HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-15, Page 4Is. A GRICt)LTURE. Wadi auJpurehawd,by•Number orMem- bers of this Society, of as Improved bi- A1' A NEI' NG of the Committee of oertpuua, to be decided by the Judges-- the S'tltA'TYORD A(iRICULTU- Prize in discretton of Committee. KAL SOCdKTV, held at the Farsterr' len, FALL W HEAT—To be shows in Sint - the following PREMIUMS o ere awarded, ford ou un drat Friday of 13ep1rwb.r, [1st to be Shoe for at the Society's seventh September) at It u clock, 00011:—Prize Annual Exhibition, at STRATEORD, on first, L2. Second, LI 10. Third, LI 6. Friday, October 13th, 184n. Fourtb, £ 1 00 ; and 20 buebrls be brought by each Exhibitor, and sold to any Member of the Society at 7I more tbas the then Galt price. SEEDS—To be shows at General Meet FIRST CLAS. £ s. d. For best Stallion for Agricultural purposes, [Prize awarded 1ltle Apel, to Mr. C. Chrietener,] 7 For beet Brood Mare and Foal• • • • 1 2nd hest 1 3rd best 0 For bcat three yi aro old Filly •.• • 0 2nd beet -0 aid beet 0 Fur beet twv years old do- 0 214d b, st 0 Sid best 0 Fur best one year old Cult 0 2nd best •• 0 Por hive' tea years old (fielding. • • 0 9uJ beat 0 Forts at Iwo year. old entire Cott, 0 ,� Sod boo'.. • 0 YOE beat Span of Farm llorses, Gelding. or Man's 1 3 d best 0 SECOND CLASS. :Fur best three year old Bull,. and upwaids, (see By L:'aw for doubt:. premium.) 2 0 0 2 .1 best 1 10 0 3rd host 1 Of 0 Fur beet tau year old Bull 1 10 0 toil best 1 0 0 For beet one year uld Bull 0 10 0 2n4 hest 0 7 6 For best Mitc.. Cow and Calf 1 0 0 2nd heal 0 16 0 aid boat 0 10 0 For beat bitch Cuw 0 15 0 JnJ beat 0 10.0 3rd beat 0 7 6 r,, Lest two year old Heifer..•. 0 10 0 2nd beet 0 7 3rd best 0 5 0 10 0 ing in February, 1849. 10 0 hoses nuns—For two sett of Horse 0 0 Sloe►—osu on the burse the other nut—te 10'4 be 'awarded to seeker of the bbues—First, 15 0 10s. a; coed, 7r. 6d. 10 0 ' Il.ann•s—Be. sett of Double—II rat,£ 1 • 6 0 j ?Second, 15x. 11 6 7 6 O 1. No animal gaining the Brat prize one year, O can take it is the seine character the second or BY LA%VS. 5 10 7 15 10 15 7 6 0 0 0 6 any other year: but nuy show and be entitled to • Certificate trout the Society, or such other bonorary reward as may be decided on. except Bulls, Stallions,- Roars, and Rains, which may show and carry first prizes for two years. 2. That • Subscriber be oily entitled to one 0 0 Prix fur Butter and Cheese, or fur Grain of the same kind.' 15 0 3. That Stallions, Bulls, and Boars, n est have served within the Society's District, the season previous to the Show. [excepting in ease• provided for by extra Premiums,] or exhibitors of such to give au obligation that they will serve io their season. 4. That Bulb must have a ring or screw is their move, with a rope or chain attached, to pre- vent sec,denta. 5. That the prize fur Heifer. be not •warded to any animal that hu previously had a Call: 6• That the quantity of Grain aad Seeds ex- hibited, [Pease and Indian Corn included,] be n ot less than Fir Bushels, and raised -by as 11. hibito►, from • held -oft bast two acres, [unless the goantityof land and grain seeds be other%iso specified]: and the Cheese and Butter, or other Farm Produce, exhibited, to be produce from ex- hibitor's farm, land or stock; and that alt Ewes shewn [except Fat Sheep] shall have suckled • lamb to the first of August previous to the day of sho w . - 7. That all competitors for Prizes must give the Secretary notice of the description of Stuck or Produce they intend to show, before, or on the day bot one. previous to the day of any An- n ual or General Show. 8. That all Stock and .Produce exhibited, must be on the ground precisely et TWELVE o'clock of the day of Show: the Judge. will at that hour enter on their duties. 9. No article or animal can be shown for two priaea the same year. 10. Competitors for Turnips and Potatoes to give notice 10 the Secretary, on or before the last Saturday do September, fro that they may be io- •pectedbelore the Show, and 1s. 3d. of entry to be paid by such competitor for each Mauch arti- cles entered. 11. That for the encouragement of those, Members who may introduce improved Stock; ilea), animal entered for eompetitior be deemed by the Judges worthy of the first Prize, and if the owner of the lame prove to the satisfaction of the Judges that such specimen of Stork has alder 111. - 0 16 0 I,ee'i itnponed, or pure breed out of Stock inn. fend best-rrte� �r, 0 10 0 torted Irom Great ltritein or Ireland, he shall re - For best .a: • RID • •• •• • 0 70 0 terve double the amount of premium otherwise 7 awarded, but only for one year. Sad best , • 0 7 6 12. All Stock to be property of exhibitor three For best pair Ewes (see By -Law), 0 15 0 • months before the Show. Jndges will hove • Ind best ... 0 10 0 discretionary power in withholding Prizes; and For best single we. •• •6 0 7 6 no person can be Judge of his own property.- 2ndbeet ••••••• 0, 6 0 [See Rules 10, 11, and 12, F. Rules.]. For best pair of rat Sheep 0 7 6 PLOUGHING MATCH end beet • •• Fur best year old I Refer 9nd best Fur best Spring Calf Sud beat 0 5 0 For beat puke Working Oxen, 8i! years old and upwarce • •. • 0 16 0 9nd beet 0 10 0 3rd best • • • 0 7 ti Ft* bat yoke tour year old Steew, 0 12 6 Fur best yoke three year old do•• 0 10 0 9nd best 0 7 6 Fur beat yoke two year old do• • 0 7 6 and best • • 0. 5 0 For best Fat �r ie 0 16 0 3rd best.: 0 10 0 Fa bat Fat Cow' three year old and upwards 0 10 0 gad best •••• - 0 7 6 THIRD CLASS. For bent Rom over taro years and 0- 7 6 O 50 O 76 O 6 0 To be on 14th October. Plough to be property FOURTH CLASS. of person entenug, to be of any Lind. The O IS 0 gmund to be Mooched by the person entering, or For beat Boar by one of his fanuly, or soirvant one month pre - 2nd beat 0 10 0 vroue!y employed end hired. Prizes: let, £2: FA. best Breeding How, boxing bred 9.1, Ll les„ 3d. Lit 4th, 15x; 5th, 10s.; 6th. Pi.ge dieing 1813, ... • • • 0 15 0 5s•. -.C6. TIME, six hours. Begins at Teo 3ni1b't 0 10 0 A.M. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. - A FAIR will be held for tier SALE of FARM Illy For best'Fall Wheat, [see below] ro7ober.- every draeriptiosos tbs day of Show ti fpr beet Spring Wheat. •••...... 1 00 and best 0 15 0 O 15 0 7 60 O 60 O 10 0 O 7 6 O 6 0 O 7 8 yi • 2nd best Po; hest Barley 2nd .best For beet Rye For beat Oats 2nd best For beet Pease (one acre) Sod beet 0 6 0 For best Clover Seed (one bushel) , . • yawn in 1848, • 1 0 .0 and/mat 0 15 0 For best Timothy Seed foie boob.) 0 7 6 nd-hest 0 5 0 For best Swed'h Turnip Deed, 5 ibe0 7 6 2nd beet - -as0 6 0 For best Swedish Turnipe[one sere] 0 15 0 grid beat 0 10 0 3rd beat 0 7 8 For best White .Turnips, or other Linda, except Swedish [one acre,] 0 10 0 2nd best 0 7 6 3rd beet 0 5 0 For best Potatoes [half acre] • • • • 0 15 0 2nd best •• 0 10 0 Srd best 0 7 6 DAiRY PRODUCE. For beat firkin Salt Rutter, 66 lbs. packed and cured 0 2nd best 0 3rd best 0 For best newly made Butter, 25 lbs0 2nd best 0 For hest Cheese, 25 lb* 0 2nd best 0 Srd best 0 For best Maple Boger, [cake] pro- duced on exhibitor's prem- ises, 25 lbs • 0 and best 0 3rd beet 0 For best Virgin Honey, In the comb, do. do. not less than 10 lbs. 0 2nd best 0 3rd•best 0 DOM ESTI( 'S. For beet 10 yard.. of Hume made Fulled Cloth, from wool grown ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and the by exhibitor, and open is his 1 public, that he has taken the BRiCK family [all wool, web of 1848], 0 16 0 TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. 2nd Deet 0 10 0, Brown. at the East end of Stretford, where 1,best' 0 7 6 nothing shalt be wanting on his part to pro - For 'beat 10 yards of Home made mots the comfort and convenience of his Flannel, all wool, do.[not full'd getters do 0 10 0 I. M. flatters himaelf that his selection of 2nd best 0 7 6I Wine and Liquore is equal to any in the 3rd beet 0 6 0 country, and his Stabling deparlmeat is of For beet 0 yards of Blanketing, all the moat complete description. wool do [twilled not fulled, Jo. 0 10 01 Stratford, lath April, 1848. 131f fled beet 0 7 fi Srd beet 0 6 0 PIM beet new Double Horse Wag- 1 GiLBERT PORTE, Kers, mads or porch+mrd by a i ADIF:S AND GENTLEMEN'S faah- member or members of the 80- I 1 4 tone rain Boot and Shoe Maker, Market cIe'y, •••• 0 So- ,„ 0 ,ar,�(iuleneh. 2nd beat to o) arch, 1.t, 1848. Ems For beat Fanning Mill, any impel- -10 O earl kind do J. $TEWART, anal hetet 0 7 R For best Plough, any improved kind 1 A TTORNEY AND BARRISTF.R 11 do o 15 01 /' Law, Solidtne is Chancery, Coavoy- Mad hest 0 10 0 sneer, e., Office West Street. (7' Fag airy Agriculteral Implement.' fkrGoderich, March 1.t, 1848. 5y JOHN J. E. LINTON, Set Stratford, Menet 11,.1849. S8 LOOK HERE!!' LEATHER FOR SALE. TIIE subscriber begs leave to intimate to the Public that he has and will kytp constantly on hand, • LEATHER OF ALL KiNDS, and of Are very beat quality, for sae, wholesale or retail, at the lowest remune- rating prices. (CrIntending pnrehaeera will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing at any other place. All orders strictly Mended to. - WILLIAM G. SMiTH. Godericb, July 251b, 1848. 2611 ON COMMISSION... SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! AT cost and chargee for cash; or Fall Wheat at cash price only. ' THE SUBSCRIBER 15 0 1s also [set in receipt of a general assortment of 11 6 DRY GOODS, consisting ,n part of Poil de (' 10 0 heine, Organdees, Muslin., Cashmere de Laine., Orleans Lowe., ('obo..g end other 10 0 Dreese., fence Renege Scarf., Blonde Veils, 7 6 Scarf* end tlandkerehiefs,—Ca.hmere and other 15 0 Shawls a greet variety. Saperier COTTON 10 0 YARN, &e., &e. Ladies' walking Boots aad 7 6 Shoes t• great variety. —.aLS0— A general assortment of GROCERIES. 12 6 SHF:I.F and other HARDWARE. Sickle., 10 0 Scythes, Scythe Seethe, Crockery, Prints, Oil 7 6 and Turpentine ; Pitch, Retain, Tar sod Oakmrl Neils in 100 lbs. Kegs or to sty other ggenwty. C. CRA BB. Goderieb, Asgum 4th, 1848. 2711 12 6 10 0 7 STRATFORD HOTEL. NOTICE. g'+TRAY ED teem Lot 18, Sth eoneewino, Downie, a Yoke of Oxen seven year. ofd. Oar of them black, with a white spot along the back, and white tail; also a white spec wader each eye. The other red with a white spot to lbs face; roma wbtte •pots about the flank., and hind feet white.— Any person finding thew or giving aucb this forwattuo to the subscriber as will luee0► their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. JOHN 'I'IHOMSON. Township of Downie, ltd August, 1848. 6 30t( FOR SALE. THE BRICK COTTAGE and Lot rea- ning No. 562, to the Town of Goderich, formerly to the postmortem of lleor O'Neil, n ow rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot- tage is very conveniently arranged, and well suited for a smell family, has a spacious wuud shed,' stable, Tec., good well cf water; the garden centime several choice fruit trees, and the wholeecelosed with a strong picket fence. Only a portion of the money would be required down,—the remainder in three annual instalment.. Apply to William Rattenbury of the Clio - ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Goderieb, August 24, 1818. 30tf SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, CARPET-BAO,,AND VALISE MANUFACTORY. A. jI0RT0N, BEGS to intimate to the public that be has commenced the above line of Buaiueas in the Shop oat the East side u( the Market-Square,— lately occupied by J. Rutledge & Co.,—aud hopes by strict attention to merit a liberal share of the public patronage. FJ All Articles in the Trade will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. HIDES, WHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, and all kinds of Marketable Produce will be ta- ken in exchange. Ilre'A liberal discount will Lie made for Cash. • ••• FOR SALE. an excellent Span ofHoa- srn, and • first rate Two Home BUGGY. June 14th, 1848. H. H. VAI.UABLE FARM LOTS eon set,p iN TIIE HURON TRACT, NAMELY • FOUR Lots un the First Cooceseion of Goderich, fronting Lake Iluron, con- taining 82, 72, 671, and 58i acres respec- tively. Two of there Lots have consider- able improvements, and one of them acom- modious Two Story Log House, with Gar- den and Orchard. Likewise, SIX LOTS on the Second Concession, containing 80 acres each, two of them partially improved. These Lots aro situated on the Bayfield Road, fronesex to eight mites south of the flourishing' Town of Goderich ; the land is of the best quality, and well watered. and the front Lots command a beauufal view of the Lake. Fir particulars apply (if by letter post paid), to JOAN CLARK, Goderich.. March 17, 1848. 7tf PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, Dem*. • 1 11F.Editors of.. the Vicrnau MAo.tztsa will devote all their talents to produce a useful entertaiuing, and cheap Periodical, for the Cabs - dial) People ; which may a turd aniusenient to both old and young. Sketches and Tales, is verse and prose, Moral Eesay, Statistics of the Colony, Scrips of Useful information, Reviews of new Works, and well selected articles from the most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Megaziue. The Etitorafeelconfident that the independent and rising country to whose service they are proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend its support to enconrage their arduous and, honourable undertaking. The low price at whtch the Periodical is placed, is in order that eyery person within the Colony who can read, and if anxious for moral and mental improvement may become a subscriber and patron of the work. .The Vtcroar. MASAZexa will coutsio twenty- four page. in each number printed on new type, and 'upon good paper ; and will form at the end of the year a neat Volumne, of 288 pages, to- gether with Title Page and Index. it will be issued Monthly, commencing on the First of September, from the office of JOSEPH WILSON, Front -street, Belleville—the Pub- lisher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the Magaaine, and letters to the Editor., must be addressed, (poet -paid.) The terms of sub- seriptioo—ONE "DOLLAR PER ANNUM— invariable to be paid in sidecars. Goderich, Match 3, 1848. e 5 TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND i'RINTERS: FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. TIRE' Subscribers have opened ret New Type foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Bras@ Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Composwg Suck., Cases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which are east in new moulds, from entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep coasters, and warranted to be unser- passed by any, be sold at prices to suit the time@. All the type furnished by us is " band cast." Printing Presses furnished, and and also, Seam Engines of the most approved pat- tern@. Composition Rollers east for printers. (["' Editors of Newsp@pars who will bay three times as much type as their bill. amount to, may give the a-bove .ix months' insertion in -tbetr peters, and send their) papers containing it to the Sub.i•rihere. COCKCROFT & OVEREND Ye 78 Ann Street.Ye r York. December 7th 1847. m15 TOBACCO. AN extensive stock which will be sehl cheap for cash. Gideneb, Feb. 11, 1848. 9 I. LEWIS, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING. Jeer, 1848. GODF.RICiI. WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, OTPoarra 7wa raas•TTaafitr cet•acn. THESubscribers begs leave to inform bis tricnda and the uublic at large, that be us nw prepared to .e.:.. re orders fur LUMBER OK LIGHT WAGGONS, which •hall be waoafectured of the beat maierialr, bud by experienced workmen. IL- Barrows aad Drage u.ade.tu order ; Pluugh Carting.. 1Vouded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderich, f'eb. 9, 1848. 211 EXTENS1 VE IMPORTATIONS. THOMAS GILMOUR & CO. • WO12 L1) respectfully intimate that they have just received, direct from tete New York and Montreal Markets, a very large assortment of Straw, Leghorn, Dun- stable, Tuscan, and imitation Silk BON- NETS, and a great variety of almost every description of FANCY GOODS, butted to the fashion and taste of the season. Attie, en extensive stock of IIAB)':RDASHERY, CLOTHS, and all kends of Staple Goods. Likewise, Targe quantities of GROCERIES, partieu- It.rly a very superior supply of TEAS, from Is. 3d, per pound upwards, according to quality ; and Tobacco at all prices. As the uhole extensive stock has bean selected by the proprietors in person, they can confidently recommend them to their friends and custginera, and as the purchases have been effected exclusively on cash prfn- ciples, they have resolved to sell on the most reasonable terms and at the lowest poreit,lc profits rim CAsu. (1j/ Marketable produce of every descrip- tion taken in exchange at the highest mar- ket price. Ti1OS. GiLMOUR & CO. Goderieb, 18th May, 1848. 16 • TAILORING SEITABLIFITIMENT. SPRING 4 SVMYFR I'(SHIONS,for 1849. AFULL variety of the newest and most itupr,,.,d Srnivu Aau_ Saystt:n Film• rues for 104-1, have been received by the subscriber, who will promptly attend to the ordera of all who may favour him with their patronage. A. NAY8MITH, Goderich 12th April, 1848. . ly MONEY. AND TIME SAVED!! ! FARE REDUCED 1r SPEED INCREASED. CHEAP AND DIRECT ROUTE Through Canada to State ef Nun York. via. C4ntearn, L odea, Woodstock, A(raVord, ' Hamilton, IYaterroo Ferry to Bejslo.' etre WELL. 13001 STEAMBOAT BROTHERS! CAPT. W. EBERTS, ILL run the Season of 1848 as follows :— Leaves Ckathan, every Blonder, Wednes- day and Frtusy :4lnrninge,.at 8 o'clock, .for itindCir and Detroit, thence to Amhcrtsb,rrs at 3 o'clock. . Leases .1 ethers l urg every Tuesday; Thur,• day and tiaturdey Meetings at -half -past 7 o'clk. teaching at Derroit and Wiwdsor for Chaul.m. The BROTHERS runs in connection with a DAILY LINE OF STAGE COACHES. Established between Chatham sod (aoeeomen, by which (ane the Steamers on Lake Ontario) passenger• will be enabled to reach Kingston in at least three daps from Chatham. Passengers can leave Hamilton by %te•mboar for Toronto, Rochester, Oewego, Kingston, or any of the'lei- termeJeate pons on 'Lake Ontario- Gentlemen frim ell perts of the States will find this route very agreeable during the summer and winter, as it passes through the most flourishing parts of Canada %Vett. The Chatham and London road is now completed, and is a very good road. STEAMBOAT FARES REDUCED, viz. Chatham to Detroit and Windsor, and rice retail. Cabin Passage $4,75; Deck Passage $1,00 ; Children, half•p nee; ilorse, Buggy and one Gentleman $3,00; Double Team, Wagon and Driver 44,00; Ox or Cew $1,00; all other Freight in proportion. Ilcjercnres.—Chatham, Eberts, Waddell & Co.; T. M. Taylor. Windsor, L. & 11. Dev- enport, C. Ilunt. Detroit, Ives & Black.— Louisville, Knight & Weaver. Tecumseh House, II. N. Smith. Wardavil!e, Anderson & Babe. Mose, S. Fleming. Ecfrid, G. J. Smith. Delaware, Bullen. Junction (louse, Joseph Rollins. London, M. ,Segur- Brant- ford. G. Babcock. Hamilton, M. Babcock; bl. Davis. NO CREDIT ON THIS BOAT. Chatham, April, 1848. 20-tf FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM Lel COLBORNE. APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion, Huron District, containing T'sVO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences in repair. Thera is a good Frame House [Cottage style], upon the prentisea, 35 by 32 fent ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Two Frame Shed., each 90 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair.— There are three running streams of water through the Lot; two of which are in the clearing, and a first rate Well in the cellar of the frame house. Wood upon the land, chiefly hard timber. Said farm is situated. but itl miles from Goderich, the District town. 07' This desirable property will be sold at a reasonable price. For terms apply to Messrs. STRACl1AN & LIZARS, Solicitors, West -street. Goderich, March 12. 1848.— 7tf l FOR SALE, Y the subscriber, that valuable property retested in the township of Goderich, Ota Lot 19, 4th concession, within 58 miles se aha town of Goderich ; there is a gond Raw Mill onit and 80 acres of land, 20 scree cleared. It s a never failing stream ,..41 adapred for any Machinery, such as 'ardtng and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, ani Gnat Mill. N. 5.—Will be sold cheap for cath, or part of the money may he for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. Goderich, Feb. 18, 1848- 3 THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT awe COMIiMERCIAL ADVERTISER• IB Published every Tssdory,. Tisrdsy aad Sa(rrday, at the Law Price of TWELVE SHILLINGS per annum, pay- able invariably ,n advance. The Transcript it printed on • sheet nearly as large as any used In the Province; and rhou( circumstances permit, it will be aid! further enlarged in the course of the ensuing summer. During the approaching Sootiest of Par- liament the.Transcrijt will contain Reports of the Prucecdiug}e, eutflciently comprehen- eite to furui-h Record of all that occurs in both Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will supporttte old character. A portion tit its spare space will be devoted to the in- sertion tit miscellaneous matter of an in- terestm • and Literary character, and every thing offensive to neurals will be carefully avoided. We have commenced, and intended to continue, a series 01 Biographical Sketches from Chamber's Mi.cellany of Ureful and Entertaining Tracts and other Weikel ; and during the prevent reason, notice will be taken of the Lecturer delivered at the several Literary Instituiiona of this city, which we commenced last winter, and which gave general satisfaction. • TERMS.. OF TIIE 'i'ItANSCRIPT BY b1 A 11.. (17"The price of Subscription of the MosTa6AL '1'RAN.vCaiPT, (when seal by mall) is TWELVE SHILLINGS per an- num, payable in ad �ance. Totacilitate re .pittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for Fifteen Months. TEN SHIL- LiNGS foe•'+Ten Months, and FIVE SHIL- LINGS fur Five Months. When the period of subscription is nearly expired, we ehall send three different copier of the Transcript enclosed in bIue or green covers ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper shall, in every case, be discon- tinued. As the paper is given to subscri- bers at the loileet possible price, all money letters must be poat-paid ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be de- ducted from the money sent. ([1The Transcript is sent to Subscri- bers in the country to ice or three times a weeip-et their memo.. The whole of the reading matter of Thursday and :Saturday', papers being pqt into one sheet—thus say - the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of subscription to the both is the same. Subscriber, in writing frir the '1'rbnscript, will please mention whether they wiser the triweekly or ecmi-weektj paper sent to tl:ern,. Newspapers with whom we etcbt•nge will please copy this Notice which we will be happy to reciprocate in the same way. Goderich, March 3i 1848. 5 CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. . VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FO R SALE,,—A RARE .CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS. y SHE subscriber haviiigcommenced brei- { -nese in Goderich—and with the view et carrying on his operations with more facile ty and,eucc-.ss, is in want of cask—offers the following valuable property for' sale situated in the -flourishing' town of Cha'bata PURIFY THE BLOOD. 1t1OFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PII1? ENIX BITTERS. THE Legh and envied celebrityskate tbesd pre•cwin•ot Medicines ese ea quired for their Invariable efficacy ,n all the disease. w hick they protege to cure, baa rendered the usual practice of puffing nut only linnet esrsry, but unworthy of them. They are shows by their fruits ; their good works testily fur them, aad they Dime hot by hh. faith .d the credulous. IN ALI. CASES of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheuniausn:, Adectiuos of the Bladder and Kidneys, Bi!iuur Fevers and Liver Complainer. In the South and West wbere these dis- eases prevail, they will be found tsvalua- ble. Planters, laymen, and others, who once use these Medicines, will hexer is N llhout theta. Bilious Chtilie, awl Serous Looaenesr, Biles, Coatirencs., Culds and Coughs, ChoLc, Consumption, Used with great success in this disease. Corrupt Hunner., Dropsies, Dyspepsia. Nu person with tine distressing disease,sbould delay wring these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Simi. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever and Ague. For this scourge of the wea:ern country these medicines will he found a rate, needy, and certain reme- dy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines Is permanent. Try them, he satisfied, and be Cl' R ED. Foulness of Complexion, General Debi- lity, Gont, Giddiness, Gravel. Headaches', of every kind, Inward Fever. Irflammst,'ry Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, l.oes of Appetite, Liver Complaint.., Leprosy, Loosenesr,.Mercunal Diseases. Neter fails to erad.cate ant;rely all the effects til' Mercury ,ofiottcly sooner than the roust-,D,werlul preparatwo of Sarsapa- rilla. Night Sweats. Nervone Debility, Ner- vous Complains of rI kinds, t)Trento Af- fections, Palpitation of the 1leart, Paieter'o Chaim. PILES. The ong,n•tl proprietor of these Medicines was cured of Pile. of 3.5 years standee* by the use of these Life Mwt,cieee stone. PAM in The bead, side, back, limbs, joie', arid organs. RHEUMATISM. Those afa,eted with ibis iorr.ble di.esee, sib be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, tiSaltrheum, Swelling.. Scrofula, or King's Evil, an its' wont forum, neer., of every deacnptton. WORMS,. of air kinds, are effectually expellent by these Med.ctnes. -Parents will do weph tri adle:nhster them w beret -et their eawtefiee a suspected- Rci:ct ala be cer- tale TIIE LiFE PILLS AND PIRENIX BITTERS PU'RIF'Y THE BLOOD, and thus ?electoral! disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PIKENIX BITTFRS •beyond the reach of competition to the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now pert up in white wrapper aad label:, to- gether with a pamprb.r, caned blelot's Geed Samaritan, cuata ning.th•• r' r-cnone, [love., on which is a dr wtr.r of Broadway from Wall street 1: oor'Otfico, by which the District scat for Kent, for cash only, etranners etstting the city Can very caval, viz :— t land ' us. The - wean, ora soil esearir.w That advantageously situated property are.copynf;lrtcl, !beta lure, this -e sfiu pro - in Chatham North. containing FOUEt• wa- ter Lots-acc'ordine to the town plot sur- vey—with a good and substantial two story Dwelling House thereon, Kitchen, ea ex- cellent • garden, summer house, &c., ire., suitable for a large family' or 1 public Hotel,. a Barn 40 feet by 44, and a 'large inclosed Building well adapted fordistilhng or, for storage, being erected on a substan- tial wharf, mooring vessels of over 900 tons burthen. On the premises is also an invaluable Spring. the excellencter u( its waters are not surpassed in tbd District. —ALSO— Two Building Lots in Chatham North Block G , well situated, being oppositie the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. — ALSO— A large two story Frame llnuee fronting the Barracka, 40 feet by -^_ti, nearly finished, with half ab acre Lot belonging. — ALSO— SEVENTY-FIVE Acre, of excellent Land situated on the banks of the River Thames, only three miles below the town of Chatham, with a dwelling (louse there on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. All, or part, of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms for cath down. cure them salt white• wrappers can be assured that del are gonu,r-e Be careful, and do nut buy tho.e w ith yeUuae wrappers ; but ,f you do. be sait'ftei that they cone direct trom us, or dont touch them. (J Prepared and .ol,l by. DR. W1LLi %Y B. MOFFAT. 335 Broadway earner of .1utbony street, New York. *Fur sale by BENJ. PARSONS• fo!e .last. Gudericb, Jas.22. 3848. 1 PA)- ATTENTION!! \D pay yoar deers, . the subscriber bas A as resolved trial all Noes and Book arc:mats due so b.m aad nnw,.isg .settlet wi'1 poi- fire!r, on the (Srh of Joh next, be handed over teas Auoroey G,r toaleei.. Ir n eertaialy with some relaetaace that be bas adopted this. fewlation, a, he ha. eo down. to .Deur adduiooal expense lo tho.e who are still owing him—bot it is a saying, that .rresnly .• • merciless roaster, sad in the preset sostaace, his relsctanee meat yield to neceuity. ROBERT MODERWELL- Goderich, 15th Jew, 1848. 20-N NOTICE. or one-6nirth down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments. Title unquestion- + 1.i, those who save ikaliop with this able. For farther particulars enquire of ` Office, ars hereby notified that no per ie 51. & O. Dulscn, Chatham, or to the pro- prietor at Goderich. CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Ian. 28, 1848. -1 FARMERS' INN, STRATFORD, BY THOMAS DOUGLASS. THE Subscriber (from Galt) has lately rented the above well established i N N and 110TEL in the West end of Stratford, from the proprietor and late occupant, Mr. John Sherman ; and he begot to say that be will endeavour to see the Public and Trav- ellers well accommodated,. and their com- forts attended to. Ile has good Stablirug, and an attentive Hostler. Ilia Bar is well supplied with Wines and Liquors. Ti1081.58 DOUGLASS. Stratford, March 1, 1848. 7r3 NOTICE. ALi. those indebted to the Estate Of the late Mr. HICKS of Stratford, will .please'Settle the same without delay, and withont extra expeneea; and also all those raving any Claims spinet the aboveF'wtate, are required imniedlbtely to present the eame Inc Adjustment to Jona Ilicts, Mitchell. Mitchell, March t4, 1846. 8 SALT ! SALT ! ! IN BARREi.S, cheap for cash or market- able produce, at the Store of T. GiLMOUR la CO. Feb. 11, 1848. TEAS, TEAS. OF all goabtie. and at various priests, by lV/ T. GILMOUR Is CO. Feb. 11, 1848. authorized to receive or collect monies for ss within this District- Person. wishing to settle 'heir accounts, neer do so with the Editor, or by money letters addressed to him. Hoaos Oit,icc, 25th August, 1848. Inv. COURT BLANKS, PRINTED on a superior quality of ppa�pper, fur sale at the Huron Signal Olfieeu cheap tor Cash. use:tench Jan , 28, 1840. 1 --- t be 4nron Signal, is Purr= Leo resaisesO maw Poway BY THOMAS MACQU6EW, Stone" ♦rn PwOPstr ria. OPTICS ■ (rasp., annRs,Cll. •,• Beek sad Job Primal, exeestd with seamen aad d.apitcb- Tann e0 cwt Muse asesaa.--TEN SHiL- LI.*GS per snare If paid strictly is adnsee, ne twar,vt Aro S3! Patten with ibe expanties of the year. No paper dioe..'ess-d said amass etre pad ap, sales the pebhsber kaiak, it hoe advise - tags to do es. Any i.4,viJeal in rhe ro.btry beeean.g re- spn.sibl. for aha subecribete, shall ween, a sex ath eery gnus IIS All letters addressed to the Editor most be poet Mad, sr they will see be takea tet d the poet .lee. Time or •rvaleTelo e, ffix here aad .der. first wiseriies Erich •ntiorlaest,.ecmi. T. bows e.d wader. int iaeertiss LO 11 6 ,..- 0 0 78 084 F.ch s.b... ..t oriental, 0 0 10 Over tee Imes. Brat baormise, per Biro, 0 0 4 re* sisbeeigeses resume.. pee live. 0 M A Mai dssseat to thaw ate adeerti.e by dos year