 29. 3d fur Pearls. Ea - change 101. • Birt 4. to Glederie► oo the 7th instant, 'Mrs. Jobs Allen, of • sem e HURON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL .SOCIETY. THE Exhibition of EULLED CLOTH, and other Woolen Manufactures, being postponed' for one month, the same will take place at the exhibition rooms of Mr. Gentles' (Huron Hotel) oo Tuesday the 24th instant, at DOOn-. R. G. CUNNINGHAME, Secretary. Goderick, 10th Oct. 1848. 37 CAUTION. THE Public are hereby cautioned against trusting my Wife ANN PRiNLA, as she has left my house and protection with. out just cause of complaut,-1 .ball there- fore pay oo debts of her contracting from this date. JOHN PRINLA. Godench, Oct. 12, 1848. 4a 87' LUMBER. THE Subscriber has on band a large quantity of SAWN PINE LUMBER, of various dimensions, which be will .ell on the most Reasonable Terms for CASII, or tet WHEAT and PORK, at Market prices. He would also regoeet all these indebted either by Note of Book Account to Mestere. Baaveevxa k RrAar, through hie Agent, to call immediately and settle with him aid avoid unnecessary costa. JOHN McDONALD,ICarpenter, Lighthouse -street. Goderieb, 13th Oct. 1848. Pf FARM FOR SALE. TT° RE 801.1) by privets bargain, Let No. 93. ere the Sth Cnneeasion of Gederieb, eontaitieg 89 acres. 90 of which is cleared sed ender cultivation : ton acres are newly ender - brushed aid wady for ehoppng. The lead is o ereelleet Testify awl well watered. Thiry is s good sebetaetlal log Dwelling Ileum ra it, sod one acre d superior trait trees it beurtag eo■di- noa. Aad us the proprietor u dssirsus d mem - leg nota other Mosinee', M will dispose d it on moderate torts.. O.. -half of the pries will he RF.QUILED DbWrl, rad the .ober hall ie three .gnat aeue) taeiaiasraa. TT For farther panieolsr., apply at this titles. Ie to the Proprietor vie the premie". 1 GEORGE ELLIOTT, Junior. Goderie1r IAR (1N., 1890. RIi Da. P. A. MrDOUGALL, gri AN be consulted at all ►some at tl Briaist Had, (1.csruerat s-) ande1Mh Sept. 13th, 1848, 11 . rgiH E Huberiber begs leave to ,r...•_ Farmers and the public in general, that will .e11 SOOTS and SHOES cheaper, cash, than they can he purchased etre ens to this country. louedlog per - avers are requested to tail and examine themeeleme, et his Shop w Lguthuuav eef. near the Bntieb Hotel. Ile h..• gle.. a IH..ree, Waggon and Har - s., +bitch bu avid toll cheaper than the esprit. N. CLARK. G•dericb, Sept. 1, 1848. 3111 IISTRICT OF HURON, tBY niteeol — To WIT : a writ of he ittaebwent waved eel of Her Meisel'', fun ;.curl 01 Queen's Brash and to ole directed wl gatost the Real Estate as wed as Perauaal eh 1 Benjamto 13. Eby, an abecnWfuit ur coo to, pled Debtor at the aunt of W oltam Fred a' •eek lice lluch, fur the sum of T+euty- ix sounds Elovee shilling* sad Three no Ceoce, r'eve rotted all the Real Estate til ch its said Bsn in B. Eby, and unless the ad Benjamin b. P,by return vitals the ju- f isdiction of the said court aad put ID bad - o the action a itbin three calendar mon1br, e cause the said claim to be discharged, all he Real Estate of the said Benjamtu B. touch thereof as way be nen L7 by, or so mo ary will be beld liable for the payment to soneflt, and satisfietioo of the said claim. ac JNO. McDONALD, wi Sheriff Hutu* District. sa Sheriff's Office, ioderich, 4th October, 1848. # 36-13w NOTICE.- 1— THE Directors of the Harm District Band- i.g Society will dispose el one or more lelf Share' of LSO each, at the British Hotel. ioderich, oo SATURDAY. the 7th of October /-I Teat, at 7 o'clock. P. M. J By order, - al THOMAS KYDD. ar Secretary. Jr Oederich, 26th Sept.. 1948. lie w . 1''O UND, fo N FRID.iY, the 22nd inst., ow the •, Beach of Lake Huron, about twenty a nilea North of Godench, t JOLLY BOAT, PARTLY DAMAGED. The owner ia requested to prove proper - .y, and settle with the ,ubsenber. - F MURDOCK McGREGOR. AaL6eld, 25th Sept. 1848. 3t35 11 Last Call ! Last Call! Last Call ! 111 v ALL memos indebted le D. MANLEY 4k mi Co.. or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ. will ham an u opportune?" of payee( the rmtpeet,ve amounts xi n* Wtomme Comm, os the 4th sad 5th et Oe- tl :ober peat. at the HURON HOTEL, Godencb, u titer which tune the Bailiff will call epos all de- A salter,, as farther time Cannot be given. b WILLIAM COSSET. 11 Timothy Seed, taken in payment at the high. tin Market Price. . la &p c, caber, 1.818. ` ,.,4 34• i _ NOTICE. LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS!!! 1 ALLPersoas indebted to the Subscriber ei- 41 ocher by Note or Book Accouot, are reques- ted to call and settle immediately. or their Notes sad Accounts will be pier -eerie the band' of the Clerk of the Court for eollectio. forthwith. 'WALTER SHARP.. Gederieb. 17th Sept. 1848. 34 - ASTRAY. 1 i • AIIE into the seclo,e of the subscriber. i C*a Lot No. 7. first C ooeeesio•, Eu. Colborne, some time is July last, • Steer CALF, (year- , ling), ted and white. Any person *waist mol Calf are requested to prove property, pay Own - and take it sway. t HENRY PENNYBAKER. Sept. 20th, 1848. 31 1 CASH FOR WHEAT. THE Subscriber hereby intimates that be has now on terms of lease and part ownership,. the entire management of the , Godench Mills, and that he is prepared to , pat cash for any goantit_y of food merchant- able Wheat at the said Mills: pros, ed the - same be delivered there in Lute tot nranuf e- , tune before the close of the navigation. .WM.. PIPER. , GcDrtuee:i/lt4t41. i Septembet.A.Mr -IW. _, .s. - 3211 . OAS -H. -FOR - FOR •SAW -LOGS - AND SAWING -DONE ON 8IIARES, THE Subscriber will pay cash at the Godench Mille for Good Black t herry Saw -Logs, and will saw any other descrip- tion of good Saw -Logs for any parties on shares. W M. PiPER. Gonaeico Mitis, September 5th, 1848. 32tf STRAYED, FROM the premiss" of the subscriber. No. 1, 11th Coneeesio• of Colborne, ■ Yellowish' colored OX, muly, with a strips of white down ham back, -he had on a bell, and is ruing seven years old. Anyi.fortnatioo which may lead to the recovery 01 him will he li'.erally rewarded by CHRISTOPHER STEWART. Colborne. 14th Sept. 1848. NOTICE. THE siert stump, of the DIVISION COURT will be held at the gaol, God- ericb, on Saturday the 7th day of October next, A. F. MORGAN, Clerk 1st Division Court. Goderich, Sept. 6th, 1848. 3211 ADVERTISEMENT. THE Subscribers in acknowledging the liberal patronage which they have re- ceived during their rmoideaee in Glider;ch, woold respectfully merest the immediate settlement of ell *cements due to the firm, as they does their books from this date. - Attention to this some will save emits. T. GILMOUR k CO. Galerich, 8th Sept:, 1348. 3211 . DiSSOLUTIO!J Or COPARTNERSHIP. THE Copsrtoer■hnp heretofore existing hetwa rho undersigned , l(under th•. 6rm, d eeGooding and i..ticasterankeep- ers,) is this day dissolved by salual cos- iest. J. K. GO)ODiNG, J. I1ANCASTER. The busieees will be c' oIioued,,snd all outstanding eeeosnte due by sail to the firm will be settled by the uad.r.iRped. J. LANCASTER. Goderick, bib Sept., 181831kt . - I. LI?N'IS, L 1V, CHA YCI.'R Y, ..IND., CONVKYANCIXIIdv 3.o., I81y. Ortmitt lt. NO'T'ICE. LL persons indebted to BREIVSTER 4c SMART, through tt.e agency of e Subscriber, •re requested to Fettle their eousts i,..iediatlr either with loot or th Sir. George Fraser, Gudcrich, and ve moots. J. K. GOODING. Godench, 8th Sept., 1148. 3211( FARMERS' INN, ST 18 A T P0181), BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. IIE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately rented the above well established I N N d IIOTEL ID the West end of Stratford, >m the proprietor and late occupant. Mr. dun Sherman ; and he begs to say that he 11 endeavour to see the Public and Trav- ers well accommodated, and their eom- rts attended to. Ile has good Stabling, than attentive llostler. His Bar is well pphed with Wines and Liquors. THOMAS 1OUGL:113S. Stratford, March 1, 1848• hfin3 ARMERS LOOK AT THIS. CIiE cheapest BOOTS and SIIOE..S of good qualm ever offered for ..vein, is District. The subecnber is leaving uderieb returns his sincere thinks for the ipport he received while 112 bootee's here, sinew offers for sale the remainder of hie ock, comprising in Boots sed Shoes &boat ret hundred pair', at about one half the dual prices current here; call and etre. tl those indebted to him either by Dote or ok account, will please call aad settle omediately and save costs. GILBERT PORTE. Godwieh, Sept. 1, 1818. Sat! • •.--w-....tt-:.. _..... J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, iLL attend SALES is s pert el the IMtrier, on reasonable Terme. Ap- y at the British Hotel. Godench, Nib Sept. 1848. 33- THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. FS, Published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at the Low Price of CW ELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay- ble invariably in advance. The Transcript is printed on a sheet eerily as large as any used to the Province; nd should circumstances permit, it will be till further enlarged in the course of the. mining ?summer. During the approaching Session of Par- iament the Transcript will contain Reports of tbe Pmceed.ngs, sufficiently comprehen- ribe to furbish Record of all that occurs to both legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Trsnecript will support its old character. A portion of its spare space will be devoted to the in- sertion of miscellaneous matter of an in- erestir.g and Literary character, and every th:og offensive to morale will bo carefully avoided. We have commenced, and intended to t ntin.e, a series of Biographical Sketches from Charuber's Miseeflsdy of Useful and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the eleventh reason, notice will he taken of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary institutions of this city, which we commenced last winter, and - which gave general salisfactioo. TERMS OF THE TRANSCRIPT 'BY MAIL. 'Thee rice of Subscription of the y.,r, MONTREAL 1 aao.ceirr, (when sent by mail) is TWELVE SHILLINGS per an- num, payable in advance. To facilitate re mittances FIFTEEN SHII.I.iNGS w•tll pay for Fifteen Menthe. TEN SHIL- LINGS for Ten Months, and FIVE SHIL- LINGS for Five Menthe. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, was .ball send three different cgptee of the Transcript enclosed in blue or green covers : and ff no remittance is made, the Paper shall, in every case, be discon- tinued. As the paper is given to subecn hers at the lowemt possible price, all mgnet letter. meet be poet paid ; and those which ere not, the amount of postage will be de- ducted from the money sent. 07.• The Transcript is sent to Suborn - berg in the country twice or three timer, a week, at their ot'tion. • The whole of the reading matter of Thur,day and Saturday's papers being put into one sheet -thus sav- ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the name. Subrcriber., in writing for rho Transcrq t, will please mention whether they wire the tri -weekly or semi weekly paper scot to them. (jJ'Newopepers wi h whom we eacbenge will please copy this Notice which we .111 be happy to reciprocate to the Berne way. Godench, March 3, 1848. 5 NOTICE. ► pH E Subscribers beg to intimate chat they 1 hire ibis day closed their Books. end that no for!her credit will he gives atilt all their sc- ream.. •re reeled. Those hawing sce..anto vs- .euled tut Janosry ere rcgoe.t.d to tall and pay them imrned.ately to we coma. (louds at very reduced rates for Came or Prado,.. C. R. DICKSON A CO. Stratford, Aagast 1st, 184x3. 17t( 0 U TS'I'AN DING DEBTS. S-r18ATP0RD. rr11E Subeer bar will be *Waged to eater those to arrear to Wm,- nidi tie Clerk of the Court, if not ttwMiiatety .ettkd, A. F. MICkLE. Atretford, Merritt We lull. inv. cumin B[..%NKS, I)RI N'PEI ► on aeaperior gosh y e4 paper. for sole stet. Huron 84014,1 Ofue, cheap fur Cash, bos.ern► Jae , 23, 1848.