Huron Signal, 1848-09-29, Page 3end se forth; -Mt Is as pr'easet IMaaee we
are amt d/apoaed to ass say si Ihsaa .&i teras,
lug Pomata reams' best knows a eereelf The
•' Lammas" opposes the -notal Ab.doeace Soei•
cry het u expre.ir4 regard for the bosom of
('hnsuamty, Mire we any ash, la be ashamed to
ked his mama to the cause of Christ T Why.
Lut Ire oypo.0l. souk kiss 01m4 coals, that •' earth-
ly ere l'' whose mot -vedette sad pr,naiple. he
regard*** dukanuanag to he great Master ?-
There is Jost 001 op,aim moose all iatelbgent,
right-thinking men regarding hu conduct,
namely, either 1141 coosetence tells hon that he
is aiJing and abetting wickedneu : or be le
mare that his same would 'mire rather thea
beoeLt • good case,-aod ,m cutter case he IS
uodeserving'of potter. However, as we Lara a
strong d.' re of keeping every man at his owe
level in society, we Phalli at our first conrenieuae
deliver a temperance lecture in Goderich, is
which we will review the criticisms soil induct
04 • •A Layman," and although he belongs to a
somewhat different order of intellect. yet as los
weenie so very desirous of making common cause
Willi Giles, Clark & Co., we will endeavour to
relieve 1.,111 of hie mask, so as the drunkards
rainy understand distinctly who are their drfeud-
a•re. And were we a.kcd this moment for our
strongest argument iu behalf .l total abstinence,
we could Just point to the fact that Giles and
Jobs Clark are opposed to it.
TI.IN is a strauge specimen of a humeri animal,
which shame' not very formidable to tire, nos
very Jaogeruee by way u( example, is.evrrthe-
.Arsaseg sad *snag, with the lest east of its
little brain. bow it meld beat de4caed sad gorge
tie wider, wad the fatherless ! 1 0 *haute
where is thy blush'
Ie large cities such u Loodoa or New York,
the Gouger has ample scope (111 pnoleseioo rod
pursues it *oh seems. tor 1,1e. For ohmmeter
,1 has dug the substance out of oue luculity it
era remove to 'mother, bud thus iu the course of
Meta er twenty yeses it has been a res,deotrr
o) aim et every street io the city ; and u in that
period most of :he merchants are reuwved and
succeeded by otbers, it has au opportunity to
going ■ga.n the mime rounds. In (act, • city
may W called its suttee elrrtaa, bol wben it
gets tote • *mall town like Gudericb, it is SHEEP AND HUGS.
crimped io its business, then is no scope. It lest Ram -Devoid Clark 1 so o
'!IIJ 111
-Thomas Ilarris o 15 0
sea -room, -room, and a the language Of the 1111111•Md Jo -William Elliott 0 l0 0
err it get• stranded. 11 is discovered to is • Ikrt Ewes ilia' Of 2] lheediag-T1,0m•
t• Gouger." --as Elliott 1 w o
Now, ohm we wiab particularly to eel, i., 2nd do -Thomas Elliott o 15 o
--Julio 1i.Ik.ld o lo o
-Alex. Young, Srn 1 00 o
-Robert Gibbons o 15 0
-not villany-(kr yi111uy moseys the idea of Beat Sow -Robert Gibbons 1 o0 0
udeltert.lul depravity) but the meanest and most god d2 -Geo. Brown, Sen. u 15 0
do -Alex. Young, Sep. o 10.0
contemptible ocoudrehryn, when it is beyond the Best tat Weiler, -'I home Ford 0 10 0
pale of all law, *hes it ie *stall, sed physically o d do -Thomas Ford o. 7 6
impoieible to deal with It without being bitten, 3rd do --('or. 51cKee 0 5 0
should it hays the protection of law? Ars those GRAIN, SEED, ANL) DAIRY,
w Ito push it forward in its gouging career, win°t fifty lis. Salt Butter --Jas. Payne o 15 0
Orel de -John S.lkel.l o' lo o
sutrouud it with vaporing bragadocia, who Last 3rd do -P. McIougald o 7 6
til its enterprise, olio throw dust tfi the eyes of j Best forty lbs. cheese -Mrs. Dunlop oto •
the public and trod their inflamer to assist ;he ' Brill leo Bushels Fell W t.ret--Peter,
McDoegalJ 3 00 0
Gouger, but shrink from the parttc.pativa of fu 1 Zed do -('en Brown, Rte. 2 5 o
debts sod si•deeds,-ere these peewee not mor- 13rd do --Jas Stonehouse 1 10 0
ally reryonuIle for a portion of the guilt 1 Or !Seat leu Bushels :(prang Wheat -Peter
bas moral principle departed iron, •prong men? t McDougadd 2 no 0
2nd do --alit. Dun'oo 1 15 0
3rd `-W,Iham Tepee 0 5 0
Beet yearlieg Heifer -!t. Reoeri•os 0 10 0
914 d.-Thoanu Sowerby 0 7 6
3rd de -Joh° Auu.•d 0 5 0
Best Bull -Ala. Young. Sass 0 13 0
led do -Thomas Furd 0 10 0
3rd do -.lobo Ratleubory 0 7 6
Beet Yoke working Oae•-Thee talion 1 00 0
tad do -Jelin Ratteabury 0 15 0
3rd du -Jule It.iieotury it 10 0
Beat 3 year mid Steers -.Peter M. Doug•Id 0 N m
9.4 du -John Saikeld o 7 6
3,4 du -John Aonand o 5 0
But Fated Os -Robert Gibbon* 1 no 0
2iid du -Robert Gibbous o 13 o
3rd do-Thome.l:lhuu o 10 o
Best fatted cow or beder-R. G.bL.oas 1 ou o
tied do-Tliona. 1.114011 0 15 0
3rd do -R26. rt GaLLboas u Ib 0
When o creature, ancle ■a we have deogribed, Au3rd dr
st R.,
has descended to the lowest possible depth 01 2wd du
lege a ',nous infliction on .0ciery. And al• 10 theestimancn of every thinking, honest'man,
Best four Bushels Rye -Alex. Taylor is 15 0
though it is too silly -too mutts o1 the booby to they are retpooilb'e; and though human Law 2nd do-James, Cox o to 0
do any eery "nous,, ur still it doe■ l'°"e s May allow them to escape, there is a law of 'Best four Bushels Barley -John Riach o 15 0
1 7- !leaven to w hicit they will be held ameoablr. grid do -John Salkeld o l0 0
venom ; and on the more callable it practices
some buffoonery. Good omen pity it -strong
,nen 'pure it -and the feeble to mind are slime
ire victims. 1t is knows by various wames, and
inhaLite every town and village betweeu the
Metropolis of England and she shorn of Lake
Iluroo. 1t is called the Impostor, the Vora/ter,
the Humbug, and many other curious names, -
3rd do • -John Campbell 0 7 b
Best four Bushels of Oats -John 8adkeld o 15 o
TIJE AGRICULTURAL 6110W. 2nd du -Mr. Armand o l 0
o i
3rd do -lore. Dunlop ,6
Best four Bushels Pease -A. Gardner u 15 0
Taking the iotereee iii the prosperity of the 2nd do - -Thoma* Elliott 0 10 0
District that we Jo, and cona.deriog it dependent 3rd do -John McIntosh o 7 6
for that prosperity chiefly on (he saeean that Best Bu.hel Timothy Seed -A Young,sr lo 0
McDougald *treed its Agricultsn.ts, we with no alight -J
3rd d2nd Jo -P. meessI1'ayneayne • 7 6
o ao 5 •
hot certainly tba ,• Gouger." rlprr,err more pleasure noticed on 0115 ;ming in the morning the Best Corn Oro cob] -Thomas Elliott • Ie •
fitly the hauls of the animal. Gouger, is a ,0dlcauep of •hoe day, and we re p
rough A.nd of wo:d, with whore or.gin or den -
salmi we are not aequaioted. We 01401 it does
not coin* bpm the Latin, am the Greek, nor the
Hebrew ; we believe.ot is not English, and are
we not dies - 2nd do -Geo. Brown, See • 7 6
pointed. The day wan fine, though cold, and the 3rd do -George Wilson 0 5 •
`chow each as would have done no disgrace to Best 25 lbs Maple Sugar -T. Elliott o lo o
2nd du -George Wilson o 7 6
places of much olecr mending. We wandered -
aloeg with many other .peetetors, around the to- We are requested to datiotate that the
certrin it im not Gaelic. We wink, the toiC. pens use the Market Square; eking a took µ die ( Ree. Mr. Gariv, will deliver • Luton on Total
it must tr. either Dutch or Canadian Frroch, or doffrrent animals brought up to the Show. The i Re.. este :n the Methodist Chapel, Goden sal
, new -coined Yaukeeipm. But at all events Sheep though few to nuneter, were good, and on Tuesday evening. the 2ud October at 7
11 is • powerful exprr,pbc word,--combi6iug our gave proof of what may be attained by care and ..40:h.
Ideas of impostor and swindler.
The etymology, as we undersand it, is to dig
and poke out the interior of • substance, not by
open exertion or honest force, but by low clan-
destine, dirty, cowardly, contemptible cunning.
The Gorger-1. a creature of smooth, pleasing
adJrea,, much language. great politeoe is and
impudence, nod an affability which makeyour
Judicious management. The pigs were also very
few an number, hut very line in quality. We
here seldom seen a finer boar than that shown by
Mr, Alexander Young, Sen. of Colborne. That
shown by Mr. Gibbons did him credit, and would
we think, were it a year older compete favorably
with Mr. Young'.-h,a tow was a beauty. The
cattle were few, but we think not equal in qual•
lrieod at the first interview. It is full master 0( it). to either the sheep or pigs, sod the sane may
the etiquette of popular gossip, and talk. and be said of the horses. That which attracted party stained ; but from the fact that nu one
chatters tncersa0dy like a magpie or a parrot, most attention was the chow et Team horses ; it he.".thought of such a thug.-,rumut tied not
would have done credit to any District. From tate broaibed the probability tit his filling up the
Aunt however a wa apparent 1h11 the palm for blank caused by the elesaUun of the Pro -
the precedence was between the team of Sheriff vioeial Secretary.
McDonald sod that of Air. Dark. We were of
But wbeo 1150 wondering i. over, public
opinion that to Mr. McDonald the prize should opinion will settle down in the cone.cttoo,
that them to not >1 man in the province
be awarded, though we heard many "Press! whose long and dtettngulebed services res•
themselves differently-oor'e however was ear der him more castled to the offer of any
by the Judea, who awarded the first pre -
enlarged sphere of influence It to in the
tnium to the SLenft We have been informed power of Lord Elgin to give, or from whom
the public are equal reason to expect meat.
suites of substantial advantage. Air. Mer-
ritt bas been the projector of, and by hie
perseveringexertions, has earrtedinto effect,
plaits -of sure extensive cue to the •pro -
Tun loo... W. IL Meaurr•-The call
of the member for this coeoty to the dis-
tinguished position fur ueefuluess be now
occupies wall fill the whole province with
.urpriac-it 'vras'altogctber unexpected. by
bis hived*, and.we presume so by himself.
This surprise will 001 arjee front any sense
of impropriety in the appointment, ur a pre-
vailing Idea of unfitness ur tucapacity in the
with an equal deficiency of original thought.
1i. whole study ie to toy whatever a most likely
to please its auditors fir the time being.
It is always doing an immense business -al-
ways in a great hurry -borne down with orders
g ad eorrespoodents-blusiers into a merchant'.
shop Just as if by here .cadent, or to give a
friendly salute in passing :.sys a few mart
thiegs which it has aid five thousand tins
.4vell Days Later from Europe
Now You, Sept. 25, 1 P. M.
The Steamship Acadio, arrived at Burton
early ibis morning,
LIVE1t1'tl(fl. MARKETS.
Id5Ranlol., Sept. 9 -Weather f+ir.-
Brl atlrtetG heavy. Fleur, 34o a 34. ;-
Corn, 334 a 34..
1.uiuen-Flour, 211* a 311 ; 11'Leat, 48s
a 55e ; Corn, 3Ga a 38s,
Demand fur Breadstuff, lieht, excepting
corn which to to diinand ler Ireland. Lard
14 better. sod good demand ; other preen -
lutist quiet.
(',,eels 8( a 7fil.
Cotton steady.
The siaamcr United States put back OD
acci.uut tit Injury to tier condi-neer.
The newt laf, ununtentent,
The Acadia railed from Liverpool un the
9111 in,t. 't'.,e Merman*, from New York,
armed nil' rho 1.1e of Wight, on the 4th,
and in cunsegnence of a thick fug, %bile in
charge of the Pilot, struck in Garnet Bay,
near Cowes, on -the top of the tido ; and al-
though the engines were immediately re-
versed, it was impossible to get her of A
special .termer, waning uffCowes tor the
ma114, went to bur assistance. A tug stea-
mer Das tent to relieve the ship, and the
coals were discharged Into lighten. Tl,1a
,.rep wan elTectual, and at three o'clock, P.
M. on the same day she floated, and ehorlly
atterwardt she anchored' to Cowes Rustle,
and the coals were then put on board, and
she again !,roceeded on her voyage without suffered any damage.
CASH 1'Ol: '111:,1'1'. Tut,. Ml)\'rur:.‘1. TR.ANS('RIPT
/will': Subscriber hereby intimates that he
has nue on terms of los.o sad part IS Published erery T'rudiey, Thrred.ey
ownership, Vie ens leo manegrua«at of the, 1ind lutrrdo or. at 1110 Lou• 1,‘ sr, til
G odench klllle, and tba be ,s prepared to •I 11 l';1.\'F: !IIII I.L51 per goose, pay-
ablerash for •ny queenly of 0.wl uo rchant ' able iiivartak.1.VEbly III *Juane•.
.btu 1\'htet a the ►aid 51 1?.: prod rd the rhe 7'ret.ecrl„t r• printed no a sheet
same be,telivrred there in 1 me ter manoluc neer{s see Mtge n• •Lj u*ed iu the l''1 .1001
lure beluru the cline of tun nav'g+h'• h5.
and 'should 45.l siri.uual) 11 Ca permit, Lite al Wali b„
Stnttmber 511,, Inly. j 3211'
r vile Subscriber will pay cash at the
Guth/rich Mills fur Good Black '1 berry
Saw -Logs, and will saw any oilier dreenp
sus tif. gird Ilse -Logs fur any puttee on
Go*.tieu Mtplell,
September 8th; 1'8x8.
> T $2t1
-- .S 'I' R A •Y lr I),
FROM the premises of the .ohacriber, No. 1,
11115 Cuocenjon tit Colburue, • Ye)iuiviele
colored OX. maty. with a *tripe of white ddwa
his bark, -he 144 on a bell, cud is tieing seven
years old. Any information which may lead to
the recovery of him} will be Iihrntly rewarded
by , Colborne. l:lw '6 Sept. It R tlTt.WA T.
333. .
N V'1'ICIt. 1
TTHE next suttngo .04 Vie DIVISION
soul 'l' will be held at the gaol, God
each. on Saturday the 7th day of Uvtuber
next, A. F. MORGAN,
Clerk 1 et Division Ctwrt.
G.odericb, Sept. 61h,1849. 3211
11E Sub,rnbrra to scknowkulting the
1 liberal petrorage which they hate TO -
The Queen, on the 5th instant, proro- ceited during their tea...lenee in Golrrieb,
gued Parliament, recapitulating •thn chief wo1,111 re-pcettully req tent the immediate of the Se+eion, atiJ Iuiwed,ately at. eetiletnent of all leenunIe due to the 6,m,
terwards took her departure for. Scotland. -
as they clime their hook. from this date--
. IRELAND. -• Attention to this notice 8,11 1,11•0 cooly.
Ireland is still' in a state of profound T. GIi.MOUR tk, los..
tranquillity. The visit of Lord J. Rubel( to Ga:erich, 8th Sept,, 1848.' - Ulf
Earl Clarendon seems' to turnieh allnu.t-the
only theme for. speculation among the Irt.b
politicians._ The Premier landed at King-
ston. on the even:og v t the 1*t instant, and
wureceived with a degree of respect; and
every dewunatratiun u11ppla4404.
DcaLiN, Saturday, September 9.
The general topic of conversation here is
that relating to the Special Commisnfo0,
which takes place in %-few days at Clonmol.
Extract from a Liverpool Circular, Rept. 9.
Corn market very animated to -day. -
1V heal -an advance of 44 per 70 1be, and on
Indian Corn an advance of 3s per (varier.
Mill Mather 4!,I..recd in the touoso of 0,.'
16.uleg 0.'101111 4.
Luring ILe approaching.Semler' ad Per -
liniment Ibo Tranacra t will coattails Repoli*
of 114 Pra•ctcd.r•g., eu:Thricntly compretien-
ene to loan► -h Remota of all tbat, score to
both 1r relative M edict.
As a Faintly Newspaper, the Transcript
will support its old r larecler. A po•rth,o
ails spare !liner w.11 Le,detatcd to the Ir. -
Penton til' miscellaneous matter' of an in-
terestingtand•l.aierary charactt•r, and every
Thing offensive to morale will be cares illy
11.0 h;rtt_ commenced, and intended to
continue, a series 0t ll.ngraphicab Sketcher
kuru Cuausber'i Miscellany of Useful and
I:ntcrtai.tIg Tracts and utter Works ;, and
during the present Neaten, *once will be
taken 'of the , Lectures delivered et the
several Literary Iu.t,l11 mss of this coy,.
which we commenced last winter, and
which goon general satisfaction.
(1:7'• The price of Subscription of the
Moa1uatAL Taessatirr, (when seat by
trail) iaTWELVE SHILLINGS per an-
num, payable n: advance. To facilitate re-
mittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will
pay for Fdtecn, Alunth'. TEN 81111.•
1.1NG8 fur Teo Months, and FIVE 13111L -
LUNGS for Five Months. When the
period of subscription is nearly expired, we
.hall 'mod three different copsee of the
Trsneeript enclosed in 31.. et green
covers ; anti 1f DO 'remittance's mode, the
Paper shall. in esery ease, be diseuu-
tlaued. As the paper is given to :subvert
beta at the lowest possible price, all moor
lettere mutt be post paid ; and those which
are Dot, the salwfnt til postage will be de-
ducted from the money rent.
( ".The Transcript is sent to Subscri-
ber. in the country twice or three tonal a
week, at their opu0n. The whole of the
reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's
AUCTIONEER, ',alters biting put into one ,beet-thtte sov-
',%ILlhpUebd8ALE3 is may pert of the ,'ug the 1ubecribcr4 one thud prietsge, 1150
mare, en -r asoe*ble Teeing. Ap. I'p r of wo.b.•cripnon to the bot? Is the same,
ptyRt t owe*Pfr& Mora, 1 adwscribero, to writing fur the Tranecnpt,
Gedericb, 14th Sept. 1848. 93- will please mention whether they w 4th the
tri -weekly or semi weekly. paper sent to
Q NeWspaperewithwhom we exchange .
OF COPARTNERSHIP. wilt please copy this Notice wlnch we will
? be happy to reciprocate to the sime way.
► +11E. Copartnership heretofore. existing Goderich; March -3, 1848. _ b.
between the undersigned (tinderebe
firm, of Gooding and Lancaster, lonkcep-
Flour without change. and emoted at 34s; ere.) is this day Jlssolved by mutual Con-
Sour, 30+ Indian Corn 338 a 36e per sent.
NEkit ?Tt+ ®iIo'
quarter of 480 lbs. Indian Meal, 171 per j. L':1NCASTER. or mastic AND ssysayata Leo saowL.W,t,
barrel. .\\'heat, in bond, la to 8s per 70 snoreoy Rosgwr Cuaaaw, author 04 Cyeh-
Ib:. The duty on Wheat, 6a per quartet' • _ ,e 01 Eo li•h Lileratiire : With El'a"!
and op Elour, 3s 7J per barrel. *-bwineo will be contiooed, and all Pe" g :p0
Fros.Sbipley & Co's Circular, Liverpool,8ep.8' oy.tstaildmg accounts due by and to the • 1'40. Illustrative, Engravings. Price 25 cents per
firm will be settled b the undersigned. No.
Aches -U. S. Pots, 24s a 25.1 I'earlry J. LANCASTER. t OCLD, fi11tDALL do LINCOLN are
`2'7. • 26.. Ba on, dried and smoked, old Goderich, bib Sept., 1818. 32tf l happy- to announce that they have compo.•
15a a 2L. 5 t utiddlw, rihbed, 21.445a, ted arrangements with A1enn. Chambers, of
shoulders, 30s. Vheat-United State and N U T I C E Edinburgh, for the re-pablieation, iu mini -
Canadian, per 70 lbs., while awl mixed, 8e y
lrromthl Lumbers.,
of C Mtseiti.Aat.
3d a 98 ; red, 7s 9d a 8s 8d. $1.our-Wes 1'he design ret the MLC•LLaar is to anpp.1?
1.10 Caorl 331 a 34s New'Orleana arid. ALL persons indebted to BREWSTER She i
Mg demand for uar(ul, Moir.etive,and
Ohio, 320 a ads ;Canadian 331 a 34s- U.S. bt SMART, through the agency of entry' icing Ieadiugi and to bring all the tide of
and Canadian soar, 30e a 31 e. dndtan 31eaF-Ih°8ubal;riber, are ruiueated to seltle.their , literature to bear vu the cultivation of the, feel -
'before : honk+ round with an appsrrudy es.ual that Mr. I)arh'e horse were raised in the 1).. b p tl b 1 1 p t , aecoufts iwnsediatty eit
per Cabarna, an16s on63 a 17e. tier with him or togs ot the ixoplc-tu arppress correct news OR
,s.4IIT renes ; is surprised at the shape or colour ,rict,-d so they reflect eery gree credit 'ori the vrith- biro' George Fraser, God fedi and ! unportant moral and social q.estions-anpprees
Phe seasonable weather noticed in our every eprcies of mite and eaugery-cheer the
or cheapness of a new cos; tries it on -fust parties by whom they were bred. The abuw of ,Int hal cont:nued, and good progress mule nave Coe/s•. } lagging and desponding, by the 111au0n of iter
Iaeed, each a cnio'-forgot. ire purse, or has no grata, though snail, was good, and it gore w h in harvest operations -the result. so far as • J: K. GOOUI\G. c l 05aw0 amp the Impginauoa• y of popular writers
eh.t,ge, but' nal cell a a,n and •• make ,t at! I much pleasure to undenaud Matthe•.growth of time than any other indtttdunl in it. This
known. timing, a slight deficienut in wheats.- G,vderich, 8'h Sept., 1848 3Ltf a.
•u.-. *Titta.ndv t s c r_ r.k tion+ of u,rrrert' -
right,"-sa.d thea wa',1 ■ sulilr and a,cry p4,lite fa!I.wheat ens e0 the mcrcatoy-that shown evt• we know Iii ganea (rs • but they itcter other descriptions, n( grata aro rep ttpd to e n stir a z•••t torr•)' -oil)• 0(0711-
ebe full crops. In *heat and flour, oar mar-
ket has been inactive this week, but for In-
dian cern there has been a steady demand at
last week's price.. At our market to -day
wheat was in butt r demand, at a decline of
bow, bloaters of with the coat. It steps 11110
the next store merely to ay •' Good day sir„"
. hews the coat, .aye it purchased it so and 00-
000I ea much toe it -would ;net need pants to
' match it ; looks the various patterns preeentrd,
but has os time to 'pend is choosing --selects
the best -has already ;leen away all 1(0 small
rh.wyre, bat will call to -morrow. 1■ the neat
shop it tastes the butter and the rheese : etern-
ities the snap or Ilia sojas ; speaks of the east .
expense ce keeping r. house ; tells how muco
ready money it ba paid away to -day ; orders
certain gaantities of different aruclerto be sent
to us home, and promises to return the price ;
then easterly regretting its waste of"iime, hur-
-" nee off to uamart some very important business
with some, very important prnooage,, who it isa
pleased to doubt leas bee* wailing for it all this
Thus, the Gouger proceeds from day- to day,
gouging every store in the village or locality,
from the wealthy wholrale merchant to the poor
widow with the orpkan family, digging into
every tradesman .sd workiogtraa down to the
poor labourer who saws the cord -wood ; rich
sod poor, male and female, man-servaot and
maid -servant, -ell, all are equal and legitimate
objects of plunder to the estimation of the Gou-
ger. Nor is jt eatir6ed with one di' ; it will keep
digging and poking on day after day, always
laughing sod blestrnng and chattering, and
always furnishing 11011710 pew apology or holding
forth snme new hope to its delated •ict,ms.-
Some gentleman had been.dhwppeinted in set-
tling op his account: it had an astonishing
•meant of work ea hand at present ; it expected
a thoosssd or five thousand dollars by the last
mail, which the next would aanrrdly bring for-
ward ! Every species of shelling and barefaced
lyeag-crew bit which ew be detected in fifteen
eiarlee after they are told -are employed to
fwibrta the g,,, till Out Gooier has dug
ane. k ind.ntaatle aolhtag shoot sears, but
it can must the hundred or the the. -
salad. It has see 40gw%intanee with any poor
utas, hal it is rely intimate with all the Noble -
wee who live at a distaste of four thousand
mike ; and can relate many little ayiags sad
eircarnemates which it had sees and hand is the
company of Lord Balderdash, Duke iloaothi.g,
or Archbishop What -do -you -call -him. ins/sort,
it never makes any preteasion1 to the nano of
man, hat exhibits a silly prediliction for "gm -
Ruch is the eabinehing impatience of the
Gouger, that it has beets even keown to attempt
an entrance tem dm goad ghees of the pious,
by pretending to ems *beet angles ; .rid to
exhibit the daring aal•arlty of appealing 10
Clergymen for a calrmane aim wicked false-
hoods ; while at the same moment it was laugh -
sag at all law*, both honest) and Mae., sad
dence in ito til the fitness of this part of the Pro-
vince On its production, and the contrast between
it and the spring wheat should, we consider,
make the fanner endeavor in all cases to give the
preference to the former. In • few years we trust
to see no premium given for the latter, which we
took upon ■s • were•euceedantum-oar success
as • wheat growing community, and 'Ile pro*-•
perityof our Agriculturalists will depend upon
the quantity of -fall wheat we raise -it is much
more merchantable, of more value, and we think
much surer as • crop if got in ie proper time, say.
not later than the first week In 11111 month -but
sooner ifposeible. There were some white peax
that we thought quite equal to any we had ever
peen. The oats and barley were bout good -the
sight of the former made us regret the more the
non-existence of an Oat Mill : we think it would
well remunerate any person who.would erect one.
The butter was abundant and looked well. We
regretted however, to sae so small a quantity of
cheese. That .Lowen we understood was the
manufacture of Mrs. Dunlop, of Colborne, and did
her credit. The show of domestic manufactures
will take place within • month. It was pompo-
fled in consequence of the intending competitors
having been disappointed by the Fulling Miller.
Notice will appear in nor columns of the day
when it is fixed upon. The Ploughing Match
will take place on the sixth of October. The
Judges appointed to examine the potato and tar -
nip fields will begin their labors on Monday. -
We understand that the funds of the Society have
not been quite as large es meal. in co01equence
of it not having received Mr. Cayley's munificent
donation of Twenty-five Pounds -but we are
pleased at it otherwise, as we consider too much
ton made of it by hie friends at the lot election
-it had too much the appeanoce of having been
given with a view to political effect. Beneath
isa list of the premiums awarded, with the names
of the socceseful competitors.
Awarded at the 8esw41, Annual F.tibi.tiae of
the throe District Age:enteral Racist., ea
Tsamduy, the 26th q/ ecep(,si►er, 18414
1I OR 1'i PB.
For the beet Brood Mare and Yat,-Pat-
r.ek Patton LI 10 0
2n1 do. -John Galt 1 011 0
3.11 do. -James Stnerhonar 11 13 0
Beat 2 year old Filly -James 1 00 0
Rod de. -Alex. Taylor 0 15 0
Bang year old Celt -Joon Melena 1 00 0
gad do do -David Clark 0 15 0
3rd do do -Alex Venni. New 0 10 0
Best Span of Farts horses --J. Mclf)e..ld 1 10 0
2sd But -Thomas Dirk 100 0
3rd de -Jacob Sheri Miter 0 15 0
Best Milch Cow -David ('lark 1 s0 0
Riad do -Jolts Salkeld 0 15 0
3rd ds -Thomas Watkt.s 0 10 0
Bat 2 yr old Heifer -Thomas Elliott 0 10 0
2.d do -Mathew Black 0 7 6
have ventured, nor ever will attempt, to
declare the nature of any rival claims in this
teepee. Vire will n.cntioD some of Mr.
51.!, Work*, and'witt to 100 who shall offer
to stem that overwhelming current of ap-
probation with which they are now sealed,
notwithstanding the obhquy- with which
they wore at first almost universally greet-
ed : here's the Welland Canal, commenced
in 1824 ; the construction of the St. Law-
rence Canals, first. advocated in -18,2, and
determinedv►n in 1841 ; the freeentrapce -of
our products into Britain, first mooted in
1838, and partialty'obtatned in 1843 ; pro-
curing the credit of the Imperial Govern-
ment in obtaining a loan fur public im-
provements w'ae suggested in 1838, and
acted upon by Lord Bydebtiam in 1841.
We are sure the hon. gentlemao'e con-
stituents will most heartily congratulate
him on the approval with which the repre-
sentative of royalty has at last acknowl-
edged hie untiring etforte, and they w111
readily todorso that ,approvelby an uuant-
mous return at the election -that must
necessarily take place. -St. Catharines
POLICE STATI,TICS OT Phare. -fly a re-
port published at farts, by the Prefect co
Police, 0 appear. that there are to Pane
61,480 workmen hying in furn.shcd apart-
ments. Of these, 91,539 are empfyed in
varome ways. The number of incl polled
9,687. In the week ending August 1511,
4394 strangers arrived in. Paris. In the
week after, 5974 armed ; mid i.1 rho next,
week, 7944, showing a regular increase of
arrivals. On the 18th of August, '710
foreigners arrived at the different hotels of
Paris ; this nnmbe•r continues regwluly
increasing. Only 745 hare since left Paris.
In the space of seven days, 2660 pae.porte
were delivered, of which 312 were to foreign-
ers. On the 26th of :August, there were
3173 common prisoners in the jails. The
prisoners of Juno amounted at the same date
to 6444.
From the l8th to the 471h of August,
there were t0 suicides. The nnmher of
thefts and burglaries cotnmitted In Pars
go 6 per day. There are no attack.
u,,on persons. The numbers of death.,
owing to the events of June, is 1131.
la Galeria% ea the 96th tutus, Dsr:ae,
allele daughters.
THE Direetoeef the Hero. District Build-
ing Society will dispose *1 one or mors
Half Shares of .C50 ,*oh..t the British Hotel.
Oalerieh, on SATIJRDAY the 7th of October
next. at 7 o'clock. Y. M.
By odder,
oderich, 26th Sept., 1849. 3 i
I•'A!t II:1: s Lew; AT '1'111::sous by *ad lyrnral poetry -in th"rt. In
feroish to unobtrusive Ir;end and guide, a keel -
[IE cheapest BOOTS and SHOES of I nterrde 000gl.°aoo, u far u ,teat objret mai be
F .umaid thio. the•lostlsaaentalily.1 boerks
good ge.tity ever 03110ed for sale in Thr uutveinalty acksowtdged malts of tary
this District.. The subscriber in leaving Cyctorxuu uv Eaatuu Lrn*a C.a. by the
1d on last week's quntattors. Flour In (oderich returns his siecere think+ for the i saes author, connected with its rapid ..le, and
lower, but with an improved Inquiry. 81111 su crt he received while in business here,: the unbounded commendation bestowed by the
further unfavorable re, orts as to the potato a
and new offers) for sale the remainder of his peter, give the .Irulrli.bers full em,ftdenee ie aha
crop, influenced the value of corn to day. stock, comprising in Route and Shoes abojt reef value and entire tunes the p010Di
and the sales were extcosite at an advauce three hundred parr., at about one half the work.
of 2s. per quarter. usual rices current hire; calf aad see.- The publication • has already commenced, and
All those indebted to hits either bynote or will he esutuued.cml-mosthly. each ..caber
_- _.. - will torm a complete wurta, and every Third aerw-
book account, will please tall and settle her sill be lormshed with ,,title page sena} table
#R as infriogemcat of the Vastom Law, will
be sold oa Saturday, the 30th currant, by A.c
fiat, at abs British Hem):
JOHN GALT, Collector.
Goderieh, Sept. 90th, 1848. , 35
ON FRiD.IY, the 22nd snit., on the
Beach of Lake Heron, about twenty
miles North of Godericb,
The owner ia regnostcd to prove proper-
ty, and settle with the subscriber.
Ashfield, 25th Sept. 1848. 3135
Iast Call ! Last Call !.Last Call !
ALL persons indebted to D. MM'4LEY &
Co., or to ISAAC C. SIIANTZ, will have
an opportunity of paying the respective amounts
to WILL IAN Cossey, on the 4th end 5th of Oc-
tober next, at the HURON HOTEL, Guderich,
after winch 4.40e the B.ilitrwill call upon all dee
limiters, as further lime cannot be given.
Timothy Seed, taken in payment at the high-
est Market Price.
Ist September, 1848.
34 -
♦ 1.1. Per.nn• indrhte,l to the Subscriber.1.
their by '.Vote or Renk Aceottot, are reques-
ted to call and settle immediately, or their Notes
bad Accossia will be pleredm the hand. of the
Clerk of the Court for collection forthwith.
WA/.'rI:R SH,%RP.
Oedench. 17th Sept. 18114 34.
CAME into the esclo.ure of the 1 15001,lver.
Let No. 7. fleet ('nnTrawion, Fest f'oIhneP.,
wane time ,n Jody Net, a Steer COLE. (yemr-
liag), red sod whet.. Any porno owning said
Calf are requested to prove properly. pay charg-
ee. and take it away.
Sept. 90th, 1848. 34
itDmediatelp ted cave enpte.• of cements, thus forming a brtutifolly ill.sslrs-
G1T.nI:RT FORTE. and velum* of over 500 Juges of useful sod
Goderich, Sept. 1, 1848. 31tf ent.rteiuing reading, adapted to every class of
readers. The whole to be completed 'in rtuar0
WHEAT '.A`TED. ',rigouts, forming Ten elegant Volume.
(' :1SIi paid for FALL 1VHEAT till the From the N. Y. l'ommerei.l Adrertieer.
` 20th day of this month. • We are glad to tee an Arnerieao Mese of this
U. CRABS• p,chlic■uoo, and ec.inru .,i sod sr-
Goderieh, Sept. Ir 1848. • 3114 ninht a form. Lt iPps anlly ttdmitableneat cuu,yi;ucouimh,
distinguished by the good taste which has been
erHE Subscriber begs leave to inform the
A' Farmer* and the public in ennead, that
be win all BOOTS and SHOES cheaper,
for cash, than they can be purchased else-
where In thta country. Intending pur-
chasers are requested to call and examine
for themeplvea, at his Shop on Lighthouse
street, near the Brlu.h. llotel.
Ile has also a florae, Waggon and liar•
nese, which he will ell cheaper than the
Dederick, Sept. 1, 1848. 31t1
► 11E'Subecriber (from Galt) has lately
1 rented the above well establlehed i N N
and I IOTEL in the West end of Stratton!,
frnm the lrroprietor and late occupant, Mr.
yblin Sherman ; andhe begs to pay that be
will endeavour to see the Public and Tr.,'
pliers well accommodated. anis their com-
fort. attended to. Ile has good Stnb, ng.
and an a'ten(Ite iluetier. Ilia Bot is well
euppbed with %Vis'. and Liqucre.
Stratford, March I, 1848. 7m3
ALL throes Indebted to the 07.tate of
the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will
please Settle the tante without delay, and
without extra eapenees; and elan all those
hot, ng any Clano• ovine the shove ?Aimee,
are fireweed rm,uet.ate.y to present the
sumo fot Alinement to Jowo thee.,
shown in .11 the publications of the' Messrs.
Chambers. 1t unites the usetid and the enter-
taining. We hope '11e Circulation here wilt be
large enough to supplant, to a good Barest, the
o awloy-p.mby and Immoral works which have
s0 knit bees too widely circulated.
Flom the Renee Chronntype.
This is drsersetlly a great favorite with the
reeding public• .stoats the taste of all classes,
mad instructive to all.
IG' This work eon be sent by mail teeny part
of the country. A direct remittanee to the
publishers of the Dollars will pay for the moue
work. This liberal di,coiat for advance pay
will nearly cover the cost of pottage on the
work. Those w'.1.w4 ler one or were ssueylet
u mbers can remit them accordingly.
Booksellers and Age.Ie supplied ea the moot
liberal terms.
- Publishers, Sees.
- - NO'I'ICR
Z`H1. Suheiribers hog to intonate that t,,.y
hose Mrs day rL...t .her )6 ,kt, and tial
no (o t'hi.4 cr.,h1 w,tl hr giv res uenl all Iber.r-
00.at0 •r. 40111*,. '1 hone hailing wrcoe,.le an -
witted 1.111.1•1101117 ■rr rrga+n.ed le call and pay ioh,..r.i:*rely 10 carr teen. G,.whs at 5017
tyd.lei rates tut CNA or feeder..
C. 14. DICLsON & ('Ov
meets d, Asguat 1st, 3303. '27 ti
. 1)11. P. A. 1.11cDOUGALI..
CN 11e cnm...ek d al *ti.httwt'w,F at the
' Qrilinh Ilotd, (I.soe*m'?I 1 )
O0der•c h. Sept. 13'1. 1803. 33o
TILE anh-rasher w i11 he obliged to pilfer
n,eae Ito .roar 12 pun, troth IIr
Of IA, Cawrl, 11 not I,nmwhately r' t. tool
Mitchell, Marrh21, IBIS. ft Stratford, March 17, 1'11g.