HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-29, Page 4RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED!!! THE GGL,XU I.vE INDIAN RHEUMATIC 14Iim •ia.:i r ill. only GAFF: aid 1 SUKI; RF:MLDY for RHEUM:174NY •nd has neve* haled to miring due dreadful Complaint whet, properly applied. LJ'1'Li• h11:1)1( INF, stands above all others u( the kind, sin Me moot of the Article is in ue.ug it. It swede not the aseieauce tit ram pulls (rout sus• dry permits, (uo nue know• wiiu,) tp prove its enures 11J"N. 11.—Wheleta!e buyers treated on Lib,- ral 'Termite. Fur Sale by C. Cass, sole Agent for Canada Weer. QY N.u. Genuine uukss signed Dr. BOYD DICKINSON. PRICE r,.VY. DOI.L.IR PER BOTTI.F.. Al.a(r.—I)..aasa.'a COUCH DROPS, s ('.rtan Remedy for Coughs, Culds, &e.&c.— I'alcu—Is. 34. per b.uls. Detroit, Michigan, Jely 4th, 1846. 26 -if h 10 ata 6 • E mz 1N3111Wb31NI ONd 1 m m BY AUTHORITY. ATTACHMENT. HURON DISTRICT, Y virtue of two To Wit: virtue of At- tachment issued out of the District Court, and Court of Queen's Bench, and to me di- rected asainat the estate real as well as Iwrno1al, of henry Elliott, en absconding or concealed debtor at the respective suits of Thoinas Gilmour for the sum of tient) four pounds rix shillings and three ponce, and of Robert Sloderwell for the awn of thirty one ' pounds ten shilpngs and six pence; I have seized and taken all the estate real as well as personal of the said llenry Elliott, and unless the said llenry Eilott r•ettlrn within the jurisdiction of the said Court, and put in bail to the actions within three calender months or cause the same to' be diecharced, all the real and personal estate Si the said llenry Elliott, or sit much thereof a, uiay be necessary, will be held liable for the payment. bsatafjt and satia(aC- lion of the said claims. - . J. McDONALD, Wren/N. D. S wearer's Omen, Goderich, 28th Augw•t, 1848. # 31.31 si HURON DISTRICT, t Bl virtue of a To Wit:S writ .of Mori Facia*, issued out of Hor Majesty'. Huron • District Court, and to me directed spatut the Lands and' Tenements of Thomas . Charles at the snit of Robert Ellis; I have seized and taken in Execution, ss belong- ing to'the .a;d Thome? Chalice, Lot num- ber three, on tbo Nortb side of Ea.:t street, ur Lot running number one tbontend end •tore• in the town of Golerieh, containing one-quarter of an sere of Land, be the same more or less with tiro Buildings on the said Lot erected; which I shall offer for saki at *Ae Court llouse"in the town of Goderich, on 8a(urday the 13th day of !queenlier next, at the h.ior.of 12 n:clock noon. J. MCIX)NALD,1'Sheri X• D. SMrtRirr's Orrtctt, •Godeneh, 21st August, 1848. . 3.30 • Sheriff's Salt of £an s. HURON DISTRICT, t JJY virtue of a To W. !ts writ of Fieri mewed ewedout el sr.Msjeaty's lluron Drwtrlct Court, end to me directed against Hie Lands and Tenements of Gavin Ilannl• ton at the suit of Joan* Calloway, I have .eiz.'d and taken 'he Execution, Park Lot number one, on the Nortb side til Melbourne street, and Lot number forty, on the East eta.' of Wellington street in the town of Albert, which Lands 1 shall offer fur sale on Saturday, the 25th day of November next, et the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House in the town 01 G•.durt''h. .1. MelR)N:\LD,'JA.rijfl. D. Simmer's Ornta, Goderich, 15th August, 1148. 3m29 O1)criff's Sale of Cana.. IICRON n1:1TRIC'r, j;i• virtue of a To Wit: ant of Fieri F.uias, Hissed out of Har Majesty's lluron Ihatnct Court. and to me directe I against the Lands and Tenements of Richard Du• hngton, at the snit of Robert Park; I have ✓ aised and taken in Execution, Lot onmber four in Ihe seventh Concession, E. 1). to Ms Townehip of Colborne, containing 10o acres; which Linda I shall of.•r for sate at • the Court house, in the town . f Goderich, un Saturday, the 'Lith day of November n ext, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon. a.. l M.'IR)NALD, Sheri it. D. jj tokuiri a (nest, 2n O Accuse, lith Aerie, 131•• 3 ! -----,110'PIUE i.I. persona indebted to the estate .f a the late WILLIAM DI'FTON, are re- quested to NIIIn their accounts immediate In or Ihey well Ise placed in the Court for culAtellon wten,rut twitter not•en. '11IOMA$ BRITON. JOIION LANLAl4TUR. aedetaeb, July .90, 1843. Siwe AORIOULTURE• T A MEETING of the Committee of A the STRATFORD AGItICULTU- KAL SOCIETY, bele at the Farmers' Ise, the lollowtug PREMIUMS were awarded, to be Shuwe for at the Society's' .event► Annual Exhibition, at HTRATEORD, ua Friday, October 1311., 18.18. nit,-'. r CLASS. ., e. 4. For best Stallion for Agricuh wsl purposes, (Prise awarded Ill► April, to r. C. Chriete•er,] For be.t Brood Mare and Yost.... 2nd best 3rd beat For 6e.tthree year* old Tilly 2nd beat 3rd heat • Fur beet two years old de. 0 12 6 Zed best ti... 0 1 6 Srd best 0 5,.0 For beat one year old Colt 0 10 0 211 best 0 7 6 Fur Lesttoo yeas old Geldiag••• 0 15 0 2nd beet 0 10 0 F'ur bast two years old entire Colt, 0 11 0 2nd best 0 7 6 For beat Span of Farm Horses, Geldings or Mares I 0 0 2 J best 0 16 0 SECOND CLASS. For best three year old Bull, and upwards, (see By -Law for double premium.) 2 0 and best 1 10 3rd beet 1 0 Fur beat two year old Bull 1 to end best .,,..., l For beat one yea: old Bull r 2nd best 0 Fur best Milch Cow and Calf 1 2nd beat 3rd beet 0 10 For beat Milch Cow 0 15 2nd beet 0 10 3rd best 0 7 For best two year old Heifet •... • • 10 2nd best • 0 7 3rd best qp•••i•• 0 '6 0 For beat year old heifer 0 7 2nd best 0 .6 For Lest Spring Calf 0 7 .tied best r•• 0 5 For best yoke Working Oxea, Bee years old and upwares .... 0 15 2nd beat 0 10 3rd best tar 0 7 For best yoke four year old Stens, 0 12 Fur best yoke three year old do• • 0 10 2nd best 0 7 For best yoke two year old do• • 0 7 2nd best 0 5 For beet Fat Ox 0 13 3rd best 0 10 For beat Fat Cow three year old and upwards 0 10 2nd best ••••' 0 '7 • THIRD CLASS. - F or best Ram over two years and und. r five 0 16 2nd beat 0 10 For best year old Rat •0 10 2nd be -t • • 0 7 For beat poor Ewes (see By -Law), 0 15 enc( beat 0 10 made and purchased, by a Member or Me. - Mn .f Hite Soviet. .r se Improved do- senp'f.R, to be dr,:ided by 1114 Judge. Prize to drscrrlren IJ Crimm&U.i. PALL W HEAT—To he.buw• in Strat- ford on on first Enda?, r of September, (1.t September) at 11 u click, now:—Prise Bret, £2. Second, LI 10. Third, £1 6 Fr•urt►, L' 1 00 ; and 20 bushels be broegbt each Exhibitor, sad sold to any Member the Society at 71 worm Mae the the Gal, price. SEEDS -1't, be shown at General Mss 7 10 0 ing In February, 1/149. 1 10 0 11oj.R Saute—Fur two sett of Hor 1 0 0 Slose—one on the horse the other not - O 10 0 be awarded to maker of the Shoes—Fin O 16 0 10e. Si coned, 7.. 6d. • 10 0 Hung..—BBeet bet( of Double—First,£ 1. 6 0 Second, 15s. NOTICE. SI TR APED from Lot 18, 8th eoneetaioe, Downie, a Yoke of Oxen seven years old. Oac of tent black, rub a whoa spot along the back, and white til; also a white spot under each eye. The other red with a whale spot to ab. lace; Menu white spola about the Rinke, sed hind fest white,— Any penes I ndaag there or giving ouch in. o formation to the subscriber as will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. 1- JOHN TI(OMSON. Township of Downie, se 2:J August, 1848. 30tf to-- _. - 1, 0 BY. -LAWS. 1. No animal gaining the first prise ose year, cam take it Io the same c'ianeter the second er any oilier year: bet may show and be entitled to • Certificate from the Soeirty. or suck ether honorary reward as msy be decided on, except. Balls, St■Ilions, Roars, and Rains, which may show inti carry first prizes for two years. 2. That ■ Subscralo r be only entitled to one Pries for Beton andt'herse, or fur Grain of the tante kind. 3. That Stallions, Bulls, tad Boars, aunt have served within the Society's District. the season previous to the Slum, [excepting in eases provided for by extra Premium..) or exhibitors of such to give an obligation that they will serve in their season. O 4. That Bulls mast have • ring or •crew in' O their nose, with a rope or chain auncheJ, to pre - O vent accidents. 0 0 5. That the prize,for Heifer be not awarded 10 0 to any animal that has previously had a Calf. 7 6 6. That the quantity of Gram and Seeds ex - 0 0 hibited, [Pease sod Indian Corn tocluded,] be 0 15 n not less than Four Bu -hell, and raised by an ex- hibitor, from a field of at least two acres, (sole 41 the quantityof land and pain weds be othervei 0 •pectfi.d): and the Cheese and Butter, or oth O Farm Produce, exhibited. to be produce from e 6 hibitor's farm, land or stock: and that •11 Ew 01 &hewn [except Fat Sheep) shall have suckled lamb to the first of August prevtoes to the da of show. - FOR SALE. sIIIIE BRICK COTTAGE and Lot run- nteg Nu. 562, to the Town of Goderich, formerly in the possession of henry O'Neil, now .enied to Mr. James Orr. l'he Cot- tage is very ronveateutty arranged, and well vatted ler a .mall family, hos a spacious wood .lied, stable, kc., good well of water: the garden contains several choice fruit trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong picket fence. Only a portion of 'lie money would be required down.,—the remainder in three auuual un>,ialmeuts. Apply to William Rattenbury of theClin- ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Godericb, August 24, 1818. 30tf SADDLE, IiAItNESS, TRUNK, ;CARPET=BAG, AND VALIBF. NIANUFACTORY. H. HORTON, EGS to intimate to the public that he bit WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, nn.... orruetru Tia raiasTTsauAn t wl'Rl tl. rriIE Subscriber, begs leave to inform .L his friends and the oubile at large, that he td uuw prepared to rt• orders fur LUMBER OR LIGHT WAGGONS, which ,hall be manufactured of the beat materials, and by experienced workmen. CO' Harrows and Drags made to order ; Plough Castings Wooded, ALEXANDER MKLVIN. Godericb, Feb. N, 1848. Iltf EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. WOULD respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct fro u the New York and Montreal Markets, a very large assortment of Straw, Leghorn, Thin - stable, Tuscan, and imitation Silk BON- N E'l'S, and a great variety of almost every description of FANCY GOODS, suited to the fashion and taste of (6s season. Aldo, an extensive stock of IIABEIRDASH ERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Goods. Likewise, large quantities of GROCERIES, parutu- L.rly a very superior supply of TEAS, from ls. 3d, per pound upwards, according to quality ; and Tobacco at all prices. commenced the above tine of Business in the As the whole extenstve Block has been ss Shop on the Fast side of the Market -Square,. selected by the proprietors in person, 'they •e lately occupied by J. Rutledge & Co.,—and can confidently recommend them to their a hopes by strict aneotion to merit a liberal share friends and customers, and as the purchases of the public patronage. es TJ' All Articles in the Trade will be Bold at Brave been effected exclusively on cosh prin- • the LOWEST POSSIBLE. PRICES. I ciplee, they have resolved to sell on the Y HIDES, WHEAT, TLIfGITH t' SEED, !moat reasonable terms and at the lowest pnseihl e profits roR CAAN. 6 7 That all competitors for Prizes must gi the Secretary notice of the description of Stow or Produce they intend to show, heloma, or o 6 the day but one, previous to the day of any A O nual or Gauen! Show. 8. That all Stock and Produce exhibited, O must be on the ground precisely at TWELVE O o'clock of the day of Show: the Judges will et 6 that hour enter on their duties 6 9. No article or' anneal can be jbown for two 0 prizes the same year. -. 6 10. Competitors for Turnips sod Potatoes to give notice to the Secretary, on or belore the last 6Saturday in September, so that they may be in. 0I spected before the Show, and la. 3.1. of entry tb 0; be paid by ouch competitor for each of such arrt- O ales entered. 11. That for the encouragement of those O Members who naay iutroduc. Unproved Stock: ifany animist entered for competitior he deemed by the Lidera worthy of the Ent Prise. and if the.owner of the nine prove to the ntislactioo of the Judges that such specimen of Stork has been imported, it pure breed out of Stock im- ported Irom Greet Britain or Ireland, he shall re- 0 ve sod all kinds of Marketable Produt:4 will be to - (1:?"' Marketable produce of every descrip- k ken in exchange. rrfA liberal'dimbunt will be tion taken m exchangeat the highest oar- s made for Cash.g •- ••• FOR SALE, an excellent Span of Hoe -I kat pace. s, end a first rare Two !loess BOGGT• THOS. CILSIOC'R & CO. le June Lith, 19tl. H. GoJerich, Ibth May, 1948. 16 c VALUABLE 'FARM LOTS . o Droit sats iN .1 HE tt[)Mt)N TRAC'1`,`NA6IELT•: LOUR Lots am the First Concession of Godeneh, fronting Lake Huron, con- taining 82, 72, 671. and 581 acres respec- tively. Two of these Iota have conalder-' able unprovcmente, and one of them acom- modtou..Two Story Log (louse, with Gar- den and Orchard. L.kewiio, SIX LOTS un the Second Concession, containing 80 acres each, two of them partially improved. ' • •. These Lots are eitmated on the Rayfield MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! 1, Roil, from Dix to et: ht miles south of the — flourishing Town of G.nlauch ; the land is F.1REREDUCED.$PELtINCREA$L►D. tee of the het quality, and well watered and ' 0 O crave double the &mount .f premium otherw O awarded, but only for one year. 12. All Stock to be property ofezhihirnrthee 0 menthe before the Show. Judges will hay O discretionary power in withholding Poses; a For best single Ewe 0 .7 6 no person can be Judge of his own property. 2n d best 0 5 0 Pee Rules 10, 11, and 12, F. Rules.] • For beet pair of Fat Sheep 0 7 6 , PLOUGHING MATCH Hod best 0 5 0 Te be on 14th October. Ploneh to be proper. FOTH1'K CLASS.. of person entering, to be of any kind. T 1'l ltlh'Y 'ISI? 131.001) 61 FF.1T'8 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHE(FNIX BITTERY. THE high sad envied celebritywhich j thew pre eminent Medicines ave ac- quired fur their avertable efficacy to all the diseases which they profess to cure, haa rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unoees..4,y, but unworthy of Uism. They aro known by their fruits their gout works testily fur theta, asd they thnoo sol by ilio faith .f the credulou., IN AI.I. CASES of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Itheuu.ut,sm, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints.. In the South and West where these dis- eases preril, they will be found invalua- ble. Planters, liniment, and cohere, who once use these Medicines, will never be without them. Blhoue Cholic, and Serous Loorcnesr, Baler, Cosuveucse, Colds and (loughs', Ctu!.c, Consumption. Used with great success in this disease. Corrupt Iluu,err, llropatca, !Jaspers:a. No person aith this distreseing duseaae, should delay using these medicines uunredtalet '. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever end Ague. For this scourge of the wes'ern country these medicines will be found ■ safe, speedy, and certain reme- dy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the diseare—a cure by these medicines is permanent. Try them, be eatintled, and Inc CURED. Foulness or Complexion, General Debi• lily, Gout, Coddine,r, Gravel, headaches, of kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumattstn, impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Liner Complaint., Leprosy, Looseness, Mercurial Diseases. Neter laths to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the mast powerful preparaOion of Sanapa- nila Night Sweatt., Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of a;l k tlud., Organic Af- feeone, 1'alptatios of the Hetet, Painter's Cboluc. 1'II,ES. The original proprietor of tbeee mcdreinea a na cured of Piles of 35 Iran. etanim Sr tit, use of these Life M,',IN'Inea slobs. TAILORING ESTABLIS1151ENT. PAINS m tCc head, side, back, limbs, 8rL1w St7XMuERkF4SHEO.VR,for 1848. Joints and organs. - IiFfEC)t1lFd•, .-..ttplte?w-sillkctsarowt AFULL variety of the newest and most this t. rnb.e disease, will be sure of relief improved Sealers s an S* ,*IFR FAS.- by the LOS.He.lictnee. tors for 1848, have been rec. tv'et by the Resit of Blood to the (lead, Scurvy, whored!subiertber, whl promptly attend to the 8altrhu em, Swelsings. orders of all wbo may favour him with their Scrofula, or King's Evil, in its worst patronage. a forms, ulcers, of every dencrpturn. A. NAYSMITII. WORMS, of all k,o effectually Godericb 13th April, 11148. 1y expelled by these Mp1.ct Parents will • ' do well to a4muniater Ihc.ii ',c!weever their , exiateeee is suspceted. Relief will be eer- talo. ' 1 the front Lots cotmand a beauti(al sew u/ CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE e tfriake, Through CAM& la Sawa f Nor }inE, ria. C*.sA. a: `Lowden, Woodstock. oil, For particulars apply ('if by letter post Ram R'•' _I paid), to JOHN CLARK. Godeneh. "• Wake** Terry a sj t. Marsh 17, 1846.. 7tf Till Warr. axone For best Boar 0 15 0 - Sod best 0 10 0 For beet Breeding Sow, having bred . Pigs during 1848, 0 15 0 2nd best 0 10 0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For best Fall Wheat, [see below) For best Spring Wheat 1 0 31.d beat 0 1.5 '2nd best 0 -15 For best Barley 7 6 2nd best 0 b P R•O S'P E C T U S •STEAMBOAT BROTHERS! he __ THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. cArr -tar- EBERTst growad to be ploughed by the person entering, or IATILL ILL res the Bann of 181,1 as follows MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, Faeroes Leaves Cho/Joins every. Slooda', Wrangle- : dal and Friday Morning•, at n o'clock, for THE Editors 0f .6.. Vtczeau Maoists& will andsur and D•(reait, thence to .l uwkertsbsrg at O l ,o'clock. by one of his family, or servant one month pre 'Musty emplobed and hired. Prizes : 1st, £ 2 2d £110s.• 3d :t.'1- 4th, 13e • 5th l0. • 6111 5..—£6. TIME, six hours. Begins at Te A M. A FAiR will be held for the SALE of FAR STOCK of every description on the day of Sho 1, October. Ot JOAN J. F. LINTON, Sethi.0 j Stratford, August 11, 1849. 213 LOOK HERE!! devote all tbeir talents to produce a oast Leaves .tiwLa4iarg every Tuesday, Thurs- M e.tert.ieing, and cheap Periedie.f, foe the Casa Clay sed Saturday Mornings at half-pa.t 7 o'clk. 0 0 For best Rye o 100 LEATHER FOR DALE. Fur hest •...........•••••0Oats •• 0 7 8 . god best . 0 5 0 HE subscriber begs leave to intimate For best Pease (tine acre).., •• •• • 0 7 6 THE the Public that be has and will keep Intl best • • - 0 b. 0 TIIE LIFE1'11.LS AND PII/ENiX, BITTERS PURIFY TIIE Bi O0D, tjnd thus remove all disease from -the system. A eiogle trial will plea.the Lin:PILLS and PII NFX.. BITTFR8 beyond Mis- read' of competition is the estimation of every pattenr. The genwne of these medicines are• now put up in white wrappers and labels, to- gether with a pamphlet, called "Maffat'a Good Samaritan," containing thedireetions, Ile., on which is a drawing of Broads, from Wall street t. our Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very easily bed us. 'rbe wrappers mid Siudutans Inc copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- cure them oith white wrapper. can be w duan People; which +nay afford amusement to machine et Herm; ant tree/ear for row/eerie assured that the y are genuine.' Be careful, both old and yosng. Sketches and Tiles,The BROTH. I S tau•,i tp curio--t,_n w tit a and do notbuy-those with yeflnat wrappers : to verse and prose, Moral Essay, 3utiaticao(the I).1f(.F lel.\"E ,t,1 ' 1 11 1; r'".1 t' -H E: 'rut if you div, be esttefi-d. that they cotne Colony, Serape of Useful information, Revlon? F.st)a.b1 het between Chartism and (2urenston, direct from my or dont touch them. by which (and the Steamers on Lake Oourio) of new Works, and well selected articles froth passengers will be enabled to reach Kingston to the tnost.popular authors ofthe day, will formtbfI caat let thereflda)•e fromby Chathmbam. 1'aa.en'Iwgen pegs of the Magazine. n leaveasamtlmn neaoet (or ronre, Thr Ealitorafeelconfident that the independent Rochester, Oewegn. Ktngstou, or any of the in - The per o0 1.*ke Onaeno. (.emlrrain sad rising country to whose service they are horn all parts of the States will find this route Fur best Clover.Sced (one bushel) grown in 1848, 1 0 0 2nd best 0.15 0 For best Timothg Seed (one hush.) 0 7 8 2nd best 0 5 0 For beat Swed'h Turnip Seed, b lbs0 7 6 2nd best 0 5 0 Fur best Swedish Turntps[ose acre] 0 15 0 Ind best 0 10 0 Srd best •• 0 7 6 For beet White Turnips, or other kinds, except Swedish [one acre,) 0 10 0 2nt1 best 0 7 6 3rd best 0 5 0 For beet Potatoes [UV acre].••a 0 13 0 2nd beat 0 10 0 Ord best 0 7 6 DAIRY PRODUCE: For best firkin Salt Butter, MOW. pacl(eJ and cured 0 15 0 I. •1410 just in receipt of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting In part of Pout de 2nd 3rd be.tt be0 10 0 Ch .n.,t Organdees, Multiunit. Cashmere de Weep, entrants Loire,, Cohosrg and other For best newly made Butler, 25Iba0 10 0 Dressier, fancy Rarege Scarfs, Blonde Veils, 2nd best 0 7 8 Scarfs and Ilandkerchirb,—Cashmere and other T For hest Cheese, 25 lbs. 0 15 0 Shawls in great variety. Supener COTTON O 10 0 YARN. &c , ,Svc. Ladies' walking Boots and O 7 6, Shoes in great variety. —.4 L S t7— constantly on hand, LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, and of the -very best quality, for tale, wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- rating prices. 07' Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing at any other place. All orders strictly attended to. WILLIAM G. SMITH. Goderich, July 2516, 1848. Ott ON COMMISSION. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! ATcost and charges for cash ; or Fall Wheat ai cash price only. TIIE SUBSCRIBER 07' Prepared and sold by . DR. WILLI kM B. MOFFAT, US Broadway. corner of Anthony street, New Yolk. *For Nile by BENJ. PARSONS, prond to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully very agraralle during tier summer and winter, as Goderich, Jan. 28. 1848. Nolo ,,rte• lend its support to enconrage their arduous and 't passes through the most flounshin¢ pins of honourable undertaking. The low price .t 'Canada Wrrt. Tit• .a am and London road is now completed, and is • very good road. which the Periodical is placed, is in order that 1 STEASIBOAT FARES REDUCED, nz every person within the Colony who can read, 1 Chatham to i chair and Windsor, and race Terra PAY A TTENTION!! ND pay your debts, as the subscriber has and if milieus for mitral and mental improvement (,bin 1'tssage $I,.r; Deck Flowage $1,00; rr.olrnl 11,11 s'! No:ea and Book ascot:am may become • subscriber and patron of the work. I Children, half-price : florae. Buggy and one dor n. him -and remaining unsettled, wtfl, paid - .. The VICTORIA MAoazrai: will contain twenty- ! Gentleman $3,00: Double Team, Waffle sod lovely, on the 1.111 of July nest, be headed over Driver $4,06: Oz or Cow $l,00; all other to an Auoes.y for eelleenoo. It ie certainly four pages in each number printed on new type, and upon good paper; and will form at the end oldie year a neat Volumes, of `A8 pages, to- gether with Title Page and Index. It will be tainted Sloothiy, commencing on the First of September, from the office of JOSEPH WILSON, Front -street, Belleville—the 'Pub- lisher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the Magazine, and letters to the Editors, must be addressed, (post-paid.) The terms of sub- senption—ONE: DOLLAR PER ANNUM— Chatham, April, 1848. 20 -if i.nar ob/e to be paid in advance. Godeneh, March 3, 1848. 5 TO PRINTERS. YPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS: height in proportion. Referemces.—Chatham, Ebert,, Waddell & Co.; T. M. Taylor. Windsor, L. & H. De,. enport, C. Hunt. Detroit, Ives & Black.— Louisville, Knight & W Tecumseh House, 11. N. Smith., Wardavtlle, Anacreon it Babe. ' Mon, S. Fleming. Ecfnd, G. J. Smith. Delawire, Belles. Junction lle'use, Joseph Rollins. London, M. Segue. Brant- ford. G. Babcock. Hamilton, Si Babcock; M. Davie. NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. 2nd beat Srd best For best Maple Sagar, [cake) pro- duced on exhibrto:'s prem- ises, 15 lbs • , • • • • , 0 2nd best 0 3rd hent 0 For best Virgin Honey. to the comb, do. do. not less than 10 lbs. 0 2nd beat 0 3rd best 0 12 8' SHELFaIand ei hernt of 11ARI)WARFE Sickles, Y 10 0 Scythes, Scythe Sn.th.. Crockery. Prints, Oil In R FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. FIE Subscribers have opened a New 'type Foundry in the City of New ork, where they are ready to supply orders any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy )-pe, Ink, Paper, Chaser, Galley., Braes tiles, Steel. Column Roles, Composing Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which arecastin new moulds, from entirely new tett of Matrixes, with deep counters, and warranted to be unsur- passed by any, be gold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnished by us is g pp pat Q2` This desirable property 7 12 10 7 6 6 and T.rpentine ; Pitch, Rosin, Tat and Oakem. Nub in 100 lbs. Kegs or in any ether gsentity. 8 C. CRABS 0 Dederieb, Amgen 4th, 1848. 274 DOMESTICS. For beat 10 yards of Homemade Fulled Cloth, from wool grown by exhibitor, and spun in Ms family [all wool, web of 18481, 0 15 2nd best 0 10 3rd best • 7 For "best 10 yards of Home made )'l...s1, all wool, do.(not falyd 000-0 `ioestr. do 0 I7 6 Wine and Liquors is egeal to any in the 3rd best 8 country, and hie Stabling department is of Fiat beat •yards of Blanketing, all the resort complete description. wool do twilled not fulled, do0 10 0 ( 0 7 • Stretford, 28th Apel, 1848. 1311 Ind beet 3rd best ...al 0 6 0 - For best sow Double Horse Wag- OILBERT $SKYE., gen, mode or purchased 6) • r ADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S rash - member or members of the Se- 0 IS 0 1/ tonehle Boot and Shoe Maker, Market trusty, . • • •:1qnare, Ondench . 9nd best 0 10 0 Marcii tat, 1848. 5me For bort Fannia. Y...t, say i.pro- nesl kir' e• 0 10 0 For beac Plnegh, say Improvedkied • i6 0 0 10 0 de fed kept Q •' For say Agriceltteral implement, STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs hie friends and the 0 TAVERN, lot+ yhat sin the ag ta ken upas on of Mir. 0 Brown, at the East end of Stretford, where r. • nothing shall be wanting on hie part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his 2nd iset 1. M. flatten himself that his selection of J. STREW A RT. ATTORNEY AND BARRISTER si Law, lenticitov m Chancery, Convey sneer, ice-, Office West Street. Oodertch, March tat, 1848. by FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. APART or portion of - BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences in repair. Then is a good Frame House [Cottage style], upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet : also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two Frame Sheds, each 30 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.— There are three running streams ofwater through the Lot; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rate Well in the cellar of the frame house. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated but 41 miles from Goderich, the District town. " hand cite; Pre.ao• furnished, and and also. Karnes Steam Ines of the most approved is *sin e will be road at a reasonable price. For terms apply to Messrs. STRACHAN k 1e1ZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Godericb, March 12, 1848. 7tf FOR SALE, B y the sobseriber,that valuable property Le situated in the township of Godench, en Lot 19, 4th concession, within' 55 miles TOBACCO. of the town of Goderich ; there ti a good Saw Mill onit an d 80 sere, of land, 20 N exterei.e stock which will be sold aero cleared. 1t is • never failing stream Acheap for cath. Well adapted for any Machinery, such as odenicb, Feb. 11, 1848. 2 Coaling and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Grist Mill. I. LEWIS, q• —will bo cold cheap fnr suit, or part of the money may lie for a few years. L A iV , (' H A N C E R Y. AND ApplyB• to the proprietor. CONVEYANCING. WM. ALLiGHEM. Jame, 1845. GODERiCH.Godeneh, Feb. 18, 1e48. 3 Composition Rollers coat Inc printers. 07- Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times as much type as their bilis amoent to, may give the a-bove six months' insertion in their paper., and rend their papers containing It to theSubserihers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND No 78 Ann Street Yew Fork.December 7th 1847. m1S with some reluctance that he has adopted this remlu•ton, as he hie no desire to incur adjtuoaal expense to there who ars still owing him—but it is a guying, tbet necessity no ■ merciless master, and in the present mstaace, his reluctaoas mast yield to necessity. ROBERT MODERWELL. Gariericb, 1St6 Jane, 1848. 20 -if NOTICE. A1.i, those who have dealtags with this Office, are hereby notified that ata person is aathortzed to receive or collect monies for us within that District. Persona wishing to settle their accusing. Most do so with the Editor, et bywsnry letters addressed to assn. Homo. Saosat. 0711u, '15th Asgest, 1848. DIV. COURT BLANKS, PRINTED on a superior quality of paper, for sale at the Huron Signal Office, cheap fur Cash. (io•ench hal , 28, 1848. tbe 4uYon Signal, in raIwTED ABM et:stamen ayaav moat BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, amTDR ..D ►an►nliTee. erfiew MAaxnT .Q0ARa, •ODRlt7. •,• Rook and Job Printing, executed with ••Rises* sad drapates -no----- Trass ow TME Homme SioliA ..—TEN BRII.- LINGS per annum it pad .trail is idvasee, or Twei.vm ASD Sir sea with the expiration ((the year. de paper dissont sod asul amen are paid up. Jaime the p shot thinks it his &draa- tage to do on. Any iodividsal is tlse eeeetry beuemisg re- ap'nerble fee we Nib.eriber*i shall receive a seyr.}th copy gratis All kitten addressed to the Editor mut be poet `asd, tae they will sot be takes oat of the poet 1 Man or aovrayMsae• Six hem sod made, 6nt inarriage..,..10 9 8 ' Eseh sabsegarntina.raon 0 0 75 Ten lanes and nnder. Bret inse►tiem,0 3 4 F.seh seheemeat iosrrtice,0 0 10 Over tea Mee, firm undue.. pro fwe,O 0 4 Each 'abselver't laserti.a,per liar, 0 01 A Idwral diseo•at to those who advertise by the year Riff: