HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-09-15, Page 1TEN SHILLINGS
IN AnvA NCti.
— i --
Ar rem Gan op Tltt. relit.
1,500,000 ACIU':S O1•' LAND
disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND etepersed througlrnut mast of the
Townabipe in Upper Canada -nearly 500,-
000 Acres aro situated in the Huron Tract,
well known atone of the most ferule parts
of the Prorincc-it las trebled lib popula-
tion in five years, and nuw contains up-
wards of 20,000 telt:detente,
The LANDS are offered by way of
L E .1 S E, for Tcn 1-edrs, or Jar
Sale. (' .4 S 11 1) O H- .V -the plait it
onlfIfr4 Gash, and the boluses is hutch
nlCArn being done away irit4.
The Rents payable let February each
vcar, are about the Interest at Sit Per
Ceet.upon the price of the Land. Upon most
oldie Lots, when f. t:.1S? D, N1) MONEY
IS REWIRED IX/WN-whilst upon the
othere, according to locality, nee, tw•o, or
three years Rent, must be paid in advance,
-but abeee payalealrt will fret the Settler
from further calla until Sud, 3rd or lth Year
. o(hi+ terns of Lease.
HOLD during the term, is secured to the
Iaessee at a fixed sum named in Lease, and
an allowance is made according to antici-
pated payment.
Lista of Lands, and any further inform/it-
tion can be ohuited, (by application, if by
letter post-paid) at the CoaraNT's Wendt*,
7'r,rento and Goderich ; of It. Manua LL,
Esq-, .9sj.hodel, Colborne District ; Dr.
ALuNo, Guelph, or J. C. W., DALT, Eiq.,
' Sou/feed, therm Dietnct.
Goderich, March 17, 18.8. 7
ItAilteUlitTERS and Anoraks. at Law,
Softeners in Chancery, and Bankrupt-
cy, Notary Public aol Cuoveyancerr, Gode-
rteh and Stratford, Huron Diatrj,t,,C. W.
lora!' STaAcfAIT, Goderich.
Donau. Hors Loomis, Stratford..
Goderieb, April 90, 1848. Amt
A' PPLiCATION will be made to the rest
Z . Session of the Provincial Legislature,
for ieaye to bring in a Bill to constitute and
fern) the lolls/wt./1g' 9'ow nehipa one -(lure,
and Bleck „f LaiJ,Jra :-N..rib E.tathope,
South Easthopc, l)own-n and tihere,,F.lhlce,
Blanchard, Fullerton, Logan andJLbbert,
Wellesley, Merton_t.n, nnJ Maryboroogb,
and Western half of Wilmot, and the Block
of Land behind Logan, -_Into a new Dis-
Scc'y of Committee.
Stafford, [Huron),,
1st of April, 1848. S 100)6
► irJE subscriber offers for sale Lot No.
L one In the eevcnih Cuncca.rion of the
Township of Colborne, West Division.
nets is on the premises a small Log Barn,
ritb 1S acres under. good cultivation, and
i►ei[ IaDt oil: --Tfie Land la of excetterrt
tltsaftty, and within 6 unites of the Town of
Oodencb, containing IN) scree:
TERMS of Salo will be trade known by
applying to William Robertson, Esq., Can-
ada Company's Office, Goderich, or to the
DAVID S3111'11.
Gederieb, March tat, 1848. tit(
MR. OLIVER, having left the whole -of
la- his unsettled accounts with the Clerk
of the lat Dinis on Court, Goderich, advises
all parties indebted to him to see that gen-
tleman before the .20th of next month. -
Any information required, will be given at
the office only, where a person will be al-
ways in attendance.
Godorich, Juno 29, 1948.
r e T A R T P U S L I C,
CbmmtAsioncr Qn 'en's Bench,
THE iababi,.31 the town ofGoderieh will
apply to Pediewaset teras Aet to !corpo-
tate the said town.
Goderich, July 29th, 1849. 117tf
g ,
G 0 D 3 1t 1 C H.
PAPER RANGER, 4c d,...
•OLN9Tew Ile aunt -nor, /ciirou TCT, kc.
Feb., ISO. ay
o C ♦ L W' the to l the Nasi lwk of ♦.,ui,i x,
• A hallowed apo' in a lar distant eltme-
[Mr. GeorgeeCruikshenk has published ano-
ther pictured story, "The 1)ruakarJ's Children,"
in eight plates, derigued as a sequel to " The -
Smile." This second i.aue is accompanied by
■n illustrative poem Isom the pen of Dr. Chas.
Mackay, who hes verified Gull moralised the her.
rowing incidents depicted by the artist. The
following spirited song of the Gib -Fiend is part
of Dr. Mackay's illustration:]
The Gin -fend cast his eyes abroad, and looked
'o'er all the !and,
And numbered his myriad worshipers with his
• bird -like, long right hand ;
And she legged to be tri4 with ber brother.
Eat lie Lean a Hie Ire oho for Lazarus
grieved. •
Which for sorrowing omen sem gives.
Now sprinkle the soul of the " doubly Irta.red."
And she bow* to the mandate of llaaasa.
Moutreal, June 16, Wee.
/II TUE ETT*Tt•!1;• IIU Pna*D.
[e0NCLU'IEn room OVA LAST.)
Away went lovely Nary to her first love-
trvste, and away went Nancy Steel with
He took his place in the Ireming Ertel', and her through the fields by the nearest !cath.
watched the people go 'l'ney went over the tire' stile, and the se -
Around acrd about, with a buts and a about, for. curd stile; but es they approached the third,
ever to and fro. v
" And it's hip 1" reed the Gin -fiend," hip 1 bur• , wlntle treteh to ill et maid,m. Iabd sail/ h.en Mary n tok Lht
rr ! for the mulutuler l see, l -return hone, for here was her neets, who
Wbo offer themselves in sacrifice, and die for; would cenvuv bee io the village; and Nancy
the love of me." ireturned while yet from thirty to forty
There stood a woman on a bridge; she was old, t surds distant {rum the wort:,y parson. He
;they perceived tae minister cuneng on the
wards her; and so troubled was her mend
ahuut one thing and another, that atm wax
ubl.ged to betake herself to bed.
Aire. M'Gatlie's party now consisted of
the young lard alone, as 4 Ina (ter tit course;
and great and gees ieue nun ter disappoint-
ment *hen Mary did not curve. Ile grew
at last so restlesr auff iuiparent, Licit he
camped Mts. Al'Gatfiu bile a boy for h41f-a-
crow's, who rode to the Maine with Mrs.
M'Gaditee compliments to Miss Meleurc,
and mtmeitioo that the party at the post-+
office aa.leJ lea fur her. ?ler father re- ,
turned ler a:.awer teat rice oar indtrposed, I
and bad guile ;u bed--aod.tuua their grand
acbeine *as fairly blown up.
Mary heard It reported the next day that l
her uncle was in Edwburgh, brat ahe never
would let beief lko hotdul- her that it cpuid
po•elbly be so, till she went up to the
Masse in the evening, and not only learned
the certainty of it from her sunl•a owe
mouth, but raw a letter from hitt of that
morntrfeetedate. Her aunt pointed at the
peet.cnpt, in which i1ary read, "1 bop.,
dear niece, Mary is well. 1 have had great 1
i trouble of spirit about iter."
It may eerily be conceived hove much
Mary was astounded at tbia intelligence;
sue could not distrust the evidence of her-.
took hie stand on the first step of the suie, I
but not with years -
0141 with excesp, and passion, and pain --and *be' with hie niece betore she over, and
wept remonetut tears, ` ( there he stood, viewing her intently with a
/1g 111,e'gittit0'ferbabe her mi}Iles.breast; thea.lkung.kelt. "God e'en to yeti, sir,"
goaded by its cry. j Meq.
blades desperate trap, in the river deep, is the "Good e'en, good e'en, Mary. • You are
night of die passers-by.true to your appulntment, 1 see."
I am going to Mrs. M'Gaflie's, at the
"Audit's hip 1" said the Go—fiend," hip ! her- post homes, to drink tea,' raid the. !
n 1 .heeinks-but let her be, "1 know it; 1 know it," returned he. -
la life or death, whatever she did, wu all for the "But, Mary, l would bardly have expected
love of me." of ysu.,•to have made this appointment, and
fit 1eb. to have kept it, after due conaidera-'
There watched another by the hearth, with sol-- tom. Ltd you ask permission of your father
len face and thin: • - f to fulfil this engagement ?"
She uttered words of scorn and hate to one that " Yea I did, and bad h,s assent loo, which
he granted with the greatest teatime's,;
-Leon had she watched, and when he came, hie good man !" t
thoughts were beat on bloat ; " And did you tell him that you had a0.1
He could not brook her aaatigg look, and he appointment to meet with the young laird
there. to -night .
ilew her where she stood.' - Mary was tlunderetruck. Tho query
as It with the intent of having some parlev J
own senses, and therefore incl:ncd to thine
that her ugcle,fur swine secret purpose, was
twang in concealuteul about the vtllaee.-
' But etcry circumstance duly com:dered
rcode.rd the whole beyond her capacity,
only eche wee cattle %al there had been
as Interp•eiuon of Providence cm ber be-
half, anti was grateful and thankful to her
Maker oo that occuunt, and resulted on be-
ing more c:reUIIInpnct in home. She did
not tell her aunt w tut she had seen, deter-
mined to retain the secret to•hereelf as f..r
as pooetble. Doe ever, it got breath' and
spread: but what or who it was that wet
and admonished Mary that n.ght vva. never
known to title day. Some said it was ber
(atter dreseed in a suit of dais brother's
clothes; but that seems hardly possible, as
he was sitting in his uwn parlour w ion she
went uuare.
'1'uat night of the appointment, the'ynuog
laird went to the rising ground east of the
!Wage carted Tbe.Coutt Knowe,., to watch
"And it's hip "' asiJ the Gin -fiend, "hip! her -west to ber heart like a butwng brand, and ; Khat path' Mary would take, for he wanted night, ipto another room, and caamtoed
; and So you have just topay the word. WmTs !-my righi good friend is he ! I from thence to -every pure oceeer hotly rwtf• i (0.meet her by the way; but when he raw iberr haughty judge remanded ?item troth" you marry her or not 1'
II• bah slue 1.1. wife, he bath given his life, ter than lightning: her oars rung, and her - that her maid was with hmade er, he the j into confinement, and constables• to be tt N'ttb all toy heart, air, if it is your d.-
- and all for the love of me." face took tint the lush ,uf the peony rose, boa u1 his way back to elm. elleatlic's, to placed on the house till be could procure a sires. l would uavo married her Zoog ago,
lend then grew as white as her :nestle gown_ prepare for lis beautiful Mary's receuuon; regular warrant from Lalinbur;;h iur their lel I toted her'so much that, 1 could not Ire
And every day, in the crowded way, he takes §he had out the race either to deny or coo- consequently when she Dever 4rnved, be 1 eummHmenl; and them were uney lockedwRbuut her. ?jut theh I never durst oak
big fearful stand, i foga; but at length site faltered out, "Hoa was alarmed as well as vexed to the heart. i•up•ay Gin together, anti kepi. fusee tur,sevoral your conceal, for I tbuu ltt I wit tdastsm
Aad numbers his myriad worshipers with his+do you know that r' - 'lite 00.11 day lie waited on ber to engiure days. 4t was Miss H• -=a own cupwtry you would not grant it.
birumbe,long right hand; " You ace I do know it:" -Glad I know eller her health, but she ryas busy 001 am!'biome, and no very good mire,- Mat well . " Neither 1 wuulit, you confounded vas-
tnore,ethieh you du not know. IC you go Int end paid very little attcnt•un to hen, be- enough known to- wally of the Edinburgh.'cal ! neither 1 would have granted it thea.
Aod every Jay the weekend strosg,widowa,sad ' to Mrr. 31'G.Qies, you.are to sleep 'with tog more dry and distant In her Hunner to- bucks once on a day. Aha• k fur poor Del you have turned the Utiles against me
mads; reel wives: 1 • I hint there all night; and the pl.tn a.0 laid, ward. biw that, ever sherbaa been. ' Telt Jlary ! She lied none to condole waw her 1 00*. 1 could not have looked my own far-
laood-warm, blood -cold, young men and old, that It 1e rnipueeiuly Y"can CV" II*" erre this, dearest 11ary," said tie, "did not save her betrayer, who soothed let as the • mer nor bis worthy brother 1e tM face,
offer the Fluid emirtivea Mary continued dumb- with amazement, You go' through the fields feat night clad crocodile soothers tis prey. ,. know ire, l8e injury they had TecclveJ frutn
"A.dii'ship !" he says, "hip : hip 1..,haria ! tier eyes fixed on the - evening ekj, nod ID whue' and a maid-aervaot wile you! Mr. %defense had a great number of sat- my Iatnar. ( :mood 1 could not ,•yen look
staggered in,
Mary and Ah,s 11— were handeJ out by have laid down ht. I.fe tt•an have committed
their beau; but instead of alighting at her them. „ The moment he raw his lather he
father's door, a, alio expected, Mary per- again turned pale, au sheerly are guilt, fear,
ceived that she wag w a strange plrce, she and sbae s, cuonected. " father, you
knew not *erre; nor hail stew the smallest here? That te certainly catraord.nary,"
cuncepuuu of the dist:urce they bad travel- said he.
ted. •• Where aro we?" said she. "I1p •• Extraordinary, sir' how sboyld it be
OP my word 1 du not wall knew," tc+urned extraordinary when waiters ars as they
tie: then turning to the diver, he said, are ! '('• 11 nye this, you villain. sod tell um
•' Dick, who bade you curve this way, you truly, is it you who have carried off Mary
rascal 1" The coat Ronan, who had gut his Melrose from her tattier?"
lesson before, answered, "1t was your ''•Nary Alelruro spin," said Jarnes, bis
father, sir." lip quivering with shame and meatiest: "t es
' (1 ! very web," said the other, gviag is a terrtble ado about a girl, as if no other
each of the lades an arm, and conducting es tae world were worth car.ng for but
them into abs fns. site."
•'tiood Lord, Mr. James, where are we?" "That is net answering my question,
enquired New 11----, with wee -teemed you confounded heartless blubbering` rar-
alarm; "1 declare 1 aro terri.icJ, and must cal 1" *sad the trr,tateu father. •' le her
tell you 1 don't understand this." own sphere there was not one as wee worth
"Deli/your tong' y fuoo.b girl," said be; .eating for; and let une tell you, she had
'rare you not rate enough with me any. more virtue, truth, and integrity, than ever
where !" you wore possessed of with your advan-
'• Ain f so indeed 1 Bot I have reason to Cages. She was the dower of her father's
know oLernre and, oh erre ! I'm sere you house, as well as the stay and support of it.
bare Snore {riot on toy honour, see then And du you think that 1 aell'sufe• as much
what .hall 1 do if 1 at,, betel( of in honour! beauty and ample piety to 1a11 a prey to a
lint I'll raise lite whole village, that I will; -regardless, cold hearted, Jp aauipere.! rascal
and l'll have you apt'rebcnJrJ and Ini•arco- like y-ou 1 Lead rue to 891 instantly, that 1
rated, ay, and /lunged, for the dcforcenrent may esamino her myself; fueeeseitl not get
of a vtrg2111." ope word of truth out of yes.'!
In this state did she go on, t:ll Mary be- " Pardon u.e, s:r, in this. 1 would Tallier
cam° afraid of some terrible calamity; ai.d he excused tut the preaeb', if you ptea.e."
actually, in the a;aaihcity el her heart, tout• " And why so, au? Why won't you
part with her betrayer in calming the ludy'salcad the Into tterpreieece?"
terrible ala, 1*, trying to Gemco bee, that. "Because -you see, -sir -him! she se. as
thnngh she home was to the sense predict -4 -we would say, sir.' -ham ! hardly fit to be
merit, and knew not whether they had soutal omen at preseab -Tuat la, she le In dta4aa-
there by chance or by desern, yet sue had 1. faille, sir. •
so ureci, confidence ui *Ir. James s honour, "Ay -hem ! she is iD dishabille, sir !-
thaeslie telt very little, ti 107,41arm. Thea duet ru! 1 know what that means. She
the lady rose In a ttarue upon Mary, pre• is under luck and key with route grand
tending tlat.rhe was a cotintry crony tit lite, female friend of yours, weeping her late,
whew rte had suborned to airiest him In liter and cursing the day you tcere burn. Ea
inveiglement, bee she, was determined to teal you what it is, young geetleinan:-it it
have full and ample amonde of theta both; lain to multiply Words. illy errend to town
and fur that purpose she ordered the dour., was oris. I know you have betrayed that
to be all locked, and the' keys Jelisured up amiable girl; and that, l au, certain, under
to herself; ti11 she sent fur tee officers 01 Iateo pruuriscs; and fur the irreparable tD
juatrco to take lbetn both into cuetoey.- jury you have -done Iter, you shall either
And there tete two wereloc'std up together,' wake her your lawful warded wile, or 1 this
and a double guard Mecca un tine dour.-- i day not ouly legally disinherit but cl you
They .were taken out, guarded, dura," the 1 out of my hooey, and disown you freeuever.
for the multitude 1 see, her pale lip -quivering with indignation. --
That sell their souls for the burning drink and Ose thing "be knew, that 00 living 8e.6
die for the love of me." -could have divulged these things but her
From the Bathurst Courier.
Jr GAneirr at'iseLL•
'wed that she did. And -were, tie at the St. Lawrence lair, and but being ley. Alaker in rue face, bur ark d.vine pro-
you not then on your war to Mrs. able to sell. them all, by war oulegled to tectiun, while ouch a heinous injury re-
M'Gat}ie's r' She was obliged to coolies drive them to tree southern market,; and by roamed utleeps.red. But it is all well nuw.
lover Menace; and she thought tt merit ua- that she was. " \t hat to thio world was ; that means, he was a week or more Resent lave too your babel. We are friends again.
gallant and ungenerous to boar ilws to ex- it then which trade you charge your mind •,rom Immo; -and • miserable man was be to utter repa.auun. could de but (lei. --
pose her weaknees before she had committ- and return 1" At that question she blushed oa bis return, on le,arning.that his Mary had 'Go, seek tae out -Mary. and let us get lbs
cd any fault. Then she shed :blame bitter and was silent; and alter .long teasing tor been Inst, .4be very sterol' his age and sup- marrage over without delay,"
tears, but uttered not a word. • au explanation, *he tnforreted him that site: port of hu family. lie -never rested tilt be LVheu Jawca went to his disconsolate
" Go away bootie, Nary," .aid the good got some secret ante:hgence by the way of !had teamed every thing it was, pua.ible to Mary, and told her what his father had dune,
man.,"That God in whom is your aruit,; a certain plot laid between tont and -a fneod ; learo.eoncerning her; and beiog'aaauredthat ' one wasquit I overcome well gratitude, lied
and twhoa you communed yourself in' of his, of the success of which aloe did not, the your laird had carried ie 4 he whet'*became t b
custody so lately, bath preserved you at this chs g ap apph to Is aUter bopamg to cel euuaractd his
8be was far from the land of ber childhood and
youth, -
Bat she reeked not what ills would betide her,
While her soul wu illumed by the sunshine of
And her heart's dearest friiad wee beside her.
Bat death, that destroyer that trace's!! time,
And earth with his engines of danger,
rail her loved one low in that ental clime,
And telt her a widowed sira:ger.
g r u wont. ra euro tit u N preseace,,abc kneel -
Custody to make the experiment. I viral
ht J ed f , . ,knees wtlh both her arms,
tune, and you will soon know better thin 7'hie pet the young man as much out of find tum at least reae•ntable. •• He serer was and wept profusely: But the ofd wait hf+tvl
1 you do at present what great reason you coontenanee as ever Mary had been -walla (fartlier mistaken. The land broke out into i her to our arena amu kissed' her, bidding her
have for gratiIIdo to bile.' ; reference to him. Consciousness of a gull- ; such a papi'on as he had never seen bin in be of gond cheer, and oho should Gall bays
Mary uttctett/ a Jeep vie h, and returned as ty intention against .o much beauty and ie- before. I her new gown at the Mates' rent -paying.--.
her uncle desired her; but she said within' nocence, made bite bush-hkecrtmson. lie " And why Come to tae with these The two- *ere married a_ceordeigiy, and as
moo; Gat hare otfradetl-.iy-gwod.ttnetar lel4 - ber abruptly, and healed to Mrs. news?" mod tie; '"wee 1 your daugbter'r they reached lu:wt'ran Cutle tate bra a
She leaves that fair land where the cold ashes
Her tad recollection to smother,
As & storm-striek•n dove seeks a sheltering nest,
She returns to the home of a brother.
Ir • proud ship toss'd on the Indian. wave,
-. ,,Sbe sighs. for she fain would h.ve tarried,
And her desolate spirit stillbrood'ao'er the grave
Where her life's dearest love now Ilea buried.
Yet, the love of • sister lend, heavenly wings
To thoughts that are sadly consoling :
While the breeze of the ocean a requiem sings,
HOT sail's deepest anguish condoling.
She is welcomed at last to the land of the free,
Of the lake -the green mountain and wild•
wood ;
But home has no welcome! Alas ! where is he/
11er brother -the guide of her chidhood.
His hall -door stands open -she enters it not -
Dread tidings new anguish awaken:
When they tell her his Mer has but passed from
*Inc spot
In her God her faith almost is shakes.
The mourner is led to • new opened grave,
By • sorrowing concourse surrounded:
And she thought on a spot where the wild bam-
boos ware,
As the earth on the black cola wended.
Le! a bead of fou shilJres throw lowers is die
Of bib whom their iasocesee eheriaked-
Sweet emblems of hopes is lire's early bloom,
Now rni.gled with earth, and have perished.
She thinks on the days of her childhood gad
in all their of eetior and gladnew
Now she looks on that gave as a Iwo.. Of troth
Which oppresses her soul with its radians
88e tblake mot se that dark Gad dieeeggolate
for he neither shakes hands with me, • tee; M'Gapie, whom he abused beyond meaaure't t0eper ? - Cfl tate nerrtter. bl*nre tror nee-• tiawrday e►euwg, nuthtng 01 Wo matter
proffered to see me on eny way borne, , for such a breach of confidence. 11 was in terse in ,t, that 1 :+snore you ot. Y01114.0 i was known ID the parish. But the surprise
neither of which courtesies he ever neglect- vain that she denied ,t, as tie knew well he have taken better care of your daughter. if excited among the panehioners next day,
,rel before." As she said Iles in her heart, had never mentioned the matter to any young Mures *id he welling whir theta was pruuucttre of very bad, and coven fatal
idle looked behind her to sec if her revered other, and the two friends from thence be• t aulrerrure, jagging and dancing with them, consequences. :Mary ap,,eared in the up -
uncle was eyeing her un her way; but be came enemies.
Y and nJtng in ch.tsrg with them, they moat penuwt neat of the [alrJ'r vuWot•eovered
hold her uncle was not there ! Ile was y consequences. You gallery, and the old laird htytfelt sat on the
neither on the stile, nor tt,e path leasing to make another appuurteneet w ti, bi.0, nor wtgbt have laden bettereare of your daueh-
trout it, and ;Vary wondered what bad be- give hien the least (rope of success In his ter, and be to you !"
come of him; but weeping that ,possibly be • honourable scheme, be grew quitedehperate, "Aleck, rtr. 1 little thought that ever
'night be concealing himself to coo that ahe j it being out of his power, as he .altervardr your son could have hail the heart to have
did not return to her appoiutwcnt, she went i declared, to live without her. He, there. ruined wy beloted Mary," .eel the farmer,
home. tore, as a last and only resource, resolved with tcarr to Ills eyes; "tee was nu good,
When she entered the parlour, ber father, ; to carry her off by stratagem or force; but so amiable, and SU virtuous, and s•, much
who was hearkening little Sarah a lesson, at all event* to have possess on of burr the ale Mort of env surae ramify, ural 1 could
wasavtuntehed when ho .,w her. "What's; which in the lollowiee harvest he accom- not have thought the heart of man could
the matter, Mary 1" said he; " have you i ;dallied very easily as follows. have betrayed her, tar Ives Mr. Jatuca, unmeasured terms. She laid to Mrs.
forgot any thing?" 1 lin the morning of Si. Lawrence fair he whose honour 1 trusted as much as wy Blunt, " What think' y!uu u' your light -
"No, no; but I have taken the rue, an'' called at the Main., and found, as he ex- own. ' heeler) watkwru newt -the grand reader down
turned again." pected, Mary dressed for the fur; and, 11 " You trusted to a great rascal, then;' u' uur country dancer and French curW-
"'1'hat's something queer and capricious- being a very wet day, he proffered her a /aid the tatrd, turning hastily away, and Iwo.! 1 from she
hu gotten the wlnstlu
like, I think, Mary." ride in the carriage, butte to the lair with dashing a tear from Ina ere; 'and s.. you u' her ptack new, what silo tine tang been
"i 'net with my uncle at the middle stile, him, and home again in the eveutng.- may go and redeem your trust the beet way fishing for. That comes u' pleac•ts u' silk
and he said he thought it was better for me Mary', heart at unce jumped at the prod'er, you can."
gowns and riding -cher'. It wad hoe set
to turn home again, as the young laird was but prudence forbade her aeeeptauco till she Poor Melrose, had ng he you'd do nosh- , iter as tine) 10 hat been cleaning her dad's
to be there, an' some o' that set, -an' I asked her father; wht said it was too good reg here, posted to E.rrnburgh, where bei byres yet, and eupptng'ltcr parntch out u'
thought ago too." ' an ober, he thought, to be refused on such soon found his y. ung master; and a more the riven tricker."
" Mary, my dear, *bat do you mean 1_ - a day. So the matter was settled, and awkweld and d,stre.,*n,g wceting can , But when Mary appe.rol in such splen -
As the young laird never could get Mar 'ort amok by the
Chary acct her: ette ea* dressed In %hits
satin, and bad a nectace of gold and diamond
'tog.. This being the first animation to
tip: pariah of Mary's exalted fortune, the
dash of astonishment produced by It way be
partly eur.ce,v*J. IT it it unfortunately so
ha.ppenc.f, that Mrs. (hare, just a dew
minutes pretoua to that, had been talking
of Mary's meet shameful elupewent to quite
Too are dreaming, or making up a sheer Mays fate sealed. The young man re -
romance to amuse your father. What you torted with the carriaie. Mary re -dressed
tell me ta impossible, for your uncle te to herself in her splendid riding habit and
Edinburgh." I beaver, and, with bur little work bag in her
" No, no, sir. 1( he has been in Fwlin- hand, speang front her lather's door -step te-
burgh, be is come back trate; for i aa,ure to the carriage beside her lover. ?ler
you he stopped mo at the stele, an' turned' apfnts were uncommonly buoyant, sod she
me again. Speer ye a1 Nancy Shiel, she - tell happy and grateful to the gnllamt young
saw him as weed as me." mac for the continued preference ,hewn le
Mr. Melrose laughed at this allegation as her; and though she would not admit of hie
a piece of singular absurdity, and calling endearments and caresses, yet she did nut
Nancy ben,he asked her 'lithe saw hes broth- • appear displeased. 1 knit* not what words
er the minister meet with Mary by the way?: passed by the way about going over the
Nancy averred that she did. "Somebody I march, bot there were Koine which were
has thrown glamour in b'a'th your sen, regarded by Mary at least merely as words
girls," raid he, " for the thing ea impasse- of edlarse. 11e asked of she would Isle logo
Me. Are you sure, dame, Cha it was he r' over the march with hon; and she said sue
"i turned again afore 1cam within .peak- tatiehi. At the lair they had some pies and have recovered that Julien Iamb, Aho Av female pulchritude. Ilr. Nona attended,
iog o' him,' said Nancy. " But I'm .pre it *IM together, and be introduced her to a was sure had been dn+eu astray, and net with lance.!, unguent, and eno.ty,e, see
wu him or his spirit Mies i1—., a frwnd of his, whom Wary goer voluntarily, no ironed bare gives all Puri, a day of purgation te ,s never seen at
" Never let o0y body bear either of you' -!tied exceedingly fur her unaffected time he possessed to the world. Wsre.hatt. iBut nark the .vont ! late In
say] sae again, for you will only get your- i wow and hilarity. At night they got all The Laird suing abr Iptly into his e 'n's the Tright, A1r,. Mont rent. man on borec-
selves laughed atr said the farmer; and the three into uhs carriage to return horse, and apartment, found hint le tiling heo arm lie t back to rngutre fief the firmly rat the Blares,
subject was dtemtssed. frith- ani mirth abounded to such a de ree,
the 1 g e chnnnry, and his eye,'gtcahrurg with and to bring her (rafth"IifAf wort. The lad
rat Nan', . rash, though common ex-, 14lal Mary, for one, never thought of the tears. The f'armer's expostulations had ahghIe.h, r,OJ fns huree to the door, writ
pres.non,otvado a sudden and powerfnl im lo*gth of the stage, but always dreaded smrtien hoot to the heart, and if hew Lie into the lobby, andask,•d 4 werJ ot the Doc -
pression on Mary's feelings, as .he thought ! that they would come ton .eon to the end enormities had then been to set as they tor,w hose msv.,at;e was Juun-Ny ae lullow a:
of her uncle's cold and distant manner to- Ott. At h.agth the carriage atopp.J, and were before acted, I believe be wonl4 rather " illy cumpltwwute to Mrs. Blunt, and w•
scarcely be conceived Tho young roan Jour at the top of the lauds gallery and It
was deeply affected by the eloquence of the, became maite.t to all that *he was new
parent's grief, but would 'unless oohing, the young lady ut Frlmeran, Mrs. Bare
mase that Alary got a ride with hem to wan, was se.ac4 with a terrtble qual.n. She
mad went otT with a 'male acquaintance ,auuW not get spoken out aloud fur liar of
wbu came with mer; and with this answer,' the waiver, and in trying to contain her -
and a feigned duecrton where there waa_:.aell; was ru overcome that she lauded, and
souse chance of bearing til her, was, lltef area earned trot of the church. 'Phew her
heart-xick parent dorms -e,. Ile had nut ,yuungcst Jaughier having been seised with
gone ten yards drum the dour 9e -lore he des-' something tit ilio .arue nature, mixed lief -
covered his master, the old laud, pesttnc naps wt 11 concern for her mother, fainted
onward to the einem he had jest left, aid I h,;ew,se. and was carried out of the church.
never once lilting lee re ea {tow the pale- 1 Then the eldest, ami Mr om. tial every one
mens. Agleam of hope shut across the el the Moores Blare mer carried out et
olJ farmer • mind, at this tight,
recoveringhes lost chord; indeed
the only ope h could entertat
f at heart church In a swoon, before the whole of
that was,' thein were driven home to 111are hall in a
: end to carr, which we., very heavily laden with