HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-08-25, Page 4•
AT A $*TING of the Committee of
RAL SOCIETY, held at the P.ywieri 1•a,
the (ulloeieg PREMIUMS *ere •waided,
to be Shows lir at the Wnety'e seventh
Annual Eabtblttuo, at STRATEORD, on
Frtday, October 131b, 3618.
£ ■. d.
For beet Stallion for Agricultural
purposes, [Prise awarded 11th
April, to Mr. C. Chnateser,] 7 10 0
For beat Brood Man and Foal. .• • 1 10 0
9nd beet 1 0 0
3rd hest 0 10 0
For bc.1 three years old Felly • • • • 0 16 0
2nJ best 1 10 0
1rd best 0 6 0
For best tau yeare old do. 0 12 6
9nd tri .t 0 7 6
Sid beet 0 6 0
For best one year she Celt 0 10 0
0 7 8
made and perwsued, by a Member v Mem-
beta of lhi Society. a an unproved de-
'ertp+ies, to be decided by this Judges.
Prise is dissretius of Committee.
2nd beet
For beat two years old Geldings • • 0 15 0
5 0
2nd beat
Fur best tae tears old entire Colt, 00 166 00
Sod beet
Por best Span of Farm Horses,
Geldings or Mares 1 0 0
2udbrat •• • 160
For best three year old Bull, and
upward., (see By Law for
' double premium.) 2 0 0
9nd beet 1 10 0
3rd heat 1 0 0
For hest tau year old Bull 0
1 10 0
end best
For hest one yea: old Hull 0 107 6
2nd beet
For beat MilctrCow and Calf 0 15 0
la! best 0 15 0
3rd bet 0 10 0
For best Milch Cow • • •
2nd best • • • . 0 10 0
$rd best 0 7 6
For beet two year old Heifer 00 i0 00
2nd best 0 7 6
3rd best
?Inherit yeereld 1lsifer••••....'0 7 6
Sod best .• 0 6 0
For beet Spring Calf 0 7 6
2d beat 0 Six
For best yplie Working Oxen, five
yeujotd and upwarce •'0 16 0
T• ' 0 16 0
2nd beat
3rd brit 0 7 6
For beet yoke four year old Steels, 0 12 6
For beet rke three year old do.• 00 10 00
2nd best
Fur best yoke two year old do• • 0 5 6
Ind best 0 15 0
For best Fat Ox o 10 0
3rd beet
For best Fat Cow three year old 0 10 0
and upwards
2ne1 beat • • • • 0 7 6
For beet Rare ovesttwo yearsMsid
under five O 16 0
n 10
O 1Q0
O 76
FALL WHEAT -Tobe shows ie Stret-
ford an en sett Feiday of September, [161
September] at Is o'clock, sous: Prise
first, £2. Second. £1 10. Third, £1 6.
Fourth, LI 00 ; end 90 bushels be brought
by each Exhibitor, and sold to as Member
of the Society at 71 taore than the then
Galt pace.
SEEDS -To be shown at General Meet-
ing in February, 1849.
Hosea Einem-For two sett of Herm
Shoes -use on the hone the other not -to
be awarded to maker of the Shoes -First,
10a. Sicced, 7.. 6d.
Hken ass -Best sett of Double-Firat,;C1•
Second, 16s.
end best ••A•••>•
Fur heel year old Rea
Sod beat
For best pair Ewes (see By -Law), 0 16 0
Ind best •••• 0 10 0
O 7 6
O 6 0
O 7 6
O 5 0
For best single Ewe
2nd best
For beet pair of Fat Sheep
Ind best
For best Boar 0 15 0
end beat ••••• 0 10 0
For beet Breeding Sow, having bred
Piga during 1848, , 0 15 0
2nd best • • • 0 10 0
Fbr best Fall Wheat, (see below]
For best Spring Wheat
and best
2nd beat
For best Early
Sod bed
For best Rye
For bat tate
2nd best
For bed Pease (one acre)
1. No *Coal gsiaisg the first prize use year,
eta take it in the mese Sweater the second or
soy ether yeati bat may .how anal be emutled 10
• Certifuts from the Society, or mach ember
boanry reward u self be d..ided os, except
Bulls, *ethos*, Beim. ,std Ream which may
show sed carry) first prizes (or two years.
2. Tb•l • Subscriber be only'etltkd to see
Prise for Better and Cheese, se like Grain of the
same kind.
3. That Btallioes, Bells. and Boars, nest
have served within the Society's Dietriet. the
season previous to the Show. [excepuog to cases
provided for by extra Premieres,' sr 'Mather' of
each to give •a ebligatioe that they will serve
is their 011111011.
4. That Bulls must have a nag or screw ie
their sore, with a rope or chats attached, to pre-
vent accidents.
5. That the prize for Heifers be not awarded
to any animal that has prviesely had • Calf.
6. That the qu•ntite of Gram and Seeds ex-
hibited, [Pease and Indian Corn inelsded,] be
mot lees than Four Bu•heb, and raised by an es-
\iblltmr from a field of at beset two acres [unless
the gs`pi iyof land and grain meth be otherwise
specified]: mud the Cbeeie and Butter, or other
Farm Produce, exhibited, to b4 produce from ex-
hibitor's faros lend or stock; sod that all Ewes
&hewn [except Fat Sheep] shall have suckled •
lamb to the first of August previous to the day
of show.
7. That all competitors for Prizes mu.t give
the Secretary notice of the description of Stock
or Produce they intend to ehuw,wbefore, or on
the day but one, previtras to the day of say An-
nual or General Show.
8. That all Stock and P,odoce exhibited,
must be on the Found precisely at TWELVE VALUABLE FARM iN COLBORNE.
o'clock of the day of Show: the Judges will at
that hour eater oar their duties.A PART or portico of BLOCK G. s the
9. No aldols or animal eau be shows for two 11 township of Colborne, Western Divi -
prizes •the same year. Sion, Huron District, contateity T W O
10• Competitor for Turnips and Potatoes to HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with
give motive to the 13earetary, one or before the tut 46 acres cleared and in goad order ; fences
Saturday in September, se that they may, be in' n repair.Frame House
'peeled Metre the Show, and Is. 3d. of entry to iu . Then is • s the
ed remises 35 by
be paid re tnca competitor for each d'oeh anti- [Cotta
fee ;galseto,le a Frame Barn 60 by 35, and
ell' entered. mot 1 those Two Frame Sheds, each SO feet Ion with
11. That for the eseoMrs�e i
Membersmar ar introduce improved Stock: a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.-
if any animal entered for eompetitiee be deemed There are three running streams a water
by the Judges worthy of the first Prior. and it through the Lot ; two of which are in the PROSPECTUS
the owner Si the earns prove to the satis�aetiOe clearing, and a first rate Well in the cellar
of the Judges that arch specimea of Sleek. has of the frame Botta. Wood upon the land, OF THE VICTORIA ]i(AGAZINE
pobeen imported, Gr er pure rat breed Mut d. 1). ak ire- chiellhard timber. Said farm is situated
°rived ubl Greet mount or Ireland. M shall is 7
ceive double the amount of preteiam otherwise but !� miles from Goderich, .the District MR. AND MAS. MO- ODIE, Emmy.
awarded. bet only for one year. [ow0.
12. AR Stock to be property of exhibitor three This desirable property will be sold THE Editors of the VI- CTORIA MA.azrsa will
moat*. before the Show. ledges will have at a reasonable price. For terms apply to
devote all their tat�n to produce • .sefal
no pe iosery power in withieidieg Prise; t.- Messrs. STRACHAN ft LIZARB, eutettataing, and cheap Periodical, for the Casa -
a Rol . 1 be *, n 1 hi' rows property.- Selectors, West -street. dies People 1 which may afford amusement to
[Sts Riles 10, 11, and 191 F.U RICH e.
PLOUGHING MATCHdO •Marti 1 711 beth old Moil young. Sketches sad Tales,
Te he a 14th OuMev PIsegh IOW psapse17 is verse and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics 1 the
of peewee eateries. to be et ay lied The N 0 T 1 C E . Coloey, Scrape of Useful Iabrm.tios, Reviews
grossed to be pl.sgbed by the pewee s.tuvw& er of new Works, aed well selected article, frees
by ane of bis family. oe meths( see mewl pee• ALL telae indebted to the Estate of the most popular authors of the day, villeins the
2d, I*0.-employed. wed hued. Pews: las £!, the late 'Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will .pass of the Magazine.
2d, LI 16a.. JM £ 1 4t\, ars. ; Sn a Ras. t To
Se. -£6. TIME, tots ban. Regia at Toe, ►f*sN 1ktW tbe saute without delay, •ad The Fditonfeel confident that the iadlperdlnt
A. M. wittiest extra expenses; and also all those and rising country to *whose straits they are
♦ P* will be
held ire rbc SALE 1PAiM hams, my Corm' against the above Estate, proud to dedicate.their taleats, will ebeerfally
STOCK d INN d esn.,t.o a the d.yid glow I are .parted tmntediatel y to present the led.iu support ss meatier their asdeass sad
is Omits. tt•w fes Adjustment to Jorma Hwa, honourable andevki g, The law riser at
JOIE 1 E. 1J.11.7�O1t,
Il 0 Anon 11, MIA II.6 � Marsh 1848. 8 which ibe Periodical i• pissed. i• is unite that
every pawn wid►ia the Cloy wee IMO med,
LOOK H R R B l ! ad aa>u ver newel ..d inial.... ---'.t
L Z./ T B E R P t? E" S .g L E . SADDLE, HARNESS, may becomia subscriber and prase et the eerie
713R1RL. CARPER-BAO, AND - VALISE The Vncroau Misusing wiU osatsie meet's
four pages is each member pnessd se sew typo,
and upon geed paper : end w,il bra •t this sed
of tea year a neat Volume*, of 1180 paps, to-
gether with Tide Page mod laden
It will be issued Stosthly. srteeias es dr
First of September, from the .mee ef )01U
WILSON, Frost -urea. Beilrwdles--is Nee
lisbsrasd sole Proprietor, at ebam ell •tritmie
the Magazine, and letters a the Ednsat mner
be addressed. (part -paid.) The terms el are
•cription-ONE DOLLAR PE& AJ86C18•.
i.eariahlw to 1. Tai at .abases.
Godencb. MarcY3, 1018- •
0.16 •
• 16•
7 •0
O • f0 W
O 7 6
O 6 0
O 7 •
yrO CAPITAr11iST8. ."71!
rime Mei Mara lowtments. Odilli� s
411.1/IL L MITES NA PAMIRS 1111!!'M►
es Lake Beres.
A good Mill Privilimm a the Lake
within six miles ofrleh, beeta*0
sores of exec -Heat Lad, tbe Wi1 east be
built on Abe rock, ad writhes 6• fat ad tae
fat deep water is the Lake; the Mill 4sess
can be made 16 to 18 feet high at a trilieg
expense and on a sever fuhag stresm,abus-
dance of Saw -lege in the vicaaty.
Also, a •ptedad Mill Kiel/ewe half a
mile up on the &gleesst stale River which
Is navigable to the Lake, having 46 acres
of first rate lad, plenty of Pim and other
Saw -logs in the is inity•
AND ALSO -Four of the
of FARMS on and neer the Lake
Shore, with improvements.
The above well selected and very valuable
property will be sold low for cash, or halt
the purchase money may realms for tine
or four years on mortgage.
Apply (tf by letter post paid) to Law-
rence Lawrason, Esq., Loodun, Robert
Puke, Esq., Godericb, or to the proprietor
Port Albert, Goderich, Feb, 3, 1848. 1(1
ra1,G1w MIME
AV 011r/VL One aarlstsu s• xaowtaess,
Shed by R.saaT Ceasaas, amber of Cyclo-
pedia et Emilia Literate,* : With Elegant
Itl.ssadve lermeri.p. Pnee 25 cots per
• w
happy a an.esee ret they have compis-
La awesgemeam war► Moors Chambers, of
Edlgbsr•It, for the ee-pablisatios, is seoti-
asuat►ly cumbers, of Causeses MlpceLl.Asr.
The deities of the MISCELLANY L to supply
the leereseing demand for useful, lestnctlre,aad
wasrrtau,og ethane. and w bring all the aids d
bsseetele a. hear ea the cu.'iveitioa of the fisel-
ap of the people -Ip threes correct view, ea
mportea1 moral arid social questions -suppress
every specie, of stria aid sseagery-cheer the
baptise Med deipoadiag, by the relation of tales
drawn trout the uwgiustioea of popular waters
-rouse the fancy by descriptions of interesting
foreign scenes -give a seat to every -day ooeupa-
timee by belled sad lyrical peeiry-•is short, to
Gesiskaa s•obunsive Irtetd *ad guide, a lively
fireside eempmoion, as (sr u that object can be
seethed through the iustromeotatity of books.
71r enisesasliy ackoewidged merits of the
CTCiA►ent• 0* Errouw L•vaaasvaa. by the
Masse author, coseected with its rapid sale, end
the ..beaded commeudatiee bestowed by the
press, give the pabfishera full confidence in the
real value and emirs swaths cf the. present
The publieatio0 has already commenced, and
will be continued semi-mouthly. Each number
will form a complete work, and every third nam•
her will be furnirtlaed with* title page sed table
of contents, thea foamier a beautifully illustra-
ted volume of over 500 pages of useful ■V4
entertaiuiug reading, adapted to every class of
reader.. The whole to be completed in Tot.Te
Reesaets, forerog Te. elegant Volumes.
From the N. Y. Commercial Adverttatr.
We are glad to see an American issue Of this
pcblication, and especially in se neat and coove•
meat a Poem. It is an admirable compilation,
distinguished by the good taste which hes been
show. in .11 the publications of the Messrs.
Chambers. It mutes the useful and the ester -
mining. We hope its circulation here will be
large enough to supplant, to • good extent. the
namby-pamby and Immoral weeks which have
so longbeen too widely cireulatsd.
From the lla,ton C- hronotype.
TOIL ■a1.a
pewit. Lw un the First Cmeessios of
Goderich, fronting Lab Huron, coo
talning 82, '72, 671. and 681 acres re.pec-
tively. Two of these Lots have consider•
able improvements, and use of them aeom
modious Two Story Log House, with Gar
deo and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS
on the Second Concession, containing 80
acres each, two of them partially improved.
These Lots are situated on the Bayfield
Road, from six to eight miles south of the
flourishing Town of Goderich ; tbe land is
of the best quality, and well watered, and
the front Lots command a beautiful view of
the Lake.
Fur particulars apply (if by letter port
paid), to JOHN CLARK, Goderich.
March 17, 1848. 7t1
I8 Poldisbetl erase Ttwwley, Tkerday
and Betrrrd.yr at the Less Price el
TWELVE, 1$1d1L.,1,4$Oli per annum, pay-
able invariably in advance.
The 'Meseript 4. basted on • Meet
pearly ea large es asyeasii to the Provreee;
sod should Netam.taosee permit, 11 will le
.1111 further *Merged is the taste of the
ensuing summer.
During the approaoblsg Samos of Par-
liament the Transcript will contain Reports
of the Proceedings, sufficiently comprehen-
sive to furnish Record of all that occurs in
both Legislative Bodies.
As a Family Newspaper, the Traescript
will support its old character. A portion
of Ste *pare •pace will be devoted to the in-
sertion of miscellaneos matter of an in•
tereatingg and Literary character, and every
thing °Remsive to murals will be carefully
We have commenced, and intended to
continue, a series of B'o`repbical Sketches
from Clamber'• Miscellany of Useful and
-Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and
during tbe present seasen,•notnee will be
taken of the Lectures delivered at the
cetera) Literary Institutions of tbie city,
which we commenced last winter, ad
which gave general sanefactioo.
�7'The price of Subscription, of the
Mo.TRttAL TRANSCRIPT, (when sent by
mail) is TWELVE -SHILLINGS per ate
num, payable in advance. To facilitate re
mittences FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will
pay ter Fifteen Months. TEN SHIL-
LINGS for Ten Months, and FIVE SHIL-
LINGS for Five Month*. When the
period of subscription is nearly expired, we
than send three different copse* of the
Transcript enclosed in blue or green
covers ; and if no remittance is made, the
Paper shall, in every cue, be discon-
tinued. As the paper is given to subscri-
bers at the lowest possible price, all money
letters must be poet pod ; and the* wleco
are not, the amount of postage will be de-
ducted from the money sent.
This is deservedly a great favorite with the (17 -The Trmaaeript is seal •to Bubscri-
readieg public, s.itisg the taste of all classes, bers.in the coudtry to ice or three times a
sad instructive to all.week, at their option. The whole of the
reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's
papers being put into one sheet -thus say-
ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the
price of subscription to the both is the same.
Subscribers, in writing for the Transcript,
will please mention whether they wish the
tri -weekly or semi-weekly paper gent to
11 em,
( Newepapees with whom we ekehange
will please copy this Notice which we will
be -happy to reciprocate in the same way.
Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5_
ET This work can be sent by mail to any part
of the country. A direct remittance to the
publishers d Six Dollars will pay for the entire
work. This liberal discount 101 advance pay
will nearly cover the cosi of postage on the
work Those wishing for one or more sample
numbers can remit them accordingly. toeon Rha ower
Booksellers and Ag pp
hb4ral terms
Pubitsbers. Boston.
rwebsOwer liege Ives es lotions& H A N II P A C T O R Y.
te IM Peelle test is lag, mil tote he
•ted beet e • i • erosolotorhy sea bade ' H . 'MORTON ,
For beet (.Mover Seed (one bested) LEATHRi OF AU. WOWtediousos ea tear to Rha public that ha has
(nova in 1848, 1 0 0 I amid 1 wet pt WM p, use aide, UP esmsesoeed the above lime of Rosiness is the
gad best • I S • V or tsOsU, et tis Nwts t saeses . ' lbs se the Cam mils 1 the Market-Squre,-
3>'er beet Timothy Seed (one heals) 0 0 0 tee* eeeo'Sid by J. Rutledge & Co., --sed
--::;...11116 �t .. v- 0 5 „v.,-
,. tm�� ��s wM •s• * t• 1� t to merit a liberal .bat.
Mother! Hwttih Turnip Bad. ifs • '7 61 +�adusnimo. 1.7.1 -god oesolsa aegs.� iJiT AN &Seim is no Trade will be sold at
mil ell Lieber Itfarbetable Predate will be ta-
bes se rno\sege. 0' A liberal discount will be
sods ter C.
•• POR SALE, an ereelleat Span 1HoR-
sse.sod a neer ince Two How beat.
kiss )esi, 1918 H. H.
tad bat 0 6 • I p+n's tw eshsr pies.
For best Swedish Tursipe[ore acre) 0 13 0 13 a ntlslsiy etessiMd N•
Lad yet w•/611dAu a S111111-
Srd beat • 7 • tieiltteba July 1.10► MO- IMd
For best Whits Turnip., or other
Lida, except Swedish (one
acre,] 0 10 •
Sod best 0 7
3rd beet 0 6 •
For beet Putatess [half sere].. • • 0 110
god best 0 10 0
Sed best 0 7
For hest firkin Balt Better, 66 lbs. 0 13 0
pecked and cereal
2d beet 0 10 6
3rd•beet • b 0
For hat newly fade Better, 96 lbs0 10 0
• 0 0
gad beat
For hest glee's, 25 lbs
Bed Met
Sed beat
For bed Maple Sugar, [cake] pro-
duced on exhibitor', prem 0 18 •
ices, t5 the. •
• 9nd best 0 '10 0
3rd best 0 76
For best Vdo. not
lees than 10 lb.. 0 19 a
in the coeds,
do' ben 0 10 0
dad best 0 7 •
to bred beet
For bat 10 yard. of Home -mule
Fulled Cloth, from wool grows
by exhibitor, and spun in his
family [all word, web of 18123, 0 0 16 0 THE ae aCRiBER
2nd best is alae Joan t• rveeipt 1 • general as•ertreeet of
aid beet 0 7 • DRY 00008, eniai4Rag is pert of Poll de
For Met 10 lard, of Hesemat♦d• anise, Oepel ea, Maskee, Ciatmem M
Flsosel, ;II wool, do.(s•t.(ojed, s It Lateens, 0,Iw.. Leone. Coimbra sad *thee Dresses. ager Sort, Bleed* Veils,
do beet d 1 ygp • Seeds ea Haodkerrrhiefs,-Cagbirer' end usah1,eer
fed 0 6 0 Pbawls ii great variety. Sapener COTTON
aril bent •
YARN, du., 4e- Low.' !faille Beets Med
For best 0 yards a Blanketing, al Nees ie great 'shifty.
\eaF wool do [twilled ant fuUsd, do. 0 18 0 • . . A L $ O -
"� heed0 6 m
0 ♦ •clewed a+su1 nist O R O C E R 1 ii R.
Srd bat ,YMiLF d miARDWARE. &.tuna.
I,belt ma nr p Horse Wag- slrpt►.e, Sash* Iseten IHhe�
, C,ery,.Pateatail
, .jnq de Of ppuu•eh&seby • sell Tarpestile: Pine, Rets. Tar not Oakum
s es
member or .mben of thh e 150- Nails is iN lbw &MR oe in say toter wtilatiw
0 16 • C. CRA nth
' 9Gdylred 0 1• d' 1 t, et tylt. IM
Fey best Y.siletbMIf..ay i re0 l0 0
vnd kind • 0 0
gal bed a sinews• •.
Foo boot Plein!) • mb Etta mut .
16 `.ar Mt..edtS • • • • • .13 0 Aq nave, Godorset .
fed baste Atha.. n 10 0 ]nate, tat, 180.•6100
1 7 For or Apl•BI1eral • implement,
L4 pongee 1.171 d • the scute sf
A the late WILLIAM DIT t4. sr* re
gs..ta*10 seeds cath aaemaae ieres.Set•-
ly sr they wife be pissed is the Cess Ito
gslIscttos *wheel Weber entree.
Goderich, Jsly 20, 1.16. Sher,
THAT Ston at proses% occupied by Rose
O 16 0 Robert o0, Esq., with or without the
O 10 0 dwelling ilonse, and will be 8ted up to nit
O 7 6 • tenant. From the comwaadieg .tt.etlos
and theinereue of population of
Goderich sod vicinity, any penal demros0
of someneatiog busmen meld not M more
conveniently Iodated. A to
Goderich, Jose 9, 1848. 19
• SALT! SALT ! ! SALT!!!
A T Met and ebergsellw sub r m1'0 Wheat
L1 at sub pries sely.
gnaw Pot'E,
tiD G(IrTLEMENe8 .
lJ)i•Iabla lost sal /bee Wer, Mammal
.OLICITOU 115 minnces;, satvgaurvev, kc•
Feb*I68. 3y
A LBi!ONI *O-Uft,.
TAMES' Street, out &so won d lib
Ceeseserctsl Bulk, gimmiltow, by
Jaasvy, 1848. 1. hi: MONDE.
tX Law, Boh.w
citer ie Cheery, Co.ny-
gs.r, Ise•, OAiee West Street.
p.asrM8, March let, 1848. Ay
17111E 8sbeerlbir begs tears to intimate
1 that he has opened a STORE at the
east end of Stratford, with • general •••••1 -
Ice. Ana be hopes for a shay, of the patron-
age a his neighbours and the pe►tie. He
sells cheep roee. }}1N)d.
At1st•nri, „s 1808• M
IIU�aAM*, 1 hWtak.BRICKE
TAYF:ILtQ. * as the esespatisa of Mr.
Browse et the Rest est. of .8llati0N, when
meth*. AO be etsaum. ea w part to pre-
- tile: irsapiItt a•a••tlririesoe of Me
''e. s• v
I. M. Alen k N�lk soieatiea
Wipe sad U . to any in the
� t�syR conIns S*** a/ dyedm te
elgel r
Stretford, Nth osprR� r 48. 131f
THE Subscriber is *beat diaeeetissesg
busmen as Dleebamith is the chewer of
Goderieh, and hent' settees alt theca ni-
debted to him, that they wiN he wasted
upon for settlemea immediately • and the three yearly waiieseats. Title 1111111011111I1011 -
obstinate owes who disregard ski• teem- abi.. For farther pert culars •equise 01
M. Is O. noise", Chatham, or to the pre -
proem( at Godene .
Goderieb, Jas. 1101 1840.- 1
rrllE high and envied celebrit which
A these pre-emisant Modicloes bare ac-
quired for their invariable efficacy is all
the diseases which they prefers to cure,
bas rendered the usual practice of puffing
sot only en.ecessary, but new orthy of
them. They are kaolin by their Irw/m ;
their good works testify for Them, and the)
thrive sot by the faith uf the credulous.
IN ALL CASES of Asthma Acute and
Chronic Rheumatism, Affections of the
Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Fevers and
Liver Complaint..
1■ the South and West where these dis-
eases prevail, they will be found invalua-
ble. Planters, farmers, and others, who
once use these Medicate., will serer be
without them.
BSliou■ Cholie, and Serous Loos
Biles, Costieenee., Colds and Coughs,
Cholic, Consumption. Used with great
success ie this dt.eue. Corrupt Humors,
Drumm., Dyspepsia. No person with this
diettosing 4*.eaee, abould delay using these
medicine. immediately.
Eruptidns of the Skin. Erysipelas, Fla-
Fever and Ague. For this scourge of
the wes'ern country these medicines will
be found a safe, speedy, all certain reme-
dy. Other medicines lave the system
subject to a return of the disease -a euro
by thea medicines is, permanent. Try
them, be satisfied, and be CURED.
Foulness of Complexion, General Debi-
lity, Gout, Giddinec., Gravel, Headaches,
of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory
Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Los.
of Appetite, Liver Compleiots, Leprosy,
Looaeoese, Mercurial Diseases.
Never fails to eradicate entirely all the
effects of Mercury infinitely .outer than
the most powerful preparation of Sar.apa.-
rilla. .
Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner-
vous Complain. of all kinds, Organic Af-
fections, Palpitation of the Heart, Psalter's
YIL1S. The original proprietor of
the.* medicines was cured of file• of 35
years _standing by the use of these Life
Medicines alone.
PAiNS in the head, side, back, tun% ,
joint. and organ.. •
Tho.e afflicted with
this terrible disease, will be sure•of relief
by the Life Medicines.
Rush of Blood to the head, .Scurvy,
Saltrheom, Swellings.
Scrofula, or Kings Evil, in its worst
forms, Ulcers, of every description.
WORMS, of all kinds, are effectually
expelled by these Modieinee. Parents will
do well to administer them whenever their
existence is suspected. Rebel wilt be cer-
thus remove all disease from the system.
A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS
and PHOENIX BiTTFRS beyond' the
reach of competition in the estimation of
every patient.
The genuine of these medicines are now
put up in white wrappers and labels, to-
gether with a pamphlet, called '• Maffat's
Good Samaritan," containing the directions,
Ice., on which is a drawing of Broadway
from Wall street to our Office, by which
strangers visiting the city can very easily
the District seat or ear only,
find us. The wrappers and Samaritans
vii are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro -
That advantageously situated property cure them with white wrappers can be
in Chatham North. containing FOUR wan assured that they are genuine. Be careful,
ler Luta- sceerdtng 10 the town plot sur-
amide got buy those with jerilmo wrappers ;
way -wick u
• geed endeabsetal two story but If you do, be satisfied that they come
Ilwelis.g Hue.*- tthemss•. %irtehes, .e rx- direct (roan us, or dost tooth the
evilest genies, Mesa hese. L.e -. Ice .,
eettehis foe s large faetrly or a *elm*elmHet•t. a Bess 40 bet by 6.4. Med a ;erg.
inelsssd �g .ell Gaspard for distilling
ee tier stesegey Wont ensued me a nhataa-
mai wheat, ses.rsas .semis of veer •00
tm. ebapremise'
shes.• Os the premise' m Wee u
,.r•G►1. Sirs*Sirs*the a sceilescies of its
wife ear we set seapwd ie the Drtrstit.
-A 0-•
Asthma iuiii g Le& es Asthma Norarea
BG , ..r estasse4 hers epp�es 'the
WM &Ries, .snip 't• to eswW-
4 LSO-.
1 1IIF, subscriber having commenced bust -
sem ,a Godericb-+ad with the view or
carrying on his operations with more (Meds
t d sel ea, a ns want of cash -offers
the anOU
valuable property for sale
situated to the 6oarahinIowa of Chatham
f Kittle forh Ly.
Q7 Prepared and sold by
335 Broadway. corner: 61 Anthony .1,Mt,
New York. For sale by
Nat. Agent.
Gulseieb, Jets. iS, 1848..
ND pay yr debts, u the seb.ee4bet has
raesl.ed that all Notes Grid Book sraassts
dee ee bass .Gd rumaiarag sasttled, will, pea-
u.t:y, as the 15th of Jody next, be headed over
• A tier tw "'Al Prime R.e.6 frsetv.g ie u *money for eo!leettoe. it is eenaialy
the lessesir► eh los by ••. early 8assi•t with sans re4etosee that he 'les sleeted this
MN bei es sen Let baser i4. rees4.sisa. an he has so desire se tent addittosel
-A 1.80- *armee to these who are atilt Memitt
s h. -hal 11
11ilr<iOTY-RVR Aeras of estxlhret is • sameg, tiest.
.cwa u
sie • merciless master,
ted is the prime' tesaaseo, hie reluctance mut
meld usewmity.RT MODLAWELL.
(enrich. 1St► Jatss, 1810. 90-11
ri•eted es the 8. b..of the River
, may three mien below the taws
elf Cbathew, wet► a dw.1Mg H...e ober y
est, •bent 40 sero* tiered, ad le • ►t
1111. et eeluvauea
A0. w pert, et the ab.m property will
be acid se reavoee►Is isms !se oath down,
or .a.fserth &.a, Mad ten r.esatadsr i•
ties wilt he handed ever to Nat etieseet
officer the Clerk of the Court, who will
perhaps *Oct a ..ttlerneet so mere tsostly
ad lees reviewable terns.
Oedericb, April 0th, 160. 1111
AT $ T R A T P O R D.
?Tl1IE Bcbecriber beim /axiom to retire
1. from tosiserr, wish re kite the well
and DWF.LLINO HOUSE, sweated in the
wort seder with the good will the -thriving
ofthe butnwn sinf ess. The ssThe
ahem preenisea have been for many years
aeeepfed, and the run of business is equal
le the best eland in the District. The leu*
essyfor se many yesre u may be agreed
opo�eie Tools, Iron, Etc. will also be d'
fff( Rest moderale.
Stretford, 17th Apnl, 1848. .1111
CRowse TNRw DeriamWR15T,
.Voalreal, 10.4 Mardi, 1846.
NOTICE is hereby gives, by order cif
lite Excellency the Administrator of
this thovsrnmest 10 Council, to all parsons
who have received location's of land in
Western Canada, .inns the Ist 'smeary,
Inge, end also to parties located preview
lthatdate, wholotion' were not ie-
dsi location'
the list of anpateated laoda, liable
le forfeiture, published 4th of Aped, 1838,
that unless the delineate or their legal
n c
f..*e. alices establish their clause and
M. out their retests 0118,. (sell ye.rl
(-ens this date, the lay will be reversed by
(ionmenl to be disposed of by Sale.
THE 8nbeenber hating relinquished the
8..tes«« of Bektag in favour of Mr.
Hoerr Newman, begs to return thank* for
the support he baa heretofore received, and
can confidently rscommeod his nucceuor
as worthy uf public support.
Goderich, 06th May, 1848. 1711
PRiNTED on a superior quality of ,
for Bale at the Baron Signal
chap for Crib.
r'rHE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately t'eserish Us, =g'1818' 1
11 rented the above well e.tabliahed iNN - and 'the ELpro in the West end oc Stratford,
Mr. (the (Jaen Signal
from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr, w
Jobe Sherman ; and he beg■ to say that be
will endeavor to see the Public and Trav-
eller, well accommodated, and their com-
forts attended to. He has gond Stabling,
and an attentive Hostler. Hie Bar is well
supplied with Wines and Limier*.
S1uWoH, March 1, l8. 7mfl
respectfully .stints the patronage of
the inhabrtate of (E.ds,Seb and it. 'wisely,
Mad trusts, by strict attastiol., to merit •
share of their favours.
N. IL -Hard Biscuit and all kinds of
Cracker' on hand. Cakes trade to order.
Godericb, Tae. 26, 1840. 1 tf
' IIR RN(JL1SN CLASSES will meet
A sere epee Massy, the let8 of
holy, tasteest. On timeless 4.g lir. Name
ES fogotter..
Goderic , Jol y 7, 1848.
11 r*tWT)+ LCD t'vt.resu WWI ttuwt
OVncs UARRRT•5QIAaR, .attslup4
••• Book and Job Printing, maned •i$
neaten.' and diepateb.
--w +-
Teens er T.. Bosse /3vmra ..-TE6 11414
L1NGS per annum if paid strictlyin Mimeos.
or TWELVE LED 811 Piece with texpixallq
1 the year. 'r►"
N. man doeestia.ed aril airman We
paid .p. mew abs publisher thiska it kis adwtt-
tase to de so.
Any iedividpal in the ternary becoming n-
.pnsatM. fa 1 x esbeetriben, shall meth* e
se.eeth espy grates.
ET All lettere addressed to the Lbws mast be
post paid, n they will Mol be %kip cal *JJ the
peat odic.
TRAMP WO Lo.-mnesn.
Bit linos end ender, Bret iaserties, • • • . as 1141
Fah asl.aaeseaaiartise. 0 0 75
Tea lima sad er • dot • • .. to
Obeli then es t resort 0 i
Ov.v ten hams Misr inesvoire. Pee Rpi'• 0 •'
Rich esb.r,sset Iagrwr.p.r Nese* •
♦ wrap► damask M Moo elbib wMrgFi
lb' ,,at