HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-10-06, Page 3itetmace. Tee dliiuh.•hpel Ceased is oat of the
,Host important poputor institutions that could
be conferred on C.o.d.', h is Dearly equal to
tMaysrsal sating, aid "onus! parliaments. It
pet. the mansge ent of public affa're usdcr the
control of Cm people t but the amovol of the
property qualifiratioo regdired of members aeu-
traliws the unpins, advaotages of the iestitutien•
•rol in stare last eaves the people no
choice bat to to r•present'nt by * rontpan.ivel
esteem per on, simply temente be possersee
wirelike '1'bns is amint, nue the people siweid
exert themselves inceematly to have the evil re -
Although it is desirable that e District Coen.
cillor e!oulJ be •n icbabitaut of :he Township
eche..., Le seer -.eons, it is sot desusble that hi.
whole heart and spirit should ee absorbed in the
irnprotement of that Towne!. p : ouch isdividu-
nlity of purpose would destroy 'be leheernate+le.
tion of the Council and near.! the improve: ieot
of the county. lcatesd of being a corporate
Lolly fur the promotion of the common good it
-wuu1J them Le a rtroggk of Liaise:mi1 selo,h-
meso. Tee peruouent interest of every inha.;i•
tem is iu•.lved is the green! improvement of
time District, and brows the ('ounciilor should be
priucipelly ru:Jrd sad actuated by this conside-
ration. Ent abote all be shoe! be one co' the
people. 1 moa wee cso talk of the people ma
great tear of ire -mance and stops:My (alining
w wrw:Vere 0.1 the extremes verge of eiritititioo,
merely fur the pureme of affuni.og the power of
gorersing to Idiot/tit and milers, ouett to
he estepted with the maea,emnit of public of -
taus. Ile has no.ympathien or feeliaga is coin•
mos with the people. And Imam he will lave last
as littly;.yuipatby fir tleatiug with their parses.
Then sty be t'arrilptien and profienry ol ex-
proditere is r U...tri;t ('ouoeil as well en is a
I'resimeal reimeatnre, •n4 as the former conies
more immediately into contact with the pe.:pie's
pockets there is an edJitioael neee!sit) for -
ws•chiog its motemeat.. We roe ani.: Ono e
great deal ol se:.:y eentr0teniel pa:notion
abroad, -streeting, In remet or deprecate the 10-
*reductio. of polirice feeling foto District
s.a•iuo, we cannot tail lo urge (he claims of the
Victoria Magazine open all who believe io the
progressive unpruiewenl of Society or in the
future createe.a of Canada. 'lyre secnud •oleate
will commence ca the first of Jamary, 1849, and
as the Editors have s pn+pect of Ireeoaisg We
Proprietors, we trust the reading public will re-
elect that kw, kw of nor irllow-Colonists are
more deeervlog of 'upper% than Mr. sod Mrs.
Moodie of Belleilk.
a3Oe Friday evesi•g the 29th eft., we
Lectured oa Temperance, iu Mr. Long's Scheel
Louse, McGihiirry, and notwithstau4iog the
dark nee.. of the eight sad the wretched cooditioa
til the made, our audience war 0010 a led ear
suety to suppers that we were actually becom-
ing an olj-ct of •I traction to the beauty sod ia-
telligeooe of the District. 4 number of names
were a' let' to it list of totalorlee:ainer,, and we
are gratileJ in aoosuuciug that the Society now
uumLers upwards of n.ty members.
00. yrs.
LreaJuo tea>cuIGLL
A large portion of our Eugl!ab words are
derived from the Latis, mud nue of the chief
arguments fur going trough • classical (dum-
dum is, that it enables mea to uaderatand their
own lasgeege boner. Now, this appears to me
extremely ridiculous. If a mon lnows, the
meaning of ■n English wort) ; i1 he ondmesa ds
the ation which is commonly attached to
it by his own ce.ntrymen for whom he writes or
emote : if he underact ret the words which will
convey his .drag inteliigit.ly,-hew mile., does
be lose by beim: ignorant of the origin of
ithese wont•' What is the great importance of
know•i,ig their roots? Mr what need be trouble
L:mself about )Iseir root. or .ails Will lie
wo:d c -ovey his idea • whit wetter though he
i.hoeld be Mee to cosywgate, or de.Lne, or Deer
pore it in all Os grammatical relations is the
•ri_aa! ? Or woulu tis English braren ander.
steed l.ion arm teener' 1 think not and did 1
Cuunc.ls. We dere: t a' guts of every .;eemie- C:iuk otherwise-s!id 1 t u(pose that a Leo%iedee
lion, ase thi- nprrried reeve is an arrant sham. ry folia weer nereeury to eaabte us to wider-
I)oee the Ccuner!'ar bane up l.:s polo:cal feel- stand Encieh_dien 1 wou:d at °nee propose to
legs obi a re, wiles !le roes to the Cooaeit?- throw away the English and introuce the Liiio
Ul lrays Ibaai as • ogglpu+e!_ftw-kiln. 1.0• 3iikribilelbsereeimesei Ioniser. els to renatrea s saw
he returns? • We thud. net. Hs ioaiin them .Loggia', language a1 ogetber, wbicb should have
to the. Celle" ..d mise sed arta In lhtm io no relation to any other • for it would certainly
every transaction where he Iles an o:r ertunity, be ,ouch easier and much cheaper to make a new
or 0t lea.t wherr:•er they can be efiieiently IP- ooe than it wool,' tie to learn the present by
plied. And though prudence and policy may ;mist iearaine • Latin. For if it is necessary to
"'We aim Io disown the•ar when he is "Le' the man that speaks, it is just as oeces.ary
lag .be vO:ee of his constituents, yet he cannot 1• the man that nears. If oar ideas -an oe ie -
hide them in the Council, they whll dsp'Ay telli`ibly conveyed in English, then the purpose
heenseives ie every epeointnnot to office, or of alt ,anguss is accomplished
even in Iheprinting o: r eomt0oo handbill. It ,Tire next pr:utnent io behalf of a classical
is reasonable and natural to suppose so, and we .deeation is, that the technicalities of the learn -
bare no desire to entertain any snnpn:iti. n in , std professions, sod hhe nomenclature of mos: of
defiance of nature and reason. IV eat we object' ,he sciences ire in Latin doctor ors law-
is the denial of* feeling which eon" a cop- yet. oe a man of science must ieato Latin as a
celled; and whfc4 Ls generally Been:est in pan at his prufes.iuo. Tails is just admitting
those who disown it mops. i the truth of what I remarked is a iurater Esry,
We bare an ititlt in the policy of tbe. Dutch- ' sleety. that the learning o1 ueac' angungeo is
MVO who was eine to ta'.e mist( Urs towel .ad • tied of mesentery wbieh Ors been tbrowo
t han ,sake Ford roads. %Vs are aware that the *round education .since the period n the dark
•gvlity of the reads a'd :he •mount of local im- , sir.
tied of artificial distioet:ori Ahich eni-
provemeat ted ees•'nieore, depend upno *lir bins the learned .ew to impose on the immersed
amount of lees] 110•: oi-yroriing it 10 Pia- many. To adduce the fact of these technicalities
dently expem:et-. and for this the Conned alone , end nomeneluvres being eepreesed or written in
is responsible. The meaner of expenditure IS the Litho as au argnmeot for learning lain is a
the object to which public attention should be fere begging of the question -it is aswmMsg the
directed. We often hear complaints •nil, mum- • very point which requires 'babe prove*, snmely,
Lime. ata::., lbt weees ei th-r ('ougril urn, but 1s it necessa:c that teem technieatit:es and nom -
them trlr. from ,he• m,rrnwe•t views of Mao- enciatures e)inuli lie expressed in Latio' • We
ranee. No m•p ouel.l to acre. the pd; is redia, i er y sot, and ttiougil it might Seem very vulgar
and we think the District Councillors are sot for leuetore and Lawyers 1„ name their mteeteioer,
remvseratrt' (car the? taboos 3,1 abcir o.efolnesst io tee language of (Inc people wbo pay for diem:
they ee:ht at leant to be paid for the luau 'Pei ', teed swallowthem; yet throwing all yvar!:cry
is ttayelling to and from the Council. Their aside,I would eer•ioly w'sb to hear n ma* ex -
own wages then:h.double what they are at pre- pre„ as idea in Latin which could not be te-
aept, would be • pry eatalt item' le the peblie . pressed in English. But the Deet Lecturers and
expenditure', compared with what they hale writers onseieace in the present age, spurn the
otherwise, meter their emetrul. And were they arae
of Latin oo uendatures, they write and lee -
countenanced, and reecg,u;zed..ed ...screed titre for Ilse prometea ol general knowledge, and
as they ringlet to Inc. they imam much power in !,ince they are aware that to employ a stooge
infra -M. -Mg cennemy a.1 puseti%lity-tato the- la.grage n•oeld be to frustrate their own juice -
management ,of oar •(;. ire. 1 tion. ti ix argue,' that Clergymen must learn the
-- - I de.rd len:nage. in order to enable them to read
I; On Thoredey the 2Sih alt., the annual , rhe Scriptons in the original. Tl.is argument
exhibition of the London Road Acrico'eunl biwlsuppose that our present Ciglieh version of
(Brooch) Society, took piece a: Mr. Joseph the Scrif•tu-es is incorrect. Whe .theo put it
Quick's Tavero. Trete was . tare.. • , a .m(, iotd tae betide of the Nits, at .P' If it is softi-
e( term stock and produce, soil the number of cie.t'v occur a.e to be revs as ibe Word of Life, it
peon's. •.semhled eitewe,i tent the MI -impotent i is Nosily sccuiate for the porposeao; nresc,.i3e•
subject u Apiculture is beeinaine -to attract : sed if it is not correct w$• not employ r number
peteic outcome. The quantity o. the articles . of the most eminent Linguists of the premot age
..d aaitaals exhibite.1 we. cert■inic creJiteele to gine us ? new and better translation ? This
to the settlement t ie poetical*. the keened cat- ; world he much cheaper and better thin to cum -
Ile were Iota nue:crone and *eperi .r. Sue.' ee. I pet e l the Clergymen to i,ie end o.• time, to spend
kibitteas see surely a Messed to iefsee a gi titsix or seven years in obtaining Been • 'matter -
of este:pnse sod emulsion Into the fanning por- I leg of the orig•nal tongnes-besides it would be
tion olthe commoa'ty e•h'.ti will rltimatelt be! an imminent s:ep towees rr••4i.ig dowa
productive of muds good. At the close of the : that baneful spirit of sectarianism whMb is now
exiiibition the Illa.agers of the Society, the i the curse of civil society • for much, much of that
sectarianism aria* 'tom that peeutiir mance. in
which the leaden of the various deoomiouioos
think proper to render certain passages. 1 have
aro faith in this practice of resdeting.
Were the error of learning dead laegeages con-
fined to professional roes, there week' be less
xoom for completed -bac ,t extends to alt whose
peeats hare the meens cad the dupositioo reed-
ucate them. A clerical education is enw 1 very
Doc -
wet lie held thSrridty next the 111b lest. h in common red. Clergymen, Lawyers, ted Doc -
tore, 'ori, bat a amid' proporeion of those wdoere
hs.ith Thurway ferning ct so '01 favours sal'jecIrd to it. The period of life w bieb igloos'
bk u r el es to sit with any degree of cont-
( M nluabie tot acquiring leowledge is deemed tit:
eruro, e• will attend die Aeon, have and after spend n oil or seem ears in drs
.And a• the eirtlPrla' K 1RratforA e„ Aeon, have g y pry
lone been deems. le d enduing a specimen of am/ ask work, the neat six or seven are spent is
eve nwA•w rl'hgn-nM, we ,„,ft,f ru De
gmeeng wbst has learned at so sees em-
ttretit} e.rpelf pewee of time sod money, -end • kw years s(rr
' by DIent y them nn the evenings in . Saturday waving college. the great majority a(elas.tcal
sed DM„d•y tee 1114 tad 16th inst. ■ we
an wade, a porn a to the Total AMtiaeom eeho:ars are a. ignorant ol Greek and Lelia es
Society, em of mit lAetores will Ir on •' The 'bough they had never ,peat .t week ie segsoisg'
ISl..eries or Orun'.eameoi " Tim •object of the I thea . even pro(erio.si men in general ma
rnly emem'..er more than tit teeiroicaletin
older we leap b the choice of our friends : ' es ,heir ow• profrr.00s. The tidoes exits of
eoletnnlq rendre: deli do not ark sit es lames 'ibispan
sea " Iie.rgfw f.^ gases immersegnosis le first. the mite
ereediwg of the ware is we eh marl Memel-
! edge shoed he segatned, and locoed tie aspect
17" la ,eknewledginx,ihe receipt of the 12th ( weerh it wings on edeeatiee. T!.e resew speed.
Ifuniber of the Vietnris SMags-''se, we beg leave nett el his metas in oerchadcg a dank& *de -
to expires nnr tineere reipeet for the islentrdl eaten for his me, ender the impresdes that he
('nmleter., •.d to rowan oar best thanks toe will tarn out an ornament to same y, bet he tome
their kiwnIma.. The esteem whir n j•01 eo.• i •st • user+,soli, s.d the parent is serenest tad
metof remote mseh reedit AS the Simeon, the .certified, and talks and lamest. twee the tr.ehte
('oatrMmn and the 1 il'Ii.her : and ie am 51111 -
Judge. tied r few meets eat down to - good sub-
- suatiel.diaoer prepared ashler the motherly di-
rectio. of Mrs Quad.
IVe w give a list of the successful competi-
tors sed the paean*ide awarded, is our seat.
R3'We wnn1.1 remind our reader, in the mist-
ime section of the District that the lnnual Ex-
hihi•io„ of the Stratford Agricultural Society,
Meet le IV literature o/ nor %mune eo•ntry.-
/Mid as we hippest to meant p•nodieal literature
as eat d ire chief harbmrr of • betel cntli-
sod awn of edsNtieg "Ow, end derhts d edam -
ties is is 1000th •se peeweetriw.gawt issense-
shy W mem : net were the parrot aware
that a seller Y ..t lbs Meet diieip ptsse r re -
duce rectniiJe d eooduct, and that the trimly
of Aaaereoate bacedesalisa (ides or Ovid's las-
civious obscenities, can have little effect iu call.
iog forth the moral fnlugs of ardent youth, be
would not be astoaisled at Las SOO'n eurduet,
Let would rather ,badder eit the idea of identify-
ing each sleaerdhutrn witb the cause of edam -
ties. I will conclude my remarks oa this mob -
)eel is my neat Emmy.
It? From the eatracts given is auotbercoleloa
relative to the loos of the propeller (.obis o0
lake lluron, there es little doubt that the mer-
chandise which has strewed the shore around
Guderieh for the lot tin days has been part of
the cargo of that unhappy vessel -of whose crew
no one is left to ?elate the mournful catastrophe.
The rumor of the Cook being peed, as solitary
exception, is too romantic to e0tide it W notice.
17 We would remind our reader( in Godericb
that • Meeting of the 'throe District BeiWiug
Society will be held is the British Hoe to -mor.
100 'venire (the 7th inst..) •t 6 o'cloel-sad
as muter, ei imprrtance will be brooght forward,
we Cruet the whole members will sated if posei-
We eopv the renewing parsers: h from
the Huron Signal, published at Coie-ich :
"Having, sometime ago. publicly intima-
ted our want of a med'cal nom. in (indeneb,
and har,og subequeetly Tciened var.oua
con h,,ii deatious on 'the ,ublect, we now
?Header at a duty to announce to tier cor-
rrspondenta, and to our readers pcnerally,
'that 1)r. M7)uugal. from ('oinwali, Las la -
len tip his reeidince among u., and nue be
consulted, as iminiated by u•s card. wb.cli
may tae foiled in our auvertiaiog columns 10-
We are eratihed to lea -n, by private let-
ters, that 1)r. frpoogall, baa eve . -y prospect
of making hiulseif useful in Guderieb. The
Doctor, although a youug moo, was very
favorably knows in this District, as a med-
ical practitioner, previous to his departure
for the West, and hie removal bas been the
aocrce of much regret to a tar company
of Iriends.-Curst:cui Frcckro(der.
An inquest was held by Dr. Phillips, on
Monday, the 25th init., In this Town, on
view of the body of James Phelan, who was
supposed to have been murdered in a drunk-
en fray on the preceding Sunday night. It
appeared in evidence before the jury that
Phelan's two sons came out from Ireland to
join. their father on Saturday, and that on
Sunday they assembled at a small grocery
lately kept by a person named Shoebottom,
to celebrate the event. When the whiskey
was circulating freely, a cousin named
Smith came in, who gave the deceased some'
provec alien, which !ed him toatrike Smith;
a man named Clancy was also struck by the
sons of • the deceased, and a general engage-
ment ensued. Clancy ran up stairs, and
was followed by Phelan, when the former
gave the bitter a severe lick. on receiving
which he went down aeatn into the room
below, and immediately expired. Dr. Going
having examined the body gave it as ha
opinion that efiusion of blood on the brain
was the direct cause of death. Ile coosid-
i Beed tint the deceased came to his end
' through appopte y, orcaploocd by drinking
i:nd the excitement of fi her r. fiedid not
think the blows which be had received were
sufficient to hate destroyed life. Tare Jury
returned a verdict accorii ugly-'• Died from
appopkxy, induced by drinking and theex-
eitement, occasioned by fighting
don Times.
With much regret. we announce the sud-
den death of Colonel de latre of Niagara.
The deceased was returning hone trete this
city, on Freest morning last by the steamer
Chief Justice Robinson, and we under,:and
that when he went on board the vessel, he
complained of having been driven rather fast
in a nab to the wharf, and lay down rn one
of the sofas, le here he wall found dead in a
short time afterwards. The deceased was
father-in-law of the lloa. Mr. Juattke Sul-
We sincerely regret to announen t Inc mel
inclio'v death, by drowning, of Mr. Ahra-
hate Taylor, eon of Mr. James Taylor,
farmer, on the River Don, near this city. -
The deceased having' gone to •.Coironr_, id
charge of some cheep. for the forthcoming
exhibition, he fell overboard wh le the sheep
were being landed, and although only a few
minutes in the water, life was extinct when
the body was taken out. The deceased was
a promieine young man, 29 years of age,
and an only eon. 11's remains were brought
to Toronto for interment. -Colonist.
TRTtiio THR WRONG 111111N. - NO little
amusement was ?rented in Covert, by the
trial and convection of a prisoner for a crone
committed by anoths-r; and the fact that a
lo. c, lank, w•hito Han was mistaken Ger a
little mulleto boy, was rca.:y sediment to
excite mirth. }tichard Dewy Taomaa was
arraigned, tried, identified and convicted of
larceny ; but upon one oT the puocipal
wtneee remarking eat there was a mis-
take in the prisoner, both as regarded age,
length and colo•tr, a little further Investiga-
tion satisfied the Court that the prisoner
was quite innocent of this partictlar offence,
and that a little mullet., named Jacob
Thomaa, ens the real offender. Who will
say, atter this, that there is not!.ing in a
name 1-Huraifrota Spectator.
Wm understand that a skeleton was dis-
covered yesterday by soma workmen, who
were (retrying on the mountain. It was
in sitting position, and in a fimaore of the
rock. Our inf„rtnint states that from the
(oration of the skull, ho a hoold presume
ibe skeleton to be that of • white man. -Ib.
RAIL.OAD.=rhe eirvcyrng party, sent out
by the British Government for the purpose
of exploring the trete for the proposed
railroad between Halifax and Quebec, have
brought their lemurs prematurely to a
clove; and the officers and the men compos-
ing it will, ao believe, return to Fsnglasd
by the next steamer. Two persons will
be left is charge to sell and ntberwue dis-
pose of material, lee., need in their several
e x tiora, sad hen the natter rersts.-
Ai the golden tantjcipations no rosily
cherished by the people of these Colonies
are apparently frustrated, and the prnepeet
for the future, as far as this fnpertant on-
dertaki.g is et -unearned, is as dt.hsartsni.g`
e e ver groalwt enemies estsld
DepraviTy anD Death.-Il le as ills.
tasteful to us as It is disgraceful to the City
aelboritka, that we should have to throat -
els inquests held upon no Isms than THREE
last and uotortuaate wretches,whose deaths
were accelerated by disease end filth, but
the immediate cause was destitution and
starvation. We allude to a man named
Forbes, who died in a Loathsome state,
about a fortnight since, in a dilapidated
building (now closed) at t he corner of Ty-
burn street, end Court House Square ;
Mary Jane Reid, who was discovered dead
in a privy in the same vicinity, and was lit-
erally killed with hunger and exposure ;-
some persons in the neighhorhood had fur-
nished her with food until three days previ-
ous, when a good Samaritan prevented the
aid; by threatening to inform the police of-
ficers, that they harbored and succored s
vagrant : Elizabeth Cox, the last victim.,
was seen the next day sitting on the steps
of the next budding, in which the corpse of
Mary Reid laid, she was token at the 11th,
hour, to a house of refuge lately established
in Catharine street, but uitd the next day :
havIng beets in the last stage of dysenterv.
Tbus have peri•heJ Ihiee fellow ctea-
tares. all from disease, and destitution. but
who nimbi leave lived, if nut trial met!. bad
timely and efficient .id be.a *Medea them.
in densely populated towns, ihrre exalt
some shadow of rxeuse for a St. Giles or a
Five Points, but here 'n the borders of are
open public square, next door to the House
of Justice, that such dens of iniquity should
be permitted, or three human creatures
should have been allowed to rot and starve,
astounds us, as it w:U, no tioubi, our readers
far and near.-Hamilton Spectator.
Fatrea.r.lL Lor*. -A principal reason
why we du °Ileac, see brothers and ,esters
deeply interested in and a'tacbed to each
other, is, that suitable endeavours to that
end are nut put forth. Young men and
women take great pains to awaken en in-
terest in their behalf in the minds of rncre
acgeeintances, white they leave home affec-
tion. to grow spontaneously, and,take care
of themselves- 11 those who stud`it all the
minut re of dress, manner., speech, and
appearance, to w•ie the fevrarabie regard to
those whom they meet to company. would
take half the trouble to make tl:elneeloes
agreeable, use;ul, and lovely to their bro-
thers, sister., and parents --if they would
as carefully watch over their manners at
home as .hc * --it they wuuld "study as
hard to please strangers,-Ibere would soon
be a beautiful and blessed ?panne in hun-
dreds of families. whoeo rnembers hereto-
fore have seen but little in cast, other to
love -.Mother's Magazine.
CANADA Tasv*Lt tit's 6010E . -A Guide
Book for Canada is much wented, and we
are happy to have et in our power to state,
the information neceesery will very shortly
be supplied, by means of "Scobte and Bal -
four's Caoauian Aln.anac for 1849," which
will contain tables of distances. throughout
the entire Province, for the guidance of tate
public, in every route over which the mail
Is carried by land or water, by niail coach,
mail cart, on boreeback, or by steamboat.-
The compilers have spared no pains to melee
all the routes full and complete. and bane
procured their information from the bast
and most reliable sources. -Colorist.
Friday Evening, 29th S- eptember. 1.;-18.
There has been no perceptible change in
our market since last report. The prices
to -day rang -d from 4.8d to 4s 10, and 6s.,
per bushel of 60 lbs. fur Fall Wheat, ac-
cording to quihty ; oa. be ng the highest
paid fur the very best samples.
NEW 1- -uatt:, Sept.49 •
Fair amount of FIr• r ceiling, and market
still an upwar.i tendency. Guard Western
en.1 State, $15.62) a $5.75. For Mixed
Wheat t;r5.6:: sales fur shipment R,5•56 a
os.6e.-Wheat rather better : Geneseee
11.22 a *I.3I ; Ohioio maw:.et at tell •10 ;
Vuginia at *1.112. Corn heavy -3 or 4
cents decline : 67 a 70 for New York inferior
flat, 75 a 76 : white, 71.
rJ 111 Directors of the Horse Dior.ct Yurld•
1 tug Society will d.pn.e it use or r..r.
Ilet( Shares of £ell each, at the 11ntieh Ilu•el.
Goderieb, un SAO t'IU)AY the 7th of October
ralt, at 7 o'clock. Y. M.
By order,
1.11O3.118 11 UD.
Goderirh, 26th Sept , 11+18. 3.1
``t N FRIDAY, the 22nd met., ea the
V Reach of Lake Huron, about lushly
miles No: th of (ider eh,
The owner is reemeeted to prove proper-
ty, and settle with the.ub.crllrer.
quit IjDOI'l: McGRCGOR.
Aahlleld, 25; it Sept. 184. alai
Last Cart! Last Call! Last C *II !
A Lt.
Co.. persons indebted se D. MANLEY 1St
w te ISAAC C. 811 A Tit, wi d have
an armee emit, of lay ug the re.pn:tim .1 00511
(TIIE Subrcnb.r 1.ge 1, arc tm laform the
1 FsriM n sad i►e pub:rr oil general, that
he w I evil lk$i I S and SIIOES cheaper,
1.11 cash, than they ran be percl.a,rd rt.e-
abers io lits c• un ry. leteediag por-
1 -bases are rrgoratee eat! end Femme.,
iu!ie., u ae:ver, at Ilia :'chop 0e I,dghttronae
. e% near the Roush 111m. 1.
Ile b.. ala•. • Hone, %Very •a arJ list
Iver.., whoa car 0 1* .0,11 101,1,51 thse the
• Le -1 0 .1.
G..4.ricb, Sept- 1, SIMS.-. • alit
ALI. pinions rndebied t. BRL',VSTER
k $5:.V:1: tt.r,.uph the ag.•nry of
the Sober,t1.. r, aro I. queered to mettle their
eecoun'0 mine -di it v o1'lire with him Or
With Mr. George 1'::... r, Guderich, and
rare coats.
_Godcrich, 8 h Sept., WM. $211
to Witting ('w.ov. os the 4th sad 5th of Oc-
toberACM. at the HURON t1/11 EL, Gwerieb,
after wiimb time the Bsifnf aid malt Ppu* all de -
timbale a lar hertlme conoeibe gives.
Timetly Seed. ulna in psyutes' u the high -
AI Market NW,.
1.1 September, 1848. 24 -
A1.1. Persons inileetot to the erbeeriber .1-
111r1 by Noir or Ilio ti Account, are memo -
fed to call a of settle imminlim sly. ver 'heir Niers
and Accounts wilt be placid i0 the lands of the
Clerk of the Court ler coPereton forthwith.
Code icli. 1 i th Sept, isle. 34 -
C1ME into the enclosure of the soh.rr:ber.
Lot No. 7. first Coocrasion, Eeet Colborne,
some time in July last, a Steer CALF, (year-
ling), ted and white. Any prison owning said
Calf are 'riposted to prove property, pay charg•
es, and ale it mese.
Sept 20.h, 18'8 34
CA/111 petal for FALL WHEAT til the
=lb day of Qts. twe.ett.
Osiusieb, Sept. I, ISIS. ' 311d
C!r be e*OFnstrl1rd at a'beers, et" the
liWi;A Iledl. (Gaacs.Toter)
Gears* S. nt. uatb. 12n. r =-
frit E Si:het-neer teem Galr) has !allele
1 .ented tlse ab..e set e.leo'I.brd INN
ono .111 EL a the VV-e.t end of Stratford,
;reel •tie preset -el." and le e cc.roaot. Yr.
Jul„r w:.(rust, : ao l I.e bee. 1., u: that be
will ea..... our to see toe Pelee acid 'Toss,
euro w. '1 ecoomeemtemi, ant_ them e e-
to•i. a,'e. der io. De has tnoni Stabl•cir,
ase au a teanve 11om re. 11.0 Der 1• well
ansa. ted w.tb 11 ors end I.im,'i .•
'l'tr111.1S h i)1:1;LAWt.
Sir. .Ori% it a'c't 1, 1S"1. • i.3
THE MONTREAf. relit:soui?
r MME Subscriber hereby intimates that he --
has now on terms of lease and part IS Pob6•hed &eery Tuesday, Tiurirday
ownership. the metre management.of the and Nut•rda a1 "tie Loas Peke u(
Goderich Alills,and that he ie prepared to' TVII l.VE SHILLINGS per amount, pay -
pay cash for any quantity °f rood merchant- able invariably in advance.
able Wheat at the ea:d Mills; provi.edabe . The Tran.• riot is printed on a sleet
came be delivered there in time for mannfae- ! nearly- as la-ge Se any ,reed iu the Prurinre;
lure before the close of the navigation. and ,l'onld eireem.'anee* reruns, et w-tl be
Wil„ PIPER. alh'1 further enlarged is the course of the
Gonncicu Mlr.w, *oaten: 611111011r.
September :4th, 1848. t • 32tf !luring the approaching Session of Pare
d!lenient the Transertpt'wtI foo:atn Reports
CASH FOR SAW -LOGS of the Pron•ed'og.,.ufficeenily comprehen-
sive to forte -h Record of all (bate -mum es
TE\1PEC.1TurF. -
Of :.ie month of Cepfcarber, at Gode,ie/,. as indi-
cated by a sdf•regoIat.ng 7herotometer-roit6
Oiserrnirorr of as te:m4 and la-other.
Deg. Org. Wind. ft-ccher.
Sept',. 1....46 &h- N. W. ('foody.
2....51 73 South Fair.
3....56 75 "
4 ,.'15 76 ••
5...,49 62 P.W.
6....44 te0
7....38 67 "
9... 51 61 " '•
10....43 69 SWCIoudy. NW Rainps
11....55 57 N.W.' Rain.
12 ...43 55 Fair.
13....3 59 " Cloudy.
14 ...49 70 South. Rain.
15 ...49 55 N.W. Fair.
16....36 63 Heath
17....53 60' Reis.
19....53 62
91 ...42 49
65 ..
60 .. ,.
N. %V
23... 29 S.W.
24....51 57 West.
2.1....3:1 56
26....3.1 44 N. IV
27....31 55 S.W.
28....33 46 South
29....40 55 8 E.
30....40 51 N.W
Mesa of the month -52,
To WIT: S a writ of
Attachment homed oat of Iler \laj'stv'•
Court of Queen.e ilenth and In inn directed
agatn.t the Real Estate as well as t'ersonal
of Benjemin B. Eby, an abserinrhng or con-
cert led D•'htor at the soil of %Nulla., Fred -
cock McC, Ilnek, for the rum of Twenty-
six Pound,' Eleven .,hillittira and Three
pence, 1 nave ed all the }teal Estate n(
the mrd (lenjamin B. Eby, and finless the
.ail Resjaau B. Kby rehire within the j't-
ri.d.ctton of the .aid Coen end put in bail
to the action within three calendar month.,
0r ranee the ..id claim to he discharged, SII
the Real PAW. of the sail 11 'metier' fl
Rhe, or an court thereof as may he neeet.
nary will be held (able for the payment
benefit, and aati.fctrnn of the sod claim.
Sherif Haran District.
8hertlfs 0116 1.
Goderieb, 4th October, 1848. $ 1.11.
THE Subscriber wet • pay cash at the
Gaiericb Stills for Goou Elect !berry
Saw -Logs, and will saw any other descrip
tion`of guud Saw -Logs for any patties un aa
.hares. tbuntr nftcosrye to morals will be carefully
WM; PIPER. avn.jrd.
GunmRmenM,Ltt, We have eommenrei, mrd intended to
September utb, IS 8. tali eanunuc, a series 01 B.ngraphical Sketches
STRAY j1' n hots Charuber'a Mem, Ilene of Lsel'uf anti
a Eote.ra•niog Tractntndtit ire, Works ; sod
PROM the prern:pe, df the sbbseritter. No. t. d' r'ng the prevent ree.nn. notice will be
oh Coneer.on vel lwLexn u er wivli,
e Lem it r,v 1•i;vered at the
cob,ed ON, mule, wits' it ser i r n. t.: m , dew.. I. t .Alt- t Irt.tn wee of Ito city,
Itis back. -he bad on a bell, and is riei ng seven . „b.r.1 be commented last winter, and
years old. Ant, information which may lead to , wbiob gave g' neral satisfaction.
the recoveiy of him will 1,. lite -nifty rewarded • -
by CIuhSept
Colborne, 14th Sept. 1 j
(11 The price of Subeeription of the
MooTad*L Taaoscatr*, (whew sent by
mail) is 'TWELVE SHILLINGS per an-
num, payable in pdvatwe. To facilitate re-
rn.ttances FiFTEEN SIIiI.LINGS will
tray' fir Frt:tcee North.. TEN SHIL-
LINGS for Tea Monti.. acrd FIVE :MIL-
-IL1NGrt Cr Fite Months. When the
!w•.uwl •sI sttt.se,.ptioe r• nearly expired, we
5hq•I send three dere env comes of the
TreReceipt .erre•osl in bide or green
covers :.sail tf co- rematonee to nraw, lbs
I'ater-4s1L is eii•y tore, he discos -
both Legislative Peediese
As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript
will support I1• cid character. A portion
of its ser re mance wtf be devoted to the in
sert:on of mteeeltaneous matter of an In-
tereatin and Literary cbatacter, and every
THB sent aitueg. the DIVISION
COI' WI' will Ire held at the•gaoi. God -
elicit, on Saiuidav the 7'I. ear of October
next, A. F. Mt GAN,
la Davao* Loose.
Gotlerich, Sept. 6th, 1S' 3. 32tf
ADVE1 r1.'I CMEtiT.
THE Subscribers in ac;uowlettgtng thg
!keret patronage which they *wee te- Lt.tei sal. As the palet is Liven to eub.err-
eeiverl during their residdnee in Gerrlrreh, 1 41ee' at the tone.; latueble Frtce, all money
would re.•pectfully req, cat the- mused :'te Iet'c,s most he trot prod ; and 'hope which
settlement of all aceonote dub to the Lem t ere eel. tis *would tit I...M ee w III be de-
an they close their books from this dre.-! .b•et•ol lens the rosary at iii.
Alteabon to this sntfee wilt aarreemet*.
T. GILMOUR k CO. • Q7'Tbe Transeript is sent to Subsrri-
Gaterieh, Sub Sept., 16,$. 3 i'f bee- a the toon'ry to tee or three times a
we" kr iii AM' 0,'x°0. Tire whole of the
J. • H. e 0 O D I N G , rs+•i'og "'atter td Tboreday and Sat uhday's
ALCTIf)\1s4:R, Phe'
sPere leeng mit into one eet-thou eav-
tog the 8nberribere owe -third le mom, the
WILL *trend :lA L4;S3 Io 1415 part et the pcec of .nh,ertptton to the berth 1- I be s ante.
District, on rea-.nsable Terse. Ap• rttit.verrher., in ternary Ilii the Tnr.-rapt,
p'v at the Denials /lute(. ail' lel' -e mention who tier they 0111* the
4iiudtrieh, 114th Sept, 1811. a3- a
to weekly or serol welly pops sent to
DISSOLUTION lei h *limn we t,ehrnge
wet pie.... copy this No ice 0111th 0 n w ill
OF COPARTNERSHIP. b.bow Os ITV pi -settee le he .arae ova..
11118Cepeeteersbip beretofre' tainting C_rrrireh 3, 1819. S
betweew the undersigned (wider the
fire, ut Gooding and Ltstas:et% Innkeep-
ern,) it this day dissolved by endue' cow.
The b:r•incatt will be enntianed, cid alt
out.InnJ.ng •eioenta doe by and Ica the
firm wilt be settle by the on.ier-•'ghee.
Gederleh,1th Sept., 1148. alit •
TFl f; e eatw ni Boors sal Sf IDL 3 0
Hund gun lily error eirereJ fur pale In
t iiia 0 'tried. Toe swbscribet ,a 1si•..;p
fiodench requiem his emcees tbi K. for Ire
sapnnrt he receded while 1. boa ears hem
anti now offer. f,,*5 Irenterjjr.er of his
stock, comerI. ng en Mamu t ,o.•. ,Meat
ih-ee bnnd.ed page, all thein une 1. 1 the
bsual prices current herr; tall sod ace. -
.1111 those uJebleJ to him either by note or
book account, will pkat rel sisal ..tUe
'mmea•ately and mere come.
(.li..il:ttr PORTE.
Ondoriob, Saps . 1, 1849. Dui
i. i.I':Nr1
CONVgy.►NCt' 1,
Jlrao )g,8 GODF.RICH.
THC 5eteer'be.s bee to iniirmee them they
hate r1'.lisp eased their Meeks. and 'het
so far -her credit w 11 be glees ewe all ibe:r se -
omits are for ludo 1 hew bar 2 ree.•sat..n-
ar'tttn Zest Jm.osy a -e r• ; tr ed to eel and posy
11 els hwwa4.a'I .o 111151...r." ,, gaits at •cry
tedeet:i 1. n fee Ce -h or rost .•e.
C. Q U11: - N s< CO.
StAvantler, 1Ytk4. 27tf
$sY•Mises wilt 7..l enter
rowan in smug, to h .0, wren 1 .. Clerk
of rN Cossei.st 1101 1111,11': el( sN yd.
• A. F. NICK LK.
T S.V A C MAY, buss. b•. triewds
1 soil 117. he
1 p,tMfe, tart ha hs. takes rhe BRICK
rAVF.RN.1,101. err t`'e uttept'tnn or Mr.
itrown, et Owl Rot roti Sinai. vel, *here
notorwg .hall be weeotn3 on ha part to p0•
045 the eesnfv' t sed *oeveete*ee .r( his
11 YeeM-
1. W. &neve h .t•eU that hoe selerisse wt
Vs.e. sed Laq,,.... t. mood 10 any III the
hostelry, 1114 M. .ytasa'r drpartawaq le et
the meet eoesosINe deee•,pt.rw.
8tratterd, Seth April. lit in. 131(