HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-08, Page 4AGRIOULTURg. ATA 1 N /EI NG of too Committee of the Writ A 1'FORD AGRICULTU- RAL StN'IF:'I'1,►elrat th• Farmers' Ins, the iollowieg PREMIUMS • ere aeaided, to be Shows for at the ?41wretg's seveoth Annual F:ar,tbttie., M d'1'ItA'1t17iUYU, oa Friday, October 13th, 1848. FIK11T CLASS. £ ., d. Por best Stallion for Agricultural ptirptieve, (trite awarded 11th April, to Mr. C. Christi -nee] '1 10 0 Fur'br.1 Brood Mare and Fort, •. • 1 10 0 2nd heat t 0 0 3rd beet U 10 0 For Lest three years old Filly, •. • 0 15 0 _nd best 0 10 • 3rd beat O 6 0 Fur best two yearn old do. 0 19 6 2tid b. et 0 7 6 Sed heist 0 6 0 For beat one year old Colt•0 10 0 2ud her* 0 T 6 Fur bot two rears old Gelding•.• 0 16 0 Ind beet •0 10 0 Fur beet two yearn old entire Colts 0 16 0 Cud beet' • . T • Fur best Span of Farm florae*, Geldings or Mares • 1 0 0 lied heat 0 13 0 SI•:COND CLASS. Fur b,4 three year old Bull, and upward., (see By•Law for double premium.) god bort 3rd beat Fur b•rt too year old Bull Ind beata'•,. 1 0 0 Fur beet one year old:1144. •. ♦, . • • 0 10 0 0 76 For beat MrIcI, Cuw iad Calf 1 0 0 2nd best 0 0 ••• 01 1J 0 sots end PMebaey, (►y o Member or Mows hers of t►ts Society, of an improved de- aenptioe, to be decided by the Judger--- Prizo in discretion of Ceatlsiltas, FALL W 11EA'1'--1'u be shows is Strad - ford 01 w Sias Friday of lleptesuber, (1.1 Reptenrber) st 11t o'clock, soot;--pnae 8r.*, L'J. Second. LI a0. Third, L 1 6. Fourth, LI 00: stud"! bushels be brought by each Exhibitor', ab* ilusid'io any Vermeer til the Society at 11 more teas the thea Galt price. 8EEl)S_To he oboe,. at General Meet- ing to February, P49. }Lorton tiuuus-For two bolt of Horse Sl oes_ono on the horse the tither mi -to be anatJeil to maker of the Shoes--}'irrl, 10a. le c..nd, 7r. tid. II as -iia -e --Be. t belt of Double-Flrst,£ I. Second, iSe. - BY-LAWS. 1. Nn spinal taxing the first prize one year, rare lair it n the wore c.,araeter the serwtd ur sty other )rat. bit nay show a.d be entitled to • Crrt.tic.,e trwu the Society, or such other bo.,oury reward a. may be decided on, except Bolls, Stell on.. Roars, sod name, which may •sow soil carry tint prizes for tan years. - t That • Subscriber be only entitled to one Prize for natter auJ therm, or fur (:rain of the anti Lind. 3. That Stallions, Bull.. and Boars, n oat bare•ernrJ within the Society's District, the season prevtoue to the Show, [excepting in cases F provided lir by vara Premiums, ] or exhibitors of so : 0 0; sorb to give an obligation that they will serve F 1 10 0 in their Mason. 1 0 0 J. That Bulls mutt have a ring or screw in F their nose, with a rope or chain attached, to pre- E. 1 10 O 1 vent accident.. 5. That the prize for heifers be not •wattled F loamy animal that his previously had a Calf. 6. That the quantity of Grain and Seeds ex- F bibiteJ, Pease and Indian Corn included.] be sot less than Four Bushels, and raised by.au es- hibitrsr, frore • Geld of at leant two acres, [unless F the gnantityof Iand'and grain seed. be otherwise ep cifiedj: sod the Cheese and Butler, or other Farm Produce, exhibited, to be produce from ez- BLANHRARU (BRANCH) AliIIIOVLIMEAL SOOILTY. PREMIUMS FOB MIL J. HE OECO.VD ANNUAL EXHIBITION CATTLE. FARM PBODUCI:. DO- MESTIC MANUFACTURES. Aa will be held at ST. MARY'S. •a Wsdus•rsy the 6th al Depteudser, le4o, were tis totlawtag PRI: - MI UMb *al be awarded s r HORSE For the best Mare tad Foal 204 beet, For the beet 4 year old Celt, Sod best . ............ ..., 0 10 0 Foe the best 3 year old Filly 0 )i 0 Yid best, • .. 0 10 0 For 18e beet 2 year NMI Celt or filly,.. 0 15 0 2nd best, • .. 0 10 0 For the beet 1 year old Cult or FilJy,.., 0 14 0 2ud beat . ........ ..... 0 10 0 CATTLE. For the best Bell, 3 year old,........ 1 00 0 2tid beet, 0 15 0 For the best 2 year old do 0 11 11 24 hest, O 1110 Fur the best yearling do. . 0 10 U 2d best, • 0 5 U For the best Stitch Cow, with Calf by her side, 2d beat •••• 100 0 Fur the beet Milch Cow having hada IU U Calf in 1648...........15 0 2d best, IU 0 or the best 2 year old Heifer!0 0 2d best, or Ute best 'tidies Heifer "' 0 0 2d beet, . ... .70 0 or the be.( Fat Oa. ............ins.. 10 0 or the beet Fat Cow i0 0 or the beat Yoke of Working Wen,., 1 t/U 0 2J beet, . 0 15 U 3J best' ,. 0 10 0 or the best Yoke of 3 years old Steers, 0 15 0' 2d best▪ . 0 IU 6 3d best 0 5 0 or the best Yoke of 2year old Steer.,,, 0 10 0 • • • 0 5 0 W.1G(;(Nli AND SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAht7 6TeEkT, ISAILI orrost Ts twit sal m$7TpatAn etacaca. £ a d r IIF, Rubeenber• begs {care to inform 1 00 0 1 his mend• and the uuWro at large, th.t O 15 0 be ht now prepared to O I S u P P . itis • c orders lit 1•U11BER UR i.IG11T W.1GGt)NS, abich shall be manufactured of the best arater,ale, sod by expenenced workmen. V' Harrow' avid Drag. made to order; Plough Cantata Wr,oded. ALE XANI)i'R AMELVIN. Godericb, Ft b. 9, 1814). ytf EXT8NS4VE IMPORTATIONS. in 4 best 3rd'best t For best Milch Cow Itnd blot •.•,.m.., 3rd beat 0 15 0 A 10 0 For beet two year old ll.iter0 10 0 :{rad best - 0 7 6 3ril best For best year old !leiter 2nd best Fur beet Spring Calf O 60 O 76 0'50 O 76 bibut.r'r farm, lands or stock; and that till 1'we, Fo *hewn" [except Fat Sheep] shall have suckled a lamb to the first of August previous , to the day Fo of show. 7. That all cnmpetitors for Prises meet give !Fo the Secretary notice of the deseriptioe of Stock or Produce they twitted to show, before, or ou Fo 2tis! best ... 0 5 0 i the day but one, previous to the day of any An- i For bort'yoke W4f►king Oxen, Baro natal or General Show. % Fo 8. That all Bieck and Proiuee exhibited, i years old and *pwarce 0 15 0 must be se the ground precisely at T{t}:LVE: 2nd beet 0 10 0 o'clock of the day of dhow: the Judges will at i Fo ant bent 0 7 6 that pour enter on their duties. For best yoke four year old Steres, 0 12 0 9. No article or animal can be shown for two ' For I • THOMAS GILMOUR k CO. \7OUL1 respeetfu!ly iutile:de that they have just received, direct from tore New York and Montreal Market., a very large as.uttineut of Straw, Leghorn, Don - stable, Turea,, and 'innativa Silk BON- NM1'S, and a great variety of almost every description of FANCY GOODS, suited to the fashion and torte of the season. Mao, an extremes stock cf HABERDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kinds of Staple Giods. Likewise, Nage gnantitier of GROCERIES, partrcu- 8.r►y a very s;iperior rapply of 'I'E.1S, from l.. 3', per pound upwards, accordingto ,;usury ; and T,ibacco at all price.. As the while extenatye tock has been selected by the proprietors in person, They can confider:11y recommend thew to their SHEEP AND HOGS. !rends and t•igtolnc,s, and as•the purchases r:he beet Ram 2years old and upw'ds, 0 15 0 have been et etc) ()abusively on cash prin- t, 2J best "•• • 10 0'i ciplee, t!te- have resolved to sell uu the r the best 1 year old . 0 lU 01 moat reasonable terms and at the lowest 2d 8..,, 0- 5 0 pose blo profit* roe call. r the beer Tup Louth, 0 lU 0 ( • Mar8otable pr, duce of every descrip• 2d best...........:.... O 5 0 r the hest pair of Ewes and Lamb's,., tits tacen in exchange ■t the hiLheSt mar- • 2J best,• 0 15 b kat ries /e, r the beet single Ewe with Lamb by 0 5 0 P ♦ IIOS. GILMOUR k CO, her side, •... 0 10 0 Goderich,18th toy, 1848, . 10 2d best, 0 5 0 r the best pen[3] of Wether• or Ewrs, 0 10 0 `,' l best, ... ... ,....•5 0 the bre, Boar, ......... 5 0 2J beat, 10 11 ab. • beat Sew, having had Pigs be 0 15 0 Fut_Lttlgt JOkO tbl'ee jest ld rte. • .0' to 0 Ynzre -OW mama year. ural beat.. 0 q 6 10 `Competitors for Turnips and Potatoes to Foe For best coke two year ofd do•0 7 0 give aotee to the Secretary, 00 or before the last Saturday to September, so that they may he in- nJ beet 0 5 0 'peeled before the Show, and Is. 3d. u1 entry to For best }'at Oz 0 15.0 be paid by strep competitor for each of such orifi- For 3rd best •0 10 0 cies catered. For best Fat- Cuw three year old 11. That for the encouragement of twee For and upwatdr 0 10 0 Mesabenwho may introduce improved Stock; 1 2ad beat .... 0 7 • 8 if any animal eutcred fur competitior. be deemed For THiRD CLASS. - by the Judges worthy of the first Prize sod if For the owner of the so h ion For beet Ram over two years and of the Judges that rush specimen of Stock teas under lice •0 1,5 0 been imported, or pore breed out of Stork im- For sad bent 0'10.0+ ported from Great Britain or Ireland, he shall re For beet year old Ram 0 10 0 crive double the amount of premiem otherwise tad beet 0 -7 6 awarded, but only for one year. For For best pair Ewen (tee By-laiv), 0 1g 0 t All Stock to be propertyof udgee birorthree and best 0 10 0 months before the Show. Judges will have For 0 ,(0 discretionary power in withholding Prizes; and no person can be Judge of his own property. -- 0 6 0 [See Rules 10, 11, and 12, F. Roles.] 0 7 6' PLOUGHING MATCH To be on 14th October. Plough to be property of person entering, to be of any kind. The groom! to be ploughed by the person entering, or by one 01 his fimily, or servant one month pre- viously emplove1 and hired. Prizes: I.. *;2; For best single Ewe 2n:1 beet For beet pair of Fat Sheep Ind best- FOURTII CLASS. For t AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE.. the best 2 Buahrla Fall Wheat,... 0 10 0 2d beet, 0 5 0 the beat 2 Bushels Spring Wheat, 0 10 01 2d beet, 0 5 0 the best 2 Bushels of Barley', 0 10 0 2d hest, .••••• 0 S the heat 2 Boahele of Oats„•.. 0 7 6 3d hest, ' , 0 5 0 the best 2 Bushels of Pens 0 10 0 21 best, .... 0 5 0 DAIRY PRODUCE. • the best 16 lbs. of Roll Butter 0 7 6 24 best • tie bast Keg of Boner6S i a-- 0 5 0 24 beet.Cis... 0 7 6 3d hest. p 5 0he hen . 2d brat, C .,,,,front 12 to 2618s. 0 -10.0 3d best, ••••• ••-0 76 he beat Maple Su 0 S 0 Cake u 21 best 0 10 60 3d beet. ... _ . e e Fort For beet Boar 0 15 .0 2nd beet • 0 10 0 Fur beat Breeding Sow, having bred -• . i : 1ih, 15e; 5th, 10s.; 6th, Pigs during 1848, 0 15 £1 IUs 3.1 '1 9nd beet 0 10 0 • '=£b. TIME.,• eta hours. Begins at Ten For t A M. ' AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. A FAiR will IM held for the SALE of FARS1 i For' For best Fall Wheat, [see below] STOCK of every description on the day of Show For beat Spring IVbeat 1 0 01 is October. • -.JOHN .1• E. LINTON, Seer/. R DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. he best 10 yards Fatltd Cloth 0 10 0 2d best • 0 5 0 he brat 10 yards Fluor, and{ Wow{, 10 0 2J best, 6 0 ULE9 °flllt-TUE EXIIil1TJ(7N. The Materials of the Domestic Alarm- ed Cloth and Flannel to be produced from arm of the Competitor. and best Zed beat For best Barley 2nd best For best Rye. For beet Ostia • , • 2nd best For best•Peasse (one acre) ... ..... 2nd beet • • For best Clover Seed fees bushel grown is 10140, 2nd best For bestT,mothy Seed forte bush. 2nd beat 0 ,Fur best Swed'h Turnip Seel, bibs0 2nd h.'et t•. 0 For beet Swedish Tuteips[one acre] 0 1 !NJ best -• ,. • 0 1 3rd best • For best tV"lite rewraps, or other lands, except !Swedish [ore O 15 0 O 15 0 7. e,a O 6.0 Stratford, Animal l 1, 1848. 28 i 1.L factor LOOK .HERE!! ,theF o 100f LE•4TiER FOR SALE. 0. 7lg O 5 0{ ►'i1HE mab.eriber begs leave to intimate : 0 7 0+! 1 to the Public that be has and will keep b 0 Constantly on band, 0 - • LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, O 15 0 and of the very best quality, for sale, 0 ,1 6 wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- A 0 rating prices. ([7' -Intending purchasers will find it to 7 0 their advantage to call and examine before 5 0 purchasing at any other place. All orders 0 0 strictly attended tn. O 7 6 • • WILLIAM G. SMITH,Gode ricb, July 25th, 18•t8. 2611 JA 51 acre, ]•.:{ 2nd test 3rd best • Por best Potrero (half acre].. Sad best ,;- •rd best DAiRY PRODUCE For beat firLin*SNlt Butter, 561M. packeJ and cured • 2nd best ' 3rd beet For best newly nada Boner, 25 the 2nd beet ,.... ...v•► For beat O:Aecse, 25 Ibs....... • • 2nd beet •. " 3r1 b.rsl,........ ..., For bast MAO.- Sugar; [cake) pre- -dnced on exhibitu;L prom - tees~ 1518. 2nd best 3rd bent Far hest Virgin !Honey. is the coo*, do. do. pot lam drab 10 Ib.. 0 Rad beet 0 3rd bast 0 DC/ME.,T1 '8. For hoot 10 'rude it Hire -made Fulled Cloth, from war! grown • by eshib)tnr, mad open in his faintly [all wool, web of 1848], 0 2nd (rest 0 ani beet ., 0 For „Nest 10- yards of Home made Tonne!, all wool, do.[Itot 1011'd do 0 2nd hest 0 3rd beat • 0 be.' 0 yard. of lllanketinp, all wool do [twilled not felled, do0 10 0 •2nd beet 0 7 g Aid h.,t 0 A 0 For boat new Double Hone {Olag„ Ron, mule or pn'r'hsoed by Si me,nsrr or members of the So- etcty, •••• 0 l6 0 9ttd feat • N • Tor beet Fanning Mills any Imprr tied bind do • 0 10 0 Ind beat • 7 0 For best Moth, NW 11119.41". kts4 do e..8 . o f5 O 2nd boot 1. 0 10 0 • 0.7- For any A,4p iedlo i Implent, I O 10 0 ON COMMISSION. 0 76 O 0 t 5 SALT! BALI 1! SALT!!! 0 Ib 0 A T tat and charges for cash ; or Fall Wheat 0 10 0 at cash price only. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT' AND COMMERCIAL ADVE&'I'J$EJi, IS Published every Tuesday, Tir.sda, mad Sally day, at the Lure l',,,e „t TV. }•LV# b)lIL,l.IN(ir( per annum, pay- able ruvarsably 10 advance. The Trisect.. 1r mooted ea a sleet nearly as large as any wised tr tee 1 ,mice; end should cirrumataucer pe,.itt, at sol be still thriller e'Nlergcd to fly tewrm of the en.uing stounier. burrag the approaching Sewioe al Par - /lament the '1'raneerrpt wt:l cowrie Reports tit the Proceedings, s*NJeteotly coa,perbt n- ene to funu•h Record of all that ..ccurr to both Legal•ttve Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will auppurt 1e old character. A portion of its spare erace wtll be devoted to the in- sertion of miscellaneous matter of an tn- tere•btine and Literary (Iraimter, and every thing v1J'ao.tve to murals will bo crrefolty avoided. We bare commenced, and reloaded to continue, a series of litogrephittal Sketcher froht Chamber's Mi.cefany of Useful and Entertaining 'ft act, and erect Wake ; and during the pierent •woos,. Notice wlll ►. taken of the Lectures delivered at the eevcral Literary Ili iterions of this city, which we cornolenced last winter, and which give general satisfaction, TERMS OF TDB TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. a- iii''• The price of Subseriptiop of the :ilu]far].st Team:cetrr. (when Ilett by mar:) u TWELVE SHILLINGS per 211 - Um. payable in advance. To facilitate re mittanccs F11"1'}:}:\' BHI1-LI.'GSpo•jJl . TEN SHIL- IYNGS for rTen Months,fteen sand F! ) SIIII,- LJNGS k r Five Months.' Yhea the lict:oJ of subscription Js Heart 'plied±. we 'hall send three • different copier of; the Transcript t•ucl'oseJ in & *e ort green covers ; and if nu remittance is mai,...) this ('aper shall, is every - cabe, be d:,com.- tr.ueJ, As the i'a,.er $'given to sub.crl- berm at. the 1owc>t po bib$q price, all moue • letters must be poet paid ; andlliose wbi.. ire dot; the amount of puniago will be de. ducted from tate money bent. 07'The Transcript •i e country. twice their option. itis tog price of bubacil stun u Subscribers, is writing fur the '1' *111.pMaro meutw, "whether they w1,8 -the sow{- o them. - , 07'Newspapers with whom we exchange will please copy thin Notice which 4*. kill b4J•appy to reciprocate in the name way. lioderieb, March 3, 1848.,' - 5 C• IIA'I'IiA 1I,. - PtVRIFY T111 ,coin M01 6.t'1•'a V/X. SABLE LIYII PILLS AND PIfF(I !11X BITTERS. VIE high sad coaled celebrity which these pre retrieval 3Z0dir,oes bate as geared 1.4 their insatiable t-6tacy in all the 'Creases which they profess to carr, hes rendered the timid practlee of puffing not only uaneese.ary, but unworthy cf thew. They ass leo. a by their fruits ; 'Lira good works teatily tor them, aqi1 they tomo not by 1b,. frith of the creJule1 4, IN Al.!. CASES of Asthma, .Acute acid (";runic Khrn!,attem, 1llt'cttons of the Bladder and Kidneys, Btlwur Fevers and Liver Complaints. 15 the South and Wert wheys thew dis- eases prevail, they. nal be fuund tavalue- ble. Pasters, farmers, and others, who unco pas these 6IcJ:doer, will never be .;{bout them. Bilious ('hide, and Serous Looseness, Bites, Costiveness, OVA and Coughs, ('hohc, fonenmption, Used with great faeces, in thea disease. Corrupt Humors, brupsles, Dyspepsia. Nu per.oi with this distressing dlseam,.bould delay tieing these audit:A mu iiuu;edial sly. Eruption•-uf the Slim. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever end Ague. For this scourge of rho wes'ern co•ntry these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain aeeto- dy. Other medicines leave the system subjecttu a return of the disease --•a cure by there medicines is .permanent. Try them, be satisfied, and be CURED. Pottiness of Complexion, General Debi• Hay, Goer, Giddineee. Gravel, Hrrehiches, ofet,•rt kiiil,fewcr? peens Ir,B.,rawatuty lthennnati.ui, 1ir.i.eie I:Bui..4 J ,,*dice, Loos or Al;i.r!tte. Liver l=osrpla!gb, Leprosy, Laomemee,Aleteurai U3resse,•,. Auncr !ri;s to erad:cat• entirely all too effects i' 1• 1(rrctry iufsnitcly -tWDer than the most p••derfu! preparation of Saraapa- rjHa, •Night $weetrs. 1L'ervons Debility, Ner- vous Complains d 1 4,1 k ride, t rresn;e Ai. ifeeitubs, Prloaattun Of tbe Heart, fainter'. Chobe, I'll,l Tl,e nr trinal r, ,;,victor of a sent to bubecn there 0 ''•:•.1 t .a urrr,i t : i'ir• s of 35 TAILORING 8Ci1I'ABL1SIiMENT. beta is th i ar 1t,rce /ones a rears s r .r: by the use of these Lire SFRING¢,y1Td1A►L`/t zA8H/01f$, for 1848 wcefc at The trhote of the ri'minea n!une, ke-reading matter of i f r der and Satnrda s d'NINS to flare bred,, rider back, limbs F.IdL_ L.sariete of Riese e,4 ead mom papers being pis f JUto elle thee! -thea s jq• J rMr .and (syrane. ' fin rater •..' ► r-- beekt aglittcd with toga forpri Neat re An'n-Er04l[Ba-their the ltu►oe . 1848,have been received by the i 1 the berth t. the .amcr.'9I!!'attt. of relit•f .ubscrtber. who wit promptly attend to the by Lae I.:r• Me!xlne', • orders of ail who may favour him with timer o rawscraN •R.;ey of Blood to' the Ilea.', Scurvy, patronage.• tri.weekly Salttherrrn,.SweliM e• 7 weebly, paper acct t• $ernftila, or Kin,'t Frit;' In U. worst forma, Uteri, of evAry deaeription. WORMS, of sari kinds, ►re etTeetttally expelled by these. Medicines. - Parents will do well tr, administer them vrtieneter • their cristence Iq sus cted. . •tarn. pf : Rclicf will be cot. DISTRIt 'r 4.1 F- KENT. . 71(1: iIFE PII:I.S AND Pi1f£Nia. BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and t ALf7ABLE REAL.' ESTATE- FOEl thus ie:lance ardtke be front .the rvet rm, A aMgl. rnal.t irlirr.sh., er:i 11.1,9 • SAL'F:-.-A RAIU; II',\CL' }OR '14(i.Nl\' B;j 134 , be)•,nd il)e' , CAP1T.'.1,iIiT8. . -, of Competition tat esumuton of } every.patsent, ' ►jr11F. s,tyrrribrr having cotauicnFed bniii.• !'be gime,-.• uflh nt., le (hnkrica—aod w ith t he t ew 15.1 a in w in ;I s fine; Me tarrying tit+ P e wrap/era atoi,lADe1r ere, biteperinionewttfr more ficin .i nether with a.lNlsrp,ktr talfc,,. •tAAatfa ty and staccan, is' in want of. ea,h+-.ofers (.,od S rmaritan, cuntaminr shed revtinss, the fut'ov.ieg.va cable•nrnperty' for Vele .!re, on.whieh Is a drawinf initiated tat ;.!In:r rh nq to item 1V al, arret to our t►/llt f Broadway tyq ui ('l: a:ham ,e, M whseS the Distr,et 4(a1 fur Kent, for cast only,'sti'! tris yr .t.r, thn cur can very racily vie r- - l and. us, The' wrantxra• ard.$antaritana • That advantageously situated prnnerly are eorR-riq'ttc,f, Hat -Wore, there who pro. in Chatham North. containing.FOU!; w•a- e"?° room ttitb white wraP14'a ea" be ter Lnt'—eccon4tn,r l0 rho tt tars -r-i „..•: a. ured.t4•-t tit v aro rr n i e Bt careful, bei n ,t!i •r,ud ,, t -: r t• 'n , ' , ; farr.m,, Dor:ang ileo -e tat n,in' 1( t ...., .1...,,,.: - ,• r cetlent garden, soulther home, • ..c.,: suitable for a large family or s -public Hotel, a Barn 40 feet by 24, and a large incloae1'11oi:ding well lianiud fordr..ttling or for storage, being erected on a subatan- ttal wharf, mooring vessels of over 800 tone burthen. • On the premises reefs() a', invaluable Spring, the cxcellenries of tta waters are not surpassed in the District, •-A.L S O_ Two Buitdtng Lots .in Chatham North Block G , well *keeled, being, opposite the new Bride, shortly to be erected. -ALSO_ A large tiro atnry Frame Howie fron(ne the Barracks, 40 feet by et1, nearly finehed, with half an acre L• t belonging.: -ALSO. . SEVENTY-FIVE• terve' of excel'ent Band situated r.;t•t-ieleteite of the {tire Thames, only q ,-ce • mare irel•tw the town of Chatham, with • dwelling :liouso there- on, about 40 acre{ cleared, and in a h•fit state of cult'v,ir•on. AP, or part, of the shore property will be sold on reaemable terms for earl; down, or one faun') down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments. Title unquestion- able.VALUABLE FARM i N COLBORNE. 11.e lk F0. Dolma, Chatham, or to pro- prietor et Godench, CHARLES DOLSEN. Guderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 A. NA'SMITH. Goderieh'12tb April, 1848. 1y MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! ! FARE REDUCED 4 SPEED INCREASED. CIIEAP LAND DIRECT ROUTE Through Canada t* Stats of Star Fork, via. CIstitast, London, Woodstock, fb,nrf rJ, Hami(ttrn, Witer4o ferry to Defaie. TU* WILL a'.tlp STEAMBOAT BROTHERS! CA Pr., W. EBERTS,. WILL run the Season of 1848 as follows:- Leaves ehalh, n every Minds«, Wednes- day and Friday Sloreinge, at 8 o'clock, tor iViads,rr • 14 Detroit, thence to Asehsrt,ierg. at 3 o'cioek. ' Leaves .faatertebyrg every Tuesday, Thus. day and'Saturday Mornings at half -pact 7 o'dit. touching at Detroit and Windsor for Criarkoa, The BROTHERS runs is connection with a DAIL l LINE Of ST.1 GE Co:1 Cff,L'S, Este/4.41 1 betwtic t Chatham and llueen.tnn, by.w'hich (ane the Steani••ri on Lake Ooter:o) paewoaern twill be enable) toteach Kingston in at least three days from Chatham, 'Pae esge►s 2nd. All sob•cnbero baring psi,' their sub- can lean, Ilantilte by steamboat Aar Toronto, scription,- and „nh rucb, to be entitled to corm Rochester, Oswego, King -ton, many of abs in- pete for any Premien, termediate ports on Lake Oarario. Gentlemen 3rd. ' Bulls mast have a Ring or Screw in "m 111 parts of the Stat" will find this route their nose, with a rope or chain attached the very agreeable during a mr ..g the rammer hing arts as to prevent accidents. (it pawn through the most tlouriehing parts of 4th. All Stock exhibited shall have been the I Canada Wept. The Chatham and London road bona fide property of the Exhibitor a month be- le now completed, and is a very good road. fore the Show, and all other articles Showa STEASIBO.6T FARES REDUCED, rix. MUM have been produced• 00 the Fina 0f the Exhibitor. Ckurhnm to Detroit .turf {{' ;ad ear, end tilt t•rrsa. Any person violating, or attempting to violateCtd,in 1'ar.ege tRl,75; Deck Pi eage•I,OU; these Rales, shall be rendered incapable of corn- Children, half-price: Horse, Buggy and one petingon any future occasion. Gentleman 43,011; Double Team, Wagon and WILLIAJI BARRON, Se . Driver $4,OU; •'Os or. Cow 01,00; alI other i St. Mari. 8th Joe., 1848. Freight u, yn•ponion: Rrjrirno-u.-Chatham, Ebert•, -Waddell & A L V I O N HOUSE, Co.; T. M. Taylor. Windsor, L. & Ii. Dev- enport. Street, west of ie enport, C. Blunt. Detroit, tree & Black. - ES' Steet, one 1larnt door 1 fnui'yllle, Knight & Weaver. Tecumrrh douse, H. N. Smith. Wardsville, Anderson & i3"8r. Moen, S. Fleming/ Eeiid, C... J. Smith. Delaware, Balled. Junction House, Joseph Rollins. Lunde, M. Segue. Bran- ford. O. Babcock. Hawitton, SI. Babcock; M. Davis. • • I1(O CBEDIT. ON THIS BOAT. Chatham. April. 1848.I 20•.f O 76 TIIE SUBSCRIBER is •lsojust'in receipt of a general assortment of 0 is 0! DRY GOOD$, consisting in part of Poil de O 1g 6' ( trio.• Organdees, ,Muslin•, Cashmere de O •,‘",„,1O1 Dressier., (fancy sBaregerSearle, Blonde Ve Is, O Pearf. and Handkrrrhief•,—C.,hmere and °thee' 0 7 0' ]'hawle in great variety. Suprrter COTTONI 0 16 01 YARN, deo., &e• Ladies' walking Boots mod0 s 0 17 0j Shies in great variety. -- A L Y 0 — A general ',moment of ORO CERIE8. • 811EI.F and other IIARDWARE, Sickles. 0 12 C- Scythes, Scythe Smith., Crockery, Print", Oil 0 10 0i end Turpentine ; Pitch, Rosin, Tsr and Oskem 0 7 6 Nails to 100 lbs. Keiser io any ether quantity. • C. CRABB. 12 C Goderich, August 4th, 1848. 27tf 10 01 --- --- - •- --- - - - 7 6f GiLBERT PORTE, — I 1 ADiES AND GENTLEMEN'S faith- ," ',motile utile Isnot sad Shoe Maker, Market Sq tare, Goderich. March, Hit, 1848. 5.6 OODERICH, C. W. For 1.5 0 10 0 7 8 111h August, 1848•' 10 0 l'BIE Subscribers are just in receipt of, 7 6 from Ergland, considerable additions to 6 0! their stocks of IIRY GOODS and H.ARD- tVARE, amongst tho former will be found an assortment of Ladies' llnnnett., nl the latest style, Rlk and Satin Parapet., Balsertnn and Moshe de Laine Drawee., 5.4 Orange and Blue Print', end 7-8 Nary Blue do., Sae. k.•. ke. Their stock of SHELF and heavy iLARDWARF, will be fnnpd very gene- rally a@anrtef, and are offered 1e quaettttes, or otherwise, et leer Wee- - ate.. -Af.90- R.rrels Barclay, Perkins k Co.'s Porter, Aed Barrels titian Pale Ale. M. B. SEYMOUR it ('0. 21.1 Commercial on January, 1818. 1. EN111)NDE, J. STF:WART, AtNF TTOI:Y AND BARRiSTF,R at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer, kc., Office West Street. GoIcrtch, March 1st, 1848, 5y NEW STORE. STRATF ORD, BY Wil. H. HiNE, THE Rnbseriber begs leave to intimate that he has opened • STORE at the east end of Stratford, with a Femoral et•ort- mint of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ke. And he hope@ for a share of the patron- age of his nr.ghb.urs•and the public. He sells cheap for Cash or Prodsre. WM. H. HINE. Fltrntfnrd, March *4, 1848. 9 ea STRATFORD HOTEL. Q AAC AY, informbi0 s .friends and the I'pthtic, !KAY, he has take0 the BRICK TAVERN, lately in too OOcupation of Mr. Brown, at the Eist elad Of Stratford, where 'Nothing /Mali be wanting on his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his g seta. 1. M. flatters himself that his selection of Wine and Liquor* it equal to any in the country, and hr. Stabling department is of the most complete deserlption. Stratford, 98th April, 1848. M#tf FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property satiated in the township of Godorich on Lot 19, 4th concession, within 54 miles of the town of Goderich ; there a a gond Saw Mill unit an d 80 acres 01 land, 20 acres cleared. it is a never failing stream well adapted for any Machinery, such as Carding and Folling Machraery, Isati!leq, and Grist Mill. N. R. -Will be sold cheap for rash, or pert of the mosey may he for a few years. Apply to the proprietor alt. ALLiGHF.M. Coder*►, Tib. 18, 1848. 3 FOR SALE, A PART nr port--tartof BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western 18, . bion, Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES O1' LAND, with 23 acres cleared and to gond order ; fences in repair. 'Fhero is a good Frame House (Cottage style), upon the premises, 35 by 32 'vet ; ileo; a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two France Si. -do, cacti 80 feet long, with a Lng Fenn House in tolerable repair.-. Ti,ere are three running stream, o: water through the Lot; two of which are i0 the clearing, and a first rate Well in the cellar of the Irame home. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber, Said farm is situated but Y+ mules from Gutlench, the District tow(n. 7 This desirable property will be sold ata reasonable pnee. For terms apply to Messrs. STRACFIAN & 1.IZARS, Solicitors, West -street, Goderich, March 22, 1848. -•tf IIENit Y NEWMAN, LIR EAD, CAKE and PANTRY RAKER, respec.fully •Olteits the patronage of the inhabitants of Godeneh and its vicinity, and trusts, by strict attenlroj, to merit s share of their favour,. N. R. -I1.-! Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers nn hand. Cakes made to order. Godertch, Jan. 280 1848, 111 EXAMINATION. THE Pnblic Examination of the Karon Aweonlrict Grammar MOiNI)AY thea to instanol t, at lel o'clock, A. W. Geisrtch, July 110th, I841. 88 FAIL NIERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. - THE Subscriber (from Galt) has Well rented the above it c-tabli.hed INNand li(Yl'1:L in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor end late occupant, 81r. John Sherman ; and he beg. to say that he will endeavour to see the Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated, and their com- forts attended to. 11e has good Stabling. and an attentive hostler. His Bar is well supplied with Wines and Lignnrt. THOMAS DOUGLASS, Stratford, March 1, 1848. - 7m3 NOTICE, ALL those indebted to the Estate of Om late Mr. HiCKS of Stratford, will please wSettle ithoutt extra expen es; and al odell thane having any Claims egatnat the above Estate, are required immediately to present the same for Adjustment 10 Ione Hicea, Mitchell, M1Ptchell, March 24, 1449. 8 N OTICK. E NI beeribere beg to intimate that they her, MMe day ebrsed their Ronk., and that no further eredi, w,11 be given styli all their ar- mlets ars settled. Terse having twee/mot tin - fettled last January are reane.l.J to call and pay them immediately to tan emit". Goods .t very reduce) rites for Cub or Produce. Stratford, A, C. R. DICKSON i CO. Asyut Ut, 1848. fnif 07- Prepare) and roll by DR. WILLIAM B. Miorl'.1'r. 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony atreot, New York. For vale by ' BENJ. PARSONS, Goderich, Jam 28. 1838. Sole .9,irir1, l P.I Y AT TENTIONI ! W7 oar ebas the {subas .. resuJDtv,J tshat ad'1 %t.,*tee tad }look 1000scriber l,51* due to him and rrma.nincr unsettled, wilt, • tied', en the 13:h of .Joy next, be handed over inert Attorney for rotl•etioa. it ie certainly with ,,timet rcicetenee that he he, adopted. -dais resole ion, ai he hie 0o dee're to incur additional expense to those w'bo sr..;'ll owing hear--butit it * stein¢, that ape,wite is • merciless Irate, aril in the prreert iristance,'h;.reluetaa..Mast Yield to escsasiy. - ROBERT MODERWCLL Goderich, 15th June, 1548• 110.1NOTICE.• TILE 8abscriberh_ aving relinquished the busin'as of Biking :n favour of Mr. !leery Newman, begs to return thanks for the support he has heretofore received, and can confidently recommend hie successor as worthy of public support. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, 26th May, 1848. 17tt DIV. COURT BLANKS, P It7NTED on a superior quality of piper, -los sale at the Huron elige l lJti06, cheap for Cash. tionerich Jae , 28,1848. I ti)C Duron Signal, 15 enterza AAD reaLrsar.D tytay ratan BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, Mena awn 1•50rarcrett. orrice MAsWFT-q* r.aR, 0 alert ft. `•` Rink end Job Printing, executed with neatness and dispatch. Timm or rite Woos &toms.. -TEN SHIL- LINGS per annum if plod strict) in •deuce, or Twrl.vt AND Sia Passat with the eapintoll of the year, No paper diseonria*ed until arrears an paid up. oolees the publaaber Maks it his *draw - tage to do eo. Any individsal in the toiletry becoming ,.. sp,neible /Or wt ehs.rtben, shall omens s seventh espy gratis. g -r All hinters ad,reee(d to the Lk tor ma! i post pt,d, a they will not be takes oat of be poet office. Team, M Arri'e'NTlaWIL Bit linea seri ander, fabs iawrti..,••••110 9 }.arh.ahsegneatrnaerts..,..... ..- 00 71 Teo linea and under• first iasertie.s•••• 0 3 4 Eeeh wahregneet insertiew, 0 0 10 Over ten lues, fire towret ern, per ho, ill • Each rn,beegant ie.sy„a., per Ism, • y A liberal dueowet 1* times lobo advsaysake the year