HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-22, Page 4."1110....11.1.110pftowash 717iTyi A .r s .cikeN BE CUREb 1!! -4. ,• wwww•EIHWAraw "000 01111100. - TH X agtlYVILVII LYDIAN RIllt'IT.MATIC e traZ i Troily SAFE arid 1 OGRE REMEDY let asrumArt:sm: end has never 1.111.1 IV curing this apedtol Comptarai, wheu p,optrly applied. 11 TM. MEDI( $N1': mewl. above all others el the kind. • ud the 1)1/.4 ol the Artiern using it. It reed. &01 11100,010111000 al 111141 pore trotn @en- tity p01..., (QV 01111 koow• who, J to mote its. virtues. VI N. IE-Whoneale buyers treated ea Lbs. - n al Tering. F.' :Sale by C. l'evaa, oIs Ageut for Cauada IV roe, i NO00 liflit110111 utiles. slimed Dr. BOYD DICKIN:voN. ChtfCE ONE DOI.L.111 l'Ell BOTTLE. A 1.S4i.-Ilirs1a0oa's 44 11 DROPS, • Urf10111 Remedy IOf Cougho, Cold., &c.dic.- Priseb-ls. 34. p..e &vale . Michigas.iid* 4th, 1846. 26-tf _ 0 0 0 10 1 A 10 3 ACIRICULTURE• A T MKETING of the Committee of the tent ATFORD AG RICULTU RAf. SOCIETY, held at the Fanners' Inn, he following PREMIUMS erne awarded, to be Shuvra for at the Society's seveoth Annual Exhibition, at 8TRA.PEO.R1)4 on Friday, October 13th, 1848. .84-4F4.0moitiry. A Tr AC 11 AI ENT. HURON DISTRICT, J Y virtue of two Tu 1S' 1-•-ey wrila of At- taebtnent issued out or the District Court, and Omni of Queen'e Bench, and tome di- rected spinet the estate real as well es per -papal, of Henry Elliott, an abaconding ur concealed debtor at•tl,e respective suits of 'Phonnin Giltnour for the •sum of twenty • four polio& bix and threo ponce, and of Robert Moderwc11 for the sum of thirty one pounds ten shillings and Mx pence; 1 loser seized and taken all the estate real as well as personal of the said Ilenry Elliott, and unless the said Henry Elliott return within the jurisdiction of the said Cued, and put in bail to the actions within tlitoo ealeml, r 1110RI he or CRI11/0 the eame to be thechirreed, all the real and personal evstte of the said Ilenry Elliott, ucen much thereof aa may be mice -meaty, tvilI be held liebisr4e0-44tis-pey meets heatifit-isod-astiatece- tem ,of the said claim,: J. M c DONA LD, Siserif H. D. &maws's Orrice, o Goderich, *oh .Augue, 1848. S 3m31 FIRST CLASS. s. d. For beat Stallion for Agricultural purposes, (Prise awarded 1 ltla April, to 11r. C. Christenerd 7 10 0 Fur beet Brood Mare itail Foal. • • • 1 10 0 lnd beat 1o u Sliose-one on the horse the other not -to 3r4 best 0 10 0 hra awarded to maker of ther Shows-}iret, Fur best three yews old Filly• • • • 0 15 o 10s. S. con.), 7s. 64. 2nd best 0 10 0 Ifseesou-Beet sett ofDouble-Firet,.61. Second, 15s. wade purchased, by a Member or lideco• I bore el this Seeley, sia improved de• sioripsims, to be decided by the ..I edges - Prize la discretion ef Ceeintittse. FALL WHEAT -To be shown in Strat- ford on os first Faidey 4.4 September, [lot September) at IA. vock, noun.-L:ise first, 1.2. Sem*, ,C1 ie. &trot Fourth, ":1 00 ; mad 90 bushel% be brought by each Exhibitor, sad sold to soy Member of the Society at 7 more thee the the. Galt prtce. SEEDS -To be shown at General Meet- ing in February, li149. Henan Seene•-ior two Den et Horse 3rd beat For boat two years oW do 2iid bast Sal best Fur beet one year old Colt O 60 O 12 6 O 7(4 O 60 O 10 0 tod best 0 7_6 For best two years old Gelding • • • 0 15 0 2nd beat 0 10 0 For best two years uld entire Colt, 0 lb 1) 2nd beat 0 7 6 For best Span of Farm Horses, Geldings or Mares 1 0 0 d beet ' 0 15 0 SECOND CLASS. For best three year old Bull, and upwaisle, (roe By -Law few double premium.) 2m1 best 3rd beat 1 0 0 Fur best two year old Bell • 1 10 0 tad beet 1 00 For teei-t one year °WSW 2nd best For beet Mitch Cow Wad 2nd hest 3rd hest For beet Mitch Cow 2n4 best ... ' 3,4 beet For best two year colitMeder 2nd best 3rti best For best year old Haider 2nd beat For brit Spring Calf. • • •.• 2tid best For beat yoke Working Oxen, five years old and upwarCs. • •• • 0 13 6 2ed best 0 10 0 _ 3rd beet For best yoke four year old Steess, 0 12 6 Fur best yoke three year old do0 to 0 2nd best 0 76 For best yokartwo year old do0 7 6 nd best 0 5 01 eptCled beim. the Show, ....1 Is. 3d. of entry to t F b F t 01••• 0 ,.36,01.17, pa;d by each competitor for each of ouch arti- . 10 0 0 10 0 0 76 Calf 1 00 O lb 0 S SALE. HURON nIstkier,? virtuo-of a 7'e Wit: AJP writ of rittri Patios, issued out of Her Majerty's Huron District Court, to sue directed against -the Lands and Tr/Dement, of l'homall Cheeks at the suit of Robert Ellts• I have seilied and taken in Eseeutien, se 'belong- ing to the said Thomas Charles, Lot num- ber three, on the North side of East street, or Lot runnieg member one thousand and three in %lie town of Goderich, containing oe•-quarter of an acre of Land, be the same more or les, with the frnildings on the @aid - Lot erected; which shall offer for sale at the Cobrt Holum in the town of Goderich, 00 klaiurday the 95th day of November next, at the hour of 19 o'clock noon'. Santurv% Oviwat, • J. MrDONALD, Mel H. D. Gods:inch, ttat Auguit, 1648. Soho Olyriff'o Salt of Oak. • HURON DISTRICTo? Y virtue of a De Wit.- -m-a" writ of Fieri Facia*, assilled eta of Her Majesty's Huron District Court, and to me GhtColeti against the Linde and Tenements of Gat -1n Hamil- ton at the PRIG of Joshua Calloway, I have seized and taken in Execution, l'ark Lot number one, on the North side of Melbourne street, and Lot nutnbet forty, on the East side of Wellington eireet in the town ot Albert, which Lands 1 shall offer tor sale on Seta/day, the theth &my of November next, at the hoer of 12 &clock noon, at tho Court 1Iouse in the town of Gorier's+. 3. 151••1/1)N A 1.1), Sheriff' 0. D. Goderieh, 15t14 August, 1848. t 3m29 Suratree Ovrice, Slyriff's Salt of Lanbo. HURON DISTRICT, ny virtue of a To wit: writ of nen l'ariar, ironed out of Her Majesty's Huron District Conti, end t0. me directed against the Landis and Tenements of Richard Dar- lington, at the rift of Robert Park; I hare poised and faken ExeeMtion, Lot number lour in the seventh Concention, E. H. in thdcovetudiip or Colborne, "Retaining 100 acrt*•;'•which 1.1refe ehall °fret for sale at the Conn Muse, in the lawn of Goiter -MA, on Saturday, the 231h day of Novenaber next, at the hen? -of 12 o'clock noon. J. MeDONALD, Merl' H. D. Gsrlerich, 11114 Augur, 1848. t 3rtrefil Swenirr4 Orrice, _ '•• NOTICE. A 1,1, persons' indebted to the mitre of ilk the late WILLIAM nrrn)ti, are re- quested to Fettle their 'recounts iminedustst- ly or they will be. placed In the Court for colleetioo rfthoni further notice. THOMAS DITTON, JOHON LANCASTER. 25.6 Girderich, July 50, 1848. O 10 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 O 76 O 10 0 O is O 60 O 76 O 0 O 16 O 10 BY-LAWS. 1. No animal gaining the first prize oos yeer, ean take it in the some cherseter the second ur say other year; but may show and be entitled to • Certificate horn the SOCifIY, Of SUCh other honorary reward es may be decided on, exempt Bulls, titanium', floors, and Rama, which may show anti carry first ,prizes for two years. 2. That a Subscriber be uuly entitled to one Prize fur Butter and Cheerio, or for Grain of the same kind. 3. That Stallions, Bulls, sod Boars, n.ust have served within the Society'. District, the sesacon previous to the Show, (excepting in cases provided for by eztrafremiums,] or exhibitors of soeh to give •n obliption that they will serve in their season. 4. That Bulls must have a nag or screw in their nose, with a rope or chain attached, tu pre - 40111 acc,diell. 5. Tha the prize for Heifers ti• aot •erarded many animal that has previously hod a Calf. NOTICE. QTRAYED frem 1.ot 18, 8th concession, & Yok• of Oxen seven year* old. Ooe of therm black, with • a hits/lieu* aloug the back, and elute 16,1; also • white spec 11114ice each eye. The ulnae red *Mt • white spot in Ilse face, semi: whtte 'puts about th• desks, and bind feet white.- Asy person fiodiog then) or gorily, such in- formation to the subeenber as wiltlead to their recotery, will be suitably rewarded. JOHN THOMHON• Tow Deltip ef 21141 August, 1848. _ FOR SALE. THE BRICK COTTAGE and Lot run- ning No. 562, in the Town uf Goderleh, formerly in tbe posaemion of Henry O'Neil, now rented to Mr. James. Orr. The Cot- tage is eery conveniently arranged, and well suited fur a small family, had a spacious wood eheJ, stable, /me., good well uf water; the garden contains several choice fruit tree, and Ole whole enclosed witb a strong picket fence, Only • portion of the tnoney would be required dowr.,-the remainder in three annual inatalunelits. Apply to William Ratienbury of the Clio - ton Army, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, August 24, 1848. 3014 SADDLE, HARNESS, CARPET -DAG, AND VALISE MANUFACTORY. 6. That the quiyrnty of Grain and Seeds ez• 11 . :H Olt T 0 N , bibited, (Pease and Indian Corn included,) be public that he has not lees than Four Buvhels, and raised by sa ex- BEGS to intimate to the commenced the above liae Businem in the hibitor, from • freW am least two acres, (sakes Shan oa the East side a the Market-Sqsare,- the qesintityof lead and grata seeds be otherwise 'pacified): and the Cheese aad Butter, or other I le'Y ,*cc"P'ed by hopes by strict •ttention to nient a nee Fsrm Produce, exhibited, to be produce from ez- hibitor's from, land or stock, sod that all Ewes ib• Pubuc 0•"*"11'. 17 All Articles in the Trade will be sold at shore [except Fat Sheep] shall have sealed a the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. lanais HP UN lint of Amgen previous to the day of show . BIDES, WHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, 7. That all competitors for Prizes inaot give and all kinds of Marketable Produce will be bli- the Secretary notice of the description of Stock ken ta exchange. LT A liberal discount will be or Produce they ietend to show, before, 01 00 mad. ter c..h. the day be one, prenous to the day of ay An- •„" FOR SALE. an excellent Span of floe- nual or Gement Show, sirs, sad a first me Two House Bosse. 8. That all Stock and Prodoce exhibited. June 1410,1848. 1111..11• mast be en the ground precision at TWELVE o'clock et dm day of Show: the Judges was at AIM. how eater es Nisei: thiditte. 9. No article or animal can be shown to.'" two prizes the same year. 10. Competitor's for Turnips and' Potatoes to give notice to the Secretary, earn before the last Saturday in September, so that they may ia- ur est • , - s. 0 e ye entered. 3rd best• . . 0 ip • 11. That fur the encouragement .of 'those For beet Fat Cow three year old Members who may introduce improved Stock; and upwards .. 0 10 0 if any &Menai entered for competitor. he deemed 2n 0 7 6d beat by the Jodges-worthy of the first Prize, and if T1IIRD CLASS. For beet Ram over two yearsand - - tinder tie° 0 10-0 tnd beet 0 10 0 For beet year old REID 0. ;0'0 • 2nd best 0 76 For beat pair Ewes (two By -Law), 0 15 0 tnd beat 0 10 0 For best single Ewe 0 '7 2nd beet 0 ',I5 0 0 '1 6 tad beet 1. O 5 0 Fur best pair of Fat Sheep FOURTH CLASS.' . For.bcet WAGE . o 15 P 9nd beat 0 100 For -beet BreedihrSimir,lniviirgbred .• Pigs during .1646, 0 lb 0 lInd beat • 0 100 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. For best Fall Wheat, [see below] For beet 'Spring Wheat 1 0 0 34 best 9nd best FOY beet Barley 26414.01• For beet Rye••• • e For beat Oats - 2nd best For best Pease (one acre) dndbest Fur best Clover Seed (one bushel) grown in 1848, 1 2nd hest 0 For best Timothy Seed (one bush.) 0 2nd hest 0 For best Sweffb Turnip Seed, 64140 2nd heat 0 For best SWedisli Turnipe[one acre] 0 end best • 0 3rd beet 0 For beat White Tonsil's, or other kinds, except Swedish [one acre, 2nd best 0 3rd best 0 For beat Putatbes [half acre]• • • 0 2nd best 0 Sed best DAIRY PRODUCE. For best firkin Salt Butter, 56 lbs. packed and cured 0 2nd best 0 3rd best 0 For best newly made Butter, 23 Ib0 2nd best 0 For best Cheese, 25 Ito. . • 0 2nd best fled best '.0 For best Maple &agar, [cake) pro- duced on exhibitor's prim - 55 lbs 0 2nd best 0 3rd heat 0 For best Virgin Honey. ia the comb, do. do. not less than 10 the. 0 2nd beet 0 8rd beet 0 DOMESTICS. For best 10 yards of llome-made Fulled Cloth, from wool grows by exhibitor, sad morn in hi family (all wool, web 011848), 0 15 0 O 400 2ori beet 3rd best 0 7 For -best 10 yards of llome-mruie VI an net, all wool, do.[not full'd do O 10 0 te 2nd beet 0 76 3rd best • •I• 0 60 For best 9 yardi of Blanketing, all wool do [twilled sot fulled, de0 10 0 led best 0 76 O lb 0 Sed boot For beet new Double Horse Wag- gon, made or purchased by a seemlier or members of the Re - 0 15 0 ciety, • l best 0 10 0 2ne For beet Fanning Mill, any intro- 0100 •ed kind de • • . at 0 76 For Jalisegh, any improved hied do -8450 Ind beet 0 400 (Cr For any Agricultural Implement, the owner of the same prove to the satisfaction of the Judges that such specimen of Stoek has been imported, or pure breed out of Stock im- ported from Great Britain or Ireland, he shall re- ceive double the %mount of premium otherwise 'warded, but only for one year. 12. All Stock 10 84 property of exhibitor dare months before the Show. Judges will have discretionary power in withholding Prises; and we person den be Judge of hi• own property.- (8oe Rules 10, 11, god 12, F. Rules.] PLOWGIIIING MATCH To be on 14114 October. Plough' to be property of person catering,. to be of any kind. The grouod to be ploughed by the person entering, or by one of his family, or nt one month pre- viously employed nod lured. Prizes: 1st, £2; 2t.1, .£1104.: 3•1, El: 401, 15e.; 5th, 10m; 6t14, 5e. -,C6. TIME, six hours. Begins at Ten A M. A FAIR will be held for'the SALE of FARM STOCK of every description on the day of Show in October. JOHN J. E. LINTON, SeCe. Stratford, August 11, 1848. td O 13 fit WAGGONS AND ItienGltill, NO. 7 /1413T **Err, oteorenre easn restriseupaair trustee. 'THE Subscribers begs leave to inform hie friends and the nightie at large, th•t te DOW reptilian! I* .1evve TO order* for LUNIBER Oft LIGHT %VAGGONS, which •hall be mannfactured 0( 114. best materials, mid by experienced workmer. rr. Harrows anti Drags made tu order ; Plough Castings Wooded. ALEX A N DER h1EL V IN . Godericb, Feb. it, 1848. 51tf EXTENSIVE IMPORTATIONS. W THOMAS G-ILMOUR CO. OU LI) respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct (rise the New York and Montreal Markets, a very largo assortment of Straw, Leghorn, Dun- stable, Tuscan, •nd imitation Silk DON- NETs, and a great variety of •Itriest every desermtion of FANCY GOODS, buitrx1 to the fashion and taste of the season. Also, an wanglee stock of HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Goods. Likewise, large quantities of GROCERIES, puttee- tkrly a very superior supply of TEAS, front le. 31, per pound upwards, according to quality ; and Tobacco at all prices. As the whole extensive atock ham been selected by the propnetors in pereon, they can confidently recommend them to their friends and customers, and as the purchases hasp been effected exclasively on cash prin- possible profits roe easel. treesrwo.lvaendd tit; *ell tituriwtobh; n"ut P"'Intel PreParatmin of Nampa- cmi Poslists' rtetiron &tree 111.N:blight Sweats, Nert nue Dehility, Net - worn Complatno id a I k orgsnic .1r. V. -Marketable produce of ev• -y Jr -scrip - (comes, Palpitation of the I leart, Painter', lion taken in exchaoge at the loglicat mas- ket price. Lb' 'Plicl:ES. The, original proprietor of THOS. GILMOUR is CO. these medicines a. cured of File. of "2:1 Godericb, 18114 May, 1848. 18 years roods- , by the use of these LAU Medicines elope. TAILORING ESTABLISIIMENT. PAINS in the beed, eftle, beck, hole, LQI - 87"RE110 ItNtlientrit l'ANNNYNIStforlDir y0& PALI IN THE HURON TRACT, NAME • A FULL•variety of the pewee'. and moat 'OUR Lote on the Firet Concessii:e of sx• improved SPRING sao Sennita Goderich, fronting Wit Huron, eon, toes for 1848, hove been recetved by the taining 82, '72, 671. and 581i acree teepee- subscriber, who .111 promptly attend to the lively. Two of these Lots have consider- erders of all who may favour him with their: able improvements, and ooe of them a coin- patronage. • A. NAYSMITIL .Goderich 12114 April, 1848; ly PURIF'Y THE BLOOD. x I' F .1 T ' YECIETABLL LIFE PILLS AND PHEG:NIX BITTERS. THE high end envied celebrity which am these pte-eutissut Medicioei have sc. (41•1r0,1 h., their fnvalattlo efileary in all ther dabber* which they profiles to'cnre, has rendered lire tired practice of patting not only unnecessary, but unworthy cf them. They are known by their fruits ; their gt•ml wf.rke testily fur them, and they thrive not by the faith uf the credulous. IN ALL CASES of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affection', of the Bladder and Kidney', Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. In the South and West where these dis- eases prevail, they will bo found invitee- Plantera, tanners, and other., who once ure these Medicinal, will never be without them. Bilious Chubs-, and Serous Looseness, Biles, Costiveness, told. and Coughs, Cliol.c, Consumption. Used with great success in this dtscase. Corrupt Humors, Dropsies, Dyspepsia. No person watt Hoe distressing disease, should delay wring these medicines immediately. Eruptioos of the Skin. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency, Fever and Ague. For this scourge of the viewers country these medicines vvill be found It safe, speedy, and certain reme- dy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease -a cure by these medicines is permanent. Try them, be satisfied, end be CURED. Foulness of Complexien, General Debi- lity, Getit, Giddiness, Gravel, Ileadachee, of every kind. Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatestn, !mere Blood, Jaundice, Logs of Appelite, Liver Compirots, Leprosy, - Looseness, Nlercunal I/lees/es. Never tails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than modious Two Story Leg House, wfth Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS on the Second Coneeasion, containing 80 acres each, two of them partially improved. These Lots ars situated on the Bayfield Road, from six to eight mile. south of the • nourishing Town of Goderich ; the land le of the best quality, and well watert•d, Ind the front Lots commend a beautilal view of • the Lake. For particulars apply (if 'by letter post paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderich. March 17, 1848. 7tf PROSPECTUS - OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. ANDAIRS. MOODIE, Eorroas 'THE Editors era, VICTORIA MAGAZINE Win - devote all their talents- to produce a usefel entertaining, and cheap Periodical, tor the Cana- dian People ; which may afford amusement to RHEUMATISM. Those affIrcted with this terrible disease, will be sure of relict by the Life Medicines. • Resit of Blood to the Head, Seurvy, Saltrhettm, Swellings. Scrofula. or King's'Eril, in its worst Ionise, Ulcer's, of es ery description. %VORMS,' of all kinds, are effectually expelled by these Med:tines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their exiatente auspected. Relief will be ,cer- .. MONEY AND TIME SAVED!!! THE LIFE PILLS AND PIICENIX FANEREDUCED 4. SPEED INCREASEP. BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and Through Canada to State of NOV York, via. CIIEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE thus tome's, all disease from the system. A single trtal will -place the LIFE PILLS Chatham, London, Woodstock, Bantford, Waicr!oo Ferry to Buffalo. arenadchPolfREcoNmpilitBioinT:rnFtRhe8 cstlYttin°antdionthuef put up in white wrappers and Isbell., 'to - every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now gether wIth a pamphlet, called "3144.1. Good S.iiiiaritan,- contemn the d 'Manama, Lc., on which ra a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to opr,041Ce, by 'stitch strangers visiting the city can very easily And us. Trio wrapper.- nor Sauts.ritan8. are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro - ewe them with white wrappers can hi, assured that they .are .genuine.. Be careful, .anddo .not buy those w ith yoUrne wrapper:. ; but if you -do, be satiefied- that they come., direct frotn us, or dont touch Stern. 27" Prepared and. sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. For sale by .BENJ. PAR• C:Iffiest. Goderich, Jan. 28.- 1848. 1 PAY ATTENTION!! TH/G WELL KNOWN STEAMBO.AT BROTHERS! CAPT. W. EBERTS, WILL ma the Season of 1848 as folleWs 111 Linmes Chatham every atomise, Wednes. day sod Friday 510mings, at 8 o'clo,k, tor Wisdaar sad &met, thence -to Andrertaarg at. 3 o'clock. Leaves Ainkertskireg every Tuesday, Thurs- day awl Site/day Mornings at balf-peet 7 o'elk. tooehisx at Del rail and Winds*/ for Chatham. . The BROTHERS mos iu conneenen withs both old and young. Sketches and Talcs, D.IfLY LEV!: srAfir io verse and prose, Moral Emmy, St•tistics of the Established between Chatham and Queenston, 15 0 Colony, Scrape of Useful lamination, Reviews by which (and the Steamers on Lake Ontario) 7 8 0 ei neer Worke, and well selected articles from parsengers will be ennbled to reach Kingaton in 0 5 0 the most popular whore dile day, will form the at least three dins from Chatham. Passengers cat) leave Hamilton by steamboat for Toronto, O 10 0 ..7 6 pages of the Magazine. Rochester, Oswego, Kingoon, or any of the in- O . 6 0 The Editor. feel confident that the independent tennediste ports on Lake Ontario. Gentlemen and rising country to who,. service they are from all parts of the States will find this route 76 LOOK HERE!! LEATHER FOR SALE. THE subscriber begs leave to intimate to the Public that he has and will keep constantly on hand, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, and of the very beat quality, for sale, wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- prood to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully very agreeable during the summer and winter, as 0 it passes through the most ------ 00flourishif 15 76 60 76 50 15 0 10 0 76 10 0 76 5 15 0 10 0 76 15 0 11 6 10 0 10 0 7 16 10 7 6 12 6 10 0 76 12 6 10 0 7. lend its support to encoorage their arduous and Canada West. The Chathain and Lon, road honourable undertaking. The low price at is now completed, and it' a eery good mad. which the Periodical is placed, is -in order that STEA51710AT FARE:8 REDUCED, viz. every person within the Colony. who can read, Chatham to Detroit and Windsor, and vice 1..rsr. Ill a p • 07- Intending mirchanere will find t to nd aif anxm ious for moral and mental improvement Cabin Pomp .$1,75; Deck Passage 141,00; •i their advantage to call and examine before may become • subscriber and patron ot the work. Ch,niltd.inaren.n$3,0. Do ble Team, tthall-prieet Horse, Buggy 514 and mid one .. I 9 purchasing at any other place. All orders' The VICTORNE IA MAGAZIwill contain twenty - i river 414,00; Ox or Cow $1,00; all other strictly attended to. four pages in each number printed on new type, WILLIAM G. SMITH. Freight in proportion. I Goderich, July 25114, 1848. 9611 and upoo good paper; and will form at the end of the year a neat Volumne, of 288 pages, to- gether with Title Page and Index. 11 will be issued Monthly, commeacing on tbe First of Septsniber, from Inc office of JOSEPH Rabe. Mote, S. Fleming. Ecfrid, G. J. Referrnece-Chatham, Ebert'', Waddell & Co.; T. M. Taylor. Win•lsor, lo & If. Dew- enport, C. Hurd, Detroit. Ives & Black. - Louisville, Knight Weaver. Tecumseh ON COMMISSION. House, If. N. Smith. IVardsville, Anderson & lisher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for t WILSON, Front -street, Belleville -the Pub- • Smith. Delaware, Bullen. Junctioa House, 21. orsdeph Rollins. London, 'M. Segur. Brant - SALT r SALT !! SALT! !! A T cost and charges for cash; or Fall Wheat the Magazine, and lettere to the Editors, most G. Babcock: Hamilton, M. Babcock; M. at cash price only. Dans. THE SUBSCRIBER As also just in receipt of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Poll de Chem., Orgendees, Meshes, Cashmere de I./sines, Orleans Emetics, Coboorg and other Dresses, fancy Range Scarfs, Blonde Veils, Scarfs and Ilandkerchiefs,-Carnmere and 1.ther Phasla in great variety, Hoperter COTTON YARN, &e., &c. Ladies' walking Boots and Shoes to great seinen. L S 0 - A general assortment of GROCERIES. SHELF and other HARDWARE. sickie.,1 York, where they are ready to supply orders Scythes, Scythe &lathe, Crockery, Print., Oil any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy end Turpentine; Pitch, Rosin, Tar end ()etas Type, Ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass Nails in 400 lbs. Kegs or in aay other quantity. Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Cumpoiing C. CRABS. Sticks, Cases, end every article necessary 004.4.14,August 4th, 1848. 2711. for s Printing Office: The Typo, winch &recast in new moulds, STRATFORD Hu HOTEL. from entirely new emMatrixee, with be addressed, (post-paid.) The terms of sub- NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. ecription-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- Chatham, April, 1548. 20-tf invariably to be paid ix advance. Goderich, 31arch 3, 1848. F 0 It SALE,' TO PRINTERS. VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS* - - .. • A 11- PART or portion of BLOCK 0.40 the FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. township of Colborne, Western Dm- -- pion, Huron District, containing TWO rpHE Subscribers have opened la New HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with -I- Type Foundry in the City of New. 25 acren cleared and in good order; fences In repair. There is a good Frame House (Cottage style], upon the pi -entities, 35 hy 32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two Frame Sheds, each 50 feet long, with • Log Farm House in tolerable repair. - There are three running stream of water through the Lot; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rate %Veil in the cellar deep counters, and warranted to be unser- I of the frame hoose. Wood upon the land, passed by any, be sold at prices to suit the chiefly bard timber. Said farm is situated times. All tbe type furniabed by us is but ti miles from Goderich, the District steam Engines of the most approved pat- ". hand mat." town. CC?'" This desirable prnperty will be sold Printing Presorts furnished, and and oleo, at a reasonable price. For terms apply to terns. TSAAC MAY, informs his friends and the • pnblic, that be has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the East eed of Stratford, where nothing shall be wastes, on hie part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of hie guest • . I. Y. flatters himself that his selection of Wine aod Liquors is equal to any in the country, and bus Stsbling department is of the moot complete description. Stratford, 9Sth April, 1848. 1811 -10ILBERT PORTE, ADIES ANTI OENTLEMEN'S rash - ILA ionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Market Seems, Goderreb. March, 1s1, 1648. 5.0 J. STEWART, A TTORNRY AND BARRISTER at EX Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey - slicer, kr., °Mee Weet Street. Goderich, March let, 1240. Sy Composition Rollers cast for printers. 0:7" &liters of Newspapers who will buy three times se much type as their bills amount 10, 40.7 giver the &hove six -months' insertion in their papers, and send their papers containing it to theSubecribers. cocx.cRorr 51 OVERF.ND NU 78 Ann Street Ness York, DecambOr 7114 1848. .16 TOBACCO. A N extensive stock which wilt be gold CS cheap for cash. oderich, Feb. 11, 1848. 2 I. LEWIS, 64 14', CHANCLA V. AND CONVEYAliCING. Jeer, 1848 GODERICIL Messrs. STRACHAN k LIZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Godencb, March 22, 1848. 714 ,FOR SALE, Bthe subscriber, Oust valuable property situated le the township of Goderiels, on Lot 19, 4114 coneeesioi, within si miles of the town of Guilerich ; there is a good Saw Mill onit an d 80 acres of land, 20 acres cleared. It ie a never failing stream well adapted for any Machinery, such as Carding awe Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Grist 14111. N. B. -W,11 he *old cheap for cash, or part of the money may he for • few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. tiodench, Feb. 18, 1848. 3 A ND pay year debts, as the subscriber ha. resolved that all Noses aad Book secoents due to hint and remaining unsettled, will, 'mai. Oven, on the 15th of 'sly next, be handed over te en Attorney for colleetion. It IS pennon WittI EOM reluctance 'that he has &domed 'his revolution, se he has ne.deeire to inc.i.r adrlitusual expense to those who ire .1.11 ow ing le.a-but it is • saying, that neer-urn is a`mereilru master, and in the present instance, his reluctruice must yield to enmity. 11,QSERT 310L1ERW ELL. Gederleb,15di het, 1848. 20-14 - - -- NO7'TcE. --- A 1.1. those who Irene dealing. with this 1. thfice, ere hereby notified that so person is •utlionited to receive or collect moeies for se withio tins Di•trict. Permute wishing to made their aceounti, most do so with the F.diter, or by money letters addressed to him. 110RoN SIGNAL OMER, ; 2:Oh Amps*, HMS. . DIV. COUR'1' BLANKS, 13RINTE1) on ri suppror qua /try of paper, -1- fur wale at the Huron Sigma Office, cheap for Cash. tioderich Jan , 28,1848 1 QII)c i)uron Zignal, IS PRINTED AND PVIBLISINED ..... FRIDGE BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, torrent AND PROPRIETOR. 04451.11 M4naRT•SQUAR/11,, 0001111011. •„• Book and Job Printing, arwated with a:setae's and dispatch. Treats 01 0185 House Swaim. -TEN SHIL- LINGS per aanom If paid strictly to advisees, Of TWEL•E KED HIE PENCE With tbe expiration of the year. No paper canteen t i A wed ••til anew' are paid up. maim the pablisher thialui it hie whim- tage to do 00. ' /Any indieideal 4. the coentry becomieg re- vertible for wiz subscribees, shall receive • seventh copy gratis. 113. AU letters addressed to the Fclitor meet be peat paid, or they will trot be takes oat 01 the poet office. TERRA of ADTIWITIREPIL Ora lines MO ander, first iosertion,. • • • CA 2 0 Each sehooseeot useerlans 0 0 74 Tea lima riad ander, firlit 0 3 4 Each subsequent Mamie's', 0 0 16 Over tea lime, Arm isersties, pet line,* 0 4 Eaeli sobsegoest iesertion, per 145., - 0 01 A liberal dimmest te these who advertise by the year