HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-15, Page 3won we had the aau•tasuw et tallies to • large
sad attritive awlreece. Tu -i. ght, atIt two
6 o'clock, we *ill teeters in Mr. Bea;e'a
House, between the 5th rad -6th cotn:eesineus
Guderech. The subject atoll be 1'eaa*OL0c1.
1 have dre•dy ubaerred that children are wit
early tu.ellual, and stuck dew to • Meet for r
oontber of hour& emit day, coring sad pollee
over • dull task with which their natural d.syu-
suiuns have aro sympathy. 1 do out olbect to
the early age at which they we rent to le•ru,
because a chill of two )eau of age is quite
capable ut being taught. sod he wt,lhe taught
•t that age. Ile will acquire knowledge either
for good or evil. Ile will lean° souethlug which
will influeece iris future character, whether you
send him to school or not. But I do object to
the confinement of a common school, and to the
manner aIJ matter as common school educatiot1
as heiog injurious to the physical health of the
child, and equally hurtful to the growth mol
developeuent of his mind, besides being com•
par•iively melee'. Too boy is hammering and
perpleaiog h.* brains merely for the purpo-e of
learning to pronounce and remember Bounds, ol
the meaning til which or of tl.e ideas which
they represent, be has no definite conception,
rad therefore he leek but little interest in the
exercise You may the' h him to spell and pro -
it Is caul dist the raueneeus earner cootaiutd an
w 4110(1 intrnlalien to j.•urneyuean p.:uters out to
some to wink with Oder. Aird we eedor*uud
that much %Meeting mud tittle 10 le and buru.,-
ungs•have taken place ■moss the leaned offi-
cials as to the prubabdny of the mrd . atraneuus
nratter having been •i+kedly stuck on In the
Sigusl •11!11. \Ve lure r:.gturei iulo the mat•
ter, a.J are warranted In stating that the wick-
e.leess was perpetratel by aro kw a perw•age
tiro the veritable 1\'w. South, i11 d.. Graelle
odic•, who, iv oboist- consomme h.steUuw•work-
u+eo, set up the type, submitted it to in/peeress,
and then took as Imprerion on the margin of
the paper ; but not be.ag please) with it. headed
the tame paprr cud the comporting wick cue•
taming the wordy, to t ere 1.1u IIsol, requeet-
iug him to take • Letter impleeeiuu, ea Lis bawl
was steadier. Glee came into t;.e office at the
time, aid the paper was huddled sway among
the cases to prevent detection. It •Gerwarda
was huddled by Smith iuto hie hat and addressed
and ma led by hire. Su Much ter the plinuet
addressing, and mailing of the anfurtuuate'Mug.
'The dioeuvety •ud publICatlu. ,4 dee matter
which it coutuued, is altogether • different
question, which does mit come under the cogai-
zance of ;be Haran Siletel.
QYTwo Indians honoured our town,yestereay
with a visit io the ratter singular capacity of
teamsters. They ipso had a so horses and a com-
Mon lumber waggon, cud as Indians are pro-
auy ate:curvet he may make, for the mlrerabte
wretch lea. Inns *thee bade a loss farewell to
character, u he over hail any.
Leavieg a distuteleateJ pubic to judge of the
matter lar themselve', ,and depesdtay 00 e.y ;
further character ee wel1 as mg future conduct, to
justify my etateu,cuta.
1 earthen. Sir,
Yours respectfully.
nouoce the word gravitation, but .o lung se he verbiel for their trading p:openeities, they Inc-
remeitsignorant of i11 meaning, it can be of no *Tried in dtiv:ng a 'Angara with Mr. Gaynor,
strews to him, and he will here little interest storekeeper, who gave thew a handwure cheaout
rad l t;ie power to remember tit. Though he colt, and suroegtleen dollars, and Koh to recall
should repeat the ward fifty et fiery u.oueand their best horse, the whole harness, and waggon.
timer a week; the rreet+:ise of at will never B tt ur worthy landlord Mr Robert ELLIS,
-teach him the idea : and as the use of the word
depends entirely upon the pom0wion of the Ides,
the practice of teaching the word first ivbegiu-
Ding at the wrong end. A parrot could be
aught to ay •' gravitation." The laboriosr
and rcicnti60 Charter Babbage invented a ria•
chine which fur speed and accuracy is
tion, goes' far beyond the powers of the beat
arithmetioieu ; mrd i see little d,Qculty in coo- (in which Niger seven teen had some (fiaSculty
muscling • similar emulatess-capable of saying I in imposing the handcuffs...) h. was lodged is the
Goderich, Sept cedar
19, lets.
SEVEN D.1 TS LA'1'L/1 i1 '.11 LL'IIUPL
' NUM YOUK, Sept. 8, 21 P. M.
The Steamer Ilibersia reeved, bunging
*even dip, later ucws lo Boston.
The cuutiueutal'news gtourelly, Le pa-
cific: .
bleb belles have lost emelt of tier in-
terest, and sow begin to bo regarded with
tn4iffereuce, nut only by the people, Out by
11e Government.
The erste trials bad so far resulted in the
coarictios of one truly. of the chief ;calor.;
10Ahs ease of O'Lotlerty, the aeeunJ tory
were usable to agree epee a verdict. 11e
is still cootined, and at the next commis-
sion the trial wall be agent repeated. The
Government Dave thlicrwlaed upon issuing
a special caswiwiuu fur the teal of Smith
O'Urien, and the other captured lenders in
'rihppeerary. •
. ligom every part of Ireland the reports
"give but poor hopes of saving the gnat
uulk of the palates crop, added to wb.cb it
• o is even reported that the gram crepe would
Chief ('onrtaL!<, susyectnl, from the °alert la fes below j t average. The rep..rlr of ta-
the Larbaift, that die property had not Leen boa Ya1M Los attracted the auentwu of the
esPJOWent 3leasurer have been adopted
•rely sena by, and after caul,oa ly fortifying lot ascertaining the real state of the ease.
himself with ser:msec•, proceeded to apprehend \D.
theta era suypic.an of theft. The fellow wee l
was in pwsess+os of die dollar 1.ounTbo Chartism; of ENGLAND.Enana and Scotland
Jed tali to the have causer ,Nme lliera in the penile
woods a lis• approach of the eoesubles; the. wend f ar site• time past, but the abortive
other war seized, and after a desperate reeietesee attempts at revolution made, at the chive
of the last week, had conrlderbly mitigated
the leafs previously indulged In, though the
discovery of takes, wood.; loaded to the
muzzle,, dagger., sword+, ball cartridges,
powder, tow, bells,-andIUctfers..preves Ilse
Of 'tiny ether -ward Sat writer the District Jail, The other was pursued by men
pewee nor the machine could !e easily ought te en horseback, and -win overtaken at Cook's
sot retract any of the conditions above ex-
Mor.ovev. the consul insinuate, that the
French rrywblx:au gooernrlsent is nut dispo-
sed to act tuwaid iorcign guverntueotr with
tie *Mule mudereliuu ss the peat gutcrn•
learn did. an assertion which we caunut W
lime, as we Jo hot (laird that the pupclaf
wish ut the Fritsch is materiely and uiudera-
lius with every nation en the earth, avid
Wel e.pec•ally with the youthful *090111 eo
of /lire cunw.out. '
The government of Gaulenalg heirs de-
nted the putter of removing the tffectr pro-
duced by tiny e i irvocal impre*auos, wbseh
he bin made the merit of, it Lar no utherre•
&mete but to uuutteet to Mar. ('halleye.its
intention of referring the allatr to the
French governuleet.
Thu c ,nrul aro the 20th of the present
month again wrote, that he war under the
retainable neceestty of cesseng all political
relit:tuns with this republic, and on the next
Jay', at twelve o'clock, he would haul duwu
lila consular olore and the national *ruts of
France, to show that his puhtical character
with tile government had concluded, and
accordingly, at 12 u'elock the next dile he
hauled down the culurr and the cuusulatu
Ottintiffealt a0d tvtrrectty--Tbeset havers, tea.males on the Ileum Rend, but the eminence of a eoe eptracy welt -spread to its
so tar as be is taught to thin. 1 euuld repeat the cuat and hat a11lded through the fields toward* Tho packct•ship Oren Monarch, Capt.
Whole of' m
the shorter eatechis, the whole of the the bush, and, of course,- bids debases to all Murdock, lett Liverpool on the 24th August,
11bth Psalm, and n great weight of other tote- further .larch.
politicos, both in -prose rind terse. before 1 war Oue of the horses is a light bay. and the other
- eight yearly of age, but t war twice eight before a r1•one grey. awl it ie suspected they have been
understood the worts. end.perbaps three times atulen from tLe neigborhood of Brantford.
eight before 1 understood the ideas embodied in --- .
- thew compueitiuos. This. was just spending, - HavIag some time ago puLliely intimated
much extra'titue -and labour 1u learning a poi- •our want 'uf a Medical Man in 'Gwierich, and
tion of knowledge N hick wan uselere at the having seboespaeotly reeeived various conunula•
. time, and which could have been teethed wit(, cations tau thea*bjecr, we now consider it a duty
•- far more ease snd•at far less expense at the period to same
ara• to our urrespoo.ee tai a1d to r
when it war required. Thus; • tate hey 11)9111 reader! generallT; that Dr. Mcl)ocu.OLL, from
greener at eight' yeers ol age, but Ile merely Cornwall, bin taken up his residence amongst
1 it by rote be • knows nothingb
about the de, and uuy . cosseited tis intimated by his
structure of language or ibe necessity or Wein- Cuw•
d, Aidoney tae .wand in out advertisiag
' columns . to -day..
the child is superior vin psi.. tical (Iritity just mtogieDt fit saw his p •reser., be thaw efi tie nature, arrd•diabelieal ie lar designs.
tapes of speaking or writing correctly; be is
igneraot of the principles; sod the mauls gene-
miff1 j learned rammer at eight,
' L7 We directantrntros to an important notice
he knows u little of the Eagh.n language at i6 of. the Huron District Building Society wilier)
se though Lindley \hurray or \1'fliim Leanie will be found in oar 'advertising columna. -.on
had written on the *abject.. Tbe lame is the ,.write of which we will ray sou,etLrug in
Abe ease with arithmetic or any -other branch. oar nest.
New Yens, Sept. 11,-7e P. M.
The City of Brooklyn was 01.111d by a
tromend„are cundagrat.un• on 841urday
night. The fire broke dol at 120 Faltun L IODI elle pr 'mien of the subscriber, No.1,
••beet, al half -part rax .; cluck- TWO faun- (j I lin (•00601 seen off the roe, r' ir, ioh
deed bedding. were deetreyed. The beret colored (.X, with a .trip. of white down hu
deittict includes eight blocks In that part u( back, -he had on a bell, and is ioug siren
the 61*7, and a Auupded by Sand, Washing.I year. old. ' Any jnlortuatio• Willett may lead to
tole, Cuts ord, fine -apple, llenry, and Ful- the recovep of him will be liberally rewarded
toe streets.. Among the buildings destroy-
ed are the Post -office, 1st Baptist church,
the Brooklyn Star office, stud very many
tint class stores and &welling,. The entire
loss it estimated at one and a half unlhona
of dollars, a small part of w loch, compara-
tively,insured. 'There was a great scar-
city oI water in the cisterna and wells of
I.tooktyn, and the fire was finaljy arrested
by running lines to the last Boer, and by
blowing up bwldtnke Two
York fire•
roan, and one Brooklyn Mimeo, also a
child, were killed, and seveiral others inter'
ed. There are reports -of two or three other
NOTICE is hereby given, that a M
ING of tlo Sharehultlerr of the 11uien
District Dliildleg Society will take place at
the BRIT1811 HOTEL, on Monday the
Jath tort, at 7 o'clock, P. M., to take into
cuseidaratios the propriety of reducing the
$ban*■ of the Society from $lou to iu0,-
and aucb other matters as may bo bruught
hater• them.
Tbe FEL rue meeting a Mortgage in
favor of the Society wilt is future be Use
Della, in all ordinary eases.
The Treasurer ane l$t'•erelary will be in
attendance at the Office of the Sur lett, (nd-
jnining Mr. tYCowwor'rShore) col Friday
and Saturday between 6 and 7 u'cluek, P.
M., to Melee. 11e reueibly sub•cnplsone,
and utherwi•S attend to the buttons of the
By order.
T1103.1A8 KYDD,
Goderich, Sept. 14th, 1848. 33-2i.t
J. K. GO 01)I N G,
WILL attend SALES in any part of the
1)talnrt, tau reao.uablo Terms. Ap-
ply et the lirlhak Marl.
Goderich, 14th Sept. 1848. 33-
with 860 steerage pas.oueer!,. 0 labra, 22
rcct.nd cabin, and with her crew, had o0
board three hundred and ninety-eight ,per-
sons. Site hid not prcceeded las before
the stiip was on tire' end scarcely bad the
alar, been given when *he wad in a com-
plete blaze. Number• of vessels Mime;
diately proceeded to her arsistauce and nuc
ceeded te.saving 225 living -153 to: be ac--
c-counted, fur..
In the ear:ier part of the weekihere was
a little uneasiness in regard to Fiance, -
Much. apgreitension
iance.-Much.apprebeuaou exists 10 refereucn to
the probability of another outbreak in Paris,'
and the occurrence%• of the week seem. to
dhow cause tui laic alarm ao gcuerallyy ex-
'i'he Italian quesuun ie yet unsettled.
The m*n+tealatio1s that have 'taken place
by the peuple, *(low that the spired art re=
ustcnee lad not been quelled by recent :O-
verlies. Charles A*bert's•addrerdea evince
• Se long as the bey canoe, perceive the utility of' Lnabnled couraj r
. and the turposes ,NI:ah, tf.i•y a ,a ler' Mla-qute' 'art .hear an •A ilea,• -on Tena Unttr ei and rii.omr •,Cit 1•a, lair -..lar a.crJC
1 au•:e 1u•- lire -1100.5 til E:dwaid Iakaster.
hs will liars with 8ifficulty and forger .. , ea •;. par ,
t Ihsetield read, at7 o'clock.
Is abort, a teacher is just reel-u,-;•i*t rcseua-
"fishing the purposes of ell edockti. n, in.p00- j , We have sot received the Ansel number
portion as he eat bib roil •roses his pupil m {f
af the Victoria' M1agulne
comprehend the meanies. the precipice, mad
practical application of rhe rety.ectw' le breeches '.
and confidence. The in-
i mots tel -the r:: ' On 1Vednesday escnior tete 29th instant,
It;: sin longi. as he is 1 p t , t..r triune Iet Yrxrce aid`. Enkl;,md' con -
Nine Srev,r,;-We have been Worm-
ed tlir.T:tlr. Stough. Deputy Provincial-Ser-
vc) or, is now owing through a tract 'of
cokntry from the Garafraxa Road to Like
Huron, of greet beauty.and fertility. Some
idea of the abundance of water privileges
may be formed from the fact, that in the
course of fifteen •nide. he bas crossed the
River lalangine smarm tunes. Ice., there=
fore, more than probable that the locating
of thalami well be deferre until an oppor-
tunity is afforded of making s further sur-
vey, with a view of discovering a line .of
road more easily made. The survey, 11)
course of being muds by •Mr. Rankle atadi
Mr. Gibson, respectively, will soon be com-
pleted, when an irumcnee amount of land'
will be available fur 'settlement, on easy
cond,tfons. %1'e -have reason to complain
011e want of judgment manifested in the
laying out of the leading. thoroughfares,-
lar Sunnulale, fn{ instance, wtich• coctans
a great quantity, of very excellent land, the
road poses through the worst part thereof,
and at impression is made on the minds-oi
those passing through in quest of hoe:.lions,
of a %sly unfavourable and erroneouschataa-
ter,-13arrre Mame.
which he teaches. Bul w lung as reading. and to 000 EDITOR o
P vert ut:rtov e1hY.L
to Austria and.the-'rarkfoit Assembly a
readusese to be contented with the frontier
of the Adige-loortpg Lombardy to„join.
itself to -Paedrtteut or Switzerland. ,
Writing, and aritbmet.e, and fomenter, and gee-. 816,-Il*oiug observed as editorial paragraph
• grepby, ars merely heard by rote, tney are not, and a cornmuaieatiun signed " W. Smith," i6
altogether aarlcss, but they re cenuoly tate+:- the list Gazette, reepectiog the late "disruption',
- gated" to -be of comparatively Uulo permaaeot in :hat office, in which my character is mat
bese6L •violently mailed, and •in which charges arc
• I have often ref/mall is ape tie fondness with indirectly. made which have not the slightest
which parents boast of tbeetteismeeu of•elever foundation,, except in the half-0mA. brain of
children, Who have mach !grill -tyke remember. their •uhor-ani which could only have been
• an -word., and why wife •-repeat surest aDy4111eb' y -j'1 such • worthless and reckless character
amount ofhymns, psalms. perep!.raeee, ehapters, u W. Srlru-1 embrace the present epportu-
and so forth, from memory, and are at the same nily.of makioy a kw remarks on the subject.
Lime totally incapabie of aoder•tanding their Respecting •he period that I was in the em -
own language. The intention of the parents in ployment 0t Mr. Giles, I have only to stag that
cultivating this exercise, may be very sincere I defy him to prove, by any rrediMe witoees, that
and very ioue, but they are just indulging and 1 wits either inattentive or neg!!o,ent in attending
nourishing one of the inferior mental faculties, o his buinrss ; or that 1 injured 1110 property in
(the faculty of language) to t=e certain detri- any. shape or form whatever. And w *bon s•
meat of the other -powers of the mind. This he hats it couveree:+t to pay me the balance of
incessant exercise 101 cu!tnre of a particular my wage,-wl+ich in no doubt a trifle in his eye*
faculty which nature has sent into the world in wl,eo canpar1J .to the almost n,calculable
an extra developement, will, in the mrjor!ty of amount of business wpich he transacts in drat
cases, se nbserurt the natural growth of the line -I may imagine that he is entitled to the
system, u to occasion indifferent health and appellation of an honest mon, or perhaps to that
short lit, ; hence the fact, that the prodigies of is' :ch he inure earnestly covets, gentleman.
childhood's intellect geoers:iy fill premature Vii. ile scrap of Latin which he would apply to
graves. And where they are no; killed by this me, more properly belongs to his " ratan of all
inerrant drudgery in exercisin; verbal memory ,ro,k" W. Smite, --sad this he may yet du -
they mire at matorityin the shape of e. greet cover.
volsoility of worn--• kind of speakingrnachines, The communication signed W. Smith, is
having mach round and little sense. scarcely worthy of notice. Ile is too despica-
The most careless observer cannot have over• file a character to give weisht to any statement,
looked the fact that there are Rome individuals however trifling. where he is known ; and were
who can learn a many word. -can commit an n nut for etre information of those who may not
mach composition w memory in one ley, u know him, I would not consider bis foul abuse
others could do in a month ; and tush is also the worthy of nonce. Ile is • poor, miserable,
ease with arithmetic or any other branch. These character, of the lowest description, who has ac
clever one am the few -they form the exception respect either 1.4 himself or any one else ; a
end not the rule ; but their cleverness is taken mere hanger-on at the Gasette, engaged to du
for the rule, a the grand error of common edu- all its "dirt, work" in consideration of a wtfi-
catton, is the recognised idea that all minds •tangy to enable him to dew out a miserable
should be equalhy susceptible of all impression,- existence, which is a bertha° to himself and a
that the boys who learn with the greatest arse nuisance to all within the reach of his slanderous
should be rewanled for their abilities, and that longue. If such a character a Smith sen give
those who are dull should be hammered sod weight a such charges as those made against
bulled for lagging behind their eupenera nut me -not oue of which, he can prove -then 1
the dell ereaare2 are the objects of cnmmeera- misfit exclaim with him, " farewell to all my
tion. The few learn almost without an effort : greatoesa."
but it is all labour, task work, 511011y end endo- it is almost needless to deny the base Insinua-
resee to rhe many. Wisdom, result.ng from lions of W. Smtth, with respect to .the type
experience, says, that the proper method of col- whieh he pretends were found near the premises,
Colborne, 141h•Sept. lt-ty. 33-
TILE Subscribers in ncknowled`ing the
liberal patronage which they Aare re-
ceived dung their.residence in Gwlerrcb,
would' respectfully request the inweellate
settlement of all. account, due to the firm,
this da'e.--
e' book from t f
u their r
u they ch ee
Attention' to tine notice will save costs;
Guderich, 8th Sept., 11148. 32ef
LVDLI Z$T /t'UF:G:11.4 x7G'1C1'Z'277.3 ft
THE only SAVE awl
SURE itl.SILDY fur
I111Et:Y.1'I1.".tl: argil fir•
serer 1..1.4 so ,*units tits
dread[•! •CuWYta,u,, wbeu
pep»til! spelled. i3'ru.
MF.AII:I N E etrade above all erasers .e( the keel,
and the proof of lir Aril to is in sale$ it. 11
lief&& rel 11.. .a.„truer mf rain pellagra* ens'
dry perinea, (nu one kuaw, who.) ie prove its
I -3'V. It-1Vheleerle buyers treated est &Ate-
ra1 'Terms.
Fpr Sale by C. Ce•ar, site .\gent for tees&
QJ' :lone Gessitw unless signed Ili. BOY!)
riflei; V,Yt DOtt•4R I'CR BOTTLE.
AL$(.-Dwaseses'. COUGH 1)ROPet, a
Certain Remedy for Coughs, t'old., d.e...tc.-
Patca-Is. 3d. par rutile.
Detroit, Michigan, July 4th, 1846. 2G -if
t"tvttf; Retrecrtber hereby intimates, That he
has now on terms •uf tease area part
ownership, the entire ulamagp(ein.'nt of the
Godurich Mille, and that 1.o"1a prepared to
pay cash for any quantity of :oud userchant-
able Wheat at the sa,4 Sittig; provt:ed the
rime be delivered there in time for manufac-
ture before the. clow of theri v g ti Pl.
Gunmen 311 LLs. t
September 5th, 1848• S
We are in pottseeeion of papers from the
city of Guatemala to the 3d of July, and
learn that the country continues in the came
disturbed slate as heretofore -no boiler, no
worse. `Some intsunderetanding ippcar* to
have arisen between the government and
the French consul, the following ab*tact of
the particulars of winch. wo copy frutn the
Official Gazette :-
Last week an imPailli It •unit fi-alma•: in
the political annals of oar country took
place: Mr.-Challaye, the French consul
general aJlntertm in Guatemala, ceased cz-
erclr:ng hie functions with this republic, and
as the cause for eu doing appears tu-.proceed
limn soma offensive' publication in the
00 consider tt neceea°ry badly
w exploit) what happened.
On Sunday, the 11th instant, the consul
convoked at his house ail the French ctrl-
zens in Gmatemala, with the view of adopt-
ing some resolutions manifesting to the
provisional government their adherence.to
tt:e French Rej•ublid. At that meeting
ruu,c ditlerence of opinioa occurred, and a
protest was presented to the consul against
the malevolent sentiments which they, the
rgaes supposed the editors of this Gazette
expressed toward France, and the euvcrn-
ment recently established.
The consul, who ryes regiested to certify
to tbo protest, that it might be printed,
thought proper to adopt It •e his own, and
lie filet signed it with nineteen art his fel-
low careens, and without any eo,nmunica•
Hun with this government, addressed a store
10 it on the lith met, with the protest en-
closed, at the axone 1-11110 making the perctn-
tory and extraordinary demands hereafter
alluded to. Here we ought to observe that
the consul, by adopting and signing the
document, confounded hu official character
with that of his compatriots, and expresses
himself warmly aga;not what ho thinks to
be the political tendency of thiezuvernment,
and he appears to ur dolorous of suppress-
ing public uptslon In the country in which
he resider.
After assuming that every thing mention-
ed in the protest was enmity true, tnuugh
many of them might be considered as asser-
tions wittleut prude. and ought well be con-
sidered as very necee*ary declamation, the
consul declares that he think,' it iiselutely
necessary to demand that hie letter ar.d piss
test should be puh!tehed in the next week'
se i am 'quite satisfied that it was • cunning (iaartte, both n1 French and Spanish, with
device tramped rap by his employer and himself, nut any deviation whatever from the origin -
to impeach my honesty, and to give a coloring .le, and that they should be in the first page
to the anjs.t manner in which i war newts' by and first column, end to appear as the first
tinting the human mind, conei,te in gently
restraining those faculties which are naturally
over -active, and carefully and frequently exercis-
ing such es are dell, M an to predate a healthy,
welt-balaseed Mien is the intik mourn.
Qi'1 t apposes that a kite eopy of the late Ireton
Gazette, addressed to a printer In Hamilton, .ad
entwining some extraaeuus words printed on die
margin. war mailed Is the Uodeneb Post O6iee;
p 32tf
THE E Subscriber will pay cash at the
Goderich Mills hit Goud Black Cherry
Saw -Loge, sod will saw any other descrip-
tion of good Sat111-Lugs fur any partied 00
shares. WM1. PIPER.
Gooe&icn Metra•,
September 5th, .1848. S 3211
THE next sittings of the DIVISION
COURT will be held et the sol, Gent -
Fuss.. -on Monday night last about is Clg
,rich, 00 Saturday the 7th deem} lktobet
01,1. w'e were ularuvedby t{ie cry r lire. next, \It IIU..1\.
Clerk 1st hiriatun Coli,1.
Goderich, Sept. 6th, 1840. 3211:
eaacendtng from the stables and out-
houses in the rear of • range of stone build-
ings in the western pan of the .Town, be-
longing to George Criwford, Esquire. -
Fortunately the night being calm the fire
was, by the exertion of our townsmen, con-
fined to the building in which It originated.
.Mr. Crawford'* loss is about JAW, there
being no insurance on the property. The
bre is supposed to have originated from hot
sakes deposited to the premises by a care-
less servant. •
Although in this instance the exertions
B"1r .grT1roRITY..
iIURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of taro
re frit: S writs of At-
tachment tuned out of the District Coern,
and Court of Qneen's Bench, and to n.di'
reeled against the estate real es well so
personal, of Henry Elliott, en-abrcusding
or concealed debtor at 11,e respective smote.
of Thomas Gilmour fuf the sum .of twenty
four pounds six shilling* and three peace.
and of Robert Sluderwell for the out of ,
thirty one pounds, ten shillings and six-
pence; I Hare merited •aaef taken all the carate
reals -well ei personal of the' said Henry
Elliott, and unless. the .sai;l Henry Ed,ott
return %whine the Jurisdiction of the .aid
Court, and put to batt to the actions *Ant
three calender months or canoe the same lar
be dtschari;ed, all the teal and personal
estateof the said Henry -Elliott, tar 00 nluela • -
1 thereof an may 'be nee'essary,-.will be held .-
liable for the payment, benefit end sattefaco
trio of the said clarets.
J. SielYVNAI.D, Shrniff 11. D.
0f eritit c °,nice, )
Godrtisr.:-th preheat,- Ie't•f2. s, 31031.
SiM:RIPE'S ,S..4 LE.
rS1IIE Copartnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned. (under the
firm, of Gooding and Lancaster, Innkeep-
ers') is this day dissolved by mutual con-
J. K. ccwnfN;c,
IIURON DISTRICT, Y rirtw of • a•
Tu 11il: B writ of fieri
Patios, testae,( out of Her geje..aty's ]aurin
District Court, and to. me directed agstnrt -
the bands and 'l'cnemeute of Thomas
Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; 1 hese
seized and taken in Ejiecutioit ss., belong-
ing totter said Thema. Charles, Let nioll-
ber three, on the North ode of Ea -t street,
or 1.,t running number one thousand and
used were crowned meth as thin., oe fur et _ three sn the town of Goderich, containing
theaprendtng of the fire was concerned, yet' o business thrill. be continued, and all one-quarter et an acro of Land, be the same
it war very evident that tion hi great de- Thoutstanding Recounts duo by and to the more or lead with thu Budding, un the wind
ficiency of means for the auppressioa of Lot erected; which 1 shall oder for sale et ,
the Court llausc In the town of (iodcncls,
en"Sartrr*fap the eSth--rery--of- Nevenrbee---
next, at the hour of 114 eclock boon. -
J. MleDONALli, Skrriff 11. D.
Snosiro s Orrice, .
Godencb,21stAugUkt, 1848. .3u.30
Sheriff's aalc of £anal. -
fires an our town. Had it not been for the
uncommon stillness of the night much and
great d*.,trectlou of property would have
maimed. The matter In one that deserves
the careful consideration of our Board of
them. This statement I weeld pet smith to
the trouble of proving were it not for the utter
contempt which 1 feel for such a charade,. The
defrauJrog the revenue consisted in my ha.isg
printed a letter and enclosed it in an eavelepe-
for which 1 paid pester. I am get serprised et
,titarkris. -
Tunoero, Sept. 7, 1949.
FLuce.. - Transactuos before aortal of the
Niagara, 23. 3d a 232 9d, el•J fine; recce the
firm wall be settled by the undersigned.
Goderich, 3thRipt 1878 39(1
(1.1. person. indebted to BRE\1'STER
Is. k SMART, through the agency of
the Subscriber, are requested 10 petite their
accounts lulmedlatly either arrh hum or
with Mr. Gecrge Frazer, Goderich, and
save coats.
Godeneh, It'h Sept., 1siit 330
HURON DISTRICP,t131' virtue of a
To 11`11: writ of Ferri
Facies, issued out of Ier JIIaJLet)e'a Huron
_. _ _ Memel. Court,wnd to me drreete4 ageinet
new. all 'draftee hu takes place, and sales have a g` a r the lands and Tenements of Gsrvn Ilnnul-
been effected at 2.1. W • 25. Gel. Not much is i• 1laOatiR LOOK. 11'1 I'Iilti, tun at the salt of J••eaua Calloway, 1 h rye
et ROOTS and SHOES of seized aid taken in Execntion, Park Lot Cheapest , number one, on tate North side ut M lbourno
gaud quality ever offered for alt to
',toot, and Lot number forty, on the East
this Mullet. The subscriber in leaving' aide of \Vellington street In the too of
ii..Jsrtc'n returns his MOMS! thinks for the Albert, which Lands I shall offer r sa:e on
_ltpgcwt he received while in bu.mess Isere, Saturday, the 25th day of November Igmoer nix•.
reel now offers for .ale the rrmauader of hu at the hour of 12 oclock noon, at the Co, rt
stock. rumprsas,g in haute and Shoes ahn,t mu., in the Iowa of Grrlunch.
three hundred parry, at about ono half the
J. Mc1$jN1tLU, Nkrridll. D.
usual prices current here; call and see.- SKttatft:. Deride,
All those indebted to him either by note or Goderich, 13th Augur', 1348• 3,n29
book aecmm t, will please call and settle
MonTRrit, Sept. 7. immediately and nave 1 -lets. t p
FLOCK firm -28.9.1 ..y • _. to 29. is *eked for good GII.BERT PORTE. 5htrlff !! 9 ilc of jr*a1Ja8.
brands So offering freely t 27s 6rf with (;odenrh, WWI. 1. i848. 3111
artie.e, hence giving the pre(•:eoee to las
communication to any thing, however mit-
portant. the Government moths. wish to
make public. with other humthnting refine
•snore ; concluding with • declesetion that
it was hu firm rletorminaron not to enter
11110 any eorrespoedeese, red that be would
\Verse -Before arrival of steamer, highest
price paid fur Fall Wheat, 4s lOd; since the news
5. id a 5s 3d; receipts light, owing to the far-
mers being engaged in seeding.
OerILAL'2e .-20. a 2 6J per 224 lbw
Por B.Kur.-26, 3,1 per 200 lbwma
Bur. -Ude 6d, in Kegs.
No disposition to sell on the pert of Flour
holden until arrival of steamer, hourly expected.
sales at 27s.
WHO vr-('pper Canada mixed, 6. Id.
Oareur..-Salsa fur delivery, rad all this
month, at tie.
Asxn-tis to tie 3d for Pots, and 27s 9d to
27s 1014 for Peetl..
Pon firm at 72.61 to 73e 9d for Mesa; 6246J
to 63s 9d hoe Prune Mlese, and 50. to 52e 6d for
Freighte to London and the Clyde 4s 31 fur
Flour; and tie fel to 321 for Althea.
pt a 11) s.
On the 7th inst., at ties advanced ren of
Mr, Timers 9.4n,, a native rat kllkeeny in
Ireland, and for twelve years a residealer of this
On i11. 1111* ipso., Mr. - McC*cis., (armor.
Colhorne, father of the boy why we. lately
i)n. 1. A. MI I)OUGAL.I.,
CAN he contrite(' at all Annie, el the
British Hotel, (La Tata')
Gujesfslt, sept. 1304 184& Si+
11i1:.1"I' W.%N'1'I:U.
0AS1i paid for 1'.111.1. 1V11E.1T t111 the
20th day at thus Isestb.
C. CR.1BR.
Godericb, Sept. 1, 1848. 31141
rill IE sub•c•iber begs leave to Infirm the
• 11 Farmers an4 the public tin gene el, Stet
he will yell ISM I I' and 01IOIi$ Admirer;
for rash, than they an he psteh.setl elm-
where in this (cont►y. Inlenfieg per.
rhseere are reqiieeled to call mad examine
for thenuelvea, at Ms Mao ell Ligbtheuse
street, near the Ikllhh U,iel.•
Igo has also a Hues, Wanes sod Her -
neap, which he will sell Onager thee the
Gnderich, Sept. 1, 1348. SnI
A1.a11N fOUS1.,
.1 1MF>t' Street, one door west of the
t:umm erciel Bank, llanolton, by
January, 1848. 1. ES' MON DE.
HURON i1ISTRIC1',It Y vi'tnc i.1 a
7'o 1111: writ art Fr. 1
t•.ned out . 1 Her 11,j' -it's lino it
District 1',0rt. and to me dirt ,•tc I agree -1,
the I.antls and Tenements o1 Richard 1),.
lington, at the sun nal Robert I'mik; 1 lyra
seised and tak,rn ,n i:a,•cuti.,n, bot numb.-.
(,ar in the .venth Cotecesstun, E. 11. in
the 'l'••Murbsp of Coll..roe, c"nt.16I I IOU
et Ie.; which Lands I.Mlt utfcr for sa.r at
the your' Hoot,. us try• town of (iodeneh
N•ttlr,iev, the With day til Nuvivabcli
seat, a1 the how ml 14 .icL-.•11 noon.
J. Nrl)t)N 111.1), Nkerid 11. 1).
F1►,.Ktr,•e i 1rncK,
f .deren, thin A.tguei, 1141. $ aur.".l
1.1. persons in.lebtnd to the erste of
IL the late W11,1.1.1:4 Di'1"r(1N. ere 00-
y ietot .1 to petit.. their aecotist* ietmtnlolu.
ly ur tine), wtilote pieced in Iiso atonia lar
collection wit! 1 further 11.100.
'I iit)m. N Di'l"IY)N,
.jut1UN L.ANCAST):R.
Goderich, July g4, 1841. to Ifi