HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-15, Page 2h iY it• n M O D A IL 7 0 si 1t vei WNW iota her. tkat ills Wit.. ate ad eewsafewat, traitress la support of this tbeury, taleulaIed every uses except Mrs.. Slate hetterlr. 1 am to excite the meet abeurbtng tun:m.1 111 5161 au ave about 101, but think rhe too I. every tread that es adequat. ly immersed to Ow *uwu seer." with the &meet teams of the seIo ice ul human Nye, at so happened, that Mrs. Blaru's life. Thu writer .syr:- ."There is mane little pi hove porker tied Itoirouui wore featly a ii t.hauirui, In the periphery (of the dirt City utf tis lo1414), and the door beteg brain), foam *Audi the "emotive nerves cuut- upvu, r.v.•ry word of this umh.ppy uteemego teepee, as weal as la the centre, appropriate war peiLctly auii,Ie to the lee roue and to the inner or ganglionic meehanisw.- ••pprogreJ dame. They fell on her ear like Elie doctruw of multcular organizetlons I'm teal utasi et death, and were mute *Rhin urg.n.sed structures, ruck as that it than her aplri1 ur frame could bear. She shatl curre.pund aoa b0 appropriate to grew w..ree trona th..t'ninety, ane raved all given stimuli, received by -appropriate or - the teght, and ural day she ens so much gine, u.cers.auly conetitutee, the basis ui alered that they mat loudly uuslet*r, who all antitumor Into the laws of action to there tried her with some religious consolation, structure., Aud tl.ere ran be nu doubt but :Ins euuid eley au-w.'r bins w,rh .• 10.• snch le the magniheent umfunmly in the niartieulale ruvu.gs. It w.t currently ren immense dner.rty vt creation, that the law• purr) tent the Inst word* she ever -'peke of action of the agent and reagent is viral were tbe.e:-'1'ne parson war saying sumo- p,ireuuirea, me as definite as those opera - thine ..f the evil [Were set vin, when she ting to. chemical phenomena, could we but uluke nit aloud mitt, •' Ouwy, sir ! ou ay ! effect a rutlicier.tly '.euro analysis and in- au',a fur the rake u tinning tau ! That's duction." Vie Varlet u't ! Nu '.e aiik gown ora pe Such the materialism fur which 1, as a Used muesli thorn s'!" Theis titter two ur ptirenologut, contend, not that tilted is -three laud crude of di..treys, pour Mrs. Blare brain, or that brain is meed, ur that the yielded up the ghost; sod loft )Ie militate( nervous Auld is mind, bet that roan, phyto and liar attendants quite dumloundered. catty, morally, and ntc!lecivally, 11 a rubor- . climate part of 114e universe; and, as such, all the phaseoeaa of his bung depends up- - Mien TUL xtu4TRB41. Tafinca1R. on natural (muses, cunsequeuI v, all hie puwte0 and, faculties may he modified and PIIICKNOLOGI'..-\u. VI. • unproved, by his knowledge of and has ubu- - dience to, the law. of his orgamzatiun.- This subject will be continued in my meal: • G. 'IL Montreal, August, 1848. " We will analyse - the ilear of the part by the reality that's here." It hat beeu asierted that -Phrenology is nutheigbut a Fy.t. m of Materialism, which, 14 •JtwUcJ to bo true, would 4ee..1. the wind to a niece ph; steal theelur1:,. sad an- atbJate all uur gwreaus Luper et' tumor. , tidily. • If thus a 1.4 stake such ubjectionscould ' de4ue to; ultimate pnuc;pies uf matter, and tome 'hit it -was itce•mpatibtc with.Ibe cbarector' of. Deity tfiat he ghuuld canter s ta.ing, immured exret00Ce en any portion of mere poricip1ca then the ubjeCIIon would have souse f .ver; but as We kuow a. hide ..i tie real e..uoce ul tuatter as we de about spirit, the ohjeettuu `must go tar Its owe weight in big:,try.nnJ dssuniptiun. Although modern clnwlatry has dittri- buted matter tutu noire than fifty etewente, or s.wpte si•b.tances, yet it is trident that the real ultwta4e p,'cipIca cf matter must Consist of a much mealier nuteher; and in- deed, trete tare aualogicallaductiuca of phi- lump/aura ut the pt...swt day, there are molly and strong reseent for auppoaung that there Is but mud simple elewenl, or e_seuec, o4 ail matter. Here It may bo hinted that .1 am advanc- ing mere supp„sttit.n, to the place of sound and legitimate argument, -conduct agawrt ' which 1 mu so ready to warn others.- GrauteJ: but you will.obeerve that 1 do out advance tto.0 wppurfnlona as argument*, but merely as ateuttact to counter supplort- oups winch would hunt rho ability ut the Almighty (runt cunfernug immortality upon anything bat af4ud0ti:rable nothinee called spirit. - I. Phyeiolugy trachea us that the broil'''. an organ so:nee hat analogous to a galvanic battery, during hic.cuntinually eluminating an'etheual fiend upon the due evolution ut whldh the proper manifestation ot mind seam' to depend. Who knows but this ethereal dutd-114rs'nerve galvaneid essence of -matter-this Mightiest impunderable ageatthei rp,ritlual reality; for 1 care not • what you call at, only conrider It aomethiag ruse: who kouws but Om, flout 1t. very nature, and itis relations to the great myste- rlout Reality of the Universe, may be as iin..turtel ad the Deity biniselt F Who kou'wa 1 Noce. Then let none ,presume to aucu_e I'atenulogy' et'Inatcrlahruf, fur they 64:0.4 1Iu_r.t: j ao..:t the matter.-- .N.Lveetheless, !kc pow.. of the voltaic b,1i-- trey is in proportion lode number of plates, . &Niue conditions being equal. - As there May be some who do not under- stand what 1 wean by the analogy between Vie action' of the brain and a galvanic bat- tery, I will give a'sketch of some expert inmate that were perfumed by Dr. Urs, in the presence of • Dr. JetCries and several other datmgurshed professors, at the Uui- versity ot Glasgow. The, subject was the body of a murderer. Ile was a middle- .:. J, athletic, and extremely Imscula( wan, aged about thirty, and had been aus- pr:tiJe.t about an huur. lie wet brought to the analutwcal theatre about ten wloutee after being cut dos n, and bis Jae., wore a perfect!!! natutalaspect, Id the lirrl•expeuu,CUt, the pointed rod come:clod with uuo end 0t the battery, was brought futy contact with the "peal mar• row, immediately below its union with the brain, and Ihe,other rod was 'applied to the sciatic nerve, on the back of the thigh.- Every Muscle of the body was immediately Outten helm convulsive movement, as it shudJerng-violently !rum cold. Oar rod having been removed to - the heel, Owlet having been previously bent, it wet extend- ed with so touch force that it pearly upi * coot, of the operators who as exerting all lids strength to prevent it. in the .s.00Dd ezperi.ncdt, the nerves and mu.cice .00nccted with rospirutlon. wen in-" Retraced by the galvanic current, and the area was truly. wonderful. Full laburiou. ' 1reatring tn.tautiy cuiauienceJ. The chest belted std tell he burly rose and c ,Ilapr- eJ, with the rclvrxlog and rct;lvng ilia pbragn'; and the eve n: mud aa lung as the ,pgaltanle ♦ischarges were given. • Iu 11.BEA experiment, une rod was con- , mectwl t,rth the r•yu-brow, and the other • with t4u bed. Every muscle of the coun • ten.0c0 was thrown Iutu convulsive mutton, and softly pAlslun ut the mind became tear - tally cwaudhrd. In rage, hotter, de. -pair, anguish, and gli wily smiler, the cspressio,i� . of the wurdereffr taco Lr surpassed .the w..st perl.et reprosentattotu of a Fuseli or A Kuri. Gee geatleirs.lm who nae present at 114w awful exaitotivn rotated, and several cohere were compel.ed W leave the loofa, ---ghrettg1-ar(roror tai.Gtikles. --- j4 Us. 1 l• anJTaat.stpchtnent,.O0e of thaaims w•as c,ec101(4a w nen the fingers" watt Stun,;4t uteihly liteatime like thew et a violet player. ' he first being . "mei" well a poverty. 1t 44 the so,elated, awn of the x4144 Ivaapplied to the 1 which pre.eeeee from moral corruption.(- -•T et tiro fare-ftagrr, when at instantly ex- 1 %Vere Industry duly arrd untrereally mete - •3, and taws the nl,1(4)114 04 the atm, 71! tater! in youth, and enit,htened, encout- .wed as It were p..itttog to the def rata I aged, and Mannered, we should have meth aroutalure; suite; of Whew Ili"ught he ha Itea. aced of eels, and poor houses, and come to 1.'0. Is Ibure ,•ecru.}cots, theI opine of lawyers, than we hate now-th pur,trt0 pita: of wire CJnnoeted tutu lire: items of expense• that consume much hatt..ry ,was •iiellt"l to rho fle/Peil add the I uur aub:tence. The late bishop Arbery, negative with tire muscle. 1 having, in one of his sermon', off•red •s pt .hoot H the subject had i ,ter reproof to thee, aho neglect the do. Dr. Ulm :duty !k b p8 not lost so tiwco blo.•d by the lo.is.uns ty to their ehtldren, of bringing them up moire lir different parts of the body, w' get 1with moral and industrious habit., welding - at the uer,es. res,,ua,on, circulation, ,n ly pooled and eanfeNot you wi.l say thio ford tie /ter(i wu tld have bean Teetered. Ila Wird ! Alt. Ir,4 he, letting his In the Du.n,rr of the llrilis!s American I voice fall to a 1 .* •oft key, " it i• her- Je .-°cal of .ihJ.cal and Physical Sc(t•nce! dor to bo damned !" Arid temporally 'meek- refitstor Juno 1815, there 1r an article us the tag, it i1 harder to see rho. is the jell or tom:tr0 s of the brain, by 1)r. Lay- poor bou,o, or vagaboalsat large .-.1a.ey- tlack, which is replete with facts slid :litho , ,,,ease THE -ANGLO-SAXON." it is"a fact well worthy of ,notice, that The .'laglo Sazoav,tbe Phenotypic news. paper published in this city. by Andrews and Boyle, has attained the extraordinary circulation Orris thousand, weekly, in little more than ono year since its establishment. The is cis/lately -one of the boldest at- tempts at innovation on a large scale that we have ever known, and is, so far, decided- ly one 011ie most euceesaful• Phonotypy and Phobogrsphy tngeth.r, constitute what is -known as ••the Language Refurro," or "the Writing and Spelhilg Reformation." We have heretofore spoken approvingly -of tltti'prideipto Which Cos at • the hotter rf this movement ; but apart from its merits, the fact that a fauplx. newspaper in 1145 English language,• printed in an entirely new system of spelling words, with an al• phab.•t efforts -two lettere. instead of the twenty-six old •stagers which have *cried our forefathers, is liberally sustained, and that its circulation in rapidly inerearing, is one of the most striking aed singular mousse of the nineteenth twittery. The .heel Heel( is one of the '" curiosities of literature.' To the uninformed eye, it map seem the abiurdesl tbing,imaginabte but the reputation of it* COOJuavrs fur ecbularehip, the fact that their labor. are Dot only approved and' sanctioned, but warmly advocated, -by. some of the :wort learned societies and individuals in the coubtry, and by many of the most interest- ed in education, together with the success whteb accompanies the undertaking, should it least render those who haw nut tho- roughly studied Ita principles and under- stood Its adtantage., somewhat modest in condemning it. Phonography, a kind of rapid and mien - titre short hent, is rapidly corning into use for'verbatim reporting and even for 'letter - SCOTLAND. The Duchess of Argyll was safely deli. - seed ut r sunt on Sealey be'enight. The Duchess awl intuit are pregrevatng must 4,0rsb '101'be 1)uly.tch fishermen are busy plying their avecatien off Csrtbaese, Aberdeen, and WW1 -where they are pretty succes.- lul. Potatoes in Glasgow, since the som- nencen.ent of lest week, have considerably declined in plc.. They are now to be had by retail at irons Old. to Sol. per •tune. Ilea MAuxarr'r Ville Tu DaLHuaaL.- 1Ve understood that some funistyti.gs have hese supplied lar the Queues Highland 1401,10, Ita:wural, and that several uroau.eo• tel bridges aro beteg constructed over the Dee, ar It rune thruugh souse of the walks chalked out in the royal domain.-:dbcrdeea Nr,ulJ, GL•soow Mimics or Rr:raALItas.- Tu•-adey night a meeting of the.* person• wok place in the Green, but as mintier the Clltxenr nor the police have now any pati- ence with such lueulcit di.wrbers, the po- lices wore tutued out w force, and the um - meet the gallant repealer.' abutted the ulheer., they took to their heels as 11 a whole legion et road dugs had been after them. '►'live were amuse bard kuoekr giv- en to Sway who slid nut reeve di.posed to exert their locomotive power* to the ut- moot, and we Widened a few hlrphng home atter the ditpersiun, quite cbuplailon.-Cun- se(tatiuRuf. M. GuzoT.=Although 111. Guizot bat renounced his wientien of taktug up le. re,ideace to St. Andrews, it 4r understuu4 that hwintehtls honouring tbe ancient city with a visit to the beg.nu.ng of August. 'I'He CALED0\IA', I(AILWST STATIu!1 t� A :hTkEe:T.-It shards us much plea- sure to state that this lung-dl•puted quer stun is !bps week deliuilely,,scttled, red that the railway crur.ing to Argyll Street bar been sanctioned by the Peers. The only ofposition to the omesure latterly was from a law proprietors : the Rivet Trust, the TowIl Cuuncd, all the other public tnterats to the ctty,_havmg given in their adhesion to the massive as one of groat public im- portaoce.-G/eugow Harold. Dkra bwpl Morn ACROSS THx MORAT FI*TU.-OO Saturday .turning, as the crew of a coal vessel, discharging in the Bay of Milton of Cu1Luten, were bury, along with the farm -servants of Allanteare, they obser- ved with astonishment a -fine deer nearing them, and. atter swimming across 114p firth' bunt the Ross -shire side, a distance of a- bout three miles, the denizen of the forest reeled Its weary limbs on the first heap of sea -ware it met with on terra firma, ,guile close to the ship. Some of the crew s1- tempted a salvage; but the noble anima: scampered off tote* wuurht of Culloden, at such a, pace as blade it rata fur the swdt- est'marmer to give chase.-Iareeness Cou- rier. - . 1NCAnCIIATIO.f Or BAIL'S STOTT.-Till, Charnel Magistrate ut • Edinburgh has crowned hie recent career by deliberately preferring the interior of a jai to the pay- ment of her legal ubligatrons in the shape of the Annuity -tax. Baihe Ston has thus done alt that hes to hut power as a magis- trate and.aeitizen to excite& general duo- bedtence of the law embegst those who age already too apt to adopt a course of violence without the stimulus of such examples by n,en in authority. Ten Hxaatxa Tartest AT Wlct.-Unfa- wriuo It is undoubtedly the must rtecl vour.ble weather proveuted a general pro- $• y pis ccuuon of the fishing, nut only bete, but , system of writing ever invented. The over the whole east cua.t of Scotland, os mous expenditure, especially in the preparedMau most obvions and immediate use of Phone- the evenings of 'l'hereday and Friday last. to 14 .1 Jamaica, I mugt.,ie. 1 us typy; is Its influence in correcting the Glee !'lie entire quantity caught, up to hart _week, to h0,d out 40 the colonic. this pru.pect hahrts,uf prononnciatioe. A year'.. reading a1 � way bo estimated at average of 13 Clans of relict -at leant that there e..:.a ed as1 of The Anglo Sawa, for this purpose only, r boat At the same data of tart oar there ought )u ,be, a roost Jctcruenat- must be worth fag more, as a means of fa1u- ly education, than its subscription price of two dollars, and even more 'than years of systemetie study devoted to pronouncing dictionaries. Children read the paper at 011ee, prompted •by mete curiosity at its novelty ; soil rnc.Jentall f they learn the trite pronnunciation of every word in the language-Phoaotypy beteg an exact re- .1lcrcary ; Mr Gunn of the I:dirirrgk Coe. rust ; Sir Drummond of the II'Urrse ; Mt Au ken, ufthe 4'cul1iah Press; MrDalaniiie, of }:dtuburgh, kc. The cloth hay.ug been witIolmell, the chairman gave the usual loyal and petriuie luaus. lo ginng the toast of the evening, via., "Tb ,Newspaper !'rasa of Idiaburgh and Glugow. the chairman took oecaion to rider to the ad- vantage* which the members uf the profes- sion had already dented, and were likely .til to obtain, Irons their amuse! re -union* ; while they brought the members ite be acquainted with each other, they (touted a hued ut Lrulherluud that cuuld nut but pruto advsutage, u► l0 all epithetical with IJ.e pre.. of the eastern and western wetrup- 015.09. A variety of I, gals appropriately prefaced, were giteu and responded Several cxcelteui swigs were rung by gen- tlemen present ; and eller epenJuig a wort happy summon, the par.y booker up, just ,n lame to catch the lateen eveuilg trains to their respuetive cuter. -Glasgow Chroni- cle. DEATH iv Daowmae.-On Saturday, the :9d 1411. a man attic name of J».eph Ander- son, a native of Ayrshire, but for the lust Ili month. re.i.eng at Thornhill, who bail s rib -a deep culling el Arbeeland, in (be uarish of Kukbean, pis the Siewartry o. Kirkcudbright -went, In company with a friend, about lir ur 11 u cluck- at night, from Kubean village to Carrcthorn, with a view to hire a veb:cle to convey tlse•u to Dump iris where Anderson was to meet his wde. Is euwpany with other two men whotu they .ret at Carsettrorn, and one of whom is ■ horse hirer, they wcut into a pubhr house there. to order to settle about the i..•e. Alter remaining there kr ••quarter of of an hour, and n..1 easing agreed about the talc, An.;ereon and Lis Iri,nd left the Louse. Both were routes. hitt i1.0 w0rN o1 drink, but eeIIq)etteut to transact business. ill.Ikend weal to • Iudgulg-hoa.e in Cam - thorn, where be remained all night, but Anderson, it r. supposed, proceeded on hes way to DOIDiries an foot, by the . ands toward. Brieklioure, instead of taking ,Ihc road by the village of Krrkbean ; for next morning, his body was tound drowned, a cu0aIderable way out en the sands, oppo. .Ire the tam of Drackhoure. Ito war tecognlsed by papers towel epee him. 1116 watch was ' fount! on he person, and 47 7s id in money. Ile has left a widow and out children. The Procurator -Fiscal and the Superintendent et (solace, wetwder- stand, have been at toe spot to fo►esugate the circuanatauced of the case, but the result of the tareatigelion- has not triLs- pued. The Hon. R. B. Sonia°, we prognosti- cate, will till up the vacancy created un the Bench, by the death W Judge J•.nes. We think that 1111 place as PruviucIal Secretary will, probably. be taken by Mr. Price, the preseul' Cuu,wissiooer of -Crown Lauds ; and that lir. Cauterow 5411 take Mr. 1'.'s place as the Ileid of the Crewe Lead De- partmeut.-iia/karat Carrier.; SIR RO1TT PEEL ON THE COLONIES. ' In the course of one uf the debate, in the House of Comnwos on the eager dotted, Sir Robert Peel earl:- - public estath.hments of many of the colonies are founded upon Imperial con- ceptions. Possitty it mss be necessary than niers should be some sort of but not a servile Imitation of the, lwpenul lump/ administration: but when I bee the eoor- Ix the cumber of crani was less by fully ' a temp: to reduce the expenditure militia the third. Suave of the curers have shown as narrowest limits which are compatible with inclination to cell the herrings fresh from the watery of the colonies themselves.- the boatr':side rather than run the risk of (Cheers.) There is no justificauoo at this bad markets.;with which they are threaten - whatever of their dirtresll-se justilrcauoq whatever for keepe.g up any expenditure oin,, alt. diieciions. On Tuesday, they which Is not -necessary fur their welfare - obiensed;frein hngheh tuggers and others, l6sr. r eta 'Do Wednesday, 18a. L tray accessary, because 1 with to see the as nisi sllianew Ierw-ceu the colonies sed the l' to -day, HBs- A number of vessels are load- mother country nnaini&I0CJ. I wish to re-. presentation of speech- 11'e wish the en- tog cergose ;two for Kish porta ; one for 7 terprising, editors and conductors of The Setttn ; one -for Liverpool ; and one for cognise them as subject' of ibi (jncen, en- .inglo,Sozoa evert'more triumphant sue- Leith: Five 'vessels have arrived from 'titled to every sympatby and wusideratiun cera In ferlube,-.Y. Y. i sesifig Post. Ostendseecb with a boat and crew. They t to which rile inhabitant" of Lancashire or cure ilial: herrings upon deck,. 'Inc other I Yorkshire are tootled (cheers)therefore, day they slopped 100 barrel. un board a l may, that every expcu.e court be baffle which is nece.aary to tne.r welfare. 1 also adroit that 1 think it of great nuportaece, nut only for the purport) of dek-nce, but aloe for maintaining au enlightened inter- nal policy, that you should place In the administration of colonial affa:rr the very beat men you can find. (Cheers.) I think O..jECT Or EDCCATIOar.-Education can have no higher object than the. creation of baploess by means of the formation of char- acter. This Ie the great object of the De- ity himself ; and oven if the power which education gives is regarded as an intent - it a means to some outward result would be miserable economy, for the as still the mental and moral culture is a good ly meeting ut the Porth l'rerbytery wan asks of ati iIlg some £1,000 a year, to 4.. 1st itself. It is important therefore that heed o0 N ednesday-the Rev. Mr Robert- prise your cul'mies of tlhq eerylces, in the the t sea of education should bo kept in 1 aduunl,tratiom of colonial: affairs, of sorb dot po p sun belure �r. The only Business ill Inter- I men as 1.ord Dalhods:e, Lord lllarru, aid their proper rank. That which is secunda- ern belwre t ie Court was &complaint by sir Lord Elgin. (('beers.) 1 think, therefor, ry must put, however good, be thrust Into Murdoch against Mr Dynan.ofAbernethy atm Dr Crumble, as to their having made at a meeting in his absence, certain state- ments re.pr.•ct.ng the unuesoa Of cullec- the great end of eslecaliun. The f.,rmauun stone in his (14.e Middle) church fur the dif- of character, then, le make (.o to speak) terent ac;iuu.es ot Inc beset..' .lssewbly. The speech ut the Rev. Mr Murree a in the ludgice of his complaints, and eu bracing his rca1ums fur not calling upon his congre- gallon to collect for the Assembly's .chemo, -the answer of Dr Crumble and Mr Duncan, and the ducuaatoo that ensued thereupon occupied so lung a period ss eve hours -and the proceedings' were otherwise et the most extraordinary kind. Mewed by Mr Robertson -but to which there was a counter motion made by Mr Buchanan, which was 14st by a majority of eleven to three, -That the Presbytery had heard tbo cunielaints and the answers made thereto : F'nd th■t the. Court is under a deep debt 0l man-ol-ryas schooner, which' has been atten- ding thew on the coast, and which imme- diately set sail for the Belgian shores. 1t is worthy of notice how much Internal their Guverunrent takes 10 thefiahery, In cotrlpsr- leon with that Mantlested by uur home Govcrnulont. P.&TH l'ahseTT)RT.-The usual month - the first place ; and Moravian, that most Dot be altogether Tort sight of, which is reality IA m Itself a most in.poJtant result, 1f not true Sten and women, beings with their la- cultied•cs*mplete, and, In consequence, with ell their Internal sources of happiness entire, full, and active -this should be an object carefully studied and dIhgently pursued. - But here even reporter mmd• halt behind the truth, making Mischief object of educa- tion some ezinnsic result-aucli as, in the case of rnalea, fitness for the dotter of their station In life ; In the case ol females, inch as may prepare them to be pleasing wives and weed mothers -nine excellent 1,1 them - eelves, but scarcely entitled to hoW the first rank, if fur no other reason than tits, that an outward accomplishment duels out of necessity imply such an toward culture gratitude to Dr Crumble fur the manner in as will ensure health and vtgonr of charac- which he has discharged hie duties in re• ter, and that durable and growing happine.1 I and to the schemes of the Aas uibly.- which attends on genuine persona's exact- }and that Air Dencao was warranted In Ismer.-Schools, by Hee. Dr. Baird. expressing his opinion list Mr Murdoch • ought nut to have been sent as a repre.en- �_- rrT - -�- tante to the General Aaee.nbty tp lets ; TeomaTRY.-Is the grand antagonist of dismiss Mr Mordocn'e cempiaeau aRarrsst those gentlemen as altogether uncalled for and unioul.ded, and appoint the Moderator t0 aJiuoni'h henna tegard,.to his conduct in the• metier. ANNUAL Pease Blurt*.=1'he minuet dinner of the hewPpaper press of Edinburgh ad Glasgow took place en $aturd.y last, in the Star and Garter Hotel, Linlithgeos Thera was a Targe turn-uur from both cities. Mr Rrehard 1Vataon, late of the Glasgow Argon, ably performed the &i- tem of chairman, and II (jingly, of the . co1smoa, efficiently filled the office of crou- pier. 'There were present Mr Russell, editor of the &&!sawn ; Mr Fyfe of the .tta(I ; Mr M,'Nab. of the (:1a*ga,', ('oasti- tattoea! ; Mr Vaa.on of *ha Glugow Her- ald ; Mr koberteor., 01 the Yeadtrd Guar - bee ; Messrs C-awfnrd sod Croat, of the Mer/ , bit Ctoal, iso. of the 4,liubergk that any niggardly reward to rota of their eminence ot•uulJ be most injurious to the eoloni,ta themselves. (lieu, hear.)Bot I greatly doubt whether it would not is e jail, with respect to the salaries of the governors of the colonies, that this country should take 'Ton itself the payment of them rather than it pose that charge upon the colonials Acne sclera. 1 think It necessary, rather with reglyd to imperial cunsiderationa than to colonial conriderati"n, that this country should sestina the charge of the salaries of the govonyre. (ilear, hear.) I *hunk the governors of your colonies should be inde- pendent of the colonists; that they should ho able to give a free and unbolted opinion on all measure. calculated to favour tea colo- nials, wnh.tut being suspec'ed of seeking any reward for their liberality and good eminent. They should be fn a positron to do justice to those ever whom they are placed, wishing' rimming the risk of haring ehiir worldly foe tunes impale ed. For these rea- sons, taorefore, 11 to that 1 think it would be an improvement if the, country took upon itself the payment of the governors." Peoruce.--Five shillings cash is con. tinued to be paid fur guod samples of Wheat, by R. ilersey, Esq., at Maitland 13ume of our merchants aro !along It in pay - merit for debts, at the same price. A. yet we have not ascertained that any of them is paying cash, alt'i-rug4 't a exp Ctcd 1,11 they will in the course of • few diys. We learn thea some parties are paying Is 61 al Smith's 11 and Perth. The marine" of price in Liverpool will gine as impetus In this branch ..f trade•; speculators are, how- ever, eaanous.-Recorder. Arne or VAa,tt.-..Scarcely bu�t i ever heard or read rho introductory prrase-"l may say without vanity," but seine striking and characteristic t11.tance of vanity bas lei medluely followed It.-Freglen • CROWN LANDS IN THE WELLINGTON AND SIMCOE DISTRICTS. The Governor Cenral has appointed local Agents for the rettiement of the Crown Lands, in the 1Vel14ogton and Suncue 1.1;r - trete . Mr. George Jackson, Is the Agent fur the settlement uf the Durham Road, and the moat direct route to reach the .Agency on the Gerafraaa'toad, is the way 01 Guelph and Flute ie the 1Velliaglon trict. Air. Jackman'. Agency comprises the .ettlemeut .l' the (Town Laudo ire the 'I'ownehipr of literate, Bcr,tiek, Brent Greenock and Kincardine, to the Cuunty u 1Vatetloo, at he has given Notice to al promos willies and having mean. of Loca- ting therein, that hit. Office is temporarily fixed at or near Duwrea'r ex THS GAaA- Sit•xA lto,D, where he will receive the ap- plication ut the Settlers, every day in the week between the hours of Nese and }'ive o'clock from the 15th of September next. Mr. George Snider, it 11e Agent for settle- ments of Loads on the Toronto and Owen's buried Real and Ilse wort direct route to reach this Agency, is by way of Toronto along the Albion Road -to the Mono Mills. Mr. SnsJer'r Agency comprised the settle- ment ut the Crowe Lands .1 the 'fawn. ships of Mclanchthun, Arlt rnerie, };uphiaata tea Holland, to the Cuunitee of Semeet and Waterloo, and Lei Inas given Notice to-alf persons willing abet having means of Loca- ting therein, that his office is temporarily fixed at or.uear UALt r 'l'svMIN, IN Till; TOWNSHIP or :tr•RarTu, where be Will re- ceete the appincarrun of the Settlers, every Jay in-thaoweek between the hours ol leak hind iri'vr o'clock, from We 13th day of Septeo.ber next. The Iullowtag are the Government pro- pw.l. and condiuoosinregard lu therm new setUemeot.;- Fifty acres of land will be given to any settler eighteen years old and a subject ul her Majesty, who will paint bimeeelf p►o- vided with a Crritticate of probity and su- btlely, nigned by known sad teem -aside persons and having the menu of providing for ti mself until the produce of bis land is suffices! to sustain hon. The barer of that Certificate shall mention to the Agent who will keep a registry thereof his name age, condition, trade or prolprsiun, whether. he is warned, and if so leo name, and age of hu wife, how many. children he has, and the oame and age of each• el them, ahere he ie from, whether he bnp>trcw-here any property, and iL What Ttwnrhip1(o i a cr 'to settle. • The conditions of th°e Location ''Picket are -lo lako.posseasion within a month af, ter the date ut the 'Picket, and to put In a .tate of cultivation at treat twelve acres of the land in the course of four years -to build a house and to. reside on the lut until the condition's of settlement- are duly hal, filled, atter, which accomptishmetlt only shall the Settler bate, the, right of obtaining a title of the property. , F?mdies'compnrung sevey,Pbettters entitled to lands pilfering to reside lin a single lot, will he exempted from the obligation of building a re.tdence, [except upon the lot on which they reside,) provided the reqoired clearing of the l•;nd is made on eacttlot. The nun -accomplish- ment of these condnioos will cause the 'no emulate lues of the assigned lot of land, abet) will be sold or given to another. - L+aye It be granted two those who shall Have obtained a lit grates to purchase three other lots on the rover [150 acres) et four shillings per acre for ready money, so as to complete their two bstodred acres is all. - to prevent Me -el -be -lag It ft at the grope t place? t We think not.) Or did the Postmaster of 'fuckrremith or flay take them 0111 aeJ denim them T W. shirk net.) Or slid 811. Moody of eleCiliwrry, either through ignorance or design, omit to take thein 0114 when they tercI,J bio? Oa thing le create, that the whole affair is a piece u( jothiug intended so 'jure the circulate.° of the flume Signal. N'e leave item questions to be settled by them wee are implir.te, ,n the mater, ar 1 in the meantime, we will endeavo'rr to obtun redrew born the I post a.11ir a ■wheelies. ►1'e Ju not know much 1 about the McGillivray P,.u,•u,er, list we think 41 is a gt uuwe specimen of good-natured uilig• rngnes,. We unsteraaed 4e holds the hunuuta- b!c and lucrative uft,re 01 Arent to our veritable friend m; the 11.u.•n Gaueta, and if he is usable 10 posh the Garet le int. ci.celalion, he seems willing to push the S.gual out; sad as he is evidently very simple filmset*, he hone.tly poses every usher person to be equally gullrbie. We were very coolly informed that two of the five copies %% eh 1.4110 gone to the !McGillivray pest office, are ower taken out by the subscri- bete ; sad ,het after they Lave accumulated to the shape of lumber fur a number of weeks, 51r. !lowly, in the eaufeerance of his gene-osity and Odle/lee disposiunu, packs up a bund!'• of them and (setter&s Meru at the expenre of Iter 51a,..• ty's Mail, a d..tsnce of 500 miles, to the dnul later ',dice in Montreal, rather Chao put us to the expense of a 41.1. Ieuer itifunniug us that these two mb•cnbers had retese 1. Ihrir papers! This is surely very ki :J, end it to prstesele that had we out gone Jcwn as I..r as McGillivray and been made acqurie:est wets the mau.., we would 4111111"11111111111111111 1111d 141160 Ivo ',opera on to Ili, end m tt.e chapter ; met Mr. 5101Jy, after.fuverine Lis friends with a perusal of throe would 5..,e obliged us by foie.:ding a few of them occasionally to the dead letter office, with- out troubling us wall any iuriu.ation ! IVbat a greatness m said ! ! 7'Le }:Moist. the Signal must be a very green kind of animal in the eltin:auun of the Mc(i.11irtay P.wtmaster. 110 has furwtirdel sixty-four copies of the Hume- Sigwr: to the 54G...ismy post office, JO return. for weich 511. Moue:. wishes bins to seam. his • gratuitous aekcowleterr _n: that he hail fur-. 'warded a sew e1 these cepsss 4e tet diad klter - - effiee ie Montreal. ' The Ilurun S:;aal, like atmos' .Very other • new'peper, contained an rntimacon is us got number to the effect that pencils rec,ivisg it ; and not wishing to )eeotne aobeciibers, would - signify so .by retarding the paper ; and we be• .ere the law of the post office allows thin,• But • the two gentlemen who' have refined, to take ale, ' their papas from the 31cCit!ivey post office def brrome subscriber, sometime before the 8;gtaa( ' made its appearance.. 'We believe we will have very little trouble in proving by the oath of Moody that both gentlemen did repave Noma copies of the Signal from the post office; tad we will have sill less elleicui:y in provieg that Mr. Moody did 1101 forward one -Calf of these refused numbers -to the dead letter office. As the villein this eoonry is that a newspaper mss be still forwarded and charged to a subscriber till. the arrears are paid up, we will cementte to seed these two newspapers to the:r respective ad- dresses, Iruting to the combined iufleeno. of Mr. Moody'. humour and the salutary law of the land for the payment. he land intended to be settled is of the very. beat deecrlpuuo, and well timbered and watered. - Tr,e road..Miil he opened on a bread}L et oft feet, and the land sn.emcb side will be divided in lou of Su acres each, to be grt- tuitously,given. Besides the principle road; there will be two others, (encore each side of the prince pet road,) marked out on the whole extent of the territory, and on which fres Loca- tions of 50 acres _will be made. But as the Government only intend to meet the e:penees of survey on those ad - Jamul roads, the grantees will have to .pen the road in hunt of tbeir locattuns.- t-'oluiilt. NtRON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. *818. SOMETHING ABOUT POSTMASTERS. LECT17R11G On Monday e•eo.ng the 4th instant, are de- livered an Addrees os Temperance to is very large and respectable meeting in the Vatted Presbyterian Church. At the cencIeeion of the address; the Chairman intimated our willingness to discuss the question, were M1: John Clark, Iter Magary'. Crown Land Agent -who a pre- pared on all occasions to stand larward u a living epecimeu of the blessings 0. moderate drinking, artd as the acknowledged champion of the .00hing system -rose up in his usual mild i and bentguant manner, to convince the et.die°ee that they had been listning to In it.fidel lecture delivered by an inf.Jei drunkard. Ills remarka- ble populaety with the poor unf,rtunste misers - tees, who are already hanging by the claws over the appalling precipice of drunken rain, procured him a few rads of approbation, but the sober population are inclined to think and judge for themselves, -end honest John's attempt to be - 'patter oe w th infidelity, was not at all palatable to the valuable portion of the meeting. He was going is prove that moderate eeirit-eer.king was a good moral christian extreme: and that roe' tonnes was immoral, unecriptural, positively sinal nod desperately wicked ! But after • little half -pointed mecum and pertijogtiag quibbling, he sunk back, admtung everything and proving nothing. We regretted his conduct in the Meeting for two reasons. In the fiat place, w•e were sorry to see an 0IJ grey -headed mao sand forward as the avowed advocate of practical wickedeesa-the lauded champion -the encour- ager and strengthener of ruined loafers and tip- plers. Cheered, supported, and hounded on by whom? by the ereasarda, who identified him as the eersooificaaon of their cause ; while at the same time we are persuaded there wu not one truly •ober, intelligent man, even among the real moderate drinkers, ,o that large meeting, who Jul net regard him with unqualified con- tempt, or at least with a benevolent pity, -who did not feel an impulse in the deep recesses of his soul, urging him to matter in pith come -esters - eon, " Poor old infatua•ed, hardened •inner. "- We were very in the second place, that the righteous indignation of a large pe•hon.4' the meeting was so aroused against the atdaueity and daring &eregted of truth which he atm - tested, that the audience dispersed u disgust, before the ■rticles of the Society eoeld be pro - poled for adoption ; and we are persuaded that • Targe o'hmber of m.•mbers night Imre bees obtained from • meeting which re mid to Lave been st are the largest . t I g that has yet ansemb ed in (iode- eeh for • similar ',armee. Bet as our Lector* seemed to be h•teu,d to with much interest, ere wall invite the people to another, at ars very remote period, and endeavour to awakes public sympathy in behalf 'of thou poor deluded, self - enslaved creatures, who are haateaing cm to the ,!drunkard'. doom. On Tuesday events', the 5th isetatq wo mitered to the Preebytetise Ch.r4h, Leaden toad, township of Stanley. Os Wedowee! ...untag, near the Ruble Brides, townie's d II,bsos., tied ea Thursday evenly. ear the Poet Offtee is McGillivray , and oa each seta - Among the multitude of littfe trials of patience• and heartburoiogs which cuoepire •gainer the mental lelicuy of Editors and Proprietors of New.pepen, in Canaille there is certainly none more prevalent awl mere vexatious than the cver.uting complaints of subscribers not receiv- ing titch papers regularly. Now, in order to shew how little blame can reasonably he at- tached to the proprietor in this respect, we shall state the manner in which ail newspapers are forwarded frons their rrepective offncee, and we will do so by giving an example by way of illustration. We have a few subscribers in the townships of McGillivray and B.ddulph. The - Herons ?•gnarl is printed every Friday, end a 1 package containing a paper for each of thee.' subscribers, with his name written upon if, is addressed to the McGillivray post office, and put into the Gerlerich poor office in time for the Loadoa mail which leaves on Saturday morn- ing.. Thee, it is evident, that if tbe package reaches the McGillirry port office, it should contain a paper for each eubscnber ; and if tie package dues not reach McGillivray, it either has not beeu put into the ma y1 -bag or has been taken out by the Tscker.ma$ or Hay Poamostere, which would certainly be • very absurd supposi- hos. ' And we must expreae our astonishment end unqualified d,eguet at the information welch we received last Thursday evening, in a pub! 1c meeting, is the rehnolhpu a or eh ch near the Mai -eleven- post office, -namely, t t the M- eow Notrost is seldom delivered at r h t ofFieer ill it is sox day. old : whereas it should be there in less than J4 hoer. after it is published, or about 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. And further, we were told feat for six week- in the months of July sed August, no copy of oar paper was delivered at McGillivray. and at the end of the ex weeks, the whole six packages arrived ie one day Now, we ask when were these packages sserered durrog tics lows period ? Did Mr. Ky.kl neglect to pet then into the marl -bag? Oi did be eschew Mena ra the Landon mail so as •