HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-08, Page 3•esu tables, Iso, er alliwsafar Ile 61 ma distr.triah tier pet so them by • promtseaote assemblage, the d,fereat aembera til the family : and there sad a talking se iurately a subp cis .1 geurlal would be Ile drudgery or task-wurk of the Nam tueltigesat. le short, 1 believe that it would fa the metier. The facility aad iat00et would haw bees tn.powlble to have taken two bundled be iecreemed by °nag • black herald ..id chalk, men tudi,ftunlnately Isom the population, who to by adoptt°g the method til Ur. Andrew Hell, would hate displayed the same limos'/ledge of Wilder of the Ia.icaa'striae system of teaching, men and things, the same mIu,.ate ecqua,ulauce that is, dt°wisg .1,e kitsta iu Nud with the with th•,r own dutws and respoiorbtluies, aad huger. 1• this manner the name til to letter wish the mature said propelor' 01 the ulgeets would be associated, to the child's mind, oot only around them. with a peruciilsr Iwrrll, but also with a dutieet ae.ioa,-it wuuld be, in a manner, engrusea on the memory. Hed it ea happened that the cha- racters used in writing aad in priming, had been the Nair, readiug and writing would have beeu touch easier learned together Mari reading Moue. The difficulty to a child, in lesrniog to read, arises hum the fact, that ideas being the awful put of all educative, nature has constituted the mind with a strung desire, and • strong power to collect ideas. The child learns to .peak, not because he feels a pleasure to pru0o0llt'lug the words, but fur the purpose of eapreseing the ideas stitch he has collected. AU his early words are the names of persons or things with which he is familiar, and were these names written or printed, he would, after having learned the alphabet, kern to spell and read them with nearly as much ease as he learns to speak them, because tke ideas ewbod.eif in them would cre- ate as interest equal to the diff,c•ulle. Thera, 11 the names and qualities of all objects with which the child is familiar, were punted, marl these qualities explained w as to put hint first in possession of the ideas, he wuuld have little difliculry in learning to road them. Fur iastanee, bo ie timelier with water ; chew Lint the wawa in prom, and he will lrura to k.tow it, and to spell It much seem Mau it he had never seer The water is Auld' skew Iwo this ARRJI".9L OF' THE NIAGARA. RISE IN B1tEADSTUFFS. NEw Yol:a, August 31, 7j P. M. The Niagara arrived at New York this afternoon at hal(-past 4 o'clock, with woe week's' later intelligence from Europe. The capitulation of Milan is confirmed.• The Iwople are exasperated against Charles Albert, and bbeJ hon. They are deter mined not to submit to the Austrians. - Many of tire Ptedmuntere lett the town on 1/011111•1•1011. - At Iiolntjrfa the Italians rose, and drove the authorities nut of the city. Russia is total making military prepara- tions. IRELAND. • Messrs. T. F. Meagher and Doheny have been arrested. The people and pollee are alter 11,. O'Gorman and those of (be l:unfe.'eratifta who are still at large. Ar- ms.* cuntinue to be -made, and active pro- ceedings are on foot to bring Mr. O'Brien to trial. The Government have made several ar- rest* of Irishmen and Cbattar in I:nglaird the bridge, sad sent doe some mea, who Dunk account, will please call and settle for utast .ed.Uou language. The mouth hi.! net known of the acch%st. 'Iliac child, ttumedutely and sive colts. of Ireland le trangna. Apflieatoa ha. • lithe girl 7 or 8 years u: age, was lotted GILtSERT FORTE. keen made r the pu.tpuntuu•nt of 11 r. to the back of one of the min and bri,ught Goferich. Beg'. 1, 1748. 3111 wafter. Duffy'e tor a -letter he boon find upalive, although greatly injured, having ' qurLty, not by, tilling him that fluid memos among O'Brien a papers, implicating hon 1n oilier both of ler legs bruktn, and one eye •ehar 01 high treason. (YGonnan has cnn.iderable biw•ed, but tt w6I probably 1 II EAT WANTEL. lipoid -for this methal of explanation is toerrlyrecover. 'I'L:.t the child was nut iu,tently t not ertap!d.tn A'nerca, but t*concealed in , substitutie$ one wood (ur another, which is n► trio peighlwurha d of Keeper Jtuunta:o. ASII paid for FALL WH 1kT WI viae him equally destitute of an ilea -but let tutukilled is truly aaunl.Mn t as' it must have ! The Cathulte Clergy are Meng all in their fallen over one hundred legit perpend talar- i 20th day til ibis mootk. see the meaning of fluid bymin the water C. (`Rlh . ' pouring poael to keep the puce Five pere,.ns n y, without anything t• mle a era progress y had un the broken •tune. bel,,w'. The coolness Goderieb, Sept. 1, 16M. • . 3114 The farmers to tbt. vteuuty ere evidently becoming frightened at the progrees of the pututo rut. Yt.terdey potatoes were freely ot1:•red 1e mor rarest., for 7j0 per bushel, ar1,1 atone acre sold as low a• ad. -Ne (scot Telegraph. flnvernmrn' hey. determined upon giv n.g lieu grant* of illy •errs 1Y r iJ Land to Mettler* I..eatiag theuseelver to the uew- Irsur,.,el'l'owu.LIpsM be Ottawa and Made* aaska Rivera.-Hylown f'acksi. Fa,.nrreeL ACCInu%T_Coo*Aen or A Lir TAR GIaL.-As two gent.III1e were crfsetng the St.penaws Bridge between the rano nom the American side, on Finlay westug, when about two hundred ysrda from thu Canada rile, tbsy heard a stoles Ike the falang of a heavy body over the pre- ALL persons indebted to BREWSTER ctptee a lew rods above the bridge. A little F4 SMART, thruugh the agency of rue' palmed •everal nen oho were standing to trio Subecnber, ere requerted to nettle their the vicinity, and 'menaced to the lower .We accounts trstme1tatly either with Lim or of the bridge whore abs descended a sort of with 11r. Guorge Frazer, Guderich, and li.lder or stairway made by pins being dri- save coats. ven into a large pule or log placed 111 en J• K. GOODING. upright position and reaching from the GerbrIch, 8th (sept., 1s48.__ 3111 looter silo of the bridge some eighty or - - ninety feet down the precipice, to a wort of FARRIERS LOOK AT THIS. re.'e.r under the cliffs. When she arrived at the bottom of the ladder she dusted with TIM cheapest- BOOTS and SHOES of increased spend along the rile tit the hill, •Iftted putrid -stet offered for anle in under the ove►hangleg rocke, to the plan this Disdrict. The subscriber in. leaving Iron 'boar where else hod started, and de- 7;oderiyh returpm bio sneers thinks fur the scendnn a few steps she was observed tor- support he received wbile in bulginess bore, meg to'ratse and carry *woe object, which and now wirers Jur sea the remainder of him at 1) SS()LU1'tON OF COPARTNERSHIP. 'IIE Copartnership heretofore existing. between the umters,gned (under the firm, of Gooding amd Lie. meter, Innkwp- err, ) a this 1.y Ji.••.I,rd by mutual eua- reel, 3. K. GOODiNG, J. LANCASTER. The business wilt be continued, and all uutatauding accuumtr due by and to the firm will be settled by the undersigned. J. LANCASTER. GoJertcb, Sih Sept-, 18411. 3-t1 NOTICE. the gentleman a ho bad watcher' her move- 'Jock, comparing in Boots end Shue* a menta with Iscrca.ed H,tercet moon became three b-odrod pair*, at about one half the satisfied way a child tha) Lad fallen over the ,,.ttal price* current here; eall and see-- prccilice. They ha.iroed tr the end of Ail those indebted to him either by note or glass into another. Shew l,im that a tape. been wrested at Armagt-'he BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTICE. from one piece of leather cannot be poured in the same crossed over from .lydrosaan in Scotland' and Intrepidity of the [elle girl, perl.apr 10 manner, and thin- you have gates Lon an idea and took the Ulster Railway from Armagh. or 11 tears of age, rimier of the ono who which wia eatable him to read and remember the They sero 1a:d to consist of three Amen - word flail meet easier than he could Jo it Igor- rant tit eta meenlne. %\'.tit A suit, clear, taste- less. ton-ptyeot. W+uluw•gtass is sharp, thin. hard, rtarwth and brittle -al; these qualities cats be so illeststed by ctmoir ling ttltkrritb tke ,polities of leather, that the distinct iJearepre- ..uted Ply each wall be sn..biy impressed on the child's mind. Learn-tu:n to read thew words and he w.11 remember thein. liberty. frigates or l'w•o new fri dera to be fitted up The ...taud a large proportion of wads, g and almost all Wan, can be rendered familiar by at Brunt, fur the reception of Site insurgent v,a:ble dlu•trravns, and the child would thus Priru"erg* . - 1 be C•mmittee on the Constitution 'baa Feel a pleasure ib lea:qlno to read as he would seer,}: ett.d+te laboairs. a preamble by which be able to perceive the ohret of soa r torch n ranevery one has a eight to preamble employ. ..eine. Wish's, the aceomul.tiea of ideas would 'mint from the State. is returned without bathe healthy and natural employment of his any materia: alteraton. • faculties. And were be made acquainted with the properties and uses of .the tbouand objects which arc daily w,ibis this reach, and nee taken - to express shwa piopetties and uses to the - wry mifiseledt • *oda, he might he, not Duly a good reader, bat as iselligrat being. before he had passed the yeas el bis boyhood. And though be should sever leas to read, he would be a wiser man than many a great scholar ; for will! slum does um ouus..t is words but in knowledge and the proper ■ppl:cation of it. Wherever ti.* method of teaching ideas from objects twitted of words, is adopted, the child experiences 0o drudgery or ta'k•work eI tie brain. The system is in harmony with the nature to_ which it is applied: and so far from *hackling or eshrustisg tete expanding energies of the boy, his whole loyalties are called into a healthy and 013010ss nation ; and kerning is a pleasure instead of a labour, merely because the ex'eeeise is :adapted to his nature. in the year SiJccitl's Salt st imams. HURON DISTRiCT, t I;1" virtue of a Tu Wit: s writ of Fieri Ferias, mated out of 11er Majesty's Mures Datr:ct Court. and to me,iiroctcl against the Duals and 'Tenements of I1..h.i4 1)a. Itngt•.w, a1 Ike suit ,1 1 011111 fail: I hair .elai••1 auJ labra in Exautbtll. Iain mllII. bt 1 lour is the .ovemt 1. Cm ce.sl,ru, E. D. in the'Tuwu.lmp ..t Culuorrle, c,wtau.,I g lou acres; which Lends l .ball offer for a•uu a1 the l'ourt Ifuuer, to the town of Gudertch, un 'Saturday, the 25tb Jay til Nuvetuber neat, at the hour u1 1.1 o'clock noon. J. 51cDONALD, Sheri iI. D. Seems o corn..., Godcncn, 14th August, 1340. 3m29 HURON DISTRICT BUILDING 210l'1ETY. SECOND SALE. 'vile iruron District Building Society will 1 dispose of Two half SHARES of FIF TY POUNDS each, at the Brnuh hotel, Gudcrich, un H.tupley we 2J September next, at 7 u'clock, P. M. By order. THOMAS KYDD, Sscraary. 3utd Goderich, August 2:1d, 1848. NO'llIGE. THE undersigned assignee of the •a Ketals of Patrick Downie, do hereby notify ,all parties (er.ditore of said Patrick Doalnle) residing in Canada to come iota the assignment aod accept lbe benefit there- of, on or before the eleventh day of Sep- tember next. And I do hereby give notice, tbat*er that day I shall close the Gaga - actives of the Estate, and those creditors tubo • have sot signet, or accepted of the assignutcnt will be excluded fruits any bene- fit thereof. .Dated at Stratford, this - 18th August, 1b48. THOMAS 11. DALY, .dssigaee. • RNratford, August lilt. 30t4 calm and two I. n•nehinen., Om journal mentions the tact that they hid £17,000 upon thein. Atulber miye.lbe sunt found teas 11,750. 7L1. CE. The ' state yfi'ytlfige auli continues io Parts. luuul 1700_ p.'r.ons have been Menlgutily tot having taken part in the inrurreet.uo, and 2900 have been. aet'at The greatest anxiety eontinncs to prevail respecting the di,clusure which the printed, evldrmce of the lata insurrection is expect ed to unfold. The debate will take place iso . Monday next, but the management of G.lneral Cav:n'uac'wall prevent violence and bloodshed. ' 1 Tire latest, news from Paris describes an unsettled state of things. The •oe-n.ler- vcution policy of General Cavaignac is ex- pected to create a vast number oteseenues. Numer•ns arrests continue to take place. .A eodspracy has bees di.covered in Parer, the object of which was to , k:doap Gen. Cavaignac and obtain pox•essiun of the government. It le feared that the dia- afT•cted will atteuap(s ::nether outbreak, making the Italian quest tun a pretext. The government has taken energetic measures to muppress any movement tit tris kind. Ali journals of Parts have to give bonds of 2-1,004.1 trance as security, lost they .peak lou freely.Al d-el-Kader is to be sent to Paris. met the accident, wa• else aetunt.hine.- /Irfalo Cum..9de. 19tk. ,Uj at -it et' e • 9luaraxat. August 31. Flour without change -a sale of aupe.lior ear- ly in the morniog, to waive, at Otis GJ, but this tate arab refused later In the Jay. Ashes -Puts i seas, -bleb he wilt sell Cheaper than the 2:,a 9.!, Pearls 87s 711 to 27, 9d, and the teoden- c1oepest. • N. CLARK. ce upwrrds. The rccripts cuutiuue light. But- Goderjch, Sept. 1, 1349. 311f ter firm atGldto7J. se)t... - AUCTION SALE. .. Fr arR.-There has been. a goad deal of ex- rlrllE Subscritasr Lege -leave to'Fefnytw the STRAYED fees et 18, 8th concession, Earners and the public in general, twit fl at STRAYED a Yoke of erica seven yearn he will seR_B(bey sed pporct cheaper, 01d. One of then' black, with a white @pot s{tto bey Ips porel sael.xi•ea- whe to tf bs Eungtyy, letendtag pts the back, and white tail; es' a shute J_ ex.emine ns,.er each ice. The other red wi4b- ebeitere au.Jtrplaealed. W_.tl_a emit in 1M fate; soon• while -spots. Sur thenwe$etrs. $141 Mtasp Nein gbtlinetiar li.rut this (Linke. and hind feet whitc.- 111011, near vile $ritirh Ilutel. A•y primus tiaJtug them or gtvlog such in- s arse t. a and Ifar- • 0 11 hu also r aL• - IFC ffro • formation to the .ubrcnber ar'wlltlead to, their recovery, wt11 he aiitteblir rewarded. Ji)HIN '1'12011SON. Township of Downie, ltd August, 1848. 30tf RHEUMATISM CAN HE CURED!!! THE GEM: LYE 1111E(41.1TIC T111: ,.sly S.101: end SURE RI.Nl.1)Y tor k I 1 L ( .YA'f! a(M ; awl br • never ta.ial tr eeriog dna drealliil Complaw'. whru p•„perIy meshed. r7'11bis MEDT( I NE elands shove ell others of the kind, mad the raw of ibe Anisic is .0 ue.ng il, It ureda not the .•.,,Luce 4,1 Ia.0 puff, 1ron1 tom - dry prr.uus, (tau 01•0 know, who.) to prove its virtues. g)'N. fl.-1Vhetesae Doyen treated on Libe- ral Terms. Fur Sale by C. CRASS, 0061 Agent for Canada Weer, de Nolo. Genuiu1 unless signed Lr. BOYO 1)1l'K1A ON. piuc!; ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ALS0,-Ihrrteeta'1 COUGH DROPS, a Certain Remedy for Cough., (;olds, &c.kc.-- • Frio.-Is.:1J. pa 4a41c. Detroit. 3licni3*J. July 4th, 1846. 26-tf 1841, 1 travelled fatty males in Scotland, to sec !Lob"' le• dangrrouely tat. so eieraisati1a of a school which' sus taught flue distress among the poor is Paris is apes smelt prmc p!rt The *umber of .cholas very great' - EN GL A N D. reat'ENGLAND. wan greater than I have ever ecru is one school ` On the 14th, the Manchester magistrates e!►es. ere,-amevarind perlaps to ararly sirs struck a bltiw agpinat Clubbing*. organtze- hundrr.(. ;The et :•s:, l think, were not above 1 11 0, by arresting sevcrafuf the thief leaders tee, mad the majority not more than seven year t of the various clubs at Oyde, Dakto6eld of age. They had been principally brought up ( and Oldham. The Cttartirts have appeared io the school, oral tent, under the guardianship i in considerable numbers parading through and culture of the Teacher. who was a young the neisghhonnng districts around Liver- nna tidily endowed with anittiala.mieblrtmd-=tool'.' llg_thq 18th firing bodies of police endearing is humanity. The ehfldr: t loved; nim\Vrbtscr-atrceb, Biackfrmr°, as attack on the ad raprtist tured him. and weed more tsunami'', i0 001011ng 11'1to444 men. They were found to be arisen conversation ur dieeuaio° with him. than the t with pistols loaded to the mezzte, pikes ani generahryof children do with their own fsthere; 1 three corns red daggers,eh.trt swords, epear- aad his whole heart and soul seuned 10 be ab. heady, with an ample sternly of gunpowder. sorbed ,o his employment. Ile had never struck tow and bully. At Ashton-nnJer•Lynn end oilier .d;-tricts around Sfanches•er, nor spoke of niikisg a siagk *choler. Ile loved moa have paraded the streets armed wit`. them; and on the p1.nd plea of h -:e, he Instructed pikes and granre them. lie regarded hie c!,artre, not es a mass Mr, George Jones, of Salford, has failed M inferior creatures, who were to be knocked for L'300,0O0. The potato disease hag made ire epp•:ar- anee to England, Ireland and Scotland. i.tvERI•unL MAR$RT. Anguat 19. Breadmtufro improving. \Vhent up 2,1 to beings -rational ryu1s, whose leehngr,laculliee, 3.1. Floor lo a le 6d. Corn 2a a 2461 - and desires might differ in different individual., Thn gdotatwne are: Red Floor 30,t Ga'1J a 8. but were all eseratially the same. Ile regarded 6J; \Mein Jac a 9s; F'Imtr ia 1. &1: Corn 33s n :31. 6.; Meal 15 -ii a ISS Gd. The team of the l'otatoe rot are entirely confirmed. The crop is lost. Weather has been fluctuating, but gcoerally bad for the harvest. FOR SALE. eiteinent in the market, and ales •a Saturday ON Wednesday tbo 1311 inst., there will TFFB BRICK COTTAGE and Iaet rdn- probably to the extent of 5,000 bbl 2tls' a 29s, be sold by public auction on. the nine No. 563, in the Town of Goderich,. both hire a,:J to arrive. sales today ask sinruerul. pref mises rlwdmtoMirn hwipe of JT ticker formerly in the possession of Henry O'Neil, higher prices. a'.J we hear of ole° of from 1,900 smith, trio• ful:uwtag articles esf I AR'i now" rented to Mr. dairies Orr.' The Cot- o 1,5W bets. ai 291 Thr minket ir'v1q Srm. STUCK, via: three Horses, one Yoke of rage is very conveniently ged, and well Oxen, three Miioh Cuws, ton 2 year, old suited for a small family, has a spacious TE1IPF:R.1'1'URF: Heifers, o 1 tine years old Steer, and ten Wood tared, stable,ate., good well of water; (V.tka swath of . ug....sr, ser! rG.Ltrick, •as indi- btieep; all the property 'of W tlhatn Mac- 1 the garden contains several. choice trutt cared by a sel)'•regalar.ng Thera.u.eter-(o Wk quern, Sen. Sale to commence at 11 trees, and the whole enclosed with a strung „iserru40ns .J ties ,tine and iccuU,cr. ", u'clork, pooh. .. picket -Fence. Only, a portion of 'the stoney wbirlb be required dawn., -the remainder le Drtg. D. g. Riad. 'te'Verif'Verif'Verifiers.'1'k:RMS-6 months credit oo• approved August 1....801 72 South. haat• endorsed notes- three annual inatalmedtt. 2....114 77 2. K. GOODING, Apply to \Vitllain Rattenbury of the Clio - 3 ;i 75 Cloudy. 4ectioseer. tun Arms, 0s' to 4 ..61 Gra S.E. Rata. Tuckersmitb, let Sept., 1848. 3114 - . BENJ. PARSONS. 5....57 GU N.W. Fate. Guderich, August 24, 1818: 30t1 .' BY 9-U'TMORIT Y. _..:_ v 4t Gy 974 S.W. SALE Bk AGCTION731 75 South.. • 9... 63 t4 South. " ATTACH;E. • 106$ 86 •• Rain & Tbudry. 1167 81 " Fair. 12 64 84 •' " 13-68 85 " " 14 -70. 88 s• " . 15 64 7.5 " Clondy. 16..162 1i7.:U.E. Rain. 17 ..•;110 63 18:,58 SO' lti W. Fait. 19.'51 72 ,r ,o 20:5.3 -ii .2..1:. ^s 21 58 70 N.W. '• 2356 78 South. •• 23... 50 75 ., 2460 77 " " 2:..-61 79 " oe ' 4 2661 78 s' " 2762 76 " Raja. 2.862 78 N.E. - "„ • 2953 70 N. W. Fair. 3052 7G South. " 31-.11 75 " 'Rain A.M. Fah'r.w. Meso, 67 .29. O 1 t Ti, and driven thsngh cenain mecluniril formali- ties, and who ntighl turn out goal or had accord- ing to certain undefined and undl.eoverable rides of chance or destiny, -but as a mass 01 firman and treated them as to. own nature, and am if impressed with the ma/ivies that mach of their character and woefulness were is Ma hat is; and he watched tie success of his experiment with • deep, deep uttrest of parental pl..lere,phy,- Ile taught them to love each other, explained Tot m or CAPTAIN MARItTATT, C. B.. the positions which they o. rnupic1 and might fit .-'Thn service and the public will (earn occupy a the world; instructed them in the with regret the 4ealh of Captain Frederick dimes wh.eh they owed to therne.11es and to Marryatt, C. B. which took place at his ethm; wick them acquainted 'v.ith their cern °.•at, I,angham, enunly of Norfolk, on eater* sad capabilities 11'rdnecJav the 9th °Iter a lingering Da gave than practical illoeea. The gallant officer had never re. coveted htm.elT.inc. the shock rite feelings enaaincd by the melancholy death of his eldest son, a brave and noble -minded your.;; ot8eet, wig.,ed lieutenant' of the Avenger *teem frigate -among whose engu(phsal Miens he wan one of the first. Caption arryatt, by his graphic writing upon caval objects, eff.ecta, many invaluable remeltse of old abuses. mid introduced a better feel love and ns.on • ne, he could render the mon mg aad code of treatment both for men and stories aad refute toy boy, ever sabmitred to his officer* than would in all pn.babtlty have charge. perfectly ebriging •rid memorable in s, te•uited from the moat formal and de(.•ren- few eels He examined them heard, in their lint application to the usual way.-Iweden rersW6re bnsehes. and then left diem 10 he Papez. .:armee 1 by all who chose 10 enter into euover- mtioa with Owns Aed i man °t` that m. opiates of hawse aster, was meehllevated by the psofw.enry wheels they deployed. not 1° tri. comm*• branehrs s,f school adonis., ■w 10 do *unwires ► systematic rousse o1 q.eettuse, teemed by ser 1. ibo stemma, (Shu 1 call par- rswy), bet 110 sesweeiq lbs premi*etaous ease - lessons is istb,)wtiee and mercy ; and in short. . trained there so completely ender the guidance et their own reason and nlesat sent,nnenta, that be may* his whole multitude with les. -44 eelty ■od withnmre girder then some teachers can manage + dozen :-und he d.oared npenly to on sob b of spretatnr. who were present on that eeessiae, that inmost, the influence n' • In t'1ie tole. 01 t'1. 1)1 lament, WILI.t to, only tion of Thomas Eydd. Eq., Postmaster, aged 10 years and 11 isseatles. We are entry to learn that the rotate rot ha* shown itre 1.general within the last few dove. not 'only t',rn.tghnnt the l.band of1- `11E nezt 5111 03. of the DIViSN)N Wm, reel, Mit so the enun•lcn. * of Tcr'ehnCOURT will ho bald at the gaol, God- ne, B a.,harnnt., taeehrhrn, and °everal nib. ench, os Saturday the 711, da, of October era. Then are groat two that the potato next A. F. MORGAN, will be a scarce edible among W before Clerk 1st Merriest Court. Ioeg...,,V..rreat l'raascript. GdeMb, Sept..60s, 1848. ii►t( ADVERTISEMENT. THE Subscribers in acknowledging the hMrsl patrouage which they have re- ceived during the,r residence in Godcrch, would respectfully request the immediate settlement of all accounts due to the firm, as they close their books ,from thea 4.'0.- Atteation to this notice will .ave Costa. T. GILMOUR It CO. Go.srich, 8th Sept., 1848. 3Jtf CASH FOR WIIi:AIT. -• ERE will he meld Puhli0 Auction at HURON DISTRICT, i BY virion of two 1 miIthe house of Hr. ThrfbOSI.tS CAR'T'ER, Tu WokS 'writs of At- in Tortersmith. on Friday, the lith Septeieber, tachment issued out of the District Court, twit Yoke of Working Oxen, one Yoke of lour and Court of Queen's Bench,' Ind 10 me di- •years old Steen, tow Yoke of three yea kh reeved against the estate real as well as do.,oae Yoke of two)ear. old de.. S. perrotial, u( I Ieary 'dhoti, 10 bhscondiag Cuw•,-tw. `: years old !letters .n tatl,.one year err concealed duutor at 11,e teepeetrre stints I ow'la" thin ('•Ives, fourteee Sheep, twat Pigs, of Thomas Gilun,ur for the sum of twenty one 11A.KE feral. four pounds six shillings and three ponce. • -..1 L S 0 - end tit Robert Moderwell fur the sum of A superior Thrashing Machine, two horse power, thirty one pounds ten shilling° and ei1 I and a v•rtety of other Stock and F'armiog Imple- hce; I Have •seized and taken all the estate •men:., tun numerous to nm01100 pence; TERMS. -Under one pound. Cosi. Ose real w will as personal of tbQ, said Henry pound std upward., seven moths Credit, ea se-, Elliott, and unlces the said Henry Elliott pr,v,d endorsed notes. • return within the jurisdiction of- the said -Ix SALE 'I'O COMMENCE AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M. j,4 J. E. GOODING, dactioncrr. 27td D I-I pt m 781 . m a I!J1j m dLI 4 73 .02`o ='o :sow A C v -FIDDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK,. CARPET -BAG, AND VALISE MANUFACTORY. TUE Sabeeriber hereby intimates that ho has now on terms of knee and part ownership, the inure manngement of the Goderich Mills, and that he is prepared to pav Mesh for any (mantlty nf,rood merchant - aide Wheat at the said Mille; prowled the same be delivered therein time for manutae- turn before trio close til the nav igaton. WM. PIPER. Gnoart,cn MILLS. September 51.1i, 1848. 32tf CANII FOR SAW -L0' H. ;H-ORTON, DF.GS to intimate to the poblie that he has [i commenced the above line of Bu meas to the Shop r.ahe East °,de of the aluket-S quare,- Iarely occupied by J. Rutledge V Co.. -and hopes by sleet attea'i*n to metita l$..ut *hare til the public patronage. 113' All Article* in die Trade will be sold at the LOWEST POSS1BI.F. PIRICES., 1110F.14 WHEAT, MOTET :ECD, and all kinds of Marketable Prndege will be ta- ken in exchange. tYA tbet°ldiacoutil toll be male for Cash. •; FOR SALE. an excellent Span of Hoa• sxs, aad a first rete Two Heaxe Beoter•!t. H. Jane 141h,-Ithld. . AND SAWING DONE t)12 'MARES, Court, and put is ball to the actions within three calender months or cause the same to be discharced, all the real and perdonal est til' the said [leery Elliott, or en much August 4, 1948. btsuf as may be necessary, will be held liable for the payment. benefit and ratio(ac- teuo of the raid claim,. J. Me1:41 N ALD,, SLeriff II. D. SHERIFF'S Or11t1t, Godericb, 28th August, 1848. 3m31 SIILRIFF'S SALE. HURON DiS1'RIC'I',_t BY virtue of a g Tq Wit: S "writ Of Fieri r. Farina, issued out of Her Majesty's Doren tJ T 1 i 1'i . . Diatrtct Court, and to me directed against the Lan,ls and Tenement° of Thomas ,I.i, person,, in,lettlod to the, estate of Charlie at the suit of Rut.ert Ellis; I have the late W ILI.1:111 DITTO\, are re - seized and taken in Execution, as belong- gltest•et to settle their accounts tmmediale- ung to the said Thomas Charlet., Lot muni- ly or tncy wtil be trio Court fur bei three, on the North stile of La -t street, collection without placed( in the. or Lot running number ono thousand and '1It1)MAS DI'PTON. three in the rower 01 Gmlerich, containing JOHUN LANCASTER. - one-quarter tit an acre of Land, be the KA 111e Godetfeh, July 30, 1848. Sawa more or less with the Itiel,Legs on the said _ Lot ereete.l; which 1 shall offer for sale at SALT f SAia'r 1 t the Court (louse in tho town of G,derich, N B.IRREL3, cheap for cash or market- -J. Saturday the 25th day of November IN produce, at the for cas f seat, at the hour of 12 o'clock neon, T. GILaiUUR i CO. J. rileDi)NAI.D, Sheri H. D. Fcb. 11, 1814. BrlitIll ►•'e Orr1CR, ' Godench, 21.1 August, 1848. main N 0 's' 1 C E . NOTICE. AI.i. thole who h■ve dealings with this 1 Otto., are hereby notified that no person is ■slhonzed to receive or collect mimic. lar ne wither this Uialr.ct. t'rrouus wishing ,n 0.ttle their account., 1, 1,t du r., will' the LJitut; or by envariy Uttar, addressed to hum I one. Mov.1. Orric1, kith August, 184$. s VAL'CABLE v.AI -LOTS sena • SAAR IN TiIE HURON TRACT, NAMELY • ' POUR Lot, till the First Conceseioo of ▪ Gcideroch, fronting Lake Huron, con- taining 82, 72, 671. and 58; acres teepec- ttcely. Tw'o of _these lints have_cotts:der- able improieniehte, and one of them a cont- n rodiotu-Tw'o Story Log House, with Gar- den and •lhebard. Luketkiee, SIX LOTS on the Second Concession, contenting 80 acres each; two of therm partially improved. - These Lots. are situated on the Uaytield Road, from e+x to eight slice* *uuth of tits flourishing Town of Goderieh ; the laud N of the beet quality, and well watered- 'and the front Luta command a beautiful view of the Lake. ' For particulars apply (if by letter post paid). to ' JOHN CLARK, Gudericl.. Marsh 17, 1848. 7tf PROSPI':C ttUS - OF TUE VICTORIA alAGA'INE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, Purees.. THE Editors of the VICTORIA MAOAxtta wilt devote all their talents to produce a asef•l eatlotaining, aud cheap Penalise!, lor.tbe Cana - dean People ; which may atutd antusemeut to both old and young. Sketches aad Talets.• in verse and prose, Morel Emmy, Statistics of the Colony, Scraps of Usefol lnfornaiion, Reviews et new Works, and well selected articles from the most popular authors of the day, *inform the pages wf the Meeezine. The Editors feel con i.trnt that the independeut sod ria;iug country to wh«r service they ire' Feud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend its support to encourage their ardiwus and honourable sedertakiag. The low price at which the Periodical is plastid. w is order that every person within the Colony oke sus real, and ifauzivas for moral and mental imprsveteeet - may become a sehocriber and patron d tri, work. the VICTORIA MAOAtoxz will ennuis twenty- four pages io each number printed un new type, ars' npoa gond tomer ; aid will focus at the end ol'the year a Oda t \ uluenne, cif 8 pages, ie. gether with 'fide Pare and Ioika. It will be' moot Monthly, commencing ors the First of September, from the tit r•e of 111sF1'II \YII.St)N, Front -street, Belleville -the fobs I,.hcr and sole Prow:010r, to whom .11 order, fur Sheriff's Salt of Lands. ri4f11. inhrbitenu of town of Guderieh will , 1. r, ply to Pcrhawtewt +ns' r Act to Icorpo- I the.5lrgruue, awHoitvm to One Editors, 'meat HERON DISTRICT, 1?1- virtue of a rate iris .atdJnwn, he aJJrre,cd. (p•.mt•faid.) -hese term• of eub- (.odench, Jaly 29th, 1818. 11 I scription-(INI; 18)1.1..111 I'Lii, AN`Ual- 1 e If is': writ of F%.ri Facia.. issued out of I ler Majcs_)•'* Duren -' - iwveri rb)e d, k !""I M advance. the Lan Court, and to iso ofGavid !lentil- T.) It . II A M 11. 1 0 L' '; -. Thefnrls. M•reht 114413 - - 3__-'• the Lands and Tomrments of Gavin Hamilton- .q 11 R (I F: 0 .Y, T'OII.1Cl't), . Ti(l Foha ribrr w 111 pay rash at the ton at the sort of Joshua Calloway, 1 haver w R r'r ■ r a R R T , 1 sxtotl.ive mt)ck *kick will N soli liodertrh ills for t;wd Blank I berry seised 'ed 'skew in Execution, Park Lot a O D E k 1 l' 11 . 'cls,'ap Dar each. Saw -lie a, and will saw any other descry number one, the North side of M.•L,ournr A r liudet4cll. Feb. I1. 1848. 2 thin of good Saw -Loge for any parties on street, and Lot number forty, on the East Mu* of eetlingten *treet to the town of E. C , Vi I 0 , duras. 1 11Mrt, whish bands i °halt offer for male on TEAS, TEAS. \V M. PIPER. Saturday, the 25th day of November next, PAINTER .1 N D G I..1 %11:11, ( ' all gaa'iuce anti at Tarfun. ti. ire., by (ioenarert tfr 19 at the hoer of 12 u closet noon, at the Court PdPBR H.1 Yt:I.R, is• 4.e. lJI T. (tLMOUl: 1. cu. 0eptembar tlth. IsaB. -` =:f House in the town of Gndenrh. 0 O 1) E R 1 C iI . ie►. 11, 11148. NOTICE. J.MeDONALD, tike H. D. Anxarvv. (*rite, Gederteb, 13th Anon. 1048. k is20 I. l.EWt'S, LAtr, rfANCZSF. IND CONi'CYANCING. des% 1848 GOLICRACM. OU'I'S'I'A N DING D. ATSON, BARRISTER ANI) Al l'ultNEY .1T LAW, T 1 .1 7 F O R P. ' 1 tItmr *ail be .tbitged to enter e4LICrtVS I4 MARCRSV, &enftaup7cr, ate. orose 11 agM•I 1.) het- waifsfke Mak OFtif E IN THE MMARKETSQUARE, of the Cbw7r R. mut touuwdt..•ely set tied. 1 ( 11 l: ,iv G O D F: It I C tt ... A. F. M1CF l,F . Nb , le*. 8lratfee4, Meech .7 181$. tri' 1