HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1905-07-14, Page 3`7 *A111 III ftow% N"y wooliff I*- 4ft" book =4r own PARU" T%or—goolmilat"Its, halt * litiv 1"00 *A&*14ditiirfW for IfilltodkIL 411111111111 11116111111111111141011111, 11111110 sloped *44 pond. arelow I'll, * = A 06" 4= go, 9"'. tow tr wilesil. llkew% in U* 41pa- - ""i"lli *X00X**=** Ut Cquatry would mom E 6"09 W W**. Toss+W "OACA "PW 11to *W ft^ , Ill %marm"Obw ww say"44 W" Ill# roa W ou "iblo 31111IIII&XIII1,1171111,11 %^am" eip. be 00*180 %bog doaft�wwt aw""d *w". :, ;W4 but on" Is 4kp-** SW" Od 0VW � libb omw cewlt ill" 4=4 4111l� 11111"Ileme *A kk It WV40., NQ34Y aw vowe $4 two, *Y0, Juill Attop ;u(*tk* o kInAllt sla ago" A Ui**4"" f gUKuvWQa Wtk ww 4 wig- witill V/2"? itual _ "* =W044 kW. W1. vauut, wx%'O� U1191404 *OP4yqrQp, fircicow juttv 4" ft 00 �Coyutrn 04 11oviol,10 r4 31116, 4A 4rall wo to'"e. I01- to Uft b"p. BOA 04 111111161A 10 Muilodbya Ail;- to"g. , 1powd, 74C to 04fle'. X*W* All $11110aftt" n14 vour bllil AmptirwA4, 't'ho Albrxta and sa"t4swap, AA* 24014 t, t 4& TWO pfuraAw rw�" for 0;or W1 *"d VI"m- bilat 94 JAW41 qRsAtitiev, It �tQIIQU$ Tbo so KI We t 41* wouillITO I*, ii -top to U41; No., a *vA gro*# 4II-C. NO. 4. I0 1 Pontilli, *man ow-lik* otroo. day W401l U 01ROF o. 140 ;fomguty at St. It ja tillowe Witick jiOLM. t W* at 141AR11- XrA a bowl itaix to Iw" 'Vrc*MtlXW _VM0 doe -'a' "I*omCut#* Xt I$ 0Cgitt4lued Wtd 311111 at 0 a difills towA. JvQwt, Ilia z"i a-44104 of rimili, 64Z jljllqg�, 4%fJ)t4;r4 WN at X"t- ,sw�*. XW. � Urlwo rlIfa thelA'k WAtW #04 titIll 9 , of;!, OA. a dash ot nel*1W th" 40 ill'tat#lCo 'e%l)UJ$ b.0 '41 " $I% $_I.LW o#ift.W 1*1) 'O tho ro V Yolkir ef two ittlift It, 4nown" t44,t A404ill, CRA, -jta, wipft� *JtX arterA b* unsoo, tv look Ukro tww -1)y 1004M04 107 brlxko* tum bagrg, 010 It *14IIAM or In 349AAW thern fteo, but U -9a 4 brwA on 40vga littla Rulaitoo vi unlo -11% Th 'it, JUP44, trc k t acro up q, Short ;C"crat 444p, wilt not consc =or# fp� uftr il DMIC111*010'. ou the A"tl,410 0^AL litows of p4rt 410, I 'lop. VAwl, wul�q tilorowit. or vIth Nhicu thl�y Ara fluo. )w ot 'V to an, arMINWO Nr_W 01iFT1 CWAXT414 41YAWV, 1p'1011P, 't'halrar grg tWo, olstlWt tl�at 44 wo t yQt XuAt whiplit Jktt*qk* WuNti 13 the 411Y. Pritillt V91pelvith, W00r. Cbarqoat Jil,offLe of thq I�M 4, Ut itibo awl 04C owma tho itir F* MW rit of 60. Proposals, whicu wtu no 0 Poth, of Ivillub produce 110t Teo 41414 'toWc1l but Wlien ao. pac, of-, onvo ell, igtk� t . f; a bakkow 4t,% to l44,10. .90111co, it me. agpnt�4 tb;lt ICani b6 , �,q omfol o a.am, Xething used, COL, tjisg 11 8LECTICIN 40T ban" a .40 WIL1011; mako tbg red -Vettv, 0XV At' 4 t 0. bea Wittil 44 t4ii t vc4co 4:941[crCuo, dWLI *t llow, att, *A411 l4tPl? 944rall.00, tho bla& #pqns stilue,* siot wenuk gutside fix tba sa" I)A 00 p%kra 06 mutit, k for butcria, Will ;y&- thrivo An Og, -M b. Up quit "yo bCfQro *o oil lan U 'which. tql tqltilog * 411 tho 44lAt , 11� L, lict'rilittill W40401C4 6 4011 Thor altuatiou rcglaraftf 11ho artmig, I 10 Dquinlou eir019115 40 tICO 10 as follows: uur4 4 hX4 totm. tyalutp. rftt, V. 1C to 0004 h bOrtik #IV* at to, *U, '401 to tillso Aq . ugh choutlax A *q iu4ta ready to tho noxt 'run, to AIXO 'r Of C1.111`41114440k OW.)- be 4ddllaq a C Of clora, oUpla itit 011y alpitifflod to Presidout Ittleaqvclt, I;Ar1*_14I;er hefor No. 4, Iint that, r�A. biAt r4lilvr 00, bliJZ� o414ubli tt�a Wo Qr , 1110, 49, tro V01.1 provAt Watt. from ft 614M aO Pgr*ou who Circul4tes al'falM Qnlf by tho appoliatifudit at Plealpal. acpercll T,rlcq flit *4411jobline Irt uk�k 040044� r'ust I& onl 4lA,A0;&#WXt o040 Prlsvl'40 *3 PODAItY Ot $200 04 ber tliz.41ra 'or Q flaoont; PCUQQ. not as Ufgh gA (lop, JowdWas Iran: A, Nico XucalIQp._,MjX t9getU g,i it, r istatemellit of Oftd, 14 470. 'WIM 440 the 'WIthdTA%Vq1 Of 0 tcu IONCS who Will bo acomilapauled. 11 06tur tho Or JrOA lrlu=1114�4 41V. th4 lic4t. Who Cup* rlilizj� at IIWjy A I�nd caudidaie, and tho otbip muive* all by expQrts fully Calpowerc oi_p need hqM for Z 41I JgrX oil waof lRaCk 14 deep , ;a I, Vill C,aw d v ond 0c f4io NQ, 4, 014ut 44focted. or Apt. W,.e _CVqreb,!, the bet9ro. . patty bills. pOstem and *911114W i5*111CO 14 elude, N treaty subject only to the ot ontalde points. tl� 10tilla H lilyo-pulh coo outsfifiti, A Volbt 40�t MY INVAIDS, , VOW in ol� little milk, break all Promotion at a aUAIdilltos interc3t ratification at the rmpectivo Govern- b;� Al ;ivoldc4i by 1) tho boOver each dud Italto in a Mader- to bear tho atilwo I% . ad addreis of the menta. but an a final afl,cp has illot- Com-cquadjart. 040 �to Ole, Cumi. Teo. IPawderio wltich I#, thqds f, ' rf*. n'V It t)Wr4p ItUR 'AoCa qJVtbJt.1f; burnt Strixw,herr Puflb,-Two eggs, two latter. Mr. Burden o anne Or ce it 'N V thata (rclobts; American Qrm, at, Until Wo tu riporc, � 6= Printer and Publisher thereof. The cutcid her rieudineas to suspend has. elt)AO:,4 d P. tIliin, the oven iillro�V t -4t in. and x.plained, was t1litles. She has avoided Jarml le . 04c for Zft 2 yellow May a for No 09SAVI , tho Clips pf fie,ur. one cup at atrawberries, taken from the Efiglifib election act. asking for an armistico as I% matter alad 0;100 to ait illbO a.04A trAuslucent .()r leh;oft dk.Upplear� It salt I* ch4lirlid In hall-va and dredged IKL lafto and rall frelghte, stow", Ora, dor, t.tok �419 tuo tv, IA ITO;, an 10STIMATES. at pride. but under the circulustanCes 10 , niffa ilt*l. ellver, chip fec " �%, 4 or cartheiii- iffour. o,"ll cup of ml 0 alt tba, sor. ne-h cup Itubsia Could hardly go turtht: Peq&�Slcarce at 71c to 72o for $0, 'Ailitlitfug, POL Iwill tAkel off the 5`tut43 9t fut of Wgur, Ono -ball cupful'of but- Supplementary estimates have been she haq. than 2 went and cost, 75c for luilling,, etc. salt will 1011 wWd$o 11 ter. tUrvo tablespoonfuls of bakl, PlAced before Ilarlinlfeat asking for Point of Infection #Axom a. rusk lox diplomatic circles tho most cuir� 11ollad Oats -41i.75 (r a re, of N)r WNW on gro1 walk*. a tog ftarls. ha, L I Steam for four hours a 00sort". - - ... I We JA Powder. the sum of $13.414,978, m4king a nest hope 113 expressed that Japan t Thefts�pots JutV.-bo, 4140110 thau"hult tI4 ziltJ4 Ulna, and $3 for barrels oil tiacit here, 25q, gone 34, 49, WZt9Xk you tire lboildug ant. servo with lemon sauce. arand totatl expeaditure for tho year will change her aliclulon not to con- more for broken lots hero and 40a "Ifu Oven 9411,15t 100 hot. Put in a basin anding June 80, 100O."of $81.979,- sent, both for ob,".rved by 1191411,41; tbo'WC00d 14-41 94 494PINI In the CAU"a Of a 010914 Of Cold tile sake at avoidin OutslAq. Wator lustQ4 of lietiving the 871. lurther bloodabod in Manchuria. Gall or $p lit be. qAr' door Opn. This Cools the oven. ania Here ara some of the leading per ape In order to prevent a catatir. 'a the steAm rising from the water Items,. trophg In Remain, which iftay alialia tWoon the oya 4#4 oro A W.Wr4mo.vifn mijitg h IGONDENSED NEWS ITEMS COUNTily PItODUO1.3. proyoutp tho contents from burning, Eliquiry into the operation of the the Heinanuffe' throne and appal the But ter -quota t Iona all Tooled a r0prifsentatiVie re,04fitly otleiorlbod the re eesaryothe 4curroppq of i"ttIrribly A rusty vrqpl Mrstj at ticant quo When COOUI09 in A guls oven. a basis, 9APPRH=GS FnOX AT- OVE33 tariff, 810.0oo. world by Ito horrors. An oullagat Unchanged. tr to 'jall uPol* Most dIsqqietlng.F* alt, In the Al Or tin Of water "'Ould always be THE GLOBE. Salary to two additional upreme Ambassador of a groat European ured, ry. prints ... .... log to 21C 'the Perhas t ift opt in the Ovep. -weat, $8,- ower said to the Associated he ehe do -7 grain, and a4goad, Anof' the, Court judges in the North Press: solids ... . ..... .... lea to 190 leaws of the W oture all said Ili f It dded to mustard, Teliofraphic, Briefs From Ow Own, 000. 11 Jupan declines it may prove to Dairy. lb. -culls, good to livat to 6 t1lat whole question 9.1 VO tultary culls Cap it of a' bet- Ikud Other Countries of Ito. To"'A Atiolloins 11 I k be a misfortune lo� the whole world. choice ..... ...... 15c to LOG 6pore.s. rhera are other soqoo�ary �Viant is o6flept6d by. Salary of W. P. Archibald as Ito- this deplor4bly-low standard ofpby The position - at Ituseliv in critical. t 11 features. such 40 a Suceptible leaf or sique of the tie mustard at first million Parolo officer. $2.000 if 0 lartle oils ..... 140 to Ific VilOolitga th a lit CANADA. �Itiou at The Emperor, crushed by Like defeats do inedl straw surface, pr9vailin nation generally and wi v Ilegar. Then mix it Towards a Dominion Exhi on I 0 to toBritish Boldlers lit Particular. with warin water. It can thifil; be The Car Shope of the "Boo" in- Now westibluster. $50,000, lit the Far East. and with almost do tube. good waft sporee frain Plant to plont, quo to dustries may be re -opened. civil war at home. has bowed his "OfAhQ men- who Offer themselves made thinner than when cold water chair* ..... W I feoni onq region to agothe, Quinquennial cousus, Provinces of ...... 14ic to 156a for mliftqry service every year near- to used aild'is more convent 0 Th improvements to be made, at Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Al- head to the inevitable. Tie wants du Interior ... .... 12c to lac eat to Ar, TER INF ECTION, IY half are rejected by the medical pour into the mustard pot� while it It berta, $75,000. her possession. -Japan has vindtcat-. lie Part IA&nloy hurbor will make Pence, and Japan has Lim proofs lit, Cheesti­Htemilly to firial at loge to the damage done to fouall,to depend Officers. In 1908 there wor� ao,SO1 stifferis sufnalently Go it cools, Wat- One of the best on Lake tealuer for service at Victoria. Par Pound for job Iota on track recrulls, b litor-011ueral, MeDougall h- B. C., $25.uoo. has won tile udialratioil of the world, E999-QUutations are firm at 17c. ut only 29,575 were AUL ed her powur before the world. anti hero. llargely upon such elements as We4- ceptoil. ac- cry mustard Is an abominati6o. sent in hits With a ve- Annuity to the widow of tile Into Nothing becomes a victor lto Inuch LIN, tber and soil conditlorls, etc. If your kitchen range or stove has w.z elflAn "These figures, bear in mind, take get spotted with grease while cook Increamed ksuperannua Lion. Hon. Win. McDougall, $1,200. Vterir$' V- P., gra"'i'llto of t4s �450108 of -the evident Preventive D nOnthric, mazy COW gO.Voronto. I no account Of the very large num.- Winnipeg building Permits for tile a broad spirit of magnanimity, POtatoQs--NtW are quoted at dog Ing and you cannot got it to polish. Militia, chargeable to income, in- ito 90c pvr bushel, or $2.30 to $2.75 WI tug %ttentillp'91! horae. owners measures *May be cited as follows: 1. bar of men Who want to join the, a good way to remove the grease is !crease of $122,uuo over the sulud and allowances, $85,000 further forcing a useless battle which j6 I Year to clatt, total an in- Japan still inalsilt6 irk humbling the per barrol 013110"Ist Dridn all fields so thilt the surface army, but whom the recruiting ser- as follows: Take a little hand -brush, i porioJi eluding 8683�000 further amount pay Emperor's hood into the dust unit Baled goIx fro 0 Water passes quickly into the main R�sUP4.Iy0vl k 01woryis iantt,an . Aloe 40 OW lIfty-QUotationm are un- t0ort, 00 erich- ay, 'ters of the trat_`,�una Horbe lives, sho may produce generol drainage. 2. The seed girain unlit for Be -Vice that it would be smear it well with soot from th w he defences. 61,734,490, cataclysn I anarchy greater than knowing them to be so manifestly the Pans befoie Putting them a I a I of tons of th rhar9t'd at $7 50 to 97 75 per ton ditches. Co*operdte or arrange for ge4uts will not even look at, well preferably the one used for brushing � M of c!no lint will be the headquar- 000 further amount for Usquimalt saahs of far No I till-WhY lit cur lots on aear. amount for annual drill, and $Ito,- result in tile loss of a replon should as nearly as pas track here TONSOMA L.' - waste of tittle to take them before and rub It we now mounted regiment to be ab- To pay Ornnd runk Pacific Com- that of tI -111,111 unit %,whangoof �Iiltt listed ';fro;%- Bible be seeded at approximatelythe the doctors. ftreTorritorieii. 11 over the grensY Froach Revolution, Willett, Parts. Afterward blacklea pany for surveys. etc., with inter- will loavocHussla no Government to iIon foi- car lots st - entreat sti same period, giving the wheat of B, LOSS TO THE NATION. and you will if a" usual on Lako Tennigarni will be eat at 4 par cent. to the let August negotiato with, besides threatening HU12H"Sobil Goderlich. locality an even stage of growth and "There ould be no dearth of re- nd tile grease has dim- !Jensed by the 0avernitionit at $20 'an track here. ting, shampooing appeared arld a brilliant polish will the peace of Europe. The initial JIG& h air cut etc of maturity. Early1flelds infect late crults If all who offers Islands halt all acre, and $3 per agre Construction National Trunscontin- IMONTREAL data style. Ijazors -qba�pene'A d ware physi- be the result, for next, $352,870. tionad. SatIsfaetiou old these continue the infec- cally sound enough to pass the ined- ad ones, and cod nts (or the conclusion of a *11. Iva - i additional 'It, to five acres. ental, $1,000,000. areoreversed in this come, An tirillor- Montreal, tion to more distant but naturally ical examination. With a Yearly The care said economy of brushes Is Permits for nrilk dealers will be tice gonerall precedes an July It. -No. 2 whita, ater regions. 3. Form a good seed- quota Of 60,000 r an, quite worth studying in art average I I Terminla and right of way, I issued In Brantford hereafter, and 81,000,000tt on I Oats sold at 30c, ad No. 3 white BENEVOLENT, SOCIETIES. the number at lit, time and place tot- a "I'Viltillif 4V, bed so that the seed Inay'all begiven. present forthcoming, there would household, as they quickly Mount riald rules "Ill lie laid down re- Additions anti alteration to rar. Of negotiators. Now that the ritepal Ing the annuuncourient an Oven, equal start. This is aspect- never be any scarcity of soldier if up to a heavy Item In the year'F? ex- 'garding the use of adultkyrants. liament Buildings, $100,00'40. whlch usually follow it sumpt-ohiolt I f 01UnT GOD)ORICH, No. 82, a Ily. necessary to spring wheat re- it were not for the fact that so peaditure. For Instance, a scrub- At ontreal liecordep Weir Imposed hostilities have been wily, 1,111, (hut t a by the Ogll�lu Flour ills (�,Illpaory, liflur, miletings tile :tX_ anti Ord gion. 4. For a like re"on. sow seed -any have to be rejected. bine-brush that to left to &Oak in a Addition to the East illock, depart - as ays of ovary inall . Parities a line of $40 or two Inorithso fill rie- anorital but mbould Japan, simply bima-Iso ll,'v had advanced the wishing to Jolt, can got full particulars of an Oven germinating power. 0. bucket quickly rote. P Wing, $75,000. Nile t;,ThIB arni� of chronic Invalids is Sweeping- onialent. on C. A. Workman, the store- enjoys the advantage of tile militar price We a hart -t -f to $5.73 for Itoyall from Inirretin Crinteron, Archlo Hadden, Avold inixed varieties. best the nation can produce. brooms should neA Additional aniount, ottowat and Wilson . McCre rath. to IThey are the Picked men of thecoun- except when 11), actual um-; they dow.' The Itecorder also severely Deop Waterways CuIllmi;sIons slaughter? Nothing Talt, Them. Harrows, ames variety characteristically suited situation. Inflict another dofeut. wit 0 Select a 'er touch the uor keeper Who had a wedding fit his will- Georgian Bay surveys, $70 000 11013101old and to for Glenr, LI;, IV tooth. Visiting 71 a patent, the I,Akop of the Woods Coal- on lay$ welcome. 19sq. the region and of long standing 11try, though they are feeble in can- should at onice be stood oil the point criticized tile clergyman wflo per- w Id be gained by it, and tnuch 114111Y IssIlOd notittell that they would ou ight be luBt." not advance and would[ quote filere. It will be Wore aPt to make stitution and easily succumb to dis, of the bundle, head upward, ailit. formed the ceremon, Additional steamsip service, Can- r.,9,1 Such as they are, these few a wall or piece of furniture. I t IQ The trading stallip bill renders a ad' n tay rIUSICAll- growth. 7. Treat all seed ease. 95.110 to $Z.441 tot- Patents and $5 to for of smilt. f a and Mexico, S50,0(w. $ for 9ti-ong bakers. mer- Additional ice -breaking aft, -Oom rack. Dusting-broorns chant liallie to a year's imprison- lower t. Lawrence and Nurthutilbal, cl�iosen rom the many are the wheat kitchens are finished, thun put away company %%ho sells stan'lla to a JAPAN SEIZES ISLAND. d-1_ EOR. -,M LTITnURIDOM organist tacked planto are ,;T1;i; ,rejl�ctlo 1h the Lq steamer, illftvd-Maultoba bran in bags, llt�; and Choir blaster, Knox Church, ns have been steadily which are, suspended by a string nint 'or $500 - V) great producers of rust when rest $20 to $21 Per repar,lid to receive puptie, in folio " penalty. hi, nier- land traltri, $175,000. Effects Landin on Saghalien, IIIII to $1" 5111-ts, subJects: Piano, Pipe aT condiflons prevail. inereasing.for some years past. Ten from the the ure auld Theory. I , a an, Voice (,ill! 8. Avoid aC years ago they were about 34 Por:hung un hairdIL- should always be t:hant wlio gives then -i to a cliqtalli- I ton; Ontoirlo bran, in bulk, $13 t Pupt 'a Str.8S, Maintenance vems,49 patrolling Hud- Penal CO any. 0 'University L-xioninatlobs.' .red. t for weedy crop. Weeds in a wheat crop cent., or one In three, Now one in aftvr U8Q and walh'vd lit or Is liable to SIX olotiLhs' imprison- son*m Bay and establishing and main- A St. Petersburg $16; shorts. $19 to $20, illouille. $2, Lawrence. 1soapsude directly they are dirty. 'inent or $200 llcnaltY. and the cum- taining police posts, Sts.l,000. A funding of 1apancile truops on tile I unt'hunged at 82.- St- weaken the wheat plants No that ' despatch says!- to $2.1 per ton, all I u 11101111 I medical reasons. Ovary two is rejedted, and solely for Balubo Furniture.-WIlcin cleaning tolner Who receives them, Ili liable to Patrol boat, Mounted Island of SaghaliQui was uOlcilitIlY '-I- 40 to $2.12i bag. Comment in the Needs shrivel readily,,ilarii teud to u "These rejections are on account warm water and salt to prevent it AN loo"U'llent collintlemorat-ing -y Reep. the leaves and stems fogged bamboo furniture use a bru4h and $20 penalty. Police in Iludsoti'm Bay, $40,000. Ported oil Saturday night and alil (lall-t tit $1,35 to per bad. With moisture, preventing proper of defects that indicate poor physi- from turning yellow. W Towel startled Militat circles fit St t- IlJght after showers or heavy dews. 1141Y -NO. 1, $9 to $4 23. No. 2, memo= hen dusting GREAT BRITAIN. the 300th aroilversary of the cit I el'sburg. though It half been real i7-od $7.75 to $8.11$� is OROPHE cal develbliment, In the class from carved furniture always use a pain- At 'Cbristie's, in I ondon, t. John, $5.000. mince the (left -at of Admiral Ilojosi.- ig. In winter wheat regions, volun- which the military are largely re- ter's brush to got into all the cl-e- wav 75 to $7, 25, slid pure tiover, se.50 tear grain aliDyId be 'kept pastured cruited. . The defects are deficiencies paid oil Saturday far a colloc- ablu to 80.7.5 per, ton it, a,. late or destroyed; ind 10, do not over� In weight and chest measurement, vices. .0ptyrrm" Among the votv far public w,,)rkN vensky that the Japant V wre CA RTAKERS fertilize With nitrogeneous types of To Remove Inic qtaing f-rom Fnrni- IQ isiland as to 31 05 per busW; MOM UN t.on of In Ontario the following Bre ill- ILO inks PosseNt,itill f I't' weak constitutions, disease I cident- Itue.-Four son The me' they thought fit manure. n clotted;- us AND EMB LMERS tot to general debility, and unsound ie lellion-Juiep on the M..U,.,tU Mbers of tho panatilan The to Ili car lotti. Ink spot end rub ivell In with the rors' Associ , ation porty 'elland canill, electric lighting m t rength of the landitil; fj)l.vo vannot, flono-y--Whilto -clover in collib, 12ic organs. Flat feet and bad teeth are finger. wel*c ente"talned at Lord SArath- a nil Iower plant, $40,000, lie uncertalnud, but, the garrison' of CARE OF THE SEPARATOR. 'also fruitful causes, Then Wipe it ofT with pvr w-vtIon, In ono -pound sections: GODERIOR - ONT tUl.1tattto 'r ala� lel.th, end if the stain has not tin- culls's countr,� houih� on Saturday. Ottawn - Astroiroloical Observe- tile Island Is too wontli to oller all ef-1,X creasingly so, provinj orv, rittinsrs, fiirnitilwe and transit fee t I ve defunce. k West Sulimetl' The care of the cream, separator Is r I. t"act, lit 10-11), tins, 7c to 7io; in eaten b- the, tirely disa­cared Itinti (Ic to tile , 6some D9 hat should men app v, more Aomori house (revrite $211,000), $40.000 though tile sliftl4kilt-k-f! twent unwill- ; uc W Oat, be Impressed 61c, its to quality. mind of every user and that their daily Julce: continue to Ito 6is until the Ottawa--Ilarl In nit -lit buildings, * III Ing to risk a grantl blittlo %NIIII u I., for on it I A combination of coal it- Canadian short only the life �f tU6 me- to their health. Istains are removed. PlIVate met of Irangfornters, mc., to depends not r Linevitch pending tile li,-I ioRtalle a clit pork. 32o to '$21; light sort Oil Valntings.-Tbese rnav 110 companies lit Indiana hiis been effect- t Washington, the Inuding f troope _W 30 viline,but the benefit to be derived electric liqlltill,. tell), cleaned thoroughiv 1) ed. of therefrom. on Sakhalin In considored it) exprQu i$18 to $IV, American cot clear Let s Imagine we ha Y tall them The Wabaih Itailroad hasr I'll() -half coin pleto $1 I,000, -ding a ocompound WOLF GUAR ED KING'S HEAD. alit of their fra JaPall's decision regai tit of ti,mes and rubbing Ottl3wit-Ptiblic lighting 11, I Planing IfillS. purchased . good standard Ake ve the Its espionage -at aAard 7e it) 7ic, A, creaut. separator from surfilce with f a raw potato. The which clmt it conclumion of a genel armis- I o' Canadian Int 9ic a company $1001000 a groundm, PlIt'llonlent JIM. by clectric- - . numely, that It, tit(, inter kettle rendered, 10fe to lie, that has a good rating and is doing Wierd Legend of One of the Early irublillig sho"M bo circular, getitle ity, $10,000. a we can feel as-- The I!nit(,d Uttal,ra-flepartro-iltal Imilding, fit- 03*1 .Y to according to qualit hollis, 12c to a good business, the invet Ing it im Ile,,heaval s Enklish Kings. ;IlIld firl". When elvan, wipt, with a will I proiccutc prat-tica ly nil ill(, railway lines for" Ravin&,, hunk livainch Vast- I Important card ttoiA bolls, S92:. alive. Barred that, if we Is long(., and cl-ar 'voter. Tit 1.9 rr, occupy the Wand, i%homp 14c, haton. I -'c lit 4e; should want parts King Edmund was one of the East cipe may lie tricol with call Parties for neglect, of ct, tle H Lin live years from now the company Anglian kingis; as in office in JupaWs was the son of Ail- tra liait. Plomatic contest at Waslunfitull. toli $0.75 for rallied lotst, selects, 'would sill be in business and that mund, a saxon king, by lifs queen it IN used in the picture-regtoring Ottawa-Govf-rilintent 1,rinling an,,- business. Itev. Charles A. Eton wits lirmsmil,- $7 to $7 15. we call receive them. The first thing Simae: was born at Nuremburg, of by his (,Ievqltlll;f con,,I-a V.gKN�Strafitht st,iek, 1(,c it) laic; in Tf the hands are, rubbed on a litick c tint oft call (revote $20,f)00), $.It) II()(l Cont t to consider is thcostting up of the 1841; began his reign 25th 'December,, of ctlery Ith a ba9l,et of ,)(,Iota(- ()win Soil lid-Publ le builring', $10,_ COSSACKS STILL ATWORK N 1% .4. 11, ench 4�f oo(). a. 2, 1 1 c, small will be. entircly removed. Brutally Attack Odessa Crowd, )oic; --Cholct, emnmery, 2f)c if) s m d rtuif fel do elrrs a machine, ared we should have a good, 1855; was crowned and anointed Kin& after peeling onions, the w h1rh was It gold IManuisiclukers of a . rid. solid foundation If Possible; but in Of East Anglla,by Humbert, Dishop Pickles sh'ould ru-vpr be kept in I'tilted Slalom croj) have to 2oc; dealers (.,see we have to set It on a floor of H-ulm, 23th December, 856, being to $7,500. Killing Many of Them. in nil Onds of D,tifloing Ma- glazed ware, as the vinegar furms a falsified bv an oflicioll !,l soft dalry, 1.)Ir it) teriRl dh as Lumber, Doors, that is not perfectly solid. it should 'only fifteen years lit age; was put,- poisatioum, compound lih,, marlipt, an', 111ful-Irentloill givell Chief frisi'vetor eNlichad of Cus,- A to) the, Imition Stan- the tri file, und be braced underneath o7 P sued by the Danc§, near Thetford, with the gla/- tours of get all incrouse of dard )III Ilto URI-. Stiletto, Lsu )aWc placed lolit it, ad%nnrr-' to a ring of Wall atb Shingles, &c.&c. Odessa says -0dosaa s crosswise of the flooring where the, a7d a bloody battle ensued between I n'. Illak-n-11 his litipend .52,t400 per cottimurl" r A cooking autht;rjt.v says that a specolo i 4;rs. -Nivoluieff arid separator is to &Lt, which will help ihis forcesand those of Inguar. .(I- few annitin. Khorson is only tontntiv,ly eeolien- Plans and gralets of salt Wrinkled on car- orconstruction (if Meunier ell, estimates furnished qrs . it materitilly. When fastening the I mumd escamd to Framlington Castle; fee before the water is added will witli the Cauca - fat' Atlantic soil Ili supondell. There %%as a croAd Mstablisha llel;L) from, some surface on the frame as imind*s refusing to give up his 'd (.,r,at daltjng� has icloilted on.'I Itillylklo, 1111Y Rteady. Iseparator down, It should be leveled was pursued by Inguar, who, On E' - bring out aull finprova thL flavor, lie%-(- I ocil lost by a hurricane In I at Cap night No. I Northern, k I nT- i (;oil llt,d Iiver St, Bmtdhanans LoLwson 1-tructed by the manufacturers, for dom, had him, lashed to a free and One does imt go so) til -ed )i using $75 oIo watching for the expecled apea$1,111 Winter, the leparator the sewing muchitiv It only the right, No 2 red. 31.0o. hou I is like a top- I beaten with whips, a' lPwi-inkin nd afterwards for the orgunioention of Rinve of thi, knin/ 2 %eliow, fsole; f n 1`00t 1.9 PlAVI'Ll Pntil?Oly all the treadle, Ili'' whe it in up to speed itfwiII try to lorldered his head to be struck o4l. allowing but tile ton- of the left to f0e exi n na%al Illilltia. arml o.41lig ritchesky. ( ossarkm attacked tire u. 2 but rup perpendicular, and I the ma- -ember, touch the front. i.flge. ethe Callada Its it training Nhip, still brillally thein, firrit; No, 2 McKILLOP ch I'Ihus bodied, on the 20(h No% $141,- 37J, No. 2 inixed, here will be an 870, in the fifteenth ear a( his To clean rl� rusty grate, Tho French Il,(i killing and IlTherefirim 1(�e_!111111 No. 1. 79(.. t,anal inec soary wear on one side of the reign, and twenty-ninth of his age. which hits ']'a for 111hal FiTe lusaranoo Go become so thr gh having no) fire tiNos have ;igrved upt)n p1rills, f.11, it arnoilling iron orns , 1, sImuting ill the )carine as the bowl pushes in that The Danwa cast. his sovered h,,ad and by It is stntod that 26 Fiat -- am and Isolatedvown PrODII)PLY direction. If this Is well done on a body Into the aood a( Eglerldew-. On In It for soinoo"itirne, blackleati it conhrence oil the lfroc'-sh, S15.4mlo. 11 . 14 114-11.1 killwl. good foundation it will add years to the departure of the erwiny the East thoroughly anti Ivav,- the wet blark- alld laahil-rinne-, ex- I g are vurrmit rogardhig the life of a separator, that lead to dr,V on for tito or, three 0 I It,- Value of Property Inspired up to inight Angliaus assmbleq,,,Lp Pay his corp" perionental for, of 14 'if 4111 .11,lv It -The following Is then clean the qI-ato Ili ths, uisaal JAPAN 13ORROWS MILLIONS. dog listouthn-ak llie of tohave been set on a shaky floor where the lust solemn duTres. The body way. It mill )oli�ih bealltifull New thri-m rim grnVo TMV4)II4 January, 19OX, $3,048,975-001 it could not stay level. was discovered, but the head could IY, nsI (111 d9II)9 IIIATM g --w raff� I rnt I J.., (hoice 504) Ithatt sli(h till outbreak is being 7.5 4 9U and J)1J,iZ01l1u1ts_j the lead will have ent(m orf the ruit. Bonds Will be Floatod in London, .13i, When the separator Is properlyet, not be found. Dividing themselvas, In mak 1 ng brown robin, I ake Berlin and New York. or. I:3 75 aman,'Frosident Rippren P. O.- 1,. look well to the oiling; each bearing they searched every'quarter of the Additional nn,f,otlt (),,_ Fraser, Vice-Prosl6at, -13ruceflcl� P. !should have what oil is required ac- wood. Terrified by its thicknessmad wat,,r for ljolth,s, add half- A despatch Nvw Y,,rk Luria rind I'll light :1 oU -0 50 O., T. I. Hayes, Secretary-Treasur. cordfyrX to the amoulli of friction, dnrlln�sr, they called out to each (lf boll lialf nil hotir, fntays.-I (,(,nstl,o(tiotI ill %%1101 ARMY ULTIMATUM. ro'14 " tit) 00 Porter's Hill, 1,. o.: small other, "hirre are I er, Scaforth P. o., J. Connolly, but don't he too liberal; I the -n ndil hair_I,(,lII)d fjf ,,all tIIrl,sew--:aqe 43%tem lit liullif, 7,", 4 85 oyou?" A Pound Of 'Wgifl'. .-f Ill4 75 0. Dale, Clin. amount of good oil, if it -reaches the an-mercol, "Here, here ;Soldiers Will Make it Demand for 4 0 ton P. O.; J. Wntt, 11arlock P , h-rol" and toy, shall. .f [,it% ".g I Political Rights 'I O.ilbearing, will do a great atnount of th,ty found the long -nought hed in it Let it cot"A! I., honds %%Ili int,,r,,lit 4 50 P. ,lubricating, and many times we see thicket of thorns. guarded I)%. n wolf. tth"n Virility into it "cror-k­ at I lGriove"'Winthrop P. 0 13' , 1,.vp basin anti cool till it I, L I by a "i.e. Vlw I4 00 enne, -owt-red with Jo%- it loollopolly. I �211 I la],, wils, Ifectilwood P. O.;' people using three times the oil that The people, overr I 4 2!) et. oit Chesney, Is necessary. Of course they Datur- look the holy lipati, still 'ili rm, thin a,td a viLpful ill Seaforth P. O- each the inspector ],)an %%ill I 2 �'11) 50 To 1,1"ni-bri ,it I ',(I ally think oil is cheaper than ma- to the 1103Y, tile wolf foll,ming Ili part,;, L, ItP, or I %I A It l,q 4 7.5 chinery, but with . creator separator the process�oill, 1110; th� flnei,ninrl,q vith 1, I ions and AfIENTS - J W. Yeal. Holmearvilietf Wer`F )',,rk urich titkintz "res nothrast tO.W41101 they occur ' The renaiins a buried 4n ' the Iit 25 James Cumming, " 811171(lent amount Is better than eerth, in it L PiPe" of flannvi lrparafflo ,if mill tguirondville; waodvn 11":11"111114 1--ttlitill, E rh, niarks will cli-�nmuar lik,� iY ell, Hinchlity, Searorth; It. �Anith. na ' ell overdose chaPul at T-Toxne, nnd lay for thirt y ,,al, ,22 ..... . it2 7,il .1 lootik. ]"Ill ill I" tI oo r. The separator Is made for the pur- crwhim, to the asfotd�,hment a int"I'll4t oltPolicy Holdolits can pay assess- -a of skimming milk or separating all. the body Ivas found rv-rfertly ros of "r,in'.1 ofit of h,,f water it, In,— f, -a -ir.- is away the stnell. Ilim, IN 1,eit,r mftts cud get, their cards teceipt- the butter fat from the verum. Ther Pet-sli, with tile head onited to it. arid n n I I.,, lull, hit%, Atoll N1 ... 111-� I.,- ,I n, ­ if I Mi, Wit oIIad ut W- COats,, Clinton, or at Me. maniJacturem have made a_ study afterwards removed to the Chilirch ifl` it. If 114t n I Iw I, of the force equirtld and have set pnilo Pnialf- Iilldraw lI411A 1 TAan Bros. Palace Clothing Store, a Of St. MArriund, rewilt by Ca IotltI nlite, ttit for- f10odarich. certain speed for the bowl of each nad deposited in a sPl(-')(Ifd shrin(� IInachJne, and every user should pil- inriched with jewels and other, costi; hall fhmr- nhiviii a 11, tile 11, �illl I lit- I IIdeft, or to turn the crank at the at na merits. Way. III. ill 'I fill if HP IU rated speed given with an even, tini- jftisma 111'.1 .1 fl!lrt, Ow ieIIh,, Iif I...... otoOALL for' -------- 'If thil -.11;11 he ITrim-,wil,rr-wal 111, 'notion, using the same amount I . .. ... of pressure at all points or th�- cir- REWARDS FOR JJEROISM. %vard the (of elljIll 4 ill 7*alhin%� 41 ... :.,(. 11 It I- lmd vill, '-;f rn .. ..... I'l t!". .,i Ill. it 11;1 ItIl. i ard when thri Tib-rry TaJO-len --%%';i,h Ii,linil rl--bt If 11'.1. it Il.. .... honeg I harvill, IF; lip and pull %%hen, it is Men Who Saved Corn.rades inSar. otaillocn on -1 ­lak lit (-,lid t1%-[ I,f,- and yards tit oI'lal T lop down, as this will cause unnecessary nia. Tunnol Get Medals. I 11 INDIAV WOMA n dock wnto-r o%v; viglif In Ih- lfllit Inmir ov,-r R flint of lint,,e lIll !�t ** I or turnintr: yet It is a fact that ep rnin, Ont 111111 I InCe i th,? if Ill., - 4 r, I tI wear and very soon he noticed In the A I etch from Sa thri UP town oflice- WalOcitY Of Pl-rsonn, who turn a hatif snYs:-vilaYor David Harr, a pub- it) %initner ArimilY unill I h 1:11,11)"n 14 M ANY BAD ACCIDFN[S. lie -meeting of the Town Criout all MUTINEERS SURRENDER. career West St. separator act ncil 24 Into this habit, as it night. presented Itoyal st 1`131 Duwn Flag rind Give Their.- Ill.. I 11 I I.- f and Square Is so.11cwhitt ealilar than Flumalle Society modals for heroism 'lea 1l.i selves Up. o11! Two r.j 1, on p l3ridges lloTHE CORRECT WAY. Ill. III IJPAI North Ilattim,)r'l IoWh011 YOU WA'nt th-- bast Ill tile following men for bravery in frorn Pre -tell do") it rkl­ Iry d, I I fit Thu bowl. to do Its best mark, connection with the disaster in if itJr..m to I., .,ap It * be had in I : -ith otshould have a true motion, with no 'it. Clair Tunnel last October In Iit Ill vibratioui and a regular speed. in let- Ilawn, ohn Blake, it,,, f maldn.g the run -tht, bowl should be Ilion, Alexander Forbe whi(h hall of t hrise evg, un, ll' It I I ff;i� IllaCh S411. (41!11 111' ttun-4 to full speed before the milk ('ameroll, John Arbough. Frelorick'clir.N1 ,f 11, "I Forrester, CharloR Fisher. Anglislip,111,T? thl, 1'�1171,11 .;I. %' '" f COAL In turned 01111l otherwise the first por ";*1111111"I fell' It ,f wf I-Illit 2 . ,I,- I"I I' -'!I "I t111, q tire noitirr,ou,, ijig no Lion Wit I not be thoroughly separat- Macirlonald, Franklin J. Al still t it � clip ,r i;, j. 11'' t ed. 111 th orell the nin is finished the men displayed conspicuous bravo;ry tit fine been -lit-( f lltill I t 11L kinds of COAL .nl- should bc allowed to r the time six men were fatally r 111h, 11 '41 Ilon down il.. ... .. of on Its Own accord, and then all come by gas ill the tonn(.1. V�Ays On hand. p,�rts cleancirl ad I soon., OR, com-fqnI l,h Ioilnore till I- eIt," difficult they will - t , , I'v I lor for the lonfier they stand the" iant' STRIKE nq TIM CAtICASUS. lih�n It ... till I'lic'l., %0I" fill J,,I, 1. P.i.l ,I� :. 1, be to elenn, and hnie reativ -I ­ 1111i'l, �Iistf liiri%id f . ..... -1 th VV61#1irlid 00,�Itlib Market in no case unless a very urgent onr. Russian Railway Employes Have f n I; I f,,? ttit 11 It, h. @,I dro.;9611. get !9100 linh far Ion t6 ano,ther witlont cleaning, Ihould they stand from one repara- All Quit Work. I lie f-hect (it tit' If oliliri,o -it I1.1111114 Arl- q It few (allf,l ittG far till A,r "it 4, too" It not only shortens the life The St. Petersburg correspondent I' uolllo N o"in liPEACE OTJTLO0I - NOT GOOD. the Fmuco, th,. or' It,,- 1,1,rf hy-11;%%ith 11 %it HAVOC BY TORNADO of the of tile London Timi-mi ascribe the I " " -4 I., I 'eneralq in Xaneloir�a Want One machine, but tendo to injure tb,, pro- Jol-v, or hlf it duct. Anyone that hair examil threatening turn the strike fl -A Mpre , 11 1. 1111.11 It,,, Lr­ih (if ft lit, t Ithis ",r *Ixty Hill"d fly a Fierre movement'han taken to) the fact th,,t eorn ,,,4nr,J7 'if separator bowl aft,er a ran wa th.. Inig, W a %%fill t1 Stnilm in Texan 'to, rrade mobilizatio la still proceeding. �rhii anfl loll fl%n A I. oltil tkndw$'V#ry well that the material Ill, fvg lett t 0. aj fthl$' Otora. felt Inside the bowl should not come wOrkm0h have boqpme alloirmed anti A Io,f the reatless, Their inood thus far ll&s oghlir fit hnilin r t -ip� .1 f "q to tSOU'll"it-001 ANX .. lat" in COTItOct with Puro milk. for there not been ugly, but they tire not.)r� rive, fW�n stint, it I,, I.,; i� �( It I -- 0011 , I a . ..... are 131111110119 of bacteria In this filth follaly under the control Tit,- noilm,-ers IIr ,r l,rmry e% fIll- and slitne, and am should not take of tile I.G- wate, for a oi.,, it, n t;,k(- ofy th,. Ii...... I ,f t ...... -n oVolutionary organf7ationn, u hieh qoarler , f a I,;) r,f nl� I I w r r),ndif .1 t,,g A"d 11, ;that -,,-I I it nil t h, Chanccg Of Possibly Cobtaminattrig may or 'nay not decide upon exi rQme nunrtn of Inn,o f,n Imoird that Emil, Poo,nil-in., ifinit a�,, Aidelldm -a' I I It, 1, ln"martia, nx ch of clICAM. &Y Per- measurcs, (I'lon bal,loig ll h -1 I-nl I ... ... (,Ar vclth bifflktOdh 'Pork rurkni" a er 04M -80pWrator' The cortospondent adds that S,.l ((�r at hoin- in it It I i;3lutel In t�r tor�,t'o, ' - J It'! wi tllaAhOtMolfrilro to tarill hpo.the very WOW 110 Cut Off from tll& world. nil Whorl deino. nr)r.,nrl I .-f ,, ;- I'l, ! ". 11 tA,b0t,WAc(!t of tim1wifitt Inwalty lijj*� limit then, 111,41my aro teil- Iliterimer ., 'Mv fro if ... v n% ig having atopped. "I"he rnil- top. AT)v ca or tv,m% nill th eor I t "'it Vauwd uitt averh4l lik, ihg thelf clifftfill, the rgirtim *ho ay4 way lemploVellf in the Caucasull are itself dri,iniq It iz gi,,-n nil on Ifortmal, ton WON# ldvor to hold striking. and I 1, Ill!) e'lelt 1hp new Pineopr1:3 Pie -For iholl doirstal mv iwill in the apn- P`1 llI? Agog DENNIS PAY PEFAftA